HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-31, Page 3r
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0'al SOVE
�"'rs. i ,4 " f�f.11ai 1' • �3I
�►, xstpddtly but iilmoart trill foxi'las of ; : , � i •- ,:N, •.tea• o • •aro •>'s.i • ��
■ +il"'II��I�•01 it ew sppss,t tube ker►Df iC l7w►Ce ` law�d. v+,lut►t s lsvrcr
wittbi the incrs,asu luftin,g Wt he 6 y,S.,... "" sys
reports ublished in the do ly Total veto• .., iiH.tt7! �� P Of i '""
t .
prase of fissstl city. There's en -id- r++�rq' liht�tlt Nb#et dare iiriddare not eat.
FOR THE FARMERS ' :entlyl plenty. of raorai, for•,�(oruale- l;ltt tlsar't�,t �IRia of Wh:o6ivaocisr food.. #aka
Ibody♦ to get l�ilay 1 o stent thetlde,
.,,.;.,.,.,,,,,. ,...m -a- ,
Channels Through Which Rsciprooity For the month! Of July x154,382 y 4
carn:N into thvi exchequer of the .
1. Will i3A a Distinct Advantage to Ontario hafoverument from, .�Succes- '
theAgriculturists of the siozii ditties. When that Liberal if !# ,. ' Y
Fruit � �1Y ID O
Country Governments 'passed 'thiel law the •
Oppasitiort called 1tl "robbing tl%,e
-urns This Dis�ae ,
F -or farmers there will be distinct ' 3 St tote feet itko m new
L,�Pement ,dead.' but they aro aaot d,lsposed to . i � . d Pte' dour tiotnach-=•haartbtlrCr•'-^•
advantage lit free access to the united annul thM much 'abuse : �e'^�itU
•• esl���eeially much' are' as Val- "'`""' .
occasional lndtgastio:i-� • shranio d yield quick] to
.._ .. __
States maxket for the follgwing, 11`5 1e a s July would xeprfeeent therm #smous scieutiit ;totes that cousti• NA -DRU -00, gala Tablsrts. The. pnDpalrly di;gmsted ood
�•,� among other articles, upon whish duty tote. potion,arnou-actiottoftbalrovvels;cauae# stores t exon
r your et miigth, volar atWriach regalia its tone, and
Yards opposite �tf, T. R. lSt:ttiOn is now levied: �' o- --. maze cteatlr# than toil other disasser. . h requires no Author aid.
battle. Corn,, n • „ combined. Ooustipatioii iufiamea elle si)c, at box, It yytuc druggist kaa pot stocked them yat �Ozkd
Horses and Onions. Parliament 9 years. Petiv been
I:idueys, ruins digestion, is the found- : 50c..and we mall thele,
Pa i'
ation of RheumotIita, pelootts the blood• f, J7 ,
est xCClRwlved one carload mulea. Apples. havci a.s clear]. a reagrd( for faq long causes Headache a,. Neuralgia, 1`i'erVOU40, M1�ri°NAI, aalltial l►No CHiC�ricil4 Ca, or t aPa li itiiltee, MQNTRgAt.
k3winp. Peers, a a'terrlau uu x,ublict
RL ossa and) nsouinl ;
Sheep and Peaches, lits freshness, frankness, , and faire Constipation is cxpsed b7- a weak or ;kA ;
o£utrxi . aoatnl` 'L'hresYl' Hass to a r cry magkrd degr and sluggish liver, Bile, the au y p gstiva.
F lambs Grapes,
PoulirY. butter, has tnoxe fr:lends to-d'alr 'thaw he of the body, ,Is. secreted by th4 liv!s+�, "�
in " YViieat Cheese, ever had, It looks, as if hs maybe which in turn should pouf out ipW, the may 1tnoQP what to, expect. The also-
g• Eye. ,"rash iriillt. R :gram=let{ as tong as he'desires the iptest neo UM lent bde to moire the .,1.1K. ELEU1IUR t or
s of the country who have the
The rery Best Oats. Fresh cream, apapartant office.' Three members bowels. Unlpmthelivex.isactive,there real interest of the masser. at
}ngtk:eFa college be bila to move fixe
notrgh - will have to work most vigc s, b :tet
Barley, Har.. lits h lnuron Co-C.o..wAuld ;st bowels regulssly# w$ ConsUpption its r-*,�-++ . ' resist Lhs3e corrupt iln#iuenceaa, but It
Senna Ilay, hos ]lands. 49. MiCkiAEL Ci.AR.IC
Potatoes. 'Straw. I -•.--q the result..
''Fruit-a^tives", •�e i� wo:fMk me. ane of the chief, renresentatiwe>i o!' ; ,they 4 this we have sufficient faith
ThQrd will be a Ii valyl hustle` in 1 • I,Iberalisin in Alberta. In view df the persistent obstruction in Uanadian integrity to graviton that
,, diciue, toil ?>w! __�___,, , put u b the. Opposition to the trade. return .f the Laurier CToverlimentby
the 1a�ear future to fi1I the dttzhn of because it acts direetlX ott� au i creased majority,the' asstigeo#
r.>: Local Eegi•slative seats rendered relieves; lha cwt -m e : agreement; rendering progress +�n the , �'
•.,. x@ {�
i measure impossible, Sir . �Viltred the reciprocal trode measure to nater
b<. : vacant by the re3psekave >rI.R. P's.. gnantitY °I ernaANaD�N11 g
h-. P
seeking >xroanotion tothe Co more ts,aith consequent solar
bowel muscles. " Lour' 's Government t has d wise I pt and enrichment off the trade of ;
• 'ter Gov ram n acts ie
e Some) o.K• thea dean brethren well - *- 1 in diesolvin Parliament in order
'`: 1 for thear 5oc. a box, 6,f �'z,5o, oe tlri�il> that the elections may be held. at the i the country,.
I• - ;:;:; ::•:•.;�.::... ;.n f. llliely be able to app y Zgc, t1114enisss,oe!'rottrF>:nit:IrtrPes .Henry Arkell Describes the Oppositlorii earliest ossible. moiluent, - It is most .Laurier and enlarged�,marketel '
Successor to J, Hamilton, old sob alterl .' l ptembe>r i Lst by imit�d,'r�tdtwx, '
f i�
:'yam+'�n"s resent d'a appearances, Belt. Scare as the, Y� eeriest Ngnaensa desirable, if t•he offer . gf the United
•, States is to be accepted, that the farm -
no 15%.;<: ;. gonietitiaaed the uuexgecte I happens "There is nothing mysterious abqut� era oP (`anada should get benefit for
:' y> . b elle itgportation of Tinned States ehHepy ibis year's crop. That keneSt hasT%Zt°,�.Zb - ,
.. _ . .... �; R�x Ili Itaall deirvlery, has . eeoluae , e been estimated at twenty million dol- _ __
-.�- "`: h rizoned rKnuodernl adjutiet into Canada at the present time,'' aaidc late -no Inconsiderable sum to be
awida o . S. HIEP ,MARKET laced in 'circulation- in Canada. It PARISIAN SAt�R PUTS LUSTRE'
AWAAw,A .:,;�1
+troche couittxy-ssdie tluan e$ ircu t� Mr, Henry Arke11, .ot �rke11. one o! chs: p • d
�uWUv► would,, coming on top. of au enormous ` INTO I)UILL,'AUED'F$AIR,
"► r y:; . Lauxiet� IGo•ve rim6itt. Th c i lergest breeders of sheep in Canada. ,
.0are being ettendeedl and ,several "'The tarifa against Canadian sheep( crop, greatly stimulate trade all over -...v. -o—,.-_
1. - '<.. new letter! torso, have lmpdsed by. the United States is. re the Dominion, increasing the rewards11
g AND. FARMERSs. thous�a ids I Every.wom'au reader of ;the Nowzg: ,I, been, ordered for the new�litlies to, ,3ponsibie for it, If the taMfi was re•: of the a riculturist and givin em• Era who. dosireA radiant hair, tblat
i ,,,, fl be le ua ed. Ontario Ys? �a files
pp .moved the Canadian sheep producers • ploymen� to an enlarged numer of everyone admires ehovald go to-WS.
Provincel to live . int and Huron -is would be encouraged . to go into the, artisans and factory workerst,To, con. R. Holmes to -day andf gab alarge Ga
one of the; favored counties. The Demand for Mutton and Lambs In production o! sheep more. extensively. time the eesQign longer would have
I ,., Dent bottle of Parisian Sage. ;
. . HCH °Cf s ' .._,_.o- — . Canada at Times Is Greater "The reason there are Trotted States been without profit to anybody, for It 'isnot' only a deli "htfiA and re-
r ,a � 1hee coming in here at present is that the discussions in the Aotl'6e were far y g
+ Wti Tao. ps the Toronto Wotld'tirat' 'Than the.Suppiy P from enlightening, they tato are•• freshi. •Bair dressing and Ibeauiti- '
See and here our finest • ,�.r• busy tr in .(to ullthe there is a shortage, of the Canadian g g g fuer 1i�g
has, been so b y y g p theree, There has been a large is hashing of old arguments and reading u�t it is sold under 'arigid guar.
I ithet eyes' �of Oanadian Enemies, . of reciprocity and of the of news R er ell pin g metal for the autee to'banish dandruff stop felt-
I :3New Stylish designs of wQ° ever i r cit nest Drease in the population from the Old p p p. g y
fermata on the Rec P a q larger market for th@ Canadian #arm= purpose of occupying the time so as to Ing' hair and itching scalp1ox monel[
�t y [.and in the past few years and they
Doherty Pianos and ` mon as itJ refutes >to sheep.,'t�bill ri(oi p prevent a vote.. Unfortunately the back. r.
y er are seizing on a thence occurrence
fail; to chronicle the fact that: a are all consumers of mutton, The rules of our 'parliament, unlike those ga is the test air tonic t . i
UTHRir b e man shipped(, a of a day or, two ago 'when a few sheep tariff restrictions and the limited mar- of the British House of Commons,ynd : known. lit is the, only one that will
I Or ans, HUGH G , well known as e p PP
u h ellington. , , c of lasiiba to the Wasit�, from. the United States were sold .on kat that has resulted since the intro- every other enlightened Parliament iu cure dandruf#,cleanse t'he seal andb
,Liberal candidate in Sot W , double de k p
ern Sba'tes £xoint Guelph dast,week, the Toronto market, says The Globe. duction of the Dingley taarff tea en in the , a orld, ermib of abuse make the hair grow long and beau-
United Stated neighb rs e r p p
• . Canadian fishermen will be reward• :W,onderi U tine 'Yankees will halve . of this kind: there being no.,iimit to de, tiful
Special values in Art ► ss t he United States fears that' Ontario is' trying to, This ie taken to mean that American sible for the shortage. 'This tariff has bate in committee of the whole, where `'
Q ,ed by free access o t any Y
�► rket for the following. Products of. p the measure has been hold up for soros
4 •ma ann, Y the J,'S. by such flagrant at- sheep will flood Canada under reef- discouraged the raising of shee Por .
t ►• f- the Dominion. mit . The. World eta 1-:4 mutton purposes in Canada, and where six months. On the asseniblin of l ucl:y Catla� » . ui , 1 •(rte;
Cas the rich wagers o to I s to procity, instead of Canada selling to g
a e acture of those 90�shee ,that r from a man had a large flock.of sheep, pre' the new Parliament there will certain• Toronto, Aug.' W3, : u r,:tt«,l werei
► Mackerel Cod. P g. P the cities across the line. Aga t.
to s, Mr, A:rkell pent* our American - vious to the passing of .that legisla ly be some measure of closure adopted the g.'eder., lit thea llutn:il ti.�t.rink,!,
t ► Herrings. . Oys r the simple foot that it is no crithe to
Pianos and or ons rent ► li Halibut. Lobsters, cousins. tion hie 'has not more than five per to prevent such rtithlPss waste of p.uh wlicli valleys; tl .��,� trays c; �. injtrr='
J ► Ha b •
buy what you want elsewhere if you Dent: now of his former flock. `If the lie time and disregard for the business ing tuft warliisien, that 'it is a gree
d choice new Edison cannot get it at home, is the circum trade agreement is passed and tariff . of the country in the future. wonder that a catastrophe did `not oc l .' :i
e ' Canadian lumbermen . will gain by _ e root a stance that the Present Conditions are restrictions removed we can look for The election will be one of the hottest(
omission to the United Some of 'the ,pini R cip t r pen ; our during. some hockey snatch, when
hono ra hS Music & ;the• free a artist 'who are; straining levery altogether exceptional a • remarkable boom in the sheep in- ever held in Canada, and it rorty be thrre were. 2;500 to -3,000 people rest-' ',
phonographs, ' € '.States of the following standard pro- ' - et a flip at Uncle S�am7s Ab Certain times of the year the_ de- dustry nada. the most corrupt. The rest t Unated ;lig their weight upon the decayingy"I..
l :3varlet OOdS. ►. 'ducts polut; tO'g gti States trusts have failed to tiff the
y gtr i- • citizen's as to law and order should mand for mutton,'and lamb in Toronto "It is the est nonsense to. .say timbers. Why it olid not crumble un i ; :
14 1Timber, hewri;. sided or suared. ' measure in their C7engress are now
. C see zLangex ahead by et)Lo(big strike is greater than the. supply, and the that the throxvin open of. the sheep I der 'the heavy p;tssure of one of elle
Sazvecl boards, planks, deals. in' Old En land amd express their se uel is High prices: The Ontario market •between t 0 -two countires will moving:their farces on Canada with
.,railroad .ties anti g Q the hope of killing it here, which F immense crowds that often thronged
•gj, plplu C Paving -posts,fears as at "tbe' i -If6et thee -coming. farmer is not pioducing • sheep and kill the industry: n Canada,: for there its"gall ries is beyond ekplanation and .'
PAUSIC EI i o ► q • would amount to. the .same thing to .
Poles. of Englislimen to Canada ,will have lambs in sufficient numbers to supply 1s really no industry of that kind: here, 'them, as the coming into operation pt.i nothing siiOrt of li none
of t
Doose staves, o'n the sociiii 'well beingt+of the peo- the domestic market all the year to kill. Remove the tariff and watch:. the a reement in tioth countries is l It appears that nous of the supports
. ;,, W _
' : Plekets and.p.alings. . . - • pie of, thin Dowinion. It's a poor . round and while it is sometimes neves Elie Canadian sheep.. industry grow. 'I' dependent on concurrent legislation in i had been 'taken away at the time the'
-- atter -rule, tliat. won't work both ways'but and soul Imes ossible to import toted Conservative. for years, but -I, p building colla ),a d- , blit that some of
The mining man' Will find b when it eery et p P each.' Added to this factor is the I a
f .ee access to they often dont-especially.sup lies from the United States, it is ►n for tits trade agreement.", action of the British Tariff Reformers the; roof had been -removed, lessening
. - = sale for his goods by.- r .. o p os . .. - . �',
i ed States markets for. puts the bo t oa, the other foot• not alw.aYs possible to : do so at .a .
C. Hoare P. .1?Tn
t _ Prices are not alvtfays higher - $& sending a large sum of motley, for `t ie prdssure 'oli the wall, which. gave
Feldspar. Salt. -o- profit. e ,
1 .' �_ :.. - market t t an in:'the Chi- �� UatiadaioEvec naltb dye�'knowsEawhat i 411 the.:rinl: been allowed•. to xe-t
► f plica. Asbestos. Toroutoi big Ekhibitioti opens in the Toronto a e h t� y
I. . ► f is ti eek and will be cpCgo market, and it 'i$ advantageous 11 kind of: "education'' .this means. main as it was and used main thia
Talc.. Saturday; a etc ,. WILL BENEFIT Q
ass bi a dxawin card • U :even,, fn o bring sheep. and lambs in from the . W hen -the Yankee and British protec• coming. winter; a citlamity wo,Li%d un-.
77'IV�'V7'I1V11rynnr1l'n77I Consumers. on both aides will thank g g United States' only when the• Ontario • tiopists joinhandsto influence with diml),ted1v have necurrerL
.the negotiators of this agreement for all probability, notwithstanding.. r fails to maintain's steady sup- o. Brockville Dis- their m1-11 I
iilionsthe voter8 of. Canada we
r• reduced• duties on many 'articles now the iElection campaign. If folk Hon."G., • . Graham at
' on- IY, •
bearing parting taxes, . and among had to put ups ivi�h 11a1'f the ane. Our farmers do. not go •into sheelr ' -.- _ cussed Reciprocity -issue.
veniencet and, weariness( at •home. _ \
thetri: aising very extensively, for reasons ---- •
,►. ths:t'.is >sso etime encountered in.t
i#sxRATED ' Meats, fresh. or refrigerated. h d• Hon. .George P..Graham, addressing `
getting latiging accommodation in hick are -well I own..Some of them HE RE 'T` j,$]TYQj�j ]FOR 1- �9�-�
. •yiaiL000E Bacon and hams. Torontol it would, be megarded' as a ave found d&lryifarmrng, beef -reusing his constituents at. Brockville, created.
•' w Beef and pork, salted.
•grewti haardship, Iot say nothing., a ppnd , fruit -growing more profitable. roars of laughter by referring, to:'the
$REE•AR Canned insets and .poultry bout the Ora anmicid o,f-st.eamj and fPhe average sheep farmer in Ontario .
anti reciprocity manifesto of Toronto.
1tiEQ T . 'Lard, `. . streetf• railtyay cars, specializes rather in pedigreed stock ,; 1a
Tomatoes and other vegetables, than in market mutton, and there .ars financiers. A few of our: good Chris- `
'Wheat flour and oatmeal . --°
The ca pars who were ,trying(to -{few farms. where sheep raising is car flan friends in Toronto," saidahe Klin1.
Prepared Gere 1 food: t h ted on exclusively, except where. the. inter, "who find it all right to. send. AvestelF.11
iddlin and other offals of ,bt+ tsmai t ..n visiting an Esseta vii i ore -bred stock. i States to
. Bran, m g „ Taimers are, breed ng p their. mtrney to the Un ted
gage,stare.:without'the formalityof .
/•� rento-vin . their ibathin;g' costumes Provers from elle sheep -raising': die- move the cotton crops at big profit to
lYlacaroni and Vezmicelli. trios assert. that they seldom get �p (J ]p� //�
. Biscuits, wafers. and cakes.
q -i d,onilipg outer. .: garments ewers themselves, when it is hard to; get thea j L o . d6n � Ca nada, . 44e to v o V
ere sheep,gr lambs from 7
sert..ed lust night when a,T, P' asl; ed . it some wherewithal to� move the wheat crops . . .
IiS Canned fruits. ;One farm in any one year, wh e .
enmlller `tK�otlen Nei >i theaini' to pay a fent collars for in- a& bf Canada, think it .will hurt your loy
Agricultural :impleme t decent exposure, A litho non ay ,the aveiage is below twenty be ,
Cutlery.. •.- .'sense nowt and then.? x`dished ' so impoverished are some of - the alty t° secure $100 there for, a horse S28- 0.00
P&wing stones. s e key {
. . the Wises t lmeni but-theref is a boun ,farms, as a result of the disease that you can Minister
only $45 for now."
•Clocks.and watched. was eneauntered' some years ago. i The iVlini�ter of Railways was glad Ii . �p 9,' and Attractions
shall be, re ared to `buy d:axy even "to nanscnsc arndJ ; w$en ! to find: manufacturer, artisan, laborer I
As usual, I p p Canoes. . , . . overste ped; the
CCASH:PRICE. p people(:who leave I T4iat the Canadian farmer often, farmer all for reciprocity. It I t�(• jbitipii of �I'1f4;'��� OCA t�1C' f'St i�v4l' e411. Iii
tied give the I3IGHES Motor vehicles.
WOOL, both wttsli9d rind un• to xray the toll liltely'get ^tvhat they finds it convenient to 'market sheep and
for W est cos= deserve, A bathing suit ma look and lambs in.the United Suites, Nowt. would benefit all. He dealt in detail
washed, or. will exchange for my -•Canada is now the third b ce �� g. y w i s shown with elle advantages which would ac �. CdpatB:e•. ..1'IE.Y UIliguti;.Special 1lttractl®ns .
manufactured articles... .:tomer of the United States. Under waxy spiff on the -beach alidye(tt ever, is proved by figures . h c ru b the larger markets for ;lay;.
tact rogity we will sell, more to : the be a long wag out rot place'in a shop imports and exports'for the year c e y g----•IINCLIJBINGt � .
fine assortment of p not in ex edition. nded.Mai'cli 31, .191O,..the latest per grain, dairy produce, -poultry and, live
You will finds United:.States of the things we do ping P
attsrus or which detailed returns aro stock, making a'speciaity of hogs.. IIs Aerial,' 14liliit:try aiiiti Hydro'Electric lreratnl:e5.
'Tweeds of various up=to=date p need and which the United States - --o�- .. sod f R .
ood supply of Bed Blankets, t 'available. The report of• the T)epart� quoted the comparative prices for; hogs (. ,Ytillipin ; allot. Speeding Contests. o
also a pp S' _.. does -need; we 'will buy more of what We congratulate the Presbyter- Blankets and of various colors.. at want � • fent of Customs shows that our ex= paid in the Canadian and A silvan I3 Zg IIlio„; and Clrt SLo�ti°a.
they have to sell and what we ian body, of Montrg:al in !grappling m its. ; markets as computed o' the first dal )1!'onr splendid DandS•
. to buy. We will'.contbiue to .buy from ,.wilth the, studlent housing 'pp91asS,o- .:ports oxceeded i po . A teleost �6ttrnetive 111<iellvity.:.
JESSE, GLEDHILL •. C4xeat Britain, tits fab;ice and other i The imports from the United States', of .every month for the, past. five Years
$ nmilie College Ufa�� along lines that toast o Canada f6r the year ending Marcli! 'to show the higher prices. paid in the IIiest Ci'er SeC. x in Lon1..
. .e artieies with which she.can best sup ..make) four tli:e betterment o4 the �t and lambs; United . States. Reciprocity would T � r . � � t
ply us. F.' But .instead of free access young people who take thenar course I31, 1910, were 35,844 sheep efit both roducer. and consumer, i , { t j
FiIE4 �li'l[�� DISPLAY G
only to tb British market fox natural there.. Tho impraveainen7s will be .1Rorth $131,493,. while the exports fromt ben .. p .
acts 'we will have also the in Modern tactical and:. full of zegl !Canada to tate United States ddr;ng! ,but the •middleman would find a• ' �
prtrd i P
rreastng,demand of the United'Status. comfort) and; +enjoyament_ to ithose %he ,•Same year were; . i -shrinkage: in the 125 per cent. profit: II►edttCe/1 Rateson:illII:.Iiltvnys•
ASSh 0 LUT itis made at the present time.
Laurier and the larger markets is concerpeed. Many. •a youth has had -1. iii '
S CURITY1.the olicy for I✓anada; to contend; with rcnor.e .than has .: ' �^i� - f ' : I'rilz sts, 1Cntry For s;'':tnil all- other uforma ion front
lu in � ��,.t� ���� I+ MR.•GiFIAHAIVI'S SUPPORTu�` a Li , ;
plugging gT in his college• dlays� an • q�
na' doubt.'Vontreal's.. thoughtful- 1; J ��I� lyres . A• . lim• HUNT, ���•
EI ness ,will !mean the initiation, . .of
9 "I feel- grateful indeed, said -Hon. V. •' f •v
forw!ardi plapes at. /other :scholasltic D � n■. a ® . • " , p: Graham, at Rrockviyle, ."that I ___.
in titutions. -
��...�, - - ;lot call ybu selves Idberals�u I app re- .e.
, Extract . a
s'4— k �, ° Ciata.,. your presence here to day I ���••��'�"I �I . '
Genuine- Everybody? cannot lieona bed.of know-how.you revere the memory* of
,....� r`; ; i ^,y .< xo,ses, leather poetically, figurative- a Sir: John •Macdonald; and how You sup•. ,
F' ;.;` ",wr,,P .: <ss e + t ax actually; but a very literal in- m all our lives, and it• is en ; ,." ;-
i ,:,,.« «kms >;�< y . ,�� �� ti N���� ported hi Y
{ ,W `« .INl l?;>.,:.<,: terpretation N•as'given'to this quea-
i•:<.:.t.:kgs+..,«,..t .,:.N.: oouragfng to know filet in..an...isslie '';��'lS:
? L - I I
a;,::; ;:;:;
�;.• a»ts'r'f"1">.:> eeentl at ontrcal when a ",:,;:''
parte r>,s ::i, ;,,�;r:; ttioii s y For TiIA Last li'ifte@1i iie&rl3 which should be outside the sphere of
t;., Rub I In
/ 3a' `! , ..3k:+ . °if .; .rt 0; J baozyt sailor Nr&13 asisests'.ed $4.00 for r art Olfbo i you are prepared to fol-
' �*'a:``°' slee' ins flower beld oifroses'art ,•r."''�. P
o is � •' y,., ,;•;:;<; P'mg }law the last will and testament of Sir ; ,,,,,,�;• ;, ,, '
v< t . Bonaventuref. railway station. 'Hb MV rs. Dune McRae 62 6th St, North Alto ale P R .00111eS out
g „ , <:.. ;; , , , John Macdonald on trade between , ,,.,
Liver P :... .
4 V eI -'iaN> • :. <t t? >r' found, to lii,s isorro w, that rexiostin(g an. writest-- sIt is muoh
:.., • Brandon, M , `
•..: r:,.. ICanada and the United States.' The �� ,,;•,•.;.;�,� '��'` '
�, .f on ,couch cifpasles is mo�rtet.ea r,,,,.,,,, ti. v •,;,
.�(. ,: .; pleasure for too today- that I Have used '�vie`ws of the Conservative. chieftain on ?,;,,��,,�,,;,,; '' sins and 'aohes will come • '�
ear 31 nature 91F +x'£ %> �,s t pensive luxury.'than a, snooze in a I; ;,� •',; >. ,, .,
IlDust B B , ur , Pr. Vowler's E ttralit of Virild Strawberry. !thio matter in his last fight are de- ,,�i.;i;; �; ,, r:r•',;
> �: sailo:z s bunk, or being rocked. in , , «sr ; ; to every, household, aiid the
s: in my home; every. Sunitner, for the last hnounced to -day. by' Mr. Borden and t . '•�'
A * .: the ciradle of the deep, end that his ' ;11" 1''; '""'� ; ';;; prudent mother keeps ra bottle
e shear rho ns. fifteen years. iddvocated by Sir Wilfrid T;aurier," t,0 ,«-s,; S:'1, ;;• 1 :.- µ; ;�:;r
u;, roses had hovo very p r ";+fN:' � pj tit rather lVIOYY1Scy'5I.iniment 5
°> That° a way 1,o.ses. Itevsj Y have six children and have used it -
.t. > on every Dile of them.
. . ��i�ti i
-- i
.._:_d, 'a ,,1�''�' - e cutsormbrtiises,
'•+:i on hand to meet t
..,;� Whether it' . 11,
See Fao-Stmltd Wrapper Below, .Lord's -will "I usa it myself and so, does my 1
t,;,t The begin to' think husband. Last summer my batty, s$ven ,- . •, :ry burns or frost -bites, chapped
s'iia° that this old .world, is ouxely. taking
Rios sm andw' x.rosy et a ti: �.`
tutslctxassial. �? ;, a,'tumble.wlien therPecial privil- tntlnthg. old, was• taken very sick ,with r hands or chilblains, sprains or .
i such a •reibuff,, as Summer Complaint, and we thought he ;i sorreintiseles, back ache, tooth -
i Ott+fit, y eg�e,i are •given
w + FOR {�AIdACNI�a� °. has come to diem of ;tate. 71`ligy would die, We, got a bottle of Dr. t' •
;i j��wV• di�YQT'MOWISCy' ache, 'ear ache, rheumatism,«
ire„ have' hail a long iannings ,and like .Fowler's V,xtract of W, Strawberry and sore throat or pain in the '
CARTERS FOR 111MINESS, . , • .. . : p
many{ another po stesfaed! of poVver, nt.srtcid ¢twin¢ it to him in smelt dosed .;i. -M.
POR TOIIPIDILIVEltr Llbatal• Candidate in Halton.
• POR iALLOV um, • 1 GOT A TITLE p
FOR "E COUPLU1611 '(You Say�that ellen she married she
� O�>0 Nt,nt,uV• "A o c
ins caeb�r°'�7e[etable: i,.rI ,. Fol, -a title.. asked the "sweet thing:
,,yes,", answered the most popular
�i G girl in;th_p� neighborhood.
?lllH�utICiC Hi:. bR H . uCoUtifess, duchess,' or what?"
..Mie s,
:._.. ,
is lnter6stcd antshould know 60046'';6410 /�N@40"0eNt 664
nlsout rho ondhfat
1tRARVEL Whirling Spray
Y'h6 fib VilCinal5yhnr(-. 'asst �i� bd lz' of s
. .-Most e6Nventent, it cleanses
1.InstAntly, A* your
drug'glst,, � .
Ithe�eaftnotsupply'th• . L `
t mpPiill 1006 . I.. I.. ''porOrttd batt wrhnord for 1010 M
•boot{«.,e:dea.Itt(r4dCsutPY,atttd. x1,650r.aarrosts forebrsing,!drunk pmd
niers ttnfl,litoctions Invaluable to Iadlt5.
tlrteltiaort str�t'a.Y eo., I disttxderly'� t1ifA highed't. in 10 y'gare
bYtatlNiYe'Oh+. Gt,„'IAgentstorGane find 93early~ 2,5tltl irr advancp►ofltltl9
appeared) to dream Ithat it would
Test forever. Even paatic ace, ceases
toi be -a 'virtue, however, sndl the
men of high+estate were practically
bowlod outby (their own haughti-
nes. The. iso -called ,common peo-
ple, are the^real witlers,.lvhen• they
rthemselves and th'o future
history of the Old, Y;•and will record
some, vory liniteresting Vages' along
theao lines, Democracy is.at work
anti the Iron h)eel has; hadAts day.
Another (great world movement
that )Aust bordekoned with is thb.
womYaln, aufferage problem. It hag
been; 'laughed at and jollied along,
' but beaver squarely Incit. TO -day
more than lever is borne holtrd the
£aotl ,that,equality of Kox arausti' be
recognizedi and in doing so a long.
e '
°etep.tivill 'bte� reached in ,solvin g
many aperplcxing aueatien • Con -
Corning, th6 lvatiqu as 'well as tiie
, , 110 *00 . .. ; , 1 . " t h `tee aC t,.i
Wo soy" ,......... „ .A- - ,
a week or more and he became as well ;l
aSrlMy� little girl, two years old, ,was .i
takgI, or bad with the same trouble,
an used two doses of the same medicine
and shit, was completely cured. ;i
. "Myself and my 'husband think there �1( ,
is no other mediolne so, good for 4 r,
bowel complaints li i
41:1f anyone wi ids to knoid' what an i '
excellent remedy Dr. T owlet's e'xtraef I
of Wild Strawberry is, I am willing to
tell them what it has clone for tris•"
ASIC Vohs ct DA. T'OWL M' 'S'I AIM {
Stlanufactured only by The m. Milburn
n ' d nrtaN. '
lwarad a
r of Tt
&1 t
ui ^
y ,
Ca.i Limited, Toronto, erne.. :::. _ . _
w I 1.
t .
4Yti Ad,� I,..,._,ac�: i.- .- ---i,�_-A"L - _ —_ _ _.-•,i..c�—� .L.s--.tAa - "I _ � "..lar..:r� i,_- i"
Father Mo riskg din I en
gives prompt relief. 11 I
It"rubs in' . quickly and thoroughly, going right to
the seatof the poi
n, Scarcely a trade of # stays on the skin, I
That is one reason why it is so effective.
With a bottle, of Vather Morrisey's i:,ittiment in the
house you caro save yotirself and your family hours and . a
hours of needless pain.' e
('There's ease •in every drop,_" - ,i
• 25e a bottle at your Dealer's. 30 ,V
(, h,tham, N.IL �
ratherlUinr•ril+oy 1111'sdiains Co. Lid. •�
. a
$old aAk. guavointepa b:*t. W, S, Z11g1 q6' ins lowpa . , -..: _.i
� A