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The Clinton New Era, 1911-09-28, Page 1
I I iIF-ne I , iw�,". 11 . .1 3�_'i � ". :,'1;w1,`-.V'.1V-?1��,f" .4'� - - * _""S" , � .. , , J . . . .1 .1 r � 1. i. . 11� I � s: . 1— ''I'' It I ,!W�� L I �tI�,4, , . f, ;, `�%Viffiiit,I�I,M -, .1 I � - N Al . �; , T:a DY418ARA 166. Vol. 46. X0, 14. 11 �OUNTON 'ONTARIO THURISDAY SEPTEMBER 2$ 911 W. H. Kerr ,& Ion, Editors and Publishers . , l . _ •- TH� �� :�'�I UI ' CR�S�h SOME'OF THE CAUSES NQMQNI►�liQNrMMAt NQ04MNNM . I tl '� 'Royal. laalqlkELECTION , RESULTS ARD HISTORY Sf TIE THREE HUROR'5� SiNC_�. Lttr �ieacari��sf.le.d, 9(n a.apeech da- '�V'her� tl�e etn�oka ,of bat�tle•haa haA a.cribi4' a suddetx and '4roxpectt d cleaned away' somewhat, at wilt be . .CANAL n1 breakdown of!tho Liberal party,,in n Uiniat ` ItZCi#il$naTEP 16G0. - 'C#rersutJ3ritai'n,V�I, the following . CQHE D RATIUR oi�,sen lw'�h thavee� d'to i0'! e' ou'�e eloqu n:t illustration; "it Was "lime • Capita ,.,, ,, ,;;�, G,aQo,AQo• a Per 11 9faaatura xathler than , whelmin defeat !vf the Libemwal 1 ' r- sactaon of human :"00"00"""NN""OOOOO*OO"000000NQ"MN#*Mr *"O"""Ge"OQ96NAw� Party and to the overthrow of what CS PYs 8x1[ ' tt17d V ded , I,eanzy Ikran has had,ou,btedl bean the igreateat. .. , 7o -700,00Q :life. scam ojake'skie it;to one of Y... j l"41 tS' . those earthquakes which tape place Wi ST HHRUN . ed by 93 majority aver! loot, MC- . I.aslt el,ectiozr 1908 M. St, McLean, and knolsltt progressive govern,neuit Lean, (Lj 2,586.1 J.Shexritt, (C`~ 2,432, Lib- Canada hast Rhus far bcpu ble'ased `,CQta1 A$SVt$' $jOU OQ0iQ00 in bllabr�aurmu n u. 'roan brie - �.- In 1901: E,N,Lewas! C,aAsrSrvartive, � erai pmajority+ 164. vEikh. rum iw8 S , o Meautirii(e, a.fetw� soutstandingatea- D .d � XCBG QNTR,EAL $ aotr,ndl a# drstaa� thunder, Tbpre E. N,1LeW !t (Coli,) elected tlnu3 x110 sle{ ted by 83 �o.ver it.Roiraela. .) in;1867 X. 1C. Cameroan, Liberal ' t -+ ,-„-.••�•r--,. el dted!b�' a(q]a olr Q ttlxQl%moulds se m, t'ob� .lain, Qne . ,was a reu,t, a fissurid,-in the ground Lasit �ejectiorip x908 E. N. Lewis (C) j . ity . f 171 , °_ -- m ^^- rand ltlterf ,a yillaglo discppe, a l'. 2,137 9 , R, Dalutes (L,1 2,07b. Con. Vin. 1872 by ?3: in'a °tilt t +krheiele! vas indicated �u�rizl fibs thou a:tall ?tawis.n. (toppled. QQ,wn, ma oxyty 62.. EAST HURON( X. ' oampaugn by (the Isom(ewhat xllogi�� . t.-'� The odor I 190 BRANt1l3E stud : and. the( twhblo, of (Phe tinrniatexial i 7 In 874. by 88 knajority. cal 'cryt Melte wlell leno0gh alonea • folCres otsdegta, throughout the world ,bepchs became! a •dassalvbng 1`uin >;sltabliahed, by the Redistribution Alt bye-glectuo�p T, �'rreeipwfay, Fox.earsj _ere, was fc�e]zng..,that t�.._� �+11 Art pf 1882, . J Bowman (Gnu) elec#4f) raj 1!8$ Ind. cited b acclamatiaa4,. Canada, bad! een enloyiii Ialarge Na•Dxu*40 interest: allowed on pepoaita. of his is W' , , - In 1882,X. yC, Camerom, Liberal Lms�t .el;e:ction 1908 Dr. Chisholp . , : ' y , , moAsur(e of prosperity, an,d had acct This is vhstld happemleld rim Can elevated' by 29 m'a jor #Y• (Cj 2,x77 A. $ s1;4, (LZ 2,094, Coni In '1.878, X.C. C1a'mepon; Libiegial el- , her pyesr .dn Ithq dixeection of closer RoyalRose _ -,.-- oda last Turaday. Liberal itis- l oaeuty of 45 !vias transformed unto a 'In 1887, fk. l?orltex, Coa�:{grvative, sexvaatav,e ksnalority 83, ratted by 6.5 pnajo>rity, trade ailelataon,si ,,with itis Jfldtpielr , va ' a'ori 1,e ual •size eleote b 2.6 majority, • t b he h d' ' In '1882, J. McMillam, Liberal j lectt- Conotry tattier than with �tlW Unit- +s ��um PQWd@jr ,�.. MANNINCI,gl'.araser ivte hn(t 1 .. tY • cls . d Y 1 Ei1 a laws d by # e Re istxibution ed �9ltatlets; and that it was a>at de- !r#rs the delicate odor, of eab. ° ed by b97 .kntajoiritY• K ,while tiro * vast than, seven ban'eIt In 189h N.C. C1ame�noin, (elected by Aat of ,1882, eirable Ito risk any nhaing(e, ,either roses. 77�is .vitt its valve ” aaiuieiters w(gni( dove to clef eat, 379,miajority, 'Mr..Cameron was un . In '1889( Thobma!sl Farrow, Conser- A!t by ;eatiom) in, 1883, Sir a, J. sealGedl and im, 1892 Iloxi. J. (', Pater- t +1C:sntwr> Liberal _lecteid"ia a from as politicalor trade 1. . OL, BRANCH dour of the nalmle':y !Quebec, Nova , va ivtj p+leCtedi by 80 tuaajoxit le' ypaint of smoothness sad impiJpa 5eottua, S.askatebawaA itad ,Alblerta, ran, Canservaltive, ,{w.as eleGt'ea by Tn 1887; Dr. Mclatnnald Lubeaal 1� claanaltion, view. It Wadie, no difference. that , fineness gives it an India. �. the happy, cpndltion .of ,thins sa return L bteittal Waic itaieis, .While •16ma" rti�+ :Mr, 'Patteatsoni 1>er ectodlby 61 majority. In 1887 John McMillan Liberal el alaova s 1. de ' l31 pen e: platin on the toilet Aatrairio has Igon,e Alm o,sit solidly ,carne Q,i44on4tilt"Governorj of � , l l u I $ tko had' been brought isblea o! satiety. In 1891, Dr. McDonald, rberal,lel- pec ,byl 758 taoajoriuty, aboult rdurin,l !k'hd Lausier regime(,. stiff ssw ss un,sery tiv(e, a cordt ata%ding Manitoba eazd ,Mr. Cameron was pl- e.atled b 308 t . 71 00inis:ervsltiMe! ands 14 Libereasl. eeted- lay 140majarit Xnuaj°city. Iu 1891 John Me.NIi11an el. gated by it i,tiv I, W fi u•s(e pi,even by Co,n�sGex- . �►l i fk'h� " fibre ioo,o,st ,comforting flaaltuxe �ol,tha y In 1896,. Dr, McDonald, ,ected by 864, m1a osralty, vaativess� fw'hq, l,ad( been a loudest- , At Ithd general Ielectiop' in -'1b9 Itnajor$ty,.bver, E. ?a,Dicic><nac�t, In 1889 John Me1VIii1 a eoted b W0their pr(edictians of idisaster In W A. K&OKINUL rsatuiatiou as jthai� the . tNlatmoanali;st 1896, X. O. �.lamexoni rocas. e.- I a 1 Y . 1. , s'treing�tth in Quiebec did sort develop Coniservaltive: 305 kn(aj.oarit3n over; r, EFiHaye, Con- 1896 !a.nO 1897, As a result orf Libepral WANTED" . what WAI ,ex eated! orf it, the per- aCk;ed .by. 317majority over R. Me- In 190U Dr, McDoWald elected b administration tit 'affairs. . A Lean IC1on env veI d • b 1 1; Iservaltive, an , y 1,.12 140 kna}oxattya ever .E. L. Dickinson., .'There.aI an.ifeateid( from (the nonalilty of !Sir !Wilfrid 'Laurier hav- majority laver � M. Kitty, Patron, In '1904{ Dr. , ishoJlm C s I In 1900 Deb.. XeRw}e(n,.Libe�al Wt's tarsi a e . ,. oin .ervot , f le,ii rAu u .idecide:d hostalit G yag bele i siuffir~ien(tlyt grelalt f>o (re•- , Mr, Claakieron ;w,as aQ"ooinuted Lieut ive, le.lectead by 184 kna .otrit over ele,gtedlby'221 Majorilty Aver d.,Mc^ ,to rReciu rocit on t part y CHl� E �U�'�E FRESA EG 8 taiw the!.Lil*ral ;column with but P y hle, p t of. tlhel . - ;•ena'at-Governor of the Noa',th-Went Dx. McDonald. } i Millar Libepcal, o -called ';vesltedf izsteru�s#s,'i Jiittle ittnpairmet, Terriitories 1ancl a b ,e eletction was due Y •. net ,so pmucli Ito gny beluef that the •. A tg'overinlm,eitlti 11v'iltht a wonderful held R�jetrruai' 21 1899 whew rRobelr'!t ; , _ In ,B. J.'Ci�unnn Con,seav,at,iv(ei `� A ( ,record of ;Awformonc,4 bald• gone elAii#ed by, 111,over Fxiaper (Liberal. Agreiemenat unib6W .00ntaine,d any- Did YVu love 11 e • dfo,Wln to delftelat,. gall ails Achieve- , Hohnels, 8iberal; was �eleerted 'rqy ►SOUTH .NUROR thong wf direct vi • We alwa a ay the highest m avi en verlooluedr :in 140 knlaj:ority, over R. McLean, Con-• In byt-(et7eettaopi� caused by dearth ;that the leaf le las to the• fear y, P ernite >t u> p servi0utive. - of [NIr, Guiaai� 1VI, Y, IVIeLelaln . • was v(e.s4ige ,af Pratelclt jou We mean Hay Fever, Cold in11 market price and are now the eAlzd ito. ,211 alb ,vecip,rocit in [the fis:cat policy of (Canada yy' , In 1900 R;obexit Ilolniee,s eras elecit� J Merner` (Con) elected raj 10O el,eotexi. would dila Trouble.. paying Mr.. Boa`48A M now ,col fxanit1ed witJh.� Ppean if a ,breeak were he Head or'I'hroat'1`ro the '.. alslr# of forUnang,.: mlaw, govern- once Wadld. ,von, ito [the, extent of t We have removed the above ., -FOB �......'^"" " . Ip . went, and( i't is ta: b�lro•ped he (will I ;� as ltd #hes ,coanpos tioln of 112x. Stan -d froom bein scorched he tfisle ,trad,e ,in natural roduet,s.,. trouble from many people; by "� Butter , ba abllq;to do it in asnutrh AhianAer as Road,eu,'si Cab•m et It 's re ile:d' as f' .e g I T � ♦♦♦�♦•i•�3•o � •i•.`t`�•i•o i•♦ This, Qear Was probably groundl(efse: selling them. . Choice Fresh $u inI .. g irc w,a,i lthek ,allowed tto burn b 1 18c and 19e per onnd :will p ean<aurle�ltha: continued develop" I Iikely ¢hail lee will pnoffex at'po;si- dotvm, iA to W,w�ast due most of tkeJIerce• anent orf �ICanada. SINE EULOGY an,ss�au;gihlts.1nadie upotmlthte pact, and tion to Hon. Fxaiik Cochi^ane,. Piro TheNlev$ Era, was issued in the .i, th,e lgrp(endingl of,enormouel oumsof MENTHOLINE New Laid I+}gg1. e a $ozen PI`haa is ho,w the voile ;statride'nowj vincial Minislter of Land.$, Forests early kmornii,g and its x)eaders werec ♦ • .. � frons to accomplish defeat. 22c and 28c p r I gl . tele ,that the b st'Goverii-- Y P , is ds be A'• Opp, Lib. Def'. h a.Onitaria avian was. c ThemO o9 able to . _ . TO SIR_ WILFRID. Th.e verdiotf p Thnatsday; must be P g bias;tilt Canada (ever had ;was defeat ',s le y, purely on ,the` r•eei acce t;ed( Iia mean !that'#he, petople of • Ontario.,.......,. 7z 13 1 also lilt#lca doubt .that he ;twill 9(e- ed. vol 1 and y •Canada are( favorabUq tothe, Quebec.:......... 28 36 .. new iia (effoa+ta to recur$ ties pre- procity ugsition.. '---.«... maim - The r ' • • .s bl'shed •i• ,teria'nee ,of a: reatsonable measure of Ask any prison �vhe have used qq New Brunswick, - . 5 8 sene(e ,of lion, Richard' McBride; eituro pu i were far While t da . is against , � r.oltection to. . li it and they will tell you. it's the11 NovaScotia.. ,... 9 0 Preani(er of -British . ,British Columbia,' and Wh he v.Ia t n, (m'alnufaaturing Des Ointment a3e in tae and �.i 2 2. here ismo i oubt .that'Soas. Robert fr°m beings complete, and ;we" hive Sir Wilfrid Laurier, I would an•duatries. ;of It'he cotintry, and this t. m �_ W To O .NEIL 1'crnce Edward..�t , . , d the hs,t5 corrieetedi to data and'inay . like to say a_word about his The N;e, Era believers woiuld have 50c bars only at Manitoba.. 8 Rogers will look, _for prevoganittign. be iteadl'.!an .page 3. allantr in the: f( ht, ;Ee be(eri Ituac eves Alberta... • I fox his part in the ,campaigns. gallantry. g fi if the• government • a awe t throe h Quebec with �, had belen-,susttanned. !13atvewer, . `THE HUB GROCER Saskatchewan:.... I 0 ,. All the! Colnsrervative members of . pp g The IEcsall ping Store British columbia 7 0 all•tbe ardor of "a, young man, from yt'hd manufacturier,s' ;po:int of ,• Phone 48 Yukon •:.:'. , , • .. .. �h • the Lpgistaturei ivha resigned • to . Q ( with all ' the boldness of a ,.) - _ cantest:'sieatsi for the 1)oaninio,n' S�UTIi HUHDN,,1911 ♦ view, assuranGet has been Imad:er r : 2 onto u1erft •elec'Eed. ♦ Saracen.. He faced instils or doublyt suare. . 134. Sa ' • cold audiences without losing A !third! outstanding ,featuxle is . There was a .good.cro}vd in town The follo,Nvimg( its a, summary of 'i' , courage .or hope, and played „that thtl .agi culturalWsi . ,of the • Conservative majority; 40. last Thursday, evening :to hear :the the hiajoritioal im thei. differentmu- the game with a vigor and. crountr !haver riot stood uin't d a W.S.R.`r• r Smolars f . GGovernmra�i'4.1VIeinbei',s Defeated. returns as they flashed over the. nicipalities i;n'So IN Hux'on. • � determination which marked .i. Y r i e s 1._ ,wires, audi it gertainly- was a great McLean M,ermer ;k him as no ordinary man, His, ♦ they, auigh.{ xeasouably k�ay a been Phm B. 4ELLIOTT The p(ersannel of the 'Govern-. }sot Con ervatives and Y ,� . expected! to do, in support of some ; r surprise to h s, Seaforth...::... tie • arguments were ,weak, lie ♦ tiff, .for wh'cli the lied !ori b �n ifltjlll{'SlCliiillIi� (.$Nit11S) ment ,sufferedr iseverely. • In ,On- Liberals. . ' `a r .. " i' was too read to protest i Y g ,ft� h . t i':'o ey�er tiirni ter. but the SeGxe an Tuckersuiith.,;. �l� ♦ Y ♦ conlnding, .They stood! for party A a i Y. The Lrberall as . �t ell as. Un Y Exeter.......... 8r . �• party iascalsty, but all in all ♦ father; than afar the'r.ow! t reg . tai'y of State, ;wrent dorvri'to d.efe:at. o rsery ,tines heard the returns in s ♦ it was a o to see him fi ht. ♦ n in a ., itis he f:al e ` ,numbeiiu 1 on. Ceo,P. C u Usborne ... Sl. ,. joy g and irci,thisi respecthave ' differed ' t i ;the 'Ta�v><1 hall,: -while `the Canscl, Stephen ..... , I. .-: 100 While:. Uanada. differs with : i �- -__ -.---- NT1.. Grr.ahain, Miniisteal .af Railways, r 'omnis announced a o -da I his policies ♦ f'.oxn fib's! Ynanufactuiers. T3iti Ire'- ' 'TORONTO, O ��atives had;!the et lietss0ll ....:... . .. lr, •. liini t Y, while s P ,,, ,cult ,is that it will .be difficult in th , _ u. 'Ilan. W, , Paterson, hiinister o£ �w ndow,s of Ithte'Businesa.. ♦ $ave been rebuked be still � � iruter,a;t both] of the Mother Co.uln: Is recognized ae Caaada{s rSigh...,.. fronn t'hei i Bayfield...•,... 5r o • future to induct, a s ss _ Custodns; and Eon. GV`,TZ.11Zackenzie d a' Mr. John Ran,sford , � stands forth as a man. From any CToverumerit try.aircil of ourselves would be 'ad - Class Commercial School. That in' inister of Labor. 1:n Nova Coilea,e, rid Stanley ......... 33 ♦ of ,Canada to,stake its political for- ' vance b liav'n a is ole relations Kling, 1Vl joyful Hay*.....:....... • 14 .i. whom ati tribute of admiration ♦ d y i g r4 a struction is absolute! first -glass o.t'a. t}#ef 'can a'ntratedt att!aclt on gave out! the o ful news ' to his • tuners oIn cosic;essioiis .to .be m'ade:to for our, cafi fir we. Sc i G art intersperse with his humor- . McKillo •.. 93. ♦ cannot be withheld. the witth people svho for all time :to: 'Write Now. g Hon, rW. 'S, rFieldiam � 02dinis,t:er ' of . P Y real 'o: was *ex- . p .. • . _... .. tlje agricultural part :of the popula cryme iuu,s:t ,:be our neighbors.. These• •` . . Enter NOW. 1� imauce tvaa similarly. isucc;essful. roes remarizs. G , . ] y .—" K.ing has retired•; Long live ' rea O'l ..�wlie'it 1lOn. Mr. !.Fielding I. gq5 t0ig .♦i. the iug.. 7'p the oriva'te,oit- � tion. - desidgr,iuta ,ret .likelyt o bei jeopar•- ?''at• ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE, In Nervi Brunswick;, .Sir I+roder'ick: P and Hon: Mr. -Paterson ,:w1 re der ♦ izen, Sir Wilfrid .Laurier, •i� anally, n e'have, arrived at the d,ized by t'he, vote of Thursday, and ands Streets' Borden, 01linistter!. Of Militia, 7s ' @m- lila omit £or Iilerner: ...... ..... .100. ♦ Arkin of ,tlrel tiva ,s iii our i ea- �,ard, the. out -: • Youge and Alex n . , feat,ed, j y" '1` this country may address m ♦. 1°P' g . Y " ` ' it is nolt possible taxed f Toronto ;omg ,thel defeated. Iia�Quebec both ,,v .1e -i.t . wais plainly ! ,with full heart the words of ♦ - trans to;thel Unite3 States. Thisrs carne without! stirs. feelir>g of awl.11 About 9,30 ti Hon. ,S dineyi 'Fisher, alinister of c E Conservatives . were Stanley t o flip ,Van Winkle's toast, • probably lthel . most! serious fea- .iety.. For this unfor"tu,nat,e poudi ' seen that, th Agriculture, axidl.'b daccmes Burr e a hu a boli fire t Week •,May youlivelong-and pros- • tore of all, There are no Cana- (tion of s�ffairih itniust be admitte a e1R ted to offic , g , Rev. John TIcE�r;en left las r J. - idd on 'n To- �t di'an;s lvhor desire•• any a�°ser tela- much of ;the( bl,am . musk rest wit eau, S.olicitorl General we'rey to era. ♦ � � ] "a tvas setl going! on. :fivesAiarket for Fort William. He received a . �. Pe • T. E, M let , i In British .J olumbia, 'Ikon. Wr h m , d' r lu r�ea't became to there ♦ ionto \ews.. , :� ,•:tion,s politicall-il 'with that c'oumtry the Am,erie a themsely e,s, :svho ,by,1. Square, and' t e. c ill � call froin; ane of th,e churches, �n Templreinan,. 14linister iof Inland , than tivehat.. apt rezent,.but,from ,their a,ttitua {of' indifferelnee 'or great Ch?rel Wheatley had to 1 and .third we(ekl will be, inducted' es "+ � v � Ke a KNOK RevlelAue, wad defeated. , ,save the band •i�44.-*-+ •t•O�*.",I. �o;+f+*+*+ a purely bu,sm,es•s point of view itis hoatility to Canada in the past have �� -- out .t'hcl fir�bri-►es to pastor of t'he .congriegati, •- . cl.i,fficullt Ito refrain) from,' the belief crew ,ed fthei fan• res.sion, unfairly, ,I, Considerable speculation is going. . . Mrs. Johm Junor and daughtsr, of , . d vej th Presidont T'afts .. :, , . Algoma Ii ho ha beet, visiting old' th,tif. i t. t {� t would > e,greatly to tier ben we'tbelie a� with ■ OU I ` o a other! ' cal factory, t " ain efit rto f at`q: access. to U. `�l. lnarhets. receatt advances are, not• ,entirely friends .incl( acgTaintances fox ,any x, to £a y, he g .. ucts, 'twh.ile the' sineexo. fe:w 'd,ay,s, <etvrnecl o. tliei:r hoxno is all burs. In oase houses have rto f.or ouii•naftural::pod t { ' at the l%id of last wee ;: '.They were be ptedte•d, fNl}e exemption, of taxes . , . . vacation will mean more ,e Mo s n . Your T. ' ' 1 tl�.e• gu(esks bf Mr: Malcoliii McEwen' is a, breve, bagatelle compared with to you rf you lLodak, not on y . . • The ifarmAr,Wf int this district who the Ononiey! rexpended in their ,con- . more pleasure at the time -but . ... Ineor orated 1855 o have been bus last strudtio>v a.ndAh0 growth f�. our . . afterwards the added pleasure 1 . have sal s h re b 9 4 g , v p� Up ago ©o� • A MAN �CLEaN THROUGH 1S ., . that will come from the pictures • 4.Zlpit81l, . P $4d. 9 .and tkhis failing them, with ,corn: ,town. i ' •The -corn ,vas .slightly injured With ' Will' the ;colnp.any.mak;e good, is _ Brownies $2 to $12.00, Kodaks Flund • $4,40-,3'9,000 . om lreliabie w,. ;,,,, from $10.00,up. Rest f -fro t. a sources question . recd ,? 'Fr IR WIL I� SUCCMOR„. . ches in Canada, tend Agelita and Ctn•re6ilaudenks im all sourves the record is anoat favoxal, {7 �R �. ., Has 80 Brun . .. . . All Eastman Supplies thQ Principal ���ale9 in ,f.lt0 VVof1�i. A _ . . . THE TWO BY-LAWS ' lee t as this line of bre the pure is . . one pr0aninientiy, before the punch . A GENERAL BAld'KI2\o„ liU$I1tI:SS 9(g,►NSACTIEII. � ,;sing publiq and likely ito continuiej . . ,eo Thea N)aw Bra feels assured :that ' IV D. E P R T Ma E MR. R. L. BORDEN, .THE • E S A V i N G'S B A c'L1NTON MOTOR CAR COMPANF .g°od tivill accrue to all coaigerned.. NEW PREMIER, IS.A GENTLEMAN IN THE J. �' HOS Y ed athiYheSt.uurreut rate. ',One lthimo is .certain no outside' at all Branches,. Interest allow t, • • An Monday, Oct. 16.th, a, vote of infliiencae tivill undertake to boobi FULL SENSE Of THE WORD, WHO HAS.EXECUTIVE ABILITY._ Dispensing Chemist. ithe qualifies( rat:epaye,r,w �o£ .Clin- Clain�totn 'unless) uje get; a, ,, ove on ` r• aitch • . C E, .UOW DING• Manager ton 'will belalzi64 (upon,. to Byrlaw ;to help •ourslelves. No doubt public C.lnton Bz d,ealing 'wit11 ttbe;,pro o,s,ed coming meptings ill .be held, to.1horough- . • . (T.ororutq S;t;ar.2 , plain• i11'I. P. kto Preiiiier.in ;fiftee(n pp of"a ,companyi constituted, of Jaxo, 1y discuss!,Ithe1 'by.=law so !that all , , veins;' . Socha feat requires a stir d le h .and u ]Tied to .express ItIsn't t e�,e.y day in the .year, nor binaitxoln .of ch:aracte-V and rabilit ♦*+♦�♦♦��N� Crtaig;'dr�var D. to g ori an the r.atlepayere7 q a i. P ever ,e in .the ,centur that we, i YY ♦����♦��♦♦�*��♦♦♦�♦�♦N♦ +�♦♦���00♦♦♦+ Jno, lYlcL:auchlani rot 4thc� ,city of aln o inion will be thoroughly. con- Y Y m1 Y, and, Oliva $:oxde, ha 'bath. ,*1N.♦♦*♦.♦tai♦�ta�ts♦�..N1vi♦t p rowake tip •tp find a (new Ip emier 11 . ♦. ToToi,to, :and 'Wm• Jackson of • the versainit nvith, it by voting day. When ft change(, doe be ur, th,e Trhei kno,slt bbviona and ,t 'e -truest 1;. 3 - i ,town of 01nitoai;, to take over the Help- Clrntog (grow by rpeording I knati ytnhd Tae belen givsh thexeins' .thing it,o;say about th.e't1 Prem- I r ♦ ,shops; otc., oftho Thresher'Co.,lo- your volte orn.O.ct. 16.th for. three lay- over $ ' red G t 1 tei a er r ` �omtort In . overcoa � . l I11 ��� 8 • rated; in Clinton, fox the purpose of law. Vve anile proud' of our !sial ung °f o nmleur am is e y t9 p as t1 at( he is a,gVIA4-1 ,%Wasl, �et< y ♦ ,. anit..ttrheC viery, centre,of the dime- no'tgnd Iblivnir for anomlgn4 that . ♦ establishing la: amnufactory for•. Gus'tr`ies, ,butl"'llet nsreach'' for a t lughity and .all attantian g . as to biro. this aches nod frs(etan a ,'great deal. -- ♦ nnator trucks; care, rte. ;This par- more, apec;,allye hvheait they can be TO„d:ay ,fat is('Ro bent Laird. Barden In "Itrttitlhi at is one of tet i n ._ I .tictilars. of:said by -lam Are as fol- sevumie iornithef terms) of; (the ,qro-, lir highest' ats .are: i ♦ , :. . ,po ed Fa1rn an w:ho is ithd knostl iaalk>ad of ,man in compliments tt`h t cans:bre paid to a low,s,•-T}>;e,colmpaary propo,sre to p. y, pp• . Aa Overcoat made dOr CO purahass ,thi property for the sum __o_, Ctaiiada. The tnlp�vls( pf iia. victory Publie warn, 'enc R, L.IB;ogd,ein deI • . of ;$5,000, of ,pro rty or t e paid aliso Chas( bepn.fla,ahed around thb (servles •ilt, . • ' ICUIvflYIS;SIONER BY-LAW, ' made is a coat of which YOU may be ♦ ,dowin and 0 .balanctei ito :be pay- Elie lnieW, Pizima Miniver has . J - I . ♦ ,ablei in 10 . idar,s with interest at the Que of the queetrons to. be, decided di -direct ,ad�ministrathlel ability. ` • rate of 4. ]PREMIER -ELECT .O]iT CANADA. . y, I p(erl ue¢i(t. • nes ainiaUan orifi! . on is .whether the. ;shaved (tliie{ trait in :this (practi pproud wherever On map yft ry C # paid, to be �locured bylmor1gagei,o1a, payers wish .the Council .to manage :. Of J;altvj befarp heen�tened ;polJtia� 1 , . ,the prleuiai,s,e�s;, (the! mortj agees to the Waterworks Department or Rive 17f Nova, ►5:cqf .a he i;5 known ;els, h <, i have >th • over to'three man who will make a.yf>. "F , . ' bxalli t s. ' . ♦ 1eb privileage of paying off , „ '' .' . :>s st y�, >rsa,:., � an poq titutiorial lawyer, It . want our next overcoat to be' one of the ,balani at an time ,durin the ''specialty; of it.. ,a � ;: •gf. :: • x §, Was eat #ialifaai :tweet -fang. y s ca X Yi rteln ars. g Any person who reads the minutes ,�rxks r° 1 ,u f;;s:.W' >i, i afters 9>,e avast b<orn'i,nY erarst Yle ill k. iia, ::.::>..� IGraritl Pre • The xddi icohn a,n a rive toGform 'of the Town Council w now t �t•",�_.,::.: , ; ^>;=s„: ;that he'.Vo.us( acall,,a to a bar kn • .that it will . p. Y g ours because we 'know t .,�.,�. ; ::.... � , Of s a.lorsut stook corn, an ,,wha,se ca i the Councillors duties axe numerous , { :. fi1 _ _ P + p : `` ♦ al . D y. p and 't is. hardly to' be eg ected .that '.; ';t n ->.: • $0 s': he f ration Of ♦ .t shall not be Ie,ss than $100,000 of y . P ;. ;,:;. ,.r.. h lo. ,t e f rmt, y rden Michie• } The the men should give so much time to %; `< :; ,: H” < < a'>: ' and Chi,sjiadm. ' make till a friend- ,Of this store. .L he r ♦ • .which '121-2 per ctelut. sGlrall be sub- s S �• , i scribedi rand paid' municipal Affairs without any venum �, r)7z .� . . wit]n%n tinier ' < ? red A iGo rExecultive Man. • G ♦ riuoniths afiter ouch formation►. Thley enation. • n fabr�.es of • ,a •r ito,earr on h.e business o ,To make the worst of, the Council ,.:. ,:; ;;��'� Of A's gift for x e tie P. style, fi�liah, tailoring and , g f 3. ._.. , e vee Liv business y lighter it is proposed to give over the 4 > : th a is'n•o (doubt. 'is be; equally ,l ' ♦ ♦ inritor, trucks, cars, g . I' ,.. � knanufa°turin;g : mans emdnt of this growing depart � $ • .: - _ .. ( t, ♦ etc., fors, p>rarao,d of iten year frohn g q Y ,•..;1:,::':� m ea o,wle�d' wUh Vie_ •geniws bf .con Our 20th Center Clothing, are. the,W ♦ai. '1;alt, 1513; and, lta em to nrot l Fant to men ,outside the Cauncrl N ,atrucHrVe1 ortyIer? Will he be able to Z y *• less lthain 40 1workmlejs, ten moaathis: (with the exception.of the Magor) who !: '" lir enliAcMtA atnd carry ibhnou h nam ♦ in Ithe�e ar. :The, ro ert ' , will be willtng to give it much more : ;.: ,:. M: 9(a "'� mak' tional ra'e t g best that can be urehased ' fo-r the i p ♦ d, 1J t° be thought and time ,than the Council . $ P . I P J •C g Of lmagnitudie? Up i insure fto itihe( lull iu;sura Ie. vaZttb, R . ” ` ` ." : l Ito Wlid . . . 1 and loss>> if any, Ito be ,paysour! to can possibly do. • , . pxiesent he liar ,tot hadlarta ,the ,'cor. oratio , The town has now $55;00? tied up :n .:. , .; opporituni,ty: •, There iron reason 1 money. We know it vill ive you un- a p �. a fixied Ia,sseas the waterworks plant aria over hbdf doubt a a p I memrt of ;$5,000 shall b;e granted, but � t° (ability y raloxul lg thedet taxers sorra!! tibt b, volleeted cZuring the town are de endin on this dna, _ ; iit,e;a (Go,osa p g • + thea partme?pt for their, Burnie of water, .:. it gitallfied satlsfactzbn Xll fact •GC%e l i. ee�ptieshdoas �eagreengent e� thatitisof highest importance that A�aaspe,akipr, ithe now lz'reanier ♦ o ! �amdt local ahn special attention should be given to tt,. + : provemlenst >taxes,,am condition that .. will Inainlil' high. Above. ;all )else, he :��: do Then again there ate a: number of gtlarantGe It tO0. Try C1ne t�115 I agrememt as,carried� tont for a iierw ;men ill town who would not think 'I ta.coigernt riea.soner, acrid can build I • o.d. a.fiteUn years. 1f.eatimpamy;exeois of again entering the municipal �;:;: up tacarsel wa�th mai Isi�i11, This is a haus��s far,woskam,e,n ,th.e also shall E I Y arena; but would be,glad to,serve With. r x style iof orIAtotyl 1which, is biecopA_ . season and We knows wo. will always be (exernplted( for t,eln years, except ' out salary in an interesting depart- ing pnox�q and mare popular a>tthe Bell I 1memtehao]I. >tex And local iritprbvpcan idexabb§ pleasure inkashowingka ;MR, .,BORDBN. re Aezbt e sell :you ,hereof ter, i The ti$2,000 askrer as a'fir.st pay-" i 13 �' good Afatement at the end of the year, _ . �.�. P,exsan 1 Mei Bond Qias . Menit have , ecu ai �nver to the cox- The suecosss of Commissions in MOR'S L'OV 90At8 87.40 t0 $25.00 t id tation 0 read ,�r, and this' in Itself I other places fully 'Warrant the rate ,V,O ^ld, land, $n jEnglish�s eaking attrAe_tive+ig'raVKr_ox�tesy, ,and is . ,cr w wejgood. faihla p the part of the ' pavers int adopting this b law. - count dtys tate any rate ere is gagingly k�der99tK 110o $3 50 t0 $10 00 "in any. Clnnit0A etando .to The governments of the dap also p d�aub'tlo,es o,'huhml of rn,t(eraat ;and a • gain, by It• lis, ,arrangeimyent. .The snit . ace 1ze the value of COmmidslansl i It f juatC gena s Aga sincglvlar. . ,� . . ,-_� ..... , .:. ... �,.._... . .- { r , gn xlesar>o iGo net �eutid ow !obis 1ir>�ne , . i ploymenit o.f .atf. ]least famt,r histnda where any special. work Is to be done, B.oxde7r map ,appoaarutod l�eesidot o,£;the ♦r e s I n an Irauch( Zaol knini;sttex p#ltCdl9(oiniitlio of Cn- citiig toward tthei and it i9 art a of a doialistg. , , i !,growth lied' devieioplinbaat bi? the All Persons ria v+bte lir l�uinicipal OpPosaitioii, lBheeaadd lsl '9 in TheMorriosh elothin•I ' V t0A V •gip• x► � town, (ext 'presient the 'Threishetr eleotiane can vote otic this bylaw and ' i9italrt'eic7 (the iid;esi deubtlerss, serejmed to t �r building yieldlp litt're tea° .Iti 're5,•ewnt sine's! it rarrr, the rrmmWnriorit trill Mt. %^rd�erx has' done W01, Itis onpouWh, J,ut' it!1 the hardship lw ll r A Square' Deal for P...�`fE.ry Man, $ ito ttlhr�( s.o,wn, and by firs UWA,.ien,...bee,eLted apt Lite amain .ruio as t;he ,ottt,y' dari���re.s ytNUJ$ agtr t ne,gn- 111oW,Saeid q't a am;t a ldr -of . i env; , s1f ,a btt,sltliug induetrir emx oil mut;lelpal Council in,lpn+uary. t smut, ftd,i t i,srn',t ,ev0 r �g t sl h' 'g l" ": : #. iiN $#$#"#+#$,$ taQi �► aftptnetioani p,�it ulatb #,exiinlg;crit vote fad 1lVe►te>~wnrlkw C7omrnliaaian, k ' 5 !i stns It Ona Z?!4C�': ", t t' �, .�: t, t. iw+..i. ,--41 i