HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-10, Page 7p T' '1►.'lJ0Wn Milch, 11U.
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P1001" I
_ i r
, 1 t IFA1tMS FOR BALL" -
SUNDAY lwril ) - _ -
-,w 1).k soN •Iii: K7.41"1VS.
1; JrF YOF WANT T:,R � F,LL A FARM Open for Couwrts, �Gardet) 1•;'artles an I
,.asap VII.—Third 'Quarter, dor cansiilt rtie.
* i I ill Fairs. , STR135:7`. TQIt0YT4.
Aug. 13, ]911. t' Impure r' YOU WANT o DUY A FARM .J'7 ..IIA'tL
ir MI'Sussippl, About , ' I t consult m°. Long $)istatnrs Telephone, Calle;o139�iB
"-"""' ;
HAVE SOME (1P THE I3fl:;'f p'P�UIT ,, _..
° ° �'i�t Ii�TE)�l�AT10N�k, SIARI:�S. �i'hc. Otd.1�'as�liane4 .�t,�,~t 4r •� stack, grain uii:i dairy farina in ori=
tarlo on my list at right pricea.
° �iJ 1411' Brought Relief by Eeediilg,
,1► ,vRli>c04F Frarn rfbte Wo,P' b,y inver,eriak I 'o + ibr -. U #
Text AA the l.osaQn, ,Icr. xxxt'i,• 20-$x, , '^^^"'"^'•'" ��. W. DA�ti `ON, :�iNETiI" iGOL-
BORNE Street, Toronto. r
..,,...,- �.,...�. Memory VersCs, 23, 24- Golden Text, Q-aji.0 Cg}? the Blood eO�*�fl�ll+ HT, liWO.15T rH0'trx�s w. WISE. 4 .=-�-- _. _i_____11-_-_ .fir. McT, a art's tobacco
yi gzx1tQ mast vIlaOenenclodmIs rks Ira. xk. B-•Qtrmmantary by Rev. D, M. H1 - WANTED. b
tr n o Stearns; Ptti'e �? Sill IO: tiCIInpI, OF I3FATIT'Y' I remedy removes All desire, for
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not 's C IASIa'S Culture, %3 c,olleae Street. `Toronto.
A Greatl�y reduced rates for month of Aug• the 'weed in a few days,
'"A bsolutel .. osit%ve. I wouldn't :Wake 'accitamiy relt tier rata r, any sae anew ca one woman Ina 1iun. There n%e to me two great lounda-
b dred is prepared or tion truths throughout the whole Bible. (. circ. l+adlea wishing to learn this profit
g tntstaite fm a matter like .this, would der father would immediately decide undexatands ha1F to I able anti -interesting profession should vegetable medicine ,and only
(rod Is love„ and "The Lord is not ;VNETP11YE"T PILL writafot•
T, unless I was what you said Iwas—a agalust ,Altacoola•••-the bright hopes of properly care fgrher, l Particulars at once. A sorter-
fool?a' r, -» future would corm to ashes. Ndr- � self, ux course asset willing that any shonlcl garish," Thera I PQ=1ilerice course arranged for out of town requires touching the congas
g y very, words cite found lu i John iv. 8. The doctor of th century or two ago pupils. . S.
Of course got. Oh. , yo're a slick 14" ,14. alone as well was Invested in ,y ewer svoia)annow» i with it occasionally. . Price
� one! I like to do business with folks ..lacoola: lie, too, would be twined. .day has medical 1 i was accustomed to free his patient of V,A.PA13LZ WOMAN FOR GOOD y t '
like '' 's mighty ucatin'1" s o e ,..=u"'; treatment.at the I 0,,J1 Pet, ill, n, out these truths are, pa excess of poisoned blood by the ." Position�•teachoror antra proferred. ,pp. AO
yo It m gb y ed She was ore that she loved Nort n, cruel roses+ :of bleeding.' Viavi' Co„ Confederation Life build-
"Thdulcs," answered Bud dryly, `"It's 'but she could not marry ;t penniless: nixie of ch id-b%rth, every�rbere in the book. Acte the A g• Ing, Toronto°
��, but many approach reason H.e gives. why Jeremiah is to : We would not stand for that heroic
cattalo that Langdon wont decide man. .. - ,Y a r+tcH the ex erienCe with write thi rtic ] ok ,,that t treatment to -da , because we under- RI.PRE
: i` i P SpA u fir b0 , hey y `TANTE D- SENTATIYI,.
Which place he's for until tomorrow. I 1 ", , an organism unfitted for the trial of stand' .hotter the work cf the liver and. either se¢, IoaaUy, on goods assns°I ABIT -
It Isn't anything so very important; slay return every man from his evil kidneys and how to awaken them to s ir y• as broad saint •two dollar per da
,, : promise you that he wont decide until ", „ . strength and when the strain Is over .. 9 s p . y LIQUOR .
Aft" I have my talk with you," (, Mt Haines. 'its about father. her system, has received a shock"fxoxxj. v°hy that I may forgive their Iniquity their duty os filtering poisons from andcommissian, esperlence unuacessary. .
""Xo' see" said Telfer '" T•Iaiaea beamed, anti their sin J..L. Nichols Co., oronto,
I asked that ", which it is hard to, recover. tallow, (verse 3l. the blood. Limited T
l I have - the honor to report, Miss Ing right upon this: comes: the nervone , We know from chapter' xxxil, 1, 2, These are the only organs of the TE '�� Marvellous results from tak: •
question because, as yo' probably o t ACHERS WANTED, ,
a. Congressman Norton and is Langdon,." he bowed, ""that your .fa- strain of caring for the child, and A that; Jeremiah .was a prisoner• during body which filter poisons fr m, he Til hl$ remedy for C h. uQr
know, grey man N., q his- (. blaUd, ane so cleanse the system of TEACHER, WANTED-PROTE9. g y
Is making the very best hind of a distinct change in the mother results part of Zedektah's reign, but we also A
crowd is pretty close to Senator Lang- 1 thea o mak There is nothing more charming than the foul waste • matter which causes PANT :for School Section No. 3, habit" safe air$ inexpensive
don"-- sg And 41m a prisoner in today n lassoo, Alnwlek, male preferred, duties to com- P .
rjhe a happy and healthy mother of chil- pains, aches and dangerous diseases mance after summer holidhyst eels i
Raines cut him short with s gasp .of girl hesitated, the. events of. which occurred. in the _ salary $450 home treatment' 110 h . oder
', " '"Yes; be Might If he iiad some am dren.andindeed child-birthunderi•) ht fourth. year f Jehoi kY o n and there is no, way you. can so quick- to.0500, accordingg toexppeerienceandquali t y
surprise, II „ g Conditions need be no hazard to health ye o - : a m r i the ly bring the. liver and kidneys .into #kation, Apply tp Rottert Montgomery, ,
.,, "Norton l" i bition. fir, or beau ; The unexplainable thing is fourth year atter the death of good aet,czl as. by using Dr. Chase's Rid.- Sec., Aoeeneath P.O., Oat. • 3241 nuc injections; iI0 publicity,
Telfer, wrinkling his forehead Incred " Dont worryl If he comes down to that, wlth-all the evidence of shattered, Bing Josiah (verses 1, b), He suffered' ney-Liver Pills• a1Q loss of time fro b i
S ►j�EAoIIER WAN ED FOIZ SCHOOL t e 1Y1. rincl,•uS 11eSS,
ulously, looked at Haines. '"Surest t Wit' I have ambition for two. You nerves and brokeen health resulting much because of the Lord's message, Don't imagine that .a liquid medl- section No• 2, Soarboro CRO al
t want him to be a success, don't you? from as unprepared condition, women which be sp falthfull . delivered s cine is necessary to purify the blood. holding first or second class'certificaW and a Cure guaranteed.
ping .you know, my boy. i y o
Bud turned his head awn thought. l ' Well, he Is- the biggest. kind of a sue-, - will persist ingooing blindly tol'hetrial, 'much that he said: at one time, '"I was The supreme test is, ."Does the treat. duties too commence Sept. 1; salary 855U
„ g cess." It isn't as though the experience a meat awaken the •action of .the liver psi year. App1y to Frank Weir, Agin- To ensure immediate atter.
0h, leave the Norton outfit to me, �• cameo on them unawares. The have ii -e lamb or an os that. Is brought i n court, Ont, 321
I'll fool them," he finally said: "F never belleved that he would bea" ample time in which to prepare, but ght.er," and at another time and invi,orate the kidneys R" Dr. .
to the slaw . Chases Kidney -Liver Pills a_o unique WANTED -FOR LANCASTER PUB tion address
"Giood," confessed the daughter, they, for the most art trust to chance he said: "'I am in derision daily; ever • 9
44 part, .. y tn. their combined action on the liver, LIC School -two, qualified assist- DR, MGTAGGAR'r ;
Telfer shook the secretary's hand Raines; laughed. and pay the penalty. one mocketh me; * TM * I will not maTre kidneys and bowels, and on this ac- ant teachers for second fourth depart- r
heartily. Why, do you realize that today he . In many homes. once childless there mention of Sim nor speak any wore scout wonderfully successful as a Monts- salari•yy $376.00• per annum. Apply
Iv "`Yo're no fool, m bo lin bod can, ' is one of the most popular. men in pub- are now children because of the fact in His name" h e xi 19: as 7- cans of urif in the bion to W,: AicC�illis, Lancaster, Out. care 'Central Press AgPsnCy, •
see that -,after they get to know o' lit life throughout the country; that ' that Lydia E. Pinkham'F "Vegetable . apt i , 91, mein whole nice five loodescretor
,l y Compound makes women normal He did not keep this resolution, for the y FOR SALE. !JO Pearl Street, Toronto.. • : ',
all. That's what comes of bein one of I `What does Iaangdon think?' has be- health and.strop , ' fire was so hot within him that he system. is cleansed and invigorated
g scold' not'but speak. This makes us .b ESV`SPAPER FOR.SALE-IN' GOOD
them smooth New Yorkers. They !pear come the watchword of the bigbody Any y• this treatment. The appetite is live town in contxo of fine agrieni-
y WOmari W110 would itis S p turas district; 1900 circulation, nearly till -
mighty sanctimonious on th' outside, of independents who want hones slittrpezied, .dt estion improves, and ,-_
special advice in regard to this think or Peter, and John in Acm tv, 19, the tired, languid feelings of a poison- aid in- advance; good advertisin and - .
but on th' inside they're the real goods, and decent government without graft? matter is cordially invited to 20. May we all have the same lire ed system .give. way to row health sobbing trade• aro rietor must leave in a
all right." "I tell you that's a big thing, Miss write to Mrs, Finkham. at L*nn, in ns,. ., p
end vigor. One pill a dose. 25 cents hurry to look after other interests; don t =
The lobbyist hurried away; his bibu- Langdon,' . That's. success -real suc• Mass. Her letter will be held in; Baruch was evidently Jeremiah's: a li^x b at all d,cal'ers or ]✓dmans'on write unless you havS vO2,030 cash; balance 1 p 11
loos soul swelling with satisfaction,, cess in blitics especiall ' in Wash- .strict .confidence: ' can a on time. 4ddress Bos. 301, Cent -
p + y scribe. .who did. the ..writing .for. him F- tr & Go., Limited, Toronto. g , , C tw
He was sure of triumphing over Alta- ington politics. rel Press Agency, Toronto. 32 0
P g •------T-,-�- --' and to'whom he said at this very time. , ;., _,.-__-..�__�- L
coola, and he was willing to pay the `"Now, if .there's anything else yon •rnar nugat bring power ;fait ramp: a ,, --- �--
as `we. read in Jer, xlv: • beeketh thou . 1 ., *&,* M 19CELLANEOUS° g�yy�T
price, want him to hive I'll see that he gets.. right deeisibn in this case-but'it can't s' t' I MINES
�1 5
great thinns for thyself? . Seetr them * �TETERA�I C1RA!�TS GVr1\ CET) -O -T
Haines sank into his chair. "I Kwon- it. I'll t1y to get it fol him"- he pans• .bring mgney," not;" It was a message from the �- , -� %P5, TARIO, itnlooated or lf)ostod-tu any .
der what Washington insiders, he ed a moment, then. added, with heart Carolina shrugged her•'shoulders, ,ofd to :him through Jeremiah. Let us , ".; tewnsliip or district, Dtorthecn Ontario.
, ... ,, Or SWASTIKA
murmured, "are speculating in Alta- felt meaning in his pylae -'"and for "Money?" She laughed with afifect- }oke it too. Q _ *ys} S . Iifghest. cash price. paid, �Iulii�ll ind & f
coals land. Telfer mentions Norton s you, Diss ,Langdon. ed carelessness.
"Well, we -11 hake to a 1=+, 1. �, K az "h , q Co„ Toronto:
name. I wonder" Carolina Notice in verses 47, 17, 18, how this ' K 1 , _ -_ _
played coquettishly with let the money, take care of itself for took was. itten TD words w ; ill{ '=:-I'.`:i='`.:`:i=4`4`'`4`4 =`'il°`== "t-• LI1VtlTED.
The door opened, and before him the secretary, time. •But I do want him to vote for , wr a ere "i..... A _ i. r c : .� AGENTS WANTED,
stood Carolina nn do I "For a lift. Haines?" sh u s the. Lards, the month was. J.eremlab s, D „i::,,' �•:`3'":�::' °",.' ° STUDY.... OF Cl'CHEIh AGENCY
e q e Altacoola,. because Ibelieve that will r =t=r:;1":..f••.. es rs. O
I' g n' 1 m ' and the pen was Baruch s. That is In- _,;c. ;;"1:t"•'<i'a1 r , FroFcritio>3's oorivinces u5 that none M S C ix & S,mmi are
"Ali, Miss Langdon," he exclaimed, ,, tioned archly, .with an et'fective glance be the best for' him, You believe In � . •;, ' cane ual ours.: You will always regret k -
„ 11
„ spiration.' The Lord did not give Jere- ,,, i:, . 4
'. • `I am glad to see yowl into his eyes.. Altacoola; don't'you? : , it if you don't apply for particulars to note read to receive subscrii.
She walked to him and extended r- Bud°s pulse t r i le - miah.the thoughts that po might put 3 I , I Travellers' De t, .333 Alac:t .aa:3i;' 0; y _
/ co p began to h ob v o nt Haines .hesitated, then answered: S#` qty, P- , .
them into words, but He. ave him the . tawa. _ tions for stock of the above ' ' .
dially a slender gloved,hand. ly-to leap. ' " -"Well, between the. two sites ins^sly „
"This Is a real pleasure, Mr. Haines, "Yes," be exclaimed u7isteadily, !'for as sites Altacoola seems to me rather, very words. Hear David also concern • RITE 17S TO DAY FOR OUR '
she began. ""I've been waiting to talk you, and you know it. That's the In- better," . Ing the psalms which he wrote, "The LI choice list of ttigents' supplies; No . 'Company., .
to you for some time. It's about some- • spirdtion now; Spirit of the Lord spate by iwe, and' Ei 011 ThE, FLIES outlay necessary. They are money m4k-
thin Important." ' _ `�� Miss Langdon held out her band-im- .H1s.word pa's in m tongue'" (II Sam. era. A plyBritish Canadian Industrial A�• lkatlon for prospectus
gp0 tant. a my Italapiratisrl._:._._.. +iR _..--------------- -._.� - __ .._ .. ,....._. -... _._._ _ ._...-.,_ :..._.. - _. .. , n r,� .__ •._._.._: _ .....,,,...-_�_.__-_...._ _ r..... ..
"Something important" smiled the ,chance ° pf ~ill''^ —^ ate,l.hls fs iA perYect accord AAY3 Yt3i1 IEldOVE'`-~ Go„Ltdp, 22A1be�treei; Qtta}va, Orit. ;
. .
includin 'r ort b . W, Van-
Hainea. '"You'want to see pee about winnin "Themit will be Altacoolal" she cried. with II Pet. 'Y, 2I. P , g p +y 1 .
g your be- t / " TIDE . !,,AUS OF DISEASES
somethingImportant? Well let me lief in me of +i 'Thank you, Mr. Haines, We are Part. As Jeremiah was' shut up, Baruch O�LT�� �t�NT]EI)
p �/' dergxift, with maps and fu11 _1_�
tell you a secret. Every time I see you' winning -,some- nets, thou, icor Altacoola". was to take. the bunk and; 'read from' it �E ` !f Reme:pber that we pay :-the htghost • - .
y g n l THE' VV Oi'�f Dir Prices ftirlive hens,s tin chiol;ens,ducks, articlllars shCU1C be ' made"
it is an important occasion to me." . thing .more, she ` Tb young man_ grasped her •hand) to all the people the words.''oi, the Lord turkeys .and eggs. pQe quotations list. 1) i
earns. tit', Te the only. Fly -Killer with the mat protected, 1V16DtTFF CO., 776 St.Dominique Street,
f3ttrolina Langdon had never appear biggest I' ! ,�, „, In the Lord's House This he did v direct,. t0 O. "L1 Sden' ulld-
- -,-1A more charming, more beautiful to ever thought to ., Y I dike to be y'otir :partner for good, :.the ninth month uf. the fifth • year of ""btah'makea It:tanttarp toe every respect 1Vlontrio . t. 4 2 L 17j $ 1..
k Carolina!" he `cried: .. . Simply add u little water occasionally and .
young Haines than she did that day. win -because, . ill, Jehoiakim, as thy. people ' were gath the "Wonder" Fly -Killer. is good for the whole
Perhaps she a �( They stood there closetogetiier; bold= ered on the fastiiag du (verses 8, 9)... Sea.9on. it, to. the SIEST •VALUE, on the
p appeared more inspiring Miss Langdon- y
because of the contrast her presence Carolina -I love '., Yng each other's hands, looking into Then went one. and told -.the princes market. .
afforded to the unpleasant episodes yon." He bent �l 1 each other's _eyes, when the door open• what he had .heard, and the rinces . It is sAFt:, SANITARY, ann costa only.'
through which be p " ed and in came Charles' Norton: t6 CItN 19°
g 1}ad just passed; over and seized " �a sent for Barnch,.ipat be'mlht come ,. AT YOUR" FtETA,IL,ER's.'•
r also Carolina was dressed in her most the girl's hand. ! ' , and' lead to them the 'words of the Dominion Agents.
becoming street gown, which she well. "Ever since the. ,l"• • . �OHAPTER,SIII.. - .book. Whis•he did; and, although the. (;CO.
realized, as she was enacting a care- day I first "saw , N. OLD t�dsat03Ckb VATXMP- . words imade thelia afraid.: they •said tot stair` Butiding, Toronto.
fully pled part with the : unfortu- . yon I"- ONGRESSMAN NORTON was they would te'd the king these words.
lags • Toronto.'
W g}(Q '9 p
A �� WATCii 8,� � �
nate sect tart'. She shook her startled visibly at the sight of So , they kept the: book, ..but advised 0
His frankness and the sincere admi- bead indulgently Anti for you,��M'iss - Carblina and Haines appar.. Baruch tbeAi, be and,: Jeremiah wquid' . H D°�I �. N •
ration that shone in his eyes caused and in a mo- ., Langdon• ently'so wrapped up in each do wen to hide where. no. one could Porcupine Ma,pFree O �' dr ' cos ,fits 1)11
her to falter momentarily, almost made ment drew her hand• from his. - other. Perhaps she was getting inter• 'find them. " • To introduce the sECt7RITY oOli2PANY F®R' FRS ZING �tiE REAIdI. . 3
her weaken in her purpose, but she "You mustn't, be so serious, . ]tIr. ested in the handsome, interfering sec- The Lodi evideetly gaideu• 'tBem vOLLoa IItAP SERVICE of the Porch• U16TFi) WATCH & ihWL'�TiYCQ'IbROTiTO.
made an effort and secured a firmer Haines. You.don't understand' south_ retary. That . a woman sometimes. SEND FOR PRICB:
where to'.hide; tot Yt is said, •'Tile Lord pine Gold. Camp w'e will scud FRIZZ the
grip on herself, for she must play a ern girls dt am 'dye are riot.just like breaks her promise to wed he .,well hid them" verses 19' 26. T 'e Lord ers;largema:penumerattngsoofthe'grin TORONTO SALT WORKS.
role that would crash to earth the air northern girls. We are used to being knew.:.Plainly Carolina was carrying. ( ) cipal'•propertios:andrelative location of Q
S so hid Elijah that no one �Cou1a -fid . r_ �t. CLIFF, n: ostler, Torontq On - - -
castle this young secretary was build made love to from rhe lime we are things too far • for a girl who was .the P Porcupine to. other Canadian'. Milting !i .
Ing. a role that would r him' (I K go evil; 3; rviii; .e.0):: and all' ramps, showing railroad and water routes
g. t d crash the ideals knee. high. Sometimes I fear we flirt promised wife of another. true -belie ers-,should. ' testi re oice� illi to the cti etc. • also current Issue. of. '
of this young optimist as well, a little, but we don't mean any, harm.. Carolina and Haines 'showed surprise iii, g' j 911E LETRAR'OR PORCUPINE,which. j�� � " •
• Col, iii" 3, . Your life is hidU11 Clirlst lues. futl _iulonnatiou ou all porcupine H. H, t r
All girls flirt --a little. . . at *Norton s entrances „ g I Iltln a �
g.. In (sod. : Stocks.
CHAPTER SII. "But somebody wins even the. south- The congressman.advaneed and spoke Member Standard Stock -
Aft he rinces told fife king. what:
TnE Lli=RE of A womAiv's LOVE ern girls," declared Haines eagerly.' . . ,sneeringly; his demeanor marking him the bad beard fir m'th book: had .SECURI'T'Y CO., LTD. slid Mining R#han e.
AROLINA bad come to find The girl's face- became serious, ear•• to be in a dangerous mood. I y P @ . be, Meutbiii Dominion Stock Exchange; g .
pea s it brought and read to him In the HIGH-GRADE' -GRAD E
out from Haines, if. . possible, t. sincere. . ' , "Do I intrude?". be drawled. dellb• 1035 KENT BIiiLDING,TORONTO, CAN.1. -
.presence of. all princes as he sat in bj
how her father was going to "Yes, somebody does, • always," she em. - . _.. .
g winter house 'with a fire burning on PO�MIN F ST ' U
CJ rote on the naval base and to said "And when a southern girl is Carolina drew away:her hands from
�nduce the secretary to persuade him
to stand for Altacoola=lf there seemed
danger that he would vote 'for an.
other site. That was her scheme, ,for
Carolina had put $25,A0 into Alta-
- cools land, money left by her mother.
Norton had persuaded Carolina to In-
vest in the enterprise to defraud the
government, romisln her $50 000
won she stays won, Mr: Haines,"
"And I have a than
e ce to win?„ ques-
tioned the determined young -north-'
erner. ” 1.
Carolina smiled' sweetly. ' and ex-
pressively,' . •1. I
"Who knows? First make my father
even -a bigger success -that's first, Oh,
I wonder if you can realize what all
Haines and faced the newcomer,
"Intrude l" she exclaimed coutemptu=
ously, a tone that Norton construed as
in his ,favor and Haines in. his own. -
";Intrude;'•' .Haines, laughed sareas-
tically, feeling that now he was leader
In the race' for love against this Mis-
sissippi representati've,'who was, he
knew, a subservient tool and a taker .
the hearth before him (verses ; 20.22).
As the 'king beard ,It. he deliberately
cut it with his penknife, portion by
portion,.and cast it into the fire.until..
he had. burned. up the -whole. book. Al-
though.several pleaded with him foot
to burn it,: he would not listen -to- them:
None present seemed to lie afraid nor I
rend their garments, for were they not "
. _:_ ..
• Corresitondence invited-, *� -t%
23 •NtELINDA ST., TOItQ15i'T"o. ' I „
I�ivt±pire 6��alty Agency, ���: � .1k
� . . . .. .. . �II .I1 �II 1 1,_, �.
And 1275 SLOOA ST. W,EST,'
Have for silo improved Z• fait Farms oft:+ REMOVES.
p g �" • all 91 , . Also goy t pr. eJ inve3t- A safe and effectiveremed . ,
I of ,bribes: Yon rarely; do intrude! in the presence of the• king and there- s , AND meats in Toronto and country towns:. 8nxmful only, to in life.
clear profit. How much she could do this life means to me! . If: you can lore safe in indorsing what rte diff? 1t4 Sprinkle it ligo i on the
In Washington society with that! realize what those years of stagnating Norton. Wouldn't any man who had Cafiypanies incur gratod FINANCED Also hotels for saleor lease: winnow ledge andvnote'the
The continued uncertainty ofe her on the plantation interrupted a.tete-a-tete another• man Besides, a king wL., would send into _i" Write for particulars. ° improvement" . 196 .
rather's final attitude had strained her + meant to mel No was having with Di1Ss Langdon be 3n- Yilgypt for a .prop bet in order to 11111 ST\OCKS�AND FONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD . - ALL-LIRUGGISTS 7 ' '• .
nerves almost to the breaking. for the tuna would .have truding?" i him might bot hesitate to kill some of Correspondents in all-Flumcial CEntres SI® 1
g '`1 Suppose ' " them df the CA N N . - - ONLY � lEtc..20c., .286 -
success of the conspiracy depended on ' endured itl" she Ppose I cant deny :that, he re; y stook against him, INDUSTRIAL. FiNAiHMAL G0. Fsk
his vote. Not even the words of Nor- R.
exclaimed bitter-, Plied: If we live in the .fear . of the Lord . bicmbdrs Dominion Stock Rachange and '�,
-. ",I ' m . . The sedretary smiled, again. . we wily not fear the face Of. • man nor .Toronto, BoaYd of Tracle. .
ton, her future husband, could real- . h r �• I it'. .. am ore "I'll match ou to a 'P 'what man ma do tanto u -but the IS TORONTO STREET, . TORONTO, CAN. X A Buns, Discoverer of the famous.Svans' A Hal to Patience rg ,tl ..
sure her. Her worry was ixicreased a ( 1 �► of a man than, a y e e u'ho. stttys, y"� s• Ganser pare, desires all who suffer with'Cancer p ^- . . • °ft'•°i"
by the knowledge of Randol h's In. , It . ' ( �• . woman in some •, 4e,said, devil has said, All . that a man hath r , ss,,, ";. „� „,.�, to writs to flim• Two da s!.treatment inures ex. an .who had to,.Ieave , his . oliicer
p But Norton's',turn to defeat his rival will he i " y A m. a
vestment of her father's $50,000. Al �• ways; I'tn Am- give up for his lips (Job it, 4), tsrnatorinternalcancer;.writstoS.1).Eveive, and whoI was expecting a, caller tv"
That Carolina must sacrifice Haines bitious. From the had, ,come. He held out a paper to .and that is true of many of the devil's Brandnn,aiaWtoba. Canada, pay hurl some money left this notice'
on the altar of her consuming, desire time I was a lit Homes people. put should not h8 'true of any --- - -- on .hi ,door.; ""I .have gone out -for
for money, for a higher worldly posi.- .. tie girl I've want "Senator Langdon gave me this for child of God, ' abjsctiori Overruled. half an 'hour. Will be we3c. soon.
' ./ .
tion, was an unimportant considera- ed the world, / •' She . but mamma ob'ees to Have been
you. I ;reckon I don't have to match." One would !bink that the message , h '' j gone twenty miiiu"tCes Q
tion. He stood in the way. • Any mo- power, fame, The secretary . opened the note to of verses 23.81. -to Jehotakim would •
�. kissin '
Ment be might discover the existence money. •r"o' ` y , He-�'4'�ell, 1 m� trot hissing your r
eady. . .
g y I want make an ordinary man to .tremble, �? " a
Of the Altacoola scheme, he would im• them stili. -1 - ` but we read that "they hearkened mother, am Ik C.P.A.-32. - 1911. -We
. •10Dntinu�ed Next iWeek.. .
mean to get them root." So blind and deaf does the devil ti _
""Iwanger, famo, somehow, . any- - make his followers'to all but hig sug , '' . �'e recotximend the purchase at onto of .
�1 �11T'+�iOR ®f $�dt,,' ��:BCe � y � ' o gestions. A servant of the Lord, on '
7d how. If I can t � fife contrary, should be blind and deaf HOMESTEAD',
get them m self some one mast get nv MI N
Guarantees triai� Ceal'� by them for me," - to all but Rte face and His :voice. ii
the Use of "And lore?" suggested the man pa,
Such was Jeremiah. ' See also what le °j
,at, Whoa you want to clear gout house of
4. "You are leaving love: oat. Suppose CS'.,7 be Cd�«.i@ O$ .,�Ol"@ 81C�{ written o!`our Lora in Taal riff, 1. 19. �iee see that ou et , Off' .•SWASTII�.A, STD i
D o s S Kidney P1l1s I get all these things for you? Jeremiah was ordered to write the 3' s
Bud"s pounding heart almost stopped: news T�' an Anything Else, (sgme woraa, with many more, on a ... .¢Adjoins Swastika,) i
Mr. B. J. Thomas, Fisher River, Man., Ise could scareely gain his breath as , . . clew roll (verse 82), and'thus vain were X'S - Limited amount of stock, to be issued. For particulars write .
1� % c.
writes: -"I beg to acknowledge a receipt he saw creep into Carolina's eyes whathe king's efJtorts to destroy the. words '.a
Yf You'�Vish ,To BeGe Well You r CA11T1�i)IAN MINYNG SECUII TY CO.,
from the use of Donn' c' n he light of Hope for he did riot like. 'There'are many today •
of thanks for the rent benefit derived he believes to bet Must Keehf The I30vtrelti Open, f s I'fi et' fills. him, the light even of a woman's prom s who dislike many wards in the book, $08 iumsden Building, Toronto, Ont.
For some years I sufferr+ri from severe ire, If .You loon t, Const,patian such as those concerning the tncarna•1:
pains in my back au.l could i Nhrdly work , „ , Is Sure To Follow. g Fl., Pids �' � 'at all, and when I sr:tci•ed do;%n to r=ill, i Who knows, Mr. 13aines7 $`Beres tion" the Deity anti the sinless human» ,. .
P up anything I felt. ": ii illy back rt otild no t0W:ard guaranteed, . There may be 1 hty of Jests Christ, the resurrection of , .. ...
-break. I was v i* ivtrtt tri trw i)otrtt's _tithortl trying,"-; she•ansvpered, „ . �a y tbi.boYy Bfe return la glory►, bat most imitahoar k�W11ys il4sgti Ct;sCy:
Kidney Palle, sari after taking t a� >#ttines laughed -•the strong, hopeful, ��S� N S M all that "ther4 is no redemptlOn but : PO��� �U N E "
_. i
boxes I. was cornprotely cured and feet fighting. laugh of the 'man. wlto .v+ouid � . '� � (tiy.131s precious blood and that those
that I cannot speak too highly in their combat the bass of the senate on -
_ _...- _.__. w. _ _ .
..favor. •it -will be two: nears t:iis-April ._ _ _ %vho resect. -film to si` f: to the -lake.--- -..:; _ .• _.:. ..��' _ A h �i11'hhFOOf�-t#ilf>7---s-�" -- ,
and am still cured and ex ground of t�e'1)oss own choosing. ltot -on the bowels and promote tlieir free of are, But His word btandp aiid 111 A Change of pp Letter* ,� •
n pent to stay "All rlghtl"' he dried. "If it's an open slid regular action, thus,'puring Constips. A ,hotel in Switzerlthid bore on one d1`�Ordl Cilt'HftiN�ty ExO0Yt81>l.
cured."� >Corever settled in heaven. ,, .
TO WAox IT rLAY -CONCi nx ` fight I'll enlist, I'll give them all a tion and all diseases ari mg from it. .. - . of its walls the time-honored insorip- `
l the undersi -fell. J.P. of Fisher run. • What are yob! brdere7" Mr, Harry Revoy,� Shanick Ont.+ ,.. 1'- . - ' n�.•i, tion.' "Hospes, salve 1 . • (Welcome, WA�� � GZOWSK' � �Os
writes;- ""Ravin stranger 1) . After rebuilding the lege e a I `r""
RSver do harshy al. e'ith and swe it Carolina appeared llpditl'ef ant. g ben troub�ed far
J „ + p ears with oonstipt►tiorand't t .�.y.�� end bad,to be restorod, but the
lknowing the above s-eternott io Le I dont know that I haste airy par. y tying many SOI to � �O�.COl11 p'ainti~ � lltemb �Toroiat0 $toCl[ �cellua�e,
true as testified. ltaowiw all me remedied with @ scars, .T finall lnnr�. r et`, Who mniat havo''had solve ex • ri.
y pe sk`ltAkl 11� ®MiyK lirgys ` 2! 'T OAD T't4 IN ,
this right. g n Ly ticular 43rderer, sir kftight, efccept tel purchased 3s2ilburn'd lLttee, Liver 1'ilie The gnat uterine 2'onlo. •nd ettGe as a traveler, fnafle a very slight
g see that my father does all lie can for nit' state tiftectital Monthly!, slteratibn in one of the words and ifel�ONto IMItCW' tfOOR,
Signed, L. C. I;ockfiti, J.i"',r the AT ,r and found them m 't bene6oial;. they' ' gulatoronwhichwabiitlia" Causes it to read Hospee, taolvel
`• Fisher River, Mi►n, taac0°lA Naval base. are indeed epl ' i pills arid- QI can r� of nd. ngtsO Nigi �t fie d - _ _ _ ,' ... _ ... ......... . . .
Doan's R(doey Pills .are title, :psi:• box, 111116efi ImWled, seized br it t udden heartily iviaomtnend diem, o acttarre s rMomei• %t n � ("Pay, stranger 1")
r y tremor. r ............
dr tl boxes for $1,25 rat all dealers, br"' Price 25o, per vis or 5 vials for $1.0(t tnn :{�. u..c, crt:.te;. 9 par .bor °
On't. me t5f i3 b T. 1bQllirectS Lie bcip fir all ste, or .anti xik+kldtYwr.. -�., u y r .i
ihailed dirtiest+ on reset t of floe l5 Tito fto, Alta WW& ftfival iiW f" lie &Am• at all tlealets or mt led direct tin reoei t di ct .
T, liM;lbtun Co., Limited, Toronto red. '"VVa1I, all X can say 1s that thb J P 6e This • r lam► ;pain°tYmet. . .. ...........
1VBtinrsfdeidn iliit+btupeltif�t "l:�oau,F `, g,tot WW situ wlAt he tbitaks lrlghtr ` Tarorltta, 0�, Iil�lll Ni►Od�.�cltC>tta,�irr0 ifarn.r�+liwr�l ..
' iG4iiM'iilia.'AYYi ai il�YWM6iYr"iilrWiiA0iW.i_MM1.*_^.+.�ri.rY !1 ..,._.. -.. - _. p.r..,ft _