HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-03, Page 6______ .�. _.m- - - GREAT XRI'SITION 00 1911} ) I . i0 * F :1.1 sern w"& air, I 1 t I e I".. '' Londgj, rCan.ada, Pepto 8 # 16 gv 1 . P e --,Hr-".,.,r7 .r • ,•*. " , t. r' _ nraie ad1titract'411� �,. w 4 �.%ihlitio Qt1'4! I`tOcl .It1lt3. Inst E1i`r1 R ,SPREAD MANIERE 111# F!#l.I,. Fats Der bTil+t xnusctes, ,woe may ells zar • CgpOtisl.a> tni�u+ fi►C%a tItfrttltlilfii .- -'-»: more dainagQ to herself in this way "' =' qld: Pp>tctioq .af ICstegrng -Until 8prinil 9 than fs dome by the little extra hard ..XNC1b1p'!,< ONO Generally Abandoned. / nail to which ttaQ hardened Muscles of i -.. • .. The old method at: 6eping 411 (the the working mare may occasioually be ,� «.r-•+-rrr '' Aerial, Military' 10141,l[ydra• Electric Features, manure. induced upon elle farm and •' unavoidably subjected. y JuwVing' Andd.SlWedlnlf contests- p i n spring and s simmer, i t s spreading it in the spring is practiced tltG am#ural tisant:'to store uta 7'lte PGrcileron mares oir 1!ranee that i Big alnd Cut Sltarrvs, r, 1H'utiir Splendid $rinds, but: little at present; says a corre- produce the colts imparted to thlt► health nn+ Vltaliity for the A >Is�tost'�ittructiYe 11IitdWaY- spondent of the Ame� icon Cultivator. country are mostly working mares as 1Dest CYei' seea<z in Londo'1:-. There is a time pilrhaps during the y e ithe, ,farms of average thrifty farmers, , , ,�ll . .• t tr manta of October when the ave>YaQeScott1 who can afford tao such luxury as % . FIRIBI WORKS ���pn. AY UE 1 EV 1y ' farmer is too busy hu§kung corn and Emulsion I big, strong, Idle, mare. 14any of the +• i gettin ready for Winter to stop to i largest owners of pure bred mares 4A RES W YOU, ,, : - ' litedrtced Rates, watt all litailW.rya• ! . " Afnerica T �, taut manure out every day or every :si7axo s >E}e.,t tzi7ld tlWeh give ,their mares as mue>x few days. But after• this rush period est 1'tel 0 ,An Dru"lats wank as they can find for them, to do. � . _ .. . - Plrize Lists, Entry Folrnis, nod all• other informaition front ' the , enure should be hauled out •ev- � I The pure lies- -make is one. cf the:best:. . . •• invest$lerlts for the small farmer if he IS it neceSSa to.. Use a megaphone � cry few days and spread broadcast. - • . 1L" s► �L1��` A• a��rt This anethoct is very advantageous will also allow her to °share the work t0 �a11 your attention t0 the fact that .. , in -'hat it will give the •horses ecercise g r of the place. She will do nearly als }. 'r,' wile growing 4,rowin Voir Is Loo orlen: allow- through the winter. It does not take ed to shift for himself and gather Such ' much wort{ as a gelding {inti raise &!� frilile you patronize a Mail QCw i _. _._- _ .:�.__ � -" -Ircolt besides. If she is a good Isar@ ! ` . _.. _.__. _ _t _ .__. long each day and cuts out the tasl. ,,,�,�..�..+� food as he can find, �euerally •of poor and bred to a stallion. of the best type der House In SoIAC distant City. you +• .,•s , A, I' ""1: I . — of hauling' manure Continually for two � duality, The result is. in the spring , per / , -- - na t ere Witt oe or three weeks in the busy spring sea- the owner velli Clave a poor, weak, the colt will be worth as much aa� n take money out of `Circulation In youlr ,la an„v �� wRr,ae .n _. 1r ', QUALIZA OF T �� an opportunity. for Canadians to sell son. Ry ..httul3n out as soon as it. is } y wel min o a yearling as a grade colt' OWn Coiitintii4y,, thereby reducing to • more ton the 'United States and to try made all danger from heating is done growth for his winter's feed and care• i would bring' at maturity, perhaps Can. ' broken hearted animal and. ver little , g r gr . • , that ,els#ant the prosperity of your' to bring about a greater equalization away with and the viduable coustltu• "raising Colts is a , siderably more; W. Tlr t Will Not Hurt Canada, Says of trade between . the two countries. lottery " It said I neighbors, includ ng yourself in the � eats of the manure are saved, Nitro- -otter So it should be with the odds � ;.. Hon. fair. Fisher , Is. thin going to be an injury? Is this gen, one at the most valuable constit. a ainst us If we. are not willing to } • Cows Maintain Fertility, long run ?'_ Thillk it over Carefully 1 • -- . : going to be an evil? Those who prate: g d t back into Chi. ALL 101�'lE . ' against_ the culls of the adverse gal- acorn of manure, is often lost by heat- glue rational care .and food, ( A scarce of profit from the daily, In the last three years Canada has in when. in ries. that must not be overlooked is the an g ;imported • from the United States lance of. trade must reconcile their two >* D A well raised, well bred colt should , e positions. and try to make out where Carefully conducted experiments' at be a useful coti)panion for twenty years' value of the manure in fertilizing the "l' I� i E prOCeS$ioIl-. r . ;630,000,000 worth of goods, and she they are at this polut. A great trade -the Massachusetts experiment station fields on which the cow feed rows, in or more. Is he not worth a little caro g t ti f1e,s exported h the United States •'States will come tend to .show there is no loss in rich- to get.11im'well started? The growth of cow fehd will remove these $alae three years t297,OQ0;00Qi with the United worth of goods, ttre balance being i��, about, largely by the export of Cana- ness.' when the manure is spread - from the soil 'a less aingunt of felt Icound figures more than two to one I da's' agricultural products. At pre- broadcast 3n the whiter. A difference I tifity than ,the growing an kind, • _., y tionports against exports, said Hon.+ eerlt• we import from the United States is always noted for the better in this COWS' RESTING PERIOD, of grain crop for miarken on, the largely raw, material, and we export dairy ! ,y possible . Sydney Fisher, Now, what In.. Soinit - method over the other way of waiting . _^ ^,__ - I y arm it is not oral ssible for to come from this Reciprocity •arrange,i to the. United States sortie amanufac. until spring and spreading. 1 terirn Hetween. Lactdtions' t3enefigi;tl. the_ -farmer to maintain' the fertility, " , Went? The result will be a largelyi tured articles, a good deal of ores, a n . ro good deal of minerals, a good deal t)t Duan tirongh the lumps of manure .� Seed For Dry Cattle,. ; of his sort, butto make his soil tither increased ex ort of Canadian p dusts ��`�����.� P freeze while in the field, it has been ' and richer each s Cceeding year. . 1, Lto the United States and an effort to, fish, a good deal lumber, and. ay We believe a cow should have a rest � �y 1 f he a 1. dverea', this arrangement we have: on oppor-. shown that this is �u+,t what the ma- �; Li �1Y1 d i` Q it r.✓ x3i' 4 Six Fate;! Accidents. reverse the alleged evil o t tunity of exporting .more of these nure needs, The action of the weath- , °f six or eight tiveeks .between .ter pe• � Dain Herd Improvement.. . it Y FOR FLETCHER'S . �: Montreal, July 31:"—Six bodies .Ile . articles to the United States. Is fir&t er on the, various cgnstituents is just rinds of Iactation, says Scold's Dairy. , Not* even the most inea erienced l clog to hurt us?. When ou take p at the morgue as the result of acci. . . .. , g Y what is needed to make the tnannre man, It is necessary to begin drying novice in the art oil breeding dai>•g. ` T R 14. de:lits Saturday- and Sunday,. A S,y. _ your food; it coats so much to raise it, Dore available as a plant food, up a Cow ten days to two weeks be. ' animals need fear making a micstake tial{ woman, who was known as Annie , the farmer gets so much Lor it, then ,.Che possibility' of washing is praeti- fore she is turned out of the barn with by buying a pure bred registered. buU Mitchell, was burned to death as the Was So Nervous 'it coats so m0ch to haldle it andp cony the only abjection against win- result. of a Coal oil stove. upsetting, in . ,, bring it to you, and -the sum of. these 3 the dry cows. It is well, however, of .the breed of his choice. There is C O LD -B lQ O D EI)CRIME'. I �' . i CO>rar �r a cants is the Cost to you, and if in ter spreading;; bot applies, only to hilly after she appears to be entirely dry, to absolutely no "other roild to herd im..her rciam ion City Hall avenue Satixr- �ld 1V Not Stay �%� to !clay night, Sire leaves one au rater+ ,addition ito. these amounts you have land. With the exception of these very i examine her udder at least for a week provement for the ..dairyman of {nod, , The bodies of John Andrews, � ]�ar- three and a }half million dollars in sloping lands it is found .advisable to ' crate means, and the sooner he -'fakeer The del.�eI Alone duties, you hhve just so .much to be cart dnrlry; that R*iuter in tactically of two after she is turned out, for it is' the road" the sooner ire will reach Young Italian Is Shot Down on rigid urian of Pt. St. Charles, and Aa- `i P i barely possible there will be some ac gustine Nelson +,f St, l'imothe -street , added to the cast of.thia flood to you, all cat3es:..It .IS belieflciai bath as .a i higher ground in his business. ! Streets of Torarito. were fatale- floating in the river on ,. brad if the duties are. Temoved from saving of titre and as a bene:dt to the ; Cumulation of milk ghat ought 'to be . . Saturdn The cause of - their death , Mrs: Arthur Moore, Freeport, N.S,, these foods on. both sides of the line,• soil. _ removed. Some coups are more dif- i is unknown and inquests will be held, ' ; writes.— I would recommend Milburn s the will Come from 'the original � pro- ficult to di up than .others, but It Qtantcat tt,e Horse. Heart and Nerve Pills to wn one Who is y -"- - y • Foreigner Named Tarro, Aged 23, Is G F Walkins an employe of . Z i y ducer on. the farm to the eventual weak, run down an their nerves a , d e r eves all consumer in the City just .'sq amuck unstrung. I was troubled with ner- more cheaply by the removal.of these vousness of the very worst kind$ sand , duties, and : it wiII, be a relief from. when I started in to take •your pills, I taxation to that extent.' . was so bad I could'not stay in the house , alone, nor could I steep nights. Since . taking the /pills 1 am entirely cured and can recommend t gilt to anyone who is t>ri y 211A" Vnervous and ries down. Iu'd . To any o£ those suffering in an wa1. y Y• M C. A 13Lf)G.. . Y �' LONDON, ONT. ,: f d- f Du not leave horses statlding hitched is thecnstoiinarypracticetoleavesoime in the open when it is possible to,avoid Set Upon b Unkhown'Enem and P Y Y Gill University vias drowned while i�. milk in the udder after each milking. ,;It and never without having them well ,When the cow's milk production has Left to DEe at Corner of Front and swine -ring at Sault Recoll'et• Harry Whibley, a Canadian l acific yardlnan l T blanketed. Never hitci►.a horse under, ' `decreased to ten or twelve pounds. a drip cltsabie That fsLA& Church Streets—Sla er 'Gets •Away •, Y fell .beneath the wheels of a train at ' daily, milk her but anew and not milk ; _ Cruelty. But -Police `Believe : They, Have a Ontario and Morrpw..,streets .and' ,was her clean at this time. BlIlLing once F+i+ Clue to His Identity. crushed to 'death .yesterday •and a . . similar fate .met John Ash Cord, a. i a day Can for a short time' and » then.every' other day. *,LORE. Toronto; Jul 31.—A cold-blooded ' y r ,e Yount, Scotehmani, on. the Grand St, HORSE If a young cow : is not permitted to _.--_ have ashort, teat it affects her devel- To. murder. done: in , broad daylight right at the of Church and Frdnb .Trunk. trat+iis at Huber. LL - ' , groom the horse well after •eornor Town Threatened by Fire. . opment She will usually: not. grow to bard vent-; dos 'n t 1 " 1 streets—that, was the tregedy which' St John's Nfld Jul 31—The-little IW .tom any erangement o the heart or . BUSINESS and SHOTiiAND SUBJECTS. ^- _. be as.large an . nnlmai 'as she would i. e. o on Y' c can broke in upon the Sunda taietude of nerves, we can • recommend our MIL . Registered• last' -s'eas'on. upwards of 300, • the skill, but it, prevents virions � y q town of Catalina ori tlie. northern side r students an lac SIMPLY MADE AND GOOD. had-she-had,an opportunity to rest be. para the down -town part of the city about of .Trinity Bay, .ivlth a population of BURN'S HEART' AND NERVE PILLS is d placed .every graduate; Seven pa sitic diseases of 'the shin• four q'clock esterda afternoon. tween her •first and second. lactation "> Y Y 1;500 arsons,. was. tliceatened.with ex - with the neatest confidence. " � " specially qualiOdd'regular teaclrers;•:-Qpe ` � , persons, g .. • In the purchase of a new horse The victim was . a. _.youn hundred •and. fifty LoAdoii firms employ Gate Laktiii: Constructed of .Easily Pro periods, at least ei ght weeks. For. the g, .Italian tinction last night by a fares{. fire ;' They have been tried and proved, for .our trained h session curable Materials. heifer somewhat undersized we Pre- always purchase a mare. She-. named Tarro; 23 years of a_ge; residing; whiCll lead made considerable inroads alp. 'College tri se axon from I p * , the last ..twenty. years, to be exactly Se t.- 5 to June to., ..'Ente 7 n ' tf - : ter, a rest of three months. There will raise you some volts; which at 165 Yorlc street, who .was shot; and. into the outlying homes. . _ P > y toe. The latch shown. in the accompany what we claim for them. GetaloeAl`ue Free are cows however, that it is no to. tviti increase the'farff0. profits. killed by bullets from 'a 38 -calibre re- jr;very. able bodied _ 'inhabitanit is rA� ing.ent is one of the, Satisfactory - �. There is no kind of anitrial . volver of the l:veil-Johnson type. . "fi. titin the flames, but at a late hour Price 50 cents ec box or 3 boxes foe (� Ba n Writer ia'tlie flnsas 'farmer •has . impossible to dig up, and in tilis.ct+c, ' g . . g p Forest C!t11t1�� breelin After his cowardly attack the mur- ' `�.. shorthand - i g that will' a anon that they 51.25 at. all dealers or mailed .direct on J. W., WESTERVELT JR. cJ. Esz>,R ever seen on a fares gate. It is made., we ,believe, rattier Chari tale nn the t r a P g better there "was' no iodic darer• lett Tarro. lying on the pave wonld';.be coiitxotled Within. ahor6 ,; receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co. W W . V11T, n he b eediug hori§gul y o! "$,, solid, iron bar threaded on one chances on .:,orcin„ -:on animal •div °f merit .with his life -blood ' streaming Limited Toronto !Ont: EtieeteredAcco{wtant; ' .. I . phi: .. _ horses that will se not dung- g ' r viw,i'rinclva�, : l9 - ,and by so doing be liLely to,cause in-' g away, and succeeded in making good s time .. _ .. eon this to a bolt4tbr, gh it$ 'I fiammation of . the; uddel: .or perha s hills or_mis$ts. . O . t li n -;-.by g p Don' ee o his escape ,dot n a Iaae leading item . Feet Gut . Off. , .. n "h on ar ' small .iron loss of a quarter oft the same, e t lL . p.. your horse' in an.. Vront •street to the Esplanade.'. � e. ds and ti e V b, a . � would not force persistent minters d overheated stable and then stand A number of Italians, wlio were:able Toronto July 31-A foreigner, whose . • . . rod which.has been bent Into proper p ry. 'i c ld receive; nutritious hila for hours. in'' a freezing• at- to impart information, Were rounded name. could' not .be secured; was 'run. , ;° .. a a •* a ,a , . shape as -+gown in the picture. The Dry own shoo. . o over by a Grand. Trunk train at the . feed,' but.the. should not be permit- mosphere and wonder how he up very quickly, and:#rola them the - W. 4a. y becittne paralyzed. ter tees extracted mueh'data, which' Babhurststreet Crossing at 2.30 o'clock ;; Canat�t N�� �. 1 ted to get:ffnicLy in. their taste. I! on.Saturda oftern% on:- Both feet were "T _ • _. Most farm horses get too, much. hey hope• will aid .them greatly in y, ik • they seem. somewhat thin In ifesh At is off: but it is axgocted that. he will :: . the searoh for - the . missing man. cut , A t 'Z 'a splendid time to'feed some. grain stud hay. Cut flown the amount and Armon . those who weze called: to the r@cover., He was taken tQ the ,Weer- ' , agar 6th TORONTO, September 1 t th .I 11 9 • .. pot them. in good physicaX condition ,. eed ft mostly at night: Thor- ern Hoa He - , , City $all was Frank Motto, a Po- ' P , • . . before calving,: • cunt dampening lessens the don- lice Court intergreterl and he learned }, . CORRONI.ia1T[ON . ,[ $ '1'H "ALL. . If they are in good flesh,•fhen good, ger from tending dusty hay. from the. other Italians that the. deed Life -Savers Rewarded.- ;. . { .- ; .,. roughage in the form of roots, sflit e, �" was most • rouble committed: by one g p " Kingston, Ont., July 3I.—The two . '#Nb � coops on the -steamer .Xis ston,'who ad �j{k"Ll-- A=Gems from• Euro i�A� -- Greatest clover hay and alfalfa is quite enough . - of two men. A search was at once g Geatftt show on coutin- Peen "allerics--masfws display ever sbowia in ''to feed, letting them bave a liberal al- 12 nuts as a: ^wine �F ed.• begun with the result that .one. of the cleared •the lifeboats and. rescued OM P g. sP Y 8 124;Qnuts e end Special Prizes of from nest collections in America! Goods tnatr- iowarice of the suCeitlent and dty,for two was trot to be fotlrid persons, who lead been capsizgd'from P�� • In futtenlu a5c iue on peanuts. as $500 each. Increased Canada and nited 6fatiuxed while you' a e. g , It $o Happened that a. polWe•photo .a sailboat, were rewarded with a pre- . g extensis eta �practi, ed In .the peanut w, Prizes in all classes, . States. .. wait..• as obtained of 'one of the .men men , • • • � septation of �_i.00. ,The purse was col» ' . . Feed comparatively rich •lit protein -growing a'e;;ious of'We;sout.h, the fat tioned and :this the two. witnesses'xe- -acted from passengers on the steKm . .; . : .THREE SPECIALS can be given to cows at this as.; so produced is"oily.: To harden the ,o er, an re given hearty' . ,cognized as ,that, of the:. man who • d the reseuera we a ,, _ • a rule, unless it is ,desirable to add fat the fio-a should be fed the corn escaped . ' . � � b' ped byway of the:lane. cheers for .their bravery. 11 Festlilal of Elly(@-Picttfr: Coldsttala GUaHdS 88iMt- wiz Beaeath topVlres ,%� some flesh. The ration good for Lht the final ten days oe two• Weeks before ' Sbth men Were well dressed, the < r'; in file to oftite or= M siciaiis of the' o ' i Showin a ba'tlebe n • milk cows �vtli also be hood for the sluut;hter. '-his will 1►arden the fat. crimiaal being clad an a blue. suit, r� . ii lk ya g t twee . ongationc eretriopiea 1 W 14.41isehold b special a Dreadnought and , dry ones when. it is desirable to Tuk • ontisfnctorily:. Christie hat and tan boots. He is de- Engineer Kelliher Flurt. r ars in' uniforih. ermi P,•_. a • . .. them in.good: bysfcai conditian scribed as being about Shirty years -of 1;dmont611, Afta., July 31: -Cod, . patio m p ssion of the King. SubmaYrne. P �+ , , • HANDY OA'TE LArGllc. ' ... RAISING. DIARY COWS. • age and standing five foot seven oz Huoh Clark, M.1' -P-, of IC ncardin% • HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS . r frrotn the'Itansas,barniPr;J : eight Inches and.well developed, and lt, B. Kelliher, chief engineer of . L.Y.R.A. Regatta-.Athletiz' S its --ice scoutq ]zeview-vaudevilt • . WORK -THE' THC' BROOD MARES. . The victim is a young man. He ,the G.T.P., were ttirown' from their Raga Do Y g Ake apet Fireviorks Profit In Producing . Weil Brad, YCows T'F"lVeMassedlvfiittazy Banda—Tt»ttlagand Feting Rhces,etc. bar mustStave spin thraug3� It. at. -the .' ware a.drab-coXt+red•strped-suit, black .buggy-docvt1 the maiint+tin Sidi nn Fri. • , proper plate to catch'the 10gh and, , Drafters s In 'FD. I Need -. Plenty of Ex. ' 'For the Market, ` .Kelliher was hurt t e .worst and , r a N y • socks 'and low buttoned black. shoes: clay. , � . prevent` Its,. being thrown Clear ,over The high prices ,vbich prevail for MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF CORONATION FXRRWORKS , . &poise... 'In the left lapel'of his coatis whole vas' put aboard x special traits and' . when . the;'9,04 is closed. wir.i Torre. flTst class dairy cows ought .to induce rotate one ,of ..the iitzllets passed rustled to Edmonton: Inter h . la For all information write Manager 1. O. ORR, City Hall, .Toronto. . 4 r. Draft horses should _work, That is TSi en. VL. Ai piece of t,as lupe may lie attX»tllutt:d the pri>:ci al argument in favor of a more farmers to keep rQgistered, bulls through, and on .the right lapel, butfor: til an,. p . for iron bar in the. host. rf dosir ,� oke a more" tiiorou h stud'" of slightly : more towards the midline .� . . . formai I.eeping draft mares. While }. and tom 1; y sole a small piece"of.hoop iro{i can be •and. a couple of inolies loaf, ism -•- : -.•:-•---.-.-�..--- r, .. high class draft mares either . _ _ , grades the business .of .successful cal! and Ch nailed upoh•-tbe end of the gMe board or ure brevis; may be kept In idleness heifer raising,'says Hoard's Da ole where the second bulla enter .. ,r�r.3 rF ; . . 1 • p P . irytn The, man's face was completely cover. I Children C.T7 1, L<{ which engages the and.tk �s pre« r .rte, , : • , and stllf return a profit, their income 7t Is,surprising bow few fanners there. ed with blood, he having apparently ER S _ dent wear. This, however, Is Dat nec- is ordlnarily much greater and more are Who are really good calf raisers. trolled -'over on his hied when ire fell, � h �e /� s F'OR FI,ETCH . essaxy. . This latch is the invention of i The final value of a, good cow depends after receiving the fatal shot, C A S T'0 R. � M It Jy,Linscott of Dolton, Xan. eertairi it they are worked, says the , • . Breeder's Gazette. Farmers need the ! in a great measure upon how 'well she The only a e -witnesses of the affray i �-�—"' work, and work intelligent man• has been rained from calfhood to ma- ."Were two women, vete were .walking • along iron t t .and had reached y �• agement agrees with etre mares. ternity. s ` . . ': .Abundant testimonyo successful We have. sioticed that four things the west side.: (Birch street, when' . COLLISION IN MAIN15; Yid you ever':Know a pool' farm- i the fatal. scuff. began, ;ti, breeders has been preseted in these contribute ver, greatly to success in , -- gg er to tl$V0 -good feiiCeS?^ ,OCCa- Columns of late ' sbowing :that ,mares t y Apparently riaiting fax a ear Tarro • this !?artianlst-••first, good "dairy,blooc]< eras standing at the northeast Coxnez , Railroad Disaster Claims Eight.Dieatt+ _ sioaally a', g6od faimee has a, poor may vent-: steadily all the farm vrtrfie in the sire; second, Clean, dry quarters, bf Church and Front streets, when ' . and Fourteen 1 nfured. _ fend, bot it doesn't last long, breeding regularly And raising strong, frequently disinfected; third, plenty of his assailant approached from the east I Grindstone, Maine, July 31.—Eighty �.. growthyrfoals. Of course mares cata� i swebt skimmiik led in palls kept well side, took' two or� three. steps in front ersons aro dead and fourteen seriouH-• C ,� be abused at work, and they can aldo • scalded; fourth, good, well cured al= of Tarro, turned around, -suddenly, and .ly''injiired as the result of. a -lead-ohl VE QRgWING. COM • be.abused in idleness. .. fatPa hay meter the. Calf Is, .theme to Whipping two revolvers from his hip .collision wlticli occurred at the Ban " ' . - --- . portals- fired four shots from one., nor &Aroostook Railroad station here, The draft mare • )seeds exercises } four tdonths old and from that time •.A, Too bftoo the Youngster Is Leff to Many of. buena need' rrtod of a andr ` droppe..d the other irid.then notate his shortly after nine o'elock -on Friday' i r on, b heifer given alf`Wa hay will escape across front street and down night. The trains were a special of� . Take Care of 'Hirneelf: g more rnafeiak eicQrcl:te than -they a s are make a drecide ou better growth and the lane. tiventy yards oust of Church three light coaches_ containii>g about, t , f The colt as ran and should ., a little grttfq inclinedto take volttntarlly in a email s3x.Q on filet acconni. r street, between Maclaren's warehouse 150 exoursionists, and a regular pas- 1 • . • feed, such b gats and a lit- pasture, where life gets dull. The lots i Sti1eh rales, feed and cera seem to olid filet of 'f,Yrnan Biros, & Co. It sengex .express. , f ' r , tie r raCktkt Corn, about the middle of snare irl, ine]ined t6 break the tnoilotir �• bavo . a adivitUt� a fect on the vast- ' w as at first 1aelLeved that the murderer -rive of the dead were riseng' ors, r each forenoon >tuad afternoon while iCs ray, with an occasional frolic; to ternol orgy, and. the heifer makes a ''had sought safety ill the old ,cold. Ion the excursion train.. 'The other E , mother, is at work, as, woU at at �regw and Jump and. kick, slipping and dtxa better. Co+iP�on that accoubt� Of ton se storage building down near the lapla. three Included the two firemen and • lar fed4fag time In a little trough all Dade,,but the police failed to find him.. tho engineer of the special. The five ? the dairy breeding is the foamlation. Its owl. It needs to be fed little and uny„'here, % passengera killed and sal of the .iWar. ;,' . - - -�� �-- It is of no rase to try to instal a goad b#ten' with digestible, A itritious food# � Sovrral people stated •tinct they saw ed were in the smoki oar, tlitrectly � cow .out of ,% ko for that boa no such � . : . 'Wilkes- a correspondent of Orango Judd S� � � � �, teixd+2stca in heir. But iC is frac, and a milt answering the; description given behind the engine of � the excunioll . ' aradr. It .will be {fetter a 9a fihb I ' � 1) ythi twit women,. who saw the shoot- train. Both trains were moving Alow- stable dtsring the day, provided tltp a afth: ,;ten lamertkably trw, that the bast dng, roil across the: ear tracks at the ly at the time, one of them just pull ' istahle is -lent clean olid tool.,, If all- bks d' hefiit•r Uri the world e:uii be titter 1'lsltlauade and disappear tri the direa ,Eng one of the atatioLl doer the ot.iter . towed'to t#et foul frody accttmulatfon of wlnle tau may 1 'i'he first good spodled by fid, tlinelt#ilftil hsw.09 tion of. yonga ••street.. slowing down for a siding w.hera the . and fCedflrg lin thb IArst trio ysa" of. At an early dour yesterday morning trains were to have passed, �`,he etc- ' ' ', inattrite tho tittle tender fleet {bay be- Step 15 to regulate the actIon of her life. the etltito staff of City detectives afxI ' cidont appears to have been due to a ' - '` - ' -- Colne, thtwity'' and sore and the futures our.st Sh boWets,b earl use of Ins toetor Dunean,• were searehtng for migutideratanding of „orders, Xono• of ' Y y The tb of , � 6164 I %ti t0k abd conformation of feet and nkat' close rlldry ewins ie lr iit�lltttble 41u, omrclever, believing they could I the oars loft the tails, and the paa- ` • - �: ls'atilt iW1trs„ >i g t . Wdmis, of Out of tlrit bre a ef*d lstatkleo will be Impaired. Malay prom• Ydantifv blin and that he was soil • deli ars on, the regular e6oaped; with N1 hl' ♦ > i Otte. &iter two y of anti thb c0ge, hitt�tliv� ri t 1111110111 �l►_� W* . tat 1 ` ,11im Marl prep red AW 6101 colts are ruloed for life for wantBeec -fail :i flocri►Iq title o>Ii p1 otilt in it>b twit ty limi s. ell ht ahaking up.. y�.���,� ." sl�`At pii#ii�;•�ecif''s1r iilo vr+bfat d d ifd64. ktief ev0 basest bit it UtUe ovlolbto care of tho g"'Win% S. I ctrl y aim fa. art' Vfts�• .. ,� .:• :: *, t r ,ti 10t "'Mm,eWrth, tof� . t" It the t6lt receives the proper It a* fl itkrl► ittirdidnotttkt pktatre, wrortitlr iof Pi .. ' that, to � un the of the i fasSIIities foie t,lre dare of the fn hired t �'! '�ttom..,, biter., of assns, l+l.'1l., w�. be tad tai +gars sol food pit this time he will be i f>troet It *A futblligent wlicll4tobdirtg I ° i �1 , '`.hey weTa oarisd tot teimporarli by � M,i�a..iao tag aiikdy. �h,,eallthl��y at wewM,d�u t�{ytime o h- fir d r O u � � 1 . 10 snitalii Bina tts�w rlirriiaw fair ik, dart him M�ttFRL R A, ft Wi11 Waftel be , S y O*W Y,.*A. f,. 6 , r..,. J. _Y_W �-y��,� ,Yi� � 8A7r1 y'9atotd&y were s1XINCea: 4a a a i` ., r .: ��' +trritist ilt R 4 +aisrltterilt W bd tkiccn to lltitlflKlsflc y}41011 y( Y� .y�•p�/�� ;yy�,', 1�y�, �Yyw/�yDo y�y, w1 ,y `�{.�y�. /y��',�,.• /y{��Qy,�� /�^y,�. ,y.®.�,! � p�hyajoiNul on boa&A the traisisl #A > Ml•'#�',IftIY•V,.M ,lYY i.- :ILV{„l,i� iY LLY. , • t IIM�1f L 1�I '.. =:.1 �1•� �..I ..�,.k .. .,,.W.. ..MIiM•..7.+,a11.Y.1. �. ..........MWw1M�•�.+M.,. r a 15