HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-28, Page 813111151111011011111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111 bargains I active —Thursday, J �Arius;haui r. 1$th. --,Morris Tow uexG Mauday, —blr. H. Da This Monthg tale. .5, Yd tidy' d�� t ` p. MIN At TH!1MtES1 STORE. hummer Goods in all de partments cut below cost. EXTRAOR,DINAR Y BARGAINS IN WOOL DRE ?S GOODS : For a limited time only we will sell fine Venetians, Basket Weaves, Scotch Mixtures, Voiles, Etones, and other desirable wool fabrics for the ridiculously low price of - .45 Below we give a list of Specials for a few days : 25 pieces Crums Prints, worth I2' -c, for - .10 I0 pieces Crums Prints, worth los, for - .08 An assortment of Shirt Waists, new goods, worth $1.75 to $3 00, for $1.75 io doz. Cotton Hose, worth 20c, 2 pair for .25 8 doz. Ribbed Cashmere Hose, worth 4.0c, .30 Alex. Ritchie. ...........................4. ++.14•144-1.4-1•++++++++++++++.4•+ Y1•I• R'E .FUR.NIT 1....4 OF HIGH Qt.TALIU Y, 4. 4. + 4. It's one thing to quote low prices on Furniture, but it's quite another matter to back low priees up ++ 4. with high quality. We give you both. Furniture + ' : that is without spot or blemish, made in latest 4. .,:k styles, of splendid IA oods and handsomely fin4. - .I. ished. No matter how large the reduction, it's a ÷ straight saving to you --every cent of it. For five weeks we will give special inducements to purchasers. See our medium -price Bedroom Suits, $11.50, x;14 50, $10, $17.50 Others to choose frim. up to 5500 Splendid value in Couches at - $6.00, :17.00, $8.50 up to 22.00 BUT LOW PRICE IIMMIESUIRIMIIINS ...,e ...,...,..e...... .11. .1. .Lsfs -f- BALL BROS.,. .1. from Hamilton's Corner Dru FThe nituPop} sore. ++ Sreceive prompt attention. TELEPFONE 51 + 5AtCI{hIo1usGe west 4. Store, where night ca1Ls will 4. 4.++++++4.+++4-+4+4 -1-1-1444-44-1444+44.14-144444+44 iv lit) potion rlritt go ---,A new 1 front ot the 0, sheds. —Farmers in ed hayiug and t In oruer, —Work on d new post office bn Tuee day, --Regular ineet Sous ot Scotland day evening, —The regular n Town Council wi evening next. —The brio' lay work on Mr. J. 13. deuce on Patrick s —Mr, Eh Ellio. bricks to be used W iugham's new po ' yvVVVvvvvvvYY77YVVYTVV VT1Y YVV®VVVYYYYVVYYYVVVVYvVvvv 7► 1 ROYAL, 'GROCER -VI.] 1 0. 1 1 S. At this season of the year, when green apples cannot .1 v. be got, nothing will take their place so well as the canned a 7► ones for making pies. We have them in gallon cans. Per can - - - - - .25 a t. ii.it A 41 We keep all the latest Breakfast Foods for hot I. weather. Orange Meat, Malta Vita, Vim, Life Chips. 4 7► Strength Fude, Force, Shredded Wheat, Triscott, Grape 1 b Nuts. Per package, - - - .15 a E. Pickles • Canned Apples '> Breakfast Foods a' EImported Pickles, grown and bottled in England. 4 ► Put up in large bottles weighing three -and -a -half pounds, a will hold as much as two ordinary bottles. Chow Chow, 4 JP i''' White Onions and Mixed. Per bottle, - .25 4 1 I 1 A . G IFFIN S41 1 AAAAAAAAA/ACAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAAAA Avolormoriv —Mr. J. D. Burn appearauee of his s or paint, new wall —The Winghama clubs played an exb latter place yeste —A number o advantage of the exe and Niagara Falls on Tu —Public holiday in Wi Tuesday, We are going to on the Union Sunday Soho rsion. —Miss Welch of Winghmnas been engaged iu Newbridge school for the ensuing year for $325.—Fordwich Re- Cord. —Mr. W. H. Rintoul has purchased a lot on Leopold street south, and has the foundation already built for a new resi- dence he intends erecting. —Mr. J. D. Burns has been awarded the contract of supplying the coal for the Wingham school and a car load was delivered to the school this week. —Wingham and Detrdit University baseball clubs played agame at Blyth ou Wednesday evening of last week. Wingham boys won by a sore of 4 to 3. —In the course of a Division Court case, it transpired that some borrowers in Toronto pay from 100 to 350 per cent. per annum in'terest, and, perhaps, more. —The railways are offering usual re- duced rates for Civic Holiday. Single tare going p. m. trains August 1st and all trains August 2nd, good to return to August 3rd. —Jno. Lit Jas. H. Kerr's big house- cleaning sale commenced on Monday of this week and will continue until Aug- ust 0th. Read auvt. on page four for lull particulars. —A bylaw, granting the sum of $4,500 tor the extension of electric light and waterworks system, was voted on at Kincardine on Monday, and carried by a large majority. —The weekly band concert will be held this week on Thursday evening, as the baud has an engagement for Fri- day evening at Belgrave. —Mr. H. S. Arkell, of Teeswater, B. S.A., of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, has been appointed assistant to the professor of Agriculture in the Ohio State University at Columbus. —The yilliage of Blyth will observe Wednesday, August 10th, as civic holi- day. Among the attractions for the day will be a baseball match between the Wingham nice and the Detroit Business University club, —Mr. S. T. Suggitt, of Milton, has taken a position in the tinsmithing de- partment of Mr. Thos Armstrong's hardware store, and will remove his family to town as soon as suitable prem- ises can be secured. —Miss Minnie Ross, who is visiting in Chicago has been offered the position of operator iu the telegraph office in Mar- shall Fields large departmentrl store in that oiiy. Miss Ross has not yet decided to accept the position. —Mr. W. J. F. Mallagli, a former well-known young Winghamite, who is now conducting a successful book store business at Brantford has been awarded the contract of supplying books, etc. to the schools in that city for the ensuiug year. —The editor of the Wingham TIMES enters upon his eighth year as scribe and publisher of that much -improved and cleanly printed weekly paper. It is a good exponent of Huron's great manu facturing town, and we wish Brer Elliott increased success in the years to come.— Clinton New Era. —The Lnal2now Sentinel and Harriston Tribune are holidaying this week. This custom among newspapers of holidaying for a week in summer is rather dying out. The Times gave up the custom some years ago and it would now take a serious accident to prevent our getting out the regular weekly issue, --Brussels Union Sunday School ex- cursion to Kincardine was run on Thes- eday of this week. Two trains of eight coaches each were necessary to convey the people to the lake town. Over four hundred from Brussels were on. board the train. Thirty five Wingliamites took advantage of the cheap trip. ndid assortment ecorated by the nd Elite decora- strian, and Eng - e chicest sedecti' all of which we rices. what we have for Goods. Bargaios just as wesaid it would be.. There's Busy Selling at the Bee Hive. BIG 13 DAYS SUMMER SALE Hundreds cif pleased customers have advertised our prices, and we'll be' busier than ever this week. OPER & CO. (Suoeessors to Alex. Ross.) zu>✓n BATSMAN.—In Crrey township, on July 16tti, Elijah Bateman, aged 83 years. MAXWEI,I..—In Brussels, on July 20th, Dari Maxwell, aged 95 years. WITMErt.—In Howick, ou Carrick townline, on 14th July,Abraham Witmer, aged 67 years, 5 months, 21 ays. BRAanos.—In Morris, on July 21st, James 11. Brandon, aged 60 years and 3 months. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on Jo street. Shop opposite Macdonald b . k. FARM FOR 8 Lot 18, con. 7.Townsh' Huron, containing 100 class farm; has been A spring creek runs t1 to, of ' rnberry,County er :. This is a first - grass for 20 years. ugh the farm, Apply H. DAVIS, Wingham. FARM FOR SALE. 51000.00 Will buy one of the best farms in the Township of Turnberry, being the south parts of Lots 28 and 29, Concession one, Turnberry, and con. Mining 91 acres -84 acres clearers, balancemrin- cipally hardwood bush. There is a large frame dwelling house with all modern conveniences on tho premises. Also a large bank barn with never -failing spring well and pump in barn- yard. Also a never -failing spring well in orchard. This farm lies immediately west of the Village of Bluevaleand is convenient to School, Churches, Stores and Post oiltee. Terms of sale will be made known on application to Henry Diment, who will show the premises, or to Jona DIMENT, 119 Borden St., Toronto. —The town was in Holiday attire with flags and bunting and six arches, with appropriate mottoes, spanned the streets. Wingham is a pretty town and the citi- zens generally taking the advice of their two excellent papers decorated their premises in honor of the day.— Fordwich Record on Winghanl's 12th of Julq celebration. CANADIAN ORDER 1s11tx. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, 1x10. 139 ABNER 0OSENS "i_ULD their regularmeetings on the 2nd i 1 and 4th yriday n each month, in Cdd• feugws' Hall. All visitors welcome. MAXNtLL, (3. C. 11. H. Cnownxn, Clerk. O. 1T. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. .eeounts Rents and Notes Collected. ("on- �ng "done. B—In V'anatoneMe k. fCirptin Saturday nights from 7 to it o'clock. Loan and Insurance Agent W'1NCIl;IADx WT. 1'onxsTox: -In Wingham, on :filly 20th, the wife of Mr. Fred, Johnston; a daughter. ELLIOTT.—In Tnrnb>rrv, on July 29rd, the wife of Mr. Sand. Elliott; a daughter. CABLxnt.—In Culross on July 25th, the wife of Mr. John Casiiclt; a 'daughter. WAratzn.--Cn July 15th the wife of Bir. David Walker, eon. 7, Howiek; a daughter. ( MiTTICI(. -1n Belmere on July 21st, Vie wife of Mr. Wm. Chittick; a daughter. MARRIED MCALriSit--rings.•-•At the residence of the bride's parents, on July 19, by Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, Mr, Robert McAlpine, of Toronto, former- ly of Wingham, to Miss Mary, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bess, of Brussels. BAYNAnn-11000.•-uA1 the Methalist Parron- a e, Trowbridge, on Jelly 13, by Rev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr. Joseph Baynard to Miss Rebecca Hogg, both of Grey township, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given -pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all .sons having claims against the estate of ry Jane Campbell, late of the Town of W' lam, in the County of Huron, married w an, deceased, who died on or about the 18t1 ay of May, A.D., 1904, are required to send b post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanston S ciior for the Execu- tors, on or before the 2 t day of August, A. D. 1904, their names, adds .saes and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the saki day the Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the deceased among the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. 1904. R. VANSTONE, Wingham. Solicitor for the Exceutors. Allot+ti+d etatonill**atlr*abo8itmalcbt;ltivtlpa**.tee6 1flab's e 1 Pasture will be treasured in coming 6 -a years. Photographs taken by us will last a lifetime. 4 Remember the place: ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO k WINGHAM. 1' lcturo Framing* Neatly Done. It would take too much space to ennrnerate the nice things we have for you in Dress Materials. We will only mention a few of them and ask you to visit the store for the real particulars connected with this 13 days Dress Goods Sale. •6 Pieces Black and Colored Henrietta cloths,•goorl buying anywhere at 60o per yd, our 13 days Sale Price, per yd. • - - - 35c 2 Pieces Blank Dress Goods, nice qnality and worth 40c per yard, our 13 days Sale Price, per yard - - - -•- - 20c All our 25c lines now, per yard, - 19c 50c special lines now, per yard, - 39c 75c special lines in plain weaves, also in fancy flake effects in light and medium weights, very choice colors. 13 days Sale Price will be per yard 58c All the other lines of Dress Goods worth 85c, 900, $1.00, $1.25, and up to $1.60 at like reduction dur- ing this great 13 Days Sale. A " CHT CETSI Here'. • great buying chance: We put on sale 47 piee,: geed fast -colored Prints, all worth and ex a good value at loo and 12;c per yard, 13 ys' sale price, per yard, ----—c.. The colorings are pink and white, light blue and white, navy and white; 'pretty floral designs, the good old-time lilacs, finite effects. cherry colors, blank on white and white on black. You'll have no tronble iu getting suited out of this splendid assortment, Exceptional Hosiery Bargains. We put on sale this week 13 dozen Misses' and Ladies' guaranteed fast black heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, splendid value at 20c and 25c per pair. This week, sale prioe, per pair, - .15 Also a line of very fine lace effect Ladies' Silk Finish Hose, good value at 50c. This week, sale price, per pair, - - - - - .35 In connection with our Big Summer Sale we have decided to make ° the prices uniform throughout the entire store, so that no depart- ment can miss passing out its share of the bargains to shoppers during this thirteen days of money -saving prices. CLOTHING MUST 00 We've decided to clear out all Men's and Boys' Snits to make room for another line of goods so that this department will not only let go of the profit but a part df the cost too. Its no use to quote prices fur- ther than say that we start the Children's Suits at $1.00 Boys' Suits at $1.25 Youths' Suits at $2,50 from size 32 up to size 35 and the Men's Suits at $3.00 We want you to see what we have to offer you iu this department. GROCERY BARGAINS 2 Cans Choice Red Salmon for 3? lbs Choice Cleaned Currants '3i; lbs " " Raisins Double package of Orangemeat 1 can each, corn, peas. tomatoes 1 lb bust 40c Blended Coffee 3 packages Choice Corn Starch 25c 11z lb Jem Baking Powder 150 1 lb Tins Es,tra Baking Powder 1 lb Regular 35c Japan or Black Tea - 2 packages Shredded Wheat Biscuits Tho easiest way to make money is to save can do that by dealing at The Bee Dive. 25c 25o 25c• 25c 25o• 340 20c 19c 12c 25c 25c it. You THERE ARE BARGAINS in Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Table Napkins. Towels, White Quilts, Summer Blankets, Tickings, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tweeds, Worsteds, Overalls, Smocks, Sweaters, Men's Fancy and Working Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves and Umbrellas. ! :.Extra special values for Ladies in Corset Covers, Undervests, Gloves, Hosiery and Parasols. This is a 13 Days' Sale which none can afford to miss. This Big 13 Days' Sale is now on. Share in the Bargains. THE KEEL CO. THE BEE HIVE. I PHOTOS/ l Ir (tt tEl; SLYLIs, FINISH AND PERMANENCY. •i.i The latest styles of Mounts �iai }i IJ't Phone 96. WINGHAM, Ont. r7tcln,UtPP/r1o7Aai oMen'7W aAaF/07,01/Mr r7M0MtICASW A 1 CC always on hand. EYE SPECIALIST Dr. Jo H. Egbert Will make regular visits to this ..wn, and is equipped with the most aoclern methods and apparatus for te' ing your eyes in the moat scientific m . nor. tf Armstrong & Co's Studio WING} -IAM NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. The Doctor is a grads e in medicine with 10 years expe ien : in the practise A PRIME of medicine and s r ry, and has spent 8 years testing eye' : d fitting glasses. . If you are in need of glasses, do not hesitate to call and have your eyes properly fitted. The Doctor carries with him all the latest styles in Spectacles, rye Glasses Chains and Tiflis. You cannot secure better sstylAg or better goods in Toronto, New York or Chicago. EYES TESTED FREE If you do not need glasses, the doctor will tell you so, and it costs you nothing. AT THE Queen's Hotel, Wingham AUG. 22, 23 & 24 SELECTION 01' BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON Also a large stock of Cured Meats of the finest selection. Also Boiled Trams, Eolongr a, and Davis' celebrated Pork Pies. LeaveYour orders early. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS.' FELLS. Opposito Skating Bink, Our great Slaughter Sale is still going on. Customers appreciate such bargains as we are giving 20c ofr every dollar's worth of the goods now being •slainghtered here. This is a chance in a lifetime to secure the best „oods and the best values at such cut prices. Come early, while all lines are complete. In Sugars we keep only the best, and give the most for a $, Fresh Eggs 170 dozen. Highest price for Butter, DIRECT IMPORTER. D. M. GORDON. 10,^AAAAAN MMMAMAAAAA MAMMANM/JNMMAAMMMN%e FURNITURE BUYERS, REMEMBER The next 6 weeks will be of interest to you. 1 1 prices n rurniture for balance p es o b ince of July and all of August, kink Ag good Couch,in velour i Just think! g covering, stripe pattern, assorted colors, For $4.75, regular 16.50 $0.50, regular $8.50 $7.50, regular $0.50 and a nice lino not so good for $3.75 . We will guarantee to supply the above goods at these°prices throughout C July and August only. IN, PARLOR SUITES we lead in price and quality. Every Suite guaranteed or money refunded. 'rote our special prices: Nice 5-pieeo Suite, solid oak frames, done in velour, good patterns, spring, edge plush bound, regular price $65,00, special price *MOO Mfg Suite uaranteed, $40.00 ueht for . - . g + B 4 Y 535,00 'eve don't Handle any slop upholstered goods; we buy in our own t >wii, thereby saving a big freight Charge. k13r See our $2.00 Mattress. AMBROS. Y BUTTON. sv ,y The Railway Commieton is consider. Ong the adoptidn of one set of rules to govern the operation of Canadian rail. ways. Philip F. Rundle, a prominent cheese• merchant of Ingersoll' committed su'l:oido by taking strychnine,