HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-10, Page 1... - .t -.. . _ ., y . —" I.. AnI <..,4r, _ - . - 9- _ , . . _ , v. .-.. , w , e ' ' r ".. T ,.., _ . _ .. I 11 T . 144,-.r t� ,K, 't L , , IM ' ,.rlwfor � 'H .(� ,' �• ' G� _,d I-.,4 -I I I •tri ,L' I l' "i 1,�,',°�' . 11; .+fad I:!" v 1 :;:, e � . -yat . . � A m6ii1k& IN" - 1. .. .i ...:� :. ( , I- ilpi7 !tw x,i I ­ 9,}. 1�.e •� yrs t rid Qr r . , 1 S �,,A�) 4 1�W a lid.: FIR"41% 1► I r �X ,,J�fj' NtllilT1 rr►�►,rr�rrrn!�rr�•►'�* .rr a1. T"T * ,�, r �►rr�r,�, T T V V n�'�'��ir rr r � x ua v0 ` .yx�x��►►r^v+r a r `yy� 'i. x RA - - .l nil folk _.. .' ' � gxialtky may inter t ac�tairi'cater-• pI ORA .Q ''�i�'i',:QlYT111i!.. so_.tYt.n'all pfoiilkietam, bwtt thy' A d Ev : p 4 •�� F,�R �N cT1CT.vt caitriryi aaawholeldraes rioit rcare v . . AND 1?u .HIZ+NO#E ' brasi farthing alaaNtist such ImntteiNN+t11N The ado DO• .;: . i Nle* cut the knoig0.ent. The Xoieats of Gran of )Orreal?ctndenta througbout the WO I .. I EAST, HURON: adla Wants baknow . wlhat the rest- , x* . I %— . , i(CIPRO0111111..,-otys'thi nk'regardizig closer grade i,$*#sr1�*�0 on t3agiit s accounts . •,, relations, "with the `United (States, �.."•,.,- 4 - nteirest allowed,'ort _. g i sitar tt xs'upon rtheait links that) thetayae' r at hiShast ourrent.rates, . . ». - , ... S.di>aeusanonf should begin..a»d>1end. Buesela, Aug. 4,-• A eonveta,�ti aw : . a �': } c orded do :ail t ,•.. 7t •5s,aclear-cut isau(e 'enough. It ox' the urpas� At wom�nating • a#�111m�Kd4X' r Qourteoue treatment a- G . H' d. the Conservative parte been d , i9 �nersly a question whether rove tandar ,bearer to contest the Eas?4 Lias the deiiceite odor of fresh cuetoeners, able. 'to secure as fax�arable aar, race- a Make as obsess of chin i � o' In -the �in't4rest , o''f roses. 1 velvet G I. �a re�naeiat a8' the Liberals 1Se ` �- h sho,ul E : r ding ofHur n i o es Thin with, ta.. lvaty► }" y d, have( bee s=:}:X *, wox.s in• an endeavor to do better, Lxberaliam. at,tlie coming Dominion smoothttesa sad im F b aver dlona (there would h $� :i: " K .e m )h, I :. , -0 - eldction! vvas` held, iu Bruasela�•' on F►. iiZfiI, , hoia of exultatiozi i11 ihel eatpa, ": awn ^was flooded flneiiess gives It a 11Ra as . ' `,, ,,, l ¢z f The'. t pepsabie lace on the toilet �a bt�it because IEt LibeFais rxe otfated it c ... Soutlx IPerth Reform IConventioi� P dad�** les and'otl►e�a fxoni all "` ' pp di triads vp+iiaut ib aneallyan"excell 1 with dale a tables of 9ciety. an _ .' ti>>;" I ' ; will be held in %itcheIX an tFriday about 200 d'ele- ':', - LINTON B1�;ANO� t ' ouservatives. de- :,�. � : is` �velek at 1,3 .itanomin laaxtsS oft a riding,: � Eos s,►�s nt , C eat baxarli he C , d �, r tea! lasing in attendance'. = A+ -^ ounce at. The following ad rens "'. Qf this, , � , !Holuse of gates( ,' xi ;a•` ate acandidatte for Ant' y , y ' towns h' a Coan ons. loon. ti5yy Fisher McLaughlin 'of Hawick ip, c ... was asaued rotaye eleetor> of iY, .� .. m so'a Jrcnh Thom :, x. `;, f is ux wi1 ;elan Preaidieix of the �yaat Riding• Asnd x, A, IYlCCQ1�1Vt1 +.gonashi W,'S.,:.by Sir i PN akms. Ministexl. o Agr tut l hair, x *• 4 soli in 1891.; .. , address t'li�e medtina'. cia>Gion, occupied the. e. _, aaI)p \ir: bdf afters ,general business $:ballot seas.: . #• 1+ �1C, � EcTa the IE'lector.,s of th . Coou 4P, -o-- ai:id'aidat¢, "a' ,y: -- ken( to sale . Ani ' onisb;, in ,an al: Oat uai%nimouar �dh � x< _ ` cc.�' ,. 'election , `I"he Come arty has'aban resulked n�T .M Mu �. ��,M1 -�FOl� Goritibm�en,-,Fit tlrao+ edits plan aE1, en ational car- vote for Mr. Arch. HUIaF' of Grey: , which will take plass , A. the 6tii I. d .n p t East s 1 township, ex�M.P:P; far hie a of,March,`I will ben candidatet x„ fade bill cam sign. They Riding .of Huron,.. 4 kk JR0110'at. - , , d y has decided tar place all 1 dthera tn`entioned were Xr. W.'H. ..;. fox re-eleatiaixs as' axnenilaer crf.thts +: derail walls and bill boards] they p r ;Sousa of •Ccman4ons 'fox rth'd�couut.y coulcii-secuire mn the country; but Ierx,r 'edator',Qf The Post, %>lrusseas, .: _ >.xtlrairanulated -• - of ,A.pltngoni,ah. {. e naiv. decided to drop ribs a "Thei Government of which' r hav . had $ newly -elected �anstone of Wing eaing (to! the s scheme. Th el tcandidate, e hdaiii r atnl ameinbler ds aPp which ,. zi' , .,,��.,�+ a-- ma e. an �f busiastic eading .. _ "' a country( with ,a policy. we .. .� , , .<; which he ctoalt nv th 'th9 l believe, Will be. heartily eridoraed • g que.5t'ions • of the day, Short 'rAirik Cochrane, who has l3as been created by the sugar. s The( followin itinorary for- 7Mx: • Itou. b� pa reap -majority of the eledtorls. mon. Pa)ltor Scott, i'reiYiier of Borden'# tour of Ontarcaio,iwasl ar- , gpeteches were :also 'delivered by' been selected as eh:iii+cuxn of Cpr. itself manufactured by the Oen g - . 1 ` Co.Limited Wehave trade to'the-lGovernment Saskatchewfln, who it is announce3 rangedl Tuesday. . Mr. J. C', Cuxxie of'Eas't Wawanash; sisrvative infn eralrica campaign. , ada Sugar Refitting 8 , ....... .... ...... ...Au 15 o n federal campaign. Montreal fZuebec; .and sold by of thel Untited Staten, through` ih_. ma be.- a membeir of the. Federal. Loxidan.:. g• Mr. Th :s. Strechben °� and for Ontario i , W. T. O'Neil, Governnien+t of Great Britain, pro (7abixeQ after the electioas. Chatham ,., --- Aug, 16 Kerr. The M m r,t . �posalq .. %ox reciprociity, in Itrads, S'imcoe..... .. ... ........ . ..:...Aug: 17 now 'is Dr.'Tlias. Chisholm, former- t�:, wo,oastock, ......, .................Aug. 18 lyjo.o-Winglie , n o the British 'Ent i e League. whiciii rove have g+ao'd, reason eta bc� twho defeated'Mr,, Liber'ad. He is, or tivas, avice-p,resi The handling of the above IReve 'will •esult in +an asrangg�emeat I ,A.lready, 'through tlial - action of Palme'rs�ton ...........,,.:.f:.... --Aug;. 19 gsittat election in.1908 by de � f e s P r Lag':t: _ du ar, has been the' Matto of our chthe intark ks .off t'he Uzi r the. W+ashrti lou government, a par • Burlin+ .......... ........• ....,...Aug. 21 a 3,oryty • 13e ka xappQsed to the tBritiah pre- g by: what - ane to. , t4on'-o f the g ...... A ug. 22 e; 'Hal a us' f success. itedt States' will the. x. a AP; 1 Reciprocity pact is , in .QwenSound',:.:.. — .. -: ace. 'w'hat is bcalled oil- f . rthe#lie( products which our, people. ; operatIon; but if British connection Toronto ......... _ . Aua. 23 .. des knaatt'to Blend these. + has beeu•li'nthe least loosened tBere . Petterboro .Aug. 24 yea- latedl ware. Ad th fifteen fair pleasure of reciprocity. by, the fact is not ye1C very, ap- Campbell Iord ...... ........Aug, 25 � L�1310 S �0�1�` 0� years ago he organized ithet S'tan� ' ` P r r. Napanee ; ...,Y, .,.._.,.. :.Aug. 26 - IR I dard Silver Co., • asubsciibed a �v at ,we'd;esire, and walxavej no scent, ely., being in �: daubtl that that. este bd obtawe(d ( -_o_- Brockville ...:.-.�..n�.,.Aug 28. with capiital of $30t00D.at (� j� i contxok of t'tie atoc c, the. �so1 f 'for, e W. T 1� i.A r, without( undue scarlfices.. a ,__o ,_.:, ONTARIO'e , Ig T. i T respectfully axle your eVp-, Thet coannxande'r of the &Laurier `. $125 000 to 'omge American entle� ,ani.al nates, and ]pledge tmy sill to nav �' that has.'`gosie o7n the rocks,v When; the GovernmeQnt of SRr _ men, paid tto be the �raprresenta(tives ern a best interes'ta ad the a9 t o Toronto •News puts�-Rt, is Wilfrid Zaurier came i>vto power in .; . - of an American silverware ' trust, THE HLT 13 GROCEK � � �i.f r,e ould_be,hotniored by ,the oon •of�alately deceased Con- 89q Cana$a,.^tvas sufferingtthrotigh' !~ ' country, a h deposiltedl the stock .$or, ooxrec�ily, vat o'f• the con(fidteoce+. lwhich serv�altive( Senator, 'who in alis( day 1 Phone 4S couarent _ ai ' a Canidi ,; , dte�pression caused S`ix 'Wilfrid'Laurier' will open the all but five' shares o irt,iwith (the e o 'd' in Mae lad the .lash 'el_, served his country well. Comin'40 b the restrictive ode policy: of Fedteral Campaign art , th'e town '•of .) ee far them, theait mepnainiyngt five •,•,.,,�..�.�.�+.�,.�ii�r. y.. ir' W1I 'S'imeoe, (Norfolk county, n 'Tale's rt �wao x p oast ........�..�-...- ectirans and for which' l; shall b'e�far `;deT iVfiacdo,vald, of !thF9 rTiob> t. will the Conservative art , ° , r' air gentle- no doubt be pleased 1;p,leiarn of the grid, Couaeier a 'elietl ug Ire trade . days afternoon, August 15th, and beingt distributed to qualifg, a ever( grateful, em > Io r f . pl r} � the Ron. board of directo'r;v in ,Ontario hold, . men •. aur-•obediont'isesvant. ice e( :, o� the Newa.:..Th'ety'-�6ome , jltN' . ether countries, not ly b: will be:acGompanie , by + ,._:...._._.'�L.:TE'RM' Q'11I-'U•�'', I froami aparty.�frieu'd* i ct -- -- g e prefereiica to aBr to n. WilIiamn Patter,son,•'Miniater of Cudr which MT; �George:is amembei;hold 9 o ; `o tinea` o ossa 'this las .toms, acid ebbe Sop..; l odtolpb`9 Zana , 'ing one share, •- I. c oho Dr THOMPSON, .:The C the�rVtji pg . mat r=(len•earal. Another ;exaznple,ns•'W. ,g:`tMc= EI.L 10'4"i . ! Antigi�iais'h, +Feb. 24, 1'89 -: �: 1. he Cans . ' �,....1 'I;elt"kis have adecept.canapaign, •' cause squid Pro•,quo wasnatreceiv tear, T'a'sk a e!„ e'n ':will coni- Naught, who isaConaervativdmem. - ib snot onl t can ' more The 3�iberal chieft i g , Street church vain . ,.,.. I.... -_o-_ . ecl bull ,. yy ue meetin ,s in Ontariq- as fol- .bar of the `'Legaslature• rfor. oiye' of . pulplk of': d as 18ollbws:•--Aw us -1C3 t aW oodar to be. auntxortgd fxotao� rBritain tin g siipplie r .. �-� �4iat �9Vilfrid�s e'unn s+tnile ia� the) g x edea' th.e Maar- low ,- a that • Teoronto' ,and vig orously Pia'- be+ .. y bait �undirectly- a to g X11 'aaan JMx. Chlaxles .'S. Hal and ;'7 , o ser �• a o.w ' Moaidiay; 1$ept: 4-AlOxandxza, Glen- testa Ia+is,loyaltY: and Idhvolatiou ito nn. 1Vr. `Charlt3s S'Ftawke. ug. _ sua:.of ur ro uty� :, • , D P o keit far CSanadian ,g ods':'th0 . N • : thout .. _ t. garry.cliunty,' the. EmP�re slid ,:hi aversion to p , . Toronto, Ont stands to day VRi , = us i"iar WYlfri tries 'to i Dix - 2othi and �L7th--icon. revi1. les ate- I' ' ` panadaY Qraduatea: .. pjnj� m �� ,,... xi.......oy bees .a, superior in I�. [ 0-11 1Y11 ". ha . i a trade agreement with theUnited Tuesdtay� Ceplt. 6 Caboutg, Nost7a fxe�r,•trade with the Yankees, The' Kelveyl iS:'T•.Z• iii bly successful, , Smf tocol couldn't t tragi }Yianself to oCed as a traitor u2nberlaiid. counity.. Sun se Persuaded that lile(beliav esl ' `thee farnxerrs, hence he� wo 't, run.' Stated hetia den $more . Wednesday, Sept. 7= --Sudbury, Niu- the Emapire'will not'endvre f.'frarni Oatalogue free, 1.. . .dd.Brltan, althoti h doing f r LEGE .--o--. -�" a eltrae ^Nath Britain �gauig count ..., .. era arel Pi►piliated, to 'their. ' ELLIOTT SU 3ZNESS OO,L.11 Lalurier, and Lai ger .Markets. to' encour g d Alexander �Jtreet John W. o o mn vR a will any either 'Governtinent i5i : '1?diayr Sept, B Stratford, I'erih. lambb"and ttuxnnpa and (tohnataealiln ��'** Younrge an ,� +h .Yeo, f H 1 e,s ll ., 1 thaml y 1 that b rkelts of the Unditedj Mates Town Cou.'nd .oronto o be the returning odficgr dor, West C,ainadel ' has ever done. Ar larger county. er ,Huron. amke�i and a freeriiaTkelt '!iii .the 'Saturday, SepE: 9 -Placer under freed Of duty.. 'He ars' oppose a, too, - • RECIPROCITYY' ,spalls gre.wt H roe n o t- ..= [7liirted Stat'ea is- 7zot incompatible coaiaderartion. • ,to tho Britt Preferesice, an . no pioaperi{ty, for Hero c uw y a s . ,ot treaso in ,tho 'The olpiakera.to. AceomiDany, the doubt -for the same reason. Hela in After) bein 'unable' to, got aquo - -o-- " . ' . tn,ha b vt*ith4 this, was p pi imne'Minislte�r will be .+ani announced . the b sanesa afmaking watch cases i iesday nag'ht, iCouneillora Mr.1lloton� of Wion�ha s ear: eyes of Conservatives dative seven 'Px om on ven icon ' appointed u•eturnin officer' for ago, when 0 -on. later, • + i l,. , ' With c'o'me friends, 'he • organised 'Gibbingsei Jackson, G+oopi�r, !Ford, e TTTa on We -at +Hur6n•ZilieraaCon .t PIT - . :till leas thaw'uYear g ,. 0 •are te,served -for' somal years sago - • the • AmfeMan' Beacotm, and (Cantelon iia !charge of U � a V�a� East Ilu�+orn. L Cxeorge E, Foster ' radvecated reel,„Sept.tS8, 19, ,Watch 'Case Co.,; ^which is no'w,:. Thd Reeve ISnn3'Itrh hold their . regular _ .M, , The Liberals of West {Qwron will raci'tyt with the. United• lStatesL consideration. a e a h s` form d th'e onl 'concern on !Wedneisda ,evening; . mieetl iii convention on' Welneaday "�-Q� P 'The arrangemenfis . r n e g Sun{ id in e , y hneetingl Y . u August to nom-luate a candid- ;Zhe Conse�rvut�ive party , ik.Aeter- P. G. Inwood the General .S�ecre- 3;t 'was 9:16 b'ofoorei lthey of down •to ,,. h g g of , , e W��i1 �o� a roachtiig. 1elections ananedl thrat the eo le of Canada this bwaiMr. in Gtianada. N'ot . ata for the . pp. P la fair who will actively 'co-opekate !! y. , long ago, MT. McNaught 'and work biUt when they dz they k Iplt - e Ho of Com ons.:The con' ,shall holt buy, or Isell moxeLfree'ly at_: the various ridliti assbeia . flriendo sold'the. ;s'tock of the\ coin, ,flip:' i �goiang *in goad is'tyle. Min- totb ruse. _ .. tuitli g: , g ill be held'in�,{loderich. eseint, ,TO prevent . buying Land r �j an labs ua3 s'har'es to *veral +o1 ..dtes, of reigular and rsPee'ial meeting; Your vacation will mesa more l; NAUTAIK. P ICT tions. .yf cl venerioh>7. w --a_- . '.. , �selli;ngt• they preventercl, legislation.. m , �. ' the nvatch making concern's rof the wemet. read and' Confirlmeld'. Coit to you if you Sodak, not only ��_,_ . . Uni+ted! States, among ,Which rmunieationa;°weme'readasfollows;-- more pleasure at . the time but South Huron'Llberal Lonventioni - dded' Leasure afterwards the p I I;OCITY' the E1gIn, W`altham,'Crescent,Dner;; Jacob Becker, fo,v d'ama�es again t from the ictures Al Convention of the Liberals of The >Pamonto Saturday Ni lit had T bee and other. companies:: Wt. Mc- .town] owairg'to, falling int atrearc that will come f p • ” 0 RIC `! "' ,, oath Huron for the AurPQset. of, 'the .following b�di�torial last tweek; . Y� � . �a ��� Naught retaitied .share ntemest - while► •agoing to work, Councillor Brownies $2 to $12.00, Sodaks . .S , Wan - . petit' ,a candidate to contest the �o,w have'aweell defined Is ue, ` . . enouggU to .. uali.'fy him +for C•atvtelon, rthought 5,tw'as' best to from $10.00 up. el'e. g! qq, 'n in .the Liberal; interest at befomel kis. Lett us stick to it,; and E ,;: ' 7iueiuber,shipi on the necessary local. '.:settle with, rMr. rBeekc�r. It de - tai .g u lies a comziii Dominion •election,?will net +belie ary sidings between now STILI. MAINTAINS IT COULD B board, and aota` asthe Fti'tular pre{ sided( to ask'the town 45olicito to' All Eastman S l)p .. .the g 'EAST HURON CHOICE,i. .. •be h.eld: in;Hensall ono Friday., Aug. ant°the'rynd of {SQPtebnber: T' vest-o'd'oub dsomie defond! the lease 'foa�lthq taeniid The • l ven-o'clo.ek,';a�; `'7Ct . is i gation) into the 'a11e!ged • 'u61 do ,." OF BENEFIT, TO THE J - . p$th, at a e,. q �x - _ .. ,i lntyk�ough as h f that tlhel Sun Canadian flax Mills,Co,xraent<' a�lei a •icularl l re V'es'ted' that revery ,a'bla actaonls of a Cabinet �Minist'e�,.:; Part xt Y g , - _ ...: x . id not informed.•. Ther Ahnericah fes stating that .the(y woufd(. be ' ' in the riding be fully:.reP, Will hold over :very,'weil, p irticul WEST ,,tch a Co: has ; eat influence leaviii � rFound�ry shortly Coliegi'ate . davisionl , W.a ''Cas gr g .T■ 1B. H(�"VEY resented; ;; 1y, in view ' -.df. tY4 Tact,�t'ha't 'i he CONSERVATIVES AT.'ENTHU IAS• . in the trade, and is, to exacta Board asked for. a grana of $2,000 -o-. chargeat ° originated from sources, • " aberal share of the protective duty fox currei>Itl'ye r 1911 'for; nxainte- Dispensing Ohemiat. issue. Don't -that are hone too authentic.. Whet u egg- Tribune ediEtorial- 1 a% i Reciprocity. is the Y The. 'Wi nip I o'il share watch cases, • trance. B'IbleL "'Society;'Clinton left 'Dory, orators dodge at. her the Hon. Mr. 'Oliver i or isr not .. ly says ,- T sked_.,f,or (rete us Of hall lC CONVENTION NAME '., �...�-�.�. cc: .. • Branel a ether 'filed. >: .. _ When the Conservative conVen-. ` ---J—^- -. field in �Saskatchowam a. R R o m � ®e � la � N ®O � ®s► � is ie i a e ` 'The,manfor i�y lea bei a'ise� f.or: County ,�eao����♦�isi������ tRontv:as'ROI�tINEiTA lei . ♦�♦♦♦���♦�����♦�����♦ ♦ da .s a 'o it was no'tedLthattthe • 0 purposes Is 1 1,1,63:50 as per letter. ♦♦♦♦��♦♦♦♦����♦♦♦♦�♦♦��Mda►♦��♦+��•�♦� few Y g H , ♦ name.o'f the ieader',of thetparty iii * WIT»,T E CHURCHES (rota County Atitioa�wae 4 , ♦ e did not 'aPPeait in a he reety oar . ♦ .. ♦ that 'Provinc casae asking. 1' t of orf ficeL-bcarers. There' Brussels, Aug': 8 -East Huron is .� I'i s i 10 i i • * * 6 � e e t9 0 p t ni tteej to continue elle goad' roads 4 - ♦ the', ose_tivlxo iarrtmated that Mr all ready for th0,4fight, each patty. gI,EY HiIRCIl ` on.Albe'rt estreat up to tliel.lt'oyal � Neral tri W>a F-IVE � . $aultain,liad been turned (down. It havRng'chocn servatpivesinominat� _ a 'Banta' Corner. 'the Pcti.tiarx ' n''aa now transpires that . lVir._cHaulkain date. he. •on Robert Irwin will give his -report of acceptepr. By-law, No. B. for 1911 , i 11 "" SI ' the office of ,Honorary fiat, eanvention' was, held There this'• the St, Thomas Summer Sebooi next 'calls for ,the' raising. of X2,1059; 0 4 . . decline he Cona'ervative : alternoon, when Mr. James Bow- r. . ,Vice -President of t Mondry evening.' 1 he l:engup' will be for county hate, school sand debent of: Saskatche,Wdn be- reap of Morris township was�lmade :incl 1 a rCES, I � I . ♦ Association e_ 'the. vnan'imoua choice afthe eon- charge dt the, C iristisn Endeavor theax� rate. will leo A ♦•. causes elle conveirtiesn passed r Department. 28 lriills: Streetonimittee's, re- ♦ .. ♦ Sing rth B.ordenpl'at . vention. on motion of Mayor spot- Ti :' I +rxt,tiVas acl.opted;--That ruts oil I ♦ . solutions; eadoi ng.. e : Ati a even'in servico•on, Sun- l' . ♦ r e ,aril to r e1 ipxocity,. Mrr. .. t,(m of Wingk'am and, Mr..'Locl hart g Vietoria etreet'be ;filled in anal also ♦ a force in g j i_ o+$ Vast Wawanosh. Mr, .l'et'eur day last 'the, congregation listened the crossings. r:eImoved , on. tthat ' n • Boys! Clothes atia other , ♦ . Haultain; 'took the. stand that roc o t 'Waw'anosh resid nC wi�tli les sute''to a: vera* fine ,s'olo. g five chances out'of five .to .make a blg;savAP9 o .y M ♦ + ould benefit western Can Scott of ,,P e. m street; thattgrates should ,be_pur-, ' �i anon also. ItS the ♦ I.Pio-Ity tin ill' -of ilia association, b7a,, Pies�decl,. and front ss Zada McRae. chased .for tstroot , u'se. Finance . r 11 .the est of th>s seasgn �:nd next se ♦ a a ,and wras willing ,to sinisi es v,.e delivered b rA, •g,. Next Sunday morniiig'the service +� outfittings that can be !1 a , + ♦ i'if in ally way, he * spe'ech Y •I. n ane summer stock, ar�y' Prejudices •_ . . will; be conducted as a session, Of, Ca'man4ttee. `brought in ' their re- : we afWEi s , clean u our Seel g • �' pstrep tIr` add Musgrove, M.P.P. foi?• North tlluron, ant 4vhich tivas acee'pted T,lae -. ;� time of the year when _ , - a i coult3i ,tV•ith his party g the 'Sunday ,school. The congrega:t o ra emant to the agree- ' 1 '•, SPatton and the. candidate, ion ,' 11 be considor.ed a's4 an,adult m'ittee'rvas instructedrtot �� sorest encu There were ebovtt;one hundred and g (gioeet•cam p Ment. Undoubtedly 'Mr. Eau7tain'.s a e a tendance, 1V]`.r. B}ble'Class and the. Tastor Vila p, Mr:'Pais6 , euro file fpr drain by, ' 'e , -2 • e is enaorseO' by .'thou:aands fifty. delegates ales t s in t +teach' the Lesson 'of thei,day, ler; .! visable. Waterwoacks committee r� .' position) s the Thomasl Ch3aholm, 'who, has_ bsen , + f o Parti tivas passed. It contained. the .,, P . ' P . . Conservatives wlio. are eat of V. Tad schpal ,asr the .a tarifa n • �' _ d ed-in-that-wrtol ' variety. The the mdmber for the Vast two terl�aa w be witlidrawnr '1`eacher.a and follo�via�gi facts; Pump has beezT' . Y � was. not present, he Bing on a tri - runnangt 10 hours a,day; over 260• ♦ ♦ men nn bath parties worthy of • at. � scholars, are Vrged.ito be az( their • • those who ha�xa?ninds :to 'vae.atexn Canada.. Mr. Bowman s services ate now in i nearly complot CITE - TI- S� M � ♦ kentioi,! are DpAonen{y still be lYls. Arch.'l�ialop, places 'in'good time in thc�,morning, ' ed the 4biah m.ain,'and �the:eatimatt • . -- . ' ♦ of their own, Mr. Aaultain.re ♦ 7 ♦ bra a henrere'cats•Pa�v ej;11i,P,P. for East Huron; who dfe_ ONTARIO S'SY CHURCH ed cost of 0, deep Ne1lPunyrti,"electrRr 11 ♦ ` �., • . Rises to be d t SUITS -2 11 and tans trinmed ♦ (sated( h'inr foi a seat in the Legis motor and frame house 'for Banes' �-2 dozen Bos Rom Sults in plate bl of any Dominion le�adlbra He' has T'hd many .friends, of Mrs J. Cx. 1 I ♦ BOYS i�U tit Si�I1rS Y, P .. {�y(/ly�■! r rked't'ao fang in the l:aturd nnt�ve election of ii)05. Mr. ChoWen•'were pleased to hear her $70oY Thie tvaa to be uaefd 'int case • •..,r_..Yia..a....Y..Y.......i......... .♦ lived and wo i,sla 'a xnafority .being 142, soda: • e , - of- abxeak dawn. �Couuc'il adioulrWn, ^ a with white braid, extra good value at 500,. to clear at ,,.. � voice oi;ce.moia an sundayt tgiorn ,,� rode eirdent school bidding sacrifice his 1� P :s . , i las at th. o biddii�tg "dQ flier the cai>yd'idates' both being `farmers .Reg" last in a.well i�eridere�d u�olo. ed to meet again at a,special sn.eet- r duck with Whsle stripe paint p and living in adjoining townships, M, Glen Campbell lI'ha iia s , ink; to'•eonsider a by=law that im BUYS i'ASII SUITS— 1 i dozen Boys Wash Sults In blue d p � Bardeiv or ,any other leader, i . W.Glenn c I? e s c Te . p. ,Vy�y■■�i• ,. • %--Clow contest is'lool:ed foi'. :of the organ for ,a time( and al beL gt'. prepared `by'the Clerk, for. " ` dodo. •... i..u•., Y. H. u.Y...a.... RJ,J4 g t ...............................• - - "-` ready officiated( aa', orgainst for .the +erectioan and •equiitl•Mont of a 40 .sellar collar, regular c to clear a , . — gymnasium( as seders , by the{. In' �< + srniyel .Suits.' -wit . ' strlpe, , the proper. � two Sind the . 'h 1 or Collegiate. IluSing( e' pastor's holidays t :e spector? f ' the C e.g'itt �UyS I`LAl�I�I•iL �� T :boys re,> �'1 Ere t�1.n� A 00�� 'THE EUIC U T ...r...:..i 1.�►a thing for hot weather, regular 3.00 to Blear at ....,..,r.r,... ,. . .,..•., . Y..INI.CAHADA : B a 111 Z IiUYs ULUnIltTlt YIN)iGta.'IIS�--5 dozen Be s ,Bloatner Tniclers made from blue �� I��e '' cloth -with white stripe, lust the l�iti'd 'for the holidays,. spe- tqt s ,,rank. . cial at....................r. 2d ' , , I, .. 1. :11 ., k. 1 1+The% �� $ � TS-- dozen girls and Boys ' `V bite. Duck Hats' dust, tlti inti * . 1'YIIITta b�tl 1fIA 3 _ .�.� r 10 • ; ('Phe rariners' Sun.1. r' ~: for Cn1Cs regular !25.0 to clear at..Y.,,#,............r....Y..•......,(........I................A.!.Y.. 1 V� ,a.Farnlex,a xnco>rlloxatecl 18tr., . p ' ,i �- Thd deilidloek at Ottawa was Ari English Journal, the National ,t �a ltal, rAt 4,CSCl0,QO0 bralCer� on Saturday- by ;theadisaol- correctly; observas that. Canadian a p r utio'zi of Parliament and the notifi- �p olitics. irealready ti htly �;xipged ��St ����� 4 * $%4021,000 • . eationt of Sep',te(aYfb.or • the 2lstl as by 'trusts�h4,l'f-American and aralf r, a election. tcci ,xo� Canadiaiy. Hcret .are two exam- Itns 80 B rainelies. in Callsdtt, and Agents nal(l Cni*i�ey�tttut�t�tlts xm[ all . . .. _thr�. asks if tri ... _ - ail s- >z,._: sem; : - r .. - �'tltil l' 1tLi d .ill°rl '�tfi h 'l a0rJ i�"•. --- ... - -- . *ing - ♦ city,�neat pita clean, will beiheia j�.- z ._ ♦♦ sue 'before 'the Public hetwoertthe Ther Sun>,b readers Will recall;, �'W, a be beta uea i.near�e,-who Yves- oris of the .at lG1J1lILAii]VI11.��SLIITES i'L"A"Aii:'EXI. y.. - It The Morrish-,eloth Z parties, whsCtever nr y t I .. .: r. : ' -. behind the seaiiea. Not in a gener-, riotic rLib"alf' ai pills J� +� ��y /� - + tq h� e ' �' .Ila SA. V I � G S � A N � ' � � f ' t' 1 � 1 i Y l � I v � 5 ie' Man."' r Z ation has an election been,. fought veils ai protest ego at hrecilsrocity*, I , "' 1.A Square Usti for ����� at nti tr�tne�►cs, xrute�est ul�otv�ed tit�i�hc>at cttr�.+ani< rate« 104*00"000", tri; Canada on.A. farmer's ia$�u�e, +or and -'�i*h'o stroke ro�vuth 1�urning a�lrvox• , . ' ♦ dei any: isgue,, as bloat? and dia'tinct at Z. A. I,agli's flag�lVavinif iixie4it 3 ,aa this. By the- tarxlrkY 4' Vote the ' "frig it, Massey Hitlt. 14Ir. George leas . ♦ ser will 7�e decldedr i+;n+lf' beelt an active am 1.rkotYliligirt Gli>lion Branch , C Int } ' Manager } , *""**##, �#* a****.**+► iii i�+�f►r�♦`1!!i♦###*+#*#+""*##*"* Jame, . . • 1 I ,, .. . - . J. 7iL.iL.vl,iY