HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-11, Page 12.-Iol-R , " � _7 - T,�wv -,If " , - . I 1-17 � - I % - - . ,rwww � .1 V 1. 17�,, - - . , pvqr!�M - 1. V. " - � 1 .4, , A�. , . ��� 91 . ... t ,� - - - 4rw 'F �" - 11 � , . 1-7 , . I F7, , . . , 1 , .. � _M-W"Mw!,�" � Inw,wr- I . ., TAN _. I , .. .1 .1 I A IF _41-.3 . —.;F,. "' 1T..': � ."WV7qr7" ---#-. - � I!, � . _�� I , , ,, 7 , M, , � ., 4 I �� . '11'. I "O' ­ . " T lf-il, q. ­ . ", � I .9 , . ..r 41 777' It - �., .. �. � � I & . . 4 I I . .P " I . 1 .7" '"" - I I . 0� I ..."" I . rt,; . . . � 1paxe 12 1 1 '. , . Wk . ; TEP"DAY, WA,r utit, M: I . %WP00WA"** oo 4ho No, I ., Ill" � - - --- , - , ';�. � I - . - _".___ . — _ 'I. i 0, i I . . - - __ M � - I I I -1 I -.1 .. � ;JQ__ _1 1_11—. N 0 1! ON - - - -, , -0- - - * , - - ­ __ ­ 1-1 I ­ __ I - - - -1 .. I � I � .. ­­ -.1 __­­ ­_.�ii;.&.& . I ,_ I ­ 4 � I . 000400"I � I I . - --Rwompmlow----.,�l.-I� .­ - ­ - — mommomok4awr-"" I I 11 - I—- I .1 I I I -, — "WENINOWN _ �.�,.�.l..."",".,.�,.,-- I -, -1 _. . I - I ­ .1 1. - 11,11.1- " . I . ' MARXZTS I '. I 11 . :, 11INTON , . � I ,� 0 1 , 0, 'IT or-wf , � ."P_ - - - , , "Imli , ­_ e. V. 0.60 � + 1 � � o , . 15L. to 100 + � r - 1 � R[DECORNIt, - � . � I , Sgri n &v ;� Efres.'... **.."-.-16P to 11, 0 -P I � �� � - , , I � - e "aturday - `B-Zli ........... ...... hA&I&J, , . � Lact eb g Coats OreatlyR` duced ...... 30c, to $40 :*-, !. -_ ,�41 - . .1 . I I . . �w . . . . . . * , (r,0%, ,,,, ::::: . ...... 600 to We ;� - , I � I . I I ' + "e.to $00 -.1 I . I . F, ARE clearing out,the balance of our Spring Coati oti Saturdav it prices unheard of. Thia is the seasor, Wheat ...... ...... I I " . I ,. + , S311rie,4 .-� ... 50e, to 'Re + I YOUR ; � . . , ,_ -C, I - . �.4�. 1 1 . fa*ct jug to.,It is. a necessity the year -round. Saturday we make T el " 'A A17 - � of the year you need a light wrap. In a spri I ..". 01.00, . I I - I aconip]f, Vran—$� .. V V .te SWC�p Of our f a Spring Coat at a great 11 I el � I I . entire stock. Come to this store if you are in need 0 �, I . . I . % . I (� . + . I . � L I saving, . � , . . . . I ­__­ � I . I ,. 1, . 11 � I . � . I .1 I I . 1 �., I � ­� 1. I I Illy _1_�..Fj _ Illi. , ; 1� L ... I'll 1. . ;. le I . �1. I I I I I I . � TULIP TIUR. 1. � I Hoff" I I . , . . I . .. I I . agnifieent ]­,�&is of twi-ps . eA � I 1 �, � /� L som,2� in, . . .... fe I , D ,1 : � I N "loweis are in bloom at the present time in L, I ..., ... 410,410 Spring- Coals � M.00 . - �Iillinery Flowers . I M .11inery 1, I � vurious varts of the town. - . ..... i 11 e . I I . . � I . . I 1. . 75 hunches of Vilowerp, assorted blooms, r�- . I � ' . � - . �71 Lk4les Spring. Coats -in Voiwu and Illick , '6430. 50 lianclies, of Flowers, asFort(Ablromq ard THE Sr- ASON - NED. - png, I ,,,t ...... , , . OPD I . I � 4cloth and whipcord, ohortandl . el ,�Jx, gulav 75a to 1 25, -your obviceat .... , �- coloni, Rpra��V, etc, regular 1:5�) to 2"51). cliolce . .1 . allsizes, Regultw $10.00, salp price $3,0u.* �, during [idle ............ � ........ � .............. 500 . The, Bowling season opened ,Dn ., Come and see the results of our effortt,[Jrk � . k � �­ � Inc & $1.0012wa, IV alst Me I . I . the Clinton Llowltn.Z Greert ouFri- i 11 4, � - - I . l day afternoon last When a few of -4 I . . -1. . I q the old timers who couldnot , WALI MPER buy * WC have striven to "I , I � �, $19.00 iSprift Coats. $7.0, - ' IS only, white Lawn arid%, 111 "Willsts tr!QIUIQ(l saloples of W111telvear . -stay gather the unqomMop, I ­ I . , pq '. . - with Embroidery and lace, -There are slightly . ,otf any jon,.-�,r ha,,l a�jew V,ame% thge. novei and the eftective. .10 . . I Ladies Spring 06ats madeof *'beet'quitlli solled.,jud mussed, Regolar *75u and $1 00 walsta, ' - I . . . patrons in. suitable colors. Tell us if you think * . � , e broad cloth ftl), trvl -Saturday White CwbWc ' . � v!bipcord and tip le!qgth a , your choice 330. - . . A traveller's sample set of HURON CO. FAILURE. - I � -1 I sizes, Regular p!2.90. sale price.*7.50, I I . . ­__ and,L%wn Aprons, Skirts mid -Witists all,wark�-. Duncan Forsvtli, a ;e;erleral mer- ma."ve cyather wisely and will, and if our prices are ' III . . . . � I , I � .� . . . " oads, - 2 5 . . 7-6d down to lecs� than wholeside prices, , -�bridde in Huro . -epiag with the 4ualities, , .., I . I I I . . 50c, Dress (X 0 . . . .. ch= of Kilip . n Co. not ia kc I . . . . I.r . . V ", . I . . : : _10 - I . has asslpjned�4 to Ilenry Barber & -t. ­ ..", . 'I----,---. - - .---- "___ . ..- -_ - - . "I �, I : 12i Wad 150bibroldery I 1)c . I 10 pieces Dress, doods in Black Sergs,:Rnx- , 11je C'ras� T010,141119. I'Ve' , I . Compally,Toronto. . I I . --- . , � I I I I - � , .. � � I I .11 � I - 110aand Lustricaud f&11cy,11we6d. ,abolit ICO I . I . . affer. It '. �. I � $00 yards White. Lawn Embroidery. two to NEWSPAPER READERS BENEFIT Reft iot 11" 01 WALL PIUM of the ueltoee'," .. . yatda in 1 the lot, Regular 300 S�turd4y a Ale I 100 yard9`1good be%vy (Yrash Toweling. uith . 11 P . . I I seven laches,wille.4a4uty 4,91gros, fine glutfitY, . . I - I. . . I I I _. V I L 25c. . or %vitboot border,,'splendid wearing andw.nsli. Onp of the very firstadvanta­-�s - . , 's c .,. I . I . . I I . I 1. I I regular 121 wid 150'iule prl.c&'. - - 0 .... 1.11.00 P . . " hug quality, regularj2he kiali& price ........ 10c- Which the ne,w early in riling rr"4r� Class . I I ". . . . 0 . I * . . . . . I . . . 2 pairlAdie-S Cotton klogelbr 25C . , - .� - . onto to Loi'40,r� mail trail' will Prep-. __ - ! .- .­­­_­_ --.1-1 ----_-__- I . I I.: .� Muslin 100 � . .. - I .0 - . ' " , . sent,is adeirverY of the Toronto - . . . �� � . . . . - I . I I � A 0 125C. Si& Conlb�, ' 4 . 1 I . I I Cotton Hose sizes $, 81-, 9, 9-J, 1 , guaranteed,, d I 4 -�Gc - - , morning papers Ours earlier rchan I ' - . . . . . . e price., a nd Bac'k Combs ill ' ever before., The daily -51ail & Ein- . k I .. . . . brown and black, regnl,ti:25c . � pire is out with an laurtouneelnept -- I D"*a' O' , . I . �­ , -1 23 pieces of Faacy Press Utislins in all the * ,fast color, the kind- ydii newaly ' pay 20a . for,' ^ ' -' : . , � popular coloringb, rttgular 25c sal . tQ0 Saturday special prices � pair for 250. .&Wut tbree dozen 814(� a sfxls, price.,..15C TheWt:j - - Fai r* eo. 1 ,)4 . _� . � . � I . I . 11 In this Issue. Their - subscription . I � .1 , . . 4 10jr 61114Y I .,:;, . � . . . . . I , - , . � Owns 10c. I , 1, canvassers are ready on the,gl-ound . . U9, rtan the eheap.- t—Always, t - Best . . .. . . .. . Prints Se yar(t. � - � - 11111."'lliks He . . MaRY'%Vill i10 doubt ' ' ' the oP I 9 . .- he I . . 10 pieces of Gingham, small tand larg '"'eona' . I � I � . ce., bl -Ale and. whi P , I *nDres, loods,_ no twoalike PorLunity of at JaSt"b,elng able � to. ' � 1 , - 25 pieces good heavy Prints, splendid wear- * c,beck .ack ,and White, b, te, -pi�k I .;�) pieces Musli q G secure"the daily morning Mail & ' 7 , - . . . . . . I'll, � 11111__ - ­ � � � � ing qualltv,'31 Inclies -4d'?, in light avid dark nAld, White. also stripes. in ;ill lbe popahi, . or'ninty Opsignti and colorino,, regular 25e and . 1�,mpira ar an early hour... . . , �;'­­­­ I . . . . �� �� I , . . ,;, reg.toliir 120and I o ti le, price'.... 100 3U sale ptice .....o . ......... W... � ........ 16e � I . . - .1 I I I I . Colors, sitle Prim ......................... .. ;1$0 . E,blidg. . �, a . 1. __ - _­­­ I-.--- —_ . — . - I I . .. . , . . � . . . . I � SUSTAINED I -ITS REPUTATION. � . I I. � ... _1111111111111111A= .. ____ . -1 . I . � . . . - . %� . . I I . .. . . - � I I � I .�_ � I I I .- . i .. X, 4 - - . SLOGAN CONTE ST. I I . , I I . . I - I .Frqmtbe,DunF.aunon ews we . I 0099 .. 11 I - .. . . I . I . . "Clip the f ollowing Which Was writ- . P' 0 , . . or a Slo ean'to be, 'used in the Y. a . A 111 I I tLaby the News reporter tkud re- M.C.A. building contest qtGalt o 0 1 , . 0 �, � A f U s , v C Vrsto6ur*e�l-kno��n citizeaMr., -we see, the 'name- ot Robert Fle v., T , t� &W1111 %z, ' a '" less td-% - lear - . aft'st .3nirs. els.'arvet A'? t cost ana . . hiing , I .. : I . I I . .. . . : Business ?; - . . � .1 . , 0 E. Dowding -Clinton apparently as having ,given "A'Havision for 0 . "'� , , , . 7y�-_. . � I . . .�, I . . . . .. . I of - . I., I ­ 1. . I .-- - , .1s,the native town of a 90'ad many Manholodill And the JudE�es decided - 0 ____ . . I I . . , 4 . ' 6 ,� I ­ . - expert markgAmen. -On. Fridav that the five - slog,anqeontributed. - a .�' 11 I I - _� . 1 9' ' -N,Olile, yours turlY Wag enma6d, ill they would give eaah'a dollar so : - . Education 0 11 . --- ,,���,�, . AT THE MEN S STO P,.,E* Reandy=,made Clothing. Furn shings adeaoliy collibat - with those Old ourforlaer Clinto)k -boysecured 0 -- - ... . — a . - . �� � . . : _�_ - overbial Itmagpies" alconj� ca Part of the prize, . � a �, 4 � * . ! . . . . ML. � . 0 sach as � ou may obtain ur der r .'r' 11 . � I . . . . Y'JohnstontsCanton friend, 0. .B. � . � . �1 45 " �110 xey hedt I -.r.- I . . 1, . -ed C1 thinw � ... I . . . . Dowding, who bi: the waYls Ali ix - . . ib,, , . conditions at � _;i, . . and Ordei . . I 6.,-- I . - - _i�%,.*!, .� . I . . I I 'able, member ,i MINOR LOCALS. . . IQ , C'entral Business College ji . I ! ": I , ' ,. . I ­ . . ­ � . . . . . . . . 11 vain of Our Ciiib, and If "the buyer" for . yo a of'rorollto, iq;v sure posmu'rt a 11 I . . Who has b"n oat of the ring for ,ur home is 9, 0 to success. Thousand -i 11.1ve 0 �,,�,, New 1,4'printr Roeaii!3-31ade.dothln�r, 'The'Neiv 'Zpllinlr!�qlihi�,Xs .are Here. ' . 61 I F1 I � . 1. . � oq . 'Several Year.- "I- P'erPetualstudenf ofthe ads- . 0 1 , . I I . . I ,. 1p,still sustainallis I Y -our 0 proved it. Wily not , , , U. 1, � . � I I I . � . . . . � . . . 111WAS � . � t ThellmVspringinilin tations of f repn,�atjon'a,s a good shotandour home, is pro,spering. - - 0. � , 0 '' �. The New Spring Rpady-Alade Clothing for men and boys are now 9uitings, Pantings and Overcoat- ,vte fol, yolirselle..'Our free 6 ,�-:� , 0 alo-ue explgins. NrIte - , . , , :,111. . in stock and they comprise the very latest s5les. Workmanship4trod - jng are now in st'.64, waltil boys heartlAy welcome him. Below As will beseen byour advertising @ , w , . : I a . ., ng.yourinspaction. %VPuse'nothimelitittlie, I aretllescoresmade utorapossi0l are being asked 6 . IL SHAW, Prill- 0 1 11 wearing qUalitios (ilitidnR41P at prices thj�t bear the closest 401,11tiny, best. tVjlning�-, and we'are torning'-int better ordered clothing Own 4 . 9 . le columns. tendets, for it.' . - 7 . . 5'0;-- , f, fdr b*y ,the Public Works Depart'- 0 elpal. �, , ��, Rlirewa boyers tell us that we seil the cheapest in town. . Come it� ani -I byer. We �ivtranteerFit, ,14tyle and Workman I * . Reln,etiiberw ve I . 0 1 , � mc-nt lor the Weption o Ill. I . . a�IlXready-made cloptiging C. E. Dowding._ -:-551315, , I 0 I,� ;. 1.1� see for yourselfw . . . . .1. you 5 ) por cent off fol spot cash oil allordered , I fthe 'S L. a,- 0 , �_� �. . .. . . . . . - - 13 - I .i, , I I . . I I � . . . U. L01 �J � I I 0 " I � I � . � . . - '351 forth post office building, ,rl' . . 1. . I ., . ,� Di. Bwe....,­. . _U, 34311._43 1 . � ";;n�': � .� I � � I . . . . I �. ' ­­_­ _- I - .- __ — . - , I J. Johnson ............ 4 W.534445 .... 42 V19IiING. : . . �. . . I. 4:1 .�� I � I . . � . . . 'T. A,Jeii ................ 4444.-)33141 .... 4J � !n �_ ------ �_ __ �_�­�_ I - 1 . I . . . � . � .. -_1 . I .. . I . . I �� . I 11 I - . --- -____4__ — 1, 1- � I � . I I _ - 1354._40 I I .. . . . . . I "; . � .r. McCann_....,'. ..4t1513 - I , . I I . I . . . 110 A reel, a'creel, . I . QP - . . .. .. . 1� 3345 , , I , I --millwNimenwo— �. . I . I . I - . . & M, Iff 9 W"qk C, hWuLt.- ;. ...'. 43433-1. !:.: -1 A rof and line, ,. .. I .FORMER BLYTTI CITIZE N A CAN- - �,, , —AMENNOW . . '11. Beiltttuy..... . ....... 51314 ,J ..: i C . . ".�, I . I . � . �� I . I I . 31:31 . 8 - -_ - c, -a- bidoh: . DiDATE. . . . .. .1. ... I t, �, " I " I *1 I . . . I ri M . I I ' . - , A daY that's fine, I � .1 I . . ­ A ", I . A . , 'TED I - 1 7 - .. I I I I -PliRSEN Wit.R-A CLOCK, A bunch of lunch, I . At'Parry Sound on Friday'lastat ' ' �� I . I � I .. . . �_ �. . . . 111,114411 ' . 11 A . .. . � 1 . 11 . . I'tust, wz,ek the tiet'gLIo'll's ol 'e's.s. I '_ . � . �. ­ . . .1 971� " fs!x4c . A 41arm I f lask, the Libdral Convention Mr. A. E. � P" A. � I . . , reel, ot ,I�V-alld ,Ilss. -Ad. MoLlart- , I - .A � " " I . �8t. 1� - What more� Lenore, . . . I .Editor of the Parry Sound .. I.: I � �, &. -1 - . - Alff " Alift � .13� 1 " . . ney inado bini it pretient of sk cluck on 'Could Mortals ask? . , Bradwin . I � �'i, 4 1 . North Stal, and formerly editor of ;! ��,: -/q% � �;` 1, `%'.1, I .� - I , - the oceKsibri-at his Inal-riage. I ... .. � .1 . . . I the Blyth Standard, was nominated' � . '. . . AF fAW , ,3 :11, �4� I'_ , . I , " 11 * . , . . . . .. I'PNT.* I - - . , ; . EARLY, CLOSING, . . �. . . . . � 1, I as Liberal Candidate, for the Pro viii ,��.", , , " : ,�,77/ - , . . A 13IG SHIP21 i, . . I . . " . cla - , .�! . I , < . � I i. . � . ;, . . -.-11 - , , . . - 1-2 . , acks .. �. " Leg,islatur�e, Ris olq__ r N I - . I ;I- � , ti. -;F,-�-­ �­ _. 1 A - �_____ --a_- -.1 - -1-1- , �C_T-,�._Ir'4� 0.1,r �4, _r"__ 1. 1_ la.;,- - I - � i _-.2". � A_�,S,;,,, I _. :,� Qu -,;Co�,�a "R d- .0 t ­Iy­hm��_ �­, �_­_. _..._ . , � � �- ­.. I—- .�­, . I -9__ _%O., .NVVY17t . � � . .�_ - _, , 'Au -s-, _tQ:NV.D_ _ kl#;, &� §,� E:p q�_ . , . _ . ­ "1�1�4 b " _A&Va _.; . 7;__1Llk4S . . , I . . suUCLI-95. . I . - .1 I . � I ,;.�.,, . . . 'op�ration,s- on -Wouday 4f-' _ i I I " ' I ­ . - � I ,, - . . . . r I . 'k% . I I , t - All, I .�� , otkrted Idir 1) aces ot usiness from May . � . . . . I 0 � - _a, ., . . .. . �. � - . I I A- 11 , . � . ',,,,: , '' I - - - " (0..R - - itdr being closed down for a weelc -5th until . September Is , . - � �Oo,,,,%Jo . I . , - . . . i . , ,,, � � .1 �'- , . - 0 . . 11 � I _ 1. I . ... - i . a th'. ever y WE -MAY EXPE T 1 I..... . I ff_.-r,f,,r" . . - . I ,�;:` . . &1�ftlooloo"/ i 11, � � . I st6cktaki:hg. ..This w-eQk. tlie.%r * re- - 'Wed day - . ic .. I . . , I .11, . I - F�m '. : . . � . � : . .night at 6;3o extept .. . I , I . �. . �;"��.,'�. . . . . I and Saturday, and iiI i Lt,ht a �.;. � E . 5 'U '�"ol' I ­ . . . � . . . � I . , � . . oeired a shipment ptgoods froin. . b4f re a . A� . . . � .. .. I . I ,.�, ., - . . . . I . I . . * I I ar Pie. ... , ' - _. .. - ;1. .. . ,., . . . . -the-.* ci�d country - e- 11611day- -. Aforrish .,Ciorthing -C" ar El f o6te ' ys.: .- I . . I . . ' �. . I � I . . . .. . Itu tier. &-1.1,114,Y98 as CaSh eamer "Virginian � TE - 1p- Fred Jackson; .J. TwItchell. & Son - . : .. : . . . . c,omin.Z oiith 10 . , . I # I :. ,,,�, . I . . . . . sL ; e .all, I '' . . . � . � . . . . . . I . - ' al� y onions. I � . . . .. it - uf f ; Harland Bros.,; C. Hoare ­ . ,. . �", . I I I . ment'llic'uded 9,000 yards of white W. X. .01 E, I I I,;; / 11IN11111111= om IN -, � I . . I I I 1. -__­ I ..: . . . . . . .­ . . H'. I . : . � . I I . . . . I - .= I .1 �. . �, - - . cotton -for dinings, an'd 4,000 yaitdtl ..Hellyar; W.-R.'Counteri A. J . Housecleaning . . . . . : I I . .. - ____ - - I - - I I . o'uble.w-dtli. Grigg; R.RO)Nrland; Plamst-e 1. 1. .. I . . I , . I . . . 411111� I - ------ . . . ,of cloth d � �Vlr. Davis, el Bro.s. Fresh fish . . I -1. � 11 - I I . � I . . I I 1. . � .. . �. . I . - �. . . a ,in It , , 0.%Vn May flowers ' . . . . . . ii'l � � r.. I June 9 -Pirates vs Tigers' . . . the.-Oan&dalao people 1i; to betak�" - Have ypii begun Your fly fight " . (Gents Furnishings.) .. * . * Sanitary Inspector Wheatley- ' '.' '... . . . ; � . . � . .. I . I CILINTON NEW -ERA June 13-Culba',vs Giants. ' ken MAY 31. It - is expected that yet? - You shouldn't wait 'Until the - - . . . Spring'gardening, - _. ' n '4 or'Os '1�" b V t t'�p ' ro I ably, al I , �, ; a __ . I . . . . � I - ____ =­ = 1' ' '' "I'Le I , �`er I *' wi'_1 -0 th A J Holloway; .Tozer & Br � L � - G 0 %eil _; c ' I C, t n lI d u " hi� '111 t In .. . 1, I Juae46-Giaats---vs .Pirgtes - the result will',sh ,enemypiakes its, appearance. I - 0 1 �Quvlt ' 0 A BIG.FISH. . . ..,. . ."to give'. I 11 th til ,� , . � I . ., , . - - brane ree nes.-E,cet _ imes; The New* I�ra to continue - I dw wellover ` seven . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - - . . I - � . . . June 20 -Cubs vs Tigers - : , million po�,ople in CaInada. - 11 1, �. . . The 5,unday sellools,.Will be fill , ";' While, fishin . . I . the. news. . I . 11 . . DR. OVENS, London, ,Surgeon, Ucu- I ., . � � . ing. , . . I _,�, 8 I . . . . - . . R . girl Zayfield--River . . . . . . , * n ,$,e �. � . . . . I i. June 22- Cubs V6, Pirates.. Giant ' ' up shoritly .aso.n will soon AT .T E;C0RO,XATION... ,. I . . . .. . . .. . . . . a. , 'GOVERNTM:ENT PROPERTY FOR - .be r6und again'. .� . I . -HOPE OF'THE NATION, - - � , I � list, Specialist. will be at W. ,s. R'. vs Tiger .. � � . Pie le, JOn'Saturday Hartlby� the s2 y*�ar . I ,� - Holmes'Drug store, on Tuesd Alay June 27 -Pirates vs Qiai�ts .. i ;SALE. . . � . . We.] the blossoms ar -C The,Globe, Priday �morninZ, pub- , old son of `Mr. Tho.,g,' ManaahAn, . 4 I . , �. layl . 1 _4 hel�e. * ' . .�;, 23th -lasses propeity,litted, deafuoEs. . I ome lishes the"first of a series o� special caught. a salmon 3o inches, . Mys.,*Aaa Gordon, qf'O,tta`%vbL,Dom . ,7 June 3o-.Culbs vs Tigers I - The: � one of Nature's love7 . - lodig and ­ 1�. I irt an4 enjoy ' ' � ,� . catarrh and fai,ing eyeliilght treated. - 'July 4 -Pirates vs- C5b ' . � . . Ontario Govoefi4fiieilt is adm O' : . I - . . � . ai�ticle,4 onthe Coronation,themost -,,V.eiZhin_Z*&1w-2 pohlids.'This is a Zinion. Evangelistic Superintendent : - - All day. I . .a.. . vertising the�C�htral Prison and- . ly outfits. . . . . . i�nportant of the lllmperl�l events" iarge'fish for a,small boy to land,. of the W. C6 IT4 Ui, in'spealcing to an -', . . . I . . 1. � ,. C �nstable Welsh 6aptur6d' a one- , ' �:­' � , I . Toronto Asylum Properties f or sale ( so far arranged for the 1:resent AV the. little f 6116w feels justly iudience of'overm5or ine'inbers of th. e , , , ", . 6�_ - ____ — NOW BACHELOR. OF 'XT,TSIC.l ' 1 It is reported that .the 0. P. R. And, "arm-bep-amr on-W6dnesdav and al- pe,�i, Itisexpect6d. that the arti- proud of his I . . � W C., T. U... , in Tbr6nto .. recently . ' 1, , . I . I ' catch. This is the . 11 "I _1 FOR BEEKEEPERS. . I . � I * . Massey-Hai,rls Co., are" all after the 10'$Vd-d "'in `tO`�O Oil the Pr6mi,sethat les will 1coutinue until within ,a largest fish caugh�,,in theiriver, thei.flollowlAg AtAtemeilts:. 14prom " ., I , I � , " , ,. '' � I he Would sh�lc`� ,Clinton d st dfi his " c . I . . ' _� A cub e message 'Was' T'6ceiv,ed.. pro. I U. % khoi,t- time of COronati6n Day. They - , - . I oce, to -ocean" ime- A . % �'.. , pel!ties. . I . ... . . . i. . . .. all . Jh'�eniie er I . I 11 I . .. � � I . . . I . * .. '4�_-..; I Tuesday from Englanodatati;,ng that' . .� . .�, I � . I ,.., f eet%, . I t 4. . .� I., I will.convtitute EL most comPrellen-, - . " ` on the increaser and nothing h4s yet . i I . . .1 . . � 1. . �"l 1L. A Beekeepers Meeting will be 1 CHOOL BOARD� - . .. ­ . . " . . . . . _. �., I . 11 � . :" . . I . . . . . I , ! AiVe review Of ..the 'history ,and a . I . . been d6viij6d, by Church orStatato � . .. - Mr-Erne9t MaL-Millan,P.R , C O' has ' ' S � .. . . I . BMPIk.E. DAN 'LIT - � I . ,-, I.,. hold in the Council Chamber, Clin- received the d6greso of Ba'c�elo"r of : -:114 , .1 . � . . 0 , 23rd. ,';, �. pificance attaching .to*,the' cro�' , " . I .. .. at thd tide of.evil 4 �, i.. I ton, on Tuesday, May 16, 1911 at.. Music of.thel[Jnivertity� of ,Oxford. I � . I . I- I . , . : . 1, . . e0ni . � My Own per- ..,. , ' . aY, ,� TheMillister.of Education' has -of the Ernpi.re's rialm .Of the aoual4xperielice place.s me in a - . �, 'r The School 1369rdmet las.fFrid. ' Ing , , I I . (LIa.m., 1.30p.m. and'at 7.30. Ad- It I .as only last January that - the, pass . - . .. sent o t di,recting I Sm.z. ' . " School, A rrob 7ery,state-� ' ' . .- .1 . . . . jVd the usua-1 ,Accounts Wiere qe �Lpaaiphle . actual ceiemon�y, ihe Globe . will 'A larg-e � Good 'o or-ite 0 . .. . I a' Thol' '' I . in ' . I osi� y Mr .! dresses are to be given by Morley the was awardedthe . ,ed. TheProperty lCommittee,Was . , D RZiNre-detailed and -ViVid reborts,in­ - nenti=cb �nleY' of - "I'L; 'Pettit, Provincial Apiarist, Ontar 10 pire ay Ito be - celebrated on. I School,. The best ' -, � art Lafontaine prize in the f eliow, . instructed -to pur�hisle the usual w-. .Ka)r'f�.th.Xvllich'should ha. ,e . een' cludine.si � . ... London,a0 leofild-go furthe%n- I ' - 1,:_ . and local Beekeepers, followed by ship examina.1tiolls. of the Royal Col-- .0 v b �ecial cables froin its Lou- . . ,::: �.� . f c6al and - - also to meet written ifie 23rd. 'All . -the:seh6qls don corr esVondent' as We'l as those Central flftsJne6,;4 College could tell of cO* itionq. ihore,aldrm, . 1. - I live discusaion on Bee Topics. In leg,pof Org,anisks, Llpnd6h,'forhav I �vvloulilt I I . I . . .1 ...k ­4.4s.-;�4. - �, I ­ � the evening Mr. Pettit will give his I parties,interested ' -in Putting, in . ofthe coanfy�, wi,11 'be notifled,that -of -the're�ular news aj�.encles, "A' � -- - . . ing thitan- ia.L I - - —,---;- - I.". . ce in all ',ne,w drain and to make, arran e- � - - Stratford, Oat. .. :, -P aitli� homes that _1 ing taken the highest pla, � letters'forrh the pen ,51 Dr.. J. A.- - . OnYy I � . I . ,the -23rd and not the Ufthia'.'the . . � . as "stioll g - . '': popul I ,'e. . , - . composeitarepure and.good,th6 , �. ar Lecture on "Bees and their . Nvork. theoretical and`.bTacti�al..Mr. R Matdonald,'editol, of the Glibe. Dr.' This -schoot has a . continental re- I I I ` .luents they d.eem adVisablg in` t . day: . . .: . I 1, !'�..,. work" illustrated with five dozen MW�Rillan Is 17 yteArs- of age .and matter. 'A rnotjovFlwas brought in . I . , . . ­ I 'Macdonald ,will wilness the cere- pti'ation for high grade wo k and ' Aker declared. - The f1lundatio " Stereopticon views4. Eve-ry`bOdY fortwo years was- ganistand I I I. v .. .. ..�, 1. n , . Trusiteo's Cottle And Evans 6 ,_ mony4nWestminster Abbey asthe for the silocoss of its- students. ' ape Na,tionistheho oe,.thefounci. ... � . welcome and Ladies are .specially in chohinasiter at Kni �b cb.2,Tor-� . ' ;_ THE DEPARTMENTAL ST RE . . I I � � % Me,solved that the thanItg, of this I r6presentative.of the Globe. al)riv� We have . three 6paitmeq.ts, atloft. of -the, home Is To r boy and . ,of the 11 I Vited. Jacob Haberer, Zurich, Ont., onto. Aoisanepliew of Mrs. r.1 - PATRON. - .- '.1 .1 .0 . - � . I . . - . , Board bo extended to the Princioal . . I - will ,be accorded,:Vey y few Commercial, ,Shorthaud'and Toile;' girl. Among '66 'more commo . �, " I Is Secretary of Hhkon Couxity,Bee- Gunn. - I I I . P andtleachers of the.Publiese400l .. .. . . . ilelg,e that m. 'His, story of the grapIly. Ambitious -young men- evils t � - n I . � newspamime I hat threaten the home Mrs. � � ' . 'or editor in ofie of the ning of the King and Queen ' ' ' 1- i 1 keepers' Association. .OBITUARY. - - . I � . ., f or the, time and labor they- expon%d ,A, newspap ci�aw -Vh!kd womewshould send M once for Gor rated the- follow' - 11,�, i � . . � . . o. successfut r.e- anitoba villages had ilhe Joke on a don enurive ing) . � . - ? - I., . ' ,ed in bringifig Ao a . I ' .w.111 lfh&refore be wtitteu at first . one large - ftiel* Catalogue. Write -0igirette*smoki1lg,_6heaD. novels ; I 'BOYS ASSOCIATION. . Mrs. William Cowan, of -Bad Ake.,� sult. the recent4condert and'schobl citizen of his burg not'long.9ince. . hand from ithe. point of view of 'an. for'it at on * � I �. I 11 - that, Itizen grV ce,�and see.what our, cards drink'and the social 'evil -ill - nates I ' I'� � . . Huron Co., Mi6higan, died at her Fair. Be,itfurther-resolved , This c , and'hisfamilyaregr6at -eye-Witness, and Will have A special ' are doing. , ',' ' eluding the whitvi slave traffic and . ' - I I , 'dan6 � his is it _ Following is 'the BAse Ball s6h- ho,me, oil April 30th, 191-1i Mrs. Co- thil B d' I ce 'on re6or X. admirers of the dePaitmental.store, count. The . New Era of fbrs The' .. gaoff'tivue of the year imPliritY in the schools. The great . . ' 1 4 . 1, � , :: dateB In your W, is oarc' �e satisfaction and I'P'�01 ifiterest f 0 a!i. readers on that ac- foryoutoenterour c4asses. Stud. r responsibility rested on the homes - � edule. Paste these an was a daniht6r * (9 the late pressioh of .!Arty bought all their goods in'Wini - ' ;. 9 when j t A f ew weeks. ago a daughter of the Globe f or, four. Months. for $1. Sub7, , ents Af-e entering -each meek. . the W. C.'T. U. is therefore the - -". 1, , halt and,,attedid, the game ohn McQueQA, sr., of Olinton%and tiPproy9- of the staf f aS%h4Qreseh citizen got inarried andth * t' : .. . - . ever possible;- . 1, sister of Wm.XcQueen of ,Snover cons.tifuted and that a COPY of this 0 en ire, scribei-NOW. � I .and I 1'�, . weddinp-parapher � . I I . Commence your'.'edurse at -once. .'greatest ,or in .. . . I ', ganization -of -wona - � , I 1, ,May 16-Glants vs Tigeis 1. ki�hijan, and -also i. cousin Of Win. resolution. -rbe sent -to each. teacher nalia, i1i0fiding., . . . . . : . . . I lin - CaAadd, rs. Gordon leo terded . . ' I I :,� �, I May 19th -Pirates va Cuba. a and Edward G16n% lof Sitinley, and 'This motion was. 6akried'. '.Principal the-InVitations WaB purchase& in - IMPOSING FUNERAL OF � LATE It P. -A,.. McLgtch since'it,gtood first And foreinost'for . . I May 24-Glants vs Cubs; Pir tels Mrs. Frank O'Neil of Clinton*. .­ Hartley had his report lAich .was,, the cilty.. The �IaY after the Nvedu- . . J. STEVENSON, I - . .1 . � . PRINCIPAL � - . Teform in. -the, home. . . . ­ 1. , . v,s TigerB. . I . I . . .14 I iiecepted. anc . ding the bride's dAther .brought to . . - L - I . - . I � . 11 - - I .. . - . . . - ... . . .. . ,,�, - . -1 , may r -b6 reid ielse- . I . . . , 1, May so -Cube vs Tigers. CENSUS MAY 31. 1 . 1� . I ' !, . .1 � ­ . the newspaper, office a Ion * t - ' The f ollowlnLr is clipped from the' ' ' I . I I I .. . . .., � . . .. I . . � . I 'olsewb6re. � . I .: 9 accoq I � I I . .. I - . , . 11� _� June 2 -Pirates va Glants. ' . .. . . I �. I I . . I .. I . -� " - of the eVent,'but .'when /the py,pgr' 81tratf6r.d. Daily -Herald'of Wedne­ . 1� I ... I ". . . . . . . . � . I � . : . I ' ' ' . . I . -1 I �., I . . . I. ' I ___ . - 1, . . June 6�Tigers va Giants. , . Thet.rekular decennial 'census of WO V-2 D � . . . 'Peared. it coutAined' nothitig. sda-Y,The funeral of the. life Robt. ++-I-,+*++A ..... . -14.1. . I , _. . : .I .. . ap - . * ...... . . .. . .. . . A I I .. . . . .. � . .. . L, . . . �­ '. . � __ .� . ­­_.' _­ 97r.. . .1 . . 1 14' abo�qttheWeddin-9,.bqt An on- 1. Sttdv,enson 'Iwas, held: this, af ter- + .1 . . . . �� . + , . , W____T-;__ — - ______� 4 � I .. I. - " .. ,HarTy Bar,tlif f­-hak'reot6ol Arthur nounc6me.11t of -three or four lines. -noon from his, late residonce,Mor- + 4.. ' . � . 11 L + . � , I . . . I + . I . � + � I I . I � L'L , . . I .i . � I - I . ,-Cookl�s house on Will --Street. F. Next dd)r. the citizen called tat the nin onst. - ItWas a VefY' large fun- + . . 1. o L. .. -.1 ­ . ­ . I I ha is fore-�. .)i : + . J ' Gibbs, of Londesboro, W . `4- .ewspaperoffleo.to demandanei:- -,era at !Pdi'c4tio-n of the POPularitv I . . L - . . 4 + - I .1, + ,man of the G. T. R. , %ang 'has -rent planationwh.y ItlieI report of the of,tR,ydaee,Ased. Servicewas, held +. acks'o n�* 's. : Shoes -.111-11 . �', L. . .. . I . � . � ie# Arthur. Canielo�ws -hou,se on Prin werolding had holt been Printed. 190h Ai ,the, house at 2 b1olock, -.Rev, R. + . � . . ! I - . � + - - , L . , . I . . - 1, . .11 + . . . . I 60s,s filtreo-t West; I . . tthaVs all right," saidtheL - editori Martin of Knox church offlelating� + *' I . - . . . + � :1_1�". . . our SWIM -for salur-dal .01 I " . '. . . . . . . 49YOU Will likely f ind lit in one of ithe' The funeral wa's under the'au.spices + . . .- - . . . . � . . � . . . . . + . . I � � .. . . � . � GREATLY a-MPROVED, . � city doliartmentg , store - cata" of T-eumsell, Lodge, No. 144, A. -F. & + ' � � . � � . + . . , . . . I . . � - - _. � I logties.11 - I . . I . . + . I . I . . . . . Mr. Mut6h is )n-alcilia lareat, inrl- �. . . I �, A. M. of Which jaeceased wag A Past ' + ; . I + - I � ; I . . I I . . . . . . . .. . . rjrov,enlenks on * his house and lot �, . ­ � . . . Master, I And orwhich he was dt the ++ ' +. . I I .. . I . I I � . + ,A, I I - . I . CIRCULARS SENT TO H6TELX9X timeofIlis death se0otary.. .iW. + f . + � I 1�1 I following wpadk 1�1 I I .L whichhe recienitly Purchased on Out � of Shoes we s.h6w' in our - + , .. . . ario street. New'roof has. been 1) HOtel-keepi Bro. Chas. Paeke�l act;d. As Wor- +� Every pair - � + . I I . . . . ut ?rg ueb6y.therie dayo + . I . . � .. (in and ,the. fence tukenaway besides conning "Or SofAel elrenlara'Sell'ttoL shi#fulMasitOr for the occasion. The . . 1. . . . .. Masonialb rViee.waj &)jldil + .: I stock . possesses so -much- of genuine . - + - � , � .. I �. � many orther changep. _ heli, by,th6 Provincial License Der e, cted at + ... � ' . . � . *? , . I I , I ---'W . t .�Fw, - - I %v 17.. , II F " 7 D 1, I * t ill', . I .1 * " I L.'T , '==!, : ti I , - - � , .1 I I I i� . . I .. .. - . . Ai the house 'by W. Bro. Dr. 8, 8. Gray + I .1 . meritthat it ,warrants your attention . + . . . . .. I .. ;A(�r artinoftt. These circulars explain . . I. . . , . � I I I DUNGANNON'S NEW M , J� I . I . . , . . . . . . I . . I . . 11,# pe4ltoat doetail the :ffo,w and at thel gra'�e !by', W. Bro, 3' A. + — - and deserves your . admiration. and - + � , . I - I .� .. I I . � . f'Ve.r(or -McVad,_,e,n,'both Past MAsterd OjTc- * 1+ . I , . I ­ . . � 1. . I . � � . I � I ,11isthany fri+ends ill-t!Jili,ton alid cent, tax on bar receipts. In a few- eumselCLodge. . The pallbearers + � car + . � I'll I I I . I � ... . . Huron will 'be, pleased to hear that daystlid'y'will receiVe'some bloorok "I-, eftil, consideration, . . I I + I ' rew Poroter has been ap- forms, with a.separato ,blank for w4te,W,Bro. W.0. Irvin, W. 'Bro. + . � . . I I Mr. And I ft* . . + � I I 10 only 14 guart, Tin Pails rev 20c ................ for .130 -pointod manader �'Of the, Sterling oath day of ithe month., These they Dr. S. B. Gray, W. Bro. J. A. XqPad- 4. 1 1 . � I .. .. + I 11 11 10 ...') If) .. Tin Pails reg lr)u.:..._ � ....:..for 110 - I branch at Dung n , and I exPected.to fill In And return-tol 'gen,W,Bro, E. J. Smith, Bro. F. A. I . � I . I(i 11 14 ,, Retinned dish plans reg 35c for ....for 28c. 3ank 'Copus and BrO. . F019ter. Wh 41 . d !§hoes � 4. '. 11 11 u three depaftme)lt a: the, end of .A' . ,-)Rr...,-_, ., ,;�nho Our Sohes are Goo . I Tr_ I 0. 11A ., .. -lbe,kan his'dutioa o eaday St. .— _ . . ._�e * . + V F 0 t f I � ' �11 . Step ladders and eltevagl6h laddera, Clevol4nd,coilload spring wire only $2.25 per hundred. � . I I HARLAN' I D. BROS. - , . I 0 ,,, .1 . �. I 1, Stoves Old Hordowstte I I I .� I e I I L . I . I � I I � � . - --- I .. . I ­­­ ;.� _ - - - I a -xi,ovur- veing Itast, tp for the-int0lo-Med- 11to of thCW.1',_ A., are ,confident of being victorious. glthe, other, hand, the C. 0. 1.1boys alvo nearly landed the Hough.Cup. and 'being in excellent Ishape, are i0ager to Wallop the - sl)ecdY Intel -- Mediates. Alargi_l nutabcr ofBruca field fans will ae,4company theteftin, to'Clintlon, . , . Mxxolt-LOCALS. . Once Mora, the taWly Tooker Is 4UPAW& #*Wf 09. the Yor4ada., , , U.. - , - I , I � . I � . 4. � 4 . , 10 I lu . pieceddishpatisreg u ... ;. .. . . . 10 1: I 'A, pieced. di#perii reg 5c ....... :.*.'1:",f01. 80 , . . . .1, AndY)81' record in the branch of the late Sovereir.n Bank at Gode- month withAn af fidavit it to ,t corp �ctness of the a h,o figures. ,These TAQ Fir . gre'elt, Our itown had, man? lady visitor'a . �. I I . . , � . I . .rit-hwas,agood one,,andhe will I 'will be) giVieni ithe first ton dayt4f - L R, ban I&NE11r( 1 , . I just received a large supply of La Vn Mowers ball, bearing . Clin'toon Is cbrWply'oft the boom,_ p it up to%- thd0tevIlng no d6ubt,kecl Is, the busy burg,uD n6rth, Jilub to Let the returns in and if ,they d onot'get them ility .that floral' 1 , .. The Odandy lions" are with% a- and Common, Screen doors wad Windows, WaBh1bgInac. , hines and Churns, G&goline and.oil Stoves 41so the celebrat. . ggin. , . . . .. " ' FOOT BADL TO-NI011T. 11fte they will be liable to 1i fina. Whon the returns are in tind efiter-' 011a'Anq from 9 busy time in the opringoutfittirig.. ed Quick meal Gasolh)d Stove tbe most perfect one in use, , I I � Q .A- Shove a Pokes Lawn Rakes imil Hoes. . 11 � . ,i , ire The 8rucefield 44116vers" Ana, t . led u Aerl will get %dtiqe # AlIkA. the hotelr .A. 4&M. 4- ".-d aq..%?P�11%A . f rom 7 crown F 0 t f I � ' �11 . Step ladders and eltevagl6h laddera, Clevol4nd,coilload spring wire only $2.25 per hundred. � . I I HARLAN' I D. BROS. - , . I 0 ,,, .1 . �. I 1, Stoves Old Hordowstte I I I .� I e I I L . I . I � I I � � . - --- I .. . I ­­­ ;.� _ - - - I a -xi,ovur- veing Itast, tp for the-int0lo-Med- 11to of thCW.1',_ A., are ,confident of being victorious. glthe, other, hand, the C. 0. 1.1boys alvo nearly landed the Hough.Cup. and 'being in excellent Ishape, are i0ager to Wallop the - sl)ecdY Intel -- Mediates. Alargi_l nutabcr ofBruca field fans will ae,4company theteftin, to'Clintlon, . , . Mxxolt-LOCALS. . Once Mora, the taWly Tooker Is 4UPAW& #*Wf 09. the Yor4ada., , , U.. - , - I , I � . I � . 4. � 4 . , 'wfe"i w 'MINOR LOCALS. . . . friend, I I I _. Not because -we say so, but because sent a. Our itown had, man? lady visitor'a suranc in our midst on Pridaylatt. , feiringi The bage,ball boyo have, ocomm,ftc friend' led to practicemow, '- . 1. I ridg-a i Clin'toon Is cbrWply'oft the boom,_ Xleitel I IWo Chi'dese laundries, Ift,town now. the de , .. The Odandy lions" are with% a- forth ,, ggin. , . . . .. Mr. Be The paper hane,era Are havine a Veasor busy time in the opringoutfittirig.. ,Also he Hag yoj1r. neil�hbor e_dt Ilia iridust- Wilig �, jiou" Kenf, fenced In yetJ . $out f'r . ItV,ewofie nd took MY 110,Alloels, off tn 1,11t of June. 'Alu I t -, IXwore AA now Dve,gota d,ueAdt%1 gough . I I It W10 too! 400�ft,. ., ­ V A oughs'Inthe Crave, a 'T' h'r . which Was Present! � a ec e " Yhe , My,God, Ito Thee., ffeTlAg's Were V4 . et- luclinv-1taquara a , co pass a % I .;oulnseh Lodge ltr cle eumsell Chapit ' 4 ,� er, Across tt roM St.lbltlio Pre6OPtorY,As rnany tributei� from.L..priVate The Thistle Ctirling,Club wreteth; and' several in- compAillie,9'almilar floral 6f. , AM6ng $he out "of town Present w, �, Dr. J. neCole- nd' Wife oNngersoll *, . Mr. ofBerlin" father-in-law" 01 eased; Dr. Coo Or of Segf- at. J.4p6ole 0M.Mary's; RIO ofet, Mat )8; W.J.6te- of'ofiliton. Penda, 'Were ,t. Xlarr!it ,70A r. . - t , - ., I 4. . .1 .. I . I . . I $ t + I I I _. Not because -we say so, but because + I + .* they are. 'You will never know this . ­ . I + %4 + . until you wear them. I � . I + - *P .+ + - + . . . � . - . . . � .. A good thrie. to fifid out is, wheO you . - . +_1 + . + 11 . . . nd . need your next pair* - CoPe, -see a . , + ix . + + .1 . + + . . be convinced. . ' . . I . I '. il. + + . + + I I . , , Repair While YOU - . . + 1; . + + . + + + �fftit . . - I . I 1.1 11 I . . " I I - t . i + '. + + + + ± . I I ,,1 . . I 'N FRED JACKSO I ,+. I + + %� ., I vere Pre, * "I "01- �1 �Onl; FJJ0S18_. I voo 8, 18t. � I .. . % * C, a