HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-09-28, Page 5V -f
For e�ter�ber
The most pleasing
pare.ent$ are itnong
Silverware,, China(.,
and Curt Glass.
No Bride. Ever Received Too
Much of Either.
We are showing a very choice
assortment of new goods in the
lines mentioned,
Those havans_ friends
about to enter, the
bali*)tiY state should.
to e t . c Our Stock
Impossible to enumerate
here the different
. ru tibles • • ,
They. Must' be Seep.'
to beAppreciatid '
"Oro, • 7V - -T `.
A la ly's bi ick, patent leather hand -
tag with brass .trimmings and brass
detur "A" Orions aide.. .suitable re-
'� ward if k.ft at New Era Office . or` the
.Office of Dr. D. Allison, Londesboro"
r. Bui and DeAy
My 'bus. and dray business is naw
' located at my house onOiitariol.'Bt,
two doors -from Rattembu>ryS Hotel
barn. Call lox 'phone No. 42. All
orders prom'p'tly attorided to.
teacher of Elocution. Phyrlcal Cul.
''i>irork. 1upiin
turd, Drsaiaetio Pr"
of .a editorial.
Pwodr .for N*r4ace to 'COnxervatOry
School of Literature antic Exlaresa-
4on, Toronito. l;tuclio, to. the an-
ipou ced.
will attack. Borden unless he ' safe-
Piano Facfiorles.
MISS.BORS1.1, Nis. T Bi
teacher of singing, piano. playing, and
theory. For terms apply at residence
° HE man. who
Ontai,t0 t9treet.
:courteous word lyilfr•d .Laur-:
ler, while at the same time rejoicing in
his downfall. It says. Laurier :con -
ries r a HOWARD
�1'!.R la
1 awn a ' Country,
Wa. tch finds hntlsel# '�l'll
good company.
Organ Co , Limited
Leaders in American affairs since
balance of the .article is an attitek
on' The Globe and La Presse and: an
Lincoln's young, manhood have relieii
ort the HoWARA. °tHOWA1EA Time's
The Poherty Piano and Organ Co,
has been a determining factor in every
"please of the nation's advance,
Wastter'nt Branch,►SI+ih1`Fi1.VIBL+�R
The first HOWARD was also the first
American watch. It was in
1842 and the finest models cost llgoo.
�• a: ;q =- ;': '
To -day. .the price is lower. ---arid• the
watch is better, ]
heave a sigh of relief that the agony is
over, business will be resumed as
.1✓very Hownxr, is made and adjusted as acne
t y
watch. Cased and timed In its own, case at the
factory and a, printed price ticket attached.,
Auction. Sale of Farm Stock rind Imo "
plementa tit lot 2,i, 0. Goderich
Psice fieri -84.o to trio.
Let .es show you thisdistiactive watch.
township, half mile e'tst of Porter's
gill, on Out Line, an tlfanday; Oct 2 - d at 1 o'clock. Sale without reserverrs1
ro ria or `has s 1 •
P P t sold lyes farm, -T,
Gran dr c ''
au tet
Y• neer, Peter McDougall,
proprietor. .,
Jeweler and .Q ticiais t
Au:Gtlop Sale of .Warm Stock and lm-
Issuer +tit 3larria a Licenses
plements, at lot 21, Base Line, Gode-
, •._+^
'rich township, on Friday, Oct. 13th,
at 1 P in.. Sale without reserve as the
proprietor has sold his farm,. -T.- Gun `are
worldog overtime, four nights a ,
dry, auctioneer; T. H. Hardy, prorate-
week, to catch up )VIt their orders,
MOVED,, t t
This •week.. E, Johnson moved up
closer to his business-Andinow occupies
the place recently vacated by Mr. Eph.
At the last meeting of Goderio'h town ,
The following quantity of Live Poul-:
try is. wanted at twee olmesvine
council a letter was received from
Chas, 0. Lee, offering' to purchase the
Poultry Station each week=-
summer hotel for the , sum of four
thougwd dollars and a motion to sell
1000 Chickens
the hotel to Mr. Lee for the sum men,
500' Hetes
tioned', lie agreeing to have the place
run as a slimmer hotel for at least five
300 Ducks
years and to pay all taxes, was carried,
3000 Doz.. Now Laid Eggs
and the matter referred to the to%yn
,Poultry taken the first three days
Sept. 26 --James, Steveus,
• of Clinton', is '"receiving Pasteur treat -
of each week,
silent at. the Western Hospitat•as a.re-
IgheglC. Prices Paid iu Casksuit
of being bitten by his dog. The
animal WAS always apet dog, but three
'"rite or Phone Before' youi Sell
days ago it became savage and bit him
on the leg.
-Phone 4 on 142.
Mr. Stevens is being treated by phy..
sicians under the direction of the Pro:
vincial Board of Health. Dr. J. W. S.
McCullough, secretary 6f - the board,
states that. there is no need for appre•.
heneion, as. rabid dogs . are not on the
TO Our Customers
PEARS, fall and winter, different
Lawyers as. usual,• will be far more
'varieties. 'All prime quality. Basket
numerous In the new Parliament than
or barrel.,, ' : '
men of any .other vocation. A review
Please tell us what you want and we
of the members •returned . showes the
will try and• suit you.
legal profession to have 76 representa-
. tives, 'There are 30 farmers, 32 mer.
chants, 21 doctors, '17 manufacturers,`
10 lumbermen. 8'. newspapermen, 7 no.
-taries. 2:canners, I law student,1 drug-
gi t, I labor. man; .and 1 real estate
aWent; l live stock. exporter, l licensed
victualler. and Hon.. George R Foster, ,
l ,
who is difficult to classify.•There are
three stock brokers elected for four
seats. Rodolph Forget has been elect-
ed for two of them.
i �
The Le Devoir, the French news'
paper in Quebec, whiehL isthe. chief
organ'of the Nationalist party, •makes
itself very clear on the election just
0n•e sf the Best
held: -Le Devoir gloats: over the down.
fall Laurier. In signed
. •
of .a editorial.
Omer Heroux reaffirms the independ-
f " ,
ant attitude' of Le Devoir and of the
Nationalist party: He states that it
will attack. Borden unless he ' safe-
Piano Facfiorles.
guards. the rights of the French-Oan-
adian minority. For the first time in
the present contest theV�paper has a
for Sir
in Canada.
:courteous word lyilfr•d .Laur-:
ler, while at the same time rejoicing in
his downfall. It says. Laurier :con -
ducted the fight- with a courage and.
W. Doherty Piano • and
energy which compels our admiration..
Organ Co , Limited
N E W O NTA 11 Q :
balance of the .article is an attitek
on' The Globe and La Presse and: an
sonlogy of Bourassa.and bis work..
- Factories and 'Head Office
Wastter'nt Branch,►SI+ih1`Fi1.VIBL+�R
sLrgnments pro. and con on re=
From stations in Ontario. Kingston
Madawaska and West
. ciprocity will now. be stowed away'for
a season.The-, exhausted public will
To.etations on'T.and N. U. Ry.,Haley-
heave a sigh of relief that the agony is
over, business will be resumed as
bury and North ,;
Tickets will he issued at rate 'of
utrival, halls that have blazed with light
and that echoed and reechoed with
' ..
One Cent Per Each Way
the noise of declaimers and the cheers
shoe Repairer.
Return Limit, Oct. 10,"191.1
and,counter cheers -of enthusiastic and.
will darkness
"COBALT SPECIAL" leaves Tor•
lances take. on the of
onto 8.30 P. n1, daily carrying
through ;coache.9.
night and the silence of the tomb.
:Men will cease to.call their net hboura
,AII Your B000 and Shoes
, •._+^
liars and scoundrels enmities will cease
friends separated: by the bitterness of
olitcal strife will' shake handstand
and forgive.. Voters' lists will
I Daily until Oct. ISth
Ic airce W IC you �ual� 44
ekanc, Wash. Nelson, B C.
BOOTS MADE TO Vauc6Uver,B.C-Westminster,B.C4
Tacoma. Wash. I•Portland, Ore.
ORDRRSan Francisco, Cal. Los
• Angeles, Cal.
San Diego, Cal. 'liiexieo City$Mex.
One way second' c
ass. Very o
w rates
Full particulars from
A. 0.PATTISON, deport ajent
Open Every addressOr
A. E. bIIFF, b. P. A.
r 6h�tO shun"
t and too is every chaiwe show.
You select one andlave wife
r' select other, It will be a 'ytoss
iV which is beat, You cap t go .
..+ • ;' N-.. amiss on
ANY RIND Oh' A. 011A.In
• ` in, out stock, The re all good,
.Just so with entire stock we
1 0 show, It's beat in town. and
tbatb why "those Who know,
! ....d..
buy furniture at out
willor'STIClB041 i1Nll!` -Alii%NlTVAv ,
hum of busyworkers sounded out or
the Street, will close their. doors, can
didates will, cease their intense con
cern for the voting public.- while th
midnight canvasser will again retiri
at his wonted hour, Ina word, th
election is over, things i11
be again a
they were, and the country
will con
tinne. to do business at the oid stand.
Mrs O'Hara who was here attendin,
the funeral of Miss Butler wascalled t
her home at South Superior, Micdi
owing to the illness and subaequen
death of her daughter. The followin
is clipped from the Superior paper,-
The funeral of little -Elizabeth i17ar
O'Hara was held Sunday afternoon .t
and in such quaff
impossible to sari
urge h wl
ids whochurccame n!
r sympathy to tl
sisters and broth
great love for litt
r v
Betty Who was o of he cutest at
one t
brightest little tots that ever, live
Every one knew her and pleasant lis
lugeetingg trade her; to know h
'i ASTCO Iove Iter'. :11
srightly manner
1301 of her xelativee
tats her, acid her,
Cauo"'it, gloom of I
of that olty,
ily i
$SL in
Mr, R. Naar"ll It" vaytod the
brick 'house oat f burry atreet,
lately, >vccupiOCT bar; r R. ,W,
4W, ZCIA, h1Avoci,this' ;,W' ,,eek.
• fast UrOL
Pro�'aIn ofAnnual Ne tin
to, be held on
Oc1Qbe 19th alld Mh 1911
'fifty. 1 T
- Mev.
the IG(
ftov% ,tbisiftAn of .
tdiatrlet, mill be the '
itlt�e doer. trhe iC o3-µ
orally of the J'ual.loar TAX.
I held last Friday tevonino;
tie Meeting on Monday'
in charge of the Citizen•
4fle It,_ Mr. DeWitte Coo.
aVe s d
icor address p. d.r Rio at
n an . z
Ix de . Citi
zen." The Missea Grade and Maggie
1'Vallter sonic a duet intitled "Please
Give Me a Veany, Sir ?", whieh was
much enjoyed by all present,
Begiuning- with next week: the
Pratyer greeting will be ohapged. from "
Wednesday to Thursday night,
Last Sunday Mr,` Wylie preached
with his usual power to good
audiences. Services on Sunday as
usual with the Pastor in the pulpits.
1',EG. % E 1110..111 y 1L; the Ladies Mission-oirele ;intend' h3v.
tis to be tipped that a14 the teachers: !pg a special Thank -offering meeting
of East Huron will reniember thein in the church at 8 o'clock, A goodpro, .
duly. regarding regular attendance rain of readings and. Missionary ad.-
at the sessions of this Convention, resses will be, givPq. interpersed with
bright, hearty singing. A collection
^o---. wilt be taken tip in Aid of Foreign
PROGRAM.disssions, A large attendance is look.
Thursday Forenoon, 10 o'clock.On Monday evening a B, Y. P. U,,
in connection with the Baptist Church
Opening Rkercises; was organized. There was a good
. itf.titliug Minutes. attendance of young people and the
Appointing Committees, officers wfre elected -and Committees
Mr. Osear Shaw, appointed, This society will meet
Church -
"Entrance Siib'ects,,,
every Monday evening in the Church
d at 8 O'clock. All young people in
Mr. II. X. J. Coleman, PlI.D., connection with the Chureh are cord -
"Interest. and Effort in Education." ially invited to attend.
Thursday Afternoon,
Miss B., R, Hull, -
,,TIle `ANaching of Nature Study in EAST NOR 11 19111
the Public School asa.Founda•
tion for,Botany anti• Zoology"
Mr, George W. Holutau, +,--
Subject to be chosen.
I Mr. R, D, 'Oameron, The following' are the figures for
"Government Annuities." East Huron givenby the Returning
I, Mr, H. T. J.. Coleman,. Ph. D. Officer, J. 'A, Morton, on- Tuesday,
"Training for Citizenship." 20th inst:'- .
Thursday Evening., BLYTH Bowman Hislop
An "At Horne" will be given by the No. 1,.. 48 39 -
;eachers of the Seaforth Collegiate No. 2 ........ 37 39
incl Public Schools to the teachers of - :
East Huron and, others interested. in 185 78
,ducation. At this gathering Mr. H. Maj, for. Bowman.. 7
L'. J. Coleman, Ph.D., of the Faculty BRUSSELS
A Educ4tion, Toronto UniversiGy. ,wily No, 1. , ; ..... 28 23
jive an address on, "National Ideals No, 2,....... 34' 33
uI an
and there will be other No. 3. ,..... 33 40
progxam which will also. be -of an.en:
te.L aining character. 93 96
Friday. Maj. for Hislop.... 1
10. Election o€ officers. No. 1: 61, 41
11, Financial statement. No. 2. 25 55
12. Air. Andrew Scott, - ' No. 3. .81 52
"President's Address." .. No. 4. 39 l37
13. Mr, Nelson Higgins; `. No. 5, 63 5.1
"The Duties. of a Teacher:'? No: 6. . � 66
NO. 7.
14..117x'. Harold Hogg.
"Canada and the British Empire." :300 383 .
15. ,Air. J. AL. Field, Pli.b;, I.P.S. Mai, for Ridop.... .819.
"Practical' reaching of Entrance ' HOWICg
Geogralihy:" No: 1 . , : , 8o 41
1.0. Mr. H. T. J. Coleman,. Ph.D., No, . • Z .... 82 • 5l
"The Fovi-th Duren,ion-4'Study No. 3........ .112 46
in Hinman Behaviour." No. 4 , 100 61
No. 5 ... 70 ' 73
OFFICERS.. No. 0 :69 47
President' -Mr. Andrew Scott, 522 -.'310
lit Vice --Mr. L H..Joynt. Mhj. for Bowman :.......:....-.203'
)2nd Vice-MissDora Smiith._ MORItIs '.
Secretary -Treasurer -John Hartley.' No, . 1....:... 82 58
Executive .Committee=Misses-McKav No. 2. , 51 38
and Wilson and: Messrs. George W. No" 3 50 •.. 34
Holman, Charles Hollpnd and Robt. No: 4. : 41 45'_ .
J. Beatty. No, 5., ..
Miditors•--•Mesers.. W.' ' D, Pl air acid C.
Dowding.:296. 283 . .
-, Maj. for Bowman. .'13
000000000.0.0000000000 TuAXBunnV
P WITH THE CHURCHES. .. 0 , No. 2........ 66 6$,
0 No. 3. ..: 44 5I
X000000000000000,1000 No, 4:.:...,: 42 56•'
To ensure publication ,
church notices for this col- 2130 223. '
umn ,should be handed into Maj. for Bowman.......,, ....::7
this! office •'befiore 6o'clock WRoxETER
Wednesday night. - No 1. ..... .84 50
ST: 'PAUL'S CHURCH. yMaj. for Hislop..::'_46
The tLaddie;s' Cluildi (of S1t.> Paul',a
church twill hold their regular neon- No.. 1: . .
thly ftea in (t]Nel ;idliool roosri; on No. 2. ...... - 73 .
Monday, lO0t..2nd, .fmonr 2 o'clock to No. 4......:. 63 50
5.30:.'A good alttendianmis, reque,at- No: 5.....;.. -^ 38. 16
ed ats;tlil Iadiest ..Will (start their _ __
sewing for,tl>let-annual. bazaar held' 288 1116`
i><I: Noveanbtgr.. Mal: Fier -Bowman............ 122
o,n m
tali lthe)
ness lof
-notice, f
the prh
U210 Day, asn institution bier .' No. 1.:,.'.... 28 35 ,
generally hatrodue6d in No. 2:::..... 59
in lwfllt ISmndiay School No.. 3.......: 36 44
'.as observeidd� an, Willis No: -- , 24 48
act Sunday- ,Thede :was A' No: 5....:.. 23`: 39
el3aaancd !o f ith+e children . ---
1 =-
,aregattion,, 6mami etNtitig ,its 170 224
by si considerable: repre- Maj, for Hislop.,.. 54
i. Thea service, iconsisting
s, readpngs and an addmess RECAPITULATION.'
ib'ect, "Chrjst's Most �Wi�n-
a.s," was prepat7ed' bp,the. Bowmen Hislgp
imilttei of the !Getne�ral Ais- Blyth...... 7'
:. .. 1.
R{ev. �. R. Cira�nit,• ;w�hq as Brussels.
ev. Dr. Sitlewart;s• •work, de -'e
the addweAs, He ,coingrat'ur How{ck.... . 203
,congr,egatioul upon the Morris.... . ...: 13
*(hieh their presonceman- Turnberry ........
ntthd important iwork of Wingham......., 122
,ath School. In his. adda',098 Wroxeter........ 16
Oleic tspecial stress WAS laid East Wawanosh. rA
sad - -
v�un,soomu>gs� n aittractrive362 154
hrislti and Hie lovta and
I childron. ;These agave . ;bo Total Vote -Bowman..., ., ..2020
$isle ... .X822
avordls their winning power. p ,
,thee iteartst Appearing hip0111. -
4 order of iservice, a duet Majority for Bowman..:.......198'
g by,( Moss ,Barbara McIvor
Miltchelh A ehorul* ,by a
Ottid !girls rill! which the4
i e4 ea(e(.taken y ;Hattie .
ain! ataola by Mrs. 9. Ray- WEST . NUNON,1911
Le OURrintg Wav in ard.`oftthe
ils. DaA Fund! ugkcl in lex-
'Sabbat-11 School ;work in -
nO p1bulsex tdiatridta and
yin.g literatui;,q in their Own Astivinto Lill. con.
es to Indiana, .Oallciana and No,
Mr. Scout, the, su erin'tmn •••"•
the school, presid d, •giving; N°• 2 • "•" 18ggaj
NO 3 lima
a brief( sltatellA00 of itho,work ocf ,• • • " . • • 1
it -he ,school and appgalin,gi fox tis. No. 4. r .. , ... 90 09
fuller ,at, eOndatncei iof adults, les -No.
'pecially arge!n, at abet rg61
No. 7...•.... al.
gulav ,aea- . No. 6........ 18
isia'ns of tthd school. •
Theiowrvicee( of Mr. W. Glehi, Majority* 84
Campbell have
beem very much
Co n
precrbt d. {th� past litae lot thoNo,1„
.67 48
weeks.durimdwhieh time he has '
chitrrch. No z,....... 18. 41
blolity No. 3:Y.*... Oil eA
ilityall olod No. 4:....... 38 'til
a•en alt 181 179
00 1:1 ilii. lljdrlty:.r Y..r.iY1►
aierviCl: Gloinflaxctt
c Nil. .. ♦Y.... 40 0:
New Mandea's
a Sce Out + . D01W SACCI
` .
Experience in hast years has taught us that
chis 'is � a very, popular price with a great »Baily ladies
when purchasing their new winter coat, and according- �
ly. we have made a special study of garments at this
price, and have succeeded in getting together the fincst
assortment of highest class gariliients ever offered at
this price.
These mantles come in Black, Navy, Green anda
number of mixed Tweeds and are well tailored of good
dependable cloths and are, exceptional value at e'en
T�ollars, p .
Other Mantles at $5,00, $5,00,. $142,00 and $15.00
Children's Mantles from$2,00. up.
Special prices on Ladies' and Children; Furs
,Men's and Boy's, Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
wear, Rubbers, etc,
Make this store headquarters for , your Fall needs
and you will hnd you have had bigger values at smaller
cost than ever before,
ung t
S eel Br 0.0S.
s ilei !
That is Wearable
Our Millinery, ,:so people tell us, is
beautiful and sty les that we have on dis-
play are all wearable. This means to u' s
more customers . and more business, for
which: we give you better service, better
value's and better styles.
Special Attention to
.Mournin .Millilier
.g Y
i a
Mss ntel o & C' 01
No. 2 ........ 68 84,
No. 3.......: 70 66
A ..
'bio, 4:...... , l., ins
No. 5 .. 1 _
No. 6 68 . 72
No. 7...:....� 42 Thet best) laid i3chomes-io'.mieei and
_ Men gang aft agley, .
350' . .409 An' 1Pa n' onouglvta,bitit grief• `aur
Majority......:... .,3 n .prom sed. Zoy.e
28 71 Possibly Ithel rain on {election day
No. 2........ 27 • 64 Was a.Warsiingl of the isoaking ;thiel
No 3........ Liberals,' would 'gdt•:--but,'they didtn't,
No. 4 ....... .42mtake heed4 , .
No. 0 -- Hip; 'hooraya f oN•eI,edtidi$.da 1`
--- . Believe' We, itwill .be tgxamd
When no. boors the platform orator
14iajority. , : ,. :.•..: 166 Is heard in all khe. land,
No. 1 .. 10maj Ain't. it! funny ^what'a differionee
No. 2 . 85. ` 51 1wsita few( seats make -Sir Wilfrid,
No. 3 .:12 ,the lmormvlugi aftler.
No. 4........ 20 mai:'.. -0-
No. 5..::..... 25 mal
- The +Lauri
arf C>rovemnimentt Wag in
80 73 Power 15 ytear,sl, and. yet Laurier is
Majority.....:.:., 7 `daddy of jbhem ,all:'
13trLnETT .. •-_p"."'�' ; ..
tcB.e+ shill �dtear heart and celase:re-
No. 1 .. 5.2 ? piniing"-W,eslt Huront �Libprasl Al. - ;
No. 2 .. . iter thet {election. .
No. 3. 3tl 31
No. 5 No..... . ULOt ,all tthe nations see
No. 6 ...... That Men tehould .brothersi be,
NO, 7:,.',.... imaj A.nd form; one family o,
The iwadn. world, o,er.
Well io )the hisitoriembrda of,the
15. London Times -
Lewis Oa 'exon "It w,asl isomet ,campaigpa t"
Did ..anyt bf tthe ;political oratoxa ,
can ?their a•geeches during the cam -
No: 1 .. 51. 49 ` paigtn? •.:They Wish( h0 u,sieful:. in `
No: 2..:,...: 16 -68 Jaya, to come:
No. 3. , . , .:.: 78 4-4. - No. 4.,_:....:. 57 ' 49' The Itw6l .dWeired• elect3ou?s . for
- 'the ComuioAq Arte; -
262 210 Thuprder'May and Rainy Iliiv(er
Majority..., ...... 52 Yukon.
In tth ef, at of 1
aVlAJ,ORITIES. 01d! . o Beim. W. S.'b'ietld-
Ashfield ..,....ZO 84 ing ithel Dominion( has, lost a ,moist
5 ,able ;sbmt oma'n. Aerobe ino doubt
Colborne : that '1 to defieat) ,Was due .to alcoat-
Gloderfch ...:. ...., 53 cej>tteid. assauLt( toil the part of Oe(
Gloderich. Township.. 166' Cainadian -Wanwfa,aturers'' Associ-
Clinton....:........ . 52 ation bind j heir allios. ;They paid
West Wawanosh 7.
l' 3ullett............. 15 the'ptiek am,cl, they eecumed whstt
_ ,they sought; 1
Ih 271 ..-o-
;WW 'argil artiomis, ;going tO` :do
Majority for.fLeiw%s-1601 wheln !th Aliem`` Labor Law i0sus- i
pe�iLt>led toolei! ithe,Manwfactureks'a
Which will
oc' ti n 1a or hi �
Ass na oUal getb. i b iw'
enabled tthonl 0 ,cut lwageis? �
A K A 1 -.-p
ore■ . `GV(hein $0 a Nationalis,ftt not a ;
Nationalist?When tbA trans on
the N,ationalIst tirkist and Is,a•.Tory',
Local News ,alien ltho; vn;te is co,tunted... There
�illilMO� bec,
WeT;O; • u>,tel •,a Ecom- bf lthjat ilk Quo-
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier has boem. elect
IS 'MOVING TO TOWN ed for► two ,eotn,stitu cies, If hes
Mr. T, hos. !H. Hardy' of tthe Sago, rould have run in t le whole 221.:
Lino initen.d,e t povingt to town soon, tthe )eou0tl'y. lwonld have been ,guan
having 'purchased Mr. Samos Titekia 1MOAS.
•er',s housK on Widlgrick street.
AJbertte: said Saskatchewan give A
BAND Aqf ZURICH. 'popular ?major tty4 Of fiver 20,000 for
Thursclay of this �weok the Citi : reciprocity.. And fie ;will ,grow.
zona: ?Sandi Comas Vlaying at thf0 Fair ""'b"""
trhep& ;Thuyr' e4sot Igo to ,134yfleld Mr. GeOrg,A, 4H. Perle. , tho ,ehlef.
Vilix XYA Wedfnfeis�day, !Oct, 1uh, Conserva lvo mbi'p, who 'wi i un
MADE THE DEPOSIT, a •donbtedly � Mr. Bovden',e. Ckb-4
,inet, Will ba Ciba Hirst"nettiir 1s dr
i o abit 1 tit
ar ban t hold( Idt
Am a
Cr �
rd�a s, �'olttl Craig
dbaall�ttu M xt
Saturday, Me
and E. D, fCle,ghorn Of . Toronto, the Dosraialion '. C•evterntnen,'t. He;
two 1trimblAlr'p 01 the n6v CMotoi'C'b, was. beam an NAwa auipshige In 1857
itl�,toWn and Ima.de, at'dieposit.o2
$4,0 o to, *M ;Thr�I,Ish'etc Co -.'A bulld•- Tho Can,perva'ti'v el fatmex who
log', ,anti Ithua far h ve livotd till) to, voted, with hi5Varty`leirpeetigngthat;
their agt`Ieiebaaeut. 3aanot toar.the the, +'turner! Hovariin edt'w'oulct be
rate yotre to pass the by-law. The AustAhl d, ,and %*iprocity ;w dst e
`�el Ain' 4180 ral)ent 06WO time iitt � jvop Rhee 'W'oll$ tool(!! � theZ
opkb* for, . lel h0sot . V 4001:000. . � . _.._
o,n m
tali lthe)
ness lof
-notice, f
the prh
U210 Day, asn institution bier .' No. 1.:,.'.... 28 35 ,
generally hatrodue6d in No. 2:::..... 59
in lwfllt ISmndiay School No.. 3.......: 36 44
'.as observeidd� an, Willis No: -- , 24 48
act Sunday- ,Thede :was A' No: 5....:.. 23`: 39
el3aaancd !o f ith+e children . ---
1 =-
,aregattion,, 6mami etNtitig ,its 170 224
by si considerable: repre- Maj, for Hislop.,.. 54
i. Thea service, iconsisting
s, readpngs and an addmess RECAPITULATION.'
ib'ect, "Chrjst's Most �Wi�n-
a.s," was prepat7ed' bp,the. Bowmen Hislgp
imilttei of the !Getne�ral Ais- Blyth...... 7'
:. .. 1.
R{ev. �. R. Cira�nit,• ;w�hq as Brussels.
ev. Dr. Sitlewart;s• •work, de -'e
the addweAs, He ,coingrat'ur How{ck.... . 203
,congr,egatioul upon the Morris.... . ...: 13
*(hieh their presonceman- Turnberry ........
ntthd important iwork of Wingham......., 122
,ath School. In his. adda',098 Wroxeter........ 16
Oleic tspecial stress WAS laid East Wawanosh. rA
sad - -
v�un,soomu>gs� n aittractrive362 154
hrislti and Hie lovta and
I childron. ;These agave . ;bo Total Vote -Bowman..., ., ..2020
$isle ... .X822
avordls their winning power. p ,
,thee iteartst Appearing hip0111. -
4 order of iservice, a duet Majority for Bowman..:.......198'
g by,( Moss ,Barbara McIvor
Miltchelh A ehorul* ,by a
Ottid !girls rill! which the4
i e4 ea(e(.taken y ;Hattie .
ain! ataola by Mrs. 9. Ray- WEST . NUNON,1911
Le OURrintg Wav in ard.`oftthe
ils. DaA Fund! ugkcl in lex-
'Sabbat-11 School ;work in -
nO p1bulsex tdiatridta and
yin.g literatui;,q in their Own Astivinto Lill. con.
es to Indiana, .Oallciana and No,
Mr. Scout, the, su erin'tmn •••"•
the school, presid d, •giving; N°• 2 • "•" 18ggaj
NO 3 lima
a brief( sltatellA00 of itho,work ocf ,• • • " . • • 1
it -he ,school and appgalin,gi fox tis. No. 4. r .. , ... 90 09
fuller ,at, eOndatncei iof adults, les -No.
'pecially arge!n, at abet rg61
No. 7...•.... al.
gulav ,aea- . No. 6........ 18
isia'ns of tthd school. •
Theiowrvicee( of Mr. W. Glehi, Majority* 84
Campbell have
beem very much
Co n
precrbt d. {th� past litae lot thoNo,1„
.67 48
weeks.durimdwhieh time he has '
chitrrch. No z,....... 18. 41
blolity No. 3:Y.*... Oil eA
ilityall olod No. 4:....... 38 'til
a•en alt 181 179
00 1:1 ilii. lljdrlty:.r Y..r.iY1►
aierviCl: Gloinflaxctt
c Nil. .. ♦Y.... 40 0:
New Mandea's
a Sce Out + . D01W SACCI
` .
Experience in hast years has taught us that
chis 'is � a very, popular price with a great »Baily ladies
when purchasing their new winter coat, and according- �
ly. we have made a special study of garments at this
price, and have succeeded in getting together the fincst
assortment of highest class gariliients ever offered at
this price.
These mantles come in Black, Navy, Green anda
number of mixed Tweeds and are well tailored of good
dependable cloths and are, exceptional value at e'en
T�ollars, p .
Other Mantles at $5,00, $5,00,. $142,00 and $15.00
Children's Mantles from$2,00. up.
Special prices on Ladies' and Children; Furs
,Men's and Boy's, Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
wear, Rubbers, etc,
Make this store headquarters for , your Fall needs
and you will hnd you have had bigger values at smaller
cost than ever before,
ung t
S eel Br 0.0S.
s ilei !
That is Wearable
Our Millinery, ,:so people tell us, is
beautiful and sty les that we have on dis-
play are all wearable. This means to u' s
more customers . and more business, for
which: we give you better service, better
value's and better styles.
Special Attention to
.Mournin .Millilier
.g Y
i a
Mss ntel o & C' 01
No. 2 ........ 68 84,
No. 3.......: 70 66
A ..
'bio, 4:...... , l., ins
No. 5 .. 1 _
No. 6 68 . 72
No. 7...:....� 42 Thet best) laid i3chomes-io'.mieei and
_ Men gang aft agley, .
350' . .409 An' 1Pa n' onouglvta,bitit grief• `aur
Majority......:... .,3 n .prom sed. Zoy.e
28 71 Possibly Ithel rain on {election day
No. 2........ 27 • 64 Was a.Warsiingl of the isoaking ;thiel
No 3........ Liberals,' would 'gdt•:--but,'they didtn't,
No. 4 ....... .42mtake heed4 , .
No. 0 -- Hip; 'hooraya f oN•eI,edtidi$.da 1`
--- . Believe' We, itwill .be tgxamd
When no. boors the platform orator
14iajority. , : ,. :.•..: 166 Is heard in all khe. land,
No. 1 .. 10maj Ain't. it! funny ^what'a differionee
No. 2 . 85. ` 51 1wsita few( seats make -Sir Wilfrid,
No. 3 .:12 ,the lmormvlugi aftler.
No. 4........ 20 mai:'.. -0-
No. 5..::..... 25 mal
- The +Lauri
arf C>rovemnimentt Wag in
80 73 Power 15 ytear,sl, and. yet Laurier is
Majority.....:.:., 7 `daddy of jbhem ,all:'
13trLnETT .. •-_p"."'�' ; ..
tcB.e+ shill �dtear heart and celase:re-
No. 1 .. 5.2 ? piniing"-W,eslt Huront �Libprasl Al. - ;
No. 2 .. . iter thet {election. .
No. 3. 3tl 31
No. 5 No..... . ULOt ,all tthe nations see
No. 6 ...... That Men tehould .brothersi be,
NO, 7:,.',.... imaj A.nd form; one family o,
The iwadn. world, o,er.
Well io )the hisitoriembrda of,the
15. London Times -
Lewis Oa 'exon "It w,asl isomet ,campaigpa t"
Did ..anyt bf tthe ;political oratoxa ,
can ?their a•geeches during the cam -
No: 1 .. 51. 49 ` paigtn? •.:They Wish( h0 u,sieful:. in `
No: 2..:,...: 16 -68 Jaya, to come:
No. 3. , . , .:.: 78 4-4. - No. 4.,_:....:. 57 ' 49' The Itw6l .dWeired• elect3ou?s . for
- 'the ComuioAq Arte; -
262 210 Thuprder'May and Rainy Iliiv(er
Majority..., ...... 52 Yukon.
In tth ef, at of 1
aVlAJ,ORITIES. 01d! . o Beim. W. S.'b'ietld-
Ashfield ..,....ZO 84 ing ithel Dominion( has, lost a ,moist
5 ,able ;sbmt oma'n. Aerobe ino doubt
Colborne : that '1 to defieat) ,Was due .to alcoat-
Gloderfch ...:. ...., 53 cej>tteid. assauLt( toil the part of Oe(
Gloderich. Township.. 166' Cainadian -Wanwfa,aturers'' Associ-
Clinton....:........ . 52 ation bind j heir allios. ;They paid
West Wawanosh 7.
l' 3ullett............. 15 the'ptiek am,cl, they eecumed whstt
_ ,they sought; 1
Ih 271 ..-o-
;WW 'argil artiomis, ;going tO` :do
Majority for.fLeiw%s-1601 wheln !th Aliem`` Labor Law i0sus- i
pe�iLt>led toolei! ithe,Manwfactureks'a
Which will
oc' ti n 1a or hi �
Ass na oUal getb. i b iw'
enabled tthonl 0 ,cut lwageis? �
A K A 1 -.-p
ore■ . `GV(hein $0 a Nationalis,ftt not a ;
Nationalist?When tbA trans on
the N,ationalIst tirkist and Is,a•.Tory',
Local News ,alien ltho; vn;te is co,tunted... There
�illilMO� bec,
WeT;O; • u>,tel •,a Ecom- bf lthjat ilk Quo-
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier has boem. elect
IS 'MOVING TO TOWN ed for► two ,eotn,stitu cies, If hes
Mr. T, hos. !H. Hardy' of tthe Sago, rould have run in t le whole 221.:
Lino initen.d,e t povingt to town soon, tthe )eou0tl'y. lwonld have been ,guan
having 'purchased Mr. Samos Titekia 1MOAS.
•er',s housK on Widlgrick street.
AJbertte: said Saskatchewan give A
BAND Aqf ZURICH. 'popular ?major tty4 Of fiver 20,000 for
Thursclay of this �weok the Citi : reciprocity.. And fie ;will ,grow.
zona: ?Sandi Comas Vlaying at thf0 Fair ""'b"""
trhep& ;Thuyr' e4sot Igo to ,134yfleld Mr. GeOrg,A, 4H. Perle. , tho ,ehlef.
Vilix XYA Wedfnfeis�day, !Oct, 1uh, Conserva lvo mbi'p, who 'wi i un
MADE THE DEPOSIT, a •donbtedly � Mr. Bovden',e. Ckb-4
,inet, Will ba Ciba Hirst"nettiir 1s dr
i o abit 1 tit
ar ban t hold( Idt
Am a
Cr �
rd�a s, �'olttl Craig
dbaall�ttu M xt
Saturday, Me
and E. D, fCle,ghorn Of . Toronto, the Dosraialion '. C•evterntnen,'t. He;
two 1trimblAlr'p 01 the n6v CMotoi'C'b, was. beam an NAwa auipshige In 1857
itl�,toWn and Ima.de, at'dieposit.o2
$4,0 o to, *M ;Thr�I,Ish'etc Co -.'A bulld•- Tho Can,perva'ti'v el fatmex who
log', ,anti Ithua far h ve livotd till) to, voted, with hi5Varty`leirpeetigngthat;
their agt`Ieiebaaeut. 3aanot toar.the the, +'turner! Hovariin edt'w'oulct be
rate yotre to pass the by-law. The AustAhl d, ,and %*iprocity ;w dst e
`�el Ain' 4180 ral)ent 06WO time iitt � jvop Rhee 'W'oll$ tool(!! � theZ
opkb* for, . lel h0sot . V 4001:000. . � . _.._
a brief( sltatellA00 of itho,work ocf ,• • • " . • • 1
it -he ,school and appgalin,gi fox tis. No. 4. r .. , ... 90 09
fuller ,at, eOndatncei iof adults, les -No.
'pecially arge!n, at abet rg61
No. 7...•.... al.
gulav ,aea- . No. 6........ 18
isia'ns of tthd school. •
Theiowrvicee( of Mr. W. Glehi, Majority* 84
Campbell have
beem very much
Co n
precrbt d. {th� past litae lot thoNo,1„
.67 48
weeks.durimdwhieh time he has '
chitrrch. No z,....... 18. 41
blolity No. 3:Y.*... Oil eA
ilityall olod No. 4:....... 38 'til
a•en alt 181 179
00 1:1 ilii. lljdrlty:.r Y..r.iY1►
aierviCl: Gloinflaxctt
c Nil. .. ♦Y.... 40 0:
New Mandea's
a Sce Out + . D01W SACCI
` .
Experience in hast years has taught us that
chis 'is � a very, popular price with a great »Baily ladies
when purchasing their new winter coat, and according- �
ly. we have made a special study of garments at this
price, and have succeeded in getting together the fincst
assortment of highest class gariliients ever offered at
this price.
These mantles come in Black, Navy, Green anda
number of mixed Tweeds and are well tailored of good
dependable cloths and are, exceptional value at e'en
T�ollars, p .
Other Mantles at $5,00, $5,00,. $142,00 and $15.00
Children's Mantles from$2,00. up.
Special prices on Ladies' and Children; Furs
,Men's and Boy's, Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
wear, Rubbers, etc,
Make this store headquarters for , your Fall needs
and you will hnd you have had bigger values at smaller
cost than ever before,
ung t
S eel Br 0.0S.
s ilei !
That is Wearable
Our Millinery, ,:so people tell us, is
beautiful and sty les that we have on dis-
play are all wearable. This means to u' s
more customers . and more business, for
which: we give you better service, better
value's and better styles.
Special Attention to
.Mournin .Millilier
.g Y
i a
Mss ntel o & C' 01
No. 2 ........ 68 84,
No. 3.......: 70 66
A ..
'bio, 4:...... , l., ins
No. 5 .. 1 _
No. 6 68 . 72
No. 7...:....� 42 Thet best) laid i3chomes-io'.mieei and
_ Men gang aft agley, .
350' . .409 An' 1Pa n' onouglvta,bitit grief• `aur
Majority......:... .,3 n .prom sed. Zoy.e
28 71 Possibly Ithel rain on {election day
No. 2........ 27 • 64 Was a.Warsiingl of the isoaking ;thiel
No 3........ Liberals,' would 'gdt•:--but,'they didtn't,
No. 4 ....... .42mtake heed4 , .
No. 0 -- Hip; 'hooraya f oN•eI,edtidi$.da 1`
--- . Believe' We, itwill .be tgxamd
When no. boors the platform orator
14iajority. , : ,. :.•..: 166 Is heard in all khe. land,
No. 1 .. 10maj Ain't. it! funny ^what'a differionee
No. 2 . 85. ` 51 1wsita few( seats make -Sir Wilfrid,
No. 3 .:12 ,the lmormvlugi aftler.
No. 4........ 20 mai:'.. -0-
No. 5..::..... 25 mal
- The +Lauri
arf C>rovemnimentt Wag in
80 73 Power 15 ytear,sl, and. yet Laurier is
Majority.....:.:., 7 `daddy of jbhem ,all:'
13trLnETT .. •-_p"."'�' ; ..
tcB.e+ shill �dtear heart and celase:re-
No. 1 .. 5.2 ? piniing"-W,eslt Huront �Libprasl Al. - ;
No. 2 .. . iter thet {election. .
No. 3. 3tl 31
No. 5 No..... . ULOt ,all tthe nations see
No. 6 ...... That Men tehould .brothersi be,
NO, 7:,.',.... imaj A.nd form; one family o,
The iwadn. world, o,er.
Well io )the hisitoriembrda of,the
15. London Times -
Lewis Oa 'exon "It w,asl isomet ,campaigpa t"
Did ..anyt bf tthe ;political oratoxa ,
can ?their a•geeches during the cam -
No: 1 .. 51. 49 ` paigtn? •.:They Wish( h0 u,sieful:. in `
No: 2..:,...: 16 -68 Jaya, to come:
No. 3. , . , .:.: 78 4-4. - No. 4.,_:....:. 57 ' 49' The Itw6l .dWeired• elect3ou?s . for
- 'the ComuioAq Arte; -
262 210 Thuprder'May and Rainy Iliiv(er
Majority..., ...... 52 Yukon.
In tth ef, at of 1
aVlAJ,ORITIES. 01d! . o Beim. W. S.'b'ietld-
Ashfield ..,....ZO 84 ing ithel Dominion( has, lost a ,moist
5 ,able ;sbmt oma'n. Aerobe ino doubt
Colborne : that '1 to defieat) ,Was due .to alcoat-
Gloderfch ...:. ...., 53 cej>tteid. assauLt( toil the part of Oe(
Gloderich. Township.. 166' Cainadian -Wanwfa,aturers'' Associ-
Clinton....:........ . 52 ation bind j heir allios. ;They paid
West Wawanosh 7.
l' 3ullett............. 15 the'ptiek am,cl, they eecumed whstt
_ ,they sought; 1
Ih 271 ..-o-
;WW 'argil artiomis, ;going tO` :do
Majority for.fLeiw%s-1601 wheln !th Aliem`` Labor Law i0sus- i
pe�iLt>led toolei! ithe,Manwfactureks'a
Which will
oc' ti n 1a or hi �
Ass na oUal getb. i b iw'
enabled tthonl 0 ,cut lwageis? �
A K A 1 -.-p
ore■ . `GV(hein $0 a Nationalis,ftt not a ;
Nationalist?When tbA trans on
the N,ationalIst tirkist and Is,a•.Tory',
Local News ,alien ltho; vn;te is co,tunted... There
�illilMO� bec,
WeT;O; • u>,tel •,a Ecom- bf lthjat ilk Quo-
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier has boem. elect
IS 'MOVING TO TOWN ed for► two ,eotn,stitu cies, If hes
Mr. T, hos. !H. Hardy' of tthe Sago, rould have run in t le whole 221.:
Lino initen.d,e t povingt to town soon, tthe )eou0tl'y. lwonld have been ,guan
having 'purchased Mr. Samos Titekia 1MOAS.
•er',s housK on Widlgrick street.
AJbertte: said Saskatchewan give A
BAND Aqf ZURICH. 'popular ?major tty4 Of fiver 20,000 for
Thursclay of this �weok the Citi : reciprocity.. And fie ;will ,grow.
zona: ?Sandi Comas Vlaying at thf0 Fair ""'b"""
trhep& ;Thuyr' e4sot Igo to ,134yfleld Mr. GeOrg,A, 4H. Perle. , tho ,ehlef.
Vilix XYA Wedfnfeis�day, !Oct, 1uh, Conserva lvo mbi'p, who 'wi i un
MADE THE DEPOSIT, a •donbtedly � Mr. Bovden',e. Ckb-4
,inet, Will ba Ciba Hirst"nettiir 1s dr
i o abit 1 tit
ar ban t hold( Idt
Am a
Cr �
rd�a s, �'olttl Craig
dbaall�ttu M xt
Saturday, Me
and E. D, fCle,ghorn Of . Toronto, the Dosraialion '. C•evterntnen,'t. He;
two 1trimblAlr'p 01 the n6v CMotoi'C'b, was. beam an NAwa auipshige In 1857
itl�,toWn and Ima.de, at'dieposit.o2
$4,0 o to, *M ;Thr�I,Ish'etc Co -.'A bulld•- Tho Can,perva'ti'v el fatmex who
log', ,anti Ithua far h ve livotd till) to, voted, with hi5Varty`leirpeetigngthat;
their agt`Ieiebaaeut. 3aanot toar.the the, +'turner! Hovariin edt'w'oulct be
rate yotre to pass the by-law. The AustAhl d, ,and %*iprocity ;w dst e
`�el Ain' 4180 ral)ent 06WO time iitt � jvop Rhee 'W'oll$ tool(!! � theZ
opkb* for, . lel h0sot . V 4001:000. . � . _.._
chitrrch. No z,....... 18. 41
blolity No. 3:Y.*... Oil eA
ilityall olod No. 4:....... 38 'til
a•en alt 181 179
00 1:1 ilii. lljdrlty:.r Y..r.iY1►
aierviCl: Gloinflaxctt
c Nil. .. ♦Y.... 40 0:
New Mandea's
a Sce Out + . D01W SACCI
` .
Experience in hast years has taught us that
chis 'is � a very, popular price with a great »Baily ladies
when purchasing their new winter coat, and according- �
ly. we have made a special study of garments at this
price, and have succeeded in getting together the fincst
assortment of highest class gariliients ever offered at
this price.
These mantles come in Black, Navy, Green anda
number of mixed Tweeds and are well tailored of good
dependable cloths and are, exceptional value at e'en
T�ollars, p .
Other Mantles at $5,00, $5,00,. $142,00 and $15.00
Children's Mantles from$2,00. up.
Special prices on Ladies' and Children; Furs
,Men's and Boy's, Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
wear, Rubbers, etc,
Make this store headquarters for , your Fall needs
and you will hnd you have had bigger values at smaller
cost than ever before,
ung t
S eel Br 0.0S.
s ilei !
That is Wearable
Our Millinery, ,:so people tell us, is
beautiful and sty les that we have on dis-
play are all wearable. This means to u' s
more customers . and more business, for
which: we give you better service, better
value's and better styles.
Special Attention to
.Mournin .Millilier
.g Y
i a
Mss ntel o & C' 01
No. 2 ........ 68 84,
No. 3.......: 70 66
A ..
'bio, 4:...... , l., ins
No. 5 .. 1 _
No. 6 68 . 72
No. 7...:....� 42 Thet best) laid i3chomes-io'.mieei and
_ Men gang aft agley, .
350' . .409 An' 1Pa n' onouglvta,bitit grief• `aur
Majority......:... .,3 n .prom sed. Zoy.e
28 71 Possibly Ithel rain on {election day
No. 2........ 27 • 64 Was a.Warsiingl of the isoaking ;thiel
No 3........ Liberals,' would 'gdt•:--but,'they didtn't,
No. 4 ....... .42mtake heed4 , .
No. 0 -- Hip; 'hooraya f oN•eI,edtidi$.da 1`
--- . Believe' We, itwill .be tgxamd
When no. boors the platform orator
14iajority. , : ,. :.•..: 166 Is heard in all khe. land,
No. 1 .. 10maj Ain't. it! funny ^what'a differionee
No. 2 . 85. ` 51 1wsita few( seats make -Sir Wilfrid,
No. 3 .:12 ,the lmormvlugi aftler.
No. 4........ 20 mai:'.. -0-
No. 5..::..... 25 mal
- The +Lauri
arf C>rovemnimentt Wag in
80 73 Power 15 ytear,sl, and. yet Laurier is
Majority.....:.:., 7 `daddy of jbhem ,all:'
13trLnETT .. •-_p"."'�' ; ..
tcB.e+ shill �dtear heart and celase:re-
No. 1 .. 5.2 ? piniing"-W,eslt Huront �Libprasl Al. - ;
No. 2 .. . iter thet {election. .
No. 3. 3tl 31
No. 5 No..... . ULOt ,all tthe nations see
No. 6 ...... That Men tehould .brothersi be,
NO, 7:,.',.... imaj A.nd form; one family o,
The iwadn. world, o,er.
Well io )the hisitoriembrda of,the
15. London Times -
Lewis Oa 'exon "It w,asl isomet ,campaigpa t"
Did ..anyt bf tthe ;political oratoxa ,
can ?their a•geeches during the cam -
No: 1 .. 51. 49 ` paigtn? •.:They Wish( h0 u,sieful:. in `
No: 2..:,...: 16 -68 Jaya, to come:
No. 3. , . , .:.: 78 4-4. - No. 4.,_:....:. 57 ' 49' The Itw6l .dWeired• elect3ou?s . for
- 'the ComuioAq Arte; -
262 210 Thuprder'May and Rainy Iliiv(er
Majority..., ...... 52 Yukon.
In tth ef, at of 1
aVlAJ,ORITIES. 01d! . o Beim. W. S.'b'ietld-
Ashfield ..,....ZO 84 ing ithel Dominion( has, lost a ,moist
5 ,able ;sbmt oma'n. Aerobe ino doubt
Colborne : that '1 to defieat) ,Was due .to alcoat-
Gloderfch ...:. ...., 53 cej>tteid. assauLt( toil the part of Oe(
Gloderich. Township.. 166' Cainadian -Wanwfa,aturers'' Associ-
Clinton....:........ . 52 ation bind j heir allios. ;They paid
West Wawanosh 7.
l' 3ullett............. 15 the'ptiek am,cl, they eecumed whstt
_ ,they sought; 1
Ih 271 ..-o-
;WW 'argil artiomis, ;going tO` :do
Majority for.fLeiw%s-1601 wheln !th Aliem`` Labor Law i0sus- i
pe�iLt>led toolei! ithe,Manwfactureks'a
Which will
oc' ti n 1a or hi �
Ass na oUal getb. i b iw'
enabled tthonl 0 ,cut lwageis? �
A K A 1 -.-p
ore■ . `GV(hein $0 a Nationalis,ftt not a ;
Nationalist?When tbA trans on
the N,ationalIst tirkist and Is,a•.Tory',
Local News ,alien ltho; vn;te is co,tunted... There
�illilMO� bec,
WeT;O; • u>,tel •,a Ecom- bf lthjat ilk Quo-
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier has boem. elect
IS 'MOVING TO TOWN ed for► two ,eotn,stitu cies, If hes
Mr. T, hos. !H. Hardy' of tthe Sago, rould have run in t le whole 221.:
Lino initen.d,e t povingt to town soon, tthe )eou0tl'y. lwonld have been ,guan
having 'purchased Mr. Samos Titekia 1MOAS.
•er',s housK on Widlgrick street.
AJbertte: said Saskatchewan give A
BAND Aqf ZURICH. 'popular ?major tty4 Of fiver 20,000 for
Thursclay of this �weok the Citi : reciprocity.. And fie ;will ,grow.
zona: ?Sandi Comas Vlaying at thf0 Fair ""'b"""
trhep& ;Thuyr' e4sot Igo to ,134yfleld Mr. GeOrg,A, 4H. Perle. , tho ,ehlef.
Vilix XYA Wedfnfeis�day, !Oct, 1uh, Conserva lvo mbi'p, who 'wi i un
MADE THE DEPOSIT, a •donbtedly � Mr. Bovden',e. Ckb-4
,inet, Will ba Ciba Hirst"nettiir 1s dr
i o abit 1 tit
ar ban t hold( Idt
Am a
Cr �
rd�a s, �'olttl Craig
dbaall�ttu M xt
Saturday, Me
and E. D, fCle,ghorn Of . Toronto, the Dosraialion '. C•evterntnen,'t. He;
two 1trimblAlr'p 01 the n6v CMotoi'C'b, was. beam an NAwa auipshige In 1857
itl�,toWn and Ima.de, at'dieposit.o2
$4,0 o to, *M ;Thr�I,Ish'etc Co -.'A bulld•- Tho Can,perva'ti'v el fatmex who
log', ,anti Ithua far h ve livotd till) to, voted, with hi5Varty`leirpeetigngthat;
their agt`Ieiebaaeut. 3aanot toar.the the, +'turner! Hovariin edt'w'oulct be
rate yotre to pass the by-law. The AustAhl d, ,and %*iprocity ;w dst e
`�el Ain' 4180 ral)ent 06WO time iitt � jvop Rhee 'W'oll$ tool(!! � theZ
opkb* for, . lel h0sot . V 4001:000. . � . _.._
New Mandea's
a Sce Out + . D01W SACCI
` .
Experience in hast years has taught us that
chis 'is � a very, popular price with a great »Baily ladies
when purchasing their new winter coat, and according- �
ly. we have made a special study of garments at this
price, and have succeeded in getting together the fincst
assortment of highest class gariliients ever offered at
this price.
These mantles come in Black, Navy, Green anda
number of mixed Tweeds and are well tailored of good
dependable cloths and are, exceptional value at e'en
T�ollars, p .
Other Mantles at $5,00, $5,00,. $142,00 and $15.00
Children's Mantles from$2,00. up.
Special prices on Ladies' and Children; Furs
,Men's and Boy's, Overcoats, Blankets, Under-
wear, Rubbers, etc,
Make this store headquarters for , your Fall needs
and you will hnd you have had bigger values at smaller
cost than ever before,
ung t
S eel Br 0.0S.
s ilei !
That is Wearable
Our Millinery, ,:so people tell us, is
beautiful and sty les that we have on dis-
play are all wearable. This means to u' s
more customers . and more business, for
which: we give you better service, better
value's and better styles.
Special Attention to
.Mournin .Millilier
.g Y
i a
Mss ntel o & C' 01
No. 2 ........ 68 84,
No. 3.......: 70 66
A ..
'bio, 4:...... , l., ins
No. 5 .. 1 _
No. 6 68 . 72
No. 7...:....� 42 Thet best) laid i3chomes-io'.mieei and
_ Men gang aft agley, .
350' . .409 An' 1Pa n' onouglvta,bitit grief• `aur
Majority......:... .,3 n .prom sed. Zoy.e
28 71 Possibly Ithel rain on {election day
No. 2........ 27 • 64 Was a.Warsiingl of the isoaking ;thiel
No 3........ Liberals,' would 'gdt•:--but,'they didtn't,
No. 4 ....... .42mtake heed4 , .
No. 0 -- Hip; 'hooraya f oN•eI,edtidi$.da 1`
--- . Believe' We, itwill .be tgxamd
When no. boors the platform orator
14iajority. , : ,. :.•..: 166 Is heard in all khe. land,
No. 1 .. 10maj Ain't. it! funny ^what'a differionee
No. 2 . 85. ` 51 1wsita few( seats make -Sir Wilfrid,
No. 3 .:12 ,the lmormvlugi aftler.
No. 4........ 20 mai:'.. -0-
No. 5..::..... 25 mal
- The +Lauri
arf C>rovemnimentt Wag in
80 73 Power 15 ytear,sl, and. yet Laurier is
Majority.....:.:., 7 `daddy of jbhem ,all:'
13trLnETT .. •-_p"."'�' ; ..
tcB.e+ shill �dtear heart and celase:re-
No. 1 .. 5.2 ? piniing"-W,eslt Huront �Libprasl Al. - ;
No. 2 .. . iter thet {election. .
No. 3. 3tl 31
No. 5 No..... . ULOt ,all tthe nations see
No. 6 ...... That Men tehould .brothersi be,
NO, 7:,.',.... imaj A.nd form; one family o,
The iwadn. world, o,er.
Well io )the hisitoriembrda of,the
15. London Times -
Lewis Oa 'exon "It w,asl isomet ,campaigpa t"
Did ..anyt bf tthe ;political oratoxa ,
can ?their a•geeches during the cam -
No: 1 .. 51. 49 ` paigtn? •.:They Wish( h0 u,sieful:. in `
No: 2..:,...: 16 -68 Jaya, to come:
No. 3. , . , .:.: 78 4-4. - No. 4.,_:....:. 57 ' 49' The Itw6l .dWeired• elect3ou?s . for
- 'the ComuioAq Arte; -
262 210 Thuprder'May and Rainy Iliiv(er
Majority..., ...... 52 Yukon.
In tth ef, at of 1
aVlAJ,ORITIES. 01d! . o Beim. W. S.'b'ietld-
Ashfield ..,....ZO 84 ing ithel Dominion( has, lost a ,moist
5 ,able ;sbmt oma'n. Aerobe ino doubt
Colborne : that '1 to defieat) ,Was due .to alcoat-
Gloderfch ...:. ...., 53 cej>tteid. assauLt( toil the part of Oe(
Gloderich. Township.. 166' Cainadian -Wanwfa,aturers'' Associ-
Clinton....:........ . 52 ation bind j heir allios. ;They paid
West Wawanosh 7.
l' 3ullett............. 15 the'ptiek am,cl, they eecumed whstt
_ ,they sought; 1
Ih 271 ..-o-
;WW 'argil artiomis, ;going tO` :do
Majority for.fLeiw%s-1601 wheln !th Aliem`` Labor Law i0sus- i
pe�iLt>led toolei! ithe,Manwfactureks'a
Which will
oc' ti n 1a or hi �
Ass na oUal getb. i b iw'
enabled tthonl 0 ,cut lwageis? �
A K A 1 -.-p
ore■ . `GV(hein $0 a Nationalis,ftt not a ;
Nationalist?When tbA trans on
the N,ationalIst tirkist and Is,a•.Tory',
Local News ,alien ltho; vn;te is co,tunted... There
�illilMO� bec,
WeT;O; • u>,tel •,a Ecom- bf lthjat ilk Quo-
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier has boem. elect
IS 'MOVING TO TOWN ed for► two ,eotn,stitu cies, If hes
Mr. T, hos. !H. Hardy' of tthe Sago, rould have run in t le whole 221.:
Lino initen.d,e t povingt to town soon, tthe )eou0tl'y. lwonld have been ,guan
having 'purchased Mr. Samos Titekia 1MOAS.
•er',s housK on Widlgrick street.
AJbertte: said Saskatchewan give A
BAND Aqf ZURICH. 'popular ?major tty4 Of fiver 20,000 for
Thursclay of this �weok the Citi : reciprocity.. And fie ;will ,grow.
zona: ?Sandi Comas Vlaying at thf0 Fair ""'b"""
trhep& ;Thuyr' e4sot Igo to ,134yfleld Mr. GeOrg,A, 4H. Perle. , tho ,ehlef.
Vilix XYA Wedfnfeis�day, !Oct, 1uh, Conserva lvo mbi'p, who 'wi i un
MADE THE DEPOSIT, a •donbtedly � Mr. Bovden',e. Ckb-4
,inet, Will ba Ciba Hirst"nettiir 1s dr
i o abit 1 tit
ar ban t hold( Idt
Am a
Cr �
rd�a s, �'olttl Craig
dbaall�ttu M xt
Saturday, Me
and E. D, fCle,ghorn Of . Toronto, the Dosraialion '. C•evterntnen,'t. He;
two 1trimblAlr'p 01 the n6v CMotoi'C'b, was. beam an NAwa auipshige In 1857
itl�,toWn and Ima.de, at'dieposit.o2
$4,0 o to, *M ;Thr�I,Ish'etc Co -.'A bulld•- Tho Can,perva'ti'v el fatmex who
log', ,anti Ithua far h ve livotd till) to, voted, with hi5Varty`leirpeetigngthat;
their agt`Ieiebaaeut. 3aanot toar.the the, +'turner! Hovariin edt'w'oulct be
rate yotre to pass the by-law. The AustAhl d, ,and %*iprocity ;w dst e
`�el Ain' 4180 ral)ent 06WO time iitt � jvop Rhee 'W'oll$ tool(!! � theZ
opkb* for, . lel h0sot . V 4001:000. . � . _.._