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The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-10, Page 6
.` ft" IA TIIR QRr4 T EX0I81TION FOR 1911 Tits .0 1 u"..'T'... ,W �ei oq& ernPa ir .:`W.1. ' n Canada . �e- t, 8 to 16 I ods 8�0 V I 11011*6Iz,an and Attrolctiiobs ' 10 . , ' f 1rr I. 1 WRte.: ..l.as . 11 golbit -on of ; lino toe file esx IiAwer aeon in THE 1*ARROWINO SOW. I Canada' Many Unique Speclat Attractions I '" 4011VOINO—I Wartit Pon Necesa;lry to. iiandio £h� ' . % Early l-ittere. ,', Aerial, Militar=y and Hydro Eleetrie, Features, If the sow. bas been properly fed I ,jlamp ng plod $,►ceding Contests, and handled duripr pregnancy very $ig Dog Awl, Cat Shov's. little attentOn will be required at far- i • Four Splendid B an 8- 'swing unless the weather 'should be A ltltOSt e tteVertise ll in. Ly, ;. severe, Each sow should be placed est eI'cr seen in. Londoar. i in a 'pen by herself three or tour days + J " ISPLAY E`rEIiY 14'"VI'-+N :� C I before due For the early litter a. FiRlaf'OI 1 p ] warm pen is necessary: It should be Ptednteed nates on all Jta lWdys, . . dry and supplied with a small amount _ - , of straw or clialf. Too much bedding . Is dangerous, as 'the pigs aro much I Prize Llsis, Entry Forms, and all other inforinatlon front . more apt to be, lain on by the sow. .A. �► �p►��+° A u H j�j pp guard rail should be, placed eight W J. ROD,, v4s'i! As No u�t L StC.. inches from the floor and sia or eight o inches out from the wall as a further . __.. ---�.;—'---- ..� .�,=._�-� � - •-;�._�. means of safety to the pigs. ' The attendant can easily tell when a sow is. about to farrow by the milk - . y - , �_ _�,. _. �, � ---.• �- .----.----.. -• appearing an her teats' a few hours in advance, In :cold weather it. may be necessary to dry and warm the pigs " 'TOb artificial heat, A barrel or box I . G%.� Iy • • • with ,some hot bricks or stones it in ,•wrapped in blankets Is excellent for I- - this purpose. The pigs may be placed , I. tw.�a••¢._� . ,. , u f�'0` i, - M _ . in the warm bo$. or barrel and when kin tail ".. °, thoroughly dry and warm put back' i 0�', �''$ �,�,..,:. ,�-tis t S., e "�'%r�}r l,.Ih ,f�l ftp c ps tt ;� w .d rz4 • . with the sow to suckle, Sometimes' it ��«j� ,. f happens that a so wilt be too cross. FiS-', and nervous to submit to Ifily#ng the ,�. pigs removed in this way, The man •t ,. who has made friends with hsIsows previously will commonly have little . difficulty in working about them at . this time; • r Possibly some may not be awake of the fact that. a newly farrowed pig will very seldom squeal if picked up by the .. � . tall, or ear. Many pigs are lost :an- aually through carelessness at farrow- • ing time, •probably more than by over- : attention at this time, although too. . much solicitude may result 1A harm. �• The sow) should.;'b'e kept as quiet is' i ' possible he first twen -four hoursr re I.�1 poss b t 19 k . ' eelving' nothing but water, which -:� / 9hould•,be warmed, especially if the r`I weather is at all cold.' The `feeding for three oz four days'shouid be -light; -. ,,, ' . a.. warm bran slop being given at first, ' .rte, gradually working up. to a: full #eed . at the end -of u. week or ten days.-. . I1. .more NERVE. EEDg . EARLY ± INDISCRETION$ AND . Kansas parmer. . The man that gets the dollar is the man that keeps after it. Do g ' . General, Unlit .of fVlules. G rt y . not expect it to come to you. Cho to it.. , In feeding males it Wray be well to of his individual .cows' doings. He Is remember that -they will keep fat on e is the medicine that make health %ome trade1.. . . Hustle a about . three-fourths the allowance. of . ' . fA good town does_ not happen by accideiitt -1t represents the . a horse of the same weight, that they. will eat up roughage. and- their grain WORK of the people who are in it. ration: will only':-li'1#'abou. two thirds • that. of a horse: , A prosperous store dose not "just ;crow,". like. Topsy. .It is. the y� When -It comes to flatly care and' at- 'the ' ' ' tention the mule will live where • fesult of the ' owner's LABOR, 'bashful, horse will soon die. i gets awl 'from Make every dollar �o some tall rmlt]Ilitg before t g 9 URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS . • These large eared friends are also more sure footed than the horse; 're- you and then DO NOT LET IT GET. AWAY. '. '. • y sist heat and dies better and `do not : . : •. _ .• . .. . ; chafe or gall so easily.. Hard work wins home trade. . _ - The:objeetfon many farmers raise to cal power and sbould� develop' grey e the use, of mules is that they-do.not . road, breed, that they are stubborn, often • -ment cannot be attained .in close con SATURDAY. VICIOUS, and that they are entirely. un- . .. ' .', _ _ H Despatches' from Paris :and London ' a tinounce that the Moroccau crisis is suited to pleasure purposes. _. ' . ' I .. - - ` Those objections• are wofthyt of con- ,..... .. t • •sideration but the many bond 91, 11- , ; YOU .more NERVE. EEDg . EARLY ± INDISCRETION$ AND . ties of these' sturdy beasts seem to than offset them:: . . . - Ha hazard� i=arm,n . The man who 'says that. dairying doesn't pay,is the man who never uses ----$nement,. • ri al sltdul and the young it. irn EXCESSES HAVE UNDER" the Bilbeock test and•keeps no. record , . of his individual .cows' doings. He Is not be tied to a stall soil fid corn enc MINED YOUR SYSTEM the mttn who thinks because he keeps' ©ocu"eO .Durirt'2 the Week. ro twenty cows be. ourlit to get so touch - ` any- The nerves control' all actions of. the body so that y thing that debilitates, them will weaken all organs of milk .without ny thought ul2ln bis 'keeping JJ ' e system. ail ndiscretions and Excea e■. bave tit y E y i n, not al gun a Un ur-milk- ,ruined thousands of prem��ssmg young tr, art. f ou are Tee ing animals wit4r►t p l y go lire eating up the profits o4 „ootl cases of {ye guarantoo curable as Diainssaptheirvigorandvitality'andthey:neverdevelop to a.proper condition of manhood. • They remain wev&- lin s mentally,physically and sexually. How you fact? ers in.the Same •herd, why not find it . out right away: and het rid pf . the lazy. y� Are you nervus and weak, despondent- and gloomy, ` o eg? 1 specks before the eyes with: dark circles under. them, .tl. . 'bashful, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of -the heart, debilitating dreams,•sedfinent laurine, pimples Importance of Bone. and MUSC-le. URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS on the face, eyes sunken, hollot4 cheeks; careworn ex: The farmer raises attle and. bog`s I pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy ;With a view of rapid decelcipment of ; hange and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods,prematuredecdy,bone pains, hair loose, etc, . fat, but the horse is tiled fat merhstni� _ - write for: QUESTION MST FOR HOME TREATMENT' cal power and sbould� develop' grey e i'o our New Method.'Treatment if This is the condti n hone and muscle. MuseuNr ;develgp road, •GUARANTEED TO CURE • 1•f -ment cannot be attained .in close con 7� 4 W TOPICS•OF WEEK We have treated Diseases of 11Ien for almost a , e time and-dt--not--have•-to--txperimeut:-Consult--us ----$nement,. • ri al sltdul and the young it. irn •e�in' -' , FREE OF CIIARGIii not be tied to a stall soil fid corn enc �a %09%1 � attd takxess k,nta.so-r. - ©ocu"eO .Durirt'2 the Week. y" and,we will tell you whether you are curable ei• not. pF'.! " T The iiitay World's Happenings Care- R timothy, hay ,to fatted J; ith for til 11 r'uu;ltcH • --- = --� cases of {ye guarantoo curable as shambles,' _ Handy and. Attractive Shape for _,_ NERVOUS DEBiLtTY, VARICOSE VEINS. BLOO1> AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLAI?DER . A Horse Poinie'r. .. the Churclli of 1M- l.,.ard in • (, - . URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS - Did you ever notice.tliat when out i I - -• Free Booidet on Diseases of Moa. • If unible to call ad considerable damage along the ,o the field,, a horse always, stands with w _ - write for: QUESTION MST FOR HOME TREATMENT' Half of Indio is Stricken with a is ills face away froth 'ths. wind an storm? ' Here' is 7a -pointer' for you Wonderful Nervous System road, IIitClr your horses- 'with their head DRS.K SATURDAY. NNEDY&KENNEDYaway tation is'very serious. I : Three million feet of lags have been H Despatches' from Paris :and London ' a tinounce that the Moroccau crisis is tram . Cor. _ Michig;in Ave, ani Griswold St,, Detroit, Mich: •. ale the only ex,�ellsnon firs), the `rural schools, so that the whale ,..... .. t • " , !e Alli letters from Canada must be addressed NOTIC C 4 to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- . 11inept in Windsor, Out, if you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor* offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address -all . letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDYb Windsor, Ont. ' Write for our private address. . ---..I ___ ----- - � I 1--_1-_..__ �- -I .' aOnce - _ I I . �_ __ If wish to purchase some nice chins 10c and 15a for our choke Thor are Pitchrs, Ou and Sauter, 390*18. Plates Fruit dishes . h still' Man el seeds Oorn Oaio>Jc etc. �VVe have t g , . , , Turnip 9eed..and • Paris green. Psdits,, ON and Turnrdtine I Barb wire', Coll goring etc. Big -heat price for Pr.odnce. J jy..Yr.- ..a:..r5�.�- _ t. `rHg - SWIN,EHERD. A misturo 'of ' a. littler salt, charcoal, ashes and air .slaked lime bits a good effect ori para- sites o� the. digestive system of ,either young or'old pigs. If 'the pigs .'develop , a lighter bone than that possessed by the sire and . dam then there is. something wrong with the feed-' ing, P198_ MU8t -have-botle and- mttse'le •forming feed dtid''should o lase their never be allowed t bAi)Y fat. _ . No animal on the fOm wtll 'respond to bind treatment quick- , 6r than the hog, and kind treat meat means a good deal., in the accumulation of marketable • bleat. Smalldr pigs are kept stunted it left with the larger; stronger , ansa by being cftowd0d from the 1pee<'lfn trod hs. g , re- , It pays to grade file plea ft f& #Wily. Pitt the smaller ones by P tbiliwoolvee and OVO oxtrt i%t% I I • I � ,^ Ys AD"T ' a 1. * W TOPICS•OF WEEK 1 , •e�in' -' , dQe wt $raiw Wor+ilI Importent F -vents Which. HOVO �a %09%1 � attd takxess k,nta.so-r. - ©ocu"eO .Durirt'2 the Week. �natorrJi+r!^w,axcil$ect+Rj•db teor ,✓eerMi• larie.+it yerbotr, C On�e 4— wafleci • '; pF'.! " T The iiitay World's Happenings Care- R :1,*. ewtllp t iilcure. tSoW 1✓,illt A!a Irl ti pt .Ail rote oa err: ? ,'u ntottne,iree. .rh.MltRaine ee, ei TotRKflo �'r' 11 r'uu;ltcH fully, Compiled and ' Put Into Handy and. Attractive Shape for j the Readers ,of Our Paper --A Solid frit; in London no t r-, omni by file cool, m#ttee on social and moral reform of " . E Hour's Enjoywtvht. the Churclli of 1M- l.,.ard in • (, T41C;iDAY, The heaviest rain for the season 1011 Irvine aabdaon, a. lad of 15 years, : at ATta;ara Falls yesterday .and "us- - -• was drowned yesterday :at St. Jahn, ad considerable damage along the ,o corn. productlou. N.B., while in bathing. frontier. Tons of rook were washed: . c "One of our requirements, which 4asI Half of Indio is Stricken with a is on to the tracks of the Gorge Rail- hatl a very beneficitil effect, is that the , drought and the monsoon spasmo» road, proceeds of file acre sfiall go to the ' .did.. The outlook for crops and. vee e. SATURDAY. boy. - "We have'also a system which will tation is'very serious. I : Three million feet of lags have been H Despatches' from Paris :and London ' a tinounce that the Moroccau crisis is ` - prove; equally effective for file girls of q ' burned •at.. the lumber camp f t over. 'Toronto •. ale the only ex,�ellsnon firs), the `rural schools, so that the whale I Ferree Lumber Co. All the camp Sup, l P lies and buildings are destroyed; ,a, prisoner being brought to slipped lits handcuffs and jumped tatod, Th,b rceasol is isleta71- school can be insti�aeted In a practical ( ATeetings are to be field in various frutn .a d Q.`Lll. train west of Wood - , . it's ...•_... it's the best. llisiwst inpoaln' _..— _ portions of the district affected by the p western coal strike, at which union . ; , zeelc. Capt. Alex, Cunning, master of a liaving S.codi s—ii .5 the , Selling: Corn or:I•logs. officers will explain the position. to wt`ecking tug, Wats arrested on wcharge World's standard f esh and The farmer who makes a practice of' "the iuen, of larceny from the steamer WisAa.- alde raising grain exehisivety, hauling it to. strength bu r • the elevator and selling it•ts robbing After two lengthy Caucuses yester- day ,tlie\Demoerat. Senators. late last liickcn, in January, 1910. John F. Thompson ri# Green Point, 4 D1:UGCiST$ Aid. :, himself, 0r, in other words, depleting .. � ` flight decided. unanimously to support the farmers'_free list bill, passed by near Picton, fell from a load and, . I striking his head on a cement floor, the fertility of the fart). livery year as the crop is gathered. the ligase. :Charles $aft#carry, Stationary enol- �" was probably fatally injured, t S. F, lyi:eliiniion of. Toronto passed The �uttermaker, , acid sold Off the place it is left with ueer of St. Thomas, yesterday an.. away at the Holborn Viaduct :hotel., Arisolnte cleanliness is the first req- ' decreased productive power far the pounced himself .as a candidate for London, as the result of an attack of , tiafa9te In matting good butter; sani- ;' tuture, it Is titre mining•. or dtg ing 1 the Commons int West Elgin, an the 'asthma. Mrs, McKinnon is also ill. fury surro;iudings come next, prod • out the value of the soil and shipping Labor interests. An unknown man dived off the Rol- 11 right ;temperature, with ntteutiou to to the market, it is selling your farm details ils in the: care of cream third, o The Rustic Theatre .at Kenthouse grounds, Quebec, was completely wip- land River Road bridge at Bradford yesterday,. evidently with the inters. . a I . • virtually through tate a evat r ed out by afire, which broke -out tion of haviug a swr•im, bat was drown - - Selling the corn by the hog route or shortly after the close of the evening ed before help could reach him,. through any other live stock is retain» performance last night, ' In a roar-end,collisian the Fort Erie Ing the fertility, By a proper System, stem, The death of- Robert R. Ritchie, race track special smashed into a of divetstIIed farming and rotation of 'sheriff of, the City and County of St, freight train at Hamilton. Engineer crops you can build up and improve John, occurred yesterday in the Gen- Callaghan. of the jpassenger ,train jump- Instead of destroying. the productive- eral hospital, following a severe frac- ed .from his engine and was. seriously . *' ture of the -base of the skull, sustained injured. nesse-Aipecican f3wjneherd. on Sunday by falling' dowry stairs. J . �.. Miss Mamie Quinn of Beaconsfield • • WEDNESDAY. • avenue, Toronto, fell from the stern . The Moroccan crisis is believed to . of a boat- off Howe Island, ten miles. Pointers, r _ Poultry, 0 ' from Kingston yesterday, and drowned be over.. g Y, n with f ltiost farmers keep too wavy roosters A rising has takers . place in Cuba in„ sigh_ t of a' number of frier}ds w t to the hens," is a against the Government of Piesident .whom she had, been fishing. KEEPING BQYS,QN FARMS, I in proportion C�o��mez. • J. Taletitine landed at 6,47 o'clock I prime cause of infertility in eggs. An•Clers have been _opened for wont last evening at the Brooltland's avis- Governmant's .Corn Club Movement overfertilized, egg is often yolkless on the Hudson Bay Railway, and work tion field,,( England). He is the first. Found to Interest the Youngsters, and is always infertile, One cock-tol I is a spgdted to begin by Sept. 1 at the English aviator aud.the third competi- In a farmers' bulletin describing ten to,fifteen hens is sufficient. Saskitchgwan end of the line, tor. in The Daily Mail's race for. $50, ' demonstration .work on southern farms The• main tactor fit securing success- The, steamier- Royal Edward, which .000 to compete: the circuit of- Great. the United States` department of agri- with .poultry iu wniA"r lies in the hen- arrived last night from Bristol�,•had Britain, a distance of'1,010 11111k, . culture deelitres , that "one' of, the out houtie being perfectly dry,. and warm on 'board the 12 Canadian cadets who • . growths of the demonstration work is with •sufficient light and ventilation. have been shooting in England. Report Cotton Goods Bill. Deware of providing too much venti- Harvesting in Saskatchewan will be Washington, DA„'Aug, 5.-The•In- the boys corn club movement. We , eneral the 20th of August, according ltttion, for !n winter that means frozen g 5'ament-Democratic 'cgmbination in were #n a posltion, through our ornan to S81 report of the Saskatchewan Senate sprang a ,surprise yesterday - , fzation and 'ohr force 14, the field, t4 etimhs, colds_ nod kindred evils. agricultural department issued yester. g p 1 perfect the corn club idea and'give the Poorly dressed.' poultry goes begging day. • ivhen it directed the finance commit- , 1 Instructions necessary to systematize in the market, �hile tbe- supply of ' Germala Napier, a young. English tee to redrepucing the House cotton 'goods � bill, reducing tariff duties. -.nearly fifty It., Under -our supervision every boy choice (faucy) stock Is. not sufficient to aviator, met death last -evening while while .per cent., not later than Aug.. 10, and ' enrolled works a definite piece. of meet the. demand. . flying with a passengor at Brooltlands• predictiatis of an early . adjournment )around under definite instructions. that ' A box of granulated charcoal should England. His companion escaped un- are shattered. . injured, will. give hien-an exact knowledge of be kept in tbe. poultry house. Patrick ]?onnley, aged about There is no doubt that the cotton t 35, and bill, will be passed and sent to Presi .. -• if -fon is -or.- .chlelts__hare _access. to_ a-strang'er•ivasfound dead In -Miller's p -: ,,�. charcoal they' �v311 never be :ttaubleii. boathouse near:the foot of l ast,street,. dent Tafi; .along with file iv0iil and :: F'. ;>,•, .�<: farmers' free list bills. >.. '�: i, � ' 'p . r. �,� I wirh latesxlnal Nvorms.. Saujt, Ste. late .yesterday., He ^'` Curiously' enough .the conferees on i �i'! � {sY '' ` Flt h' ilde manure ,will be wanted had leen"c1e'tC a ;: x h f g fi'•. , yesterday named Senator ar r . ...i. e.. j:..: ,. cx*. g. , �.. r the ld b i n�{Y fi tii„��y r kf�s� i,est spcinn fat atden work,. i, Coming home f. om o oys afallette, the anti -Taft Republicair' . , >� hy,.ir, c *will 11:iv' to t•ollei,t and core for the demonstration, 141rs. John Kehoe, of from tVisconsin, and, Representatwe ”` ' 'S K!n stars, found her husband, aged t s poultry droitpiugs, i g Uncler�vood, of Alabama. the Detnoera . c, s `F�: f> s ri <''. r k , w drakes should 80,, dead, sitting in a chair, Heart tic deader of the' House as a soli -Com- ii ice. ., r in breeding flit. , ns� xailure is given as the cause. mittee to draft the bill. thatwill a ' ii: , , . €.. be irfloducrcl into the .(fork each yenr•.� . TVlarion.Smith, the nineteen-year,okl g ' t r ed ever to Taft. > x ' € + : , ; ,. .'.g. ewr bluuti sboudd rte int. odor y , ..: = i , ..: ...{ s>, `^>: a :<::.,<:? dan bier of the secretary of the Post- f s wishes •.i,.:. :.4„� g It safe to. sa' tbatTa t h {. •i tiu,e ant of tate y�uttr hircls die used. • y ; I 1” office Department 'at Ottawa, tvas will not be consulted. • °a�*t Yh �� •':. luvery uultrvmnn 'should I'ay in a drowned wh11e bath#n with two 'other r. ".,i . _ :.: , supple of alfalfa or clover for, .his' :young *women at Britannia yesterday � ll -A a> , % ' .g Fired. at Policeman. a..., 4 ".:. .. f r o . �-, k: s .• r , _ �. fowls ilurliig thr winter mouths. Green ate no n : 'r: <t mss'• . food is as essei,tial as rain for the THURSDAY.' Winnipeg, Aug. 5. ;The entire police :. }a;., `r g de artment yesterday were engaged .in F South ' Perth. Liberal convention is p . ege lasers: • > a called for Aug. 11 at Mitchell. '` tti man hunt growing. out of a des " i The Liberal cal'ididate was returned ate fight between a. highwayman and : ? Constable ra er who had arrested- a :�� �,'Q ;, ..jr• i ,, II��++ pp yesterday for the Middleton division Cans b T yrs , �' f P®UIjFiO of I,anca'sli#re. him Thursday night. Nightly, far sew TI1E INiTIAI. R a we l-kn Nim ho 1- eral days, citizens have been held up S arca: Barnett, 1 , c and robbed, on the stieets by two ,I .seep and caterer, j died , suddenly at . ,; , i The: Man to Consider in the Recipro' tat. Catharines.'. thugs armed with gRtns. a� .' s; i ' . city Discusston John Ivy. s reported to have gone One was arrested Thursday night on .;; to Ste, Anne s shrine a cripple from a complaint of. his landlady, but Con- E ~+ r did not realize he had . { j Hon. Frank Oliver told Brandon stable 2rayne .. dislocated hip aria; retupned cured, lectors that the farmers, when they A general strike throughout the arrested .a dangerous man until. his ` bked for reciprocity last'.Decwxm er,. prisoner jerked away, drew a revolver ' . {a. port of London, was .officially declared 1? •' J • . y 1 Ji little idea oUthe- magnitude which last night. at .a mass meeting of, dock and fired at him, repeatedly. .The I he- question }would soon assume... No, and riverside .laborers. thug escaped into the railway yards. �on er Was :the questior>: confined to, . search of his rooms showed urirnis- L. v' 1 n -has •i au urated a n w " Switzerland a ' 'Canada. The Vnited States and the system for the .impnort tion of Cana-. takabJ6 evidence of highwaymen. The , United .Kingdom.. v�ere now. both . a i : ' than cattle for slaughter.. The first awo said tht;y.came from Toronto nd ,energetically discussing it.. He acs batch of 200.beeves arrived esterday were railway men. y I ; A . Cepted as a first principle of econo- ..-bY way of France. ' - i ' v Y' mics that taxation should be'heavy on , .: Notices were posted in .tile Fa11+ Census, Takers Pay. luxuries and iight.on food stuffs. 'The River Mass. Iron Works Co. cotton f'�_ .<vs' . i d cerohad the:ri ht to dis- (Mass.) Ottawa, Aug. b.=T1ie Department of initis prb u g mill that after 'Aug. 4 they would r c pure esterda afternoon is-. is rod'tict to' tho best advan. Ag i u y y ,> pose of h p shut -down until further `notice. The sued checks to thecensus enumerators . ..". tags. His lieing permitted to do so, shutdown affects 3,000 operatives. - `• throughout- the count .where the or :<':>' and -being facilitated in ,doing so, was. w:<' ..� i stonian . Whit• former Kin D. corrected, �,a:'" g , ginal counts, have•been >� .::. Jz . ney, brother of Frederick ` jitney, was ' ecided after Cornpletion of the•' �,".. �.,.,. hotelkee er of that cit cleaned u off ten per cent. t • ) �,,• P Y. p enumeration •to ti4ithh p d r ert , ... •:.•., ..,�. sale. of o .. ..... .......... ... • 52 0 0 in the accounts had been 0 e property y cks .until a s $ all the a 1 s;:,; '2x<:.�,,. F� x i;ethbridge,. Alta., in the .last feat/ .examined' and found correct. Many of 5, - ,�,,bi'a :�R',v `i ,�i2,;=Y .! - ,::?E7�,, a�%�.i: '!Rx' ♦ da $. C - h .�, -i&. �,' t �,, . t � • y the enumerators have been awaiting 4 .�:;• >;� M" i A defective cartrrtl a in a revolver Ka �.' a �.,.. ,,.,. g their pay for some weeks. In .Ottawa �;:... * as .. *-,<tr b ,^•.< , yesterday afternoon saved the life of those who covered one section of the. V.',, Jeweler Jos. 'Eagle of Brooklyn, N.Y. city were paid in full, but the moneJii' . `::,<€<"'`:.4::".�- Desperadoes entered Ea leis store in TS)J Lav AND TIiiS 6RtiP- -FiSBT rHE : n0Y' j :.,"a, , a ,> nnoe p rNT>Litri v Tann an C+REw .: p g of the others washeldup, mach dist ra raid -afternoon and oris ressed a re- ' �r3rs oonN.. , . :';;sr c a,r p d satisfaction arising as a result. t, vi against Eagle's ,temple ' and [From bulletin United States department < •� puljed the tigger. The cartridge miss- of agriculture.] :',�, :} e � 2' ed fire. Washout. Near Guelph. I 1. • Guelph,' Aug. ,5: -A :cloud burst, � FRIDAY.11.1 fl. .how. to .work. lathe• Crops, One .of the.: `i �� :. > . , . tv y.. , :,.:4,,,.:.,.11 : . Heavy, rains have fallen' through' hi•eh occurred shortly after' 6 o cloak . l strong features of .the demonstration', a y Thursday night, Caused a washout on1': e Work 1s .that it is co -o er.ative" and'in :1 Manitoba and'Sasl:ataoii for 48 hours, the Grand Trunk six miles north ofr Iwo P , r interfering �wvith harvest .Operations. i .. the boys'- work we frequently find: the : ;_ 'Empress .,Auguste, Victoria of Ger- .this .city. Water -'filled..: the ditches, other vital forces of the'county--the els, .'s' ill with an attack of .hearp to four'' -feet in depth, and lay right , 1� ,; ,;, ,.,1��, many i r ails, The temporary fill-in superintendent of public education; the , � .�`.� `+ > a i,w .: trouble. , . It is stated, however; that over the a p y In teachers' the business men the news- ! Fr,�- :�' the. attach is not severe:. required three hours' work before traf ' ' -r.. �`°1,1`11� ? , Canada tic could be .resumed. Passengers as- h papers and the parents -till giving {fid , ;,, • c, Because of file contention of Ca d . I htr; that a •txeaT 'is violated) by . naval sisted"with shovels.• . d and support. . Y ;'"1 • „ ! z 'R militia manoeu:'vres on the great lakes, ' • . , .%` I In Holmes county, Difss., to 1tS09 a ' roduced cr s z; ' ..,' �''� none *will be heicl flus year: IOelp 1=or; the Niobe. our boys.. corn clubs p Op , sx• .: 1,+ t A young loan named Doisvert from � les . .seventy-six bushels of corn "`;;.:.t fide : Halifax, - .S., .Aug.. -'5:-A. wireless averagingsew tl y ,?: s y , �: j 4 , t,, l:< Cap 1Vlagdaline, near Three ltivi^is, from H.M.R. Cornwall to grown _ , ., rri sage o per acre. The.corn ,town by their fa- i , , c_ ,, _W;0 , . i.1 I aged IT, was drowned'in the St, Maur-, thers and, the neighbors averaged about ice River last evening while bathing, Commander Partin states that she has sixteen bushels. This with the Jesuits HON. FR,4N1C OLIVER Wm. Brennan, who claimed to have :heard of the J�iabe s plight, and is on., her way #o render assistance. in other counties, was sufficient to __.. - no. permanent address,' was fined $50 She will probably take hold of the arouse the state of Mississippi and cre- : or three months in Jail on a charge necessarily and unquestionablY In. the ' of peddling cocaine in :the streets of Niobe to -flay, and both may be ex-' ate stn overwhelming public sentiment p , n interest of every' legitimate• industry Montreal. petted here to•moxrow: Z�'o change is ti' w !n our i.'avar, From a total enrbllime t in the country: Por every industry of reported in the Niobe's condition. Canada The Hamburg -American line steam- . ' A,„ . i of 10,543 during that year the move- every kind and desorlption in Ca er Albingia sailed frons Kingston, Ja. went grew until the year 1910 record- , lived, moved, and had its being abso- maica, yesterday. It is believed .she Two Killed by Ca've.ln, ed an enrollment !n the various states , lutoly and entirely_ upon the work of lids gene to Hayti to bring ex-Presi. East Liverpool, Ohio; Aug. 5. --In a of 413,225 boys. the initial producer in developing the •- dent Simon ere, sewer' ave -in' at the plant of the Pitts. Y "`V'e have some cases where the 1 rate material of the country. Any inl- Aleft. McGee and Jahn. Collins were . burg �ruefbla Steel Co. at •Midland, 1 boys of one county are challenging the tial producer• who opposed the. roe,- rosrity agreelrient was opposing some• accidentally wounded yesterday by lea., seven -miles from here early -yes- . boys of another 'county to e: contest in ��tt otheis who were practicing target terday fifty men were buried. Two o tliiiig which was in his own interests. shooting, in ane of ilio side shows. at were taken out dead and lour others. HA repeated that every legitimate in. Dominion Park, Montreal, were probably' fatally hurt. Rescuers a Cana>dda: le .anted din..ttie con- �_. _ .. .tereat in pinitial ro- 'Thii daad body -of a-child-�vas ouund are stili at wbrk�,nd. the -dieath. hat-- . tintqed expb.nsiotl of, ,the 1) at gull- Thursday • and last night a way grow larger. duciYig industries; notably and above g g tell others that of agriculture. The : jury returned a verdict that Miss R03 - f child mother fife sorsa Villeneuve,o ck T wn Off t e Tra Gare hyo h w:. ._ .,.: _ •_bxpanaian ot_.the_fatttlntt industry dirrible for the death. 10 pended upon the profit the farmer lana for aiding fallen women will Anson, Texas, Aug. b. --Three pas could make and, •in. turn, the protit P g senger coaches attached, to a south- �� upon the be 'laid before the general syliod fneet" and train oil the 'Wichita Valle • �T lN. d. A. SLUG., he could make dopendod l) bo y . _1100 0m, O,NT. Ynar'ket he cOuld l;et, 'Clpen that Pdn'..t. - route were thrown from the tracks: OUSINEgS and SHORTT•IAND SU13J90TS. • .clple the Dominion ttovernmeat had .It 9finally every passenger, about thirty. �%,. etud6nts 9fid Jylaced every graduate. Seven trodueod the reelprocity aglibem0nt TO received more or less •,sept` to bruises. specially qualified Agular teachers, One into parliament, and was prepared to Q one infant watt fatally hurt. d fifty ndott firma employ ion to a con0lusion be- CAW ■ a hundred an Y► p Y i gross the Guest1. ur trained help. 0011690 In 9085100 from, fore the country. Mr. Oliver said he For baa b bud 8]is The Pope an Octogenarian. Sept. 5 to . June 30, Enter Tiny time, : -Ahat i"All from the Rome, Aug, d,- Yesterday was the did not believe 'the Kind -You Have Always Bolt t to tie Free. d .a s �t til ev0t' l Vt, t o d a f' t e 't �__ ries o h broad Jai ' , tnak6: a demand upon file tlovernntent O,f Pa 91iniVersaiy+ d e '00ail nota i for tt policy at litectfonal interert. �usru this of PoJ>e, to the p+lIft l Eiflt�i,iie FIW. Witisialtviti r, nrA,), , WiaarattvltUr•, .J +md l lsigaatttret of ..