HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-07-20, Page 6■ ,, " ',.. . "I n
.ww._�. .. _ -. - Mr - - - -- .. . .111011- - F.
CURSE F UMV,M' It drowned or crusW to death wtio 'l the www Axve worswA iu ia* snip for V t
0 . -
~ ----- valyl was punk by the Dlatmeato. awarly forty yov.ru. rue,ive from IilMt)
Liverpool Whsat Future"' Goal Low. acoordira� to a despoAch from Poet to $5.0%) each. � �
�' or, !:Chic** Higher --Liv+ fltock Limon.'Uta Rica. �lliwhed her*
Lrtte:t Quotations. yaateiday. The wreck owurrea dur• ericklayor4' Excursion.
Q iii$ tE sterna ill the esttiaryp of filie Stat +
lL",� � Perlin, .Tilly V. -The biggest picuia
ti+l CTIICAGO, July 1G,-�:A, revivA1 of tai �usii River.
excursion that liar ever sonic to l3er• .
ION aXo9nto the brought for new
strength The flet that moat of the pslesengerit liiz was that of the Bricklayers' Union
' here below cit account of the heavy
. I WN0 , . eStizilatea regarding the northwest crop .' heather seems to account tax tltti of Toronto, liaplfltan, I,aiidon, Stmt• ,,r
Clave help. I>i Gonsaq>tienoa, ,.closing heavy loss of life, as the steamer sank ford, Galt and r�tliex towns on Satur-
,�„ prl es were 9aic to 96c hialatex #hon last quickly that there was little chalice day, tilt) visitors numbering about _
nte�i,t. The end 9i the day, however, 1,500. Toronto's contingent brought y ' °
ii !! t' left corn down 3Ac to 5t,c; and oats Ott for those under decks to 'escape. the 48th Highlanders, ]]gad the 91st +
j�he %a to Se to ince• flog products• finish, �'he Irma was Heavily n, and
10 No 173So ruin. ' her efforts ' W swing to ;lgrt �k'd not Righlanders 'accompanied the Haul- Q
ed all the wax from 100 to iltou excursionists, these bands along _ v. ,- , �. ...._ -
The 1.ivairpool market Ciatted xo-+iAY ? take her lar encu);13 iP prevept the , _
WN to %a lower than Yostera•r on 'wheat, Diamaute p1 . ing icer nAA,a deep into with the Mix Regiment baud of ]sear- .
tins d higher on corn. nrtds Pate _coed ung lin, furnishing an abundance of 004 '
-, x�4o owerR $calla 42kn )fitter' ttndt ,AAtwtiev the side of the zTmaw. The Diamatite •o g
A f Mouq WientiXt states that constf- music. S fine. program of sports were
laic lower, bow wool badly Battered, but she prov-
ed seaworthy, carried out At Victoria. Park during WATCH THE WQ- EDS. i 1onj# been common in the .west. road and the influx of gold seeketra
)intron,ornou oftltebowels,esuaes Winnipeg. pptions. the afternoon, A .joint band concert Sheen will eat ,it, bu'ttit is,iaaidltio. �i'i:l live ahow e ma1'ket.fora,ll that
rhos•- donuts than and other d> C1 0 %. t'iose.
;' .
c nabit>ru1« (' tio1i irift,men tbp
Itdi4C}rs, Torun dig'estton, tit the iFotittd•
atiipit of Rheu�tiean, poisons tbo blood,
I. saw Hettiiitcltes, riruralgiat Nervow-
Mena and a. 1
C bpm is talrise I b a w( oe .
sluggish liver: Silo, ���
lof the. body, ppcccted by lire lreley
wri?icli, in turn sniocti. poat0 oat bdo the
iniest nts Wdlic krit belie, td aaot.e lore
bonds. UnleeaS!}clivezaasetive,;tbpie
.. .cannot lie bid � ` �°
,�e yr and Ccm Qn
4t1*fitit-a-tiYCa,fr' °p4s'
diciae, wBl altars care
Viae, pen, $It . Low- , ..,.
July ..... 869fs 8696 t>59f,
al's -... ilgU olyi, 0!t 90%
duly .... 889G Ss3fi. .... ,... 3a':
Oct, ,.... 40 40 0 40 VA
Toronto Grain Market,
'99 hat, tail, bihftei:.......$o ss to i,,..
111►ilest. (copse, .bushel .... 0 8D ....
lire. butlbel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,« 070 .,.,
spina bushel .......«...048 ,...
y, bushel••.•.,••+,•••0p ••••
�4kwbeet, bushel .....« 0 4Q • {N
i'ees. ' buipisl ..............018 O O
Toronto Dairy -Market.
Batter, store 'frit, ........... 0 }o elf
Butter. separator. entry. 1b.;0 zs 0, zo
nutter, e—Inet7. lb. 'rollls.. 0 za. 0:U
Winnipeg Exhibition.
Winnipeg, 'July f 7r--`ravglers
Day at the yGanadlaa Industrial Ez-
hibition yesterday brought. out the
largest crowd that bias. thus. fgr $Deet•
6d the fair,. des ite towering
P sloes..
The commercial travelers" orgaiuza,•
on 1000 strop toured the lei in a
street cat g, ty
�, atron$ wind which blew all day
$ the'aviAUr until
deterred 4OffYn, a
'most dark, when lie made a $pectacw
lar flight, tuts tying spirals and' cork•.
sorts directly over the heads of the.
audience that filled the giilndstands
was herd in the evening at the Aum. '
Corium, ,
Bolt Killed f iprses.
Chatham, Ont., July MA—A born on
�e .farm of 1lTartin Doyle, $arwich>
was; struck .b y
y li$htnins ori Frida and
was consumed by $re, In the stable
at tke time was A team ' of borees
and. George Anderson, colored, wb'o
was working: on the farm with Doyle.
The bolt hit and killed the horses, but
Anderson, wbo was ly9mg down'in the
stall Trott to the horses, waA uiliinjnr-
. ed, and did not eves: feel the ahock.
The building was insured for an
Ther weed probleiit is getting ito taste rthe Mutton of the )animal elat- can ue ra.iae3 #here for many Yen,
brrmKrx'd, aerioiis' every year >n'old iiigJ it_ 'Cicala std and care4ttit to colne.> A a�reat gold pa ke
Qut>trio, New weeds are holing Watching the u'e'�d croF areneeded a firstl o;ass anar a t'.iuxiP a a
� � k t for f arzn pro- .
bxou bit and old ones. are(,extenc�- uo more than aver beforf�, truce,
in g! cit area, On one farm la felW i
Years ago aged oats from Ma itaba ,-.,.,_ I _. .-, �...,.�
v' o- Osea. 19emt year the reach NEW ONTARIO . t
weed WAA rampant:. on the fartii. a.Ad A small plot of 'rich land prP-
all these ears the ifar�meir' i [ktad Re errs from the 1i :e t#f i rvav d c
$ ha p n .,, ra 1 Wes more crop than i< larger plot'
e! fore fight witl>y it andtit is still in. laeirig built into l'oxetlPine gold of rcor len l a^ta co-ts less In toren,
evidence though riot as bad as it fields slay that there Is much excel r ~t•
)Yana'. Thiel weed is one $hat has lent farm n •)said alon til n w •. 11
g et �
- «
i.. ; w ;.;..
because it a4s. dhee* oat
Butter. creamery, . solids .. 0 zs ....
and limed thq fence all round the
',oval, The m artery of the avjator
amount that partially covers the
i :.'
relievt s the cPa
(luantfty of bilb-a«et3 Cite
IOsss ..,.. ,,... 0
,naw -laid ....
Cheei�o nsw,
. lb . ,. , . 0]a 0lt�y'
over his maciine was ag 'n demon-
loss, but the implements and con:
tents will be tOta] loss.'�11
. .
bowel anriaciea.
" Soo. 4 hart 6 riot $Lao, ar W401m.,
�., 11 t ..., .... .,.. 0 0 is
Honeyooaib>a, doses . , . ... t 6D ..., .
Sgs►4v. entreated. lb • 3l !'Il
titrated in the landing. .Owing to the
direction of tale wind,. Coffyn had to.
- __ ..... _ _ _• .
C tt
�% >4ii PXIZ Or i' m�ira 4
s c, At ori.
5 °mom
Gh cage Live Stock.
in An exceedingly s .411 spaoe;.
a feat aceamglished with'tthe u6il04t
, impaled Herself on Knife.
. New York, July a7. --"I'm mot hurt.
Limited, Ott>hwaI
Ci1TCAG0, July 1b.--Cattle•-Retxtpts
dexterity and , nicety,.
mother, blit lilE s>.ge take the knife out
RM you g'rlar to 'build that now
horaebioek, dairy
tiaular piece o! work shgwn.b7 Pltotoirrapk
- t1 r, was dead.
estimalted at so0; market steady; beeves
Ytliii to ;7; Texas Steers ;4.60 to ;6'•10;
_ _ . _
Baseball and Money Evils.
of Iny }ieart, fifteen -year -Old: •Helen
WiAeman moaner) as Mrs'. WinemAn
sidewalk or
house of cement? Then insist on.
your dealer supplying you with the
Notice stow we have purposely planned
and imposed certain neoessary conditions
wearers} ;steers, 14.76 to '36:00; .stoctters
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 17, -The'
found her prostrate''on ,the door of
"CANADA' 'Cement, Not only will this
' in order to give large and small users of
.. .
'Struck: b. li htn'n , r'
y b i g .du inig, 'the
end $3 tq 64.10; cows and hell-
ers V-25 to 5. s o .25,
$ t6, calve S5 t S7
two great impediments to religion in
their' apartment kitchen Friday nicht.
'fie girl, whsle romping with iter. et
ensure your gettinC w pure, ,I that and
strictly high-grade cement that will
Dement an °equal opportunity,
As an illustration of this: In prizes,"G'"
el trical .4fhou?n{last Monday rev n-
Hogs--1;ocelots estfm _ ed at 0000,, mar
the northwest, are the baseball and.
h fallen an been imp. ed
guars,ntee the lifelong permanency of the
and "D," the. quantity of .cement used
, �theiba3ndsome tower b v >t 'e
entr to 'Vi o 'a o l h
aagt aa>eel et xi. College,
icer steady at yesterday's best price;
light 0.36 to 0 0' mixed, .30. top 6.so
; S 1; , SI $
the money graze, declares Rev. Dx..°gs+
R. W. McCullough, pastor of the lead-'
u oil a potato knife which she was
- thing' you build blit 1# will also entitle
you to enter 'our Prize Contest, And in
has lie bearing whatever on the . result. .
The farmer who sends us the best ,pho-
TOrantQ,. iWati (very, ba dania el.
ala -water, ��
by. flierand er, ancTi it, Wild asl
heavy ;6,10 to ;6:80• rp h 6,10 to 6.8418
goo. to choice heavy 636 to 80 � i
d vy S S6 pigs1
Eaptist. Chinch here in a report to
his congregation. on a recent western
i1 ayfully brandishing.
The panic-stricken mother drew out.
thip contest. you stand a gond chance of
'winning a prize that. will perhaps more
tograph o! as small a thing as a we tering
trough or a gate host,, has as much .
at least) $3,000 to Wake th. a nI eiCps-•
$0 50 to ;6.45; bulk of sales ;6•,60 to $iao.
Sheep—Reeetpts. : 6000;
.trip. -
"The westerners," he adds, "`ora
the ltnife, and Iran screaming for a.
doctor. Retui�ging, Site favid the girlverY
than pay you for the cost of the work.
farmer in. Canada alio uses "CAN-
. chance for prize as a Thad who sends
a p��}}otograpli of �a house—and the same
alar ,1'e airs,. .sohne. e t
k lash U . , 1 l spreiad
looked'. $dt t; fire''�vou d
estimated at
market steady; native ;2.60. to 44.65;
baseball mad. It is: baseball seven
dead halfwa . u
, Y P the hall stairway,
where she had dragged. herself. -
ADA Cement is eligible to compete
Four prizes will be awarded in each Pro-
applies to prize D.
Don't hold• back from entering because:
. `
I ►the o'tla(e,r Sections ''of the -build-
western ;3 to .;4.70; yearlings ;4,40 to
days of the week Sunda and Mon-
' y
Vlnee and these prizes will be divided as
you think you don't know anything about
im ,but the rola i a
g P pt v, 1l of tbet,
;,;.b0; lambs, native s to ;7.10; western .
day -alike, In the Dakotas they pre-
follows; .,'concrete
work. It's very simple. Be-
. „
firemen, "tagethelr,with thiel effl-
cleat work of somo(e ,of the pro -46199-
$- �' to $7.I. _
fez going ,to a ball game to gD�ing to
church: '17iey go. b train, trolley and'
, Arrested in Alberta.
Kingston, July has
v �Rizi, "A"—$100.00 to be given to the farmer
s, in each Province who will use during 1911
sides; we have a 160 -page book that we
will send you free on request, which tells
erg card tetlldente, prevented any
Thirty -Two Drawn.
automobile, scores of miles. When
.17.—'word rcaeh-,
ed Napanee of the arrest in Bonnie.
"' the greatest number of barrels of CANADA
= s:.. . Clement, .
you all about concrete and how to make
and use it. In this book, you'll find com-
,rrt .
reater da¢nage, 'The )bas iis: real.
New York, July.17.-Thf-rtg-two pas-
they returrt they are so full of
Glen Alberta of Peter Shermal -
'' ' 1Wag,
ix Pit'Izr B —$100':60 to be given to the farmer
Mete .instructions"far'the making 'Of.a1-
tirely �cov'er ed; by insurance, $200,000
being harried
sengers and' several- members of the
the felts of the heroes of the diamond' ,
ar, wanted for an assault, on 'Mi.93
in suchProvince -who uses •`CA'YADA"
° ' . ea n his darm in 1911 for the ADA"reate4t
his -la g
most everything you can think of in the
on tris building,
crew, of QiA steamer T.rms- woxa
they can think. of nothing else." - o
f,4argaret Doyle n£ar' Camden Last on
r�?`i', n ment °f os.
way of farm utilities, floors, Vats, troughs,
�� ; �'
Largest `D:ocks In 'the World.
May 23 -last. ' Provincial •,Detectiv_e
, a' '•'Q •'•"
Greer of Toronto ]eft to brim Wa,ar
PRxzl; "C"+•$100.00 to be given to the farmer
-'' - ' in each Province who furnishes us witlr'the
photograph sbow,ng the best o! any part[cu
stairs, posts, eta
This ,free book—entitled 'What' the
Farmer Can Do With Concrete"—will not
_ __ _
Toronto, Jul 171—Sir'Heiary..Pellatt Paclr,• and •they• are expected 1n Nap- `.1., lar kind of work done an his farm during only inform you -2t will also greatly in- 5.
July anee in- a day or two, when lie Will 1911 ,with "CANADA" Cement. w I.
wortres that rile largest anal ' the . 1'RI7F. "D"—$100,00 to be given to the farmer ,terest you. Bo send .for it anyway, Y
world will be built in Canada. He stand trial for, the offence. " in eaeh Province who sumits the best and whether .You intend to try for one of the ,µ t'
: made this statement on kis arrival ' , - most complete: description, .,. how any par- prizes or not. .
from England on Saturday morning,. Treaty Well Liked. , The Canada Comek t -Company; Limited, Montreal, Que: �-, .
in oonneetion with a discussion of London, July 17.-(O.A.P, Cable.)- �,,� - -- ,,w,-, I
orgauizatlon of the new ship-. rhe Observer. says anent tlae• new �`q, a -" r' T' " y`T"'yti` tv',^rr,.'� �• �""r+
building company in which he is iA, Anglo-Ja ane Be treat + �t` .• '` t €, •' � ;�,��.«ar '1Gl t w'� C F+ .
., P y. _ b .,i !.�'�....•' S S�%;r^W "l iS.Y`.>,`:L1 �F BY :F{RL rl•':l'.+• -
terested.. The. location of the'. new, Australia and Canada are frankly. �,,: 1.i - ..,&j,e•, is Chn'�(,.,�,,, "itg ,
yards has not yet Veen -decided upon, delighted. The T�nlpiret divided = r --4 -• _:: ,rtefY->,�vto.;,: �,�;,
but Sydney. has been mentioned. the sp.ppress£d treaty, is a solid unit *� •%�"- ia�,g, � 1_NX:_ ail
The new aompany..�vill be prepared for th.e _new one. This is' an. imperial - ,,, � `` " h�� - ,r ct 1" w ,4� '. .
to build the ships of the Canadian' advantage which. it is not easy to over- � W�; d r ew+,.clan• � �.`t � 'Xd-� -11 Y� `*
navy.' and Sir. Henry evidently counts estimate."
upon the .
company getting the can ' fi �� =" •' j'" ;1✓' •�
Po P . Y g g _
tracts... . .:
His Mind Gone. '. , .-_.-. " s = Plea,e
Niagara Falls;. Ont:, July 17.: His. F ,�,e �� =,� f ` 1, end and
mind 'blink as the. Tesult '01 & visit 1NEWS TOPICS -OF WEE ,. •c••'. ,`�+�' "w.rt' I tictitarasnd
to the Cave. of the Wind's late Satur-I. y .. , ` book: ,q'
day afternoon, W_ 'H, Shawn :'of, Carl- "~ 0 � � Name'......'.
ton, Ga., is lying in. a serious.condi- tmportarit. 'E'vents Which.* Have r ••x `~'' " - Y' Addxew
Lion.' Ike was in full possession of his -�,
__ , . -
faculties when he ,entered the cave, Occurred, l?url� . the Week... .. %w) I
only, to emerge a, few mrnukes later - C
with his .mind tone. 'Physicians are ----- -- -�..... --- �,.�;.�.. ._._......,-....__....—__.__
baffled by. the case. Fhe Busy World's Happeninis' Care- ^— 4 . . " - ""�
1.fully Compiled and Put Into
Would Annul 'Mari iagep' I Handy and Attractive Sha a. fotr
- ''
-Niagara T�alis;f Ont.,, July 17. -On - f ,the Readersof Our 'Papei-A Solid . os 4
,the grounds that the woman was fn- Rogal
a ". , . .�^ . B . . . L '. �M
„. f
���,� 1
sane when she was married 'here for E Hours Enjoyment.
,Rev. Kennedy; 'Oct. 14 last, action fol , TUESDAY. ' ' r” -
itnnulment of the marriage of""Bridge! The United States is once: more fa
.,�v wy 15.W, V'1Y1 er'ZJYJL :1111, t3MT5aia. Condon WAldridge (dsceaseda to Ge_. the grip of rile heat wave. 1 - .
JOHN DErT$OLM� B 1i: aS:''LIVib7 i3egfoltfli: Wal Aridge, has been .Begun 1n Buf- The U. ' Senate':is voti down;
. � .: ' falx. Tlie action, is ' brought to pre-. °g ,
All amendments ter the .reciprocity;
vent Waldridge from -shirring in his. -
n bill
. Abe Fa�n�er -
so�� a�ect �Q
- - wife's estate. .. _ . _ ,
J C. N.'Smilh: was nomfnated'•for the' .
Conons by the: ,Liberals .of bleat _ Al,,
BRIEF FtON( THE W1RE3: golmar:
a is o a
. Charles kiorises' of Tor4�nto Inade'+eria 'ee ,Eon�a� rn. r
�ar� Y Z l ar f: ', Trampled to Death.. an efibri� id . commit suicide -in - the _ , . . _ .
��' �•� Chariot wn,;•P.El: Jai : 17:. AV :jail at. North.'Ba
��}� r
.. - . .
. Portage road, five. 21Y s from-: char. Nonimn' Thomson, a Chathai# fey - - _ . '
SECRETS, OF ROMFE .L/FE Lott t;6wn, .Sataird4y' aite6,00n' 'Ja>�ea .Sdont, gallantly: rescued Alex. M3 - ' .
. .
. Uasfprd,: a' wan: 68`years, . and un- Farlatle, a. much large; ''boy, from ��;
Statements made by patients taking the 19ew']Vleffid Treatment. -The knew it Cares :married;Fwas•tram led t ..•death,. lir. drowning. �,' RQYA'Y. BRAi\l1.FENCE made, by. the .Sarnia Felice Co, is the most .talked of
y. R
IMP- No Names or Testimonials med'wathout tatted con=cur
Cilsford:<wits in: the yard of his bre George �ilekson, .an. Indfari, .Was fence in the Dominion.h ? because' it is the best fence on'. Canadian.market and,'
then„Mr. Stead, wiih,the lattez s mare•, ,committed. for trial at. Kingston on. 'a . t 1
CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. .VARICOSE VEINS. CUMM. i M.. ' we sell it :direct to the farmers at trio same , trice as W� sell' io a ent or dealer. We ..
and a stallion.''He was knocked, down,, Chia ge of lurutg a young white .girl p $ .
Patient No. 10474. "the spots r .a CaO, No. 188x8.. syniptomo tone» .he by' the mare; a ,tllick�tem red .ani to his :wigv►llm: have lie 'rice and one clic for, all..Agent make unwarranted statements about -the n are all started freatmiitttt—Age 2#, single; in.
..P ,, P y1
gone from my les and arms and I feel dulked in tinmorgi habits several years: mal, 'and' While Tyros on !his, back on_•> Five uMeu `tPere ,�illea -and two piob-
good note. I am very grateful to you Varicose veins on- both sides—pimples' the < round .the stallion trampled •on ably,f . farmer'to urchase from him : a fence .
uaht of our fence In -an endeavor, to - induce the
g p orally; zr}lnred when, a •traveling Y p
and shall never forget the favor your on the face,, etc.. After two months'' hila, lacin` his, left' foot hlegvfl 'on.. ' crane bear••iitg a• 14 -ton; steel &der'ool;, n which he can make a comm... '. Ab encs: sav our wire is not NO.. ver... bale of
medicines have none for me. You can 'treatment be/writes as-follows:—"Your. p 8 p• •• U r ; D. b .J.: 9 y
the xieht side of his chest, ressan Ia' 'ed at hfeye"dale, Pa", yesterday;
wire we buy is au ed and ins ected. b the Canadian --customs before we -see it and -it . .
use my name in recommending it to Welcome letter to hand and am •very ' p g ar ar p y `
any sufferer. I am going 4o bet mar- glad Ito say that Ltpink.myself cured. the lung'rlltil0st flat; lixeakila'g,his col-. tis sutlilorxtatively, although' not y b ,
Tier) soon. Thanking xou once more, My.Varicose Veins have c6rnpletely. dls-:. ' laf=bon@� and' infliat>:ng other fearful- - officially announced that- Sir Frederick ml1St� gauge e. ' NO. Or it will ' not be - "ermitted • toy enter Canada.' :Claims - of quality of � ,«:
etc.” appeared for quite a while and. it deems. in'uTles.. 1tiLr. Cosford died in half an ]�ioriierl ' xt'ill . succeed I:ord Strath- 'g p ° -
d cora. I work harder and fee] 1pa,�. i alvanizitt are also made Arid we unhesitatin 1 state that the wire used in:our fence
tired. I have no desire for that habit hatir: conn as . Sian Commissioner for Cern- g g. g y
SAYS T{{'o MONTHS CUIIEID iIIaI, whatever and if I stay like this, whtch ada, in London. will stand from one to two - more acid dips than any wire furnished 'co the farmer in •,
rya I have every reason to ueueve x wilt. 'Toronto ,will have aa' aviation '
Patient No. 107,65.. Age - Single.: hanliing. you for your kind attention,^ ':. Remembered.- Old Employes:
Indulged In Immoral halts 4 Year`s. De-: Canada. The. fence;combine- -endeavored to• et control -:of. the rices offence'b of--
POSW in urine and drains at night: etc. ( Yonkers, -N.X., July'., -17.• -:Among, •nieet ,in tha middle. of August that „ ..... _. - .. .. g.. . .. p
Varicose Volns nn both sides, pains Irl GAINED 14 POUXDS zr ONiC Ai0\•TH. twenty -Se Ven employes,'' who hive ; yequsl.' all attempts in the fly Tering us l.nducments' to. join their associ$tion1.. but we are satisfied- -with a �reasonsble -
back, weal: sexually. He wrltes:--•'T pallent'vo. 13522. mltta patient .(aced worked for twenty year§ or more in �' line in Canada, acoording thn plre• ri
sent indications, legitimate profit and are offering the farmer prices' on fence, consistent, with the best.
received yaw• letter ,of recent data and 58) had a chronic case of .1"erwotis Do- the ,Saunders tool factoryy 'here; $36,000 •
• t,
to reply 1 Am pleased to say that after iitty "and retrial Weakness }Ina tivas.rup -Duri ` the progress - of - a fie,ree' fence .on the Canada market today. . - Our, direct to the farmer, ; p6llc .ls endorsed b -
taking iron months' treatment I would down in vigor -and Citality. After one will be distril)lited as .& melYloi'ial gift P $ 4 . • ) .. ,C y _ y _
. consider myself completely cured. as I month's treatment he 'reports' as fol. from the widow of Saunders lelectric] storm• at Brantford, yestex• ears has . .
have every farmers organization in the Dominion, The deman.a for our fence this y
seen ca signs of them coming )otos:— 'I am fedink �r:ery, well; I have the foonder `of the firm, The giftAs day, MTs. W. Hall .29 Park avenue,
back (one year), gained 14 pounds an one ,month, go that
I will hate to congratulate you; Later in, line'with the bequests. of the late !gas' found in an' Unconscious can• increased With, and bounds and we . ar-e now. operating a .plant which has the -
THE WORLD SEEKS Di"ERE:kT. report:-�''1 am beginning to feet more Mrs. Eva Cochran, ;whfl left $1,000 dition,.but recovered when assistance lar est ca aclt of env )ant in rile Dominion, and it was entire) built u oil our direct. '
like a man. x feet my oenditton • id arrived. g capacity . p.. y p .
Patient No. 15928. "I have not hs,1 Setting better every week," His last rte, "each er More than ty "ye 1ployes; .who , r ,
a regular Emissinn I don't know when hard served. for tKent ears in a Car- WEDNESDAY;. ' - ' t0 the -farmer O11C
x policy. 4.
pawl-" I2non h's tifttme I feel, I to y y lire damaid the cement works at
and am feeling fine. The.tvorid seems the last month's treatment that T will pet wOrks.liere. ,, ,
have to•set, I thought at onetime I + '' Shallow Lti