HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-07-13, Page 6___ � I _____ - .1 4. �4&*, 9�w ­_ -,-- -- I . - -_ 1:, - . . -- , - ,:-- .?#,,;,1WV" I — . I . - -_ J"0AW 464M)O&A *ad til'o W.Lzv�i,,� _� WARamr, ,; I - � -11 - .we k *0#444404*+ WIF ". l`,_++##*"++" � � , =4 ��� +A*++4*41#++ 1'4 .1 ^W4.94. . . ditorial Notes . ,- - ,­ r - ##A*#++" - - +#*#*#* .. � Outk)luk I* r#*At vneouraging to the ' or"t conqtWing bust of dev,otaV * W 0 �, ­ � AVIAlk - Big , 11111111400061111w, , yaua4vou 3 . =I - _#00600*" I It who are bau,aed to., 0 . " t gethqr for. � oca ,ews # Ile %evock a C4 ,-.v XcepCoalV the Vhurph.�', 0 . � I valu S 4 alues '�4111041rld I I _� L d N - * ..�� � . --a- : + To Keep , I . I I . ' In &.TeP)rt Of the. reeanO meet- **+##*****++####+#+#+#+*++,,O#####*###*+++,*+###++#**### � : . 1� I � A. , , " ,,, _ � - _ " , -, ,, "..._!, '.. _ " -_ ­__ r 1-1 - 11.11 . "Parmer Jovol, and the Tariff' % ; lug of the Grand V,amp of the Sons � .. . I . not avery ratrong card. lVonder It ot Scotland at Londo�u,couslderable 31INO LOCALS. 1, # I Z *1 ' ' . It 'h iml WC1 allfrell-111mbcr 7%1-_f.1JE'Fvor # . OUL sam* paymaster Who $UP- 910r,ylug Was (lone' over tho fact "t"0101101 -81:1111Y - `Peary's - + ,10 -plied the former I Kool � auti-reciprocity , that "the; Toronto ticket NV � dash to the Nor'�h Po7e. ofthcfrpwit hoak. * + �., Our July M10dxwS,um__ - guff? V, oxt pra- No .SJ,-X1W()f frwit yet., . Ovqr -Iff 1-cop'e died from the Ilvat + .11 I I I I etleally all the Gffices", This was 'Be. hner in .Toronto, laot Wp$%l;-. : . * .0 . . � — 0 — cif0to ,Your horse, it you 4 40- . 77 no doub4 the outc( Well- have onie, this weatheg?. I pme of A . # * 1. The MAWk who' stic"Vas Lord Planned leampa!en and, � LOSTYUS VIII -ST GAIVlr�. * . — + . mwr Sale it- there von,tiaooD, CAT . # + , Strathco" as,.Righ Commissioner werio 44 i;LoudoA ticket',; wag .i.m. , T.i,qkpr avwl (Weated'b'y Per' ,in on * I + ; I . . in + � �- The I.M.1 Posters' 'Amooelation, of Weduoulay byft�seorp of'6-4.- T) * It + I I I , . will havcfto Pathway of roses in offset to it�%,Ie� -suppose. Ouv be- * I * keePilir. pace with the i)OPularity of Canada concludq(l�its convention at 1-4 Dit'WS' -first 1083 in t ie Canadiallas # CE T A . � . : lief is that. a great !mistake, is made Ottawa, last� league,. # + - his predecessbr.-­ `wcek. Before closinro . * Now, in Full swing , I by angpublie body -church, State, the assoelition * �+ 11 - " 'Clacided to gr8irt BIRTHDAY'PARTY. I I --a- , GocietY or What. Vlae-whou cliques. theauti-tuberelolist5i $25,009 Worth , # . . . . . * *1 . . 'Sir 'Charles Tupuer has �celeb L , or �,.ombiues, �o,re: permitt,ed to self - Of advertising, space throughout On 16aturday last Wasters Harold * . We began this great selling event Wednesday. rated Canada. �All the saciety will ,have and t�Gordoi-eLawsoa, the twin Sons, # + '� I . - . . ,laSS his 90th,birtliday', and is won . ishly gras,p'a Preponderance of of- to Idolis to provide t a -vnd Mrs. Lu *, Hammock I I . . The most radica�l, qtiick-active, clean-up, of high c . , der h posters and ' of'iMLrZ� ke Lawson, gave, * � . fully haloCAna hearty for his -years. polcj� the + , I ., lices and h gn, often to the they rwill be postedEfree all the a birthday JJartY to 'a number of **. * , � wome n have ever. f Pro- * spates of a'l the eities[ and� towns, their boy,Lfriends on the occasion of # . I summer fabric's you , I + His NOVO(Scotian ancestry must detrlm:ant of -In in Vatuada'%vhich have re 't I � t.,- If is a sale that apL- _ . .1ithose interested. , myrescotat] I their Iseventh, birthday, . * . a � * - - fits are Completely Wiped OU . v Tbe the, the JeastLabove cited Toronto( ma,y tiVes iDfthQ aSooklations. . . . " lia " Ocliso.k. The boys of . . . I * 4 It . v.ery women, Oready hundreds are taking 014 lBrigwle Vore poss,ossed, 01 no - manage affair I . I � MARRIED. . I I + . + PIW's to. C . I a Fan +. � , klas,wQ11 as London, Up HILL Wol�x * I ad 16 ine reductions, - weagre istocki of both physical and Or 10MY cc -'else, but the high ex- * . ... t . .Vantage of the g^UU . P*1 - "" A qulet(Weddin,-, Was held ,at the * I I . - . Some of Ith,01-ed-called 30 -horse bridets horael on weduesdaY !morn- # I I 14 � I � . - . Wental vigor. Sir Richard '. Cart, ec'utiv* Okany of these bodieA is, power 1911f avtomobiles imbing a ing afftst week'when * .. *1 I � i cl � . * . - 1. Gornl� to. this sale durIng' Jul . and save' wrig�ht Aanother Canuek of Whom 110t theLPOckAt-Diece- of one( ,see- hill.- , ., � . I . Miss Alice * I . . * . .� . I y the Dominion has good right . to tiali and(there la3io auger way to Itbinkleau, ItbinkIcan. I . Worthitigton was Ainfted� In Ziar- * , � . t A .� I � . riage to. M�v. i'Mr. 'Ga,le. Rey. Mr. + I . , . L I 1�� Money. , I I be proud... : . . . throttle thW. 0�pa�sion'of an( or- I 'think I 469in, I think I cin. . Jeakins V01the matrimoni # .. 11 . . - ' ' _ al knot. Z , . . _�_ I I-thloL- I-can,'I-tbink 1­,�can.- The bes� - . � . � ,'"ilshes",a-cQompany the * 11 I . I . "11�- . . _-a-, . 7 ganization thqn(jor,som —think 1 --cad I--thin1v'I---;, bride to Rer;iiew home, # . , , _ e partA to 11 , I - � can. " " . . ,. , 0� I I 11 ­� ­ I I � - I f4hag,01 the) whole. thing., The br I � RUMIC Book ' I I , 0 * i I + .1 I I. . - Oomebody has, is 1---tbink'Im---gaii 1--i k THE R � I *_ ;;; I . / . . nkg;sted, that �- therhood fa4vsf out lot slgh� � 4 . + � � �, , . , n4, 1 . tin I , NT9ANCH EXAMS. - * � I 1 ----can. . * . ' Millinery $1,,98 � , . f1verybody shoruld' be 4 -Clieer the OX-Pitaill I Itakies the. fronk se -E.0-1 --- ,gues,s ��_'I__ can t We haveheard on Vood. authority * I I V-#�lins J price , I � . 'Leader, Am�'eatmanyarereadyto I- I I that 3A Pupils of. thek'62� whowrotel : . ,.. .. 11 : ; 1.� L:,' � - I Somebody Islem,ekilited, with offerinj 1 --- vuess - - - X__ can't I . . - . .. . . just 6 trimmed hats Hprrah!W4en some one else pion- a. jVqtltionthat wo4ld - Can I � , , on the Entrance exams' aff Clinton, #' We can Supply you . , � " � . % , fjtth(�s,ecage,p I'guesq—­ I — — — it . I pMsd& and at ,Blyth 1,7 ol%tf ,of 30; * . . - . of a 't tile -4 desired . viz;- , . I--'-- can't. The. IeL3Sfll�j one$ howe ' I I * I - I ,,. yopr� -Choice .ny ee.rff ,the (,way bti I . I � guess---- nl_, I I left, ta�e ybur choice 1.98 . , . d L I I 1 --KNOW 1-­�­--CANIT. * sued ver WA . ... I . muslin in store I 'Price,, ,-.,-.-- ,- If � I # I - DoAkId Infutplanie. but # I I I , , . . to. be,eonvieLved Is t1latf. thel fellow . %od blessii�Ae and)uy� Wife,' � hope to be ablei . . I ` lots Vf '-k.0b& 'patti�.rns 'to . . . THA,MER Vs� POWELL. toprint?the list wit1fin two, Weeks. * _.__ '. 11 WhO'Weaxo:�our hat now and again � My, son John and his wife, � * . 1. , I I I I . I I . Dres§ Qoods- 09c - I , The lmarks have to go tal Toronto I . 14, . . . I , . . '6fii,' ' be thdindivIdual Who will take the - A-42 . This case, which aro .' 9 ftlie f ir at,. , . I . I . . � � choose fr. . . . . , I ' . Us four and; n6'more. en,;' se Out I I . . : I I . . I ,:. -, - : . . . . sale of apple,# by Wia., Tilamer of . # 11 1 . .. .initiative- in bestowing a worthy . There �hust be a'broader horizon JqtKi,116p to , ., . . .. .. . 5oo yai*ds pure wool I . Georget 'Powell of 'SHOULD CROSSING BE GUARDAD * I i I � ­ " , complimealt on (anothox b,r vs good than that before, much permanent Bly-th, has finally beensktled, the, i � Cooper. & Co Z - - - - I � 'Gingbauls 9C dre-ssgo6dS, reg 6o, 65c 1. _ : � I . I � ., .� . I I �., . big 14earty ichlect. It,s oftenIvOT-th good 11viag be wrought, Not d tew Judge ,fia,ving given, deeislon I, , I The railway erosoiug at tbel, Rl- I , I � � � I . . I I .. � 0 1 July ,.Sale 39c, . Now is . . . who have(a,,tteaded Grand'Loftelgp fak'Or of M . Thamer for $788.05, the evator- 'is X!dangerou8 ,crossing and : 0 . . f . . . � . I ' I . ' roore than,ii rporgs, plastcr as� a� � , . possibly1thq- G.T,'R. trainal I " I . ­ r or ' - ' e ap les, M1% Powell to on are � I ­ . . .. YQur choice, of all our the -time to �uy.'�,. a, cheap. irengtheiner' - . ,, High 00.4 tal" evea,eccleslastital alue Oft w 't - I . � ,q � I . a � I . I .. . . . Vay � all $its the high court not folio ing,'jules. o . I C MAO" . . � , � , , " 2 1. . I I . 1. � I '', I .1, 21 and, 61 �c ginghains all fall . dresi'si. * . bodies have,grown Welxry of tbe sealW. This - nightat 4boute.15, a freighttrain # 1, . . � . . .. �. . I 45� . 11 I ­ .. . 1. __O__ . I . _ has bL-eo before ,was dividedrat 'the crossing, and *, ' . - . . . . , I I : ffit color July sale 9C, . . �. . 44nerve" of a few Who care not who without a warning 1h ate from, en , ' # . I , t s I I I the courta for or a year. It first I � . . . The historic t Nvatcliword enunci- are 6 ' me 6' t + � ,- � � . , acilficed so long as their am-. .,came luiL ' it, t high court before Rine or brikeisman, the train st ******+*- ,- . . ' Nett Waists. 2.78 1, I Chief 41isttic,444 ir illiani- Xuldel,,, . art'- . . . . I .1 . . . . , ated at Ufothl�hepn over 1900 years bitions arej attained, tt is 1i first- and arftertigd" g I. , ed to bhekfup , dver the 'crossine. I . I , BeSt EngliSh PirintS 10C a . . . 01 111?eaca�ot E , , � ntOL thO casA; Sii' One partyl bound for BriWo_fleld had � . . .. -, - .. � .. .. � . ag, � 1, I � .. - . - . , I � I .1 I . . . . just i-.2. nett waists silk ;'. . -C I arth; Good will to class.'%Vay to, wreck a good cause Willia,hi xeferrpd.the mattei!.to. "thO driven onto the ri 0 � f bick' with' . . I I . I � 1. I . . I . word,'Dnenll ia'flYlng today on more WasIter atGoderichi Judge Poyle , r t tr WHAT-BRANTFORD THI', , , ;­ � , lined,"cream'bnly re . - and nall infrqquently Ithe f011aw to � take( an account of w1vat 'a - only. ab,put (Tour f ciet log roonl. to � I .. . . NX.S. ., .IV' .. . . . I . . 0 . I -- , y . .94,50 1 istandar6 than Over be�fo:pe.' Tillel�e with, thel 1�,ng reach lased" hW ', " a n at M f'vr a 'he ' turn hiorbe4mhen th6 �ar ata ' , - � 1, . ". Your choice of all prints ' 0 ' ; . . ci be �,a ,great, -conso i , kdtioanlof We . - '. I . shoul % oj-� gle I ;�d_ - , �. tA sto . Jul sale'2 iS . .. . . lig.,1,q,� .0 " -11 - h ' Had the horse, tried twerosdi ' the/ iPbPCth0 following from the , re 10co . . . ml I' I I "on . � I .. I .1 . . I the'stora. brelaks. e Ole am� , v . ] , . . fi6a,l W6 When b y 'Ph ,,,I an d I n d a � tmck there iwouffii' hav Brantfor �,,, � . - . I I . . . I'.- forces that(wo.i,k for rightt . .% - e.beon no t d RxPOsitor�i ,which referg .1 I . , w �, I . I . � � . � koiisnesF1 gass� thd, lkonors round and Ili this oordingly I ,!eh Vag 's� abol e 'chanco m7ha . - . I I I . I I . . . to Impress- Our fr I stated. , . . .- . . . . .tever to,save the horse ,a Dick Tasker, our We..,I,, known. .* .1 I I � . . 4 . . true tt . . Nv talent, iequipf - - . . .. I - .i' ,,,, I . Table - Linen 43d While Unders'kirks ." . KOVernii19 bodies th7j) way -disco-ver no' . Something ought.to be done .,,: 1)'tcher. *hot is 0ayinj With Brant- . I , I . . � ' . - . I .. . . e tect the�publlc. ' . , - , � . . � , empert af �nilli . . �.O ford,- - ,� . 9 . �. I . I . . I . . ons of p 0,,L)Ie, Worthy men, for, wid'er Usefuliae.YCJ CLOSE CALU AT MELVILLE .Pro . , I ­ .. I � . 1, � . � ­ .,, . - . I I . . . - 1. . I wh6.0.esire-aibitratian, Peace� Con by 'promotion - and� give the people M-0T'SE. 4Z . - . . * ' . ;, % I . . 2 dozen ladies � White, . � . T%sker!s Pitching-The�cfiief f ea- * , � ' 11 ;�� 1 2 pieces of Table linen '. quapty ^ .. gress, '&--c., in j6031tradistinction to, ith,the,big 4p ' ' I day- morning . ATORY EXAMs, . � �tur . e b.f. the Igame -Was' Tiiskex,?s * - und6rskirts� good ' li 9 .ads a ;6hanca to let Early Thurs . of last CON -SERV . � . I . I . . � � . sih 't . I . ­ � . � ulibleachdd 7',2 in. wide . * . * , ril.. 'lug into war 'on every, trivial last *0ek 'When the rain, started piteliing. Big Dick,% described by, . � . �, . ,:. . cotton -trimnidd-with em-.,. excuse, knany . of them caused' ,- �t y the,swelling abate. I ..� . I Rev A. C. Wishart rose -froiii his bed v The fallowing is th-e'vesult of the 'various Londi I .. � . .'' . . . . - . onfacribes as lazy, just � re) 65c for 43'e. .. ; - � I . ecent texaminations kof the London held, thle(London te - � , 9 - ' I I . . . . 11 1-** .1 . . ,broidery very special 60C selfisl�12'094,oxfdesire to. lord' it over _. ­ .. . . . .. upsiairs toeloserthe .parlar Win- Conservatory Of Musi-d from Clinton and Isentrthe ,crew aui to threle hitrf , .. ; �­ � , . 1 41.1 . � � . . . � ., . � . � " . . . . . I . ,others. If Ithe'l PeoDle who make . - , ... ., - .-- __ ., ' dows. While attending to t hat' Junior 'Pia-ao-First-class honors.� -with � shut oa Ito Hamilton -,. . I . . I .. '. I ' I duty. thbrel was -a crash *ajadl on in, '-M. Doiigall, H . -Outs. aigaingt themas a . ;_ - LawaWaists J price , the,cpz*r-61-s�we , the only on6,-� to LAURIER � 1S VELCOMED ' balling of bis-'beld, ensall; B. Davidson, ,staT.te.t, �fOrith,ei,r 'Week'.& triplxbroad. - . . . . . . "I ...", _� I - . , Flapnofflefte, 9C 1 * re . � . . . . 1. vestigatiouthq .Leadbu,rY; M. Delgaty4 BayTield ,- I. In addition(totWirling a I . . � � . : "I I . I I fight, Ave trow,�here Would n;t *be ." . 1. I room showed,i hole 'rwhere a b . . I 1. " . - I - . ' . I '. , . olt Evans, 'Bay -field; N.'Hicks, - %. 'Me- cent 6 -,aft ball, r9asker in4gnifi- . I �'' ,* . . I , ,of lightning hacVmide its Way. The gtbf, I * . many, battle.a. � * , . . . - I !�, Cutcheon, Leadtury; M. Wilkinson, 6ut latha,ee-bagge bangeld, ,�.,i Your choice 'of a n" .5oo yards good --quality, . with sulphurous - 'Brussels. Honors ' ,, i� ,_ � . y . . . l-, .. . rl and a I ��, � .. . . . . .house *as Ifilled home run. , - . . . . t Quebe' . . . . I smoke andithe tele-ohone..wires and Pen; H-Workna-an,(Hillagre'en. . . .. . �0_- . Premier Aerives a M. Spxoat, Kip- over thelcentre.field4euce, and on . � ;. lawn waists in 'store, J flannelette -6 in.'wid� r' . . .,�. , ,,, . I . . I I I a .. . IP9 . . . . .1 � . . - - - attachments icasionth e drove oneTUn' I I r'. % I . I . . . Gets� Ovation.. - ­. . d-,estroyed. Rev.,Mr Primary Piano -First -class honors each ob ri . I . ... ,!" , pr�Ce. 121 for 9(,- -- . 146 lady�jschoql teachers and lo I , . . . ahead ofhim. Taskt "' ""' '. �. I 11 . " " . � . . . ' ' � . - . Wishart haq a violent bearlac-lie and -L, - Archeri Lucknow;,, L. Bailey; V. London 'on their 1"ust I -sto ' ad.* ' - - I I I ... I . . . I � birch Nvleidt�4 -of theniale . - . . � I ex-pierlenced I . . I 'heads, and he was �� .. I . - � .. - � . � I I per Coronet, I I I . quA09, nervous .shock Campbell., 13elgravtc; )L, Du,ndas, ,so leffective'that lie had the gang * . '. .1 . I . I I . . � suasift arer(taking the Short, um- ion. Contingent Is EHs4anded but wasthauNful he Was still in the Leadbury,-'A.Gl � .�, I � __ _____ � ___ - 1. , I O S .. . . . . flesh. Slate fronifthe roof Aind,. a e4, Z.Horn, Sea� regdy to, q1ty, diown hunts Q* .. � . I .- , I . - __ _.. Okowmw� I . - � . 1. mer L, 111"A'at t'hP Ontario Agricul- -' - .qpd .,Pu.t -on. Train's For' Home lei tgave- e forth; 1C. KennedY,_,A. Kuechte;t. soohlKat,ovej thfa notion' I .je-y - . . . I . I ,1�1 - '' .. . . . . ­ e . . . .. 1. splintered 1),Inua ' . -vidence Walton,t ,J.' King, belgraVe; K.' 'when (Bigf I Dit,k W91k � ed. in , , however, --- , - - ,�.:. , , . . . . .,. :. . turaloolleff.0'.1odcupying a month. Happy to Be ea�k Again An Can. 2 n moriilng�s'daLtvn that tbe'elec-: Quieley, D. Rattenbury, L. Rlc6 , picked , �_. , I . I . . ,. I . . . . I 0 _�, I .. . � rl'... am-omm"Nammmor . . .. -This 0tte-Ud,anceUs. a long Way' . = cur,re 'e,but.for- . .' i�p.therbunts�and thre,W,"the Tunn- - ' , I .' " ,"­ I - — — __ --,-..--- a- � ada�City of 6jebea. and Liberal tt had exit clos Musical 'FOX-M.Fi0t, class honors era- ouit 'by yar4s. .. — ., . � ... 11 . I 1. . . I .. . � ' . - W,n , 11 I .1 . : . ,mo.r6 pra . ely hout doing. much. dam- -C. Word.. ­, I � . . _� . -;All ;cTedit to . . . I . . : ,:,, ct' al ketachin�g ' ., Plubs. Present Addres" 'a Post. .1.' - I I I fL I . � . ..., �_ ... . 1 Ac I in thei ru- I . . a ge.-Brusa,e. . . . .. . ' . Tasker, 1whaAapes up like the. pit�w . . . . 1�­11 . . lh�ad 6f,lp,ast 11 I . �. . . - bhing findi�f tho se ' :�, - __ � I � . -leak To -night. . , � . ` . Aeon. in the Can- 11. .11 . �l, . . . �. records afi,d Ind ' icat a - Wilfrid-*fo.Sp .; .1 I . . _.' SOUTZHURONRETURNS IN. ; . .1 , - . ... WILLIS CRURC11 I , - . adian League, hnd, who yestek-d , . , . . . . .. I . . .. � .. 11 , Won, - a�llyl� . � to I . .­ .� I . . . . .. .... � . ral sclio,ols, bi,those who� arCadd-� , Quebeo,.'July' I'd. -As the state] ­ Th6`%VillisLCh' ' his, third,itrdight game: It is .- - .- . . - I . . . ' I � � .11 I . . . 0 7 Tlie'Vensu,�(enu)nerat urell Sunday'School �u,Pbifluoue (to say Ithat the, fams I .. I I.. Terms eash. � I One: Price. Oull ' ` �119-01 their. -'equipiment. fii�, theftime, cean liner-Empres.s of Brita' ` . ors f OX SOuth� :intend having their, picnic . - I . � ... y - I I " 'w"9 � I at B .. I . i4to,her.-do . nuronhave' ,doMA'sted their re- .aY- -cheered him. . . '.Task ilext ap-. ' . I . .. . . . to.,UoWe. At lft�jargely increAsed k yesterday after)aooa the, � field on�tlibr,2oth: .. � , . 0 � ' I . I � 11 I he - corpnation contingent. e- pas . " - I ,, pepqfod- on the (isloeine, hit the . . .. . , . I , I � I . . � -Baiaiies - 'WI19t.V,aid, the various -and the laria mmisgioner Esserye earey of Londiisboro will (sphere amilel j.�ninuto over,second. - �'� � , I .,I ,,, 9. ' . ' . I 1he hands of Co av . ..Rev�.,T. P , : ­ 1� , band of t I OA, hnd snme'h ' sed 'int6 neT � ". I I 04yed.- "O 0anada," .. in tliisf tbuich 'Oh Sunday. , Pankrat2 irtished, in, but thd ball . � - " . 99w- , ethoods, have a ,good righ-�, to( - crowd of p commissioner Essbryj in actor'd;ince . ilreach ' 1i . . ,,' �11 I ... �� Z'. ex . eople which had assembled 4ce rlef to . I * * . . I . .1 I .. Pect , ,*cry. beist,empi on .the - dock *sent up three hearty ivith histoath of.*off zuseB AT, -SHAFO . . ,took labad bound- and' Went lotha. - , I , . .1 . � . A V I I . � t1le. . WrR TOURNAM1,0�ZT .t . �'­ I 'WIN ''S' � I oynie' ,' make: &ny statetment regardiiig the .fenegil. TaskorlmakinW third -and . 1 7 ,,, 1�t ,cheers f'welcome to the soldiers of . 'Tbree rinis ' . I � . * 11, I _of talents D05" the Dom'o ini ' oh, who have' f a.� far as we� can l,ear% t " , . . �:, I - and ilnlProve4iient� , retur went 50c6rinlg: Lamond. C � � - � I . . been repre- � I ,lis, but -0 Seaforth oil I - - . . . . , 11", . soosba b�(the '(respective teathers. se I . the toWns,nnd villages) in5 his[.di,- Ttiesday to attend'thb Bowling tour- . Taaket!s. Rob) 0 Huri-In the . . . . X y nit, I � , �n! Ca . '­ . i I I G nada at the crowning -of 5th . I . i � I � . L eor,ad." The cheers *Pre an. . won and lost by them :- . . La'dibild la�mmed;one tOcOntre for � - - . " , Where, aTe the .,male, repre13 trict have during ,t�e past ten nalnfMt nxid,foliow,ng are the games . -1.1', I G L ' I . ti'Ve's L , ' anta- . swered with a will.by. th6 13Lronzed yearSfallerooffin aDulatfariv'While . .. I I . IL three bdG0s&n.d Tasker, next up, . .. .� 1�­­ 0 O'fLtbp' teachin-9 profe.sslqn ? '* . on the Other hanxlthel population - . Trophy' First -Roull( . drOvd:01101�ver . the righ� : . - . "I. I ,0.,J, 'a .�A r I . I . .. a .......... .. ". . , crowd of *the boys as they swarmed . -in ru . ral(districts has increased, . A A ' .. . - fence. -The big, - field . � .. " - I - all .over the. forward decks. ; lonvor.... ... fellow amblad � - : � � . They fact which Would hardly scem 'Pro- '14 'I'amRt) Exeter.....18. . around therbases,. amid the wild"t I I . I . I , I - IL J1 ! Old Nick- h ' looked . perfect pictures at, physical ,'�.. . I �. I Be't I r... .. '15. denionstration NVItzes L sed . . . I . . I . as A big �rnortgag. I 'bable. * ­.' I . . .804"orti) 20* -L . D�;10 ..... � . ,�, , y V4111 U oin e up- manhood and`8eerhed- to be " - � St'evenson, -) .Veale, Seaforth, at the . .1 � thep . - delighted " ' * I � I.. .1 . .1, . 1''.., _--li . ' .-1131 ball.P6rkthis- Year . I - . .� . .1 �Ul . to be' once more'in Can9di, even 'W' ON CUP. � . 1. � . I . . - . likeroUe reaf-l" '_ ' . - ., ,, �, . Z I OU , . e;rson Nvhb remove,& a -rail � Tasker , � I , . . from thelMicilio-an ' � .. . ­ . I ... ; .. . .. .. Secona 11ound : , . looks I . .goo( .. � I'a". . 0 , . I . -� . Central. Ta ; though their .experiences pn -the otht' : - I � .. HOOV".. ....- ii 'pitche�r,t ' '.. � . � llway 17 ��J ,,q�tflgga�t,)31.T�11.16 Threer, I � I'll . ne etoWn,,1ast May�,thi2reby er side havo'beon.mast notable, and �The Exetek' Compan'y of Volun-' Mralght Xictor!6% and ': the 1. . I I ar I . teers broilght,ho:me the Silvor Cup - Gf('ga,8eafrirthitj*,SteVi�iison:.;'.,'. .... 14 town OfCjijtOfi�4iS :� � . . .. I lr " 0% where tbejr�-*have been ' rubst.-over. . � I � I iejoicing over, ,. . .1. . . I . 1� causing, an �accidc -4 train -e . : a) . ,. 'on Pkiday' last from the Goderiell - . Semi Finals * theirfellow ,citijan. _' Moint . . � I .,�� .... . I nt, toL, j�i - loaded�wifh kindness and honors. . . . . . aild Tasker,�I��ed .. - '' I .... . ;, . . -- - . ­ , . �� . . . . q, engin - hooting - . I ntly(uP in Clinton and �. � �'. eum,inq . SultiM''R,g'din"tthe &.6ath o'ff th I But tho ohief * interest in the arti Camp. T11 c oup W a s &,_iVe n t hem f a r Gregg,S'eafortll to oppose eavcrh'� i- ,. P . . I , I. val of the I D ' - ' ,-High Average, Compa.n.-Y S' It, Hoov,r­........ .1,5. other Trequo 11 . , ,,, � , I . I � ee,r an ,cWa on the -locomotive ,mprbss, w" tile seneor - the .&."00 - . . . . I . I , . d(fil 11 . nuniber ob ,ial1O1),.I8t*P.Ound Mitchell. I ­". I . I Some think � � . 0 aada�s pre, . .at ithe lrang;as- A �. Big Dick,,. . with6ut any 1. . .. I I.. , it 1-va§, donk tol (eget, a board of, Cst - Premier, . Sir r In X r . 1. . .- , 9 trips. or , major ' . � you.wi re-. even" buit, I Wilfrid Lqurier,' . . . *1, Or to your Cottage by the lake and 11' f6ra-46 '.ble 'berv,oftlie,,B '4cte'Band' Tro wAs�,tfo .14. Taylor '..;*..-..II �pptrin'g trainin ", I . . the P(eirl?ctl'atoa?, surtly . returning from th6 g6tterifingether and uifirsball - :, . . Third -Round, .' . ' league 16xPerie,nce.0 mide McIntyre - ' I � . . I were , ­ . . . . . . - .t quire the necessary thinns for the siiffirn6r outing.. . .uev:0 lexp� . ' Imperial Conference .and. from . the e(I 11 _,Mr. N-D.I.Jurdon naet 'the 'meTa�- look lild a 41busher" yqterday.. . � . I , icted ,such ' ggart,.Blyth 14. Hoover .... a� -.11 No knorelprohnising deb'ut Wasl.e�;r . . . . : 1: �, . . sad results. ,coronation festivities, -With -Sir *Wil- v&IJInQers �iAhe station -and? es- :. . , * � . - : . The.. 11,g,e,t1eve1n,) .1 � . .� .. . . motkod is' ,oi ' COnsoNtion, ls� Round * - , inide by, . . 1. I 81r Frederick' Borden and sorted. them' do.wn towrfwl1er6 af - if pitcher thaii that by big, - '1� . I ' 1'�,ro P,Mc -Whene , .4 'the frid Wprd eral 5 Ra ­ I 1�- Dick Tadker,t Saturday Jnorning � . ... ��"'_ �ig t. 'k ` ver . tr li�on. L.. P� Bro4eu-j. ' Th� Lib ' -tpr � U ylor,�..-.. � I $Son, Stratford.. I � . en,a�', - . , , led, aiid _W,address by Mr. Hurdon and I . I . 7 . I , Sumainer Blankets .. I leader. landed immedl�t6ly after the al,&ecrs -thp-y ,��,aye - dis- . . . �Who Idid',hot allow -a bjarg� On .. . . . �_., 11 I I I. I 9 vict, oth ship had moored, .and he� was given li6 boysV seAR:n to ha'V� 1-1 - - I . . tile � -_ - � � I � . , . ev saehoiin OrY can ben' . i�6_�i��- Fourth Rou.nd I .1 . . I banded. T . 0over ...... 12. Huntci­,,Gode�lch Guelph teamttO reach firs6basb un, . . � . . . " ilig kAorefthan a disastrousi defeat an enthusiasti t oroughly enjoyed%lifo at,ed . . . IL Soft cool and easily washed, in the'differcntil'zes . c reception,:. Sir Wil. .. 8 til'(thei5th -innings, Taskerandthe­. '- ."; ' . no, knafter how it is spelled, out f et by Sir Lanier' Gonin, all Tept ' . .. . � � . � I , theyrnow� look'fid fo'A:' 'Any ' I .. nn- - I I ' r - Mayor Drouln at - work. . I . . ingin . . . 4, white or grey fanc� borders at lowes I I '. by '1' ovincial Premier', nd . Horive � r ....... 17 AleTagga � rt,B] . � . I rid 'was in' � A�ernf�:Finals team hohin'd�hj,m had one'bad. .1 . I 11, - I`> ) t prices. . - those interoated. Kind g, the,oixth, .� when his own . . , .� . ..4 .. . . . . . Threef'score � and of Quebec and other . . - ..1. .1 ... . .1, y t h"..., 15 error, ;conibiuedl in an easy fl lost .� � 1. � . ' Is - .. . : � notables. -He . illna** X . W . te,P� YiEtar,s', ig too bxiep N pexiad-to was at .Once escorted to the carriage BtAcksMITHS- ORGANIZING..' - ' . . , in ' Burrill'A- :error; state& I . . � ;1:, : k . I ' � Trovo,S . . thCbun; . .. :­ - 11 trittford..12 Hoover ....... .the balli,rolling for 'Guelph's, only 5 ' . ' c- - .. Fiber Matting - . I . I �. ptactice OM the 14get .ev&n" line' I -of Lieutenant -Governor .. bangelier. Ove� 500o'blacksmiths doing busi- , . . . 1, I . 9 . . . . . . I * . I—— . . . 1. ..� - __b__. I . �:. and, ,aoco anUdby Captain Vicf6r­ ness thro'ughout(tb6 Province-'�of BoOverfs ribk gets second pr' I . rune of thefganre. 'The Red -Sox hit . ,i-. - . . I . mp I.. - . Jze in Sterling hard, -piling up a total of '' *. . . . . . . . Pelletier and ajor . A I -,j�Ti,l. th Co a . . ,!i ".. Just the thing to cover yourc6tt 'fl ' We are'am . .. DeL. Pknet, Ontario ha-�e( organized and I e n. olation. ' � I . � I . 1: ... . . nine raii, . 1� age. Oors good , . . � ang those Who do not A.D.U.'s.. to his honor, .and:bis wor-. 4 . BROT-11-ER MAMIED4 g to*Gvetph's- five. ' . . � �­_, . . . I . ,pply at the Aext session of the, ' Barry 1 - I PlAce Much( ' 1. ,contributed ahOrher. Tasker show- I . I ii'as an . . . ,,, I patterns and colors fine quality, cotton cbai , !emphasis -upon ship. the -wayor, at once drove with I ,.. com- -inctorpbratio _ , ,,, . p.--36 inches, . . , I I Legislatuqa'for� . . . .ed big 11'eague dtuff ancl lo ' . . . � 1�1';; I � . � - Pliment . the - Prei�ier, Sir - Wilfrid will ad.. assoeiation Theywill as The-foll-owin oksllike- . . wide i5, . . thood'alid 4 . . . . I � I . � . � . . � . I - . . . . . I . .,��-,: � I . . 1. 'do -called honors. To'receiv.e , by promises to be an imposing event. hoi,ses'to pass an . exmanii I . . 1, . 17, 20, 22C yd. arY knigh . k U6Wer to gniaxriage noticere- 'a 1greatPitd1hiAr_ find for th e, B�ants-" '. I � " . . - sUP11 dress a big. meetin�, to -night, whidli ,compel .all'blacksmiths ,%Vh(y shoo . &Ts Ito A brother of 'Mrs. Rarry, ford )dlub. .. . i Big Dick Tasker . I - . � " . � . I . �;-,�.. - I � . I . . I ... I ­ nation. FitzskAOIIS Und(Mrb. k ''McMurrayi Will pitch'aig . alost, London to -day. ' . � 1. tion for services ­ The. meeting will take'pl'ace on, the Efforts havok lwh miadic, �inqe, arly Who Wa,SLMW - I . I � .,;,� � , . -merit �distin,6 t-ried in ,kitehell on H, . �:t, 11 . . I . , , , rem e . I I e loth,'dl Pitching find of th6 - sea- : � �% I. , I ; . .1 . . . dered'%s[praise ' terrace where a special, stand 'has in 6hqyebuir to. form aft or,g; zation - ;��.,. Sheeting ' � I . . q � � Worthy and pe ' ' . _aiii li��qsldaf o,f thM Week to - a St. . 6(on. - , .1 . . .- . . .. �. , ,�. � . . I .. - rhaps been I 'em has Mary's adY,-Ant event -o,f much in- : � .. . .. � . ... � '. .. ,:, I � . ., � � . I to bi� id(es . erected and which is, being and lthe(i4 -recei'Vool thd ap- , .'. . . . iredl� b th lights . . .'Thesle breferehees, Weire made, to . i,fl I— I . . . . ut -a -sort Of 11011's � haiidsomely decorated'wi and pioval OW -all the local tradesmen. ' terest'131 society . becurred - to-daY - the 9= els again -at , 'Lon -don and � . . �, , ' . . . I '.. Very special values in blea'chedran& unbleached bolims.ba4ding-out (if titleg, "at �c . 8 ' . , - . . (Ur-M.I. Colquohoun, apr - . .; � , . . tain. s&U6n1K of . the year, _ . er'. ags. .An address will be Presented I . I When 01% Guelph. , ', C 1 ` - - - 4. . . .. Ll� . plan and tWC11 2 yds',wide, 25, 2$ 30, A 38c per yd. . on behalf of the' city and all SCHOOL, SALARItEli . .. .. ,POT0118 (fammer,of-Gowric, il. . - I -1,;:. � $ . . especially . L ,other �n the (K l 'L . . ear Mit- __ : . . I . . - I .1 . . . I . � chell',[Wakfunited- ini�latrimony - to � -_ I; C:__ .. . . . as it relates , �- t ' fram the Liberal clubs of Qdebee. Pro I - MEMO" . ,Q,W . mas ,� -mrar 6. , .W.argha4 . �.� .1 . . . o democratief Can- "Sir Wilfrid is laoijing 1n splendid 'dn,6.tio eiport of the) Minister, 1� thd I . . . I.. ad . . . . Julfor the past year' .it , a06iqd ftuklfter of,Mr, W �H Mar- Ao%^ ' I . . 1. I �1'1,t`,. a is not �Prddudtive.ot -y'nuch --form, an,d his -sunny smile wag much �s showbi tei AAAAA^^�%AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA�� I :, , . ..y I � . I. I I . at -heirs . . I I I . . I . I . , 1 r,��.,; . . . . � I. � good. All hObOrtto the :nobl 3' in' evidence as he acknowledged the tirouAo�'t the (provinge' are gett- . I . . �. , . . -tl�at . school I.. . Bath Towels'. � :. . , . I shall,�St,MarYfs- Aev.F,Z.'Xalott, _ I . I � . � 0 mei , . . _. ' . . I . � -.)­,(T!� - �. . . .1 . :" , ... Who faithfully p�� I greetings., of his many admirers. . I 1pk lix1her -salarka than. fox� any, I r`ffistiiT Of Sti Mary's ' Meth di t ' . . . .,' . rlfox= t1rair, -duty itak ppkfa . . ' . � .. . I . Aft6rthe bath you'll enjoy ai -good rub with a . I . - The corona1ion cootingent 4as' [schools eht r021d Are 3i6ln�y Tin ' . I . I ,�,�'. � � : y lkvfdfo�s- disti,betiOnO missed an board the � ship, 6hdAhe. , ' 4' ' I -thb -Ohiibr of the Wde's home which . . . ...I; � turkish'towel., Wdhave about'2` doien7of, the '�ial : and��e - . ­ I t q,4ky.6ra�b1salary for imale teach- WM tastef ul,Xldecoxot 4: 1 1 :4 , � rha a I 1.6 , Ve , �, �i , e with.white U ' '' , 1, bfittwh make I' - dis-. . PreVIO ,8, :'S,btir. In'town ,iAe c � . � * . � P I I 4ve many really I ,men st o to the. various. 'ers �&..�$100 , 6ti"i4i,dr(ease of, $14 0 - P1 INDING ' I."�' ', rou.gh all linen kind. . . * - � ! . ' . .an icrepd d ct�A'.If L11 I., I . I .. � , 11 �. 11 'oonvey the mi to' the PxKV16"' ' d'flo ,., .These are U4`velle a te "vi�fitfilaeed;witli my� 4 I � ... . I * , L, ,rs samples I *0rtWV4AdOrftedtJf a,�mjin jgith�.�: trains which site' to . . t1e. * lvlh [3 kfde, looked, , I charming Y . . I t ; � , 11 . I , " ­ Z n ­ rm at wholesa e price ' flieit-homo in all pirts of the c()une ,in , ex(e,athe s, IoWX,an iner asel o N4'in'0fe0*Lau - i0ine 01 Ift_ I I � J i. �T WAVIER,: STEAM , � - . 7 . , , and you pa bq .'th I secure -a. f till �,j ldkoea�his b-eqt he iiriea ,4 1 i , kiftri � �4;6 '' I , I - try, The men all appeared t* be in $i . - In � inbl ' o6fibol , I � pair at Once. , . � : V . . . , . ! . . �k,, , , a, f. I . � Er the average iCed,�Afl*_�Ilk lace andAnsertidn-tof; "', , ! ! I . � �.:_ 1, . . . L . ler �`�P"-Perh4ps,no a ,theerful 'condiflOt; and seem to Wax' . �, � ".. , � I � I . 1 �, . : I .: _: ,. , � Out �,,�,,,, �t - Officially, but y; has.) inereased $2� being, . I . . I . , � . . - 0 1�jk.*Sthighei r,o ' I*- ' - a) � In th'40 � `h -., . alld . i JI101V AIR 11)h ATI*G - . , - I I . .. � :. � hime enjov'ti'd their, ir' ..Vemble, Mgt, - .'She lcarrje4A, b6tko1&,;,:Of � - � I : !��,:" "I I. . . . . .. .. . , , , ` lots bf � V��ik too ..do, but 9choOlsisre ec,div`ing'$17kaore-64� ,rAgdie:6 ;h;ajii, , . � . I � .. .. I . 1 1 1 � ft 411w..: . hAd 1P 'thoroughly,, .$484,. � 'tesichbt white, Toeqqj lilhos, of. the, tov an - ),t : �. , . ' .1 , . Thdy valley and : , 1. _�� - ,11; . - . . I wb�&; � ''. : " . . I . "--o-� g;,$39L9. T fibl'a "hi t iferns.­..,'�, ?Mi 14Btlig; � , I K : I I . , . : " - 8 of Wip,mol;1 �' , - . : . . . . they. - a186 had Iots �J� Eleai�re, and .iaveragd bb r' . .1 . 69 bA&A � I . . � Hundred ; wotwith,if O'. " t o iin in Shi0 Uay'ea Loh0angrin's, weIdding 4 1 . , I,, � . .. .1 1. ... I . I ". J119 the jaj64se 1104t, were well '.tre_�!pd ��m. t a People ow expend4d - in"Wilig" # � , . . � �. . .1 � . � I . . . I I ; � . ­ I . � X000­Neg4Jdsaag0mbA&d lg�t,�v ,jt . thb, "-other , bi - . .kd � ' Ch'061li- 48t. , MOW.� The bride(was: attende4[ b,j Lellilvabized, Iron . Work , :, ,0'. . .-I 01�00 %t .". , , . I . . . '. Are taki . .*_ 0$r,,',.,Wj11xid�14uri1br� yeapiO*S�r$iI2,8 ;, W'ddRel'.4 1 44 110084 $e 0olquolibi-th , ,1jj&& ,b , � � , a ;� Y! AdV4fit'gie '.'Our Me ' -1, ' I `�e- i :,igia*64st at. the.,0hr#teau,.Froaftentto,!i xWith!, 4 tbt*V ,��. I I 11,26.0, . I . , ,9� � .. -, , of. ,11�� . i . � . " ' " a joined by T,ady!Lat11ritk,. The:1cost1per pu � 0 , , 4, to thej& Mamd-Xias0a,Pridligm nd, - . . � i "I .�.11 ­ ral prdfit s ' baring at'�ktlaiti`L' C1tY,'XW'W4eipaey. - to ;a e -i *here h� wa Rooling �s , J, .. 1. 4k li, ; - . 11'.­� syst4pm. -, .t - piece . I ; , , I - Pik �WMP,fitlw .'ahrl"Atii'd 9.2� u '­ � I . I 1 $17,52. Ad I. i . it 14 �,� t-bbualft,611the(brid'e, WhQ acte4, I as-, . I . I I � % �rly , . . � . \1L I I ,.7 I I ..� !. 'iieceabsol,4tel�.`:6e6'6f coat by ,tr' d" ' ' i ' i ' Id . . . " .9*1 M " ki \', . J! I . - ,4, an ,are cialleOG9 fieAutiffill,dinner-Se' a, tot! t ' I— . . I , _ I I i. ill , 1: � by P. .. . , " - th� ' � I 11 4lower - T4ek erdow's. vt :�,to, ., ehinghtog ,,I I I.' , a 14ng Arlith US. , ea'9"OT- : P-M-V*84ft�, '0143 � Of ORAXGN'S9RXON4 oent 'And ; , e co , the -UriNwag' . . . ti, I ..;, %. . , . '' E0 . I , , '. � .. . in - . - -' . I I ., :1 a triPt6 trOffc6bli 'pin, I , . 01", V ., , . .1 Bes&e� And ';' upon with e e WlXuft institutions oft% I The We4'ibexq of the,:Oi9J1-g&SO, C, , O�a e _ I .�' . I I . get a co v ry 25c purchasei �' , e World - t . it in�bl .. Y, t 0 Relt Vith Pbaall% andto each, of the. t-, - I . ., . M ,, . ! . I . . . . . 140' '' * 01110 0#t , W! , . . .1 4 . . � I I , i., , , 1, .., ,�� - ., - - . . . . di i - " I Paraftd to St, ,paul,ft c 1c, . S., * , I ;I' . I , , . . I . I Wuftting 'pract caX Oodlin I hu'reb I . 9 . .. .. . I i .,� . .. I , . � " . .1 I :-. ". � 1. I � I , . ' ,:. .i I �� . ift ternodil "last lat `thre(e" plani#t� Pina, set w . , .. . ,ir_ . . . I offs 03 9.01n y at flo"V; Wil'si a gold bracelet - to the I ; � rr ­� , Rev. 01,elo k Th WTED BY ACCLAMATION, - We ba'V"e:.' '.-,eV'er�l[hin'g . � ; -. . ! �q-, �,,l amo4A4 YO`%W9; Pleople. �Y,the Rn -lit , ith ��ethysb ; � I , , , , , _ .. I I I I c 'K .. I , ; - I I . 1. . I . 1, , 11 Isr. AS aump,tul wedding ' . . . - , � , , . " d'A* - W I 6� . it � . .G41P . I... I . . Dr_oar�-,r 161130'veterau V,rL*j&nf. erteell6t ;if*Ztan**e 11,6i -b - d ' J ;�: , , IA. on qhA . ,�) I .. I f1lil xtq�i6t ii1mgAdthier velak diloner iao(1s.;brvet1,'ffi.t4,o basema�6nt I � x 6uggeat Wft ­,ftd�,&b it, "', .k 1 .;."Ili ,k) -J. - i Ahirtebn c,andidate;MoYn d I that in ft * , , -,%lP,-to t ; . : - . , , , .. , � 11 4' 1 � . I . " I .ei , I 4 I .1. e iO4 ''" * da te I . I � . - . T1 t0g I MOW, Apated.d. I 1. I " . . 14� . I .. �. � - I 1 omotioll, " th'Teoxt `TlW.'%dkd!;'AI 'a � 1, I - .0 �n-the Plumbing, and �6at- ' I . I � , log �tj4�' e1jr,r" volealon, to - .. tho coftell, " ... . � 1), � , , 1; Is OU 'dovont .1, X., " "6at of � ill' � Mft AbIbitV one h dre " ;'I 7 .*4 . C.MJeakbu tat I I , T .'M,g A 10 " , fo&theiooko 9—, , L , .. � . MEE "' I d, asibaoo 0,4 achig,aie,di %I -be . C��, rb - .4 I � .1 ., .� I , . - . � 061.0aitb; str, , .0. I _ I , � I "A .1.., I ... ,,�',f - I � ... k to Qllffm' OJ..,th,6, 0 *io� 1. 1, h" it � - Nfbi4 . e��. -, * -� i, ­,�.,.. .- .. " . . ..il* :-. of "I'll -Wide[ %V -I.; lit 0 I I , I 1. -�. . . C0116'se *I Pbe'ribacri h p, �Xitcholl, lSelj� . I . .., . . % i � - .'-,l ; . � I . ,aacc. (21 Wid* eon,110;T-i�td - 1. .. W . � ; . . , � 4 ,-. sth�'­: ton , 411*0410i: 141.i - -#Md , � '. I 1".. ; I . I this tfije W .,j0v,61i,;: re returned, by aeelawa­4 f6l , . . , V - ... . I ! ': V. FA T1_1�1, '. �Vo . I . - �� . .. � 1. . ��10' hip .. Or , tw"4 not.1 �-ac-fild th6ejy)l� . V Or , Pa . - , t�(I)._11,0 thiohubiberA.R.Wigle�?t VAn I I 11 --ing b IS '.. 'I,, le ... . . . � . I Vnong fies I : I 111 '' ­ . ; . ,% . . . " i I , .1 1, . ri _� I , uioid4b.jo--O.nq Godeirko - �6 rd§L%tino "DIAtidt , , - I., � � . - 1, t . 0 I.- unt.thr , t, . , 6�i (11-C'. AnuMbdr of c6gt.: I _V � I � � 0 :S - ,. ; ; � li� ! , .. . - . . I - �: i 11 I I I ! ­ " 1. OZ i4t I I , I I t I . Vttt� . Rie%to tlye, 061) T, � ,, .. . � . .! *n v �, , .. I Viv, I ft- JOATIMIAT0,410N orfi�i . . . . I 1. I . I V � " "' i*0 ii ': 1. , , , " , wiva"W" ,UAI baft Wddotd,cd �he , I . Wait m 11 .1 Xt .. i j.. 'Fi&d 01;46t I ler 119 � - N. , .1 1k, T, I . 4 . I ., .'' , 1: . - CC ., - ... 1. � , 11 0", .., c Witj?'�'t&#A I ��"".V"�, A 'tht ,"aatons,: " *1.'. , 0*Z,W] ?.X.�� @Xh�iwith",Zhl I -::- Witlact *or. , " i , , 11, , � Aw ' (31 Attl*'t� by ;of Ring(Wilikkift -' " "'a'' "e6" 1 ' ' ' d " ' 1 i ., �! , , Is lans " 3. , , t fl.: __ . ­ 1111-N I yo I " � 11 't M � , V.000 , dre, t11O0et'ltiM*A;1 , _j � !' in �Ai* I . I 1. . � I _ � Mr Atiattmd'ift'gr 11,0000. Vabn,Wi4toleraht .0h.d `-bl '"'t 0C,ouv&iqs*th,.b.veV &&A fb+ ty f , 1: t ftA � . f . ­ " :1 t,: -, .1 I I I , 0 . f ', ..,�­ ."It - . , A . . J! IT , tWiOftleo; (tJ1A.1caWDaJjti. rit 0.) IN ,teouitgtiv , t � rt, ,01 wiftoo'. -Aftht .�' . . I I th- Wool bet 0 the .% I ". - : ill I . , , . I . . . WWly:,Aihtty-f1Vb'Ar I " . 1 41 . . 1 �. , ,� 1, . . . . . of ,�40)w�vbw(` "�" *0106-0)r", ln� and .,01a0b& Ill i*giftft ll�t 6 _400"WPMA 'COh8fttUUft6h&and- 11' : I . :::," % ;� ,I., - I brethreh. On irotuft pr . I I I . W.. angel' 01 , "Gr �, , t kh it �M-Wftb"7�OfHatft,% Ay A , a4' ,% that, lod§e room 1.0 11 � _ pd1rutoo hoopy 00upi-e 1;eft in 60fto , . , . . 6., , , . , n1n, -i- , ever", ,-�q�pt* , _ I 0149041 MIN:'WAgle 16 to ObogilatulidtO 'on tOr OP* 40r their T tur h I 11 � t '. . T 'he F eopk 18 , , Ill* .''t " , 0.,;�A , , _ Olvd brothf.bh 16 1 �,. ,';�, . ! , A , I S, tore . Ifth&tgd, 6,tjvOJJ4Wd.,1f).WatrOVA,eX_ hig eftappr,bLqat,ion at th.0 14 4f omd ., 111. - ,:, """V!". ­ _1 ­ . . " I.- ---1 11 I . I I 11. __ - - 1�111:�44A_ ,,, , I __ I I . I ­ I ,eoi,% .. and uUq paimed votj6j, of t "I 'i i4e the coxamu ;E I -Bya .;*, . oupportf kative,of . h,' �fttter ' his tr&_-ei,=a,#Wh *a full w6aAure ot, W� wpow"T faom atooftio, - 0. . I , 11 __ I - I , r".6s; 1, 440"(2i Tibir (A , o ftt' 1�onfi- , R & q "t � a e 0 � I ­ . .. ft � ktellig .. , , ' . . W 104 UKY ,ITO , I. " � - , � I'll I . I , , Xi �* -ty tho 4rottt _01 *. , ��. V.., 4 . . . I 4 �64j4. t "it aut ., the ftotbr, the oboltij t . � t ,It'p ,,, " � In . - I fthe ('16k 46 happy' ftd� pro*. I Z. . I . I 1, , , , - � , , I - . , I - I. I I I ; - , I I I I I "W""" .11 'low I t I I I I , I , I I � I t I' ' 'lao + p'c ke -a',,',, I is $,� all ,_ .a ,eL3 . � ov I hre 8 I 11' WWW1 I . I ­ . I . . . I : I I I - , I I I � I r . . I .1"ll.-N , I , I i , , I . 1i �1, 1 1 , 11 �,� 14014 vtww�fi . 'No 0 �ftt 410000 A. .'% . 'Kist ftate)r q,,6j*1t � ,I l _;1 'p latliftmtkrowh bw.�, --_--___1 --- WW -, , I �, 44ftl deoft 1A hVA dIOPIQ , �, I o, �.� .� ,�� L- t; . I ... . � I I 0 �, � , I.-Yed Is ,,I,, ,�­ A�,,�,,.'J . , . � . I ,­ " � , �,, � . W ..�Jj 414,0 ,* 0 A ;NAAAANAAAA"�� _ , . . " ,.O­�_.� 4t"# 1, .. . I . I., I , Q ,­ � . . N . I � I I . I ., . , � It . VIW'Vl ., , i , b! , , . -, I 14", ��L. ,*� � � *. t* . . I I -, ';%V, . I . , I , . � ,�. I 1, 'I - I . - I 1. . 1. .1 I .. I � . I r I *1 I - .,. I . I . . I , I . . ... . . . � P. - �,�.�� , ; ". ! �. t%., , � r . . 11 . . . ! 1_.. , .."i.V41 �. " * %k 41 tj . . . , � I I ,,�Jl , : � , , , ­, . a I I . L* ,,� f-111),41 .! '', I I �_. . . . , . -1 t i . , '. : . � . . � . I . ( � & . . 11 . I . . .. . I . .. � 0 . I , . W I I I 1. J` .0 � i I . .. -� I I I I. I � I : � � . . . � ; . . I . I , . I . I I I .. I � _ _ -,. , .- . " - 1...&___L�_­&__ZJ,_ __ � —.id..M— _,�_ .0_&A�.2,_�_ __.6_,Jft_ . -1 - . _,;�'d_ 4Lt � . I - , �_,�jV_.,�_Jd_4W�AL&,jj[,� rr 1� 1-1 _­t,da�,A�� ­ ��6.�'_Jx_ - . , -_1 _­�.__ I - _,� ,- __ , -.1 I �._._ I , - _� ­.. - -- . - - �