HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-08-18, Page 1THE.WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXI1I.,---NO 1697.
No Tailoring
cilci ltfn Ours
and our prices
begin at $ 12.00
The man who needs a new
suit; whether for daily, business
wear or for dress, can do no
better than leave his order here.
He will save a great deal in
first cost; he will get his clothes
quickly; and be will get them as
well made and stylishly fashioned
as it is possible to make them; he
will have hundreds of fabrices to
choose from; and he will be saved
the doubtful economy and nn•
certain aatisfaction of ready-made.
Snits—made to order—made
to measure ---made to fit—made
to satisfy.
No fit, no pay;
You know, of course,
Summery Toggery is now
on the bill, We have lots of cool
comfort in store for our patrons.
Make your selections now,
Don't wait until the thermometer
says 99° and then rush in madly
for Summer Duds. Now if you
need anything in summer plum-
We're Yours for Comfort
Summer Hats (Straw and
otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts—
Our Breezy Underwear -- Our
Summer Neckwear–there's oceans
of comfort.
It will take but Iittle of the
"wherewith" to buy the outfit,
and just think how contented
you'll be after we have togged
you out for the summer campaign.
llollillth Bras.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by FRAME PATEnBON, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.'
Drafts sold on all points ill Canada,
the 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBIIRN, Manager.
t►anbtone. Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,229,980,00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00.
TataI Assets, $24,713,01a07.
President— ON. Wet. GriisoN.
Vice -President end
' General Manager — 3. Ti7Ei,tntrLD.
tiyrriS A. Bergge, John 1?rootor, A. B. Lee,
John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford.
Inspector—H. M. WATSON.
Farcy China
Our assortment this year is
a ''oraola;er-sack." You must
see it to appreoiate it 1 1 1 1
These lines are our strong
points. We have tweuty dif-
ferent patterns of Dinnerware
to choobe from; and by the
number of Toilet Sets we'sell
we must have the best valve
in town—for they are quiek
We have special bargains in
these : 44 -piece Sets in China
at $2.50, $4 50, $5.00, $5.00
and $10.75. These prices are
only good for July.
R. A. Kutchison
Goods delivered promptly, Phone 59
$Ntiiite stank: Hours 10 to 8; Seturdey, 10
ten 1Dleeifobtta of $1 and upwardareceived. 71i -
Serest sowed, and computed on the doth No.
Tereber and stet May each year and added to
Settee DepOIits also received M ourreitl
testes of interest.
Wefts oti °tre,at Britain and the rated
8tatxie Botight and Sold.
Travelers Are rtottiled that the Stank Of Hein -
Blas and its Breinchee issue Circular Rates of
Nalionai Provincial Bank of England, limited,
* 7 pacatshheedttie tthwOtltdeherige or troll.
Its00813OU1eD, Agent
111(130.11030N it f1O1,1111 18, ?Ateliers.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a ood blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nectiongj doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also o wagonahop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 6 per cent, For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Arent, Holyrood.
Real Estate Poiinters
No matter whavkind of a property or busi-
ness you are going to buy, write me before
closing a deal.
I can and shall make it profitable to you to
buy through me. I ani constantly in touch
with property owners in every part of the
country and I can Lind exactly the property
you want in a very short time.
Has it ever struck yon that your ability 0
sell your Real Estate is limited by thefact
that you have not the facilities for advertising
I have the facilities --let vie handle it for you.
My plan is founded on the hardest ]rind of
linrd common sense, It involves the use of the
two greatest business getting machines on
earth—newspaper advertisements and the
mails to follow them up.
Write for niy terms to-day—right now.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
,,crPolice Magistra - Appointed.
J. A. Morton, Esq. . ata been appointed
by the Quterio Go rnment as Police
Magistrate without clary for the Town
of WinghaineseeThi• is an official that
most towns the siz of Wingham have
had for a uumbe of years. We feel
certain that iu the appointment of Mr
Morton the Gover, went has made au
excellent choice, : d that he will
efficiently and hey •rably fill the pose
Don't forget the
the eye specialist's
Hotel, August 22, 23
te of Dr. Egbert,
sit at the Queeu's
ud 24.
The Band
The venal weekly
given on Friday eve
boys furnished gond
and concert was
ing last, and the
usio, considering
the absence of a lea. er and several of
the players. Leads
band in good r.fiape
trust there will be
ing a new 3eader.
afford to be witho
players deserve
from the towuspe
Duncan left the
or playing and we
difficulty in sour-.
iugbam could iII
a band, and the
immure oment
A number of we
feeding steers for s
r two-year-old
cheap. Apply to
Miss A. M. Stewar
Wingham for Wini'
home says she receivef
ly every Saturday, ail
welcome visitor. Sirs
bas met many former
among them Mr, J.
was attending the W
Sullivan is in the be
were pleased to lean
a flourishing busine.
the West.
the West.
who recently left
ipeg, in writing
the Trues regular.
that it is a very
ge leaving here she
Winghamitea, and
J. Sullivan, who
xnipeg Fair. Mr.
of health and we
that he idoing
in his neihome in
WANTED, AT ONCE -,E... good strong
boy to learn the plumbg and tinsmith-
ing. Apply to J BUGG & SON.
A large number
tended the civic hi
on Wednesday of
ham Citizen's Ba:
for the day. Th1
the ball game wij
The locals were
ninth innings,
made two runs,
Mr. R. N. Barr.
whioh injured
pleased to see t
fit Blyth.
f Winghatnitos at-
liday sports at Blyth
st week. The Wing -
d furnished the music
Wingham boys lost
h the Detroit players.
in the lead until the
rben the Detroit boys
Paving the score 4 to 3.
t received a foal ball
lvo of his ribs. We are
at he is able to be around
Another big' sale on, of long
plumes, at Mrs. Green's. Come
and get the snaps.
Ontario Cr
The August crop
tario Department o
summary of the
other field crops for
Fall wheat is poor
quality. Oats are
barley is well up t
and clover gave f
peas and corn ar
The average yield
root crops generall
promises to be lig
p Bulletin.
niletin of the On -
Agriculture gives a
Ids in grain and
he present season.
both in yield and
large crop, while
the average. Hay
ly large yield, while
below the average.
of potatoes is god,
are homeward. Fruit
in nearly every lo -
Six headaches o
be cured by proper
on Dr Egbert, Ey
Hotel, August 22,
of every seven can
y fitted glasses. Call
speeialist at Queen's
3 and 24.
s7Accident N
A young eon
ronto met with a
home of his rine
lldolesveorths on
last week The
in a field and
by a steer and th
the boy's brain j
Medical aid was
the child given a
of the brain
doubtful if be w
efteet8 of the acs'
was renneved to
first train on 11'ri
r Molesworth.
Dr. Belden, of To-
tious aeoident at the
, Mr. W. It. Belden,
Intraday evening of
tle fellow was playing
as suddenly attacked
animal's hor"n pierced
stabove the left eye.
t once procurred end
relief possible. Part
s exposed and it is
recovered from the
ent. The little fellow
me in Toronto by the
i xnornfng. ..c,.
esbyterian hurch Repairs.
The work on the epairing of the Pres-
byteriaxt Church i progressing nicely
and tbu le pairs an improvements will
be more eetensive au were first intend-
ed. Iii audition t the repairs outlined
a few •reeks ago, t ie Ladies' Aid Society
has taken in hand he furnisbing of new
windows of leade stained glass, and
new shingles are b ing put on the ffoof;
When the alterati as are eompl ed t'i'c
church will have u entirely n: appear -
FOR SALL—The se ts, ' indows, and
other funishings in a Congregational
Church are offered f. ale cheap, Apply
to Thos, Taylor, Wi _ham P. 0.
Goderich Bo
The bowliug to
ericli last week
one, but the two
home without an
Ross' Brussels ri
match; J. L. D
won the Associ
Agnew'S Clinton
tion Match. In
won first; E. F.
Dougherty, thin
doubles were no
Iing Tourament.
nament held at God -
as a very successful
,'' Ingham rinks came
of the prizes, D. 0.
won in the trophy
ney's Mitchell rink
Ion match, and Dr.
ink won the Consola-
e singles, Wm. Elliott
avis, second, and Col.
The finals in the
played until yesterday.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St, Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
We wish to infor
ham aid vicinity th
dressmaking depart
the rooms Iately sec
Miss Slade, of Gal
highly recommends
of this department
staff of assistants a
that patrons may b
feet satisfaction.
the ladies of Wing•
we have added a
ent to our store, in
pied by Mrs. Nixon
who comes very
, will have charge
and a competent
11 be employed, so
sure of getting per -
The White Star h
ments for the running
excursion from Goderi
September 10tH. The
$1.00retnrii from God
The big steamer "Grey!
Goderich at 8 a.m, on
10th, and returning wi
2.30 pen. ou Monde
Special traiue are beiu
Stratford, Wiutham,
low rates will be in o
week's TIMES for full
Wingha t=all Fair.
The prize list f r the Northwestern
fall fair to be held n Wingham on Sep-
tember 29th and 3 h have been issued
and have been sen from the Secretary's
office to members f the Society. Copies
will be mailed application to the
Secretary, Mr. H 13. Elliott, or may be
had by calling fit -he TIMES office. The
prizes have been ncreased this year in
many instances. The list of special at-
tractions inolude eats of speed in a 2.15
trot or pace, a 2. 0 trot or pace, gentle-
man's road rac and double hitching
race. Other spe al features are being
arranged and wi be announced in due
time. The Direc ,ora will hold a meeting
at the Exchange otel on Monday even-
ing, 29th inst. to eke further arrange.
meilts in connecti te with the fair and
appoint judges, The fair this year
promises to be a beat ever bold in
Wfnglianl. Mem. ' rship up-to-date id
the largest in the iatory of the society.
made arrange -
another popular
I to Detroit ou
ual low rate of
rich to Detroit.
uud" will leave
aturday, Sept.
leave Detroit at
, Sept. 12th.
arranged from
tc., and special
der. Watch next
The Greatest Ev
Return tickets
Wingham at $3 6
29th, to Sept. 9th.
Aug. 30, Sept. 1,
valid returniug ur
For tickets and f
Grand Zruuk tic
t of the Year--
111 be o ss e from
, good g•ii , August
lid at $2, , good going
, 7 and 9. All tickets
a1 Tuesday, Sept. 13tH.
iutormation call at
t oftices.
Dealing Aw
There is uq exc
from home. Mo
the locality in w
wise the growth
is impaired.
people who buy
outside for cash
damned, Theta
have to contend
tion and conseq
to the lowest p
they caunot obte
in value, they si
your own distrix
so far as lies i
advantage of e
giving him the o
and yon will fin
forth in this wa
y From Home.
se for dealing away
ey should be spent iu
ioh it ib made, other -
and success of districts
The conduct of those
on credit in town and
an not be to strongly con -
reheats know what they
with in outside competi-
ently mark things down
Bible prices so that it
in cash or its equivaleut
ffer loss. Be loyal to
Assist the merchants
your power to take
ry trade discount by
sh with which to do so
that every effort put
will rebound to your
ary Times.
Regent Brand Clothing.
We honestly believe that now ere in
Wingham can you find a bett collec-
tion of Suits for Boys, Y uth and Men
than we are showing. ie Regeut
Brand in Youths' and Me s is really a
winner, and will make hosts of friends.
Ask to see them, together with our
immense range of other suits opened up
last. week. See our new Fall Overcoats,
to hand already.
A. R. Seam, Chisholm Block.
Kincardine S
A most successf
mer school, which
fly of last week,
bath evening. T
in the pavilions
The school was n
the Wingham Di
this being the fir
workers of the d
there was a stro
route. cousistin
Rev. Dr. Steven
worth and Rev
greatly to the pi
various services.
another school n
ready plans are
ward that end.
D„ of Kincardine
dent of the distri
Beaton of White
W. H. Kerr, o
nrmer School.
and enjoyable sum-
ominenced on Mon -
as concluded on Sab-
e meetings were held
n Lansdowne Park.
der the direction of
trict Epworth League,
t year. In addition to
strict, clerical and lay,
g delegation from To -
of Rev. Dr. Henderson,
on, Rev. R. W. Woods -
r. Jackson, who added
asure and profit of the
It was decided to hold
xt summer, and al -
sing formulated to-
ev. Joseph Philp, B.
is the Honorary Presi-
t organization; K. 3.
ureh, President, and
Brussels, Secretary -
Vacation Tri s-2 to 3s Bays.
Call at Grand runk Ti, et offices for
copy of new ton ist fol giving rates
for delightful v. ca 'o• trips. embracing
the various reso ts ighlands of Ont-
ario," the Sea ho e, White Mountains,
Lake George, • . rtland, Halifax, Boston,
1000 Islands, et
Foot Powder
rot sore, tired,
tender, aching;,
swaating or
swollen feet.
(fives instant
12 Powters in box, - I5c.
Walton Mckibbon
Need door to Post Office.
To Karn and Detroit
he bills are no out giving the partic-
ulars of the old avorite ex9 arsion to
Sarnia and Detrol - uuder the auspices of
the Wingham L. •. L: on Saturday,
August 270. Pas engers will take the
early train at Win ham tit 6 50 a,m. for
Hyde Park, wher: connection will be
made with special rain t4 Sarnia, The
railway fare from "ingba)n to Sarnia
being $2.05. Retu • fare on the Steamer
Tashnzoo from Sax is to Detroit is 50
cents, Returniub special train will
leave Sarnia on Mo. day, August 29th at
10 p.m. This is on : of the beet outings
of the year,
Go to 0. J. M
Agent, if you wan
town, he has just w
guire, Real Estate
to buy a house in
at you want.
Auld Scoti
The Band of the
famous old "Fort
Highlanders, is oo
gracious permission
King, sixty-two s
pipers to play at the
Exhibition, Toronto
three concerts on th
will also figure in th
tacle illustrating "T
of Lucknow," for w
story of Jessie Bro
romance and one of
tiou incidents. Th
1st is Scottish day a
dress and
still contiuues
's Pipers.
Black Watch, the
-tent" or Royal
ing to Canada by
f His Majesty the
ong including ten
anadian National
The band will give
grounds daily. It
magnificent speo-
o Seige and Relief
ich the well-known
n will furnish the
the prime founda•
rsday, September
the Toronto Fair.
ur July sale of
G summer fabrics
Local F
The following is
to the point, from
segs Pcst: —Fall
ting ready for t
Every person sho
terest in these Fa
such as ours the
many members at
are and the farmu
buckle into it and
there are scores o
were never on the
who have never
aid in the line o
conducted Fall Fal
and might be ma
ial if all who co
lend a helping h
to get ready and
mean a great de
Fair not only for
to come.
II Fairs.
iicely put and is well
he editor of the Brns-
ir Directors are get
e annual exhibition.
ld take a deeper hi-
re. In a community
should be twice as
d exhibitors as there
g community should
ead the way. As it is
them whose names
embership roll and
de even an attempt to
exhibits. The well
has a place all right
3e much more beuefic-
ild and should would
id. Now is the time
I general rally would
to the success of the
1904 but for the years
Bargains in lops black plumes all
this month, at Mrs. Green's. They are
A Succes
The following fr
script refers to a
Kiuley of this tow
is a daughter of
formerly practice
Auburn:—"The r
Miss Anna McLac
old daughter of Dr
recent school exa
not only to herself
public school and i
winning the prize a
G. W. Ross at the
centre with a ma
probably the highe
of her age in the Pr
cessful in winning
the W.C.T.U. f
Physiology and T
per cent. We co
pupil on her splen
ul Student.
m the Glencoe Tran-
ece of Mrs. D. Mc -
and the young lady
r. McLachlan, who
his profession at
arkable success of
an, the eleven year
McLachlan, in the
illations is a credit
but to the Glencoe
a teachers. Besides
arded by the Hon.'
enc0e high school
of 958, which is
taken by any pupil
vince, she was suc-
e prize offered by
highest marks in
Terence, taking 84
ratulate this young
d achievement."
The Ontario Win
at Guelph, Dec. 5,
under the manage
Cattle Breeders' As
Sheep Breeders' A
Swine Breeders' As
try Assooiatiou of
W. Hodson is ho
W. Smith, Maple
thur Johneton, Gr
dent, and A. P.
inter Fair.
r Fair will be held
7, 8 and 9, It is
ant of the Dominion
oeiation, Dominion
ociation, Dominion
oelation and Foul.
esters Ontario, F.
orary president; A.
dge, president; Ar-
enwood, vice- presi-
estervelt, Toronto,
T.YAN'I'ED.—TW.. iris. Apply atm
tional Hotel. L. ' . HANSON.
Dr. Brown wiI be at the ueen's
hotel ou Tneeda An net rd, from
3 p,ni. to 7 p.m, f en atiou in eye,
ear, nose and th at cases.
Severe = Iectric Storms.
The two electr c storms of Saturday
were the most se ere that we have had
this season, and i. fact worse than we
have had in a nu .ber of years. The
afternoon storm ppears to have been
pretty general thrghout Western Ont
area and very serio s damage from light•
niug and bail, has een reported from
many sections, r tiring the morning
storm the barn of , r. Wm. Robertson
ou the 10th coucessi,a of Turnberry was I
struck by lightnin, and burned to the
grouicl with much f this year's crop.
The atternoen storm as the most severe,
and one death resat ed in this section.•
Mrs. Alex. Brace, s , of East Wawa -
nosh, a lady of 72 y • . rs was visiting at
the home of her son, Alex. Bruce, near
Marnoch. The old : dy was up -stairs
and when the lightn ng struck the house
it hit her end she as killed instantly.
Her son ran upsta rs and found his
mother dead aud°he clothing on fire.
Mrs. Wm. Reid, of Wingham was in
the house at the temand was badly
stunned, as were the .ther members of
the household. The re in the roof of
the house was soon e. anguished. Mr.
David Robertson of t e 12th concession
of East Wawanosh los • his barn in this
550.00 to California and Return.
Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and
Western Line, from Chicago, Aug. 15th
to Sept. 10th. Choice of routes going and
returning. Correspondingly low rates
from all'points in Carade. Two trains
a day from Chicago through without
change. Daily and personally conducted
tourist car excursions. Write for
itinerary and full particulars regarding
I special train leaving Chicago Ang. 18th
I and 25th. B. H. BENNETT, 2 East King
1 St., Toronto, Ont.
Two Bridge:
There was a fnl
recent meeting of t
consider the bridge
After a pretty th
the whole questi
to be Built.
attendance at the
e County council to
building question.
rough diecussiou of
it was decided to
replace the Zetien bidge at a probable
cost of $10,000, ,d the Black Creek
bridge between y and Stephen of
which the estifn ted cost is $2,000.
Both bridges will e of iron with Cement
abutments and a to be erected this
year. These two contracts, together
with a $9,000 bri ge at Westfield and
several others th ughoetthe county,
now in course of Yistruction, mean a
big expenditure o this account alone
and it seems prob le that it mast be
kept up for years the wooden bridges
are rapidly giving out. County Cbun
cillor Patterson w appointed to assist
Mr, Ansley in oveisoeing the work.
storm. He had an ins
the building and $$300
We understand that a
Gaunt's saw mill in
bathed on Saturday
heavy rains are delay
with their barley and
ranee of $600 On
n the contents.
barn near Jas.
iuloss was also
fternoon. The
ng the farmers
at harvest.
—Tates and Weekly Globe till end of
1904 for 46 cents. Good chance for new
subscribers to get cheap reading matter.
FOR SALE. -100 acres, S.1e lot 4, Con.
5, Morris, Anply at once to 0. J. MA-
Gt'IRE, Real Estate Agent, Wingham.
The very latest anc
eye glasses, chains a
Dr. Egbcrt, eye spe
Hotel, August 22, 23.
swellest styles in
d pins, carried by
ialist. At Queen's
tnd 24.
NOTICE—I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
any all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due. Remember you
need not pay until you are requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
you all every prosperity.
Ro»T. McINDoo.
AND Whisks
Our stock of Bair Brushes,
Clothes Brushes and Whisks is
particularly well assorted now.
In the window is a fair zepresent-
ation of the stock.
Cloth Brushes, 15o to 81.50
Hair Brushes, 25c to 3.50
Whisks, — 10c to .50
SPECIAL.— 4 small lot of Ebony
Back Hair Brushes for • 50e.
See them.
Fall Term
Opens Sept.6
IT PAYS to get a business educa-
tion and it pays to get it in our
school. Our attendance this year has
been the largest in the history of this
college. We have placed more stud
ants in positions this year thau lir
any previous year.
Write to the college for a magnifi
cent Catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, President,
D. A. McLACHLAN. Principal.
Dates of pall Fairs.
Wingham .... Srhr. 29•f0
Toronto..... , .. Aug29 -Sept. to
London Sept, 0.17
•' 22 11
Teeswater„ ..... . ..
Ripley . . ....... ....
Listowel . , -
Fordwich O.'tober 1
Lucknow , 4-5
Clifiord...... , .... " 4-5
Brussels 4.6-7
Blyth " 11-12
Dungaunon ..... ... . " 13.14
27 :'8
28 211
If you want a very swell pair of eye
:;lasses call on Dr. Egbert at Queen's
Hotel, August 22, 23 aua 24.
T " rr"c cc c 1ccicc°4c c
f% A Shoe Sale .``�
�1(�' �:'!cf'! I' lfCl fflcStlrc `trf'�:� tt+�!'f ;��:fSr:�I'�:C f<I�:�;cc;rc;':i�;r;cl�
It's between seasons now — late for Spring Shoe business — early for
Fall trade. We have too many Shoes. We want the room for Fan
goods, so we have decided to reduce our stock by an
Unloading Shoe Sale
We hold these Clearance Sales twice a year. Hundreds of
families wait for our clearance sales to lay in Shoe supplies
We'd sooner sell during profit-making times, to be sure, but we are
anxious to close out each meson's stock, and bargain hunters assist ue
to accomplish our object. Here are some of our price inducements :
75 pairs of Misses' Box Calf and Dnngola, Mneme
and Iace Knots, toe cap, light and heavy solea,
all sizes from 11 to 2. - - •
Regular price $1 75, for - - - :$1.135
Regular price 1.50, for - - $1.15
Regular price 1.25, for • • 8;1(.00
50 pairs Girls' and Little Gents' Lace and Bettnn
Boots --shoes that ri i11 wear and look well.
Sizes 8 to 101e- - • -
Regular price $1 25, on sale for - - • $1.00
Regular price $1 00, on sale for • - - .Its
Gut in Prices of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes.
De tin hand early and get your share.
You'll have to pay more for Shoes later on.
The Shoe Man.