HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-18, Page 7. . � I _.-IM-11PI, - __ - � . . '.. .1 - V. �4V. � r f - _� � �,_,Vg. �,,­Tlr_y­,_All� ,., ... ; tj"Lt . '19-7-F. 7: � " 143, ` I , ­7.� .". ­ ­ I __ " - ­ — - t V, I . �i I � .1 4, ., 'I.- 1�_, 7­1_171.777�*w ' � L 14 � � �, .. . __r_1 - , 1 . , , . — __,_V4"�, .. � 11 � 7 I ... OLV1.1% Vy" 4 V�Wctr K awsw spo 60 0* a woom 86 "a IA06* 1"M I �� �� �' VA"s *a* 24LE WMAW, 2h#, 1"4& t, � ­ � - rr� - ': , 41*4 I* UW aiauttylog t4twes. 0aft other newinwips I M, B, TREK "' i 11 � I E - ­ -DM Shie ;rr,wIA6 To'go ta ft &OW.- , - ­ , , DT" ft"Utift in — , I L W I AW. -;4)'% ININXTY COL- I � 11 - I . ., . ' $bo felt that Nilluo wuu4 ao4 lot tba Where obodSonotit to oaiex su I , . .L - * , ,t�r � .)U?" . , , ;. X , it. 1W J , W 11 �, , . , _�,L ig ;�Ar. " — ___ I BO . y ,�A I reot. Toronto. . V 0 � . .. _. ... TO f ou imory, be imol Ili what she bad In any Well N944ted Organisation, is 1 �JUX - .'%'�" r'. fr-t. She #alf ab#L 6j;q 11 .. 1. I. 11 I 'b p S.1,S ND 1) I . . beard� atitt slip tvuld not ortipprow a g mWa Arst duty under all circum- Mexiloo SesiPortis Now in Hands! ' QJRX At I "),,I S-_(�C)ITNTVOP av�, tri -t engavoment for t`2,4 eveniso. . ill pau,, of VaIrt that pierced her heart sit staucw � it-brickhonw,two 14ms;c!Wra� I ,� whon I t(ild her V4 tall for h#r in I i ; I what utte belleved to be the falat- "Whyi mRa," be,oxclalwool quoxtima- of, Insurrectos. I at . thl J. u re . L, tavi-il ,�­ 1-i!i-nod m# the i!)i*ntv* " I L , � I . ,LY - — ,-1.­*�­­ - , . AM , . � 11 I -TYI1ALT()1,- � ­ .. - I ", I 5i TATE teal vitiolictivepwLa of Wbooler Brand Ingiyj "you'ro, surely not Solug to ran � I NI;NXTVACI ES-COTIN . . 11 ... I . -twenty miles from, Toronto-, Jr.sum ,,, 'L, � . ", _� I I I . jagaluat her fether.'.., yet sbe Was a I thiIi Storyr, M I , i ' ., . ADERO HAS DISSENSM V , barul'orchard; eight thoiusanol. , URINE; M RE .f L , true woman, guid she icou)4 not, In Before Brand could give An gun F*r " "r' . . wor A Germ Dwase Which is iia�11110g &4,W94,W0VyX4WyXy!W 'J. L ­_ � ,Jay . 'J. " ' Vavollzed by spite of her loyalty -to tier parent, . to this laxt question, even It bg bad In. I . -(Jr 'TO 4)AVI 11IRNI)RED ACRIP .. t- 'L ,.. I, . r , , � the Doctors and Alarmiag the county Peel; sown thousand. ' I "I GRANUL^TZDF.VZU . . avoldi feeling w touch, otpride At big tended, to do, so, Nolan brokio In ou the pr v . - I I . I Murinel)oetinit$mort-&othe4VyoP4in ' I FRIEWRICK X. TOOMS strength of character, W determbiai- pair. " � 0 1 0 Istonal President's Troops Clamor " I HAVE ALL SIZRID FAR, S-130TIl 1, prWgi* $,Ilonxi** 9y*R*tWr. W44 M WSW, I I tiov, at ,the vacrideas be had In . ade, to "Mr. Nolan,," began Brand, 41you For Food Suf LoaJer Temporassi - . People Generally. . L improved and unimproved aAlberta. I . : � I � . � i Musipot IKY* S#Jvw. Ip Asev0-%Tub*i4 215c. $146 : V'r9m tug Gireat Play . accomplish what be bollev4. even If bave bear4 the whole story of this With Thom-Oandnoa Is Also Cap. It may, be said tb4t, doctiors are only Fashatchewan, M,hnitoba. It oingWest, Eyg 1100ES AND A1)VIQp4 1Fj$= By VASX. I a . � . I i � , - I � � I of the $saw Norno b3r . vooltshwl to bA 12111 duty. mi4era"610 afflatro both #Idea of ft­�,-Bwr- � tured by Qabral'4'Men - Proisi- . 4greed ou twb� p6iuti; regarding this It wil 1`37,von tO sca me, i MUrUlk0E-ys,R6M0dyCo,Cb1"sW L I - I 4o"Rh N� o4ill, Vxnero I 'ehey 4001t Deed me�, she finally telmy's and- my own, from our 0 dent,D � 1-:mnch dreaded disease, FRUIT, STOOK, URAIN AND DAIRY ­-_­--­­_ � --L'--- -'­­_'­__­_.__­ - ----- - -_ I � I wu _ tax Holds on. to Oobr ln First, that it is a germ disease,, and. farms to suit �rou in Old Ontario. � son. sm4. lisrrtet For0l. muttered.. And, 0. tbering up her costly, lips. Wbatever 4 . ,..By MAIL -ONLY . . , , . efemse or explanation � , Spite of Robs, Successes. second, like all germ diseases can only Consult me, I W- � . * skirw, she trippe4 daltittly Across the Bartelmy Wye you I don't know. Put, . . � - � 41 be fought with pure.. rAch bl I I VIP11 I , I -paper strewn Coor, ou ed, I told you Mexico City, May IS. -From Aca- Prevention is always the bi -, NV COL. I conyrlsbu 100, by lJosepli - L BORNE' street, Phone Main ff.W. t into the hall so far As I am Vie; way � H. "erdul , , concern W. DAWSON 35,L -�TY , I I . I I?##or,qoxv,;pd,11a=l*t.J;* _- ' itud down to her carriage. I the f4ots and the truth. You must plileo the 0overnment Saturday re-' - and tb at is why ie are, always, talking Nights and holtdays,,Two Hundred and � . 4, � ,0114 1 f that about the viadom of keeping the blood � I OD I INLT 0 L , . � I Nolan dropped hip: beacl In thought know that by Lth ce v w . f t .pt re I % , IS time. Vou muist. be. 1 ed lie 8 0 UO 104 11 0 Saventy-twoW,rightavonuo ,ph,onepark � � I ... I I ;, 0011-."'"' , '"", ­­­­ '' , ­­ ­� L , -11 ­ � wheu W wife baot OnIshed her tirade " Ilove % Therefore wby do, You r - fox on - . -rich and the, nerves health � , aonto. � I : $f.00 box. a f9r$4.00 - ; I . rt ' May 8, despite the efforts of pure and y 5V T , , 11 . . � UMIF." A; UM awn't or oer XaVueell Ile paced, up and (Iowa nervously.,' bow In beaven's name can you befo he garrison, supported by the guns and strong by, using Dr. Chase's Nerve - $i -­---)"0"""y#"64'-U"- The -mon hig ,hlv efliclent'stplientlon. far I . .. . A- , - _"k�� , � ,emotiou, And yieldirIg to the fervent � , 'of, the cruiser DemQcrata. Food. � 0 . I ,a looked At t1i L Iwk, theq at the tatell, . L, I ' The Government reports, the bum. Rich, red blood is * g ��'�' T60 - SASIC.-DO YOU the ieductimi QV$%ellings, Itre, 1hick L L � : pleadings. 9:C be.r. only lIvIng parent H e, e . . W% ttomakemoncy? Ifsoinycroin !4eck.olaild�14VI�Ulol'oenionts. lt5P*514170. , f . . a deadly foe to "' Saskatoon property and Central 'Faskat- . 1�1, , tA. . she J_igd wLUta&jT � form- with Its Accusing contents, tbeu:-,Mlcbael Nolan's face shone with tbo. ing ot a. textile factory by federgla. disease germs whether they are 4erms cheWan farm lands, Vor full particularg COMMON BE, NISIR . � op,poetited, to under- I I - � A : . 1 4 , I: ta e -the mission, v4pleas=t though .at Brand, then At his wife. . I likht of oletermination. .1 Acapulco. is in the state of Guer . of infantile paralysis, of colds,of con- as to good safe investments . wrIte_md, it . k . � , rero .. I . 11 . . "I'll go. and telephone ATudgg Varm ,, "Wheeler, my'boy," be said., Ill have one of the stat" controlled by th4 mption or any other disease. Oil are coming West., call on 0, 1-1. Olare, I . . abo. knew It would .be, she believed, It , su VOR PILES' . I � . .'her duty to otaud,by :1a his hour ot telmy'l', pyt In I)UpUy. AllaWil be 4u.x. learaea­i=-cUfr0Mrj,ou,1�'I have needed Figueroa B t� May Bloch-, ,.1nd Avon . - I i . IL . , ... . rthers. Its capture does Don't let the blood get thin and we k co',10kBox 1194- Slks- Quickly relieves anti poRltively cures piles I 1. - �. .., � itius, .0. � I contact with such a man as you. I not mean, necessarily,, that the eorL- erY. Don't let the nerves get exhaust- atbon, $ask. Reforen . oyal, 11ank. . . ,ding need the,#ther whom slid loV4. .. , , I tit 40Y AXIOL all Stages, ! . i � of my tingent peace agreemenf made with ed. The risk is too great.. Every dose " �. - � - .-..- ... -.1 .; $1.00 box.' 6 for $15.00, t - I � " �, ,f4e.fttber whom sbe*dld not know. The lawyer took himself ofr. - ,,have led a rough life for most : REAL ESTATE.. . " , L�. ! � . entered .nd. Brand saw the danger of delay. He, career. When I rose to be chairman the Figueroois is ,broken, as the plW% � of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food goes to -----.- ----------.--- ____ " 08. SNAPPERIS I . i , ", , . � As she I thit oillce a paused . . . fell -prior to the'departure, of Fran. -the formation ant �f -SASKATOO'NAND ITS OPPORTUNI- " d ted it u would b, be Street Itailway Workers! union, c,50 Figueroa from the capital. to pu,re, rich blood. -i r . oub d able to! of t I ,of a. certain amo , . I s bow. she Vould - A y man - � TIRF-for a few valt able pointerg on � . � � . For this reason you , I � . , I i cessfully. withstand the pressure, i did. so simply through my rugged- L eat, real estate sttmatlon in ,14ask'Atoon,towtfier Vim ana _Ne_rve Food I I �, . proceed sh a o urriedly sue , � carry the terms to his,,brothers..' . are certpip to benef1t by this, tr � . . I 1, I I nd ,that Barteliny and Nolan's farolly'ness of character, my -ability to master , I ment. I . . with current list of inve.3tmentsavailable A apecifla Tonto. Alore asoe . jai; the stairs, and, withdrawing . . owpOul an4 ; � . - ' I occupied Carienea. ' I and pardeulars of our oo-opefiltive svii R- let'liban, in 01 I Ile aw would be able to bring to bear on the , men. Then 1. was driven out into the, You � need not wait until yo' , any edicia hl'.14rto.bx- I .. ,� . s " . . . ­ . : 1 Into a shadow In a corner, r 1, -All Cane- . I la have cates, write Box 144, Saqkatoqn, sask. I ItZ I .1 I ., Ian cross owner in 4notber twenty-four hours. , world, an outeast, apd became a day Sonora, -ldoxico May 15. some form of parilysis before. testing r�ll a 1 t e . - - . � I � Michael Nolab and Mrs. No , . '', ! _ . 'Wo, nol" he exclaimed to Nolan. I laborer tu the mines. WhenAbe, day nea is celebrating the occupation by tt,J, great medicine, ra warnbd by FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE. . . smo per pactade.. 6 for ,=00. - L I the hall and disappear Into'the como � - L I . . Posing room. L � . I ' at I owned my own wind it the $nsurrecto army. and cries -of "Viva., , . . .- I "You -,would tall we again. I bave'eame th. , Cabral," a4d "ViVa I Madero�' fill the� headaches, sleeplessness. irritability, FOR SALE -.10,=) A01111S OF FRITIT L.VLE MEDICINE CO., .! I "Thank beavenIll she murmured. fen tried to prove this judge's guilt to the was again 4 case of fight, fight. FIGHT, I . I failir ' . I . . ; . Ig memory and power -of concen- ea inthe fruit bolt in sn,',n . . I air. I I land, Ia ,,,,,K 718 QUEEN VVEST. TOP,ONTO, I L k tratifig the mind. Restore, the system Southern Ilrgi C -t '%V ­ . i � vently. "Tbey will stop this story, people, but I fear I have only succeed- for the lawless claim .,Jumpers threa4 Cabral's men having eaten thetr.fill , - sh. ,olunibU, Land, � . . 1 71 . I While -still yo'u have something to bas s4rno clint.1to ana soil is selling at - __ . I . . which father says � . , 1� 1; - acre Nybon sub. ___�___ 1. . � Is a horrible He. ed In proving It to his. (laughter. 4, , ened me above ground, and the ltkw4 -at spreads set at every restuarant in build on. from .,100 to, $600 poi . , - . I . Wheeler Brand will never forget -he day's delay would be fatal, I I knomw I lemi.. goods assailed me below ground. the.city Saturday afternoon fraterniz. acts. We arq Dfferiniz Britaln's' T-Ngraphs. - e� .. .� . , . �' I �.� . . Get new. energy and vigor into the divided in tom -acre tr, ', At ,least Bartelmy could get another So In the life I led I .did not got the ed with the populace and there is -'s Nerve the ontlre* block as%aper acre on easy The present systein of .dritish tel '.V . . . . . . . I . - . system by, using -Dr. Chase . ­ 11 :_ - oig Judge to Issue an injunction' against every indication that busines will X, 06a. I terms. Addresk! P. 0, . Boi =7, Uossland grayby .all over the world, embr'aces - ; uus ,since siald so ftom the deptas upportnulty to study or even becom* 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for $12-50, B C CanadA,". L L, � 1,1111,356 miles,of wirp, � " . . . - his soul -the sbock,that went throug. ' " A . ., ... �h us even It he would not daro to'do. proceed without interruption or lQss, at all dedlerior Edffianson, *Bates & . . I . L . I - , � an, accompanied . r,,,11liar witb,tbe Impdrtatif questlots, . 4s.possession of t1le town was gained � . . , - . . L ,. 11. L him when Oe saw Nol L it hlMSd1f.L ,And there -are other steps , Co., Toronto, .; . . d . I L � . . , and ,the. problems that confront the by' the insurgent force without. loss . - I . .. - --- , :;, .� -owar(.1 he might take.11 I . L � ,'�-men that -., . L - ­­ - ____ ­­ � -_ . -.91.17111) 1, L Ir .by his wife, makhIg their way t a L . gutcle the ,Policy of newspa . of life *to eitlior side. I . L A iositions convinces us- thav iionu V C n or Ice . .. . I perS.V1 L I . . .1 The fed , L BUTTONS'COVERED pro rs. . You will I � I . ". . � ., � t. him on that memo6ble. night., I His voted rose bigber, and he worke - ) , eral garrison under i Col. I can. colm ou Ilways, regret a 0 . . I L .,. - � , McHenry was s -With L - I � , - I , rand. end Chiapas, haying surrendered all - ri,A in Plain, Ov it It you don't apply for pard6ulars to &I " I . � , . , , , ` e!!) .1 peaking when they himself 4uto a frenzy of earnestness. ' Nolan drew close to - ]i L , 'I) ' with, your - OWIR mat6 I . I I .1 , ":,. . entered. . .He stood before thelltile group gath."I placed his 'hand affectionately on t e the honors of war, filed out as the Bone, Rimand combination styleq, a , Travellers' Dept,, tH Albart stra.01 (i _ . - . . , . I , I I . - I I . L ,P '�Tliere Is your first -p4 eped Around the lot- black form And young editor's shoulder. . 7. triurn�hhbt insurtectos, marched iA write or rlees. Mail. d Q V tawft� � I I . . ­ . . . � . L: I �:�.', * , . � .., '. i I 1;-1.110 , -.1 , � I . t.. I � taUgh�t � 'L " ­ - I_ . -Rhone fqr p_ - ' LL 1IR . . , �4,#_..,,. - . ge, Biand," he - � the, Ww . to I � -, , I ., , .. ,1.',,.,. ,-ind It setiols Bariilmy'to ' d&klntied his Impassioned 'words: n at 3,30 Saturday afternoon. Pr4raptly lied. L L -_ -_ L . . � _ � was saying, I "But You, Wheefev-you hav � W 0 Bf B X IVANTED-TO TAKE . - I I :1 1, . . I ., W. "You know 1� thought we were g Ins we much -about those big Issues that 1"' ,,Q 'PLAITING Co., I orders in sparo time; noexpqrleuc 0 .11 � . 1 , 0 1 a r Arnold an 1 other local as T6P.1NT0 DR a �'r state prison." . . ­ I . * . ESS The pprov- . t -did not know, and we as� e 4eral o . ci .s acco p - ed Phoue, North 3M. - . necessaXy; our lines c,specially used f 1� . , to'be absolutelly', . e,. You .you have shown to ' .. � L . I . mothers and'gtrls, 'Apply Dept, W.. B :� � . . . ;; . managing editor gazed a L b -if od"'kin : ' ' I " �, ing)y at the appearance of the page.0% I . urimuzzlbd her the e e I troops, Who, , . r � r,i for. Qz -,)pe I - - - were A free ma.h. Poverty couldn't I me the high Ideals that should guide . . I 600 Tonga Street Toronto Ish Canadian Tholustmial Company, 2128 . ! - 11 .. - _11 0 t I , took their ar ,,, . . . .t Libe wa. . I Im S, . � . I , ! . . . . .1 - y . Iter, the newspaper a , mmunition. They are onceL entrain- L -1 i !14_1 . ,4_11� I.. type and the cut in.the form as it Ia. frighten YOU, And YOU bad seen both. the newspaper wr "I I . rt street, OttLi I . % - 1. �'. I . I 1. and L U I!' L -1 I I I .-. . ­ . ed --_----'11: 1-#1T11 -.--."PF--- ­ . I ��:�'. I . shaded electric light He looked up . I . _. 0 _r . . . I - I ,. - well, You Are right in this case." His to let CoL Chiapas go, as, he is blamed UA tft1ttM§­C_ r1fdA­_d­__" . . I " '.. . 1� � exposed on one of the stones under.a, Iddes,of life. You promised to backleditor and the newspaper owner as ed for Nogales.' The insurTeetos hat 1004 . A* 11 . I - me up,� no matter ,vikat it,cost. so long I "Wheel- for., the execution of Prefect . Talamen- , . the orcu.pine, QUM L . . - � . . to congrattilate McHenry on the man- as we: printed, the - truth, but at the voice rose to majestic be.19lits. I . � . I . .. . . . .. Cold Sores, 11 11 I �.;, . ­ Der in which he had ctimpleted the . .- , er Brand. I have learned from you that �ep. and his sons. Sonora Talamentes .' T of ' . .. . . . . . � � . L . first big test you. faii'me," I W I I . . ,!11. 1L. . - I .. ,, . -i is in command- of a 'body of troops.' Lme, .� .ew, A. monthly pu.�licatioa glVla Ide.. ' . � 11 ? . . tzalkeup of the page when his Jiv - - and- 96 Ithe Ad�ijpce is wcrb than a newspa. ' ' . . � ;, I , �,�, .. . Npldu was on, the point of be. . . ' . - on over thirty Windburn. . ,� . I �.­ d,aily fell. His eyes L per. It is P . , . : . took on an amazed coming hysWrl6a ln� hii� agltation.,. . a great, throbbing, potential , Juan Cabral is' a native of Canenea, . .. . . . tailed informstloa . I 1.11, I S.I.W.10. He *as looking straight over I f6ree. , It Is tile . ,d and when marching into the city he Xo�rnatter where you. live, sendlus your ,. mining companies noW operatia i ' . �, � , - wat, your, ' s . I �L . �� '� . . I "MichAel, Mlchael"-.41le began. iithj L . strond'arm of tl . is almost pulled off his borse by last season's suit, costume at . . , ILI fZVa'eline Remedies in Tubes � �:: the night editor's shoulder. McHenry . . W1 I laces, feathers, etc., and we will dye the� new -earroupine Gold V ielaq L � . �. vaugnt Brand's expression anO wlilr e4 " ' L mirers. 0 . 410 ' Capsidurn.13oratiMent'holatal, � . , 11 .T Wglit standing Agalubt thd'evil arm of - � � , here, mot;her, you" go home v ointhusiastic ad Juan is only them or cl6an them, Our process Is - REQUEST: i � . : I . I .Sylvester. , Rd's waiting outside for I the 'Wrong. So. we must not falter. I 2z years old and his revolutionary sen- I absolutely safe and thoiough. � . ; COPY'SENT ON, . ' I � .. ''I'll . . . abouL Then he, too, saw the 0*belk . We must not�delay. $bovi the big - . . , We pay express. ox.a WAY. ., .. I . ' Carbolatqd,damphorated.White. ' . ,_q . . You. Aftqr.:alL .this Is 'a man's job 11 . I . timents at,..th,e statt of the rebellion . . . I . SCOTT, DAWSON & PATERSINN, I 'do of Zinc.etc, Eatih for Speci4l " . " . i . -of the Advance and his wife Araw we've got here. I am the head of t . tbleve.4 up, Wheeler. I Let the stot7'go, made if�uiih6afihj for him to remain I L . .� 9m .. . , L , ,:, � he' � . I � . . , SEND FOR PRICE LIST. . , .11 . . purposes,WriteforFmeVii$Qtlnel3ocktp" . . : , .im L uear. The triumphant air with which . . . � . . . 10 STOCK. DROXERS1 �: - � I � . , surren , I ! I � _ ,w . family, and I will settle this. matter.. to. I)Fess-" . . bore. He has called for;the . � 1. ' . . � .,, - . I , , the wife and mother salled along by big . L . . L . ,d4ei of Nogales, . ... I 1 -24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. 'OAESEBROUGHMF-CM(CDM*WWChAbOtA��t.b".M :, 1-11 L I in my own way." he -said sternly, Nolan turned 4ulckly away and has- I MCEACHREN, . .L I . .1`10"M I, .1 . ......, , . , le ..side boded no kood to Brand and his ' Juarez, Mexico, May IS. -Rebellion. I , f% . , :. 1. "You must"not attempt further to ii.l. toned out and down Into the streeL L I THE -_ . - . ­ J . �N, , f� . . I . 48t L . , CLEANER I . L . L ';;' I '43tOry. I , . . I .1 . . . . Within the ranks of the. Madero .1 . . . . I - . . . '. Wrtere.11- !. A warm glow of enthusl6sm.spread I . � ".: L Nolan paused In front of tile form . .. .., � . . ..; , over.tbe face,of -%Vbeeler Brand as hi - army Saturday morning resultecl 'in ! -90 ADELAIDE $T. WEST, TORONTO. . � .. I .1 .. , , I I . ,i I *1thout looking at the contents at, He led her,out of the room. . I . . . . . the declaring under arrest _1 . � i L - I. . , I . . !6p !a. - I -.-- - . I I U15 FFZr . . I - I � � I - Brand spoke to McHenry, --- �_'.._­_:_:._,..i._ pIcked..'m -a bundle of . L Presj� 4 . . . . . I Home . . 11 � -..,-. . � ..proo' , . , L.. �cesco Madero., -1n. Provisional .., . . - - �', : 1. I � _ _7­_._�,;1`.%1,1t I : � ' ,Ars . . - �, I __ '.-DYKING.- ., ... 'L . - ­- . -- �-Wheeler,lv he said een� ­6W'L I ...... ­ ­­ - , Aftir " ti _,.Mt4.,7ou hear, Mae?,; he $is I ItHti "We'll. show thetp- upf" be ,cried e2. I kindly, Af-rve- b ,. Iced. dent,, the demand that the Maderos I I . t, - - . & '- fi; � - ',-,--Ultffb-rly-.---�""%76qi-L,Show--�t-hem qpi�-and�- �Cdbine I t:" msign�and-,Tfor-4wo-- hours-- . .1 . ­ -!��,t ­­ I . . _ :, ' . . - , �, I - ___­,!�'the� �f� -to . , ' ­ �'L . -L . - . _kIN 66P,G-E * - I— �­_,!­­,� . # ,": P M T - .Uotifled about this story, and :1 think ,won. t Wide ru . . . I V �', . I p I . r . I "ItIff tough, old - man -les t,ougb P? . vell put them downl'Ll '.: ,.' threa1ened tfie &struction of the Jau. I .. . . . . . . . , 89L4i`M . . . "'L . , . � , ,L _._�_ I I . . . � . t.1 � L , . . . I . 1, . . I . ... 1L. . . . . . . . . . . , .1 I . if'. . OfThIs Is such a live thin I on't .'.. I ­ .... � : rpz; Army as a concrete, fighting orce. , . ILN - I - . . . I I I . ,. LL., "I . I ': I V and . L . ': . . . . . I . . .: I .. I � ..� . .. , . 'Laro7se in,the , . . : I . I. � � .. . . . X ress ., I ,:; I . CHAPTER, 'XIV..' . . L , . The incipient rebellibn: , L . . . % . ....?_ _-� I . see how � I can kill It," the managing . . . I I , I ,� D Well ., 1: I I . . . ... I . . L .. I I.. . I . . Try it I ' bbing his -hand, over the ' RAND And . McHenry bePA cual O.rozco, one (if the -fighting lead-. . i � I L . � editor sild, ru . . _. . ­ . 1. . . ranks -of the forces under- Geii. Pas- . : A_ - EL .-'� It . . I � L.- fati of the form. % �­ . I ' . - . I . .. . I . . s6ple as wassing, . .1 - I � . I . I - , L I . L eager j.� to inspect the final - ers. of the. Ma(fdro army, ind whs ., - I I I .. . I . . daw . .L. 'With .1 .", I . I �, I L "Tfia�sAhe best first page eyqr made, .. ­ . I . I . I . _. . �, , I. . . . , I T� . . ,, LSa � ., wl,h , proofs -of the Hartelmy story., beackol.by Orozc6 himself. L Three Blocksk* from , . 11 I . � � L I , "� , ` " " f I . , fp.An ,. America, id''McHetir . Two,ti-ji-es s*uddenly stood - A.deftiand was m4de'upon Prbvi.' ' . . . L)n1on Station' ' I .. I . L I . . 11 . .� 11 1� I a . I I . , .. , . . � " A I I � � L ustiflable professional. prId&. , . ' 01 - sional President M-ddero for. food. and ! , . ­'-�,ID 41the centrd, of Theatre, ' . � , i t : , " *-- � I � I W the dotir7ay.orf tbe-,compositig. room. - I f . . 1P V I . I "I 1. . . . � .71. Brand was indonsolable. , '- Morley for -his raaed a ungry ' I -. Sh Ang And Business - ' . . I L I IW�li ptiy's (elephone call was begin- . 3id h . OPI . I L . "I've 9 . . soldiers, Madero was. U - to �Ctis- I : . DistrieL - . . I . * . I . . been 'working *,ten years. for.1 io ng to show - * ' 6 - i nab e .,' . I I .­.- - NEDYETORALLKIND50FC0005 1,11 results. "judge Bartelwy, these.deiiiands it tile time, but . � . . .. . . I L just this thing," � be -sald.'�1*1soolething .. I .Y .1 I . 11 .1 . � . (1�O � � I . I ' t. -L 10 ' I 4 I , * and Judith,, ready for a, last, mul .. . . I Is UITS . (Ia . "I would see . - ex�pl hatiotis were peremptorily 230 Rooma . . " . so plain that even ,children 0 f the 0 Ws a . . I 100 with Private'Dathri . - � . . . , . I . . ... J . UST THINK or IT I I I I.. I , . t jwt-� nt the .publleation o . - - I . . . I . . I I I- what the big thieves are. doing," - - .1 . . . c n thr6wn'asido� by the belligerent leader,. . . Ift � -, . I " - or. - 'demnatoty afticie, quite unobserved.. H RIT—­tU 77ff4dero. - . EIIRCPR� and IttlERIC&R PW'I L O'. � . . Dyet wooi, cl6mon, sil Ic or Mlied Gooats Per C, ,; k '' L L .1yo Orozc(); and Iff" iers,� a . TS iL'. , VIL L)YC--ry0 chanco of snkstakes.!ea. . , ��, f .u*go homel" ' Brand suddenly' .. glanced to where -Brand and his asso- wa � . . , .. . ,.1th t�e SA. M 0"" I I .� I - - .- . , . I . ­ � ,* declared under arrest, . . _: A Ia Carte Reetu'rani - OV . EIRA .. Aws BeAutit.1 Colors Ia cents"f do ORYU=07firl L I � I tiered 'McIl6bry. . I . . I '. "Doin't .1 � .. . . Delllw. sq.hrior Color Card an' Sly : . � - -,What?" was the surprised exclama- . chite, editor wore at Work. I Vinally the matter was settled*.by . . �. I . � .. Thel Johnson-10churdson CO3, Limited.. Mantren L � " ' . . f ) . I . .. � , 1. . 4:0111e In yet. . X17111t: In Gen. Madero promising ,that the im- . I At Reasonable Prfc6. I ... L TO ORDER. . , - -_ .. � I . . _,7______ . L I / tion.. - .. . � t ; . - a few oment%" .mediate needs of the soldiers* would be � . - . . . . . I I .� -I,- ., : I .. . ... whispered the jtfdge. The'girl- slipped . ... . - . I _21E�W_ir_ . _. I - . . . I � I . T..sald go Oonle;!11 - . attended to, and'the instirreeths, who . .. 1. ..., I Send fsr,.Samplas -and MORISLITOJUMS.. . .— L , _ - , ". . ' . . � . ­ f - flowl) tile.ball law,thenintinging-edi- . I - V , , . g SA&J. H. THcjMPa0N, PROP; -, I . CIN �� .. . . L - had gathered ia bands about the.Ma- . . .. . . . ,,, (;,S. ,2 11 . Brand's face whs'beginning to twitch - of V. . �­ " ' G" �tood'ln1b4'mlddle of ant:1go 11 . I , 1213L SAY STREET. TOR01i . . d! ,. - .. 1,L , P1%, tor's little office, the, coign deTo 11ome, left . . � . � . .,- 11 � : . E4 ) L, -il m . . . I , � . . . ' � . I I 1. . / nervously.. El I % . fron) WhIch,she bad.previoualy been . . I I - .. I ­ 4 L I .L� = I =:===__-==1 , . -_ .. .. - . . . I S I . .. 11 L ..., ­�,t - the composing room. under the tlood; , * I . Diaz t-:11 In Power�'.' . L, . I . . ­ . . .__.___.­ --- W - . .. . . . able. to )1par all. that to6k - b1twe In tbe . . . ., . I � L. . —1 I : . ina'S L -L .. . THZ BEST MEDICINE - .. I � . I Ing, wbite.glare ffofti--a sixty-four can- I L ja L . . . Once' K 1-1 ovine . �.. -- . _% I I I . I � . .. OL . � I I . . . . ., �7zlh ­ Z _: - I. � I __. I , � I . . . , . I I . " Kexi$�­City, May. 15.'-�-Gen. D 7 L ' - * - . ' ' - I ."_T&.1L 1:21", , . ._ o11100sing. room. blhrtelmy proce6d6d. I . .� I ­ . ' Rninorly a rc!'i(lt?n � � .�p . . -.. . U 0 H Irv, �' 0 9_0 S , b J I . . 1 I . I I,": .� I " .\') ce of Mri-J-eary' for � 0 I . . I die power electric ,fight. nhd clinched . I � ., Will not leave' the Presidency. while .� I -a . �_ ­ . . . . . , - - .. .1 , * , , , I li._ . I V P_ �- '-, �__._�­_­__ -_ . � eirevtly to the forn) before which the . Am I L*r A D: . 11J_.P]a1Ptm,-- Hall has.now be -�t' =__­,­:��, 1 . F � , aud unclinebed lits'hands, not da;irig ' y 'S Lin its�`presdht state of. I 1. 1, I . . . . . . L .13 . . �, ., . . I I i ". . . I . . . * Poiltors were working.j a6d Bran, 111 11 . ". quirp-i by. ths Church Atniy. ond open- . � . . - to look McHenry squarely iiiAbe face. 'wo d 'the countr -Finance Min- � �,, . is In Canada to -da L . I - : I . -1 J/ � . I . I I . - . nrest;it is.*assefied by L -� - ,�, oporatior 7 provide .�. ­ . 11 C, P.A.-20. 1911.; .. . .- .�L.' ' . , LL , The night editor -began -to gues .wba . . ., I Tose Yves Limatour., Ile also ­.-I-A ane bhances Tor. youlig, md I . . . ­ � - 'L 1. . . , , L i . 8� t ,ri ir that be tVust unZIergo another un -, 11, we . ed ti; a 11r) -nip., L I I .. .L I � . I . L . ister J , �, A �. L I , '7 I . 1. . . .111, I.., . I , _____ .1.1! t L 1.� . I . t . was passing through BVand's fi d. p I e�, is a n. t encounter before the -presses sai4 that'Diaz stood ready,6 stai4 in 'j. teamTowgraph" aUd',i4Lt1011A90nt3'. I L _� ____ .,w —_ - . . I' — - � -7 1 . I . . in n �t, shondattme. . Par- . . . I I . I 1. ­ L ,; c -In w .'_,­.­r_­�,�,,�r'�,­ ` . . to WhJV.IL ' , - , 11 ,L :,:��_ L. �T""" , , qM--.",-_ 4,T�,-.-,,-Z,�T,,'.�W-.�'=--M'-�—, ­�,, . 1. .. � � . . . 11('9110 Ills story. I -le mlore.eTplicA terras than those-cona . ,- wo'J", '" . �,Z� _.­��­L�- ____ .0. L . f he began,to, , protest-- ,.;� �i Sehd� I �. ­­­ ' L � � . . ,. . "Yes, Lbut" � ­ . . I -x I L 6ff , Q tained in Lhis, recent *m=ffeSto if ne -, ") tibulam free­'wriT0 Ccatvil Tele . [ . .. - . , . � _ .. . . . k . , I! I I- I glanepd Impatiently at thoi clo It and . . - .� ` . 6raph. and Ite',111'aad 11, L YoUge - �'_ - - I.. � . -* � � . . I I I "but' . L �._If�. 'IT I ;4 . _� . �.l . n . -�, I I I . ,� , T - - . � , . . I . 4k \ t 5 . , . . I � I .; a-Itat. rnls,ed. his brow§ questfoolo'gly'to the &ssarg, hi's attitude withLreferencii to I J, ,il�'Aand...Gerilard$ttt,t�t.R,Tol-()"Lt�)' ' � ' ' '_ - - .1-01% V1 I _� "'.A �, �, �, L r. ..� � �,;,, � - '. . 1. . . .. . . I I L . � ­ -11. ,,� I. �" _k�. , . L 11 . . . , , ,�x� .. _ , �, . I �,,�r!'�,,'A C, �� AND -, " F_ �,.42 4_...�.Z_, I . L . . '%V, H. 611AW, krtwidelm ­ - -4,0*1 - , ,�Ile4l U t . Brand cut him qbqrt sa Ang . I L' . . (�,,� ,.n 1;1? - . -Y his:retirelneiit. . I . ­ - . . . . - I 'Z_­.­�' 'i 1XI - �.V, � � S, . . � L.. - .� .. I . . . . . I - __�_ J_��'� ""e"'\ fi�" L,�, ­,� 1 is . i . . , L.. . . edly. - . . . itidge. . .. . . . The. President, 'I. said, -had demand- " _" I I I . I - I � L.. . . I I . , . � . . . . . .... . . . I . . �. . . _ , I 1�",: . 7��7� I ­�!T, ,==Z ',�72 *, ?, ; . I I I. . . I . "I am still mamagIng editor." ' I L I . _' , "_.".�r - . . :. '. 2 . 1�r. -Brand,' has Mr. `Nfolan been (�d -to k . , " -1 , I T - " _�7 :, I -', rom: his'..oppo'nents -the � : , 5 "�,�. _--7 ..- -1. I Tr. �� , � �LL,�', .. i _ T � � . ' L 'r " , ' ,�21� _ � , ­ . now I .. , gl, -, __ ,!�F�"`_ - ,;�� . L .. 'I, - - ­�� .. I � . .. . "!��_s;.-'��­,.­,� ,�', ,, � . . � . . 5, " MeElenry bow reilized.plairil' . .M.' ,V;� �:.L . . . 1:.. .y that '. L ,% i�, , , . . 1�, I . J �� � '_ . '' . . . .1, . .. .- - ��-,64��:- �,� .t! ... . .. _� ........ ,-_Q-.. � . �91....! ..�� :;� , ; - � . 0 `,;i,-'. �� 'L.�� ,l)- 1%,,�� w'W�, !­­'�; . I ­ .- � . 0. .. �, resign, Z 3. _, "., -,-- I . , . . ' * ft . . I . Lere. tonighil" asked Barrelthy. , .. terms in. Which tlrey�' expect � Writ to I .!-" -1�1�� �,,,'4� - -, � .%'�.Y��". L�; " �_, . L - .. L . . _,.� 1� , *L - . , I . S auti A I L I � .r , g,06 intebsely earnest Bran d ha d docid- L. ' � " y 0.q.,� * L . : 11 . I Announce his willingness to 'ro ,S5�,'��', , _ �. ��-,-- . I , .� . . . � Thi De., L . I I ,L .. I I � ,, �?_ , _"T",L :_ , , ,, _ ­­­­ L;_.". , ^;,�,',`­.�­ �, ,, .. I i I L . . . . _ .� ­­_"." I . . ' I I . ' ..� - � ". .,�,� I 1, . I . I I . , , � 1-1.1- t� �.. . . ,1� I . 11 . ) . I _ � _, " 11 I I L . re- a lem ,"-, ,,;�VT7�,', awn '. _., ' '' �, .��__ L"'. . , ,Mc_y _:..""; ` I . e �.K._____.__._. _-1 � ': , , ,� _, . o . �'4. - . 0- I " � I Ilave you r6celved 'lustructious 4 � . ,. , , '7 onze Clock �,,,illb' 2' ,:�. , " ed to run the gtory that very night * ** ,nd is waiting a reply Irom tl ;7 , ­ ,:,t�,­ � � ,1' _. 4, � -) L Dr, L ' , ; - ­�4 , ­ I '­�t�_ k - . . � 11 f* -� " ', L'�:��Z") '�. , L � : . � L 1. � L "; . "I I L . gardless of Nolan's ,.attitude. -It would ' ?" I � � , L * Judig,e CaTb,ai�l -,Vill Wdit a CoU�l . ��0L _,`�' _______,�.�­J'�,-, - .1, 1 . - -, ;, .. � 1 1 . � 1. ­ ,6 stor . . i ­.Z-_��O�� ��,�-`..i:­�,; ,.�,�­� � 1. .,.�� "il -, A- C 1.v - �.-�-,,,.,.;,-t . 1. �. , of L , , , _, - . I I - -se, - , '- , . , �_ . . . I I I . . - -,­.!.-',---;�--,- � �'_'..'_-, �' L�, . . � . . . . easy matter, : . L . I ,�,�_.F7� � , .. .- " � as Nolan, of com - 11bout Ili y .... L days In. El Paso,to, get:ME iF7j�:._- .- - - � C­':� ,­:�,�­., , absolu be an - , 4 - given , L � . ­ ,4%;p ., . . .. _� ... ' ,4� �,­11­ , , . I ... I ­ '�_ ,. & �:�­�,.,.Lr . , ... - "Z,=T.� 2-�_ ".4 1, ... ., ­�. '.., , 1 114 . � . . . . - . . 1-111 .� . . ' 1. IL . , 'r 1 " ffY Yes." - reply. . ,` - - Z-., �'t. 5 . I � 1.� , I � ,, - �Z . - , " I , 1� 21' - to � All J:!r. ' ­Ele thtwi�s 4els i a great refornier and would not remain -at the. offlee much ..N11hat were,those instrudbons? a .'. L 1. .. .1 I .t . ­..., � I �� �. I" '. �, ,:� � . . � .: L ., 4� ­ . ,.� .��, --k I" $.> t; � , . I . - - -- ­�X`_;��M�� -, I -A ­­ i4_,J­., I � . . I , * 1 14 1 . . I . I . e �' - �-; -,� , - �­, �,,, , ` 0 , ` "' . WJ ,:,.',L ": �J L . knows it a1Z." tho story to h.e.nirbitpa,011 . . ,,, I 'L '' - , - - . I 4�6­i,111, - " ' f � 9 longer. Aid McHenry well knew That ..._: f', . '� ' ' �;. ,47.'.11. 11,.% . I 0 tit' I . . I Strik' at Ottawa, . �` L - -L L " -_ , ,� ,.-, �',: � ', - I L" . sue. han net would net bly bring abo - . I . 'L . I . � . , 5 � 1'. I , ­ . .. ('-�1,'�:;;:,-,:."_­ 1.,�:�, - '1 , .1 .;, ,. � , .1 , .4. 0,11' .11 - - - L I -it best that I read it carelfully myself, .. . �0,ttlwa, Ma.'. 15.-FbUT � ,t , �"' ­ �. " '. - .�11'1`1'1 - .1 I) -ort, .ON?( ly � 'L , 13ran'd's discharge froin'the Advance, . I . .hundred . ,I '11, ­ ­ _� L, I " . . v., - I , of .Ai YI , 1 V: . . . . L L . . . I I I I � . . I . builders' laborers went out on strike J _ ,I; _ ,�,, �, . ­'; - � . .-��, �,,�'L 11� , L I . . . . I . I. V I I : t"', - . . 't .1 " . �. � . "".." ,��' "' "� 1 *8 1 . , �"` .; ','. : ...... ��_, "�'L. I I I � , I analyze, It and learn all the circurn- . . . � T L --' , � , .11 , - mi PR " I v, ­ ��, . 11) I -Is . . . �1_ ( r . Continued ' ' . : I � ,. . - .%`.`�t� ,�` c,= , at f�­_ , . . � . , - -,­�, I ;1,1-1, �:,..'� -11 . L . stances under which It was procurk . I .1 . L . . : " .1. I . Saturday forenoon, demanding .28 �. , .. L . . _�,*4�,,,( 4"', � " I ­ I,, ""N. 01. -1 I . 'L­J�', ' ", before I allow It to go to press. That - . I . . I I L . cents an holir, which the 6antractors _ 1 1 Oar Tanks anti Troughs are made 9f ,., L / 4, _ , _ _..11_1 1, : �. . ,! . , I . . L* i . �; , "I. I , �, . 1% I . . .1, i . I . :,�"t.:"-";.�,� - �':: " � ' L ­ ,. ." "' .'�.'k ,� , -IN to �0,y. The men hive been � - heavYgalva,')tzeds�eel,tllorotlgblyrtvet- ... L.. , � I- .1 .. ,�� - .,"I '. L , , ., , I . "i 04 . .� " . is a task which cannot be done 'in the . . ... I 11 I .. . . ed and saI4 em AbAlut&. ..., '. � �� I �'L ' '�' L - ' Our pz).ft. card., ,, L. � �'�" . ,_ , , getting 125 cents 1 houn* The a' - I cred, mal�lag th : . rtfused . , �"' , 'L : � " .. , I . . ( . � ._ . q�'. j,' L." ., , I . . . . per , gree . � ' :�. ., ,� _ , � "'! �!",?�, I �,c , I short time that remains before press . . . ,�,,.�, . , .. - I i.: - _ , , ,� j" ' L I . I , , , ��"f , " I - 11,. .Q , I . I " . ly watertight. NO matter what your . , �'. �,:�� � . , I ,�'i," 411"y,;s ,:.� 1 I � " , .. L . Liter figure ex I . ' . . . 1) 111111,ml � -1 % . . . ment at the It pired on � ' � - . , .'�.L*" fL 4.. L, I , L .. ,, . . requlreni6ts are In'tinks we can. fill' ,;� �, ­, , L I time, so we had best lot it go over . . � I . I � " - , " L': ,.'�' ."� ­ . .1111. .1. 3 , I- .. ,; I I J - _. - . _�. May I and negoti atioii8,havla .been In � . .1', . ;1.1. I 1-11, I I C: t "J�'�.';j,,J_kg fil C'11.�.'�,_­L1�_IL � I � - . . ' , ��'�,- - "'; t!:,6-:� .� t . I , � . _ . . I. i your order.' We. guarantee quality W .4 ,#VfX - L� . �, r , I -until tomo"ow-delity It one day. That; . . I � ,� vj�,�":i".� `�-�,' _`: , , , �,-, " � , "... � I . . . I :, ' sill6d. . , I I I . . ., , .. " 1. , ".., -, � ", I , L�.,, ), - -Vic"',­;1 Vlnr,-1,-U1d )"iro'. . � . . . , - " . - ­_ I . ­ . I . " sr . 1p" . . 1. : ,, I.,- �L;� ! �Z.", � ­ ' L .. I I . . �. . . I . . . 4 IMIt . .., . � _�') �""V,�fV­.­ ',`�":�-';'­,L L ..".., ".. . I . . ,J.," . 01 �: I won't hurt the story pny." . .. � I I 110-11rebu-ikiings 'in doursd of' erection . ; terial and workniansh , I d �, and inwiv,cr L L. Mr L . . I . . . : I . � Ll,us what I yon t&julre. WriWfoi I L ,t _ Iv,"- 0 .1 ,. ��. 1. .. I I _:,4 . . day� C ar " .. 13 , . .s. Nolan cIntched at the ex-mitiereOs . , I � . I . . . — ,re tied up and opetations' way bw L-, - Tel �� _., _' : ",­;., 11 �')' �, . L . I I - I 'a ., - �?.,-�'�,',,.,,�.4;�,�,,"-L.'�': � � - � 111; "� ` !-7.:, . L - .1 " . I . 1, - - . . I I I . � . given a ,serious here this atalojue,br�nd special pric S. , . I 11) � .� �" . A �.�,,�,�.­: �., . __ - behittifullY crabuss:e'(1 V111 . ,. arm and cried shrilly: I I . I I . setback C. . 1. .. . ��: .. . � , " � � ., . . I �,_noi� - 11 Agebts wanud. . 6 . 1. "', ,,,-,�i;`4,_V - ­ L .1 'Now. now Michael, thaVi; riot yolir . � I I L _1� summer as a result. So -great is1be fu ,�,;'­""�L " ', - . . - .1 I I I . ',X�1'4��*­-:,,--,, �� ��.t, �,. J� - � gold. ... , I I I . .N. I A . . , ­,, - - i� ­ " " ., ."; � en out that labori hall P � ., � _ * ,usual way to explain things to one of I . bd,i� .. :. number of In STML TAINTM. CO` tVIEED, CINTT. i" ? , , ,,, , ,�' 10 - , CIPECtAL 01717it-13 . . . . . ,_'L. 1� I :,�': I your employees. Order him tq ,de. I % . . WaS .�,IlUable to accommodate them, ­­_ __ �,�" (ZV`�­ .f,.,.'�:","�­'�;"�, ','%;",!.':,�-� .�,!,:: I I., � . . . � '. .­ -, 'V Ij ar a I 1� - �­ . . I- Vi � - -11 1, - - , , - , ,sre -will give you I . . , * A� , 'L .", ,,,�.,,.­�',_ � I ... . W ,- I � . ff . I I e -of the loc�ls held open air Fitting. - -1 . .11111'� - . � � . scirnoFount-ainP6iial-,,4(�lt.-ii.,- . . y all this miserable stuff about tho . . 11 7 anti som . 4'�k�.­."�_;�,;',, . ""',�,"..­­­'L -� .... stro . I -A� . 1( � "i �,-­,­t, vs­7r;­-�� 1.1, F111,14,' if o - I . 1, �,4',_-,, j I ".,,�"f��,,_',_­, '� ­, . " .. . . judge at once. Don't hesitate like this. I I 'L t'�C. 'L - me6tinja on Cartier square. , I "Did your nepliew inake *a suitable" " - , , 'yoa retin,11 Ia e di -4. . � f.­,ij-.�.'­�f,,�,�, , ,�',,'�,�t�,.,, �: ;�� . 1'.�":,"'." �­� . ..... .. :. , ,�, . .. I � . . IV, . I I L * ?I, . . . . . : I "' " _ ­ .�­­ L, . ',��, ­­­.,­­ _,_� ....... � Money in 15 days. Wo I%, Y . . . Think what it means to Me. to the . . . . . . I I " L , . L . M *,, .. . 1� ) " ,W � A*,�4T'.� ,;�;�..".;� , - N,;� _,"'N':1, �1. - 1. *1 oo� I ,�,�t postage op both promiuth,,;� -' - I .* � _r Taking Stringent Ptwaut;ons. ` 'Iyps, repli d,the Man who habitu- �` L �,,4-,j,-4i',1�-',',::,: ,v. """V,:��;L,�,�'.�4.",4���,,,���,�',�, -� . -children. to us." she pleaded. . . _�� o . - , . . 10 , _ - ' ' I I . . ': I �.��­,_",,�_:­ "', r'��'I'�`�."4�L,:'��' � I I - . Ottawa,.May ,-,­,��',­�, 1 , , . ally � no ,rratic. En". "He ,,`_`� `;,­V�% � � 4, "'f ""', " , , " . . "There, there. mother; ye�a keep out k Z 0 � 1. 15.-Mllitia orders this , flitrik ,),an, L � ., I I I - It. ,.,A , , , ­­ / . Toretito Premium Cb., , I - . 1 7 . � . - curly .1 - ,ver -i- �r') 1,-, , ,. ."", '..�'­ ­�. ­ ­ , .11 . I year 'aim at the in= w1X1 cmVeys ha hair anol bas .n -" '� it I ,%�; - ,,,$, . : , �of this,".said Nolan kindly, yet firmly. �' I I . .. typhoid axound With him, though him- done anything more horcalpan than to ., . � ­­ � ­`i*�' ..1.111., -�, ��.,�,;,�&�_�-'. D�pt. 703, Toronto, Qrzad,a.' - . I .. . . � .---. ___'7� " ­ " ''. I , I . 411t "I'm trying to do tfie best I can for.. . . Ill . ` L . � . � . I . self jLpparentJy. well.. They state that, pick fi4irs an a gruitar. ancl-well, he , I . I I I . . . I .1 I L. . . :� .. , � _�,'i� . :� ,; you. It's because-ofyou that I'm her6. . . I . I ) �� -I:,,. � �1. , .�137.,_, 4 :X_T=71;�I,i� . I f I . "no- officet� no'n-commissiNned... officer married a fewale ba,9t,ball ,Tdayer,' IQ_,1_1..'B11ir"rX_0 . 4,za .�_.-_.. .. . . k L now. Bilt you see"- . I I I .11 I . I . i or man of the miltia, pe.rmanent or 1--- "I---.!!,.--.�n-;-,-��--.i--L,.�--'�.-.�,-,—.�- -11__11__._.__._____._, -.....----,.-.,-------.-"---,-�---- - L-___,_._-_-_'__,_-,.- .�;!�_, I ­ " L I . . I . . I Ed. Dupay burst excitedly In Upon L L . I "I - � Active, who 11as suffered ft6m.typhoid I , . I I � , .1 , I Z *1M. I . 4 . . I , - I I ,,, I . "I . I � - I I . ginning to bebome distracted from . - . _.� _L . � L - ail -owed to-proceod to Petawawacamp . "I I I I __ I � .. . I I e - ��s J,.J " . . I I I r�, A unless it has boon satisfactorily ptov- , I , I I , 'R , their work owing t6 the unusual .� , .iii . , ,�� 1, 9 n fl ., �� .... 11 0 , � 0 ,�, them, and as the typesetters were b _ "a. ;? . L". " "", ��-" 0 I , lill 81�11TON A situa- , . 'fever. within twelve months" will be I I" R_ I 4tion Brand began to fear that this now I 9 . .P % I , ad that he is not a "Cartier," I (t1h) SnEu.2maGs' , .. I ­ I . L��" I I I . � :1 VI . . I I- � I ­ L " I -_ 1.11 I I I . . . 11 I � ... .. .Intruder would prove the float deMor, � I I gj,� I . I . I . ; � 0 L. No Anti-ohinese Polio ,�goj 11 .1. . ; I I . . 0 - .. allzer of the entire night shik I �m I � " - , We make a distinct specialty. of dOOT GZ ItOG, and are carefu.11 to seb �'! . L . . at, Petersburg, May I5.-Thb,*X0voe Wrl��.' that our stocks keep pace with AU the advaneemenits being made from'year to ' 1. I ; "Mr. Nolan." cried Dupuy, -, "We M� Vre!nya, in its. editorial of yesterday � Long 0-d d insist oti .1 � . I . " . bavelft a rAlnute to losel They are. . f � denies the rumors published here that. k . � I . I . year, Anyone wanting the best shout 0A , , , .0 :- , negotiations have been going on be. . - � , � , . almost ready to go to press." Ile look- I It 11 --� tween Russia and Japan for a common FL � st6afe, Briggs" 4111loyst! Giant" Sugaie Bbeto : 4: ! � -ed Intently,at the newspaper oWner, I I � 1; . . I ��, I I IROWS SteaIei-I3rIr,4rV #100ze MamhIoth Long Rod I` Mang6l. i. ` . '. I &'Yes, quite right, We db go to press , . V 111 I anti -Chinese policy, The paper will I ' ., I . I 11 ' - I ,� I . L - I 1� . . 'VERY ' . Stoelv,, Sriggt.0 Is 011otht YqlloW OvoLl 11 Mairilgal. , L I . very sloon," 'cried Brand confidebtLV, I , I say, however, that the Japanose and . I 1. L'.. LAME 6teeIej,BrIXl%s1 "Gioi,ht Yellow Globe" Mahgeli and . . I I � ' 11 Russian: Governments tire negotiating I . . . 41and I know Michael Nolan is the- W111 . �11 . I � I . . . I ROUTS I . Steeleg Brlg,SV 110hint Whitti,SugAr" Miangell. . - ! , .Who will order It done." N L I I I % r for 'two conventions,. one lot* t1fa mu. , I I i . 1. . I I I . � � . ­ . ,Ulehael,ll cried Mrs. Nolan I the, I I �. tual extradition of *rimitals and the ' � e I - No other Root e'rops ptoduee so largeAn amount of desirablwtattle food for � . � L _ tit . ther fcr the mutual registration of . wititerfeeding. 1halst on havingriherh-thayOre tho best-ftftbe, i tqp of her voice, which rose sharply I . . .� 0 � .. . I I . . -over thb din of the typesetting In& I 1. Dateats.- , I � VKLDS I I : sUbstitutea aurid otherd vidd to be J"*t mis goods . I . .,I 61 I � . . ,,, . I ENORMOUS . . gold: by loading Mor6anls evorywhire in da6ads , I ,chfues, "are you g tnd � - - - - 0__� . I "I . I I . . I . t I I � this? Mr. Brand acts as If. lie owned I pohited paragraphs, . cRo0s. 1� L � L ­ . I m � I I I . ' ' , tb.o Advwnco wad- tredts you as It you .1 . I 1, 'Many., a rldlilinan-intik,es a Poor I . . ` were the oMcL% bdy. 116 thinks lid's a ' husband, I . " . L ; . . . . 1". . - N . I , .; 5 - - kh�Ws L It $at' Wo . � _ � Stee[6 �LftiggS S.e4ed, Co 0 tIMITED ! I L . � I I great rofotmer and . / � . I Jt is only tho isneaking : kind "6f 1 ..., U, , I 9 1. ,* , I I other people bilve a right to but, 60in. � ,onelnles a brave inan fears.. . HAMILTO" . A WINNIM-0 i6na, too, airid I doh% ato why you - I . . I . L ­ . I _� . � 1� and �our family should be i%do,-to I � I I I . 1. . - . . �� I I.... 1. � ... I I ­­ I 1. I L I . I , ': ,N� I Oufflet 6ty 110Cculle of blit As we have , I 1, Children I Iry I . p I � . L . 11, -bad,to over Alfice You took him UP.".. � . 'gen- . WN suopodb6d ftda of bbudfoo:t ion -or - I I . , SRS .TftBgw, nknsgbr OVER TH2 lxxr ronz - I .. Writo h0o teen Uftt* for it Boxnara V. C.00ort a I , of thit . _. ­ - I aludith l3a,rtelmy fieurd tbo Stormy ­ ..,4- (� 0 � 6ral ele0U0*A W Nova 800tia Poll- the steamer Albois wbipeue4 hertOeu, Was killed 'by, h kick bft a .1 ' T � ' --h - .. , - , orn' , _­ , , , , , i I � � I - I I - I - I I I I , L - "' I I i, I I ktA, �, I rral 7V 11, 11 At -2 .. 1�-,l 9 I , - 11� 'I , I - 11 I I I I al 11 I lexi We �f men " I I I .1 , -g W [ 1i Ar", it - . , I , LrXto- :-�A I. * 8 , W " 0 )t - 9 .rr .... , #�IaUVTMM . _ . , 'i 10 ITOO90 :!#XLf;UFI!,r)I , - . I I - I - - . - a It". - I - I 81, - � �".� FEV �­i �1 1w., -11 _. .I. 11 11 11 J . I I . V I I ­#­ I . I 11 I . Co'. law' A 8 T 0 ' I A tug day, fo,hmo lfth. - I(L t1bteptlon atorosod lole. - V'' baso In PlIkington township'. . . 4 . � . � i . t. � ; � . I , � . . I . . . ,�A 4 . . . I I �. . I � I . - � . I . L . I . I L . I I 1. 11) i.� I . . I I � :1 . ,,, I � I � & . I I . I I I 411,11, 1 A�_ �ahfi&_-q - . . . A !ALAA-�--:.-,----,�.j,l�-.'-S&"—, d. ­- -1 ­­_�_A —I.&_AA,L.,_—!!-­d; .k&, _IL�:_ L.:, - L --.-- _�. Ai�;��! J4, - �Alh� 8116116�A �,_­il­_ � �- __h�_� I . 1- liti- �. . .A.:L- ­'�&,&__i.1111"6�ffi — _ I'Mal- �­_­ ... .. AW_A.i,�Ii..�.&_�_