HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-06-29, Page 2'I.+rro wti 1 ill'
1$tt1 was a Pioeiardoto In
an Marine 11lroI s
tof the Merino .and Atea
pertinent *hew' theti he' yesr'',
u rcord .sat In Canadian
Iroise 'Its acts ;figures
the yeas i between 1002 and 1910,.
itiClitOive;. iiieludingt11O0e v9ilscla.
lebchcame .rota the .Pert fronto the:
1 31 ke ii *rid other 3iatlrces, ,a0 Well: as
other aide Of the oeeaii,'are
Mown. '
roar, • Number. Tonnage.
3108. .. ns. 7G$. 1,041,272
1143 r+• ,.•«,'-802 • 1,890,904
1.904t , ,;. ,..:706 1,8313,6.55
2906 ..,,•,. , ..•..." 888 1,085,867
1 1906 n... .,820 1,977,584
1907 1 ...•• , . 749 1,x32,230.
1903 y , ., 747 2,04413
a48 2,100,754
19/e • .r,...,4 „<r.t3075 2,662,872
Oat of the '•total rot' 948 for 1909,
'metrowere ne fewer than •036 wllicll
Aanenets. ea the Other sade
t wat r,, whra ile in 1910, of the to.
' MO:0er• of %craft of all kinds which
steed. the ' port, there were 719 -air,.
;at sea-goingve8sels. .
Governor-Gendral of Canada.
The Output of Canadian Mills• Last
Year Was Valueddat $78,662,806
There are in the neighborhood of
4,000 saw milts in Canada, big and
"' iitte. Thue of the cut last year.
as as %Moruews:
Cprince ite
kedar 20,.484,270
9u.glas fir 7,154,522
ern otic ._. - 4,2 4,808
7,7A8peotfieci ' 1,621,651
ted Pixie
ao11 pine
asswood ..
allow pine
ttk .
It is interesting to note therelative
position of the various -provinces in
the. ,production.4 of the different spe-
Cies. Following is a list of those that
,Stand first in the •.production of each
Species, with the percentage of the
`total cut: .
Ontario -First cut in white pine,
84.8' per cent.; hemlock, 53.6 per chip:;,
fired 'pine, 92.5 per cent., birch, 36.4
per cent.; Maple, 83.5 per cent.; bass-:,
rood,: 60.8 per ;cent.; elm, 95.5 per.
ee`nt.;` jack pine, 17.1 per cent.; ash,
1.4.er cent,; beech, 54.7 per cent.;
ioplar, 41.8 per cent.; oak, 79.5 per
rzent,;hickory, 97,6 per cent.; walnut;
8941 percent. -
• : , British . Columbia --First in Cut. of
ouglas. fir, 100 per cent.; cedar, 74.4
bier cent.; tamarack, 65.5 per cent.;
eller pine, 100 per cent.
Quebec-4Ffrst in cut of spruce, 31.8
e r cent.; balsam, 76,6 per cent. -
Prime 'Minister . of Canada
System in Canada
. aka the Dominion of Cabada develops
the beaks puSh their Services to every
": anirt of the country, and partieulariy
Vie following table shims tbe Milt-
1ber as branches in Operation.:
P ince. Edward Island .., 15
MearlY 4409,000,0(K/ Already Invested
In Power Plants
Waterpower has proOeedfal JO far in
Canaria: ,
Alberta . I 9,425,000, 81,700
British veltunbia: /8,393,090 284,215
Tfilanitena. ... 14,470,000 58,00e
836,000 26492
Ploys Scotia 370.500 2,187
Ontario . 84,265,100 801,286
EldweW 10,000 44
9uabee 70,872,200 563,156
.3198,6•4,800 21442,68.0
• In Ten -Years Orela FrOdwition Has
'InOreafied in Value. glty Per Cent..
The, cress of: Oanada,. last leer
100. •Of tlibramoupt grain crops made
••$330,0192,400; Thesse grain crops.
LIMN* an increase vklue
24 rev:Oat ebice190Q. Wheat, con-
cilitivated from: the Atlantie
devqted thisAass of crop in
the ':Proviiices :Saskatchewan, Man,
itsba; Ontario, Mall Alberta. Oats form
eating 'With bora and wheat: is -quite
largely used in the 'cereal food Judge
try, \BiirleY ie one of tne' grain erops
that 4a. raiddly, eoreing. the 'front.
Bye is one of the leaSt imPOrtant
the cereal :grains and Re preduction
lies; heined Ontarliks large
of Late (Wen bob* raisea.nn Ontario,
The precluctiOn et the huCkwheat crop •
levii Brunswick, very little being pro-
liteed •the.. Western Province's.
llixed grains. for both grain and tc(1-
.produetion are grown :exteneivelY
'a . Ontario end in Some seetions of
ioth the eastern,,and Western pro-
vinces. Flax le largely grown .in the
prairie. provinces, and 4e nsed ale ad •
linen. Southwestern. Ontario is the
section which precluceS Meet „the
bean crop; the connties of 1074 and
Elgin snpplying nearl7-•01M•halt Of all
the beans .grown in Canada,'
84,30`.7.9 likolasitaL The Te,tel Wine of ties Output In.
tato. bat 41S7 thees houses and (le
flat werelmuies loeated at 180 ran- The !..otal value tif all kinds of Vida
way sts,tiona, and having a combined
enPacity of 1,2,256.009 husked*, while
to -day that province has 707 slava feral
28,813,800 bushel'. Again ten years
*go the Northwest Territoriee had 111.1
elevIttOre arid 18 we -rehouses at 60
:station' and with a capacity of 3,1941
000 bushels, wbile Baskatcheakan has
90f elevators at 874 stations, with: a l
capacity of 26,465,000 bushels,, and 1.
Alberta, 249 elevators at 160 stations, 1,
with a. CapaCity of 8,764,000 bush se
The flat warabouSes. /taxa in tip
elevator accommodation in the Prairie
provinces, British Coismbla bas 'le-
Vators with a capacity of 444,000 bush.
els, and good prospects or large ter -
lanais at Vancouver for the. trana-
, shipment of grain to ocean-going yes-.
•Sels. • Other Western capacity includes
the- mill elevators between WinniPeg
7Pretnier of Manitoba
fishermen during the Year 1909;1910
Vasi ;28,089,199. Third Sum constitutes
reeerd,,beiag the highest yet reaela
ea duriag any otle Year in the bistery
of tbe Canadian fisheries. •It is $4,-
178,084 ahead of 1908-0a, and $149,
607 better thaa the total of 1905, WiliC11
WAD the best previbus record.
This/result was obtained hi a 110?
fleet ef 1,7a0 vessels, steamele
and tugs, 37 of which were engaged
fur -seal hunting, and 41,170 boats, the.
whole being manned by 68,66$ Mete.
la the *rhea Pr
1-1,101 Cirews Rapidly
l'hat the growth of the mitarel in-
dustry of Canada has bean rapid is
sb.own by the atatistics for the last
two decedes. The values of the out-
put la 1890 was $16,763,358; ten years
later, in 1900, It was neerly four times
me great, amOunting 164,429,988.
In 1910 the value' exceeded $105.000,-
000. Last yearat 'output represent* a
Production per capita 'of about $14.
The experts of raineral producte had a
value of -nearly $47,000,000. The fol-
lowing table, taken front a publication
of the Dozriinion Department of Minee,
;tree the relative otanding of the Pr9-
rov nee. • Valle. of total
Kora Scotia 414,064.584 12 2.8
NOW BrUnRWiehe 586,991
Mario , '273 Vi2
Alberta • 7478,448 7:50
Dritieh Columbia 24,547,817 21147
8105,440,M 10.0a
The iren and steel industry has
idaown a rapid growtb. The 'value of
Year waa ever $11,000,000, showing an
A characteristie of our mineral in
dustry le that of nuiguelleSS Seine
of the preducts., Sudbury. now pro-
duces 65 Or 70 per cent. of the world's
consumption of the Metal nickel, and
of this somewhat rate Material, '
CObalt id it metal with properties
like theee Of nickel. Canada
now (00431'0(31y .cantrole the cobalt
Market ThelCobalt camp is not only
the greatest producer of silver in the
tvorld, but it also leads in the produc-
tion of cobalt and aud is the
third largest produeer of nickel being
sitrpassed only bY and. tile
French. colony of NV„Sr Caledonia,:
•1?rernier of Nova scoila
Figures Showing the Marvellous' De-
During the ten years from 1900 to
1010 the Inerease railway Mileage
and Thunder Bay having room for ia Canada was 7,074 miles or 40' per
Number Callao
British Colunibin. G 4441)00
Alberta 249 • 8,764,50o
cent The total mileage Is. distributed
anlOng the various 'provinces .aa fol-
SesitateniiivArt 90.1 26 465 000 •
'aerminals) 15 „ 25,700,400
Vesta= transfer 24 20,535,000
Premier of, Ontario
.011.1i:LIVE STOCK
Improvement in AM Walesa Is Reflect-
ed In Statlatice
The. live stoek of Canada is valued
at $60000,000. During the year 1910
there Were imPerted bate Canada
8,227 pure-bred horaes. 0/ '.these,
1,985* work, of, the draft breeds, and
492 of the ligat. legged. sorts. Not
only in this WaY .1a -our 'horse • stock
rapidly improving, but it le, increas-
ing at a reasonably', rapid. •rate, the
gain-, from 1.907 to 191.0.belitg- nearly
The increop in 191Q in the *able
'zif cattle was ,$27,00Q,000. The ins -
Prevenient IS' reflected' in the inerease
of .trade et Toronto and `,Mentreal
*here the cattle marketed shOW de -
a better finish, The inereaSe Of trade,.
cattle at Toronto alone' hi1919 over
.1909 amdunted to adfroas bead.
T,he estimated increalIa the value
'of sheep In Canada in 1910 1909
torments. to 864,900. ,
lation of Canada 1910 Vag More
than 600,000 'Short ' Of 1907: was
also less thezi.in 1909 bY an estimated,
ttaluatiou of .$7,844,
the past tell years tdo'ne Abe ag-
gregatA cleatings for the leading cen-
tres of the" Dominion have expended
rematitablY, am the follOwhig figures
01 fr3!
Canadian Plants .Have DallyeCapi-
city of 100;000 Barrels
The flour milling Itaustry of Can -....t
ada is one of the oldest and most lin-
portant in ,the country. In point of
age it is Probably the Senior industry,
the first mill 'Of which there is any ,
*cord having been established 'at
Annapolis, NoVa Scotia, in 1607. From
thiS small ,beginning the trade has
growb until it „now' represents an ha -
vestment of.nearly $85,000,000 and an
animal turnover -of $65,000,000 to ro,-
000,000 worth of flour and
. The following' table, compiled • by
The Northwestern Miller of Minnea-
polis, shows the. present total milling
capacity daily of ., the Dotainion,
Saskatchewan' •
Alberta - -1;468,42
British Columbia • 1,132.28
The number of persons employed
Canadiaii railroads is aliout 116,000,
their total wages last year being aver
The railways of Canada on June 0
last caviled 4,071 locomotives, and
182,681 cars: Of theee nearly 129,000
...were freight gars. 4" The freight cars
have rieen rapidly numbers .since '
Prernier ?of Quebec .
the daye of car famines, some seven.
(weight years ago; In 1907 there were
107,000. in 1908 115 700; in 1909 there
w ere 117.700; and ha 1910, 119,700.. Of
the freiglit.cars. nearly 6,000 were box
oVer 12,qoo were coal cars.
Sasketcrhev./a,n 8;090 Olitallo is the chieeproducing. pro -
Alberta - • • 4,000 vine,e of Canada,. though the prontio•
British dOititn-lifs; 1,000. tion in the Oganagan. 'Valley, British
••=,-•=7-. Brithswick, and, the. Annapolis Valley
Is increasing rapidly,. The plantings.
in sorde sections of Ontarip are in,
creasing Very fast, The Suriey Re,
port'of the Department' of. Agriculture
for Northumberlind -CountY 1910
gives appreximatelY '11006 acree. /or
that county alone, tiny half of which
Ponta/ is perhaps the best known of
all and has ;made' her reputatien all
'within, the iast six yema. Seven Yeare
ago 'she produced practically po
class 'flint at all,,buttaisi .past deaSion
ehe,producee 'More than 35„,000.barreis
4 While* the enteral businega In agri-
cultural 'implements' in the Eaatero
PrOVInees haw remained pretty much
at the Seine Preportioa for. seveial
dreasea in, the Northwest Provinces,
;This is especially trun of Saskatclie-
toba :And AJherta. British Columbia
ION, L. liASZA Ft ' ;creases' ler some yeztrs;past. , Not only
ereaeed. Por huitence the former sea-
t bleder with the six-foot Cut has been
replaced With the nutcbine of eight -
foot cut. The sante Ionise true with
regard to harrows, thille, mowers; eto.
pig Increase In the InVestritents.
Slaughtering Plants
the groWth ,of the abattoir trade,
Canada, but it is eafe to Say that
ten years -at Toronto alaugliteringlasat
increased. in nettle from' about .30,006
to. 100,009, and la eheep from abOat
a5,000, to 120,000,, vadie the inveatinent,
la piante IMO growa from about a200,-;
000 to torisiderably Mere than eta,
Million ' dollars. In :Western Canada
the cattle trade bs.s' developed. entire,
ly ludepeadmatly of :the Past, There,
the moveinent' of cattle is in tWO
through Calgary and Edmonton, shix
east to IVIenitoba, Ontar10, and Great
Britain through Winnipeg; .The
nier is, of Connie, an matirely local
tradk but owing to the rapid devel-
opment of British,. Columbia it has
reaehed very' Important prOpOrtionir.
At *Calgary iihd Edmonton are shiner
erect probably 40,000 cattle per year,
EvErz Woman
gel swum 'know HON. J. O. HAZEN
Whirling Spray
'rho IHWitsittotat 4040, Dett
Electric Restorer for
irkereaso in Business in Automobiles,
It has 'been estimated that /or ,the
year .1911 Canadian workmen '
,build in the neighborhood' of 100,000
vehicles for the Ca,nadian market, and
from 8,006 to 10,000 for export. The
principal export trade' is with South
Africa, Argentine Republie, Australia,
New Zealand, Great Brititin and- the
'United States. The following 'are•the
figUres of the import and export trade,
duringthe past three years t
464L00,048. • 8589,240 11,816,164
48441 .01,345.
Estimated at 1400 Million cords
The forest area of Canada has been
go varionsily. estimated by experts that
the ordinary layman has difflealty, in
obtaining anything approaching ae-
curate information. Bulletin No. 9sof
the Forestry Branca of the , Depart -
inept of the Welder, Published a few`
mOnths ago, siva: '"The origihal
bered area, ()Miffing semi -treeless
lands, was approximately 1,900,000
Square miles; • 98,000 Square miles
have been- cleared for settlement, and
100p000 square talleo have been mit
bered area -Yet, uatouched of 1,,702,0d0
Square Miles. Mounting the aVerage
of 8,000, feet per square acre, there
should yet remain 8,279,000,000,90d
feet of Umber In Canada at a very
co,nservative estimate. On the con -
&err, the 'highest -estitnate that hoe
been made, that giv.en by the Ceti-
servatiOn Commissions , places the.
amount of eitw timber and pulpwood,
in Canada at 494,600ntillion feet,' end
1,100 million cords respectiVely,"
Ealletitlittire under the. Ontario Good
Roads .Act from 1902 to' the end of
1999 was as 'follows: 4,
roada purchased 153,897,08
Stitrary grants to town.'
shins, etc. 89,06f.02'
Noldhintectrithriiiiii;onilne'd 44.: 118'644'84
Children Cry
Lastl year, in the' fate 'of 5 netts'
rt.1.16$1:0h ettri Canna* Went Into the
. cresol and milk to the :value of
$1,941,009. Would. it be to the
v s tibia sin to have
to Vast
Children 017
FOR ritreffgrs
For Sale or Rent.
Teacher Wauted
Teaoher wan ted, for S. $, No 10 Chide -
rich Tp., dutlea to commence aft
miner holidaye, apply stating eert
acate, eabiry and experience
ationex reeelve up to .Tuly let 1911.,
Sec. Treasurer
Teacher %Wanted,
Teacher fora a /1To 4, POderich Town-
ship. State Salary, Wanted and
acecountS be paid laY. the
first of July or other*lite will' be piece.
ed, in other hands for eollection.
- Clinton that
For Sale
For sale. at once 200 acres Stanley
lot 29 and 36-,41fd: con., 3 miles from
Clinton; School 40 rods; 10(1 acres cul-
tivated, 22 acres bush, teat bay and
pesture, 10 acres alfalfa. . Large stone
house two story,. plate roof, cement
floor in cellar woodaslied, cistern tele-.
phone, 1 barn 85x50, windinill, pumper
waterworks, stabling for 40 head of
cattle. 9 horses, second barn56a40, hay
barn 5045. •
tf Box 50 Clinton
For Sale
Ville seven room brick house, Fully -
ace, Town water, Baru, .half acre, 25
Fruit trees, small' fruits etc.. Buron
A yearling heifer, red: and white
stray.ed fin my premises lot 28 con. 9,
May have same by proving property
and• paying charges. .
In the Township of Goderich, be'
offered to rent, one hundred' acres Of
the best qaality of pasture, A never
failing spring creek running through
tne place and a quanitity of shade
treef. Being part of lot 7.9, Maitland
con., being„1 half miles-from-Holmes-
ville and Ave frnni Clinton. Apply to.
or Phone 12 en.' 148, Holinesville, Ont
On Victoria Str.eet., clinton, good
dwelang„nonse.. consisting of seven
and soft water, g.odd Stable.% 1. acre
For. Sale
D. Junor's large house. barn' and
arden on Ontario Street. Clinton. •
APPIY At 'louse or Clinton P. O.
Log. Wanted.
aeflighest price' paid for Logs, tams.
Vood, Soft Eint..,Rock Elm and Rook
Farm tor $ale
ing•the toWn of Clinton for sale. Th,e
form"ls in a good.' etate of cultivation,
and has good. buildings, brick house,
bank barn, driving houSe. pig pen. etc,
oung orchard containing' all kinds of
mite and also small fruits. The farm
is well fenced and drained and is a
very desirable home. Pei fOrther
Particulars aPPIY on the premises or
Ford & Mae°
Vie are he*. selling Timothy seed at
$7.00 a bushel, Governinerit Standard.
We have also., on hand Alfalfa et
gum, Alsace $10; Red Clover from
68,50 to SQ.
We baye always on hand GOOile
Wheat, Pew Eariey and feed Cern at
Highest Market prices paid for all
ord & McLeod
Before placing yonr orders for
. your Stkatlall'a supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very befit geOdsi
'carried' In stock and sold at the
lowest possible prick
Orders may be left at Davin'
Countryman, Notary MIA*
uomunleelooer, ate.:
Issuer of Marriage Ideensis.
$Ruyeli St., Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer. "
frinancis,1 sod Real Hetet%
ale to. Toolivselti
towel attendee 3iork kidirooroo 0040
Zro, RIZ reit ROI Nois,
Tyr* *Airs wag of Ow, Corseistrebdi ifetel
Dr, Gann
001430,-Ontstrio Street, Canto; mot one es
front aepaet Moe miltte,v_777.00,1410'
ccoAdienz Oto., ogles and residence on .
Crown and midge Work a Specialty.;
Graduate Of .0..C.D.11.11 Chicago, and 11.1),D,13
Mies over O'NEI,L'S store.,
'moot as nainleas els nottaible•
Live atook and general Auctionmv
tam atom sales a• antansity, Okders at
brim BRA office, pr‘tortly attenasd
to. erras reasonable, Punters" eale nets
G. D. 111cTagEMrt M. D. BloTaggar
Al4E111113' RSTE"
a. General • finicking Dominos&
Drafta loaned. Interest aitosred on
-Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Team vrap•
.1. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vjee Pres., Goderich
Thos. E. Hays, 'SecaTreas., Seaforth
Jas; Conpelly, John •
Watf, Earloclq G. Dale Clinton; M,
Chesney, Sofoztly grans, Beech -
Seaforth; James-. Cumming, Eginondi
vale; j. W. Yea, Rohnesville
Payments mai 4he Made at Tozer 'di .
Brown's, Cliztton. or to- R. R. Cutt
.Fire, Life -and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
'Money to loan
Office bean Btreet, nextidonr :to New
Railway Tiine Table '
Lotalon.:11urtin and Bruce.
North . Passenger
9.40 5.48
10.08 .105
Londesboro 11.18 0.62
Seuth Passenger
Clinton. afyid.ott001014,60/41 150 4,23
Kippen 8:29 434
Buffalo and Goderich
West Passenger .
am pm pm pm
Mimes alibi... 4.1116 1.88 6 46
Beet Pantenger
A nolikblsolelr:Ariiitilaietirle*ar nib. These