The Clinton New Era, 1911-05-18, Page 9.1 I � f. . . � 51 . ­ , '.. r V_ '. , . "" _0 :% �, .1 . , -111- ____1 - - - �1- I � 1-1 --- I � ­ I I "Im -- ­__ . . I . -o ,7'�, , , , .? i .� 4, � ,.# � - ,I , - I$* � 11 t� . & �. .. 14� 1 � I N - - - Q __ ___ ot 1 __2 - . . . . . ; . -1 , boo � � i1i -to me Z , . , � - - ­_ _�' _. , i - A, 1110* horw 410wo 'I �, a oat of tho -_1 I—— -111 ­­­.___ ___.__.__ - ___I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWI I ftT sutire POP , - 11"W"M N - . t '. .1 V_ � " I 0 . oft 14W the *VWW Afts of , , � ths bitu P.l#XA ' - - ­ I I . I . 9104*w4p "t 1111100"M 111111000110 h�v'rxy I .1 I . az be excused it, so fxr, we ..... ,..�1,1111;li"(";I?*IR,ii'liplolli;11.1414;f,ou*"Wllwi, . , . . . tA lum I an mMV* ohrook we ; ect trouble within those � . � I I . I Mits ay be torgiven.4 we � . . . � I . MXW antl"Ptio; 0"" peft �: exerrmd our briaginguou . 11 ­ . I I , � � I 11 :� � 1) mul onarUng umn as aPpfled- . Qu our 16Uow-subi-ects; may we plead . � . . I - . . � IL that is Zam-Buk. Itonmw0w tha4 in mum of our,development we I �, ""I = �� . home debated the pretenworts and :7�_�-- - . ­ -, __. "_ ,_�­�. I I 'For Infunto-and0hildren. * '.T � � � � 000� - I I - I—— - . � 11 ".. � �, . - - - It Is PUNI&Y hoto-no mbmw Cooled tile imagination of king*. . ­ I � - - . 1-1 - .1 � � 1. . - I Churobes, armi,es, mobs, *ad their - W-4 V """', "", �, -, AST RIA -I- 11.,8 0 , I 11 ___.4�. - ___�. V . � - . .. t, �!,*) I I ­ I '" � I in . 11 I I .. I I - I � . . . . . . .... I'll, I , RF4 FOR SKIN INJURIES,& DiS polows, no Animal: late. P"mr : I leaders? Wo'cannot fore"a what the v 0� - . . ! � ; , . I . I I . EASVS.' And purft oomb I InW I future may send WitiA us, but, re- I ` �1� I . Th K' d You Han ' ."_ 1�. . �e .1 . I I I i__ � AM *wWstx.RjW st#ms,qAV st $00, 40 &OX. membeTing who and what our fathere � A tl 11 ­it .,A I . MEL . I were, a I ad trusting inatirwts, ,we Way . I . 'a ", -, - , -.1 � ­­­­ -_ .1 I I I I I I 11.1 �, ,4 .�t, "W; � I ­­, -1 � face that ftture, it not with �;% .light 1% Awns Bought 11 . ­­ ....I., . - I I.., - � I . � I I �­___ ­ I �i I .­ I ­". � L . , - 7,o,-,f.it-.Iz'Pr.-,,),.%ratioararAs 4 1, I - L ---i-1 N - . 0401100111111111 . � I . � --%a 11we Tft_.�_ ----------- -1-5--. I � - .1 �;_____ I I " heat, at lenist with a Steady Ono." � - I � ___ __,­____­ ____ . '027 ,daildnegula- 0. . , � . 1. � -q_- � ,.-,..-. ­ - *0 � � .91failafin"'d ,dL ' � � ­' I .. KP4A &"it, $Aort &,vvr$e.,;. *).,jae cowtnei�,- 1111tiols naa ruu a go0a roaQu Xmi , "When tbe,tbougUt fluilly came to Fingers and forks. tw,,-,,tl,zsG=t�A-a,mti-3--�e,�,,�-of �4 Bears the . I I , ­ -_ . -11 � * . I 11� 1; I - fl�- . 'i 01111 club Of some live colautry town teaching Abe farmers by the oblect na It did not tap us long to arrauge , ' The eat Afghans Still eat tttf& I I -2 __ . .. . (11 ... : 'All - ,_ V .. I I I ' � food wit their b4nds, and from ss. ! , r i I . . I I I .... �. I... t 4% A ft Jolus wItU the formers, to pfovide q Jesvion, how tb6.v can have b4r4 roads things and to plan to use our little 1; I . 4- . � -- ­-�:Z _�*�� ,� 30 . ' - . I I laee fo - atin I c � We story told by Rev. Edward Gill.14t, IM . M 1_147=E� -1 , I . I p . r meetings. Wilerevor suilll- V,,e. year arouxid. ,The special traill"Is porch as an opext air e gP4 e . ,- , �1' .1 U. - ar, but tb.qt IS one. of the - ., old tab , M.A., in his book, "Heroes of Modorri 11 - I � I 11 8ignalture '.. � ,. FIF I �� I W. ! r �. AM- "'. olout Interest to sh6wa tho collPge tur gpectacul. rea had all . le with a top about India," It may' be Inferred that the , , 10. - 0 � . . 11 I . I womolesUde5fl %Chmrrul . I , . - I k'li : 1 ... Ot , 41shea a eo.rps,lot instructors. TbosR sons for Its SUcCQsS. it reaches more four feet square which we used for A . ,ilstom is kept up because of Soma : uessandH� '1� on . . � . _ . , -, - . ., I � .. ­ I . ­ . � than I Auer table, ,but could never have it. 06;ntnins neiiiLzr " �,��: - 11 Wal short cocreca, usually last but one people to a given length of time , private inle'digerift, coxi4wrriang Qcoi- juin,'Morplilao uor Mcvd. 12 01, . I . .. V., TUI FARM week. The work given Is much like till other methods of agrricultural ex- 1 ,with doilies, -for It was nothing but dentil dishwasbaug. Mr. Gilliat re� , 4 . I . I4 tension togetber. in lown, last winter i pine, boardg. JPior Serving tables we mem4ers an Afghan missionary telling r OT,94-amovuc- . , I I . I e . '. . . t . . � ��j� . I . .4. . . � . . o three week$' worU, with sp;,cial 6aills , used two oId7 tables about lb PY 06 the Rarro,47 geh6ol boys howbe wax _____--W..� �.;,., � a � . I � I � . I . � � , � tAough. Of course, thero Is not As much Opreqd the gospol of corn testing to, I Inclibs, vilce dining, in the teEt of an Afgh-an . .1 ��,. , 4V,*,!-BV11,igiIi . "How we reveled In that little 1() by ablef And could not forbear remark. ,=Q,.7=, 4t., . . I . , 1-1 I.. _ ,g , the 'Coll,oge equipmqut to work with, Every stu- � , ,r_ -;,o re alltz?_51 9.1 " I I I . . wore. than ZQ,VW falrWors. . . . , , *` I 6 I . � dent Is oblIgefl ,to bring ten 4mra of I . . 0 ng that in Burope it was thought . I W.At� xml- . I. . . I . I � 12 porch! Aix Welock Is ui breakfast, I . E . , I � . �'. �.. "I 1W.-thp, Fe'rMor. ... . corn for claos w,ork. Stock Is, obtain- I . -1 I ­ bouri and words. eanno .1xPreSS the. rather a dirty habit to put 6xigers iu ,4U.'& -oro + I .. ,1-7 � I I I I . ­ .*% - � . I. : t ( the dish, The chief looked up, ' RveA Im sako - - It �, . I , . � . . oid from local breeders, The Iowa Agri- . I ,&R.a &,-e. # . .11 - I �. . � . . I , I 1 exhilaration of all ,outdoor meal At "We in Afghanistan think it a very, & � ��'$ 1 In , ­ . � .eq)he. 1, � I c. V. ORZO(olky. � cultural college last winter. sent out a FIR14LIANCY. I lie birds are singing lu R1 1;1r.1=*XW&,0 . . "". . , 11� I \ � - . i.�� , , . I I that time. T _dIrty habit to, use forki,"' he mid' I -M Xb�d .; . , � , I . �Sy I . , , , I . car loaded with some of.the best of illiant men like tQ. h ev4y tree, anti All nature seems bur$t-' smiling , c.-Ontemptuously, �`Ibecaus;. #.' ,��, . I �c, . 1. 1. i I . I . I Br I ' I I i'd, ,rm - I , : '14 , the college. stocl� and corn to - Short - ' Ing with Jay. Many 0- time have 1 Oat when you put' your fingers in your olavyr�o,;.t w(w. . !��fl , . . . - , . . 1. � � ! ,W.Am .,,. - courses in that state, The ,Jocal short their belpmaltes'brI11140t Women Swit f . . - � 1. I r' ,� 5 . I "A :; � 14 . , prIpAn Prosa Ai.W - T , arriage is Com- 1 down to breakfast with A heavy SbaWIr mouth they are your o Ingers, but . I Use , lcopyru*-4�0,1'0141:104.4 ,be essence of in . -- f6r corstl,qa� �:�', I . , . . I , couryes are very, popular and reach. J panionslitp, and the woman YOM, over my shoulders and., a light Wrap when,you..,put a 19TIC in, how in f&,tReffled. je. ,,",r, 11 I , . any, Apex .� I .. fioll,�SoUrStolij. .,Ch,D1C. ;, 4' ' agrIculturaI colleges,. the' in farulers, who cannot get away I I people may have i�ped that fork be.. ,rrb( C1 I ;" - 1, 11 A I " , , , P , , face across the Coffee 4 1 over my head, all eptem- I , .., OT !T I , any' , .YU every 0 whenlate S ?" . , , , JP 11, ecoodpry ticil the from home 6r more than a few days . fbre . NVOMIS,COTI""Utsiops,l,-CN.-""�isl�t- �, I I . il.ols - and t I musi be both . 1 'her comes and.we are forced In4OOr$ 1, 1. - , 12 1 � ' c doing a grea I morning for years - � I ;1 .; a .' Tural sohoolsa I � ness andLos, 5 09�'SIEA.V- ­ I b - . I'll . r I at a time, . . able to appreciate your Jokes and it breaks our hearts to give up. our � , " ��,,, I , 0- , � 0 F ever . deal to educate the farmers I I - . Football. . . -,. - ;, � - . . I 1. , � I . ) One of the oldest means fQrf ts:kIni; I to sympathize witit your aspira- jw.00dgy Surt I . Tho ganid of football is said to fi TAC sinul P111A a . �3� 1 1 , . ounilfugs and be Shut !a 1. r, r .�� the future, To educate the farmers 'Information to the -.,ftriners 14 the , I � : , �ve , p Si1nature ol! �� . , . A I � 111� I . iot the pres.,eut'some Other system Is farmer$, Institute., - in stray actually or, er9e.e.ebase i ' ,4A green.crex rag covers the floor ....... . "I I 14" � , ' , 7 1 tions, If this is not so the man i tt.v four walls of 4 dining room orighiatexl' witli the'euily Celtic in', % . , , , , , , .616;;ae n This Is exceptional w. i habitants e. England.. T� I-, C",tain. , �'�, . U d . I , � _ i� , .11 1. 1 - -i 971 1-P ,', I '. 41 . h fi�,, tT 11'fi, v �, 13c,�_ Gq- r s , - I I . O., This Ila$ been. provided I ly good in that it gives a chance, for. 1. the ghosts of dend hope$ through . .1 -lie X I I MT R -K. 11 ­ � . � . 1. i partly, and we have drop awnings. ,y as. old as t . brigtian cra, The WE, yo, I � ,mgny communities through extension it great deal of 'dI$cussIoP`iumOug, farm-' ; ,�'­ 777?01_1­..1.__­t_ZF. _ I . .", -�'j,'4 ��'_',�11 " ,,� I . . . Which fasten to the floor. u(� waa ininions-ir 116�ular -' a.11 1-,;,""; .,�;*, � . � . � the graveyard of Ilia, dreams. TXlese we gal � . ,�­ . �1 -­; ,,�r-",s M';,�,_s �f �77'� 17__��r�\ , . , I -� . `1111� _! 1, - 1, - , ,,.*­�,'.,'.' departments of tile dagricultural col lers, which creates interest and brings . , days,. And, through t3le MIN11- a,;,.,I, aild appeal$ .1 " .1. 1: '', '�.�%'�,`L%�,. _�q �" .'I\, J 16less It iW back, " 11 �!� - -�- * - I I legesm. , The purpose of"these' depart- .Pret iness palls drop at night. or on Stormy . to have bapa froirrll,., �';taft Vne sanle I ; 'Ll. I , � 1�1 11 " '.I . ,,,,r, . � "�.. ,� i f. A_ � �. , "; A I., . . n�t ."..4, � .", . , I , �4 ��111 . 7 ". ." " I ,1,: I i, �Jl -,� � � , 11 ��.. Mr , � 11� �,,, 1, f�', -.'A . I I .. . __ __­ , X �1 i 1, I I � .. 1. Usually two ff -dq.' I t. . ­­' 'I ), ,meAts to to get'as, close or t I � i- -ii �, .,��, out the methods' which have proved ed up by intellect. Tbs�were!Y` also. we now.bave bette china which : 'most sdecessfu . three r hat it is to . 6 - I it:-jA�, � as possible So I I ' ding��rous thin -�'� i , -jA the ' I ""' r b 'a, F ' it .� , , - , � * I t � � **" ,E I I " ��;i I I .�V:l I 0 , I I` elplx �, , . I I I r e e 'ene , , i T4 nio 8 atip. , i - a ce u 2ros� I I f' P� a' a I .� - . tool.ning fc - J 1, to Apr . Fab to s En atl . Y 9 11 , tions, it I [ .__ . I i - . -,. r. - -- --- �1 -� " ,��.�.;, ,�-�'��-% , "' . I Clever woman is liculy -as bad we''Consider suitable tojoptdoo6, and I ) Lil �M_ I., � . . I ' . I wtvi repall;tc(Ily consurt'd .111d opposftd � .� . . 1. , � " . , � . . I 'i� M. , �?, - - -, I . �,,,., r, Ffla I �' � I - -, . speakers from the college are. present as the cl�ver man. All -thuse. we also use our best Silver.* , This we . , � "I r t QV i-.] � I 1, . I . . . by thii autliorit`os, urd im attf-mpt r-XAcT 1COPY OF VVIRA7171"."L. �', I . -, Atuteg. . � I. I ,, 11 , .. ,� ' ., I.. � .V;�;.� . to talk 9�1; those ilitt people who carry most", f their keep loclied up.in -tile sIdeb9ard'dra,w- at its slipprtisiiilnn iVns rinde under ' . I .. . �, I �1' �� ,�, - . . I 1� �:;�li��N'R.,: . . 0 . D. � - I (t , , " . . :i. - " i �i�;�i.,.Y.-:��, - I go9c I I . 1. . - ­ � ..".."5A, I I . � ., I . Tile county X01% IS: another rural In ,a in the Show NkIndow tire ers b �twc�u'woalb. . I W11%.va�­ I - __ � �- . � ��,�-,--i;j��i*,.',�;��j . . . e I Henry IV­IR�ilry V11T. mul Eliza.' .1 4 ,. itir-or.t.i-rAti*.,icor.?;;p.r4y, ta.-muvang ciTy. . I , 11 * OtIfution that 114 a great educator. The r 0 , . . �.. ,m I ,,, , �,;­p' . .- � " ,� . 11 � '. ,�.,-�"L,*,-".-:��*-i,-�'.7;,-�-��� 1771-11:11=71-.1" -­ � I . 1. .. 1. , " ".", - ., _. ,* .1 can ? . �!­,!Z, , n ��L419E�4MMZ=E�r - . � I :; not understand why more p_eo- --both, but the go -nit, conflnul�d to In �.., � .0.�i�:',,--�,�,3 ' ,headed for jobs. lit the butt , , , . . " -:�.',Y�.`,-� ' -,-- ,, . I I . I I., -�?" �pld. type of county fairs, that were lit- -Elbert RnbbAVd--- of the: outdoor ' until �.bout 100. 11,evivo(i * ,. I ,..�*�, , .. counter, . . , :pie -have not thought - . . . I I 10 I - - !;�,"`4 - tie r - - . .. � - ­ , . . . I " - ­� . 4g . . �V ­� ,Pore than racing xt�,eefs and places . fy when bull& rVb'o'yie,dtho begh,inin' M.elit3l 1 I 1 5�::,.",!�e�.-.,.,;, . _.; ,,and especial 1 of tile, (_ ,I t,- I ­__.____.____"__. _._____4___ . i . I .�, I I � . . dining room ___-___---i1- __­--i�;_�­ - ___' __EF..__i_n�� 1. . �� i:i:�::��!'�i��!! - for gamblers, ls,almostrq thing of the , . .I. - ., . No matter centuryi it litts. sineu 1hekn .stt�adily . I _.­M� ­.` . = I . . . I ... ,�.�.��::��:Ii��:];-.., . past The modern county fair -bas Its . . � . . lug a new stiburDan'llome. 01"I's tf)-flay one I its , top .edge. Then the sand , -coapyLs n7e, '­WeIs Trom 1�acn ear, . �, . �.;.-;%.1:..:-"'­ ": ;,:ii:%�:��,,�'.:, � . . 1. . . i ,B, there . ; grown in Ponularity -i a Ove . . �.. ,� , , I . . � , -are al- - - ' I � .�. . I I..: ... I Of, the inos Npu at a Eng I . . . . ... ;V ��­.:,_ -"r; ;:;;;:;��.:.:.�.::::--� fall share of amu I . , If there ate nelghboi . I X, - I' -I - ,,Ii�,;ll and shquld'be scrapbol off W13:11 it Yarastfak pas§es them to tile second p4it and I 1.1: .,­,­­._.. sements, ))tit they are I �... j 1� ; . . A .."..-III-I.W.. �,-,X.;.k . lean. A good horse, .. 1\r 6, w Fads For Women. ways rapid growingx1r,64 to be found American Sports. I .. . . or.otoer straight edge . even. with thG carefully replaces .the.. ear in Its. row. . ,_ . . . . for the most part c . , . . � 1- . . . � ; .; . ._�_ + I blooded I -e-;. il .� 44 � . .1, ,,+ , + - -1- I 1. that bamboo furniture Is used r for privacy.., l3ut anywhere, in. tpol. . 4k�7 ton of the tray. After laitEig with the The kernels should be faken ill Suc- � . .1 I Oyed by every red . - , . 1. I - ­ -_ . ..." .. - C I I.,_;... ..... I so unive. 7 suggem. 0 � . "­-1.5;�A . country where cre4is a NVAIL LL BoelaS _ , **, . I .11.1­1:l::V��,;iVi: Z; 01'.1111 I farmer. A baseball game or. a baWon I .... "W- . . .", I g - . This 1% tome thers. 5vouf�l be a v in at an 0 . . . . . . . . ., . cleaning ay .r , : , '. , It mai not go unnoticed. 9 I .,::::::::: asceiWo.0 adds to the enthusiasm. An - . . � opportnialtr , ansing should be done with soap. I - for'sugh -a dining room. . I , is given to the farifier, axid 116� 1 . . or ate oub meal I ­ � -_ .. .. I . I - - I - L I ... I IV � his fkwily to meet their friends #om and. warm: water to ­wfilcij. palt has ' I "Last summer We Dev I'to . . . I ; _ .. idded, And'the,'mIxtaile. must Z 161the house from June .Sept. 1. � ­ w, :: . . all pArts. of the country.. The vil- been .al. . . . ay, having; In - I ill '' 9 , lage' and. town people 41ligle with th6 Put on Witir a, brush and then wiped Nve began early In M Dch ::: ;-, . � ' � then added our 1. §14 ,� farmer,% on an equal basis, and all get oft with'clean rags until the Article Is. eon outdoors-- first. _'Mn , ' --.::::..; � . better'acqgallitell. Many fair asoocia- firy aild glistens. I . . . ..� � . evening. dirmer,. buf it was too cool In . �, '. tions haVe pebt,lded ves where pic-' Ordinary laundry soap will remove the early morning until June for breal" - _ 5. VO I i . , . ­­ tile .dinners.'ean be s read. I thb naturdl. gloss of the wood and fast on the porch." . , . . 'V, 'ON, .P � ! .1 I I gring the tray is ready for planting. ,. Have the children arrango,.thg ears , to be tested in rows of ten, . to c6rre� . ,� . . . . I . . I ���; !���,,��ll,�,,��,,��'ll,��,,�'ll��Ill",'I -�.;j',',,!:,7,�� .,.,!,��7�'ll"�',�ll,�,:�,�-.",���-�-1".",�,-�1:1^� ­­­.- - ,-4., I.. .. � "'..", :..:..:,. "­, , ­'. , .."I.-I.I., " � -e ". ,­­­ "'. .." __ � , , M,60 4,,�,�:.�*!,,** IR, ."-.%,.,."-."�,�v,�,�i..�i,:-��,�'�,�T""��;,,,�'��",i..,.,�'-�� ,� , ,� � L, ­, ", ',' . , �,��. ­ , -1V ,_,". "i " R., _-Q, i"i ,*n .,., ,,��7""��,�.'�'.',',".i.*��,,���),4 -�,.-".,�'.z*-"�,�,.."e,,.�.".'..!'.!�'.."�,�.�,,-�,�,,,�;,,,,,,�"."�,,., . 0411, ,,, , I _ , . PER i� . . - .fx�,.:,..�:: . , ,� , " .� I , I , , -4_,, n 1. , il, �, .". � '-':�',", ., -11.. - .N. _ . � -� : I ',K,',1i',.,�., t �� �.�;�:�:�;,;i:i"".*i!::,,. ,4" _ , 111-`1,1..-_.:.,-.'-, m_�",., i_..?, _,,_��­ ., �_-,, ; 7q..; I.N1 , , i:�;�, ,.- �:�:�::i:!�7::e.j,�'... I . ", 'i, ,5<, .,� '. "'; �,N,`- � �11 " cession. (taking only those at -avera go � �, I size) from about tin Inch, above the base of. the ear ,to the same distance .b,oelow� its tip, passing,9pi-MI . ly argulid I and leng't . b-'VISO of tile ear. . Till$ lu,� . . I sures r, fair to5f; of the whole ear, ltS, I it SOEictilneS bappells'illat one a C10 � 6r 1,one 'end of anea�r, is Sound,, while the others. will not- grow, The illustration; . i'shows a few, ears with kernels remova- � I - �&, k6ave it dull It saltis not added.. T14S was the .experience '01 one. WO, . . I ,��., W '* I , I � . � 5.,L, _ R,., Z �.: � . . I � 1­�." �$, 11 Tlw-best.�palt;of the fair, howe' , f) . . N; ,,, , ,,, ';�, j".. , _;', .,., $I ed: in this spiral fa Ilion. ,Full dlrec� . . . � .00 . � I "" � -. .1"l, ;�, " , - , - -�,-. .W'Q,,,­ ", , 11 M V�*'.,...-��. ,� , 1� I � -, �-`,DA.. 5. t . a. � is the.' edue" , .Ali authorlt� on shoes says that pat- man, and there is no reason Why many , N. TESTS. 1';" , " � I . .1,ki. . -e I " " , �:",� j� ",;�,�,-� ii.; , .. .. I M1 _,'��_11�1�.'.q, .. ., , �, , , `1� I ational fmture. This )s fos. - ... . . , J��,.� ",::,4w-`,..� . -;�S,V'%.`�,-� . . I I . . 111011111101'�I� � I . TbL '. I - a all 1 b a Ege all oiltdoor I I . � 11 . �. I � " ,,:.,,,, � . 1lonal for the conduct, at .the test are '. I tdred by (-ompetition, ,re are -corn I eat leather should 'never,,be kept In A , notber on d at rra .. . . . ­ Z�;4m - _V . 'given in the bulletin. '.�, :,. ._i, . , I �1�il - Vh�AV411,��i�-14-1"�l�";,.,!-,��� 5,�.,��, .�� �:�i �T,�,'�;�5�:4 I 1, - .. . ': �"., .111, ,�,.�'; - � I . 7 � . - IN -can' . -t-ht I " n'ded.1by.--bopartment bf Ag. I ,. " � _. 11 g1*1:K,:-_ . �',� 1�'1�1­6_1.51r­'-� I . ,� , ,..e . - r --- I �tw ', -and -c . . .P . � "' � , M 5-',!.1',.-:,R -...- -- - ...X-1; I J . � OL, N I I - for -Amys cold c rho . .,; �% Ltj 1, I - for- dining r ,55 IM, . � .1� , --- I A . Prrolwlng roits I�Sot or one uAduly. - �warm oamy p0reb-*.orl Recol,n ,". , -�g _� �� �� 1 orn .. . � � �,g , -:R; 11 - at , ,", I _A _--,R,1Z& ffi.'� ,,, . * . �� , ". � _ .., i . . ­�`, be the reason , fit. both. degrees -of he . , e , . , -xiculture as Exercise For -Children. , ml.,�fZil-_V.' -,,,,,. ­;. � �,,?�'­ $ '71 , , I . _ I V _170,0 , , , � , . :: ,� "T. I I ­ ... , ­ I - I . � ... , 1.1 ob - I Vell have a pore .M ".11 1--V--.:,;:.;,;. 'I - � , __ 11 and stock ji�dglug.6* tests, 'Often t ill I . � h enlarged for the ,� . &�� .1 , � ��,� � . 4 . __ . I Mle-��!; plil I I (�,t(1_41_ t I I o�jv ,C.L)A-_. _��P. ­__��,R_.­.­­-_B7­­1 -6- _c r". _ -, a, . ww"I" fie leather -to,crack. ,� , .: : , � Dairy,00lngs. - � __ ­­ I e C4 .,,� I , ,� �� , K, K . . ,7 " � A ----- -- ----- _, z� ,_ � 10 , ,�Q 7t�_­*�­7­ - ; ,��,, xd �,old. cliuse t _____ �, _ _t Mosquito X(1__'CPAW'tqP. ­A�S­VLj��k�q� _ , I , - . . - . . . . , ; , ., I I e -heseF .e=emes il. ,01101, 0 es, ,,else, espeqlally In the -rural districts. is � ' i', I i;, I , 1- - . '! I - , __ - * 66y�'I'lla.r. . - _ 441traoa ' Where illeS ah( ­ 8_0 +. � - tests are-soat -tu"tile short courso, at C ---r ,� .. . I � ! k,�. in feed is no Trora, cOA, I .. ; 1. , . ' � "I . and their:�,vIx-imns r . mid bl, - � . �'.. '. - . I - - 4,-'. � ­ . IM , . - , I ' I , 7. � . where. thez.hetlt- is medium should. be � .. ' Issued by 01", '*!;:?' I - Sameness I �� � Inst ad : of t I . �, t..,:rl I . .­ I ,abound a ....4� 114111, $�%?Vis--�Z � . scaitial.. , .. �- - , . �,reeommerlftl 'In a bulletin ' I - I., ,� In ' ' * ' the �edllej�e.. . , j:' �,�­ v - �- . - . .. . I I �,_ K ­­ �Iisl E, � , 11 duch,-e- to ftripetite In'the co*- thpli - .11". .. � - - . . 1. .. ' 6 d 4 . , . I - - I I L � I I I , ' fair as% -lation Thqja wers are � f un .. I I "" . -r, - ­ ,,<.gg� � . . I . . I the. United States department of agrl- t�":q.,:�.�-_ -g.s�'3.,� . . . . , the sot. . ' ' , I . 1 , ii",�".,."!r,��,,�;'.'.,.-,��'�%.W.."$,.,:,;Mz:.�..;,$.Vi���%:�,5:��3.t'�,A-, tb6 il1tulan,,m)id-1ipPetItb, sseht, A . i � � . . � I . �PM$.'j, � . ... _.­'..', ra e , . FMILD DEXONSTr�ATIOX WOR . . , ct , C an -heat- for patent KIPLERG OK POLITICS. following reasous: I !;:--;-.�::­;w%1x;,X. iM .>.. .A.K*�,'* %,.�ii�� . ­ . . r, � �ager -to see vei'deb enn produce tb . 61d is worse th . . . culture., f6r *.the . _ ",. - ­ "I" - " ",�4"".N.,-N ' . . I . .. , . ­ . . I . . .. . . , , '"M I ­:Q'i . .. I . . .. � 4 - .L � I . ' i��;�1'111 W , - .V. . I . I ,+ �. I., O . )11 P . " , I 1 9 . . .. 1. L �IN . .. .1W. I . I � -a. " - - - - - - - - .. - � I collog ges, tb(� on esiring. s.t - ; - ­ , Treat your , : 0 man .fr I .� $11r@ipl! ull M., 1. � .. . ... . I " ._,t bi rodiietion. . jbe, actual farmii�s and tof teach the a best c0li or . f)t,,,t - s r v* r. A ; , leather. , When the Shoes. ate -to be put V, 1100. 11, .� am ri It'st, It furnishes an: easy audjnjel� , , "' "" "'. ----- 510, , "l-, I I. . � 11 "' I " I .10 - e�jlvva . with ,consiam . -, the'Law. Maker S e"s: �ii��Q� ";��'M' I � . . . �4 'M.- : - r agrIcultural 0 r rorn - _- - .,.- � - g�� the feet it will pr servo thorn It the . Jqe Sliys* uff F A " A � I '11' ; V few of the principles of mociern a ' .- - the ,(,' jud� I . . . .. ... udyjn seed'. germination and, , A .� �. ' ��QW�`�� , *��i:�'� - .� _� __ . I I . . : - , �:.;i, 4, P L ' I , . the shoes, smooth-' I - - �,.R! 1.11"Ift I , .kii, � tion. .They shOuld have graZtngi I L _ . . � . hand Is passed over. .. Too Groat'llnerv, - . . plant,, growth; second, -the extended. , '. - " ql;� A d I I ... - , " �U,�,�._..,_... '. . , - I i�."s S� - . ougil slau nLilt, au I culture. , I stocic, After. lie bw,,;p1.,krVd' the rib, . . � . . '1N11`11 ­k._ m 1. . . u . 4 ", ii - . I . . . , d I ...... .iks:��N4.,��""_ _-�.-�:�Kid - . . . One of the principal mentis of ac- ns: wliy thp prize N�In- Ing them until they fedl-o P140. . 'I 5�,,'i"�, " , '­­ "�"�',.`�' " -.­­..�V1 ty of water. and en . I bons: he c4lal kr. Rudyard Kipling'made a char. use of. a jood method h '.�, �V,��A­ 0"'."', - . .1 . I as vast eco, 1,,.j&,,,k�,j� f,f � - . - -ring animals Nverty. gir I . rack.' This te to I ng th ,,_P" _, , ­:.,:gr"��; - ge,jin.to form ftbalanged ration � '. , - ..; Thek live then. less apt to c: �ristic -speech , at the� Brighton uomlc-- -value ill � I bra I ��, , � -en the prefer- - . . O,pro uc- -�Zjj.,�',�Wl. I � , , III' - X complIshing this work is by short . . . ,r be omit- "c .��.�i ! 9 �" , i � ji:ickt,14 IS t.ery frequently caused by . � gradual warming should nevo . ,yorill banquet, where'lia, pro -RPd :tIveness of Americark agricultilre, and, ' � ' I I I coingeS held tit the agricultural Col. once. The, man w.liogets a blue ilil)hon -shoes are Urst. ­­ PO Z I ems DIN, finger . I . I the, toag. of "The - Rouses� of Ila" :.�.;l -ser-0 � I -- ed by a large goes' home oneauraged to strive harder - ted when poIliat leather, Par ig teats, luflamm-04- ,,,L - . . � . .1 I . - . . L third,, the teaching of it.iii tile raral - It 7 . . ; ­,, . . 1. . t" , I.. . I ., . I . .; : _,; i I . . - Z , I . . . . . . I I - - ...., . , � MW . I If 00� - *� . � I � I .;' iie sa�i'a, �'with a X.'*.11. .11.`X��-.l "I 4 .x . � th.6 milker.. I . number of farmers. Alost of these aria Ahan ei;er. Nvhllo. tits nolghbijr who -W �, Put On- - � . As They are atteud !!`... ` " by the gen ., lege. . men . � . . - school* exe ts a, strong Influence to- ill .. �i;.,:�gg , n a and,possibly at tithes , . � F ','..,,gi�,,,agi " I . "I am entrusted, .1�&a'.'.i��,'.��.�i;15�.,�e,�,"���l.,.,.,..,,�'.. �.'%,::::;:,.- . `� wkwaiduess. of . , I- . ward-inereas ,. .. & '�> '.' . 11 I . . aced fu�tlipr dov,rn the thie grits' Ilia * - Ing tbe'confidence of par�* . � .% R',k ��.'.��1.1�,::'.,��,%.'..!-".�,.�,^ik,.�,:.r.,;* I I 'oral 6 . . . I men who could not leave.home-to take 'DI . . . '. . m, , . d6r .,--'---.........",..,-,-,-...".�.,;.". . ' have some-, ­ I Postcara Shad;& ... I � . toast, which .you cau, easily see ents In, the* permanent worth of'good- : 11111f�_. . . . . . . . . . . .The� dairy. biltilyard should - bavq .. � ' � . I .� -m' : . a longer course. The initruction at teeth and- determinv�_ to . . 'A. new and V'Ory ch li 9 mands somewhat cautious" handling, . . . . � . I . . I '&ad slope,'Sucl� as wIll'insure good _ I . .1 - I . a It � � . I cannot .hide from you . ­ I . . . 6racticil . it ti - . I _17T___�_ - . school woik", ­ I * . �. these courses'is as simpleand . . thing next ytiar tb, t v. nilot be be to .. fo� that the - � . . .. . . d sliould hivd a . . � .. . as possible. There is . fair is Americh's .most tru. . bbeu found for tile hand tlntqd- post- needed. are a, :.. ".. � Outface. drainage, an . � . . very little study. The county cqids w . hich.can now be obtained in Houses Of� Parliament are very large. � � The only. materials .1 11; :..... ... . I - - I . : ... -*': ! ­ i I . shallow .wooden tray, a smalf, handful ...... ."'.. good top layer of gravel -or cinders. �1, _ i I . . course of this ly rural institution and is' one of the � IYL political- in their nature. - . . 1. 1.1 . I I . � . . . . Ing connected with a , I . . -11-1."...."11". . ,_ � . ..i. t6rs'ln. aio* ,at such varlet7, says the Woman's Rome "This has not always �bcen'the case. o4 carpet tacks, � f!avr yards of wrap- .. When buying cows for the dairy So ­ ' I ­ , kind. It consists mainly of -lectures. foreu�qst fac using bitere, I . .1 a " I . - . " L - I . . ... cowpanion. They come -with pictures s� a -v� 1 ,'sand' enough to fill. the-,. � . . ring every. Indication .f , . . .1 ' � and .laboratory work. . . . . in country life- I I � . .. , I pberdesses, When. the kingdoin of Sussex was ping i Ine .. . ZAMS O'B'SEED W= IVJ= XUBMULS 33* - 'eat those hal . local,-, . bf . dainty Watteau ,,.she . . f wa- . . being' milk produeer% but determine . 11� . What the county fair does for L sovereign indebendoM gate., a few- tray and'three-6ir four quqqa a % OMOVIM FOR TMMMG. ' - . ', � . - : Laboratory work Is given In C70ft . . . . I " - ' ' Bab-: --- 11 I . I .. . � t beauties or use ofthe ? I .. tles'th6 state and � Isti!fe't fairs. do for a' ., eighteenth century" cour. � s',4go 'the South'Saxons. ter.. The tray or Severn of them) can ' �, Uhit6d JAates, ftMrtment . this positively- by the .... �� , I The farmers learn to dislin d I � . hundred yeax. h ' I . . �1 Errow bulleti: I I I . . . I judging. I . � , - . . Japanese girls'palAted upon them, and. regarded: what we -should call -politie's I empty Sdip.... I ­ I 1_0 -riculit4re-3 : �� � .. � ; cock. test and tile, scale. ' . . ­ I . . . ... ''. ' fferent varieties,,. _ attlle vie with I � . . easily bw.sawed from �an f I ,, guish between the oll larger terrltoiry.. V,erfeet. c I . . t than pirue . . I I ... . I ag I . I .1 I , creara Is 8eP9V . . . . I I . they. learn.the points -that go to make each ofhei for tile . pr6mlet bonors, and 'What could be more attractive thau.-to' ,.as muoil'leg� importan I ys� or. cracker box. , When finished. Iit. * � . . ress . It is not. the way the. . . � . � . I . . ' ' ' . . I I , malce them' Into ca�dle shad(is. they na, 0!,l trade and- sport.'On rare otit one And on h- opond witli. the rows -of squares. ac it "Is. : ! - I - - , 4 . I . . : should be at ' 6-h * alf lni� the, tray. L These rows- of oni-s -sJiagloji riteO ,,ftrarm,�;mlik but- the, wal, . : a good ear of corn, .and they get a the massive draftera divide the p6lit , - oc ion 'when they hlterlea'ted them- . I . . .� . � � � � I are Made of a�flne,quallty . q.dl _C�alo,) ' Inc et wide- and . -being ieparated, .Vvhlcb � - . . , . lar attention with the high'stepi)Ing, 6ardbo 'a' politics, the membef for' ds deep.inside;lIftd6n. bi . . .n tho handled' after . * , , greAt deal of practice In placing ears . Selves in I be kept In a dry, Warm_p1qqq.:o � . I Thie' flashily moving cirriage horses, . �'- 80 that the light.penetriftes them and as - as likely aa not to, record twenty -'three Inches'long, but 'Any Of , . . . 1: determlne� t1le quallty"6f butteit'it will - �-. � - I I . i . - . . � and saw lea' In order of merlt . I . . .. - Pletidres In delieato'iro� LeWes ",w � - , ­11por, on corn racks',kor on ,,,shelves, � . - ''. I � , P shows up the . , ese'dimensions. way be varied Slight f it Dt'unta it f4rw0uts Itf Will, Interest In this work Is helghtened� In 'Spreading agricuitutal knowlefte by, Ilia vote Wgaifig the"bort. -meniber f6i 'th '. .. I . I I where it can be 4pertaln that they will. I � ' I 6" - I � , 'L I . I � . . I * This tray . . I ma ! - ' �' ' - : . . I I _ . Y Of reaching'. )Ilef.. � There Is only one call,tl0n. to. be . ,.. ,an. axe, . . or a I 7 41'divided Into small Millc *t9r.- - � � �o�'k,�� �- �_. I , , , , . many cases. by holding a corn show In sp�plal. train. Is a � new wi; _ . "­­ I I Arighthelmstone wi* y. , until the _e qp�t b ­ , � I . ,�.;-,--'�"t�l"$�-,%,--4�'e,�-?,W,�,�e.,,-I",a � . ,. . . f pot_DQ. ot4tqrked'or Pplaced , I 1. .. .. I .. 11.11WI.- I I . . ,TP4 lacing o � I , Anonnection with the short course. , � thee farmer .''Into' . I � sword. . - �. . squates by a checkerbo, . '.. I � , � * , , * .. , ( ' . � � -that.is J14i comin,g . . . . . . . I.W.-ILN."I".., .. . . I � _ _ , " - ` � IV% Lven1blif test IS finished. . - ��- ' �'-­j­,'­ ' ' ' . . , . I . . , I . gqp.�,i 4. 1 I ' ' ' . � I g&. The movement. began. in lowa, .; -;Vr--t,.4--,. . The megioA, though 0OncIUS .iwfue aCrogs Ue� t6b. 'At is COE - . - " . J .. 11., 11 .. 7; ... �-. . . '. . . be 4- . Laboratory work Is given also In ;4. . . Wheii. ready, to 9111 the t6st,'tW6: I � - . , 4�ars ago. when. the seed- corn . I I .. 7; 'i. I :;,�� k � was found, to be .wasteful, owing ,to to have these squares about. one and I I I I . . " ,. I , stock judging. Most of the colleges skx f,y.ii - I -an work to th' b6stadvita- ' . ' . . . . . . I .1 . mber . of representative trains- were. ran on all the'principal . I A ..... ., .the exWaise of iepeated bye-eldetifts. . , one-half Inches on a side, ten. of th�m. children c 0 Idual ears Electr(c, Restoo�r for I. " . - . . have a large nu . .. - � � . 7 The S�;wijors of �Lhe debates - com- tage, one to ll�andle.th6 Ifidlv� I . I I .� ,I animals of tile lrincipal breeds, These railroads of- the, ,state: A reguitirt . . ._� . w I ­..; . - . . In a rowacross.tbeuarrow way'Of the *ay. The I phoSphillnol restores everynerve In tl �. . I . � . I . i . 1� .; ......... ".. . I a � �dunting of tray 'and fift6en thwother way. Jhel and the other to plant the tr . - +� i+* nrnn ' ension: t. " , * : . any eases by.,, 4c-fiedule was made; the. train -stoppinl� ' .............. I'a" -, .!I prornised' at laM 'on . . I 'd ( . 1. 11 I . . .............. . � I ..i., .: ... I �he first id all i - . . I are supplemented in in . . - .1. -beads on a.division ii�s.baad of break- - � ' .be % first take§ up ear No. 1, In t l. vixa and vitality. Pteni�ture'd .'ay at 'L I . I 1. �. ading breeders, .-for half an hour at -each station. The,, ilm. - . . - . . lacing with the ,string shortifif. -not - W_ hud . - weakness averted sit once. Phosphonai . I , be said f-8, . finportations front le .- . irst I ,time : "cars -*pre . flll�d with farmers, And. tb . . ... . I - . , W them. Thvre is much, to done until the tray Wis:been loosely I ro t with the. 19aiat-id 4.pocket' aa,.,n3, ' e $8 a box. or tv - .,: - - . . 4ru f9r. the 13 e � ak heads � t Y. ' 'r'c Th.,§edboul....�ajj I I . Many farmers 1q_ I � . . I .. . for either plan,- if you. bra & IMI& knife applied to the.,edge.of a kdruel, - _t5'�''U.0'1'..Rd d org, s.. . . , . . . . � . -value: . ,, . , � . : .. I theJ31; filled, with dr -v win'.4 lipaned.nD' I I . . ... . , ­ . .. . . . . "VA -VEML de Ong 1%.V# how it Is cdIlege profeslsorii explained the . I I I I - 1. , . YOU a least discover what is 'in . � . i . . . . . . . I . 11 I : �- ... I;t!o 't I I 1...� t . � . :, � 9 .. .. , ­ . '. � .. ­ ..'� .. . . I - _ rel -1- '�J Q�=WLCoMand told.how the L "I .,. . .. ... I ­ I - 1, pui, have � far take what � � . ... I I � , . I . .. . . . . .. �, . . . . . . . � . . . : I I I -formed. Moat! 11 thea kDOW ir W ., I f7z:� - .'If �oa .count ,I I . I I . . I , �'. . I . i I � ­ . � I - 'k I , .... I . ., . take I - . . .. . r . , , horse when -the"ire t'Vii-l'ibey learn. testing cQuld'1137i-don'e.*7�k ,fo-niii4son'' - . � . .. ,. .. . is andox them.'on trust. If you I ­ : � ... - , .. � . ,..;. I I h. - Whole � - . . . . . . . . . .. . . I . I ,; . . . _ I I . .. . .� . :i .. .. . . � . I .1 .. .,� I ­ 1. ; . 'them " on trust , oil . . I . , ,at the short course just what P610. of th-0 average.71olds of corn in. the ; , I .. � .- . . .� y get t is I � . I . . � . . . I ! ­ . . . . .. .. . . . . * .. . I . I I � I ,. : ., . , , . we, know it - - i re . .­_ t , , " . , . �. I .. . ,­ :.: .." 1 §AW .of politics, as I I ­ . I 6. . . . .. I . . � . I make him 1vood They also learn a . fl -N - I '.. I , .. . :-, 44�w� ::;.; 4,4� - _nSs � . . . . . - . I Ir .1 . . . .. . discriminate between two horses. 1, whichl at first sight.look equ'tilly good: -. ' el, t some short courses moat demonsira-. I "I I .. ns are held,. which prove to be. a - .. t6ry popular feature. The tlunbal - . meat demonstration at the Iowa * Ag� - `rteuitural college, at which 'Uncle . � John Gosling, the'veteran butcher at -Xansas City, presi(jes, Is famous All . ' ., over the midd1b west. The farmers I who are attending short cotirses go Z. - i over thd animals In class until they I become thoroughly farial . Ilar with them., . Thou these same. animals are sla-ugh., . tered, and Uncle J'Ohn points -out the . i . differences In the cuts of meat. Aft . ,&etween a pure &ed steer and one of I "' I L such a demonstration the Student un- derstands more clearly tile diffordh6o . Iffia nQndescript kind. 'The chances are t that he goes,home with a detertaina. " I tion, to raise better cattle. One Mor . 0 stop has been taken to relieve the beef I . . . . . ­ . famine. . . . I I I 'Who Women are not Aegleeted at the � I I Anti: courses. They are given work , . . A 1. �. - 1-- i; .. �,, - . I . .. . I . * ... . r_1 " &F,4..., ... ��� 11 �'i.16* . I t6 -day,' - .64% /r,141 . . ......... .ifj, � , .. . ' .C^n . . .. I . ::: , , I ­� . i - ii..'j. . 6 certain things : . . � .. . - mX;14 o -But thei-6 wet . I .. I . I I .1 .I.El . ... .6.�.W. . 11 __2 .AILI I I U r ct. I . � �. . I .._11 - , WbIcll. our ali�oegars .dhred ng . . %Ud& I . . . � " . z"w.: t ,takd` IN 0 b4c K., Ferso, . � . . . , . . 11" 11 ,��i_ � . . . .10 -- - ­ , . I . ,. . . . .. . I . . ., � ....; ,_y�­.:�- ... . . . *trust. 01� -� ­� . . � . 11 I .. . :.. �, . I � . ... '­ . on, courage in war, Wis&, I I'Pt�i,��,t,,,-'!�-,,..�."-"�*,,� CR-­� � . I . .. �. I . I . , , " , . . ' -, 1. ..., I �,! -eouboil; $kill 1n,IadrainiArdtiOn, hbil- . . ,; . . I . . .. �, 4 , I . 11 !;� �, . ,4 . I _ ' ' I I � ...V. � � away I I I I . .� . 1: � .. ity wealth, . and craft �- - .. �, to throW I - C _ . . . ..... �� to sway . men . .. 0 . I . , I . . . . . flAs chmce.t ' get. a 50. .,bottle of . I I I -, ;. �. I -,Vero - ma,tters wilieli ,they knew� by , � , I :.. . . ... . . I � �M'�.. I . �, . .. . . 4 - .. I 11 � � I ��, ,. _ , , '! I., �t ... � -, - I . . I I - � . V. .. I -1. - . . � . I . . . I . , . .. . I . . . .1 I .. . . . . . . bitter. expeFi6ide Illy at the roots Of' , . 1. . . . . . I � _. I - � 1. 0 . i-, ., I � . .. . . . . I . . .. . �. � . . I . 1. . I I 1. I . - � �, ,... - ".4. � . __ - .. �" . . . . . . . their national exisielice; tji�reforej. .1 - , I . . . . , '.�_ . . �' . , . � . . ­� . . . . � . d111`RU1NG.EVV.rCT8 TS CJWPr"E SAADES1. , a a man Con .icuoils. Pt��* . - . ; . , .:.�_ " .. � .. . I I � . Ps� le FRE, ... . . 1. . . .� . . . .. I I . � � . . . en they Joun SP I I � I . s .chm r-0, . . . . .. . � . wh . .. . . . I . I . I . I . . .0 . 1 40. e. , . . ; ,obsevved In mdi�lng. a selection, And ly cTi,dowed with 09.� Or, other .of these . , I � I . . 1 -..",..Il�.rjl;�tl'r-,V-,-.;vr-'�.t--�.i,..,.. .. . . I V I � I .1 d� 1.11. ­ . ­ .. ,,, ,­ ,.4-,�Z�.: .. . . . . .'_� _W_... 4 1� 1. . . ... . , '. , " �. ". - -.'a" . . . I *1' I I.. I ,,,,* I that is to cbooS6 'Pictures with rather qualities they promoted him,. regar ' ' ' _­ �%I,� , '... w. 1�y I .V: ,,I .. , , �. '11� ... , . I . I ttk..:� . 0 - . - � .. . . � I . . . . 1. . . � . . I , Simple 'motives., .'Each card muSi be legs of his birth Or dat I ecedonts,' to the - I , - ' . - _�'... - _: - - I - . I . . . 1 .a�...��."..;ahl*q�Al-a'-�,,�w- - . "." 1_`,�_� . .1 .. .. . I . " ' � . . I .1. I � I . "; I igure in inner council -of pickod m0n,.Which TWO Ibbbig lit. 16 Miriotia tlrii�ftibd.. A tlt�-intury ago Psy6hine Your druggist. an. order (for witch we , . . , ' . .11 � . trimmed a little. and It the f morial bas stood next - it . . tie apade remarkable cures.'. Pay -him the regular retail price),_.far I I 1. the foregrbuvd, is large or complicated I . from timG imnle r An lo -Saxon. Con- fas usuilly F,ommences In a sub . I ,� . , n,,60 -cent bottle of Psychine-to be giveik - � I . Its beauty is liable to, be marred by to the Ring in Ou . .9 . I blon, alp , lost urroonspiougly.' . I . ... . To-da�r it is maldng rernarkilbl' , . . I . � I . .. gitution � - . � . . . � I -9 You free of dost, . . � � . :. .. . , I . the cutting. , I . I I $jn Yet If you'do not check your 1 illness, cures. I I . . doing this our lotefathers - .1. . I - - � Sbades: .Can,% be made In , various V things whi6h . ft grows and grows. . . , *1 * , I We will. undoixbt�dly' buy and, dI& . . . 1. .. 11 recognized sever'41, we, ' I . - -in the'lliterim, millions of bottles of filbute In this manner, hundreds of. . , . - I , . Sbal.)esr4our, five -and six aided. Alit perhaps, overlook, Out fathers, cioat� . . And One flile day' You And you're Psichine have been Sala. , tfidusands of these 60 -Cent bottlba. dt .� . . . I . � . . . the panels may be 'Made Oi cardS,Or ed the state; the State did not ere ' aft � .sick. I � . * . I.. . I... . 11undreds ,Of thousands � of people Psychine. - I I ­ I . - I . � � .. &IY ha' postal panels our f4thersi , They know that men . . ; .11 . * * �* � I I anade well and kept well. . . . I `6 d I t I �. .. . . .-44d fashion the otbors of white, or. cOI- would tot work W the utmost 1W fn y The greatest seaVengers of the body ' , . . . . 1. I .. : And -'w 6 that to show our entire ore,d paper, . Passe-partout Is Ideal fft . ambition that is bound by the term . are the white. corpuscles, or phagocytes why? I . ton.fidetice' in this wonderful propara. . . . . ,,-. I I . I . of thedr own litile lives, but some in the blood. ... I - 6 Pay " . tin , n . .' � . � . I . I I I � I I . � I . binding the panels and JoIningthero, nien ;�Iji wotk �or the perrannonee of , I . . . L Because chiftels largely made UP . � � I and a 11ning of colordd tissue paper- ,. I hotifibs and.for the-hortat Tilese V,hlte 60r,puseles attack 'and of thoso herbs that scientists now know - A colifidefice that has been based on � . erlse. . .green or yell;w-softens, titer -their. own P eat up every 9trul of disease that in. 'Increase, and strengthen the white cor- - Our 80 years' .experience w1ift this . . . e I . . of �Itbodt sons who come titer �,Lhem. . .- splendid preparation., with a full know- I : , ,light becomingly. I ....1. 11 . saicl- 'Ut - the 'son of the TAdes the body. - - . . puselesi thePhagocy . tes. . . � I , . So thoy z1L__4 - . . b ledge of the hundreds of Ithousonde of . I in dom UC Science an V- -r, FAA1111110 LIZANIX4 -CORN I GOSPEL T11A.131 VIP,hN - A111 MtALU. i Picked mail Su6CP0a-,'tO JuLS La 8 ThM IS when they ar strong epough Tnat 8 why we hqy6 received hill'- Cures It ..has made, .. . � I ��) I , , 133 D J)ack Ith an . . place in tho council when his father and Ill, suh1clexitnt.iinbers. w . I I ­ I . I .11 . . UR , . , pt j%, - . It M.041 ?� - �,, ,,4. � -"� , -_ I * I . . 1. . I . :1 , . . it dreds of thousands of unsolicited t6s- I I I . ,Vpw A T.IUOTVP I -,,T7�r_--��,= i'l* � . . . : . - Ave Mori IRIUVin "Ilk"-�-1-4tftaLr��.�"-�!!n-��,,�Z"��,-., ''. V__ Has Tri6d*,the 11 ., thiiylre not strong. enough,. then t1moilials, that's- why we call afford-' 0 6 . I r ' �t�t� I l'i mtioas the at -�F -borlods b Whit: a Woman 7ho- ,_ Y hundreds of I 11 gon enlent homes. eF Al st a for the fivi i I Sicherne Says# . Ill Spite of out prwi &W ,wage = unequal warfare'until to buy and - give awa - COUPON No. P'�' '. . I and After. the first Corn trains, were Statute books -of our country am full .they, are Anally overcomd by their thousands of 5Ment bottles of Pay- -' I prove -tile social life of the neighbor- run shows An Increase of 2.4 bushels . of laws regulating tax , . ' `T6 the Dr- T, A. SLOCUM, V8. * ' I �oireof the things they can do t6 Im-. ,.Almogt evL,ty family trents Itielf tA 'WA every,fact. Word poverful euemle& . chine, t1lat's why Pgyohlue benefits I . � . 0 I . . . . . I . hadd, atid the Inspiration they ga . In Is to the'nere. , Careful observers credit an occasional 11iiii-&k."61'465, 'but and relatl'oll of the R'n9balmian'S life . The body becomoo Steadily, oteker those *dlmisest I I 1 193-195 SpAdirA Ave�# T�roiito 11 I . - � - I . , , thi, aw to -the -,very few knoW the delighto of it VVII016, _�-frqpx tho 01,0,%9A - 11 , 19 I . . ... . I aew�b yoqo�vftr to try &Mo. bottle I - r6neetpd the next year In thitr horde �i NrKt sharj� of .4 luvr(�, I _ _ A%As ekeT Ulittl 04tum 418eviaosaw In. .. . "I ' 4 Rayadio qyh I I . '. _. � '. _ � . - -1 41 .otmced SPkwh) At . . � . " I I tralus. Figuring the average summer of out of door ibeila, . the wages be 0hall &I 7 vo-OA?. ,,��­_1­4�, _. . . i4l.congthuWa ., -in r . I I _', . " - 7,,ja GrIpP6 W611611 bavo not had, a 511o. :1 col-Almlialty. I . fp� . ­­Ui. �$11 , ", this _. While th& Work rivOt), Ill the, Alliq,t a ,farin value -A. woman. who has "tried the scheme of thtsii 14W"S ate Za am itiopera- . .�!":W" . * * * -�, _�.. _J I budet- b1sh. -0 . . ,kor isronchitla weak Lungs I 1. I itvrea � mki the'twel' 14ts writes as follows- . I tive, but tile &iglishman is Still Ali'Ve - � t Rind - my lyekw-1 W.. ddivw , � I , I I" "i , , "' tis tbe-lee,reaso wa0l . Weak Vold, * WV5+4 . I . ,!6�14se,q cannot bo as I],!-, vit"i n.4 tlmt, 1`1:41 Illo ;lv1s .vo?" ' - Vod waiting, but n(A OwAooaly, for , ,Xowo we haye ht.(A all gorts of 96. 'k Hemorrhages 0 lhh, thllebdM�$"W 14 1 . ., , . In tile L lotigor v(mr,4v­. - , ,�,,�,.t,.4. fj.ro� I wortil wore tban .�'S. 000,004 a oy*par. Vhen vior built our ouburbau hotao I be tr" upon hitla. Out irAlled'jeurbs. I . sorothi'mti - Spring, Weakn6w A . . , I . -it never occurred to us moP8 kawt to . . I Anadmia, . .1 XaIjD66fir* � � :w"Kh"..., _ __0 . I go ,Lsoneiy. ,riii.�..!,,:,,e-,,I.i,,4..,..�*.i�.? L'Vit,- ",tra 2.4 bushels havo do'no much i lit'ne yots Ago tol. us that our Iduct- Willie ba" ae: , I I I 0 1 �t- .*"*ft"iW : - I ,ta mot And A. gfeAt bA0Y,P ril I . 11 , . . rood .j that tin outdodr dining rooni would be CoAdid friends - . . remale Weakness Ckitorli&I A -1. .1 � . - . I I : � fd6ats Pro mearly nll ftellial fatmers Or I to bolster up - ilm dimbilablEg anc6 th' _44CCIA law��� as ate #ur0 endazgetod theit )Xwlth Oz- ­ 10**Z�, .. .66". I ldea% tb ) , . . I it - 40i, � IndIgetstfoo , qM I " . L -, . ; farilleps, kvlvt%�4. nixt, till, I . L . po.Wbility... , Indeed, We 11AV0. .finefA 6t,i.A T, Spor-W is duo to Our get'llnentitig with tbam. I J5,oW Aj��L . . � ey gtv.ply. ;� . L I 11 - , F I , . nto -altis -but by st I apt r, i MtWb And StIt �yftfo SX�oro ,6"11 SCIWAZ , I . V%ftbw .... 6"". 0. �.*"* . !-.,!.n, lit flip .1V,Jr1 (loursu are out I i sw�e,V)64 SpOcInt ti , of varlons' thought Of such A thing, xthy, our Uu goo" 9 4k Chills aud Va"m , . '. . . � . 1!,�illwdll)rcl In k I - Imagination. L ' .� . 'W" ale t* telf,wi had 0* i1su tMt. . _. - .. . . 11 , . . V , I L -s4r,11m orr-thoir own farms 1,111tl.4 llOvo been rim' foO lh� beriedt happy chance the plans of Our home* out lank of . I lil"UMMA .%,�!:� I .V�,!:� . W%lirft%uraxatn,%.�:......... �.� . . I . . Of ther farmer., Viere 'so urrang6d that It was �bot 'at I 41nas n6t somt 006 mia or wrAWA m2ent tot 0eaft--qIX, but% u6tar�s XWVoft*0i*k4 . ,,,, I . " 1. mut In illell, nWil VoInmillittleg. 4. Oreg(ln has 1-111, an I 6n. em*eriled 66 . .r . "i,11% I I I a 1, .. - I. . ; 0-f - Is ftdVo,4,-,fI)16 tot, any %very grreat .Ilpl)le irain. 01,10 tllts run it dalry all difilcult to achleve ont precious 11to I that out vace has bo, swu rw*dba. � . . �� 86"alid XtkMI*1f&#4":..w&�m.,,-",*,b I . I . lo dining �ro�ul when *0 obee con. alink thfough canturj& vAh no high. . " . I'll � L . ­ . r the farmem. to get AWAY tellin. Awl the people of that state have t . troln. , Now tw oeldft6 M to WAU buo, . I . ouVmJgbotgoodfot%Mo.bot06 ('11M,"'(1 0 . or object fhan that of avolaim Jay, *6 k*d*� WW � _ L _ . U6 dto 1mb I . . � 1. telvool the idea. We lived hOre three, IV" ft"s , .11 � 11 I ft6w*Peented to __gL_ [beell taught to test their dowa alld got It% I b&�eftt ti* -*6 I tb bu,V , -.1 ., holbo for dven two wi6ko, how, ,p If the cllarg,ft, 'bo true, then L L 1i . I I a before ,We realized thw pleamra� 'bl hetbs=ft ftftfl. L X&O *8 Iftift SSW y" oftri . � vvr. The short course at thO-(101106 . rld of those whichlare not PAYIng for year I . I)RIessod are Vit, meek, 'for they shall I., I I . . MO. of hi o 1611 ' t L , ' . We had lost by eAtIng Ali MlWn*r long, I Atrongthea Alad - Ill- *Ord for the- be ... .. . Ift to Ver LL, 44 p-ond lig t#r as It goe.9, blat It In Only their board. South Dakotar-And north- I ait the 6irth.' We hold to -day -n P".�tkam ORONO potvvy� IV= . , . Thig Oftr t%y be Ith M*n .In fl "'o I inh" ''um W&&&&W,%�', 'e. L ,V" 01he , . . .erV .. 0 , t, lik-olli-ling. !ro eit6i�d the vo;ork of. cr.n Iowa htive tun oat trAffiS and �owffttabl& dtMft§ Ono aquard Inflo in tvery f011T at fV) 04W V view or botf)-V, infall It to tiS &AWd I Oiiowhboo bait - 4411 - I I the oolltgb obott tourso several eitos, IL V001W In Ule 1)(111PA. 11 � L .. .... I 'I land of tho trlobv, -A-1. through 0111, 01t , " 001A . . 9 I V. I . . -1 I- . . . . , of I . __ . L � ..'' I I . ­ - , .- , V,Ott,tt, tought the ittirmert, how to put the Oat . I , L . I , - dger , I . , ''I'', .­i*�,.," i WOW! . I bare IndupraWl-00 011111A I �rop on the pkyWg side of tile It - I ,J/ I L , r . . I . . � . . I . . . I L I � . . I I .. . i � " A'AP J0ik'A*.*_&!­. -, , I I I � . . � # . - I I I I �f I * . 4 . I J L . i. I I 11 . IL i ,. . , , i , I'll, I "I". L, IdL,�_,.j.A'S.�, JA'­�_a.j�. L _AW L, � . � .1 .9.116� Z �L . � - mlft.16�1 ­ - �­..e ­ " ,A- 1, -.L-1_.&1;__ , ."& I _11�z �" ­ I A --W-., � 1. ,,,, 6", __ �� I'll I ." -1 _ , 4� E . _�_ (.A�J,r�.��_ "