HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-08-03, Page 1L,
E i * 1 II - - � , % �, .i I t �� 1i j�
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M !..I" , #1� ` " �
USTA,DLIR'$ED '%8651: Vol, to., No.4a .,
* �C IN TON , ONTARIO "I" HURISDAY AVOUST 8.4911 VST. H, Kerr & Son, Rditors and Publ luefs
I __
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, - 1 .. .. . - n+.+,nns. .•'.�- -•1111•�'—_.niv+•_a__.:-.:'e.vw..i__:._ .. - ...-- ---
Rod , Ba)qk, '
� I
AY'AnAmpil - 11 I . I
I ..I1`1G4?R$�4TEn 186911 2 1 1
. . 4.
IATTIQ<1F 1HLD Ihl _31 I Elections vill'i Be �0'0, � Vwx M 1. VW I I ,,
. .
`#alp6, o o,o 0 0 , .
LSPX'FC ,.• ,•.0 00,000 I 11
-, r , . QO 000: v'I�1!1r� w�r11�r1.TT 'I11��f �� w 1���1Xr1I' �R� nM'►�T'IT�1 1�nn�'11 1'IR��1n r �'[nvYTTTVTTTT, TvvvvvvyvyvY`� x117 �'1� I��� 'f'nw>11!!Tr «
,ltsSets R $9. �S r
�.�_. 1-.—,-.1.. ,
HBAD �QktG�-T¢fItB �_ �w __-_ �..
Is' or
, �i�^(•��1�lP+_O.'„Fl„T�1 _.l.'^�rP ISA 1—:147 k I �o��l
18721 3 ] PR%NCE EDWARD ISL.A.ND ter a fdha ya b� the etandar.dl . .. - •. • . "
1� R H j bearer Conservative ONE QF TDL . DIST1N DNTARIO�
inn, Alex. Maekgnzie, Prexniex. IIonR Alex..MaekenxiCl Premier. f party at
1. ' .correspondents throughout the. world. , 1874 - % 0 6, the carving contest.
0874 2 . 2 'Sir Folin A. 11laedpAidd, Premiem •r --tea_•-.
5 1 East Huron Conservatives will _ ; e odor
Sir John. A. Macdonald, Premier, ; +1878' hold allominating �ConyentioA at 11 of roses
Ak� in'teraet allowed pn i3aviiigs accounts 187, g 1 t 0.882' 4 ' 2 Brussels on, A,ur,ust ,8th. •
. . at highest current rated z '188'1 Q 6' —q— v .
is82 ;+ x ,1891 ° Nit-Oru-Co.
aourtaous treatment accorded to all .4887t 1 !Sir Wilfril'Ilaurier, premier, South Huron Liberal GonYentgii.
1s91 • 4 1. 11 Royal Rose
customers, A Convention of the Liberals >Af
-^--m— 8111 `iNilfrid. Zavrier,'Premier.1, � 118961 1 3 'South, Huron, for the purpo�og of Z # • T r
,select'in,a a candidate to eontest'the j u
1904 3 1 ' - h . has the delicate. odor of dowd('�h
s �. �;. MANN N � Ni l'. 18861 4 2. ridihC in •therLibgFal interest at
^. - a 1901 4 $ 19081. 1 the coming Dominion eleetioasi, 'will . �� roses. This with its velvety, r
p - 1804 3 . ` 7 - _ _ b0 ^ held Ain I ons'all Lpn'Eriday, Aug, smoothness and impalp9ble
. ' • ' CLINTON BRANCH +1908)• - 3 2 � ' it is ' fineness gives it an :nils• .
' p8th, at!eleven oclock, a,tp,
. - , parficu:larly reauested' that +every ., , : - . '"a" place on the,. toilet .
NORTH WEST TERRITORIES, ;. fables of society.
I. d2vision) iu he riding be fully :rep11
. . ICE Th he#�aWM a�g� esented. ' , ; 1111. sir
11COR S N ^ Sir John A. Macdonald, Pxewnier.
.. all
oiV h.IYD000IVNtt'L
1891 4 It ns !u to fe}anada, NO, s't'atutory provision exists set ,
%. n R # 4 0 d o y .specific time betweien a •
CONFE,QEIiATION:I 'Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier Premier. ie( . ution and nomination, boat it is, .
1896. . 1 2 rp--. generaily •thiwty- days,. though; there`
r : i ,. 1901: 0 4 have 'been cases when ttbo 'time be., Lauri aWd Largay Markets.,
-.. , t'weent .d ssolution and . voting has '. ' -
.,-' '
Since confed. erotic%: the strength :�
"I. a
r s a r
been s"hoi+ter'than this. Here, is the 11
r cords;- r . . .. . . . . .
oi; the pa,rtie9 in Gasnada has been- '
9ir �Viltrid rLaurier, Premier.
,spell %rcat
-prosperilty, for Huron, county,
11,878 -Dissolution;. August 9;'Do111
1904 1
19081 1
._.._ t3.
Ing September -22.
i i, tion. 'Lib,
Sir John A. Macdonald, 'Premidr, ,
TWO open .doors instead ,of one
fpr the roducts' +of th Canadian
p �
],882-Diasolut on, May 18; polling.
Jund 29,
1887 --;Dissolution, January 1b ~poll
Hutu%,n� County Howse +of rR(e(Guge 'LeedQ and Grenville- 4Vlainten-
'isl run the •chieapest 'of an R,elfn a anter 4 221.88: •' inmates b9;
6$6.7 47 ' 36
38 50
Sir Wilfrid rLlaur1or;. Premier,
farm. : e
,meg, 'February 22. :
in. Ontario and much of this is•dne
, , e5 Gast
}$on. Ales. Maekenzie, Preo neer. •
'1904 2.
+1908 3
. ,�_o--+=.
Tho three to ozy'$: for 0,au ler-
'1891._Dissolution,Vebr 'arY $;12011
ins, June 23.
to Beeper and'Mr . Mutc for the
able manner in iitanaginI. thiel In-
in o: , .
X, c 111 - Mantenan
Maintenance $4`542.71;
? :
' "
1874 '24 64
'• . YUKON.
and` xt can be'rdo'no if` +thet'Liberals
An 6-Di,s1?blution .A ril 24; Doll-
J + p
ane 23,
s-titution, The av a e weekly coat
leer inmate is the t p,weet, but(this
tinmotea 40; cost $2.18. 1
M>ddlesex-Dlainte:nance $85x9;72; .
.. -
,Six John A. Macdonald, Premier;.
•. Wilfrid R,aur er Premier:
Sir i , _ -
vstte as
1900 -Dissolution~ October 0, poll-
by: no paeans follows ,that the( $s-
inmates# 72; .co,st. $2.27.
187a b9 29.
11882 Tip 38
1904 -_, 1 0
'1909 11 0 ]
.. -
The people •of Canada !lave: the
iAg, Novemberl.
1904- ]yissollition, September 29 ;
¢nates, -are poorly fed ao wb have
been informed tkiat .dinaem ,and.
Norfolk -'Maintenance. $5,430,83;
inmates 53 ; cost 6:153. '
188% . b4 3.8
.1891: 48 44
' '
O osi�tian, to thank. for .a general
election 311 fi west time, -.
polling, November;:3. ,
1908 -Dissolution" $eptepnber 16:
:supper, the ear round Is ractic-
y +
ally. never the wane, and to look at
orthumberla11d and Durham -I
Birt Wilfrid Laurier, Pr mier.
Sir John A. Nlacd'onaid, Pzeanie
-1-• .__o_.z.
polling, QEGtober 26.'
.'1911 -Dissolution, lily 29; 'poll-
)the inmates will show that appear-
•once':( shot that good: waaleA are
Maintenance $17,190:59; inmatgs 65 ;.
cost $4.77. s'
•' a
43 48
189t1 -6 37
�187a -6
Hon. Alex, iMaekopzie, Premier.
co>GserRalt%ygs( are (not bound to
iiia, Setytember 21,
always served, x11 the 'following
': Ontario - Maintenance $1,200,08;
inmates 67 ; cost $2.44.,
" '
'1904 e(7 39
%1908 , . 51 35
11874, 6 - +�.
- 0
follow. le�adeio who beltray rtheir in-
ter!estFk.iia oxipos1hg reciprocity. :•
-1 . ' .
repo,>~t We give the• expenditures' of
evlery $case of Re(jwge tin Ontario.
$7,727..56 ; in-
S'ir. John A. Macdonald; 'Premier;
$ 0
. _o--- ..
.- .y
n - $6,658.711;
Brant. - Mai fie once118781.
:lumber, o,ninm t%9. 50; weekly -:cost
at s 7�0 ;:co:at $2.12.-
Peet and Salton Maintenance,
1541 John A. Macdonald, Premier,
1862 :4b, 20..
1882 6
': :. 6 •
fihe,lo aLt cr
loyalty Y
out of the property bdx, dusted,
a coat of fr'es'h paint for
per inmate $2.52;
Brute - M n a mice
p ; in '
$4,631.26; inmates 28; cost $3.1%"
P erth-+ Malnteuance. $6,008:72; in=
".. -
72 38 27
7.8 ••
x891 __ . � . 6'
and given
'the opposition eam•6aig:n perform-
► mate 46; cost 2.23,
Elgin llaintil"nance
mates `50; cost $2.30. • _ .
t�oii. AleaK Mack�zie, Preioniex..
S'ir,Wilfrid{Gaurier; 'Premier.
once.• + r
-. $7;705,50 ,.
inniatep 51^;
$4, .
'18742 33
189@ 2
cost $2.91. (
033.50; inmates 35,; cost $2.21.
5 John A. Macdonald, PremfbT;
Algol . M 2°'
Why. 'wats- reciprocity. in •,natural
• . .
!+;ares , 1vIaintenance $5 233.31
inmates 35 •'cost 1.82.. '
' $
Presicatil .and Itusse4l-- 1Vlainten=
� . .
ance $4,416.11; inniateF • 32,,
.. A
7891 4b 20
X1882 '48 17
1904 0
1190$ ,,5
prodnets patriotic when advocated
b�y.Sir:Jo!iiioA..,Macdonald -and high
'- �°^
grey - Alainteiiance $4,486:14; in-
$2.66. .
11887 36 29
1897. 30 • 3 b
.. . i•,
treasoa>I When ehamaiohed "by; :Sir
Wilfrid: 14, . r
1 `f
� ! :• , •
r ;,..,1..r,',::si!3;'',;r?'t;,
i „p. :) !
mates 39;: edsG $i.d0.
Aaidimand -Maintenance $607.08;'
Prince. Edward-1Vtaintenance �2,-
589;35; imnates 2&,,,, coiet'$2r15. v
R . �
;%.- ,. _. I . - ,i. r•,11tf1rt,1F?1iia:ft',Lra,-`,`t„ir�l.tl'r'`' l+h.., 111111.8L S 15;*c0-s_t'$1.47. O ed:,l �l ,�.r
Sir John A. Macdonald, 'Prem: -o- ;,§1�. ,y:• )+,! - +7rit 1111+4 r , ••h •Jy Z pAn u X Sinlcoec-Main#ea once $4,104.59 ;
h qn . , er:'• - P ;,,;.:l :,,,•r1:uf 1 „r,L+Gr,•.f;1 c j let t .191 1,
rid 1Lanrier Prehnier..- ,(.,;.! 11, r(, r,rl !,r ,,fent% :jar:xI,•_ !: ,,.,. inmates 69 • cost .94.:
.1. Sir Wilf ,- Y ., on zb a io 9. ,,f,J. > ::..,,..riti: +r,.:rr::Y+.,r:::,, '+ar. ,. y�
L.1867. , ge fur -- 1+ eraT:�`> give nt n :.,1,:„,([fy::,il.f,,.,.t,:•,1rl:.1,:11,:,,,.,,,..,.:m,•:::1: ' C,1II , .
_, 9 % : r! J; „” 1. !'jjt,( r ! , y 1 r y AS gS , Maintenance $6,226.12, Victor: •. _ , a ' 9 9 . .
1896 16 49 '1872 r / 11 ��, .h!rr,, , ,•,1.„.1:::., : ,,;•h ,'''= e : a+ ai111ie¢i nCe,:$6,3 0. 0,: ti
. The bor4kls of Wesit rSumoti tv.ull_ . Il,,1�, r. �;t,;,,)t.§_... „y , it 1 zninat s o0, cost $1.99.,.. m,
901 7 5.8 r: �+ (�,.,,�:n 6 . rht. �'r , ., i� lj ry in etas: 68;,, et; $2,12. �.,.
a Hon. Alex. rA3ackenzie, ,Pre(rnier: meet! zn eanventLon on Wedav da �'+i�✓77' 1t n 1::.1 :,.t i;tt, ! ', a ,
1904 li 64 • es Y r . ,:rJ) ! !:, +! „ , - Huron ZaintenanGA. $6,598.29,, in Waterloo -Main% agCe ,$11,283.46; The Prdtftll '
908 '12 b3 4874, 4 17 Awguasd 16th to nominate a candid ! :ll„r.I I mates' 87; cos 99 3-4.--°•-r..�-.•. .
'1 ataA for thea roachiu telectians L+. !; . jt11!t;:., ,,.� s inma£,ea,'$3; .cast *0332 � � t �� -
ir. Jo+hn A.. 'Macdionald 'Pre7ui' pp g !�1=., 1;11..1;: zit3l3n1'u''i'enance�° 6 974' 6. •. 'n- _ + +
MANITOBA. S , ex /. r.: , . . $ 7 , i
to the'$ouse of. C4anh3pus. The con Ie 'dh1(� �11J, , t+, iNellalid Mainit@nattce ' $4929.,4 ,
r 111879` '. ],7 van o will b e fdL • P, ., , mates! 43; covet $1.85. .. 1�OR
Sir John A. 'Macdonald, Premia ,. (a b( e h ld-irkGodexich. J�(jj' `11+11•:. ,.;',, + t ; 11,! t, inmates .b6; cost $1.68.
1882 15 tl „ .1,. -. ,, .::: ?,. `x 7dl �Ma' e
s y,_ . I (in; !•,�”, {,114 f b .M to `a ce b Ob 6 Well gfion. iatg]4F. $6,390;91
.. .-*+pyf,; ,j+,. n Lam ton sin n n $ ,3 . ,7 ,
U,88$' 14 7 t 1 (tGj!11l1•'. f , ! iii 5.: inmate,si 70 s cost $1.48. dpi b�8
+1891 16 6 ? : t!f+ �,; t.: t ...., inmates G3:; cost $1,9..
If the United,Stitteshadltnad'etthea . •! r,,. t ,'r<
The Ike t raltYd
( .:11:;11
Jt�,rLr. + :=,4: z $7.00b:48'• York t1Ylateriance,: $9,270.07,p•,
fir 'Wi rid'Lauriex 'Premier offer{ of res' oGilt afid Atha iia • - 5 ,l,.,+;+,�'rj,:. anarktVIaintenance
> y, ur , r t , Titre ,C�rainuIated
gg . ler Government ,had ,refused it, ' t'r19i� �11t•;,11: ;y kur znmates� 70; cost $1.94. ulmaites( 78; corwt.$rl.fi4.., f
daK -
18 10 10 r�i 1f,1t, ai r: �.
Take alio 1901 b ' ab there, would have be;en•ahowl of ,a lir�ftiyr11 w , �: , i - -+
. 111 ?i,' ., (f ;. ,� 1y :�
'1904 ... `0 18 deme elation from+theCo' servative I;!"Jk�
r s m' J.�wi��.
,. - •p os fro {Ha'higaa :to 1 anco�uver. J ,_ .'' u. A.,, ' ... ' a
isos •
hh '6 . 12 rllL,,,f; , r +t jtr l b Has been crashed ii the . su ar
��N (OII There. is nothing. wrong with reei- _ j,1;++ i .+ `' T g
. ;•j r. ,,. : itself by the• 0911
- ,;,_.,.__ NEW BRUN�SWI_C$.. prookyj except t'ha't int hap en to
• e Sim ;7o+hn A. Macdonald, 'Prem, F: lie aGrit imeasume:
p + ada SugarReBning Co:-. Limited
Your vacation will mean more � 1I • 1.Montreal. Quebec, ani spI. . by
k of only 18671 7 8 _.- . --o I. . W.'T, O'Ne t.
to you if you gads , n y. GLVFS NER LIFE FOR • OTNERSI`
more pleasure at . the time but - : A1872 7, 9 , EASRI '$U$ON LI•B R» L' N- r '
afterwards the added :pleasure . Hon; Ales: Macken `e,.'1Prepnier. E - _ `phe ;handling of the ` abode
that will Gonne frem the pictures: 7 VENTION.
18 4 k {, b 11 „ SAVES BROTHER AN0 SISTER FROM[ DEATH BY,RUNAWAY,'BUT �l�T ,�uga>;, heti been the motto of our
Brownies $2 to •$12.00, Rodakg. - And . to you decision my sfello W. - 1 success.
from X10.00 u . r Jahn. A. 'Maedon lel, PTemt,' , . .
p a The N olm3aiatin Co v t• eontntTymem, 'S3s Ma1eAtY.'s Govern BRAVE ACT IS tIERSELF. FATALLY CRUSHED, I 11, .
g nen ion foT
men%. seri Canada are wadi contelnt.ta .1 ,S
All Eastman Snplilies '1878' : b 11 the% 'Conafton:ss, "in, sthlei �Eaist Ridin ,� .
* 10:. 6 . of '13uu•on 3!11 :the rLi' a1 'n e g leave. -Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in, 1 `:
188fi ..: ,10• . ,� 6 be:f i t resets, his address to the Canadian people , • .'.
+ 91 . �- �� will beheld in the,Tow,n �Halk BruQ- ollowin the dissoluti 1., 'o ,Par trio ''cull arca
18 13 i 3 eels, on Friday, August 4th; at .2 ; i, f Sig f Wingham. On !Nl onc1ay forenoon pe,
. tin, Ther a 1? liamentt... t abouts li o'clock, Edmth Jarvis, Saved The Others ---- - �"
Sim Wilfrid tkvier; 'Prehijer. a .ar 38 polling sub -div:
- -_-- Fond draughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Robt. ttle''girl did aol8lose hesLL T.
But the 15 _.
J.1 _ HOVEY . lase 5 9 alone inthe riding and rwitb( five a .
Q N�
de2e('astes expected fPdan each, a ,. Jarvis, 12 years o'ld,. was killed' .by a head. As- th'e runaways 'Pere, right .,r, p
Dispensing Chemist. 11901 b': large ggafthering shonild result ` Sir! Wilfrid 7laurier as been 39 team o•f i uaaV�ay harries owned. by ole, top odthem te}ue !lashed( the' .' ':
'1904. .. ..• .5 $ 'Chis'hol n of Witt hatiia has be the eaTet in'Parlisin it. He first : en- Mx' W. Grey of this town. It.leeems •baby carnage ahead and brushed TH R .$U B GROCER .. ^.
'19081. 2 . , 11 .rep .'genitat3ve for the as W teredf 'the uebeec Le 'slature in . thait ,'Mr. Grey; was loading a camp! : her brother aside, but was fico late r', Phone 4$ �'
�.. g t t . o Qt
. 1871,' being r ureal f :the 'con 3ngt oifttit ]tor leoinie pfeople . who I t 'wave herself; The horses knock; l
.- aha a wa :vacs! going to Kincardine, when in edl'her down the rfro and rear -
etituency, of Arth se . IHe s ,. mt ��.-- -� ``
OlOON NVA��41N ��A������A��►AAAA�����A ���t►�� there re-elected 311 1814. Three . s'otriel Tn'anner the !:areas became pheelsil passbig over her body.
,� ♦OOOONOONNOO, ♦ ♦O�♦OOOANO00��. ♦ frpghtened( and ran away.
s;, . • .0 years loiter heentered the,Cabinet, { � 'She W'as rushed, to- Dr. Agnew?s(
. . . . "♦ Wi;th the Portfolio o Inlond IReve- , Ed4.tlii Jarvis' was out mritht lies • officek when. after a:sho-et time�she thankof' was Itendered to Mr. ,acid ' '
♦ � • 1 nue,, but was' 'heated by, a• �sinall baby ,sister, 'three months old, in a regabied e6usciouan"s: She was 'Mr.& McMurray for their hospital- . , ..;:
majority, upon presenting himself carriage, . and •her little . brother, carried to her own holme and pass-. sty. A41 present ha +enjoyable
. . ♦ for re- ecinoyii. ' Quesbec East then about: four iye!arli odd, was toddling , 'ed away. at 130 ,p.'m: 'fie• - , . ` c
• • 'returned! him. This, constituency by her oldie. -They were ,directly in • Thel :services were qonducte!d by
+ .♦.. rill's a the path of the horses, +whid.'i were the Salvation Arm of which d,a
♦ ' - -C,. - CIE .: h'as bean :Sir 'Wilf , ver since. 4 y+ cunda .S The yLove Yeast
''A I
�1 - Z
. . :♦ U'tkonf the siicova4ve retirements going at terrific rate, and it ) .ceased was: a:'mernber. ''Hex father quarterly -
. . will be held at 10 Cahn... The, sacra ,
'” of Mr; McKenzie and Mr. Edward 1aealmec� n6my(dssfubler that any of the ii leader of the band:
of tliA rLlird.,e Supper iav3lr, be.
♦ - ,z Bbakel. In 1887, •aur present 'Premiers ` nisiteredl a't the close' of -"the,
. ♦ 1 became leader of the ,'Liberal, ;then , if erv3ce in themornin . -The -
!, ;thAs .Opposition patty. (When _it ..
. - 01 ♦ '! • • O'� 0 • • e e • at' 7 a:'m.• Pai ties intending 'fie go pap oii paax be . expected to preach
1, IFive chs t s S 'and other ♦ came en'to power in 1896, he natur- 6+ w' Wall please give their names o. at 11 wn. and 7 511. The "theme at "`' "� .
nces ol. t of five. to make A b7 savin. on Bo s Clothe a r p
' + Y :� ♦ allyy became Minister; :which WITH THE ;C$IIRCI3ES. • Sunday to the pastor or 'mit Abe* both iservicag 'will be "Words PrP olms •
. .
+ outfittings that can be worn all the . rest of this season and next season also. poai�tion( he has so 'honorably held r of the comb 3rtteie. the �Cl+oss;'
Its the
' _ for such along pexaod. 1 i�•;�i�l�-•r�0•#�0���
time of the year when we alwa)rs 'clean up .our .. '.g and summer stock. _ 'sir: Wilfrid Laurier was ,b6m on • ONTARIO 'ST. CHURCH � Th !Ci official board swill
. ., & ♦• Nov, 20th, at•St. rein, •in'the[ county To ensure publication meet %Aoidiay,1eveaing, at 8 o'clock.
a oil ,A.sgomp4tion. •Dere his 'father church tactless for this col- 'Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr. '
♦ prcaet3ced) his profedstGon of land unity should be handed into aosens. and (Rev. 'Mr.. %Wyles ex-
♦ •
♦ �._ . surpeyror. His mother's maiden '. Tn. ed( tpul i was eso ssf or's! F U10011 2S -
♦ o riaimef was OYlarcelle Mari~ilueau, .Sir. yVu°esda ggt� 6 o'clock g t3 b1e ` ea n ram �L TFililll 4pE1v A
♦ _. + Wilfrid being the o=nly child. She . , the Mo4age This,
the Church. at F i,LIpT1`.
NOTE. THESE l IGIES. ' - .img ise ino This Keri the conch.. --
♦ 1 i died! soon after hie ,birth. 1;ni x888 WESLEY CHIIRCB
the Premier via married +to Miss � 311 sernnoni of the series.
♦ ♦ Zoe Z,afonta3nei ot`Montreai. Itev. Mr. Wyli bei the Baptist: The Y•orung Woinern',s 1 Psion Cir r
A's 'a Snap srthe..produt of hid church attdressed the League his cle- Will. ho -lei asale, of ho'm,e-,made%
Z BUYS RUl1IP SUITS -2 dozen Bos Rom Sults in lain blue and tans trimmed � h . bakin in Mr. Wittse'a store, on -the • .
* Y P ed'ucat=ioni let us ecusider what has former 'work 3.n the Old ICaun'tr g' �'
with white braid extra o0 ' • e`' . . 'Wilfrid fid °e is of th _ d yY afternoon of Saturday, Aug. 5th. • .
♦ ^ . , d value 50c, to clear at.............�,...,........;............ ei�C aided .in produ ing Sir 'iii ri b pin it c tLgregaCion ooTaronto, Ont stands today without ...:.,.
, . _* ' ' ♦ I.aysrier..'• ,The ,!motherless boy at- and( Sunday School 0 being hold' The. EpwoTth'Lelague held an .a superior in t7anada. G}raduataes
BUY► wA � Si7ITS—I t Clown Bos 'i is Suits t blue duck •th w tended oehool nen rhis native Varis(h 'to -day at Bayfield; opal: a in >aineidting on the lawn of hi hly successful., y h u is n d with 111te.strlpe 1Vlr. and Mrs. A. J. M'eMurra g Ao
♦ till he age o'f tWelve. He was then rLas�t Sunday ev ling Virg. J. Rice Sf last
,sailor collar, regular % c to clear at t' 1, MOAdlayt evening. ,After the 'Leat- l aa free,
Z g �.r..r.........>r,................... ............................... �QC � sent' to the Prateeta�nt School at 'rendered a !silo, Hold T My
� • N'e'w, Glasgow, for a year. 'Here elle ,'Hand," Rev, Mr. Osterhout of on- paplaying
• _ . � + .his a �a s had, �uginptuo g gu�er was ELLIOTTOTT BUi�INESS-�30C,LEGE `
♦ BOYS FLANNEL SUITS --Boys Gre - Flannel Suits with i1 ht ctrl e, -the ro er imbiliedi the fitAt draughts of d sboro, Who Baas preacher. 3n the t►n i ounge and Alexander street
,seivdd, Al o lend'id'program 'Wag 1 m
-thin for hot _ � , � p � .`.p ' �aplendidf bro�adminledness. From, absence- of �bir.'J±lord, have two good Toronto g , r weather, regular 3.00 to clear at ............r..., l��Q Allist school be t to ,WAs150mpr:• ;s66aons. I then♦ re�Lderied. A hearty, vote of 1
tial: 'College, r anaining reveal Newt Sunday +the: pastor, Ptev..lvir. l
1 ; ' DUYS BLOOMER I�NIGRERS,5 dozen Bos Bloomer Knickers made from blue � years, In :1861 hematAeulatedInto Vord, will preach. Th;elaaerament , „� .
`Cloth with ..` McGill and ,.graduated in lay, being r of the Lord'& 'S�up'pW tv'ilk +fallow
white stripe, lust the kind for the holidays, spetial at....;.,,..,...,•,.... 250 �z
.: ' : . . ,.. the.valedictoriau o% his Class.., •the morning aerviee. t �- •.. - r . Nd snail hal Canadian pnblic( life ! ..Th-ere(,tivillrbe no Sund(ty' SchoolMol.8'O'ns"
3 li&g received kmare attention atthe m the aiwill-aor1; the'H�HIT ` DULH HATS . dozen Girls and Bos White buck Hats ust tyle kind -
children an
for picnics, regular z5c to clear at .................:............ ....,...,,....,.............., I�3 1? 12tical calumincutors. teaeheT,ai and officers are all ex-
liand,fl Aoip a
fI — • in forty *ears, however,.nio oppon Peet -ad at the mormn service. The ' IftCO>rpo>rated,1855 .
. . ant hag- Been so base( ai to ut:tor a • pastb+r'.s• lewbloet y�vitl . e "The Chit- ur ��tn u1P
00 •
...... ...�..I -0 !� "elande?tt which touched, hie perso�h dren',s'Q�testion. The subject for � �ta�� � X000„ •
.. .. al honor, the purity of his-�privatet the evening will be, "Woundeal In .. ' ' Rest P it r . •
Is. . . , life. or the r1khteousnegs character. thel Igiou" i f his FriendsC >0 �r $ s��%a�,0u0
I � , .
s w _..... a�sr, altd Agents' and Gorlrepbud�:a Imp all
IV 7th, cu. l. r',tios in tho World. .
BAPTIS'.0 ClItTR � �rltn$irel9 in Crin
I. The .. ' r — h � � � : O +y .Ethe
Rne"ior K>tfylie rc'as the preacher at l'rlluef 8
� U oil a petition bain Dregentod th+§ woAthi'ng 18,ervioe on Sunda
i 1V ttAt DAIVWStt, 13V81rass� Tu"SAMD,,
- y
M to thPet 9 ayor, (ai>tnled y a goodlx* lees'%. 1Rev. lvtr.'Cosens of +CC)ntari�i'St.. AA I�dss �� tt
. s a Is acre M' I f6r ver Mitn," rept(e�aentatiohi of the merehant�s Melthodsist church conducted with 8 A V �'M Q S BANK D E P A R T M` .Iv
.. .
h • . � , � ' 1 and dtheh<•�r, his Wotroiii ihai'fl �ttw t greasstf aCceptanae the eveni�if Iger•• n
. >boiinCed: "Civic Holiday for Monday* vice. I at highest tafte'n>t trams. , ,
• Aug. u T. e l di# F' .
ut1iiChes. %area% A1u
The S S. %&nic Will by 'held', • in' i
� fh 1 +1 � l► i lli"##"*#"""ANN: �N"#*#6A1#4"rA A S ever aloe Vrtlt act aC 0llntala Bra e v �, C I+,1)O'S7V'I)ING. Manager"
ann er
066640 cordingly, . , . lsofier4 ori Rottday Aixt� leaving
s>' w