HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-18, Page 6Tk'Vt�,` -1 . - - - - - - " - ,J�,.*,--t� , 7�'WF . -!7, i— w . , ,A- J.,17NTR1W,4 I 77LP 4 �, . , I I 11 I'll I . 111W. ­ — . I I V, . 771" � I . .1 77M I 11 . ., , 1. , , , v0p it , - I . I . IIIIIX I . ___ - . � I— IN , "' � ,,-,,� � ­ 1�­j­ �Q-%;, _ :, � -71��'Itr*�,,.!��r-'Al,! �717.'T;7klk-,�i, , -!I-- " !-,--­F,-�'T.,�,ffirl�. '­W� lr'�-,',fo � . WX %.,�­ , , I*—, � - , t;,(, 1_o, � 1, 1 - '. , . ,,, I -` � . I �', , .1, 1� ,� 1;. I . I I � ( -?,.*41r *&�� , AK t'�.:;;­ � , . 4r " .. . � . .1 I . I . I 11wasn" _. - 11111111111111111W. �� - I . no"* ' ctro'v In Ilir cuma. I I 1- - I "OL"111""001SE, , I I , " .1, . rwr -white t4wth " PeroeiiRly . 7 rl".­. '_4 Chico,-* wh**Tf wo" — 80DAY SCHOOL 04. 0 , : 4.ondon ,Nllco Art 0190'1%�Out on �� I -E , A'T1,0N '96 4rew back suddenly. ? O -P,, R closo Lq"r�Uvs otock." � ­ � ", I 0 4;1m . . i i, . . "Whava the ma#er with you?" he L ast Quotation*. � I Old and Honorablo Prof*Wor� `1 � 1� , '10, .0 I ., .1, , , E . "Who you we .at Crime as a profession is deClirdn " P I demanded. linitatip'g? - I � I I I , 341VORPOOL. may - U.-WWWt. stoa4y* . g; , LXW V114-40WO allmlori,- I . . �� . I Cault you maW -your face behAve?"' Wndoncri are becoming more fond 4 . � , 11 � . with pricoo %d to %d higher, with atfor i walking find more Carole, .� . I � She -picked up the paper she had Ings. light, and "me alar,ositwit towar, .'s; the I I : 1. I . . o the d - "growlerts is still making, a deteimin. , F -Ar Mi,y A I 01 if ff 11 . been reading alid Rung it irlt W_ further support, on the strength In Am �� . - .. , r­"*­AW"R L . . � I corated wute-ba4ket, erica, and.continued hQt weither In Rus , ed struggle, for lite; bet;�Con g and:0, .... . . � �, . . CH . 'ith alit. ne4ilzing developed. and the wgrIxot a -M. -is the burglar's busy time; and ., : 10 -TIM "There'a, nothing , the matter -% turzied easy. Acluns was. attributed 'to . I - E INURNATIONAL SERI"' . , �p4ed, . lavorable reports Jrqm Argentine and he likes insecure Windows k I . e �. .. � . R�* 4 : 11 A-4 me$" Aille. Coldly -ri predictious of heavy RuN414n shlx)mcntA- =ean$ of entry. - * tsta as a � A�NL IsAw xlklof I . I , . � � I I ."p"'? �., : � I AL . t mugging for fuN eh? C Xho marXet was lan;ely under the iuflu- These qx�o only a few o$ the, things . . � _. �� __ that, Stimson -was tellix* mo yestwl% ence of. wegk-end reallztnsr, a,W, at the wbich tho average Londoner doea net voxt )Is s 4 'to 1/4- � . I . 4tho ILq4914 Iso- vo 1.12 -morn. , day abouta, lot of trouble his wife is , close May was easy and at r % � i . � . havla Uerv,95, ;Lad I lower than yes corn, after open- know and wbich'be, can learn from .a : Otx. Vtoro% 11-Gol;ltm TI:Kt, iw MO. . g With 'her facial in =; � was afraid yqu`,d caught it, ,A! u Was CoredbAydialB.Phak- ,not that u g 1,44 lower, 4Pcifned '/,*do vqlttk ' perusal of a, prip)y.bound panorama W-P9.Mmentary Propated 10'y ". 4ertone easy. :The a was q ,poor spQt of , . I L oonlounded 4inner goadyrt, ' , demiand, and this OfF.CtL the f1rM,oeAS in l'ondoll, ilAst 18sized under the title I h I I I ., � %.w swir" ,atIfs8legetableCompound ---- . .Zerica.b.The advahce, however, iv" -of I'Repotkbf tile 4�ommissloner otpo� , I toc ;od the general heavy rains be"- lice Of the Metropolis for, the'yeA , ., 1 19W lesoon 114el, "Song Of the VIA*- Liodsay, Out.-" I thia it to , no. � growing low'.4 ,.r . I I which wmli. greatly benefit, the i . pt -more thail right for me to thaulc Mrs, CrQPS4 , - I � . 1AW11, IAU# be tonalitered. in the A L . I c1j,1aAGo, may is. -Attempts to securo, There is one constable. now serving ot 00 - first veroe, - "A .4ons Q:t nw. JW. riukllom. for what -tier Jdad advice and . , � weelt-vad profit* crowded down the grdice in tho force who, jof4ed In lgoT.. T - .L I Canadian Ver.se � . � I I Lydia E, J�Iukham'a Vegetable,coin. . IL - of wheat in the last hour to -day. Th e.. Iloso , 0*0 L tf)Uoing his V13101yar0l' ][A I were the "good old days" whan thc _ '0 I L. " I � ........T�...; ------ � pound, has -done for 1, 1 1 to ko ko 001 cune,wqS partly 'Influenced b: Popeot burglar's life was. Worth living. In ftek, -my wet %OVA di4t the only U" of �ff.,--. me.: Whenlvrot* . ' of large world's Shipments Or'q bear - I I .. - . I � I I - - -AT QUERE0. visibi oupp, those days (to take the reoord,,of the. , , . . bear trUlt, And, failing ., -l"', to her some time . - , ish figures regavaink tile , -to I a ar 1111,D) there were 19,095 felonies re- � t��, vinoo .18. .jto , . L - Closing quotations Were �%q lower D ye I JA �. very . t, � , . , � diat� It is .g"d. for IlQd%hig. In L ... ago' I_ Was aL last 13.4glit. Corn show- la _04 to Property When tfio�pol)Ul ' , ** � � , ­% ., . By Jean, Sletwett.. I I � .;.2,. sux� . . a not loss of,%0 I - . 0a`tS a t. a" � no compared with I 444 ,*T .. . . learn Oat frOdeop : -0� -:"'.'i, sieX woman. '4 A NAP to %C; on was . . to , -- * ' 3,616,992-;-Aud only a Lf � . I I -­ fennifrom, female .0 63k products little ew i . , � am gathere.4 by inex oi�d � . . ." ) ,. [Mrs. .Tean Dlowett was bera at SL - drop ,of %c to %0, bu 'Wax more than halt thd'felons were caught. btsm , . * * ... ' nd ebange, ex L . ..5t. L4 which . . "_ , ........ ..... ,troubles. JI 4aj tlA, Lake Brie, Ontario, fil 1802, a ,Mt U.7 pork, . . b=4104;, 1*0 t ..r. .y � 4 L Now the police catch 13,322 people for * - I 'he Wt whicIA 4*4 i", -".-U::.*.. Inflam ' 'on AD f is, the daughter ,of John 'McNisline . - u9mInally Q harder to gQt- - r, , ", - . . .. ;. . . � .... - .-!..%..,... _ - � . - and 41tbotigh tbe)popu. - I . 1-.. r and to good for nodliiig NO to � ": :,_. thhe te. e OTPus mtod at St. Thomas Col- WinnIpea Options 17,982 felonies, l .. -.1 N11 . .:. -'-� She was edue I I , I b6#odftu ­uVilerfool, ,of men, 01att. vo , �.! .*,.­�*! . ': d, e not - ustitute 4fid achieved. her L ' . Close. oppn� nigh, Low. close, lation has doubled the total amolint I . I L 'X� - . L ,ould , . - I ��.,.,:�­'.. ­­ I secured by_L`profess1onale*A only ad. 1. L ; I W I \ ... . na oi- walk 40Y leg'ale I ,she, published her - Wheat'- , . L l � ; . ' won tells us Mot dio. . I . . a nee, ,twtx ess when MAY ..... Mi 957/9 .06 gy" I Vers. 7 of ourX L Arsp suctc iiketcbes ,entitled, 1104binot % 9M vaneW from $396,000 to $666,000, while :,� I . o I I � series o . .Tuly .,... 97. 96 911A _ .% . . Was Ooni)Ued to My A . ­ I - at Is1*811 IsAie, Xm,dox T*eyar4. 11 11 . . .rticleS.�* . L � . � 9QV# Sgt. 90, WA L the amount recovefod advanced from � I . . to 'Q�o men of 4044 ., ,.. I . bed, andthe. docto .. O?Nt -- ----- . $98,000 to $214,600, . . . 'Werre - r � ... �. . . .. I- . 'M" I I L' . ! - a the, bill, may 4O... 36% ,, .... *. X% . The return of publiv vehicles allows , I . " = Xuly ..'..., Or/a, 87% 374 ' t%L , : 41*4 , Pleas andt' � t. it Instead of ____ I wdOld hay Quebec, the,jr�ybld �* on, 31% - some iot6restiag inferences. , L I I to P throu , is I Lies with a &Idea glory onhar head, . Hailsom , TbL,,4.0 operation, but'th , L I I " pre. duclut *9 4 twy w%* ( T4ranto Grain Marl;ot, ,L, cabs, for instance, have faltba in num- � I !n�" ref,upoil to ,o.;. A friend advised Lydia Dreaming throug*ut this hour so � '. 0, d"edbed, ft ber from 6.&% la 1905, to 1,29D lot I ,� " , 1W �i 6;11;i4 . ,. . ,R Plnkbam'q Vegetable Compound, fair, so still, /. Wheat, Call. bushel ...... 30 84 -to $­ L " , 'woo k- and In and , , 1. _ - el..._ 0 8D , ...* . '. and fleets ot taxleabs. have been .L 1b . .. I pt- L. . now, after Iflaizig tbree bOttles Of it, Of other days -and all her mighty dead. Wheat, goos.%' bil8b year 4 - . ' 1. _ 9ye. bushel . ......... : ...... 070 ..... launched to take their place, There. � ,. . .x % �w 4W omply visio - I. L . I feel likeanewworgan, ImosthbortilY The w doves I-WrC4 InVOU th0'C41P11 Barley, bushel ...... ...... 060 ...., taxicab$ in 1905 L ., I I Inv"df. . , - - . . Were only nineteen r L fruft V31to hinwalmt , . . .- . I'll, reoonmmd this medicine to all women nftini, I I Cats. bushel ............... 042 1 8 I W ' - ... W061% they ,were milghty whosuffer with female troubles. lhave The i1lowers bloom where once did Elitc.kwheat, bushel ....... 0a 67VO but there were 3,9W last yetAr, I L W , .- ., . . Peas, bushel ............... 078 0 OD - . � vfte-, enjoy pie , also taken LyOia WPInkliam's Liver run a tide ' - ' ., � � And yet, in the midst of all this I �. , , 11 r affureso .1 . �. . � Fills and tbin1c they are. fine,"�-Mrs. of crimson, .when the, pioon. rose . - oto t. of progress., the "growler A$ property. call things by their wron; - � BUife* Toro D - airy " Marke, turmoil � I �. � "'" 3xsr..zyo. Lindsay, Ontario. pale- and dim , I . r__St_6re L , I I . 0 . ............ d_ JTL 018 somnambulizes , along the streets, , 11 "Was sma fin- ,tr_ - Butter, Separator, dairy. lb, 0 21 022 � �, We. cannot , understand why.women Above the battloileid so grim and wi peaceful and undisturbed. Times may . I I ,:,�. f go brought them out at Egypt, -cast .111fa e chances with an operation or � . . do. Butter, creaTnerk, lb. rolls, 0 22' . 0.23 be bad for ca,bine.n., L but if so they kLze ", k Metl1inkS Within 1161 roes a .A1191AY Butter, creamery, solids .... 0 U 0. L I . � aut; tho-nadow befem them and . . ' ' L ated in the number - of four, , N�_ =0�t a sickly haMhoarted exI4- glow .. , Nmgs, voew-laid ............... 019 �0,. not reflee . 1 .1, A-dthem In.* good lawL but becausevor I W 3, rdissinf three-fourtlis �f the �y L Choose, . Ib . .............. .... Q 14% L�,, 0 i wheelers plying for hire - There were - I , _ � I I ' -01 pride, of tertderness,�her stirring . , . 1� : bw on Ere b" tv turn A1s'k&*ftiiu R nwa NZ41 hb-qt 11rat.trying Lydia _ . . : past-- �. . L . L,,.. HQney<�Pmbs, dozen �...,..,.. I; 50 .... 3,935 in 1905, and tbeia wp-ere 3.263 last I " 1. . go - . � Liverpoo'l Grain 'and Produce.- . I � them we their only hwe was In tboo lKnkharn'sVegetable Compound. . The strife- the valo- the long ago, " , .year. x ­ � .� � �. - : . . , I I , . I 11 I I ' I . . . . .. . � ,:�� . VXa of Eas rigbt hand. ft 9�n Of FOr Wrty 'yea" It has, boon' the Feels at her'heartstgings, Strong,.aiid LrVER-PWL, May l3.­QiosItlS- And'w a last word. Wherdlfiood, for-, . � I I . I . 'L . �.­___­ . 1. �� , I ".. . . nuln, /strong for J d remedy for female ills, and . L - . I . ' . I.: ,,,,. r I God ^ lux. "9)6 stan.dar . � tall, and vast, , Wbeat­Spot. easy; ISTo, 2 red, western ty-ono new four-wlleeled cabs were It- � .- . Spours WHo es - : '. vuvoc& With a crovvaea maricer,'uood" I . ., 1�: '' , According to our lesson, bas Med tbouaMs of women who She lies,, touched with the sun at's winter, no stock; No. 2 Manitoba, 7s 64; oensed last year, . I . . . - r4 ,.. _. is clean, firm, highly davored bu I tter al� � I I as bad ds"* have been troubled with such ailments golden g' I 8 ManAtoba, 7s 4d; futures, easy, M4' There is, of course. a not alve, a couple of bran mashes' and tb 11, ­ �sorerythlng for them that,could be dons race, . able in- . I ways rinds: a - , ?�, ,� .. � as disp1aqep)en* inflammation, uleer. A wondrous softness on her grey old Is %d; JWy fis 11%d; October, 6s 9%4. crease in motor-omnibusQs and tram. following mornlng.,betori� feeding give ready sale .at A, good . . , �7;­ ', I I tor a vineyard. but as In the parable . I . . Plqur--�-Winter patentsPM Od, . . - Price. Thousa , lids of dollars Are.lost � ,� ,". Of MatL ,XA MAL they beat and labe. -- � . I'll . Hops -4n, X,00ndou. (Pacific Coast) fZ cats,*and a corresponding decrease in .one pint�of rawfinseed ell; gradually . . I � . � � . 46.. "- I . , I their horse-drawn p rdlnary'iood and night -and. every yearin poor butter. I ., . 4 , . ''", I killed His servauts and,even, do -heft a�����" I ' ' ' , sa, steady, 6TS the m6st.,rem.Arkable.thibgg about the 'morning ' . .1. T_-, .'� , - I .: " to the Vineyard aim A*cKdlng to 0= � I . . - . Beef --Extra India me- I add -a powder of sulphate of . � . � . .... .. .Was Troobled With Gd., - - 1� . pqblk -Carriage statistics is thl"bere . I . . . I . �:,� ".I Usson ebapteiz, they regard not the . t, .1 . �'. . � tron, orie-4alf dram; sulphate 4 copper, . / . I . _- " . �, � I . � . I . _�-_ . . , Pork--r0ine'niess, western, � steady, are fewer Wlilcles in use now =, . r . 11 ., , 1 4 1;,�. ' ,' � 0ork of the Lord wrt-diudder the op . I . . . ... I . . . . # . I . 78s, 9d. I a there. were in IWS.' In that year -one-half drain; bleartion - ate, of soda. . I Colts Need Exercise. I I - . ' , 1, �` �:, *�,. �' oration, of FUs hands, but cast awari ' IRISH PERFECTOS. - - Liver I . i-Taxiie-Short cut. 1446 lbq,* Oft Od. w9ro ).6o� vehicles on the, road, Last-, one-half -ounce*, .ginger. and 9eAUaAo Growing colts shoiild'always'llave A , - - . I . I I . � I . I L'r ",' � I I Oe laW Of the Lf'ord at hosts end 4d& , � . � . I . . . . -1 . . Baoon-Cumberlarid. out, 26-30 lbs., y�ar there were 16,906. Xany of them Awo drams eaclL ,� . sropqoth. roomy; lot tn which to exer-, . � .. . . I . ___ __ , :11 � I I spiged the vrord ot the ealy Ono, of Qrowing of, Tobacco. In thd Emeral I Co . ' laint .: . � . 49a Gd; Short r1b; 16-24 lbs., pon*34L' e' -larger. of course u. hen t d - en . . I 1, , d * ar . b t t h ciao 'and should be giv .the 'run of . I I � i__ . MUTA (verses IZ,W I . . . Mp� r alftr bellies, 14-16 lbs. steady, 50s 6d, population has � also. grown. oonsi4er- � this lutlosure summer and wlnter.� ' . ­ � I sle A35iste;l - by 'Governmbnt.. , ' �. - . . I long ctlea�r iniddles, light, 28-84 lbs., b?,s � ..,;�.., We pitiful cry am them I& olways . 6d; long'eleax iniddlea, heavy'85-40 Ilia.," in.the same time.So, obviously. . . Plenty of exercls� and fresh air inii . I 1. I e , , " , I �r 1; ", � � . It may 'not be lout%befors- ill � -20 Ms.; 47s 6d; n ,walkgr a -good deal now.. :. .r - - . I � :. ,�� �,` 'the same, wbKher t1trough the proph. "Irish perfecto" Will be a famili , r Th'i6 Years. wi,, short clear bac", 16 = I s�kpshlxie a i essential to the best de . F0, re � � , arlas I . I I . I — 1, I i � .14 JW, 43s,' lard, London, .still goes* on 4ts absent- I I I I P I .T I his . does. : .11 . , "I ' 0* the "dlear Havana.',' ' . . _. prime western.,in derces, 42s 8d; Amer- minded'way shedding its possessions 11 . I , 11z . _�, ets or through EU3 S' Tobsc6o grow- . shoukleirso 44uare, velo went of any animal. %-,'�7: - e � I . . . I " I , . IF=d tby God, who brought thest out Ing is' .b, Ing developed with some . I I I lcan,re�flned in pails, 43s. Cheese, Can-. in cabs and omnibuses. The following. How can the baby..8"W. . not. mean that *they should be left I un-' . . . - P., , . . Milburn's- Laxa-Viver Pills will -regq. , I , - . ,cf,the land of Etyvt Open thy mouth id't ' Ireland. . I adlan. finest white am,d colored, , new., table 6h S' the -Jost.4rticlos: .... ; , - . ,,, raf3 .[� . W . � I '�;� � . 1010. t y in protected during the eold winter: - . - I I.... Isto theflo* of bile to, act properly upon US; Camadtan finest white, old. 689; I � . r.trongi tht�nurshx -either have free' 11"': ,,�, 7'' " Nrl" "d I will till It, but my pe( . .is about twenty years sinco Col. the bowels, and'will tone, reno . . . . . . . . ...... . ff mothex - nig - bts.,, They should . . 41 . . . �.� I'� - ;;�ii )mot Wwken to My voice, -ad- Migent -Talbot, .Bverazd' c6mmaxwed . 11 '.. . ­ .. Canadian finest cotoeed..old, 'nominal. :4-W ....... ;....... ..* ...... 6,499 . is pale atid . ? . acciss,to-a warm shed or, better sflll,� -:. , , . pi 1. removing. ev&T � - , I ; `­ "�Ild­­Mmel would, nese, 4. 1Ae_..(rAJ_rqF& -!��- riTentAng in growing tobacco on irify the - liver, I Butter, finest American, i 88s, good do.-. I 014thirlgImOn's) ........,...4,620 . I Oe tied up nigbtly In stalls.. Th6 hen-!- �. , .1. 1� . _,- _ __� - - * e rouble from the tem bu - , , - . �,�� - . _ 7-00 ..rl ­ , _­ . , ,.-Ws. TiUlow. AustmIlan In-London,13a. .,Clothing-(wo e ,) .,....�.� -4',31 _ . - ­ - -, :�. ,. . � .11, 1% h). -0 Jernsalesil.jerusdom 0 o i�, Iiii ��i4fW­at­'R , WAY - '- )i cu," -w- . , in - ii �, .. _ . _7 i--- - ­ � , '7%d- "WuM -E-M -ntooearl ,­�-- % . ... 1 I . , errdue�-Wrlts, su.8d,.-Rosin. ._.XUte11=.ocU0,. -articles � - TW,_ -1_17X1 t. I .. dling of the.colt d4anot begi . � , I . . 11� MeAth�_Others have imitated.hica, , , � 890ttlt . -.H . - - I lri�n,, -.17s. 6d. Petroleum, i6fted. ,. � _IS .. . 4 bow Often, Would I bove,cathered thX. to" .liver complaInt; , j . go . . I . , �, 11, ��`%_,___ _111, --1 " . � , , and the result is-Ahat. now, in addi� I . . I em tton sted ., owelry, ...- _1. 6. ..1K I ... -4:---A-..--_-. i , �- -- �_ _­ , .1. . I I I ____­__,_­ " 1, OdIdims teaetlioer, e"m as,& hen .kai&_ . ... � OVA -Linseed. oll,'48s 94; Cc> J ..:: _. 'alk the Mother: strbng . I � . . I o . I'm' M es � - ------ � L'�L . , tion to. his twenty-dve-iteris thiir6.- Mr' S. Nelson', North ,Sydney, N -S-, ,611, 11uU refined- spot 27s 10%d� : . .. . .Opera glasses '...4.0 .. .... ':%t . . I . I � I fteth bar chicialls under blir whwk . P , , d hicremes an&ena . . . � . I : � 11 1� . are Lord Ilarrymore with ten .acres. --"l have used your LAxaJAver .. . , . ­ ; . I 11 I Purses, I a.....,,. j... o ... :.., , and ; � . . ' ' 6 ence, ! �., I I.. � � .. "", , I I - . sw I was troubled with liver, ­6orn., - . � o .. . �. , 3-iml � ... I � Alen bose exp rl ' Oxteads I I � , "",;, and To would set" of&# sztt% M' Lord 'Duaraven *th twont"ve, p1ter - MARKIETS. : . r' -RUP '-­.". -�.* Oco 4. .. � I iichi" ebabi's fooO. 1)"Ce.4 - . I . � Sue?, wbdwvbw pe00% , ww - ftm . wi - years, and r : - I CATTLE . . .1 StWis �.,...,..... , " . �­.�..... '-1,481 . . I back IiAlf a century caildiscerti­ ' , ' * '..� ' ­,­ I captain Otway * .We- vilth *int for three .,ould get no , .. . I I . " . . , . . gre't li . nprovein - ' i , I I . . , acres, . I . . — . . I 11 I I . . . . . 1 , ; ,�.� away from a" "a HIS we �Wft seven a � er . es - relief. J w - ' u.9,ded by a friend to - , , ­ I ,'. � . . I Umbrellas .. ...... i.., 125004 . I " I . . ­ . � . � a a , ent, in both . - : ' � M'idw; I . 11" . I 11 � .. .1 draft -and road h6rses.' The � - - '. 1 r''', I . to be "drankm but not '.v . and m&AY others with ,emeNyo=d after taking one ". . . I I I 1. 1-:*:: , Iiii, .1 , .. � . . . . small ts. - . . t - . Now York.'Llve Stock. . . 1 PIO . � . . . Watches ..- . . � ' . , tW sta&W, but not w1di ffti"r - ry lour I li't �at_�r I W taken three . '709W tORK. May 1--.-V­Vf1­n6- - . .. . . ..i , .. . . The Art:of 13utter . mikingo . - , - . � "plug." I-, rdOldlyptisgini., State . . I " . The total area under enl4vation,in *W �,P.tre a,' . . .4 are larg . :;:,"O: , .. Moro Ji. -was cured completely, and I have a Pon- i I . - I �, I dftk- (Xm mdr. 9). . .. Ireland , " - i2o acres, - comprism oelpts..1741 � head; ,no trading;. feeling .. * -MX5 - Good buttermaklng.....,%,�,q jis. ad ,,, Ilion law. are largely r . . , . i, �, , . = - . . I . 1. . .. . �. .. 4 .. . I _ .. .1 . .. I �.." � . ditl i _ !" . I I U to .hitersefte to Set~ in 'seventy-nilie acres. of'pipe. tob not been troubled since, thwiIks to your , at,�idy. - - . '' .. CA. sible for ImprqVed conditi � . . . .1 . Twenty illat many farmers,haye not learimed. � � .1 . . " . � , % . valuable mediane.1' . nombialli -eight' thousand and a' ity. - . . I . I . a* thao(w IWWWNW our I I 11 Chao. twenty-eight *acres of. cigarette'. and . ! . . catiep-Receipts. Sa head; � ': . . . -1. --------- I . , . ----- - --- , " � " . . . � I I .1 I . steady. . I . . . � two of these articles were xesiored to There Is no, reason 'that Vtitter made' . I . , . . � . 'Ibutn's uvl�. P& are 26 Sheep and lAmbs--RecelPts, 4M h"d; thitir owners. The mt. after . . . . � � . . ; . , I .11'. .. tw wo bXV& a vmm of tim eat* thirt�-eii ac -res of cigar -tobaccos. In . WA 1��. . . . three, on the -tam. should, not bring better I .. . . 1. . � ,�,:, A�, I . I . . . 'I, �, Vmh tbs, ew.:4 the LVOL � Dublin 'a company � ,employs sixty cents per vial, or 5 Vials for $1.00, at 411, ahee�6 steady; . lambs strong; ha.ndY went to the drivers or oonduq­ 6riced In competition- vdth ereawdy, . The Largest Cemetery, � - . .. 0010900 I lam'be'L �Mc higher; spiring lambe dvdi add. InbUths- . . I 'L'� , " 12 amd 29 VVb ebnptw,vk 1L. workmen -and turns out pipe tobaccoi dealeri or malled �dlreat on. receipt 4. 'ton "who found them. * butter. *Country butter, when trubkol:o. - � ' . At' R,Dokwwd,-' ' A'alia. is' %he- . 4- veaft C'Liga , - ite� clipped lambs. 'S& 25 to. $6.40; ordl- One man was . . ; An r � I.., ' -P L I . . , say contrast tboo drun3onnew I Torontoo 11� ,r' L narY,up.rhitg. la;nbs, $6.60 per 10 ' _Iwi - . largest cemetery in the world.. It c�v,- . - " I . and xs and c4prettes, all, made -rice by The T. 3111buin Po.., Lim,i , lower; lbe.; -410- ,-rewarded" th1tb8` 4113n of 'FM 168- '119e ly. made and poorly. handled, must be L . . I from tboo-Noinevrown, product.. . . _nt . . I sales of Sheep. . . .. 6d.L Pr . I � i ,,r.,,' wim me 9%Zy Tben Doft the =1011 I.. . . .. I l. I%, . Ism .head, nominally hi�'s',find, another x6qeiv4pd.9W 9s. left: with :t groeer. and take Its erooyer 2,W0 aer . 69. . ... ,; . . 1. L, . -Tobactoo -was. gwwA extensively at - . .­ Hogs.-4ROoelpt,s, . . * . . — .. . . L .he . . . . r . . .. : . .. " , :1 I coffitcrak III Oak ff. 14o 14 "d M& I � : I ... . . ... - . . .. I I I ­ s . - . . . L � . . . I .. . 1. - � I- oa* time, in the Zmer*ala late. � for 3 VENTILATION F%- TOBACCO.' tlrm-L , - .. � , . I 'Ll . I .. . . � I . I .1 .. .. :, � .. - * � ...­. . I ,., �, ., 4 . ,�, : To 14 SZ4 obser" th&C'a 10%tite0bat commeteial purposes, bui'guccessive . . .1: L .. .. . . Cbkap,o Live Stock. '. .1 , ' - I � . . ­ : . .. 11.1 ' ,� I . . . . .. I rt 0vely'Mieting at Woffe IsTa.no. . . - . - . . I:., . I , � aptft Wed veop%a wft%�=Mto, bo tull I English -rulers effectually stampod 'Method of Miring Leaf Used by Large- L CInPAGO,. Xsy'. =--battle receipts, Kingstono May 15. -The redprocity - . I . . � � I � I . . : , � I ­ . .. V . . ' . 11 ,, of Ilow wine (Acts 1% AIM, Thftv Is out the industry, It was with. a view L I Growers In Pon . estimated at 200; - rilarkot steady; L stion was threshed out at a meete' I . � . . I � . M ' .. r :, 1:, no temedY for self AM*009, 2W of-increagang opportunities for'the , - .- , -t neylvania. - beeves, $4.95 L to $6.45i Texas -steers, $4.60 Lque town hall on Wolfe . '. .. I � . . I I .1 . . . .. - � � . ,.. . ,L, . " '' I �, � - . tobacco -to.$5.60; .W08tern s0erS, $4.80 to $&60*0 ing held'in the . ' � � :, I . pteasto& nnbc"&qftC 000VK bat ouch peasantry that Colonel Eveiard took The MAS'Aty, of he small - ' :,stockers and feeders, $4 to S5.65; WWS - Island, Saturday night, at which 11we. L, . .. . , ' .. .. I . . a sight -of Jesus 0mbe 4"w i0lir . up his eeperimenta. After combat- . growers 'thrash out.their grain early. ideat Of the Con, . * . .. 1 L ­� . . a;34.heifersi $2.40 to,$5�6r),, calves, $4.50 Fawcett, vi4e,pres . I .. . S . ,�, . . straw and then . .. . I � , .. leoun . I . I . IL , . 1, , , alits as will. bn*k Lth* hard. I 1 1 ing many - obstacles. expert advice gick their. �vsa their, to $7. I I - - I . setrvative Association for the ,00unty, emal a fid'Seed .. , I I .1. ' , 1. 1- � I � ana Ind them to V7. -God, be tiiu�d. -was obtained from America, and " barn mo*s and drivewais for curing -Hog%"Reetdll)ts estimated at 9000; presided. - Dr. - J.- W. Edwards, 9,1`.� - . '� . . . . r I I I . -1 � . I � . I . . I ­ . . � - I., 3?ears ago the Gov nae, and Andrew Broder, I I . I . . . .. . - OBe cannot . einment came to Ahe pro- ng to shade higher; light .: L � . . I .1 � , ful to me, a skmer." do . market:,stm ' for Fronte, . I . The early buyers geu. I.. - .L . �L��, ce, the industry now,being. to)Vcco, says a bulletin., or! . a sedL. Qrd6ry6ursur)ply�qfCoal'for next winter, L, I -1 in Penn-; hea.vy, $5.85 to $6.25; rough, $5.85'to. " ­Ahe'lowest price,. '. . . .L . 1. I ­ U& -for snotlittr, but He vho said "I 46.05 ,to, $6.42%% Tnixed, $6 te $6-37%" U.p, . for - Diind s, strongly "o . , L . 11, , am the true v1r*" said also -supervtseil by a �Gcvern.m'ental. 'of. dliction of C1&r leaf tobacco , I $6; � . Ppo . . I I . . I . I . . . . . 1 .L ,: . tomeetroft pleso t_3 agreement,, while -addresses in Bup- .. ' . L . the Holy Spirit. "He win convinco of ficial who eombints-expert knowledge sylvanla, issued by the United States good to ch6lce h4eav sales, .$6A0 to . .. I Padt jVL ere -given by; �-D. D4 - , . . 3r, $6 to $6.26; ' L We Ar6 also strong on .9�eds,. Couie� early1foe y6urs. Do not forg6r, , . . � � L'', , obtained in America witli practical department 6 � f a&1CUIt&6. -But the :$5-" to 46.36; .bulk Of port of.th4 ' - � Spades; Shovels, Afaiiure. Forks. Wire. L ., �. . I I . . . I . . i I I . L I , 'I I . . . 1. .. 1. . . . - ,Rogers, ex-M,X, for. Frontena,c,, and - Then Bcbts, Shoes and Rubbers are very intich di3d' and this I . .. 1. , I , � . $6.34� - I .1 - .0 . I L . . 61u, 8Ad Of right""'ness, lud'of Judg- rilldrination as to local, ,conditions' large growers usudlly erect sevarato - - Sheep-Ptecelpts rimsbaw. .Therq. was 6 free. ight.,place to got.thom,,* Jlighest, prices -for Ar"olduce in either.. .:,. � .� .1 L incur (John Xvi. 71 8)6 . and itilluenees, . L - ' . I . estimated at,' P; Grant G i� the' il - . . . � . ;, I I . . . . "c e ' 2 jor-all dls6ussion, and tlii�- meeting . trade or cash. . . . .1 . , � . L . 1. . � , )k �: I . . � ." it we have been redeemed by pre- I I I . Wingalieds provid d with some oys- market Ste�,dy; native, $3 to $4.80; w t held on . I . ... I 'L . . . . L. .. . ' the liveliest ev6r . . I . . . . - . . L , . , . -T,u m, $9.50'to $4.80; .Yearlings, $4.GDL to, Was one',), I . � . ..-. 1. . ... .. I I . . I I . , , dons blood and been caused to a" � teih for controlling the Yentilaflon. .er I * We -. ___.... I . ,. I . the Chilly Churnpl , . L . .� . I . 1 $5.60; lambs, native, $4.fio to $6.65, ��t Wolfe ish'Ind. we ohairman I , I .. L' � � L -1 something of the beauty of the Lord - Sh4 had been ret�ding that -a L titled � . - 11 . _. . I . 1- _. .1 _. .- . L ern, $5.25 to $6.W - I I . 11 . a. - , '' � . * * . . , ;, . , , .. , . . . . . " _All, for. order on L man�. -occasion. . . .. . . . I . " � . ­ . . . . . I L ", �1, ft U not for us to coademn otker Englishwoman advises married .Wo, �, - I . . � . .. British Cattle Markets' L L . I .. . � �. . I . - . .. - I . , . . . . , - ' i � I �, � . sismem nor think them hopeless, but wi 6,a to flirt With their husbands. As 11. - I 1: ; . la�rr, RPOOL, May 1&. John Rogers & ' . . R. Adams, Londesboro. - - .., ,. , .. . . 11 .. . to�day. that tr9d . I . . . .1 L. L I L manifest Jesus Chrb;t to thetin by'word she finished the article her husb,and' ,, . . .. Co., ' LiverPool, tabled at- i Pronunciation of,.Narnei. . I I L . . . . . I . . . . L .. . - L . � : � I :- C�l was firm In the Birkenboad war'Mt . Knollys is -. pronounced- � Xnowles;' . � . I . ... I . I . . . I i , � 6d deed that 6o Spitit may, throu&, canle home to dinner, She .ran. I to . � .., . .... . pricbs ivhieh showed a reduo,tion Of (me- I I' , . . . . ___L_ _.- - - . ., I . . . I :. :,, us it He Will, reveal Jesus Christ to meet JinL . . . . . . .... I . ba,f cent all round on last weews quota- Cockburn-,0oburn; . St. Leger-Sellin. . . � I I r. - I . I 11 . . . I � . I I _ � . � ... !!! 'Is W king . I ­ � _ them and lead thm to ITi- There fe "A little late tq-;night*, duckyroozel. . � tions; States and Canadian eatt a or - - Colquiloon--coboon - , Cbolmoud­ I . . �, . . . . . L. 1.�� - I I .. . . -per pound. Thd Sheep . ­ . . ,.. . . .. . � I I -A," she said with.a dimpling smile. 11 -- � , I and un , from. Ise to ls%e, fcy-LChumly,� . and Vajbribanks, � I justone thing that the vine is for, I trade was also lower, I?Lmbs making 14c Af4kchbankrs. Vvy . VVVVyyVWyyVVVyVyVWVVWVWW yw� I . . �I ff we are real branches of the true . "VVbat's thatrl lie growled. , - � to 14%a, and wethers 12o'to IMP, Per It may also �bei useful . . . I L :� L. L � I . - . vv"4 , , r' . .. - . . L .. � . I I . - .. . . . -r.- .. . . . . . . , � . . 'L . . i � vine He will bear the desired fruit She looked .al him ar. I pound, . . I I I t6 ki�ow that Talbot is'pionounce& . I . . . . . . 11 I I I . . � �. :' . "Don't you da" fo ki ,mej:o' sbe I. � . - . L I I . fallbut; i Bulwet--_Buller; Cowper" . I . I . I L . r that God way be glorffied ff we triay . . ss . L . , . . � .. . . . I , . ,roplane. Cooper, Womysg��Weerns; Broughain , I.. - titteXed. .. 7 , Flashed �qi,lss From -AL . zeat ZZS haT-e,. - Z/O U,)- , � � , abide. . 'ecietel" lie t�. 'CI'don't, intend . I . .1 . � I . 33ridg�port, �Goftu- . ,, May 15.- . J. A. D. -RToom; Hawardark.-Harden; Ciren- * - - ' . . _Z�adiesl. '.L . . I . , . I I , . . 1, - �! " That fruit way not be any great .to I WhatVut tligt in,your head?,, � , .: I . -aviator,-4itw cester�-Sissister; Grosvenor - GrbVo� I I I � . I . . . � . . . . . . I . . of � .. McCurdy, the Canadian. - Boavehamp - llee6am. I '. . . . . . . . I . . . ., . �. 4 .. . . . � " . I , �, I , thing t1rat will gain the admiration ' L 'I ;, . , ". fr. , I She - half .elased - her eyesr alid ,coyly. , successful fil. sendin� a wirel6ss mes, 110"; . and � ­ . I ' 1, , " .,L L .- 'r people, but 'Just,a mieek and quiet surveyea him. through th,t�--drooping .. . sa J- his aeroplane during a I There are, likewise, many ttbor mines . I n S,Xt 071C�67- f0r visitin,g ca; -ds-- , .. � I , I I . . ' . e_ rom, , quita.as difficult to utter rhetorically, 11 . . I .. .. . I L I . . . . - . � . . . I '. , I � ge, , ''I spirit - � I . : .. * . . . . L . ., to patient amd lang suffedn& It ladbei. . . . I � I ...- . 11 � aL Saturday. He wits some 3,000 . ­ I - .. .. I . .. 1 . . 4. 1 R, . . .. > ­ I . � . may be, under Creat provocation or - "Don't -you wt:zit to., sit here by me - ..k. . teot .:n�0 in tile air and over; Long ls� but time apd space will.not �ermlt of I . 1+ . * . . . L 1jilgI ,L'�f , . . L* . I ' * . ... I . 7" . . .. CZt.r(Ig ",,_ , .. . . . ,� I even a,aelty. Think of the Lord!rp par Qu thosofa?' she c6bed. ' - _U:1 I . �... - _. . land gound Station: in Now 'Ydrk, aid their being dealt with at present. No . ... I L. . .. ., I tumce with Israel smd with each Of --so, 3: &u%. 'Why, ,you -told me �, X `� through -a stati�n which had beenset �vondar - 11tiieignem c6ngidor - the, X ng. I I ... I are Orr� .41 'rod1k,to I . I � .1 . . . � ' . .. . . . I --- . �,�:Ktx�,.,� �_ --- : I. 1_1 I .11 . .. I , . ". . , I I L, .. , , � .. . . . - L . . . I ... . I . �: us and consider Wirt who endured lest 0111Y .yesterday that tllo 6-prings were il . up- at the, aerodrome th6a"Osse,943 was I'sh language; so difficult to eope, With . � . . 1. . . . I . I . . .. I . �. 4 . . I . , , � I . I I you feel .... 16o.so many words aXO'Lpronouneed, I .. . 1. I � I . .1 . .. . I . . .. 'ye, be weary. MAnk ot being geWng weak. Awa't � batight. O�iillg tcj. the 6dditilonal oil I I I . . I . - � I ldre4gth-, 4 " -� ir I quite . I . . . . I . � . . . . I Ims vell?" . L � ;1 �Ight of the appatatU8, much diffi- g0qally speaking, in a marine � . . �, . 1, . . . . .... .. 11 'Oulty wns exper! _ . . . . I I X - I .� I � M .. . I e?., �, �Caed with all rnight� Incewd1bg to She laughed softly� s4ot.�hiln 4's �� ..... �� enced by.the aviatog� different to the Lway. in. Which t1i,ey . . I -L ..,c - t.: ye � , ,r - . _ I - * . � I . .1. .,X .. glorlous Powe , unto an �atlerice and . .. , . I - . I - _Z pe in on iv . ira, . . � .1 . L on reaching ffi� desired altitude. � ar6 spolt. I .. . 4 L I . . . i� LU & _­__.­____._ . . . .. I I . � I 11 ,ring, with Joyfalness <CaL 1, __ . , ( I .. . L, I L long suffe . _60i -Ag Rlioto.by.Willlani; Vrear, vice director or. Following - his first * flir& 'a . . � . . . . .. . . . . I . . . . � L ,L I � . . I ght when h . , , .. . I.. � . .. IL .. . , ,_� I , ut. Remeint',er that the, &*it Id no � I . . . the Petintylvunta. agricultural experi- tried. .the wireless experiment, Alc� I . .. va�cendarrt of Poet. - .. I . . . I . I . . I . . � I . . , . .. . Spirit Is love, joy. Peace, loli�- 0, 6 ment station. . L . Curdy. made� &dothci:� flight, faldng uP .. Lord Coleridge is a 'descondant of �� VVVVWVyVyyV,WVyVWW I .. . . . YV!O I . gentleness, goodiiess, fatM Isee riess,, A Good Diffesfion ZXb OFIFOBACCO 01791146 =MWITIr HOW- , witli,him Limt, Fick6l of the 'United Samuol Taylor .Coleridge, the grest !Vwv�� V . I V yy . I I I I . . '. L. L . .. I __.�gi— 0 � _------ — --.;iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��— iii=ii __ I I .. . _10 - I . . , zw;WAL VIM 4 _. - __ ­ . /I .� I � sl�lf control (Gal. ,r, 22, 23), and all. - : I . . �,L4=lm . . States' army, who atteinpted SU06t'a� 'Uhitarian -Poet, critie awl essayist, I I I . . I I I I means . or wom . I -ilp *at tar- Ills father was the famous Lord dhief I . . I I .. . I , that 19 opposed Is ft= the adversaM . ao man an good for. soino. cases top ventilation Is - secured 'with a riflo froin the aivsl . . I . . I . 11. /. . something -good workpr p�ea�anb I set in gets an the earth. 'Owiag� to the fact ustice, while his grandfather; air ', I I L I . I _ I I . . I 44r the 1w,ma of God anil the apitit-of , L by intalls, of ilatted ventilators - -.7 ., , " �, �, ,.';,. - . . 6,4, 1 3M.=ast,Z*it bo,oijad and Vien times, Whoever has distress enda4of Was a �25_niile breezb blow-. .;.. ;.,-.,.-:;.. i __ - OWNRISOMMILMMM . I . I after :the gable the� shed or In the that there ' 'ed the crafto L accurate John Taylor Coleridge,� gained a io- I - -, .. ­ I I . . . . . � � . the game mord cmd apWt AbIft sild naus0a,f . . ing whi& away . '*` - .Q"-:;-'." I . . . ) . eating, sicl� lleidaehes, ' � patation jas a 'King's Much judge. I .1,11111 `-'.,.1-`*.-"1'..-,%, ' - ' ' roof along the ridgepole or b means .Cured ' and th . y 4 e 'The first peerjo practice as X,0. at .:. : L aim' coula notLbe,-_se .*_'.,1, :.,�*-.1:,.-1.-.1-.1.1i--: I . . I . , y PeerL ,to he I—. " - -.W. I , .come -1 2., .., . '. . - - , flUlt, TbRlAuesftu Of ye=&A bact taste unpleasant breath, ca - Of valvedo ' '3Yl10drl04l,'n1etAI ventila- *experilneats were onl PaOi4ily Oue' lie Bat and the firstr "-,.1.,--. , : ..." ": Naiiie_ * � '"What cotild have been done �mott to not.find " I . 9 � ' .-: . , , I ' tors set In the roof, peak. Xn othem c4ftm. 1 . . .. *.,�: �:.,-.,!,-.:, I Back- - f the, I . . , I . My vineyard that I lig" not good in anything, or beof � I I . � . R Judge, Lord Coleridge at one ti�de *-!".4 ., -:.,,F:! I . . . .. L I . . . - - A . ... ' to" in much use in the world. , side ventilation Is adopted, end either , : ..... . , reAented the Attereliffe Division of `:` ... - . ... - 6"ry) . rep "... .... , I ,_ I I .1. . . . . . V I _\ 6' . N .. ie rem �L L I ftr suglests Q& 41200tim tDi * I i9ment, L . ., .1 I I I . - . . th - . I . Sheflield in Parli *,,, *1 11 -ill. arka . I . I ' Ing 100,6 boards at igterva%7�1 a few . I . I I . I . . . I .� , . . for all hAVA ertIcAl Voutlatort are made by insert- . rtew,piid,ror &krlor prindo. I .. .. ..:!i stands � Wvner,.drunl�ft or sobm I jgut these symptoms are onb� L I . . ---- .,-,.iZ . .... I , '*bow and Abarsocullo I A M, I Aigfis 64t; the Stomach needs a little . toot along the sides.of the she'd or It was feared tbrA when Prince .. I t. � I . ..... . . . L .,,, - !'.." I _ . ­ (ILPOL, I .� I . . � result of years of LOU's of ]3attonburg retired from the . . Tr6uitis In England. . 11 . . . . . . . . . ­ � Wftt Note eduld tba Tmd do tftt go care and attention and the aid that , . . . ble - , , . . . L . 1 . I - borizontal boards, hinged. abgve and Strauge though 'it may appftr to . . ; '. . ; q . .6 . ; - . . � - . 11 ban AM1161*40r vou:i "hwust? I 006. - . I fastened to a Common vertleal lifting Command of thd Atlantic fleet he ;anclexperience, � I I . � � Wiff 70ba 113� A 66d Antiomt an to . would be �ompdW to remain on, the the piesord gonerldion, it seems that � � .1 ot . . ,� I afteftimlv . . 1. ,. I rod# are fIxedAu the sides.of the sh�d half-pi(j­liat ki­�some considerable. L shild-V L , N1, �I 11 *bat tooft is I . I I 11 . dt points near the ,lower end of each - trOlI901% when :610t "ntT0dU06d L into - - . . I I L . - of . 1. . � 11­1 it "a & tv*owi to W& love and .. . r talae, Oinc&UO suit" Va,caadY seem LCriglaW were regarded as �abjrthing. L � I .. I . a Shoe Fasho I . . 1, ,� i -_ . . I . . tier. In still other cases the -floor likely to poeaftt itself. It is tow . I I C . . I '. � . Ave. Him "'3000.0fts"d aAaft I beta 'thark of respectability. 'In tho . . * .. . 'L , L I . - ­ __ I .-! � 6 1 , Ir" .eams project on each side beyond the understood tfi&tL AAtmfi*l Sir Wilmot orkintd trust d , draw u: � . . IN" &m no ittse 04,19k nw7 bm . I I I em h _ p in . ­ . - le . Wn .and , work- L'. I . 11 � " I thw' r . -- . I I 0 L'� Inundation wal1% -and the wall plates V,kvrkos is 1IT6it t4 celinquith his pool- 18W, of 33etbel chapel' Oash��e . I.. I I I . . . I I . '. L . wt ult,touo. . ' I I . 1 2 0 � �L L �qp Md, 9ft I rest upon the eii& of these, behma tiork'a4l 6ollialslid-ill-Obil0f at NVOA' afted,'Sheffield thard VfW a diuw IL � L I bDtd' $642 it Milf 130 VM6 04 "a -ftl I .. � rather than directly over or upon the port owing to failing health and tW conta,yang the 1611owing pDohibitil*. , '­ I " I � I I . . I - I I g" dftv#txfivl mt *,*& " &*L , 7.. ' L ' ". . _ � . inatiship pers I . . . 1 you 1. . � .: . 1'. foundation walli: 'The ,966r,betvioeeii, he will be ao6booded by PrI64 Louis. lluod[er 110, ftrcuftwtsl�4; wwewer I . L . . iftudlog, wo laftt 44t, o1i . , �4�iad . . .. � lkw Im fts. ­­' ­_ I 1. L . .. these.two lines of *alto fe�U`Zts - of This WoOM be an e#r 61y, Suitable- WWI I sk* - plWhdr be all000d U . L I fection '. 1. I ! 'Chiskdo ... "I .. 040. glve.'94fe, reh4ble,L th6roughly, tMpdoors-which can be ihised th so. arratigemodt., add %6UM keep one a " the julpit *he *ftts ft&t- L 0 1 1 � . "I . . #, , � L J &M baw - , 1. " ...J ,V " I I I 0 ­ -, - . 0021th of a5A ab" . tried, this"'faMily remedy haavon� cuft bottom Volithation.'. ' ,the clioso#xoat of out edmirals on the I , Z o It is beamly­ Mewsaky to L . - I I . I . L , systein 6 , . . Tk ago got =I S66 C06 I I � . 140tiv`0 list- - lothwO 14uls is 4xtr0n)e1Y W fliak'knco --broebbers sitld giiA . . . .. ,; . I" derful reviving power. They tone , Ver'y'dommonly the popular i;hftiii6&ut the fleet and Is Wske then the ootted Wits. Pit . . I ­ 1. 1. �. . . Ven . .. . "', . . . . I ( I the stomach, liver hnd bowels�-411 pioid des lor bot6 aide slid Ono a the mmt ftpable titLvAll JeoAoks- I I I I I . Linked . the we , . F — L__ ' ., . I __ . .. . I �,., I I . orgaris offteation.. Withthesei- lat4ts, each 'atider 061AZOILL I Pogo* at th6presont Ume, ' I . � 11 . L L I rMoktatti 14.11. . � I S 111*613.dVt ' L I-, . . I htfiaides 130stshoom4""10 Lo I I I I organr" ia4gOOa ordeto the, w1l,plev floot,or tot bottom and top . Priwo io�A i � Of 86 Very I 11 � A111% . I ! I I I .. . .... I . Ileating gymems fol! the Coll I )t Von- dispositioti. Arld. has Wrodueed many � Every Wo Mall. ­ ­ . t1% ­ I . " I I . I . � Ceff" Itot (:6d1pt1A ,qstem is better and aironger.l tration ure k Itstim-Alred "d4r ­ �C_;F _.. ". ,:..L:" - " .. . I , .&��--- -- rallh- I ,_1_------- ..' . .. � I . . . � .very oxceptionai. I little coutrivano,es into our ships 4 , ottomst t L Ott . I I Tho 9fttAytMffo- T04 add Dy. a 'few doses. and, see I I 'war that tood to ensure ambother and- i )"Vim "Wilior Sprat . I . .. I I � . "A" - -, , f wbat a, sp1end!4 . Tfi6tkbwV#i uAl I . 0.1t I . .., IY SAM . Oftetual MOM124- or yoUrsel i0asiet working. It Is generally under. -blou 4�otj t, eh. At hS051 I � I , ghlatoronwhielitwomen can - bf live . t In ffixt yor .. . 40 11 L ,y*1 ain-mag'-iiii6le rmk 6T' .1 L I p6nd. Poldlu tbh�64. 68 ,bo4ily.,&a I ditiou 11ceeham's =a L _�__O_'��_ stood in well-informed (dreles that J � 1, ; 1 of strootob-No. It SI 1. 1% . Prine� Louis will be the suecosaor to , (� . �, � $ 1 M;11. 3%. C ohildren d - Ilir 11. n,. May whon the lattot'g term ' 64 11 , JaSL, T w.... itchell & ". I on, L . .0; 0,16=1 .A., I I $9 pot bqf6 . r,eate . . " 1, %, for, Mcclal-CaKe". , , , I . . ­ L t _b "ff,, appointment :aq eo"lleandor in 41 bUt . I . L � 11 , .. , . 1, 611 diVf can I ry L Of it 691 L., I " . I to' oft 0 t, 0 1 . --- i,,h f of the 110me fleet conles to an "116" " , , . a : , �. I �; I , & 00 , � e LINTON . . . , � FOR P1,91009W ie df' * . 1. . � . --..- I I 0 o � d : . 1. #WM � I I ..& . . ,. t I TO' Ilf r"41M . la bow us. 0 A 8 T 0 R I A '�ad' . . . =3012- I , I . L . . . I ... ^ ,~. -Ift�"*.­ ­­M�W_14_ 4-- ..om000ko` - � I I I V. *16 � � . I . , - ;N , - , � ALI" sloom 1. ­ .. __ ­��":­�'­&Lj� " . I L � 1. . .,.% .41 I :­ �._ ­ ­ I _ , _ --------4 ­­ ­­�­­ � 1. . � I I . .1. ­ ­­ _L,, - ­­ ­­_'.�'Z_ ,.I.., �,, . _,_ - . - .k�