HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-09-21, Page 3, _ %, 1
.77 7, . ., 7w,""T"1�7 Vr��-, .'I- VIT-W � - 1---7� ', ,'. .. 4 1 , I I I 9�i ,�-,I,I11 111"�-�'Iv ,It , .
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. i ! i. :0: 11 i:! � Vol �011 1:1:11011140 - - - 0 I�01
� 4 nuu""71 ftvwwaw " 04 L . 123111=011=1113 W F - qw- I -.-- __ ___ __ - =1 =1:1:06 ��
- - I -11111- - _��� - ____ m I
r, � I "I".. � , , __ � L _._,�. - N.Rmssil�.01= , � 1i It I : art$ Aso bwiy hurt t6_4; IlIvy"tauuOt Irl 1-111- -"''"-""".L-�L�.�--'�..�,�� � I 1.
I " "I I ,W"tA V"rsto, *ad 'thA OthWC00- It qr live. .1 -Ow best knowt to vmWa ="afw � -
=U4oasm eh"*.% at The track was wetted down, tQ PVO- A New Xa e -4x tb4 sotivo prbsd* wbWh in III k
awl cunftoA 4li vitic's for = . . It'
,44 Mother� I is UCOAS&W vent President Taft frora belng,cover,:t . .
y"r Iota and laptU 55"" A DISGUn V Eff THAI ed ,with dust A* he went around tho � 1,
(I Aft, - - � ,haji, b,�*4 elected under tt*e ORTA ACt � . track This was such as to cause . � I I I I 11
'L thought,you . 11 auct amendu*,40 Itheretos And tb# driveigi who wera to, 'Compete in 4�he 0,011 ,
'011 I I 1 4
r., I I 14 noNv 13card urgani:40d Or- & Vacancy bomile event to protest agoinst 11 . 11 I LL I'll .. - .1 _
. it. 11 I I, 'I I
L . en, the race was tall6d Ralph De I I 1. ,, . L
00 c)ccurs when it 01411 �#T'llvdl 'u- I " I A I
A , I "' &YaLow, N . .. .b said Act .%ad IS BEREf ITING I � I L 1. .
were n;er proVidA I It � Palvwla and . Bob Burman, w1i'd had I
.L ,going to try Ima I (I y L . . .
f .,_ ,"a 1.9fl qme;aduV0tA thereto. I . �
& vote,, fort ltl* ffr4t been driving in _f,)reVjOUg races, refus- , .
� I . 'Red Rose Tea? " . I (5) -In, ease 1b �14,eler- ed to go ,,n be,q;�use of %6'coriditlon so much totter than ordingry pbyAc4, . While thoroughly effective, they never
0 1 quers choo#?% Ot as of the track. Th(-y'said the water hall - ove 9
. . commisol . 0 ,both purgo or co. -pe, naupa, and a r lose ,their effectiveness, Ono f *o
.. � . tiou, Ard ,eval, Or 'Ilk CaN THEWHOLEWORLD made it too dangerous for ,them to 9:11teu the NA-PRU-CO. line. . .1
I 'I "'Well, I was,�,but ot-themunleipa ,; are ieleated, by aec � $C' A bog. If your druggist lists not yot stocko4 them, send .
11 T, -, councit of the, Cor- (,%ommJ140iOuer � 6 *. take chances. There was some delay. . 2 .1 . - 2,% " we
tLiQ'It Of, [thEt, 'Town of 'VJiUtOQ, 1) the COmMisiOner and during the time this track dried ,will alga them. 23 ;
� � DOX14, I rrovidio: for the 1�raatitoa the 4-11t A815,easweat IOQM , somewhat. The race wasealled, a-iI4
w -.p. belai -lay( -to � roll .,of ,c De Palma and Burman were both,en- . � No4onal P"Is and Chomical Coinvany of Css-Isslas 14satilodo . -o , . .
. I just forgot , _r aby having, tho larr. ANADIAN PHYSICIAN MADE Lff
I , , placing of the Municipal Water- the last Movisect Assesslole-ut
. . . � . . . 4L I I L' . I � I . . �. I I - . I I I L . I . I I I I i
. works of the eaid�Towa in th1d the gaid Town lot Cli ujhtou shall cou- -.W"*"_ . : trantsIi along with Old4eld and six I
L I I'll dn 000 haudq ,Of Commissioners, and fov t1au1A in.officlot for Me, ye4r.4 '1012 I others. L - . . . .1. . No
� I
. . ep,�-r :and 'ph . tile olectign; of ,t I he first Conirliks- r I - ,would be algooct,tIme, to winning. . , r : (�, . (
. I , . .Wooderfol New S _pened fix the forty
. and 191a Ana Until "his tsuCCosaQ . ubstance , The accident hap Now, %
� �f .sliouers,- ' 110,5 boal" Y�leatea, fixuder Ithe., sald 'third ruile. De Palma bad been lead-. square, awa , .
I . idru,eats thoreto, And .y for a, full QuOtl( of . . - L- --11.111,
� Act and aluel L GomblolQg , ing with a lap to the good, and Old- pra tAcal work in conueEtion'With I
, � . I m WHEREAS by By-law No, 10 for . d ,Organized or a va(- Formed By _ th 0
1 1 ,1907 of the 11unicipal council of the 1ZewtI.,BIo3r wlach .lt w . field was trailing him as they entered a church to which'yoxi In
I . ill bo,filled , . belo g I
. Is, � L I 'the first quarter ;of the beginnif3g of. The summ. or ;seasoz.,wlth the mant is I -e Remedy . .
. r . the C,orporatiotail of the Town of, itid iAct I I. COS L, , . IMPI
; right I -low 10 �, 9 3vialed I)y 5 Fruft JQJ.'
, .. Clinton, the ,said Xunicipal Con I Lor pri - .the forty-third mile. ' The big cars lost curtailment of ordinary activ- I
I , . ill maur -the . � . [ —_
. . ' .1 L. mduiteLiltal Itherato, and. traveling, it is estimaUd, at 75 miles ity is presenting a, proble'ronot easy
: " . I did provtde for the construction aucx� ame �ali colatmao It, ts.kei Canada to Lac the really big � ining side and side FOR BACKACHE AND ]KIDNO,
. - - , ' jionpr 61 For an, hour., were rui i u. .jar
� - �-A a Sy$tem, tot Watorwork.s, in and I other Coln=' -,E . nduutil things that,�.are, being. done. . of isolutio Whet] religious
; I . aV 1912 a turn, after L TIROUPLE
, ,! in 0 c' ihou- eople ha As they swung, around- the mornenitum. can begeneratedin nixie (
. I � I the sad Town of Clinton. . epa. leated, und- .sands of year we known - passing th( on the first I , . .
Jim's I � grand stand Or ten months, to keep all thewheels I. . &
. , fficet forAlbie �e et s � ore- I that -lu - '
I ; � 11 AND WHEREAS thotga,id lUounci) his 43 A am�,4dmeht fruit was g , for them without e turn. there' . turning fo,r ayearin Ithgoverage', The -simplest and most effectivaj �
I I 1. I' L did ereet and, construct a.,$ystern. of er 094:d Act All toard organized a knowing exactly why� A Canadian quarter. As they took th L
. L . � . I ., , , I and theAaw was . 0ugregation, is, a 'doubtful pro Q61- "'r
WAterworka 4A outt for the )said te . . 0, report. Thl,car driven by Old
3 . ill U* physi an experimouted until he found eme4y for sick kidneys is Booth's '
. � ; L * Vacanc)N,Occur.s wilien %t wl said , o 1i cl .� field leaped into the air. Then ii, iloo and-yelt thal appears- to 918 ,a. .
ut. , . Kiduoy r I . I
. .ills. If there jawea]cneaq.
I : Town, prpvided by I ,
: ths watert sweived to the outer side Land crashed c9adItion. of affairs existingl tio-da
. ! 6.- ' -ten, ,,, . 7 -L stion, inflammation or eorpmI I
� . I AND WHEREAR It is, dest,rablie filled 1nni'1ir'0J , rruit Jinceis aboutuim conge
. I I . A ob te$' I . terworko I d elemlops and through the fence. The crippled ma- ind is a lattuatiowworthy of deelP ness, Booth's Kidney 'Pills quirelcrIVYL . -,--
; ,&CC �naf arnend�OAV!tberc`to one-tenthsolid matter. Ah4 this , I
., . ! that,thezatd. Sj96DX Of Wa , , chine, beyond the control of the driv- (Sblieftude, and the.' ' b
1 $ - �. I . I �61 lo, eaae alt 0110 oal � en �
I . and controlled Folid, matter -is eighl-nintUs sweet and noat caTeful relieve it, They �g , tly stimulate.
. .. LL L' I . . �%nould beinanag-ed 114063 'Or any 0"hera Who er, plowed its way through hundreds study, Will the t -Tend' -of ,summer . .
I INP.,V�p,R $01,D IEN IDXTXJr* by.Commissioners, to t,lo known as the can' ino).16 - - one-ainth bitter., It is the bitter of persons who had lined themselves holidaying evientuate inclo i �u -ton,e and strea- � .
. . . . .1 TetfTe and by rem is the curative part of . g -then sick ldd-� .
I I "Water 'Commis4oarr-9,11 as pro- are no= I jj_rjor,00�f tthe Te%1418� principle that along the fen L 11 It neys . drive �oL- -�
� ___ , .===--I I I ater- .Or, of sucl* Lee, elected fruit. To get the full benefit of fruit, 11 . . I
. . perionfi to be ce in the hope of view- places, of worship. fox! a ) 8F wiy " lbackatche. ,
, cou I
I`� � I vided -by "The Municipal 1W . I I i op 10
4 L I - ite uumbor. lot quantities of fresh ipig the race. bionths! 1while, 41 concerned ake a A
works Act" arid. alnendMontsthere- � . '
.11 , I 'A'I'didate Q346 must eatgrealult. Bv the dissi was hurt resst? Caii�tbila active�force(iof the i
�, . WARNING FRO,M: PA. V -Z", !do is-notlut AOm1na`t1Q`uIarXy L I nnouncement that no one rheumatic valix : ,i
this Vo, a Aessary to pr0V ted andnot;rietirilag��gball be � cove of t is ana- was L made to the people !a the grand congrelatiou 9 and dizzinesop, -,
l ,; ; * , , ridi it is. ner i , co-hipote, witV the
Special Am I Com- nowin'w a 11
�. _ phasis is being laid ty for the( -ion- of the 11.111,st
� , Department of J�ducatlon on the regu- . Jelect .,�, * - cilear up and r
" ,
� than the headol. doc�jwjed ,1,1,t,,,t,,7`cclAmA't'Ou 9A ... �.,���.-..���..".,.�l'?'.I�i����.*�... dian . sician, the stand, Despite this,hundreds hurried inaotivi y aud� pTeserve[tbe stamina a-
. iatiola forbidding teachers, trustees or valss�onors (Otbie, :!Ounc1l,.oJ tbg ,,aid Munic*alit .i:�i?ii�il��i��i�,.".i,'.�i,'i* bitte or c in p rt . - e ,&
. I , L , the .Counqfl) fok tNe purpo,ses afore the I � L a ,, to the point -where the car left the, necessawy tothe growth an -A frui - . the Ur'in � LL
, geptsfor I .kLan Itobe - '401 . I.; . off it juice so, track. � � . nellife I ,Z_1 , r
book'concerns or school suppl,Y houses. . .e,,I fprovided by -tile "_,;� , I
tinspectors f cow acting as 8 said. % I . shall ordierl anpie `.�i: ... rms*, . bearing lessential to g6nui . eistore %
:!� '_ CO e L 'at it is Tbe'runaway ear
-��;�i�.�!.`.i::i�i�!� _., ". �
3�.:��;.`.�:,i:i!%:!� ,. :�. perfe filter
. - �i*!.`.�:i�i�, , had left people the higIvest aud,beo4 type I at I
I Ulatic" 9 THUREFORE the Mwiticipal.'Coun iik the �ua'01 MUnicil)a 't 1903'to .. , , n e .. 1. - in -th X I
In the ew additin u. of the, re . )usoljd!wted[ . , . I V
. �4 n 11 , -C poiation ()f the Town iC( L I Ae ..%,:: . %.. made to. grow, or piled together, many of them mangled, bffect, will, tuiniulpol our bae * . ,tot e blooc
us - en ,oftho or 10'r vacgincwx so .,... incre 1 heaps On* .sanctuary lave onthe(mor . I. re es of 1,thle . .. .,
and --ourse of study. , t issued, prom . ..X . ,
to I - 111A of -Cliotori ;eXracbTas follows,- fill Lt'1101 Vaeancy .. I— I , ..., age, many almost beyond recognition ix _d L . I
, . . .. : � ,.-, .., -I...; " -how will . I . .
� . . inence is given . , 0 following. -d . ..'.. I times'. In other the ground, At, once nearly a score. �o El lour boyst anC( girlsi or
. otor or officer of (1� The. Syistiem -of Waterworks of cause, lemboT. ii,elected � . 7L- relief is permanent I
trustee, teache "s -0 - (1) ln� ca'selonle 9 11 words, a, stronger .of the dead and injured were -picked .our o0emingJudiffereneet be' ico-i . .
o . the isdldh Town, f Clinton.shall bo L(he Isaid,etleetigns
the Departme . whQ. is � . � mit Juipe is .up. Hurry. calls were sent to. -this .6truedibythaste, who,place( a light All druggists, sell and guarantee I
: uuAer the lin,aliagement and control by.acclauizi-tto"t at' by ". .�� 11 I
. -concerned or interested in' the sale of adh �Melnber,sokkeiected . ralixe, n - Booth7s Kidney Pills Ue. box, Mon.
,immS created.. This is city for ambulance and everyone in I0 ow . '
. NO= itIve church 6rd!
. I invone -an of a Board of Three CommLssiOnerz tlie'll-'s lOffice for I i to tablets the city responded,sVehicles of Many � naces? ff ey bacL1 if they f an to relieve.
L I books or supplies. and A. , %ploy, , �atl= oliall ,'old. S , MR. PRQVDFQOT frtile topic could
as agent t. .,loeknowizas,"Waterwo,rksCom�7 acclarn made Ln I kinds I oi . I unds were also y
.; . ing him or paying him to act 'O. I rsi ,19l.2 and 1913 and until Ill - which are known 3, th4 fair gro bet disicussiA than thc(� present d'a Write toThe R.T. Booth Co. Ltd,,,. '
I or otherwise. are liable to We penalties raisswners," orwhom( tbia head; of the yo -1 3 bean elOcied under. Ahe church and ' its Fort 'Brie, Ont., for a free trial. I
L : imposed by the Department of Bduea. tho Municipal Council ot the 'iaid succegsoil liai 4mentstheiret all' over Canada ufider the name Of impressed into service as teinporary altuation bJ intoA by- - �
r any SUChL ' ile being ishall ,ex- tile said .A -et arid amen L or "Fruit-A-tived". "Fruit-a-tives"isthe ambulances, The'dead a -ad injured various t1ppirtmeiits in relation! tot Sold and guaranteed in Cl �
tion Act." Fo contraven. 'Town folf,thetin �urs twhen It will Aj� Only medicine in the world that cures were talten to the emergency hospital its' work bf expansion 0 . .
. tion of the law a teacher is liable to a ,61ficio(,be on[e, and -the, other two to -and the 00W Board Organized , andf w.'rld- - W. S. R. Uolmes. I � I
; Rbector L -t tho same time a, ,vitcancyi. 10C , Constipation.. JXN1324$ PROUDVooT on the fair grounds. W�a at ther same L dom� . . . L I I — . I .1 . It ; 4 1 , .
_ ----------.--. -------
-fine of $50, a trustee $100; an in �shsll be palected a I ,,,,� proytded,by said I - Hills Out,, says "If time the, woman's � building was turn- . --------- 7 ,
85OU; and any other person officially tand place and inttNeL f4anao!raannor filled,' inm,a-ng,udr,aiekatg,,t,�h,er��to, And. Us2, of Vankleek I - - . . - .. �
,connected with the department. $100. as, thei head Of the council is,elect- .&ctandi,ame utly = not for 'Fruit-a-tiv& I am ed into a hospital ward. Physicians . . �_; . - ,-�4 11 I
. I Lember -,subseq:qe I I "
. . . . . I the othop im I could not live". ' . . on the kronuds,tllose who were there a aft I L'
THE PRESBYTERY OF HTJROW. -ed. , . hold uffWe fQ1"Athe're- ChrQuic, Consti- . as spectators as, well as the regular, " .
4 . (2) The isald Board of COm'Pis,E ,yeaT 1. I
Hold its regulai� meeting'i ers shall have, passess, 6xerblse and .,mainder- of ithlq_- ion me staff,. were hurried to the hospitals�
n Clinton �Qossor� has `,hesn electedulu-, .
.,� an- hiis..SUC . I . ysis of the Bowels. :,:j�:::,`,:.!! !�� A,d was volunteered by scores of. phy-
e1130Y. ,allithlb., powers, rights, . dmeki,ts , ., P 1i rmlw I IT J! 1", ., 1� U *I ,
don- , el,adted shlall �012, and Juntil,
on TueI,day, gepc. 5th. There were . ik fiald Act. anal amen :. L
. ,i ator, and thoritieto anct immunities provided d er tUl ndothe inew, .13oard 03!904- There are two :-�'.`.`.'-'��, I I siciaus and there were many offers . . � . * . L L L ' ,'
� L ::�:x.*.-.'�:�. ....... . . .
present Mr. Saiall,' No& jeto ,a layers of muscles I ..:.1.?, from trained nurses,,who, were-iu the ' '
_ 1.
Messrs � Shaw, R(,)ss, Sawprs, Sharp, by apa contained in "Tb�6 Municipal tvel occur.$, wligni- it � `*� 'A -1 L
. L 460n, . i7.ed K)T,f1A vacancy I in thebowela which X" vast throng in attendance. Ofie wo- L .1
(111, Smith, RichRI, I "Waterworks Act" and, amendrabots L .... , 1� .
.. . ..?�-.t� 11 , . 11
Fletcher, Alai uper PrOT11ded Vy duringeousti ...... nd RE; Keeping QualitieS .1,
. the Ulerk, niiiiistem. BI- -ther(eto and 'exercise, their antics, will befilled fuma . pition I rq- I man tore off all of heT under garments A '... 11 ,�
.Johnston and Said Act and amond,1010,11ts th"'t" become L thin and . . .... � I 11 . .
", .
� - I . ' �
. 1. Strang Young. MoXay and vacancies- in- itheir me Into ..: �;.. . that.bandages might be provided for . . . 11 ,
. nimiliers: .�..�`... ., f11L - was - � considerable quantity :4'
. coat, Smyth. 7-1-aw %hall 00' ak and cannot ....: , ssary to Puy a .
I...... ... e wounded. Her only sister . OM9 people find it nece .
Jn ., .., . :: .1 "I
-b� � - ' ." .
Ciommissioners to shall be. fiAled. as provided in.and by (8) Th!O - "' .,".�.:;�`%;, '... ... . I L t .1
and Grieve, elders, Lid take �ef feet on the,duY 01' act4 pevere . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ',;:; ...... ...r.:; .,.L: wounded, but sbe,stuck heroically tn ,� .
. :... i,
-the'-said -Act and . am�ehdmeats IoTce, a: weof. . W- .. - 'to provide. S of.flour at one time ,.sufficient to as for aJong. period. .. , .��
. L - .
. the General Assembly reported theh�, I . . Anall, pasSingtbg � cases, people go " I , L:: � , 1 her tash. wid, continued . I .
. -
. attendance and made comment on the -tbo�eto. . the' , the r#epaye,rp of . . __ L , "' �
� Vim. McQaeen.. students, (3) The ielectioris for theL first �gj-The.vOtAs'011 three and even ten I bandages until she bad no more ma7 - . Naturally they are.anxious to procure a flour of the lcind best . �.
. 1. .
L L . . I
,proceE!diugi- I L the aald %unicipalitYshall lip.talcen days --without - torw-from Nyhieli. �G improvise them. L � . I I I � .. '. "I
College. Mess in,ers (oitbler tfxan the adapted to length t . . . . LL. �1�
rs Commissic By�la I I . ... .1
were certitled to Knox . w on �vjoindtay,, Ithe. 011R.JOUDERT . y g: grage- . � �
" Johnston, ot Varna, and McFarlane, bead i6f the council) to be eleeted. ion. tlilsl bowels moving. N. For more- than 20 miles, spectators I'L .... � . . . I
- " L . . . 'L � , ."J
of Bay minted to repres- shall be hield as followls,'that is to Nfh dai of October, 1911,. cOmM6A- � jOUBI�RT Eggs Of -declared, Oldfield had been driving his There I are two irnp'ortant reasons w L L "
. . , fleld, were ap5 L at th,o hour lot n1mP O'clock in Grande Lignes Que. says "I heartily ,. . L . . I . I . . . by PURITY FLOPP, .'.". J
ent Presbytery at the -V.resbyterial. ,4ay,�Nomiriatloiis ,shall 'take place ellitE I , car With one of the shoes flapping, n . . . . . '.
I Alves' �11
jenooW. arA ,�ontinuing urti : recommend 'Fruiva to all who the hope of beiLting out:De Pariia,� �ossiesses these qualities.. One is' that. it is made entirely �roni -' ,_ ,..�.
. . Meeting of the W. F. M. S- at Godericho in the TOwn.Riall, lu.tUe.isaidTown . thLi f Or , W-1. I I � 11 I ". . , . L -1 ;
inNovember. Sympathy wase:ePrgss of ClIntalf, onthe 22nd diay of Pe(- five O!clock futho ofternolon Of lth6, suffer with Cousti . st�p, - in the faot.'that the careful -! ` �'�
- � named . � r . -patio .. however, his manager, instead-ot a Har* , .,�
� I I .. Manitbb . d Wheat. The other lies '. .. I ...
.1 . ed with Ineuibers laid aside, by sicknessr, cemb�er, i911', between Ithe hours, of s,amL_ dja� ag ,tUe tollOW11219 . Mile,' a liquid, ping. him, it is said, urged him to in- .. � L , , %,: ::
I . 7 Idl by j'the following De'P_ � tot produce. I I ,Purity Is atisolutely excludes all , . .. 11 �. ..
. . Mr. Sawers tenderedLbis resignation -of - and half. plaCe4, an - _11:::� secreted by the ; crease his speed.. In spite of the,faot milli�g necessary . I I ' -
half pastfi, isevien tOlclock .-;.1;�,11K!-:1.:: . � . I.- . I '
I I eturning. iogfiqerg Yand Toll .. ,X,.-�,-.:i:;;...,�;.iii.-il...�:�.�l.,:..:.�..� �. . �
", liver, is the pur a- that It's the high ,&rad I ' .F`
, �...-,-'.-"`
his charke, Union church, Baytield. A Vast eight nlelopk in.. the evening, ult,Y-R � I .. - '..-,�.5...� � .., it quickly became kn.o'wn' that EM�UCI�s of. the wheat berry, - -, I
I . ' I . ..1.f..:.:.:.:-�?1K§*-X1 r loweim-arade -_ _ .. I � , - - . I ..: �-�
. 1. large representation from end, polling (if at ?oll.be neededl -Clerlr.s,- - ' �--*,, * -.,. --�s.*5" -,�,O' . - a . . ids ' �Lj-
the Session . Aiik'., .,,,�:!�K: % '.�� tiv y. many had been, killed and injur( .
_.�. -
.::. f .
. �j`., ,
,�;,: ...... , .: . I �
S -WAAD-At 'the - :,��. Two. pints of bile . officials of the track refused to call.' Manitob:k ,.Hard. W�h-�7at Flour'ih.at.keeps-stands t9age!A storage. .
. gpit congregdtion s�oke appreciatively foA thO. plect-iong tt ere,to shall ,be.: ST. ANDI(EW . �%% *�,i � . . _ , . .1 k - . � ,
��i,-., I . . �,
� 'Manning, D*AP- � .I..." should be poured off the race ai�d the laA few miles . . I �.. . ...,.
()F�p- Work of. Mr. Saweviandtberew held, on,thteLf-itratday of , Januarys t..t�,.;.1 . . .. .
., . Town Hall; Walter t, . �!:' . . e� L . . � I '.. ThaVs 'Turity.." . L. . .. , I
lity_11jurning 'OffiCar. . � "."'. :'.**:.1.:,. . L . .. I
i E. §"WVille'L , : . .
. � .... i - into the bowels were 'run while hundreds thron I . ... . . .. I I L . . I I 1.
. I . gret with which theannoundement Of �101.1, attliel samp places xi�id,byithe . � . 1_� . . .9 I . I
. , �j;::��:I%i$';.K-. .11P ty'? -flour may post A Jittle
- �`-*.���':"..`-,.* 1.
... i�!�i',',.',.-, . . L ,. �! L' I . � . �
. . nation had been recerved t but also .. ': .L . .. %. ,. ....... :.. every day. In ' the track, . .. I . � L. I . uri . more, .
. resig L - L i is L am I . I .. I I . �.
I thism acqUiesence because of Mr. Saw siame *priputy-Raturning. lofficerB poll Cleric. _ -1......."111, :1 �----.L.��--..,.---.-..-,.,�, -who . . .1 I ` �
- ' a . .M: Severe. constipation L Oldfield, the driver, . Ong but is mofer than *orfh the: difference. : . � .1
I eAT111-bealth. The pialpit will be de "Ind ]poll _d1dirks asaile appobited,to , ST., JAMHS' WARD_-�AA,th- sam �!,-.,-.�'..'-,5.i`, . out halt . . . . I L
.... �
. - Ict thd IMilmicipal Jeleetione for. I)le X,0031� Soulth Of tthig LRattenbufy � .. only ab Le injuredi is in a city- hospital *and . . . . . . .� * -
. , 11
. t on Sept. 24th by 24r. 1 110 secreted. 'I . Watch results -both for, quality . L �, ...
clared vacan the y0arr 1912, and thesaid. ,elections int is is, being guarded by hu. Officer, a�d -ai� . . ..Try ito : . . I . :1�
L Houg��.,T.D. Job=sOA0JPQUt'X-R0-' . I. . . 1 . * . . . . I I �Ii ..
. Johnston, who will. -act As."modAratotr . ' N 'k, ;cles soon -.as be movet'a will be arrested. � , I . d *Yield.* 7 L . I . . . I . I L
I ,acancy. shall belxold InaL)manner iliniflarto . , - 01100i(LO ,, -MN. WILLISTON . of the bowels weak . ___ . . . .. . L t .an. .. I.. I . ... . I .�, J,
Issemblv's tuininglOfficeri.I.A....7 .- I
during the V The i I other 'Municipal gledtiOns for. like p I I'L Clark .- � . . I � . . . .
I . . . . . . � . . . � L . . � . 1. 1. 1. I �
. remits wei!6 commited to a commitfee I .. I A . L 0 . I . . Drowhed. L 'L , I . . L � . . . .1,
Richard. or sfniiiax� purposes as up r as may . . d little bile, it is impossible fai. the. . . Four. . � ! 1_
I ��AIID-Atthet-Clin- an . G. Wu,- . - , - . I I J, ,
I . L
consisting of Mer - gulailT. A . � . , IV 'r f ". M-16're' Bread � " , - " - I
,srs. Smith ,- t. 1B.-40ur * young I
1;1der,. To be. and in tho tervent pt, tbet,ahsent . I �ST. J.OHN'sc , bowels to movie " M6ntrealb .Sep R1 .
I �
-_ '
. son and S.hairp, and their J,hcA ffiliectois-being obttained�tb -toil MbTesbPr, 'CO.'s 001ce; J. C. Me- I,1STON ts4i of HaTawicks, N. B. Says 'men, 'said L to have been -under the in. . , . .1 I , L I . . I I I '1�,:,�,
r and cleric, was entrusted 'Of Deputy-JR11eturning. 'Offie AdItried.!Fruit-a-tives? and nowIsm .. . . . . . .1 .. . . . I
the moderato I y-lavio and the samleL being Matho � . er; . '. L .., 'from , fluence of liquor, lost their lives yqs- . I I . I . I .1 . . o � 1 , . -
the revisions of the standing orders of th'181 -73 L -by tble said Municip.- H. Alex,alidjer,l Roll Clerk. well from Chronic Constipation � . . 'whea - the rowboat . .. ! . I . . and. better .-Bread" * : ..� '
. . . . . . .
� Presbytery. The -next meep�rig is to be finally .Passed . , , -At J. Lets- L . . .1, terday afternooni . I 1. . . . .. . . �1 � :,.�,.
_ , - ,ST GBORGEIS W1 which I suffered for, niapy years - , in which they were crossing the riv� ' .. . . . . . . . . .. L;
T-uesday of -November, al C.Ouncili the Commissionors elec MD. � .. . — . . . I . . � . .. 11. :IL"
held on the Mnd $. J. Andrew's, . To cute Cons- ""I ... :!:::1.,:::;r:�,. , er'L upset below'thte -Victoria Bridg6 fix, , P MIU6 tG., 1AM= - ..";
at 1.130 p.m. teat bytatclarnaltioul 1or - dhosion - at lie's Carriage- Shop; " ' ' ... WESTE& uiADA FLou . .: �.;!
A n Knox church, Godericht I , Officer's LT,Cuu- - tipation, the liver -i'*z ��"--"` " �::%,.*�, . I . I .
such ellvdUousi as -the case )nay lbet, ,D6PutyR0t,urnXAgz . . � - the swiftest .part of- the St.' MaWo I * . L . * I . . . .;I 1_.
— . . 1...1..1.2.;.;.; i I W# "e,r,ChL on. ; ,
n- me, je,oll Clprk. . : must be stimula- -i�i���ii: � ....... I -_i-� .:.:" . I . . . . Brand :: I ,I� ;
gh I . i:i$i�:� j'�;]"_-;.,�:� $ " L . . . � . . . Mills at Winnipe .
shall be with the Head pfthe uOu In, ai . . %:�:4�1X-N:* ,...-.-. .;Ek current. . . I . I . I �
- . �ted to pour out 'il�li�:� ... XX . I . . . . . . ., .. . -1. . I .1
[ missionters .to fill the . , . I ' j:�..�-, .'..'.,�,".'i n- were: Henri taerafz�Ois, I . . 1. I.. .. . . .
:,.W The, me . . .
. in(ftt=( " --' :� � . , :"L
.Every Woman ell thei cow lay, t,fte 1 4th, fty Of more bile andthe :'-��I'*- --, _-.�.:
I k .-�,*.;.. - I . I I I
.0 fices afoAe(s(ald. , (10) I0 . .... ,' ag - - I I .
ran wcl�ck In '�.�.�,...:;:;.":!:�::::..;.:,,.- .0:- . Aged 26; 1. elix.� Lygruois, 0 . .. - . . � . . . I I � .11
is interested and snould ,know ctober, 1911, at plai :"' � . I ,., � . . i
, , ; J1 31
1 . commissioner receiving 10 I weak muscles ,'� . . .",
I � I about the wonderfu . (41,,The a, the Mayor Of the,said' � .".ii -iii -ii. i:.`%,ii�i Toseph Laimarre, ag.ed 19 seph 'SOL ' . - - - Cauteloii Mros., . 1; - -
. - strengthened. ' . i . . 111. , Smyth 'I . .."
tog at the the f oX0nOOJ L '�'._.:-X:: �:-"..-.-. -, , . . . ,DSY Beacom & L. �.
MARVEL Whirling Spray the -highest number bf �vO - "-_-.�il � I I W. T. O'Neil, - . . . ; ( q ,
WW)i IsilialL L � i,,*j:',,� . Gagnon, aged 17. 1. �
The new Vaultud Syginge. Best a&ICI Electiono - $&All ebutintle, in of; I attend, At thp � Town '.. Mr. and Airs. "--`.��'.'- ,.: 1::'.....%, .. .. - the boat I L Geo.,McLennan & Co., . ' .. . . . ..
1 ,$::::., . .. �
`Z -$:�� I Harristi3nWiltse.. �. �- � -:. ., t,,. 1
causes . *§-iiil� -i-i-7, . . . . . . . . opp ar d - & 1 Co., - .
mta t t fiice fol -blike y6ars 1912 and.191Sdull Clerk?is OffiCe in the said 1. W; ,Fox of -`,-��i§� t .. Constable St. Denis saw .
—�Iost C I Ve ie L it cl . : .us for _ , . ,
To'W. I J.. P. ISh . .1 . .1 .
.. . �pset'and,gave the alarm. Two tugs . - .. � . � . -':,
Ask your the putpooSis I Distributors,. . I . . I . . . I � 1, . L, � .
-_ I
I . r . orl . vintil a Iguccessoql histi�eeri elodied . -of -appointing in'Writ_ Newburgh, Out., gteamed to, the rescue, but before they . ,L. Gulitteqr� Co.s.. . � I . . . . . . . � . , �:,.,... I
. . I . . � - . I ''I
-If he mrot supply the . . under the( sialid A and,. ,Amend- ing signed b,ybiuis�elf, tWO persons If . . . MVANMNNNM I "
I WARVELaccep I I ct 'the new., lBoa'rd to attend th'SL I ' ' 'Our Ali'" * . miss FOX -11, 'Arrived all four m6ii hAd sunk. fr, . Dm. J � . I . . . : . .1 . L I . . . : ��, ",
---. at no other, I . me-bitgAheretoA and � finalptiminfug la -P ,by g"y 'c ur e 0 ' *after Sigbt, L L L ....., L . � .. . . � . I . . . .1 1. . ... I I .. . I I . . I . L . . ., :,'�,
w As .6jtis -
,but send stamp or Illustrattul . . te L A ' e,di by 'Viiit-&-tivess! . . .
. �book_sealed. it gives full partic. theI-Town CIL rk bf the vot,6g Volled .d I I . ,r. L I . I . . . . I .. I I �
Ic orwanizeal or al vacancy occurs, . pp . Id � — : .
;* . ulars and d1r6ctions. htvaluablo to lafts� . . . � when tt *111 b,j,� filled in manner on this-BY-1-aW; and'41so 0'appoint doctors s'i ." y an: operation'..cou L . . I ,_jFriinch Aviator. Killed., . . . . . 1. I . . . � . I I . - ;.....�":,�
WINDSOR SUPPLY CO -s " Is . I , - r he, life. " I - '.c, I 11 I L, . . I . - ��
. ISS I -,� ''�;:
Windsor. Out. General Agen � I . � . amieW.01I erdun, F L I .;t.
I . I "
. . . . I ing.plaeW On I . . &-Rdoiiard L ' ......"
, . id AL,t and � Onek p%e,r,s.(y)31 to attend at i2�ich jioll ,a,e . , , � . ),I. . .. V . I 'nee, Sept. 1
. Is icana � � . . . .11 . .. - , t, .rruit-a-tives . ra .
� b'ogu u4the per,soas* I , ,
— ---\-- . malom idtewlei;�t�edi�in�and�deiiious,of� pro- . I is not Merely a Nieuport, the, French aeronaut, died . . ,� . . ,, i
. . . -1 .... ,-.-�i��,.*`:.. . relieving agent'. t d ' a resdlt,of intetnal in- - . I ��, .:,
, . - A paos, . . ". , 11.1
. .. . I I . ing bf this By-law, L, NE, RVOU89 . LIFELE .. ..�
I . . . . motimg.AhL ... __ , - . .
L' . . . , , ,,:�:!:Ii�.,.,.""r,."�i�?��.�;i,�.: but actuallycuKes I 1"N6's, r'e'06iNed wheii he Jell with his . .. I . .. ' ' " . . . . 1::
, .
. I . -and, a Rlld inumbor ton be -half of the .I. - __ I, . I. .
7 . -'----'- � - - .,;i,*iti!�i:::�j:�;�:�:�:--.f..* . I . I L
. I N #
. . � . nd d6siroua .-..�.:: ...., Constipation. It machine. Friday. The aeroplane was . "
. I ,. . LL . - I
. . I I!, , I T --.;,;,I -N, L I uor(sons interested in *14 I :..-��,.M,:.:.... , DEBILITATED MEN . . LLL ,
I., I pass I...."stp: ... � I . . . . '.
. I . I . I :!:, il ::: I., "':; of oppolstingl ofthe Ing. o& tthis� .� �qneaL Up the caught in a gust of wind' as it wa.4 . . I . I . I I''.... `�
,;;; . . t .,- - . . I ED M I
. I L as cap- I I YOUNG -MEN AND MIDDLE-Acm ��� ... �
. I I I:i1:,:::0 - . . -
/ . . Y, .. L Nieupo.rt,' senseless, wa . I - indlacFetions a I :: '!�L-
'�!..�:i;-:.;-: By-law. I . . ; * ��*".`-.`--, - -411;4S : . triuscles and sized, ,a- Ili lite-ybir are thq� 11
A Real L . Y.Y., . a nerveg and bowel rising from.the grou and w the victims or early
. . .... S L lifted � .
" . I.- 4 ii .
. 4 I . . ". I , th�b i7th day,,&f cesses,who are tatiure
. 0 I ... ::::; 4, . . I ;I'-.. I, .) On Tue,gdlayr the flow from the wre6kage and aa immediate � _ , I
;"X..',::�' .,. .; I _ - I eir'L. 19-11j�-at-plelven AoWdek in - I I . I . I,— " in res or � Donit ,a, . _. ,,,,
- . ;.I,, . M,ts, examination showed that no bones , Df ener It"i
Lung" Tonic ; '. eated w I .1
. � te;;;!::;%� it el f 6t, no n4 an thist 6 f flee, L in L . , g
A� 'L '$-": I I , , .WM. FAIttiONS had been broken. 'The aero�lane, - . a is,. tric bel 4 trio . I .1
. ",
.* V � :, le said Town,, . to 0 I L I
I I . ,.:-'.:;:;:;X T-0-4 : I,�% j: I � Qwn! , all-, I -ear �l IVII0. . . 3�sq, of Otterville,' bowever, had struck the ground with . � U S I str S. .
. V.1.."1'1.'.;,:y N I ,:,: , . " . � I L -
j., I I 1", , ,' .. .:.:,: lerk of t , id Town: shall pro- I 5 Out. says "I am , sufficient� force Ao, be torn to -pieces tIneht has snatch04L L ,�
There are many prepar- , I as MR. PAKSON! - 11 Ar Method Troo .. .1 ,
.-.�r.",''.- ,;.;. ";. .. .
t ;�,;.X � :T;:;X,;: coed .tot isWn up the number of vot I andL it ,. I -t 11 0 pair, has re- L ''.."L.
t I I . ighty years ,of was doi.�bted if the aviator had ... T ' ' 'I undredsfro . 1
01,11"N". z,i.1:`�.,:, oriancA against,this By-law . e
, 11r;-�I,I'I:;; . lven f ft 11 .. I .. a or 1 . Is,
ations thatwill, relieve a cou It t :: 9 . age 'and fioct ,Vralt-a-tiveW do me . escaped Witll,Out grL ve-i juries- ' " I 'L � lul I Of I ose who wer& I ,��:
I , . ....
Uall Wi,, I
I NU __ _.,4N, - , I
-�Iflullmoo.,4,,,.�`. . st.;-.... Dated at th ' C r_U Chamber T� any L otl%eV rell I L �01� - . L 11
. ., . . . aore .good than iedy". � . I- 11wr'. 'Isz LJ . rescri 3 ecifle rem- ,
.. � W! _;� ' � - i., 4 V1 a case Reco Milu ro I 1
--few that will eure it. L The' -1;F-1i--;i-;...'I.'., I M ::. . thel Townt ,of Chutoh, thig . Remember _'ChronjeL Constipatiow , . I . . .. .nv�-!- -- - � a. ilave, 0 , I 11 I : ..." .
Colitainill SU�h, _ * I -
, _ L
_. -
, I
, 1 .- ______ I
first class, 9 . � elghtoen,th day oj,S,epteombar, 191 cannot be cured in a day, but Frdit-a- x-remler gtolYlp4h -was. attaclwa an<% � 1, I. ;, .:, �
'Clerk. C L.. -aybT I . a is no of s.ear of . .� ' L
. � . . .... ...... ...... ...... ... I M eatre If i . . - I 1
. . L . tives" -will quickly relieve -the tr4uble serlotisly � wounded during a th I , . our wouderfulauce 89 r ont ca . . L %�
� drugs as - Opium I and - Mdr- - . I . I . L -en a performance at Kiev -last night. His . :.. ) I erl re 9 d.apted . 1.� �.
, - . I . I --- , i. I �ud certainly cure - you if tal 5.$";Ail, �V L . . . ; --- -_ ividuffl:c I cases ad* . .,, LL �'.
If I . . . . 'tilt d.- L' .
I i� reirsofiibli; time. -- " '_ L as: arrestp, . I eacli in I
. phine, simply 4eaden the I I . . I . .. -, . p . �epted. We have one linfine � I I
. . .
I".11, I . . . , $enator . JO -HN L . I . . .. I C . I I . . " L"
irritation and, stop the cotigh, ' � I I ............ �_ cAunda for over 20 c4ra . I
: 1.-1.1...__. + I . . . .1 . ; ...
. I . � . .. . C08TIG�_Iq.of Ott- .. � ..... L . . . . - . �,�
but do little or no permanent � '4t'hffl L . 1. NON T I e., E, .1. taWa?says !'I have : . . . . . . . . . ... , .. . . :, . L . . . . i CURABLE CASF.r, I R . � I �' ",�
I . . I . . � . r . . I L : ., rt.. . L % I . PA - - LOR -'.NO PAY � ., -
good. J I . 1. JJ111J1110[J=�'IA . TAK-9 X,OTIC9 that the torpzo- been ."a dreadful ; L - I .� I . � I
I . � I I
- I -1 . ' : Are yot *M1 . ; I
. . otera lnfantULM L .
. , ,
- _ . I .''
. I . ivgi is laf truerop*y OLA ta proposAd sufferer from Cons. � , %0411 I . . . . t 9".V141 -gave you 109t .. .
. ,
. I L . I I . I rk: into tipation for -over I .,.... .. . . I ... % I I " PEADER � 'A 10 X on inrending to marrYy , : ".
� By-laW, wthieX has been. take .. .. "O
. . . I as,youIr 01n,geb'd,,," �eaged? HdVe YOU altri �L '
99I 4. After &2" I he : ,w h :- ---
I. Se L consid,orationi L anal which will ko?, thirty year. !.�,.,." is one of I . 1. I wealiness?. Onr N4 I ðod Treatment Wi . .II
_,V " S final I -inig., I rruit�a. I.:,. . I etirey6u. Whatithos on6 Ior others it will . �, � t,
. . "Faffier- Mord 9 Nost 10 I ly.passed bytha.Council ofthe . tal, .1 ! . ( rs Free. -No matter . ,
_ I _._4F tives' for I a few I - gsisqse-s . do for you. consultatio, .1 -
1. . I . . . . I Coiporaition oftho Tid%ft- of Clinton . Most Fatal .M. . .... . has treated write for an honest . , ..t
I . . � . .. . . . whc . I
, t , . ilon Free L Qf YOCIlil BoAt FreCI__ , L � , "
/ , i6 event iof.the pssent, of he months, I feet I am , --- � I.. . I largo. ', I �. �
does not contain a tiace of thesexlg��gerous druga, but is'an . in, d -d thereto, at- I 11 I " the hood-" (Iliurltl!At'� , ". . �
. elect0t� being.,obtaine . well from this bor- : .of Young Children I I yllooci, Dranhooti, Fa .r .. , . . - ,
absolutely safe and scientific preparation of Nature's own . I i 11 LL 0" Diseases 09 Men. I I . I . .
. I Ael! ,on;eS �molltfi from the flTstLpub- Tible.coniplabit". - on I I
. .. L
remedies --Herb% Rootg and Balsatns. . I . . I I � 116atjon'bf-the� isaldBy-l-AW -in"T1114 � " V,tult-a-tives Is ' "NATOR co"'GAN - � � :. - L . . q . I . . ,MES USiD WITHOUT . WIUTTEN CON . SENT. No natnes an l3axes 4r enveU L L ... I �
it entirely ternoveg the irritation that Caused the poligh, Cligton N6wsl 8 ra'.1 l khe Vill cure you, Soc. 6. box, 6 f6r $2-50,'Or ' � NONA n sit . Question List and Coat of Treatment FFJM FOR HOME 1'. �"
I . . At alidealers or from Mothers' should! look well after their . EverythingConfid1b, ti � . . L 1.
publication bo F?R'LjMErJT. I : "I
ralliatioll and date ,4811ch first 111ig trial size -25c . . � ": ,
by cleatfing' out the ra,!icus, stoppiioethe infla Steptember, 1,911, and Vt!gt_a_tivds Limited,' Ott,wa.' ' : , children during tile hot summer mbutbs, I :. �
healitig the delicate membrane of th:ebat and4ungs. , . i vot(ot',of the IeletctorO, of - as this is the timd of yea I . I _. I I.. I .. . . L
'� the 'Whole - the owid Muiiicipalit3j -Will bto taken L L is - most prevalent. � IM42 y '
the 2ist day ot r this trouble 016WIW&
. thaLl tilt 11,
Moreover� it tones lip and streng,thet. I .. rour obildreftbecome troubled 01M%-NsKENNE1J'T XENNE1111s' = .L
I olling .._ - � - ____ 4- II -1 . - W, , It any of 3 W � I
, I I
e gainst futilre theroan at the iseveTal . P I I 'to Aith. I . . , I
� syAtem, pattic.idarly the lungs, and prot cts a . I I . . . I I by th,40 ISevor&I . Dep . _ in %hia way it 4 you to et -w michiga� Ave. and GriswOld St'i' , Detroi . �
coughs fuid. eolds#� I , . . places, and.3 uty- )i will not pay C6r. . , � � .
L AoturninoL.Offimr.4 therelli ,nameld, CROWD per, 6nt with some now and untried. . . � L .
. I
Tfigl size :z�e. pet bottle. Regulat size 50C. . CRASHES INTO � . All letters from dinada mustbe addressed .
. etommencing atnind 'O'clock in the . . . remedy. - NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ' . L
. At your dealer'4. . .23 forenoon, and Zo3at-Iiiiiing IantilliviN . . I . Oet one hwving stood the test of time, t. If you desire to I �
I I . ,.� , � L. I ment in .Windsorp on L i
.1 . O)clock inithel iWfilarnIlton. . r I in Detroit as we see and treat.
T,OWn tofCJJ
Father M6prisay Msdlolne do. Ltd. w. Chathanil N.B. L 'Dated at th�e( int=, th�a Rekolng Car at Syrgouse Literally Dr. Powler's p,xtract of Wild Strawberry see us personally call at out Medical Xn$tfinte I . .L 1� i
I . . . has been on the market for over 65 years a*. p4dasts in Our Windsor offices which, are for Correspondence and . I_:
. J�(L OW�j � . I writh davt. i0k gept%nbor a CaSe of 'all letters as, follows.,
; . HightL Mows Down. 6pectators.
I gold and guaranteed b L - S. R. Holinddin Clinton. AA, 1911 � I I . . and we have yet. to hear of �gboratory for OAnadian bu.siness-oftly. Address ' ' � I
. r 'L. MAL . . . . � infautum it Jana notrolired. � L KE*EDY, Windsor. Ont. .. .� 1�
. _,a�,,�_ � . . _===.;;Z��� D. 'PADASION, . . cholera ' ' lb'RS. KENNEDY & I . . . I .11
L . I . M y1a u V;r 0 0 T.i,..+.rus- Ochie River 16- ...I.. ,IAAsA I - L ... r L
I ., �
. .1
I .
. I ,
. �
; 0 �V_" M -
� . . .. . . . .
kine P:rsons Af,dr Killed arid FoUr. r
ka. I I J . O11rVZ1 . . . . - I . i
I I __ I r . . I - , V'V. I
Mam, writes "About four Y(iars ago i I - -
. I � .
� . teery Are ftjured In bisaster .$it
- . , �
, __ 'r lt!t:t r .
gav,6 Dr. powleris .tj,xtract of Wild I I I
. 1� r . , r
I . - — � .
State Fair, -When Lee Oldfield's
.. M"!,��
- _ __1_1___0
I W -000-C .-M ===r__.- d= I —_ .
Strawberry,g, good test. . _ � .1 . I ..� - - � . ,
-016 ph
� I tu anc" In Russia.
Oar Plunges Through Flinde and
— - ,
" I got very �""T' � A
my oldest son, five years old I I . . . ''I
Xievan, Sept. IS.-Alinister of r, in.
Unce Itokovosoff, who has assumed the
plows; Its Way Through Hundreds'
MAY Die, ,
__ _ _ _ r sssssssssssM.ssssssAsssssss� I
bad with cliolera, intantum, two days _',," r ' , I . I
$ - I I I I
�ftftet my next son took it ; and the third I � ,
. . . I .,� -V". . � I
duties of Preziiier temporarily, has
of Onlbokdra-Mord
day my little girl also took it. I doctored - -.1 T I
issued the most stringent commands
� to tlie autllbritic�g rogar4ing the main.
Syracuse, X.Y., Sept. I.S.-Nine Per-
gong were kilIP-dand fourteen injured,
.' .
with all kinIs of things but they kept =� J.JID
etoral could . . �
on getting worse and the do . ..,_ .
, _
tenanc-� of order atd th6 prompt sur�.
ion 4,f dis,
i P;vf-s turbancvil_ A cosaacic
'is Ole
some *I them seflouslY, as the result .
c uring the closing .
do them nor good. - _�Mj .
I then started the . �?- If so, kindlY ,,
931E N -DO you wa,nt,1!imothy Seed to sov I
Dr. p owler,s Vxtraot of Wild Sttawberry, 01 Z 14 T U ly wbAt is ors
X Want to bl I
Pmtvot�.ng C
re-illp-Tit Jewish
hi. this city,
. miles Of a fifty-Iftlile Motor race at the
. )er bushels its only
and atpor two or three - days dould see: a order It at once, price, $8 1 ,
'd6red. forks, tile best fOuV Ones, Are only 750*
ilulArt,-rs I
. 11,
, "'
state Fair track yesterday afterilooll.
wben, a Itnox tar, driven by Lee IOU, �'
'th the trOtdmdutf Ytiu-.0180 Want manure
difference, so kept on W, I .
but they were 0o, bad it took 'about two We hayo Wive StaPlesi hOOk8,6t0' .
I .
I .. '
V60&1rj Phogqjjddijd�
field, leapod from the track, crashed
through the. iendes surrounding it and
. �d Seed, -curry rowdor, Tur.
weeks to comPletA the curb, 1LADISS-you want Vinegar, XustAl est -Ind cheapest
for pickling. oomeherefovb
* I
I'M Grea
I """ ,
plunged into tile throngs that, lined
of the speedwaY, Sit
cry, Seed, etc.,,
' Differibnt, peoplet have, a4ked rho bbw ffitric, 001 ,augar by the,sack or 461lars as low 0-9 Possible
1, saved my thildren's 11V*8 that time, t ..
. . TonosAna nvigoratepth-43,0360,to
I . Inervoug, ,V,rstoino mitkm Apw
tile other sido
()f the nil,13 people I were killed out- -
I jegt Market Price
an t? it Was Dr. rowl6ed" * y tile 1110 �
d I 61wayN at Wag your ltsrodtteo ASAVC P11 �
, .- 11, flood in 0 d Veins. Ourto AWN
ndbuWre.htat and Praft WW'ells Ike.
right, .and two others were go badly
� riatraot of Wild StrawberrY, I am, UO*s � - � - ---I
pwitirene�p, ml TVc&X*4tn&. E*fsaioa, 8P611-
i�wlwp)ak, 4)ztj:r,Aa,q of ,,,4 buse q), BteesstA.
injured that they d10d oil the NV43r to
tho hospital, ' I
never without it in the house.,). .. I I 11 � itink Lorkdesboro I
� . #hl irli *ft . rllmpo��Iu� ,
01perbox.sixfolp <)n6willpleae hltn-
he list of dead may be inereased,
L— I
I . Prieo 95, popts. i . . - I
R4, A M
M 801(i IT All or 311&11'�3a
� I Miq papithw
as it is believed that Several of those
A7& 9.9 .
Usaut"tared only by The T. 911butA , , " -"Iiw000immmm 1101611W
. 11111i
p.%. 0 =,^fr1p& -
_ 1�'rho opiwolhas " *
I if ; A= .
1 _72.46,06ii,
numb �04,4 00A
I y4xo� � - .�- . W_ W400
I , I I "Ill-wiwoiiimimiimiiNiomilmm" 60010101101111, !
call Limited, Tomto, OAt4. _1, __,_ . I
I— .
. . J