HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-08-04, Page 1THS VOL •XXXI11.-- NO, 1695, No Tailoring Better Than Ours and our prices begin at $12.00 The man who needs a new •snit; whether for daily, business wear or for dress, can do no better than leave bis order here. Ile will save a great deal in first cost; he will get his clothes quickly; and be will get them as well made and stylishly fashioned as itis possible to make them;. he will have hundreds of fabrices to choose from; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and un- certain satisfaction of ready-made. Suits—made to order—made to measure—made to fit—made to satisfy. No fit, no pay; You know, of course. that's our way SUMMERY THINGS Summery Toggery is now on the bill. We have lots of cool ,comfort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now. Don't wait until the thermometer says 990 and then rush in madly for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in summer plum. age. We're Yours for Comfort Summer Hats (Straw and otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts- Our Breezy 'Underwear -- Oar Summer Neckwear --there's oceans Of comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit, and just think how contented you'll be after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. lIofflllth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATEEBON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $-3,00 0 ,00 0 'Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, .the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, .and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. B. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WiNCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,229,980.00. Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00. Total Assets, $24,713,613.07. President-• HON. Wei. GaiSON. Vico-President and y General Manager -^ 3.'TURNBULL. DIRECTORS C7JArgieo Proctor, Lee, 8. Rudr, G. Rutherford. xugpector-'•H. M. W ATso . r vane HAnka Flour 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No- vember and $let May each year end added to principal. Special Deposits also received et entreat :rates Of interest. Stated Bong t IGra t ritatn and the Dulled Trsiellere are notified that theBank of Ham- issreulat Rates of short 'end its Brenches na C1i National Provincial Bank Of England, Liinited, which oeks be oeehed without charge or troll - /04 1* sgypart of the world. W. COBBOUZD, Agent 31$I*1I111110N lk SUY,'1t.'E6, elo'liottore. WINGHAM TIMES. Fancy China Our assortment this year is a 'cracker -jack." You must see it to appreciate it I ! ! DINNER and TOILET SETS These lines are our strong points. We have twenty dif- ferent patterns of Dinnerware to choose from; and by the number of Toilet Sets, we sell we most have the best value in town—for they are quick sellers. TEA SETS We have special bargains in tht•se 44 -piece Sets in China at $8.50, $4,50, ,$5 00, $6.00 and $10.75, These prices are only good for July. R, A. Hutchison • GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goode delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 76,100, 150 and' 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands wit good buildings to be sold cheap on easy ter Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a a. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in c_ nootion) doing a good business, for sale oheap A hotel doing good business for sale. cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Alao a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Aaent, Helyrood. WJNGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 4. 1904. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Wingham aces. rom present indie tions. Wingham will have on Wednesch and Thursday, August 17th and 18th otae of the most successful horse race I eetings ever held in the town. It semen have al- ready tea up their uds to conte to Wingham, Keep the ates in mind. Go in on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday,Augnst22, 23and 24, and have Dr, Egbert At your eyes. At Queen's Hotel. News Item During the boliday many of our corresp or resting from their appreciate it very gnu frieuds would kiudly of news they can frotr trict. This is the tim visitors are numerous etc., are common o send us reports of a that happens in your us hear from you. Wanted. especially, when ndents are away fibers, we would h if any of our nd us auy items points in this die - of the year when and picnics, sales, oureuces; kindly thing of interest oighborhooa. Let CLEARING SALE • Onr July sale of dress goods and light summer fabrics still continues G. E. KING. Real Estate Pointers TO THE •BUYER: No matter what ]rind of a property or busi- ness you are going to buy, write me before closing a deal. I can and shall retake it profitable to you to buy through mo. I am constantly in touch with property owners in every part of the country and 1 can find exactly the property you want in a very short time, TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO SELL: Has it ever struck you that your ability to sell your Real Estate is limited by the fact that you havo not the facilities for advertising properly. I have the facilities—let me handle it for you. My plan is founded on the hardest kind of hard common seuce. It involves the use of the two greatest business getting machines on earth—newspaper advertisements and the retails to follow them up. Write for my terms to•dny—right now. C. J. MAGUIRE. Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Prizes for To get some poin agricultural and liv the benefit of Provi H. B. Cowan, of th 'riculture, has Ieft o time Provinces. T down east are admi feature of agricul which will likely be the giving of prizes i farm in each district good Farms. rs on the work of stock societies for tcial societies, Mr. Department of Ag- a trip to the Mari- e live stock societies ably conducted. A ran society work, ntroduoed here, is r the beat managed Read Dr. Egbert's card on page 8. Then go in and have him fit yen to glasses that you can see with. Trip aroun uncan MoKenz several months in Wilson, V. S. sons calling on old frie days during the Kenzie left Wing complete trip aro spent some three y Philippine Islands, veterinary surgeo and had charge of the World. , V. S., who spent ingham with John six years ago, was ds in town for a few ek. Since Mr. Mo• am he has made a ud the world, and ars in Manilla, in the Whore he was master in the U. S. Army 11 the horses. Just received a car load of NewBrnns- wick xxx special white cedar, extra heavy shingles to sell at $2 per square. Parties needing shingles should see these before placing their order. J. A. MoLEev, Poultry be Mr. Elford, th Ottawa, will sup of a complete mod auspices of the D at the Canadian Toronto, Angust Poultry raising d become such al both with exalu general farmer the Government ndonstrate all t and most sec° brooding, carin! those who keep profit or pleasure rived from this e: valuable. -� onstration, poultry expert, of rintend the showing hennery, under the minion Government Tational Exhibition, 9th to September 10th. ring recent years has important industry, y, five breeders and with throughout Canada, wiaely decided to de- et was moat modern ssful in incubation, and feeding. For poultry, whether for the Information de - OA will be extremely urnberry e voters' list f urnberry have he TIMES Office and we Oleirk's office in Blue of this week. There vincial elections; 90 titled to vote at both municipal elections e to vote at Provin making a total of 68' There are 885 perso jurors. oters List. the Township of n printed at the first posted at the ale on Wednesday re 540 voters en- ntitled to vote at tunicipal and Pro- ly; and 53 entitled ial elections only, voters oe the list. qualified to serve as I you want a very 'swell pair of eye glasses call on Dr. Egbert at Queen's Hotel, August 22, 23 and 24. The Sum The Summer with the Epworth L ham District of the will be held at Kin Sessions will be held the week and some Hent men in the Ontario will take pa On Friday, Augu. er School. hool in connection agues of the Wing INethadist Church ardiue next week. every day during f the most promi• etbodist churoh in t in the programme, 12th, the annual League convention will be held in con- nection with the tic members of the spend the week at heel. many League irgham District will iincardine. Go• to 0. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. ` Damage b his section was evening and Thnrs week by one of the storms of the treeso sharp and very c barns and other bre in Huron and Bruc Walker's barn on t berry was complex Thursday morning good portion of if grain and about for loss is practically c Lightning. isited on Wednesday ay ;morning of last most severe thunder - The lightning was ose. A number of ldings were burned counties. Mr. Geo. e B. Line of Turn- ely destroyed early Mr. Walker lost a implements, some y tons of hay. The vered by insurance, Dr. Egbert is an expert at fitting glass- es. If your eyes trouble you, don't fail to have biro fit you. At Queen's Ilotel Angust 22, 23 and 24. County Coun it Meeting. A special meeting of Huron County Council has been ea ed by Warden Bow- man by the advic: of the Road and Bridge Committee. It will be. held in Goderich on Fr' ay of this week. Among matters of mportance to be dis- cussed will be the ropesalto let a con- tract for a new it u bridge at Zetland,'I three wiles wes of Wingham. Old bridge has been ' oudemned and is now closed. It leas res 340 feet and was built some 17 yet rs ago of tiniber on ce- dar abutments, ahem are 6 spans in it. The new struct.re and cement abut- ments will cost bout $9000 it is estimat- ed, The claim , or loss of stallion iu the Southern part t f the County will also be considered. Horse broke its leg by going through he flooring of a bridge had to be hot.Thecontracts and a c cts for various bridg:: being now being built will be urged orward by the Council. i There is a pos ibility that another bridge may have to 'e constructed before the close of the y ar, The day of the wood- en bridge is • one by, Commissioner Ansley is aski • g for tenders to be receiv- ed nit to • A gest 16th, for erecting concrete 'abut ents for bridges at Zet- land, Ault Sab : river, boundary line of Hay and Ste hen 'Townships and on Ifleek Creek on the same boundary line. ew Station and Fr fight Shed. Several of the Grand `rank Railway officials visited Wiegh Olt Thursday of last week, on busines 10 . connection with. the now station an 1 eight sheds that are to be built her easurements were taken and it is ex eoted that as soon as plans have been prepared the work will be commenced. FOR SALE. --100 acres, S.?" 1 t'4, Con. 5, Morris Attpty at ouce t . J. MA- OUIRE, Real Estate Agent, Ingham.' Appeal Susie ned. His Honor Judge Doyl last week gave judgment in tbe•appeal o the Town of Wingham against the ass tssment by the Township of Turnberry a the Wingham electric lighting plant. 'i his property is situated in the Township, and had been liable for taxes when o •ned by the Wingham Electric Light ng Co. Un- der the law, mnnioipa property is not liable for taxes, and t e judge ac- ootdingly sustained the a . •eal. It may be said that the gnashing of the assess• ment of the plant will ha the effect of increasing the school rate of the Lower Wingham school section. , Band Concert . The weekly band con •erts by the Win gham Citizens' Band re very much appreciated by our tow speple, as is shown by the Iarge nn leer present. The band, under the a. e instruction of Leader Duncan is i. proving very much this season, and "ingbam can now boast of having o e of the best betide in Western Outer'., The need of a band stand is very mu h felt at every concert. The music do.a not sound so well when the players are seated on chairs on the grass. It would take very little money to build a :ond stand, and then the baud would b: very muoh en- couraged. The band ' as several en- gagements booked ah, ad, including a day at Blyth on the oc sion of Blyth's civic holiday sports on Angust 10th. Dr. Butter, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 37a Qneen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied, —TTIEs ano Weekly Globe till .end of 1904 for 65 cents. Good chance for new subscribers to get cheap reading matter. Is Your nam The voters list for palities are now betn have already been pr ant that all names of vote should be ou is it important that young Hien who are payers should mak appears 011 the list, be deprived of franchise. Any n into this office up t attended to. An for any one without leanings, so long as entitled to be add. town voters' list as i1 copies can be proem Clerk and see if you: entered. on the List? the various munici- printed and some rated. It is import - parties entitled to the list. Especially ecent arrivals and not assessed as rate- snre that their name otherwise they will heir parliamentary es that are handed Aug. 26th will be ppeal will be made regard political to olitic 1 the party is properly d. Look over the 18 now issued and d from the Town name is properly DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. We wish to inform the ladies of Wing - ham and vicinity that we have added a glressmaking department to our store, in 'the rooms lately occupied by Mrs. Nixon. Miss Slade, of Galt, who comes very highly recommended, will have charge of this departmeut, and a competent staff of assistants will be employed, so that patrons may be sure of getting per- fect satisfaction. ALEX. RITCHIE. PARIS GREEN WE HANDLE BERGER'S English Green "THE BEST:' Try us for Paris Green acid be convinced that the best i' THE CHEAPEST. I obil 111 MCKIbA, Next door to Post Ofllee. UNION SUNDAY CHOO'LS' A NUAL OUTING Over 1,500 People Visited the Lake Town on uesday, WINGlAMITES TA CI; A. DAY O1=1`. .ii tICCessftll and Lnjo able Tiine at Hin- eardine.--Lawn whftg, Lacrosse and Basest 11 Ganes, The weather on T. sday morning was not of the most favo ' ble or promising kind for an enjoyable day's outing, but notwithstanding a et:' dv downpour of rain which conimenett between 7 and 8 o'clock and continua4 until about 10, the citizens in large u tubers braved the elements and betook -hemselves to the 0, T. R. station, bon d for Kincardiue. Arrangements had -en made for a special train to leave Wingbam about half -past eight, or tut :nty minutes be- fore the arrival of • 1. t excursion train from Mitchell. Fo some reasou or other, probably on ace ant of the rain, the special was ca celled, and the Wingbamltes had to sit for the latter. It steamed in shortly = fter nine o'clock, comprising thirteen teaches drawn by two engines, and c ntaiuing a large number of passengers from points along the line. It was not ong before every available seat was fill d, and many were compelled to stand in he car aisles dur- ing the entire jonrne , After about au hour's joeruey the 1 e town was reach- ed, and the majority .f the party made their way at once to he park ou the lake shore. The clouds fad broken away, and the remainder o' the day was fine, with a refreshing br eze from the water. Arriving at the pa k it was not long before all were enjo; ing a hearty mid- day meal. .The aft rnoon was pleasant• ly spent in various ays. In the forenoo four rinks. of the Wingham Bowlin Club played a friend- ly game with a li e unmber of Kincard- ine players, and c me out about25 points ahead. In the fternoon three rinks played, and at the lose the Kincardine players were 7 in t e lead. Wingham and. Kincardine juniors played baseball i the afternoon, the locals winning by , runs to 7. ' Considerable interest centred in the schedule lacrosse m tch in District No 4, between the Wing m and Kincardine clubs. The game vas a fairly good one, but the lake t wn boys were too many for the Win ham eleven. The Maple Leafs' defen was not able to cope with Kinard ne's strong home. Mr. Geo. L..Lllen of ount Forest acted as referee. The scor was 8 to 4 in favor of Kincardine. Two trains convey the party on the homeward trip, one leaving about 7 o'clock and the of r about twenty minutes later. The ex nrsionists wended t heir homeward w feeling that an enjoyable day had be n spent. NOTES OF HE DAY. The Wingham c discoursed music, the day's enjoymo The G. T. R. accommodation or taken over anothe This was the fift day School excursi attended by upw people, Some of the exc of the day in fishin that fish stories w journey. Chief Vannorm Tuesday, no doub sary for hint to r the Sunday Sc town. Fifteen hundr coaches means people for each much of a "go rangements are the G. T. R. Kincardine h an excellent park at the rear end of heir town hall. Wing - ham could well allow Kinoardine's ex. ample in this r; gard. A neat park' in the centre of th town, with neat flower beds would be preciated. Kincardine's ew bowling green was used for the first time ou Tuesday, and was rather soft. In a few weeks they will havo ex ellent grounds. Our townsman, ltir. 1 Paterson superintend- ed the building o t this green and it is a c:reclit to him, seas' band freely ee y hick added much to t. ould furnish better the excursion may be line of railway. annual Union Sun - n and all have been ds of one thousand rsionists spent part , and we understood e rife on the return n took a holiday on deeming it unneces- ain at home when ools were all out of d people in thirteen ver two car Load of coach. This was too d" thing. Better ar- ecessary on the part of It is said that it . Thos. Forbes is con- templating the giv ng of a fish supper to his friends. b.tr. orbes secured the ser- vices of a boat an net at Kincardine and in a few hour succeeded in captur- ing eight beauties of the salmon trout variety. Rev. W . Lowe also secured a few fine ones with hook and line. NOTICE—I have arranged with the boauinion Bank to manage my business any all owing 1110 on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember .you need not pay until you ate requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with nig and wish you all every prosperity. I4oar. Mclvnoo. Wingham own Clerk Fer Wingham voters Ii and the first postin! on Friday of this w have thirty days f which to enter ap voters in Part 1, of and 155 in part 3 901 against 877 on are 358 persons q jurors oters. List. neon has had the t for 1904 printed of the same will be ek. Electors will om August .5th in els, There are 50..6 he list; 240 in Part 2;' making a total of st year's list. There salified to serve $1 A. YEAR IN ADMAN ANTED. --TWO girls. tional Hotel. L. W. H ON. Iy at Na - West Waw The vote in the Wawanosh on the bonus to the Guel way resulted in th law by a good ma vote 117 for, none non 14 for, 7 agai there was also a by-law. It was for construction erich Railway w Moudaty last, b been granted an the making of tl� nosh Vote. Township of West by-law granting a t & Goderich Rail - carrying of the by in. At Auburn the gainst; at Dungan. st. At St. Helens a jority in favor of the dvertisecthat tendtrs 1 the Cnel•!i and God- uld be received up to t the contractors have extension of time fga it estimates. WANTED.—Reliable man. ne who knows the county well, go position. $2,50 a day and expense Ili he paid to good man. Apply by leter to Box "S." TTXES Office. Dr. Egbert, eye specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Augast 22, 23 and 24, fitting glasses. Bowlers Ha The three rinks 0 returned home fro evening and all rep time in the Forest the prizes were b players made a Dudley Holmes' r well to the finals in Wm. Holmes' rink T. Hepburn's rink bard luck as they w first round of all tl: doubles Messrs. He and W. Holmes and a game, but were n for the finals. The and the prizes in novice matches w as did also the p single players. Th the city was that match, won by a likely that three teud the tournam week. Good Time. Wingham bowlers London on Friday rt having had a good ity, though nonce of ought home. Our splendid showing. tk went up • pretty Ill the matches, and so done well, D. Seemed to play in •e defeated in the matches. In the burn and Knechtel, C. Dallas never lost t able to remain over Labatt trophy and he consolation and tit to London rinks, izes to double and only prize to leave of the association resden rink. It is ingbam rinks will at - t in Goderich next NOTICE,—Havi of a first-class ti a.m now in a posi in the way of r troughing, furn Give me a trial Sole en for t Mixed paints—t T. g secured the s rvices smith and pl ber, I ion to serve a public airing tui are, eave- e ever umbing, &;o. I will se you right. herwin-Williams ready e best on the market. 3sSTRONo, Wingham, 1 Taoglefoof1 fir Two double sheets - - yes. Fly Poison.. Felts, p e r package, - 5C. Insect Powder 5C. The best we can buy, at per oz. - Insect Powder Guns, - 1 Oc, liMcCa1186 Col LIMITED. WINGHAltI, - ONT, Fall Terns Opens Sept.6 CENTRAL jL���2i e%eeK/ STRATFORD. ONT. IT PAYS to get a business educa- tion and it pays to get it in our school. Our attendance this year has been the largest in the history of this college.' We have placed more stud ents in positions this year than in any previous year. Write to the college for a magnifl cent Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, President. D. A. MCLACHLAN. Principal Dates or Fall Fairs. Wingham. Sept. 29-30 Toronto Aug. 29 Sept. 10 Londou Sept. 9.17 Exeter aIt' Harriston " 22-2: Teeswater " 27.2 • Goderich " 27.2s Stratford " 27-25 Ripley ." 27-2S, Listowel ......... .... " X6•'214 Pordwieb ...October 1 Luckaow " 4 a Clifford . , ...... " 4-5 Brussels ............... " 6-7 Blyth .... " 11-12 Dungannon`° 13-14 Don't forget the date of Dr. Egbert, the eye specialist's visit et the Queen's Hotel, August 22. 23 and 24. A Money -Saving Store AMNIA Our Bargain Tables Our Bargain Tables are becoming famous, Evi ry one !snows that, when a Shoe goes to our Bargain Tables, It is a Bargain, Indeed We keep these tables well supplied with broken lints and the Man, Woman or Child who selects a pair of Shoes from um' Bar. gain Tables gets More Than Their Money's Worth The Season's best sellers aways come to short ends first. Watch our Shoe Bargain Tattles. W. J. GREEK The Shoe Man. 444