The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-24, Page 4CONTINUANCE
. f f .good reliable wercttandise, lo. west possible
prices fair and square dealing, careful attention and
4 sincere desire to please- you, rr~ t�l,ids oiA like we
tan count you for customer a s. olxler th l
� lS t'al.r fk good 'rime
to put us to the test is ear'
yzew g in the season Come
when we begin tar shQW the .>lgoods,.
Newest Styles are ►• :Was
Shown Here Fir -St "
Great quantities of new fall naerchaudise,has
? eady,been,entered into stock.
N ew�Fa li Dress. Goo'
,. 4 . CS
1V ew r klrtS
New Golf jackets
New Flannelettes
New Sheetings
New Hosiery
New Underwear
We'll be pleased to
your colme and inspect all,
0- (D (D
Fs CGash. -On I e Price Only
WV_V_ 1N9Sr
Specials here does not mean that we have ina�d
. a reduction of i 5c or 20c per yard on, each linea We
rarely reduce our price on staples, because our prices
are always rock bottom, but we say' special because
every line is special in quality and value far the price
g Y pi.e
Half bleache3 Table' Damask, every line special '
„r yalue at.......................•........:.....25c, 30c, 38c 50c
Bleached Table Damask, every line pure.linen•,--•
Special value and beautiful designs at pal• yard.
................................... 50c,. 65c, 75c, 85c and r,00
with lNtapkins to match
Linen Towels --Values that 'cannot be surp ass _d
at .......:........ 10, 121, 15, 18, 25, 35 and 30'e each
C4� i
Roller Toweling at .......................5, 8j, 10,,1212C
and better lines. up to ........................q:5C per. yard
Sheetins and Pillow llowv Catto'n5�"
72 inch Sheeting, bleached abd unbleached, at
per yar3 ............................ 25, 28, 30, .32 and 3720.
Pillow Cottons, plain and circular, •all, s:he papua .
lar widths, at the closest prices.
MORN Premiums. Gwen Awad
FRI[ 10 EVCPCI Cosh customer
I smarm girl wanted't0)learn the business
district News
�ltrtctt .
This week this tler,*ld will be pub•.
liahed in enlarged form. ,
The Zurich 0,;,ir will be he d on I
:rept, 27th aria 24tb. prize lieu ate
outand rnayy__ fee ubtained from the `
Secretary, iMlr. D. S, Faust. r
The annual Labor Day races and
other sports will be on in Zuriciii on j
MOuday, Sept. 4th. The track Is ini
weomefqeflay bloke some
Tlorer ouw
be devoted to baseball, The horse
races will be vlassed aefollowst--Oren E
race for#zorses that never started mile 7
heats 8 iu 5;,_130 class. mile heats t
8 in: G ; Free for all mile heats. 3 in S. I
Bicycle race Open. to all; half mile
heats 2 to g.
'" Gi'editoin .
to heart failure. Mr, Leech
Rev. Mr: Rimes, a former Miesiou
of the ten Leech brothers who •
"ary in Aft -le- h
,hls place and for some y�eare
coust7g utee,
Air. and Mrs. John Granger, of Ran..
A city ttre visiting relatives and
ionds around here,
!hiss A.uuie. Pollard; of Blyth. is
shinsg her cousin, MI$# liven Clarke
id atlle;s,
Mrs. John o n Bruton is. very poorly
tit now, Fier MA '
friends here hope
°s, Warwick, Sr.
Portetr'ati l;il#ll
[0120 Blair and daughtero,Glertie
at rWingit,atxt last week.
Riad llh"4"werk wwrra a S nad %mile
tbo" Ii..vr tor he rrr tbo #xtuud r,*tb NV
Of .ti fCa.rt k„tl,ly tuzy. r
igra, mid T'otuutr A,pplphy -Pont
Lund of with l►Nrs.uu•lr: Wilt. f%trptor
JA il:w Ia ,n+ttwr_R"hd.
%.s. id Mror:' 01RIa. Ilog(xart );Peat
$u” with bis .fi+her l3. kivieg*,rt,
Alrp. J,s,'Vort«++• strict trr;by atai•ut a
fi•w tirtiyAj wars No;. Foryusorr, near
Tuo.Q wh,,teft fnr tb,* !vest 'rues-
tt*av were Dir. and biro•. '••,! i•, of
1$lvtb. hlr. and aria. Wnt. l ,ti,iluhar
and.,luliiz t:,ri•tttKtt=.
Mrs. i' -irwki L E` riCprt J,o if r Re.
ward. --Last Mont!,+,v, an r,•,,�,Pll and
highly res ecteu woivau ppa;aseci' away
to athe rearthat remains for the __ppga-
l? • of Ood,,in the person of Ura. "Xar-
wk*, who wag in her 84th year: Site
died at the at the home of her
ter►Mee. F Rogerson, from which
home the fuueral took place Wedues-
day afternoon to the Burns cemetery,
Rev, lir. osterbtout, who was visiting
at Giorrie, came home and conducted
the service. Deceased held been in
failing. health for some. time. She
was a hind hearted body, who played
her part nobly both in afid out of, the
thixteli and was w real Mother in Israel
whose name will not soon be forgot.
ten.' Mr. Warwick died Fame years
`�' M�U6 � C¢tn aI • U Mntarrwk tybu
kiidxi,ar Ut �r,utTs 13utur, .l'*townt t'rtrry• ;
itis!!. >ll• jti,�Ni!. Jwp. 'l'li7�q+olti, tlpllrl
whtddoll, Way. astar'3, .Dr, i+iinth
and LeWi#ThijmsQ•r. Tt�t* deteazatinn
suet the eouvNt:titi,ri At 11411wrall and "
the favorite l+rover# ;n l a ,hi, Y. 1►ic
Rev. Osterhout and fat" retut•ned
all Wedi+esclay evoulttg.
ICttox t,bur0h80r•daY School had a
very nice plenicori Tuesday aftern,
Buro's 0burt"lt tt„oon
,d '4n excecan
Garden ren Party on NVednesdap night,
G Jienvy Lear enjoyitime. a trip in
Michigan at present,
nee a
y ho shipping
and a lot of good ones were ho q
, fjall card yl(Ftrx meet to the
to settle the question of a school an
the loth and 11tH Co4eession, east of
the village.. Thele* meiet at.10a, m.
The stork v#$#ted a few horses lately
and if some one would send him their -
Photo -Of sowe other fine houses he
might be coaxed to call their' too,
John J'ohnston'had the zr IOOf arae
The Ladies
o e3ournal
-.»�.etr o teras spending . '490, Ono.
pret&c . W%Aai in the Evan- pe . 8 hie holtAllen, pear Londeaboro, #$ Ou Wedu9slay to get. his left arm '� t
gelical OhurCla la�t'gundap, He sues it daps tOurriea. a brother of the. late Mrs. Warwick. caught in the thresbjng machine. The . '
!former resident of Zuelch, Misas 'Walters alld Miss bloods are arta #s snueh hruiaed and the machine
An interesting senna of hail was tiaiti4g at Mra. Burka'a, was broken but he wilt be .able to ale• ♦'
played between the Stars of Alias Messrs Stamley and Oeor a Stxilth $]lytlir, tend to hie wont ver soon. . y n. The The ball Quality Style
Ora and and the Crediton Stars, on Who have been 01, Wi Pot- Mies Saria and Lottie -Bentley Sun, break is only a email one.
Wedneeday of last weep, resuiti0g in , tars left i0r their Koine at 'Curries on . daved in Goderi alt. Master Kirk L oil bpd $core,,. incl ding a COu•
Ss turday. Y grater IVsr- !
a septa of li-7 ict fa,�Qr of the visitors. a • The McPheimorx Bros., have .the Can. jor'� gave a party' our Tuesday, Auttust pot' fdr any 1,5c pattern
Our village fathers have completed Mre. Cooper. of Olsntan, and her tract of uttzne is the Water a# 22nd, to their friends t
the, two cennent, water tanks which daughter Mrs. ftrezzc4 and three child• . ueen sit : main up Abou for on he 13th. GOn. Can be had for 2QC,
have• been, under wa►y for the past ren, of Wetsskawin, visited at Milton OMcs. �� , t forty little Pies eat down to a
moixth. One just ,west of the •grist Wood's, last week, pf ><1lp late S. F,
o I c szzmptous repast vvh#ch was served on
l riF, X KiP n In •Tort the lawn. .All reports gEwd time,
mill 40.4 the outer i - the fire hall, onto on Saturday, 2p t
At a meeting of the gnarterlyBoard lir:" Richard 19omera a?Id wife Mr, F. ' Z
The Ladies Home
of the MethpdtstGhttrchheldon i�Ved• Stanley MacYntosiiandWife, Miss Tema, Outs; #.�0o0#10!lO.00Ods*!O#!�
ax g and Mrs.J, ,Lo
ueaaay avenin of � Inst week, It was lVlra, dobni' .tsutchart was vision gen left for the bleat on ! ._. , �OUrnal for �� tet7nber
moved and' unanimonglp carried that friends en. Q•oderich last week. Tuesday mornin O. p c
the salary, of the. pastor, Rev. Robert Miss Ma g ! WIT$ TIM O$BRC'HM'. !: has z as
pgie Bell visitediu Mr, Geo, White, with his team left 't# g . p ogle$•••--•..•..E5C
Hicks be raised to $ i0o, Tlsia is RavfieId last week, for Underwood t4 wont an the Mani; !!!O!,!!'
ft -
Mr Hicks fourth year and during the ZVIr. Than. Baird is goitrg .west on piPal Telephone System. A r l Ol � lip Olt • ♦ .. ;
past three years of his ministry teas the Harvest `Rstcuraian,, ' He is ticket- mr• Jaahn Rose S da To ensure ul>licat" • .;: x
yen in Gad cituxeTt notices fQr':#1tiB a
dubs splendid work in buildIn 'up the ed for 't�laos�a Jaw. erleb, u>a col,
Church, and with Mrs, Hicka have Mr. OhaOie Dupee, of Bayfield, is Mr. Wm, Crawford, wife and fam. UWA ehould be handed into • .
mad'amany warm friends. accoinppntiying Mr. Baird to the West zly, •of Toronto, are v#s#tin in and thw office before box to ♦ `coo er � �o
but is,trcketed to. Saskatoon, Blyth. g R'edoesd`a c ek
• . `_ around Br y sleight.. ,e
Mr. ,Arthur Ohapman is also going Mr. Buse, Sr,,. and wife of Berlin, l►'Clinton,
Tacke'ralgith West on the harvest work and is and Ed. Sees; of Winnipeg �
are visit. WESLEY CHURCH
Mrs. W. O. ,Landesboroiz b, of the. ticketed to. Moose Jaw. In O, H. Bufe,
g - The Epworth League meeting on
.Rippers Road,. accompanied by her 141r. Lep, Sparks is also going West. r, Jas. •U+xrter was zd Berlin last Maridayeveiaing!ast:was. ccinpoaed of •
eon, Arnold. and niece Masa Elsie lie will go Saskatoon, week, a very zntereating and profitable
MacQueen left on Monday last; fora .' Mr. Win. McElroy w, in Milverton ram. Miss Annabel M E pro. _
visit with Rev. J. F. Laudesborougb, Miensu)Il for a.few dave, wan gave
Of Olivet,: Mich. The Observer Miss L. Wanless is home from Tor- led d ofrthec # oin'sMis,oowry rk; She they ars in Altlerican.lnarkets.Tho3v
x, 1+. Johns visited `friends at An. is Holidaying.ails Onto•aref the pepple,who, have an ax to,grind andr�thelr
week Mr. Harry Meteall% of- London, is' needtaf t in Foreign Lanes, and the , statigtie l lnus3: be taken'with,, it
bunt, Londeshoro and' Canstui>ce las>! Alex. Smith u talked• of for the visitin his uncle F. •1lletealf. ion i he 011urches to support Miss., gra* of omit. , The yy'��tell his at he
week. ares to send to these Foreign aazna t that Great Britaini is the
R.Neveship next year. 14r, n. Lo a
ureses J, delega,,.I. JQlina. and G. g n and wife left Tues• Lands. 'This is the second,time, the 'xxiarite�t their takes, the Sur Ius
Turner were delegnies, to • the Reform Phos, Berry left this week for the dap for 141itinitoba. League members have had the teas• fr . p both
Uouvention in Houssilr on Friday 'last, Old OQuntry+ where he will purchase. Mr: Wm, Scott, who. nils been in urs oflisreniu o p from and the URik't'dd'St rtes,
horses. t a iti
g std re
btDungannond e iv
.1 a ises e If
'Misses h jewelry b 1110
thing -eibisn thz,zt
Wankell vis'ins si; will
visited- s i Y l
d withJ Y no cr
g e oss
i � 'the b ••
b ss g o
E r
1VTo wrti
B 1 A
ob'Bu lad 'J
rd f li and will v •
o rtindap, 111an„ tans for the z el�nnze her der wQzy •ars they $soCa;ostcei'>'ed. '
their relatives here on Sunday fast home for rt short visit List. week. His left Blyth on d.sti closed
Ye110w bark Ag, Miss Nellt.R Hill also sang
Mrs. R. Gihh ngs, of the.73uron a him. Grasp, snsk. Y +� sclo entitled, z,tirn iti Pilgrim," Next
Road. left on Tuesday. ' fora two many friends were Naeased to st Mondaty evening the zreetin;; will he
month's visit with her sons at Sa W- the is sp. holding the !tine position in Mr. G•earge Powell is.slaz'tipg up . a .in charge of °"1'he meet!
sicca, and other relatives in that art, the C, P, iiti, shops that he $ecrnred 1l new hay press this week at Blyth, z n. ip
p pears, f Misaes Addie, Ruby and Gertv Gib- ailI speeak. , 1i i
and .. u •. Robert Irwin . 1RECIP>tbCITYi;
son and .Misses. Mina and a ilia Begley, Next Guodiiy- moriiiaig will be the Too' ~
`'�' •
Lora Johnson and, Miss Mamie Libing- g
Split#crib- HnLletL stone left to attend' the Millinery la`s service heldl with. 'Sunda iinany peppletimagine Can -
31k. and'Mrs. George McGonigle. left : Misses Elsie Brown and $elle,'. X+air• P g In Toronto. Sgh•obl and cots re. aNv M(14 as acompany s.n its Reciprocity
a gain s ' Y , g g : on e0tnbin,ed bargain, whereas reel rocit is fo
on Saturday ou a visit to relatives service aiaent Sunday with friends 'at A very p*east •event:. transpired at A large s�ttendaacO,. is asked -for. 'thef individual. U ,,��??-�__ Y
and friends In :the Fest, Brussels. the hoose of Mx;, and Mrs, J. H. chel- Thel tEpwoRh ,iiealgul herd' �thedr each n' then �'spect
Mrs, O. O; . Wilson, of Detroit, is Dan Proir has the brick work for :H. low at high noon on Wednesda ,•nual pibnie ,oat �ues:da (5andia*idwa! is) n(eather ,obligged
visitin her, daughter,, Mrs. W,• G. p y n eobuV or -to Bell ,t'a�aaty dadividual
Adams, y Aug.g
g d s a ...3rd
h s h their u e of n wen heir
one , eld
Q basic est dau h bu2i y
Willis. n pearl g ter, Miss ng the allzsenee'o�f Mias $e+1em .� the United Completed, leted, Pearl, became the bride.of Mr. Arthur Dblierty, organist, Miss, I,, 'Hoovety a States, amdviea versa.
J, L. Yule, of Owen Sound, ,is visit•' . Agra, Geo. Garret and Miss Mag ie 'Engin of Toronto. -Rev..Mr. Fear per lies laepn presiding at - :the organ, :The `0aba Uan farmer and 'eves
Ing friends in town this w6ek. spent. Thursday withWestfield friends,, farmed the cerexnonv,. The. .happy and has g ven good satisfaction t other Cagia�daan will onlyb Q y
Professor McKenzie, of Elkins, :West Miss 1~,dna.Sands spent a. week with 'couNle� left by .C, P, R. for Toronto ` choirfi slid eon, re .sit nom, � o to the Aalnjex+icsxt. grhe t lee �'o r sell
Virginia, will occupy Elze, p'tzlpit sf the' !.ter cousin, Miss Mabee• McOool... • advantage. He 5s: not�eohn ell .d is
with rile beat wishes of th2ir friends. g g
Presbyterian church for the' text two bliss Elsie Adams, daughter of .Mrs' ONTARIO ST:.C]JURCH... 6adel but h .has rthe. p e 'to .
-Sunda s,; --- Rerv, Irving 1VIeKelvey, crho. oecu� da o privil�e(� a of
Y-Tbos,Adame Ieft,Satarday for Chicago � pied the Pulpitt no acceptlably on �'sa• This. ie all Eh�tlRee#i?roe�
At the regular meeting of : the town .to. visit relattves. 1�ritcefiat ld sty, ini�aais.
council the tax rate for the current Misses May and ..Jennie Tunny, of Mrs, �Yzzz. Aikenherad as ret .SS nday will preach;' morning and`.,
h returned enitigl Aext Sunday.
year was fixed a„ .10l mills, .Co this: Westfield spent r, feta days w'i•t k Mise from visiting. her, math er, . Mrs: Lang. SA'LVA'1W
is to be added the (7atlegiate liiatitute 'Gertle Oakes.. leu, of Windsor. N ARMY. Wliilet thQ afi ik `
and public school 'rate.. The general Mrs. Andrews, of Auburn, spent Rev. i Jcls stop and 'Rev;, There will be Special Meetingson r . et continued; lin..•
rate is a half mit[ on the. dollar less 'Thursday with her brother, Jno, Cart. Sawers exchanged pulpits on Sabha H.
'Betaine ;and Sunda Aug. 26th Liverpoo>f the hotel' bars are !coni» .
than last gear,' righE. last: and(. 27th, conduc(4"by" Captaizt Pellecli to Close .Ott " 2 o'clock each
Charles Hosbein, who is an eittensive itirs. Wm,.Townsend rind little son, Among those who have obe to the CrauTford, of'Seafort�h, S :eci,at u afternoon. '' h
gardener; has been troubled lately of Strathroy, spent a few days ,with' West for the harvest arae e p leu a�tf is a'regulax. Pro-
Layton, sLc and Sang will berelnd red.. All hibi�tion card. Wonder why ouch a
With something destrOsing his c.trn, Miss 111aiy Pownsend, P, Cameron and Howard 'Arlen, who are, invited to attend.. -
ie u
Re e set three traps in his corn paten Mrs,' Jos. Collison,'iMr spent... John- , goes, r the home of hie untie, Roberti ST. 3?AUL'S CAUR _ g lsfio Was• deckled[ upon4
one nighE, and to his amazement the day with bei friend, arra, Geo... John- McOartney. , H.
next rioorn'ing found two young son: Child.rens( �F70:irer_Service:'
raccoons, two of the traps. The toot ball club- held their :.picnic ,A. )special :C;hildrgn's li`lower' Ser ;
zit Bayfield -on Tuesday. , ftNtiMnMIV�M ,
Miss dark, of Dandas is the oast of vice will be held in St. Pauls church
g on Sunday wfiternoorij ,next at..a
Miss Laura ,Sa wars, quarter to o'clock. The.c
Exetict• Jabs,. Ohapmstiiz, torm.erty of .Stanley, I hild
D n 1 " ren are. ;a -stied ito,asse b e
The I.'4 •O. F. BRAID . AND. o n d and Malcholni Fraser andDon � 1 ui ithe i
gave'a reception fast aid Junor have lately ta.ken-up. home. school. room 2t 2.30 p{In, each
Thftirsday evening to S. A. PoplPstnne, PluinDING
having' aboq•ueit of flowers, A pro -
grand mister of ..the .Grand' T.,odge,,. steads on the Peace River Basket- j
yV p eheway. - They bizilt houses , and ' are cession will then be formed into th
L 0 O; fir, of 6ntat ib, in honovOf his . ��D�Q:,. RR intprovin 'the land is a church where there tivi11 bet s`:h=. 110T li"rPsTER
receat.eleotion_to,that position.-. Head. A a��ll ,, b ,xpeetet- children' 'iservice vith� stalk t ' STEh7Qi[ �
ed by the vitizens' Banpd of. London, a . ed' .they az railway Witt soon reach the little' foilcsl by the lieetom And HOT
pt`4oession of vddfellows, followed by - """` _ "
the gnests in autowobiles, marched to child who i a 8�
the school grounds, where about two " ( len yy� net be bleded ��o pi o� � -
thousand people gattzered to honor an I"II�S I+I;ASIBI. ONLY Ilii COIV` ]tio]lruesviltc Cure atltam, Tbo flowers will be
i •semis next '.morniag - to.szck child- Calva`$!,llize , 1• "Work
k xeti+r old boy itind member of the itilrs..T: 1 , Atkinson, who has been.i ren in Rospzhala� at 'Toronto' and � ydll
ROxeter-Lodine, Nc..(i7>- The.chair was ,JUNCTION VITt SECOND, visitin liar, father. Mr, E, .
g Levis for London, Roolili . •�IJlid
taken. by Mr, L. H. Dickson' Acting jj• - _,;,,:, ' the last three months left cit Tuesday -
Ji i,eve Levitt gave an address of Wel. 1 for her home in Vancouver, B. 0. WWI IS CHURCH,,
come on behalf of the town; Mr. J, G. f Hon, Adam Beek S ealCs t ,Rev, C.' L. L Cduzens, of Staffs, On Sunday etteninglastMiss Nina , E'Ct?$I`oIl°ipl fo
Stanbury,• B. A„ gave an address of p a acconiVanied by his wife and children 'Middletog Who is, the possessor of � t �'
welcome on behalf • of. the lodge.) are visiting at 'the parsonage. a fine rich voice .sang a solo entitle:
Grand Master Poplestone replied a.tia ` Cocterioh ;Meeting. Mxa. E. A. Sill ,and children, ,of "Thel Lord, i,sl my Light." At th''d
thanked.the people for given `him th'ia ) ;` pranbropk, B, 0., .vzsited\with Mr, E. moruhtg.gervice of the i5wnda be-
fore rMrs xn, L7aiittelozi san a solo
gg Lavis a few days taet`veek. , We have everything
the grandest reception he had ever
seen. Ile paid a high tribute 'to .his tloderich, Ont„ . Au .ust 1 -- - sola very `eet)y attd ths.�even-
mother, alta rasa esteemed resident Adam Beck to•ni ht dealt. w Han, `^ �' that in new''and up -to data.
death 3ng5 M Jim; Doherty' lt'�as;hea" d !to
of the town, and who he said had to the $rod% !sower :b •la $AY)k')rEL1Q fine adrvaivtage in '"1`he da is •end -
stood behind hint at all t' . 1.blOWL y w', i, in'the Plumbin and hrates and • inwhich was to be voted on Saturday, ed by .8-artlett,• g twat
The Rev. Mr, Argo, of Lobo, preach -
spired ham on his career. :Fast Grand and which would compel the town to ad in St. Andrews on. Sunday worn- � ing business;
Master Biewett, K, O,, of Stratford, buy power at. 131 Per ' borse power, Ing last, WT3Y 'Vtr$Of;ESALE PRODUCE
gave an addz`esa on . Oddfelluwship, when lie prom,sed hydra power. to she roceeds+ of the •St, Andreis MERCHANTS E5Tli1IAT]El"s GIVEN ON. ALL ,
After. the speeches a band concert was Goderich at WI per horsepower, and Az tz#versaries am.ortnted to the sum OPPOSE J
held by the London Oity Band.. presented a possibility of the' town be- $22500, °f RECIPROCITY. CONTRACT WOR1lC .
ng able . to purchase pOwei in a; few Edward Rutledge an old' timer regi,.. 'pita tvholesa
years for .$20. a dent of thi6 place together with ; le Produce mor_
Alar a aztdience o t + g h his chantrs are'able to buy mnfcon esteci•
g f he towns rate, Wife�e,e,, "_V� } q, „nes 'visitors. biark€tsi at ToXOatic[, aud, ,Montrs 1
. bliss Bertha, Manning has returned . payers. tVitlt• Warden Geiger as ebair ,Mr. Whiddon will resume Ivor in a the d � u
home from a lengthy vis#t with friends manelistened to the enthusiastic ad- his evaporator shortly after Set 1st. from y- .°L' nbf nvauttbppo are L am •
dress of Mr. Beck, The "meeting was At a meeting ' of the L' e p am American buys. Tlteae are J� .
in Wiebigan, tatted lei those opposing g ib tar party of Otho rosea +their}• are trying 6o.ahow
.Alf. Asquith built the ceinent fours- y pposin .the Brodie this village the following were the _ prxeea{ ark hl�lierjin rL'oxolti(o, t zg.
dation far Lire addition to his eve `ora- scheme in. conjunction with ilia Board
tar last week. of Trade,,
iloweOn and Lawson are shi iii 6peaking 6f the possible chance of `.
bobbin -wood again -this week Yo ,r . Power developmeut from :the -Maitland -
were loading Jumber last week. $ River, Mr. Beep said; "It lb decidedly -- ,
The pulpit of the Methodist church A fsas'Lle scheme in conjunction with
for the next two Sundays will be -sup Niagara power but only in eoq'unetiou y. o • 'fj/5 � t
plied by Rev, Mr. �iC hiting, of Park, with Niagara power, I pre, I�
hill, Next Sunday"the pastor, Ilea, .dict that when Maitland power and OJZ
hydra power are run together Goder• 1 } 03 •• � `" ••w- � ti
R. A. Millar, preaches anniversary ieb will have ower, at $25per hor�e-
�eamons in blain. street church Exeter p
snd the following Supday he Preacher, Io
t er, and in five or six .yearn at have
It Corinth, a fdrmer charge. present we can give qon hydro
Among, those who left for the "West power $tit $34.58,"
Prom this station were : Ira Dalt Jo Mr. Beck then stated what, the eiam.
An al
eouuty o
Soseplt L
'.dead In h
Geor e
being du
ed, r
Raymond Far usono George
rrvev g
McGee, r, and Mrs,
izYissipn is doing • about the Maitland
scheme, Engineers are now at. work
Md 1vlaster !!,liner, Mrs. ,tag.
Miss Ritchie, Mars. 'Whitney
on the river. Negotiations have been.
made with the .Maitlamd River Power
iornpaan, 0f Donnybrook, ..
Company for the purchase •of their
holdings, $s.nd if that company, Will
Tzar, come to reAsonati�bte terms their
holdings maybe expropriated by the
llfelObg resident of the
in the personof Mr.
coznmisslon, Mr.13eek read the return
sheets of August 12 and 18, which
0001), of 731uevs,re, wars found
is bed at the home of Mr,
showed that line loss 06unted for
nothing fn the hydro -electric, In one
Gorrie, at an early
Thuraday morning, • death
muolelpality' they are selling 10,025
horsepower, tis treasured by the sell-
to heart failure. Mr, Leech
Ing meters, where the company is only
of the ten Leech brothers who •
Paying for 0,240 horsepower, as reg.
,hls place and for some y�eare
MIMI on the buying meter of the
e was known as Ldeeliville,
rage!, who wps. inimarxied,
Company, showing -the line load wiped .
auto whereas previous estimatesplReed
s Slst year; wets a prominent
b and a stautich (lonservat-
the probable 1me loss at 2o'per ee tit. . .
Mr. Back aid: Y'ld'e want to connect
vYi t`i every4
d ro
MAIL, Iter`, o o hhnn •
n�toji p iricwater
1190IMOC9ITYY strolls creiiter
P11010014ty* for Rullon etlttA011
enter wnen pienty of power
)le On those streame, we
aril aitialtd R#t+Atr power at