The Wingham Times, 1904-08-04, Page 6,Dunlop Ideal Horseshoe Pad fir..,.. -- $sr Sale at Hardware Stere$ and Mackentithe Put new legs on your horse q Ease the thump of the hoof against the hard ground and protect the frog and sole. (food for navicular disease. Make the horse sound In the feet -give Mtn a longer working life. The DUNLOP TIRE CO., Limited, Toronto, Ontario It? t. Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The plant of,the Dresden sugar beet iaechory has ben moved to the Ameri- can side. Wallacebnrg and Berlin are the only paying factories in the province, a.ao IA, igass„ sea Kind You Have Always�Bought ,Signature -t�� X14 of , It is reported at Ottawa that Mr. 2o. McGillicuddy, of Guderich, and Mr. Mare Sanville, of Montreal; are to be ,a ,pointed to prepare the new analytical imam of the House of Commons Han - It's not,the weather that's a fault. It's nTaut system, clogged with poisouons materials, that make• you fell dull, Amway, weak and miserable. Let Bur- stleck Blood Bitters clear away all the von' ons, purity and enrich your blood, snake jou feel bright and vigorous. Mr. Arthur Clement bas bought lot era, con, 12, Elderslie, known as the ;Dobbin farm, for $3600. Sonne 10 years *go this property changed hands at li ab`00. Valuable Time saved. Slight iujuries often disable a man and .cause several days' loss of awe and when 1o0od poison develops, sometimes result 7iet the lees of a hand or limb. Chamber- •arito's Pain Baler is an antiseptic lini- anent. When applied to cuts, bruise° p�6, need burns it cansi s them to heal quickly and without maturation, and prevents• sway danger of ?and poison. For sale by CASTOR 1 A A. I. McCall & Co., 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought During the storm Wednesday evening, July 27th, William John Chambers, whose home was on the town line, west of Kippen, was struck by lightuing and instantly killed. He was just in his 20,h y ear and a very bright and promasiug boy. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans wit: Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will ra move the grease with the greatest ease. 3, TRE WINGZIAM TIMES ALTOIJS F 4, 1944 The official figuresshnw that daring the uuvigableseason of 1948 a total of 81,000 vessels patted .through the St. Laa1r aura Detroit Rivers, suit that these vessels carried 44,260,61,6 tons of treight The net registered tonnage of the boats was 119.328,6x9 tons. The peesages aver- eged oue in about every ten minutes fir the season. Cholera, Infant uIlk , This has long been regarded as nue of the Must uaugtuuus anti fatal daeettses • 0 whwh iutauts ere subj'-ol., It MU 1 1,1 cured, however, Isbell properly tteatc•u Ail that is ueueseary as to give' Ohaiuber• lain a Oo.iO, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy end castor oil, as directed with mien turtle, and a cure is certain. Fur sale by A I. McCall & Oo. Division registrars of the province to the number of 780 report 1902 deaths from all causes during the month of June, or a slight increase over the same month last year. There is a decrease of 12 3 per oeut. from infectious diseases. Consumption caused 196 deaths or 74 per cent. of those who died from infec- tious diseases. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts and deranges Nerves, Mfl- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine. They re- store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted, devitalized or over-worked men and wo- men to vigorous health. Mr. John Dowering of the 11th con- cession of Carrick, aas married Wed- nesday, July 27th, to Miss Mary A Dickinson, eldest daughter of Mr. Sam- uel Dickinson of the South Line. Mr. Downing owns a farm on the lits, where the youug couple will make their hone On Wednesday evening, July 27th the barn of Mrs. Alex. McEwen, a mile from Brucefield, was burned, with 30 loads of hay. It was struok by lightniug, and in a few minutes was ablaze all over. They saved a wagon, plow, harness, and some hens. There is no form of kidney trouble. from a backache down to Bright's dis- ease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidney complaint, give Doah's Sidney Pills a trial. "The proposed Canadian Pacific Rail- way line fro;n Toronto to Sudbury will cost $8,000,000; and of this amount $2,- 001,000 will be required for the construc- tion of fifty-eight miles from Romford to Byng Inlet," said F. S. Darliug, the Can- adian Pacific railway engineer in charge of all construction work east of Winni- 'lc 'Swift's lard refinery in Chicago was 'turned Wednesday morning, of last +eteek,rHsulting in a loss of $400,000. Strik- sere were blamed by some,but it appears eanijustly. The fire started from an lot cheated dypeir Q OR. A. W. CHASE'S (in CATARRH CURE ... r C° Is sent alirect to the diseased parts by the Improved lslowei. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantty carts Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase 1',:,:dIetne Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. During a severe thunderstorm Wed- saeeday evening Alexander Mclntyre's learn, concession 4, Bruce, was struckby lightning and burned. The barn, which 'contained a large amount of hay and some implements, was one of the finest +lathe township, and was ereced only a am 9 ago. ears g o Seam the The Kind You Have Always Bough Signature The richest man in the world, though perhaps not the happiest, is said to be Alfred Bait, who controls South African ,diamond fields. His wealth is said to be nearly one thousand million dollars. Ms profits from the diamond fields amount to a million dollars annually. /le resides in Loudon, England. The marriage was solemnized in St. 'Peter's Cathedral, London, on Tuesday adorning, July 26th, by Rev. Father .Aylward, of Miss Rose Burns, fourth daughter of Mrs. .Ann Burns, 85 York 'street, L ondon, to Mr. Joseph F. Red- mond, 6f Brussels, Ont. 3►:sz Verair� Cures Sick TIeadache ititot�•'ttt. Cures Nervous headache Cures Neuralgic headache i.''���. Cures Summer Headache Iratt..... Cures Bilious Headache t �r�e Cures any Headache fliktee"tL`C Is Pleasant to Take �-„ Is Absolutely Safe Gives Speedy Relief 11146.0.A% Sells for sec a box 114601,X Sanipie box sent free 1 » ItItItAJOY REMitDY CO. go- tr.rrt Wedded , Speaks for itself Bears the cyignature of The Liver to Blaine So long as the liver is active in filtering the bile from the blond there is no bil- iousness and no conetipatiou, because the bile is passed from the laver into the intestines where it acts as a catlsarti0 in keepiug the bowels active. Because of their direct action on the liver as well as the bowels, Dr. Chase's Sidney -Liver Pills thoroughly cure constipation, the real cause of nine•teuths of the common ills of life. Another victim df the .shite plague was released by death bn fiunday, July 24th. We speak of the late John R. J. Beacom, only son of Robert Beacom, of the 5th concession, Goderich Tp. He was just iu the prime of young man- hood, being in his 26th year, but he had been a sufferer for more than half of this time from this terrible affliction. FOUND AT LAST. A Liver Pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills possess these qualities, and are a sure cure for Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sick Headache, etc. Are You Troubled. 131 S1eeplecsnes? Over wrought Nerves Cause the Trouble ---Build tip, .Fortify the Nervous System with Ferrozone- Then You Will Sleep Soundly. There is probably no remedy that soothes the nerves and drives away those long nights of wakefullness like Ferro zane, Every person whose sleep it rest less should take Ferrozone like Mr. J H. SI, Gan-, who writes from Saskatoon as folios\s:- "I was bothered with iusomania last Almoner to such an extent that my health almost broke down. I was rrighttully nervous ILjt han gone on much longer I would have been a phy- sisal wreck I read about Ferrozone and concluded it was the sort of remedy I needed I bought six boxes, and took unci tablet with every ineal, A -�-e change was at 'nue noticeable. I uo longer laboured mid -2 such great nteutal excitement, and was able to take things more quietly. Ferro - z ne improved wy digestion, l picked up in spirits and strength, and in a compar- atively short time sleep cane the minute my head tonoht d the pillow. Ferrozoue oomph tely reh ibillitated lily system, and has made me a different sort of man alto. gether. Dou't wait until your condition be- comes nervous prostration; it's hard to cure. Taae Ferrozone regularly and the cause of your sleepless nights will be re• moved It always cures iusomania. Ferrozone is the greatest health -giver the most valeahle tonio, that mousy can buy. It will bring you lasting strength. vigor and health, at small cost Only Ferrozone can do this so be Fure that no dishonest dealer substitutes something represented "just as good." No other remedy is so good as Ferrozoue, price 500 per box or six boxes for $2 50, at all druggists or N. 0. Polson, & Co., King- ston, Ont. The great question of who would get the new King Edward at Clinton is at last settled. W. H. McLean, of Clark- burg.an old experienced commercial hotel keeper, is the man, getting it on the five year lease, which was signed Wednes- d ay; be taking possession the 15th of August. Mr. Cooper gets $600 for the fi rat year and 1800 per year for the re- maining four years. GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the summer comes. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases cf the Throat and Lungs. Fer►ozone Brings Brsiful Sleep A woman's idea of a "mean, spiteful thing" is another woman who has a uew dress made just like hers. Complaint is being made to the de- pertinent of agaioulture by several cheesemakers that farmers in numer- ous cases are not carefully carrying out the iustrnetioua relative to the class of Wilk to be supplied to fuotories. The result of this carelessness is that the oheese is not of the high quality neses- Bary to maintain Canada's good name in the cheese markets. Steps may he taken to prosecute those who willfully deceive cheese factory naaaagers as to the quell ty of milk supplied. A fete weeks ago a wealthy Berlin bauker found that his safe bad been broken open and all his personal jewel ry stolen. All attempts at tracing the missing articles proved futile. The other day, however, he received all the stolen goods by post. An anonymous letter was enclosed, in which the writs r expressed ilia thanks for the loan of the jewels, By wearing them, he said he had successfully wooed au heiress, who had hitherto rejeoted alt his advances. She had now promised to marry him withix a mouth. An Irishman got married, btit very soon he and his wife began to quarrel, so he went to the priest and Inked to be released. Tho priest cnuuselled him to be patient, control his temper, and re- minded him of the scripture, "resist the devil and he will flee from you," whereupon the Irishman replied, "I have resisted her, and she flies at me." As a result of prohibition in Kansas, it is claimed that forty counties in the State are without a pauper, and the j ails in thirty-seven counties are with- out an inmate. The consumption of liquor is less than two gallons per head as against nineteen gallons for the whole United States. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fantnm, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys- entery and Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 60 years. It is reported that Mr. E. Becigneul, wine manufacturer, of St. Joseph, is removing from that place and will look for a more suitable location, It appears that even the prospects of both duck and railway are not sufficient to make the weary waiters in the "phantom city." inducements tarry longer The MeLagan furniture factory in Strat ford \will be closed down for a few week as the result of a collapse, when the entire row of pillars, running length- wise down the centre of the north halt. of the factory sank several feet. The four floors from basement to roof, de- prived of support were broken in the centre, and assumed a V-shaped appear- ance. Several workmen jumped from the windows, but no one was badly hurt. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Cattarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo. 0 We the uudereigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business ill able to carr and finarcially sac ions Y Iran ty out and obligationsmade e b y his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN,' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. A Book For the Home Dr. Chase's Last and OompleteReceipt Book, containing over three thousand medical, cooking, veterinary and mis- cellaneous recipes, is sold at $2 75 post- paid. There is no book published which is so useful in the home. After using it a month you would not exchange it for $10. If you don't consider it worth more than the price return the book in good condition and get your money back. Illustr"ted circular free. Edinanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. This is a year of high water on the lakes, Erie and Ontario are higher than ,far years past, and still raising. At. Pelee Island, the Windsor Record says, about 400 acres of land may have to bp abaudoned to the lake. This year the lake is over nineteen inohes higher than it has been for a num- ber of years past. There is four feet Sof water over the flooded light- house swamp and the crops sown this 'year are absolutely lost. The farmers have almost decided to abandon the portion to the lake, as it would cost too much to reclaim it just now. The very sudden death of Mrs. Conrad Faupel of the 3rd concession of Carrick which took place on Tuesday, July 26th. came as a great shook to the whole com- munity. Mrs. Faupel arose on Tuesday morning as well as usual, and went out to the barnyard to milk the cows. While thus engaged, she was seized with a paralytic stroke which completely prostrated her. Mrs. Faupel, lost all consciousness and after remaining in that con''ition until half -past one on Tuesday afternoon, she passed away. Deceased was 62 years of age, and her very sudden death is lamented by a wide circle of friends. The decision of the insurance compan- ies since the Toronto fire, to raise the rates is meeting with much opposition. A special meeting of the Manufacturers' Union has been making enquiries by mail throughout the Dominion, the re• sult of which is so encouraging that that great company may establish a mutual insurance company for self protection. It would only take a small proportion of the insurance carried by manufacturers to give the new company more money in premiums, says Industrial Canada, than the average company is receiving to day. The success of this company would moan the launching of several similar ones, for property owners would grasp a chance to insure at rates more iu proportion to the actual risk than to the profits desired by the company's share- holders. There has always been much curiosity, as well ae much diversity of opinion, about the population of China. The latest estimate is based upon a census, taken by order of the Imperial Govern- ment, for the purpose of reassessing taxes. It gives to China proper, inclu- ding the eighteen provinces, 407,737,325 people. Manchuria is credited with 8,- 500,000, Mongolia with 8,354,000, Tibet with 6,430,000 and Chinese Turkestan with 426,000, making a grand total of 426,417,325. Further word received by Mr. James Davidson shows that it was not his bro- ther, George S. Davidson. ,formerly of Listowel, who died recently at Indian Head. N.W.T., an account of which was printed in last week's issue, but his nephew, George Samuel Davidson, the second son of George S. Davidson. The young man was 28 years of age and the similarity of the names led to the confusion. C).4.f3T®RIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Pimp Bought Signature /Q�2x�tGt�G of By the death of Mr. James Simeon at Grayne Station, Michigan, the Central Methodist church of Stratford is relieved of at least $8000 of its mortgage. Some 30 years ago a mortgage was taken on the church for $8000. Later, and as security, Mr. Simeon, then a member of the church, was insured in a life assurance company for the amount. The church has paid in 30 years about $24,000 in premiums and interest, about three times the amount of themortgage. It is expected the accrued profit on the policy will reduce the mortgage by an. other $1000. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably __k�nown house of Solid financial standing. $22000 straight each salary and Exppnsees. pt;id eaeh Monday by check direct from headgn artertt. Expenses money advanced. Position permanent. Addre+t,. Manager, Sl® Como Bioek, Mites* Illiz+f os For O'er Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child' softens the gums, allays all pain, cares wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A WELL I{NOR'N ALBANY MAN. Recommends C1u,ntberlaln's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. About eighteen months ago Mr. W. S. Manniug, of Albany, N. Y., widely known m trade circles as the represent- ative of the Albany Chemical Co.. was suffering from a protruded attack of diarrhoea. "I tried Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says. "and obtained immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend this medicine to those similarly afflicted." Sold by A. L McCall & Co. Inevitably the business man who does not keep his establishment before the public will be forgotten, and as long as there are men advertising constantly and loudly, nobody will charge his mind with remembering those who do not ad- vertise. Gladstone said that "nothing except the mint can make money with- out advertising." The famous states- man might have gone farther and said that advertising is the mint in which money is coined for wide awake business men. On Tuesday,. the 19th July, James O'Neil, of Kingsbridge, and Lizzie Mc- Cann, of West Wawanosh, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The marriage took place in the Catholic church at St. Augustine, many relatives and friends of both the bride and groom being present to witness the ceremony. A solemn high mass was celebrated, Rev. Father O'Neil, brother of the groom, being celebrant, with Rev. Father Mac- Cormick, of Kingsbridge, as deacon, Rev. Father Hanlon, of St. Augustine, as sub.deacon, and Rev. Mr. iitassey' as master of ceremonies. CATARRH FOA GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicine.: approved and used by every physician. Ripens T abules are widely used by all sorts of people --but, to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard lam': remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est rim".dy 'with a long and successful record, to c rl; 'mugesturrn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .,0 .,elpation, t .7ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • �i ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 11' iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coin- r- .'.pts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t t ihwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives non .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans '1' tbtiles.. Your druggist sells them. The five- cLnt packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bott'i, ho cents, contains a supply for a year. I• K KvcK.:K1x'K BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been eradicated front the system. Don't be satisfied with a "patch up" by some family doctor. Our New Method is Guaranteed to Cure or No Pay. w No Names Used without Written consent. Cured When all Else Failed "Could I live my early life over, this testimonial would not be necessary, thou •h I was no more sinful than thousands of other yonug men. Barly indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to contagious diseases all helped to break down my system. When I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frauti,c. Doctor after doctor treated sue but only gave me relief—not a cure. Hot Springs helped tee, but did not cure me. The symptoms always returned. Mgqrcury and Potash drove the poison into my system instead of driving it out. I bless the clay your New Method 'Treatment was recommended to rate. I investigated who yon were first, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re- sponsible financially. e- sponsiblefinancially. I gavo you my case under a guarantee. You cured me permanently, and in six sears there has not been a sore, pain ulcer or any other symptom of the blood disease." 25 'foam in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. M. A. CONLEY. We treat a .d cur? Varlcncele, Brood Poison. Nervone Debility, Stricture, Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Cooks Free. DRS. KENNEDY St, ,KEi GAN 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. • • o• a ESCAPED A DANGEROUS SURGICAL OPERATION 276 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. THE OXYGENATOR CO., Toronto, Canada. if to vpleased tocert o n- a► mostY qe ntleine I the curative properties of Oxygenator. ' I first began using it for Catarrh in the head. Having subdued this loathsome disease, I then turned my attention to a large Polypus that existed in my right nostril, which wa, successfully removed by the local application of "Oxygenator" thereby saving much pain. danger and expense had it been removed by surgical process. y (of 8) for I have used our remods in my fami] a number of years, and can highly recommend it for fevers, colds and throat troubles -aa a gargle, when warmed, itis invaluable. I remain, yours truly, GH.ROBINSON. Boys of the town and city breed, who contemplate visiting iu the rural districts during July or August, would be wise to postpone any such trip to a later date, as the fanner has an uncomfortable desire to work everything he finds run- ning loose upon the farm, which desire is owing no doubt to the scarcity of farm help. If go you must prepare yourself to accept the inevitable with a good grace or take a bike with yon so as to speed hence on the approach of the man, with the lasso or the pitchfork. The editor of an English paper re. cently received a fine chicken which he, supposing it to be a token from a die• criminating reader, took home and enjoyed it for dinner. The following day he received this letter; "Dear Edi• tor -Yesterday 1 sent you a chicken in order to settle a dispnte which has arisen here, Oen you tell us *hat the chicken died oft" OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER Bold br— OXYGENATOR CO. 22 Harbord St. - Toronto WANTED BLOOD DISEASES CURED TO STAY CURED." If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ac- quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated from the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent medi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They wilt nev- er cure you—though they may help you temporarily. Have you blotches, eruptions, running sores, bole pains, itchiness of the skin, sore throat, falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach, weak heart—We can cure you. YOU CAN PM' AFTER YOU ARE CURED. Our VITALIZED TREATMIENT is the result of so years experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If we fail in curing you, you need not pay us a cent. We Cure Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, Varico- cele and Strictures, (without operation), Sexual Weak- nees, Urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. A man to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES. DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKLETS FREE. List Of Questions Hent for Nome Treatment. D SPINNEY C Detroit, Micro: 290 Woodward Ave., 1 Clubbing Offers - 1903-04 In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stock true to name and free from San .Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. STONE £ WELLINGTON rowrin L l'tt itszRIl;9 flyer see Acres TORONTO, 4.++++++++++++++44++++++ +++ THE TIMES announces the following low -rate: Clubbing Offers for 1903-04: Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 .. $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8 -page illustrated supplement Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and 1 75 the Province of Ontario.. Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 1 60 1 50 1 t5 4 35 2 25 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can) give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine" published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new ' subscribers for the BALANCE OF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted) are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers - will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address - ONTARIO 1 60 Times and Weekly Witness Times and Western Advertiser.. Times and Weekly Sun.. Times and Daily Globe Times and Farmers' Advocate Times and Toronto Daily Star THE TIMES OFFICE BEAYEIt BLOCS .Tif'I#INE- STREET. V'ITi GHAM..