HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-06-29, Page 6-1 .
- I
111111111111110- CAMS "A -,,,I
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r" 0 3 YEAZ Ohio*" LWO $to^ I
I CSWAAO* $040 1116�nojp_ ,AIL
. 1, Hr I I$.W; MArkot xb&4* low I or. XISOA ;R
I I , RM I I
�'-- I . - , , buteber., $CIO to $#,40; god U06YA,
. . 11 � � � 4410 to Wro: tough bqwvro. 10
� . PE MR *30; light" $6 is to 00.00; plolh U to
. . . It ., I "
: 10 I .t . *'a-
cott*-'secellpts., W. 0AY
. MoAmt atoi . ]
,; . soovos. $4.80 to 0.70. cowii *44 holforik
. " 90" of*# et, U* ft" if � , �
. .1 . so" 1. .. ,$A.40 * ;0.8;,, stockers a;,aa f"�Ura*
, +W . uz to $5,40, Tozoakii, $4.4 , s; 04YO14. i
. I . .0 to 1P I
1. ,
I I . I . ;5.70 W $& , .. . markst. I
A44m, gnir., rob"Ok 19zo. $ � I
I . beop �� swelpts, �,#,W:
,I Itip,iie"b"a gsufllmr for tb* P4$t viteady. Native 2 f Ito, ;4.16, waxtom,
. W ,
. - w;ith Constfpq 1pit,,123 n. , 42 50 to $4.15; , 43.70 to ;6.20. 'Woot"
. =Cwti;rth of TUC Stomach., � erg, $* to 46.2% - "9 1
1 *Pm l$ritish CAttip Marketi6
- . 7, rigodits and mx,ny doctors but - -, jrai:14 24,4. Rogers *'
dpsOed, go be.n.efit wWev�r.. .
� , I MnFOOL
. � I
Now I " -1, a ""
, ''
10,40 " �K -'"�, 7' ,
04 M_
N" ft"01,
.. 1W
fts'"'W wooko
ACh%WA0k1 Tired Lv4b# **ud
is its
, - , xft,104#404,�W;ed
_, � 'Andived -
"treat for *aftv
, .
I A 4*Y XWW on dow= 0 #
I Com is i* Axy with 4 dear
hood and a steWy nave—
, -
a daX b1L of suip and M,
=110= "th; liror%:t" r1r*
Vk"a WW Albart s
mvroaeW iihs, I
or. -O 4l, �4404 for a sob *04 imx6cii.
12"tboi_ gum of, -the warsbipo tAuu.
Ir"O'd. 4 weloome to the King. � I
Asthe etion of the' r4yal Pro. 1
0014V ,
ors", of the Nor!& sad Albert, 44tA I
the Alaxszdra�. the latter with tho for, ,
. ,
ewa onvoys-0gether with the g000m.
a .
4vinir vesweli t—Ir 11 4,hpl winnw_
— -, __ �:,K 17,
�. - "' i - , I ., '.�_ 'IF
- '_ - -7T'— __ - � . � I , I
1111111_111111111111illl� .1 __14 I � , ,
- — I .
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--** Uw IF"" to 0"" lloi�'
A New, `- - 4 00 440 10* 00"4111"
_1-00111111 I I 1, '*
0 a" . e� . I . 11, " L
11 a A'group. . I so mooli botitir thin Ordinary physk*4 Whilo, "rougN Offootivo, aw
111N, Moiesty then .received ths, Brit,. X - r ftew
,001. purp or paum nauses, sod novor loft ftir o4h, tivonoss, Oxio of ** -
ish 844 -officers and foreign OA =601 f thi NA -DRU -00 line. .
eer4 a4d; the oomm%uders of ALI fora 35c.abox. It your drugoth000ty0stooko4thom, son4259,gidwe
Olga *4r.5hips not.,oarrying 0 nag 11, , 'I witi, I I . . , �1
oft!Qer. -1. . I 11 MAO thm. I . 23
111114004611 VM o" C49=144 C�wpaioi, of4mmoolls Lbmiloil, ,t. , * MomboA -
I London, June 2C-Ateoriling to.'tbo I 01 1111.- ....I.r.. '. 1. 1. 1. , I -1 I ;� - � I ONN"I 1- - ,
I r arrang ,y e �ore a Of- I
� � I f4w4w I xem An adyerMat eXkt or I'VIL09 F 4. ,W1X-,VV1411aWa f "rAnx *IIJIIA b Ice, ast event w4s set aside 1. the, - 4-, .: .. . ,,,
Cc - Uverpool. cable. to-dar to IZIM V ,
., I I 0 C,000� nourial" the _W,* . , .
1oltn#-A-#vts!o-. I decided -to ,give- in"giii Olrkenbeisd Market held Arm - P4118 are valued by iourf"ring It I$ 1,Clt ,a r
I � I "ri �_--Mie�, A tripa and ilpaw, they ,. t tfie� Prices last quoted. The number womea, wbo ��.Iive viaod lthe�n 004 V4Ue Ond enter _ i ent X. the resident diplo, ,W%h 1404'or out of 00MIXIseratio-A, More(Woriderl!ull that, nobody &oz- . r
4 eek abowOd j � Above mats . e special representatives of Woval scoltlaos .have bson 40croq. poetedror hopo fbr themontrary, �J
. I " =wtly wbAt was claimed for them. og Imported cattle this ,w all Othe-r rao Icirleot becaupp they their U tr1ea. -11 the emb M -
is tully b4lanceill. , my to digest . .,4
nd , VhaLibe�ralWajqrity
IU ease, but this . givothe rich, rod blood ItJ I wies a _ ,vith,Seot The only explanaition of the VUepp,
-ave. n m 41 -&-tiv I I for an InQr . tion, in the Ias �
. , . -ow take Vrait ." h4t makes legations, therefore, gave dinner 04, eau , t t
I " _ by the *greater. ilemand. bath- .States W I . 173, .a I hient Woo-
. �,*.ozae Months Arid find that tboy Am tho,"- OL making JrQM 644m well, bright ,and at their . menorilios Inith0rolean-aud,bril.
'O I . 19. 1yearis'ago t,here v*a .
I AAd canaxltau steer U% best, Xrs. Fred, , alfaid, ,poplar , which were largely fayAily A -
, ,00 yolgili: , , Ifair Uous. Xine
I L . mly teawdy that do" mo, good, to ' to, 4274 cents Per Pound, . , , � .That at, the German, embassy was oulyLitwo Couservativao elacteA %zi Ilani4roco,rd of the, Govern3noixt,
I � I lk*ve itimmmendo;t I 10ruit-A-tives � . - Poiati Mall'o 0AYS; .'441 ca;i give You, U011111 , v , ' 'the most brilliant 11 I 1906&fivei; Wedn,esday,,eieveix, 11- in .00 ilatelligovLee. of the best-edill.
. ., I kto ki'great Many of ,'= f * CIS And X Chaiiiiie MarlOV., but'a Very; smol 104tilaute',of tu-8 .. e# . .
.. � 7 rien I , Catholic and Fr e Churches in"Un, . other encour4gelment to the Clon- -eated province of tJA,e -�JDomiuioa,
extiml; 1pr*Lc the" r 00 BROCXVITILn June 24. " At the suffering .1 endured I
. uit tablets t to -day, - 8665 . bOXeS, Ot before. I be- don, ao well as the English ohuffobos,. Oervaltives is ea,e4i�.Uou land'p0rhaPo, to some (extbut, da the
.. .1 I . Leese 1)�)vvd 6 lasi4g: Dr. -W . 11 I , , '
� 0�'Ie 9" of Mr. Tanner, Oeader, goneirila revival off4jbaroil Ift- .
4. � IrAm 11 JON]E*r wb ., 0. illiazas, in* Plus. QOC*X? $giving service,%, .
� . I rAng,0d from 110 to 11 ( , , That at the � Roman 0 , b 'Z ,, the prosipeot of the re-
bkbw . a ' 2'5't
. h,22sq were o6lojed. wore argerad . held coronation thank
. I Bldg L 1.4c, but Atiter the birth �riy Aist vbild I auf. . atboue 04the. who, may, -e to takq, itbusia= by
. . .11KINKP rs, -rue board 1030=94 froig,ailm- . 41' 11 .1 ex
. I .. ,1: . �!;. found no XglEe ferectin.404ael elateffthat , dral of Westminster Was unusually -ar-ge 'the blt0e�tata�jeailerleos , It
I I ,'. I I te Doltig, reqordod. UP I;Qos ofteni arriRot %rly Sex. ,rjlto was . .eh jot .. civroct Y agreeraent. Against such
,� , I wttho'0 & sa� f, t , . '.` , impressive. It was -tho tratopportga- � foro.s.r ! . a, combinatio
I" I I
I . I I "the otrast to I . 1:4 ;. 0 � n of advantages the
. I � I :-; e factorymen ire At the irozzlVilicatedi by an att,ack of blead� f -JQw . � insignificant or ixt ochool books
I'., . - -- g. I . a cy or rpe buyers, asitle cheese I . . .., , , -
I . t=- - ,,,,, e sty for morb than two centuries that , I abo
'It %-;.M. .1 . a4 of Join- 'I f .
� ., J . ..g r IAMPileli and -The a&ay of the days I t 1, 1& wonderful that a 'Govern- al somewhaV fa, so ft
. ,* ....;�o L �
_ �,gg.,��gl.` I d gone forward on r, r1daY, the ,regu* 0
1 , .,. I . the English Catholics -had h , Ixo froM on-
__. . , I
. .. I .!"t" X . lar shIPPInir clay. to the viiarerooras oz a'Ad 4 KhtS I Ongured Is Almost past : L . ing'th,eir fellow-co=trymea .in rejoic., , Went already. 29 Years -in bffica Itarm a TeV.' local co=lderaioxii
I I ,� . � ��, . houses to WhIcA this Salesmen Xell L . � , I - ittle igoVarn-
. � . b CompWielleaelon' 1 ltrje(A Many 're' I sh,g4kre,eeive, so strilring, an, ja- I and' perhaps some 31
:,; L. I . .... . 1. regularly. . 'Now It Is & QU400tion of I Tae4les, but thge did,noit helljog N\1. �, .*V lag at the coronation of a mo;4arch� , I
� ..a do SemeU ,
mice for twzt week � , in. 1. " NMI. , t,. ancl utal over-eonfidence could *ake
;fi�&lag tne V . __ , N , , , . a tmW . lease of I me,
I wtthq4t feall g resentment that the , ..
'. I 1, tlem I . ir = tTroubj-e, � u., rom.i. a Aelalth'L . "" % . 71 1poWer "for live small headway, for ItUe 0r1?9:i4i4ik.
I . . I - 1.1, ionts. whtck if$ & matter. 'O COA. y . . dead hand of bygone prejudice made , yoarovaore, .11t is
I I , . ��. 1! Jecture only. YOU129WOMau W%ghing 3,40 pounds -_ --,, . . L . I
- ":'. �. . L L I ; R P 0Ni.4,r_jy_LJ1J1J,r, June 24. - At the I fell away. in weight to V it the o0casign one of condemn4tiou mnE—maM"!EMm"--- op i OMNI 1111111111 I is 1111 I
. . . � .
. .
. k..;. weekly meeting Of the i3allevIll'a cheese 0 -pounds � . . I I .
- . . . of the central tenet of their faith. - I . �
f � ''. 1, , . A. tip -day thirty -throe. factories I grevqiffo Weak 'I CQLIIIIJJ h.ft�al . . � . . ..
11� 11 .-: J?,O%r I 0 " I I �
. ... "I -all White. All wk* aproKs, Ue, floor, .And .;' . It was- a no ble ,a _ e
: , �,;. .. boarded z5zo obeese, . od, large congr -
I", "I . 1, ,, I _� , we I ri I eL offerings OZ, , therei it ���� . __ ----- . gati6n, including the"Duke of Wort
I I 111. �:.,`:�_� .. ,..�.. a sold. at T1 3ZI40 V�hud it 1�4c. W'eVe't1M*EL I A4rOlAknew What I . L& - 011�;
I I . .. .1�1_%, LONDOX, Atlne-24'.-T ONNmpqpmqmmpwmp I the EaTI Marrohal of Alie ooroaal;4on�
4 � I., . I . .:: " the London uneese Board to-daY Are W#Q 461na so greav was P�y agony . . . I emonies, who is'thei leader of the
, : ..., ,;. I Gold Creeki, 34 T, . I . . -1 I I . I L, L . .1 I . car I
� . _... .. as follows: C,; Nartu At Wen'tto 1$randowaiid
, . . ,� .. ... tedusuited a '
,� : ...", and NIS L IN . HE , Wit . ny'
..N. .. I I .Y11CU1. F. lish Catholics 4 MA mern-
:.,: . 13A�!
1: � .
. . ! ri, 11Q C4 'rk- M that U-Pth 3 of the -House. of Howard, the
. . , , .. Branch. 19 4,.v. C.; Blanchar(tL doOtor-Who sua , a
I .... Avonbank, 120'. W� A Ing woul ,
I SOU help Me bigt , � for 4c WARSKIPS ro .
.. 1. .; Glanworth. 411'.0-ppratioA -1 ,
.L.'' ... I ; i Thorndale,,75, 0 an L I ,?k*, - , . . Earl I Frazicatd, ma,ny
:� -� ,, . � . I'Lond MIlis. lod u. seven MY- 'troubles, d * that I ,Wo.'jilcl, - -"- - ' - . , . . I ,. .1 . . of Denbigh, Lord
� ,11, 1. 1, -1 � L" - ___ i iivb and seventy-threq �qxes.wera hivq to .remain, in tho bos#'Itak � I 0 1 . members �of Parliament, zn�mbers of
4 1. I . .
,, - 7;�O_W= now use "Pruit4-tives. ,"."V The blddlogL was from' 110 to . .
Thousan . offe I - for, gt. least ,.elk thei axiistooracy. .
I , - I � - - I ght )Md�pks, �Bjling 'a ftriderfUl "I Is' En . Aft,16 the loope'a, exivo . y , I who was
�, , , . . . .
I �, Thousands more will 07 Frnit-a-tivesf� 113 16c. 1 I .., farme'r'a! Wife! I felti that ithis I*" - Soma I aoted
', L ' . . . .. .1j. .
, , 'L , , L, after reading the above letter, It . . . .. . the celebrant, surrounded by, dignitar�
.,: � N proves, I . impossible, and Whife in Brandon' Off SpIthead, . . L
,""L ":: beyond the shadow of a doubt, that at . "tj, -1 maelt, a friend Whbr strongly �a � 11 . ies of the cathedral, knelt,. at the .high
11 '��, ; , last tberi is a cure for Constipatiou and "is Resig4elon Delaye I , Tied - I , I . I al�ar'and offered. prayers for tbe-Ring ,
� , I . .me Ito( tryL Dr. Willatriso Viink Plisi . � I
. Stomach Troubles. . I Ottawa, 4une 26, -It is- not likely-, telling me th .t . . . I
I'L ',, - , . 'i _ tb�ey 11aad pured h& King George and'Queen Mary fri, the' and Queen,
,:;.. onODeputy - .
. I "Fruit-a-tives" is Nature's cure for I that the position,�f assist Later 4rchtishop Bourne gave a
. -
L . . . . I Pos, a,sier-General, troublO-.Glinilar tOL'niLVie 0 - - a�W, an - Yacht � Victoria and Albert Inipict
- L L .
.., LL these diseases, being made of fruit juices ,� .tm . vacant through - operaitton had pro . Ved,of no benefit . . . luncheon in honor of the env y, The
., � :� ,, . . the resignation of Z. ,,H,. 1asb1iinger, ' I othero distin-
11 and valuable tonl_- I L a ' Duke of. Norfolit and
�-.., . V3 Will.be filled for pome, montils, .it je ,She had. isuch otrong faith.,in '.them ' Grand Armada of W r Craft, Repre-� �
,! " �.,_ , 50C. a box, 6 for f-2.50, trial Skt, 25C. thatsho -Kave �no itilp first box, and senting Seven een. Natjons,' Amid �' guished personages were'gaests. .
11, - receipt of pr L iceby uuderotbod that Air, La-schinger Will I begark,lusing them, ' It Wad ,not! ,
. ,
, �� ., , � � ;, 11 At dealers, or sent an � btt given, leave Lot absence for' Sona �- The,Xing and Queen wil) return td
:, �L Froit-a-tiVes Limited, Ottawa. - - - - 'I " JQZ9, before I found biuch Telief, I E�ooming of Canilmqns-Fleet is TWO LOridon to -day to face Anbt.hLr active
t., �j L time Untl
i , 1 . his.resitnation I$ effectiv,e. � . . ---I- . - 1��stivl.tles�,_ Including gal
I.., . - I I . - . I . .. - . I I . continuecl ta nsq thb0pills all thb., by, Six Miles. . week .of
". -----. . . �L . I . L ..
St 1:L, - - - , * . .resrt of. that isuminer, 'and the fesiiLlt . . . . performances* at the .opera and Hil
,�,., �L , - MARKET IREPOhT& � - �; . . wasithey. restoredfline-tio-LI*rfeet, -', Portsmouth, J -Ing,,' Junii 26,�-Satqro. Majesty's theatre,. anotb�r royal pro.
, OW . .
't'S 11 � _�' . . . h, gmsq through Xorth L-nitlon, a. eWl-,
"t'." � I c4lth, - I t0ld the� doctor What da� Was the, day-'af ship's and sailors.
L Liverpool and Chicako Wheat Futurest Dr. Williant's" Pink t ]Nfls had dofi The King fLnd Queeri '4nd th dren�s fete at' the Cryntal Pabic�', .a
,,��`��..-,- I 0 0 �or a e foreign . .
117 1 . . �
'. .' ,,,, ,".., Close Lower -Live Stock- I M . I . . nxq�l and hisil reply-ri,vae thatf ha representatives at �the coronation left garden party �t Dtwklr.�hatn Palace
.' "' ,
L 11, ` - . � -xe*y had -done for the capital and came L here for thetreat
� � o , .:, 1; . . - Latest Quotations. . . I . - I 11 I I considered What tl -and numero I ai im.Wrt . aht, ikoulal ful . Icw .
i� I, . . - � - I 11110 '11416 le8s - . &ban. a inirefaic. I naval review off Spithead. Pine weath. 'tions. I .
',, , !L,L LrVERPOOL, June 24. -As a result qf . . . . . . .
1. I 114 . the American market yesterday opening have5ince recommended the,Pill,ci . Or put the Anishing tbuches on one 4 �
: : . z- , � 0 A. ' . . .
� �,,�,� v. " here easy, %d to 14d lower, and furtlker, I ,to Many othor4y,wh6i have. suffered of the ihost magnificent :displays, of Died -at'H.ls, Wer',. ..
� . . .
;:.,., i " � declined 1/4d to %d. During the early'. - 11 from W(iraunls troubles, and they hi- the week.. - . . L Port Colborve, -Jpe -IO.-Mattlilas
� ' , j , L� L. trading there was some disposition to Vrodu,ed . Their ka�esties, accompanied by the Zairts, aged U yoars,"ll'brid"t, tvilder
� -.,; . support. owing to predictions of lighter Fyl�erybody now adinit,s - L boneficial. vesults.
;$ 1 liioPeLtbat t,hisk stkonignt fwill be o ial. ' e vo*y � of -tn" - mly) ni
, "'a Y�
, -, , ' Zam-ftk - Vast . i�r b . ffic n a other 'c I
, �
"'t", ,"I � world's shipments. Later, however, there these. f en� 011ttries, at klumb0rst( e, died .Z&
az free realizing on the belief that , YOU. case ,fit - 0014(el PtJier` �suff*ing came from Lt'lldoxx in a special train. ' hvart'di�ease Wilfe 4t his %, ik- F�rid4y
�",.. " W. Let I it. give ; 0 ito I . 11 Ay I
I o., "' ersolf.), . . alp it I - . I
��4�:. , American' markets are over -bought, an . and comfort. �. - p - ' � " '. ' I 1' i " i'-.- The King Wore an admiT 0 u= orm. Lvf�,Ulllg. . , _. .1
1.�., . American crop advices. are less bu sh. . s arei sold by all me !- I I . �
. ;� ,, ., I At close the market was weak, 1Ad I I I L , These.Pifi d ' . with -'a- riband.- df the Order of the . . . � .
. �. M/ad D-r9l'sh-d S&rex'over .. . . I
': ,�Pwhepe . � - . I .
,. —_ - - icinodeal&s or may be. had by inail Ghrter, The, Piiiice� of Walei was- in a ! I .s
"I., . lower than Wednesday. . I � I Cal . 11 I � � . 11
1, .
,-:%:�,.:�., I ' Corn opened 'Ad lower and further de� i� I 50 6entsi a. bbX o'k six. -boxed. for midshi�nieu'A' uniform. The -Queeil, . . ; . . �
�Y�-.-".: . clined 1/4d on the continued free European 0 , $2.50 groin The Dr. 'Williaias7 Medi-' Princess XaTy " nearly all- of 11116 ,
.; ��, 11. . , offers and lower offerp of parcels. : a I - . - . werd dressed !a navy blue, .
q %. �. I . .1 C1110 CO;i Brockville, . Ont. A - OTIA
. � I CHICAGO, June 24. -With the bat. . . I 1. I 1. ;royal ladies'
". � � . — `4 � .
�"51' . NOV IC : ELECTION -
j,.�,�.,-� spell broken thruout Worth Dakotathe , With Their Majesties Were all the ot - . . .
. � � .. I
. . .
, .. . � � . I
, I __ 111 N MONEM , __ . . , . I . I . . .. . . . I .
,.�, , wheat market to -day was one, long 1. � . . . . ... . . � � I . . _. el� members of the imperial lail5lly.� , - I ' � . I ' I 1. . .
I'll I . I I 0 . I I I I � . - " isis 4, 1 , Never has such an . . � . . . . .
. ,!,,�11 �11:. I slide down. The latest figures showed a . I I . . HOP UONSEGRATItU.- 'r, ", ivanada beeni, - --- - . A
.., I , , ., I . " 9 I . � ..
.�. . I. � I 1, . I . . I .
, __ I . �� — . ' T%'6"%'�in,ter :of Conservat,I've 4is-
; ,,, loss of 3-4 to 1 1-4 to 3-8c compired I I . .. * ". brou ht together f0r:Teii by a mon�
", . . aTch. " was ,-,,,bi,d iewthe naxrow
`,;�t -Mvr I .
, ,� �-Wlth 24 hours before. In corix there , fl - 13eachey at Falls. ' Hamilton Diocese Welco -a its New .
, - , I .
..4�, M 1. . � I pme "DUItOUt in XQVa Scotia 'Wili halvie to
� i. A,; �Was a net decline of I I -S to 1 14, and , Niagara. Falls, 40nt., SnAe'26.--soar. - * � . waPers ,of the Solent on,,this the- L
� .. 1;1- I ' -%v
-��,.` ' I / � for oats 1 1-8 : I . '. Spiritual, Pastor. , o, (.J n
� to 1-4 to 1 1-2. The Out- . : 1 above"the,olouds at.ari altif I Xi'67's day. in the. tound of epimnatiort ,g to, theMmonieter went up a. fe - -I
'�:�'�,;,,�,s, I 2 ude of Ua.milt6n.. 'June 26.-Vem William 'PageAntry. . I 1 P6 jbu�not'enoughfor la*real ,
"; . !co* on hogs varied from, the same out : two thousind idet, 'Lincoln - .;. . . .- - I - thWw. Campaign and ei -were-
,; � RGU Clark, X.A.i Was consecrated' Ranged in a. parallelogram'six mil,A�
1 �,!,. lleVel as last night to Z 30c below. , :'Beachey., the fearless Ctutiv. avia;tbi�. Ai2glicart. Bi,qhop of NiAgara,' in in length and, -uninteresting,4s the
� � I _T . two. miles broad floated aliketalme and .
�;�_,'_ I Winnipeg Options. . Who Will attempt to'fl�'o-�eT the horse. . ' , ,
.....�, . � Cb2tist's Church. cathedral here Satur,' .127. British.,. warships and' conclusion Was foregone.
- . _' . 18 foreigil 1 . . .
._ . . . L , �L - Iwayl a pity tha ,
*�!��',. , I Close. Open. Engh. Low. CIOM . tiK�e falls, -and under the upp�r steel day morning. Thd ceremoril-'s Incident sels, ropros6n -ng- 1`1 nations. . . 14 is . t `lth6
V I . � . ' yes
,':. �. I - Wheat-- . I jarch .bridge , during Niagara's int L I ti .
11�;.... .Tulv ..... 90% 96 9GI/L .96 96% , �t�- -'I . '. ta the event wete,lnost -impressive and The aggTegate*tomage of the Brjt�. 0101nosAlon should rerzia�n. -so iw..j�
I,— . I . �na a L carnival on Tuesday and L . I . . . . .. . L ". '. . . . . . . I � .. ..
..�': I., I act . ..... 91 W% 901h - W% - 90% iWednesday� made tbe trip-frqm Buf- WeTe �.pwrtieipated in by, the Arch. I* craft alone' Was over one million. .--..-. I I... . I I L I . -
' -L1, . loets- I . . ... . .1 � Wshop of Ottawa, thO bishops of Hiz. as . coin I . .. . .. I I ;��_O. .i;___ Vft - . . . I I
� A.-;. . . Pared With a little ntioTe than - . . L. , � . � . . . .. . I � . I I .
� `� i .In] .... 136,% 26% ,%v,' sszy� ss3j ,fa o to the falls y-eiterday afternoon Ton,* Ontario, Toronto' gLnd' Algoria-a, one�half- of those present at Quden Vid. � L - __
, " , 1Z '.�'. 37% al% 31% 37 L3 . 7 - , I iri .. just L . 1� .. .
. , C %teen :iand a -haM- rainuWs..- ,g, . . � . - . .. I I
." � aL , . �v.)Canon Abbott- anct -a large nUM. L tOT14's L . . . .
, ('V, � " .diamond jubilee. 'review in '. I I - , . I .. . . . . . . . .
11; L .. ', ' 1 � Five his . I L . . I . . I . I I .1 - .
I ..". . Toronto Grain MdrkeU . � thousafad `pdopl� � Witnessed . ber ,61 the, clergy of the dioedse., Thd .1897. This� - aggregation . 61 � I 4P I
, 1-1 L 1. , :
� "", . Wbead. -fall. bushel .* ...... $0.82 to S.... " Aq.T�val here. A h6av�j 'doLWni'>our� of , * I Mb W& I I
�'. I '! .athedr.1,1 British I
��"," L at% goose, bushel .... 0 81) , rain dreni�h,ed aller � sisters re. , , I
;-, �, - . 070 . *':" ! 'L 10 .1 . � prese . . ",
, it . inted. appioxima.Wy the hi]ige out� 11;� .
V1- . Whe w6a well�filled -r--h.spocta- Dreadnoiighta and sin
. the crowd lor a, few tois .but a. t cr(?Wded. . , . tl .L
. �
lil " 1� , � .. M bushel � ......... ': 0 42 4 a! -a mi-nutds after Beachey .landed '_n'Aar -ration seiv_'_--a beianL at Jay of $40 . R07,Ual DIP,and farm Ift !%0.,1__ - . . L .
1� L"'�,.N', . oats, bushel i ....... ::::, L I I FL . cons; --d 0,000,600, wbile, if the vEaue .11 . . � �. . - . . .
.Vyj�) Barley, bushel ............ ow , .. the 'river., ,,YL,,, 11 o'cl6mck, When the. Archbishop. of of the- eighteen foreign J Ps . . I . I I . I &.0 I
f'x��;,-. Buckwheat, bushel . ........ 048 0 6; Wh`en se,e;.i press last night, _warsh� is � I I % I .. .. . L . � . .
Ottaw-o-,'fAie 'bishops, their chaplains, added,. there was moored in thij his. L . . �� I I . � I . . I I . I . . .
. � � -
,,$�' � . . - 'Peas, bushel ............... 078 ow . the plucky American aviaibr deol&md aa.a the clergy, 'all full�, robed,, enter. - toric roadstead of Spithead an. inter-- . I .
,;!--,�� . 1. . I . , . . I . �
. .
I , I . . .
..,,� he .Wh,s bonfIdent' pl being succe,ssful ed the cathedral to the strdins�off.the national, war fitet, xepresen-ting, i),. total , .
_:Lit'i Toronto Dairy, Market. . I
. '_. - . . � . I �
, .. . � I . I I . I
; �,�. . union . . .110 the WIMP . .
: , , store lots ........... ois 0 17 � in, his perilous flighti here, S�verai pt&essibnal hymn. � The comm ., . -initial exp6adituxe 61 $500,000 00o ' I . sold Dirled . . . . L . I
� I i; , , . I "'Itter, ,separator, dairy, lb. 0 19 0 20 hu'ndred Qaiiadian militiaw'ea' In5m gorvice was administered by the Aroh.�L - Diessed from LSJ ' . . " . � . I L .1 I . L. I.. : . . . . . . � . ...4 1. . . . i � I I � . I I . I . .. � � I .
L_ riot � . . L I .
ill I Butt"r, . . ar4 to �steinl�-.A.* , . L .. . . . �
. . � . I I
, B.t"r, creamery, Ili. rolls.. 0 22 0 23 the baft at .WMg&ra-on-the.:Lake wW bishop of 'Ott I ... I . . � I .
i .11'. I . . I I . .
I . . , . - the: w , 1; . 1. . , I . . . . . I
� Butter. creamery, solids- .. 0 22. .L ... f ava, and the,presenti. ol" bunting 'the grey lines'os' ,ai- - . , . . . . I � I I . I . I I .. � , � . . . . I . . . . 1. ,, I � " . . � . . . L
. � I .. L . . .. - . . . I � �
L . nessed the flight. . tion of. the epistle: by the Lord Bish * a background formed. C
ID998, new -laid .............. 0 19 , .. I . , � � -
. .
. .
'. . I ... . . 1. — � I I . the Lord . Bishop i>t Alg�. P, lsfiipo "Wit] L ,by .. : cl,ft cool Ong, - ; I .
. Che6se riew; lb ............. 0 12 1012% - � . I . I . .C!f-.Hur6n' The 'gospel .wha Teaid bC)y. the blue coast line Lot the 'Isle I . .
Cl!eese: Ih ................... :0 14% - 015- , of, - . 1 , & 'S Ild, Ontario
zen Baby,.$.* - � �a. : L made a mag.nifio.eat �s�eotsbld; -- - :. . . Th I ,aeroli FCOCC, 9 . Or I 11
I . Lite'Threatelft"CU ' .1 ' I . - � . WI . . .. � ... .1 I.. . .. 1� . . P . I ... . . . I I L . ..
I . . I , ""%i , � � g so . - I- . * , . . 0 . I . I
� " . "I . . .� . I � . . . . . I I .1 I.. . . � . .. 1. . . . . . .
Bv''Sulaw-, euCapiplaint .Lancaster'Chos'en. .� ' across' the.a494,orag� raised a choppy I . � . 11 . . . .1 11 . I
I ,., . : . . . I : I
�, . ...... �.i2 50 . , A sAl,'L dthWe6terly bree2m blowing . ". . . , , ,
14cr ey. extracted, lb ......... 010 - 6*ii. '. " . . I � 1. I -_�_ L . L 'L
Livernool Grain and Producq. .. � -1 - . " I . L L , . 1. - � _ L _iiij.' . . I I � .0m. . . . �
. � St. Caflarines, June 26-13i fithusiasm. sea and incidentally. conflici�ng -emo.- 1* i -_ - . . L I � . . . .�
I . I : , _�_ . . ' . . . - . .
. . . . . .
� LIVERPOOL June ' -44L-CIOSing: , . .1 I Teigned at the cotivention of ,Lincoln tions� in, Many aniohg the i;�Zres of . . . . . I . . . . . I . . .
.:i,..1,'- . I '. . ... I . I . . . .. . .. 11 I ., . . ..
,,;e. Wheat, spot,. "41". No. I Wanitoba, 7a - The life of.leviiry bab� to fliieot- . ItUousands of spectators vho� vie * . L OhANDIENOR mad L 'he SArnia Fence - Coo is ille - irno � st, ta. � ' *
..,,",. 54d: No. 2 Manitoba. 7s 31/,fl; r4o. a . ened darin% the hot'aiiiiiiner montb,s . County ConservativeA�sociaiioa held wed.. . . R011A e byA . L , lked of � .
X, iiL Standard HAII, Satuiday for noini. the scene hom the multitude .61 be-.. L
� -, Nanitoba. 7s 1d; funirps. weak. July - byl that - dxeidedf trouble�, iiium4er jej.clirS, U'L -iadian market and .
�. qs q%d: Octpber 6s 8d: Decemb -a "complaint. nation'of a candidate for thk 'Dominion flagged . fence in -the Dominion,,. ' W hy? - be c au s e', i t is the best fence on the C�i ..
. I Holise.in the . qQming orainidii elee-� roadstead. . - io craft . . ciowdilig.'the. - - . -1 . * � � e L . .. . . .
I .". - er 6 Thousands of children . . 1. .4 . . . I .. wid sell 'it direct � to the .farmers at th same price as we sell to" ageiat or dealer. We .. :. '
1: I . q%d- Flour. wint#r patc,nts. 27s. Hops die every stiTamer from ftMff trouble tion��. Tjp*ards of.250delegates'Were. ' ,At noon picket boats fro4i all thi . , . : - �
- ,� I , . : . .in London (Pacific Coast) gi; 5s to go --thonsaindil of.'-ha,ppy homes ate present from, the city and* evelry part %Larahips. covered the revie ave one. p ne policy for all.. * Agent ma:ke unwarranted stateme�nts about the
, I . ��..., 10s. Pork. prime; mess. western. Tas. made dark and sorro Wful beickusei:x' I 1. I w axes* like - . . . .. . . . .. . . ,. . . . . I
.k � . h
. . � ,
. Beef. e�,tra India riibss. $is 3d, Haim, on ' * , . - "
,,-1. preciods little- life has, beern snuffed of the cb ty.. � I , � A flight'Of �@ls wAxiling ,off � the fleet quality of 'our fence - in an endeavor to indu�e tbp. farmer t6, purchase from hini a'fenCe .
.. .,;.. L The wianimoas' cholde ' eet, . .
. ;
; 1 � , ,thort cut, 14 to 16 lbsL, 70s. , Bacon. of the in of eximrsdon YeLpsels, anrl, from then . .
I out. Buthidthers, t'hough youfear 6 Xi' , .
filh,eit,. ing s nex't candidate, war, the old .-on'until th, ngs yakht'-weig e . L,S . I
,% �;., Ournherland cut," �6 -to 30 lbs.. 62s 6d; * L ,. on which,he can mak,e-:a- commi'sion. Age'iits say our.wire is not ITO. 9. Ever bale of
� , Wital . stalwartiZu-'A. J'alicaster" K.C.1, M.P., anchor for turn. to th . wire we.buy 'g'auged, �Lll , __ . .by ihe n ms before we see it and -it - �� - �
,! t" a
" "'. � �hort rib, 19 to 24 lbs., 58s; clear bel- . - thid ti'oublet g4 can yet , li d. - y . I
�'�k��' L � ..7.nyes, - �- 'ana - harbor - & insflLied Ca�g:Aia 'custo '
,y- lies. 14 to. 16 lbs., 52s: 1'6ng clear ?76id- ( fig-Wf i Idefeat I L . L ' a re e . � L - . .. L . * 4 1 ' . ' d - .
��,,� ... , � . 11o.". light, 2,8 to 34 lbs. 62s; ldrig clear taby's OWri, Tab - y ears , has. . norip but ofracial cralt w&e withih mus gaug q Ity or " � -- - -
. .
, . ConcerIiing who -for theast twelVe . : t, im of.
-11 , . iii(ldies. - heavy. 3t to 40 Ibs 50s 6d; them�mrs Jos.'s""s, colitts ,Alta bdrne Uie, stand&rd in this c6unty, de. 'the -lines. , - tL . . Ye or it w' I � ual
'o. - tenal ), I .1 � . 111L not be *perMitte to enter Canada. Clai S
. , ,b, ,L a . .
;,�, I 1 4, * " , feating Hon. Senator William Gibson ) .The sun W", shining = . 'kalvanizing are also ,'made 'and we hesitatinkly state that the wire used inou ' '
� .i., .. ;hort. rl�ar baelm 16 to 1.10 1))s 48s- lgayo During the hot ,sfimmerL . ' . . Un r fence ,
:, : tge and Queeft ary -with _ IF I L I . � 1.
". ihotilders, square, 11 t_0'13 lb.�� 45s:*J�ari dayWra�j littlo bay took ill,wifth �111JDOO after"the.lattei -had held the ily. When L
P;.. , King Geo 0.1
1.1� I I -seat four �eaii. -. , '' ".. fb L the niVal ,. -f . e L _ff&e ,acid dips thaija 'any �Vire furn'* -..farmer in ' - -
wlmp west9m. ln.tleri%, 42s; Amer16-10 simmez plaint. He, was seized , - , . I ..' � L their'brilliant, auii(is le 4 wi stiftid f6ih �Vri "16'1*6' ished co the
. . .
I . . . - I
,-2 co in . . .
, port'aboard. the Toyil yacht Victoria Canada..� -The fenc'e combine en deavorod to"get control of -the prices of fence by iof- '
�, �-. . mfiried in pails. 42s 'Id. Cheese- Canis With Vomiting and.nothing helped L . , . I
6.1�f,. 'idian finest white and colored. L . 11 I . I . . . 1 . . I ..
.. , . . new. hiyn� till !got Bdby's,Own Tablets. . - . . . . and.Alberi. T&_ Trinity, yacht' Irene feringus induments to join their asso6ation, but ue are "Satisfied with'a reason ** I ` -
1-... - . . . . . c able' -' "
, - ��- I -: 55s 6d. Butter. good Cnited States. 82s. T49y;,reTive,d; hinikand �made him a - .. I ,,, . . . � V.led the *ay azd"the Victoria- and' " . . . . . .. . .
" Turpentine spirits, 45s, RAIn.*com-, - ' Albert w � go - pr n mer prices oil fedde, cb s
- e L 'r by - 'Ali A "ti ofit a d are offering'the . far niistOnt 'with the best , : . �
( . 1� -� .. mon, 16s. Petrolenm. refined, 6%d , ,strong healthy � child.,'. 'Ph .Pab�. . ,, HAD, CUN as Ilowed in line ,egulniate , . . I
�. I -L � I .
.. ... . Linseed oil. 4-5s 6d, cotton seed oij I lets'are. for sale by, medicine i . . I � Afajesty's yachl, Alexandra, the Ad- .L 'L ' L, 1* * I . . .
, . ,tral. atro,or � 'dir 2 er - po wy ba endorsed -by . 1
4 11 I I , SHE � fetic6 on the Canada, market �-Oday. . Our . e act to the f�rm � .
, - X I - . . I . IN .1 .1 L - . . .
t� Rtill refined, 2,s 71/gd. Tallow, Aq by.=,afl 'af 25 ,centi a. bo I I . SUMPT101 r'milraltyt yacht Enchantress
�, .. 11 1, I I . . $ and, the i , don in the Dominion. The d '
.. Ian In London, 32s lsl�d 11 a' Medicine . 1. . . , . 11 — . I .. . . .., ,commarlaer4n-chlaf's - Fire L � pvery farmer's' . eniancHor-our fenb6. thig has * �
� 1. 1110 . Queen. 1, , ys`c1Xt ' . organiza i ' * * L * * -earS .
. " . � - L . .1 , A" I 41. I . . .. I . I . I I . - . �. . . I . ; L -�11 . I - - . an -, we are. now opera . t e a plant whic e - .
:, I 'I, I � Co . � I . a .. ., � Ali �9' d-ditioul - col increased ,with ' 1'eaps ' d bdunds'and. ing. - ,
I . , ' four toi' largest . cap�dity'
� � � I . � has th
LL .- � . Or VOOWS,, %I !Voy of nion, ah it was, enii�ely built up �;J our direct .'
�-;-, . . I . W . . I � 11. pedo-boA de8tr0yeT8 �ioked up' the L of any plant. in the Dorni'. d .
1- ., . � . . . .1 I .* '� 'L. _'_",_:r�,., '13. � .. . W L . ' !P �.. Tloytl ,yachts 'before t2h,PY T . emohed the r L lidy. 1. . .1 . I .1 . . . .. I . I . I I . I I I . .
I �', I . I Nor .1 .1 to the farme PO , . . - I . .. . �
I � . . � . Syr . . . L .1 �. �. I
1�_ �.., "... L . . ay Pin'le I . I
1;�'. . ,:"!. "'.". " .1 I . I I .. I I . . � . I . L' . I . - . � .
".. . 1-::::. -!' -- - - - -'G';'X1# . . ....1. I . .I L 1. . . .._ . . � . 41 1, ISt , ' ' L__ � . . . I I . . . . I � L I . . .. .. . _. . .1 , I . .. - . 1.
11 * ,,,N'.;-'.�J� '.. _. - I I . .. � . L . . - . . � I . . . .
- ;, X:.,:!. , 0.,,�.Yl I I . Mir. I . . I . ,, I
'L. , %..*:1-5Y.- 1, 'Y"",. - L red -e I
....4-:4-N � d U M' ' A 9 I � 'The Sarnia F ane6 Co. are I ,F i
_ " L ". % ... 'X,::�.!::11, I � . . . . � I . b. , oi2ly knot-f013Ce WAZIWACWT wh ag, not in the - com - � .
, " ,.:.:.. .": #'1*,-.ZJ . . � . . I 11 ,4D _V Atoltr ,9 iN . . 1.
...,..,... 1-1 . .. I . � I . . . I . . L P L i DON,t P.& ii. THAN*OVR PRINIVE0 PRICE FOR -ALL No. X IF YOV DO . . I
# .. i"'.1.% . I . , . 1. . 1�_� - 'Will protect you MONIPAY BACK .
:.� � . . 5..". " . .- . .
. ,;,."" ::."., , , a I
�_ , ,**.,*:: . . AWN B911VG TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. Our guarantee : - *VDVR
S � . I %,XX * M a' H T Z .
. 'Rub' -, it ', in .— ",
-_ W1114thed 135- Pod y " I.
� I., I 1. "... ..,N1.,:-:, An I I , I P . I I I � . . I
: 4 W_ .9 The -.Palo Comes Aut I , . . . .
". -.1 -:'.,%'-'.,. . .. I I . . . . . . . . . I
. -,;$::��: _WV .";."... . . - . . . . I � . to ybii,-as ' . L , ` a best, fence Aretcher on the market- HAS heavy iron dlam�, . .
.. -; . , "I. ..".. t1ley We sell at actilal cost of wanufacturei th
..L I . NOW Wdigh!� 17;L" I L. do to everyone.
, I " . L . ' '
tl. . , .I.N'.. . .Fi,-."":-;?; Pains aild. athe.4, a�ll tome . . . . L . I IfYou eat toofk8t,. do n.pt maiticate ' tot) and:bbttow draw; very heavy chain, extra single wire stretehee, and. splicer. A 1, complete -and guaranteed .
. - A .. I . . .
,I �. I .�.�,; I A ::.i;: I .. . — . ... to stretp)i an fence. Shipped with fence orders, only, freight .paid $7.50, . . .1 . . . �
I . . I
" :. -: - ""'I" . " I to every household, gnd the I . , PtOiierly,- or take food Hint doeg 'IV I
.� . .-.:.:,;-; � �1�.. :-, " :: ,Tne roliowin styles we carry in stock and ca; 'make prompt shipmentof auY amount. All felice put 'up .' I
�t �_ . , ... . �*'.!, .., . prudon t inother keeps a bottle 1*6, Charles MeDerniott, Vathurstj not agree With you, digestive de�, , in 20, 80, and, 40, r go rolis only. . . . 12 . - I . . . . . . . .
i; J
J . . . . *
1, .. 0- .... Ht 1; W I . I . . I . I . . I
. , i . .bOr Morrisey's Liginle � `X -B vhites - - " I thought I would range ' . I I 1. . . .
. ". I , :, I . Pat , 't - .1 e to come,. - ' ' . �- -_ I 1: � . . . � .. . . .. . I
- . . ..-R � !-� .! nt . ments are almost sur I . . . I . . . . I � . I I I .
I . . . . I
. .. . .1 . 1. . I.
I . '.. 11 . . d to, ineet them. � write and letyo�l k"0W'th0 benifit I havq tt�d indigestion 'getierally leads 640,0 Has 6 ltn�s wires, 40L in. h! h, * 9 stays - to the �9148 I flas 8 lin''o *ires,'48 in. high, 12 stays. to the rod
� I 'Y o - n han I
.. -
. , received through , the use of D ' I I rod. All Xo-. 0 hard steel wire,, pachiv-7 7 . I
.. ,!I. '.'Whether it,$L�UtS.ior bralsesi, . r. WOOft t� very serious 'Physical troubles. . % hArcl steel wire, Spacing 4, 516 71 8 0 IL
Z' L� Norway Pine Syrup, Threb yearg 40 . ii #21U.-- 0611 No- 9
I . . ..� ,-btirnt or frost -bites, chapped' , I , . 8, 9, 0. Price per riod,..s ....... * .... � ....... . . .. 0, 9, Pries per rod, freight prep I aict" . ,. .:,.,,.,. 3. O.'
;N ,.;,, , liftcls,or,chilblains, sprtqing or _XbadLc0ngrmPt1On- 1hildthreedwtors * 0 stays to the I � ' I . I . � .
-__7 . I _,� Attending -me hfid they were vey�r much � rod, all No. 9 hard steel wire, Soa,cftig,5, 0, 2 L 048-0 . Bag Wine wires, 48 in'. high, 9 stay.9 tor the rod
. I , - . . - sore inuseles, back ache, too& I . iill X.o. 0 hard steel wire, Spacing a. 4. 5, li, 0, . S .
. _. I . _61 Acte, ea, P,L , ' 6, 71 7A
, I
, , I alaxinod I was so BE' ECRAM'S ' L'; 7.40,0 AM 7, line wires, -40 in, 'high, '
. bout My cotiditjoh. ".
1. LLLL .. 11 , owls . ao.he, theuinatism, a I .,. . L 1, 84, Prlce,.pet rod. freight prepaid.. 40 * I . 8,0., Prieeparrod freightprepaid..... . .. A.
� � I , , . ___ _? . ,weak ancrolserabI6 I could hot do . . I * . .. . 10 1 300
; .. ,� � I .1 sofd throat or pain -in' theL " , MY . ' 8.40 -Has 8 line wires, 40 in. bigb, 12 siais to the rodt' . .
,.. . : Chest, - , - . � housework' L Wbnelooklhgthrou Your I � all Xm 0 h&rA steel wire. 3, 4; Oi 0. 7o 8, price 9-48 Saine no 948-0,'with 12 stays tw ihe rod
�11 .1 . . .. I B.Ba almanse Isaw that Dr. L oado% I . , . � 0 Ptige -per rod, freight prepaid ...... ....N.-.03219 '.
� � , i . . Ir . . Wbrw4k Pine S . 0 L -8 11 per rod, freight perpaid. .......... 0'L-1.1'.,. .29, I. . . I . . . .
I . 0 .. I I YrOP Was Pod for woAk
�� . . 0 &_* lungs, 90 I got 4 bottle at the drug,stote, telieVe and etire iniligestion. They - - 7 48.0 .Use 7 line wires, 48 in. -highs 0 stays to the * 10-50 10 line wires, 50 ib. high, 12 st&ys to th
I L � . , I , . . . on I . rod, all 14o. 0 hard steel Wire# Spacing 5, 6, 7, 0 ' al. sel Wire, Sp6clog 3, 3k, % 3J'L I
L L . ____
, . 11 , , I " *L - 5ji, 0, 8,81, S. Price I)OV, . rod. freight prepaid.. .
: 'At that titne I. wilghe�f the stobiaoli aud its 'nerVeS, L and -so , � 250 " Ili , i
. Iflim aud aft4r tiking too bottles I was cow. lim a qule� -And tonic action I No. 0 hard st
Father Morqsey s. L Of - - pletely eured. 10, 11. Pr od per rod, freight .prepaid .....
I . I L I I
I . It. givep proinpt relild, - . : .* . . 1,36 pounds and how w6gh 172o a gain of 'tljey g(va direct Aid to digestion. . . I . . . . I . I I . . . I I . .. . 11 �
. I I— . ... - ' .. � _. . L' I - . I . -,. J , ' - ,''I'"' ' ' ' - 4- � .
11 _ . I .I. I 7 ,Pounds. in thrt ow keep it. . I 1 4 , , I - 11 I 11 " ... lh.� .
I It "rubs it" quickly and thbjou&y, goi h. the NllciNll� I h They corry. away Mso the fn& 11 I I I . . . I
.. .. ng dilit t6 home all t cmd. would hot . .. . I . . . . . L . . . " � . ��
I . the seat of the paiu. $catt6ly a traceot, it AtEtys ' 0 withm gestible ln4tt&, ' With tl101k'use . I
� 'L. it jS $OL.effeetiv�. On the Skin. I it,f)b it for anytbing, as I owe my I I � L
� , , I 0 to dyspepsia, hiccoughs, bad taste We 111ty the Preight to Your Neikcst Rall"y Station I
. That ig one reason *hy� I 11 ,, ' . . I . L .. . *
I .
. . I ____V3th 9 bottle 'Of VAther MOMSCY'A Liniment in the, Dr, Woodo,g WorWay pi�o ey1rnp, eon� ieasftrl�' breath iind fiatulenZl - . I . I -
taing the lung. heallo � 11 . Tb# above prices loolude fkalght prqpaid to sn:� ridiroad at tion west of'
house Yott -dtift save yoilroelf 4nd'your faitil hollr$ at XorWAy pjyjeL trbe, Whio t, 1�ilal . a Toromto in Old Ontario, To
� � L 7 I a % virtues � of the ppear. Yon'shoulit! be careful -onto and South of North Day $Ad lo per rbd And we pitv freighti, 'V6 points ift.Wew On
i hottra of needlesA P"dil. , . . 1. . � , 00mbillied with , and remember lleech4m% Pills points, beyond Tor tarl6t I .
. , . . 0 6thor. dbiorbont, &tpectorwitand soothing '. Qmbeco,atid Maritime Provincesi adit 6o pe- rod and we pay freight. Itemit cash -with otder by moftey order
1. ' I . ,�', I
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." I ..I.- � , . , ... . is . I 11 .
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� ;_ �,� � I . "ThCapIg ease J medicin6g, makes it without a doubt the , 11111 Rig t - . . . . .,
n evory drop.,, bestrewddy for ,coughs, toldt, bronchi
I L . ,250 ,4 Wtjo At,YbUr Do�lbr'$, . 30 and all throat Mil- IiiiiK trouby6s, , t V 'a h ' ' I , ,
I.' I . I . 1. �%, I . I . . 11 , tar"
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