HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-17, Page 86
FRo CALF 9..qfiirdqv
C`I.TiQ' '0X W1439 STs
AgFug,Iot e w,....w.. ww.170 is.
e, w.111I• .l.,l. ..150
PeYas ..•......... ......Iltltt0 $S
• S `ho,Arte":::.: ; 35t6to Popular tales for Lounging, Boasting, travel
#a "ran ...... $2140
Barie...,.5tto 55
+ Xng, Hamm C►Ing,10, x5, 25, 30e,
egularz)e11ingP,� Make Your dripJi>«joylbe
.� ,�
St. h'aul's StiHda'g SehoQl held
Tape one of the latest magazines ,to read:
their annual ppicnic at Bayfield, ,o ,
Tnesdayc oaf �tki% week. A goo an.the way car while there, will cast you less '
tfina was enjoyed by all.
here than on al '
" 'Saturdaywe put an sale Re� nauts and Odd Sizes of Dress `A `,, WOMENIS• INSTITUTB. r n the train. � � -
The regular monthly meetin of ,
`+ "t the Woi)4ou�s Institute will be�eld 1 009t Wait i it the Hotel
k y� t. ! >, x ire. chambers: on
• 1, # Thursday aftern
1Qds, e� QS C Gloves, Underwear, Waists, s4 Coats, at kite hams of oatx, Aub. 24t1i, In
Etc., Mot,, from,
both",stores. at �A�� �bFl1r >r'Q�"ll�ttC 1�8��Xng PrICe% •khree e'clael�. A �aod aitenduce Until, -friend is through using the icon
oarl 04 wuxp �thw b st bar
� 0
01744Q gains. , � , take a: �i''''aterlmar�. Ideal with you. and be
, argree iviogaangIoRf 'Xit- In ,
�. ,1.111
ch ll, �a�tinetly pa,atior da . a tau,
' � EN
e -P -dent.
. _ . :1111... burt�trete�t oh � Ch, �� :9110; o�'tlle . r r
' e wn Mo hods'sL ministate Jai ,
ken t
Ontario, ways taken s -- ._* �,�---
cmuau�ts Haltr�ce Haif'o9Whitewear sleep cuts in Satte>alettic�uui dens ill art gVind'aT to Sunda
and ywas ktnabie, to eonduct kheL us- Fair o Cottons, Shootings, Tow.elin s, Friday and I3aturdav we will clear out the u�a1 �searvices ixi St. Andrevv�s church
llelnnanta # C tit .na, l3. 1 g , tI t e tie t til Cleaning up. the balance of put 61ack satteeli,. ran is e'v cos in . $is' ieW3 csition.
:. Satteena, Wrapperettee, Ginghams, l Prints, balance of our White' a_ 26p. r.. n o The V�ADo e
FlantaelQttes, Drees (#sada, alto•, at half�price. murrey' and regat taffeta petticoats at the o n*t believed,'to be serious,.
15C Gin hails fo S �ee:�
llow•n -pri
:r _
Reguia�>t 4 . � I:00 for 79 ' MINflR %OCAL''�! Q�telt! the �hea�prest�--�[l�r�r�ys. #I>te Sea;
«2 Taffeta bilk 9l' 16o garde Glinghain, in 'stripe$ and cher ks, 1.25. 11 89 The. New Era Telepbonee are. 30 and
lOQ arch B.IaC1 Taffeta Silk stem erl, oar- wide.widtho, good firm cloth, regular 150 Sat- ,. 1,50 �� 1.10 95, .Hello I Do you oatch on 1..
y . P g Ur4ay8c; 2.% •' 1.40
Allanteed, ,inches wide, e,�leiidid weight and " i t . wa 1
'+ 2.60 '� 1.89 Ol n on e,,wel reprsseniecl at'T-
highly,, nisbed, regular 41.4, Saturday 980, �;2,; alld tie �'mbroldeC 9c A. 5:00• 2,25 Glodericki an "Vi edneatla attecidin
2 - West Huron Liberal. yNolginating •NNI�NN!!!*!!�!!!!!lN ,
the it
$00 yards White: Lawn llmbroid'ery. two to Convention,
Table No. one saves inches wide dainty designs, fine quality, 8 llt .in"Childre SttravY hats Dere has .been a good'deai
/n► n g R
• regular 124 and 15c sale price ,1,111 , . ,1111. 9c At' went about Lha foul that xtc,cka the =The t/�ili�
Odd Sizes of Roslery, ,(•,•loves, Collars, Belts Qut go the balance -ot our''Children's strain boat, What about the quo that -tries , •
and Underwear, regular; 250, 35c and 500,choice ri aliCy Par4s4i ' X.��i ` lista as fQ110 nvs:-- to rltn an autQmbile :'
while they jest for I9c, We. would he pleased if any a£ our College of Toronto invites you
Q only ladies fancy silk and linen P,lrosolin 1iegular 2a- for 19c . readers. would send us any items of to write for a copy of rte curri-
all the popular colorin sand Iain white -worth news, such'as birtlie.marriageo, detAhs, Y. y g , I household furniture. and
p K p 60 39c: culum: if you are in any wa Of enera
Table No. Two 11114 -to 3.ih'.?, choice oۥthe lot for 1,25. ++ 75 590 vfeitors in or out, transfery and sales o$ interested in a iraintng which
furnishings belonging to the estate of
p " 1.00 " . 190: real estate, church nerce,'achool Le• • • the late John Brickendeu,.at the rest.-
a lar Wash,* Spits for Ladies half Ifrcee «... 1,2�. 89a • ports, publiomeetings etc,
will lead you into a good boar- dense. Rattenbtiry Street. East an
Cors ts, etc regular 59o, 15a'and 1 QQ telt ++ 1, •aro t. 1.,26 nese appointment at a good Saturday, August 19>;h, 1911, at 1.30'
a . while they last 3901 + arse 15 only, Ladles wash' suits 'made of genii ABOUT. WATERWORIK& • salary The !?'all Term opens • P. W., sharp. Positively no. reserve..
quality linen and daintily trimmed, in assorted . m Everything muq . be scold. Terms,
e . sizes, reg 5,00 for 2.50, reg 9.00 for 4 5C, y Tip have half the ;Houses; in town on Aug.. 28th. Address W, 1'I.. strir'tI cash.. A.n opportunity
. . Ladies Coats Less Than Cost ,
26 Llnen Stab In >�5e connected with ,tile watea`works sY$ Shaw 1?reaident Yai;ge and # .g
e t. .g+ 25e Tan. 1116se 18G item. beFore tthe close of tbad season. Gerrard Ste., Toronto • avid ! iven n exam a goa
will be
o iii these in the:,
Ladies wdsb. or duster coitte in linen color. morning prior to isle sale.
ig' the goal off +th)d{,f opartnion,. for imeiition this paper. (1E0. l;', Bl3It;$E1VDlJN
Linen Suitings in plain slid sari ea, in all .the Ladies Tan Rose list Weave `pmrcerfzed well tailored and goad style, reg. 7.50 for 650 dep(artm)eHtr4or this .gear .an it
p e t}0 or 5.00. "
popular colors, regular 25c, Saturday I60, finished, sate 8 to 10, reR, lac cleaning at 19c reg, 7. f - Executor:
astheey}inth s n y latcl; aboonpt �N Nle��l�p lelrepNl44! ".. -`
loo i w
s a licatttians off "the n icessaiy
20 o
ifPh f'h
3 0; sae are a'nuan• ,er 'ousa-
h e w' end to use the town
old xs ho �t !4!4lpNtil!!!!!!!MelN�g!
wetter) in, the near luwtnire( why not IJINTS TO ,CORRESPONDENTS'
THEmelte, application at arise.
Write on. one aide o1 the paper
S DIOVED. only. s ` • O s o
�} Mali in tbYe to reach n Tues- p
;t, •
B1,r Mr. Josh Cook and - ,family are Clay of each week, or sooiaer. �.
+ nou gont0 oo latdre street, Mr. Cook Removals,
NeYpefei'tor4' Q
, e
,. t g 'Fire Four Links of •G.od,esich bowlers,,
has. sareral-;altteratnons th.make,'to. Public Improvements,
4 `"` - :• : e can move. has Void all items reflecting on et `t?}ayecl S'eaforith 2n the la'tter'Ita,wn.
- the ba , Yelore_h _:_ _.,: .. ift "� g P Thursday, and weie'defeattedby
,r '� ° '' ,' •- 'bu,s odea'.. tonal racter,�ut�sen€i AZI,. the
c NEWS. elliGt;:'80=7g. w,a..
! ` aes,.Th. � Crops; • . Stratford[
lfo [ lWa ' 17 shots to the, . .
School 1�0.r
ern M. • a ave ng• an the,
• Iti . /
Several omissions .,were, madte tin DeI r .
g Y
g j - �thel suece�ssful pupils. niarnes- who
thg, reses, last hoarse gnome o•fthe'Faill TrophyAceiden'tsBurch News, sexless with . Witchell. The, score-
a pastsed the Entrance to Normal and Suppers or Presentations, wast .e6 to'69;
$` er glad 'to lrepor:t 'rbhai�,NBss _
s as •ICasb:
slit 'l�i �i we sae , .Check- of•'thio slat dt snap assist Brantford), fans cheered �#he)ix-
.. . Jea'n l:hld�ey,. No:ranan. Ela`Gc ford • t +'
and, {Ii.R: tGanitelom liars,altos
beep you to remember an Important. ,selves hoarse wheal 'Tasker who.:
s ba
' h o ball
■.S..r t late, With, ahard lack hoodo.
,susses 'fol c item .:
WANTS A, t1ADZE behind,hima 1jroTte into the• win'ni'ng.
HONOR MATRICULATION. e.Lorne i3aseball Team. of London, column. again b : a -victor over BE
childreo attend' 'the o0me chola] . HETURNIXG OFFICERS, _ Th
,slid, yoair i>rahne and �startj will be ,; ° � � E$A113'SI. � Champions ' of Junior' League I910, .Tham�a,s team! by; 8 lto 3 o�Sat'urdn�;
CLt1giTO1�l.1�EQP ERA cp�utl on 91 list foe jt'he con'vfegiience. and atter the smoke a� ,thea battle , $ The Honor Matriculation �exa'm,s, (average age 21) would liketo play the
pupils haig,cleOed aw 'wo•mus!t,�till be carom, (East—J, A. Wortou,'�Ping
of w ay hamA were published , Wednesday and ClmtQn.teair< at Clinton on Labor na
friendA and °,ne! hbors. ' Let the fz oanf 'Awran 'three •c�andidattes. are .Sept. 4, .1911. Please communicate
-J.UNIOR MATRICULATION. bitter: 'things- go unsaid. At best; HuroA :otJ'eet=John' `Yeo,:Holmies- .named .the la �t two ,bein -, w its of. with W. A.-Pestill, 885 1) ufferin A've.,. �
DR. QVENS. London,Surgeono cu- life is,shorl -an we.get ori>,f• of -it ville: Climtoai G'.f, :'J.,G.'LecT� pTz star London, Ont:, (9ecretarystreasurer}
list. Specialist,. will be .at W. S.: R. 'Ther results wtf 'the lmlatmiculation a, full pneasure .aF;soa^row. +het ua in
r Y
HoImAS'•Drug store, on Tuesday, Sept examinhtion, have been issued by s o : I . 'Huron tSoihh- Jae06 $elleraxl, , II, 'EnglisliIl; ' (Maithematics. II1; DOMPT
12th. Glasses property fit,ted, deafness.' 'tho Departm,ievt 61 Education. 'Me our stir tl � live as ons big; good. Dashwood. Laatinlll, French III; J. 'MeTaggart
catarrhand fai,ing eyesight treated. atandardl of 4natriculabi n has been: nattered famnily. 1 French! Ill; T.F. Renee, Bngfssh :
A[1 div. z"aisedi ,bo 40 per 'cent. 'on each - : ' ,SND STILL THEY COD ` ; III; `aLWthematiesIII., (Scholarship Oauada•ah sericulrturUts ate not
p h sub PRUNES 'TO.iCOST MORE: I1J canda�ltatt s u*ill b afraldl of -com atitiop rtvith Uncl lIz-ORGEor
seat and,50 per cent,:,oai ffh;e�,sial. , More citizens of town and townships e inlorxned,oftheir ams 'tineas afpflYe soil i she k
"•` Th•e .Targe, .tnuinbea off Isuceessful PrwneEr will behxgh.thls y laid are takfn advents a of 'our offal of.; 5'tandinglly tthe iegiatraxs of the S nl maT
POLI�CB.+COURT. candud'attes is v r a `afa bo . this:baardam .house. at ye +will bet g universticies.. eta'.otf,tive world, The,arast history, Y
e Y. s • ti c ry. The g tip , the New ra from now till Jun.:lst, � proves{ th'e .ab>Sity, of the Canucka
following e'andidates of +Clinton scarce: "Thi mtarket is bare at the +,1012for25.cents. Our friends can. help t adtucel ,the' best. Don't et . ' �F �� `c��.iING,
'Phuasday avenin the ro; rietor, Collo haste. pas:sed�-Full Matxicul'a presond .bmxe, Mand 'wh 'the do i. • ZURICH 6�-CLINTON 0. too � .
g' p. 1?. g' , , , e(n,„ 3' w the gcod work along hq putting in a. •. , throw a'tomea,at.otwrsle�lves bp, heli,',
of the TE0001 Naxmandke +wtasl fined' •tion=J,,,J,:Buchanan,.Mabea Brawn, com,# in It< ie •'e`xisecttetd, lt'14t. they ?goad word for u9.. Now A, a. ood 14 a ,snappy game of .Base Bali • ,. RE IST S
Will •oost.+att least 1G ce�ntsl a pound g ling: on>r capatbilities.
81.00 and caste fon tPuriaus driving S. s, ,Copp, I. -P. Glen, L.A. Smillie, o ,.:( time to played, on the..i>oane parlr last Fri"won. a
of t�hs busy Nsahn. The adthOrities- J. �H: Sturdy, . E. W. Turner, IL, J. of noit acouBle of vltn!t* anore.l . clay etvening, Zurich defeatted 'the.
should gest busy aril shop; somaet.. "Wasmxam, II3: N. Welsh. `i0artWa �Ma - BOUQ1[iT OUT CULLED home team b. ascoxe of 6-0. - The Wd have ust a 'erred u ' fresh:
tthisl fast driving alt night , on 'the triculaiti'an {alt least 8: Ou:t of t11. :-. A'LARR.GE GRADU:A�?"INO'CLA'SS � .ame was a by
exhibiltio�n of Base shock of-=-� p p �
Main 6tre'et which fs � slur. b. A. McLachlan, of the Central 1; g
psora tdla�lg'elr- poral -L. Reatton,tE.'l Brottun, lS. �R. Business College, Stratford is ' .3all, helthi&r side searing n1p bo(t�he Vinegat-Whine, Wine and ,Clues
It is doubtful -if there is another g + , reach
sus binam in bhls case. Cautelon. - _ ing out to control more than one Coll-• a xthl innings, Wheat. �tbe visitors FALL TE.B i from ill , 28 Whole S,picea,,Peppers, Cloves,.
b'asiness x:oilege inCansAa g'radua talli+edf 2 and again, nC
INFORMATION FOR ^ tin ' :&amain i1e each ea�c tie rge. The W. Forest Repeseutative gin roomed 1 i elle Ce1erY Seed. t1VJus!bard Seed',
,PROSPECTIVE STUDENT '. BAVipJ ;YOU A SUPPLY 4 the enitiyal�' pee 1 agge says : „The "Mt, Forest Business Coll, 7t>z,'arid b,�+ bad ' erroa's`t . yin t'the}9th Capital SIIS[liesS: CQlte°"8 Glaser PvQo't,Curry Powder,
S Oaj. aceftmlt a ;leo, 'Imuch •�hor't StrtAfox-d., Still the- cle(mlawid'. on ege has changed hands, Mr...0aucy gott 3nioxe: .E. Oantelon,was uma . � 'x`uavnerzc, IDtc:, Etc., Etc;,.
oopieo of he Annual Ammounce- e1g } having sold out the institution to Mr. pia e. 'Followiiigj was scone by;in=, :. Stratford, ORr.
w ' ht being. m!arkeltedi in tit for itramned hblp is• riraaty trees g CAN. _ . GII�RAll7TEE _YOIT''
menu of Itlie •'Crollegea'te: Irietitute D. A. McLachlan, of •the Stratford nings ;-+:
Plain butter wrappers, eoane of the :the pwptply. Buaiintess 'prem baste . ANIX
Igiving( full paTticulim's .. of courses, Tomotntd w]ioletgaPexa� have mash this 't a tC. B. C. ` radwa r 've the Business College, who will.continue on Cliaboi�t :.. _. 1111.. 0 0 0 0,-0 0 0 0' 0 :q 0 . There is a eat demand upon tie •
feegi . and regulations of the De- t - ' t � � tss � the college here and be its manager. Zurxch I.. ...... 0 0 0 0.0 211;03--6 � QUA'LITY AND PiilG1E.
g g.for trained hes
but%uer �bsa� fiiilty, ilwxll spat accept be s�lttisfactian. Thiara who de -p. Business
tpas'bntiernii of'EducatCion, aud!'otli'el' butter horaaiffier u 1e s utt u do •e the bestt btusiniesis coalet a train- Messrs. Vlaucy and McLachlan met in Baltteries-Zurich-Bro,av -and Fah- ,that our gradbAtes•are the best.
g _ ,to_w.n Holiday >ttd completed the Ileal : p:e'r , _�Gliutozr-Daherty and Ruin- Foal an, tip eltdzejz{ftry chit'
nnflosrniatlomt' ofai fitat to,stvdenta; rriaa3tedilivralipe�x�a; , namae.alid' ing, and. `the high-gra,dte'. positions -. Celebrated Heinz Gherkins '
lntay be had 'by ap ldcation 'bo •,t ho ball. t < We have three departments-
ppp •'They're Alright."
pal, 'Dia, J.' W:'Ilreieaven, 'Clin-
eu 1 u n ee o f it oa111 a COLM 'Wren TARES LEop, : ' Commercial, Shorthand, and
edesd of W 'Era shotd Iselect tine old iaelitarble eehool
ton. • 'Mr. Trelstasven Wall be glad Nrb 'ipp ytyo a m W s blo eg '� $tier Ivee- eats . LONDON BOWLERS ON Telegraphy. The tuition for siac - �------ •� -
aeearve aotice.frpm any rovho wlbh zudve�ntismentt on pats a 3. Icigttic. ... Iv1a, �V c M. Dyehl of l�tamly town months is $66 and for one year $80:
'tot h�atvet istwdletit's too board. Mari gE pi. 1 WESTERN ONTARIO TOUR, prove to your 41PHOND ORDERS CAREFULLY,
Y `1` iS'C�HOOlL• TERIVI, s'hm had a colt. 'bbQtti On Ant 10th'' Investigation will
etudsnt5 wh!an lentark,'g aplrly int A BAND OF.. BROW, wntu only -legs, the tfavontCri ht Two rinks of London Thistle bow- satisfaction that there is no better M'I'LLED." �•' ,Phone Ill:
Iol, tlietgle. dIa s of sttrafe 1xetween :Thr e+taCu$ary debet fnr.the open- leg, bring baisaing. Just .a shoulder lers. letft on 'Wednesdtay-tafterunon Husfneas College e in Canada. Get.
him. •for. lnfoxdnt chill- oonwill g $ and,cl�ooWg of schools for, ;the blade. " It ts• perfect] 8
'boaacdungt lLauaeg,•ea;ct• a list !w'il! , b'el tvPo Feat paI'uCical partieg!wemntuat .. ,. 1 y sound otf'1ie,r-. fb2t aain�ottotr tEotid• "ebHbrarim;g Iseven our free flatalogue NO�V.
e+paaec1 ct thooe'wming to alff�ird txepn�lnber.thlat iftetr ill we axe , terun,orf X911 aa(a: All, ,public visa and is cloing.Well. ,There, are Westter>a Ontario towns. The tour- :,
vchodls and. 1
accomnwnocla on.' Kindly state how e� heed aflito!the�a h a
on Ieaijth, IOs alai? �.Yeobools no seats o, nit' whtaltetver.. is'ts.awe looking.foirward.fto somal A � ���TON
Imaruy ntwdents you bona woo*. trans fi+omn, hlq-tiratdle IOo. !the. ° o'n: etarbes lett, and ,claire D. A.•:McLachlin '. l • O . • '
y i on beeemnler 22nd1.. dAva,l a aratte goad tgatmes, situ will tdoubtleare xe- . PRI]�CIJ?AL 1
gid! tutee a'cardl in tiouitwoffictg g1'ave, [IrV live Isid b , 4side, crit �tuiA ,flu,shed li th vic'ttory. Tuley w L�� �'I
0chboje open psi 'Aaguat'. 24stt ,arnd awe lex ected to return Friday erten THE PEOP S, ROCEW.
siege Dtecetmb air Z b--. +High-•ec3' ec rMMNNNNsl ! ring, 'The, Moana"to , bovisited, Land
i.:.. r,..r�.a... • . opeO Biopteimbe3. 5thand close Dee-. � the lntelm'beTs ox the•+tlour emotes fol- � -
ember !2nd. ` , ...o'W g, -i ....................
' i John's'Sit. 'M,ary!% Wednesday, 3 p.m. ��� .
OURACCIDENT, TO TM FIELD. _ Slii�atfoxd, 'Wednc'sda 1.30 elm:
"eliaDr. 'J. IM, Wield isispieatar i�f 'Mitchell, l0•axn: • . � 4
10 Iii.EaIst lfuroi , reltu;rped 'Oil w soato'mth, Thursday,. 3;p.m. C� +
lien ag Primo iilIIinister Sir 'Clim'barir Thwrscbay, 7 pian.
na'j ionday to Gd been frons Tooranto,John A, D3acdonald, passer.the'
..s.11SHeli tall Fridn 1Q. aan.60he thaw dream vde a be. ilio N. P. in 1879, . it contained the � ' rr ;,.
eamees. While !shore he. tw�-
Exeter�� Friday; 8 'pili.
FQ�r Saturday �t►d the-Ro Its � t:alnwet]( adz !Y , , follotVinq proviso,, vlthf6h :was �' 1Vten S, Ladies and tt'i1'lil'dCeil s ,�.rbxfordS, .1..
�` �Al. 11, `{�l eiC� gtrlei ding accident, Maty- Jas. *ray, ex htonorary' president
is kept standing gas Jong as he Pumps and Sli ers--=Sale Replete, with
intg. boit'h bones of his alght bio at lived:-� AI E. BarbouT, honorary •presidlgof; + p pQ `
i7ne `wrist Prseturad' lvhnle crannking • A.A. Langford, presidentt • IH. H. Grenuine . Mdney-saving Opportunities + .
' `i back" • "Any or all of. the following' Kelly„ s+ecrebary-ttrioaaurer ; A. J.
�Tn sirs ambo, t'llhuersamk hick•d ba articles, that into sags nnimme McGuffin,, vioe-president; _A, J.
CREONOIJD thea NIN•OItLOCALs> OUBTy'ouhave been waiting for thin announcement
Great l~lltiePilliilatQt' of till ],lids green, fruit. hay, Smodtth, auditor; C. Rluett, cap-
Mr, J. McNaughton, and $eafitate straw, bran, seede'bP all kinds, tada of ,tour ; J,'Puddicoma�be, tagere- N Probably you remember the great moneysaving spear- .i,.
Fakes alva the worn off Bros., Of'Vex0a, and D:,A.Forrest'br 'yeget0les, incluitinq potatoes �taary of tour. '
tulnitiea afforded by our Semf•Annual Cleari-up Sales in
y yAUr Cattle atid' hOrSeS delirtreredl eo7mce good- a tis o T and other roots, plents, trees the past. We :are putting our greatest efforts iiito thi9 sale.'
by driving aWay.the hies, also Bills vormia and lice, Maxon last Saturday. • and shrubs, coal' and Coke; LROAV OPINIONS. Qotne espeating to et more seines value for every dollar you �,i
Thal 7�ahertp Pisano . ftactory .hats• t t..hoon, . wheat. 'peas 'and F. .C., Exeter. -If -�If a carp ns spend tiian odor before, "f ou Will not be diesp inted.
Regular $ can for 7+t;C. it$, fine, !exhibit ready f -ort !big beans. barley, rye, oats, Indian earriedl to the Supreme Court, •atnd +
Faorsa t !Save money on Iden'S Oxforde,. regular............ 54 50 for $3,50 + ,
1 Corn, buckwheat, and all oilier judgxnenrtl. is 91 - ion by ?thettl Court' •j o regular... , 1111 4.00 tor. 3.0.0 44-
pa on "ding, flour of wheat, and can R be.takfen tie the 'l�rivyCaunci ' a
�t ���► / t $>eir traffic otp ,the.. . regular. ! .:....:... 3;60 for 2.75
�!�! ASHIN �A`j� � 1 v( �+ � aldlWays ts'howg little abatepctent, fiaur of rye, Indian meal, and. and U sb Within (who .ti'melc, after e
Impt,ratvean�ntsl, at the oat meal, and hour raeal of . In ment 'h'as been ,b tthe
aittbin�e 8'• gatiVetn y, Sensational prices on Ladies Uaforde and Pumps, � j
ischtaod are well nigh completed and any' either grain, butter, tol. Su orns court? +, 8.60 for .?5
regular , ...
1 Connor—Ball earifi Ideal pow, meats, fresh, salt or nA.�-stn► casae 'whore th6 bAtbetr d, re�tclar :...', . ,1111 3:00 for 2 2d a:
$r have been well done.
Volmtr Bonnie DX70 i9row IshoTter. r t�mb*d, and lumber may be an oontro#aay texceecla•'the st M of. •+ regu ar............ 2 M for
1.90 +
Dix. H. MclVlartstnl tib+Pfers' hi;g dict- - imported into Catinada free of. _ $4,000, ieW sr of'the parties, to, .the "° �, re alar..:....,.... 2,00 for 1.50
One Minute ,stet Show for ole; �` duty ar at a loris rates of duty _ ,suit ,nay -,Apply tor leaver oto ag, cal
tha'a ig provided by this .Act of tint 4111a �Iatftngty 9.n (inwrr,n,i." .a J►i!ones and Children, Oxford Pumps and Slippers,
Ine best In use -w=- Ten per cent diiscount for cash
t R TY.
This Greek a company of sevencon•
eistfrag of Chief X. H. !Smith, h. V.
'rhe' 'batalrice, of our Se>r"cea lienors and lSpifth, N. M, Grace, N. Fleming, D.K.
y g, dry
Robinson, F, Baker and til, Pareb,ha'he
' Windom a Cost,. been Caffi11ed ill ,lily locality. Thoy
• r corletitute a Dominion• Gla
v rnlne
. 1111.• . . ,.
sut)t - ,w« :�i3t'taWaetttw"»i.�t�g
s what is techbioally rolled a Goodetlo
,survey, Now 'Government riaps and
cdiaf#rams! They started at Shatiburne
� dray Co. and are headin for 80111140
B . �� *rt/ * ! Tlie last Wormed entlemali lg the G'oaiC
for the party' a most linpotrtarit Post.
Stoves and Hardware- tioii in.br oAmp With six other huto ky
' - buryw men.
,ted States frets of duty, or
ate of dutyo
not exceeding
at payable On the name
dAr, - , wtynk ti.wnntnirwe+tin,.
wuuu importeu into vanaua,'•
This was If an�y'++thing a wider
blea6'ure of proffered fociprocity
thaw that which the Lauxler
Governtnenthas negotiated,
that I aim Aware of"t
tituet within which
mus: t; bo siaadlto His
•Co"cil. Rules 830 to
douted IlIn les of Practie
duTd f2Yr•Ontario, are
aueh lnsatttwo. The -pr
dilseumed in'bhte tale
Telegraph vs.'MeLaua'•
in,4 muwbw of ottht�r t
luebi a
no rule
!mgt,. the
10 t ttoin;
, cnnaali-
nd Pxoee-
lure, -was
the 'Dadiyr
,1904, and
s +decided
regular.... ,11:11. 2.00 for
regular... ......; I.Wfar
1.25 for
regular..,....,.... 1:.00 for
regular., .,1111.. , . .75 for
.06 .
liRemewber this stores high quality stttudards. Notice how the
bare out our regular tow prices, then come, see, try on and but*
. a Shoes
foie Everybody. °
j moi/ S