HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-18, Page 8:, IMI- �,
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*FWWW"Mm - . I C�'. f ,- 1. _1__1__1W1_------T.--r-� !�"'-,W,;�-,-�-,,� ..
F � , , 0 .. A~ � 011� — — -1 '
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� rrr
, ' '
1. .Ladies:spring- Coats Cjr4afly Redu�-ed SatiAay '
" " -1
. . ,� L, . 1. I 111,11.� 1",,�"'. J4 r I
. F. . A. be, balanceof our Spring Coats on Satu'rdav �,t prices unheard *L Thia is the seasop -
W E A I . orn
.. vll�- cift 01out t
LL * rr .1 1. eWa light wrap. 'In fact a spritig toat is a ne4essity the year round. Saturday we, make
I I of the year Y'QU U. . . _ f you ,%rj: ' . n ated of a Spring Coat ut a great
a lcojn�lete �sw I.' r
A, � tep of our.witire stqcke Com to thisstore i I
. . ,
I � . 11- . 1, I
I . r saving. ." .1 - . . . � 0
1 . . . I , . � , . . �, � . I
.. - I . I . N . . � .! - ,mp� 'i m 1! ... 1�� q. - � . W .M. I -.---- W.- . . r I , 9 " 'r . -Ir .1 �. . I I . . 01 , I 41, I 4 -�A r �L. r 9 . - . � . . � . � . _. � , __ . - .
. _. —, W dt ' " L ' 0 1 - A 1 9 1 1 � . t !I iq I � , *
I r
jr . I , , � I � . 11 .
.. . I I , -
� �
I * $104" Spring Coats $5.00 . r , -9 W111nery Flowers , , N-111nely Flowers, . k1.1
I . . ., , I 1, r
9 . I � . I
. I
. I 11140k. 70 buneboa of Flowero, aosorted bloom .soorted No
� 7 1 jeogtia solar 700 to 1 A your c4otce At � ......... skls�e; 50 Wnebe$ j;f oviowero, a omsanil
. . . r , � -11 ". . colors Pr s" etc, Vegul,01.rato-26% chotc.e
. bior , . dtirIUj,a441An.
I 4101 . . -, . TO a $1.00 UWA, waist $60 '
� 9 ,
loats ,-$I,%# . - �, white Lawn and Alull, Will1sts trimmed SaalpleS of WhIttwear . .
1 r MAO sprIng C I is only "
. r � with HdAroldery and laqq., Thess are, Slightly r . . .
A I ad $1 00. waists.
I I � quality, lFoiled And mussed, Reg!!1lar,750. a
. 1, 4. .A . .h�tol., R%n travellex-1, sample set of White Cambria -
. WAX Ora anq " aq 4y 3ATZ";A'Al 44.
.stzes�cRogtxli�krp$IP2.9.�PsAle4;prL!cge W.
I . . �, I
� .. I
ZA 0 -,T j__ . I
6ic Dress lf;oads 25 �
I I �
' ,
and Lawn Aprons, Skirts and Waists. AU mark-
ed down to less than, wholesale prices,
I .
12i an
14150-10 (10ty
. . UibrOl 90
. I � 1.
10 pieoss Dress Good# in :Blacic Sorgs, Uox-
11jeVragh TOwelling lee - , ,
I . . bVq � . -
. , , lifery. two"to '
, 8W yards White LAwj,*,UM
seven inches wide, llainty'001940,.1114() CA'Allfity,
an& Lustria Kill Uncy Tweed, about 100 .
yards in the lo.t. Regular 500 Srturday a%le
, �
- . . . . .
lob y ds good besvy Crash Toweling, with ,
.1 regn . lax1t4-', dirscoalepTIQ0 . . 96
an, .... � ........ I I
. � 1. �V I .
prick 250. �
2 . Pair Ladies Cotton flose for 95C
or with t border, splendid wearing and wash.
ing qumlity, regulir 12�e-ssle price.. _.....-.j0e
. I 1
� . 0 .
Muslin 10c, " % � .1 .. � ' -
. . . . . . .
, Cotton, 1�ose sizes,$, si, 9, oir, Ip, guaianteed _210
� I . . . L
1). U Combts,�U � .
Sid I I . . I
23 �Jeces of Faucy Dress. X�Oina`in all the
gs reg Oar �5p sale Price - -10C
popular calorin' .
fast color, the kind yoli. manaly pa,.t 20a for,
Saturday specials prices � patffitir 25c. I
. I . . I
About three dozen Side and -Back Combs in
� , . lr, �,, . . �
brownand black, regul-ir 25o side price .... 15v
I . I �� 1
. �
Prints Se yard . I
� .
12je Ginglianis Joe . I
I , .
. . 0
311 IsIllis I 5e - . � . I
' ' , ,, , I ��
, rints, ap eudid wear-
25 1 ces good heavy P ' I ,
.10 . pieces, of G inglialn, small and large
checks, black and white,.. blue and white, pink
a04 white, stripes, in till, the
. . I A 1
. 2) pieces lVaslin Dreas Goods, no-twoaliL-e
dainty.1desfps and colorings,, teAkular 240
ing qu8liety, 31 inches wide, in light .,And, -dark
c;Tors, sale price ................... � ............ So
. . .
I- .
. . I ., � ". . .
,also . popkilar
shades, regular 124cand 15a sale price ....... 100 ,
. . . �
. .1 _1* 1. �
find ,�.
3�csalepxice ._,..,, ... -.1 ... � ...... Joe
. . . I
. .
I - I . -, I 1,
— - -r- ., - . j� _1 I . � � 1. . 7 .
� 1, _ .."i. .. . 1, . � . .
d' 41 � , I
� — '
Ta vestr Y., & .8 ssels ,earvet at cost
. .�__. ru __ , : , ._ �
. . �.,._41';.. . I ".. , I :1
. ...1. , �
I _''.
. . I .
I � I .
, � I I .
and less� to clear .....I
- I .- I I .
._.. I
. l . ,,.V*..' . � I . . ..
. � I
� .. . . . � . � .
. .� I 0 - . . . . �.
. I —"-ad r- ' de C.16thin ... F �
. AT THE AIEN'S STORE lNe. y ma -g .urnishings .
. - --- . - . .
�.. " .. .
I .; 11 ,
� 1 4'-!,.V",�.�
., I .
. � . , .�
. . '
Ordered. Clothlpl,g, ,
. . - I I
� .
. I .� . .
. . I I .1 '.
. , ..and
' ' .
New Sprintr Ready-Hade. Cwthing
. . . . .
I I . Tile NewSpring
� I Wr
... I . .
. .
Sulthigirs � are Here. I . . .
29 # L� 111�' . I . . . I .. . � � � � . . . . .. 1.
ihe New Spriag" ReadSr-ilf,d�,.'Clotbing for men and boys ard noNy I., Tile new spring hiriportatio'ns of Sliltinge, Pa�tlnlis and l5meoht-
in stock and they Pow prls�'the *v ery'l4test sty lea, Worknianshipand Ing are now. in sttek waiting vour hl�pection. Welisenotbinsrbutthei
wearingqualitiesobtain4ble atprillesthatbear tbeclosestsprutiny. � , be.$tofjjn1T)gQ";indw4-L arewrning-)nt betterordered elotbingthan. .
Shrewa buyers tell us that we,eqkI the cheapest in town. Cowa in and ever. NVO gilaran tee Fit; ,,qtyle and VVorkmanshi . emeniber we give, ,
. , I - ip R
... . .
see for ymirself. . . I
. . I . You 5 pOr cant oil for sPot
cash an all o0e.rell and feady-made.clotbing
0 ".,-.T' :, ,.�,_�"* 11 . - .
I . � ... . � . . � � . . .
. .., . 11 . .. I � �
I .
. . .
7 1 � � . .
. I . . . . . . . I . . . - � .
. . . . . i �
. . - - .
. . . . . . . . .
. I � I I
. I . � . . ; . . ...
- . � -
. 1 4=3mw X*7q9X= 11 ! , � . 11 . i I . I .,�� 1!,;.-W
. ku�r_!. .. . I V A- .. I
. �4 A
, W" " �
D=--::::-: ...... 2i�;trilol , -M km�fwt ,el.
, %9.*,i-:::.,-:::..-,.MtO1TC , l -N ?. ) ,
1�'. 160 to $ft 1 . -
=L .............. 6,00tow � � �
50 to 'Too �
. =sti::4 ... 134eto 35a ' � I . I . . YOUR I - I
. . Bran -vile, I 4 .
� .1 , I I . � *N
*+++++++I + . I
— --*I— - ., -AA� � . I . I
MINQU LOCAT40 , :l-, - I . . I . 11 ; .1 MAE
Single fkre, reiturn, tickets Wit 'be I . I . . 1. �
issued for V!Qltor!a DV olne I . I I "
_a _,road r, I
'Tueed y , nd, W Un ij�il.jy- lnexc and � � . I . -
a� ...... � ������� I ............ .1 �. ............... ....... � I � . . . . . . . . . . ��� 11 ..
...... ......
I V14BY ANNOYIING. Come .and see the resulto, of our efforts in *
The residents on a certain fitrept
"I tile 011"11'0 of the tos,vn ,vie C004F. WALL PAVER buying. We have striven to,
Plain .a rooster which has gather the uncornmon, the novel and the effective i
abX111�190tacbrooUWtilig at three O'clock
. every v.ilgrning. s in suitable colors. Tell us ifyOU think
I . 1
I - -?44Y 13th, 1007'. t; , =gather wisely and witl,and if our priees-are -
11 1� I 1, I . . I f***
I .1 -I.
, ,
r not in keeping with the qualities,
I ,Vhat dXtewill be well. remsimber- .
Rizen .
,e4 by lthe ,01 us as- It w,ai four .
, .
years ago, �that Vanton '%was,' ,visited � , � 11 . I .
. by the, big fire, I�erels 1hoping ithat notallers of 1100 WALL PAPEX Of the Beftler,"
. We willueverhave'amotherzoue, uk4 ! I . . 4
. . it. io . I . '.. .. I ! I . - . . I$ . : *
I .1 I Q I I ftsa : ". .� . . I -
I . I . I I . . - . . I �
AT BRUMFIELD TO-XIGHT, .. M__,_;_�--___M"�!!E!!i�i. -6�, -E- , - _ -.-- _ ,
. � I ,--., ,.
11, The,C.C.I,foQtbaljto,m,rpjay,� a � . . I . . I
I . . - I
rethrii Match with the Brucefield D. F '. 10 , _ .
, " . ,.
Roversto-night and. a . `i"� " � � - ... �
. good game - ! I � I''
sho,ald belseen, Many from, h , TheW.- , ' � -, � �. , A
Will attend, I ere. I . � 1616 0 0 a . . . .
� - .
, . 1A � 0 -
I MARRIED IN, TOWX� . ften'. th.e ftinvest Always the .8
. . . .
, , .- � 1 14
Tf I
i On Monday, af t -he, ,-W le I - I Q
. L-_._.----- -....-I.
church parso �rl 11 � . .
nage, -ROV. ,Ta,s. W or . . �. . I 011!01� tj ..
tied the matrimonial knot between - _, ___.��, . . . I
Benjamin jvj. Matthews and Xj _____=�-!--� - 11 .
,as I , � � %—.. I - ;_ __ I '. �
" I -_
Pearl Tedder,both of London town. rangements. for purchme of MOW egqjSS0060V@.60 .00040400090 - -
___'^��_ " "i machinery.11 I I 00
' Th wi' * 11 .
y 1 V13 has . 0 1 � � I '� I . 1p
I - _�O�u
,r _ ri'AxF 'ROTORS, I . .
'�48&- � R; a,_
sh P ose
0 do town a
. i ' �' �
,. r al in
. tgkOn position n the a 'a _ ; , ms,' : � -i , , , 0
. all, k 9 welcom'o them 0 0 Vn, The results of the S. P. S.,ex .:. 8W, fless ''
- . were announeed lastF .
,. 1 T0,33H OR W T . irida,,�,andtwe t I .�
ill � .0 ,To ,�BR. . 1, 11 were Indeed g.jaA, ,to s,��e that,)Qfpan N . 0 . ,. .
. . . - _ , at, Ili �
I � 4 sub -committee, IV Courtiee, tookllon,ois in mechanical 0
aa Eippointed : Educ' '.() .. .0 .� *%
i on Tuesday evening and 'to report engineering in his first yeai�� IQ 0 *
Vr -_ .... - ; .
. Olt Sat,u - rday evening. . Their find I - more the CIA C. 1, 'can shoAw at : � � : . T-�._ � - 6� . .
ing in. ror.agds to holding a eelob bright. students they turn oj�.t f or SUch as 7011 In aY 0 tititin under lop I. -
I ra,- , , I
11011, in town on Coronation Day, tho higher education, Among oth- the vevy bestl cOtjd1L1(-,tljs at ; I I
and inlvllat fOrm-fohaver same' if I Aer S,P.,S. students, -who attended I: a Centrdl Bus! I *11,
a I nee$ 00,'Iegq 4j, * .
. 0 1' .
they decide to go on iwith� a gaylis Clintou, Collegiate we notice eff - J * of,roron,tO, ism. sure ptissport 0 _.' ,,*"- .
. � � to .
,,pport. , . . I . Bedard, B L, Bedard- and J. S. ikit' : 8110008s. 'I homeand4 have 0 1 . ,
. . - . . . I � % , cheA took*houors in their, first ye4r : "o "' wily n6t ftivesti- : - , , I .
, Pro'
.9 TjNlquB jQo,-. -, - . . - in civil engineering, The New Bra a . g4to for yourself? Our free O., ,
- . A _ j,atalogue .explains. Write -
I � &y.tends, congratulations to them, 0 )r It
.. 1 � I 1. %, �,, - . . . VN, , : I ' -
. . I 0 . � a -SHAW 1�rin- - ,0 I
This week EL . nen belorip,ing to Mr, IR . . 0 cipal. . . .. I I.e.
� Xilbride of Ontario street decided MINO L004LSA, .. .- 0 :- . . 0.
that a nei* variety of eggs Ynight be Mr. RobertSarrideracul, who resides 0 . &
. botter thawthe oin one4, and so jast north of Clint on will have it clear: 0800600
. . . � I - � . I �
0elded to fcamm�nue 6,peratio A etion Sale of 11duseho!d Itivni- . . .
1 14S... ing, 11 -
. Theegg w -as gathered'With Ithe refit turo, and othe'r effects on Saturday� -�. -_ _____ � ,
I Oil TaL%sdav, nna 4-6-v - 1.11 14.1, nowt; Thowas l3ro-*,l, Af 11 I . . �
� a � . . . � I _.�. . I . ��44 Occupying an offica. ja,t i.qs King
w6rld, likeit soft-shelled -one "but on' I . . ... street West,. Toronto., uncl6t, the
F f e.pling it ,there Is 4 well-de�'eloped DlED IN LONDOX�� . I I Daniel Of theCanadian Se . .
. egg,iVith hard shell'inside. . I I . . - ., , . reen Mann" I
I TPossibly , On -vVedhesdav, of thii wec-k,' Wil'j,* facturing Company,sLimited', Olin -
I .
, th6re'lulght be another egg inside i&L- Aleii fie), aged 48 years passed aw,% tOnialls'Will VcoftorrY-�Colilholv that l,
of this one,� . - - - 1. I X . qf."
. . ... . � . I " tothe Gteal:l Beyona after an illneal Mr. S.F. *,Btroth, late, of Biandon;
I .. : *and Brother-in-law of Bert Kp
� HURON -nT.". Ttnv.Q, .. - - � thatstarted last -December'.with la ,,rr is .
. - - glpoo and ended with pnieurnionia, On'e Of th6 Victims Aaf -�he above, ��e_ ..
I � . �: ,
I �� .1
At 4 Oleeting rf the executive.of tile I eceased vyas a former Clintonlan �i%v,. having invested $2,000 Ili* negotiable .
. L -Huron -04 Boys?- Assoeiattom. !A-JUle ,..in*-w.o.rlce.a.fo.u.yqare,.jr,k-�tho, Ober - note!$ thereill, Pending trial the ... �
. , _P ty I
- *Prince George -Hotel, Toron to.-. 4t NVAS Jactory and moved -to Lo6don7aCboiif -1 1tW-0-Xn,-en*a*'e -7yeewladmitte+go, baH. -.,..-- ��,
. deLiftd-that the- annuAl three day's 10 years avo to* work foi the - Sberlook in thwani�ouat of $8,000 b-ach, ' - . � - - I' �.
eicursion,viouid'be beld to,'�G64erlch .. I � ... . . . I I �
I � XanuiogPlanoCo. ffeleavesA wife , .l . ' � I ..,
. And Kincardibe (in gat urdAy._July,8th. and five children to mourn the loss of I POUR, . TO -DAY, . �k . . . I . I I
. I .
A special feature thia ylear will, bb. an. 9, kind hugliand and . father. He is -Division iaouri was . - - halq. to-vday!' .'�
auto drive arotand, the 6ountV under also survived� by his aged mother, obli Judge Halt presiding. . I � . I ,*.
the chaperonagG of thii exedutive. 'sister, Mrs..jolih Scruton and three - . .. . .. . . : . . . . .
I Th driv ill la.f. V- +h. f u vt� r. A WTV,10. V A TNT . I I
.�Z:: � .
',� �
. � .", . . .. I . . . : . . � I I '. `1 � - I.. . . . . . . I
, . � �
� � __ ! . . — , . � , �_ . __j
. . . . . . . . . ......... � .. , If _ , 1, I ", .,_ , �_ , - � ?11_��
�6 a .11 - . re
u&y I Kn 101.is exMctil)d tlll),t P.111M Will
.. 0 a party Of* over f r al-
" 'a 'y
brothers. George afid.Rob6rt, of Olin-
ton and John, of Stratford. The fun-
i .. . .. .. .. ��
, Tuesday. this; 016etiorr Wag visited .
I . I I I � "M _ � , ON _ �
- . . I 'W 4� _ � I . . L ' �
. . . � . I 1111, . I I I III-— , I _ - A I I ! .
- , . - . . - , 2'0�
. - - . . .11 Wwn�� I . � I I 1111=!�7
, -
, pe6ple
toget er, All'the weinbets of. both
eral will be bald an -Friday afternoon,
from ehomeof his- brother-in-law,
with a fine, rain thAt 1WL I 'no doubt �
dd,,w6ndars with the erdps.-.
; ,:� .
1, I �
... " 4 '
. :
. . , I
. I I . .. . . .
. �
" -, C� .�,-
G - . ,. I
. .
I . z,
-hing -An. th:6i Wth-ot her Redee ' r_AFo.'ex1)edted-
I me
. houses of parliament, tor the* county
. �
- ' - - ;: : � '
- - - . - -_� -
Mr. John Serfiton# Huron Street at 2
o'clocko service being held . at 1.30
. .
. . . . . . . I ..
... .
I PROPERT-k J30-U6H-t. . ....
. � " ,
� i", �.
� nerw shingl4koof "a .belh .
-t o"upied 1by LVIA"t'
the, 'house '.
1. I � .. 1. . I �
, . �
" T11,643i(diberim'inatie use - of. . slang
- kpxb6A on tho� ears
who she had-jaithfully . �
I aerved for
mgmy Years. The-bereaVed - wi,11
I I � -.---. _1 I I
Xlr' D. MeOillieudd late 6f Cal-
wbich-will be conducted by Rev. - Mr.
L, 46akins. The funeral
, 'W
� Xr.-RobeetSianderion has s6ld,his - - . .
raper y nor
It th'of the town'(W Ur'. 0<'
� .
. .
I �-._�:- -
; � . '� r .1 . T; , DR.
I .. e .
OVENS, London, Surgeon, U �.
Dbv-nsA-Andr9w,TayIor Is having
a , the, Isidel.
'16oment Walk put. from, i
when'kdtdred fby
. ' 8 of Eve. 'It i,obs wo-
-ghirei In Ure . aym a wide
. pathy of
eirdle, f friend's at Seaforth,elinton
- I
gary, formerlyr of =rich, I accom-
Lhe i4soicaa of the Olinton,'T. D. 0. F.
agi � ?e . � . I . !
elYlath, of town. As. the, - Anew, 0 1 .
OWner intends
. _; I Ust,
. I. I. .
: , Holmes!
" 23th
Specialist. wilt be at W. S; R.
Drug store, an T 'eadayi Ma
AAd6o -
walk to. his front said fbac r�a
Xacob.Bft . has had his, house , oil
, manhood af-,one(elemae�,A that wl.bas
. `65& the respect, of mankind
,�_j&fjn ement. A 1%roman: has
-and Goderleh.' - -, :-
. I .
MOVING. :�`, � I . I
nied byhis wife; is at ptle�en� in
, .
9Z4wa, where he is - t*
recuperal ing
f ram a severe illness that has'lasted
. . . ., .
. I 1;
FRAUD. - . �
. . -
. -11o.. blove torit the. .
cOming..week Mr.'Sanderso'n will .,
. I
hakye his sale,on Oaturday, May, ft ,
. . I
I ? ,. Glasses
, :"n., catarrh
.. -
1�. day.
propert 8
F (lea no 1�
and failing a t treated,
,Q u stre�t pallited, which is occu-
'fi�� -. q),, 13b. Uanse.-w-jE. J.'Cantelon
. - as
mni* Arlit"fOr freedom of
- speech osi
. . .. 11 . . .
, . �
. . .
M r, Draper , js moving'this. Week
Aeveval worriths. - ' The fatitude Of
Calgarr., nbarly 'fou - thousAnd feet
Fivefoien,belj 6viiig themselve .to
tnems ' CO
'have, lbeen v �d V'*
ietims of. fraud, to 'the
- ___ - - -'--- ' ' � a
t u
. 1. . I .. -
. . ... . ��
YOU . RELP. . :
.. CAX� , 1.
I "j. �. � All
� I ,*�111
,f I
. I
h 9%vy
11 � a llielwv cemept (waJk
I .1 "
down, � I � I .
. . .
aknan,and:h 411I.Ir a rcises the
3) 7 xi ..
preitogativ fboyuld'lil�' ing her.
. f . lack
. al culturo. I .
irom, theJervis' cottage on, $Ratten-
- bury St,, lVest, to the house orwer,
. X .
above sea Aev�l' a too ainch for
I .
; h6,,t,..,,d -&whkils ,,,f,,, -,.d
bit great,
'extent of %-0,500 4n ,cash rwhd (note.S,
. d ,
'lot �'
caused the arrest on. rTuesday after
V ue�d'. y
I aft r
. .
. . . . �
It you -are'going uway for the 2f i
or -going ito hav, , -
e -vii1tots hitbd in'
�, ;,,�,�, Q�
�., I
I . . i
I ,.1 . . . . .
. � I . . .. . . I.
lk 6ccupi b I . .
I er.dl..Y--�R', Downs. I . ...
L .
. I . , .
I �
ly.-therefiom. Bis old - wes6f�rn On-
noon, optwo 8,01,f -styled, ; ,_
ad M'a,n fa -
. . ac-
of �p � 4 _
, 6 1
iturers in thb"peraions of &'. A.:Xtail_
I - ,�
.the .news to the New fEra " m a are I
, . .
I" 4". I BOYS
- .
. I I .
IA'Outiarlo no duties are cdfl'
I . .� I .
. .
. . . . I . I : '..
-h '
� t1ti-iO frielldS will bP PJ�Ased to .know
that be: I
in a
. . .
, sellr and F. B, � Lushner, who 1have'
r, who 1have
, always Pleased tp'�ublish tbe'it $..'I' I �.
I . L Following
,� �
,�� i
, .,!�.
is the B ase Ball -'
on esbatea that do not (exceed 1$9[0,-
I ' 000,6r on piopertybequbaitfied-. to
. .
The time f r spring. �leahing is
, h
-� , ,
801; I
- � . .
. . I
.18 now e
fail, wit -
y 'a r
I . .
covery *and hopes that' ere Ion r a
' . ,
' * . ' .
Also don't forget tor lc -t � na: (know . - -
. I 1.
js happ d b
jEW_ ening, .here an. a toad
1. . . � __
"t., I . edule.
11 , ,
haft and.,attend
Paste these dates in your '
the '
. ,
r0lielous and charitable purposes or
at ii�,O
now a , and also, incidentally,
th6timefor makiri,t preparations-
Mr. tha4os Bezzo, L'Celebrated , hi�
8ath birthd�aY on May fith,by work-.
inliv 7be able to. engage in., ;
, t�l
.. . .. i4e ,
in VVilen � v� ell enough 't I
ag (� 'a .
� . . � I
. . I ,�
.. . . .1
of our ebtizens. and *ex -citizens . .so* . 1. ...,
that all'm.a-Y,havetthe Inews,
! , 1, . ever
possible;.- - ,�,,
I itd,propart� Pkasing-to
gi40pareata, husband', Wife,
for summer arboreal and floricaltu-
Ing ,hard. all day, and, -in: the. r,-ven-
41a J;uklpuses.. t4kinA� lip rjewspapv
- I -4 School, A GOod
, . � -�- . ... N.
. . ..
� L":". May
1; I
� �, -,. 'Kay
16-GiaAts v,s Tigers -
19th -Pirates Ave Cubs.
. daught&-iu,law or son_ijj_Ia*,'
.,al it also at hand-� In
tho'nifid chase after the* nimble dol-%
ing his chilldreli,and grandchildren
aasembIdd Ito,co-ij,grit'
ulate; him on
woll"k in- one of ille Western eltids'!
notl,ohigh-li as Calgary* '
. I .. .
I . The. best
I .
. . A
I . . I . I . _ . I .
- � �.. .1. I
. . .. I
I ,,
- May
24 -Giants vs Cubs; Pir all"
wba%,le total does not $50 000' -
On es, too exceeding'$50,4
to. DOO Kife�
. .
lar, the citizens of towns .. the [size
- . .
4hat occasion.- Aft.b.r spartaking of
. _ ,
. I . . � I
* �
� c6ntral Bilsinoss. College
. The diremdrs of the Canada Ce- ,
.�, vs
:, �,,, .
i"c May
; I.,
, .
Tigers. ..
� � run from'%to 6 per -.eent., laccording
30 -Cubs Va. Tigers. I . , I ,
' ' f terstates. There are
to Mou t
of Clinton arei I .
I very proine fto over -A
look thei' very 9 eiz
- real ', atisfa t a
which is derived
and. satistying-th er �nah -1
0 inji4 soXne
prep qn"t.8 were L3,jven.bv tijs compan-,
. v -
. :,
- Butter imper tor va e tkt tbe'Nevv Bra,
. � I . .
. L . �
. 8 t.- - - . .
. tratt.ord, Olt
. . .
. I .
Company , j,*,
. .. hso�e replied, ltro Bir . :1
Sanford Flemifig's chargos-. Th '
they had %,
I � . June
'. .
I �"? �,!, June
-Pirates vs Giants.
2 ls,O
er provp
A � h,% in, the act he , x6r-
6 -Tigers vs Giants. ceu anded oadding - further
from tree planting
said*,garden Pursuitg generally� But
there Is ho
and ebildr;�n and flien
were. �iytdebyhis chil
gi�aod �:? dren land
-children '
� . .
Orfice. . .
. - . .
- . on6' '
C � wedding invitati* prlut�
. I I
-This sebooi bas a continental vd-
311� 81. � ,
- :d'
I 'lon f0i high -grade vv a rt. all
say � them - 4nveeti�atb . . .;
sonie time ago and found this posi- 1.
.. I -
. I .
tion untenab a,
I I_-, .
,, June
11 �'';�,
�� .. I June
. I., ": . June
'a .0 .; .
9-Pirotes vs Tigers., . t� a. . . ...
d .
13 -Cubs. ve Giants ' ' :.T I . 1 ,4,-.--.. .
16-Glants Ave ,Plral:es - , - - `
great -er evidene6 of good
-tastO thau is.- derived from -tree
plautin ,caring for and' nourlshiiig
and Ithe a d -
e'ran piade 6 reply. 11is a rie
I f nds
wish him still'ifi4ny'alloret )7eftrs.
ad ai office. , � I .. - -
Jh . I .
. .. . �
- '
nnd. 'gistrdenliltl, are
for th6 success of J,ts stiadent& . .
I .
We have. thfea departments,
CommerciAl,-Shorthand abd TeW
� .
- , .1 I
I . I . . .
. I . .
'1104. 1:1. JA Palmer isthe tew 'Pre - - �
* I
� 1� .
., .
, I I ".I.: . . June
. June
. 1. - , -:
20 -Cubs vs Tigers 1, 0, . ,- . . I
22-Cubs-va Pirates Giantm,.."'Thisis the, n* ame, of the. special
trees,s rabs and'fjo,wers,,Espoeiaj_
ly is this true'. in the residential .
I : I
1. I � . I
I . 11
. .Housecleaning.
the prime topics of I he day. o I .
I � � � .
Fridiq� aftervoon and Saturdak Of
� I
. .graphy. Ambitious young me.1a
and women shoula selid at once for
Mier of Prince Edward Island in
suceossiob. to Ron. Mr. Haazard.,. ' -
. I
Duri:Zlit firobt in'Redt6r
,� 11 vs Tigers.
�.� I I June
� -.41
. 1��
mul train that, leaves Toronto bv-
I I �
of where .'every Iresiftnt,
whatherowneror tenant, -should
. . . ...
'"Mr. ZT.Lockle Wilson, superkriten-
labt week the weather man aRcided 0ii
. .
cooler weather.
. our large free Catalogue. Write
for it it once anil at
. an alarm of F -
Street School atLondon, the pupils - �
,� �il .
� I.. June
I �� I
1 .. July.
-Pirates vs Giants � .
30 --Cubs ve Tigers. � �
- .
4 -Pirates vs Cubs. �
ry morning, and earldes all the
Aally papimstoWestern Ontario so
I . � I
ds to arrive in tlir eatlymorning.
'take a hand in the deeorhfiob of his
prat as
AW -. ' - .. I . . I . .
I � A
dent of.ragrieultutal sociilties, in-
tends to ,stimulatef the interest in
. I . . I
116reemen reql4wi ng bills' or folders
for the coming season can have their
see wh -our
.adilates are d I
gr .oing,
. Thisisa-good time of* the year
,mar6od out ** ct order, . al- I
I '1"e I
thqu,zh the.cZripd'ors `Were� ,filled , '.
. ,
, �� -
, ;. ,
.1 1�
. ..
I .
. AS fat as 011utan is concerned the
. . �
I eva, arrive no earlier, IbUt pro:-
.... . . I
' " ' I ,,. . I . .
_ M . . .
. .
by havfA
. g k.'h&4Warmer,S,Of.
the- country enter Itheir'borses in
orders promptly and satisfactorly filled
at 6
Th NeW Eta office. .
. -for you -to enter our: classes. Stud.
ants are entering each week.
I k0l. ,
� : I .
Oilth SmO . . . .
; Itisp ).qed to fadjbix I
rop( rn Parlia- .
I � .
�, , I
. .
vix ge for
VI ,ad the Q.T.R; wouldlartan
. � . . . . . . �
' Last .,Thursday evenbiff Bruee�
tuniping compeititions, for which
handsome prizes, W131.6e, given. At
. .
Ve good to 'the r3bins, A dinglo
Commence your .course at once.
. I .
- ment at the 61ose of PrIday's, sitting - .
. .
, -
, 11 . ,� The
, , . . men's
1, , I home
I .itri-earlier train from Stratford 4'
regular meetring of t4e WO-, 'we
Institute will beheld 4t (the, ,,could -have our.papers here that
of Mrs. T. Mason next T,hur'- ' bTdch sooner ao they� now vtay 1p
field Intermediate -WY.A. team and-
Clinton Collegiate -team played , a
tlet gme( on thc4 41lerl
presen't the -only extriai wttraction, at
Fallfgfirsarothe, tr'otting. 'races,
and Mr. "Wilfron thinks' that if
bUd of' this famil y'llas been found to
devo'qr 18d caterpillars in a dky while.
the crop of.'another was found to have
D. A,,,MlLach1ln ,.
I . . 1. I : . . PRINCIPAL �
. . W
X r.'Hakry RdIbman -Avas kill6d ' -
while.cro,soing-tlie, railway.tracli:6 at. . el I
Valo is, .Queibe,d.. . . : - . ) . .
. Z. day afteTnoon,
. .
May, 2M, 'at three " StritLiford. froll; I Wc�r6ck till 10 wait-
park 01eith'ar Jump-,
sid0s, ic,oring. Borth tems showed ing e0mPeltitions Wore; lield the 'far .
14 -0011, otion of 100 po,tato busts. -.
. I . . . .' .
I I ,wo �. - . : . �
I I'l , I I , 1 . � . . I .�, , � : - . .
11 o'clock.
I . for conn6edons. . ; -, .
�. .1. I I . . .1 ..
lack. of 1;tactice, and no combination
Iners would oulter their thories ,and
Onpe-morewe call littefition'to 09
I I � .
. r F r — .
, - � � .� I I . . . �. I
. I .
I - .
11 '..
. I .. . ., I . . , �
. . . I I .
�vhqrtever.' Thfi'visitorgardilloav;.
some" ""'a' '
. part would -follow. It
" "'
rule I
r in vogue in newspaper offices gen-
- . I . I..
.0 .� +++++4++++4- ..
.i�+-�,.,-+. +' ++++++ ,* �
. , —.,—.
� I , �,�,
'. .__j__.._-__-_.-_. -- ii��
;;-.—_-------�;-T I I I . . .
.., , . I
Jer bunch but'rwil) have to, get doWn
leaso woul d 'to more eictensive
erally-th4l; items of iipws and othiar
. . .
. . I . . I. + � r
I., ... . . . . . .. r . �
, ,", r
. . I , . -1 I
. . . 1 , Kum
to ard to go as far &,a they
did1alt inthe.,.IWY.A.,
breeding Class, lumpers.
-1 �
,c6mmunications int(-fided: for publica;
tion nitist be aeconipante
'. .�. : . �
I � . � � + 1
I q
+ � I .1 �
11 .1 .1 I
'r 1�
. I . .� .1 I
' .0
year .Fhey
ha.ve, Tnally. new fae�j t 'eam,
and they eertainly
I .. �
. .
& by the
namp of the writer -, other -wise thby
eannot be - " '
+ _ . A- I .
, +
'10 I
+ I"
jackson's I %_
'"ho es
1r: I
I �
Our*q ial
W ell .. ,
. bliss Bei'bert. ift
, thodofen6e. The cojjegiat�e 'e
The .alvg concerning the driv
published. . . �
1+ , .
. I Vk.W I � ,
. .
ing.ok-inot6r vehicles include
SUbsci4bem' in the 17, 8 0 hould al-
+ I .
- .
. � . r I "
,,� , I
, I 1�� . ,,,
havo a. good teaTW this Year if Tr(,)�,
cliiiies Which make fortb6protec-
-,; koerkywid in
" I
wai advanc6, Aq we must
, I � . . r I . � �. I + . .
t - - +
I .. r
; 16LI'a
. I 1 .
�. - . I I .
perly handled. Sit,dVily*retire,
tha last"hair And'Snirillie too
� �k his
- The.
tion of the public, and1will Jba gen,:
evally appreciated. + #One is t3lat
, Y rfile pnafilge to sond-tilem tile pap-
, I -pub-
or. - It ls,�Pry unfair to expect the
+ - I .1 V t
I . . . �. , ! .
. . . r. . . I
+ I — r I . . I . . 1\ - IF
I . I , .
I . I . I
. � .�
", .
. I
. . I
. . . I
platiel, � Aks -
tems lined.,up -, 101
speed on highways or streets must
not on1v to send tbe aper but
, . �,
*L � ' ' . . .. . I . r . .4. ..
_ . . I
. - .e r
r I I �
Is to announce ihe. 01"isofUtioix.of �Artnet-'- . ,
I .
back�'Turner and Mustard, hallves,
W. Swan, Layton, Kaiser;
l5a reffulalted b7 circumstances, such
as the'eandition .of traffic, Mate bf
kill,. 11r) tile postnap. The prico of The
� New ,C411a to tinY U. S... -address jar $1.5%
. I
. I
I I � . . . ; . I
+ - - ,. . . .
+ � �, .,,.r,,, . ' I �. + * -, , * . , .
Every pair of Sho our- * .1- .
' show in.
, I
Aip of Harland' Bra`ge`x"isting the P"dSt�' r . -,
I I -
44 by conse�t. WAS'llarland _ .
eentr I
r c
forward, Thom son - riallf Wi X�
1 'n W,
Wright Wlrig�t�;
the, road, ete., and,(hoiAne inay drive
reeldeasly Or negligently AVE6 b
' r,. ''I'll"
�+ , .
+ I . � I - 4" . 0-,
r poss
, + ' stock Csses so m"ucb of geniiine ' , . +
[� ,�
years mutual �
retiring and J. T. H4 * ,j '' � 1
,rlan;d c6nti�tlingthe I
and j I + left Wi4g,
W. TurnbTand Aikehhead. Clinton'
-Goal, Xleld; 'backs,
,,o doing the, ptibili(
a is emdali�e,,T
Aguln, r'40n. undc'r the. a
nolDpr . . . e 61,11
Tho lqgl�)rosorves lift've been - counto
. �
'Aiid the clibw eliow is running I_ .-
� . �
-14 - ,� . .. . + . .
, __ m&it that -it warratits your attelition'.. . I .
-t r ' . + .
_ ", (�.i�j.j,(� We WiSly "
business,.'at .the to .
Welsh, Tbr.
rqA0&; h,%Ives
years sha I drive a motor ve icle 1
9 n
I There nre onlya few'tointitoeq, I
+ , , - , and desery your admiration and +
eg . .
i I
� � .
,.same� �
I 1, �,
thank all for th
- e busin&,S� gi�en us. In the, '.
. 100Q, Rance, MCI'Con�
zfe; centie, East; left iwju�,, 1W. and
apaVIia etreet or highway, No, one
Without a license is a Hawed to drive
Aitdth�'pe;ta.v�wiii,iliedionf.[Lgo, I
� Thi- jam anfl the jelly's' App I
. ..
+' . - . *. . .
c areful ConSf eration +
id .t . 11.
* - - ".
., ,
past and hoping for wcontirluanee the - -1 '-,
,: ,,,F.,-'Mmb1yn; right wing,�, arquhar
� ii:A4 Sturdy, D, Swall of rueoffeld'i
a car f Or hiref,or as a Paid chauffeur,
' 'I'll,- pinWes and mt6up hide * .
Thevo!s bardly '
ib . + , �: . .
. `,., 4. ,
ft* . I I . . I 1� .,
and no. one -is allowed to engaZe. a
a m8te of Chile, r ..
'I$ . ' I I .
� �,
, ,�_:
same very beial Ntfon*ge. Look' next
li � .
1; Was .roferee. . � f,
. . .
, 1.
mail as driver liniess he lial q a license
And lesw6ef6thowfa-thatade. ,
+ . -4 .�
+ Otir shoes aria,Good Shoes
. �,
� .
week for O' ur 5p A%' I
ial.aa�4 a lot of odds ana,.
Those .%ror 1441le priiielpal new ela��oa
Sowhy.dowedoxAbt it longer, -
q+ I . . �. . I . 1�
11 . I
. ,
. , , . .. 1. .
ends togoc�=V4'. .. . 11 I
I . �.\ . "
I . I � 41! I .
Last Sunday Mary J u 11' "
e, ifgg.alre-
I lict of th& late SaMuellgegaw, dio d
-of the act, whiell has InOw, �o ne into
, t 4 -�� .
fare&. , , r
A ', . v
�, Thai spring Thu4t be nermly bere_r
Ilivrels-n6 hign like. a eel] 1,
ar : .
That 1q.dmPtyj or very, dear, i
+ , I .. . . . , .%
.. I . .1� I r .;, � . , .
I .
+ . � + .
+ . ,' Not beCaus but becau!,e' - +
' we say so,
, I , , I
. . I 11 . r � .
' ' I ' . y . .r `� I
As we clo§d,our_swre"s6,tp at -6.3o ltver �
'4t tho'ho,wei of her jaon4n
1, _10,W rtt&
� as Archibald, Vittoria ;Areeti
I Tj� . .
. ,
COMPANY F 0 ' .,%: : " ,
I IkMt1l . , 1.
. � , + ,AN,
1.1 - .... tliey are. Youl will never know this . :�� A- -
I . . , - I + �
.. I . .
� I ;
evening exCeptitig W�dniesday and Satur. - , .
Se�aforth, agod 80 YeavA and 115 days.
She, Is ,survived by three sons,Rob-
The, O',ther evening the-, reside(rits
on Ontario atroet'Werelisurprised to
I'VOW thd, gd�nontoh Capital ive
clip the foIlowing Which r4ferg ito 0.
� .
11" until you wear them. + .. . q.
"", ' I . I �. r . I . . + �
I � I .
I ,
day -evenings and, evefting before holidays . '.
. . ".
for convenience' or,dlir'� existomp.ra we have
1, gor,tt of Goderich.; (Alex. In (the 1014
. _
,A of Vernon, .8.
I 106'Urftt0_&jjd W.1"lliq? . .
sero something like awhito streak
go tearing down the sidewalk push
on6wrtime tiftit
r on of twvu� in the -per-
son of Mr. 'Geo. F. Umerson, ft- "A
+ . � + .1.
. � +
+, .
4* A good time to find Out -is wheiti you ' +
I ,
L �tz,L..; ,f�t __I,,,.
,jiU, ithd threre, dfaught er:s, O/Trs. jW. a.
ing a hiby buggy --ahe,Ad. -We
no* Vompany to, be known as I
I . IV -
"' . 6t.
r r1063 evt' air Come see and. � ' +
U Urup ' 0A 011, " 4 WATU 0LOredoor , ,.,,,
to receive,orders for Gas011nt; Coal Loilf .'
.._ I also orders for the new Orm- 8kam & gutter. . �
. 1.
11 � r 11":11 � 1. Al,
� I . I � I
- . 17, . W
. _
. _� . . . -
. . . .1 .., ; �_ . - .. �'. ,)-'t A,
. "
I . 'r- ,,, . I , , � * 'UP ..", r ,. �-,,� I,' ,,.� 1��v
., . `Ax� I
. . " -
_*"r , 4_ )s
- H -Al . I I— . . I I - 'W. . 1* I. -�,;�,_,
. r . . . _. � .. -, , 11 -,,
RW11 ;�` � ,
44 .
StoVeg sud hardware
I . . I
. I
. . .
OIP40,8% Of urrton,Mrs. Davidson, learned it was out Aldeman, Thos. ,orsoW,R Limited," AWith Oeo. Ve Em- X I * . � � +
bf,'Vaneouvr6r, and Mrs. Ardhibald, J'ackson Jr. who,bes,ides giving the 6rsoii of the Sterling Securities. Co., +, . be �O_jy,l�,'�d, r, � '. I +
About 30 -years ago Mr. and �Ofrs. Me the, rowigi;iemiler of the hou"Wd as tokidefif, has, lbebn orgstulzed t _ . + 1�f
gar,w livod In Clinton (nat&ffig their %merry ride, vas developing vijid 11� Witt EL dapitil OjI200,000 - to take I . .". I +
' .
.ftub,heke for 10 years dlurinZ which ,"d Mabale,for ithialageball rseasOrl O= t - flepult While you Wait , I I + I
. n - ___ urine. plaatb i the I
tZvno ,fihe,V doiAorvodly, -Won &--�Valqw which is now oveno-d for Ob Moys Oldbia'Cask6t; Co. Associated � � I +
. +
'koq n1hAd 9&od okilnfotis lot thd Assqq1a% .)nTdo to with Mr.,lmor6on In,the *low eabl- * I . - ,�, I..= ,, � 4. ... - . .. � +
I - - .( l I , , . I I �
pe 10fithe,co%munity, Rr. Me- UlIfft" a 6 ,get 0 tace - t;p� will be( .A. Cloland, propldenC I � . +
IM 112 ylears h9p In tGoderich that tho4,jiiea.,are� ibellng ,playda on _ . . �
ga'W'di joj t, 6 joftaor tomp1m atid W Ad-�, � ' .- . I' I I . +
- � .y . , i UL w +
Tft&1""q4,&fXrs,^e$�, 0 rogularuig _.. I I , f .
-4 Will tak hts,,settle disputos, find aThOon - hasr been appolutsd ae��uht I_.. , 'S +
, , " . ,
V%40_*Fffi4"y ., attqrboon, I , I 01thift' 't -"I,'b,%�U�..und,utkUo,r,L*aiiind�a�t!hou tent" -I,E,iFfth�%in.tfttton�of',tho,!o - " 11-N - :,, I �
wi;A-',��-`�'Ifftfttneni',,, '�W61inbAcIvt -;' ,ft'6 PRED � J -A C Kc S 0 ' . 1
91nd -412� o othy tli�altthi"g just 6i'Apuny'toineredsothe 66t I + � . I . . . � + ,
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