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The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-17, Page 3
If-,,., L v« 5 4, 11 R J' C• ,- - e'" C , MI, I I kw > _ 1'� t w t�esi tbbutt, .w watrtr are Wf*t11 thTiritci Deity t ratid`iad all E*A%dtttttt 6 T►ra tl�"tar � , eoitiirrt tbel idtttiirtitlat is 'Quohoo exce�ptt yt►go1,,r i1 be . ,T= to entry to the, Jll tad atatr wi"t,1aiotaikML w . � • wul, xt- diflox radiogUy from what . 1, ;ymeatf of duty. The free list will includo" �R _ � yy I I it it Sow: Via,,ttle ori all hinds. , Ho�riteal of all .cls;aaea, timortnseh tlsslst � lead w,00dOOt{a�aSlk . ---oil . 1 ..M„•.- ---- (8heep land pwine.. > � 1W 014 "eft a liCo. a bas. It �1�' .� eS `:. C I ' a took �► utt)ryf whether live or +daead,. 1~a , x. 4 • ... .,. i9Qa. tlttd w* w� 1� tlaatn. NO M PERFECT" N I,T�' �" _�.� �.� , • t All vartat:e', of pain. NO..l t..>I �► " 1�1�g» �al�Il Beales. i .. s(e. « i~Ilxr �� ' .,.".......F w < t Ovarden, Vold, and, pd lie4'L��. „uu. JAUU ;.-ft-41t .,,t, ... k.Wvf"�1«iSj6 tiiW/Ml IfAlt�tt Rai C� I em aH Tai FRIr�i-TSV m AnnalK>Ittlon Cry r'kh♦ Q'ra>Akaa1 >�1aic. dead. xir 3lr:arlcec atreel;, rsslernraut.. was iouila �!r'he Hak an� otraiw. - lying' on the C.P.R. traclu,4 few bun• al lits tllitOf lac a "'I .+ t Isild eahi%-.., , �..�"' d. 1 ho Milia Potatoes,, turnips, ontolas, cabbag e, .and all ,otla'Or vegetables #n their , amount of nourta.;;r�>tit tkrid hi� Nonsor4* ' OsI 010hop P dtsd #yet out of ., Windsor n station lY V�+rrcovltt;it, I3,C., Feb. 1Jt. llgxo, ,,� , maturall a'tate. ra ial other ' 8. 0 Friday .night„ having t videntllr ate ltuo sh was he'' g"S'elalt�evatalttort of " ,' am, well acquainted with a roan,. Hlailo Mills, fn 'hfs charge to tile, A arle>i, pala7!s► peaches, bexries, of all classes ; >, known to thousands in Vancouver, p dibla, est iii their Natural state, anc1S honey been run aver by a passing train. this holing sal is not yi't such a to jtsav ' . Staiioit. Victoria And New Westminster, who for Ontarld Synod at Kingston, wad Ppma. ' e -_.. ___b He suffered amputation of On of � tify absolute o t mrsm for itf recon -i l�alrs;QpLlQsitB. nearly ea ryas practically a cripple people were going about pialging a sonic) __ _ ._- ._. his legs end when taken to the Royal cry, lits phy� cutn3 btaiievt that Al I arly a y r p Y pp victor a Hoa ital he. was in a wean Froin Klieumatisnr. He was so troubled concerning blue ruin which was coin_ . __ there is nu relaps4 ltd will be a at "--I-"-:: , svitki lite disease that iefounditdtiiicult I condition through loss of blood. o7•`he next 7ueek to euttroly ab,. Liters ,O tug' to our country through reciprocity story told by the victim at the hospital eiv'0 One Car aft ' 'to even turn over in bzd. lits heart r ., r r • oerV:-'tis," XC0ragor,, perk•-is.-vaw indicates that he was - corning to the bed. They bay, boweve-r, t`nat bis can. Jt1Sit reC - Wtth the United States. "Whether a tppearetl so avealc that he could,hardly Liverpool W heat F t >ures Close ci1gh Win, Pte. l• , C. $aillie. ]Ate. d, H. .. city on Pne of the trains when he was it wil , bee well ar a lengthy ht one. aid, , ;walk up stairs. cipxoCity would by in the general in• er, Chicago. Lower- -Live Stack Davidsort, Cal. Sergt. C'. Hunt, arid, thrown from the steps by a sudden it will, be necessary iter hint to submit O f Lump, , coal for Thresh Lastljune, he received a sample of kerests of tho country,"- he said, 'cis n "l ruit-a-tines". He used the and Latest Quotations. [?tel J, R. $Done will represent trio jolt of the cars, 'ills condition is criti- b .s severe regimen wr�li regard to► ,. dates his recover frgni that bane. gaestiom for deba.to, mid about which G.G.F.G., and Yut, Faster will repro- : ' 1 11- both food and work. Ing. y tiiEferent opimfoma, ima y be held. But crateAGo, x11., -Aug. x2.--11�;1a can- bent thextgixteers. ' cal, ,. To -day, there is no man in Vancouver alitial> ns have not devoted their at- ¢Anon and large acreage of wheat al- The C,pronatton; Cup. will be contest- ` er Beit • cr]Ryingbetter health, .k most ready to harvest in Canada pull: ed first; then follows the City of To- : First Cartofi New Wheat, i The y icTe was building a house this fall and tentlon a0 much to the discussion of . Diarrhoea ed prices down to -day several pegs. ° s}iin led a good ark of the roof in a t uestian as in ringing. c'ran -s azi Closing figures were 3 -ii to 1-3 to .-2 Fonio. after which comes the ldarniltth Winnipeg, Aug. 14, -The test car a g P his trophy, and the day will Class with new wheat was received on the Win, . driving�rain, without suffering any bad - to 6-8 under last night. Carrs ttnished j TN B. LACY. Y were adopt• 1-4 to 1.-`d dawn dna bats unohaliged to the match for the Osler cabinet,. nips ]market on Saturday. It is from effects Cpl , . . , the cry that It reciprocit g "Phry . - Southern Manitoba, grade Na. 1 hard; pd it wAuld be the first`stelY towards 1-4 off. Provisions made a ,net gain . _ ..._ .___.,-.. -... �...:.... _.. • - " and averaged 2? bushels to the acre.; DV " e�S ' U, Mr,. I. Mills, (assistant postmaster lannexation, that the United States of i2 1-2 to ,25c. EPITHETS e. berry is firm sad large, with no' at Y-nowlton,, Que,,) also writes; would be buyinl; us, and wit vrould be The Liverpool market close's tp-day %a �P.It+W�Ty � ' „ y a t, " 0 1 t" Ihonestl beltevetii. t Fruit-a-tives oelliilg use ves. I think that is th3 to o Maher than yesterday on wheat. is the realest Rheumatism cure in the attA11111 lower on corn. Berlin wheat otos. evidence of rus - -� • �y • sFORBES 1. ,g greatest nonsense that. ever came from . ea ?,c higher. -4 .. `� . worldo , TI it yourself, fhe mouths of supposedly sane men; WinrllnPo options. , and So'ilrassa Meet In. soc, a boa., 5 for $2.50, trial size, z5c• as a Canadian, I repent ik, 1 would C F+CA .td MAY ESCA Sueemsdol• t0 J. I[aulilto> Atdealers;orfrom Fruiti-a-tivesI,imited, think'very little of my loyalty to the Close. Opon. high• z,ow. (lose.: i,emlaUx Joint Debate. • Wheat- A 1 PE. CN60P 1"int � , . Ottawa, British Crown if it depended on tariff. Oct. 99 991/4 991/2 9$% 904',' . -._._. p11one, 5'.r.r thena- Dec, . %'A 4814 9S'A 9Ily 9sy� . poor h1ar. ....'to?1F_ 1G'd?t. •,•• 102l. o �T- Shoat Which H.M,S, Cornwall Hit t ,1,hose who and aunCertain thing that her eat tsnee Oats- mister of .Marine and ear New Was Not Charted. ° CdJ026i CL��� yirit of Canada is M met. '•' 7'� •R• , ThoMinnds Turn, Out to Fisheries �! ... ' t;ATUROAY, rix a nation would be imperilled by an t: 38% 3731 K I,Alifas, A=, 14. That 11.M.B. Bowel �°rOaicblest . Increase of trade with the United Exchange, personalities With. the Cornwall struck an a shoal that`is un, . ' 0 AAAAAAA*A'A�►A The• U. S, Senate comilllttee on Tor- States certainly do ' not know ber. . Toronto Grain Market, ationa Leader• --Crowds Are Noisy charted when she went to the relief - IJ��1 �1I *♦ of n Felatiaiis will ,xobably take na ....$0 83 to $.... N . 1 S • n ; 1 nit r. Chaetre is 'go part of t`he British Um• . Wheat, gooseubus el ..... 080. .... " ; of the .Niobe, is the report of Captain Are Curable by the Use; of aati0i1 ail al, .t,atign till next 1, ire Aire in which -there is truer loyalty Rye bushel ..,.,.••.........070 :..,, e --Stand Bankhouse of the.Canadian Govern.- Tavo bays -riding from Sy f acuso on than in Canada, and silo can be ilei- oats, bushel ................ 0 45 p But Refrain From Violenc rent steamer Petrel,. whoa was detailed f I file roof of ail ex roes tralrt 'tn hap«a Breaks Down. s P ;cher bought nor. sold. . , , The op Barley bushel ....., .• 010 0 � to investigate. Captain Banlchou,e DR Fi)V'VL'I ar. t� make their for�unss were found ositlon to reciprocity is simply a Buckwheat. bushel , .,,. 0 4s Ste. A Hyacinthe. Que., Aug,14.-A p Peas, bushel .............. u 78 080 Y has netifled the authorities that hepianos. C dead 'with tlielr sknlla cruslieti. political oriel. That tliero are men of political meeting; probably unprece= found ''"shoaI within seventeen feet , ' • ► t eai'3 ar12i, wlirie Toronto Dairy Market. ' Profile Bobbins, I7 y ; both parties. opposed to it simply dented in the province as regards, the at low oyster not on the chart. That �T� ° �� Cswimming in th'e rivex at Brockville, Means that men can be taught by a Butter, store lots ga..•••... 0 7 024 amount of invective•.and vituperation this, is the shoal touched by the Corn A g Butter, separatq , dairy, See e ► was seized. with heat failure .and cry and can be led by sentiment. Mr. Buttre, creamery, lb. rolls,: 0 20. 0 27 I' injected into the •speeches and the wall. is shown by the course given by. s° bee and here our fintast ` ed before assistance: roached , 250 amount of ban temper. displayed, oc- Captain Lev of the warship as haven; e�°p C oro vn R. L. Bordon, the leader of the Opposf• Butter, `creamery, solids Wild Ste VY% �% of V. Lehi. tion, like•a sensible.l an has, I. believe, _toney0ombs, dozen o�u .... carred here .yesterday afternon, when been.sfeered bj* him, The charts shave ✓ ' New Stylish designs.10 h7 s. 1'�ussall Sade, tli mlillonalre Cggs, new _2. hitt ..:... r while opposing reciprocity on econo- pees., new; lb 013�h 014 Messrs,. Bourassa and Lemieux, to- no shallow tivater b'stween Southwest 11105 and widow, is sending out yW0,000 leaflets, tc grounds, refused to tato lip the ""' '•""• 4 Doherty a nous natrv0 song � Liverpool' Grain. and produce. gether with lesser lights, met in: joint .Lead Buoy from which the Cornwall > t descriptive of .,.a va annexation cry, or to use it in any p - �� debate. started in approaching the . T10be and THIS STLRLINC: P� ABY iiAS BLEN '11 0. - larger part. relati«is to the way as ail argument. LIVERPOOL,, Any, 12.--Ctgge. From. the very outset it. segu Bon .Portage Lodge. Whistling Buoy. Qrgans, P. birds, tht g y Spot,. steady: Flo. 2 Man., 7s 30ci; No. s • obiii in the lrotictiun of �';hich Urs. . . ,' f s steady,Dell 7a 20' that the occasion would be an un• This part of the 1\ova. Scotla coat t ON THE 1YIAI;:aT! 1'Ol?e t%yl=R 6S I .'::pea robin, +iPAt11v intt,rPa�el. Man., 7s sa, utur4. WHY NOT* TAKE THE GRANGE ? nee', 7s 3%d, Flour- tWinter patents, -278 usual one. the spsaltsrs sptnding has not been surveyHci for nt'Te than XE�RS A1TD •I114 .:•a "yML TO IT.. $d. Rops in Londolm (Pacific coast). £7 6eanty bine in the usual words of ap fifty yoars, oma the wurk was tilers � Zr I7'..� Special values ui+ Aft los los: reciation, .but Gamin dawn to mint- y , T4 TIO, �vHr1T yr B CLAI. i l,c I p g only partiall .dant . No vessel draw-- I I MacKa Thought Conservativea Montreal Grain snd Produce. ed personalities at once• dig its much as tht' Corittiah or \!robe' I If an unscrupulous dr.t;,'tst or dealer ..4 � Mases C, .M r, Y . 1► Lost Their Hand at a -Gama, MONTREAL, Aug, 12.,:. -There is a fair The crowd seemed to take'. to this tivas ever iii those wztcrs b,f<re. The N To trade pgssing in most lines, with prices style of debate, and 'cheered wildly: Cornwall drain 2.i Feet.% ;,iarit:ers.here says:-- I ELife en. ally firm, The flour market 1s !' am `I3on. A. Ca. g F uo ed suigrng• around the .improvised :plat- say'the discavei'y lar the F'etrtl should "This is just is e.. .l'",r .t,*" J' lust r ans rent ► .Speaking . at til ingli , stronger,, and Manitoba stades are u t PianOS and O farm so that it tivaa ' i imminent oars• , be a i'casan far ;the C tri ''.. Govern- ' s iv -'<Cite tie Ur. 1'.a f lot's, i :l naw:., 'L g you need a healthy. stomach,, ac .UacKay Wald ,that if the Conservatives at an advance of 10c. a barrel. with C . ood demand.. , Provisions and dairy pro ger of collapse. - ` ment to ask; that ' eaptah Ley and what I want when l . lsk for it, aad give' '' ed choice new Edison Live liver, kidneys and bowels. were '.so sure reciprocity would be. a. uo. are actin. at firm prices, Mayor Payan presided over . the his. officers be' exor erated. 7`lie Corn- „ ' s or ans- . and the - nerves 1 did they not goy oil Dressed hogs -.•Abattoir, $l0 to $14•p per athering, and nada difficult time in wall - went into drydock on Saturday. .mew hat I ask for. honographs, Music & The g ?bad thing, why I I p .and the blood --- .are better, d0 •100 lbs• preserving order, the 20,000 ,people She is found to be badly damaged. . The price is 35 cents per bottle: S.eC' record against it, let it.passi arid, after Beef -Plate, half -barrels, 100 lbs., #7'•60: p g The T. , Milburn Co, varier o d's. ► • better, when hhl ed b , barrels, 20o lbs,, .$14,60; tierces, 30o Ise., whg listened to the speeches proving . ; that.' the acme, y g � -P Y a `years .trial,. have the dissatisfied $2160 • a-somewliai .turbulent crowd, t s} Lard -Compound 'tierces, 376 lbs., 9e: on. Rodolphe Lemieux made a . T.he. Pop. Is better. Limited, Toronto, Q maiiUpctu on the' bodes, 60 .Ibs. net (parchment lined), 9%0; p nd attacked Mr, .Bou- Rome; Aug. 14.-I lle condition, of lalile as we Are the manufacturers and ` e , tubs, -50 lbs; .net,• grained, two handles, • n @speed}; Pope Pius yesterday* •was almost sta cele proprietors of this remedy. I Music E111porlul(u BE�,CIA atabl a „., .. net, 9%q: On rassa with intena� vigor. Mr, Bour�as- ' ,,ionary, but with `, tt:)aut,cy toward - c s °3 ..9�4c:_'Paila, wood, 20 lbs. •< pails, 20 lbs, gross; 87/se. • sa responded `in hind, while. it •- slow, tliouRh general � •improyernent.. i J �` 2' Pork-FIeavY Canada snort cut amie�sls. ��� ' t barrels, 3G to 45 pieces, $ 3, half -b s. rand Lavergne a$ .iiiYles interrupted E1 is ':tempo*store was 9d.T, and while - '� : $11,76;. Canada short . cut a -Ad back pork. Mr. Lemieux, who spoke in 'caustic ' . the sins in life duty, lcnee still . re ; ow �. p , i is um $oldl:v where. tnboxe�2Sc. y3�M#k ': 45 to .66 pieces, barrels, $22:50;i Canada vein, and several.that,that gentleman �ineb less heat' "' E, t,5 i. vatleptl, the pontiff G ff.>r�>t1 __ _.._ __-. a ,;Seri" N. i clear pork: barrels, 30 to 86 Pieces. $20.60: f u Ezy �`:� ? y bean pork, small Pieces, but'Rat, barrzls. informed him and hrS 9uPportexa that. i ih. bsoai Sad ianescnros n �/. Jt 1 Qal"e P h x ,..- r .. { $1s.6o.. - he could .use his hands as wsll as hfs 1 .4f} a r �" 4 Oate�Ganadlan western, No. 2, 42%0 t0 voice to reply to insults. . P. ; rr - ''IIT s .t " `�` `e .. �` 1 43c, car lots, e$ -store; extra No,. i fggd. .Fortunately- the threat .was'-nnot car- . THE OUTLOOK �oo� a g�,• y 42c to'g2;' NQ. s C.W:. 913/o toldte I4v0c .Tied out, and the .only mishap of fhe A -4 . 2 loeAi w Life, 41e; No. s local w . afternoon ,was the iallin awe of a • ! e' n�"In���n�t/�n 1T�'I�1. Yt, , Ne. 4 local' white, 39c. g Y 0 t fs(.4�x ' Flour -Manitoba spring w.n1�e�at patents, portion. of the stage, under pressureCaii > ; , � firsts,' .40• seconds, P.M; •vdit►ter wheat from the• crowd. precipitating a num= NI Wind. . 'Slaw that a'general election . foz a i r t lv i,fi , atents�$4.60 to. $4.76; strong bakers', `4:70-. ._ as.l,x , j r her of newspeyper men into the sudf- them Dominion is on, there is natur- �° i,$a. ; .4 ; stralglit r.1 rs,�,$4 to $4.10; in bags.. $1•W � �lL * _ � ��r �'�t6 ally a edaisdderable sumovnt'of spec > ` � .,ems,. '_n"t. ;`. to $2. once. - AiT 1<lilit 2iVip » FRONT "R P IJ`, �ou'tcozae. s ;a: z:t ,i;. = Rolled oats=Per barrel, $4:76;'. bag of 90 . b . . UST ulaitien as Go the prabablt� . $oifh s2de.s; of course,, pea 'ess ,con- s f :. .<; I s .. lbs.; $2.25. Sacrarr}ent . at Sea. " . ••••�• ; 9 I r » Millfeed-bran, Ontario, $21 to 5221 Man . foidgnee; but the avidity:,with-which _ ° !�4 a'. LLLLLr: a; #obs, $zo to 5z1; midalines, Ontario, . #Z~, New Xaxk, Aug. 14. -=Altogether CO3ipNA1'IUN YEAR LEADS THEM ALL 1. i?R +ol�. ' the (gov'ernmen't sC°iziad 71pon the = to $2 T; Shorts, Manitoba, $23: tnoul111e, 525 . �` o .tuntit .which ithet Opposi`tlon; �`>'z.', > : charmed by pretty ten -year-old' 1VIath. ' Q . o pp r y %>. `M» sR_ ^:, to $s1. Ari -Gems from Euro- � -' Greatest life, anct of fes °e to gnu&ke sins peal ' to , the s s t "'.8 - eggs- Selected, 21 c; fresh . l7 ac; No. 1' the Sinclair, who was the h . . t p tike Sun_' stock, 13j�ac. t e light of the steamship Bremen . t'AQStOcII l�blkr- people,, wathowt aysTaiting ;rqg,.. he e -westerns" 12354 to 123ac; esstr the Orth German Lloyd Line, Greatest show on coatin-. peon'gslleries-masters display ever shown. in C es of N Special- prizes of from best .collections in America! Goods: loran queait�ioned advantages which re a erns, l?'/i0 to'12 e- .','. chill Spec' s, bvt, ; < i 24c : , ji which arrived "yeserday, Archbishop . 16500 cacti. Increased Canada �ad,Uiiited utactured while you dastribution• �vould•'i3e to it, , h s a Butter -Choicest, 23>�¢c to ,,.�cw a> .Wool.. ,that fhEr tLiberals xe •aid thtt< re- ;", f, . ` ,< I Bruchesi•.of bIontreal, who made the. P i i a . wait. 11 . t g g : i ,,,., r zes ' n all d sses. States l. salt' of lire contest, with ccxtiewe�.1 I ;i6 4 s4 rw little girl, his companion and pet all , c ,. t k CATTLE MARKETS: ' ,,'�,,�'l the way: over, conferred the ,extraor•. THREE GREAT ai'ECIAL5 co nf$dence�F FE The Toronto has jusit corn- • ° < I Binary honor of. personally, giving the . open Milts ' . child her first communion aboard ship, . - _ rds Band- `. War Beneattr 'il;le Wares-� �enmitler iAio : pletetl(. a prelidninary .«survey o>£ the. East Buffalo Cattle Market. Fesilral Oi EIfIjYf@-Pictur . $oldstraam Gua lectiom Putlook in Ontario.. Its; es Aug, 12. Cattle -Re The ceremony liar' few, if any, pre - e o to EAST BUFFALO,a r b ing the glories. of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showing a oughtbattl•between. 1.. -- tna>lates,' are'cautio:us azid ase haw ceipfs, sOD'head; steady: cedents. ori en om fledwilth iieW in-. onationterernonies:1,500 Household; by special. a. Dreadnought'aad a ve be e p Weals -Receipts, 126 head; active and Mathilde was :taken abroad seven• performers in uniform. lierinission of the King. Sub. 'ne be re ared,to buy h'a nd.Gnsi ht. It summarizes i' KAY; ` 16c lower,'at $5.50 -to $sso. years ago by her moTfier, rs. Thos• . I. As usual, I shallp p dus'try a g HON A G. Mac . . SPCABH RICE g as follows- • ;fogs; Receipts, 2so0 head;. slow andTio and ive the HIGHS its foxeoast follows,- r• Heavy and mixed,. 3.05, to $&10; . I. Sinclair, the'daugliter.of 'a judge; in HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS d ash9d rynd un• high. both.. w L ells 9, `24: S.10 to $s.15; pigs;:' 7:90 to $3.16; Amsterdam, N.Y:, t0 be :educated, iT`he T, y,R,p, Regatta -Athletic Sports --Boy Scouts 1. Review-Vaudeville-J�Aanese Fireworks-- ' Sfor(rUOL, b Su+rd L b ] yorkerg, $ will exchange for'. my. e; SConser vat.ves, 24r eo le turn the Liborals' out? During.. roughs, $x:75. to $7; stags, $5 . $G; dairies,, mother brought her back :for a sig.. Twelve Massed Military Banda -Trotting and Lacing Races, eL. . washed, or Sur ti9 manufactured articles, Doubtful, 92. he first five months of this year. 625 ..ron to $s. • months' vacation. She- is pretty; . b a1. e -is in danger 12. cars of hay had,been exported to tho' Sheep and Lambs -Receipts; UW head,bright,.and speaks, several languirges. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKSI You will find a fine assortment of Liberal active; sheep steady; lambs11 Cougervat ve seats in danger, 26• United. States from optario north of :She:; was easily the most popular pas• 'Tweeds of various up•to-date patterns a says, h Parties have ' �t twenty tons to the car Handy, $4 to• $7:25,. sen er on the ship.. e Tw Fp[ all•tnfottnatIon'writ .Manager J. O. ORR, City. Iia1l, Toronto:; ood su 1 of Bed Blankets, As the Star s Y , t e p Stratford, New 'York Live ` Stock: g . also a i; Pi Y fox the first dune isince 1896(an even and $4 a ton duty, that was x,50,000 lost _ In talking with her one day the. arch- lilorse Blankets god of various colors. t ov c This aion'e \ chance inthis i e in duty. l a e .closed. with the 're>nly t0 NEW, 'Y� ad nAiarke! 1 to av; EairRteo bishop discovered she was' a Catholic, 11 �t i,s eirough td�ket 'tile Liberal par- the annexation. bogey, and urged the. I goods, eersheG.35 to.$6.70; bulls arid' cows.'. !3 was delighted. by the coincidence. jF,SSH 6L• )IDRILT, good steers, $. -- - ty, "Unusually sanguine, though it, to vote against the Conservao nomtziai. That, rhes was -also the anniversary' Benmilier should( nott'�make at .'feel , `too ase- . tive candidate, who had forgottelr Calves -Receipts, 370 head; market cure: 'them when; he had voted against reef+ barely steady. of "Glia mother's birthday, and the Theo Manitoba Free Prg4ss says ' roc]t : sheep and Lams -Receipts, 9947.. 'Sheep captain added this fact as one of the' "'E , , ose off calculationtliel steady. Iambs slow to 164 lower. Sheep. motives .for giving his special spread. L. that) f•or pure B' -- . 4 I)o�mi:nion, 1in;ay be dsvided into four $2.6o to $4„zs; culls, $1.60 to $2; .iambs, $4.74 . to $7.60. NSOLU �., 13 U T ER greait political r.ivisi. ,The oV st. SIR . J 0 H;N A. WANTED IT ,gogs--Rec.ipts, Sli6; ..market firers, at Boy Charged. With h Arson• ' of M, witim&`Provinces,' Ontario,, $Iso to $7x5. . th . , n:. � � _' on cal, Aug 14 M tr W Camille 0uimet, and Quebelc. ' In '19013 the SW°°e t native Chie1`tain Had Chicago Live Shock.. a boy nine 'yea of age, living at .336 iii Liberals and 17 Oonsex- .Tfie Late Conser o ];est Sherbrooke st;set, was arrested. SEf"U elected rTi1CAG0, Aug. 1_. -Cattle -Receipts; o.atives--tl Liberal knajority of one, ; Gone on.Record on Reciprocity eatmCA4 at zoo. Market steady; beeves, on Saturday as a result of state.@@pts • L .. . .E L . : '.R' ' r. asonable probability is that $5 to :$7.65; Texas ste6rs, ,.$#.60 to'- $6.25• . `made at aa� investigation field by Fire ITYI 'the e• ; ,ils''will do better this . I P '' . hd tTeas . So strongly had Si> John• A. Mao- ticestern steers, $4.10 to $6.40, stockers I G t feeders, $3 to $6.60; cows.sud heifers, 52:20 Commissioner Latulippe into the fire Hilae( inthe,W_e,st-•by two Fox three donald felt upon the ciuestion of reef '. to $6.10; calves, $5.15 to $8:26, that dA ., I estroyed the factory of Mi. Le-. . wafts, at.least. In the Maritime procity, said S. H. McKay, speaking •x;ogr 'Receipts, estlmatad at 7000; mar- due in Berri. lane on Monday last : ± _� T 'n 1908 the. Liberals e.ec at Brdndon, . that' he had left it on ket, strong for good, others.,slow; light, , Four .boys.. were summoned to ' ate . w_ - ~~ -' '" """ ' erltllrie Piovuices i ---~ ted 26 meimbers! and -the-'C�o'nsexve. statutory record that as soon as the $7.3o'to $7,921 ; mixed, $7.17t0 $7 mood 4vto, tend the court, their names'being,Cla- i 't>eQ 9- a -L beral majority •of IL United' States was ,willing to enter -$"i to $7'.so, rough, $tot $74 Pigs $.d ta', mille Ouimet and Alfred, his brother, Wrapping -g. tl l choles heavy, $Grenuine Te etable.Fibre. Parchment, for 'vera lIl This -Was identical with thy, results Into. a. recipxocai agreement Canada • aged 1) and 8 respectively, Henri Viau g' on bj7e market, lil` package's, " 7Sheeli- Reeeipts,sest ret ted .at 2500; mar• Carter's • in 7904, ItlYroug"h these were ch'an'ges .'1vould be prepared to iIo the. sauce. 2.io to 3.s5.rweatern, and Arthur -Belisle, of 252 Berri lane, butter -the best Sheet , ._ $n the edristituencies" Reciprocity Por several years 'Canadian had ell, lcet, strong; native, $ $ 12 and 10 years of age. 5 eredit,ed, With making 'aparticu: joyYed banding privileges In. the United $2176 to $3.$5; yearltt}gs..$3:75- to •$4.55; nOt rltlted Uttle • • w 1 taiai ver influen!- r ei rocity ryas after all iaanbs, native, $4 ton37; western, $475 to, Belisle told a ;story of having given p •,�," lar• appeal toter y States and .. e p $7.10:. . matches to Camille Onimet, who first , 0 ►d. 11eets fOr 2ge�,/1VGi vial sections of • the Maritime. elec'- only an extension of .that principle. , .tried to ligfrt.a-gas jet but failed to 500 ►�1heetS for:50C . • z� Liverpoo] Cattle 171arket, torate,. 'There is nothing to. inclin- Their 'opponents claimed that the LIVERPOo'L, Aug. 12. -John ringers, 'do so owing to the meter being turned este that there will be•any slump in Laurier (lovernment liarl received no Co. of 'Liverpool 'cable to -day that, 'off. He then got hold of a barrel cots- •- '{ 1 Nlulyt gear Signature 91 y.ibe> all strength there, Thexe are mandate to ratify •the 'agreement,. 11 .L owing to railway and other. strikes in taining varnish and emptied tYhe coli- ��W�-� food grounds fox the;es'$iniatc that Surely the Canadian farmers aelega- 'both Liverpool and 'T31rkenhead, trade, , • , 1 !the far fiV:estelli and %11s'ftir ion to Ottawa fO�riYlecl a mandate. was practically at, a staindstill in the', : t2tits and threw a burning' acmatch o t • , 13e a tat ;ig e ; e t Foci ro" Birkenhead intirket, and no real qua a• tlThe witness stated that • eastern provirtees togeth i, th But apart from that mandate, P tions can be given. twitted his'mates for be- Cioverninent Will.liavd ama3ority of cit had scoff so thoroughly endorsedIVe yOUr name, farm and pOSt-office neatly printed• y Cheese Markets. J.0't�um'3%% ing 'afraid to join in the doings. er below. twenty. Vi)ith 'this neat advantage . by both parties that no -further loan n, The bray comes lip this 4tfternoon #or and mare a'reputatian for your product. We fixe See Ps�Sitntte wrap p in hand the Government lmust face . 11 _- date 'Inas necessary. dories O Ont,, Aug. Y,ses co ore t " the `results of the vo�bung in Ontario t relim�naxy exa�liu itio� before Fire yspecial ,p p nk, guarantee not to run � . tixoes smwft U;V& setc y ., b I V those 'two pro- Bidding 12o�toel« ?r10ec 1014'Psold a , I Viommissioner L t 1 p or injure the butter. - i . 't 441W.at4•t ONO 'and eel i Quebec. n 1 _ vineeg r''Cected'94Libe-r�als and 61 SCANDAL AND SHAMS x� 7.12. to 13 7-iGN.. ' pOR'f('�' A-CHIL Conserv.ativos=ar %Iberal malority' B>v> Lr,,VXLT,M Aug, 12 --one afoul' Mysterious Aliment. 8000 for I.'i� 2000 for $3.00 5000 for $7.40 IIZINESS� of 29, 'Snce'190$ the GoyernmeulC r sand sire hundred aurl five white Cheese "Ottawa, Aug, 14, -Several boys, who CAI3T.ER foRO _ hits lostlttvtr ,seats -one, in baatatrio a Mr, 'Fielding .Thus Refet�s to the - talk were offered here to -day. Sales; 455 at . frequent the dity s swimming bath, at . 00 bluouSNESt. to, the, SConeervattves and 011.ej An , • About Annexation i't 7 1Gc and $90 at 12 240, the end of. Bank street, have during t 'E FOR TO.RPIOaLiYEIt. tQne�be, to the atronalists wild iG A 1 the .Iiast -few days been the victims "W,rap.Your. butter, 'end .get two cents per pound. IV� STIpATION . now' has amajority ol45 over, all ' OR CON ''Annexation!" said Hon, 'W, S. . Ontarlo'o Crack Shots Gather. ! of ugly looking sores and scabs on i1101e than xf" 11]lwrappcd. . . • E - opponents.. The problem before Pielding. " Is :it not a scandal and * ' to ,lug. I4. 1hitrants from. all their faces, legs and. other portions o4 colt �Ari.OVW KIId: the 10onservatives is themofore 7 aeon PORI LECOMPLUld" shame that our opponents should talk at . Blatin. T'al hnvo levers rife bare3lt annexation? T would not know• -••l do Claris .elf dzttaxia asioclatian�temeetn�' thOno bq young lad, an employe in a • 0>� MuirtmvI HAWA f iit 'n. 'then x •Par1lameiat annexa do or not -ii Ontario Rifle A ltd ..,"G , .aloe Y i_ , e t . not know' whether you '> busy seclace. f the�city, has six ulcers We also would be lased to Supply you with printed tactns�>'�'"�'°10'� they t»Ylat!ivllie out.�.'he „.Ontario•- which opened at 9 o'clock this morn•' on his Paco. .These have 'develolied _. p � , elyea .of 25 and. re lar~., it witlx would not know where to, look in tho .. u inion of Canada fora ma1Y file at I.oubbr l.rallcli. i Letter ]heads Nc}te meads 73111 Heads, btatenerits, tiE E+DACM". Q " al whole Dome The 1(}ea ba't'alioll of Crrenadiexs within the past two days, and five ar , , OUPER. 9klC4t. Conservat7ve laaalorlty of 'or4!i . _ who would call himself an annexation ,ret;:tiltccl b 5�rgt,.ilittjnr dile• of his com anions ,arot similarlynvlo es Wedtliilg Itivitatlons or Annouticelrien S, W site. '1>h'@ pi•trposititln i$ a f0lnidw ist: What can you say if 'bur Amer, will Abe w it: :titiyo, C�f,rri1, ]vcrberG, I alliieted, the sk n being affected with-• p ,. . Catalogues, CSfing Carets, in . able one. . can friends receive an erroneous fat+ 1•a:ull ,. tea . ,Nlthorn and Mortimer. ! fit; the ,sem© period of time. Posters, Clrclllars, Siztnl;i tip the GluLbac t3Ytljiation, itln lvlien they read that the retell slid lAxlva • Me,r,,.,� ftmele he Free lt?rth saysb - press 1`ito '"t(Is cram Ottarws loft that All these youths are regular atten' fact anything ill the printing line you may require. restos dna stt6nta xn6w t , e who are supporting this Rocipf'001 . it . „n .titatesz'day. mite 1).C.C),I;,. will dant$ at the swimming bath. The Y g . is lore the wandetral Of straight Cwnsel natives there cement in Canada aro advocating y about,, age city •medical sutYarities Have been . MARVEL Whirlili Spray will be fewer in the next I%ousa . i,;• 1,•;.rc •, tit ci by (ur•ll. S. li, itile• i �. MA � t annexation in disgulse, and when they, t \� The newVak�naa yrm er. ryes frosnl oche,~ lthan Rn th+e resent and hundrede�trf coill1+:11, Lt. W. Al. i,astcott, Corpl. asked t0 investigate'. Tho bash is 10• .. •�-M63tConvaaicnk it 61ean5C`t ••pp.. • ktYa that lilOU5aI1(1R y;',. j'.,:itllYl�r, �.laTl)1. W. ,I. Slither. i cared near one of the city sewer olnt• ,,,.. �, inztantty. dsfty0ar 'Ona i and three will be int addition, ' •, .,, A 1.;, Thoriltotl. Corpr. � lets.S,l is �_ ` druggiScfort ilio sands of people fli Canada and ik • L •�r •�•�f1 ,..sem.. , a grou ' of Nationalists, How nuTd - The, ++fin bV n erou,�Mirwill be re11b21]n9'tb be s 1)latYxtlrl, this I'eccitlrtlCse agO " land r,t.t„t relies:nnbtsuppaythe. , rent" Clan you be surprised if oli1�; iv. 3: to*;laoti, licrgt. Wilson and t',orpl«I Thrown Frotri 'i'rain. MARyELaccepen66th6t, / . - $q�. Results In previousC'lectfon , aro taught td boy v. tri• ,elneQer. - ... ...... but Sendstaallit6t0l0trated American iiiends g � . tu4.ul seated. Ytglvearmrbattig. ; Would jnsitily Aheavy roduetiou Yrs ,^ +I . el,t. Ltif1Ls () Cohn r, 5orat, Smith, ' Moe • ',• "•, Aug. i4,--pT trryr Iliay+new, t,7atganddifecetbn4litvala�bte to tadldw llov� llt.•t tl ei'C is disloyalty in Cllb i i athet *stimatela d)1 the 'ants Laurier ' wit4l55dR sij�lr 'Co.,.. ' Si1i Wilfrid 'Latlrinr oda? Who teaches, tljpa?"= li9lgYltidr. Ditl. olzoriil11 tsrorGana ;strength. ,......-w..r...._..-...-a:.M,-. • 'wtusa,.i r:ryl . I. . 1 4 . .. - . Al It,` - `• -