HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-07-27, Page 3Im igllw _� - I" i. -T;,- I � 41� � _ � , ,
. fp� � .. . . , . __ - _____ I � , , I __ I _.. - n - - ,
. I I ..! 10 11111 I.L� 1"i - - __ "I _0_171�71111 W"F—-'f . - . - " F_ - I I - ,
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I'll * I il " wswio;��M
I � � 1111011111 0=3100 I il _ ! _. � .it ---W-AFyW1W- 'R A New ' � - 1 -4 tm 0,04" rw*& %&� :11.
_1�1 a' �:x,:1,11:_22911 �i SCONM -_1.__7 ,1111L1li4,1W..11V JMM uoft� � I a, 119 In �
�� I 7*0
.", 11 � , .
-I--.-- I "
's 1 4 I! 1_.- _ ,.
I 4.1verpool andOhicngo Wheat Futu t I is � I - I I I
, ,
I 10l9$*, lrlighwr�-Livv OtOck- ; .. '111. - 0. I - I ,
. , I Coal' , RAGING H � Qgrtt - 6 bl-W r I Mo. 0. I 6 0 EnC114h Conserv*tIvelli TOR . low* �
8 * - ,,*t4s,,Quotatlona*' . D,' k 1,7 I = ... I
.1 �� To J* C111WA00, 3111V -4,.%_T11�-, gv,%Jn muricot , t3u 1. .1, - I Extremist Brethren. I I go . 11
1'. V TUC` � - , � � .
showf,d a VP 111� I'le Poll ... .
'r "'� I - .
. vaner wndviv- wiring to- _ - , , t; 1�!, rrya I - ' I I
� / Ilaylth doolingg, pilecti for al., cor6ls inak �� GOT.
PPEO AT ONCE, ., 11 Wt 0 ION .' Vet'e
, I, J,uw an wlvauce fron) U10 Qlv%'Ing Wit'VIII � I _..... , , ___� lri'4� I To ,Pass the 0 . ill is the Lesser I �
Fill your Bins with Coal 11OW .0`0� . � - Tiv trikitng was deeldedly I � I ay-HaNbury so much better than ordinary phy5l= V1111101110=017 Off0at've, they ncv*r
or, lailt Ill, lit tlMa did tho L . . I . . � .. . � .. 01 Two F.vit,s, They 6 444 never 10;,:� thoir offewtivolic;g, uno 9i tho I 1.
I a$ the SUMMer �prjces Wgin dun, liow;)'vPr, and at no ot viva- � lit Hold . , grl.vas uIrgo or cau�a nau�;02, I
luarRet exhibit any,Fvnlptonlf� ,1; St-�ll Un��onvinccd-and W I -
. When le Took "Frolt-841ves" , , I bcA.Vitho NA -DRU -Go title. ,1
. . - rio I , , . 25c. a b9X. .
I , �04 M the 16t, Out gar Load ,S,lX&,-1,V,0., t.,25rd, x9lo, 01t*V*h,,a, - "to'day lie to CANADIAN ICONS It ' it your druggl5t b&3 not yet otorkod tUtrn, z;end 40. and wo
. ., 1,.O., 8q) t futures rjotwd a "No Surrender", Mpeting�PQ its. 23
UY' i . clans A�nxious to See the Extent of will mail them. I
I � "You curtainly have tile U'reatest wgiler tl,an ve;;terdaly. corn tip to NO i I . . I
I t1iscovemd Ileadache Curcin the WOrl4- lIgbor, Alua oat,3 V&Q bsguvr to Wer. . �_ . . ; of C0044A F. * � * � 90XV04 �,
cement just arlt were coinvaratively "ton-CIIII)ang- . � 1 X04*4 PXVX "a ch*m1cal c9mony _
,of Portlan4l I efore the Provislena His, Forces. . ommommo-�-�7-,"",�.��""�-11,��I - - . I
. ]leforc. ,,r.ruit-a-tives', caing b � ed, with Atgna of atrongth In Porlc and' ,pte,. Clifford of Toronto CaPtUrOS -_ - -_ - 1. � _. �
I " " .. -_-1----
- -
t public, I S'WeNll tOrtures, troll, 1104# lard. I - � Loudon� July 24. -The past fffrtY� -,�---,�-77-17-----,���.��m!"-�! _,.�_,,_._,_-.. - . .
4� rived thos6 intending :0 use The 1AIv( )S�d l4d to :V"4t the King's Priz . � 1, 0: ILU
all at aclAes caused by Stomach Disorders. !6001 m irlcpt ell 01 I � .1
rin yesterday on wheat, and im. eiglit hours hav-, braughtt;mall change �.. Injus rcLul;us� %or me towss 09
vonc, of your travellers called- on ine bigber th. � situat,14n. The Unio � r1w 11 1nq,!,rs()ll sh4w the populatiou ,to be
-C a I had one of my ragil cb,,trged to Jfi4 b)gl)er on corn, Paris in the Political f 11 aboat 4,780, -.which repmalnt, all iA-
whe . It'd Unchanged to 11�Lc lower on wheat, i5ts and Jhe partl,4alls 110-ve joined'in
Wood aclr6 and had illy licad ill"Ost VaNy ffQM Artwerp unehangeel, '13erlln %c' higher lEvent In Imperlial "' NE I 30 IuEEK "'
�eme , ead
. ,.nt this !�Ujntner c 3g U - 00. WS V . IG I the last 4e4 ,
the 0 and . una Buda. rest %a lower. . Winner of Biggest ,a,<,;horuS 6f hot -denunciation against . � t I ervase of about 400 sluct:
,. linton C041 externalapplicatiolls. its a.Mernber of tellaia: Cemus.
Contests. at Sisley I permler Asquith JOr what they term I
� I I Ilatea to see any erson coming Winnipap Options- - �trike at Oporto, Por -
1. . i , ialllentarY decen s The btreet car F
r4s opposite the '04, To R% � ilrt'o'� tile store (nine.' R a 0010nerc a ctoSe. the Gr4privadicM of Toronto and Will his, violation of Parl Importont Event Which HaV0 .
r� I Y, -a I I 5 - * I close. open. Iligh. 40W. Re .ption In That Oity cies. The majority of the Conserva- tugal� 113s, reached an 4014e stage.
traveller) and I told Win very I I -Sud the, provinces ad� 0 , ek.
. I - curtlY- Wbeg,t ...4 "41, Be Wven a ce tkyes In Londox . cc4rrej, Owing the Wo and, the leaders are tr�in-. to 10,41104 11 .
. get prices before that I had., jleadac:he bilt 44 Insisted 04 � 01) -Won the xr�
statioh and ho . vise t , . _Z% . _ .
I -, "'Z, - I'll :::: :::: .... 10-V& - W , n He Arrives Home- ,lie leaders to submit to % gj�flcr�l itrj�f, Tr - ,*.f)ps iira,on,ige
. - my trying I lllrult-aAivesl 1, � , . . O tT :::: .� 017A I � .0. Asquith.,s ultimatu%n, a§, the lesser ot 1 '4' r,.,p them. . ,-
11 I pec. ,....: "I,', - v ... Prince of"Wales! 'Prix -oors yesterday to, IsPQ
I . � The Busy World's Happenings Cgeoo ri
I J�uyin where, XS0 one, � ,.,�� W,,, � - 11 -,,ny& o great eiffis. .
� � I I _ g else . , ,.i� , "''. ;. Oats- 37--'a .... -Pte. W. 3. tW.1 Senator Bristow, of Xamms, propos-
,r, Z-- ..
".10MUZZI-V, .4,"!_ . Joly ... Bis -, %. acertairi. factor in affairs fully Pompliod a I "to
�.. " .� . ,,,.j..i�-,.-.�I. it, .: *:,: ::, ZSW j y The only U , .. nil � Pkit e,j all amendment yesterday to the
- V." -
I . . " Oct. :* ley, Bug., 'llil
_. ', 1.:..:�,.1.:;.;;-.,,, . jotIl uoyal urenadlers.
. 11 04 gra4r Grinder -and one , :.,:,. .. .., . -::- ,..:., ,.:. is how many of the Lord$ Will follow in WL;
". .:: .. . 3,1* . Hantly anc
a. _..e .: .,t!�,�;:",.; Pec. :::.;- 12 :� -Clifford of the .1 'Attractive Shape fat C,juadiall. reciprocity bill, i P0.5, ,
. . 90 I I , :::::�::;0'.;'V�.,' the ft- bury in the'llght to, , a drity of 30 Per Cent- on, rubber * ,
.� ,.,�&�:,. � � Toronto, on Saturday Well �
, - wl... -'�.__.,:Ii�.:��:_ ;�:pi'.,%��;.-" ,:.: - To�aivto Orain Market, . , - shooting UOP-hY, the Earl of Hal$ the 13'eaders. of -Our Paper* -A, Solid- �iponges -a dtUerr' � I
, ,
� , :.:::;: . Is most .
.1 . I od Gladstone 130ggy.aearly, ;�. .,..:4* "I :; , , I coveted: t4le death. , and 25 per cent. o
., .�. ,� Wheat, fall, bu '"" .
, I : _:%': �:::::,:,.'::.' :�.:.., iiabol... 1-401 83 to $ pire the ging's Prize Minister on F6487 uOtt"' It uqw provided for, ...
, I 90 :0�,;,:-.,;:'_ %�.��:�i:;,�::iii:`,�:,:::�� � ... :'� l"when he carried off' The Prime Hour"s Enjovnt- rubber goods lic
i .... . I go�)se, bushel - - 0 $Q ,
.. , ''
� ��.Z::.;:�., .. ."". Whf-at, I
'�.,::.;,�.... .
I .:;,�.. , 1-::",-t.. I that be Would not send .Wrigbt ol Newb4%
.:;,:'. ". � .1 ,, ..
� Che 1. ". ... ................ 059 - � vl�ry close coutot, in, Which fied the peer, I : , Master Oiles. .'
I ,,ap. ., � Rye, shel :::: , I b!,ter a
1: ��:i� I AJUX5, UNUV4 ................ 948 IfellQw-towlismati with ,his graxidlather, Th,oa,,
� ,
. � or sale .. `ii!��,- , .�!,.:.�,:: Darley, the R,0.R,, was, SeQ t. - The faimer;.
. new f ... , �, rl, "' , , Lanee�Corpl. back the v,e+,o bill from the House of TUESDAY I -, Was
. ,1X!*,;.j!j I I -11.. rong, B.C,, Out
.1 .::,�_
. ��:�, 7 __, .... ,,
,: . . �.,:7:1 busIlel ..... 0j... Q 60 0*1 .Commons to thein unless assured thot Cap Wolfenden of Armst
;.� _:1:.1.;�"7' 'Phl . . , � . .
I I �'.. ; ';11-1: : ::, _,. � Rualm"bea , bushel , w- - - 0 48 050 �Taa,u�;, as, second in the competition for Me b1cCann,. in a meadow.
. . -1 �_, , v I _- I ;:.: 1',� �5: ,Tom. 'e.401 at the begivulng Of t`110 th W
. ;; 1. ..:� , .ey would accept it. It Lord Hal$' � . was cutting ha;Y anc
. :�: . '11'.�:.'-,��."'..-...,.-11 . Peas,, = el .... � ... -1.1 ... V 74" _QP I re WAS - r , _1,-, unobserved, the '
� ..:��; *1 , L Clifford's to � il sco bury can Muster .enough falld.Wers. tP Wimbledon Cup at, Bisle),
4P I , , ��. �*-Iii?, .. d stage, I lad walked into the � knives Of thel- �
� �.K.I*i.1,4 . thir
: :x:, .. .!: I � 011tv9td X:h,e small Liberal eontingen�, While it was oold Saturday All OYTI. I had, twe, legs bWY , .
I .1. Tor*ntol'0411`4 MarV4U'� of a possible �W, .
......... ; lit. - 319 out ! troachine and 1.
, . . ' -lotp, bc 2�
., otatQea, TaT� . 49 ,.-,..;L .
, .
, A -. , I I � . I .:, 11 V store. Ilots ....... ; ... 017 flis On' Wednesday Cliffolrd carried oft ill the Upper House-WIXich may UO" the west, the freezing point was, not I mangled. . , ,
x Pogsss . 33utter, . ples'.ptize, the badge, bepsuoe, there seems to reached, and the wheat is safe. . � .
1 020 the Fri, , , be impossible, , FR
� I � .. 3 0 U, . nee of W . � I DAY. I
, �� .. . Butter, separator, dairy, Ill. I
. ,
I , - . , I . -... .:,:.:�r�.. � . reaurery, J'Q. roils,.: 9 M 026 g the awa-ed. be somewhat Of a S�611 in tile fighting Afcommissi6rl in Now York finds no i I -,Conservatives aominited.,
Butter,,'Q . aIn4 ;5W, bein! .k4dington,
1, solids .. 0, 24 .... ,f ze consists of $1,260 g of tho
11, I nowtiton - .... ..�... uttqt" arvaraerY, ll� fUji,gls Pri -T,,avasdowno must, i%LdUQQ WS follow- ju4t4ficatiOlk for the raisin neliva tan-
* '.., � �y the IF,ing, the I lent bill price of We driring the hot weaf�her.* W. D, Black a
.11ce,e*sor 04- �'.. rreW�Ltklfl ...... ..... 0 go .a their Provi ...
. � I .. 19, iesi ers td vote to , e Gov ,
. . . 9 -given by HIS Mal r Iv ill � aran , - al e
I I . . gg.s. 4 32 Dt the A71 obilion, x'� didate at the next geller .JecUon.
� chii0se, tow. III ......... -4
I � .�....�� I X R.A, gold meds.1 aud Vie,- N -R as arrived af,
�� ,,: X -A-
, 1�. :�; ichilese, �!i ................ 014% - 0 1 1 P to stave, off the- degradation 4 mer Wilson of Port R , The steamer Senator h
,. rbone 59, ..... .�:....: Ill as
- I
I I ....... ..... , 1. ... _ 2 00 -k I -wero. 11160 cam- Peerage. While he has not said so, yo;mg man 21 years I of age, W Now ajid St. Michael; ' ��
I . . I Xjoneyi,�owbs, dozen .,.. gold badge. There a, I .
.1 I ; .� tt at Poo Col-. S'attle, from e .
I I - I - mtered in the, contest, being Le general belief IS that 11Q, Will do it'L 4raWUed in the harbor . . and $260,POO' * 11
. .4 - would v4u Liverpool Orain and, ,Produce petito,rs e � . with $80,000 in, gold .
----------------- "I did so, with what I . , . from the vo.l� I borne,L last pight' . I .
I . I . . . � razing results.- Thiy com*t*17 cumd L1VEjjPOOL. July =00ing- . the Tepresentative shots if forced to it. I ntre$ L ill I �' of smallpox ha4 been worth of furs. .
A*A"AA&A � atX Maziltoba, unteer foiees of the Empire, The , In the meantime- interest ce � A. new cas( I
AAA,AAAA me an(I Since tberi,,(neatly six years , I i Urn be. were killed, two injured-' - 1,
, � Wl,eat-Spot steady;- NO. L e Commons discov,tred in Montreal, the vie Four m(m I
. L' L ,_*d,L til I -
I . .. . . &AAAAAAAA4 . . . nIy,Lpqqe,s0.ary for md tO Wxc 713 - 14; No, 2 Manitoba 7,s� 5 , I _ Cana,<iians who fired In the last sts; . the meetipg of the Hou4e at . 19 years and another is unaccolinw for as *
1. � , -
, I
. . -L , , . , ago) it is 9 , . �orpl. Traillor� R.C.R., To to -day, when Mr. Asquith is expected ing a sailor named Maloney, I . wreck lot 8, 148t freight" .
I � "� reserve mb in mY , tur,04 firm, july On. 11 1-$,d, October 41 Were Lance -C . I "
. , L . one occasionally to. P I 1, Bibby, Dundos; Ser9t to make a more explicit Aatem4ntof I age, a native of port 0611�orne I rie5ult, of the
4 . , - nto; Pte I .. . I
� 1W wnt good health. I was 6$ Ye�Ms- Qla 9. 84d, X)ecember 6s 10 64d�, Flour jo I train- at BrYaut Station,. near Pitts-,
I, I _ pre., and b"n .4 gerieral.storo. Winter vatents 270-. naps in Landoll Martin, Calgary.; ,ple. Clifford, Tema- an Ze up to 10nt. ' er, -Sir, . . . , �
,�. yq to" . lo - is
. sterday, hav I r adm - The Australiqu commissio'li burg.
� th. abqv�o addftss,fot twellty�- (paclao coast) A7 to V 15& Lieut. F. Morris,. Bqwm4UVile; $he present, The pressure
keeper at . L eorge Re4a. was Severely injured in A royal residence in Ireland 11"It 11
, - J?.ark- Ottawa; Lieut. W. Sion L tOL this ' in the highest-qww-,
-ales, .* ess Ift. historic session is e1ftQT 0
.1 . , I , his program th 110 has do
:'* \ L , , P1 11 � - five�yearspv.. WK. PITT JBeef-Extra, India, In iWrgt,, G. Russell, t, tlayles,,To- . , . tlXat the Goverll- g moim-car accid,ent_a,t_.Londou Sun- been-suggest6d Pti L
- ,
I 1, ' I , � Prime mom western 12a 6d. Hama- Morris, Winnipeg,- $erg won$. it is, possible . , , His arm, was broken . in two ters, says.. the DublineorMPOludOnt I , .
,,pruit-&-tives' I is the short cut, 14 to 16 lb$--, 69s 4d, Bacon- tonte. Tile last sta& is fired 4 go, I -tiorl Of' day, .
, . As Mt. Pitt Says I I stpone, eonsideri , � . the idea 4as beem,
. L . Lteit lies,dextre curc in the world� . lbs,, 04s 63; 00 and 1,W0.y%Tds,. tell. shots at each ... en� may po �ij&,Iieltt for a few days pla'Le I �, . n I . 11
. gre, ,,,,$ Cumberland out, 26 to 3Q . , . e$,, I �
� fI-' o ere 11ave "Pralt-a- . I 6d : clear . . . the Lards' &me 'G%., who accepted.
� -re ,ur. finest evorywh, . � to 26 lbs�, 569 - ; I x Wj 11. Sliawn, Carrollton. f., 91 , . ,
I S e e *aacl � De, . distance. . . to enable it to find out. what the UPPf
I trial. art b ' qa; long ejear . sudd6nly robbed ot his senses 1 The 86bwaben I., the noiwest, ZeP
I ' slij in t1l,e se. Ouse will, do. Jf the result left Friede'
. s- at 5oc. sL boxi 6. for $2.50 Or, ,06 jlo,�14 1to 16 lbo.. 54a �cond stage of the St. n of the . was
. t'vel il -While :in the Cave of the Winds, Nis-
. I Nev� Stylish deiigns Of . on receipt of.�dqe by o., 54s; 100W elige Vase match, .the is unsatisfactory, . pelia dirigible balloon,
L . . sk stze, 25C. -or sent I middlIn%ght 2g to 34 IW, 49 Ills George's - Chnll the Hii -I rielisbaff, Germany. yesterday at ' '*
.4 W, , . . a, heavy . , 35 to . , negotiations Orn. . .
�� I ihj'�' 473 , Vanadians soared as follows, with fit� Goiarernment may annognee tl,ie. orea" I gara Palls, re(
-- - " A : 5, pruit-a- . lea� r c2s I ,oveTed yesterday for Lucerne, Switzerland, carrying, ,
a . tivag Limited, � Ottawa, . � � lild . -
� . DJh—eii; Pfie�rtos7- � . . L �er physicians. ! in
- .
I . : I clear backs, 16 - to 20 ' ,een shots .at, goo yards, FreeborU 63, tion of 4 batch* of 50 new peers a� an I case has baffl,ed fronti eig ' -
. . . I �
. A � I . . .1 I IL 6d; short M, Square, 11 to 13 11)19.: 482 . . nitoba is �jjt passerige�s. .".
. . . � -, , - - . I 6d; - shoul ;, tin 67� 'O ' .
. I . b.. western Ili tlerces 4ussell $6, 014rk 51', Mat ., . object Iesson to the Lords, I .� estimated at hall a millionf
� I 'Orpris. low � Priseivef "Doliyts". . . I all- -T-Irtme In palls, 429, . . oivic, Reception. . . A correspondent 4 The times, wbo 1nI'6tZwa establishing r, labor bureau . Damage . L., oTeg fires 0 , ;,
. .1, . .11 . . I I . I I I 6ido' SdL� ;;et4can refined, !io,rollto, july, 24. -private Clifford. signs himself "Anti-Corruptionist," I (or the Manitoba Government. Ile ha.q been caused by I , � 'i �
I ieCamadlan. 1140st . Squ miah,
. I S.PeC1aJ-V9,16e8JJ . ' 'L . pIces I h! e Co, � I - * a says his province will require twenty a I
_* ;�A
I Don't Use an abundance of a , white,new I of. the Grenadiers will be" g' Well ,d&ISTes, that,it is an open, s � ft000rding to P. despat*v 'LL
' L t -:E - 0,9. it itusteJ bitter. " , I � - from% I thousand men to help with the liar. brougli,� to Vancouver by the GQve.=-L. I
. i Art 67; COd anualan flne4t catoved. AeW,
I . od mu,eb. Wak L . . . )w-'kustrAllan, In London olvic. reception -on his return er on his -creation -contributes it I . I ,. ine'lit aurieli Skinner. � I . I
. I
I I 1. ... . I I L suga.r Ior I 1 ' �d .1. - 4V "' r1ts. sss 6d. M, e4 on Satur-: mum of $2.5,000 to: the party I ve ' I � ::1
� Turpentine 00 igland, it.'was annoulic S' 9 - and the Hotel. n6ek,� - '
L Don7t use granulated troleum- . . I I in an subjects riether's H,�tc. I
. I I I .�� Case's , .1 ,9pleed fruits, tse licht brO,Wmt 6xilv,. ��: ' li 15s * 9d. Te , any byoAid, Magalre. funds, He Points out that 100 new , the murder of four Germ vil4e, siimmor h9s,telries at "amul -'
I . . ..
� 40 , It IcOVer Pro*, I ealies BO83n`--cQmm0 , "I
. 11 eimes or 1 -24. Lina I d was �narried abopt &* year - gi-ve the Liberal orgam- during the Tioting at Puebla, Mexico,
. I I 10. Dou fined 6 1 166 . d,oll 440 6d. COt� Cliffor . . . . h, which Jims attracted gbileral. atte -, Y., we.re,d9stroyed by are, I
. .. . OL cdoklug;. 1. . L _ zation $,114,500,000 , 'in - "
.1 .. , L. they Are ap,tto,boil� re . L Lepkis, -whose peers would to play wit . . rition in Get
:3 . . 11, refined, - spot 27s 3c , Ominous conditions In '9pl g"'d.",;doy n1-_Yht,_ More thall IQM�
. whil to Miss Whinifree late We �. I
. 10, . , , ton need o L _ G -w uld"be used to, s candidates many . 1 2
4 L I � * �Sber before his death as an instmei ubsidize. I to the ment is lnvesti� guests lost their eileets. I I
. .4 Pianos and*.Organs, rent . over. - ' . col :. - 1.
.1 � I - Doult make a .mistake and wait . Montreal Grain and Produce .. ,� Mexico. The Govern � I - ehOlcia, .,
54 1 fruit is nearl ve I r , V. -Price -9 for grallip W Of Musketry,for.the regular, army and buy local papers. a, M.P. for gating. . L I Another ship from tile -ab� " '
� 4ew Edison .. u1it,11 the-oapecia . - vice in India.' MT, Lewis was-alsO Sit. Edward. L. ,Oars,o3 - 1 country anchored in quarautin 11
A ed, choicei- , . y 0 , MONTREAL, Jilly I - - e ____
-4 . 11 .. � aud. then pay the hietheAt price's fO.r . an domestic market as follows. . . I Jer, - id -one of the best A ,y and -chairman of Crop r6p,orts trom the Outlying dis new-oam6l:" 11 ILI
f _—, .1 I I .I I ''li i,;.w oats-,canadlan weetem,'NO. Z, 42%0 to � famous shot al: , . .. I Dublin Jniversit ed a state- tricts of, the Ottawa Valley are of a', New York yesterday. The "
I .
ra c & it.. . I � I . . 1 43c, Car lots ex store- extra No- I fe0dt ,known TegulAfrS ill the service .1 tile- Irish Unionists, ]'as issu e di Piemonte,' ... , .
. . . I I . 412A(,. to 4261, No. 3 informed Lord Lin.A- m:ost rosy character. An etiormous ' w4s the steamer PTinolip L . �
. _ L. . - I . � 4 . '42c to 42%c- NO. 3 C -W-, 4 , Isjust think of -it," said Mri. (tli-' mont and hai . . md Naples. . . I ,
. variety goods. ' .. . I I . � a local whi e. I _dte� ,00; . . . re to have home bay crop is being harvested .and the ! fr�m Genoa c I inv
. I . i 41c No. 2 10ciU 71 I .
� . . I sDc, Plour-Manit010 tord; "The King's Prize! Who Would downe that "it wf, a: L � . LBorilen's 00mplailat '
:3. . .1. L . I N6. 4 101PELI.Wbito. � so- 1 7 eondition is &aid to be ; Mt R hat�. I ..
: . .. .1 kA,Ing, wheiat patents, �t - think that William -would Pro" rule forced upon us without an appeal S of the grain . . � Conim�rls yesterday t - .
. . , Skin Sufferers Tried fIrsts, $5.30; . . � the House ol
:3 _�, . i . - . 8� 44..50 to'. pyel: er-the Union Jack?" to the country, it will be as easy to, excellent. . 111"S
'ILI. & I I
. . . - . I .*tater wheat paten [Low 12e.and his Ilo I
__ I - J " ,
. 1
$1C , OTIUM, : , . L L : ... ,, L . . FAVerAIIIN49 cmdo, $40; straight- roll- ' lh� best Shot rind 'Barcelona which aro so far. as he k: - the"
Mu , EV ., . . � j4 76'. strong baker,s% 44.60; - , Clifford V&S considered the best shot �-r6sist it next year as in 1913," and' - The steamer qvening 0 in ,counted in r
. I -1 , P . . . . .e;s,'$4 to%$4.10; In bags, He L list a surrender. � Tiye4 in Montl!eaj Sunday bold' had n t be4 with, " 11
i .. . ---...- � . $L76 to $1.85, ROU -In his regiment for two years. . . . rd"Stigated, "'
. . `� . to. -ver barrel, $445; bR9 'Of 90 lbs., PrOteStS agai' I , I I
. . I . ed'oa 70r- 1 editor of'Tho Sunday from �Ramburg, Bremen and .Uotter- vensus has' been '
. . . , I I .. i corn-ArnerIORTL No. 3.yea,low, won tho President's Match. twice and . J. L. Garvin, .ngst her cargo, for tile result that it is stated'that1b.01 ,,%
I . . . .ti I .�
.. � ., � . - D. tured. I '$V?ff1ieed_Bran. .Ontario, $ZL to $22- MaUl- ast year st.Lottaws he won the Na" Observer, iij appealing for.a. large at- -dam, brought amo . 'the 0 � ,
!. � ., 1, . . Tjiop D. .D. I . , I 8 lZpO111]1 On *was 0OurWVL1.;`.%,-
I - I I . . I . - �e of Mrs. � too, or s oodlig. i 'be given ,that Pbrt 'SomeL two hundred ton '61' lea:der. -of _ � . I �
I � � . . This wan' the ei�erien toba, $20 to $21; rniddlings, Ontario, $924 . onal Association Medal f h ti ' tendazee at thiba.liquet' tc . I . , . . . . .
. � I . I . L . 1 '$25 -on the ,or, of the- loosd grwn'. I brakel�aan on th L' USSL CoMpahjeS'Operating in tile -Bay-Z � 1",
� I . Jeo, IVevman of Orangi 'lle' ont.. 0; shorts, ManIto'bZ' $a; M*Ullle�; - �9 n. 1909 he was waiting -man -next 'in box. . - I .
,A . I . DV'l L�, ively war, I I"
. L . . . on. Wednesday e I I ,
I . :3 . � ,. Ylan., 1910; - la. I .ttoir, $10-25 to $10-50 13isley team -and .was IL member list Egif-of Halsbuzy, says that "Il"ur- Bvemt'Taylor, a, ham field'are engaged, in -a I . �
I— " .L IC , . I " . She - wroltO in - ' - tioubled.with di-- Dresoad I-loga-Abn S., 100 Ibs... . . a .. . Sent, the eoUjicti4prl' of 02,3 I ,,. had his Tight arm severed. and it Lis eXp4jcted. people in Vienna ,�
_ re � I . "I Was tdiiihly 'a I Last , ' Tell er T T Is of. .
. , L HOil ' ' _ . . . , . . Beef-Piate, halt bbli nd this.year, , Fear, how.. ep;e - . enjoy 'tree ZA681 .
L I . w . 0 . * and hands' per cwt: &, $14,50; tierces, 30 tv"'e'rr) ,nqt make the'finoila and L he� event of, surren- by falling. from a leAder on, the 6 t Burwell w-91
� . I i 11. . I . , . . I . . Zema 011 wy face, nee 1 4$7A-, barreW, MO lb tierceg, ms he did thla.masses. In t ii. the Wheels at and Port ,L I
1 �9 . .11 . . . .1k. . � P. rL JoUr years, I tried. ever:j4hin� I lbs,. $ZL'M . L6rd-Co=Pound for.the King'$ Prift. % the jarty -will split from a''box car,, underneaf Mira.' for -a year as a,result. I
.. 0. �L . . * to 91/Xc- boxes,. T)O lbs, 114�t (Wehment 64dret shoet�' -der, hS Say - - - lie had a . - f the'
_ �
. . -: . lbe Wd) K1C-,,*tubs, 60 lbs.,. luet . 'From the 4=tset Of his military ea- . 0 fiom death, '- , -P'glsnd.111� �, I
% .4 . . . t,then, saW Your Rd , grained,. top, to bottom, and will never be re Tindsay ye$tet(ILay Vice-president Bosw9r.tb ,.
- - .
,0q,fVy" , VVVvVV hao.heardtelt 0 'In wood. 20L Ills. met. - e . . the present. leader. -bulous escap ' ' L C.p.R___4jaS r6t=Lnedfro1A',T
, VVV*V*WVVVVVVV . I paper, s0at *for two . , I
I I r I P1 a
. I viekdsemOt in the i;��les, 9%c; pails,' ' er' he displayed an. exitbusinsm. for co�stjudtied under ., -of Jas..Pearson. I an order " ,
. to of D. D,'D.� used* it.on . 20 -lbs. 91'O". 9%cIo' 'Pork- ractice h6� .- thing, adds Mi, The stidden death . nd reports that he - Plaee�
-_ .
I �_ _=_.�� ,iL trial. bottl '100- -tin - pails, , barrels.' k:hootli :'.�d with steady.,pi ship. . it ii a - krave . . clock yesterday'aftqMobu- -tit .
� . T � � . . if is,nQW H�6vy� canoU suort - cut, -mes'-' . . t at four 61 . steg,m4s for .the 00W_''� I
. . I . . . . .1 I. Iny face and egot. *,ell.- XI in to pgnl2:ed as. one -y is sifil i9UQTaA
. . . . , , I I be red of Garvini that the' part .. i reported t* the' authoti- . for twb new � I. I t
. I . ,. 7'. 1 I If the eL- aS to 46 ptec6s�; $22.50, balf-bArre!-4- $=50-, to _ SwIftifid 0'�r`U4 *
two ,yeaTa anct -no ret=n 0 cut drid back porx. 45 In the f -Mr. Balfour's real milid. . , �oron �
4 to 0 the best marksmen , regiment, . , L1. i, t ' Is P "'-� " . .., . �,
I I .. . Zema. " I eousidei? . I ata� cured and It ;Canada short can"#. owar pomi . .. . I . . 7w'a's - said he was just enter� Dally . . . . . . i
I I , . stiel?), * pieces, barrels-, $t-601, ean. porI4 AL� We7U: ; . . a . XVRIUS I ' �L --- L I I kig 302 Robe . 3 . treet *hen ']1b"fell � ., . I I . -:-. - � "
/ --- � 'certainly was ablessing To . . pieces, $21: b ; � and - Leach Goes"Over the.Fatis rt s forlperly lived- In* . ON!, . . L . r
. I . y0o. But_ barrels, - 30 to 35 . barried off several good prizes To4ay. .. I . . . . . �
I hoW.tbrr1b1y m,Wl piep" but fat bLarrels, WIL - I .L .. L wd ,expireo. 40,, . L � � . I
% I . No buuttiw � zggs,-SO . . . a took': part Ili in ability to . . . . I r
.... I -rheum, ring�- ebted,'21%0; em fresh, ,17%e; e was "alwayLs knocking at the do0i" Niagara Falls Oiit,, July .?A, -Ex- . . .
, I . 11 . .
I 'YOU No. I stock, ISY-e- - . _ r I , . -his- .-Picton : V ;
I ma, wdt. . , t�
� el . . L , 0 the matches. h Pressing expliW faltfl. in WF_0"ESDAY� - , a&atl .�rse
. - Cheeise_�-Iweqwrls, 11%6 - to nnc,� east- teeent�. L . r 11 . . I
, C I - I worm or other skin diseRg ' liuld the L t� , . years, . . . . ver the horseshoe falls, .talian and U B. -GovermAents. are 1. I . r I . L ."
. . L r � 11 � — I . safely go b I I . I .
L. ,"I. feel iiisbantly� ,soothed 0 no 14c. - - . � - _ . - - times . .
itch relieved at oile6 wben a 'fewl , r
13�t 11%c to 112/ . I L Who hiLsL several I
ter.--cholcist, 231AC to 220- - " I . . . - ' . ,Bobby.Leach 0000,peyliting in fighting the cholera, F%A*VWO^ . I
. .. . .. navigate whirlpool'rapids 'in a . .. I It-
s I Douud 'of 011'Of . � I I I , nvitatioh �td Laurier ' ' . COP t Guelph. ';� _ ,,W
. drops of1hia c6lnJ - . I I -6tatiou, -d th; he ivould I . pet coins and dynamite were - - HOME SON�. , V - -'
. � . I . � . . � ,I - -
. . .L .�Wiu+ . Thymol, .. . IGILee - . . . ' ' ' — ` Montreal, July 24.--A dep barrel, said last night that . ,.,I--- - found in a &e -p excavation a- .. I-Ift- - 4 - , - �W,0� :) __ I �
. - . . L . . � . an . ik — I'— "�� L .
.� . I , _4______ ,ergte(m, - I t� ' . . CATTJ,� MARKETS. , , . adian Society 01 New . -the trip as near' two a e 06, lightning ..
. y6ik, en LT . - Six cows were kill
0,tc., i1a applied . , The cu�reo se .. — ,. I train the C to present start oil HIS new ed by eart Campbell, Secift.
. . W : 11 i. � . , ' . . I . . L I . I oute'lor -10ttims, this afternoon W5 Possible. . rday' -in Armstrong's .Mills sec- , BY Dun '
. L .tobe pormaneilt, too. " . a�R*t* - to � the 'Premier ku illvAW1011, to be I barr,41 was delivered on Sa,t:urday', $110 e I L I . ,,, : . . [Di=cai�, Campbell Scott �kag. beft, 11
. If I - , . D., D. 01'. .15aft Buffalo cattle M I I ' I I I . i .
I . �. .
L 0 . For free trialbottle of Lo,. Jul,r .22.--�Cattl", , 1)xwegt at tb6,1 , noer: of that.. ie - ftpias tal I . . . . I . aved Chief Aeco � uU
. 0 innual , di I .. in which: he mad[e th. t , : r talit and SUperjAtendantj . r
. D. LWboratories, EAST BUFFA institution r . L ?t .A G,T,R. fireman's life was say _
� . L . .write, the D. . D. 'St I I .To'p- . .1 . , . . Q8 experimen 9 & I of JgAtforn in, ih,il - Irldisal I'�',
r .
. � � r k.R.j.0eigot ,r),;- llr . havii* be6i I . . I r .'
W' I , , r $6.So� to - butchet through t1lis.eity yesterfty.--Itis ex,- Week agoti.]�edeh's - b L . .,; 1� .0 '' � '
9,L Colborne' 0 arket active, �,,Uigher;' On, - D�cember 8, passed n CL lost , in L .by graiting on him th6 skin of severs In&= FAi
.f%nmitter' 001101 JW11118, Derit, Xq. ID. L4 . . $0;60, � . quarter. ' I - .tmell! �at ottawA; since' 160. llb�
. � p ' . . � 2 L.
. I - I aq Steers .1 � .1 1. arrel is of . I . Depm .. .. 3jjAJiI �
r . ..r I . . L L . outo. . . . I . . . prim -, It . . . . . . I -1 d Ptisid�xkt Tit . ilich .4tee �eleveu .Jeet� over �ali,.and . PeMna" . I L 1 186, ..
I . ! . . . . I i and *Am- oaspiaw; Wa� 'b�6rn Lin . and married �
I r . a: I . 'On ea�qh end! �y iunningon, the rocks at Doi . . Am— .
. . . on Vrlli�, 0'-00 to $0 01 T, �Bjy..6 'wj-11 also �be poesent nt Anni Belle W. BotsfOrd t .
I . . 1. � . . L r Soldand'guaranteod in 40111it ,I by. L Calves"!;teceIP6. 10;' market alowp W that I . , The damages to the,steamer he Prominent
I . . . . L . . ! I .. I . .. t"Usado -. three feet im diam ' eter. . .. OZL43 f . 1,
. ---"- . -Iii. - ' . . - choice, td.;5 ItO . L . violill *L._._thft' ..
I I . � . . . I Z W. -S. R: Tdon � I . 256'fiigh4r; call to: . adiiu to an wooden points, r to will toW $600. en list. 'He was ancil .. r
- � . . . . . . .. . 11 11 . . on this 6c,as�on r The Cab' securely boliod I
I .. I . L I . . I . . . r . r I . . ". I .. . . . are formed of . r M�tar Killigston, . call 'Makers rof '
I '.., . . L . : . r $816'. .. . VW" I Lt6;�. 10",� Ciety t IS Spring . . hoi�6r .to L, 'Th ' . . , boy says 1�,e , effitors of , Catiadil,". I—
� I r % L L . .1 - ;h'* ' i had the the craft ._ ey 'L . ' . croft A 'nineteen -year-old r r �,
." . o, buy . .. . . .1 . . , Sheeil and Lambs , P4 P , a't 'One Of their L I thi reml L allege volumes'.of verde.,,�,,
. � 146 usu&1,11 sball, be ��VePared L. I ,.r L . L 'entertain the XT - .. .sections of wood. varying in ckneSs-� tid has issued three
I g r , PRICJ3� I . � InNrket, a0160 `gr4dea 'a,ativej: -eptaisidii, . , 4491t. . I.. *as imde �reii&nt of Sev., .
and ive th; EIIGRESL CA- -- - I . slow -oull ,�aliquets. I firan holi - ii go, anaiged. thiLt it is I I "Labor and.081
.I. awlef - . .. lrnlxweat insurallm - . �
001A' both'WAS11g4i %nd un- .. i lamb�61$7,lto $745'. ion �consl,sied. of . X. A r I .. 0131pallies, ill ""me magic House." rld Lyrios-gnd I rrr
for .1 . . I e-1 -ilugs, Sr -1 eg T 4 I& ' - � I .. . � . I " and- "New We ,
. t ,1$5 td� $6.%-, �year i.26 tw 'he del at fastened from,the msi 0. 1. r . Ano, ".
I -307 -, � . . 0 tal I I ..� . I . . L amp& was rw*., and a novel, - 'In the Vil- �
. .. . .� . . ... J 15.%- PW Ballads, l I '. .
msnufactured srUcleb. ' . I . .. * faIrly" �6f Ontario;. Dr. ..
washed, or ' I � . . the .barrel in whiZ'h hils- n==ien vesad T . L
. .1 I I ,� ahe6p_32 to Taylor. the.onl * . who .ever sue- iger-1 - - .. . . � L . 1.11
. I . I . I ,Uogs,4�ceipts, 2556- market -ley RailriIad, fotmoflY y person � - lued and smk by the sted frei&W- lage (It V ,':'�,
.. I . . ' . allvt, , I . . " _
. ' ! I . I ,.r.. I er .J�w . IS rain" __i,7W_W1_ _� L. � . �
-Of JMpo tant Events' Which Have , 'het - I a -ov the falls # labu W , � 0 U40W. , . ,�
� . . edsle,-; i�rlieq, ;7.10 01saae, su on'in the New I . .
will 6telisInge NEWTON& Of WEEK ; $4.% L
�. for � I .1 . . I . , 4arvis, presi&nt'of the Lehigh Vil- Unlikis�
Youlwill findlip, ftile. assortment l ivi and ta' � V. A. Ma --ge cessfallY passe Go*w oft4,WWkMNWe- I There lip .9 .�.
poittettis, . . S7.15; pIgs,.$6,76, mixed, $7-iO to $7-14;, ,York E" and Bar Haspital, formerly. Leach,s .craft b" a4 hammock upon * 4� .� �
' . I
IT*eeds.of varloxis up-to4ste � 00, . . red Ou'ring., the,Week-! heavy;- I $7.W to Uafi-,_�ro4ghs, $0, t0 - 1 ia;, F. McLau . awal*& 4 . There is Wind upoll. -ihe' tree - . , " �: :11,
I .
. - Of 1: Car , of - Nova Seat which'the * daring - little English navi-` , 99bert. the 14at meukbw . ' . I ,. i !.: "..
, also od supply Bed BlAnkets, . . 9si.45-to 45.50. .. - � ,,I �, 0*350wr .. lonaUd . - slowly sobbing. . ,
" * biwe tor DminnoOd and Arthabw . . 2. ,,�
.. I
. a " ' - % .__ . , $6.10; - ats. broker, born in Quebee;.W... We "I, haveu!t 4' " de.
Horsee, Araouketa and of, various colors- i - - � ' . � , jator will be strapped. The rain is
I . . .. I �___' '. . .1 . � I Chicago, Live Stock. . . narission' meic anee and -.(1=1 expect td, the The win(I is blowing free*. . I I , . ;
. � � . .. � . . I cent of insu?r ntiOn of s4ppor lag . I �
- . . . . . . . . . -Johnstoon, eo hant, born clares.his inte... I ,* . It beara.my-weArY heart . � I �. I ";.
. . ". T%ilianr. . . letcher, - D.D.8 ve, always Wanted to 90 It . mer& � . , . . , I . �
4 jESSE GLEDHILL ' - 1. � thq � final I CHICA.GO, Suly 22,�Cattlo--Reqelptsl in Ontario; C.� R. F . ., TeciPTOT y Agree . .. . i . . �;,! �
. .1 are in ., . . 'ter, a ry. . I
. uIght Canadians . mated at 460i,market steady; beeves 0 & Nova ScOtiali and Dr.'John,J.' ans.' I feel sure of aicc6ss-, I To my own ,count � .. , 1 I�
. . Itenvaillet t estl I als . . . = imyi � " � . - Miss Xate Baird of Et"k Wu I . I . .. r'...,
� . . I I ... .1 stage tof. -the �Xiiig's Prize sh�.qt at.. r ;00 to. $61, west. !McPhee,, who cam� - originally from Y' thirty ' ' y School .� , Itethrust --ailing. '.,:, ..
. . � I .� . I.. � ee . . . . I. .. gradua�e of w1i ..
. r - . ,. . � L .. , - . - . I . $5 to.$7; Texas �t s toe,kers and Mued. Edward- Isla . . . I expect the trip Will occuP the Lillian Masse lie'.
. ". . . $5.90, a . . ,ience, baS been aP- I I hear t . ..
. I Bi,'41,oy. � ern steers $4 to7 � 111a. . . Millutes," said Leach. . . of Domestic SO 1<ingstoa I 1-lid.in the hazel ring; . .�
� ' 4fers I — I � . . . � . . .1. . :�
. Boomer, well-k-nown. for �deks $$ to. $5.30; cawa and lit . . ., . in the _1111. I �" ,
� Mrs. A, H. fal . . I I � . I � . . o5 -pointed dietitian � . I I'll
� works of benevolence jn;Lolidau, Oilt.., ' 'to $6.S6 . t Cars $rnaphed.. . . . I . Deep Ili the, luisty lidnows
a ranSway 4ccl; . ;2,20 -,cAJVbs $5.25 to $7,75- - Eighl . : I Aitken on Taft. . General Hospital. " - - . 'sing; . . . q i, .",
was seriously.hurt in � I Hogg-Aecelpts -0ittinated. at M000'*- , Cayuga, July ,24.-A, bad smash-up - .1 I . 4 man whose pposed to i hear the s0arrows . . .1
OUL E , . . � . . . rVa. . rket Steady to 50 higher; light $&d occurred about 11�� O'clock Saturday London, July 24. -In his maiden I � _naloeL is SUI i Sec the blood � root starting, , I .
AB" ` UT " dent. , - rneit UmfIbell, - Wes. to $6'85; mixed $6.30 to $6,921-2t' 'he HOuse of Commons, on 'b 'Amyot of -Quebec , met' Nvith a All. silvered with the spring. I : t" ,�
- .
I . '-We-.;I(,y and .t OL . avy' night at tbz (I.T.R,. station, when eight speech in the " ve�ing, when he � .. I _
- . - _n, missing - , good -Park�r'S resolution to re. I fearful death last e . . I . .
ri� I . .1
0 d two childro - $6.10 to- $6k801,, rough $610 to $6,35, , carg-were derailed and badly smash- 'Sir Gilbert � e , - � ' '
-Y's.�Avife- an . y,s salary k was. stru � I
IL . I . ck by.'a C.P.R. shunting 1'skir*t the buried ieed-be s'. 11
I . since the'fire at Porcujinei have been to choice heavy *6.35 td'$640; �Pigs $540 - locked duoe the Colonial,.Secretar . . de6apitaod. . d . . . . I . . .1 ..... ""
I " . . I 6d.- Ti.,afrte wag completely V - of his actiOri in, excluding the &6- and w'A�' almost in the st . I I ::
. � . .: . to $6,45; bulk Of nates$$ -60 to 46-75- till, 8. -so in the rning, the Fort because . arry solAtude, - � . -i I �
. - . -� mo 'ereak .'and whispero � . I
found, - .C. Cameron - . ShaeP�Aeceipts estimated: . Ideration. Of desiiubI6 changes- in; -' llea�y rains fell -In Manitoba, with I
SEC HIT, 1', Jt is stated that Mr. D at - 4000- Firi6 a3id St. ThOMAS. wreaking trains consi row., the'l ev.dry diidication of contin4in-` 10i My snowshoes ' . � I '.
I- . � i � I -, 1. native $.o.60 to $4,65; , . I ready blood. ', ' 1"11
. . I . . � Ninnipeg .pe appointed, Lien. market; steadYl .70; - yearIlilis $4 :'called.�: The train was heavily. .the ' � 1 . ' _: f . inany, hours, - -deh hear th6 lynx -4 . , I,
, � of N will 4 -;3 to. $4 .30 to being British fiscal system - with this i-ain, �vl I have my I , . . I
am"-woh .� t. aor .of Manitoba iii sud-. western , 1,.vnth merchandise and aeir of Purview of theimperlal royal eOM1ni$ .mb Yelling. 1.
. .. Idnaiit-G6ver, V $S.15 jop.sg- went- loadei s: of the Rln� seems to%be general following the big I
. . . . I McMi&n. :"- . $5.60; lambi, iiati e. .. I . ekeu car slept all Sion on. the tr�dq relation- .. I . in, the' gauni and Shaggy . �vood. � �" �
� ' I .ceq.sjon to Sir Daniel - - 6hickeiis�. In tile chi . showers yesterdaf afternoon, leMp d6n, . - . . . . I . , .1 ; . . . I 1
I . - , � . m
I . . . o 'was not wakened'by , pirei, Sir William Aitken declared'that' . I ,
CenvfnO . Mei flargu, one of the sailors tak .j:� $4.50: to ;W5.. 1 . I . - .
I�' � . .1 . 1.� � Oat cattle, Marl�et- �, atten,&At, wh I wo�f_tongu I I
" L ;teamt!r Dentin, died at 'Veep . 'ers the Sin - 'hough ,car.,next was ' with his ditions'Arill bo goo((- . - I hear .the I . ecl rspi& o, .1 � '
t � july 2g. -john Rdg , mpire - li llil Howl in the rocky break; . I- I
eh fr�i�'�he' I LI . . . ish-up,. alt .!?resident 'Taft had. begun. ,
, Quebot, b6d anothefulAti is very, low.' LIVERPOOL badly damaged,. Theeause .of the campaign against the B-ritiih B * ,A. trip _- druNv Ag dccu�'red on Red �
, 0% .. age hils not yet , -daY that' .. D r 'a alze, near- Rostliern, I- -
� The nature efthe dise &_ co., LiverP601, Cable to eek was thought, to be a broken by ieciprocity -with. Oats". ile'wduld eer ,aill, y L , I I, Leroy Beyond the,pinds at the. pbrtagz , I,
Car vr-16 . rkenhead wT I . � 3:�xt hit Briti �eiprocity.- sa,qlt , those -drowned -.bein.g bear the trapper wake � I . I I V
. . � . . . I lieen. detvi-xyn1nP.d:- -, - - " � . with less cattle for. the 131 truck. 1. . I sb, tvade'by Te I' MaWonald, his f,.,urt&n-YQaV-'0KA_ Son .1 � I .
. I . th NewfoundlarIA and lastly sweq lie;"-
.1 . . . . . w. market t1itre wa�i an. average adva:ncii f J_Iis� ,,ErL Toulgilt ma bot ,
. . auot'T) O� ; - - The car had left the rails several , Vvi - Oweli J-1t1g1,I.L,_ The three w0re gloorn' of the lake4 .,:
vne man Was sevc4l,piy burneu t s -last quotod,both Indies into. the American an,J From the cleat � Y
� , \ .of one dent �red, -yards before strikin'g the th6 West. ri),virig, ill. a .,niall bont. . . . t-� I -, .
-onieft. ,knother lolllprollde_ia� steers making 'hund � , oat . . I �
. the -back, eliest and abd States and , 0 0 �h, where there* is a sharp net. * .., I . I I ' �
. LIU16 Liver, PM& , was. ta,lcen froni the frunt willdoWs to ,.L3e per lb. The.demand_l first swite, . 0 6ppo"ition i.; "develop- omestead, .,
,. � from 12 3-4c , I veral hunn. -Sir William Aitken, charged the 9t. * C m4idvrabld 0 talce .me b6clt to the h I
.. I I .�. . . I , bY the firomell 'best IS not 900d and with fieaVler I ourv�. For a, distance of. se . �, with turnix . Ing 11 tta�,,, tAl tile. expenditure- of - �� thogreat -room$ NY .
. . of -the, upper stort!y for I aintala ' ' it being impossible to stop Hen, Lewis Harcourl I* tile 4 .;j -i arm and low,
. . supplieg. it W1 = t1le Duke, of � Coil t cree,ps on -the ease- :
. joust pellkir Signature of ze which darnft'-Yed th-0 Ell . . to British party Whero t110.;fTOS I .
I - est of ,pribes 0 a . S imperial. Conference %;5 t�
In. 11 bla , glish I Ij be �1610'Uit to d a�d 0 �Veleolne big civtd, .
. . . in T(�Tollt�. The r . n uniform lovel. , t r � ' 7 in owing to. the hea�y down d(l, knew nauOt. For 6w, thing" it e t'. . � .
. . . h: tra rl�
I Chop .140USP ' - . __��. I . rade the cripplit; bf the air . uses. Mr. Harcourt, he st 7erdraft is )MM11119 uP, al"I tlle� t v(sat cornea in with sno'W. �j ,�
I . . ioif.',� (o,.gilt ornployes WOrQ I � 3iat. all. the ,overseas domini6lis, and oi , �
12 ouestg and , . ".- . t inoney could
I t1le 0 . I - 8 r'L es. , . be h* .1 I
I � � w,lv' to qllrotv, Cgptain Censured. b k ._� rin6n feel tho giv. me the old folk I
0!!� 0 1 . . � I — . 4I . .. � alde I I , I
� I I I aly 24. -The a ax a I and yet' sPeJ I Of tl at Ion- ago. . i
'�2e � . . . . J �. . � THURSDAY. rp . . �
, P*,-g-o,o-j e elole, t make t1wir B' a f , . more than halt Of the English people; vit to b(!tt(-V' "Id..'antage. .. 11 I le e (11 J
. 001010P �O I r . - '' - .1 I !q r. , London, I
. r .1 . � . Crade enquiry into the acoident'to tlie To 1�ncoura&e Tobacco drawing. '' favored imperial preference, I , i. 11
por 0610W. which he hamstrung the royal commission c dusky bn,,Isdm, �
� ��, 506 F&O.Sludlo W-9 � .,.-.-,,. 1414 -to VVe Loft buiip(rid - steamship. Ivernia, * Xew York, July 24.-Grea:t Britain by rulin,y out,this vital question, Riirriston hits a cilt. tha . t, Performs 011'Jand of th -it .1
� . . . r . . . I . I . ?
I I I. - � . ; atfu6k on Dall'at Roolt last may -6111 Will - not Tely wholly On the deicisiote r .. on the hi.gh wiro. Ih . :
149400xiisw_ 1.1, .. I ged, ti6sulted ye8terA � . . 11con,I)e of (Ixodorich .,xas And the darling maple tree, �,
. With healthy kidnVYS 61113 hall III wag badly dama of the.U. S. Supreme .court to re� d I h Church- I.."Vilest 8tal I . Wlwre tho cedar buds and berries
. . I I Priest bie I killed. reb 11. :
likWoossepik - I . ,good thance to'live lonk, but Weak day in --a severe ,censure of Capt. Pot, establish tompetitioll. in' tobacto.� . �qu# -With the Work struck by lightning an� And thf, 0 grows strong And 1 " ' ,
; ,bee, july 24. 'It" �
I I , 'Ridileys affliet oia a e, Iffith grgat - court found that it was not Ubder the Lloyd&George budget she -while Bishop Eby � A project is 011 fOOE at A1011treal to IVY heaTt is v;reaty and weafY . I
apk beeomes . neceasary to suslJ'nd.his certificate. tunnel urider'the 6t. Laivronce River, r I I
Fog 2FAS011, discomforts. __ f ter, the in t completed, and country. r.
bm $6,00000 fO spend oft improving' s 'ing S, Vor my -own, . I
it" DMINUS, anie matisiAmIS ChrO. I .. � c .. . .. art of it has'been was pronoum , & eulogy upon his Iman, of St. Thomas ha I
I . I be -at and I r . - � � ,I agriculture antl a P jer P. Lessard, cure .of 0- X-, GOO' I I
. Illuduslifted . . I urned. set - aside, to 4eterminc if tobacco can services, Fail tvas tak- boon''liPPOIAted 4Alief of.police of In- . .... _1.L�_'______ �L_tt__
� We, eyebighd , . . 4-� . Grlist� Mill 8 I St. Ambroise, Jeane Lorette� 1 —
.�-_� .
rM otland. gersoll. �. I
- .1 I 91 70010,11VUG fitila and too 6.6 - - . Bryon, Que., July 94. -The gTist be raised ill England and sc eri suadeply ill'yesterday morning Ili !actor� labor canditions
I jONSTIPATION - The experti who has tobmeo in ,w ' 'Pillfish r*b' Verly Satigi
. . I C"i Mill and residence close by were burn _ the handsome: ne chrl� in Canada Ste reported by. the Labor,
( ta;,7d1004rSSnVLS�'o1ul 0 pbell, atrived'here! '
. 1, I 000 ed On Saturday afternoon from some charge, A, V. Cam] � whi,ch had been erected through his Gazette for July. �
ULLOW SKIN verend gentleman fliu�-' .1
I . he loss t6- Bryplotl on Saiurd&Y on the CatnP!it,U(t)t' 110 efforts, There, . ittid-dollar 0or,
'�Ml =rrqna66ft'0101'U1t8e` 1171 L4J nine montlif �
NECOMP900 ,o, known cause. T L & two,hundred tlious,
, I MV4V"VX 14ATUPIC., . of WAI bet,more than a financial One, 'Pland to $Pon teil, dil M 41 fand,--was.-carried ilito the presby, potation has been formed At 13TOck- -
6 I . . day and: loss - arid thg.UniUd Sta It hol"t - I
� D111401. � � the Mill loss will be about $12. where liq died ra short - tiW6
I vfteftbl I I . Sleep atnight. I � but Vill visit the thbacco growers tery, � .r Ville to 4bilild aUtoraobile$� . I �
.. .1 MOM_ rwf*kt I'tJ J. Wotk and 0. rl 8 Mat 4f VZ. �Uyne he aftparwards� One at the names meationod for I..
� *.�loi( H1EA0AGHF;, r Boath" iV;dn I . . W. "P (listrictil. --- . . . r I . . 11 r
pills brb�91 couv'" owned it. I � Ir I . I .. .1 � ./
ell U LI'S Aev- . , . r I elevation to the LordS as "a veto ltiverylwx .1" AdBRA I I
� I I . strength to,6ld . . .. I 00 r : , . " s of Sit Wilfrid J.aurier. I
I � . r � . Mutt Make lmorb'Vetnelitt. I . .� W60& Zaln-Btsk beat 0 dmft. I
I . r �. I . . r I . 1__._� I MOS U g Savard of Hull, W110 I - It'. 'y
. I "baeks alid 0i - . -, -The prov '? AW; -,AT. Chatlei , _00 "* .,�
I incial� � rr _ rwto = 12al ,
I � A . � �
reliefrito weakeft� ... . . 1, . X11 i � , fite, says- ,
� I 3g;jon, Julyr 24. ,� , 4 ,r&6 Geda Ono'Zia , A4"md* *ejlt through the I'larcupinel
I Every'-womalft I pa UI*illjoys. - T%)y bani4h batkAe'll6 - limuse ilispectOr -- Spent- towo days Tonea and Invig6ratesthOW11010 , _ 11 . 0 saw tile bodies of seven Poles WhO 4041, .,d��40�1 I .. - I
I .- _ L '
It lnttr6st;d and Op"Id khow ims, vegulate t1le - - r. � . -bete and has notiflead the 1:60al illapee.' r 11 ovv6ug Tfi�m#, makos low . . 0*044 I
I ,,C 1A ,ets her& ... a d t
. tbout t'ht worId0ftil � � an4 rh0timotit ,p A ie betelkeep BloodihodvoinsoMales elftu were burned to death.
� U, %Wtilog S JnO. ,. tot that h4f -of 0 So hd� 0 D&g 11, .Xrefttig dftd praig W6", Deg. . Gro,nA
'. Pray blaader and klr'p' nfA or 01; . ".7 --lit Tom Chenny, of Petftlft
,") "RV I Adney-TuIll 4*6 for dek got Ufmts gad mAl W tsg Blaia'O"A's1mr.
�t IMU BoolthIl ask the rdo V�, &,V11a9Tf1'edkn 2 Trunk. brakeman, illillted while silufft'
Th,s now Vagind SYRIT'Pi partMelit to egneel' 06#86 � 6r Excesaeo. I
most izonveftlehtII it C elnv�g Ig, and are will r inda&"a alla'ARrOta or 0"45 (lix * , at Guelpli, Tuesday morning, died .
instarittr A5?A Your X kiduL*y,Fj in old or Y0111 ovs The The Mod You Have Always gon" r lieensez, They are -detective U: prId6$ipeFb6r.sl1f()r oftewlilploAsoo _ rr
. L . r . a aivteed' , . ,11 in .
ang to
Y dt,r& fCW b�V,, the ptopriet 9p, thei avatories, alld W b, Iry es et(S yeste,4&y. " ,nquesb will Ild ,
I .� I . * 'few have more set 00
e 04"Ot WP;i,V th# IOUs diefectso - 10"ll PIC "at r .,
. . %ou Z'"�'w J*"i"Iii j; 1. 1A .
Ithee? t " 6that .. . I free trial gout on revftt. Zears tua � . Inal7eg e' 'M* - � It* * � - ..�. -...�. ...-
. " 0=061-'t 111"'I't'd . WT. MOM U., mcf, 0.0vt Viie, . . " �0,,.w to are I I , � hold. " . � I I 11 -Ill- .
"' _'1P y a4�1� ,g� .
,bult ad . r . , ,,e�� oii,Aely W64" . 41W .
" . . .T'I.Ak�%tgad. Ittlyat fall I I 011Cr 90AME signaturo of 4 .- A . . I . .
I I -
mit U I r god, guaranteed, ip aii6ton lb:.vr I . I . . . . I
Ufaa A" diiadloas WON$' 0 ' Sold 1�6 . � I . . . � . �, r . , . . . I I
I � I ,V 4C 1 .0 .� , I . I 1. . I :� I . I . . I . I . .. r. I I . I r 11 �
wobdolt'sv"% S Ira C . . 9. 11011ftes, .
: .., - *%"&,'4iik �� AgbatsircirC;k W., Is . . . I I - . r . I 11 � I . . . I
. 1 7 1 . I . - a
I - r
. I . .. 0 . I L I - a . I I . I . ., I . . I I t' I
r I I . r . � I I. . . .. ,I. . .# 1. .-
I I . I I . �r � . I -
. � . � I � . I 1� ' - 1LJ_ ' '� .
. _. _-L-___ —,- - �, ---.e-- " .1 - �r. .kW_1_ � .... I _1_&N1.A.__111bh!_*_._1_ _____.�_ I- �,._.A'A.&—, ,� -- A --,:-11i111--- , _L"L.& -1, 21&_ ____&_."_ , . --' 11CAbIdi11.fi'4---&- -1 - � .. _AWAAkA_LkJ1,_