The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-24, Page 6S -: _ - _ -_________.1 T EXH101TION FOR ' X191 TXX s . ft 110 � . W tjtp,I,air I � . '' � ern , 1. . � 0 C 4 'Septo 8 to 16 - , ^ $280"000 11 I Prizes a;lq�d litt cacti on� In ,' K 10ihittoo Qt Live W4 the Best Ever e Seca - ;Canada. Almy 1710,4,0 op eelai Attrafflons. • . Aeria�' 1Hilitory aloins 1�y re. jgieetrie Features, ' ' jt4>o8ilP ii Diad 8i , fa +Contests. Bfg 0f 0 asci Cat,NiiOWIN �. our splendid $suds. . . F . � most Attrf►ctive 1l� dwmy.' . � 11- • Bust eveir x404 int k+a>Qdoia. �RE� Q g SX.11 Ill E1 ER EVEN �t ;Lel' 8 &. `o $eli4laeod ]Rates Olt ali 1¢ailw y ji gs Awry, For anA aid othelr Wormatiow Voir ' �- A. �I�. AiJN C D tl ! �e. _et �� f t!• p ' : , . L r•�,...,....�..r..+���+L. from 1Btteo+ '" 11,iabtii''tio e� � . tp" A .is*X ptydal :ot >rt son beat ,tiot�a in Aaaenati Gaols Wit- ; Q e4iieft: .I Canasta and Valte;d uf.actured wbila. you da •Suttee.' . wait. i' lith 411,da , :. ;. a THQii�. ` -O �Tif'► i . Ci�'iJ $ r iI>i Patina- tliltil*Nm 6li>trdt 1i1i=�- 1MiE i�lllil t 11 1 i�lt i tbep,,gi*, 0 the �.q.'� . Musicians pE the_Royal..:Show~ttg a battle teetweett. *04tion cempgonks; 1 lif,66- pitold, by spe�tai a Dreadnought a ad a petformers- in anife,rm. permission of tbe;lfing,• Submarine.. BOS'RS OF tojOi A ATiAAC116i13 L.Y.R.A . Rmu Athkdic Sports -Hoy Soouts Renew—Vsuaset�--Ispa=w Fireworks- O TwdrrF Maned Military Iia�rotttnt and Facial Rases. etc . MAGNIFICENT' DlSPi.AifS .Oi °CORONATION FIREWORKS For all faformation write 7lensitex J, O,'`gRlt; Ctty ilsll, Temuto. I -, . — . "! V, � 1, lk,dW, . � - - . , '' � . ' j'.. -, , - 119-'0` . C ` , , , - " M ' I , . , , : '4 ' '' SE lu .. E . ' I .. .� I✓ou�'. 1. , F.. W NO. NAMES USED WITHOUT. WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His : Home for Weeks. 48eavy'work,.severe•strainin and evilhabits is youth brought on Varicose 'Veins. when I wor ad hard the achinS would becomye psevere pve ician told me often peration for my only ho a b t �I dreaded it. I tiled several specialists, but soon found out they wahted waanay ft, 41, money. I commenced to look upon all doctorsas little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was oft work so much and I told him, mpp condition, 'lie advised me to consult Drs Kennedy 8t' Kennedy, as L had takes treatment from them himself and knew they, were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tae xisw �.,. Ma'raon TR$AT3iENT. My progress was somewbat slow and during. the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However I continued treatment for three months '�on�er and was rewarder!; with u complete Dare. I could only earn $12 a the©k in a maohine shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. . I wLsh all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY O, LOOIIST. HAS YOUR BLOODQEEN' DISEASED:? BLOOD POISONS are the most pprevalent'and 'most serious diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely -eradicated from the system tivill cause' ' serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It slay suppress thb NEW. EW METHOD cures all blood diseases. " YOUNG OR XMDLE AGED MEN,—Imprudei t acts or later exdesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing ove�r_y oil. Mentally, physicaliyand vitally you are not the man you used to be. or should be. VIM you heed the danger signatsr' READEn p Are you a victim?. Jjavetyou lost hope? • Are you intending: to mar'' ? $as R Your blood. been diseased? Have yoil any wbakness"? r e ur Naw MI Ti=. TRuaTsssa^r will eure you. what it has done.Tor others it will.do for yon, Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for dn'honest opiition'FreeofChars/e. Books Free—"Boyhood; Manhood,.Tatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of.Men: NO NAMES USED VATHOUT wRrrm CONSENT.. PRivATE.'No names oii boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Qupation List and Cost of 'Traotrnent FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. • . . 9200..,XEZ'4NEDY&1nffLLN.. INEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. andGriswold St.. •'Detroit, Midis . N+� �t c All letters from Canada must be addressed O p I V his to our, Canadian Correspondence Depart:' !,sent in Windsor, Ont.., rf you desire to see us personally call at oue Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofiices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters:as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, but, Write for our private address. 1: . -1 i'�,.. � . Testwur�Ev:r"I &k' i. I. ,! and in all lands under the sun -in all conditions life•- b enera- . tin after eneratian--the safest and most reliable fame51" reme - a:7 i� I'M 1� . t1 1. - aa 0- iii f,�,,..« oneei %no+ra re+tuaniaag the 9.3berltl A,dmi:niotra,tiou to 00we�r, C INARUT i�bORTS. _ �. Liverpool Wheat Futures +Moira Lew- d St k I. -1 • . , , -P !F7 rte;; smitoWKE, Llf� Woll,ono 04inii til ' Oodly (�Att',s mood by the Koywoot, Head and Lower Oats of Lock Twentye One Are Carried Away, Both Sldei of Canal pamatied, and O.T.Ro. Tunnel Blocked by Boat-Captstivi Did All He Gould to ,Avoid Troublt Cut Hs a tit Pay Cost$, ,k. 4 e C ,y , or, ChLcago Higher -•-L va yc —Latest Quotations. at. Clathariues. Aug. 2I.—The $team. TO MADE AN ASPARAWS SEQ -- 0_-.#--"_ n T ewIIICA G0. Aua.19,-Unfavprable thresh- er Ke west early y66 ,Lea a morn! kl �� log returnw serf wheat nl?. in lively gash* carried away both ills lased Rud 4zteal Olreotlono by 'apt 19uooesafui Virelnla �' �,,� t loll to -day, the+ close being %o to �o to 950. the lower gates of look 21, closing nevi. Gr9wor of the, Vegetable. over yesterday, Corn was trra0' ar oasts at om through tits waterWSy. bloCk- 1 were strong, filial prices be1nB c io i46 . gg The licit %A4 most Impoxtaat 10atnrq 7"lwrn Agreement of GrRai' Advantatle,t+l• up, Provistons albe, displayed strength, ing, the (Grand Trunk Railway, tunnel, ta-a good'porm.aneut asparat�uai bed; 1a IC Agriculture, bays ass ctesed so^to Il�,tq higher, and seriouiily, damaSing banks botali itavtng a glees of > sQll nsituraily 17lr. Neely In Liverpool wb� clos04 3.8d lawW sides of canal. The atesurtor will be ..., . than yesterday'; .coral cloaed t4d. lower. �, Welk :drained and i(andy #o the. house.•?: 1 . +<tdilniaoilt >» ..--- held for full payment,of damages, ia� It nhould 'be the bM spot In kite gar, - ! Dr. Neely, . M.1?, addressing a este-i llVlr* i�.a gptibn# eluding neer galea. w}liatr in all w#ll dem • tat! • TLe reaigo+gt 1spliurn-� . I [atcitewan mass meeting, . tlecl>%rPd Close. open.Bligh.'#; w -Close. sun well on into thousands of; dollar*. as i a c n fro the ibea�. lisiiit O . ' l sat ro `sed trade a .reemeat' 'Out, ., , .. 97 The °I4ocidant occurred between twelve- r lL ak� yggr soli r ch a , you . a . i ._., • : �, the l? po agreement, O , 9i,�L}t' 96 . 9s 1, 96'4 and oma: o oleo);.... a tafit °Bsforii was ,. e$n41t# g lits ;1.10 neo, 96,4 9G'S - 86 M with tfioV9ulghiy rotted manure, and t t Affereti •groat• advantages to, the Cat, Tway .......-I.... 100% ,. ., I : in noaniatend; bail eooncl Mate' I I slat;.out'tbree-bean'-9i4 0141ita iw.,than �Nir�Id:t itsttdttrd flesh #fid clan termer, It was in tho oittes +oil • oats-,. pointe`was:doing the ,eanaling. the crown is just below .the surface* de>f. t ` she Uutted' States that .the mass of coot. , tri p> t ► ])so. ......, .... S8if, , lrt is assorted that the boat was S ; is were tb4 .,....,,.,,, !794 .. :; _ iTl n$ r »Cav Wa.a4s..of sash pla>ilt ::wellbei pushed in ardor � rea+sh Poaflt A[,fiRt1Cr4ES7`s ,Dreamers ,of, farm produc Toronto Grain Mstrk4e. Clglborne.betore six o Qlock. and th spread Alit and cover, ljghtly wild the pe found, and Can'"oda is primarily an' Wheat, fall, bushel..:..... 40 83 to i'.,.. • escape spending° Sunday #u fiats ot;na,- n ,or in . can all { ri 1: y ei. _ y _ , Q� . .. e t oo e u a�Ces in „ao. harry dor• result;, you can t Agricultural cAuntrY. With adverse ]1y a it a ., b she..., .. 090 ..., ;The oapptitin, itorVe>re7r, v►b,a was 0?Q I Rye. bushel ,. ., 0:7o deoic. when, ills a?aishap took . laaoej Plant; tho .Beed„ ether la "a ,bed to be `""'° t�avts, a lmaagao aevice ror csccrt- tariffa;Cauada did. g44Q.004,400 of bus!- Outs. bushel 0 4S o tf a Was not osk, ,,, ln;; .bawks- .lie .has erected; a polo I itoos �wlt4 the United States, Mid Ocala new, bushat.....,,.., 0 42 ,,,, say the ,ate, a go btumpiatutt3d •or. •:rahene th41y: •talk.. 're- ( Barlay, bushel ..,,...,:.. ON ;�as1A*ily fastt; altliaugh she .took a erld: todatla•,ln•the bedE•• t preter the. latter about thirty.tive deet high and seta • everybody wanted•to'do more buil BuokwheeA b,iehel'.,......049 0550 dell forweairu Iirt 7ltsk.,�I she entered steel trap on to i pes+s, basher + 'thee look. The Ste ,btgpalled tba -W, tagthod; declares a, irirSinls•. corse- P, Tata hemi; a new sae, not lase. The . Government .got; lipondent" of Farm. ' k*lrggtess, dad p -lvb, tba. blswito i>Liv+ariably tq' lt, f redit for the result of the Drinan, Terorite Dairy Market. cveralbir. wiiiah Fi !neer Wataort own Wheh I say tied ' I nietla what: the preference .In extending trade. "Why Rutter, atprq lots....,.,..... 0 37 o lei was given. Al ugh ropeii wero „ KEEPING HOGS. WEALTHY. hould we not seek better markets. Ea Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 23 0 9i thrown and #tubbed, the atgaaeie tgfim , rden bed impllRal-that is, .a . .. Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls., 013 0 fl/ +he United° States. Immediately at our rammed the head gates,. which im• ,t. rich, deep soli, toll of htxmuti as weld ' �"�-' � Dotter, oreamety, AaUds..,. 0 94. ..... as hesh organic matter, id a dry"and CI0""'1 lrink;*I Water and Fresh �, !door?" ilotLeycombs,'dozea ......... 260 .... .medlately soya way, carrying that Boding Eesantial: "aur ultimate !afore market for the Flistls,, new -Isla ..., ... 0 2t: 0 2# . steamer and, one of the lower- gates >drllny ,place•anc3 .halre'the raiw;i to rue 4 (Leena, rasa, tb .,.,:. ..., 0 u Lust and west. , bast March [bought fifty fotir labs I �rheat of Canada must be to the #% w' dgwn to.locic 9Q: The asptain.dro Pell iolith,,, .he said, "'However much the "'""'^ attahor when he saw: what wasp- ,It,you plant threeyear.old roots you fstll pigs averaging seventy-five pouneis. I Mush people may dove Canada, theyj CATTL . KS. .. pering, imt idle 1proq .wa$ too ea'i can 'cut some asparagus the next sea in weight. Abqut the middle of Sep• l 6anuot aulargti their 'stomachs to cpn ! gr e% ti n'& h but I Is bet. were. sold: on the market um our rowin production of New York Live Stock. •eo withstood.. The steamer saflere(1 son If a' e l ur'ry. t t tember they Jame o growing p several miner damages. ter no t& Dnougii'epaces must be felt at ,gp averaging 235. unds. They 3r11eat. If vie do not secure all avail+� Nt+lw WORK, Aug. Y9.-.ISrevoe--Reaelift- Captain Edord appears: to have ' g ble arketa, Canada mutt again en-: U78, o trading, reeling steady, be the rows ire. cultivate and a and Po. zit lfea•-Re 1 h • ;done everything possible to avoid an tv9 were mostly Dutoc Jere ys a {� t C'a cents 13i, sad,. stpady..leei hug ,er upon suds :s period of decline as, iaooident offer he: saw what was int» walk in when cuttllig the roots in the land-Cttilws, writes an -T linois: farmer in , vesIe, =si0 to 19.60; culls: gtc to .ie; } 'prevailed from 1890 to 1896. t s utberb and wpotera calvee, i4 to $7. miaent, but without success, While In the Breeder's Gazette. Thee latter spring., -would not stag at merely mak- "Because the United States' as. welly Dressed halves, ebip-R. rwt' actually asserting that the anal- S § Ism 1 g al Canada exports wheat. the question hepv rel bs--Race l+te 7411 bead. I Ing al bed or. two. If yeti have. some trade the better gains At'fii'bt fire pigs . 8haey easier, lambs 10a lower, nearly all dent could have ,been avoided, he were showed to follow the cattle for Is gift, How is the Western grain pin- sold. Sheep,, !2.26 toi i4; Darts, ti.2ti to claims the snubbingg poets ai the incl rich land 910fig. fence rows, where! turned on 9ucer of this country going to be lambs, i5 to i'i.5o; Cults, ;4 to 34.50. •axe too close to the: head gates for *1 there In, is enough for something rD►'tY days, and 'then Were 1lenefttted?' The American farmers X1060-Recelpta 1757 head. Market nom- f all round -safety. He has sailed for - w scatter some seed. and the Pasture .and fed twice e, day j t ane been getting W cents per bushel °lastly steady c t4► grow, B years and .never before experienced chances are -that in 8 few years you enotigh corn to make them grow nicety. �a re .than their Canadltiil neighbors'. Chioago -Live Stock. Serious mishap. They did well right along and were t I for wheat that was destined for Liver-, CMCAGlO, Aug. 19,•--0attle ee Chief En !user Weller and his stat! will .be Setting. as. much asparagus troubled with warms or older, dlsor- . Oool.. The . answer. ds, .that when the, ebtiatated at. 400; _market steady. accomplished repair of the .damage to from these, out of "the way places alt from the beds that you cultivate and. dere. .. �iuty to abolished the Canadian com : Be,evea; $6.25 to $8,10; Texan steers, ,the look in record time. The journey other my success in keeping hags thrift) 11tub of wheat exporters will be brpken $09 to 86.45; 'W'estem. steers, $4,25 'to, ;lzad to be made through twenty looks pay. spoefal giLtenfion 'to. And an o! ' n th .America buyers will come in I $0.76; stookers and feeders, .15 to , point, when you are plantlug' aspera-. !s: largely' due, I believe, to the ties p d e >X i � before any effective work could be iiou are near a goad`•town it a tonic made of ,equal parts of air . o Help to raise the price of wheat to L t 15.66; caws and hailers, $2:26 to ;8,26; done, yet navigation re -opened at the , gtffEi y the Canadian farmer." Icalves, $6.00 to ;8.25. • ',usual Sunda might , ' may be well to plant for a great deal 'slaked time, Bait and o[lmesl. This 1 goes' --Receipts estimated ' 8000; Y 'unusual hour, nine q clocix, more than the family needs; No oth- Is led in a self. feeder close to the' i . ' market steady. ..Light, $7.26 to ;7.85; as if- nothing unusual had happened. er vegetable is more: salable, w'at'ering trough• The mast Important , A�T�R AM`ERiCAN CASH mixed, $T.06 to 57.85; heavy, 19.90 ..to "Thi was the first serious break ill., the tiring; i$ to have plenty of good drhak;'. I $7.70} rough, $6.80. to !7.15: good to We�land Canal this year. . It. there are ani who feel the` need choice. of more, fnfornmtion, they •can get bol- Ing water for the hogs. Tor brood sown i • . s li ee Brom: their state and shotes I use soaked oats 'for to Mr. Fisher Wants Canada to Annex a WREAKS A RECORD. u t leans 9n that j e experiment, station or the department bulky feed,. When we begin feeding ,' Lot of.. it Four Dead 1n Wreck, . . ape new, coral generally scatter sir slaked AVtaior at Chicago Stays Up Throb Of agriculture' at. Washfugton.: „ �` Quebec, Aug: 21. -Four eople met . . Ars to, those. wild already have se• lime on. it -twice a week. { i We have been able to attract deatrh shortly after one o1clock yes- Hours With Passenger: • , it sa than. it will Every American capital over',to to Canada "' para$tls beds, I w 1 y Eve winter I teed and fatten horn. terday mOrn>ng on. the St..Lawrence China .. tt y F` aid 'Hon: Mr. Fisher, speaking at. go,. Aug. , ist a Beald , e-. to 350 hogs; brit • I do : not altos: ( River, when a .collision ,took' place • a Wright biplane, beat the world's .-a be .Weil worth while to' pnt"on them a, , to �� togetiietr. ,Toren -84e lontreal, and I hope to atnnex a verytweem the steamer Hero and thb: ` oar or 1pirath�la °carrying a good ,thick coat of good barnyard for one' bed. large portion of it, , which, .I .suppose,. tug Chieftain. ,The Hero. was bound rd er at the :international avis+• manure. free from weed seed. • It in or.thlrty hogs are enough down and the. Chieftain, which had ton meet here yesterday.: Beatty. sand. better to do ft to the.: or winter, Tbey get fresh bedding suers -week, ,brought down a salt to Quebec, was his .passenger were in the air at the , and, the old bedding 18 cleaned . on its way up.. As a result.W the ool.. .opening. gun; at; 3.26 .:o'clock and re- out Y scatter, plenty .of air slaked lisign the o eftain was sunk. When mained up until 7:08.221-5,..a total of • . : lime over the ground.. to, fresh. it. Aly' . the crash came, most of the people „three hours and ,42 minutes and 221$ Haye,you looked ht yt;a'$cience hogs are' never compelled to sleep on on board the Chieftain were rescued . wateli to find out What time .it is 1 the bare floor or ground. Old corn 1e s eevends. The former "record:was made, but. Mrs. Haggerty, the cook; and her by Amerigo, at Mulhausen, Oermany4 c l.,e6 wind it ;up and push: the at present ,48 cents 'here, but there is ,.. .: . daughter, a man named Menard, 'who Dec. 11, 1910, when, he carried a pan . hands 'u to data-. Bulletin, Ohio . plenty of. profit In feeding hogs: at that. I had been captain of the raft, and s senger 3 hours, 19 minutes, 37 Aoonds.' p ry Swede named Alwar Thomas, of the While official ,announcements for the. University. - I expect hogs to be big money mailers . . now for another year.. • , ,l. crew, we're lost. Mrs. Haggerty and contest. were received with doubt here . Iher daughter are supposed •to have after It had been learned that O. A.; .., ` _, •' 1. , : <? ' .:.been. -killed in their berths, but the Brindley, officially a'nnbunced as •hav, - HELP ALONG YOUR ALFALTIL Dairy.Essentials. ', others were drowned: The, accident : ing flown. to a .height of -11;726 feet,!. "The four essentfais to healtiifal dnir9 � ", took place between 8t. Antoine and instead had risen only 6;768, there Spring Tooth- Marrow improved by 'buildings are light, ventilation, a prop l *; St. Croix, Lotbiniere County. • : little doubt that the Beatty. figures, . . Chancing Shape of Teeth.. er, floor and a _ comfortable tie.. Win- I . j ry si I were approximately correct, Beatty'si - i,' "I inclose a holograph of two teeth dove glass is almost air cheap as Tam- r, ; Labor party to Run` Man. performance was watched, and timed; . 11p King s tem of ventilationAug.ey thousands of spectators; and his, tooth barrow, one showing her. The g . ya �9 Montreal; Au . ,1,.-J. E. Leonard p of a sprlisg t , S 3, .� s ; announced. on Saturday night •that he record is not: subject to the mistaltes, . . the; broad point aa'sent out from -fac- can be installed by tiny carpenter Or' + cost o! x �" . had decided to accept the Conserva. possible in so intricate an instruments tor4es, the oilier allowing, tine point as by the farmer, himseLt at the yet of lumber. and a feW days' Ys Live nomination for ..Laval in opposi• ` . as is used in recording height. I nape had it changed to cultivate al- a taw f i. , .* +tion to .0, A. Wilson; the late.,mem.. Yesterday's :events were. enlivened - alfa" sa s an Ohio eorres ondent of work. A cement floor is but little ., ra ` I f. y .P . ' `� ,, her, who is again to contest the seat by 'a .number of spectacular escapes,. I more expensive than a good, wood . T t; e the Kansas rarmer, Y, .,. _ „,' ",-xr in. the Liberal interests, in none: of which; it is said: was the have this s "ison used a harrow I floor and is many times more durable,, ,, The Labor art at meeting ;aviator in teat den er. fine :h oro- .Iiia. e, v . . p y me t ng held g g y. vdith' the `teeth 'made over, as shown, Planks laid over the cement where ' is - ; , yesterday decided to run a candidate aeroplane, driven by • C`. C. Witmer 11 in my asialia, T.believe it is superior the coves stand. will prevent fnjurty"to '. ; k.,. in St, Mary's division ds well as in• and, erulsing above over the lake, ap e. .cul to.all other implements so far:ilut out the animals. A comfortable ti is. y ; •. Maissonnetive and 'other divisions, ; _proaehed dangerously near ills yacht for this purpose: It will.. destroy the a little more expensive than, an awk- MOiV 'iri7: I.. MAGKe-N21E KING ' ,The name of the nominee has not yet marine. It scared tie passengers, but' surface rooted grasses, that.i% .blue ward. rigid stanchion.. A' good swing . been all passed overhead. without •injuring any grass and crap grass, ' that are such stanchion is not• uncomfortable to the I Mr. Monk announced yesterday flab one.. tt: cow. All of these things could be put is lush as disloyal as it is to sell them , he would tour the: district between • enemies to .alfalfa: It alfalfa is tl en ku ox or a horse. Of gasoline' engines <. at .one year Did .aud cultivated. Lifter Into the ordinary barn; with but little. a purchased one .million dollars !now and election time, $elides help- Motor. ,Jumps Bank. {v ing out the . Nationalist movement ; . '4 . trouble and'would pay for themselves worth,• tobacco three million dollars :. fort +Robinson, tics.. 21. -An Auto-, In, less than a year in the increased ryorth, and wood ten million dollars throughout the provinces his itinerary' mobile party #rain Welland, consist.' _ t Includes sixteen meetings in his own _ .efficiency of the herd.- Minofs. Expert, worth. Our exports to the United t ins of William i'hillips, William Reed .. r oonstitueney, , and Race Garner, while a r g' ment Station States are. as' follows: I pp Dere , = the. Chippewa Creek` bridge Here ,at'; L. -. ntinals ....... .......... 2 1rii21ion Would Boycptt Chinese. t 1,2.30 yesterday afternoon, met a rig! ; . . ! . . . . . - - ­ .. __ . . . . . . - 11 .. o . lt,y t, . ms—x.. _ " Y • the world has ever known .is BeechaWs Pills. The good Mese un- .. equalled health regulatorshavedone,inthe qui&relie£ofhumailsufier--: . , ing and the prevention of -serious sicknesses, is beyond cttkulatio'm , r . BARROW 41tnT S, ORIGUrAt'A.IID ALTERED. - [�f'rOtx, thtl Kansas 1'ar>x1er:] BE1CN-A'M.0S` PILLS. .. . each • cutting, if so *often is necessary, It can ba -kept clean, and this with-, • orit noticeable. injury to the alfalfa can do the same sort 'of good for you, and for your family. Beecham's Pills do their beneficent, work' in 9Ccordance With Nature's laws. Try a few doses just as soon as physical trouble shows itself and see how' immediately effective they ar8 -see how quickly the. whale bodily system will be benefited. Then you will know for your own good, why Eeecham's .fills are The Greatest Family Remedv Known • roots. A is very seldom that. a. crown will be etit off. The spring tooth -bar- how h'as been Used at the (Ohio and Illinois stations• witli the tooth as sent out from the factories, but so far as 'I know have not been; -changed aii I use them:- "With changing they will not cut so well in hard ground and throw too • much soil over the young sprouts, al- { though this covering of -the young !+ plants does not seem to make much i rain........Product.... ...: i�,�, •• , oal ..... 41A " "': + at San, Francisco, Aug, I.O.-The Inter-; national Typographical Vnion in con, , on the bridge, the horso of which be.; came frightened, and William Reed, .. urs etc "' ' i1h vention here, gassed a resolution yea-'. �vho was driving the car, stopped, awd, 1"sh ti , J'' :; ' terday expiiessing as the sense of th9; in backing out of the way, was ua-' .ulmber ;: ...: 32 ,. od , .. :4 ianufactured tt o ',� � 2 invention that all members of the calor should refuse . to ti! n zg . pa b i ! able -on account of the brake failing. - to ivorlr, to stop. •The re wheels get•, urs . • total-Cd�pei ..: 51/s , re -'Gold and silver' , .1s " . Chinese • laundries, restaurants 'and �' other astablishments;' Local unions tin over the brink bf the steep em.! y . g P bai kment, the car tumbled' down, and lsbestos, Nickel, 'etc. , - , .. s " are ordered to assess -fines for viola- i turned. completely over. Carder and, 'But our miners, metal �voxkers, lumbermen, tion: This resolution was Introduced, by, Delegate G. M. Sheldon of `Lowell, i .Phillips escaped uninjured, but Reed; -. ` _ the driver fared less fortunately; be- ..ruggists, podd manufacturersi .'` r Deal miners, a..d fishermen bre today selling eighty million Mas§. . j A proposal by Delegate` Maxwell of I . in seriously in u g y j red. He was taper from tinder' the wreck and removedli .Ryer alIars worth df Canadian �produets ill �e United States.., •, Topeka, .Kas., to. take $1 0, from ! � the old age- pension fund, w ch is j to the residence of J. 13', Hyslop nes'' p by, and his injuries attended to. Reef l now $400,000, aiid use it for the erec, I later on was taken to thea W' I,an • ruildin A PERMANENT OFFER ! ` ion of a permanent -_' administration' in Indiana g ' polis, was referred j •Ilaspital in an ambulance. It is fear• ed •he is injured internally: The auto • { to the national executive council to be I was badly. wrecked. ""- , 4 Voter! at the next general election. _. {What the - Conservatives Were pre- + Crop Doing' We:L pared to Do When in Power Ii , { Cxplosiow Kills Four. , lot et, Ill., Aug. 21. --Four men were I u: , . innipeg, Aug. 21.t Two more days of crop weather have given In 1879,, said Sir Wilfrid' Laurier, laillel, four -were fatally. injured' and 4nsery 7s, s oracle the following Per- ' tiine others suffereii fractured arms a fo ,perfect impetus to' the belie that even in the o r ei had legs in an ex losiorl' on Friday anent offer f . 0 p lel' ii I ht which wrecked the moulding „ i latest districts grain will be ready to cut before fliers is any danger of frost. . lia11 Any of ail of the folio, ing articles, . 8 , t is to say: annuals of all kinds, wilding at, the Illinois Steel 0o,'s pair! lies been recorded in slight gtian-• lilies at three or four points, but troth-• reen 'fruit, hay, straw, bran, tweeds of plant, and imprisoned 100 men, 11 kinds, vegetables (including pota� + . The accident occurred when a ladle . , ing in the nature of a goneral down• Des and other roots), plants, trees, bf several tons of molten metal upset t tan a wet floor... coal and coke, salt, hops, pour has -occurred. in Saskatchewan and Alberta, where ud shrubs, Beat, peas and beans, barioy, ryo, ars, Iridian corn, buckwheat and all I f h a 1 flour r _ Ran Off the Track. I Montrea Aug 19 --C P R train No the crops are latest, grain is reported to be fillip rapidly', In Northern Al. , ,' bests, the yield promises well, gam• ' dfft'erence. ' The harrow' as I use It ' Right! Thor grain, f our a w e n les from several districts received f rye, Indian meal and oatmeal�,, and 16, westward bound from Halifax to. pp can be worked. in the Walla fill it Is The !man who spends much time In lour of meal of any other grs.ItR but, , Montreal, and clue here at 8.90 yester• Saturday showing exceptionally well. six inches High without injury to it. ° his garden or orchard or field won't or, cheese, fish (salted or smoked), " day morning, was three and a half aoveloped shoots. .Between three and , :, It is Certainly superior to any of the have to spend much time in 'the mar• ard, tallow, meats (fresh, . salted . or ours late, owing to three coaches. ave foils thousand more harvesters disk or outaway harrows used In your !ret when he gets ready to sett. parrived from the east: and south, out. state:'► d Into )Can dit, free of fifty, or at 96 . mstiof Megantie, at firudel, ten miles tin- is general in 111nxlitoba tend the I.. 4 4r+. , 1 - . 5 � mo' ha^t-o all been• p aced. Threshing li. I -- cess rate of duty than is provided by: { Several of the passengers were rath- of ryo is xeported in some districts. ... ,.^*„ , C.EIVTLFli1E,NL' -Do you want Timothy.Seed to sow!' If so, kindly nrder it at ohee,'price $8 per bushel, ars I only want to buy what is or- derbA You also mount manure forks, the best four times, are •only 750. We have wire staples, hooks,ete- ' . . LAD1188-•-Vou want `V"inegar, Mustard Wiped, 0orry P`owdeirr, Tutr- meric, Celery Seed, eto„ tot, pickling. Come here for best Land, cheapeat Sugar by the sack or dolla,tr, as low as possible Baring your Produce its we pay the 111ghost rimakk6t priee . . this Act, alien pror�iatriation of the Uovernor in-Coi;ncll; which may be er severely, shaken up and bruised. .,_ 112r, I•lugh' Cluthrie denies the re- -`'� . /�� I ��C/ .C�f�r � issued wkt at simil e -articles i fro t Isfaction that >n li`in sston: Navigation. g are I . t, port that, he has any intention bf ie. tirirkq from politics. i y" 1', M, C, BLDG,..'" Ca kda may be imported into thor mpinining that the light at .1�ixle- ' ., LONDO , ONT. BU�I 89 and SHORT1 A.ND StWrIWTS.' : United States frAe of duty." ! ., L.- j i1 Point,' at the head of Simcoe Is. , an+�, is out of ardor ,and that fiaviga• •�, � �-=- ° Registered lost •season "upwards. of 300' students and placed every graduate. Seven , • 4 r ."fired tf3urans for-xrt;ul^leis and 'loin is very dhn,4001ls at 0141, paint he' Mavinv•Dapartment will bo asket� ,. . } :. ''W66wo , . ". i 9�L we ally qualified regular teachers. One hun3red and fifty Isondon firms employ target, trade; on k3t+'p{tombelr List~ tit o look after it. • _. { ,0 7:he C71�r,ti f rLba,sh it c»tr�ttftlI. /�, i tented ,. our trained hole, College !n session from $e t.. $ to June 30, -Enter illi time. i? ,Oatalodua gree. $luttltfi d ,m. will ndt be,a,aeality by hop- P ' "Aug.- 3n fes; �t"alone: gl: It is•'uptd;, le�t+Ulry 'y.4Qaral ands olth'er,S who beliovii iii Col. Hughes Nom stated I,o11t1sey, A 6' he •iberak� 06tservative convention .het iitsto aft , Tonesnhdinvigorisib o nervotia 1%4111 , makea ,how Blood iq ns. c.terrs 1lrrLN r ,acs Drbilvy� Are.71felt and Lt ><i err, 7ks• �1dLLdc tri), IS@xNtLZ7irCCl7Ttl LLL158it/LL3,rSglCrd cy ... tiro C:ln'sldats b,win Ihimno !tor htt*tl ; $jtturd'ay by lite Conservat v Qrnc�eth a�Ld Ott d,9 o,Pelbumor Fxtse -u--. t11 llICi11 �.a01iC�E'!l5 fl x'11 t(laLttlny After Eirxwke. i �" t S alperb viriforJ& onewillplei Ai.��, rleilvgit tltslaJhw l+V rsttvsr, for the nlln V!# ac+ntittmlflilihlonenC, iiatiiXr of Viototsa a11d Ilalibtif rl, uiiueuro. sola ,fir an rilgglat�, or ntailed in 'Aft , ►f. W. frit • J. L"9 r, > 'd-ominated Co. Saul Iiughes as + 64's 1•Lta pk . 011 r .06I tY of rice hrty patilphiet R16 Fl $otpCtg resines nt�alr IOo�Or, T'elnil., at h Prl l Don't hpezi[i' it3tlbA tlrl*inta" to toms u • V' 0vA� Iia , eLt(ttled rine MrCltolt+w Oar. Fx a hawk the otiiudsird bwtxevs ipf W l:lclate #Or. thu-w0maniall il�ot ... g, We ar i�"daaacf l '�,OE . *A,..._.**,. w•. , . ...,.._. - .....�. "i 11 , Y `. .