The Clinton New Era, 1911-08-10, Page 4` , - .- - Tai i!► . ! occasion lusinborm te , ` i's >� Fran iS 0 A Cc v °s � �. I MTS. Jan . F ,..plor.r fmily roval ,n was bw o@ Tho at t�s rod4siwe a# I1r. corp. '004riah &:*Vt the being a rrtimloat at tits S2X,ti Of the fa> 1y, of flip •Tats Chia; it -t.. Those p�nt< rrsre : T_ . Nritil; um ane. Paw. h co(1YlvF .lnald of Pi �ITVTvFvv�"T,►/vvvv,vvvvv T1��vv1rt burg, ick► 1�`rwnit Scott, of- '' • • Somas re mill '"x►ii,tilti'' Blake, Jeweler, of Warton, vale *, Geo R. ]Scott, of Toledo, ( DlI9, 1 URI% L. (buzeus, of Halraae� Dr. ames t�. Scott Andrew E who is ill with typhoid tever at the of Seaforth" Reminiscences oa 2 villa, it prepared, oto give: pnnpiq kO hoRre of b is brother, 14th., con„ is early days were indulged in,. a 11 soma inti, his lace, . NCW I KI1114P Pcincems P getting along as well of eoulddives be r'x• visit rues made to the Homes and Mrs.•Wuw�, lViurphY .s�iiron h cted aw this etaRe of :disease. We Which adaollp the town and is ., ` 04 V'Wtedi at• 000.rge Vandiobur�. ops kta rvill'soan, be better. occupied bar the son, Andrew. gwy thia week. late Francis Scott was barn on - Ruby Patter is sgending her %ackn ow Spotswood estate, Ber ,ick, Soot Re, new ex VI*Cj. rel RY. Moil ya among friends Alt ot�rie' ' in•1812, and canoe to Canada in iuwu and Eva Cktx+are visiting. t Six me Caledon anRn attended s eedeMon settling in, Dtanafcies, near Galt. q Cliiwton this tveWk. he remained until tbLLy ear 1847, 1 Xro.',Ed2nuuao�ti 'Who bean dal+. LucknoW ipeand r'aas,-hands, he moved up to the 13uran tract _ . a brass bund frog a Goderich, and the 19 „ ►'isitiiy�„ ;'Wtr+• x0phai'I returned (halt li ilties.Band, enlivened the da settled on the homestead, where I Iroind on utiyr+d+ay, �. . malned until hie death, which o . with music, JaFartas�e acrobats per red in 1900. On nie THE I1`IIT'l'OF'' PETTICOAT is the odea Qurite �anurtnbor atti'nd�etd' 'the tormed,andathleceacam competed Sao arrival in this �,tt Ct?at {or Close•fittin : 9t , leS, or I,, �sexv Ge �b'e1d at +Bolines in `um Pe triet, Seat boast of but p g y As its name implies '0110 on undbty kaalt. s Jumping, patt�nIq'the shot, tosming small. log house on..the corner v RL -V. ,%'Grope , o f the Barber, and throw the ham mer, ,the ]royal Hotel now stands, tixis pettcgat has elastic knittop that fits the hips with eai> at, :theyinittin, Wilt Jfn the evening there were fxreveorlcs n s, the °a..evein• and a. concert, Nat often in a town mess ]relax done. at Harpsrhey. erfect ;gnu Hess and that is absolute] free #'Som ail ung. Tike Luclrngwa anch stn area a . the l ,' day thin a are reserve ppsslbility of writlkling or bunching. Remexrlb�r George utouldin Jack Tait Bobby pace being but suburb of $ea ` I t ,' . Kerr scud Some dozen othe a o$ le ser family the doctor's resldenc 0!lr kzytttap petticoats are guaranteed not 'ta cogsratcu faciia, broatxht together at one meet. n III Iy eat [iotrrn to a aurnituous. . 5dg. One price,.,,,.,....,.,.,.,,,., •4 ................. ....�..4 X e 0 t They were here to coin ate for the er, at which they were joined b 'Tarr and. M'rs..Wo, i Whe fl f va`ualale old and silver x€,s offered: a'nd Mrs. Alex. Innis, of Stanley, t %.A^ Clii>taat ak►eatt �Sivadtay, idle, ];west o3 Goulding was in fine form, fife. Bud B. $ gg their' brorther MQ. G}eo,lWhaatle , P, Mc onald .Oaf rth, after Mar Duerr i y D walked a two•mile race, was. taken by Mr. MoArter. P _ . M Ma Y which W.as equal to ten laps of the Char and ��zldre i `aa•d olbe ring. Por mine and a half laps the •* (aderich receaoltly. two kept ppractically together. some. . A fCW'I LSs. Thos, Hill and -childrep, oaf times Goulding, sometimes McDonald, Belgr+avq epees a fe�ty da. s Gadeiiuh -AMNS1 Sydne 'Kin , Spcdals y vlet't , in the lead but in the Iasi half-Ia g sof the Penns I aiagt Ixex� ;sister iM'r ' ' P , y oilier' #'ende.„a, (11Vtrin1 �,indtsaEly, Gtaulding struck out like a racehorse, Railroad, was a CTaderiah visitor 'XT,. J ' '.o iy'LL 11g and finished over 20 yards in the lead, week. 13e motored from ),ondon . - . 4 klo' h of 661meava le Bobby Kerr, Mgrpby, of •Hamilton. was well pleased with"the roads, ne7eor'lt?ies Lawlea ltlolclou of and Jack Tresslder, of Toronto, raced Mr. and Mrs. Jr. B. Swafielciof C and ""-" -'" P ,gg�� vi d, his br ther,g�� for 100 yards, Kerr land,returned home on Wig n 11 1. GtolalL>prgh! an'ay; last lweiek. a handicap of Live gave his a poseurs. , Wednes ' � ;Andrew t yards, a d easily . n. torit:g y ,Parkhill and Sarnia S�neu tv-as'Called ito finished that much in the lead, HI Wednesd "y, .grvtc holiday, was I. I�+ ' - Hsutrie art ane day. la's't [Week owing time was 101-5 seconds. He also won brated chiefly by picnics out of G : Best E' nglis�h Prints 1.00 • : tb_the eeribws illness• cif ibis' bo+othear I ib u 220•yard dash, finishing with a 'ch, Victoria Street Methodist in law,r Xr. Jas. (Taylor, rwhol diet? lead of ten yards on Tres ider. and: day school event to'l3lack'it. on Thursday anvrnsng, Kehoe,.who were his competitors. Jat1z miles down the lake shore, an V6 a offer'all our best -El gllsh Prints during I Tait wits first in a' one•m11e. race Christian Endeavor Society, o IOC yard against Harry Treaaider and George Church, to, Benniiller, It was Anti August for ....................... :4.:.4.4....4,",.,, . Exeter Lister. Three Landon boys were .civic holiday a�lao,, and a' great a° I The statf of our Continuation S among the prize -winners. Mel Brock from that village spent the d . shoal wqn a hal£ mile race in 2 01 ; ]toy Point Farm. as in former. years. " ie to be congratulated an that number Campbell came in third in the. same The summ r cottages awned b .11 Ic� �,.aW.n�ss t�9C of pupils they passed at the recent rage, and Vince Adams won Lewiq,M. P.n y Normal School entrance. Eleven running broad um With a. di in p d 'b .� visitors from the U were recomended, eight passed, seven of 21 f e ? inches t his credit, do occu ie y Four dozen White Lawn. Waists, gond quality with honors. Haw does chis com are of sidda 1 R p States as far south as Texas. with. high. school$ of our lar a Cipties. 1, w Luektiaw boy, and the Southern States, too, are dra lawn, neatly trimmed, while' they, last ., .... . and towns ? g Rhodes scholar of Manitoba this year, rent many of the summer visitor (7larence Pic?card,of Exetgr. wh made 10 feet 10 inolies. Alex. Cameron otel Sunset. These American B• . r been attending the Brantford Co has champion vaulter of Canada in: an ex• the •most part remain fur se M la 1 n olleg hibition,, made a record o£ 11 feet .s months, itzdicatin the rotvi '4 3 H elfrlce late, and Miss Ruth Hooper, who .has in b b' i; ng P inches, .Principal among the other laxity+ of Gocli�rieh as a summer re . been attending the London Co,legiate, athletic contests were the tossing of Mrs. G. A. Carier and. daughter were both successF�gl in obtaining their the caber and the putting- of the 14- Geoffrey street, Toronto, are Any �uslins left in store at exact] haltf rice Normal School entrance, pen y - p The contract between, the corpora Sound shot, a- few weeks at. the home of Several good patterns left, tion of the village of Exeter and the . Cairie's mother, Cambric,, road. t Grand Trunk Railway Cam an has - 0arrie was in Goderic.h for the p, y Zurich end. been completed. The cprporation is to 11irs; J. Dennis and -children, of Galt miss, Eileep. Har itt. of St. -Jose G i n,gh a m S - c . . • furnish the system here with water are visitors this Hospital 9 for a terra a .,three weed. p. Lal', Landon, is visiting her h f ye-trs at tla'e rate Mr. 1 Mori has left f or his home here. af:S35Uperitnnum. in Cavaller, X. D,, after spending the Greta and Doris Martin,. i Mr. DunaTd McCxa g, of Montreal,: summer' here. daughters. of Barry Martin' Your Choice of all our I2� and 15c Gingham.. shppedta•dayone of the finest ear- .Clam load of horses that. h ve le Mr, acid Mrs. George Appe!, of Mit- road,san.g.at the hand concert on dura - August for .................. a ft these `" ��- - 'i —""" "�"=- .'••.",C. £ �R:lf,,,itttvin one far , obeli. visited relatives here this week: day night, and pleased a large cr M �._ arts_ fa - eo g p . mer, John ' d3aim �:lwang,,.foie.=date. iii: the genera lktt. and Mrs, [�'. L ?;??F9t „PnSi. j-� . ' .horses, y* $1,000 for three elections falling on the day of our fall o 'Eondon' ale spending their v i i �5��'1�� .�. ��r �i fir' The junior baseball teams of ke fair the directors have r..hanged the tipix at the hams of Mr. and Mrs. ' 5 and Centralia' la E ter dates £Som aeptember z0 antt 22 to Eliiatt. . .. . Played here 'this even. ,September 27 and 28. Chief. Postel,waite ' arrested . ng,' : The score stood'9to S in favor of Mrs, fames Whyte and Precious' 10 1. Centralia.. y • • • erwetit, an , years oY, age, engines : Good Cotton Hose. , sizes 8J to 1Q, , 2 pairs operation for ay, endicitis at. the C1in= the Groderich. knitting factory, o -. -- for Mrs: �V1cr�vat'""' f roily; of To'anto, ton Aospital on: hursda and is xe. charge of attain ted suicide, t ............ 9rie who has been visiting at Mr. Rivers, . • . Simcoe street, returned "home on ported as getting along nicely: that Pret7ious tries to .hang' hi .Thursday; 'Xiss Nettie Nell, of .Detroit, is boli- several years ago, and was cut d . daying tit her home here, just in Buie ti) sirve his life: $ -Master Tom Sanders, son of Thomas J. 'has has returned from . a thatin t to ti demented, i Alit MAl1Atii�a4A San'ders,.Huroon street, has beers sac- t . cesefud in getting lira fir&t=etas° trig tq`Western.Uanada,.where. he di Rural schools which 'open of cert,- Deed of 'a carenad.af horses, fall Cerin without a change of to ----__ --•--- ficate at the. age of 17. p g "---~- Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Mo Robert Porterfield has sold his farm ers will be the exception rather 't gg, 01 Au• on the Enrich rood to Oscar Koeh�r the rule in West.Iluron: '.'',•here a burn, Washington Territory, are here ' far $8,500, who ets 'renewing old aequaintaces• Mr. Mo�� , g Possession next great number. of vacancies' and, formerly lived here &Y. years ago, ".b spring. chis is one of the finest Ectiris. course; a great many transfers, Terms Bash. l7ne Price On1jT Mr. andiVlrs. Frank Tom y ,wu4blp, IuspectorJ:' E..•Tom .this afters and two W6rd was, received here of the deazh . ',In some townships there fs no - children, of Toledo; Ohio, are here of Mas: lCkue'er,'~vhieh took: place at single school which will'have the e ' 1. visiting Mr. Tom's mother,Main street. Detrst onuesday, . She .ryas well teacher. ' "L do. not know the e' . John B. Holman, of Salem, Oregon,. g kn t I - -I" RW 1, N�S*. ui n her num e bels be a daugh ro£v c who f , d u ter o a ancre .. or f Mrs.. s e '' formerly lived here some Sri .ears b S y t, he ad' • a n' y I3. Sipple, ',because the trustees have not f'i is . visit' in g g her sister, Mrs. SVn. ly[r$, F, �Vitwer and dti(ughtPr, Mrs. in their reports sd f:tr. sala:ries Drew Huron street. D.• Kpehler, are visiting' relatives . in Huron, Mr. Tom stated, continue' Warren Snell. of Toronto, is visiting Windsor. his'father,:'-Sanies Snell, who .is 'ver improve. - iil. y. lilt. H. Yungblut attended the fun-. _ Alf. Davidson, rf Maacelona, .1lich- week f islre Iate.lFlr. Stnuch, of Berlin, �' igen is'renewing acquaintances here. • HoLnesville f E visited' , � slaple ..:S:P . Kropp and L. Prying , . r enols in Stratford over Sunday, Mr• anti Mrs. Conzens and dau 'to I ., . , I , , , � , Rev.,Marris Ebnes, wife -and family,,' Uelen, of Cleveland are spending gh �, %; � so . Hallett of Leonia, New Jersey,' are visitors at vacafioii at the Methodist ParBtr. ,]hiss Mabel' Lee returned to, her, the home ofll;ir. A. G. Elines. '_' with the former's. parents, ' win - • home on Wednesday Lifter spending A >?umber from here attended ._tile Mr. -Ino. Sheppard of.th8 Most la . Although we have not talked' much.. about two monEha with. • her brother Mr. ' garden party at Varna ' on Thursday a visitor at Geo. Tebbutt'a for 'a f Ir Department in the newspaper, 'ts -prominence in ver- ' 'Samuel sWLe>3, of .Goderich, evening, days recently. !; rrr Me400i and Master Well. Mr.' Wilkens from near Galt wa ie value is in evidence. y its ever increasing ington spent a .few,. 'days with her . . . visitor over Sunday da at Mr. A. J g daughter, Mrs. Awde. tiga's. y • Co sales, this week we are addm man ne�6v lines:: Seafertp 191rs._(Tyr. A. is court, y Miss Vidlet Argent, of Clinton is ) ce and th spending a few :days with her _aunt, Chas. Kruse met with a painful ace, -.:children, of Winnipeg are visiting Ton Jas. Ca-etright. debt at the brickyard an Tuesday; His Mr. A. J. Courtice's., '" '• - 4 0 . Mies Map galcl'ougb, of Clinton right hand beeae cang'lit itt the ma- The quarterly servities was well Hemmed Tea .Pent Sunday'wit6 Miss Elsie Brown: chrnery and was so badly crushed his tended. . TOWe�S ,HenryI+redleftfor the West last thumb had to be taken o£f at the first .The monthly meeting of the. Thursday. . • joint. Y men`s Institute -will meet on the aft Unbleached, all urs linen_ heat/ and l4tlss til The Collegiate institute rifle team noon of Thursda Aue. 17 P q at 2 y weave, very Carter spent'Sundi y with their• friend, will .take part in the , - Conning rifle o'clock at the home ofMrs.ltMulholla absorbent 18x27 inch@S at each IOC Mies Gertie Oakes: matches in Toronto and may possibly A reading will be given by Mrs, .O: 1.1 . i Mrs. A. `Gilbert ;and son. Frank of go to Ottawa. Forster, after which the roil will �.�nezl H 7'orbnto and Miss Ida Stinson, _ of Stewart Scott, who has been in the called and each member is ex acted ln • i uck To`7�7els Harrieton arc . spend s con le of dr'y Koods departrnent'ofFltewart Bros: respond to her. name b ' � weeks with thedr..; cousin, Mrs. Wm: for sometime, has accepted a .position ; laboring . device in homework. so Add Mrs. A. ,Vodden, with a Toronto wholusale house. as other paper will also be given, Ever i"iAll white, 1'lre quality, size I8x34 inches, per pair - ' . traveler. body is welcome. 25C. See also our better lines at per palC 3SC, .40c, :"` Town Ulerk Wilson has posted up l "' .' - the voters' list for 191x, The Iist con' . C. L. Pis'h'er, andi Ii+ttlo daw.. QCi C and $Z QQ Auburn tains 888 namesr Dorathy tvh, ohasidaeent 'vas4t' 15 ow on an bei , 295LOUof this. number . ShirtS e .a d Lawson shi ed t ng eligible to serve , as 'urors 4$5.. hdr brOther) Will Pickard, h ! Pp brae persons are entitled to vote M' both ' bnd to Landon, for a'f+olw days i; L ears o£ bobbin -wood faEom the station er,. Which continue ttJheir tr here this week, municipal And parliamentary-,electaons 'ba 1 . . Mr.: and Mrs, 'Wm. Seel,: of Cadillac,2 at municipal elections :. only.. ' ,back to Wsunilieg, . That combine the two most desirable features—= . Mich„ visited at A, A, Naylor s .o� Ji very person should see thatbis nacre �4 'W' J. McRoberts' 'd' ftiaini Friday. - is on the list and entered properly, of 1,ondon Wino has benz>; epettdi color reliabillty, and excellent .wearing • dualities, Jos, Lawson has sold his on the past tnonfih With 'W, 'Pick '° ` splendid assortment comprising British, Canadian se and and famil have sr4tvrned to thea lot to Mr. Srpillie. We understand' ]lomat ate rest City, the price paid was ,$750. Jae intends and American makes. at 1.0, _122,-1.5 17 , IS and zoo going West on the'excursion, . • 1~Ierb lfnox's sale drew quite a large " Pants, and.Overallsw--dee our specials at 65c, �5c arae Saturday even�n ane elm • 00de�rich Town►sil; A �l,00. 12;25 and 1. p. all his ]erre stook was disposed of oat Avery sudden death'occurred 1n t L, � - . . I .• ­ I L 4 Sox and Braces, ' Collars and Ties, Shirts, i• .'e' , Underwear, Tickings, Cottonades, T�erlmS4 4: , . 'fou, HAVE H t , ''he double advanta a of a �� g cash business ---•low' prices and beau 1 premiums given entirely free of cost to you to en era a some' ,tra g din and cash h transactions. Come with the hundreds who ore ' 1. taking advantage of our liberal method, . •• is j AlE . l�Ei LI'. AT . l�� 1 .^ t ts. . I . I'L . 111 People's Store . four pupils i=re Candidates; all ception paEsed Out of a possib. 490 marks, obti Stalker took 4a Teacher and pu --- Over, _ . over las Iy mate won on pointe, were on 110011 $e'.IiolTinson has ,usiness, . eintranee examination n Auburn dehool •were ;'f whom with one ex. , one taking honors, B 05(14 Lila Howatt took fining honors. Jennie and..►�ena 1#nrr 409; Al are' to be congrat• Uraok 5hots.A. team s crack riflemen came tsday and had a friend• i With our ' that NM NOT WATER, STEA. m find KOT AIR li EUTINC -.: galvanized Iron Work ltooliu and `• Eavetroughin�; ' - • We. have everything Grein ` that Mn new and a to date p. strong mi Andra t4VAnt add the Arm- + in the Plumbing and bleat= stony Brds. on their sudoess on the recent exams. They certainly .dirt ing business'. •,_,.: we)1' 1110'or O uiag folk. N'timerous extensions have • been E TIMA0ES CKYr':Y!:N ON AET, �' niade'nt the Brussels, Morris & Grey' Telephone lines and eonseq.uently the . �f�Q"CONTRACT prb I '0111( uit is -better than ever, Fall whest ground is beingi;otready 11 .._T, . far sowing,,. ° ., Council tenet last 'Monday, Miohdan Glraee H000•eir) 11th �j'.r vt.yl� z1ft tler can., hixd Will e�etid thetex .1 ,tow monthe�,reah$�va .,.Q.:..,.,.:�_�.,..._..:_...�._ , .... _ . 4 . I townsbip of McKillop on Wed iesda in the person •af "William Hudie, the 1211i oancession. Mr. Audie w in his usual health .on Tuesday an that morning had assisted in the ha vest. Doting the afternoon he wa suddenly 'stricken with paralysis an psissed away about three o'clock o Wednesday irnorninq. The deceased who was 80" years of age, was a natly Of Gbdgge�� rich Township, but ovbr heairemded moved n it the tii]olnPlli" elatti He is survived by -,his wife, two soil and two daughters, Harvey and Ciar encs at hemp, and Mrs, 1V1. Stli'lin Ihd i1lTO. Robb, Cole ,of Cloderich.T`ntvn Iti 'Coup 41 Yn Lot work #16 ; 1. Al on •a. At P. unfir 'were perils . rtex, To "' n r. � sowerby11 filling i�. �irt , 1,8; Can!wdsingttt ; I i '1Nm Musti , IPacksria>u, Cam- XQo oversoei I a '�ounell ad. tourn 4 aday in S'eptt+em + W Txawartha, 11 I I oadvolvaro, JR& Stevens Spent the past two nrBraaitlxwa9to Arrived}honie lath at. from Nichii an ,on Satur•, l+• Brzeh?rxn after a weeks, visit ais parents returned •ori Wed r for bighome in Sa k{ D. W. Doyd ,and' rd'aira�liter of PQ arrived' here on "Satu2d'ay horse of her parents a. liplo_ __� - m - :-� -- . i . r Hammock Left -.I -4 _� These will go durigg #Drib,PraviiLg nicer and wili,reinain1L41 — ' e the 0metthne Ion�t;er. s August $t The 'thre.s4g antachines are get i � salrRain dict. ,ting� bugy but. are �in'or3%ngr Bauch owMp,. '!Hanel 'wirth long maovesr laticA.+small . FrtCe ; `e, -oY labs era yet. * . W ednesd'ay Was hog sl►Rp ing ca ; photo and 'the price ,was $7,25. , i . The bUrves�t will be almost finish I ed around 'hare 'this ,we,ek A Xoqd � ' o Meesre, J. Watson and ' -ischia ♦ ►, Iseatort ¢ h s exit P �OIItlay after- • OAPQ�aaity �, vainia . noon, fishing Black Bas's alt •'the • 41 , this will dam and had good success. * t0 . a ' , and g - - t love- loeeburnt Cg11'�fhrtable qday, bliss .Tuan L'lutton is visiting • " friends, in London this,week. i Hammock cele 1 Miss, B.•Synder, of `Gaderich, is • 6P G( iilsi'tirig -,her friend Miss K.'11unteir 0 - • Hive alsor Mae Runpmun of Stratllord, ♦ ♦ t d the . 'D les ]7dna', a.glo:r spenit a few d'at'e ,4. Koos days with relatives in'Godemich last ♦ Cooper eC CO . week. ` lits e, 'Ur: 1301ner Kirk, of TaroDto, wax many' the guest orf Mr. pan M s - ay at. 11 ton, over Sunday. d Mrs..4 Clut Clinton , E.N. '1Vfi<s:s' Mary Gordon, of �S'liepvard- fully too, iss busy secwing. iYii-our (vicinity j u I Un .thin week,' +N+*+++N� Frain M,is. RoYLinklaater.retiianedhoane wn a bast Saturday after spending' a week e at at her Diol homo; nt1a� Hemsall, ,o- Americans .for 1kTs. Edward Shaw,. Sr., ancd, Marry nights attendings e1 ggard'in rt veial 'T• Williamo expect to leave ori Sat Ian St: bliehael�s 'church lawn. i?a y, . ) o Li• • tm day t -o visit the great Northwest's. 11Bsa Pearl C7r'ellew is }roma' Yrolm;° sort, On Sa,bbaith last Rev. Mr. Small, of Toronto. , .of Blyth, conducted service here. .- . ding " 'R. !Seat( has, takes, Xlhie(�con- ,Q Mr. tract of water lt> ,*he. otreets and he.. Mr. Blyth, says that he ttnilI keep the] ding - weetc- Miss Alice Burton of East Cxang:e, ' down... .0 _ . A. Mist tie, and •wife]• 'and N.Y., iVI4as[0?t, Butkley• of Paris, family, are a`t'S,'13. Oldley'a. pli's and 'Mrs. Conley, and falmaly� bif The council are hay ngithe we,edm arae Gu o:d,, are visiting with Mrs• • cut oil Mi vacant lots' and charging Wood, 2Vlorr a 1S.treeit. it up.to• the tax accounts . ,, lira . Mr. 'Ed, Kernichie of ,Berlin is reg• Mr, R. Burling left to-dar'for To- nolving Qld . friendships -,in, ane_ ronto. [' • 1 .wdues.aro-und, town'. itTr;s. •Smyth of'Londou is visiting t=d Mr. 'W Lefith oifRratford is v'. _' her, mother, ;Mre'. J. Davie. g xt'Ti . Gr..31, . Messrs. Geo.'Wl ate and Jas: Ta- �'�Rrplcy . man are 'g'rading' thei,streets, . Jahn �Meseri. Peter Gardiner and ,Wm.. , Aslant Millar,•of �oncessfon•I0, ,was• • r at Begley; are attendingg Grand Lodge 'nand . dead .. in his parn on Friday..:. ' n a o£ the I. O, U. F. at Nda arae L Heart failure was the cause, . Hewas ,as . si,id' g. Falls., .a`i years of -age- ' w , r,. cselfhid ' 'Mri S• po,plestone ns .:sat' Niagara A9ax a number from Falls( attenddng the (Grand Lodge :tile Oaledonian, m here &trended , own of the Qd'dfellotvs; �H.e'llbe raised cin Frida "Thegames,:in. Kin„ardtne ^ ..,� At is to the highest' office in the,, lodge Ri►iley and Tiverton wassainterest ng #�" the' thud year, which Ire dese,rve'-s, rafter .to the locals, the Tiverton team win acb a ]Doig and aNti,ve work in the lodge ning. • She Forty -night Regiment; ban 'Mang wer,q }Sere on Wednesday Band teas the feature 'of the day. . . re a . S �. y1. , Don. +♦+♦+++++♦ t+ +♦++♦++++++++++f�►f++++*:#+, ++i+ t a + ,+ �+.. pa .. . xact . y.w .. ..• . . I . . 1V_ = , r1 � _ . . - e N , I . � � I .. . . . . . 1. . . . 1 ­ . I 1 .d in .O Money..Sa ... ... to �.i .., � �,.. �%I - .%. I I.. -. ' + .. 'I11 .1. I I '. . - •s A L Sale'',.,... � I I +4... . . .x � - _-1 .�+ - ter +� L1' - .,' ... � - ''+, r' gir + O - O1'. 2 • W �ek� Ol7 � • . � � O a' a ge N v J ,..,, .. - ". M. M 'En 1 its . d ' �. rig .aturday, Au I2 e . 1. g1. r ur Cood-bye to. �Sprin�g" and Summer Footwear • . See. : W hila there is still plenty of wearing time for ` ' at summer shoes --Oxford and Tan Footwear -the at.' selling time is growing short, and we shall a at;.once W. lr,.. 1. cut the :prices on all our lines of - Mens . Woilnen s, Boys 11'iisaes nd, and Children's Sihoea ' R. I . be .I .. as -1to EVERY SHOE MUST 00 AT ONCE An• . y, Our shoes are all marked in plain .fi ures at . . ape re ala g g r selling prices, Take -off the. discount, pay us the balance, and the. shoes are ytyurs: _" as You cant make..a better. paying investment. . - . than to shoe up the .whole.family while ,these cut . prices are on: DO IT'. NOW. . ly . We•simply want the roan,, and we want the . ` . aTa money that's invested in our spring and summer r . shoes, Root out the old p.9&etbook wren it can . r, . do sc>! much'for a little. .' . . Gan you stay away from these prices ? y t 1f�en's Oxfords , • ,J. of Regular $4.50 less 20 per cent .... $3.80 as o Regular 4.00 less 20 per cent .......... 3.30 . d + Regulax 3,75 less 20 per cent......... 3,o0 r• +. . S omen's OXttrtls, Pumps and Strap Slippers d Regular' 4,00 less 20 per cent....... 3.20 , I .Regular • :3'.50 leas 20 per cent ...>... 2.80 + Regular 3'.Otl leas '2ll per cent.. , , . , ; . 2 40 - � . e . , ]regular .2 M less 20 per cent....., .. 2,110 ,p. ' '. kte.gular 2.00 leas 20 percent........ 1.80 • e BOYS' Misses and C1tldre , n s Oxfords, I�►uMP% Sir4l) Slillper's,,Fte " r~ Regular 2,00 less 20 percent........ 1:.80 _ . Regular 1.75 leas 20 Per cant ...... 1.40 cr apt in Council r_liaxttbir , Regular x, l0 less 2fi per ceut....... ; 1,20 � .. . last lnnesting read�nr 'The olork Was instrue ,the Blyth Telephone C I ere now PrePllred to't; 'allowinl thoi i to-exter tern +lo Mr: Androw She; 13vexnighait 'pf Colbdrno r0 Jupating< ithat'Gaderir •Te 'hone] i$yyteoi 911 lbo.rnq syst6int connect ,,ton. After+ duo 'coftsidc ntotiatr wastiaseed givi' pernaissibn o buildatr their, 01wiv to clinto N'4. G, fiurihn hhei tale ora ed. Thr( raX 6.9 are as Towtisthig, 114-10 mills; ' g1iTWHO; ketterOl behr�ol iced .b£ Kegulat' 12--rless 20Percent ........ 1.00 *11oved,Regitlnr 1.00 less 20per cent., ...... ,s0 to writs hitt tltcy _ aby-law Several Woken linen In other shoes . heir,aysw at the same Reductiarn. . rd.i;ravA . . ownshnt - GST "SRE AHEAD OF` 'OTHERS ". ' n l4- HAVE THE HIRST` YOURSELF rite �f:alk at 'C'liu_ ... . ion a11 arlbo,vAo Twitchell . line of ,J - i 13y«IstVv "' o I., a:tssk• n . . o�Gai.,"- GLINTON" city, 2, 2. "10 oillw+++++++++♦M