HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-06-01, Page 61; RAGING II STOPPED AT ONCE ACRE aosslanaosmor • Men He Took "Fruit -Flies! Snat,a4v,f5ST., Sept., c3rd, I0ro- nyou certainly have the Greatest discovered. Headache Cureiuthe world.. Before "Ezuina-tives" came before the public, I suffered tortures front Heads aches ca.used by Stoinakii Dieorders. "One a your travellers called on ine when I had oue ef my raging head- aelies and hall lily head almost raw from. , external applicatiohs. "I bated to see any person coming bite the etore (much less 0. eonnuercial traveller) aed I told him very eurtly tua I had a headaclie but be insisted on my trying "reilitea-tivee". "I did so, with what I would call amazing results. They completely cured me and since then (neerly six years ago) it ia only necessary for me to take one occasionally to preserve'tne in my present good health. I we's 65 years old yesterday and have been a general store keeper at the above address for twenty- five years". _ As Mr. Pitt says "Fruit-a-tives" is the greatest headache cure in the world, Dealers everywhere leave "Fruitm- tives" at pc. a box, 6 for $2,eo or trial size, eac. or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa,. !MARKET REporiTs. eiverpool Whert Futures Close I-lighe • er, Chicago Lower—Live Stock ; —Latest Quotations. CHTCAGO. May 27.—Rains and cooler Bather west of the Missouri Illver made he wheat market easy. most of the •thne o -day, but in the last half hour a smart -ally occurred on account of renewed. mying for an interest whieh has been ,onspicuous of late in taking the •bull tide. Closing figures varied front a shade cwer than last night to 1.4c up. The lay's trading left corn unchanged to 5•110 town.; oats the same as 24 hours -pre- dous, or lAte to Vic decline, and provisions Rtrung out from 1214e down te a gain of The Liverpool market..cosecl to -day i4d higher than yesterday on wheat, and Micl higher on corn. . • . Winnipeg .Options. Close. Open. iligh. Low. Close.. .tmeat— . July ..... 954, P514 9:.% Oct. ::-...-..---S8, " tst., ...,SS:it May 3'4 3ef. Jot, :CIA :t71,o, :".71.4 PLEURO-PNElliONIA AND BRONCHITIS Brought Mrs. Baker to Death's Door. Father Morriscy's No. xo Saved Her. Of the many hundreds of cures wrought by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tome) few are more remarkable than the saving of the life of Mrs. John S. Baker, of 164 Rockland Road (North End), St. John,. .N.B. She wrote on Oct. 16, 1909: "I wish to express my gratitude that I am living to -day, saved from the grave by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic). This time last year I had pleuro -pneumo- • nia and bronchitis, and had been given up to die, and had my lungs eapped in the City Hospital, and never expected to walk again; I was continually getting worse every elas. I came home from the hospital, and everyone was watching fo me to die. I tried ev.erything but there seemed to be no cure for me. "I begantaking Father Morriscy's No. 10, and the second day I could eat without pain. I used 22 bottles of No. 10, as 1 wee rten down right into consumption, • and for six months was just p. shadow until I began' to use it, 0.nd now I am in good health, and surprised most of My • neighbors by gaining so quickly. I feel it my duty to publish it everywhere I can as with all I can say I cannot recommen • it too highly—it."was a life saver to me, and I am very thankful to recommend as it is worth all it is said," Father Morriscy's No. 10 is very different from the many preparations that simply • relieve a cough. Nd: 10. relieves the cause of the cough, restores the membranes of throat and lungs to aehealthy condition, and tones upethe whole system, giving strength to resist future attacks. ' Trial bottle 25o.—regulter size 50c. At your dealer's or from.Eather lelorrisey Medicine Co., Ltd., Chatham, N.B. 92 Sold and guaranteed btr,_ W. S. R. FlolmeS in Clinton: . 4. Imerromor•rarror.r.erm.• 31,-.•.3331..41 Ierenta Grain Market. . Wisest% fall. bushel 49 IA 80 Wheat, I all. cereal' Meet, semis. bushel Oa% bliShal 04* me I tisrleY. buebel 0 0 ;. Iluckwifeat. bushel *48 00 rese, buseel Ole CO ; Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, store lete le Oa 17 I* ! Butter separator, detry, lb19 00 2000 t Butter: creareera'. lb. rolls0 22 9 ' Butter, creamery, monde.— 022 Eats. new -laid Obeesea new, lb 0$3 0Blifs' Cbeese, lb. 0 14% 012 Honeycombs, dozen .... I 60 Honey, extracted. 11,. 0 10 011 Liverpool ;Grain and Produce. . LIVEltFOQL, Sr 24-Wheat—Spot steadY; No. 1. Northern Manitoba, 70 5 1.--2d; No. 3 Northern Manitoba, 74 a 1-21; futurealirm; May 7s, July Os 1.1d,. October Gs 0 144. Flot,r—Winter patents, 27s. Xaondon (Pacific coast), f5 5s to £6 10s. ' neef—nattra, India raess, 86s 31. Pork—Prime mese western, 76a 3d. nams—Short cat. 14 to 16 lbs., 59s. Bacon—Cumberlaml vat. 26 to 30 503,6d; short rib, 16 to 23 lbs., nominal; .clear bellies, 14 to 16 49s 6; long, cleav middles. light, 28 to 34 11,s., 52s; 'long, clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 50s; short, clear Lachu, 16 to 20 lbe., 47s; slaoulders, square, 11 to 11 lbs.. 419 • 6d Lard—Prime western, in tierces, 42a; *American relined, Ira pails, 420 0c1. •Cheese—Canadian tiniest white and. Cheese—Canadian fines: white and old, 62s; do, colored, In stock. Butter—, Finest American, no stook; good dm, Sas. Turnentine antrits, 49s. Rosin-- ' American, strained, 16s 9d, Petroleum 4—Refined, 6 1-2d. Linseed '011, 47t3 6d. Tallow—Australian" in London, 32s 94, Cotton seed ell—Hull refined, Spot .230,3d. •1. • ATTLE MARKETS. -82 r.#41011 • East Buffalo Cattle Market, • EAST BUFFALO, May 21.-A•Cattle— • ReeeiPts 25 head; market light;stead prime steers. $6.25 tu 26.40; batetter gradeS' $3 to $6.15. Calves --Receipts 150 head; market retire and steady; cull to choice, ;',5 to • Sheep and iambs—Receipts' 4000 head; fnarket slow; lambs and sheep, 25c loto. er; cholee lambs, 27 tr- $7.25; cull to f ale, 81 to $6,75; Yearlings, $5.50 to $5.75; sheep. 22 to $4 50. • Hogs—Receipts 2550; market active and 5e higher; YorkerS, 36.50. to $6 55; • stags, 24.25 to $4,75; pigs. $6:55; mixed; $6.50; heavy, 26,30 to $6.40; roughs, $5 U 25.50. I New York Liver Stock.. NEW YORK. May 2:.--Beeves—Re0eipts 1110; no trading; steady. •Calves—Recelpte • SO head; market steady; no prima stoCk un sale. • Sheep and lambs—Receipts 2100 head. Sheep steady; Iambs "2:k lower: wine lambs steady. Sheep. 23,75 to $4.8.5; culls, 22 to $3.50: lambs, $5.75 to $7.60: spring lambs, $7.50 to 29. Hogs-aRecelpts • 2100 head. Nominally firm. ' Chicago Live ,Stock. • • • CHICA,GO, May 27.—Cattle receiptt3 *estimated.at. 200:. market steady: bekves, $.16 to $6,85; -Texas steers. • 24.60 to $5,55; western steers, 2,4.80 to $;.60; stockers and feeders, $3.90 to $5.75; cows and heifers, VA to 25,75; calves'. $5.25 to 27.75. • • • Hogs—Recelpts estimated' at 6000; market ee to lee higner; light, 25.85 to $6,20; mixed, c$5.80 to $6.20; heavy: 45,60 to 26.12 1-2; roligh, .25.60 to $5.86; good to choice heavy, 25.80 to 2012. 1-2; pigs, $5.60 te: 26.10; bulk of sales, $6 to 26.15. Sheep—Recelpts estimated • at 7000; market weak;' native $3.50 to western, $3.75 t $5.10; ye.arlings, 34.75 to $5.65; lambs, native, $4,75 to $6.85; • Western, $5.05 to pat), • Bri• tish Cattle Markets.• . . LtIrutvdoL, 27.—john Rogers • & Co.. Liverpool. • cable to -day that trade Was slavi`Pbut firm, for cattle in • the Birkenhead market,: and, recent 'prices were unaltored, both States 'and Canadian steers nialting from, 12 1-2c to 130 per pound. The value of sheep. Was Well maintained; lambs making 14c and. wethera 11 1-20 to 12c Per pound. . • ' ,Cheese Market -I. • LONDON, Ont.,. May 27;•: -The offer- ings on the- London , Cheese board to- • day were as fellows: GoldCreek 26,, T: C, sold at 10lic DOoth; li.Vonbank j. 100, W.; Dunboyne 100, • T. C. nel rnorit and Vest Nissonri 205, .T.. C.; Tb'orndale 64, T. C.; Blanchard and Nissouti 100, T. C.; Pond Mills 70, T. C.; Glanarorth 12.5, T. • Sold atscatt; 850 boxeS oeffrcd said as above. • PERTH, May 21.—At the cheese board 1100 boardd ed anall sold ruling • prfee being 104. cents. • Died on Train. Montreal, 'May 29.c-W1iert the Inter colomal teein Pulled lido Montreal • yesterday it, brought the body of a youfig ntan•reamed Cita nehan, wtu had died on the traia' shertly after ;els: ne Quebec. Qhazunan on the Intereolonial and six molith-4 reete,ti.,1 i brain. • Alter ie iee bided" te send he. . • " tune Rospital ,.; clperata L his goal when heete-eiee andepaseed aee . . . , '0 • • . ' . : I rtni.ii.ne cook's CottOil Root Compoutia ••-ra,i0, The great 'Uterine Tonic; and — only sato .elfeetual :MoilthlY Regulator on avhich women dan depend; Sold, in three degrees of Strength—No. I, $t; No, 2. 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3, • for speCial cases, ,15 per beet, Sold • by All drug sts, or sent Jvopaf.t on receipt oC price. 41 Free pamphlet. Address : TI18 CeilltS5010Itiliell.,ToRONT3.09r. ( f ortn9rIat Windom. o ItyloOt. int; of. . come from errors in diet, from too little exercise or from the MIS - takes we commit without thinking of conseivences. These sicknesses may be slight at first, but they hinder Work, prevent advancement or bring depression and Spoil enjoyment. .What is worse, they lead to serious physical disorders if not checked in time; but you CAN check them essilyeand quickly. ' They will .140tto.itally yiellik To such a safe, simple, reliable fo.mily remedy as Beecham's rills. In every household where this famous and unequalled medicine is known, the whole aspect of life is Changed foe the 'better. neyeady to help yourself—and your family. --to overcome trouble and tO regain, and keep; good bodily. cenditiOns by having on hand for imitediate nse .11E IA rofteritaro,Ektehanes esto spettolle autteitte. Sot immittlatui tateltioz Prepired Only by Thomas Beeehsualit. Helens, lainershire, Beal:mar •-Reid everYwhere la Canada sad IL S. Amore*. la buss 25 owns. - • WIZ UMW* HS kW. Cettinje, Montenegro. May 29.—It reported that Turkey ,has• made an unsatiefectory reply to the Russiau , flute warning Turkey that the ecomen- tration of Turkish troops Wong tha Montenegrin truntier, since the .Alba- nian outbreak, conetitutes a serious , menace to peace. This reply is said to be in effect ' that there is ne, intention on the part •of Turkey to attack Montenegie, pro- vided that county abstains from as4 sisting the Albanian insurgents, closes her frontiers to refugees and eeMovee the refugees who alreadyhave groseed the frontiers to the interior of Monte: negrn. Trial In September: ' Los Angeles, May 20.-1Xotion of attorneys for J. J. McNamara and his brother, J.B. McNamara, charged with murder by the u.Se of dynamite for a continuance of the time to enter pleas to the charges from .1 nue 1 to 'Tidy .6. was granted Saturday. The defence declared there was no possibility of a trial before Septem- ber. Was Terribly Afilictsi With LameBack- CouldNot Sweep The Floor; It is hard to do house work with a weak and aching back. Backache comes from:side kidneyee and whet a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause. But they can't help it. If more work is put on them than they can stand it is pot to be wondered that they get out of order. Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific for lame, weak or aching backs and for all kidney troubles, Mrs, Napoleon Larmour. Smith's Falls, Ont., writes:—"I take pleasure in writ% ing you stating the benefit thaw, received by using Domani Kidney Pills. About a year ago I was terribly afflicted with lame back, and was so bad I could not even sweep eny own floor. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which X did, and with the greatest benefit. I'ouly used three boxes and I ana as well as ever: highly recommend these pills to any sufferer from lanie back and kidney trouble," . Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt, of price by The T. Mil- burn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. . When Ordering direct specify "Doan's." When approach:,.0; .hey encountered a ikith: 41i •Inie ele ^ebele. The leadiee II ot tee ;rain pulled up and the tel”ral troops iiimounted. After a sharp engage - tient the federals ter:meets' in:nee:at- mg the insurgents. wne retired, leave :ng on the tield teirty dead, their standards and e ben .eontainiug 1,000- ees0s. The, 'federal tnieee. wh!ell were atm Awn& weisteroa t h l'o`f:men wounded, )110 probably fatally. General Diaz awl his son. Cd. Por. irio Diaz, on arrivine, at the seen e of :he engage111911t, eleeventled feed their ear and tools part in the fray. The nt-Preeldent eeperionced eouie dilil- .nilt,v itt, preventille hie troops trein pureeing .the revoltitieniets. The general wae rt,ceived here with the • greatest , respect. Ile plans to leave Vera Cruz tar Europe on May 34. No definite arraneeinents have been deeidett .on us yetregarding; his future course ot actien. To Have New Stations, • Kingston, May 29. -:-Dr. Ityan, chairmari ed the railway committee of the Boardv'of Trade, has just yeeeived •plans for the ptonosed new passenger station for the Grand Trunk .and also the new freight station. The plans call for thereover oj the present city station and freight sheds. The •stblion will be built.= the pres- ent site, one storey "high and in the preveiling style of modern railwey sta.- tione., The new freight station will: be ereeted on the old hay market. • The C.P.R. will be negotiated with for -the purchase of land, in: order to • carry out the plans of,. the Grand. Trunk: ' • • June 3 a. Legal Ho:iday. Ottawtt, May 29.—June 3 is a legal •holiday all over Canada. Government officee, banks, etc.. will chest. ' Observanee by the general public of cotirse, optional. . SHE HAD CONSOMPTION .„.Dr: Wood's Norway Pine ',Syrup Cured ,Fiee; Weighed 135 PoundsL- • Now Weighs 112.. Mrs. Charles McDermott, Bathurst, 'N.B., writes: , thought I- would write and let you know the benefit I have received through the use of Dr: Wood's Norway Pine ,Syrup. Three' years ago I had consumption. 1 had three doctors attending me and they were very much alarmed about my condition. I was so • weak and miserable I could not do tray housework. While looking through your B.B.B. alnianac I Saw that Dr. Wood's Norway Pirie Syrup was goad for weak lungs, so I got a bottle at the drug store, end after taking ten battles I was com- pletely cured. .At that time I weighed 135 pounds and now weigh 172, a gain of 37 pounds in three years. I now keep it ' in thct house all the time and would -not be without it for anything, as I owe me life to it." . :.Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup don - tains the hing healing virtues of the Norway pine tree, -which, combined With other absorbent, expectoe ant and soothing medicines, makes it without a doubt the best remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis and alt throat and lung troubles. Price 25 cents at all dealers. Beware of imitation. The genuine is numufae- tured only by the T. Milburtteo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ' WAYLAID TRAIN, . insurrectos Made a Futile Attack on • PI -President 'Diaz. Vera Cruz, May 29.—While escort - ng ex -President Diaz from the Mexi- :an capital to Vera Cruz on Friday the :federal troops eng,agtid a large .:ored of rebels. The troops were successful ire beat- . .ng off the insurrectos, who retreated, ,eaving behind thirty dead. General Diaz left the train and game orders to his soldiers during the battle. General Diaz and his pit0Y1 con- sisting of Madanle Diaz, Col: Porfirio Diaz and the latter's family, left Mex. reck City on a special train, copposed )f three seetions. The first seeded carried the Elev., ?nth Regiment of Infantry, The ?reg. iential party Wria in the second sec - den, which, Was f ollowed closely. by the thirds also earrviert troons. ' 'Every Woman IntetEtted asci slosuld know shout Nut v01t-4,4M MARVEL Whirling Spree The 1114Y VnginI Syrings. Bect —Most csiovenleut. It tlOanst4 .Inttantir. Ask yet* druzglst frj1..4o. the -,,,,nert supply WE MARI, ga,, wept Au tshst., bet Seititt 461, illatteMeid bsuk.,-4S It Wyse riffle, Wars end 4 i01111 lowIttoti to bidet. a=114hturorvircItimr.htio., " WOODBINE CLOSING. Zeus Wins King Edward Hotel Cup Iri Reeord Time. Woodbine, May 29.—The last day of the meeting, of „the Ontario Jockey Club closed on Saturday. The results were; First race. York purse, tor three - Year -olds and up, selling, $500 added, aix ferlongs—Clarrillona 1st Vree- tiuiji, 2nd; Sybil, 3rd - Time. Second race, Nimrod Welter Plate, selling, $500 added, for four -year-olds and up, seven furlongs, gentlemen riders—Martin Doyle, 1st; Salvolatile, 2nd; Sight, 3rd' Time, 1.29 4-5. Third race, Hopeful purse, $500 added, for tweey-ear-olds, five furlongs --Puggins, lst; Little Pal, 2ed; Senex, 3r4. Time, Loi. 1-5, Fourth race, King Edward Hotel 'Gold Cup,. $1,500 added, for three -year- -olds ahd up, 11-4 miles—Zeus, 1st; Plate Glass, 2nd. Time, 2,04 1-5. C a Fp i, tsht e erpaleeeel aSSter7$t1,112040111adadYedli,allfrindri-- Year-olds and up, about. 2 1-2 miles— Steve Lane, lst.; Gild, 2nd; Jitentsu, erd. Time, 5.22. . Sixth race, William Hendrie Mem- orial Handicap, horses foaled in Oarl, ada, 81,000 ridded; 1 anile, 3 -year-olds and up—St. Bass, lst; Caper Sauce, 2re1; Jane Shore, 3rd, Time, 1.42 3-5. Seventh race, Consolation Handi- cap, selling, $500 added, 31ear-olds and up, 11-16 miles—Idleweiss, est; Lawton Wiggins, 2nd; Sandrian, 3rd.. Time, 1,47 2-5. ' see and whose muse was totally tie. stroyed. Re had to be carried out of his house on a stretcher. There were many .extiting scenes during the progress of the fire, there being a hurried shift among the real. dents in the immediate vicinity, and. whose houses seemed o.t ono time throated to destruction. FIRST PART DONE. •France Reaches Fez In Work Of Open- ' Ing Trade Route. Paris; eney 29.—(N. - Y. Tribn'ne Ca- ble.)—he first and easieet portion of the French task in Morocco is accom- plished by the arrival at Fee ot Gen. 'Xho Government is fully• alive to the 'absolute neceeeity eneom- • Pleting ina thorough and eermauent. • Manner the tr,pie worl; of eeteblishe ing in Morocco the military ;supremacy of the. Sultan, the" integrity' ot his ter- ritory and the oven door to the Potg- niiice of all nations. • The measures decided on to aetora= plish these • throe mulls' are to give carte blanche to Col. Manein, the French thetrnetor of. the " ''Soltanes army with the 0.1 of a corps of French officers and to maintain IR secteeity two: military and trade ,routes of coin- ainnication with leez„ one between Fez and the, Atlantic- and the other be- tween Fez and .Algeria, via TaZa. Three- efficient 1VIOroecen armies. un- der French "'Officer instructors, are to be centered .at Fez, at Taza, end . at Meknes foe th4 first tinoi in history to reelly govern Ina country and .keep it Tillhecireeriith • GoVernment is deter- . mined Mit to withdraw its present ar- mies of Occupation until this is, ac- complished. '- is now a summer as well as a wipter remedy. It has the same invigorating and strength -producing ef- fect in summer as in winter. Try it in a little cold 'milk or water. • • • ALL DRUGGISTS NA, r .takzo44,, 4dts A - Veteran Railroader, 1 Stratford, May 29.—Peter ,Endcox, a veteran railroader, died suddenly here Sateaday- of kidney trouble. He was one of the best' known ;conductor:e- on the Grand trunk and retired -at 'tile age of 67, three years ago. QUEBEC HAS BIG FIRE Ancient Capital Suffers ‘. Loss of a QuartereMillion: Spring/tilt Strike Ends. •a May 28.—The long and bit- terly fought strike at the coal mines was ended Saturday after- noon When the men adopted •the re - ,port .of • the systepa committee. The • points ot the agreement under which the strike is brought to an -bled, as adoptedat the meeting of the nainers in Springhill Saturday, are as follows: 1. The men te be taken back as...soon as places eon be found for them, the eompany sayiug it hopes to find em- ployment in 45 days for a majority of the men. 2. The schedule for mechanics is to remain with no reductiOns of the rates before the strike. • 3. The Longley Board's fine, that is ,the docking system, iS to govern. •, 4. Coal cutters are to get ten per cent. less than the rate paid before the strike, fair consideration to be al- lowed to enable a man to earn • an average wage where ehanging condi- tions in coal make that necessary. onflegratian•Begins In it Roller Rink ' and Lasts From Noon SeturdaY Un- til Sunday Morning; On CineOcca- • sron Threatening Bueinesd Centre . ' of.City ‘. DestruCtion—Factorids Burned. Qdebec, May 29.—It was nine o'eltick Sunday morning when ,the '"All out" was sounded fur a fire which broke out in St. Roch shortly after noon • Saturday, Lind lyhich for a time th.reat- ened a larke section of that portion • of the city and lodlted possible to de- velop into a general' conflagration. About e. quarter of a million of dam- age waa -Wrought .by,. the -fire, among the buildirigs destroyed being a couple of large and a number of smaller factories. • , " • The fire was •one of the: fiercest which the kcal life -fighters have been °ailed *upon to (ace for a. long "time. breaking out in in roller rink on Notre Dame. -des Agnes street; the blaze worked, itself. into thd Carelbe Oar- riage factory on - Derchester 'street, just around the corner.- Here the full force of the fire raged, the flames be- ing fierce and the whole building speedily becoming o'rhoss of 'flame. The firemen of' No. 3 arid 5 stations altrio,st opposite- the roller rink, had just returned from a run ter a e.himney fire in their section, and were deen- ing np weir wagons, when the. new fire was discovered.- Captain' Louis Valbot at once sounded a double alarm and the, firemen were quickly pn the ,spot. There was, however, some trou- ble with the Water pressure, and, for 'tt,. tiltic the 'firemen cettld not get sufli-" dent force to tope with the fiarees. • A, general alarm was then out in. and the whole brigade assembled: The proposition winch confronted' them was a eeribus dne. The fire had gain- • ed such headway and was raging so .fiercely that it looked as if another disastrous conflagration was in %ight. The firemen did everything possible to eonfine the flames to the building in which the blaze had .declared but this was impossible, and the fire leaped across the street and caught the Dominion Corset Co.' • through which the fire swept with a Wee that could not be stopped. At, this juneture, it looked as If the , Vinihr°nie. se. °don of the city was fated to A desperate attempt was made to save the great torset and box factory of the Dominion,ComPank, but it was too late and the flames Swept through the upper storeys and "wrecked the whole interior of the building. The firemen, however, managed to check the -fire here and prevented the flames from silreading further. • Bight families were burned out, in addition to the two factories and the • roller rink. ' Among the houses burned was one occupied by the chief ot the fire bri. Rade. Vitzbaelc. who is now seriousIv es, ese. ehe . • • • • 4,1. •••••, vor• .. • "e 1314 "Mt • iy meeh better than ordinary phyeles, While thoroughly effeCtive, they %lever, goy .. realeor caur,e n waoa, and never loaa their effectiveneee. One of the 1,feet ext t:as NA-DRU-Cci. 237. a bon.. If your drog,,,,,izt has not yet stockesti them, send 25e. anti we 'wItinrnil thsm. a National Drug end Chemical Company of Cesseda, Lhnited. - • • Montrod. ,-,;.,=a-444.,...!..-esesz,,=r • should be oppreb.ended. All etorms during 'the last half of June will "be OrratiO itt character,-widl =Nee in elirections out of the ;ordinary, of- ten doubling badc over tueir tracks after they have supposedly passed off to the, east. We believe there be too much rain ill linne, for best agrIcultural interests, except • Netv England States and the ease trelne southern and ehoutlievetatern sections. A marked seismic period • is 'Central on the 26th, covering the 23rd to 29th. • With Every Bag of flour There 'Goes A 'Guarantee That guarantee means• that I believe creara of theWest to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if 'A. fail § to rise 'km (Weal give extra , satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back. your money on return of the unused portion of .the bag. Cre tWest Flour the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread, • If people will fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they • ' have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We are sure of it. •• The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto • ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. President 105 For Sale by • Thrown • lnto Carriage Gear. BACOM & SMYTH, Clinton. Woodstock, May 29.—Robert 'Denby of Muir received painfal injuries while driVing in the city yesterday warning. The 'king bolt of his buggy broke and • ,he was thrown into the., carriage ge.ar, .and when the- horae took fright and. ran away, he was dragged a coxiieler- able distance. A badly -broken should- er and many bruises eesulted. -*ISE WEAVIIER FOR JUNE. " Storni period. covers first 6 days of June. The crisis, of these storms wi!..1 fall on and -ionelling-thci,. 4th. - and ,5th. A ldw barometer, high temperature a.nd humidity may be put clown, as foreshading severe stornas at this time,. Rising barom- eter and change .to fair and, 'Much weoblertweather wil1:1 pass eastr; wardly over the country front the 6th to 9th.. - Regular storm' period extends from the 1.,th to :the 17th: Daily thunder 'storms' with an dereess of eleetrieity,Wind, rain and ITEM, be expected. Tornadoes may -" be e looked for: Chinee, to very much cooler 'will follow about 'the Vith to A 'reactionary Storm Period . will make itself eeverelyfelt on 1. and touching the 20th, 21st' aneel. 22nd. This Derhad fs at the ekaet centre of the sunun.er eolstiee and great elec- • tricairnanifestations will mark tnis period, and' in al .this pard...of the month wemay look fOrari eX'c69§ of • xiliigAgiliti.it.neslinugarl.Iste:mrid- the heavens, in,. early evenings and 'through the period is central ' on the 26th,'X11 every' prolability this 'will prove one o fthe inoSt de- cided periods of disturbance uring this month. The baroneeter should be tensulted, with care as We enter this period, and if it falleth Very low reading—a result to be expect- ed—stornes of violent character H. LIVENS, Seaferth. " JOHN 1)ENROLIVIs evni ussratentens ERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will'eure you and make a man of . .you, 'Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulhers heal up; the nerves become, strongas steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become Ur:elle, the • Me full and clear, energy returns to the body, .and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more :vital waste from the system. Yorfeel yourself a man and know marriage-eannotate.a.failure. Don't let quacks . and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. • • frfaig- NO NAMES USED WITHOUTWRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter n. Summers relates his experience: was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay 18 to indiscretion and excesses in youth. 1 became very .despondent and didn't care whether I worked or nob. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me—my back -ached, had, pains in the back of my heed, bands and feet were • cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky,) eyes blurred, hair • loose, memory pooreta Numbness in • the fingers set in and the doctor told me • bisrt. eci tomoaknyallnkiraticsiaossf was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy aarnoadlres tan electrictelt for three pmheeyfdiseleaeireinaedussP, wore , months; but received little benefit. I BEFORE TREATMENT Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in Arm. TREATMENT " doctors, Like a drowning man I commenced the Now Illoonon Toe:Amor. and it • saved my life. The improvement was like magic—I could feel the vigor going,through and continue to do so. . . • • the nervas. I was mired mentally and physically, I have sent Oman many. patients '• • CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ,. We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS; NRVOUS DEBILITY,BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND B ODER DISEASES and allniseatiorr- peculiar to Men. • ' ' CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. If unable to call write fora Question : Blank for Homo Treatment. Rs.KEN.NEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan. Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, lettersion CgrardeaspinottebnecaedaepTtd NOTICE•toour 1.eseassexesimeteseira /nett in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see es personally 'call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no potients itt Our Windsor offices • Whigii are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows:'• DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windser, 014; • ,44rite for our private address.• • . . . e Pay Your ruggist For your first 50p, bottle of Psychine It Itts only been within recent yeare that we have come to really —know -about the white corpuscles of the blood or the phagocytes and What their function is. • 3,3 That they are the policemen or scavengers of the body. • Devouring every disease germ that ''enters the -body when they are strong enough or la sufficient numbers. Or being devoured he turn by these disease geritts • when Inferior • in strength. tt has °illy been within the last feW years that seientists have found out • that certain herbs strengthen and In, Create these White torPuticleS, or liodfly scavengers. * ;1 And these herbs largely compose Psychine. Vor thirty' Years Sychine luta been strengthening and increatsliag the *bite, (PRONOUNCED . • YOU GET IT FRE • And we lave- received 'hundreds of thousands .of unsolicited testimonials. All doe to thl .innivellous 'power of strengthening and increasing the white corpueelee of the blood. • ulere are the diseases 112 the treat- ment of which reychine is indicated. Ilere are the diseases of which Psy- chine haa. cured many thousand eageS TA Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhages Sore Throat • Anaemia Veinal° Weakness Indigesticin ItionchialCoughs • Weak Lungs Weak Voice Spring Weakness Karly.Decline . CattuthalAfreetions • Catarrh of %%maw* Poor Appetite , • InightSwesta ChUlsand Fetrin'a Obetittate010gha BIeciitessneossincl lorsneltieered Norma Troable3 ThesPfulaIa... kreffeettl. of Plearlse, pneumonia and • La Gripps. •110Wo we don't ask YOU to take our word for the tremendously beneficial' offoet of FiSychitte. Pill out the coupon belOW§ mail it 1,0 Us 111141 we'll Sive Your drily:gist ea order (for widen' we,, '150,etuitig17 hthibotttle regtth4of Paryertinetall rorice)bestiovrisil iOtt thia of CO4tao • NiteWilltiMiOttbtAiitf WY and distgl. corpuscles of the' blood, Foi thirt7 Yearil &flyable has been building up ertirdOwil vitality, curing 0104' a apiXtrOnttl &Odom; diseases. We lots* sold. =Mons of bottle* ot Pr/thins that oleo. NV. Iwo oolitt MOM& Of thOtt . UlanUlt Of Us* • sands of these 50 -cent bottles e .of Park ° chine. And We de'. •that...te. show 'our entire • confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. • A confidence that at been based �a • our 30 yearsi‘. experience with this splendid' preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands' of cures it 'has made. • t. •• COUPON No. 2r To the Or. .r, A. 'SLOpUed, Lei. 19e10 Spadini). Ave., Toronto. a .fteet your Offer tel try a400. bottle of Psythine (pronounced Ed -keen) ab your :Aponte,. / have not httd a 50o. beUle Of Poyeldne Under this plan. Kindly adviee my druggist to deliver thla bottle terae. • /YrY Nan* 41.4441.+411 '66.1441.46444.44i11,4.* 1,40t, • egret and etunitier.... ,...***41,1144.114.0 Dttigidat'hitthie.a...,..a.osiosasa titreettufa :10 thietottponisuoistaitfogisoo.bottle, of PsynninaltoraWitedtxheatag / mn,boenteilnihet0 tbe • aoobott6.0'a6efrom glSdentgletanditrettn tOrleWretit yeu. TWO tillhe Mar be WttbcItawsk aS rtinte **barb nate& 1%nd 00111)011. 4, str