The Clinton New Era, 1911-06-29, Page 7Foe milmertcr, JUNI slot, itu., ' _ es, se sr sostass.71:rieer: ctexpres:"'"•:w., • • - . . entleman RR • rom isstssippi- 7110MAS A. VOISB ,ffiroortzto From thri way by Froderfok R. ropmb., •COPYRIGHT'. nog, BY yooresess,as. wise tlillerel Pr etWienr. • _, "Truly. magnli ificent estabsdiment you have hese,- sir; Magnificent!". he ex- elenned -as an imitation marble col - Unlit ewe witioin his purview. °I , iltember my friend Senator Moseley , epertleing to me ef it thirty years ago. • Are, our' rooms, rearlyr 'The Clerkhugely pleased,' hastened to mere him that averYthillg was 101 t class order, waiting, • 1"You better leo up girls while I 'le* =Mild a bit and sort of gee the it.011,g thIngsn, '• "Yes, I thtok we had better- look direenid a bit, toes before we :deckle, .father," said Carolina, diplomaticallY, Her 'Agnes' "Vette' d lfee afreatitinalnlY' •dia,.the arm. S''sleriw, don't you worry, Carolina,. I dee you think this place too expensive front its looks -too goo.d for us. But I Sell you the best, even this, isn't too gond for you girls and your dad. Run away, and I'll come up and see you amen.'" The new senator leaned his ellsew 'on -the desk, surveying the place. "I understand this Ls a favoritehauth ter the' big men of -Washington," he - said., The clerk eagerly agreed. "Yes, indeed, senator; we have them AIL Senator Peabody and „Senator Stevens were here just a moment a go. Boy, find Senator Peabody and Senator Ste- venssen a taorld tell ntm Langdon Is here." • The two senators came quickly. "I'm glad to see you, Langdon; glad to see you," exclaimed 8 t e - vets, with an as - "Boy, finct Senators Peabody and Ste_ sumption of ef- fusiveness. "I .want to introduce you to Senator Pea- body of Peunsylvania.." Peabody bowed, and Langdon held out his hand. "I'm delighted to meet you, senator. This is a proud day for me, sir." Peabody had put, on his smoothest and most polished manner. a "I came especially to meet you, Sen- ator Langdon," he said. "Although we are on different sides we may be interested in the same things. I hope we shall see a great deal of. each other." Langdon chuckled. "That's mighty good of you, senator. Pm depending on you experienced fel- lows to put me through. pon't know much about this lawmakinLibusiness, you know. Raising cottoo, arguing the government and bossing niggers have been about the extent of my oc- cupation for the last forty years, so I reckon I'm not much of a practical lawmaker." "Oh,- you'll leaffi; you'll learn quick- ly," assured Peabody. "With Stevens, here, for a guide you can't go wrong. We all look up to Stevens. He's . one of the powers on your side. He's an able man, is Stevens." The new senator from Mississippi gladly corroborated this. "You're right, sir. A giicat Man! I tell you, when he told that legislature what they ought to do, Senator Pea- body, they did it. If it wasn't for Ste- vens I wouldn't be here now." 6 In mock protest the senior senator m Mississippi raised his hands. "Now, now, Langden, don't say that Your worth, your integrity, your char- acter and our old friendship got you the senatorship." The old planter laughed gleefully. "Sure, Stevens, I have the character and the integrity, but reckon the character and integrity wouldn't have done mueh business if you hadn't had the legislature." • Clearly delighted, Peabody consider- ed it certain that this new senator knew just the way he should go and would cause no difficulty. His keen sense of gratitude made him appreciate how he bad been elected. Peabody literally beamed on bangdon. "I hope we shall fie able to work a good deal together, senator," he said, • "I have the interests of the south _at heart, particularly, ivith regard to this new naval base. Perhaps we may be able to get you on the naval commit- tee." "Mei" laughed Langdon. "Wen, that would be going strong! But I tell you ..1 roi tor zne tiaras vow,- , "For Altecoola?" suggested Stevens. femgdon hesitated. Peabody and Stevens watched bira as eagles watch their prey from tint mountain crags "Well, It looks to me lere Sataceote, ought to be A flue alto. But the actual place isn't SO 1111* portaldt to me I tell you, gentles Men," he said in impressive seri- ousness thatrang withaturdyAnter. lean manhood -"1 'tell you that -what is Important ilS that -the great, - sweeping curve of th lh some of those white Ships of ours to ts at a s "For Attacoolar saes over „ the Indies gested ,Stevens. * and the canal and to keep eye orr South America, , 1 "And right there on our OW11 I304thv :ern coast I want these ships btillt arid - equipped and the gems cast and the men found to man them, I want the south to have her part in the nation's defense, I want her; to have this great naval cityas the living proof sthat there is again just one 'country -the United States-inad the north and the south bah have forgiven." Senator Peabody clapped the new member Orl the• back. "Good!" he exclaimed. "You've got to Make some speeches like that., We'll have you as tne orator for the 'naval • base." , Langdon's eyes opened wide.. vOratorP2 he gulled. "Me! An ora- tor!" • "Why, that was oratory, good. era - tory." eoxclaimed Stevens,. with enthU- shisna. "Huh!" , grunted the planter. "Ton call that oratory. Why, that was only 00,4 tguth,P, I "We'll see that, you do some more of. it, then," laughed. Peabody. "Remem- ber, we count on you tor the ziaval. hese." ,"For rural simplicity, he's perfec- tion," whispered Peabody to Stevens as they left the etentets "lie's a liv- ing picture of innocence. We'11 push him forward and let him do the talk- ing for the naval affal. committee, Hiding behind him, we coald put through almost any kind of a propos!. ' glen." - 'Once more 'did the senior senator • . from Mississippi acquiesce. CHAPTER VI, NEW VEIENDS-AND AN OLD ENEMY, ANGDON gazed at the two depart- ing senators with varied emo- tiens. He sat down to think 'over what they had said and to carefully consider.what manner of man Was Peabody, who showed such an 'in- terest in' him. He reelleed that he would have considerable intercourse 'with Peabody in the proceaes of legis- lation end finally had to admit to him- self that he did not like the senator from Pennsylvania. Just what It was Langdon .eould not at dab time make' certain, but he was my:stilled by traces • of contradictions lit the senator's cher- acter--slight traces, • true, but traces, • .neyertheless. peab.ody's• cordiality and sympathy were to La.ngdon's mind partly genuine and .partly false. Juin what was the 'cause of or. the necessity - for the alloy in the true metal he could not fathom. Hiswital s un kith thetoseryoin famodslawm:kii • ers had cenveyed to Langden the sugges- tion that the senate was not primarily a great forum for the general and ac- tive consideration of weighty meas- ures and of national policies. It had been his Idea tint the senate Was pri- marily such a :forum, but the attitude of Peabody and Stevens had' hinted to him that there were Matters 'of Wive ual Interest that outvveighed public or: national ,consideration. For histance, HAD HEART TROUBIF NERVES WERE ALL UNSTRUNI Wherever there is any weakness of the heart or nerves, flagging energy or phy- sical breakdown, the use of Milburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills will soon produce a healthy, strong system. Miss Bessie Kinsley, Arkona'Ott., Writes: -"It• is With „the .greatesit of pleasure I write you stating the benefit I have received by using your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. This opting I wee; all run down and could hardly do any work. I went to a doctor and he told me I had heart trouble and that my nerves were all unstrung.I took his medicine, as he ordered me to do, but it did me no good. I wes Working in a rhiting office at the time, and my tooter said it was the type setting tensed the trouble, but I thought hot. My father advised me to buy a box of you pills as he had deriVed so much benefit from them. Bofors) X had finished one box I noticed d great differenceS'and sitild work from morning to, night *with Weeny smothering feeling or hot flushee, can reconimeod them highly to all Y11411,61114, and tint down people."' Price 50 dente per box) •or for $1•25, ;et all dealer's% Or Medea direct on receipt *trite b 110 MilbUrn C4.0, lbaitatle OPERATIONS 'SUNDAY:10KM Avow By Lydia E. Pinkbanes., Vegetable Compound Belleriver, oute., -"Without LYclia E. Pinithaan's Vegetable Compound I 'ould not be alive. For five months I had painful and he regular periods and inflantmation of the uterus. I suf- fered like a martyr and thought often of death, I ton- eulted ;two aoctors whb could do nothing for me. 1 , went to a 1108pita1, and the best doe., etQlfbralatasaid to opeusr-t ation, beeause I had a tumor. I went bank borne much discouraged, One of my cousins advised me to take your Compound, as it had cured her, 1 did so and soon Commenced to feel better, and my appetite came back with the first bottle.' Now I feel no pain and am cured. Your remedy is deserving of praise." -- Mrs., Emma Plana., Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec. • Another OpeiratIon, Avoided. Poushts.4119', N.Y.-Ixun a sewing ';machme Marge factory and got ail rundown. I had to give up work for I •could not stand the pains m my back. The doctor Bald I needed an operation for womb trouble but Lydia E. Pink- .hare!seVegetable Compound did more for me than the doctors did, luvire gained five pounds. I hope that every- one who as suffering from female trottble, nervousness and backache will take the Compound. I owe my thanks to Mrs. Pinkham. She is the - working girl's friend for health, and all women who suffer should write to her and take her advice. -MISS TILLIE PLENEIG, 3 Jay St„ Poughkeepsie,N.Y. • Thirty years of unparalleled success. confirms the power of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases, • •••••••••••••••••111,861•11M/I0.1. Wno knew uu -rue ropes," Yet even Stevens seemed different in Wash- • ington than Stevens in Mississippi. Here he played "second fiddle." He was even obsequious, 'Langdon had ob- served, to Peabody. In Mississippi he was a leader, and a strong one tOo.. Tint Senator Langdon hail not yet learned of the many founts front which polit- ical strength and political leadership mey be gained. • What he finally decided on was 'the eugagiog of a secretary, but he must be one with knowledge of pelitleal op- erations,- one 'who 'combined wisdom with b,onesty. Stich an aid cOuld pre- vent Langdonf from making the Many. mistakes that invariably inark the now man in politics, and he could point out 'the most effective modes Of procedure under given circubistaiices. It might prove diflionit to And A man of the nec- .essarY ouaSilleations who was not al- ready employed, but in the meantitne LangdOn would watch the playing of the game himself and make hia own deductions as besthe ceuld. •, The senator started toward the hotel desk to ask reg,arding the whereabouts a his son Randolph when his atten- tion was caught by the sight of three powerful negro.porters'eadeavering to thrust outdoors a threadbare. old man. /he victim's flowing white hair, white •mustabhe and military, bearing receiv- ed short shrift • - "Come along, colonel! Yo' can't di heeh all day. Them cloalra le for the guests .in. the hotel," the head porter . was urging as he jerked the old man terwerd the door. ' The MississiPplan;s fighting • blood was instantly arepsed at such treat- ment of a respectable old white man by negroes. lais lips tightly eompreSse •,ed. as he 'hurried. to the rescue. He dried sharply. • "Take your hendss. off that gentle - mail! What do you mean by touching • a friend ef mine." The negroes stepped back ainazed. "Sense me, senator, id this gent'man • a friend of. yours," the head, porter 'gasped apologetically. . Langdon locked at him; . • "You heard4what 1 said," he drinwled In the slow way natural to same men of the south when trouble threatens. "Fd like tO have down in Ifistds., • gni. for'abont ten ininutles." The head porter turned quickly en his 'assistants and drove:them 'away, shouting at the top of his 'voice: • "Ge.t about Yo'. -inks Slow dare .yo' intehfere Wid a friend of de senator'? teach yo' to be putting yoh nose in wbere it ain't got no business." The old man, astonished at the turn of events, canoe forward hesitatingly, to Langdiin. • ' ."I'm very. muck obliged to you, sir," he said. "I'ra Colonel Stoneman, an 'old soldier." • • The Mississippian stretched fOrtn hle • Continued Next Week, , . . _ - BOILS AND PIMPLES Are 'Caused altogether by bad blood, and unless you cleanse velem of the bad blood the boils or pimples way not did - appear. • Get w pure blood and keep it pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter frona the system br. using the greatest known blood medicine, • 1311RDOCIC 13L001) BITTERS. Mr. A. Saulnier, Norwood, N.S.- writes: -"Two years ago I was trouble with boils on my neck and back, and could not get rid of them. A friend rebormitlended me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, end after using two bottles was ,pleased to note the boils were tirely genet and I heye not been trotibled • with may since." • Pimples Cured; Miss *7ti A. Skinner Granby, Que., Writest•"*`" I am pleaaeti to reconomend Burdock Blood Dittos 58 it has done me mueh good. 1Vty face was covered with 'pimples, and being adttisedi by a friend to try Burdock Brood Itittfts and have them removed did so and now „have not a, spot on my face24 • Burdock Blood Bittere is mentIfitetured "ordy by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "Come oleng,,solonst! ro, coil Sit heah rail day." they were anxious that Altatoola should have the naval base regardless of the .elairns or merits of any other section. What Was unusual, puzzling to Langdon. Moreover, it was poor businesk yet there were itble business men, ia the Senate. Not one 0! them would, for Inetance, think of buying a she for a factory until he had investi, gated minty possible locations and then Seleeted the MoSt favorable one. Why was it, he. pondered, that the business of thogroat tithed States, of America was not eondteteelsul best/aerie IMO? ite Must tenidy the Whole question in, telligently; that Wile imperative. lie must have advice, help. To whom was Moron%he0 go or 4 POI • t jt ate 2 Et* his Old ° • Lesson Third quarter, For • July 2, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. .1.1.••••..••••••••••••• Text of the Women% Ism. xxxvii, 21.31). Memory liorses, 33'45 -Golden Text, Ps. xlvi. 1 -commentary Prepared by Rev. P. $001. §tearps. The story Of Fieselrialt oomewhat • fully recerded uot only in II Mugs and 11 Chronicles, but also In the prophecy of Isaiah. A few weeks ago we were considerbig how he began lots reign by repairing and cleansing the temple and by keeping the Passover for all Israel, summoning the twelve trtbes tbereto. He wrought that which wan good and right and. truth before the Lord Irie God, and he, songht God with all lon heart and prospered (IL Chron. xxst, 20, 211 Such devotion 'to the livine and troe Gad Was more than the devil teuld stand, for all who will live godly In Chrlat Jesus shall softer persecution (11 Tim. 111, 12), so he stirred up tire king of Assyria to flght against Jerre Saleni and by words and fetters to mock and blaspheme the 'God of Israel and His people. To his blasphemy and resdlings the people answered not a Word, but ink' t'heir peace, as the king had taught them, (II.,Kings xviits Thus did DaVid, according to Ps. xxrviti, 13, and thus eid the Lord jeans lieth before the big ,priest and Pilate Matt axon 62. 63; xxvii, 14).. _nlien_1(e, was reviled -He reviled not 'again; when He suffered Re threat- ened not" (1 Pet. it 28). Hezeklah 'did 'with the wicked letter just What we all ought te, do 'with such tliings-spread them before the Lord. and unburden Our hearts to aim about all sucb. X have personally proved this a way of • peace more than once. If you do not receive wicked letters you will proba- bly hear of • wicked words that have beer' speken against you. Just tell all to the Lord.qesus and leave all with Him. fiezeklah's prayer ht this time Is most refreshing study (II Kings siX,: 14-19; Isa. xxxvii. 15-20).., Note' that his reason for asking deliverantee was that all the earth tnight know -the Lord. The prophet Isaiah:also "joined him in prqyer in this his of difficulty (II ;Citron. xxxii, 20). Heeeklah was thus able to speak to the hearts of the p,eo- ple because he was himself cornforted by his .trust in theeLord. "Be Strong 'and Courageous; be not afraid nor ills- mayed for the .kingsof Assyria, There be more with us than with them. With him is an arra a flesh, •but. With. us 'is the Lord outr/God to help us and to fight our battlds" (II Chron. xxxii, 7, 8). In the liortien assigned as today we hate the Lord'a -answer to. Hezeklan through the 'prophet Isaiah. tt•beeonies, • us to be sure that God -answers prayer and, haVtirreemmitted our afrairi to Him, leave all with Him in quietness even though we may not have as speedy aliT,iiWer-as the king had. There is no resting place`, like the words of the Lord God of Israel. The Virgin, the daughter of Zion, bath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn (verse p.?). When kings and rulers take coun- sel together agalost the Lord He that sittieth in the heavens 'shall laugh, the. Lord shall have 'them in derision' (PS: 11, 1-5). When the .Lord's people are touched in any way it is the Lord:Him- self who is totiched. Wheo the king of l'ssythst reproached and blasphemed the king -of judalo .be was really blas- phetaing the Lord, the aely Ono of Israel (verses 23, 24). So it has been and sball -be again and again until the last _great. blaspheraet shall be cast alive Into the lake of fire (Dan.. xi, 86;• Ren. xi% 4-8; xis, 19). • It':Is God Hinaself that the .desil hates and wmild dethrone if he could sand.therefore shows 'hie hatred toward • the peOplepf God, butheir the Lord as He says to him, "I know thy abodes and thy going out, and thy coming. in, and thy rage again's; me" (verse 28). Then note what follows mete His as- surance of deliverance and mark well. the words. "The zeal of the Lord of hints' shall' do this" (verse.32). Com- pare Isa. lir, 7, and be assured that the zeal of the Lord of hosts' will not rest till the kitig shall sit on Da'vid's throne and reign over 'the* bouie. of Jacob tLuke 1,•31-33). For His eon) sake •ancl •for His servant David's sake He will 'do it (verse 85). See how easily the Lord can overthrow His enemies and , deliver Ills people. He has but to speak and itis dime. 'The angel of .the Lord went forth that night, and by His power 185,000 of the 'A.ssyria,n army died, Thud easily did He 'overthrow Pharaoh and his hosts the Aetna.: ' In Israel's last extremity, yeh s\the armies- of 'antichrist shall be gatlis,'ed against Jerusalem, shall come the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and shall consume, With the siolrit of His mouth .and destroy" thehrightneaS of His confingthat Witked one and his armies (II Thesss 1, 840; Isis xi, 4; Rev. sir, 19, 20). . Remember how when Judas and bis bend canie to arrest Him in the days of His humiliation and reakoese simply said. "r lino," and they went backward and fell to the' ground. Re- ittember also that "by, the word of the' Lord weres the heavens made and all the host of them. by the bteath of His Mouth" (Ps, rxxlii. 6) and ask what you know of the pewer of Ms word in Yotir own life -the power fond wisdotri of God. May He grant ue aceoeding to the rignes of Hie glory to be strerigthened itith might by ttis aidtit iwthe Inner, man (Eph. 10). Wooit'a Ittoapholiiao; l'hA efreat.Pr, zglisis, itteiately. Tones and Invigomtesthe whole nervous 'system, makes _nest lood in bidVoina. Cures Nerv. 004 pillitity, 2 entrtt tttut .71rInt Worry, Dess Iseeseeee. esse I.7 Iretrk.iac:.7, • -711.;•e- ',two-. Plea. * _ettorrhtrav.arid Ittarilg of ,ribusgi, Jt.ter.i.54.‘;',. tialltile,"Igt Ng fir ES41144 _or iltiCil ,:ziei rem et nom .zieto prtittrown ited Thor MOdloloo 001 V &Ater) JOroSitiva, Oa* !To Get Poisons From the Blood Von Have to Depend on the tering Prokess of the Liver and Kidneys. These qrgans Mone Can Purify ,the Oood, and They Do Their Work Well When Helped by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY4LIVER PILLS • No medical treatment can possibly purify the blood except as It sets in healthy working order the kidneys, liver and boWels. To these orgens.is assigned the duty Of filtering from the blood the poison- ous waste matter •which is left over when the nutritious elemplits are el- traeted from the food you'Fat. If they, are not overcrowded or slow and sluggish in notion they keep the blood pure and healthy. ' For this reason Dr. Chase's Nidney- Liver Pills are the moet satisfactory treatraeot you ean possibly obtain to purify the blood. Their effects are prompt,. definite and certain. The liver action le -quick- ened, the kidneys are invigorated, the regular movement of the bowels is assured. It is only a matter of a few ehoors Until you begin to feel the bene- fits of this great medicine. Further use, as often as- is necessary to keep these organs active, will cleanse and purify the blood and enable the diges-. tive system to proyierly de) its work, Backache, ' headache rind bodily 'pains; will disappear, and the fatigtie which is an heconipaniment of poisons in the system will • give way to new vigor • and energy. One pill a dose. 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edman son, Bates & 'Co., Limited Toronto. The Toronto Dress Plaiting Co.. Makes Aecordeon and. Knife Plaiting, Heti Stitching, Tucking, Braiding and Covered Buttons. Sunburst skirts replaited. Writeyfor our free prico list. Mail orders aornotly ' Tel. North 384. ' 600YONOE ST„ TORONTO. Nwishing pz,issage to .England or Scotland incl. :return. apply - * ' D. DUGGAN, Micen!,ed agencYa 83 Bay St; Toronto: mastaomo The PorCupitieLQuill A Monthly publication giving de- tailed information' on over thirty niiuiiig' companies now -otierating in the new Porcupine Gold Fields. coi.;r stvg ON; -SCOTT, _DAWSON 84 PATERSON, STOCK 'BROKERS, 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. . H. Nightingale -.Member Standard Stock • and Mining ad -tango. HIGH-GRADE PORCUPINE STOCKS. 33 IVIELINDA .TORONTO. Send for Free Book giving FITS taiot particulars C011 gran= Cute for Epileray and Fits: Simple home treat; RED . Mats from all parts of the world; over 1,391115 one year, TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LTD., 107A St. James Obambers,:Teronto, Canailay At theChauffeurs' School. , t "Now, sir," said the examiner,ustIppoSe you were climbing a steep hill and your power should suddenly • give out and the-eaf begin to -slide backward in the direction of a preci- pice. What would you. do first?! "I'd yell lor an ambulanee andtele- graph my- wife where to fin my acei- • dent insurance policy," upil. The first inhabitants of Ireland are told to have been Phoenicians. UURINE EYE REMED. Forted, Welk, Wein, Watery Eyes and GRANULATEID EYELIDS • MurineDoesn'tSmart-SoOthesEyePain • ameba sea murk. Er. Rein's. that& 2Sc.50c. SLOG • l'Ruritie Eye Salve, in Aseptic Tahoe. 25c, $1.00 EZ BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL MurineEpaReznedyCo.,C.hicago • • •The destfuction of the house fly is s public duty. Almost every American State Board of Health Is carrying on a erutacle against hies ; His filthy °tight and halaita,and the fact dad ile`betly b generally laden with disease -producing germs, maker him ette,ef the greatest enemies of the human race. 11 the housekeepers.Of Canada 411 use . ILSON'S a persittently, this peril would tetnehtlously Ireduced. • "• • v v v t......•vvv. • • Tr DA,W5011,- /01TNINIT, COL* BOBS* Street. Toronto, Tichrumu A OR. /6 S-00T,Iliri -vs"' Kente-briek house, two beans; elnap at. tbirty-dve hundred. „ ATINETY.A.CRES-00UNTY HALTON os -twenty tulles -from Torouteet hottsts barn, orchard; eight thousand. TIP TO DA.TE litiNDBED ACRES - ss • County Peo1 seven thonsand. IIA.VE ALL SIZED FARMS-BOTII •• improved and unimproved -in Alberto, iStawskilaltpcialymyaot t1Nor:eltn°1104.' 11 going West pRurr,sTooK, GRAIN' AND DAIRYA - farms to suit you in Old Ontario.' Consult me. TT W. DAWSON, NINETY COL. * BORNE street. Phone Main 6090. .1Tigirts and holidays, Two Itaaared and Seventy-two Wright avenue Phone Park 527, Toronto, 100 ACREi AT 31,A,IRS MILLS - close to school, cloureh aturnest office; Roll clay loam; owing to sickness muet be sold; possession September lst; price $3.500; only $1,000 cesh. Infra snap. Particulars write Henry O'Brien, sells farins,.Collingoreod. 'ROE SALE -CHOICE IMPROVED half section Northern Alberta; mediate possession; including crop, woo, part terms. Also good unimproved quar- ter, Owner, Box 1, Gilpin, Alto. ' REAL ESTATE. pou, SPEOI All '13ARGAI1S IN lands in the talwous Canora district call on or write to the Rex Land Agency, Canova, Sask. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ommemamva••••••wal•••••••••.•••• HELP WANTED. • WANTE D-REPRESEN,TA.TIVES, ' v either sex, locally, on goods neces- sary as bread ;* sale, wo dollars per day and commission; ex erienoe umtacessaty. J., L, Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. POULTRY, CANADIAN POULTRY REVIEW- published'first of each inontle all the Poultry news of the Dieninion; t pages Me. year; Poultry Advocate, the utility poultry nano; the -paper that "tells you how," .50c. year; both to ono address 75o. elle year; poultry books on various sub- Jects. Address 11. B. Donovan, 181 Ade-. bide street west, Toronte,-Ont. ' MISCELLANEOUS. ATETERA.'N GRA NTS' WANTED -ON- - TARIO, unlocated nr located -in any township or district, 'Northern Ontario. Highest malt price paid., altilhollaud 4 Co„ Toronto, ' n•=ger-,...rrwrrismniamelowuromm••••••m•noweimenocswerywhft•••••••nem. AGENTS WANTEV., • E N T 5 WANTED ---IN EVERY town in Canada -to seR the boat haad vacuum clean(r. in America. E. 'L. Dyer, 47 East Wellington street, Toronto. STITDY OF ()TITER GENCY Pronositions Convinces us that none can equal ours., You will always regret it if you don't apply for :particulars to Travellers' Dept„ , -2•31 Albort stra li. Otr tawa. • • , . • . WOMEN' WA NTED-T TAKE ". orders in Spare time; no experience necossarya our lines especiolly used by. mothers -and girls. Apply I)ept. A., Brit- isk industrial- Company, ,.22S Albert street, OttaWa.••• fINE RELIABDE NVANTED IN `-" ove17 town to'take Orders for best •oustomanado clothes. in Canada,' highest conunission. Tailorilig Co.,'Limited, Toronto, Ont. .00. you. K.N ow telliapttrnint7tirsoe irs%iejeet. &ladle!' tion of Rev. Eno cat WI's greathook "FIGHTING THE TRAFPIC IN vowel GIRLS"? This new edition; whicli has .just beenissued, contains over 500 pages, -many interesting illustrations- and retails at 81.00. We give beatierms to agehts. • Outfit free'. Send I8e. for forwarding charges'. Book. . sent to • any addresspostpaid upon receipt of price. THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Limited,. 188 -Sliadlna Avenue Toronto. •Ill=1/11211113 10c 'FOR ANEW HAT 4. paeirage of Hat Bleach for your last season's straW hat. Will make it look like. new. Packages lac, and Me.' Seat postpaid on receipt of prim ,‘ HOOPER 00. LIMITED. Canada's. Oldest D'rug.Store, 83 TONG WEST, !TORONTO. Empire Realty Agency, 21 RICH MON D STREET' EAST And 1275 EILc).OR ST. WEST, ' Rave for Sale -improved Fruit Farms of all ;hes. Alao good property ihvest- ments in Toronto mill country towns. Also hotels fOr sale or lease. Write for partioulars...oiatar,aa te e MORE MONEY - 15 say **or city iu Western OimuKle. iraneourer ig gelfig 15 15 Conodo's bIlitint *Warfel And cOminerelal centre, being the fest and last port in exporting AO 1$11perflos to and, grOM tias Oriole ON uurtuurro lifILDIOX DOLLARS was Made la the year ereting July l, 1910. these who Jis4 the foresight Axel courage to wake guett. lavestsuctes. IT IS ALL 6001), OLEAN MONEY, 200. You Can Invest a mall Amapa and get your share 0118. Seannior particulars, de 11 I. E. WALEUR $4 CO., 151 Victoria fa .treet, Toronto, Onv. ' • WANTED WI:limn who want to earnfrons$20 to 500 a week to take a course In our H•gauty Culture Sehool. Face,Scalp and Body Massage, Shampooing, • ' elloping, singeing, Hair Dressing, Maulenring . and ChlrOpOOY,, „ ' Graduates assured positions and diplomas. • 'Don't study a profession that is already over. crowded. There is a big eemanti for graduates Id ties business eulnexer classes start June , 19_,._t with halt fee for June, July And August, we teach by correspondence also. OORENWERO'S BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL 405 YONGE STURM, TORONTO, Dampening His Ardor; Desperate Suitor -Sir, I have reach- ed that stage where I can no longer live withont your daughter. Heartless Parent -Well, I don't con- sider suicide a crime. Young man, but you mustn't hang around here. - • ROCK SALT FOR FREEZING ICE CREAM. EBRO FOR PRICE. TORON'rO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF, Manager, Toronto, Ont,. 4)1E0E0 14 CiSilEi's REDNEINS , RED FACE and alt irritated,infituri- ed conditions of the skin arejarinoying, dis- figuring -and humiliat- ing, but don't worry, these affeetions a r e positively cured by us and the parts rendered permanently. healthy • arid natural. Consults, - tion free, personally or by letter. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Moles, warts, etc.; permanently removed by Electrolysis No Mark, ho scar,. Satisfac- tion assured. Seed stamp for Booklet "S." =OTT DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 63 College St,, TorOnto. Estab. 1892.5. - Only When It Was Necessary. "Is it true tnat you cat with your knife?" "Not alwaya,". replied the repre- sentative of a backwood district; "only in, public, where my constitu- ents ean see nief" • The Way It Is Nowadays. t "Yes, 1 had 10 children. They all grew up and married off." • 'I suppose Os is lonesome now at home?" "Oh, ins, Every .once in a while one'of them gets a divorce and wan4 der s back." • Refined. "What is the ear?" ' "It is the side entrance to the face," . , Marriage is a lottery. 'A lottery is. illegal. Marriage is illegal. White Invaluable !Menially lac Cou s Thr�6L C r uu„ 12'Vase1ineRemedieS inTube,s Capsicum.13oratgd,Oxide •of Zinc. Campiloratod, • Carbolated,Comphotjated. Mentholated,Elc. Each for Sliecial purposes Write For Frqc? J • Vaseline Book... , Chaseb;ough lifgo.18.80 Chobot Ave. t1otit4 • WATCH.AND BRACELET GIRLS, we will give you tins handsome gold.„ plate Extension -Bracelet abscilutely FREE for selling only 54.00 worth of our lovely cards at 8 tor 10o. . , , " .•1* • , -e4 ' . • „ ; • . • • • re• a• ••••-.4 vo:1•".11 ' ...• • -•'k B OYS, -varwill give 'you tn $ handsome 85. g raved nickel watch, new design, just outopen face, stem wind arid set, carefully adjusted., moveraent, fully guaranteed, for selling. only 34.00 worth of our lovely cards at IS for too. ORDER-TODANT.be fIrstin your vicinity. FREE -Our beautifully illustrated catalogue sent postpaid with every order. Our cards sell On eight, as they are the latest designs in OA. 'Alan views, floral and birthday cards. All aro lieautLfully colored and many are richly em. Dolmen on gnu, —TORONTO PR 00., ' Dept. 10, TORONTO, CAN. rat"" Iexpense ff not first-claSti ty tteel . Watep - and nuntbie. se suacessroy SWoy 'Write fOr catalogue 'L. We Will bUlld Ing that- you. San shin Meth b t at our • tationS. .AgentS wanted. • select to yeer station on the Verstand- mires° or etyle to order. for quo. Troughs - Mads of heavy galvanized steel, our stood the tett staring the post Ire ye rs that we are wiilfrig to '81158 any size you ntoughs and Tanks are Striongkoor.q.t Ttioughs STEEL TANK CO., TWEED. ONTARIO. 0.P.A.-26. 191 1. ' PORCUPINE . - Pull Information Furnished anat Orclera Carefully Executed. WARREN. GZOWSKI & CO., Members TOront0 Stack EXChangai .. TRADERS SANK SLOG+, 28 EIROAC) irTREET0 Tonottro., • NEW YORK, • • ressas sclaSeessesas . e '