HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-09-28, Page 4Big
T . he, 6tore of Fashion.
a :
o t
and will be continued all week
? our hats are pretty—yes, .more than that they.
ha,e the a -r of graceful be comingness that is miss=
ing- in so much headwear. And withall, prices are
very much lower than what are obtained in city stores
Come any day. Our millinery will please you in
every way.
'R W11 IS
We have this season a collection
of designs in all the f'ishionableand
wanted Furs that easily lets us hold
the leadership -in variety.
We are showing Sable. Mink,
Gray and Black Lamb, Belgium
Hare, Blue Fox, white Thibet,
Mink Marmot and Foxerine.
Comparsion helps to sell' our
Fars •
Never betore in the history of
e have we sold so Yman
this stop y
coats in September. That shows
we have the right goods at the
right price. We have nearly 20C
coats to choose from. Come while
the assortment is good.
(c;��►i[C..i�.;•.�,a►►�►►►►tel►.►i1►.►�►► }
Rev. Mr. Johwslton, of Varna,
pro4ol:l `e' the Presbyterian
uu church on Rabb#Xh last.
District b
#i � � s Miss McKcea iof' Belmor0 is the Vou'll Need.
guest of Mrs. J'amaii McQueeua.
..�..,- Leslie bleKav of Tuckersmith who .
gra► ►�r rr�r�rx�n.►��r�r►x�r�rar�r�rx��nn��'r���r�►n�rT�YrrYxr�x�r l�s ailul, oaf .REEVE SWITZER. OF STEPHEN eti)hviii fey e•a as skOw ltt
Th�MUM4 vcryn ljdo knoaey �a '
tGoderic)itt Adams. . TOWNSHIP, ACCIDENTLY �chisnges• hand( bn,electioA :bets.ln
Last Thilofty morning',about 3 Mr. Vnillam Rogers, of Toronto, is our neighborhood.
clock, Wilmer Smith. proprietor of visiting itis• nephew. Mr. Vhaxlea MC- SHOT D YOUTHFUL A numb,ert of OrIts, Nrevo unfort•-
he art store here,. ;Fell dead in"is bed• Greggor gad other friends. COMPANION a apetely ,aw ayl in the 'West at tiro + ��,
Dolga. A non. Reg, Smith, is employ- bites Em1na Megan is visiting friends harv'?s+t sal than they, kriissed the ♦ i
d as a printer in Toronto. in St. Joseph., -*--•-O- vate. � •
Goderich is to have a new kndoaAry Rally t3un4ay was held here on Sun, S, Switzer, of Shipka, Soath 1I.t: on, Robert •Diurdoclw has knovied oto S
a the shape of a wholesale lumber . day aftornoi,n. .Quite a number at -reeve of Stepben Townshap and a the place ire lately bought from the
nusiness. The Spanish River Lumber, tended the services• member of the Huron County Council, Plewies estate.
`,oarapany is Opening a yard here. The Mr. W ill Clark bad a bee one .day was accidently shot and killed Tues- Dhiidreur's Sunday m -as observed � PaPC
�ompany operates veawwiliest Spanish last week raising, his shed, he is build- day while: uLLt duck shooting, six wiles itn +thd ,'Presbyterian, Sunday �s!ehook !
1 S bbl
,til s, Ontario, and cuts in the neigh- intr. Mr. Matt Mains, of Londesboro, ouch of Grand Bend. an a th last. A'ii offering'. for -
)orof 60,000,0 feet of lamber a bas the contract, He left home about midday, accom- ni.eiedy iSabbatle� schools amawnteii
tear, The manager of the Godericb, Parried by a boy, and drove to the abowt '$10 was taketn. _
Lud Sarnia offices of the. company is shouting grounds, While in the boat Dufncan Aikenh,eacy has taken up-
1i K. Turnbull,
, lie was I town
naSu tire' RiVtho• the lad picked, up the shotgun to bring a homesitlead: in Manitoba,
s g Bl -th Pall Fnir--Octaber 3rd and down a duck. The weapon was accid• Wan. Swailu bas ,gone to Toronto � for those rooms that
actio per t n
o to i d the on is
$a lid n whit as a car discharged and h c e
h b o anti di h
g g
o .t
t- atte dt h Toronto 4 or ri oUniversity.
th in f t s
Dt CatR,(ll0pfeet of white pine. Speaking entered Mr. Switzer s leg above the
, . need, renovati'li�• this
of the pro acts For buslnes% Mr. .gTT�R were
he ee£or the London ;knee,Inflicting afearful woulid. 'Misses Alice and Tena Grey) of � ;"
Turnbull said the amount :of lumber + The inured man was burried into, Buffalo are visiting at home,
consumed by the present industries in Exhibition, his buggy and driven to his home, a Miss G. Grainger is visiting' at � fall. ♦�
C. Spafford, wha has been laid off
Goderich is so large that a steady trade doctor having been phoned for to meet her •broithe0l home- ini S'eaforth.
rk for a saccountof
wo hot i e
r t m on
f r l r e •' i..,
o t now fir asthere. n as is assured. e victim, e ,
uth vac h
• sickness, is naw .able to get around • M . McDermid will preach in i
—, .. ^^•,•...R p. zeBd died e a i gblood. e Mr. Swit . bh a Priesb 0 Our stock, has been.
Again, and expects sawn to he oelile toyteriarr ;church next Bab-.
Hensali resume his duties at• the C. P: R. Mr. Switzer was one of the best
J, tV. Ortwein did walk with his R. R. Sloarr; who had an exhibit of known men of the district, He was DIr, iLa�ngely' iasl visiting at 'thel ♦ replenished by Solite
fowl at. Exeter pair. He exhlhited 10 apples at the Goderich F+air this week, home of his sister, Mrs, Win. Aiken •
birds Lakin 7 first and 2 second a g about tilt ears of age and owned asaw-
i wept the board, althou h the coda• mill a flaRmill andga large fa: m. He Bead,additional lines select-
prizes. petition yeas ]teen. , was'• % member'' of the Methodist ---�--*--*�Dr. Ban ,Blatchford of Portland, The annual meetings of theSVonian s � ♦.
Christian Tem Church at bhfpk•i•. A widow, faun
Oragon, who has been visiting rela,- Temperance union was held eons and two daugbters survive. ♦1...tri.+♦tt♦i♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦... ♦. ed from the 19 Y 2 Sim:-
tives in Hensall and vleinit tor a few Monday of this week. After the fraus-
Y Misfortune liar followed the family .
weeks has gone to visit in other parts action of tine regular business, the elec- ' for, some ears, the barn and contents T • les,
of Ontario prior to starting for borne, tion, Of officers took plata with the
followia result. barns twice burned dawn.
Alex. Naytor, wife and child,. of Sas. g � —•••-- ' . � .
President, Mrs. (Rev,) rear ; let Vice
few da, with rie ds i are spending a. tad Vico - ♦ It is the desire. of file m.ed free.
few days with friends in Lawn. Their President, D1iss Bentley • All a er trini
old friends are pleased. to see thein. President, R. S. Mrs, YoungC. S. of me ofrlo have been, vaeiting• at the Publishers tilat 4111 should ♦ i? p
The Conservatives of tlensall Ilter- Mrs.. Curtis ; Treas, ilt rs,'Beder; Or home of D1r:11, Livermore. ♦ $ � ♦.
Mrs, David Ho cart of Hullett was t4dce 4111 interest in this
<a,Uiat Mrs. Newcombe; Asbiat.Or an- g + ♦ ♦ .
ally bribbled over with joy and exukta- g , , g the guest of Mrs. Nott this week. i Coln 1i1n1 of 7'II1 n. 1T
tion.' Au' auto was despatched to l sat, Mrs. Ohel,ew ; Saper ntendants of lV,rs. I+', tVtrldrori if under Lire dot• + •
Zurich for the new bl, P. A procession I .Departmente,Madames Cutt . dWhit- ERA« If y ou have €ricil[is .♦ ,
`Y tor's care at present. Her friends
of mounted men and torch bearers ►nun ; Temperange in S, Schools, Mrs. hope she will soap be better, visitill� you, or are go-
met Klin at the schoolhouse and escort. " Bliler..,Systematic giving Miss Bentley ay for tri ► leltvo $ � P �______. 4414 11�F. , l , Cooper's ed him up town, Mr. Merrier gave a I Purity and Mothers meetings,MAdam.
short address thanking his su patters es Qidley and Chellew;Flower infusion + 7vor[l or ectad it 411 a .post
p Londesbaro
most heartily. The band played, tion. Mrs. Sims ; Anti -Narcotic, Mr's, Rev, Oaterhout who is President of ;
fires were burned and there was great Young; Scientific Temperance Miss Al. the v. Os a Thou triol L worth League t z
obeerine�. Chellew and Mrs, Slater; Press Com- p g
mittee, Madames Johnson and Slater,, is attending the Convention in Blyth ......;4 ............. ♦����♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦�♦♦♦♦���
Station House .Literature, this week,,
Zurich I Mlas M. Phillips left on Monday for 11Irs, John Wiseman .is visiting in
Rev. J. Y_ Hauch, a miasignar Stratford to attend the Normal. School: Chicago..
of Japan was the guest of his uncle D:lshwood Methodist A� niversary cervices will Miss 'Forbes ;was a visitor in Slea Rev A. Brown of Goderich, chairmair
Miss liellerman be held at Thanksgiving time this forth oln W ednjegda The usual routine business, conuect-
Mr. Philip Bauch, this week. , who has been at. • Y•.
Mrs., Joseph. Smith, of Cross.well, tached to the staff of the local public year as usual. , ed . with superannuation and other
Michigan is visitin `•witn ' iter dau h• school for the last two ears left this r To Tamto a leaves on Wednesday Miss Jean Scott i& now attendipg` funds, was dispoeed' of, the necessary
ter, Mrs. �Wildam O'Brien and other week for Toronto, where she will' at- for Toronto to attend the Faculty of U2riversity at Toronto,. arrangements made concerning; Mie-
Edueation, Rev. Father Hanlon, of Lucan, was aiona _and educational anniversaries .
friends. tend Narmal School, Her place at the Y
The Methodist church was very a visitor in town last week
Mies Mossea,i of the Bauble line,. was school here has been taken., by Mies etc.
beautifully decoriLted-last Sunday on, .
severely shocked by a stroke of li htia• Dunlop, of B ringfield. Mrs. J. L. Derr, ope'ntt 'Wednesday
g - the occasion of the Annual Rally Day
in.g last week. She is• under medical Dr. T. P. McLaughlin and Mr. Will. of the Sunday School. The church •wrath her iia eT in Druonbo,
attendance and is recovering, iam Zimmer are in Toronto, attending was filled at the morning service, and Miss, Jegsi� U'Nskl went to 'i'oronto, GODERICH 'DISTRICT' CONVEN
The worst electric storm, of the a conference of Farmers Banes depose- a very interesting programme was this week to attend Varsity. TION,
year. pa, -sed over this section between tore, ,
12 and 3 o'clock Fridaymorning and Miss Richardson,milliner, of Thames- carried out, 'itis Pastor, Rev, User- Mrs, H, Fowler ,and childrensWere
day.. T'he,,a!nnaral, convoutioni of the
a; out, B.' 11:, baptized a members. of the visitor's -in Seaforth an Werdnesday.
d' tSu da Ville, hue. yea me r duties' I � an 'n
i e u be d ties ' wit4Boll.,u Y
id -some a dea
d a i d ma e t he buildings. �� h Z �
ofE g
g a;evening -the. Pas- '
adie In the e, ni p
•,a •to
ai n of Belmo e h
B has n 'sari t
es, r been h. Di c
Mr: Jahn Hartman a house at the 14th M sxs: Tiernan & Edigboffer.. She is for preached' to. a 'good con e ation Schools of ,the Uod}eric ,
was struck. the chimney demolished sasisted by Miss Routledge, of town,. g the nest of bei son, Mr.. John Hart- which hag just) closed -held in the
and a large bole torn into the roof. • The Hay Township Telephone Co.; : an the Bible, .1ey..
The damage will be about .15.00. At which recently., purchased the Zeller The regular ppn postponed
of the Women s of do ei t church;* .Blyth -wase ekst.
g $ institute has bean postponed from Oct. 11i>': Hector .Gunn, of Toronto, was of �noret ithasal ordinary intfetr,ast.
Mr. John L. Gerber's, Bronson Line, system, is extending its lines. in this 5th to Ocb. 12th. Mention will be avisitor with his brother, Dr. Gunn, The ,chluich iwais' taettefuliy decorat
a bolt struck his power milt 'and' tore: vicinity. South and East new polesmade next week thereof. this week. ed, -and all ,thee billeting arrange-
some shin les from the roof. A num- :with
being erected, and will connect pp Mrs. Fos'ted atad ball has b,eaen ' ,
� T. Hatton shipped a .car of'wheat' me'»t17s were rompletbelY ,gatisfactory.
her of telephone poles were: shattered : with Dr. Orme's line in Stephen. In Y.
p p � this week. � � • , ,Plrex,e were pFeasentt delegates from,
on the sante line, while north of town this village. they will robably take visiting 'with .''thee form(ei1•..a has,
on th N. W tele h d line had. about over the Bell loyal phones. which will Hogs were shipped on Wednesday. Mrs. 'Percy, ;Couch ' all.lthe( 20'Leagues andl representat
g p Rev, Pearcy was home on Sunday ives from( mo,eif of Ith{e Suw.day
six, poles' smashed. The rain carne be a convenience to the town, as there. last for his regular dutref. He expect Mr. James Bowman, M. P.; of E"t Schools iii Nth' ei district'.
down.in torrents for -about. an hour, has been two different systems here in to._ exchange pulpits next Sunday with Huron, was. tiie guest of Mr. David. The ;Tulnfor! D�paitpaeintl: ,was ab-
b ,
the past, Cantelon, while in town.
- George' Iiellermann has purchased- Rev. Fergusan.of Belgrave. ly repr�aentedS byi Mre. (Rev.) Bar-
from the Farmers Bank their partially Willidm Riley fe under :the care of Miss Jessie Suddick, and .Miss Annie ker. Her addoreiss was, comprelim-
.the ri edical. man at present but is like- Campbell.:both of London, are ct.e •,s,ive and Inspiring. Thee Literary,
"�� "' �"' '
A Court of Revision for the -hearing
of complaints and appeals against• the
yomPleted bank building on the tori
per of Main street, and•. will complete
'ly to be out soon,
Sunday night was a very Vet one as
guests of DIiss Zetta 134woen•
Mrs.* 'Geo, mance, •Of.Deltxoit,;tvlio"
by 'Rev.. L.-;Bartl,ettt, of Dungasanon;_,
follo,vmd' by : ,eaAs,id-6rable: die- -
voters list was held on Thursday of
last week.. Judge Doyle presided.
it as • originally, intended for. a bank•
and dwelling. when c ompleted. ft will
very many .arognd. here can testify,
Boma could not get hcme till the next
has bebnf' visiting here for the past
mombh returrn{edl It 'Home
suasion in the w:ay of questions and
ans;avers.: Bible $eadaugs, lvhich'
Some 53.a appeals dealt with.
be taken over by the Molson'_s Bank,
has had branch here
mornfa� g•
wears v.er ,; were
Ali IuRtructive given
A pecular accident oocurred on iVlon-
which w since
Wedding Bells rang at high noon "to
M , J
by tthef Ravis. J. E: Ford and Cour-
Terms Gash. One Price Only
�1 Millinery
and Fancy Goods
Will take place on Friday, September
22nd, afternoon and evening and following
Our Miss, Sipes will be pleased to meet all her,
old friends and a host of new ones on that oc-
da in Mr. Jos. - Haie.t's brick January lash. rs. as, Slmytl+;, has bgda oaths
y ' yard, E. C• ,Koehler, accountant 'in the day just "East of the village, the happy sick liatl for, lt'he past• cavo weieks, way.
when Dir. Sam Redden was dumping coupe befog •.Charles Ruddell and i Ver MuLht iinttore,stl ,w,as created.
•a load of clay in the.tread; ,ane wheel local brauch of the Molsons, has been Miss LUa Atcheeon; .Congratulations Hsi, ninny f riefnd.a hope for a speedy b . the c d
transferred to London, and Air. '1`3. F. reco�ieiy. y pr(e,�eni q an addreslses 'of
of the cart went down, thrnini;` cart are in order. Revs: Byratii) l7nte11, the Conference
and horse completely over and 'break- Steer, of Ridgetuwn;' will succeed him. Messrs Will. Taylor, 1�ealn 'Courts . S, S. Secrotary ; W. W. Prudh:ann, a
Ing both shafts. Mr. Chester Geiser, a- local man,' has - ice, and Douglas Stiewart have re-.; former 2Vli+asfonary in Japan, and Dr
Whr.t' mi ht have been • a serkous taken a position in this bank, starting Hoim.esville 'Iturthed ;to,thteir .e:tudies at iToraliato
g Moore, 'C,tep,eral Seicretary of ;Tem-
at Exeter. Un�iveirsit
Ing,whit thro6h on n theay:m . of The annivetlsar aevvicer of ;the y' perance and Moral R.efopran.
ing, while thrashin>z on the farm. of H8°' S G, Cai tier, of Otis maces, 3't A nulmber Of Cly ntonkanis traits at Mi•, 'S'neell'<s address ion how ito deal
Grand Bend is laid aside b illness. Methodistt•chvrch Will-be7veld on
lof. McDonalde, May. Some part in y Y Y p.m. when Blyth thio,welek attending'the Dis with the young ,childrten;,and.Teach
On.e da last week he either `suffered a Sonda gltf X10 a=. ;and fi
.connection with the boiler became stroke of paralysis or'was thrown out Rev. E: A: - .Far., of : ,Bl ah will tiic;t Saabbath . School •Cgnventiou. , er ;Tr.ainin,g,. were pnwch• in place,
loose, and in trying; to fix it the part of his buggy. y reach cin ' eer[no s .. y special Rev.', Mr: Vor d, of Clinton, : gave, ' and Aspiring.
ggy. and sustained. a concur F sps 1, 1u p k
name off, and the boiling water .was Sioti of the braid. For days he lies music by .that choir will `be,given Isev pal Bible Readings. Mr,'Psudtliam,s addTees on iiWhat
blown' on Mr. :Geo. Green. scalding ha(1 lapses of unconsciousness,a6k1 his an athankofferin lcollset ob will Mrs, (1. B. have ,tie-lto.geti fropm the. Qietathen,
him on the cbest and, leg.:and atlso friends are .:alarmed concenin his be hip at bog DlyTaggart",and son, of hialtio, s?'� and "What have Uvei to. .
ervices At 2
Bl tri have been h, e n s ends
g Y n the. past t
n � Mr. Herber i P
g t .Iia at on the condition. •The chances are 'in his o'clock the preachem of the da,v. will week with the .former's w6clier, Mrs, offer tthlem2" {w,ere full of practical..
arm. favor• however and we look 'for a .preach. wspocial- Sermon AothQL Thoiilpion, Albert Street: ,sugg,es s.
speedy recovery. Suaday School :scholars and a ltifas Elizabeth, Colquhon, of Mit- Too wch,''ncatnnoU be jaaid in Pip-
good,' alttendance is asked for, proval 69 1Dr: Mooreis ;work; as io..
chill, is upending a couple of •weeks
' 13eatorth , '" his powerful, ,addxesiaes:
with her sister, . Mrs...,McMurra and
Mr. and Mra. Dann of heti and Bluevale- y Many ort vs ,wished that lits ad
Minas Nell and,
of Clinton visited at Porter's hill Mrs. H.•Fitzsimons1 in town: diras:on "•The Young Canadian and: t.
+ + Mrs. Robert Hays visited at. the Mr. Roy Bradshaw, and bride,, of. 'H1s Re+sponsili tty" couldt harts!
the home of Mr. .5.�.' haute -of -her -daughter, Mrs. John Gal- "Mfrs. GOOrgiea Kempp'ar id daughttele Bradshaw; have been spending a few been lis shed o b thousands. .
this week. • braith, on Thursday. and, Mrs. Sam, �Hsh ittat' and daughter days with their aunt and pints .b1r Few kneln bar's the", .raaal and grip
Mr. and Mrs. John McNab, of Dun- .: Weare sort to hear of Ma ie visuted. at Cwhas. Mci3hail s. and O. W
• anon were guests over Sunda of Y gg , k:. and"Mrs. Ge ,. A. Bradshaw. ' . of, tmorai eotndiitkan,s, such as seine
$ , g , y Curtis not being able to leave the Sick Popter s 1asii wje(e Mrs. Rutherford, accom anted: b , A the D
the: format's parei}ts, Mr. •and • Mrs. Children's Hospital. , . M,eaars, W.'i'.: Mairnley, McIntyre,p Y igi.'aur land, s . .f: , , , '
John'MoAab.-: - her sister-in-law. Mrs. - John Ruther. The offzcars eleetad for
_. Mr. James Scott, Gleniananan, visited xssanc t9alltelcla':alnzl JobbSalkeldt of
Mrs., J. C. Greig is visiting her six- Blueyale friends recently, Goderich called • pin R. R. Sloan on .ford,,of Galt. are visit with the for premat yeart are -as ,followis;
ter, Mrs. Philip -Horton, Port hope. Mr. Taylor Orey, of Listowel,. paid Sunday. The gleintleraeint ,came out mer'r) sister, Mrs. John Rice.: Han. x'xeigidietat, Rev: A. Brown, .
Mrs. V. Case and Miss Case left on.1 d : Goderich.
e friends a visit on bur a xn Mm . ,Di e a Mr. ry Mr
s unn, a»Ito r a And .
Friday on a visit to Jonesville, Wis- Mrs, John Galbraith and fami Mrff, : loan-. • oX Lomdesboro also Seaforlth s ( a9. � df,Doft, of PreaLdion,t, ACV, J. H, •Osterhout,
cousin, visited 'Rorde friends this week. apelnit : Srandjay) mritiix Mr. Sloan, Safturday. D2�re. MB oadfoo(� i � on Landesboro.
Mrs, Chas. Andrews. and, daughter A large audience, heard Rev. • J.. E. Mrs. Marshall aind daughtt�eir My'tt scantly ij tuirtaed from Manse jaw let Vice, Miss Lilly, Karr, Blyth
Marjorie are visiting at the- format's I. Uook in the Presb ter an 'Ohurch on 1e,'rlelt h e o Saturday, 2ad Vice; i.4 ss L. StAvelns, Clinton.
.,home in Godericb, et SCar,, or Mitchell, 'of the Goderich '3rd, Vice, Miss M. B. Errattt,All- ,
Sunday. accompanied b Campbell,'
Wm. Cudmore is in Winnipeg this Mrs. A.Balfour and rand•dau hter W sit: w y' gave
t p , Mr. Cam bell bum.
havimig ,sFemli( tiSvo� 1monthsa in .th'
Sea -
Week with his aces Billy W., attend. g g ' 4 , gave the Naw Era• a. friendly call on 4th Vice, Mr, A.?.. port(eouis, S;ea- -
P , !dies Olara Reid ..were visitors at the. , atnali Mrs. Alfred 1'otttler, of Saturday..The. Editor was
In some of the big race meita, home of Mrs. J. t W. Cxalbraitb. New •Yoric vi ltted ' at U. W.'PottWS •see thenl. pleased to £oath,
r. and Mrs. Lorne WQir, of Prince .. ,Rev. John W,:Andrews, of, Ford- last tvaztek, 5th 'Vice. Mrs. (Dr.) M,add, God,
Albert, Mask„ are visitin the formeac's wick was a visitor at the home' of. S. 1VlesLsris 4,jelg :ailff aandl sialtea Mfaetl Mrs.. Carter aceompanieit , by her Seciteitary, M,is l Bell. .
parents. 'Mr, and Mrs, James Weir. Paul on Thursda L grandson, spent a few d a in town Treasurer, 1Vlias Delnnison.
Thursday.' eiggaltottai eA ltj tur3i Vito their
at S:. S, Se"Ota.ry, Rev, R, A, Miller,
Mrs, Brack and two children left for A. H. Musgrove; M. L. A, for John Tosrance',si k•,ethuriLerclt ,to ;their; renewing, old acquaintances. They re -
their hone in M'oose'aw, after a visit North Huron, is able to be around home ibi lPi;tt,s,burgh Last ;! Xek, turned this week to their. home in Aubum.
with her parents, r, and Mrs, H. again, Hamilton.,. District Re rte+seantat%ve to . Canf•er- .
R Mr, and Mrs. Ben. Rutlfedge . and F
Cash. Mrs. Philip Thomas visited Mrs, childrein rlelturn,ed ito .their ;home, in Mrs. W, IH. COler of Flint, Michigan, ice++ •'Rev: E.A. Foar, Blyti h. .
W. Thompson. of Grand Rapids, is Hayes on Wednesday. Toronto rq"ni lSaturdtay lent having. who has been visiting with her stater,
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. p ( M spar_ Mrs. W. H. Cudmore, for the past
Joh ss E mpsan. Tomas this week. etas, three weeks,.returned to her home on
John Mus eve visited P, Spoilt a;tvde>r s. a foMer
Miss Emma Beip, who has been via Mr, and Mrs,: H. Rutlte(dge. , Tuesday of rials week, �
for ed toher rhererpomrepii'q resus+ on y Leebrlrn ;Miss Florence Pape, of Hensall,
Thursday. B Miss Mina BMiddledt3n, Goderich visited at toe home of Mrs. $awden,
Jacob Morden left: on• Monday on a 'r , Mi,s,s `Ruth IShaw *eat ;to Strati- this'week, ;the has been employed . in
Lowish. sun a solo in Bt, Andrews , U DING.g force on TaLesdayE aftte'nn�oon, to at- the Eleni all telephone Ufftce but -left'
trip to the Wgfoot,• Provinces, cburoh undsy. eoeniOg which ives teind the Normal Sehool there, this week for Brandon.
C, H. Broadfoot, of Moosejaw. is' much appreciated b the congregation
vfaiting relatives and friends in town pp Y1VIr. Jaynes McMaivus jr., from the Mr. ,an Mrs. Lunn ford and :child Ii(!T Iv:ITEIt, S'CE ifY
• present. > dl g ".,
this week. The Rev. Mr. McPharland has re- west, :whol is vmsititugt hes kinclo .at of 011nitgn, antic Mr. and Mrs'. Vo -d -
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daley', who have , Saltfotd; of sited in our . .burg on .den of $til eft autoed over oa Sun- + i
been on •a trip to the coast, have re• turned from his short vacation at Tuesday. >f and HOT AIR HEALTII�G.
Collingwood. day aln,cl Nea'•el.#ueslts Of Mr. And
turned. Mics Flossie Stapbury has returned Mr. Edward Shaw, ,sr., . arrived Mrs. Wwo 1Radif (Vwhile in )townr,
to her duties in Toronto, e� Saturday FOrdwicli Record,
Mins McLeod, of Woodstock, is the hoin,e tro,nei';th west; oto.
guest of MiGs, Ales, McLennan. The election is over hand a pleasant eydirn'g' His Many friends pare The New Bra has, pleasure in ex. •, t
Mrs, Edward )Brown returned ort' glad! to ,sea him, back home agalb, rittivanlled Iron % Ork
Tuesday from a pleasant trip to ZCurr smile La prevailing among the denser• 1Vlr,s.,Jo tending congratulations to Mrs.
p vativea when the glad news a the de- Ofd Royton is spending .a Plumsreel, Sr" on the celebration of
ope, and with Mrs.Edmund Cleary, of few days) with, heir daughter (near tooling and
Windsor, are uests of -their mother, feat of the Liberals arrived. The Con. her Wth birthday on Thursday of this 1
g Stratford, week. Very few people live to see
servative party lost all control of them.
Mrs, John Moran. • Mr: Earner a Law'tefnslay�er has takein such aroyal bld age. lavetrou ;hind;
, selves and a lad night was spent in
Shortly after nine o'clock Friday a positioina in $odigens isitoT,e at
constanntlytriin ringing. uns sidings and
morning fire broke out in the ' targe God rich. ;Mr, �W.':EI.gerr, pf ;Bru,s,ne,1s,.lwas.a
frame stables belongin to the Queens bon:ilres burning, and amid Me din Several from our neighborhood visitorlis 4tatwn part of. S•aturdaer
Hotel. -The building, being of an in. abtei dod 'Goderich Flair last Week, gild, Sunday., So ;arae Marie sddreea- a
Was heard the name of D'orden, until
flammable nature, was soon a mass the early morning found :the shouting Ing lthel Ontario Sunday SchaOl in We have everything
of flames. Thereupon the firemen connecftion lwlt'h itbieir 'tinily.
organs of the masses utterly exhaust- r
directed all their efforts towards little
IlrullCttt that 1tl newland up -t0 clasp
%n the hotel. Fortunatel vet little ed,' Mise Macy. 'Walker, +of 4ttttt�oaforith,
Ing Y Ml,ss Lizzie VOddtely'n ap,ent a few who heel biont a+tttondin i the Stralx- '
wind was blowing, otherwise the hotel days' 'wiftha her frieftid, Miss Bessie ford) Business ollegle, _ Z aeeeptod in the Plumbing sand heat.
-a large three-story brick building-.- London. Itoaa McEweb of ie11vtorn, a,poisvtion. in rte eari,iamAnnt >Bwl&
might have also become a prey to thye o ;acne, Mae Ireme . ing business.
p Mrs,. R. Fea'ri
flames. 'The hotel was only sliglite Mr. Walter Swlnbank has hand a inagsr, negkna, S41k left for, the West
damaged, but the stables and driving rural telephone installed this week, spe'wt' Swnday with the foriner'S U&nda y,evj ,nhkg. Moo l�wiiker la
Mrs. Want Snell. ESTII`111XTES GIVEN ON' �,U
shed were burned to the ground. Mr, Mrs. Wm. Harder ,is not improving Wmn. Z,s� ;sold a fine team bf hors alnerga - if, tM ,assns. ,Geo. and Wes.
Stopphena, the proprietor, succeeded in as fast as het many friends would like WAliaer of ftowln. CONTRACT 'WORK
saving part of the contents, ineludin to aee.tlsr ;to Zas, Arehibald for a good fig -
two hOraes. The fire Originated in Mr. Wiitse, St., has rented his farm ure.
the loft. but; its Oki In is a m etery. and will likely move to town, Mrs. J.as: Cartwr' b spent a fdw PINAN'CXAI, M4gTl�l0 OF ,
Tho btnklding8 were all insured. y The League which has been meeting •'da ,a ;wit3ll hex 1not tle(r> !Mrs. How-
Sunday evenings. has chap ed its m'� r G9O�FI:tiCI�.EIIS4TX#tOT. � �� � �iit��� d
meeting ni ht to. Tuesday, Tho next I�nvilt,atiotus 'aa+e) oaf for t1rb1 rust :- ,The T+'inanCiat'�'pietriet meeting of '
/7olwdialkhb ld in the .
Miap' Atinle McDonald, Of Staffs, Is $ O'clock, r Mr. 'Gharled !Rradd i, on rhtnr5'day, , Methodist> o rtreh Blyth on Tut adder
meeting wf 1 be at Arthur Wiltse a at trai,ge 'Of aid �5kla; AltChkaolnl leo + :tib Gloderioh District Was, oe
visiting her sinter, Mrs. Earnest Xrs, RobertMotA4u and daughter Sept- Ut11. the 28th of pept., ptCealded nv[f' by