HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-09-21, Page 6I - I . I T. I P_ I - "." � - 2-
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6-_--__ 111:=".:-._ � - - I" 0 _ IRK' -
Air"11slikm �, , , .. ; :911 — __ � — ..I--.-- , MW T1 4� 1. fflrl�
. - I -11 � -_ millim `��7 , ��F, , . ThutudgY, N*Ptamb" UA, uM ', I
I -001 � � ; _ .- 0, I I �, -, I - � 1=001112 1, ==:.Nq .1
C - 'kimiilollii@!M MM4 +4" ---.- -3== - -_ I -i
____ 111, I%"), 01 @*k*4N*0T low 01 woo ker orm , mi*; I . - . :
t4r.d% , � � 46 11 - "*ft� 1voll - whiter on �hk. binks of lorly proud of one 0 .., I' I
W%q of Connevilit. Wis., the Nile, the c0ur4hiv ,0! Wh*t WX,t f the conoorva. I
;:Wp %Nd I � tqia 1011owed neift in linv of suftesillion, '. loriess. it coat
� #Anada's- r I a *5 - 41510M to build, aU4, 't0,r,4iu*rY Observer Is able " I" '
Proffered crowns 14 "t'ry 110ask' Of the wr,r-1 a 1,,)vq reprVilwats a e only 'saw �, Uilp': .
,� �. doclifled the , And tuatch tAking place in Frynt. in hilt father# kenues, I
I I I . ." . the valuabli- estatest. mnpetj3d there. X, h sorgeomi. tropical acone. kindly nature, and accomplis$114
. . I .., it sst� dn(4 end A StI1140tite cavern, nlin
I -ly Pr- with her father to (I d R4 ,character lisl always been'
, I PrOW nSUI with, decluxing that be infinit Frineebit Patrio'a. W116'wil, cv�.ss
.L. . ferred the ex*.s*,.Ince of an En'_1;s1l known to .hnsl 410119 the floe.-tr of whiqh flows g littlo .
I I 1, -_0 . . da, b, already stre;on, berseath. which IrrePrWhOb-'e. As a boy
Prince lot tho B us by rprutati4in ,pl he't jump$, ,� aud youall
, Q0 that a arc, d0etric Man he waa always
I . 1xid and of . t night numerous I , regarded as ba.
+ + + an k"'ng charming personality 4nd gwat beau. little Ing Most W
I Ood . lish gen-,:ral ta that of arty � pools in 0)'a"Aark recesses ap. 'holly exvalpt from t.he
I I., � W_ . Duk�of Connaugh Co + + + .*0v0TA!n belonging tfi, t Teuton V, and !a certain to I)N-OmR a favor. I � follies -let alone the grosser Hins. * I
, . . , � .1. I - t mcs 1 -Us Unequalled Record 11 r,tiOn ka6Wn as thf�'Q�rlrtale coafpd'�ra_ Ite In this COU111trY. The princess with I'quid fire. �
1". . + 1, Empire. 4eemS V) baV43 tllo happy The mansion house is not tO which youth is freqij�rstfy'only too, .
. I I I to New Poid With the, �� Tills saeriflev, of two thr�jucs anti taking tile, b6s . 1�1'331ty Of palatial, but Just one at all prone. And, in maturer years, he has
`4 � , of a fortuc t out of JU.?. and mak. Of the fair afforded arl'illuStnou.5 ex*alp"ej such
E'rigFsh to In arc'Or to' r�=4111 arl Ing herself and �, country homps Of Englan W1110t,
I . , -,oldier'was all the -or vvryon.-� abqp " d
.. Lovo,6f All Who Know nx .e xe_ enjoy .t to tbp� full(, as we are, seldom privilego(I to p
� I . . , . - ft extent. t her 'smilo' O'er all 010 Pleasant laild.11 the junction ,ee, of�
,,, ei. m. ; � na 'Soldlert INPlowit., , ., a $onse
IF 1. .� ent . Governor, And'British markablc� in vlow id the &t that b4,j of the r of biah,stati,)n vith ej:
. 4 very fine high'Mind. Thou,di no 11prufle, on
I oasas have
Him � � , wife is a daughter of that prince short tim' 11�0 tll-� illustratM ()nly'
I G =94* Ind
" �_. - . Z:!i� ::%::2z:!�:: . . ontleman. Frederick Charles of prussia who ZIM's 011OWLIAVIACtUTeS Of'ller.jui -tour the !aDnucchaerevslnbga.'�l.u('.,lv'o,oudw<)T:kI and -thd prowl�ll those who, know him well,
. I � � I . I � won In the, wars of 1849, of 1664, and In South Africa,, where she appeared ooms which s rios In her spea,,k of his priva , us one that
I I I Yards 9,40031to 4Q. T. A, St Ation Z�:;__� M,==+ + .... I Of 18661-10me 46 the most able cavalry to be following overy phase of th- . r he collected during her has baom lived, , te llf(. 1,
. � . , . UB ardor$ .01 the reciprocity O#a,wa, like the Vicer I leader of his day, and who in 187o -6o, lourney with i4tercst and enthusiasm. 8010= !n India, Over ,One of the ,#amid a thousand
� . M I i : camp 075 of Ireland distinguished ' Is the Pet of bar � flroPla0s is a. painting by the Fill. Peering littlerieSS S -Ps." singularly"YMIt. -
-t 4 - I . aign have for the MO- and Of India, have been I 4!m*lf " by .Inducing parents and out stain. In a Word, he is, and is,
- I . . I . . . 'oked UPO4 Marshal Baza-lia to 11h11 all . Press Frederickof the Palacs ;,
I I . England as well. She Is twenty-four" dam, where the Duchesa, of C
I I Tment 'Musied C4nisiligns to as pereorlifying the views of the poll. alon wit surrender Uetz,. protty, with. Plenty of spirit �aad I � o,f fttL known to be thoroughly ,,�Strajght,,
1 4 1 JUSt rCs;e1Ve_d, one,car' .Oad � I forget that tile Doinialon- -is g h a splendidly equippea oAllaught.
, . � . I I I ., entering on a tical party in oface at Weatur-nater army -of nearl was born. -and, to til"BrIti6h 1111114A that vrord
� � I . � a, experiment , rather than th0se, of the sovereign. y 10,000 men, . 11 : The Duke is a most popular person- constitutes, the highest enconjunis
. in governance that is fraught with 4� With The Duke of Cquslaughtb,a
". . I � 1. the eve;r-gro' is always I age in the village. which can be applied to 1110 charao,; .
- ., '. I . I . rea es dep"en4ence of, the ,W,1,n,g% sense Q1 In. beau' MU04 likOd at*Berli . md in ? . . I cheery -word or a nod and 4sr ter Of any man,, be 'be .
. . 0MUMP wal 19r Thresb t d .1 of interest - and Import, it .4 � He has always, a,
.. I., I ,O .. � * . Ahe $$ f1treAgthelling her boad with , utorIonlous German . .6 .nile for Prince 'br be,
I I . � , 'oolouias, such as the Dominion and geaeralJ�,,, and had he 2Q- t even the humblest person Who cror be peasant. .
I 11 I ., I 14g. If 1 the motherland by another tie � W454 'of SaXo,Coburg. Md . yses
. i . . --the i the CQramorlwealih of Australia, th I cepted t e cro .. . 11
L � I _ 4, Gotha he would have beeA cordially � I his Path. "You have just t,D say, OrAnd it is generally rec,)gnized, not I
I . I YL A IMseuceAll t4 vioe-regal, chair 4V plost. potieni ,lirik Which binds the . J,oUr Royal ffighno.SSL" once Or that his charactpr is exceptiOn.
� I the. yer. . e$t . In welcomed in the land Of his ado�tj I . a said a
I Ottawa Of a royal PT%ft. Some I to the Mother Country ,is t . on, . 411
. Briton bp.,r 16yaltY both f0i his Own oake, and as ,the I laboring r an, and then. you can talk , - Y' blab, but also that his judgment'. L
.. 8 loolt forward to the day whon, I and their affection for ill . I . as. freely to. the Duke is exceptionally sound, Quee i
. Adlllwb� . I as, if he Was a to a Via.
, . ria, in the later years, of her life, .
� An Or 10 reigning family, because Thai I , 45 11114OWn
L. . �' � a son of the reigning monarch WJJlL d, f h a 00verelgA son-in-law of Pruss�ia's "Red Prince." re'lationt."
I they �a t I
occupy Rideau Hall. E I
11. . , i ., -,. , , .- . - Others fear yzabola, of the',great British con* he should have refused to. be. . The Duchess his always Anterested . to have consulted him to.
, such 4 move lest administrative $deal. The � a German, and a Teutou ,sove-
11 . . Popularity of tile Crow'L reign At that, and shoul . I herself in the poor of the'p;;1sh, and 1. ' considerable extent -more - (so,
_ .
I , ,
1. 1 .�, blunders'showd weaken ih:e 107altF I Is, in fact, the principal link that d have ex, ,ee - is ever ready with ,sympathy and rumor asserted) tha, .she did the' 9L I
� - 11. . . . to the British throne. X* Pressed his preference fc�r the British . - late Xing. A , a
. . I I w that th� ! binds Canada, Austristlail, Now Zea. nationality, and for tb� eareer Of .an .1 help in time of sickness, While Prin. ,
l . firs step has been taken it is doi - , . . Ad his Present Majesty; ,
� alit larld,ri, 1011 . tricla arid Prince Arthur are has' great confidence in his wisdorn, I
, . 1111 if a better. choice, of a governor- Aon I cess, 114 .
- a f lh Afrillg� and India into English soldier, A in no wa, Im regardgd. by the villagers with .
I . : ; A,_F_`%R81E y DulPire. It was, perhaps, las, y _ (L 0, k!ud and experience, The Duke-$ tact is
, I . V.J ,IS general could have been made, than the appreciation paired his Popularity in the domin. of proprietary e almost Proverbial. Queen Victoria;
. I I I � .. . . 9f this that caused - right, as they hav
_,�, . that which resulted In the appoint. A�ueerx Victoria, and after her. Ed. all the In "I : been * P
I 1 104,5,of the Kaiser, where they think I was not always the Most approach.!
I ment -of IF al Highness Arthur I ward VII., to turn a dent ear to the � .ore of . Duc reared amongst them.
11 � � . �Ueeessor t9 J. Hand1toli 4111 Roy I Mai for ". sturdy � . The able of monarchs, .and it not seldolA -
I William Patrick, Duke of Connaught, . 1�nglish P tLri I 11 I bass i's a good horsewoman,
, I t that the 4overeign should rives her Ponies about the and fell to his lot to act almost as %, I
� �', I � King. " ed at Caloutt%, AtOtt ,a ousm. d country triediator between his I
..:, � �. .. ", I phoko 52. � Rnd uncle to the , , ,Pe,rapr,6`E"s4,t, aw, a. . il commands and her childrou,11�e the Duke, ar; I
- . .
,-1 ,_�. Z" I 1'1;.,_* �. Your next son Patrick," shou&! I in Which the DuRe Of Confia 11 � , I . I mother and.i
. L I iZa4nu enthirsiastic, Old A�stralia, in South Africa, and I ught has . I -_ 1111 %D1111 -of Cycling, While in India .:
�,.� I — woman, as even, an Trelikud by Princes , of the held have been those -of Bombay an,4 I I the Uo i . I
I , I
L . I
1. , I ` A" Queen Victoria mote than half a, Blood,, being to of Ireland.. He. was also Inspector. . hotas was. an ,act've supporter . . i
�_, resolve,61 at all costs of the D'ifterin Fund for training . I . I I . I .. ---
I �,:�,�,,.I,kAAAAA AAAA"AAA*"AAAA*.p General Of the forces and High 0m. medical women and nurses, and was I I
, ,,pntury since, drove through I)ublj' I
I a dets, "and an ,ould Ireland will o Ot the Mediteiritneau, but � a patroness of I .
. � , . n I k'Oep tile royal family clear Of any missioner ,
I . . - die. ton, yo,4.,, . dium resuting from the poalcy of resigned theL .1 the'JUp-country Wars. . ..
. .f., . . I on May X, 1850, 14 Buckingham pal, ninster, because it was a mere sinecure, since . ially' interns U. She -is always, spee. L ,� . . .1 I . � . � I
L I ft Not -long aftorwardsi.. the party in power at Westr latter ,oface in anger � ing Ass6olatin
. . Pion h�k I I tea in I
� , :. . son Agrabd ori ApPointmont. . there Were,. no 1!081)0:11641bilities and so L ptailauthropic I . L
" � ace, LoriddVI,."ifie, quLtea,s* third . I
, , ' .
, , . , , I Duke of liames colineated w4th the army, . I . .
; I 1. ".� and seventh child, the. 0011- I King George has shown' himself vlrtu�11Y no dutles attached to the wg and never forgets that she is a sol. � � I
I 05 naught, Was 'born. boldor in the matter, and, yielding ffice in spite of its lavish pay. arij
'L ., .1 I � I He was christen- 0 , dier's daughter and a soldier's wifo - I .
' "L 'L '�. . � I . I � . allowances, Moreover, he complained . The marital spirit of the Holler, t q
� I +1 .. I � � Zol, I
I . 1, r _ . - ., . I that -none of his recommendations It. lerns runs in her veins. .
I 1. . I ' 10� . I . . and, reports . I
�L.,�_.,, ..*Ce and ht!re our finest . � .. I from th received any attention � . All the family ar . . - .
L , .. L, War .uepa.rtm . , a fond ,of travel.
I - "" ., I 1, t. . -,� the Duke's duties 'hav . :
I L' 14 I , "., I . . I . . ent� against � lug, . and
I �, ' �qS I I'll I I which he niade no concealnielit wht - - taken him much, ' . I .
� , � �: L -4 , , :W Stylish de�slgns of. - . I .. I L . I I I ,(, . . . soever Lot his bitt,�rness, I I . . Lt � At Pooriah throy to d!stant 1,.d,e .. � . . . . � I
. . � � . Alved in hortiely �
t, , 14. ' . . . . . jL,,',. h1ahlon, interesting . themselves In I
L I - Doherty Pianos and t . .0 7 . _11.1 � Forcod From, Board. . . .
,., I . I . I I ,,.;� . -1. I ' . � I native. ]Ito and CU$forn�. L'In Irelanci I . .—
I . . � — I .
. ,
, I , I i 1� ,,---. - I &J, " .
" Organs, L ' b I . I . . I L � Uid Halaaae ' � of W tile, �
. b. � . . . . - Y again went' freely about the . .
� I . . 11 � I � .- . War, retallate(t i'by y-'rtually forc4lir . .1 noun .
11�,� .. I . . , .1 7;�, .
-, . . . try� and the "young prineestqe,% . 1 .71-.17 .11,
I I .+ L tlie�. Duke ti'Oul, thO Office of President I - I liad many "pleasant �aunts incognito, . ,;
', I., L , I . . - : . ,- . . I . . 1. . 4� 1 'Of the -so-called Board . of Selection, � " I . . L . I
, 1. 1: �, L I LLL I L I t . - I and enjoyact, tile fttn of an lm;sh fair. . . _'-7,� ... I � .
� � _:r.� ".11. � ..ip e"cial valvei in 4A b. .. J�� � .1i � I . which, sitting ,at the1var Depart-. PRIXCE ARTRUR. L The Dulco and Lin -_ .- t. .
, , . I . Mont, d4ornifued 'the ' ,,bes,suiale a truly ' 1.
I 60. . P delicate ques. royal progress ,,, �,
'L � 0 . I D )Ilg rgy . J�x' .
I , I ! b. . I I I I 0 f t iuin� �ofllcera in. the ser- Jiumor, adoros golf, rlde� ivoll,L -*D UU ten years ago, d have pt some . . I � I . .
. .
to. , Pxcellent artist, caricaturist an, ad it -1. 0 ; . .
. . -vie r of sheiving,thern, as weg.as 'a ZinoR. . � _ visit �
� + t , Vise's W . Inn
. . I auslet -oto . , L -1 �
;1 I . I I tlloe`tr� mateur ph g,raPher and dances ' ' . Kw_. I I
I .
:, ` . * . . ou and assignments to, the yre.11. � bile is the particular chum. of I , Universally Liked, I I I .
_t I L I I yarl Is c�m nands. - father, - "', ., 1w, � . . / . . ..
Pianim �Ynd orpns yent "' . �itj c. d Haldane dri fact Nie; � ..., _ .
, L. 10. ;+I I � Writer's lvbb itive occasion to dis- i�
� , .
", :: . 11 b. . I req.rieste, -Parliament that lie had : Xwaa no secret that'ging Edward, Oil the Duki 7,� �
,;. 1. ed, choice new Edison t I th S' have 'Uothllig but 0� 11 vk � .
I'll 11 L . . a post the I)t1ke'5 resfgnst�On -01 loved her above. all his nieces a -ad praise for hirn,'-whether they,be civil Ill/ . . .
'�' . blell. .. I I
�.'L�' ,R . . . . . to r iv the prince was � for that reason did not resent her . . .. . , %
I'- _40pqgraplj�,. It. . well fitted, OW1119 to the'dircumstance refusal to* marry As commander-In.ollief Lin Bomb � .
t'!'��'� L ", I ___ - -, ..4Wic & 01 1 . King Alfonso of Or rivilitary. . .
T T, 1. , � 11 I . ' . that by reas,ip -of. III$ rOY4 xank, and 6 ', H ATI ... _. -
1, .;-� -variety goods."7� ILE - . � . . I Aid, however, and later, in Ir0afid, the D lie fille(l li . . I
',,�, - , . '11" b. .., I ,. ... L V� L bib -wealth Ile was. absolutely super- foult find it dif. . spon Is POLSitjoAS, I ; .. .
I .�% !, t'� . to remain obdurate 't,6 lier r�, sib' _ the occupant of L I 1
,I -i" I -ior and indifferent to th( plead'ngs anerit her love affair Wit'll W111011 is peculiarly liablLs. to their . .
. ,. ::
�`t, - . I . -*. ; . _5 � .1 !n-filiences arid intrigues whic.a con- a- young marquis. '. attentions,,'but during, h -'s t . . -
L I .
I I . .
. 4. M . � � � F I
. I
L, 1. I , - Otltut6' the bane.,of tb�6� army -and Wilen she barely,. left ,, echo nelther of, these posts Was 'theie th L
;, I � , MUSIC Em.potium � enure of t
L ,
''. �*_' I - , . � . I I I , . which ha,ve frequent - '01 the �
"j, . . . � ...... � dertounc- Prince'ss Patricia and this .marqui4 faintest .whi$per,c1 iiii . ,a � L
, � i')_ . " -,,,- -,; :� , + , ". - � I -_ . I 'Y .
. .. I ad i th lslature Yer havin- - . . I
I . I � . . .1 . .. I . L aadh"Tthe press.. met and fell in love at o been - amenable: tio ban o � 11 . I � . � .
. ��, 11 a I � rice. As the kstairs lnfl�' 11111 . I
1. .. . . - I . I . Few -peoples Are aware that.' the young man had no royal blood - the .ence; He excels as a - . . .. ,
� . . : X I DuRe,of 0onnaught was on" i a of -men, LL--- I '. . I . I
! � — ! � , - .
L.. . . I posted alliance: Was 4couted,.whereupon-4ho and he is the last man U . the *world . ' ;9U3WZA—_ . .4
44� . - ; [ . as a -deserter, It was. while he was ' -independent princess ann, L likely.to becio ill , idle f the ' ' ' , I - . . .. . . -
14^W n command of' the troops at r,would be the ifiarquis or no husba,d' toady with'a hankering after detpoti,o J . L . I I .
�, , t . : general. I ounced it � Ine- a prey +-o
. .
. I
Idershot, at � all.. . government, who 'is to be found In m o . . . .
. . SW.UDEN. -
. %'o. Hoare, r the great military 'camp of A ""N -PRUNOPSS MARdARET op
e`w, . . , aVe of. All'that such a union lacks t L 6very 6
1 W . . Hq Obtained le -absent from 4� the royal Permission, for the- Duke mb6rs a Ourt. * . r of her 'subjects
,; I
. .1 I I large up
,� I -1111. 10. . . L the Secretary of. War,. thin, `,Ldrd and Dticbess of Connaught The Duke of c�orl who. was -not pa ticularly in her good . � I..
'." I - bP . Lansdowne, 'arid from his kiil' - are': not naught hAs, been graces. , , ,r . I I . .. .. .
'L -A1 T-tv" - ' � ,all his life a� wo and fore- _.. . . . .
- , ., VTTVTVTT"TTTVTMV1 � I ths, old Duke ot . Cambridge, sman, averse to 't 'it is said. "I . . rker first ' . L. .
Li 11 11 F,1, Ji , . - - I � I � Commarlder.1n.ehlof''Of then ! Both- princesses, are devoted 'to their r I most. ' Ire has never led the life , .. . -is Alw . + I .� . . I I
. JoCialL . I
., I + 'brother, -now an *f4cer of the historlO E . idiety-wbich Xin�-Edward, �s There has I
:1 I I I _ _ the array,_ to .of . _ . isys Tactful. .
� ef""Mm—". It I � , I .. spend ,a fortufght'at Balraoral with regiment of Soots Oreys. - never been -a time - in!' . . .
" L . L% users. . . . He served , heir -apparent, led for So long." "Duty" his U& when the Diike'of Connaiiglit . - �
.. . . ___ I . Victoria, *.While there . the in -the BDer his �
.� I . . - . - . Qu war.as 'a cavalry *fficer, has ever been the' keya6te Of has , not stood high 'in the favor -of .
il � I ;. ; Diielless, received news of the - sudden has undertaking ;marry' missions in ,career, as' befits one who I I : the British L eople, .He 'ba , .
I � :' L, A I L I I I .. �� . . L LL I I L s tbe,'-od- + P - -never
_4f. � 11 . , L 11 . I , 'her favOrite-iiister, and thei narn �ke + s +
I. , I ': I ITTLE . fr' R- IT- 'DUEB OF CO + NNAUGHT, . D' I UCH)3ss op CON I death '01 . behalf of King Edward� notabli orxe son and e�alt:6 of, tho.Weat 6 come athwart their prejudices., He I .
Willi L I NAU6HT. ,royal couple hastened off to+ German�. to ,Ta:pan Ior the' . . .
. * + ed Arthur' a - I to - lt3� �e lb fa attend the fulloria,. " - .� convey..' of WeIllington. - When a more. lad, Lhis has -had no Past to live down. He is: . . I
, ;1�7'� . al Patrick Albert— uke's -own eager entreaties, I i . Ing the Order of devotion to' work .h,ot_L �seld.
1.� IVER "Arthur" after the-Duke'of Wolling-,J 1`0 Ili r commendations of.b6th his I ,01!,11,ey O,eturrxed via Paris, and In th p1h'?`Ga"rt*e'r happtly, possessed �Of a tact whiZ �
. 0 Mika,46, - and spent' some time + in le "chaff" � tL failed him, and L Which . . .
I . �'Canada on h-19 way back to England. . won him jolden opinions 1 '
. .
al advisers, that is to so a drive to St. Cloud were . among Other
ton, on whose eighty-ITst birthday'lle to the'' him the obj�ct -of 00risiderab oul made' has never ye
tut.? I
P1 , u 0 .
I - . "Williarn," I h enchanted -,by the ,scenery He rejoicei Jn the nickname of "Mar- - L n his ra.
Z , g. . was born, and Who' was his godfath6r .. I sters Of the day" in Lon! I E ' mu � I members of, his family
# ,
of Prus' o ' a nlnl the advice of tliat the eaiwd a couple. of Ju L t like-minded in this re- cent .visit ,to South Africa. .
after the Prince . dont,han'd . ;who were no L
. Sir Wilfrid rnished cils." afidL "although slightly lame,. gedt. And he has never taken any. br�ther, the� Duke of SAX Go
. . When II4 , ,
1, . sla, who, as the. Queers wrote. to her I Laurior, the C4nadiari Premi L villas, ,sent ovpr to England Joi their � a- burg aild * I
1. ,�l - � "dearest uncle' �Lebpold of Mgium), f Lo ler, 'and . through some I j to ' erl,clor, 'Of" it Ing in hand that heL has not dofte Gotha, died in lgoo, Ile 'renounced 1.
. inju. a t I
12�� 1 � i 0 , fd Strathoona:, - the Domiploals, children 4nd took up their .L res,denco J his .font, is . ;thoroughly. , Before' . . �
, zll . has traveled night and day. from St � alsdoner in E - . there, tRe . Du4e writing to . Zelen't dancer. , . ,. . . all things L he .4s . his claim to, succession to that Duchy,
, I
7 L COM13 nglan<l�+ has sanc- that the Duches the Queen : T-1110:1 136nnauglit. ihially, possibly 11 soldier, * and a + practical,. soldier.. and roylounc6d at.the .. .. .
. . � . L, L e, time, it . L
., -Duke Of 001maught's ap� + need -of a , owing.. to. their long r6sidende. 'in I L. ng .has, not Lbeell of may. 'be. mentioned, - the
't, ., , Petersburg .to 'be In' time 16i the tioned the sam
11 Sick Ilea ' URE " a - stood in For, his. soldieri
't: dent cl. of . : Ir6 I W
I none bdbio-,r6turning to � ' � . - , . Very largo -
to. b e aDd relieve all the troab?es In christening Of Out Iittle� 'Arthur"-- Pa'htment - ", Governor-General Of change ,I , � land, ,have a vi3ry ke.en I . I .
" � It [)us state of t as .0 . . � . I .. , . . �. . .. . - + I
�� �'; Dizziness, Nausea he system, such Patrick " in remembrance Of Odnada. . Aldershot. L ,senSeL .ot ,�, . I . .
proll-sluess Ili t ' - th e Tile King, � who has 'greab It .never occurred to him . . la� f e; far exceeding that which li(4 I . I �
' , iricoul
. . . I L .
1; eating aininthebide K s reas after Irish ai rt, " Uter . th-o .In L - hi L hunaor� -every one -of them one of : " . . L I + . . draws by wtly- Of I ..
., rV While their most vi it, arid "Albe confidence the judgment Of his that he'was outiltaying a 16av .; . . , . annuity; from the I -
, I I
�,% semar blcimccosshasbec� Prince Conso.rt. ` uncle and. in his many, J I G Of - the fiworite storijes of the * Duchess 11 . I � I Britisil. ., I . I I . �
," shown In curing . . g,q�alj. absenm' � . indeed, relates, to her Lin there. , V. . On another .occasion, lie . is reported . .1
, , L Little Prince Arthur, ' I . . I . *-innin I . g L . . civil list, Which does with it' � . � .
'I .: father of 'the tiles, axitilApates- that the presence of, . - In .the cotirse, -of time- the chief of seem that One day when �he was ' L 1. I to alle deelin'ed the olfer of a Burn, - I
I , I , 11 . I, feet] . olints, 0, per- tease the popularity ., - :Out L drkving a .rather' corpulent . 11 -
.,� ". � * man, was, from all ace - the Duke will ine + staff At Aldershot, as in duty bound, . ePQ:Z:a I � h -
I , eads , Y model child, 'gentle, . kin-dly, - 9f the reigning - family �n ths, Domin- ro' ported to the Secretary of State for- Pig - . . . . � . Pehn tlitom, Thus he may be -sAid , � I
L, .1 10 ,q�,;Y!91ttlKiver p courteous : � ipliber.,zarl ,alongside '.the royal oar- . I 'hav
-1 ' .. 11 . . I I . I . . to , a given tangible proofs of his.
,� I . 'dqu 8' C M8 am alwayg, 'just as he Is to�day. 'on. 1 L War that his' chief, the Duke, had. riage for �j - 'Dixelipse _' I difection foi- Britain and the British. .
, � cincons pation . I During th 'pd L . ..
J!)y VA na.bl U, curingandpre, on the a .
1�1 i tent , But -even his - royal mother,- I 0Me time, The
V�1' � ng this annoylnqconiVainii�hfle theyals igv tan wax,' of - 1882 ", not r4 returfied to big post, ilthough finally stopped the. carriage and ask-, ' . . I . I
I correct idl d1sordersof tho s ouna . 0 alluring subject of her offspring, as z the Duke, of CGnaught ' i his leave' ,of absence had' � As Grand Masto,r of the
.. 1�' I. ]liver and regulate the boil -cis I stlInniatethe . 60 . exp!red, ad the ma4 ;what he WaaL . � , Freemasons .
,5.� �Cveniftheyoull rule,, almost , - . mnihsided Lorc ted. He . I . of England, he Is universally beloved- + .
,t� ,, � Cured 4 garrulous,. his OfL this the brigad of Guards, and ,I Lansdowne thereupon conveyed I
I,, el figured , officiai, hilo explained that it was'the wish 01 hii . I .. .by the-brethronof the aaff,-wilo joral L .
__ 21ft So -much -wished -fox son" very littlb+ I ll� iuZ21'th considerable distinction the. rulation to -this effect to .1ifG.to -obtain a good look at li L ,
I . Ck.1L ,h . I d , , L , . . k.
'. indeed to say. In the three thi i t gel or and . . I - an, important, an nunierictly .. - I
. large, se,ctlon 0, t _ A ' -
11, at I a attle of Tel-el.Xebii, -being laralislm,6. of the forces, .and at the Duke. what flattered by - . he mraun't ' + . L � �
i.- " volumes written by her between 1837 ; T6po�tedly under heavy fire, fot.Whioh the a of Cambridge gravlely . thLij explanation, ... no . I
� Acb.they 0 Idl Ali -old Duk Some I I y. .
�.. '
, rq%singcoml . and in Di;chess ris- , I
I eaffer fro is a mostpriceirs.totb....h. and 1861, only three timi�rs. in all* is h# showed the Utmost unconcern, and Pursuance- of the 'ofdinary via±k,ed: ..the . . I Hates SJo_"n1ir)ess,
"' "' 'Rately the 00 T eswdoesnoten3laint; butfor-n. the Uke Of 0onn at L L . . .1 . .
, I . ' L �
new ' . I
I , , i future D . aught refer- disblaying the same, tim . routine observed tinder -such dircurn. it It must . I'll I . The . Governor-General has 4 . .
'111 11iidtheso little pills Val I? L have tired You dreadfully' 11
. 'whonneetry tbeln U d here,and thos red to. - - I the most
,�,, ' '
" able in so m.,,ny ;1� complete calrn and freedom from O.%. stances issued written.lastru& to .
j�L . J ,unar islike' of slo�rpnliness in-, ' L ' .'
.,�. Dag to df) llithoat .0% a that 1110Y Vill notbe wl. the, ions Ao run beside 'the' carriage in that ' . ppe L d
j��"L. - I , many . rmy to . I I .1 . .. 'rsonal t�, . � .
�' 11 Chief of lroquol�. ' ' 'pitembrif. In+ fact, there Werk . Provost Marshal of tho A laannor�" . . �vF _ a YO. - To a young officer . I
them. But after all sick M4 Inasmuch as tilp Duke of Con I I " I
_�,, 0911�- M 51 MW - littlr3 tOu0be,q bf heroism, which- he ca'"'Id.,ii search to'b �� I I ato+ is . .
ht has heoh. Chief of th' . Arthur 'William, 1. --- 1!� ( I s"VI(O s,,Pp0101,,LX,-7va for L the �St, . .
" i A naug R, 0 rnadn'tOr " ' A "Oh; 0 " replied the Irishman - � )I _ 'of b' I
�) himself would- tJLP,oT(, Ilighnoss , ,(:, 1. .
� a Iro- cate being re- DOYR1 - H_ L gallantly�. "'Sitire, an' haven't'i bee ' I
-!,, quois since .near fortyL years ago g4rded " iiiell in his conduct on qkc of a &`.,; I "Yot OX6jl, insp.act;on the Dulm stlidt I
j. , I Ull ra _ he" � onnaught, 'X.G,, age ,45 chasin'. pigs all my lilep,, DL JQ i._�' �() ('0(jd thilt' .
�,�` VIV110 ban 0 so rdauy I v0s that hero Is wbera was investoo with thht dignify at 'a that day, which, ho*evor, worn noted -it Alder- ' ' I .... � Pk .
. r I - ' . Y11m, general commanding +, I injiS�Jr btt , 'I yoU
I make rgreatbour. uarpill,cureltwhtls . . . � On their marriage, the Duke and ,
'L Others do rict. grand Pow -wow, held for the purpose' I)T $04-, ,6f the German, officors at.' Eliot, and rbportod as missing .. I . .. . "Sold, T, old offonder, sir. -
� . , ", from bUch6so . settled at Dagsbot Park, . . - � I tea., eb?"-:120 ippented, in his' ' .
. � Vcry CasY to take. one . Post� witho;ut leave, Ncedless tivelve miles from Windsor ,arid nino . 1, . . ,hard voi0i", wheA a-subultern's -grand. I
s arever7 small and Montreal while an dfficer of th,e' Eng� They. nientioned .th tO'�* ach of, the milit%ry . I I fathbr's busino augh .
Carter's Little Liver Pill at the Indian Resnrvatibn west of tached to Alie'lleadquart,ers, staff. , . .hi .
"I They are strfcv�, vcget. or LAW P1113make ado, - I era in their re- say, this bre . . .. I .
.,,),a th � frolif Al&rshot. I ss was 1, , o�j
4 � Par anti do 11int lish troops thon in garrison 0 Hall� Ports to the War 1),opartment. at l3dr, regulatiori e Du e . There they. have - 91 ee . I � over . I .�
I,- ___ -1 � 9 OnAlle. Part of -1 " � at an officor's mess, ,,Well I . .
Z- UN toem. - I - - F,r?,,., Z fax, he cannot be looked upon v.s a lin, anditwas on the strength there- had no Other result thah�a gooct deal � lived hi'the"intmala of the Duke',4 o . ; . - that'.% 406
I .
F � - stranger to Cauada, to whf xw*litarY duties and public engage- - I - —_ — - not so bad as a &andiifther who -.sold -. . I I .
r . I I I 4AZZ32 UnDlams 00., ZMT XORL � ch he is of thttt Old Ernporor Will-ara bestow. of chaff arid' full at - his exp6aso,. merits, a retirad �homo life I I. PrOh)OtiOns." The, Words were Spoken. .
I �d- uno.n. the Duke the millifiry cross I . � . . '. liuch as — I . ��' . I in the presence of. a .general whose '. , ,
, now returning in. the capacity ,of ( w1laoll he- took 'in excellent part. )King ]Edward arid queen Alexandra ;�� ..
� , I Governor-General, ITO ". ent. nearly of the Pi Ussian Order 11 POur In ' - Assumed the Blame. � . . . . J.�rrandfathor had been notoriously , . ...
I I , hil hl hill Doll, ., Imall him two years in the Dominto UnrItO," founded by Frederick the ' . enjoyed at Sandringl2am, , * I venal,
r; 1. .n as a young - . N � , of a cog. I the, sobriety � ,
11 � isubaltern of Infantry, took part in Ureat, and which is. to this day r , As an. instario6 of the Duke's good XXIO V1,111196 of Bagshot has' an olu. I �. I dispute as to , �,
!� e world look. 'The long stre 11 ain Colo .
I tM military opprat' - the h-lighest ol- naturp, m2itary-mon recall his gan- at ,is bound. - �/, IN �, I � . nel was summarily . � ..
L .
. � t�,,
, � ions in eonu,Betinn garded In Geirmany a,% erous'assurnption Of the, responsibil- ad by a picturesque .bridge over it �d �y His Highness, "Just able .
WELL, with the abortive Fenian rald, and her military �,disfin6fions, the i , I N , raight, w . I
_ - — . 'Only itY Lot the accid6nt which ze ulted ill bear which � a
WELL -1 tributary .of the Thames, , .,�, .t as li&` r�cpe.,Ated . .
� . HIS i's a MOM 11 E Dyr has paid sevoral Subsoquent vigits other foreign lrit!ght boing Gen. ' are _� N . � . D I �'That's sober enough fdr- - I .
to the land of the Maple.Leaf, for the Japanese coinmander Nogi i Me clestruction of one of thee ,39,ngrOUP of fina�old cedars and :: , I't,"Civil"i �` Ut it's very drunk' .for a' , , , ,
w11O cap- his brotlier4rl4aw, eyes 61 .an I bearing 11 1 \__'151 Z .
I fhaf ANYOmE . which he has conceived so great+& tured Port Arthur after a Prolon.pted Prince Christian, of Inke the sign '"Tho Horn. - p 0% 11 I soldier �a'rl` . . � . - . .
can use M, liurian war five & :ia I , I � I �
. . liking. that it is. at his personal in- siege, d'aring the qno durino a 81100ting-�party at Osbftio! hilu 11 rmaun." it ig left to the, , I � I From a Pur-�ly roeial Point of viow,! .
. . .
) stance that his nomination to the yoars 6,010. � I some twenty years,ago, I gi at'On to, -MIPPIY the name,of
" I : I * I . I I 1; it, hero, . tile 1.)Uke� of Connaught a I
I , I � I .11 - I z nd his film-' I � .
�� vlce�regal pffice at Ottawa was made Lord NV?)L%(,l The Duchess isnot a classic beauty, . . . I.Y enjoy, perhaps, a better -time thart: .
.. M. . by King Georgo. . chief o ev was* cornmandnr, in. 'I but Aie is - a'v,ery nice Jo � . . 0 1 . �
�, ftmcov . f th'- Briti'All forces dur"n . oking Wjolnall� The Home .at 13agshot.. ,iny other r . �
. � � . qYalties. At royal wed,.1
P= If transparard. honesty, 9 the and in her appearance and .manner The Duko's,h,ouse stand14' on high �
Pingular Egyptian iiar of 1882, and when. at . :links, flinorals, christenings, and the'
harm, 8110' ground Overlooking Ahe village, _anLt . . . -_ $
,., -turn to E119- has a good figure, like 4-11 Over 131itrope, the -Duke cer-' I -
� -1 . charm Of manner, tact, sound judg.' its C1,00o, and on� lii� T+, aliko- there. is ,a great a
I 11 I ' i.14 , ment, and great kindnpss of .heart land, li(i 11-fts sliMmoned' to Balmor,11 and is P.legant hi>lds her,ielf Well, .18 surrounded r)Y an extensive p&rk, 'PRINCINS PATRICIA.. , I Willy Pays the price of his position' ' . .
. , were sufficient to �suro success in by tllf� queen, Ile took- upoll 11ir- f�)reho and kraceful, nor 118 some ;magnificont ' . . by enforced attendance; ana when! .
I t . I ... as oubts �as to � elf .ad is . . which contai the "foat�or-bodl' ,
f . . . . . I, the coming SojOiltril,'all d . order. In �some
I , . to viOlat,� th"t lal-V Of etiquette �vhicl) broad and io;-W, while her cedars of Lt,banon. The pleasure r"Pe(`ts his exalted Position, though Covcll visitors corne to England his
, .
, .
, .
I - , .
, I - the results of the exporinitnt would godd that, it is, gardpnj
I - - I dUed ALL'these prohib'ts anv 0 . , +are very 1) 11 -
� � non -royal 'P monago o`0m`Pl('%=1on Is so _�aujifully lQd out, it n0urally assured 'him an excop. delightful manners 0. .
I . .11 � �
: � be set at rest, For 'the Duke pos- ech at the sove- I o that sh6,.spent five and the Duolleal and pri .tionally goo(l -11PPearance make him on tll,,-,,qe o'
I im-m'ufaking '.a spe diffielalt to J�tqiev and handsom
1 ,I . Q-3 DIFFEIZENT KINDS sesses1baso � to a very mark " 0 s dinner table, and, rising from years of her Ilia with her husband in -,14 ncess, Ptttri. staft in fho army, has ce.a..: , I 1�
,qualitie. - rL' , oi ,Zpend much of,thei bCen someth! ' sions also indispensable. But � very �
� Of Goods ad degree. h �, k` r "a , Indiii. r4`mo in sum. II.9 of a handicap to him I
�� wifh fhe SAME Due. But the Govo.rnor-General, D e9t, PiOPOSed. the hewth of the all�r in the rose. garden fenced off in rofessionally. . And it is �fteli now Pirince Arthur -of Con-,
�, I Poalluori
�1, I In addition to being t1ld rePrftenta- ulvi, of 0onnaught in such .folio! tow ( *!r "Pres$10u, ig ,sweet and good,' a quiet cornet of the Park by a chain PtnOwlOdge that .hn, was 'hkly d1s. natght Likee his fath&ls * pla , ' ,� -
, .
I USed tive of the rtiler <)I illn .13ritisb jn�m. torms, that the. Q11a her manner gracious and . bright f,�nce, around, whicil roses app6inted at boin fra whilo, as for the Duches and co'!
, M. re, is frail in . U unable *to take her
! 10 abd nn was not only 'while her smila racd: ric,11 Profusion, filling the air with art in the *Pper war... It, oretty daughter, Pri 11
also the chlof a' dveply Inow"'I but flevor forgrot illumines her
ces. I golit of the long
t , as she lived, always retain . it as -As - also noess Patricia, it
, , I T 0 A . � I'm an , for Ulsh. Government aa(tof the Socre, lug a which 48�'disblnctlY tliat of n happy frilgranoo. �' The statqly� elms , and � "s their fortunato lot to combinewith I - " - .
I 13 0 ' ti I '
I __ Ir State. for tbe narticularly ,whrii, ,%pot in lip woman n*wn h01W littlOr he found the eom. ill the prnroga
- d .. Ut Iola. ,y of Golonf(�s at , ,v heart � Cedars make an �ffeotive bainkground ralinder-ill-chief of tho Afediforraneal tivrs and n6n,d of.the
I , . . .Wlilkhall. and as sue]), Ila$ ,Often to for th- vef(min fit�ld marshaL She & devoled to her husbaud and to his M I b �
, ONE " , 1NDS&W-s h6 YOUNSON. I to the ,rose datdon, and a summee. I CIng Y tealon Of its a I Peaftltics of royalty all the advan. .
I I 1. .11 IRICHARDsON ' . housp hard by is atavor,,to retreat for mating too closely to a al PpTOX14 lages Of the very ,rich and absolulely .
I In the Adusod 'a Oorm-an Crowri. corri them She troubles herself but
,� f ��_ " .shoulder tho �espon,qjbjlity, childrou. Beyond things that con
. .. -4 6-1� 17-- , . . Mu,k,1T4,,1C1�,j,,,. 4yes. of tho' Can-,@ian people, for the Tho Duke .'s ' ' fdlllilY ten. A private path leads Like nocure post. 6isural. commoner, _ L I I
M51- I a ,soldier through, �j I Hi's Fathde: * I . The Duko's incom,n, w I hich is, Of .
action -of the SO 011ITY of State for throlig)1, an(l an , . n(l little- 8110 is exceedingly wealthy in through the Park to 0 Ot 'Church, Mora, .perhap's
--4 So sp.-votp
i & � �P.'A. _d is Ile t6 big profetg 11 th�an any Of thO iourso grantod him from the state,
, N `-, ilia Colonies, and'n 1�"Dglisll one at 'll"t- "or O*n right' and lilt'n 90 many in which the Duke 41W Duchess take Priuco, Consort's sons, did tile Duke Iwo '
�. vp� P K, � Ba h .
, �, Ate0ted Inallit. . Downing Stri, of the Cabinot in . gion foreigners who, have mArIlled Env great interest. They were I
__�____�___ ��
Royaj I 7—
I I I -11" al I
I ,1:: I .
, I
1! - I 11 ''
1 7(=,�_ QWR� _
� I I Of, when thfT Pithor that wil his Popliew, Prinen Alfred lishinon, has , become ruore patrons of the fictive of Ctinnaught inherit tho� s I
I 'Ah4 knowing my Ilentissionts en : tints to $126,000 0, year, $S5,000 of) .
� On &0 Oublect did that OcUous Ur -, do I Orious, which was granted by Act of'Parlia.
I BIUU Ift no " . hv his- death in such' a shocking Cd ,Country than the native borft. ct,,rized that wise, IuOed' at Privy 00uneil, and an ad- (
, Insist upon Borne imperial raea8ufa I �'f !'-,burg an(I of Grnat Britain, came E nglilsl a bazaar for tile .vesiora. conscientious, and laborious tempera. )aerit in iA% When he was intrb.
'that is distasteful to' the Mini in tastes and in lov43, w.th her a pt - tion Of -the church solil-0 years ag*. Wc
Ult YOU by offering you ,� raise obstao,los to a policy po 'n <) .
� . , di-Inkr, u n wliloli I f�shion, and thp. necessity The. Duko takes the warmest inter, but much misunde ' ratood, ,.prince. But I
Canadians have set their heart, 'In ' proelainiing an h(k - to arose 'Of Of lier three children, one, Princess est in his beAutiful, gardens, alarly .Uf lie wholly lackg that faint illibern Aitional $50,00o On his Marriage � in . .
!, , 06 --"That's what Ur. BlAka dJJJ,1, 6110 *41rds the, GOVOTAOr-General at thrones' of tho.ill .1.1 the Gorman Vargaret, is the wifa of tho, Crown the beds in which h 1. 1870. Tho sum is, of course,, in ad .
� � , . ftd--�'And how did You resent it?,, � -fated lild's father, PA1100 -of kiwedon, who Wooed and rju%.' I ,.s q. I 1� has himself laid I ItY Of thOuglit, whith, particularly in, lion to the di
L U6 Ors"W)—"l SwAllow6d the In. 1. I . . I.. . I . _ 4 :R a Highness is Partiou. religious Matters wall, st) far tts the private melsa$ of tha
AUIL0 I � I I � . I I . I ,.
� . . ..
il I . I I I . . . . 11 tli%.� - �� .
! I I ____ ______. -1 ... . .11 . .
riltuang. . .
.. 1. � .
What BilkIftig *AN away frool h6me 1.
k it Wag buslacda trip 46 got a lot. .
0 ftin his WI& #that 11till puftlos 11
ft It eaded thus.- opliby ,is well
d, M4 btlghfek th$m isho tto,jd. to b,6
Vibs YOU allo tho 0*06. .1 4*
��v,_Iovllig witv, AiZ' I
I . "I'll .
_�__ - - 1" .__4ft4_ .
Pt .
- -
I . . I ww_
I . . � � I I I . I
* , �T' - - '' 11 . l" I
, -, �
.. 11 I . . , I
. I � I—-
� ,
. � . I . I
. ..
... I . , I
I I I . . .
�I .. 1, �
�� _. . . � . .
. 6� ,
(! . I I . I ...
. ..
11 11
4kew,, ra � 0 e t _.. I I I 11, I
... .1.
, C61- I I .. � .
41 � . I
� I 4 0 1 ,��,�. I _. I ,. 0-0
I I � L - " _. - I.". - I _', &6.414*�111:-�:Ac�kklg.�_ . ..-. �..