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The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-10, Page 8
-1, ". n• ♦ S"�. I A�l�'+�. ' ��+.r i !?n, .�.'�_`�'�.^�•"y T1'+f "n _001 -0 _ ._ _. -- %T$T6X MARK= RttL'tee ,..... :.... 14 to 17 ...17 to itt * • h. M4 `O�ALE Sat, • � ........ �.• u ay•MMI\ ... �Y 1 non 5 :. . . Wlre�.........711e F'etlt M ..M .» ..... e' k 68 t �. _ oats .�, � f'Qpt�lar tales for Lounging, Pio�.titl�', "�'irav+�l. . - . � toss Shorty ......... •......>iRs 00 13rtrnt ».» ,...,.:., .. > 1.00 in ,ammockin 10 z oC. ............. btf to 55 + 8� � � - .•+z•..+++. Your qtr �: � Y u I ell *. At 11 96. igPrIoce „__'... I e r 'n Make o Trip . o o able CONVENTION AT RL•YTH. Go ch Dist- Tape one of the latest mag at . o 'read _ arto,ft� azet%.. on the way or while there, will coat you less '1`he! ExMcutfiiv xlc� Sunday School +League met at own Tuesday o.thio, week t0 muap ouut their glans four the . a e • .. Com mgt convention to be held �at here than On the train! Saturday we put on sale Utnuants and, Odd Size's of Tress 1r31yth onsept .26 and 27. A •good proagriantl ie. being prapar:ed. a. --pp•• y Don � Wait at the Hotel G•cod•s! Staples .�•jdslery, a waists! 0osts! As EXETER, SAW IT. w G�oVes ., , There, seeans to -be nothing !pouch ' 1Tntil your friend' is through using the ten r stores at half � heir r �ular selling prima, ! regular _ too rayl about the gamae +of beset ball $� Ete�"T�tc,, �t'ro•m �iOtb. S� >l: � • in C1iRton on Thnrsdav atterafta - take a Waterman Ideal with you and, be Casae earlyand siecure the best bargains. �heJ_g�are tells the 'tales 1,(41 a- .T_ , A =Exeter. The boys have, no to k but ly estate lode -PEI -dent. _.. _ that it was Exeter's: rrntil'1day w -a �t d- rtltbon a on ay.--Exe't4r.. Remnants 00 price Half off 'Whitelwear THE 24t1x TO PASS AWAY, 1p Satteenl Petticoats. lion, L. P. Eradeur announces Trida ' and Saturday we will clear out, tate that in future Empire Day will be ;i a Remnants of Cottons, ShOetings, Towplings, Deep stip the balance of otic black satteen, pp W. D.,lSatteens, Weapperettes, Ginghams, y Prints, balance of mir'.i'Vhitewear at 25 per centoi% celabrattedt throughout the Einputree W a o'Flannelettes, Dress Ganda, et4., tat balfwpi'ice..i morrev and regal taffeta petticoats at the onj June 3rd, the, Xing!X birthday,f n 1Se GIIfQ;WHS t'it; following prices;-- and Victoria Dag as a.l?'ublic holm Often the �ileapast--Alwoys the Best 1 7 dayf will be abolished ixt_Canada. Regular. 1.(10 for r9 1.2 Taffeta silk 080 150 yards Gingham. in. stripes and rhegl-,o, It . 1.,255 [t 89 The passing of the+gold holiday` will wide 'widths, good brio cloth, regular lac aa_ �� 1.5Q " 1.1(1 be refx . toed, and the'3rcli: a'£ Tune, 100 yards Black Taffeta Silo, stamped. guard urday8c. +, 2.0(t .4 1,49 �thong b{ by the almanac not far ar _._ 1 anteed, inches wide, sp eodrd weight. and is, . 2.50 „ 189 way# will never seemquite, a% ap- highly finished, regular g1.2u, Saturday 98c, ,.; 100.1.a,nd 0C EMbr6ldery PC c• " 3.00 • ''215: � prapri'altd qday for. holiday as ces's'ful candidates; the ioTwenty-fourth." . •� l�••w•/!rl�er•••0•0009- Mabel'4.h$ro.wn (honorsl No $00 yards; White Lawn Embroidery, two to _ • a (honors). Table X11o; tl * J.Buc an 1 Ile' � r MOREL SCHOOLS OPEN 'SEPT 5th seven. inches wide,.'dainty, designs, fine gnattty. ,hepn: CRtS Ill' t,illdreD ►�tcarY �I�ktS • p /►► nn g��t C • 'Ff, sttella (Copp , j regular 121 and 15a .sale price ...... . .. . ..... Cie Model ,school �sgdalons 'will open • Tht CCRIP41 SHIMS • i M• t• Zaainonq Odd aizes of Hosiery, G.RoveIi,' Onllars Belts Out go the balance .ot' our Children a. straw ' on 'Sepptember 5th •and el pl eationa _ .0 L, A{ Smn911ie (honors), and Underwear, reg}alar 25c, 35e: and 0c, choice Fancy ParoSols 1.125 hats. as follows:-Lw,'� fon, admission must reach tthet e- • College of Toronto invites you J, H, Sturdy ('h'onorej `w while they last for 19c. piutyr ministerby Aug. 15i,. on� a a f . - • Idry pi, Taylor (honorl. 4`9 only ladies fancy silt. and linen P arosols in Regular. 25 fnr 19c formf to be supplied by lhim,t .'No � to write for a cope of cirri o DGary: A,'Taylor (honorB) Mary - all the popular colorings and plain white worth +, 50 " 39c one will be Adm fitted to a, onadel Gulum t£ you are in any way � .,Ednal. M,Turner. i Table No. Tao •. up t93.013 choice of thelot for 1.25. ++ _ •75. .• 590 school who does not �ag!I iflsuc- interested in a training which � w B. 1.'00 °r 79a cessful in obtaining a ileac er.'a will le o god bus!- NEVA IIOLLAH BILLS. • i 1 ad you into a o ar- Odd sizes of Gloves, Hosiery, r$91ts. Colter' IWaSII ,�o�s fol" Xaal�leS hall price �� 1,25 ' �' 89c cer i tier to teach thereon � in • Hess appointment, at a aogd • The new one dollar bill has Teached Corsets, etc, regular SUc, '150 and 100,; choice « 1,50 is 1.25 O arird for at least theCfirst 'Rear '• PP Clinton and several citizens have Che while they last 39c. - 15 only,, Ladles wash suits ,made of -good quzlity linen and daintily trimtiaed, in assorted' o+f� his 'or her ltetachingLexVe i'en l _ salary The Fall Term opens naw, pieces of paper rxtoney. It has sizes, reg 5.U0 far 2,;i0, r 9,OOfor 4 N. t a v iolatibu of this agreement will on. Aug. 28th. Address W. H. • been, issued at this particular nlotnent Ladies Coats Bess Than Cost., lead �to,the " cancelling • of the _ Shaw President. Youge and � � to make sure the. Governor-General 25c Linen S'llltlll�. for 2)C Tan tiOSe. l9� teacher .d certificate. � Garrard Sts., .Toronto, and and his gracious lady, ' who are com- L• Ladies wash or duster Cgats in liners color. I pletin>; their terns, did' ti5t miss the Linen Suitings in Blain and stripes, in all the L•idies Tan Hose flit Nreave mercArized welLtailored a-ndgood style, reg. 7.50 for 5`50 MINOR', LOCALS,, • mention,th s paper. .' compinii.eat .intended 'for trier• popular colors, regular 23o, Saturday I5c. . f'ini,hNd, size 8 to 10, reg. 15c cleaning at 190 reg. 7.00 for 5 00, Edmonton has tried the single rax:; Their portraits appear in the centre of �+ fox six r's, yeaand, has wongd(erlbii.�•w•fif•M•r••��it•it•�!!�••!!el the bill, instead of at the sides. .as ryas Prosperity, There, is no comnplain-. e c 'with Ir o 0 - Lith on the face of which Lord and Lady ST"g or desire to, go. back to the' eld stern, and yet Sir James'Whitn'ev � • Aberdeen appearecl�c°The picture a£ would not listen to this petition of, NOT WANTED. the log jam and the lfiil'd river teen oil over two hundred- municilaalitizs' to the river has beer( superseded by larg- THE er portraits. The new dollar hill give tiler the privilege, of reducing Only last week -from an advertis- somewhat resembles the four -dollar . . the tax.at>on on improvements. ing, agency the. New !Elra(�had are bill: of 1902, though there is really no o quest for. ad'v�e'r't�isin s ace for a d This, MINORLOCALS, oron�to` departmental store. In h stager of mistake.latter note ` as a icture of the -lock at S i it St mics pies �het_fi we. , ayiio,_s ace 14[ ji�olYr' at Esta and xst.-Bl.aQe,,. p Grip in the_ .centre,�,A crtrlorts nferct - ,; avold! the rush later on. to spare, and eepondly, if we had, no about this issue is, that it was a correc F. A's�peeial train ran through Clin • greedy, raspingg departmental af' l tion of tbeI krill issued 1940, which tori on Monda' �to'Godei4ch takin fair would Felt i't, in oppo'siti�onf ' to y g , carries' ti picture of the American e-As'll hn. excifrsian crowd froitn?S(e rth our home knerchaots,_Who 'live here Sault instead 'of the 'Canadian, as in- "Manyi fiolm. here were aXthe�tat- helpC pay the :down, taxesi, support tended. Few people ane aware of the IN""' o i here at 10 o'clock butt th'e�train our churches',and.help Ito pay, for eytaat.distinctinn between .Dominion'sT.OR. a our. sidewalksrigh!t 'through a & thit wait , sewers,' walterworks. :bl`1Is and ordinary bank notes. The .had to wait .till itIlloal o'clock.. etc.; No,ltheTororito d part+m2ntals ,Domiuign Governmentissues the com,_ ' a ab Call! 'train came in. that es for erode of ttg out ithejr tentael currency' and tlia .one, two and four 'Butter&E999 , � �,',.,5 S have t other h db l v per-' e hbmnel,town, will dollar tl s, .-The hanks are only ORGANS .FOR AFRICA. :seek,. methods Of mitts to. putout fives and multiples. advertpsimgi ,than in ,the. Newl Era. of fives: The Dominion notes Aeo ' The C,ompanIy blas recently made 'Wet stand, for Giliatoti andj its,,' ia- legal tender,.. the bank notes and' h es'ts. 'Thd merchants aresquare checks are not, technically speaking, several interesting organ. shirt : t eyi �raat eaix omega; Tight, The'Government also issues $5(►, $200.- renes. Those[ vtaalwde several sin ands neeid''all he. Xtra "& .that ms go- 65!)0 and $1000 bills.". �1cT 7t� �' A BRIGHTENEI? TJP; { BASktBA'Lt, FRIDAY NIGHT, BOUGHT PAPER. .�• ogle and', double manual organs, for i err; m end, theiri nod. CLINTON NEW ERA Auckland, :New Zealond, and three rig. to s may b _ . Cliff is ' " W; J. Wrath `,wlra >af �be�etn Of. . their l�axgeat church organs, Cath cash to swell the hank _aecbwit of . I The ettor� front o11Mr: FS.; Tliet 'Zurich B'as�•liall .rteatzn wail a'� getting a coat of white paint:: The . run�n' ng ;the Lueknow S�en'tme: for millionaire merchants. felseiwhere —. Ieo ttage occuipied bl* :Mrs. 'MCHardy play] an exhibition ;match here on some �trimte,' . h1as purchased 'same ddral ,style, to' South Africa:'' These. but .we live iia Clinton and` trade Friday, evening of this week. At.tter,'axe,for use' th Dutch:Re ' r DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, llcu- i Smith is 'being padn6ed. 'Do, Zurieht fixer gam•; was a itie'•3-3 yin fromt A.D.A.Mackenzie. We 'swish orxn cls t � � , here,. and wish to see othema( do srr. list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R. Z the'�w. proprietor success. f ed chur a I. e_cht nburg and N T Holmes'Drug store, Au RETURNI IT AT ONCE.. 11 innings', so -a, good •and%'exciting Jamestwonl and for ithe Wesleyan - g t , yfitted, a gai>u&.5'hould.b'b:wMtness!eld. A 25C,�O�PFER. church at I+'ricksburg, Orange Free ENTICANCE TO NORMAL. 15th 3lasaes property deafness: -Mail/ .given 'out and Italrtelt(„ away State. Durtngi August the balance catarrh and failing eyesight treated, by? 9n,ialbake, not (only i lertterrf• but NT There; are frequ;entt ne*comers to All day. news a rjrs should,'be coon 1 . WE TO LONDON.. our cowanurdty wh'o m'ay :neat' find of two hundred organs will be ship Thei results -orf the •pupilsi who p+ p ' -promptly, There was uY'te acrowti went to. the lo:eal, a r o8 . imus ped to Liverpool, • While the. pres wroltd on Entrance to Normal was rdtuxxi•di:'to the posttoifu�ce, +Sirh �L pipe hl,interest er tber 'd at w 't . s 'L.ondO; on Civic !,ll olida to Brie the f.or a�timne `hut it twill reatl • assist ezLt demand as ando,ul5l;edly for Dbh ptubl shell last Friday and'Clinton YOUR. StJPP Y ' e s o n aorite sews t o y f erty- Pianos and Pla er Piano's, the Cone v SEEN BY OTHERS. — __-. num�beml of rt'heir 'favorite neNo.s h.-.• base ball !match b`�tween )Brantford 'thein(. in ,�'ecodiiimg familiar with 1' g;''ate dad Well as Of the(9'who • T? `and Load -on. 'Dick Tasker pit h their sur oundin .s and for. h' world wide fame .-Of Doherty Or-. passed 603 ithese took honors: �� T�'Y�TSI;T1♦T�: The Farmers' Sun had 'the follow. pens. Yon( .yant'yours.' Think of a p c ed x g , n this gaps perpetuates a cons 'd frabl ollowin ar I this? when you xeceive �somebocLy in. the'rmorninng but lost.'oni bad ler- class particutaily we offer he ',7•ew rp l 1: e F g e'the iva¢nes of the•�uc . ,REQUIS•TES ' ingS paragraph on Election tne.ws, , , demand. for• •these, Over. 60 07,0 Do - which, we heartily agree with;- t else's paper. Return it at once;. toms, but Brantford 'won tis,Lthe, of for far. -cents,. k7�lati :ori this year_ .,.. .ternoon. G fon+`25•cerl.'ts:. ,yw r� , he,rty iitstrwinents' . dis'ibuted ,+ 'phos, McMillan is sepoken of—as a I,NEW SYSTEM; throughout the civilized worldy,are candidatel, in West Huron. , He , ; - e swfll centj'guarantaef. to the: in-.: We have just opened: up a, fresh would make a ood one. At '12.01 o clock noon io&l unday, tendin stock of— g lash anew isystteM of signals, lights g .porches@r. They. are:built to ivet',absoltxte.,s'atisfaction and FALL TERX.frorn.'Aug.28 Winegar --White; Wine and Cider WE WERE LATE. ,3 .4q''etc., went Naito force gall ovet the'G. Atli y, da nt. - . 6. : ' , Whole Spices, Peppers, Cloves, T.R. oys:tem.. All the 'yard lights Celery Seed, 212ustard Seed,. Last{ week our readers did} i%ot are no;�v.e er rem' —in place (ieiltral BQSttIeS Y Colic @ Ginger R,00t,'Cuarl ) oivvTer, get,the New Era ons time,abut we , of .varied colors as $orm#ply, The DIED IN GODERIOR.. Y Tumm.erie, (Etc., Etc., -Etc., M blame o'ur advertisers for • Board of �tai'lway Ctimimiesioners rStl •aatfoli d� ` Ont,. y Froiri the. Goderich Sipnai ire clip� this as four changes-awere brought authorized this chang+e.and the GT. AND( ICAN _ GUARANTEE YOU the following obituary 'notice whicri in `% ednesday afternoon. We w e' `,R; lights: now ieonform ito.those of There is a great dem nd upon us SATISFACTION BOTH IN also unfortunate to hay e'''£woZ aft +, refers to the death of 1i'e'tekalA, 13nte; ctthei (Canadian roads. • IThere are #or trained help.. QUALITY AND PRICE, father ai AIr. 1`heodare Halo,.' of Celin p.. 'Business men state our big rollers "explode" thus •c�lis Bio radical changes,, -but leRngirieelrs, ton_ -The .death of Hezeldah Hale, that pur graduates are the best, gat' :an a e,tizeltt (try our, ing adelay—but things likethe's(A-kp�iductdss' and other tra'inm"an : which'occurredonSatuldaglastathis y pSt �+.. roust happen once i,n a while, to hal e1 b:een'compelled..to learn the home, ccuir street, .removed as olid 'We have three departments Celebrated 11chiz Gheri ills' keep us in this woderful game— new system . home,resident of the town—possibly,re the Coiniiiercial, shorthand, and "The3'rc Alrigltt ' ' newspsper work. t oldest resident who . could count this Telegraphy. The tuition for six PURCHASED EQUIPMENT. tvn as Isis resident trice d AIr.' hale. months is $55 and for one'year $80. ' ATTENTION 'LIBERALS. to p , tipg The town. of Soaforth has porch- was born in :zoderich., seventy-thrt a Investigation. wilt prove to your ONE ORDERS CAREFULLY A eommittes, room for Liberals"medl the 13,0.00 ;volt clectrid_ equip years'ago Inst January. The earlier satiafactton that there as no better FILLED" - Phone ill will be a shed in rth ' store xeeet>t- ment•from. !the water, light & heat . 'part of hislife,was-pot• spent rontin• College , • •` Business C1 in Canada Get ' ly occupied by Agnws bakery, op . G"ommd,ssion of:t5t. As 'Marys 'for :. the uousi tri tuts town, but for th'e Iast our free Catalogue NOW. . posite the Market square, All Lib- Bum of $1,000. The ,sale twasf made forty years Ire hiid resided here contin- erala in Clinton and surrounding by the Hydro -electric C`'omniission,. noualy, for tltirtyseven years of. this U. A.: -McLachlin DO SLATON townships are'weleome at all timers . ltndl th64quipmentt .,will be; trans:-. • tIA)e.hishome being in.the house sin p A neetrn of all Liberals PRINCIPAL` Make! this your stopping plac'e�+ev' ferred to Sea'forth by the Canadian g: . which be diem. lie had been .in feeble LF"s 4 cry (evening for alittle While. Gensral Electric Company, health for several years, and -his w� . _ � TYIF, P'E • ® I 11 held in strength failed gradually until his �"' —----�----- Clinton- will be �oc�x . spirit quietly passed to its test,; It is -- u 'mU •�r•'od••.�•1••a�• •t+�€•��•l��l••1•,•i :+ +-P..2•�•3od+...:.1�....'�F•1•�'• •II�.�f•. 'S�• 1�'• �y �, only a t the sinceAlr. Tide rind mom7Ci}18 COUnC11 l 11dI111U$T" : ltia art fife who survives him, :t. law W 1 tele rl rated t'he fiftieth anniversary of ' their wedding, wbieh' toots, place. on '1• ;x . s Novewber 28th' 1860:. AIr. Hale was ,;. 0UPINNALS _ CSI ArdI acttdA idea ifiecl with Tictoria ..y. w Street' -Methodist etrurch and had. been � • Y " µ` ' ahf member of ar'rho, years and he was for + Men's, adles and Children's �,Oxfor& `; For Saturday and the; F Rowing ' fth also fnr some years a memher of yhe' E' A • Pumps Slippers—Sale Re ie'te With -- ON — * tlnarterly+ official ' board,' In politics . ,1, � p� � e. lie tovIcan independent stand; voting .r. �t«nUtnfr : MonCy�SaV1CYg � pOrtuinities .1. for nwn rather than far parties. By. �T j trade be orris a. farmer, •but he will C O l �I O 1 t I' JJrea't Ply` lixtermir atbr � best b remembered, especially t, the � O .DOUBT you have been waiting for this announcement—• 1; Y S�D + P y 'r•Probablyvoaremember:the great money.savina'Oppor. lr s aV.a tiler�vorr off our cattle and horseshundredsof children who in his time �'1 r, .(unities afforded b our Senti•Annual C le,iti•u Sales to Tae y a,ttnitded the old' St. David's ward '1' y py. }' rho past, We are putting our greatest efforts : into this sale. �'lay dritring away the flies, also killsvermin and lice, scliool, ,is .the faltbfnt caretaker of •h' they expecting to get more actual value for every -dollar you that selzaol, a capacity in which lie Regular 1. cat! for.7,p. spend than ever before. You waft notbe disappointed. :- server! rox, thrrtythree years. He iettve,:, besides his Widow, four ants Save money on Aliens Oxfords, regular..... : 61.30 for $3,50 '?' sr O 1 ani! t nfiie daughters : William done, ,• . reguiai ,..,. 3,50 for 2,00 M ,�)�� '',of ltilrxintCl��rnensA fch.s Theodore, r+ rY.,....,,., for Lira `i'd' �` �� � reg'ttla 3,ii0 F • " 3 Of.Ctliltoti ; Alrs, lfred ,l�dwarlis, Of •A " r� •Xortli Tonawanda, N Y.',- Frank) of. .g. Sensational prices on Ladies Oxfords and Pumps, ,l „v Connor -•—Ball Bearing Ideal d ....• Toronto, Alis taud'. df' •�ototrto : •� ie{lular. ..a. GO for .,.t 'V olmer I►1rs. f'�pwis AJr•'Itea,, Of Toronto nand la. re ul•ri .,..,.., ... &00 r 2, 3.i ,t+ • Bert :lisle at Atwood. The sena and _. w e�ul , .. ... , �� ��O for c�• one Minute i�: d;tttHlitNi'SY� tOrbllllalYle for -0 fo u ....,+mss .x.xe..t,t �,i3(�) per'*., _.. + re � � • ,Y �` y _. r til .k . �. • '011ilton a d•t ( t yr. z nears, also Alts. Wm. Ha, at Airs. Neo- g - . - ., dnie Iiale,of n two sons and � , "Misses and Children, O„cford Pumps and Slippers, y tl +d far The best Inc-'etl-:peer-cent-cliset�t�rat �or,..easl9 .. ,.... , ... ----= _. - r. .All for Loo �1 _._,... leer brother; Pisv, 11. Drand,ofTapley. iegula i 1' Lei • , towns !firs: I4. I3: ` Hate.:aud-• -Iter ..._. _ ... ,_._ ...� egillM� , .. ... 1.50 for 1,1(i - inotlter,,r, Lars Thos. Vanystone, ylof fit ;Y, •r yeti ar...... ....: y' b" n. .()✓}.. `. ,. °• - y', f t •`•,r. v.,'. wood, Mr. Hilward.�' and, Al.r. 1, CRea. '.,,. t( ~-ref;nlar....... ,.... 1. b,£fo .7:i �� „ re ulat ..... ..... , . 73 for .60 •r ��C t?`aI<l�n@G" °+��: "!Illi` �CrCell �lelfrS and �.. .� A funeral service ^tvaa held on: Toes- t+ g r; doi,y afternoon .at ''victoria `Street g q ,.' :II rlti ` •t.. Afetirodiat plturcli and tras•condueted Remember this stores high 'uality' st%ndaa�ds. ivattce' liow we x C t our re lar law prices (heli come see by on atril'buy - Dr. PALid4..,pastor dr' the � rays l;u \ . .. � '111*ch, assisted by.. � 6% Ur.. n a , . ,t .. y�''�� '....:x. •� � i0 the p C1 H ( se �e 1T�g ', '' Ilit+.ltalRii+tirers' WOO, ('tie faun' sons ,l, _ jl � N:.!4iill"� ID s xi 1 Ml i the deceaseds + re aildtwo it s" t) .aw It M.j,w u• + k't«�*: ,'f t z'r,k ekr ,. ,. 'oy 0' intPrmetit wag fraud© ill t iftland,' ,`. b' � - y Th � '�• i� .l t -. >•'= ...,. w.,......,,.,,.,.,, `_.o '+,:�.« "" r .�, '� a� ks��y ,Ile :,Mrr.[.:..:t':•K':::yy �����Y�� � ..._.• .. ,.., ..a• ,• ..:.-._���a+ ... ..-' , :�. :: I;it;Qdr x p � 1•.ut�y,;,4 x �,,: •:,' •, since h n ott . .. r'itorr atiid`.p�•�s,'niat:Naf• ''�"xctu�filtxept tib 111 t`a►+oc ..ani rt '. Alt thadist church kindnesses antt! to ttte many. .max'; .:";A,�;i►#4�i�.., to�ea aidtalr`dr�val�e .. .: > !. q during the time�of b rtsavement,sncled` , x .,a , t..� l t .; ,14 ,• li., i' .tis '. 161 at, one � C1bc�� i