HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-17, Page 6.yr. W r,♦ •'Fr k�,^p '1`';'w,' * 7di, - , 41 T ,-�,�.­ '' L.", 0 _ •', TOO I 19TS tw 0 1 111:31 I. . _ .. ... ,, +� +o I'll "I 11 9"" , _ : Stetics i�all�ritzl� in bett1N1 at Pa►i�#• �. F air, mac +� -Malay sills, e • a< n . n Inn stler .....�'.. w •ics.wrreei•iq" Canada, �.. 1I' I Altdrt;+ttlon girtwesn OQnstaltis and ♦rs l asttltu in 1=la:tt and Qen+ . n u , atk� ONO •Dcoura -•- Riot Act Is No �A���11��� ��� 16 A� , •� ,M .,� :4.....,,�,, -. - ... Fisat# and Troops Arc Catied out--+_�uu.4,28,0100il , Qrowds Sairricxdlt Thsmpsly s .1n igyti' , $rfiltt i'•iisfoo to Run r - I,11 00110YAW A11ld TitttpaCtions , Narrow #dram 5trssis and Flob:. , . itlon rt Uve fit, ek talo Best Vveir Sceu iA Vo> 444, zany •TTiliqu a Special Att>G etions .,Aerials Military aud'gydro Electric Features Jutnpaing and Speeding Contests. . .. Bit,. Doak' and Eat S$uws. your Splendid Bands, = iii. most Attractive Xidwal'', ]Rest ever seen Ju. lAbAdop.- T '� �k'iAV EVi�ZNU ;s;lolca of the urpcsitrot referring, An FIREWORKS DISPLAY - 0011• F R EARLY AT CROP.SCOTT'S t . 'cryo old renticmeni, latrar„twU' old men, minated in a general -melee; When, of farmer delegates, who knew exact. G O WHISIOD i + after this disorder had been put clown ly what they wanted and were not dis- lied><teetl 1Cttt+'s on all ltailwa3:s, 1 -�-- - tnrl, last.y, Ve-q o,d• fogies, such. ae JI, l` r ' ;eat c"lI1C; nick• t•'leldir n:rd Paterson, trxvinp the and the :trr)ters. scattered, they gather• posed to be satisfied, with anything r , , Sixth tray or 1Cherson Optb, Beat 00- fs Natures � q I. Ars by Agou't "Pon Days, ' e � i ` from stet l>< pros a rats rrrdacit to to to 1S'ashrngton to ire• ed agarn int the Iblington quarter an else, proved the scorch aQntrB in the. e L ata . .>ttttr Porins, and all• otter inTo>tmation ol?l The two, varieties of oats Silt pa f,otiato with cute Yankees without a resumed their attacks• upon ills uiiti- Qonventioii of the Liberals of Brant, . k riz i, Y y y . and l�herson, .• look . sa imueh alike tuandate from the people. Perhaps ions .o# the law and with serious re- ford constituency held in the city on �/ p r these . same people who refer to ihq sults. F�U pets"51 . A. Me RUNT9 a c• . that Cha save description .way iza ap- e e :fatly res o,aM . is 'sere enc race Icarn ' more about it; • One hundred thousand men were: Saturday. .it was their uncompromis- . n s Jo a pvvr at )ver. ur q p v 1 �' : _ plied to both. The plant !s .a vfgoF- for a condition ltnowu ns s•iaeeny, , :when they, too; become older and athexed :n groups about St. Georges ing stand for a candidate who would . led e . .; __ _ ,� 411 listen.in to speeches by labor P g .himself heart and soul in suP- rA -_____ . _ ._ -.__ _ _r--.—,— �,-,_,,,----,__' • . ous but not rani'; grower, usually Jess. . Ivisar. Inclined to lode tban varieties with . The r:ara of the Separator. i ' „Thi whole trouble he the ," 541drong folio i g heslithe scenes of policeman Laurier's Government that Wilfrid c A I tarn° is to ieceive the credit, said Fallowing the attach upon a paieem$n coarsgr straw, The head, or panicle, is Shiite it fi,w separattors are not.saris- . I bTr, Patdrsot. 1f the Conservatives necessitated the calling out o#ytha pow -the convention to a close without a - loose and s reading, bearing, a large factcfi'y because they are s:ot propel tad gong to Washington It would have lice reserves: When they &''awed one standard-bearer having been chosen, p . - _•__.-__„-,_. �....... - __.__ - -.r- ..._ ___...._ ._ number of,grains. s. The sin is small . cared, for. Lubrication is very JW_ cen different. For twelve Years this. party of fifteen policemen, were sur• Respite the sts the � unusual situ- _ _ .-... umb r . .gr n gr I'' rat portafat, ;vet uIpply separators are seen trountry had this same thing and adt rounded and disarmed, the rioters at, anon that confident the Liberals p# the to ;nedit;m in else, hang and het that are dry in the hearings: and pitch- ' vanced ' wonderfully. For forty-fivel tacking them with their own batons. radia ars' confident .and full of fight. ed n itt :^'ease er pry -where else, Only years we were without it, and during+ In the fl lit the Commanding officer Jacob Messecar preside: at the con - it U i { �4 is g that time Conservatives and Liberals; of the police was dangerously wound• vention, in which great interest cen. : t the beck sepatrttor oil should be used, tered, E. Sweet T. H. t'reston and �r l 4 r 411ke fought to get it back, Sir John ed. i+ ' ,; , and about erQry tnaptit tett gear and }� 4 ;,t lvlacdonald, Sir Charles Tupper, Hon.; So great was the disorder iliac the John Muir, in addressing the gather- ,._. �; n A t beriring harts ahotrttl be eoiupleteiy George Brown, and even .Han, G. E,. Riot Act was read and the: troops were ing, declared that. 112'. Barris had not 11 Iu Cleaned with kerosene. Some ma- :1' T r. ester, in 1803, had this plank in their called .out to assist the police. The broken faith with Mia'constituents in a' �o Chines are Self oiling, others roust be, l�tforan:..Both parties 'were commit- mob .fought desperately with sticks opposingg reciprocity, The issue was %.: ; t• k .: <:ii ' i`? rt hem but all d to it. Sv'Uw, why are they crying, and stories, and, in fact, with any not in the air at the time of his else, ,e4 , r ..: r elle d every.time, you eta t , e Y ? -- � °` " e fol lookin after tcx ice sure : irgainst it? Mr. Foster even . wrote, handy missiles. 1xradually, however, 'tion in 19at3. Col. Spence, C. W. Gar- d need care g. " 1" tg' '' lab i steel: i3n jrrticles for.' magazines in its favor, butt by the combined efforts of the troops. nay, T. G: Flannrer and others dealer- +, ,a �_„�,... r, ail baartugs. mre wall x e now denouncba 'it, .becauae he d'idn't' and police; the. crowds, which were ed for an out and out reciprocity can .. �� leas u machine is well oiled it will a surrounding s speakers' p n t run hard :tad Weser fast.. The machin6 get it. Mr; Paterson spoke o$ the! evens eskers platforms didate, "IN�As,ti future develor-mcnt that would result; erected on the plateau fronting the At this stage Mr. Harris. was called 1, d , must be set .level and be .Listened b railwa •s. coming. in. This would' hall, were cleared away. Many police• and asked i£ lie would support reci- \ \ b_5, ; w' .... ;1., termly ' to. -the foundutlon• almost. t>xean coir petition. Compotitlon means, men and rioters. were itijured in chi procity if the Laurier Grovernznent . \ ,` ! a plumb and nearl fast will mole a ' lower rates, lower rates. means dollars; hand -to -'hand fighting'. The . rioters were returned. Mr. Harris replied that . . + p u y _• F' ..poor machine out of a good one.. ,The In the producers' poclwts. - , have threatened to attack th6 neWs• he would not He asked that :his name ' crani. wast be turned with regularity, I - ,- yiaper offices, which are closely guard• be: dropped, az* a possible candidate, * . ed. After the light St. Georges Nall Nominations were then called fox, I 4 1 = , yet hardly ot�b out of ten $gesd_it. 1f .: , 2 was converted- into a temporary hos* and T, IT, Preston.,C. B. Heyd, C, �V. . r i _ : . �-�-- ""--.- TRADE ROUTES prtal aha the wnuiiris of: many pea Gurney. M, W. Me] wan, John Muir, :,.Y -y� 0 E+► al; ' _ t y physicians.. J, A. �,.cessecar and Mr. Harris•were I c �° tii� WHY CREAM TESTS VARY. •��. II sons were attended to b $ �� taro • '` k No Legislation Can Turn Trade Out, 4 Driven item the centra of the city named, but all Tetirad, An effort was Most Common Cause' Is .Change ' of .the crowd sullenly repaired to the Is- made to get Air. Harris to consent by a i ` of ifs tVatural Channels , liugton quarter,' one of ilia lowest an unanii�tous vote, but this failed, - Speed gf Separator. - S . ' 4 �,„ variation in tests has caused much, -" and roughest in Lfvarlaoal: Hera the unci the gathering was adjourned, ( " Replying. to •the charge that reel-` police were ha81ed . i _, ;the. narrow: BrAntfdrd Conservatives, by.an "un. p t = t } , dissatisfnetlon in selling cream, •When racity would divert Canadian trade £or the des era rioters barn- salmons vote :.on Saturday, nominated ' r streets; l the create is from 1.the same cows, oto American channels,,, Sir Wilfrid 'Qaded themselves in the houses and W. 1<. Coeltshutt as Chair standard- 4 i riA rvtricit have been fed the same ration •Laurier said: "If you attempt to pre; ,volleyed down bricks, slates and chim, bearer in the approaching federal i lac " �R ! vent the :people. from trading in. hat, nay pots from the rocfs upon their tion. �, rte' t ' „ and milled by the, same -man, and i heads. Nominations In Nova -Scotia. 4,,.�, f V ; Jr� tri a1 channels; no amount of legisla ����Nv r �, i'+ a when the same .separator #s used..:th'e tion cwfll 'accomplish that object; huh While the details, as;. to casualties „ 1 Halifax, N.S., Aug, 14, -Three Con: ,1 °" w �� 4 'x,� ; ,s' ` ; .termer naturally .thinks the Per cent 'Set nature slogs„ and then the trade . still ori incomplete, Constable Cook- : servative nominations were made .on r s.the. tees. o�v in the streets. 3 "i� rile ' ,` i? u a - son was killed by & blow the head, , Dissension in a.town ma a g- . , gr ,.......,.- �i.,�,t,:,.,,:.,.:;, of Lat in the creain'should remain the twill .be carried on„gn Canadian lines Saturday in: Nova Scotia,. 'The. Lunen- � •_ t ,' i .. ,,.,r ', -Why? .Because we have the literior. abtd Superintendent -:of Police•Bolton ... Y M' ons.. qi makes the trade ow 1n 'the stores. ', ,'{'`t'�'ti !' eta, s„ same. Errata often occur, in mal.ing nd batter Iinea: burg convention was held at ah Unity m grow . :. ;. e 1 k 4 , and.,.the ' shorter a was taken to a hospital in a precarious 'Bay', where *Dr.` I?ugald Stewart teas' �: ^:;;?:,''tr eta a fa l in t lt3n the sem le;bins to=d8 :, •ri : t •;s, 1 usu lT. as bt as the faith of its. ,,,,,,.y;:, .,, ,=rt;;,,+sat: ,`�' t. s , ..spec 1 y. a g p Take 'the condhtion of t g y . ccri4ition. ' It is.,r'umored 'thea some Other things being equal, a city S tl' • y • g. a , �� ,,w � tt } �} t T,ominated. Dr. Stewart is, an ex- . ,r, p +,a ,yrat k t -, •r,,, ti ..$, i tr but variations constantly .happen that W nnipeg can trade with. Europe_ 13y, .houses were "set on fire' during the 00 le. . ' ' , ,n...:.::. - _r, _:, c.:: ,.-1, st, r rr utas r ,:,;: disturbances •,' mayor of 'Bridgewater, and far six . p p are due. to other causes, - The most wily of the United States; it Can trad4 years was in the Town Council... If he believe in it enough to sixlk all differences and pull to- :. • a: common causes -of these variations are : The outbreak; it, is alleged, was Dr: J. J. Cameron was nominated•b * they d � p .$laAris oar SIXTY DAs OATS. lar el' .due to the' strikers' resen£nient , as.follows: g Y the Conservatives of, Antit6aish, ether you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town is :on, the up grade; IFrour bulletin, United States.:departmat"t First. -'Variations in .the'epeed of the , of indiscreet conduct on 'the• part of,: • Izi GUysboro conventions were held• 9 • of a icutture:l their' blit it'<e a. se orator. ( l;+l,`:r'I,:r;r-r:,, leer. yanembera of the police force brought in.'trvo distrcts•oE the county at Cha When all the merchants unite #or: the good of g , p. I r It 1+ + .f� Birmingham to assist . in a 's jl::,+r p 1+11, r( r?�r +77i13fi,ia_t ,t, .. 'here. from same time St.:M"t'y aitd Sberbrt>oke:. .. r - r favorable condi• ggcond.____ cation in teI peratn>•e of•` a Ilr 1 ,{1�ltlt,lr •;. ,•„ •. maintarnin 'order: To Mann who " hl+ , ?,ilf,1 j •.W !IW I li' rr+, ( g The both named G. A. -R. Rawlings, safe gamble that home trade will unite itself to them: d s ittrtt and w i .fllied. flea s +r tl 1/+lt'::' a; ifir Y tt;1`•t,ij'frig'`+l.tt;,!L''�f^:'ti+itr` ;::a;: y g gam 'tan p p el 4I milk separated. I' jf:' i:.,17t,1:ll/.l I ;+ar .Ir was one of the leaders of the demon- �• av Oats ori Shown n the 1 t,t�tf+r. lly;k.,.,,,,,,,,,.7t„j,l}rI tr ,rr;y who was. the Conservative candidate n yen in the tills than the of Sixty i Third. -bate the milk fowas, Into fhe, :rl,;,:,;r; 4 ,!`, j, + stration, has led ed, a formal retest It is better to have the to g gr fuustration': taken, with itis' reading,' Mh ' '.t(It..1(r,y,,. g p at the Iast`geaeral electron. . machine, x4.111# f7! f-.1 , 7 .., ,. l f•, 4� , with the chief codstable against what . 'ass' green in the streets. matter. f'r'om a bulletin of the United Fourth. -Amount. o! water or skim- . k?I+iI'll' xi ;r •1 site describes as 'a brutal attack by a . Agan? the Candidate, i i•; l ;+ , States. department of. a „ 1 ' �u 1` ,+ 8 g, p _ milk used in slushing out the bowl, •. il` 1 m ngham Un makes the long green grow. . grit altars,., The ir�� Bir constable on one the Gobour , t thumb was expected •color of the Sixty Day and the Kher Fffth.-Chain�e in •the richness of the r('' j!I. , r,(! strikers. at the West Northumberland Liberal v: t he loc in • ,-771l. t � " convention" held Here Sst.turda after . The town that does 'not pull together will .be pulled to sen oats varies i h t a11ty mils separated I . j7j1�Ihil'. '� k Disorders at Glasgow. y • the corn belt .the grain is a deep golden a flute i'"';; y� , :'f' noon, the nomination was given to pieces. Sista.-Adjustment of the cream I �trill� 111,ly s 1 on, Aug. 14.-.1, J. B. McColl, who. has represented the p - ;:. ...:. yellow, `while farther north 'and in sc ewe:. ..1 I til r Ir r= it tri _ _ !( troubles es in London Are, ended; the site drier sections it is:much pater becom-?�rt'kf+lr''', 4;`' nation in the provfnoes 'is rapidly` Tiding in three Parliaments.,, . , Change in the speed of the. separator ,lrr'•,J [�(F(;1.�: H: M. Mowat to Run.. . i lmost white in the sett ems .west I'rii�r,;,I; ttI'r'1i:r,, ', growing 'worse. ' In addition to rioting 14g.Almost is itis most common cauS+s of variation: y,,l i (`Ii --, :: ,,II,:e !,:'':: x -" yesterday at -Liverpool, there-were,ser- $eavertox�' Aug:.14:-H. M.' Mowat %,�,�„���,�,`..,��.�,..�„�...,.. and nos thwest. •The Moil is very thin The. greater the speed.of the separator, r , f �, resident' 01 the Ontario. - �,�j, trlNA . ions, disorders at Glasgow,.where the of Toronto', .p r . - . , . • .and the weight per bushel usually bigh, the -smaller the amount of cream and r� u:1 :� r�.:,.. ad+ 1.(lt�� t t h d t ba c m lets• Reform Association was chosen at the . I" _-� :• The crop ortiinarfly .reaches maturity the hlghej'•the per cent.of fat. ;(�(ij,r, �t s re. car servree a o 0 A ninet to a tinndred tia3s, or about i,I; ly closed clown. Thirty thou and work. Liberal convention yesterday to eon y Again, the temperature of the tull>; lie, , ) men met on Glrsgotiv Green, and the aha Ne4rth Ontario against Major Sam ten days: earlier than most of the �a= -'. separated varles on : the ,farm. from . ICI ., strike, leaders threatened drastic mea.. . rleiies commonly gown, p ' day to. If. cream tests 3o per sures if the non -union, -men continued . McMillan for Glengarry. Tile principal .objeetions urged. by I cent when, the milli is. separated at 90. ��• to take the place of strikers. . Scuffles Alexandria, Aug,- '14,=At ar,' Weil-at- faralers 4gult st thts class of oats -are !-degrees, it may test awhiglr as 40.per - with the police led' to wild scenes' tended Liberal convention here yaster : the Fs'llgtiv `corer atrtd rhe nia11 size'o>r cent rvheti separated of 70 deg -tees. ,_.;, .m I of disoxier, in which' there was day_ afternoon, A. A: McMillan, the the berry, Iu-sodhe bart;ets thet-e Is a j. Ander nveraae conditioxis on.the farm, - - stone -throwing on the part of the former member,' was unanimously;. :5►R W1l.F•RlA 1.AURlER workmen and baton charges by the dlserituitiatlon fn favor, of white oats however, the variation ut' fat due to � chosen to contest Glengarry. He is an . than a of tempraeature. will not timaunt �' police. Much damage °was, done to a ent •.for the sale of agricultural .im= '. I 1 or 2 chats a bushel* but be fat'' g the larger g street cars. by the strikers before the smears: • t pettish of our oat'erop is .to more than 3 or 4 per cent. wlih.'Europo by. way of Canada. The j service was suspended. Cars -were p fed on the farm. whpr(. produced, and t. The third cause of'variat on is found'. line of *'railway.. from Winnipeg to pulled off the-1raicks and their trolley Andrew McMaster, Montreal, . was yellow,,oats are jus, as_good for feed-.! in the rata at which the inillt Mows: Montreal is, 1,414, miles, and from one of the speakers. . poles' removed,• windows were. smash.*, iu as. theca of arise othet •role'. (3n' Montreal .to Liverpool 2;760 irrflea, a East. Middlesex Conservatives. .- g into the machine. if legs than, the ed and timbers were. laid on the rails . 1 r. antic `flawe•into,:t. bowl, total of 4,174 miles.-, From the other. hand', rata account of its thin or strikers sat on rho .creeks in a body London, Ont., Aug. 14, --The` East . regu a quantity y to .New York by way .of : Minneapolis, . hull this pirtiihtt r type of oats is ,I the tendency is to increase the per= , - ifi'order to impede the progress of the, Middlesex Conservatives, yesterday of ' higher in feeding value than are most Chicago and .tire Americaan lines, the cars. Many persons were injured. ternoon nominated' Peter Elson, M.P., centnge of fat in the cream. distance is 1,130 miles, and, from New A labor demonstration was' held -in of Landon Townshipi. lar' fhb° Com- other varieties,- United ficates .Depart- The richness of the mi1L'separated lYork to, Montreal •3,026 .miles; A. total . trieut of A�ricu►tut e: tiutletin, nt mot the quanta- diatatice of ,4,826 miles: The Ameri-: Trafalgar Square hers yesterday after•.; mons, and the,.iiierals of the same' affects the richness b noon to . welcome a party of_ laborite riding named Dr: Reutledg6 of Lam-' . ty of cream. The richness of: a Cory's an line is 4,821 miles, the Canadian _members of the French Chamber of beth. ' Mr: Elson defeated 'Dr. Rent eine 4,174 miles, a .difference in favor Deputies. The speakers included Ram ledge at the general election before the HOOSE. 00LLARS SHOULD FIT, mill; depends on `Inheri.taitce and can- of the Canadian Tine of 652 miles. Do , ---- not be changed permanently by feed.' Poll require any legislation to� compel` say Macdonald, Ben. Tillett .and J: K. last one., Neglect Ih This Matter Aftges Results Small .variations are -likely ao:occur Hardie, all' of whom emphasized the ' Gordon Again. Named. rads to choose the Canadian ohannt;l? 8 1'n Sore :Shoulders. from the other Causes suggested. By importance of the triumph of .the fes it not obvious that for, very self North }day; Aug. 14, NipiSsing Con - workmen in tale London strike and 'The first thing of .itnportat ce to con- the: use of an eccrine}rye Babcock testing t espact trade drill aln�ays take the the. unitih aryativa delegates Saturday hemi- g 'of• international workers, aider In the draft horse ifi the cellar; machine and.bs measuring the sample Canadiari.Tine,.because ails the shorter ;who rvotrid have a Good deal, to say- in `elated George Gordon,n, who represented y an s ert horse breeder. Dlost of 'of cream 'into the test bottle .with the' •bne? That is not all. We have had. international politics. Mi. Tilleh said chi rzdfn'•in.the Parliament just des- � saes e p the injured shoulders afe till result of-! same pipette as Js used for measuring •bxperlence as to what has happened;. that before long the railway`' workers . solved. dtr. George E. Faster; Hon. rl fitting collars add'.the fault milk; 'any farmer>ean make a test of pp�ad our experience has been that Dori ,would join' the transport federation 'Frank Cochrane, Harry Morel; M,p; A. poorly. fi, , trade over the Canadian channels has R; , T: Shillington;, MP.P., and A. A - usually, lies. in a collar being too large. his. cream that *111 satisfy him as to. Increased . by leaps and ' bounds ash and then if soldiers were surzunonecl ,Aubin, A.P.P,., were among the speak-' It is a good id& to 'have it harness,' the accuracy of .the . test he recelve3 ►against the trade . by the American to : the scene of a strike they would era. • maker fit the collars to the horses. from the cream buyer. -C, H.. Eckles; hannelff.' In 1000 the total amount of have. to walk in order to get there, Heavy collar pads are to be avoided If , Missouri Experiment Station. 1, scats (Greys6 . Guard Food: i . anadian wheat exported from Mont-: } pn Strikes Com�Eicpentrive: possible, . 'eal was 4,000;000 bushels; in 1010 it! Liverpool, Aug'. 14. -Armed with don, Aug. Y4. -London is, almost; > Dirty collars are probably as respon- had increased from four million bush-! sabres and carbines and #urnished its self again" to -day, A: few hours] . sable for sore shoulders as ill, fitting ANP -6 Rescues Age.. Ts to 14,140,000 bushels, Of A.meri•r with ball cartridg s; strong dr.tach= 1;x.lnapecior Simpson, of Liverpool; .ban wheat the total number' of bush. menta of the RoS a Soots Greys _sue= which a release the flood of ever c• ones., The:'ordin tarin hand feels , d which had been held up for several. >�' l;n,,land, Lewis,ho is seventy, rescued bls exported from. Montreal Ili 1000:• seeded in effecting., the renraval ' on . his. catty' Is dolie,if he scrapes the dirt ]2ichard Lwlto is cit lrty years as 1,000;000 bushels, and 3n i911 °Brat Saturday of goods, which had„ been days, and supplies • were rushed o frorrt_thi# Collar ;with ttitx baclk 'of his of age, from drorvnixag in th,v Shrop_ had increased to 10,00Qi000 busL,*els. "tied, up at the central depots :by the to replenish the empty markets 3ackkzYife: This mdthod, however, is shire Unl9m Canal near Ellesmere Sa> .therefore, there is no doubt on strikrztg docltmen •and carriers. at shortly after the settleme not an especially good one' for the Port, this point, the Ca"tiadian line must; Six hundred tons of foodstuffs were the strike Was officially announ Leather ;of the collar, and A smooth Piave thep reference because the Cana-` moved in one procession, which was • It is estimated that the week's surface Is -not left: than lino is the best and the shortest,"; accompanied by'xria eistrates, who were t the tr o polis and carriers 1 When Selectit'i a Coyt; J - mounted, and as they rode tilong ear- the metropolis d Least 'rally; A dazhp'aponge used in the evening A oervous ow Is preferable to a carmen employed by two rail' as soon as the collar is taken off will , • ° a rted in their hands copies of the Riot in one or'two minutes remove the dirt. stolid one. he chances Are' that sbea 1 penis, claim u have private would gate ititre aad better milk tliAtx �'• FAVOR TH� I�G�EEl��Nrt i� ,Act. The strikers bolted an sullenly, an ea, and refuse to return t This may be followed by an oiled rag. . but showed no disposition for a eon- Otte . the general settlement. Yf this is daYte the collar in that warn. her dell, niotafsh sister. There are 1 fliat with the well -armed soldiers. u r e g g p y .1. . .tthreffic. - It is ai anal za ih degrees • of mtrtrtal d'Gvefopntetrt Qaeu ;'Centrt5 Grey Liberals CSo hot Think It --------- - __ ��. -- ._._ , fug should be soft and sWooth, among, cows. Intelligence often aa» a , Wfil Lead to Political Union ra C. t is generally recognize t incendiary Fire ,at An Arbor, the effeeti of the substantial increas ..""Careless driving, fetking a horse 011 , conlpatdes profitableness as a milk i `-I Ann Arbor; Mich., Aug. 14.-•�•Th9 in wages which has been cono�eaed thea I -. _ _.:. of the Carrow and into it !gain, allow- yi(aldef The following resolutioh ryas adopt: western half of the medical building, strikers, will be to considerabl en . fag'hini W warlc with hisrhead around bd by Centre Grey Liberals: . on one side✓ -all tend to produce sore "-"�+ -,- �-- -- •-----••-- _-. �--- •-•�. j' „ acro of the oldest structures on the 1rAnee the already high cost of living' That we pisco ourselves on record University of Michigan grounds, was- in London. ohouldera Of eogrse the Arst p�Att- ' n favor of. tho recd roaity agreement; . . tion to lake ie tlot'to ask the colt to do i )elieving that act enlarged market destroyed last night by a fire thought . . eall "n once . to be of incendiary origin, Bumper Crop of Apples, a full days work until he learns 'sotrte• 't I Means more prosperity to everybody'. . The iiamea originated on the fourth thing abort his 3bb azadi ceases to ieret, %. a resent the, untrue antr ilopatriotior Detroit, Aug. 74.- •According to the' floor, which was unoccupied at the I r gument of the Oiipasition Dross sire, , . official forecast - of the International ' - The shoulder will their gradually be- ; IL tune and where theta were no litre a:onie toughened. 1t is a wood idea,to v,d'�' 33Li50' peckers, that improved trade rely- I Apple shippers Assaeiatlon, which? g LONDON. 1DNIC. electric wires, If ou wish.'to purahAa0 solne U100 Chins 10C trd 15a for our chole iotas will lead to political union, and, .:,-..... _ -. __:. closed its annual convention here' o YOU Y e sponge the shouldera with cold water: 9t1SINESS and Sii:012'TIUND 8VBJT;GTS, olnt them to the history of the troatyl Saturday, Canada sand the 'Unite - Toere are Pitchers. Chip and Saucer,;: Bowls. Planes, Fruit dzalles iu1 haulm col .twitter. Altim' water: lRegistered last season 'upwards of 30U 3.,1,8ts4, where Republican Senators Statas,,,rwill liavaS a bumper apple droll+ etc. We have .still. 11latrgel . sctedg,..(JAttl, C3iirGLe, 'Ptzrnt.p :seed • %nd t d a °w 'ata e• also . studeints`and placed every graduate. Seven trait .ort the k nd that this : .,at, e�rceedin last ear's crop b Parts Green. haul been used. to good d a . 1; , .. • s oiA t qualified- regular teach ts, Cleo apposed the y h v , „ y p 5l weAk solutions of tennis acid. Alcohol 1� y q �anatirt,. Would seek :annexatiaii il; the,. ,... ,'at %:a;si �Ea ,per cant., or, �'.. �a 1ltS" C111s urpentlue tends to lou igen the akin. hundred and fifty London firms' employ United States market could not be 1 , a • g our trained help, Ca11et',e ill session from 2i1T xn£ants 4.1,11 C 01,' itarxeTs. Barb wire, 4oa1 prang etc, Alighest price for produce, Tho lourlea to the top of the neck ntherrwise obtained, while the. reprep - . r Sept.5 to June 3d, Enter arTy time. rentatives of the southern States (rvhu 1r p Tha eastern section of C'00 pe shows .. , very, frequently 'terminate in ilstola, Cat'alotwo Fret, The find Yor>i NATO Always 800 M an inevease of at least 100 hex aE3zrt« ote. .A. Blister hear the pofzlt of tt� Business toere opposed to leularging the north-. t � � Tho crap is 'sported to be genei. Abd trn boundary) favored reciprocity as a tt4 ood, :quality, s lshonlder Is likoty to become, It CalM 'I U, Rears the, a����1 ���(��;'��(��`(�' � 3liorcbsnd �r 11eans 'bf~ lkecpitr; Canada out of the +,�` • + t lone end To>`rlt when Is kne el its a J. W. WltaftVMT, JR. J. W. 'W>eSURV t , Limo signratuto ob in ��ai� o, conven he1r1 a. _ ......... .... ..... ... . ,a G01(! • ti es. Ill 3lttltrg aouarlt and Chit tsr•oti l edttiatt.rrt,, l�artoclpal: , p' - 4 . ... . , . ,. � __... __ w .1 tion, will 01W. .. H ii9lIl BAaGA�fetJAiLttarzl� Liverpool, Aug.,Ilug, �lA,.--SeriAu�s riotiaff: ,, "• . growing out of the shrike, which is In progress .sere occurred y..:arday a#• Young iMibaral Who Opposed Rseiprn* f Reciprcclty Would Mean Llallars tocity te+noan. One policeman was killed, in the Oommana Declines to the Pripducom, Said Mr. Paterson by being struck on the head with a `rake Brantford Nemination on That >{ .rig aLutl summer, 1iss p ' " , o c ,.. _- r + i',.c.pro i , iN a straight baseness persons were Wiared, brick, and many p i Platform and Convention Breaks . the naituzaltinae to store up . bargain, so „= t for years and years," An aiterc4tigzi betwe,@n •a policeman; • Up. Without Naming a Man -Con. y�axllcl V1tniT,T %>r t1Y said Hon. tr•li;um Fetert�azi, apealsing and stripers during a translaort work- serxatiw.ea Jubilant, yamt s at Calcd,nla, 1'er l 1111; ho could sea ata- tr�ra sly cs :to tha> auestfan. He ; a ors demonstration 'tit 1St. Gorge a . Hall started the' trouble, whish Qui. . rantfard, Aug. 14,--4 sturdy crowd '� �k'iAV EVi�ZNU ;s;lolca of the urpcsitrot referring, An FIREWORKS DISPLAY - 0011• F R EARLY AT CROP.SCOTT'S t . 'cryo old renticmeni, latrar„twU' old men, minated in a general -melee; When, of farmer delegates, who knew exact. G O WHISIOD i + after this disorder had been put clown ly what they wanted and were not dis- lied><teetl 1Cttt+'s on all ltailwa3:s, 1 -�-- - tnrl, last.y, Ve-q o,d• fogies, such. ae JI, l` r ' ;eat c"lI1C; nick• t•'leldir n:rd Paterson, trxvinp the and the :trr)ters. scattered, they gather• posed to be satisfied, with anything r , , Sixth tray or 1Cherson Optb, Beat 00- fs Natures � q I. Ars by Agou't "Pon Days, ' e � i ` from stet l>< pros a rats rrrdacit to to to 1S'ashrngton to ire• ed agarn int the Iblington quarter an else, proved the scorch aQntrB in the. e L ata . .>ttttr Porins, and all• otter inTo>tmation ol?l The two, varieties of oats Silt pa f,otiato with cute Yankees without a resumed their attacks• upon ills uiiti- Qonventioii of the Liberals of Brant, . k riz i, Y y y . and l�herson, .• look . sa imueh alike tuandate from the people. Perhaps ions .o# the law and with serious re- ford constituency held in the city on �/ p r these . same people who refer to ihq sults. F�U pets"51 . A. Me RUNT9 a c• . that Cha save description .way iza ap- e e :fatly res o,aM . is 'sere enc race Icarn ' more about it; • One hundred thousand men were: Saturday. .it was their uncompromis- . n s Jo a pvvr at )ver. ur q p v 1 �' : _ plied to both. The plant !s .a vfgoF- for a condition ltnowu ns s•iaeeny, , :when they, too; become older and athexed :n groups about St. Georges ing stand for a candidate who would . led e . .; __ _ ,� 411 listen.in to speeches by labor P g .himself heart and soul in suP- rA -_____ . _ ._ -.__ _ _r--.—,— �,-,_,,,----,__' • . ous but not rani'; grower, usually Jess. . Ivisar. Inclined to lode tban varieties with . The r:ara of the Separator. i ' „Thi whole trouble he the ," 541drong folio i g heslithe scenes of policeman Laurier's Government that Wilfrid c A I tarn° is to ieceive the credit, said Fallowing the attach upon a paieem$n coarsgr straw, The head, or panicle, is Shiite it fi,w separattors are not.saris- . I bTr, Patdrsot. 1f the Conservatives necessitated the calling out o#ytha pow -the convention to a close without a - loose and s reading, bearing, a large factcfi'y because they are s:ot propel tad gong to Washington It would have lice reserves: When they &''awed one standard-bearer having been chosen, p . - _•__.-__„-,_. �....... - __.__ - -.r- ..._ ___...._ ._ number of,grains. s. The sin is small . cared, for. Lubrication is very JW_ cen different. For twelve Years this. party of fifteen policemen, were sur• Respite the sts the � unusual situ- _ _ .-... umb r . .gr n gr I'' rat portafat, ;vet uIpply separators are seen trountry had this same thing and adt rounded and disarmed, the rioters at, anon that confident the Liberals p# the to ;nedit;m in else, hang and het that are dry in the hearings: and pitch- ' vanced ' wonderfully. For forty-fivel tacking them with their own batons. radia ars' confident .and full of fight. ed n itt :^'ease er pry -where else, Only years we were without it, and during+ In the fl lit the Commanding officer Jacob Messecar preside: at the con - it U i { �4 is g that time Conservatives and Liberals; of the police was dangerously wound• vention, in which great interest cen. : t the beck sepatrttor oil should be used, tered, E. Sweet T. H. t'reston and �r l 4 r 411ke fought to get it back, Sir John ed. i+ ' ,; , and about erQry tnaptit tett gear and }� 4 ;,t lvlacdonald, Sir Charles Tupper, Hon.; So great was the disorder iliac the John Muir, in addressing the gather- ,._. �; n A t beriring harts ahotrttl be eoiupleteiy George Brown, and even .Han, G. E,. Riot Act was read and the: troops were ing, declared that. 112'. Barris had not 11 Iu Cleaned with kerosene. Some ma- :1' T r. ester, in 1803, had this plank in their called .out to assist the police. The broken faith with Mia'constituents in a' �o Chines are Self oiling, others roust be, l�tforan:..Both parties 'were commit- mob .fought desperately with sticks opposingg reciprocity, The issue was %.: ; t• k .: <:ii ' i`? rt hem but all d to it. Sv'Uw, why are they crying, and stories, and, in fact, with any not in the air at the time of his else, ,e4 , r ..: r elle d every.time, you eta t , e Y ? -- � °` " e fol lookin after tcx ice sure : irgainst it? Mr. Foster even . wrote, handy missiles. 1xradually, however, 'tion in 19at3. Col. Spence, C. W. Gar- d need care g. " 1" tg' '' lab i steel: i3n jrrticles for.' magazines in its favor, butt by the combined efforts of the troops. nay, T. G: Flannrer and others dealer- +, ,a �_„�,... r, ail baartugs. mre wall x e now denouncba 'it, .becauae he d'idn't' and police; the. crowds, which were ed for an out and out reciprocity can .. �� leas u machine is well oiled it will a surrounding s speakers' p n t run hard :tad Weser fast.. The machin6 get it. Mr; Paterson spoke o$ the! evens eskers platforms didate, "IN�As,ti future develor-mcnt that would result; erected on the plateau fronting the At this stage Mr. Harris. was called 1, d , must be set .level and be .Listened b railwa •s. coming. in. This would' hall, were cleared away. Many police• and asked i£ lie would support reci- \ \ b_5, ; w' .... ;1., termly ' to. -the foundutlon• almost. t>xean coir petition. Compotitlon means, men and rioters. were itijured in chi procity if the Laurier Grovernznent . \ ,` ! a plumb and nearl fast will mole a ' lower rates, lower rates. means dollars; hand -to -'hand fighting'. The . rioters were returned. Mr. Harris replied that . . + p u y _• F' ..poor machine out of a good one.. ,The In the producers' poclwts. - , have threatened to attack th6 neWs• he would not He asked that :his name ' crani. wast be turned with regularity, I - ,- yiaper offices, which are closely guard• be: dropped, az* a possible candidate, * . ed. After the light St. Georges Nall Nominations were then called fox, I 4 1 = , yet hardly ot�b out of ten $gesd_it. 1f .: , 2 was converted- into a temporary hos* and T, IT, Preston.,C. B. Heyd, C, �V. . r i _ : . �-�-- ""--.- TRADE ROUTES prtal aha the wnuiiris of: many pea Gurney. M, W. Me] wan, John Muir, :,.Y -y� 0 E+► al; ' _ t y physicians.. J, A. �,.cessecar and Mr. Harris•were I c �° tii� WHY CREAM TESTS VARY. •��. II sons were attended to b $ �� taro • '` k No Legislation Can Turn Trade Out, 4 Driven item the centra of the city named, but all Tetirad, An effort was Most Common Cause' Is .Change ' of .the crowd sullenly repaired to the Is- made to get Air. Harris to consent by a i ` of ifs tVatural Channels , liugton quarter,' one of ilia lowest an unanii�tous vote, but this failed, - Speed gf Separator. - S . ' 4 �,„ variation in tests has caused much, -" and roughest in Lfvarlaoal: Hera the unci the gathering was adjourned, ( " Replying. to •the charge that reel-` police were ha81ed . i _, ;the. narrow: BrAntfdrd Conservatives, by.an "un. p t = t } , dissatisfnetlon in selling cream, •When racity would divert Canadian trade £or the des era rioters barn- salmons vote :.on Saturday, nominated ' r streets; l the create is from 1.the same cows, oto American channels,,, Sir Wilfrid 'Qaded themselves in the houses and W. 1<. Coeltshutt as Chair standard- 4 i riA rvtricit have been fed the same ration •Laurier said: "If you attempt to pre; ,volleyed down bricks, slates and chim, bearer in the approaching federal i lac " �R ! vent the :people. from trading in. hat, nay pots from the rocfs upon their tion. �, rte' t ' „ and milled by the, same -man, and i heads. Nominations In Nova -Scotia. 4,,.�, f V ; Jr� tri a1 channels; no amount of legisla ����Nv r �, i'+ a when the same .separator #s used..:th'e tion cwfll 'accomplish that object; huh While the details, as;. to casualties „ 1 Halifax, N.S., Aug, 14, -Three Con: ,1 °" w �� 4 'x,� ; ,s' ` ; .termer naturally .thinks the Per cent 'Set nature slogs„ and then the trade . still ori incomplete, Constable Cook- : servative nominations were made .on r s.the. tees. o�v in the streets. 3 "i� rile ' ,` i? u a - son was killed by & blow the head, , Dissension in a.town ma a g- . , gr ,.......,.- �i.,�,t,:,.,,:.,.:;, of Lat in the creain'should remain the twill .be carried on„gn Canadian lines Saturday in: Nova Scotia,. 'The. Lunen- � •_ t ,' i .. ,,.,r ', -Why? .Because we have the literior. abtd Superintendent -:of Police•Bolton ... Y M' ons.. qi makes the trade ow 1n 'the stores. ', ,'{'`t'�'ti !' eta, s„ same. Errata often occur, in mal.ing nd batter Iinea: burg convention was held at ah Unity m grow . :. ;. e 1 k 4 , and.,.the ' shorter a was taken to a hospital in a precarious 'Bay', where *Dr.` I?ugald Stewart teas' �: ^:;;?:,''tr eta a fa l in t lt3n the sem le;bins to=d8 :, •ri : t •;s, 1 usu lT. as bt as the faith of its. ,,,,,,.y;:, .,, ,=rt;;,,+sat: ,`�' t. s , ..spec 1 y. a g p Take 'the condhtion of t g y . ccri4ition. ' It is.,r'umored 'thea some Other things being equal, a city S tl' • y • g. a , �� ,,w � tt } �} t T,ominated. Dr. Stewart is, an ex- . ,r, p +,a ,yrat k t -, •r,,, ti ..$, i tr but variations constantly .happen that W nnipeg can trade with. Europe_ 13y, .houses were "set on fire' during the 00 le. . ' ' , ,n...:.::. - _r, _:, c.:: ,.-1, st, r rr utas r ,:,;: disturbances •,' mayor of 'Bridgewater, and far six . p p are due. to other causes, - The most wily of the United States; it Can trad4 years was in the Town Council... If he believe in it enough to sixlk all differences and pull to- :. • a: common causes -of these variations are : The outbreak; it, is alleged, was Dr: J. J. Cameron was nominated•b * they d � p .$laAris oar SIXTY DAs OATS. lar el' .due to the' strikers' resen£nient , as.follows: g Y the Conservatives of, Antit6aish, ether you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town is :on, the up grade; IFrour bulletin, United States.:departmat"t First. -'Variations in .the'epeed of the , of indiscreet conduct on 'the• part of,: • Izi GUysboro conventions were held• 9 • of a icutture:l their' blit it'<e a. se orator. ( l;+l,`:r'I,:r;r-r:,, leer. yanembera of the police force brought in.'trvo distrcts•oE the county at Cha When all the merchants unite #or: the good of g , p. I r It 1+ + .f� Birmingham to assist . in a 's jl::,+r p 1+11, r( r?�r +77i13fi,ia_t ,t, .. 'here. from same time St.:M"t'y aitd Sberbrt>oke:. .. r - r favorable condi• ggcond.____ cation in teI peratn>•e of•` a Ilr 1 ,{1�ltlt,lr •;. ,•„ •. maintarnin 'order: To Mann who " hl+ , ?,ilf,1 j •.W !IW I li' rr+, ( g The both named G. A. -R. Rawlings, safe gamble that home trade will unite itself to them: d s ittrtt and w i .fllied. flea s +r tl 1/+lt'::' a; ifir Y tt;1`•t,ij'frig'`+l.tt;,!L''�f^:'ti+itr` ;::a;: y g gam 'tan p p el 4I milk separated. I' jf:' i:.,17t,1:ll/.l I ;+ar .Ir was one of the leaders of the demon- �• av Oats ori Shown n the 1 t,t�tf+r. lly;k.,.,,,,,,,,,.7t„j,l}rI tr ,rr;y who was. the Conservative candidate n yen in the tills than the of Sixty i Third. -bate the milk fowas, Into fhe, :rl,;,:,;r; 4 ,!`, j, + stration, has led ed, a formal retest It is better to have the to g gr fuustration': taken, with itis' reading,' Mh ' '.t(It..1(r,y,,. g p at the Iast`geaeral electron. . machine, x4.111# f7! f-.1 , 7 .., ,. l f•, 4� , with the chief codstable against what . 'ass' green in the streets. matter. f'r'om a bulletin of the United Fourth. -Amount. o! water or skim- . k?I+iI'll' xi ;r •1 site describes as 'a brutal attack by a . Agan? the Candidate, i i•; l ;+ , States. department of. a „ 1 ' �u 1` ,+ 8 g, p _ milk used in slushing out the bowl, •. il` 1 m ngham Un makes the long green grow. . grit altars,., The ir�� Bir constable on one the Gobour , t thumb was expected •color of the Sixty Day and the Kher Fffth.-Chain�e in •the richness of the r('' j!I. , r,(! strikers. at the West Northumberland Liberal v: t he loc in • ,-771l. t � " convention" held Here Sst.turda after . The town that does 'not pull together will .be pulled to sen oats varies i h t a11ty mils separated I . j7j1�Ihil'. '� k Disorders at Glasgow. y • the corn belt .the grain is a deep golden a flute i'"';; y� , :'f' noon, the nomination was given to pieces. Sista.-Adjustment of the cream I �trill� 111,ly s 1 on, Aug. 14.-.1, J. B. McColl, who. has represented the p - ;:. ...:. yellow, `while farther north 'and in sc ewe:. ..1 I til r Ir r= it tri _ _ !( troubles es in London Are, ended; the site drier sections it is:much pater becom-?�rt'kf+lr''', 4;`' nation in the provfnoes 'is rapidly` Tiding in three Parliaments.,, . , Change in the speed of the. separator ,lrr'•,J [�(F(;1.�: H: M. Mowat to Run.. . i lmost white in the sett ems .west I'rii�r,;,I; ttI'r'1i:r,, ', growing 'worse. ' In addition to rioting 14g.Almost is itis most common cauS+s of variation: y,,l i (`Ii --, :: ,,II,:e !,:'':: x -" yesterday at -Liverpool, there-were,ser- $eavertox�' Aug:.14:-H. M.' Mowat %,�,�„���,�,`..,��.�,..�„�...,.. and nos thwest. •The Moil is very thin The. greater the speed.of the separator, r , f �, resident' 01 the Ontario. - �,�j, trlNA . ions, disorders at Glasgow,.where the of Toronto', .p r . - . , . • .and the weight per bushel usually bigh, the -smaller the amount of cream and r� u:1 :� r�.:,.. ad+ 1.(lt�� t t h d t ba c m lets• Reform Association was chosen at the . I" _-� :• The crop ortiinarfly .reaches maturity the hlghej'•the per cent.of fat. ;(�(ij,r, �t s re. car servree a o 0 A ninet to a tinndred tia3s, or about i,I; ly closed clown. Thirty thou and work. Liberal convention yesterday to eon y Again, the temperature of the tull>; lie, , ) men met on Glrsgotiv Green, and the aha Ne4rth Ontario against Major Sam ten days: earlier than most of the �a= -'. separated varles on : the ,farm. from . ICI ., strike, leaders threatened drastic mea.. . rleiies commonly gown, p ' day to. If. cream tests 3o per sures if the non -union, -men continued . McMillan for Glengarry. Tile principal .objeetions urged. by I cent when, the milli is. separated at 90. ��• to take the place of strikers. . Scuffles Alexandria, Aug,- '14,=At ar,' Weil-at- faralers 4gult st thts class of oats -are !-degrees, it may test awhiglr as 40.per - with the police led' to wild scenes' tended Liberal convention here yaster : the Fs'llgtiv `corer atrtd rhe nia11 size'o>r cent rvheti separated of 70 deg -tees. ,_.;, .m I of disoxier, in which' there was day_ afternoon, A. A: McMillan, the the berry, Iu-sodhe bart;ets thet-e Is a j. Ander nveraae conditioxis on.the farm, - - stone -throwing on the part of the former member,' was unanimously;. :5►R W1l.F•RlA 1.AURlER workmen and baton charges by the dlserituitiatlon fn favor, of white oats however, the variation ut' fat due to � chosen to contest Glengarry. He is an . than a of tempraeature. will not timaunt �' police. Much damage °was, done to a ent •.for the sale of agricultural .im= '. I 1 or 2 chats a bushel* but be fat'' g the larger g street cars. by the strikers before the smears: • t pettish of our oat'erop is .to more than 3 or 4 per cent. wlih.'Europo by. way of Canada. The j service was suspended. Cars -were p fed on the farm. whpr(. produced, and t. The third cause of'variat on is found'. line of *'railway.. from Winnipeg to pulled off the-1raicks and their trolley Andrew McMaster, Montreal, . was yellow,,oats are jus, as_good for feed-.! in the rata at which the inillt Mows: Montreal is, 1,414, miles, and from one of the speakers. . poles' removed,• windows were. smash.*, iu as. theca of arise othet •role'. (3n' Montreal .to Liverpool 2;760 irrflea, a East. Middlesex Conservatives. .- g into the machine. if legs than, the ed and timbers were. laid on the rails . 1 r. antic `flawe•into,:t. bowl, total of 4,174 miles.-, From the other. hand', rata account of its thin or strikers sat on rho .creeks in a body London, Ont., Aug. 14, --The` East . regu a quantity y to .New York by way .of : Minneapolis, . hull this pirtiihtt r type of oats is ,I the tendency is to increase the per= , - ifi'order to impede the progress of the, Middlesex Conservatives, yesterday of ' higher in feeding value than are most Chicago and .tire Americaan lines, the cars. Many persons were injured. ternoon nominated' Peter Elson, M.P., centnge of fat in the cream. distance is 1,130 miles, and, from New A labor demonstration was' held -in of Landon Townshipi. lar' fhb° Com- other varieties,- United ficates .Depart- The richness of the mi1L'separated lYork to, Montreal •3,026 .miles; A. total . trieut of A�ricu►tut e: tiutletin, nt mot the quanta- diatatice of ,4,826 miles: The Ameri-: Trafalgar Square hers yesterday after•.; mons, and the,.iiierals of the same' affects the richness b noon to . welcome a party of_ laborite riding named Dr: Reutledg6 of Lam-' . ty of cream. The richness of: a Cory's an line is 4,821 miles, the Canadian _members of the French Chamber of beth. ' Mr: Elson defeated 'Dr. Rent eine 4,174 miles, a .difference in favor Deputies. The speakers included Ram ledge at the general election before the HOOSE. 00LLARS SHOULD FIT, mill; depends on `Inheri.taitce and can- of the Canadian Tine of 652 miles. Do , ---- not be changed permanently by feed.' Poll require any legislation to� compel` say Macdonald, Ben. Tillett .and J: K. last one., Neglect Ih This Matter Aftges Results Small .variations are -likely ao:occur Hardie, all' of whom emphasized the ' Gordon Again. Named. rads to choose the Canadian ohannt;l? 8 1'n Sore :Shoulders. from the other Causes suggested. By importance of the triumph of .the fes it not obvious that for, very self North }day; Aug. 14, NipiSsing Con - workmen in tale London strike and 'The first thing of .itnportat ce to con- the: use of an eccrine}rye Babcock testing t espact trade drill aln�ays take the the. unitih aryativa delegates Saturday hemi- g 'of• international workers, aider In the draft horse ifi the cellar; machine and.bs measuring the sample Canadiari.Tine,.because ails the shorter ;who rvotrid have a Good deal, to say- in `elated George Gordon,n, who represented y an s ert horse breeder. Dlost of 'of cream 'into the test bottle .with the' •bne? That is not all. We have had. international politics. Mi. Tilleh said chi rzdfn'•in.the Parliament just des- � saes e p the injured shoulders afe till result of-! same pipette as Js used for measuring •bxperlence as to what has happened;. that before long the railway`' workers . solved. dtr. George E. Faster; Hon. rl fitting collars add'.the fault milk; 'any farmer>ean make a test of pp�ad our experience has been that Dori ,would join' the transport federation 'Frank Cochrane, Harry Morel; M,p; A. poorly. fi, , trade over the Canadian channels has R; , T: Shillington;, MP.P., and A. A - usually, lies. in a collar being too large. his. cream that *111 satisfy him as to. Increased . by leaps and ' bounds ash and then if soldiers were surzunonecl ,Aubin, A.P.P,., were among the speak-' It is a good id& to 'have it harness,' the accuracy of .the . test he recelve3 ►against the trade . by the American to : the scene of a strike they would era. • maker fit the collars to the horses. from the cream buyer. -C, H.. Eckles; hannelff.' In 1000 the total amount of have. to walk in order to get there, Heavy collar pads are to be avoided If , Missouri Experiment Station. 1, scats (Greys6 . Guard Food: i . anadian wheat exported from Mont-: } pn Strikes Com�Eicpentrive: possible, . 'eal was 4,000;000 bushels; in 1010 it! Liverpool, Aug'. 14. -Armed with don, Aug. Y4. -London is, almost; > Dirty collars are probably as respon- had increased from four million bush-! sabres and carbines and #urnished its self again" to -day, A: few hours] . sable for sore shoulders as ill, fitting ANP -6 Rescues Age.. Ts to 14,140,000 bushels, Of A.meri•r with ball cartridg s; strong dr.tach= 1;x.lnapecior Simpson, of Liverpool; .ban wheat the total number' of bush. menta of the RoS a Soots Greys _sue= which a release the flood of ever c• ones., The:'ordin tarin hand feels , d which had been held up for several. >�' l;n,,land, Lewis,ho is seventy, rescued bls exported from. Montreal Ili 1000:• seeded in effecting., the renraval ' on . his. catty' Is dolie,if he scrapes the dirt ]2ichard Lwlto is cit lrty years as 1,000;000 bushels, and 3n i911 °Brat Saturday of goods, which had„ been days, and supplies • were rushed o frorrt_thi# Collar ;with ttitx baclk 'of his of age, from drorvnixag in th,v Shrop_ had increased to 10,00Qi000 busL,*els. "tied, up at the central depots :by the to replenish the empty markets 3ackkzYife: This mdthod, however, is shire Unl9m Canal near Ellesmere Sa> .therefore, there is no doubt on strikrztg docltmen •and carriers. at shortly after the settleme not an especially good one' for the Port, this point, the Ca"tiadian line must; Six hundred tons of foodstuffs were the strike Was officially announ Leather ;of the collar, and A smooth Piave thep reference because the Cana-` moved in one procession, which was • It is estimated that the week's surface Is -not left: than lino is the best and the shortest,"; accompanied by'xria eistrates, who were t the tr o polis and carriers 1 When Selectit'i a Coyt; J - mounted, and as they rode tilong ear- the metropolis d Least 'rally; A dazhp'aponge used in the evening A oervous ow Is preferable to a carmen employed by two rail' as soon as the collar is taken off will , • ° a rted in their hands copies of the Riot in one or'two minutes remove the dirt. stolid one. he chances Are' that sbea 1 penis, claim u have private would gate ititre aad better milk tliAtx �'• FAVOR TH� I�G�EEl��Nrt i� ,Act. The strikers bolted an sullenly, an ea, and refuse to return t This may be followed by an oiled rag. . but showed no disposition for a eon- Otte . the general settlement. Yf this is daYte the collar in that warn. her dell, niotafsh sister. There are 1 fliat with the well -armed soldiers. u r e g g p y .1. . .tthreffic. - It is ai anal za ih degrees • of mtrtrtal d'Gvefopntetrt Qaeu ;'Centrt5 Grey Liberals CSo hot Think It --------- - __ ��. -- ._._ , fug should be soft and sWooth, among, cows. Intelligence often aa» a , Wfil Lead to Political Union ra C. t is generally recognize t incendiary Fire ,at An Arbor, the effeeti of the substantial increas ..""Careless driving, fetking a horse 011 , conlpatdes profitableness as a milk i `-I Ann Arbor; Mich., Aug. 14.-•�•Th9 in wages which has been cono�eaed thea I -. _ _.:. of the Carrow and into it !gain, allow- yi(aldef The following resolutioh ryas adopt: western half of the medical building, strikers, will be to considerabl en . fag'hini W warlc with hisrhead around bd by Centre Grey Liberals: . on one side✓ -all tend to produce sore "-"�+ -,- �-- -- •-----••-- _-. �--- •-•�. j' „ acro of the oldest structures on the 1rAnee the already high cost of living' That we pisco ourselves on record University of Michigan grounds, was- in London. ohouldera Of eogrse the Arst p�Att- ' n favor of. tho recd roaity agreement; . . tion to lake ie tlot'to ask the colt to do i )elieving that act enlarged market destroyed last night by a fire thought . . eall "n once . to be of incendiary origin, Bumper Crop of Apples, a full days work until he learns 'sotrte• 't I Means more prosperity to everybody'. . The iiamea originated on the fourth thing abort his 3bb azadi ceases to ieret, %. a resent the, untrue antr ilopatriotior Detroit, Aug. 74.- •According to the' floor, which was unoccupied at the I r gument of the Oiipasition Dross sire, , . official forecast - of the International ' - The shoulder will their gradually be- ; IL tune and where theta were no litre a:onie toughened. 1t is a wood idea,to v,d'�' 33Li50' peckers, that improved trade rely- I Apple shippers Assaeiatlon, which? g LONDON. 1DNIC. electric wires, If ou wish.'to purahAa0 solne U100 Chins 10C trd 15a for our chole iotas will lead to political union, and, .:,-..... _ -. __:. closed its annual convention here' o YOU Y e sponge the shouldera with cold water: 9t1SINESS and Sii:012'TIUND 8VBJT;GTS, olnt them to the history of the troatyl Saturday, Canada sand the 'Unite - Toere are Pitchers. Chip and Saucer,;: Bowls. Planes, Fruit dzalles iu1 haulm col .twitter. Altim' water: lRegistered last season 'upwards of 30U 3.,1,8ts4, where Republican Senators Statas,,,rwill liavaS a bumper apple droll+ etc. We have .still. 11latrgel . sctedg,..(JAttl, C3iirGLe, 'Ptzrnt.p :seed • %nd t d a °w 'ata e• also . studeints`and placed every graduate. Seven trait .ort the k nd that this : .,at, e�rceedin last ear's crop b Parts Green. haul been used. to good d a . 1; , .. • s oiA t qualified- regular teach ts, Cleo apposed the y h v , „ y p 5l weAk solutions of tennis acid. Alcohol 1� y q �anatirt,. Would seek :annexatiaii il; the,. ,... ,'at %:a;si �Ea ,per cant., or, �'.. �a 1ltS" C111s urpentlue tends to lou igen the akin. hundred and fifty London firms' employ United States market could not be 1 , a • g our trained help, Ca11et',e ill session from 2i1T xn£ants 4.1,11 C 01,' itarxeTs. Barb wire, 4oa1 prang etc, Alighest price for produce, Tho lourlea to the top of the neck ntherrwise obtained, while the. reprep - . r Sept.5 to June 3d, Enter arTy time. rentatives of the southern States (rvhu 1r p Tha eastern section of C'00 pe shows .. , very, frequently 'terminate in ilstola, Cat'alotwo Fret, The find Yor>i NATO Always 800 M an inevease of at least 100 hex aE3zrt« ote. .A. Blister hear the pofzlt of tt� Business toere opposed to leularging the north-. t � � Tho crap is 'sported to be genei. Abd trn boundary) favored reciprocity as a tt4 ood, :quality, s lshonlder Is likoty to become, It CalM 'I U, Rears the, a����1 ���(��;'��(��`(�' � 3liorcbsnd �r 11eans 'bf~ lkecpitr; Canada out of the +,�` • + t lone end To>`rlt when Is kne el its a J. W. WltaftVMT, JR. J. W. 'W>eSURV t , Limo signratuto ob in ��ai� o, conven he1r1 a. _ ......... .... ..... ... . ,a G01(! • ti es. Ill 3lttltrg aouarlt and Chit tsr•oti l edttiatt.rrt,, l�artoclpal: , p' - 4 . ... . , . ,. � __... __ w .1 tion, will 01W.