HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-07-06, Page 2� go- , I 1-1 ,VT-Tr:0P77�77W"19TqrW
I . . . I , R"","_, . � - ' "' 'N __ — 11"71111"
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=14"Nl=0o1J1 No. 11"11111111141 . I :I," .1, I 41 flow - TIC,
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0. I . ,;a.- lip"ormwili -11110111 I ____ . 4 , I , �
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diet *u4 the, s,1IXW1&nC*t N;.--,%;= I ==! - 1=0=1=1""N" N 12 =Nil I a ui:c . . ,
5 . 2mill !10 I I I .0
... 4,9',t)u pa of a . I I ; - ---A . - I 110
. so,o 1'� C ,chf-erfli i�piri A 4 trillijy Worthy of ' W+ 9 #11L. - __ __ - -7' - . I .
W;s 04 � W. sim)"X, �
- ,_ p a p1w o �.,,u our' IL Su 4 V
.1pp[E rnoM
I I Ltecal Ne' . 4.� .; � fit i fiulunier program, COWANS Found 19 Irly OR CASTORIA UMMOU-4 WLWIToa XOT"y
04& ,
� I I PUB1110, XT0j I
� %0VK""*PMW , What, is patrjoti,5m? If yon be- PERVILK Kikoapping Chaptle `0:"*"'* "d ","a, 01�WVW ,
. ""`*."o-- '
� Neve definition -9 of bonle,of tha Ben- rECT1014 , r I !j , Tho,Klnd You, Hayoft* 000
111WOR 1,00ALS., 7A RHEUMAT SM ' �Barathe , - I H.LS U, UnLE �
I I 0. — ng)and, J.A. Brodie, Arro�,�14_ Vonn Mee, Notari Public,
11.firaldo s . 'IT'
I I . P"Sitiorktilize, �Ivheatbey bark at U I Kla'� Godprich,andW.' Sig4sftro of Mmmiesioner, etc.--
- 'W " " P_
, ,� lia, n Op-
"hi,wat4he fly t�efore h-,f.!r, t5l �Qu- " '40n,al dalic'.-3 Of the Dominia ,
Thel ety,�wbgrry tto5tivals �will bc, . � C"CGA' A -J -1c'
tb(Itowering D08MOR, occuple-1 by 'Acqui,Ued at Montreal. , l4wrm �, RV�AL J,j8TATR-AN4) INsuRANCE.
.. t0v laucl far be'.wa-zil. this j5tason. I flOW 11 PERFECT HEALTH ' I --- 6;0_� --,-. - --1_________
I I %. Maryle bowlers lost in the Fg 791r Wilfrid Laurier, !the dictionaries Is good for Growing Gildo 11 i 1. 111.1. I --_ I I I$su(;r 'Of Marriage Licensea, I li,
,. , Montreal"Tune 1.4-Sudge LeL,tto- an(I Piece, Huren st" Clinton, , .
- Tropbt,laerlesj.ot �$eaforthb,y "FRUIT-A-TIVES" of the past are oat of busine,r4a, of and Boya—=4 they,4e 4. It day-, diseharg , ap toast which tho PrIB_ .
, , ed' A. J. Kinz of Tor- 0ne,D falll�d) to oat for br,�,akfast. I
, , �bo! i§�, .lit won from 04ratforil b icourse, theFe joilrna"s Must throw' noulithes t4eir -14de bodies ud ; Onto; Waltor I
0., ), -% r�' � R.'sealdo, of 31on-
, r T110699 be gave)to- a
I I 1. VANCOU"R, D.C-,:r,eb..Tst. xgxo. 11111d,Wliether Justifiabl treal,and J7. Leopold Brodte, of New & fellow -jury ,
� I a or 90v Pure makes 144" beahhY and *009, York,. charged with,attempti =AT', Mid kelik the bread� as a 504� H. T. RANOE
UOTRER DEAD. I � "X,aru well acquainted, with a man, ImP18111105.9ttokciep theirsalaries I � I to venIr4,, , .
- known to . 11 I Notary Public, Conveyancer,
�' �, , kidnap the 27-nionths-old chiU of
thousanft- in Vancouver, goodibUIL it is, o, pooX cause that can you get it from your Stc�warb H-4olles', a weatlhy Amer- I Financial and Real Estate,
, �.F Victoria and New Westmiusterp who f
LM54 W-Vak 4. Uttaro., Tocielved a : CowAn's Cocoa, as __1 -W800
It 0, -rabx' aTmoulleing the deal"th In nearly a yearwas practically a cri Or be boUtered up by any!ElIeh, tactics grocer, is absolutely pure. Us d.4icious icam, alt present residing in Canada, INSURANOE AGF,NT-AepraoentJpg143FiT44.
"et vr4yette, North Car- froin Rheuni:ttisni, .Ue wa,% so trouglVe14' Und, much of such ta�lk, j,s like water flavor is obtained Ly the use of the , ,Mr. -15oes', Who is seeking at div. , suranvo componlqo.
he rostittal O Chil
Qll=�i of hat bro h'she"i orce from his -wife in fhq 'United ]DIV10100 Court'." 0111eq.',:� 1.
, , ither, V,harles R� wituthe 4iseasetbathefoundildifficuh aaaduckls- I
� . XunXQ, fOrMeXlY',of I 0odgricU, 'He, -back-,leaves no im.- gra4elpf Cocoa be4as.skilf*blended. Statest. haq bad the emld kept' un- FOR FLETCHERP$ .
. , to qVeA turo over in b,,� Rio heoxt prfssiQn_oa,.,1$Ide for itconclusio Nothing is. aaed to impair the he".. . _ . I -
. rw" $Uf fieping,, from ltyphoid' Of a , ,u. . I der ruard ;�t the'Winds;OTUOtel for �
wl _ I � , ever ared so wealg that 44 couldhardlX that the largeat number of stick$ are sompitime post, and Impressed upon CASITORtA �' ... Xedi.0100 "
'40 8J,40, a lit De w k up stairs. .
1001 I " '* 'par]. t,ullding plropertial of the Cocoa. _ I It
" ". t'0 "'31�"' i - in Last June, he received a finiple of folind-undfer the tree with the"be,st . .1 . I .. I
. tewled wa�s 4 p 9�.ogra,plier I tlho judge hig'belief that an attelinvIt 11 DRI 41. W, TJ
I 'at i( . . 0 1 1 170 at kidnapD . 9 �010XPSOX
0 dity'. � Trult,a-tivesll. Ife used the � � . � ilig. had been 104nn 4 . I
"I I I I I in and apples, � � . DO YOU UN Judge Liielt didmolt -c ' " For Sale 0 Acla". surgeon. Rio
I . 4ateoL l4i_ recovery from that time. --a- Coilmla co�? ollsiderthere . or. Redt, L necisl fillsention given to &8045" of Wo
031ildr-len ,Cry To�day, there is'no, inan in vAncot, , W&O kity I I Ere. R44 Tbrost, and $049,
. ,k serlous) proof iof J,bjEi And -
, . .
. FOR FLETCHER'S I . %��ng . vor . � I I . the 4efcudants 'Waxe therefore I . '- Eyes carefully 03; and suitable glgsoe,
I . . , b0ter health. . We -would, like to fte boith the, I freed on'tUe obarge. � " . Teacher Wanted =441 I
: - shin e was building a.house this fall and Dominion And r.rovin ' L AOthel Xeaultl ot the ldeclslom,, D. 4
L .CASIrOR I A gled a good part of +the root in. a caga parlia- t , I XMUrPhY, X. C., .has been instract OMoa and Residence. ,
4rivin . I - . I
L JW.O 't. L, .ql rain� without sufre * any me`7114(buWsl into a campaiga of C. ed to enter, -sidt . I ILA Vr. J'obes .Tea %We 41"" W"S to the "Umprew Ale"ll
I � ' L ,,,, nu bad I I 13 . vbler wo,lited, for So S,. no 10. Oode_ I I
L . _ QJ>=lg eERVIC I. effects ". : I R- UCY. �,debt reduction , , of $25,009 - 101111"Ja at.
I .1 L . istant L . . * NQ wideawake . I rIcbTp,, -dipities to PoMmenco atter . -1 -1
11 %oaOtISUM, t fev�ewiqg� the Wtiocl, - Mr. liess Man I 1% I each On Ishalf Of %1feSsr8. . I - . I IL - .1
... I X 1%. Mills, (ass po I Sealdio and Brodie holidays. apply stating Certi I
- -pe -t oKd atkindo at E: , �stmastex. . �usl 'caft look oil with 40 Y� I V .e. I �f, oe , . , , 0 k / Summer Oro, W. seen .
I I -#ne;d. oftUe(Vll , 4! Aivine, nowlton, Quo,,) also writes: degreq,bf ,complacency le . XV, kin -I am d M ' B., 110%te, salary and e erienoe appll�- Dr. w, an". x, X..V� �P,, X. IL Voso. WAS.
, , , rvite. at On ario Street Methodist - "Ihoul�$Uyb,elievethat"Fruit-a-tives., - on an ever " . reot� 'L '"10110'reeelVe lop to Ulv let 1911. L �
- . I , s-djill Goder! v .pdie wev,s ay., IX
icbnrcb� and lilsteApdl to an ftoot sing liability .9 . . , Ob WbeioeflielY were ofileme-On"do Street, Oftton. Vi
, I I uc- is the gr,eatmt v,lieumat sin cure in the increa on tke 'Pagigis, of 6". inIthei inte4reip of a ,$all comV.*n ,
. , . . � 4 L F. ALEX WELSH - front door of oXt�o or rewdon", -
. . . W00ermlon preapheidby, theipas-� rid".. T bW, ledger. 11 �, d I . . 19t=
.. ta . it yo i if.. � . , L
I I I .1 '
I - tMOROv, T.WL"000.01),$, 'W%o to'D ; 11 , Ilt' is 600111'etimeo -good % See. Treasurer fjor"t,
.; . I I I text from I Pe#ej, � I k . '$Qc- a �F, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 25c, tacltiL�sto igo'.10tio 1d, bt ere . . .. . I 11 � -.1 I 01112012 001cehours%* splW � I
1 hW. -4nd vhlarlt* e, Wh t1he - I . . -1toll'o.m.,110 0 V'rA �
I . . Atidemale" gifropf , � wooll, �� I
. iiiia,17itlit verso Ir freader 0113� - 'via Umit4d, , financial comp . L
I�L. I . The ehol . L- . asa, POIntswith' ,a 0 11 "/I I C]Wdreu Cry I . — I .. �
. , -
" I . .044.wo lexcellen't! =theml% On xe�A _174. � I ..._, I largeMeasure of ajourance t10 - . _ Teacher Wanted � DR- %4 Wo SHAW. . .
. 11! li�Lvatot0a.t'haalabe(arty.v,Qte of . , . A!he FOR MUM' . I .
11 I 'L �h xks- -was passed -to trUst4es, pas- 00000009"09"9 . 0"9 . 9, OutcVbae, Of large lilvestment but it I I I I I I . L S, 1. --- , PHYSIOUN. SURGEON.
I econebear, etp,� omc&&nd red4ence on I
. .
, � I �l,, . O" 6" is POOr Policy 10 arot balance the CulaPIUS as .00in is not corralled* that CASTO R I A TeacherforS SNo4, Gode,- chTown, tenbury St., oinodto w,,Firrsies residence, .
P � � .
,� �, tor and choir foT their -service,$,. - I - I
� I account occasionally, 'and better . . . 14 � ship. State Salary, . wanted And __ I . I I N
I '. ' ' AWAY AM GUELPH. I Editorial Notes ea'3117 that $10,QW -c u be paid. for a ., qual' ,fication, Applications will re-
� .. 1. . I . dtillJos Makel the real assets show toot of gauze$ . & L X I � celved up to. ,Tuly lOtb. . . Q110 Iro a axe - N
:Th1J wls� J. B, Hoover 4to,Qk '� 4' 0
1 I , . iW441"66$60q9g68*6g1"�0*000 kna.,ts`iW devei, pbnen,4 A . � psliwi I
' - 'rbild compooifed of 9. J. Courtice', V. , L .. � I . a�nd be, able i I L . JE1. J. THOMPSON �-, I , I -
'�-' L I ,-' . BiWaII,(k W. J. 13tlev(in to ,the I . to breathe freely on account oithe SEIZE REMNANTS OF . I I L .$Pcretary ftown and BrIOXV Worik a Specjl tys- ' L L
I . � . n . . I I all
ment, and UP 'to Dress � � � I ,� 4 . - I Clinton P, 0 Waduale ot .C.Q,D.S..a Obscato, and '
j . , Guelph t,durna so Uall King. George. day,ot thedull"being athin Skin Sliffererg"fyied � . . . R.O.D.8 .
i , ,g ofthe - I I Toronto .. I
.L, ': lumehave played the following I —a— . Past. (Grpiat Britain is e 1 1 k . I / , � o Rayffeld o6-mondaval, X Ist to 0
.. * , . L s it ng a . I . IRT � _ ecanbes
t� � gaMosi- I . Eye ,. Aotice' ' � . . L- I
1, . ,.,L i Schoffield Trt6phy.,, There are other crowns besides -the r-ood,eXamPle 6 the world a . , rythin li 4AROINE'S BREAKFAST . � I I - I I �
� , . on X t- Then D. Do D. Cured . , I I I —_ , .1 .
. I
I �; �, � � MeCtirdy, Stratford, 19 Hoover 10 one King Orborge will wear. Are you' iOnal debt reduction. .'.- . I � I . �� , , DIL K FOWLER9
. . � . . . L-
. � - , 'k:ROYO City C!6mltettk(�Jon. -, . This wasthe experience of Mrs. I � . All ii�ceounts must be paid by the A. .
� - -
... 1.� ." tFirst. (Round, looking for yours ? I . __O__ , . - GeO. Newman, of QrangevRe, Ont. Hulad foxI,lSouvanirs first of July or otherwise will be place. DIONTIATO .
, i'!�L , McDonald,'Guelph 11 Hoov�eT 20 � . - The )neiqdn-g, of the CojoIji � 4, She-wrdtein Jan., 191o;, , . Gru6somel Of .
�. I . . --Q-� . al Pr , , ed in other bands for collection. L Offices over OINEILIE ritore. .' ,
L L" ,. 1� C, - Second Round. . mierl in London, En,gq . $11 was t6rriblr troiibled with lec- theflanging at -Godertch. , 1. . ". . . speolal, care taken to make 4entAl treat.
.. � .1 I and, h2ts giv* zeMa on My, face, neck 4ndhands . . � � JAS. HAMILTOT-4 -
- -
XenneLdy, Georgetown, 10 Hoover 16 Intlisl Nova Scotla,Provin6al. El- r — . . , I M t .1
.1 Clinton ont an as painless se:
�.�;. . . en OPpor!t1unity fo the fexpression for four years, I tried everything I , ., I . . I .. poodblel .
. I L
I .
�� � I-. L I , Third Round. ection. the Te[mperance nuestibn of' mamM Goderich', June 16. -No cleath ifen- . - I , � I
. ! I " Wes�kpby, Gqelph, 21 Hoover 17 .tributest to khe. Domixii-oin ,haO heardtell of,then saw sroO ad- . . V�
.L� I .w.aw,no4f a d-eadf letlle,r bift* 4 ieal viertisepient, iia the paper, ,sent for ltence had. beerA carried; olit in Hu . �
. ilinlgltqm� Trophy of Cariada, 'that tahoifid(prov 6 . _ . For'Sale .
' �' f Wee e an whial bbvttle r THOMAEs. GUNDRY , ,
1: Third Roqmd. livel problem[ thati had to be faced. incenitivo to-cau f D. Do D., used. it on 0 Ounty, UPILJO to -day, sincethe . I
::'�' Thoub . . so the Dominion to. my, facel and got well, Ne Fa I I � —_ .% . .�
,� . urn,Brarapton,19 Hoov'er 15 There Wag xaday, w . It �,s now Me ady, -hanging - ill the 607g, and Live stock fta general Auctioxi %,@
'. - � :..'" , . "Hoane Sweet Home." hem John tBarley .c.0ittinup to (ai%. at ,tlie. trqo two ,years and no return of the ee- mOt 04 'Official, from. the sheriff to. . . .
, l I . For sale at once, 200 acres Stanley .
, 14 �L.. 1. � c-Orm, lgave, many orders- to p, I . And zema. I consider I am; cured and It the(constables, ,eVer acted 'in aii,eb lot 20 and 30, 3rd con., 3 miles f d* ' , . GODMOH QNT - '
1�1,..' uit th olitici- , lidn'Orable. 'Mr. L102�d-George, wh acity, at . an, -execution before, E in Jrnmatoog Nales ageoialti., oltiell at ,%%
, ,;��,.": NO LONGER A MINISTER. . . I 0 certainly was a blessing 'to me." Clinton, School 40 rods; 100, acres cul. RiDw z" oibee, 0 too
" �;, � � ' all gftaxt-cy abtennad
� :, ��%� I. . ans b -e black,bottle or theLpler- is, Chancellor dflthe ExcheLquer, had No Mlat�ber how terribly you suf- cap Probability, they nevet -will tivated, 22 acres bush, rest hay and to. Terms reasonable. armers, Bale nota -
� . " . . . ..
I , _1 The retirement from the'Metho- hapsmore,fashiomable flask bias' ' few from eczbma, salt -rl%eum�, r1ugT I in. discounted
*1 d1sl ,the kibdAqb.9 -to as, IcTh a�ga . asture. 10 acres alfalfa. Large sto .
�,��:, "t 'nistry of Rev. J.H. O-Jivei 0 I Y. I e YP,un)S " . . ne , . .
'. � ml .p, 10611 A0 trulmpet and valiblot rally worm Or. other skin disease, yow, It' viewr, of the rarity of tbel eve(nt touse two story, plate roof, cement I
� I
. S'. , i TorMVrlykofL!s)toWjel, Sarnia, and i1bo fAO.Tcls,'N as� Domlnlon"�ere Only, it, Ithe', begin-' will feel ilist,lantly �oothed and the ths, %rAesomeolde ,of it did no't p;rej, .1 I , �
" il., . .
� .�' -of old. - Thia, cold ningr of I . . floor in cellar wood-sbed, -cistern tele'
_ .'' - ., L;_ (it -her Wlesterffi Onitlario' churches,. their greatness-. They itich refieved at once when a few M barn 8WO, wi dinill, pumper 0. Do MeTaggart - � m.'D. MoTaggar - I
I I ,,� and later of Ble(gina, was dkw to a water ar*y, is bar'qhIn,g on ta yic- had . veuqrelio hunterv( 'fro . ,securing; ho I . 0
. ,�.:. . . . , allunliMilted future, amd, Would, oat- drops*of this tompound of 011oj *Many souvenirs of Jardine. Wheh watne,!�'orks, stablip for 40 head of
I ,� . serious heryous collapse. Alt the tory. . � � . . horses, secoX bc�IIWX40, hay M. .
,�� 'I, t. Wintergreen, Thyinol, the, hangm4A, cue down body, cattle. 0 nd . 4;Ta,q � I I
. .. U. in strength, el.tc-, is -applied.- The cures- all seem -seoveral large' �Iece,q I . .
"" . reclent fiessions of the Saskajoche- , . . groWi .Greae, brit0i Glycerine, the - .9art �, Bros,
"�. I . - . . . I I I
I - wan loomlelr#nce he wasgiven his .0 __0 , -Population and * . . of newrope barn 5Ox35, - ' 13ANK13RS � ..
- , . .1 PoWert butwould -to be peiIiianelit, too, 'Wereleft on 1he gr6und. This, wag � Apply to . I .. I . I ..
1, " ��''. . lett�WBL afaIttanddil,g, at his own Te- IfooMe, of the IstOckhOlders of the ow, ih�ir, affe For free trial quickly, appropriated by(aeveral ' ' MALCOLM MoEWIMN ALBERT'ST
I e A,e,ver'6'dtgr ction for bottle of D,. D, 0. I I
�,::� -, , � . . . I ,
� ,:,_.*; queut land is no longier a minister. tecently, as,signold S1,Oc Write th6 D. D. D. Lalb.orutories, memberrA , ot fhel coroper'.9 jury, tf. � Box 56 . , . I Clinton . . .1 ,ql
"""', Th� 6�rlsltian, Guardian, reporting. 00.1whose, um Medicine the Old, oou�try. 'Shrines in B It- 'D ,- , I t1k Ct, ers I '
'i ,� . � . I rI De t, ' e ,allowed in I . 11 � . . . � eel Brinkina Business .
0 *
I , - I
. I . . . �
� � .
I 41�,-;,,�,:� the Matt4*, eayis-"His taki-tig ,'up ehie� Patient! repn�eu y, W,As ain they *.ill -never . 14i E.,49, Colbornq, $t., ;Tor- whilef other who' w, '�' t 0000eteO � " (�
.., thel work of the. minisi%ry, . forget' ,I howev,m, � . I . . 1. . after� the hanging -smared ;smhll . . , . For Sale .1 .
'", I ,at an 1",sYchine,*sho th . . _
1 .W heazit,weakness' and -er they grow , . I I — .
- - , - , � , and tb,iese things will . e . I . piecelel of el,scaffold. . . . . , . I I . .
"". :_ I I earInddtilej lseemed altogefther ;out develop ,a 1�sigh, keen' . � — . But the limit was reached b I . . . NOTES DiSCOUNTED I 11 �
,� . I., . . h y,,e a I . . . I � . - .
I 11 and Well - d -Taw them to the Old Country with � Too Many hollid'ays in a un�ch�, juryinau who appropriated t e . .. .
"', h4g brelthhre* know, %Tx. 'Oliver h ai�1,*ed 'W'd"'011 :one fo _gg . Fine seven room brick house, 'F' . .
�-, Of; -thd quiestion, and, as huany - of grounded lb I is motto bet Iwo increasin,&affection: b . Drafts baued. Interest allowed on
,!.-;. &Z . dayl(be one People, a Mighty, onei r the good w business cire1gs, is, __. - , .. I. l; , urno 1. . ". depositi. . : %Q .
!,_%� � long had the conviction at. APPearan, � ,ce .
_-, in th6opiuion of many, peo,p%i -this . I- — ,,,Town vVater. Barn, half acre, 25 . �
. . r ...
- ftat the� ' oesAndicate 'the isul- PurPOSO and ideals-, With one,dev'o- st r"o I �, trees, small, fruits etc� A uroya . i .� '� I - ' - . . ....
. I "�, Minister Who- retires (to secular life vage.froaft this haancia1wreck will tiOn 111,service for . God and mton,l) yelar. ,A feast U, so 0_UM.es'allmo . 11 I � I
��'!��,'�,':, should, voluntarily ielinc I I Road East. * '
I _tutsh his be Ole, ' . —0—, . %. . ; I . . - The'. XcXillop� Mutimai * ,
,�,:.:- tanding. The action ,agreueveinlJf the cslpitaX was . . I a% . bad as a;l I ,,,,,,, 'in , . 1. an -1 ,- U � R. B' EAMES '
. ministeriol o I I . . I 1 ired: Feet, d I . . "
� , I
%�'. r wbicht he hag taken iseemed to hi P11"'Aalt, $SO-W,ogo leske ithan.' 1%eltvvell enough alone)' 6 s an un-' I � . , � . . . . I . . . � .1 I , . I Pire� I n; S, U ra, Im C 120'.- -
� 1� . in 1 5 Y".e(ar a . I . I . . .9 . . .
,: . ,
the necessary and, on17 one for hbn ago. All ithep bm"boozling, IS not ililtsmded'lco�mpli Some �.of our Coiiservati�itbrethre Strayed 1. Firm and Isolated, iroylin Props . �
. . . imvmt by the Do�- �' . . . . . I .
;A�,, donle 'Rn�d� ltheLStars- aadSfr�pjF , , 1 ty question . . . . . I . . .erty Only Insured.. � . . I )
I . -t is minior4 Opp in discusshigthe Reciproci . � . , -
-��""_� - t9 take, though in this �naltter i: r I ,R. 0,81tift tQ - the, past 15 u .
" � 1. safO to .say, InauY of his brethren . . ,, I - . ' . . . . I . I . �. . . —_ I � . . . . � . . I
I - ..." - . . I I earsi of Liberal, 'Go' urely overlook the history of I . - . . OFFICERS. - - .
� . . Look at yourshi .
'� � : ,did nlolt. ap_ree with him, Mf,-011ver, --O--. : , . Arethey- ntidy� Do A yearling heifer,, kred ' .
. " �' . . I I V, V�Irnmefitl rule', must 8 . . �
,� �7 ., . 1. I . and islpne ofithe b.est,x * I their OWWPArtywhen they so vlolent-� . u alfid white J - Bo: McLean, President, 'Seaforth..: . . I . .
X � , � Will' -still continue lta give -both I ecOM0n!sJRda- I I � your feet feel tired, strayed on my premises lot -
C, :, - Military authorities have met with ifions for , ly oppose the measure of to -day. . I . toes cramped, hot, or 28 con- 9, Jas. -Connolly, Vice pr6s., Goderich �
".1-1 Church and Regina college 11s, un I .� . I a renewal of the lease - of - We Hullett about a weekago.
�� . I
� consi.derable diffjcult�,_In . I - Owner Thos. X HaYs,.&6.-Treas., Seaforth) . �
1'. grudg%g, servico As far as healith , . isee , it, . . � irritable? ' may ba�e hame by proving property . . � .
,,.�_ I 1b . Ur;ng Power for another 11term,'whenellec- ,wonder they really know that . . .. � . . I
I ��.'. . . Reciprocity was � I I Have You I and paying charges. - . . I DIRECTOR I So � I
, the necle sarY -citiota, pf imen for the. ltion( day, -comes. , � Boni Mr. Fisher, fro - actually. -in force �. �
�, andf & ik'tyt will 11116mi. . Pox the. 8. . . . . . weak ankles, �
- time bl.,oing, at lleast, Mr. and Mrs. ranks Of the vario no in - the . I M'. I .
1-�* Us Teg'MAUts this the well-kntbwn Mini . in' 18.54 to 18M, The coalition , i ,ALBERT WEYMOUTH Jas;. Connelly, Holinestille; jobs '
11!"11� Olive-rWill reside in Relgi'lla.11 . ,siter of Agri- . � 1. a!' — _ . � . . � I
:.,� �,',' year owive: to the,skoitage Of toe. I . I Wat� I
, . . avail Cult ' . Rarlo6k; G. Dale, Clinton; M. ..
* ur Government of which' Sir John Mae- I . . � . . L , I
,e, affirms that "Do 'Better" Is 'don . . limUi - - S - .
,;',�'� WESLEYAN ME I ' - -Pastnre'to'.-Ren't .' '. Cheiney, Seafbith; 1. EVinsll-_ Beech. . �
, . ,THODIST ' ellnutp,viii). ,we bave�known In- ald -was a member- iihd4xv,dred to I " :
, :%, . abl These are symptorris of weak instep . � I
. : . , . � . a ziobler flag io fight und,er) Ancl. in . , . I , woon, J. ..G. Grieve, Winthrop, J;' Bcn.w - -.
I APPOINTMENTS. T. Sltanleeis'Where the,compj*ent was . . have recipr* city renewed, In IS71. 13. or broken down arch -later, flat-foot . — . I I
,`;;'� . a laud' filled wftlb the poj�pibilitjos Sir job P � - and sure to bring you pain and'trouble I . . � lieweis, Brodbagen, M. McE,Fanll� . 1
. -90 eaMy obtained thq.t.mu!rmer ' . f I I .A�
l,'��: - ' The( following elipped, fro�m the I . .. n Macdonald,in'llegotiating the , . uple .... remedled-now. " . I In the Townshipof Godeiich, will be Clinton. .. . . . .. .
t�z,":, . OUB' .and opportunities whyahould nlot I . All You have th do is to hold up, the o&red to rent, one hundred acres if Bach Director is inspecier. of losses in - .
I I - Stratford -Daily, Beacon Mot Satur- liPPlicat'iOns' were -thriled 'down, but . .. I treaty At Washingtoxif imad ' ' . bones of the foot, in their true'and the best quality of .
", � - I I , � . ,thel word o' . . e,a strong .
1111�� � daly,.whleh appeared-inthe above. itodaxwitlk. Wttei:4 pay,, 4ndl'wopq � f comliftav&-be "Foiward effort, to -obtain a measure of , 'natural Positions,.until Nature knits - Pasture. A.ne*er. his own locality. I .
11, . . . , . �
.1.1 PapleA in 1872. ,Many,' of lth4. nomes comfortkthe delmandf is far Iq Marelh� 11) TheLilixMienceo -of the , . I I � reci- . . . . falli bl.spring creek 'running through. . I . . . .11
;�� . , � AGENT& - -
I jex-. , _ I them in plAcei, . t ) ace and x'quanititv ' , � . . I
. 'will be irecallecl by ithe oldier eiti-% P094 Of the louppi pas� ar PiOcitY in return for the American. use The:Scholld-Fo6t-Eaxerl� does this. . of shade, . I I I . .
I ., 2eme. 00d,erich'Di - Y. The, :red,'-coa 0 an ass4rainee for. the. op-, o f the'Canadian fisheries ;,and he . did �Jtsupports theArch Qiifistepbonespro- treef Being par�, *of lot 78, - Maitland ROW. Smith, Harlock, Ed. , � .
I ' .
I . strict-0oftrIc h I had ftniellow, 16sti, �much of its at . t timift of Camad 4 1 1 1 1 - ; perly and in sk practical, comfortable. land I con., being, I half . all from Holmes;. Seaforth; James Hinchle�'. . - . �
. .
"",,� 'Wo. BUekstock; Clinton, J. IGra-. - ttZV,qUl 0 Ian leadership land. obtains'.8mall Measureofreci oci self-adjusting manner - . ivilleand five from Clinton.' Apply.to ville; J * Cumming, Egmiondi I
.�: I., I haw,LoadeabOTO, I.Crantf Sea- tractiveneaq for t4ieli mio&rn youth.. f thiff fair Do'bainida ' � Pr ty, . (0 _ . I . . . W. Yeo" HolmellVille' L . I
1� iR relatinito'llsh. , $ WM, BRADOUR . . , . I .
�,, I . . � 't Material to Win *first plzko(5- bringing into The tariff � of I=, in , or Phone 12 on 143, Hblimesville, Ont Brownsg, Clinton. or 06 at -Tozer'&' ",
f�a, C. Lavell, W.A., D. Kelnfi6dy, theirigh . Payments m&V be, Inc -
!.1_1 -Hughes, . ..-. 0-. I. - � � �.. Scholl "It"oot-Eazee - . to R. H. I , .
'. 'B.D.; Mitchell, S. Wilsion,j . �. effect $'rL John M&C_ Ifte , . I
� . I I I � I
, I .
'A. Hadburit; Stratford,;W. Hend�ej_ on on the ' I iitained an 16 a Wentific InVe .
',,]i . . There Is an inclinati ' I tu the hIstOry, of the vatiOns in theP, donald!s national policy, co � ation. constructted on atrictly Goderich: Cutt "
1: .
I .:, - Part Of y4AVS1 to e an anatomical prindples. Isa double sprint arch . . . I L' I I . ? . � . I I
I . . I ffer of reciprocity in natural roducts ,jsnpport which. will place the broken down or I - . . . . . .1 I I . � I , I . . �
� ,an t- ada'should idevelop.1tht"f misplaced Arch bones In their true, normal and . . � A4116
tl -Bay,field, J. Tallman;. . DuUL � the Social. and - Moral &forin depir p For, Sale . -
-.1 fson4 'M.A.; Harmony, John Fisher; � . qme. -Camadi it, for Caxi� 6 I � . i
I *1 � 1
, I I 1%,
, I dine, G. A. 'no"' - 111012tIsOfVarionodenlonoinattobs inthis . . D-o[lifior's large house. . �
. . C. BrIgtol; Kinear Mit- ervor and with the 111nited'States. In 1801 :Sir . graceful shape. . barn and d4A00B TAYL09. . .
�, I I Vor Positively cures . . . . I
:,' t1he1k93A.; Borvie, X.Millinklen, L.. country, to enter u '' ' * win tb'b fa 6fall 1W]JO read. hIff- JohaMacdonald dissolved Parliament, tireq,or achingleet I garden on Ontario Stretit Olinton - I � .1. I �
� Pon a eat) ,I Of , � . OLINTON .
e - - Rice; T.ivw education and 1aW enf6rob PaIg tol;Yunprejudice!d. . ' % andlimbs, and all foot . . Apply *At Hvuse or Clinton j,. 0. . . .
J�,:. , lbom, one to be ivehlbt; . . ment.th4t I 1, I I . . declaring that his Government was n - - - I . . I . I . . . .
''�tl . . , . . . e- allatenta. Itide"fly . ."---..: . . .
. � .
,i Teoswaiter, one to'be sent; AWey- should be well freighted with'good , __O__ . I "'tea ID 3D7 "08 18 - . - I __ - � ., I .. � I . . I
, *_ ville,. - X Davy, J. MccaXroll, W . . gotlating wfill'the Unit�d States for a .
. �i ., . it . I ielt�adjuetlng and. . . . Fire,,,.Life and Accident . � I
AV bomfortableto all feet. I . ' - . .
i��r add±e*s,sin,gt1I6 I Made of Gar -an .
'�1'1' Johnson; Trowbridge, J. Hough � will relate to the school, Church# home lHOn- 6- H- Blake )in" rene*al ofthenigiareciproetty tre ;W J409 Wanted '
. I � I
. .
1� . Edwicirl W. Hawke, 6. Sellery -, and the State and allied with thd *&X,i. Arl&llicaA 6 I vetth,necessary changes, IL . Silver . . . -1 � 1. . e I . .
I ynod- expres,40 the In a spi3ech I It - cpHthest price paid -'for. Lo . . I . . .. . .
. I 'a . . -_ �
.�; 'Winglialm G Kennodyl R.Burns; one Agenclis.gt Work made at �be,*!bk spring I . .
,��., . '� . will seek to im. thou&4.-tho .,withk.11*e jait,y Tath- _ qy Club 'in 1891,' 131i. leather I . gls,, Bass- —
��, Lulewrio-W,W keUaW. From� this , . coverE.. . --- - . WOO , Soft HIM, Rook Elm And Rook I
1. � it bue the youth particuljrly� ABzkham_1jhe sihomI.& ]10, ' John -.said th 2*0 datfite bought and sold . � � - __
z I
1. . , - - . I 0 . I M&F16 especially wanted, butlall kinds . _ : Monty t I .
.1, vM be solen that the Goderi-chdis wit"he _lB , 'th 11 at every meAsure of, red,.. Frl",$2.00 . O&V � . . I .
11". !�:,. . triet ofthe W. M. Churich thign, cov: nobility ok doing . ishop e perpair. Allsizeo#t6rzdevi�womedandebildren. . . 0 . , ., - ' . I I
. itood and thereby ,seleation, of a c16 �M�Ln. WbI prpoity obtained fot. CilliAd 7 . wil -be urchased, . 0 oan .
.� . I Xg le - I � a has been , Comeltittodar. Tryapatrot ..Foolt. rolo W,1D0 ERTY. ,� � . . 1. . . . . .Z . . 14
, -
.eied what is now three or fo' (jig. stem. the tide Of evil Which ii becioming -noltassluininZ th' . tied bIr the Poinserva Ives. He in- on ten days trial--moneybWa ff thoydoiiit cure I .PIANO dild - . . � . � , s_
�'��I� ur obtal . I W . I
-.,,�,�, e ri-ght to, s * , Toi�rxootcompwbitd .. OAS � I I
.� I I * Peak '" heed the Elgin treaty qf 18K and' I . . �� � . . . ., I Oar .*to Now
- .
.I. �, triets1of Itlic'. fp,rjesent Xe1thodist increasingly alarming. * , . I 44LpevA 14 ata' . L I . OR ; CO.j Limited Office TRAC Street, nextid
� r.!a church. John S.Flahft, 11hough Au- ' � . � , '00=00tion with that . .� I . � . . I . 1. Bra. - . .
i��*, I L 000--O� . the Washington treaty of 1971. , , I I . . .
I'v, perannuated, was i&a.son,t V.t the . . eburgh 'we bell,eve, &R - 4 Tulle. any I � . . . I . . I . � � I . . . . I I i, . I db�
. , eg,wtiof " .
W,_ : ,kii6w, . � -_ -_ k - I .. I . I .,� . . � - �
.,�,�;�� regent0onferencleat'Stratford; S.- It 90unda good,to hear that China Magi! 11 I - . �. .
11 , Sel*y(, Jullow atLationed, In Qufqpn &ent, Coronation a Its me,eds �et�,. I �... " I I Farm for Sale. , .. Grand TrunkRM ' I I
. . I
,� , VFAY systeft . �
;9ifts to Xing Iter ftft persons Outk4,01 HAS I I I — , .. , � � .
1� 1;1 , Strelji tbureb, Kingotion. e . -it and . I . . I . . . . . ,-- . I I , . . . �
, I � . - .
"" Georgel And,. QU*0 ,Mary, Val. -it would!( be the U�c;eplti' fd 11 . ' ..- .-.& -. -S#11 The Undersigned offers his fine farm, � RailwayTime .Table . .1 I
" �, . I . . � - .
. I , - . uecTa(t � On t I . I . .
,�!, Consisting Of ab(?ut 135 acrei, 4djoing. . . L .
,�,., - . . OlDleit's-choicip-wou'd - TW11*11
I '131fttric Restorer for I � $100,000, W-61ayttook4o cases to rule,'Wher-0446,pe ' I` DRe 'FOWLERgS is � .
., �.,,. 'Phos .'-!-t 114glie"Cantl I conve0y, 0* Pr6en . . I not Ir,iV,e beftor q4tisiar Th' I . I ' . ., . . . . . . I . . . ingthetovgnofOlintonfor sale. The ondoni" .Huron and Bruce. . . 11
a� - __ - - , plklo"91. .#... - I 0- The. royal, I I _tioln. ere', EXt - . .. -I . . I � North .. . � . ..
Fli—M fr44TU;4Ry7j;d_.;1l "I I 1111i# '
viin and vita is a 91'OwiPX fielitimenit in the ph C t � and has goo � . 1
��4,.;�, hft�ehoI4, will hav� I form, is in a Ood'. state, of cultivatlon ,Passenger .
', . wea)mess Ave . . . 11, . I
, bak on a now man. Ttlee,no b5 ")� dlin,gi All right. 40redit yj day I I I . � . I - Cr ra t5o P:m
i�" lthtir,`Whiterla. ulreb - . Of I ' VUSTON buildings, brick house' London, depait....'
, tied at one*. Vk0apbon4 eapply, O,f kin, . . I
I . . , *
1:�, ; 11 *',,xajtw ,,r �njxotbb,*,Vem� thler _hi t . 1�111 bank barn, driving house, pi pen etc, slitralia, ........ so. .
I �. Rallied to any address. IN I . — . 0;40 , 5,4S
I 10"i... St. Calbaritheil. 0 . L nese EMperor of long motorates, (no Matter how . . all comparatively new. A first class Exeter . 5.54 � .
41 ,::.� � nt. . , "I .. . 0. .6 0 4, -.4.. 9.58
1 1 .
. I - . � Young orchard containing allTk�,,,,ds of Heneftli:: ..... �.4.*. 10.08, 1 6.05 . .
. :1 for these tbklenft, of 0 1 1 � . . . fruits and also sudall fruits. .
I .'' 'WHAT TH,BY THINK O'P DXX V�hieh , . I Wild Strawberry I . , arm I .
good lelloWship, '911000S00 alid, harmonious, so�nvof . . .. . . I - , � . I
11 I . . . I � Kippen .......... 10.16 mix
:,11 �, . Ind -l -V I I . . I i6 %ell fenced and drained and, is � ...'.'..'. 10.90 . 8.10 I .
1, I . - . I will be a6ceptled in the k I fth,ebA have been): is� slipping away , rer The, 16"t Irliftson Toare , - very desirable I
I . The Londbu Vise PIiess df Thu.re� eplriQ , . . . . a Brucefteld.... . I
.., . . _ it which theT, Qre pr;49entev-, and(thel boo I 1614hod bf -treating , . ---�_ I � . . I I home. Ford further Clinton ..... 4.....4. 11.00* U6 � . �
, da'F has the following which . � I . . . particulars apply On the premises or, Londeaboro, ........ # 11.18 - a . . . .
I . . .
I � I rtfers --O�_.:, I V80tOr-9 and 00129roCaUons . I . . . "I . . . .52 ' I . . �
I I , td I'lasker Ina g= vUyed Vea_ fairly in Mrs.- Dtincon M61tse, 62, 6 Address. . � � . BI th,
. th St, North, . . , . . I .1 . I . 11,27 7,00 , �
� � , ,c ThOPresbYltrian A&SeMbly �enda aWO,re,frbqiw6t ehatgie . W JOHN FORRANCE Be .
i . -on won by,the . I .. .1 ,
�� !" ScOvef Of 112-1. Tagloer pitched ''thig questrionj 0- . is a Pro'bleta Brandon, Muikq writ4w-11t kv much I . I . . ..." 11.40 1 7.18 .
,�, f TJn!O�W lot tble. Chur. Vdt'-Ylefil cipherled oat, . . . . . . . . 'Clinton Wingliam,Arrive.,. 11.50
�:,. chelf ,The MeUo.�. P188sum for the to day that I haVe used 11 . .. . 1 - I � � I 7.,% , 11
I I I 1. . I , ,
, . - last thTed innings and, Ithey got five , to,the cong.04,tio., )to Aex- distebutch thinks, thor r e one Of . b6fty I PAS I I
�. 11 rumig and he Atwnck gut' IsIx. "There Ureiii(the$r opinion VotKwill b ' tth� b A . hav Dr. POirler's Eitraot of Wild'Straw South I sel)gar . .
, 1was isudh a L)lqyer in* the .(A sylyffm It' MY 110tulb, every Sunivaer, for the lait. . depart'. 0.48aw 188PJAI
. .
, . I . t March -0
� I (Y��Mq7-71ajsker by l9truggle tak-eambetoppen, noW'&nC1 h&X e , . qk,'jn the MOV'Sable fifteen yeam 4 . 1. . I .. I . . F rd & -
"�, ur lonig, lean an' nwne. Taskler and. the, res , Past(ix8t0l, Wh�reby w ,char . I# ( . . � . . e.:..'.. *.�.., 0.54 3,44 .
.�'. d lqzy. Aloe hie is Ult 0006r.ted i ge ' I have six children and bAve,uftd it - . I . . .
I . 004n4ured-, L'i , - . tb th. eWek t wiltboult & pwAor land ,no derli .'' I I I . 1 -7.08 8.66
), t a fillet"which begp kneeltino of , :F)Vaau' On evttY 0116'of them. . We, are la4dw selling Timothy seed at Oro " 716 4.oAl I
. I . 'tho -Assetabl, � . I .1 $7.00.& bushel, Government Standard. . � ;. 1.
"'.1 V. Th,e( Uf WIlUs a church. The! voice Of "I U86 it myself *'*d so dow .7.50 4.28
1M 19TOAltlY. Whe'n 'Pitcher 1� ;! I ....'.T.:::*"* I
, my I . We.have also On -hand Alfalfa at ..... ;...Al I
- ,� *: , iltli,Ltwho Played ri.ght field for quelotioll, of (Pefd(eration VA Vni*n Che laity, .*ill -have �tool,bo 11,6tened hubbill(lo - LbA Wilimidr my babyi. seven .. 912 .� 4.301 . �,
��'. the 13rantfbirdiltos, Iwas b'a'dl:y in- W" tabooed' lig j-rre2V(vaPA Ito the It'01 W011OL-W the J*,(ars, to cobj,e, ,not months old, ,was tWgft vbry sItk with . �, . . .1 r . "*_� , $14.00, Alelke $10, Red Clover from. ....... 4L.J* S-28 4.4.1 I
'I- Xai�-e hap.ded Aot ptesentT.tj ' I
I I JurecA abu 1 $8.50 to $0.
lr"��, " Athe oat' J= .- tAation, Thete' '113 little 111L a dictatorial ,Gpirfij but in 'the l3tunrAer Complaint, and vm thought be . 1 4 . .7e have &I*& 8 . 9.82 4,52 � A. I
� , I � Oea n of w1me C&A-11bimy, ClOublttha' . � . I . hea on hand Goose --**4-4k6-- '948 5X ,
Herrilek 1*pub in, but . , the opinion i 13 iultelresto -and, would die. We got a bottle of Dr. * 4 Peas, Bariey and feed CornAt. Centra . ........... . 9.00 I
I , taaled upoft , .Olt �e ,T� Prdiga*80 Of a for- powlert,8 1dradt'of Wild Strawberry and * . 5.15, ' t
. " 80,50tive Padors will have Much to W&174.0210vt�mftb all along t,h,p line. bt h o , I " .
. Tasker. Taskerl was Willing. Bat DON T NEGLECT $21 a ton, I London# ar,&Ve_,.. 10.00 I
% I . I Is Vow abO Wanting, Xor wl*ein Kyle' do With th, . I � . Arted giving It t* Win' in Mall ,doseg ' Highest Market Prices paid for all I BuffAlo, and Ooderich 6.10, I (�
. ,drove this buli along tih vi e VOM11*4011 bf tl* vote 'o-io-os"a- and in three YOUR WATCH � . gratfi. I . West I I
"' - &WLIWIld &bo,d&.1l t.h.ero, is ii,grtat,dft., days hi .got quith wen, to . .
" lline hie 1� of . . � � Pa . Wenger .1 I
I � I pukoued, itso ;Ngal ly, that, WdopendAnt,WlIkIng. being '40lib Sometimes the bitter gets mixed with' We kept an with the Medicine for about . 14 I's a delticate pitm a In , In M $�
�tf'le[ft fielder Llro4qed the , a. week or more and te became ai,*dl rof machinery, It calls f6r StrAtfordb*#.6;..1o.o0 20 .25 1 .28i . !I
� , I I thd 1W. , . . I I
lilyone could, . ity. on th0tubloct, th I esWeetlevbnia, themedical profeal.1 so ever, , � I 0 Mitchell ... 4-6.610,22 I .46 . I I
: , I , �P)sitel biefora a witch . by.ltho L, u . , , I I AwAT' Ford & McLev d 55 10.47, .
I . hilli 1. TWO OnOsed alli but Vary. OV,V 01w,. a Sion � *00a atterition that) Mott . I SeAfOrth.. 6, 4 6 * 4 10.46 -1,10 6-�
,,, �. ,tWwed wiles talaker was, )it 4o, tnlot,04a, __ and the medico'i have fiesty doelis -"My little gilt, tWo y6aft oldt *a snal6bihery, 6ut toust be cleaned �- I --------I;- - , WXAL4%.On.A.*. .8 11.12 �
. �
I I - * point comes taken very U4 viith ths liame trouble I — . -1 . ---11407- 1,25 6.40 11,284
, , , V,Uted to &-h- The 'toy ,did, not Chi '011401nit. over COnti- toswallow- A case in i ' ,an hots god lused,two do*@l6tt1keAAW*-MedIcii�; -and o0ed oceasiorially to kcco .. HOlme01?IlI#,,11-164 1.88 6 46 11,89;
" diMinish 00W greateri wben ho 11,0111,1a, and ere 4 physic, I
t , * 0 w b visiting throngea titkes, from Bostbil wh , I GOderI0h11485::.'1.50 7.05 1165..
� , . . , .,dhOW00 real abll%. _'Player'After � ,i) CIO�vo IY � two suite on hAnd for $10,0W &hd $160, and sho was L,6m.pl6tely �edred . ptriect tithe. . � 0 0 .A.Lzi East - pullenger A
VUXeWUeStrwk ou, bilIg lan,,Iew V'Shlldieltree OW, respectively, the ell "MYself and my h"band Zink ' � Whb pro I . �
. Am( t 1006011 %Vith � a to 0 d 60k Is arges being' _P A In
� M& 0 . I
. - thetb _�r We a Walth*nt p in
bftOred,' 133111talue for,TAsker. The Ill no other hiedidne, ,so IgOW for . Watch will keep I . I Ooderich....6.6. .6. 7.10 U'01
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