HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-07-20, Page 8r 4' •4r ) . .' • , ' _ V "iiµ 11111 ON11 q. . - -' - `. - wy...y.•t•..,••r•m....w�+.••w....•.+y.�•.,.}-,+}w,n ...}w,y .wnn,I •w,+.w►,.•••_n•_•...w.,_... ... �... -.. +rw..:.• y. .. ..•.•"1••l+'"l'4r,w••'�i,.i".°'1.%'a"�"�'�1"'lr•1"�"1'�'k'1 •- ..!'"•",,'. « ' .. . , CLT4 TCi r"eXARKETS'I 110 i E a .... .. 15 #tt 18 V 'sumer fiNj 0 , �A► 14 at�. 8o to 62 ......... 36 ` p ; e in.° ............ 23.40 Oats 3b t �j�I�Ea9 ........ p tiilc;, for Lounging, Boating, Traver Shorts . •,21.00 . � Bran, � Po- ular 1 .� ..... 3, Baric ,-..., .•...{ 5 G l ill C t '� u 2 j . � I Q . ,kS 11u#ter o m Ila, ,, , to li�i .. I 1.1, . . . l l a i 1 ,� Hog`s ...........$314 i •ni.. � 'O . 1.'C. I . I 11 I 0 �.� 9 � + 0' %. . I � . ,, � I . I I . . I ...�.. a e Your 'lisp - e a + obi A' - . "# ?C�.�, TxrCoz�D �kxa,. 1.• Take one of the latest ma azines to read i . o go'ta 'ldit" ... .. oto .. Cli x! s swine se to ehell on ]llontmY', which t:ammeneea ' the eecaad halt oftbio (schedule. on the way or while there, will cost you less . . . TA'S'K AGA �. an o e train, IS DEFEATED � Here than on r l e. good, heavy ' I= r 1 ,, ,.lig light -and dark colors ' iatookSt. Th6ru 11.'ilnuini,g'4'to ' 7 ("�' put Brantford out .of ' winning' ton . . I , ,. C Satwrc�ayt ands Tasker Otruck out s oust Wait at the Hotel lr gulot Zorn for . . • 'men. Eadt.+errors oast the 'gamn'eL • w Until f 1 d i • -'lNE MAIN. " n your ren is.through using the pen 111;. r regular, + �t' I C Thio ;sei tion'was visited b a pieces Fancy Must , a st1ngs� and tale a Waterman ideal with you and be, 0%'� - tine! raa�n� on Saturday x►i�gh'tf to p> vary: clear ng dungy' .above �ou�� 'a +�7 Sunday. �vhioh will ti•a !a►uch fort'he •� . e t an _ e11 . • .crops. It weal he farmer d incl+-I'EN-d nt. . gardneK haPp q --In fact every ,orae • . e Taira. glad to see the every. 1011d, Wa& _ __ r 7 e -Silks 19c Deep (cuts iu t�Liidren Straw lints Deep cuts in. . Satteen Petticoats The 'iletlmll ' observear of last ; o .. 0 :"! P week says; -Olin U''ooper %QQears . ' e Qleaning up, the balance of our black satteen, to take front ranlc as a„garau(e'r•03e 25, V$ist�'9nda of .fancy silks; no two -alike ' Cut go the balance at our children s st,,a�v .ry �he � f F 1re(� re 11iSQ'gud' ia0, vdiue 01ea.!tiug st 18c per yd, hats as follows;- m,irreP and regal taffeta petticoats at the has. becks .:casting on corm of hisO V f• I Regular 25:'for 194. following prices.-- own rinsing, for about a week. �,� „ hQ 39, 41 .Regular 1 � for: 70 • CANAl?A'S' POPULATION. , 0fteani the ehOaheat—*TIYWa 8 the 'Best sic Tan i :ose ,10c15 06 ,, . Tan Hose dot Weave mercerized . 100. ., ' 7;�a f1 . . ft1.50 � 1.19 ' Census tireturns from many dis- 14, Ladies, ., ,, 2.01, �` 1.49 fr els 'largelY' exceeid,e�d •the �esttm- finiehnci, size $ .to 10, reg: 254 cleaning at 190 ,� 152-0. „ t 2,50, 1,89 art! � inadedby the census bursa f I .. 3.00 2,25 and, it woul no a ,surTarisimxg i . . d j , �1 ,White Waists 80c the figures, when totalled, �sho% a CLINTON WON AGAIN. / .11 , t. ;Ladies Coats Less Than Cas( t �V its L, wn Waistg in the new . • 15 nn y i2 and bG >nlibroidery ;fe liafiulatiaaa far Canada of consider- Sdafortbl waQ defeated here on . ell sbxted worth . in . "s o is in. linen color, ab1q, over. 8,000,00. W ednVsdayl afternoon• by. theiClin•• diagaliog..style. sizes w aa. - Ladies wash sir du ter c a, a ands White hawk► Epabroider , two to STUDY AT $U iE rp r wa 1.25 clear�u ati:88c sash, well tailored and' god st le, ie 7',50 far 5 5Q b . 24 shots. All the the gala y g w. g Y g� y Y u E'XCEED7NGd THE ,LIMXT toi>i bawler.s gg t reg. ".00 for 5,OQ. seven inches wide, dainty designs, fjne q nilly, xisiks( had tinieh,sd but J:, Ta$1oT'8 end quality for s good Situation' in g. ! o re alar 12k and 154 sale ace ; .... , ... 8C iaShUItS tor Ladies halt. price g p The! attention of Elie Ne(w Era and l3hine� of Selaiorth, aA�ST1, the t»xeinese lite, :It with cast IiGtle co 40 an e�01e S1lttiii'” t�4 hast beean called[ to the. actkons, of were; atie on the 20th roup The 0108, 00, pontleacetschooi,�Sol Tongbso. 15 only, . Ladies wash suite made of good " 11iQs11n 1Q4 certain! local fishermen who call heavq, rain, 9tok'n4 broken laosd, and morn to. + e d 'daintily trimmed in assorted ices f new linen suitin in lain and themselves •sports; who are ,going ;stop !the 'eatcA109 conlbest. W611ow' waist lxn n nix y 2p p e o gs P q 3� 28 pieces`t5f'aac >ress Musline in alt the g i,ngi p• d(' ,.. sizes, reg 5110 for 2.50, reg 9.0Q�fo>; 4 50. fanoq oolOrings, reg. • 25' and 95o clearin at y out' catchin black bass and( exp were, the layers an scoxe • pupiilar>colbringtr, regular 2:ic sale firice... 10C = cee'dingi the limit. ,Eight bass is 1Q0 yd. + g M4Michaet Roberton . the limit for one fiche:roaan to catch !78C and 1.00 Corsets 49c MillinOty Flowiers• Rands a aeakins 25 sire; Womens corsets in ' logg and short l'rlllt9 at $C' saki one day. Klin s Nediger p Murdie sk......T3 Stevenson sk..15 BOUGH t-.' •A� � styles assorted sizes. in grey, and _white, reg.,, ,25 keoes of good strop Canadian rint'foll 50 benches offlowers, assorted blooms and 2EAYE THEM HERE; T HOOF•- That week, Josh Coale, Chet , 75c and 1,00 values clearing at 49c, g g P colors,, sprays, etc, regular 204 to 51U, ,choice � Clark Coixrtice . , tY'�, width and good patterns clearing at 84 yd: ... X Je Citizens w,anttng to have Person McKaq Shaly . know»+ bus ruain,'bowgbt iesi� durin suis . .. .................. • .. r .... p in The) Nelw dent of • Mrs. Junor :bpi. Ontario, g _ alst or news items ut 2.00 Gowns for 918c FaneV Pa,rosois 1.12 Era are kind! re, west'ed Ito leave Iiartrq Gr Thesis �it� 1i1►�i. liC y q Shine sk , . , .20 'Ca lar sk .20. street, arnd will take y;'rploasegsiaan 1`3 only ladies fine fiiliite cotton night gowns them at the office• I£ 'the ojtlYiceis next saionth..,Tlia widlt 5n@an that McLean Towne lose Weak emit o ni •and lace 40 out ` ladles fancy silk, .and •!spell P:irasole in 2.? pieces Muslin Drew Goods, no two .alike closedi. a letter box is in tbd,do:or, T Ie Lahr Mra. Juuor and Mise. tPeax+1; wilt in high and y oma :ill the o .ular;colorings.snd lain Wilkie Werth dsinCy designs and colorings, regular 2cc and where thea 7may be dropped'in. Veale leave for the We w>yete'Miw,Juno trlmmm ,reg. x.00 eleaiizag at 984 each: C p ��:plain Ift, O'Neil garland is. Thele citizens will las sorry; to early Friday Por these. un, to 3:0: , choice of thelgt for 1,,.�. 35c sale Price ,....... , . , . I sh.. .10 Hoover sk. , :: •N s . ONT RANK. - cl7ougal a them ! o. Mr. 'Cook Naas ee . IN THRR Nl . t� . Tlie Clinton. N+ew Bra Nas ce1Qr 11ZcOalluni Fieeniaxi • . e. goodg'piece of+prolr orated' its 46th birthday and con- Morrison • Ford }� ..- - •tinues to be one a£ the beak Pavers Bright 1VIoixish :A, number of Ftiuron• •U,dunty. ne..wo 4+' . . in thea county, Messrs. W.H., Derr g sk...:...17 Harland skr . , ,29. papei�sl have coxnmr>enced to . . 0 T TARM,ublishets Buri,oR _ hofida 3z !Son, 1vlo.lzave lyeen p tines[ annual p. w .,. ke�aping the paper Tu .0:; � Total... , ...s9 0+1 a] tel if� for goals tis J _ in the front ra and have our'best tiriah s for Continued sueaessNlVii.ig- C� . r',> ,.. , _ e SICAL NOTES.. 9 • . . ham Times . MM t. ONLY, .A SHOWER , iss Clete Ih'ord has +now receiv 3 , �, . ` ; . ed her diploma from the Zrond!an•1 - ?r;o 1 2 I S 14 out 6.30 Friday evening 'this , OD gy Ab Conslrvatoxsy to heuriclt ndZ C: M. • t ;. , I ! lace was visited by a ,shower, of i' 6 ' �' entitled, t �ed, t Y We :laid dust for -t , which use Viii ' thankful seeing that She has lust passed the recent pec- :y „ . eessaxyl 'exams. inhar;inony;'hfstory, I' 4 i v ..` o the Waterwaron Was tahtng +a 1ioli� +' ! r I . ill counterpoint and £orris with hono'xs , I e s`� day : - , beim;. -a pupil of Mr. Willgoose : of ry 11 I C&Ydan, � 10-. AN -- A GE 'London in. this branch. 'She .Passed. I .. II N SACS. thi rat . I . I °'� aT4S CSi9 ++Thci a x,s :irroxe jay in iL print' her final piano 'exam.. • 14i first- , - . cam` �y ,b'.. Butter& Egg clas!l honors, last maid -summer, un- ;„�, � . liar, office over .one •s'i7xne'rthat pays 'der Mss. McHartdy-'Smith. ,Miss , , , in advance and abuses ,' the ie.ditor Ford?s pupils also did' xemflarkablk y ~ :, on e1'eiy possible oceagion• than enti'Lon on !Cdn -.a� ' �.r�,....�-.. �. - --- -..r....... - YeIL in the roc d seri _ f^,� - timers is ax*er ninety and.nlnea who vatorY EleaneutarY' Pia'ho exams',. t � : > s' , '�, - -ow) , the paper 'anti • sin:g( its all talcin Yirst-class honors. They ..1:,, :, , ' icima the Or an out output !th ''Piano' INDIAN" AR IVED. g t.` �� . F-. tliean a go:od pairs[' each.Weak-dust f gt g• P : bl , pr.Aises without contributing a cent 1v 8 -'Ci e]: Kennedy, Dorothy r•:• , i• NEW ER !'like a le:tterfrpmt homne. •Who'll sub- capacity has:thus been increased b ­ CLINTONX. Lastve:ek the rnd>ans arril;ctira to l:e:ep! hien' out of tkxe paarhoulset Rattenbury,'Lwliz bailey and tLIoyd �r �,t. ::< <1 , A :x., , • .) scribe to -day, half. 'Last year somne 600'i?ianos ga;Iy to:Puli fla3 ' in, �thd mxEjighbgr 'ce Ot `r i' of Mr; W11P apse '' 1 ,. •IMPROVING THE PAPER. Ri he pupils � . „ ;' , <: , and Player• Pianos with J500 Organs hood. . ` were, .He1e�ri poheatx, . who took ( and largequantities,'of inn be ;:,%,Ol: EXCIIRSION •T.O $INCARDINE. g .P a mi ti A TheiCi,ntoai 'Neto Ea<•a lxas passed st- was hosaoxs in . 'unior theor ;: ' i• :«<;:,.k:: 1 DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ucn- ! - :. ,-, '' rhes, Chairs dna Stools tv re menu- AL IC its o t x ii • b h s £ir, cl 1 Y :. « < :.•.:, ..I% i e ANNU P NIC+S• t for Y-si t in daY, Me srs, at. Torpmito Consseivato Miss < >.2, <h>:•::- + ist, Specialist, will -he at W. S. R. The .Winghamml Unidii .Sunday• actured -and •., old T dean demand � : t.c_ t�,:< f t f s he a The (memb'rs o.f' Oi>taa•io is'tr@t. W H $err ,& (Son, lvho have• been Boles tvho took senior ieinging.es- # :<1r:y4' S` Solmes'Drugstore, on Tuesday, .July Schools wmllraiin.their popular. An-, g , ; ::1..;, F. has this year. Hawdver become iso , d• ` -6 ur h' • li' . d heir - Publishing it note fox ;somu'e:tiime are s. at'tlie� sapn'e lace ' h ` `Elva a»: ' ',: t ,> i 18th 3lasses property itted'. deafness: +nnial Fxcyms oaxfro?n Mitchell: to -assn t a a o lVietho, > h C eT, t ail' app p , .. :, .:, '1 h -treated.. , • tpre g hat 1 rger. utput .has _•,num picnic a# Bayfield on Tu day keepmn,g the paper hell up and im Wiltse, lvho took honors.,in junior Nu catarrh and failing eyesight tzg $ineam dine ,os� tWinghaan Civic P . t r ; . .. £;. I ;`t be.commel atx ab;sotate ;nece�ssity..The y ( pl theory and form at,­London-` last , �.`:,.,•; �4.. All day. 'Holiday', Thursday July 27th. The n aB ' `ofi chis' lveelt, Toda Thurgda , Pxaviiig xt, Stratford •Eeicon. , l ,. , Ge , r Metzger, Mr, D. S. Ciuf£ • • `s'' Sundaq School%is'hbldih mid . inter, Mr •JVIc�Hard'y-+Smith s , -:. , . i' G. T.R•(xvi'11 sua� .two especial traiu(s i a res rata e d he ! n-^ iWi11i g IT XTPR VEMENTS. ?c' :;::;.� IS P . , e • .. tt. n iag t Win i heirs at Ta, ield. uPd,s at Toronto oohservatory this •.• ,: :gra on (that date, ,culling a't all nates e t � F can n- . � �. e1. .. ; , Q. g' Exhibition it�lnere• the Western. Dr. {8`haly is having. his (iris real eo0. 'were, Berta. Jackson, ea a ,, ,,.i:: . THE. NEW CENT. anedaate`etatibn > lFoa9Time� fares Branch of. the : Com an have nal : denc .touched u Y • S . i a. r _ A . Y glaV. J. T. LeGFAR,.D. D:• d p. by the, .gamut tary.p�ano, ,pearl Juno[, pizii?.ar5. extensive •exhibit of all the»!Com- brush,. 'Mr. •-Brydone is haven .his r , it re 'n un^ , "' A. T. Coopex! - relCeived 600 rueW . and Part evl rs, Lsee large past t d . m a ems: ; , t Rev. J. T. Degear, •pastor of C'et- • g piano;,, Ni ss Kazan; Hi sg et ,1 Canadian ,cents' an has so i n pamx$ ,s produc s, business in Winni . residence` treated to a new coat of .ior. lasso, with hoazorsr t P f dis lay in his window. The first 'peg and ' throughout the [W'es't is tray M:.1a. church,' Lan9ing, Mich., pyaint; Contractor 'Paisle is ' a . . p B 'SS %Rl7S IN.ST N+ EYc Tl'. a (.Draper• actor t what > now • _ ._ � .< mak i s t :;l :'a!: 1; . cash buyers get anew cent. These. U F A L , good; ;said prospects for the, future P,_ o ing a. good lob ,4f roofing tlxem aodel : '. w are the first in town: la - e o. s, s are the very beis't. Dohert o- Trinity,3Xethodist church;Stratfoxa school an will soon be' ;a c 1 Wham' looked to e . s ri u 9iu h y Pr e. t the d finshecl.:Mr: '. �.. 11.1.11 ;_ tires. Was••iaa aswam ne6 ''Hills dnetsi have won the hiighest place, Alas recently honor d . With h Johlasoil is'. busy puttingu the � � � �r HURON MED S'PU. DENTS. [eon.. The blaze"a''ii:d smnoke lco'uld-1a'that ptee(m of the. lniuscial pub Gnorary . degree, of.doctor of div- . eavelioughing:' . �i�E F'F'"�m . . . I ;.i. g • i - laity, which inns conferred . at the . • . r,. - `The M ical,Cbuncil has announc') bd edea. from GOititomx,last[ tve(ek, lic there. Altliou ll the ile14 brick . semi-centennkal commeneem!int AN E1`FOIt'P Mi7S-T BE 7VI. DE; Ce gtral B.ustnoSS: Colic a _� ed the reswUte of the(fianal, intrem Stanley( 'township, ,lost &good • Ware3hotis o zi' ailtree!t'Winni . mediate and Primary examinat}'om?s woodeI> - bridge :by fhe fire,i -which Peg was built large enough ford or- . cer'emouies •at Ablion �Colleige; A'severe, !lesson in honesty am= ' el in May. , Amon the lis'!i we will have to be 1•ebuiit. �We.vudex- dinary` requirementei with 'such. � cnig. thbse:who find lost suanstof ' . Stratford, U:�l.' ` _ . held t y e' following Huron stand the swamp , contains' ower large trade offering anotheae �lstory 'S'C:'HGOTJ BOARD'PEN,A,LIZED. �4A ' money, articles o'£ value . et demand. , . ,, c c ie Our graduates are in . Puck out the g is now necessary. .to carry: su!ffi- much needed. It is either -not etudesits •-Finale-William! Geiger, 300 a�ci•ee, ►5gveral• farmers had , For. v,sim! text books +iin!auth+oriz-. , :�iusineds men state that thea .are.' 'Sengall • Russell Montgom a y, narrow( escapes frown having their Jcel# :-shock. .This Will now be add g t generally known, or 'the knowledge best. '36 deiits'from the class. room � ': ed. A cordiallnvitation'is extend- ed by 'th;e Ontario Dep'artmetat of . is, disregarded t at. an' e f t s u . !Wroaete , Duncan Allison,, -Bal- barns♦ caught, but a!ll,g.o off safe- Ednicatioo the Board of Education r h for rai.ust wets placed recently at :8 5;. $50, M ed toi +the • ubhe to • v sit the Fact be grade - .: Publicly to restore. to a d . 0 per month: A ad- To'theflomeTtade I rave:•:���diets-Dwncamz Al-lq.. ,... _ .. , P.. a' , _ of IWindsxar'has been"pen�aaize;d .$26. ,: . the $Bb.. ki $7 .P . 8n' • gg e ory, at filinton and become famil anything • Iison, Belgra , Charles" Cleland . - loser,. an is ' Thin was brought nut at 'Ehe.$.oard g P ked � up by per :, -oats . w.i't. h some. experience was: ..' , ;: .. lar With construction of D:oheri sans, onthe • +stre.et 'Ar oth'ei .! aces laced recentl at $1800 eranniim. ; . . Don.t'P rt ' Alexander, Seatorth. Prianarq:.- THE PIANO FACTORY: p, . o t,iy 0 1 e salt g a tan u Weeting. Wl n 'the anembers "were . PC P �' � and Plyaer Pianos before g and until thin is clone„+th'e1 finder A•ti p pia ot> t. Samuel Ja' - I C u t r, The heir' signs on the factory het notified[ thaC the Usual I rant from• graduates secure:. positions. The , � � � g � supBly, to the travelliwg, public pur'ch}tsing;: the de amtment would be pmninus $25 restd •hamder the )suspicion .of hav degnand'in past year was six times 'volt TT�W BIIBS'CBIBERS. much needed information: relgar P ing stolen thg ariicle in aluestxan. the number graduating. We have ! 1�athe� in this east nsi�+e lent: Extensive .BASE EA'LI,, oro( account of the. cVVindsox( CoIlelg' To e,11! liew -subscribeirs in Canada- ria _ �• pp ve . late institwte; usiztg two books that . three deparrniiente•, f(� +the 'N !Eral from 'n.OW- alte3rationl§• Ravb ?q mi in progress. Tomorrow! (Pkidayl alight at ' 6.15 a�rd mx,at.•bu the. ,authorizes 1is't. WHAT ABOUT CIVIC HOLIDAYS? Conatomciai, Shorthand Tele ' . we of i� t Keep: Your Trade..by nin!tiil Jan. lst 1912, +fol; thc(small , during the past two weeks as,alre� . Goderich "1vilT Play, a league .. It's about time ,somethip9 wasbe-'' graPhy.' . asukn of 2 ce 6tis'. Will mr readers cult of which. without in�terfermg O DO - ing, amine. concerning civic holiday, 1 6, MOVES TO L N N if rove, haven't had 'enough lhblida s I%. al. MCLaahliil tell. thio good tntewis to all their with; the Machinta>•q, Hall, by ad- tin the Factor• s 'ace the -Piano . •` _ ... . ` �Canobl Cr'aalg, a' former trectol� b f for the ' y neighbors and friends Who are not sus �' u , �: • Ii an as be summri'er., !Labor day, com3'.ng • c , PRINCIPAL d 'who h en gg DV�1�Tt•SI111G: subscribers of The,!New Era. 1%re. `DepartsnIptst have been moors +ton --0 St, Fail? ,s, chole as it, does th:e beginning. ,of`,'6gc --- veni nt1 placed. S(Lcri- .. ... . inl charge of . thle Petrdlial church amber he time. be 'tide n will do our Pant in trying to :give � 3, T? e t spa c - it an .Tat, . 1..F for the Vast the 1Vi!1>! :be mnov l oq J u4Y alaauld be !divided aud'dthe .. ` to Lon oti b hi Lords Bicho _ -:�• w y P ' U ho!lidaya taken about Ithe beginn � o . , . 4"t', fid• r f•E�••3+II�•I��k�k?F.•3�•1••f'3���F�;•i+3�:•F_�! . • . ... x , .. W illiamn;d to !.the church 1Stc' Johai s •� that Evangelist, and !Rev . . T'. irig o£ Augw'at, with, .the cities - . • b ` .. their eir date is A,euallp the 'first Mon- 4• .+ - . . • 'Hili, the . formic[ 'rectos Will go t'o. •ay Of that.knonth, and ours',could vetrblLa.. Cnnonl Craig is oai(e bf. n Dt be at a much q letter tti(m If 6.a the hxio t lik;omin,ent figures at the The 'hoe., to. � •� A %� p i per+ Synod meeting and is char ivoxk� tbe;.el is to be anylaing doing„atS„ •t - A Few �`�'' , y7, pVC� � J�..� �:6+�7. . • . er. - d flat a>ticular`tiaie-tla(e rnece�sis$ry + . • . OR•'"'�` Q. • . �, �. ' 4. . ;% ' pe ition �ahoxxid.be but in hfrotion; We are Now Sellifis in large . Qua ntitie's 1 MITCHRLL )WON, , . .a _: MINOR (LOCALS. . Irrolk 4. E O�( Friday afternoon +the �6`linton - '.�Iui+omp iS+tre'gt im'acada�n,`'•ro�a'd, is � �' , 00y I . � - ands [Mitchell rinks played alrxrqi(,te x>oW finished, � . 21SE�3lER PIPE—6, 8 and illchialso f�tt- ;' iml the will yup ;sexiesl�oax l,,- ... '4 shell reen. The oKe! wt :. The Su'ada.V # o&l pic?sies have. � be it' ulti,i .or ,. g gcritical tastes in dress, in s. finiA-110 Before suppenr, and ;,the �►cW ozi�naencad. Edi of + voM g �. _ . . most conserwat:IVC will ilastantly recognize ` + '. �, grew w e'ver'y. rvct when they Oxiward-that s the .watchword WASHING MACHI?�TES- -Tyle Ideal, �inr. ,/ aneruced ,A, very af�ain t4s a heavy WAR progres'siver business men-: tale, attrgCt ve. 'ffeatures Of. Minute, Vollniar`s, Class Machitles. $creeks . ' . �� '.- shower of rain ha fa too betwcieui axle++, who contnnua[ly make; the .* a This Stores Uttegt Styles doors and windows, +six titltl seven o'clock. Three . of most of rgaod advertising, R. . .. Niitrhelll rinks` Were away Mill;, and RANTFOAI)t7S3ER100F+X1V�•-One Ttie Mand >pe aid regervoi•have.. Ladle`s �ahoes and txfords..:.$r.,5 to3.�0 B the tauxtla Was elle. 1'A lowinB is . bntlii beeneaned out grid filled' ';' S the best in the 'market ' ;:,; the rWmlr; of the,!0Zwmq , again, and over, thbig is now in �' SEN be the ever sri `particular,. bout their attire + , ., ,•�'rl, two and 'tlxree plya, chew er than sllln 185, '' ~ . ; mitehelt• olioton.. +good[ running order. ill fl o t m + . g • ' WingliftWo tux rate is 0 millkon .� pct e5 a� ale •1 I) � T, "i5%lseanaii w ction f Spring and Su w GARDEN �,0$,E,tlpazles and lawn sprinklers ivz. uikii> , I. : J.1.' 11TacllciuYild . J. Rausforcl do'.lar.' , iner Sho iS Great -Store ';` _' rope a ail sizes, rnachire Ck1l, $ergeYrs pure Paris ate b! bene ,so er�etc an.e heel bet Ilr.lrloGlll W. Harland y The Voters' Lista for the town Th �n y � .. rry Word it the hands ' ��rOb t0 �$.00 t Green 5ilre death to • bu 5 30Cc het !tuxkl, out and idemthe battle!(oo W. R• Cole J. ltneavc r l .ship of `piirnbe ' : . . Skip...., , ...1.7 Skip_ r r . r r . •f of the Clark last Wondat , No.i a1 I den S Shoes and OXftirtls,.... � `'. CUEO1�011)— Drives awe the flies and kills tree diwho' Ad, has, 209 voters, No.09,•No,3,IM ,� ,i. Di. Aatarr No, 4, 151, total !V4,ther li,s't6114. •�, CHILDREN of today are as particularconcerning yam. �' � Tyr. Rmitl lice an :horses, cattle alld poultry regular $1,00 , T. 5. roti .1. McLood IN THE ']�Alt�il)L`. s * �! Shoes, as parents are. We recognize � size f'or c- • Proton( Thursday Daily Xows .+ave ' Dr Bir iCi, . J, TOW � Melia he tdo mutation of. t a ,their t and therefore show. _-. • . • - on. washin ach1 es reprint the following' which tefere ° Ski a, ..:... ,18 Skill.........: r .18 sentemned at A ngpilina •NaPolitano, this fac iCi per cent 'disolitl!t g #Yl tl ,, 1 1,14 o a roxmef• well known Uutonite 1,__�� of l�..h,tskinr...... Xtaliso Woman art Sault Ste.Maria, The Best In Childl'eims .�I1�1eS 5cre$n doors an4 windows, gasoline and -oil Tklg) nud to,a Kane that be has -'Is' 1Ca1'� bell J, 1�itir eondemnec'r toha�n for =tine hn>,ir� Childrelt's Shoes and Oxford � c to .,$1, der of her hrosba!n . Official an- , ;...� Moves. c•, � leuxie�dl ulxoat fol• twei'vd years, E. , � .'1' . _ . i+a.s ord �rt iT.�A, T+'orrester nounom 4patf will be bade, ,90 on. ” ' to a t. wa theas ye'dinscerns��e p.. ,iL. Cil lititix 11 aA tthelave ars'1hnrov>l1 xnbgb 8�► t S ,'Wltiile. ,yaQ Al t p1t.' ..y,,rryy -Skip . ski .•. •r..Ga7 ♦r.r.,.•.... e +107. ,,.r, y .t. �P kdat ;op rr AA��r It the roads arena dusty, brgoslx .W, l"arrester . 1• litcConnell ba xidieasetd on Xierolcl in4 tt,xeaeatt� . L�f'1A�': o r the' re, gnudd,,y Q, PDllakowsky J. Hartle able period, , Downey T. J Gibbi Bs Rverythw,g in nattwe ln!dtu xe x in 11 + • it y But>. dry or !dr1. Ping:, Toalll find T• L. , n it it Ed. ' 'laoelq• W. bdliot - E. X C,ouriico ,th metas rat. Ther llightnidig p1a . Sittives and 1 . .lsard'VV#ro Skip..•...':, 90 'Skip...........i2 tits' Wland 4rthistlter the IEIiCu4 AC oN:�. .Thad rains May soak lxigrx;,,thrs coir � �� �.1 .. «� •••. rolLsi the 'b'taotir it{bort', +theC anav� 11010 got that i habit, you Cannot . May' for Mitrheli. $6 rA t. ftp !flats. fi,oldNw i1er�. 6venr w q Tcital.........; # '�[OW...........II akhaleee hix�x. � � Ii'fr' lztktillt 1�liOKMt ti�Met irivera ['W!0..-MM4 "044 ................... 4