HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-11, Page 7F-1 - � -t I 1. I � ,.�, I 171111117-1 ","TINF V. 19.11F.W7 -7.11� �.�;,,,.,1-1.1714 . . � - ;i, ., I � . I I . . , I �,,, . I " t . I va" t. . . t / ii; ­— � -,A- - � ­— 01% I I 9 I'll . . . I I 4 . , . . . - I . .. , I � . I . I W, A 9 2 10 I . . � _3, ' 4 , ,9- If 11 -V� 10 '" �­W­r­ - , ';'j­%t- 7y� .7-7- -� Y -7v, "17"'1"7'TA"',T' ,,'�' " , . , � I . i I I ­ I '­ ­ ,,'­ ­ , p, � ".--1 %.. , I . � -1 - -.--. --- ------ I—- ­ - - ­­­ --- .- - Z � -- -­�=-:�--�--===�4& - -- -- - - - - . . tuo �- �.".,wjwi,.- tlpr,�u, .,.,at.�ax- jriv.,,; A . ­ ... -- � ­- ­­- --­­ - I I Iv -n i�: tit- tit. Atm ows, &# iwiliger, I - - � 1� I . . Alv,Len I 1"an"i jaundry on Buell street, by tiv, 11. fi-� anol othpr,pov4�rs, soti-faMory rovly to th- it. iirtyida of . i6 _ , . tho National t�­vlyien'a awl Firemeri's - 0 1� W � f,;r a tho � threat('11, 4 tile 1waxt of the Th, I WV* , , ' DOOR FU Had Severe Pains "'.. peoetw no-otia6mg hav(, been it , Union of the United Kingdom, an #. AT DFATH S 1�ujinoss portion 411 V!'00%ville, The hoj)�:f,ss failure. The, pplitical eh!pft aften. lit will lie Inade, soma- thw� in � f4r4rWOUS .. � 1-i6p, � ^11n absence of 6 Wiwi averted a confla- gathered for a final ti.11%-., completed Alocy ta 1)r1nL*, t1bolit a worlij�Nvld,) , ore gration that wo-01 b%V0 caused thou- In Back. tho ("r.mulizat-ot . of the proyl.4on-al OVR X tW MZT*jqV 110WA 'T - TMENT v-111 e zou oxd V,�10,0,& =4 � etrike- nf'the,'�rvwti of both.,bteamer* ,so I . MONEY DISEAR %and$ of dollars worth of damar. . - povernmont and. WA farewell to-,tht,1`r . ships. I i t, . , I I -M." leader. Two committ,ops wern appoint. - and &-tifing . . ­� .1 . Mel,enniii?s Laundry axid the a& e Thrt,o bilays viore, carried at Owen sy /� joining livery stables of H. 11. $opera posal'i SKInd . Olt Saturday 'by large major!. k* wem completely deetroycol. InAldt# Felt As If It. Must eallad'Dntatliroi�efi,xipveellt'civi't�N-Q"llliu(,w'I pnrol"at" SAVED ONLY 100Y �ujjdinj!s, tile, sbqd shop C from tho Monde, n 'Grorpniment and ties. The first is to 1-nfl the Knitting tion to tlieao I rea, k. i r tw(inty ycarb, . of Thoma let, NY. 11, Moore. the .8 i lirvl�t, flu,, diplomatie 01 -entral I otel Stableg. I the go I 1. I I eonirnervi�il rolm:ow. of tho rovolil- ' nyd!"' "' 'o $25,000 f�i partlos . 4 . flu . ,t Boh carria � .1 the other to t I "mp COU to I"fid Arlam.1 Furniture , P WITH PARALYSIS 10111T.A.InVES" 'a tea with t;1) so ." I V ii st and tile lionists with tho U. S. . conn,00 tb,,. , THREATON9 ." maldog shop of B. J. r r Mr. Alfred J& I)a.vis, Gorrit, Out., 'm urday 0*.� of Toronto, and tha tMrd fo load � reter & Sumineraxelatvalds experience: -.0commoll.. . "AvUBAssin, ONT. Brock Theatre were aLso damazed to Writes:-,, Vor some years I puflereA from In a otat-w-rit . ,upol Sat 0. ,S, Lloyd &. Co., Toront% $V -5,0M, IddeW441111111h.- . I "I was troublW With Nervou,A Debility . 11, � st I ame clear that the e3" to creot new factorlos. . , formauyvears, Tlaiittoludt,gretloh . . Two ye;tra 490� tht 4oqtor ma(10 A OeTtAiu Oxtetit- n my: back, AU4 could ii'r'�ht' 'i'vile'n It b."' . , fQrty-fgnr calls on me, and then Said The damage isestimatta at *10,0M, severe pains ' all, and when I stooped, ne"'tiationg' would be fruitless, Gerr. � I and e=e=5 in yout . I lice'am.0 Teri -,covered by insurance. *hardly work at ,to attributf-d the failure was due . -­­- I , .­­. . I d"ponderit aud, didn't cAre xyhether I " . be bad doneall lie could,for me. X'sm, with about half Made I ,yorked, or not. x imagined everybody , , , . itu intense Kidney Trouble , s of dollars wortli ,of 1311111- down to Pick UP 311rtbl�l; felt' I'd" 11 �ily 10 the "inexplicable ambition of : ... I I -egret ak. ,, to try lifidml�lb Nyho, loo�-4if at lcii� &e6sed my o - � - as � ad, , gulfcring VV I . Hundred )ack must brw ., I Diaz," * jjj� lmAgipative, drearag at vjo�hf �vyakerkea � IF"", I I I (1, = In, Two. ,dried goods and carpets and rugs left I Kidi�ey Fills and -ofter taki Gen- alone lv!ll be responsible be. All Sk 'iseases L 12pe-my bae'X ached, W pains In, the. I . � and Inflammation 113 ,or, g � in V -- he.W. hands and feet were . sulted 'Pring c1paning At t�he ownerlj�. Dmn's �j , .'-Ife I . bapit of my . I dtbcr doctors were con, . and agreed two boxes, was entirely cured, and I f�' -inthemorning, r aretite , , '. 1.5k were burned. too, highly 14 their f6re thf, eivil'y'd world and in history cold, tired � . I -7, Oyes lurre , hair, , th,ot nothing could be done to help me. r - that I cannot spoi* . � , rpy which the war may Iiii,mrs were V,UAL V1911 . q1 , . � I aciidation of a neighbor, The fire is supposed to have origin I for all the misi � rectly 100*0, Memory, j?uor, etc, Numbuessin ­.�- Outherecorux favor. , , . 4 a . ,a 11 and t4ey cuTed ated in the boiler -room of tile laun- =1y four years causo.." Can 6e D* 11 * . �imgcrasetjn I*toqk 41 )�ruit;a-tive . . �'Thls was ii� .$go SU4,1 � and the, doctor told in . . t7ao (liq I . & . . mit-%Aives'l (W dry. . still remain curdol." I While admitting that tbo ,Govern- : . he fcaiW paralys!s, I took all lVdiuds of --N . iue, To -day, I take "V! t a agreed to practically all the Traced' To Q invollolues And tried mAny Aret-class - I I = n ,excellent I . For Dackaeho, Lame Back, Weak men its . 11 a f3eltif or three �� I— . , y.onlyniedidue, lain! . , physlela;is, worp an, clectrii -1 . .. � I . , -,tivesO i's ,tile I Found Dead Body. demands of the insurrectos, Gen. Ma. . 11 . heilth, Vald 11 rrult-a Back, there !a no remedy equal to ,. . . I . ' Months, but received Uttle beneflb.j . � &-As I dero says: nA BLOODO - a9F0R9'X0EATM19f4-r wasinducedtG consult Drs, Rennedr, 65 ArTi-vi -mrAymoty , �� pediolue, that cured. mg�after I had been Torout*, ' May Policeman DoaWk Kidney Pill, for taking out tba � . 10 V - . Xmnedy, -though 12 ... It , I � ,as making his roundstbrough stitches, twitches A , . iat Deatu's Door for.montlis, ,Scott NY , , , nol twinges, limbering. . m1WhjiV Gen, ,,Diaz is in power all an . a prom. — . I a.m glad. to be able to give you this St. Enoch squar%�, an alleY ruUnI119 . up. the stiff back And giving Perfect, . laws ,will be fictitious and It . I I t rou , . te. some atlxqr -south from 11 Shuter street. emrly on ,om A. I . ises trick$? of war. . . ratio $ I stimouial. Itruay beu4t . . fo �y within a montj�, Tlhe�efdro to get rid of theae skia dia- . . � w9man afforing as. I *sciffered, 'as I l :Sunolay mor=9, lie came, suddenly Doau's. Kidney Fills ara.50 pento I*r I -"To Mexico *Oil I S. � , . . sea it 16 obsolutely necessary that the . ,. believe Wat 1: would not be alive to�day of a man wedged. box or,3 boxca;for $1.26, at all dealers, or is trip, prograim ,,�..et forth by the rebel. oa� od should -be,thDrovighly cleinsed of I . I . . ' tf prips by 'I I lie ­. viders, as theY. PtePare to match . blo d poiwn�,j�aad for this ' " OAND ' . . all and mailed direct orixecelpt. . � ,the ae0quiula ... 11 .. � . Disea$v* .. had l.not used "Vruit,a-tives". tightl7 in between a, brick w, . .1 �. te -441 Bur . I NFLAM So .... I 11 thought T. Mi . here i . At first he ­ Abu ted, Toroiito,-Qu�. pul,()se t s nothing t . Xxs. 11 3�p W1tDB-=; :some old doors, ta Co., Liqii They,,haye -4r,001y men in the, State of - g o pq - ...... "I'll, ' ' I 1. - o1pruit-a-tiv6" -by its matvell6lts the 108,14 might, be still 4ve, and he ki ordering direct specify "Doan'16" � chiltualiiia, and hope, to recruit 2,000 0 Blood Bitters. . V on* toMen. 4AL'Queerettior"s I .. acV I mbulwee.: - - I . ,.. ,*- , . on this' march. .Gen. Rabago with L cpNsuLTA.TioN Frmr- 000" FRIM . 0 vuahlb to rAl"w"ItAt'for . I . on on the kidneys ­ completel.7 a call for the police 4 . . � ­ 1,000 fpdoro.is is reported oii the . Th' ia remedy, bas been on the maricat Blank for Home TreAtmont. I I. . , sent . organs to thodir ' high, hurriiM What proved to be 4 ------� . I .. ;no=AIL 6tre , c * -engage- � I . .n't, *got - �itlii � � a _And ,n _and cures 0orpse to Attempted $ui ide , TX use it you a � . re not experimentip4,�A- . . � . . . _ 42mug of, - ." every trace of Kidney Trouble. "Vnift-. und that he had only - Montreal, 'May 9�,��-Compl - ment�with him in. expect­d.�50011, ,,, , aoinic 4ew au�a uarieil iiiaied�, ' �, I ,.,,..."K'Et4fi-EDY--'&K-ENNE.O. ygp,- I restores these Vital ,w St. MiohaeFs Hospital.' . . . � mar�h from Terrazai. and a . . for over thirty -ave yeara and. when you. - -[)no Whit'A': aged�'441 ­ - * " 'fi ' tii� dpspatch - - , a *time, of Iling e Only triediciU4 in the been dead a short time, bowevP4 ,fargily troublos , W&�- jjt­tlj . Miss Stella ri�jebej, Maitlaitil Forks, , ' a4ives" iX th - lama, .�ffi . 1- I . ,esterday1fternoort: foreigners were not being molested by- �� q� G .0 . 'World3n, as ere were n4 marks o'f'vio�' ui ' . Cor. Alchigan Ave. a , ri$Wold St Detroit, AlCh. ,- .. _ de of.fr0%, - - , ­ � i - attempted ,a cide 7 40 evolver the mobs. Forojurx Minister de la M.S., wAtes.-'11 have tieva bothered . I . . . .. 50o.,A bok, 6 fo� $2.�o, trial size, 25c. lence.0a the body. the cause of death The bullet fjorn his 32'ealibr r with'Salt Rheum on my bands for three . 411 letters from Canada must beaddressed , , jt-a-tivosLimited, could not be asevrtained. The body tra. and Minister of War Coslo are I dit&t lmow vhat I I At dealero,or ftm Om . plowed a furrim Jn his scalp which Da Saud it itche(l so p to our Canadian, CorresI)ondence, Depart- � I or�llilel . I- 11.1 to do, I We& everything but notbh)g ,W110TICE in Windsor, Ont. if you desire to . Ottawa. , . I was then taken to the in ,"rely stunned him and instead 4 directing operations against the riot- year - - Uient I The, man was 5 feet 5 inches tall, , g to the morgue he was taken to ' dra. . I beard of I - I I g- , He will' appear in , FolloNdug the alarming Ydespatch isewned to be any 9clott, see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit a% we see 444 treat ­ � . � and, weighed. 170 liounds. His hair tilori�olive station. Burdock Blood 11fttefs aild'bou%lit t", , , , ustache wer.e tif steel gray the arraignment court t"ay. ' � i Irdra AmbAssadoT. Wilson, See.reary. bottlea of.it, and 4w,v I am. rerfedtly I no patiepto in our Windsor offices which- are,for Corresporideum, and . . , DA , and mo . - I ! of War Dieldn-son,� Maijor-General -it on -14aboratgry for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follow$: 1 MR1111 URDENIS, TOUR color. Hc� were a blue sPr9.0 -suit, a cured and have, no. Salt Rheur, . I'lly . t 1) � . , white stiv tdiirt,'-aml R--�,Aka dotto-d FIXING STATISTICS, , . i . ,� " " ---`DRS.. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WiricUor, On � � � . � .� .. I I . . I �Yood,Xhlcf of %tafl,.Und Aepresenta. hands any more. 1'eapnM speak- too . I � � I I I.. . -. I . , tive Hay, 0141rman of the .house, � - vate addren)s. � IQ I I I tj� with red flowex: 0 1 . w1glily of ntirdock D410,4 .Bit xrs." , � . . I , - CanAdjan and U.'S. Figures Made n militar ittee, held a I '. . � ' � . I .. -'--- y affairs comin - .. , I L I I . I . Different Basi�.- I 'brief confPren0):v1th, President Taft , Martufactilrbol onhr bv The T. ;,1111jurn �. . . 1.11 I . � , . . Leader of Opposition to Visit thft . 1�1 *. jington,'May B.-TItere, will be at the White House. � Co., Limited, Toro,xio, Out; - --�---�---­ -- --- � --.- . - ,. I --11.1 -------- - I , , Western Rovinoes. a statemdnt ma,de in the Senate tend, Gen. Wood informed Pro-,ideat .1 ­ -­ ­-­ ., . . 1. I 1. " , . � . I . I I ' . ' . � . . . � I TRUTH. ., � . !-: I . ing to re,establisb the corre Talb that PlItAg to 13 ----To Di=v of the National As,�,,v:,,;t*'()11 lit MaUU-� '' ­ Caught a Cold was] Ortega of� love add Jo . ss N11gel Nlarriij�es._ - � � . . the fig4res of the tariff board on farm troops to. �ari AntohW­lfall�vei-tiblloein Qlwbeel Afi-y 9.--f��i!.,w,inti,,rc-tinq jacturerg to be h(44 -ill No* York Truth is as impossible, to be ' ; � 1, . MAY I . 11 � * labor, cost in tlie United � States I ,� 'month', and the quo!ktion.;'i ru to m7w, lwf,m� fliz. M111- � from May 15 to 17. solled by,any outward touch a . a, �, . 1, METINGS PLANNED ' and ready for....m it Tlirvc� thousand . . .. � Canada, IVIren Senator Stone of Mig- NV,t Department needs -only orders . - - a expec 0 ... ; ... . - .". I 11 - . . � IF V ,"t C1 I I lng se�--,Inn of tho ,liocvsan synod of manufacturers, it i .. t . I �,' .111, .,a�., T,vhich.Ended 'n I il, will at, , the suribeani.-Milto". .. I - . .. � . i souri, in an argument for t4e'Cana- � to despatch 9,000 more troops to 1iurcli, which mot)ti tend. I I . . L � .. th('- Angthean. � . I . � I I . . . , , Fight on Reciprocity Will Be Transc ' I ' I , - than .reciprocity agreement, showed Texas. ­ � . hern on . ,hino 6. ), . I . . I -V The: tme use of 0110ech is n6t ". , . ' . Severe Attack of. - that tile cost of farm labor wds in I Warning orders -werc telegraphed jkInring, tjj(j-jjnt.jec.�-, of motion rivon � S.toamer Storniount Safe. . so much to express our thoughts " I , . here It Will , . . -a- yesterday to,.Major-Gen. Carto1r, com- - - r 8, -T -he sttmmsbip, ; , I ' ' farred to the Country W ... . . . .. many cases as in ah in Canada as 0 18..one ef t1w 4v"111, �to tllt'�' efV:-c,t that . 1 Montreal, - Ma� -Oliver Gold-; I f , � I I . tile' U manding at San Antonio, * I - , voll'I'A �)f tlir I . . .. I I . . 1. . in , nited -States,- and- somelioes instructing !�,j Transpor- 'r . as tocoueettitliern. I . . Be; Threshed Out on.tho Hu4-. ; I I 0 . more, thx-, opponeritsol the bill -attack. hiin to hold tlAo* troops eadirtess - a con'rant"o, to � 5tormount -of ,the Montreal arly on i SrAith. � . I � �� , � . , , . I in.r - -n ba - , tation 0o.., whic, un ( t . �. . eloraynion ,inJ thrfn, bivnif - wl .1 gro de I a . I I ,� � , I in'*gs In . the Possibility of an '' Piteamonicto . ed the aocuracy of the figi.ire5. Now ' for an� 3ristant forward moVergent.' ' m . . . I . .1 . I ' poiptod Jo pronan, a. niern 6il to tho Saturday morning bety�(Ien Longlie.j � . . . ' . 1. . ­ the figures will be place in their right for �evcn - ;a A,= Trembles, was I -0 ,� - � Election, I t . I � . al ault tit onser. I . . - j�' The War 'Departinciat rit (I of tho ('11111-01 of Emu. Pointe and point And be. that does one fault � . .. .. - , weeks has had., complete plans ready ge mtl �;yno , .1 . I - I . yatives Ar6 Hard at Work, ­­ � . . . 1, land In Canwin at it.; noxt soF,sion, an haule'd -off the' mud bank on which � ' .. first .. I . . � 1. � . . �gshl in the Senate, and probably the ' . . . . I I .. Too much atresa cannot be laid on the e t argument which the hostile Sena- for: the mobilization Of the National r� to grief early Saturday night.. ' ., . � .the. sjil)iovt- of mixed- marringes and she ca e , lies to. hide It makesit two. � � Ana I 11 �� - Ottawa, May 8. -With the depar, , I tore can find will, be that tfie state- , Guard J ,which will, in the event Of tb.(,, gra-�o dingor *hich tbr-eatems, the by the combined. efforts of fovir tugs. I . I .11 . fact that when a: person �atc4ps, cold it ifle ­-�,-­­­!-.:�lsaac Watts. . ment of. the. comparison was a tv intervention, 'be calitid out simultan- - . tbil civil courti She has sustalhed practically no in- I � I - - I , � . I 11 I - ture of Sir Wilfrid Laurier this weel; mustr be a'tteridea,to irninediately, or awirwarol. I . . I I eou8ly .with the orders to the Ban wholv' eomninnity 11. . , . . I I I . I I . I � . . I.. for England,, the scene d the politi., . .. I I I It appears are ailowii(l to amiul marri.aw�s, jury. . .. 1. I . . . � � � .. ,. . . I 11 I "I battle will,change iii a very -short aerious'result's are liable. to follow. - that in making .up its Antonio troops to cross the border. , whicl� hav'0 looii solininizod in -tri(,t ' . - . . I 1;� I . I � farm l4bor cost estimate the ,Qana-. - President Taft, after the.couference I . . . ., .1 I ' - and , . .... rdai=� with the laws of the'land. An Anarchist Prot? . 111; M felt . , S . ", while from the capital.to the country. � - Dia consump n -esti- yesterdW afternoon, relterat6d to . �� 7 BroucliMs,"Prie=0 . than Government included a -Yesterday aflernoort i 02" 51 ��'..iV..13 1,� .. . ., - , . IMembers-a6arranging for ineetinga --- . . � Paris; May 8. . ' ..-Q, , . ... M � �­�, . 'tion Are. all caused b)r negl0ting to "Clire mate of board. The United States i;1 ca s his .,a a ee nt � . �, g tial ller t It in . I a report that ., W ­­ . ,. ,� - . ublislind ., 1,� " r, - ,� M Beer I -1 . . z'-V� I I in their. constituencies an:d ' leaders . Congreisio Flowed In' dtreeM newspaper p "-* '-­".�� , �; � -e4 IN I , . -qde ,that. -he would net send a special .me�-' . - Ave discovero.1 an '. � , I preparing its estimate did not, inal anarch- . L I .�� are arranging for more or less. am- ttie s.implo cold. . , . . . sag& 1�'Congress for authority to in- Acton, 'May- S. -The street in front the police h �� V- , � . I � . I . pa;�.on was ist plot to:c6rnmit dynatnite outragest I .1. 1, . - the western U110, Orit., ,board, -so.-when the com . I'll � i�` 10 , .. - - � , �o ) ­­ I � tour of the leader of the Opposition ` - r Cana' tervene PnIess , 1� .. ­­� � bitious tours.- Naturally . Mrs. Gr. W. Bowman, Patt . it became' absolutA117 of the town li�ll'ran with beer Satu'r- against the prefecture .of' police, the,' N .. 1. L �, made. it wag neceisary: . - ' f "� I, ­ 22': . . ^writes.-" Three necessaTy, 9,1�d . , ". assumes first importaned. *� 'While the . ypars ago I caught -a 'djan Government to deduct its esti- I that under .no circum-� -40 aftornoon, when --twenty ltegs.ot Hotel de. Ville or town'liall, and the 1'. " i;14. , I dates are not definitely fixed the*terl-' 6old which,ended.in a. severe attack of. mate for board, and this was what stances-woxild he 'order intex�rent4ou lager, seizfd in thn basaftiont, of, ihe Ministry of the InteTi*r, The authori. 11 � is - the only =tflsiO , . . I . - � I . . . . , p 'Pneumonia, . Since . that tim6 at the Pwzle4 the. Senators. ­ , without authority .01 Co"rigreag. - Dorriiiiion';,House i�a this local option ties have refused. to make �.at#einent. . t�wd., The'r6aso]Cl is plain- ' - I tative progron is that.- Mr. Borde - � . I . � . . I . - . I . I i,. . InUidepality, 'were batte d .1 � - I,, .� I ..�� If .. ... . b 1. � . . . .- -­ .... . *1 5 ,.. * .. � �. will begin his tour 61 the west about ' beginning of each winter I seem.to catch. - -. � . . I . �. . . ;. -Regd�,-6 Advapee.- ', . the * - 6ontents to 103�m -4., -.� I - . . - . I;_ ..­­ . 1 -4 If'— 66,1es�E­­ nsis UpbA . L .. ­ I . , , -the middle of June, and that it will I y'. I.havd been'so . hoarse - - Beachy @eats, McCurdy.- . . New � Yor1k,'k;iy S-�r-Tlie W69111U0011 � , ` " , permitted �.Igg�­,�­J,,­�!�, , ,, Favl�V'16 . Elect' seriftev" . . . . . * : - .I 'Ahe . I � - - -bb � ' having SC0fVJ§. Its t ": I -ManU I gola very casil. . � � I �. - ­jjft,-flj:T1Ve,F1.ar-%& IFUT en'Ver, 16;, May S. -The. joint as- I � , - oba, Sas, -0or capon en , . .. - , � I last o apeik loud en 'Y�-8-,&--thme�mil,E;- -, ti t .­­at---T1r9-- - .-A, mtfiftu .. as three weeks. V4, . * . ­ . .. I Colorado %�as diSS()l�e(U011 ; katchewaii and Alberta -will be- oo I was un,ii.ble 1, _- - PPZ!i-t�o�be.--Wa&inl4an-;--�Nt- . I Th6...spectacle follov�cd eoii�ictio � ' 15 setubly of ' i � .. . I . . 1, � ...1....:, . - - , --,---- - * , , . * Wilson tel( -graphed , *011, Saturday night. without elocting :a, It , " . seToplane race between I&Utoio , writes; - - 2 ­� registered against ,Willia.-n: Law J- I . fi� aoro�gs It e. roora. Last wi�t6r, . Beach36, : "Ambassador . , of' the refr6shlo nt Privileges _ .- �. . ered"-as, thoroughly as p�ossib!61h f; It -, " A. D. McQ=dj a -ad Lincoln- leasee . e I I short.time ht h1s dispos Britiab 4-i6wever, a friend advised'me,to tr� Dr. X. . - . which a -roused enthus-4 -the State Department Saturday tha� ,,, tbp� hotel . I Unkted States Senator. ­ � . ­ I I . . . .�� ttre leatilTe, , , and Albert J. Lehman, .. I . . I I . . . . . . I Columbia will not be viiii.: the, 00 Wood's Norway Pipe Syrup, saying it .1 at wasbington's avla�. contiiivions rioting is going on, in Mex- - propriotor,'and'his -two sons, Nor. , . . . ... . ... '. -1 . Aurance of the British , Columbia . . Asia S-durdwy, ico City, which is bqihg,�uelled with were . * convicted - ' � I I � . . . I . I . . I . I . . � � I I . 1-fiaol belpearhor'. I bought a,bottle and !jj&, meet. Bea6hy won from his opl' � a and so)� mart .and Austin, who* . � I . . . . . , Ministe'rs who have been in the oapi. . was half Wed I was c . oinpletialy penent i'A the fast WU0. of : flv�d mjn,� . . great difficulty by, Qie, Polic . . . 11 . tal being that the Pacific- provinco 1�efore,,it . . . � . . .1 . � of havi dispensed the lager also. . . . . . I . . 49 . . I �� ­ , - . -� .— ----7�--�� - . . I . . . . . - I - -, - --i —� =;� . I . . . � . . I , ,. . , . . . . .. . � I , . c , air - the next I ., r, fiu& it a good medicine for. iftes, ten sookinds-, 'diors - - �� ,. will return no Liberals. . tit . oure ,o I I - a bomb* 4T*'ppiitg at a marked s�6t,; An .order has been issued by Priesi . Hon. Mr. Duff -at"Creeinore.. .. vyvvwvw.vyvyyywvwv.4yyw.vyyvyvvvwyy I . . I.. I . general election. � � . " F-1 . . . i . . � I � I I � I . . tul oiiilo�ren when, they have colds." a 1P dent Diaz that an business houses. . I . , There is some prospect now- thai . . rePreseiang the deek of a battleh. . until juYther. jioticeia. Or . , * " . . I . ,� . . ��� there wi election - in' Beware of -the' 'Dr. McCurdy -bit-the mark t1iree tirnes,02 ,shall' be closed ,etmore, Out., May' A. -The first - I.. � � . . . - - -..:_ . ­-­ I . I 1. . . I . I . . . 11 ,bf. a general . many imitations of � I The baaquct which.was to have been of a',series .of baeetiggs-1pa ed-by.1he . .­ ... � - ­­. � - I . I I 11 I I I . � � � ---- - . . I I . . . . . I W6od,s Norway Fine Syrup.. . at six. , ­Xinister--has ., - - of '. . . . . , " 11 so, *it will probably . en- Ao-the­.Chiliau LI-Nidl-coriieivaifve Asso6lation I , I the autumn. ' L . � � nj fifteenth anniversary of-thd first' giv - L I . . - in Leor,iard'a . I j zzs haT-e, 7JOzz7- take place about the end of Novenij I . .1 . celle(L - - , - ,North Sinicoe, was held Eddto-sl ' I Ze�t -- -Jor-'-'Dr� 6ucoessf:tjj -ilight of a. heavier-than-air I Lt'. . . --&ale, -Wood's" aud7in "Is -- , ---- -been can I. L .. I LL . ber, After the -redistribution bill has" . . " I ' on ' -at Pf the late DT- LS., P" , Terror prevails in the -pity. I Hall Saturolay nigh to.cousider the . .. . ­ � .... I . I 'L I L . � . I L.. � getting what you ask'for. . - . xnaohiiI6, th . .1 . � I . I I passed the'House. - - � ­ . I Langley, .which . was made over . the� ] It is reported that the revolutionists ' reciprocity pact *-with the United I . . . . There have been riimors that the .' - It -is put up 'in a yellow wrapper; three Potomac R�vvo was t0mmemordedt axe approaching the capItal - rapidly. States.. -At the special invitation of . 1. � next order for. T-isiting card;§- . - I LLL �. -Gov6rnrnent, after$ Parliament a .1 pinje L t price, . known asi The, rioters &Te encouraged . 'by' the the NFed&al member, Majpr! Currie, . . . ., ... . I i . . I'' I I I . � .1 1� ol� . ., . 7- L . . I . . ,�-'� rees,the tradi"mark; thp last nighi; by a reception, ilt1tiolaists., r On- . I I I . . . - journs, will prorogue. I'lits 'may be i Langley. L � night at ' the - University; near approach. ,bf the rev* ' the : Minister of Agriculture fo. . I I I . . . .1 . ' I �, L dismi,ssed as mere" speculation.. It is . 25 cents.. Manufactured only by The . L . , ounded. . I . .. I ... . Limited, Toronto,,Ont. � 0-1-'. - � I ... , Many bime'been' -.killed and w tario, Hon.*J, S. Duff, Was present to . . . I � . ' - . of (Ards. . . .� . - T. Milburn Co, . epoited that the -scuss, the issue : from aL faMea . I 'L %V f� 'f,a.t r# a rJ0Mj)1.ft'e Ulte. . L . 1111 altogethei improbable that the OP , . .. . _ . I � , . . . . I . . Ambas,"dOr Wilson 'T - da .1 0 I � L., - . . . L . - . .. . .. . . .,L . . .. L ,.'' position will allow enough supply.to . � . . . .. � . , . . . r; began Friday night ;Find Lhas standpoint L I . . .�. . � .: . � � . . � I I pass the House to lose their hold of � I . . I . - - . eart Trb .. 3 tj to . I I .., . � I .� L I . .. . 1 7 .. . . I . ­ .., � . .. . .­ � L I . . I I I � I I .. K403jenis 'Were 'Incensed. � ;fjao�rerit parts of the ,city.. . � . . . I . . L 1. .L ! . . I I I I . ' ... . . 1. ­ . ... ­: .. . . . I ... . rhe ConsarvAives'are . . I I oon, as fixe police aikA the tioops .1 I . I . � 11 the situation. . I Lmd4in,' May 8.�-A letter Teceipa L .1 ` L As a . Friction F4iween Chisa and ,)apan. . . . . , . ­ jolein States, tha't fhe XOS� L disorder in one part, .. I tmanim us in -declaring that Parliw - Cauted 0iZZ1ne5s,*Weak1k6S$' ,Put down th* I . St, Petersburg, May B. -The. newi...'" 11 0. � . 6-7-11 . /Y1 . bom llem� I bat . Moa .' L . ' ' breaks out in another section. - f'resh L frjeUoia .batWe�ejj L L -Utinton- ,Yiew Xra - - , went wfli not prorogue, bnt i th(I Ilem Shei..z, - the guardian of the _ I . 'L it tL I . -a .betW . . I .1 . I 11 I � . I L r .1 greemei `j�;ught ; . .. - $25,000. toi . L md. Smothering, $Polls. : -P 6n -Diaz has retired to' Oha� .paper ,report ,'h aggerta 1. . ... . . . . I I . .. ... .. I I reciprocity a, , quJa of 'Omar, was � given .. , . � I China and, 4.aparil The Ree L . I I I I . L � . . * . to a Anish. I L . . . the e.xplorerg: ot the Ariglb- M . , . I . . - . ., � � . pul =12 Castle, and has isolated him- . that Japan Is ifbo-ut to PTB-cAnt ilg* . I . . . . . I . L ,. �.: ,� �' . . . .. � . . . I I I 1. I I I . . an, syndicate , t� .6:69.vat� be. . ... . I . . I . sell. The ambassador believes ,that, I .. I 1. . . . .� I '. . . . . ... 1. I 11 - . ' L I L L I . . �� . , . , - � '' , = Tock UP0 hj�h '!through one cause or anothe�L a largo his resignation �bannot long be, delay,,-. , demands t6 -China- , with reference to Ae%AAA0V%A0yVVVVVVV . vvvwvvwvv . . , I F1 RE AT B ROCKV I Ll.t. . neath,, the saored �n w ' . y -of the people ai6troubled, more � ed, � . I I. free tia4e, W ,.Kwangtii:Rg Province, I I .. I . I . . I .. . ­ 11 I . . . .. . �' L the- mosolue stands. , Th6 T'arkish gov­ jaWjorit th some form of heart trouble. I . . . .. . . and the transfer of the DaIny Ous.. � . . - - L � -- ­ I L I I . . .. . eroor, -the Vjiter says, -received a'fav I - : oi loss, wi The Mexican. Ciibinet.has been urg- I joing .to Japan, In"the event of re, .M -nm .. ...... I ....... r--- � . � .. I . .. I . .I D49 I , 'I I I 11, 1� I 1, I - . ..", - - - - aer,h -MU(I L world's Stajj;� ar I i stren-Ah bttilder. ' .. - , . I 0 ' .. . .­ . . AM OR130C.Mg I . , . 1. . . .. , I . . . L Tm Thousand .Dollars' Damage DOT% � I 1. ' Wherever there are sickly people with - Diaz to resi 1. zz�� : N-jo I . The Moslem v go In :n .41 o fugal, Japan presents,an ultimatum. , "M I a, ere to � but the I JrAgvol , , Jig, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN . Tin Blaze on Satlurday�, * ' ; grqater'. sum. . I � weak, lheq,rts� MilburWs Heart and N4r#ii ing se , a4,V to -their . . I . � I I I I . I . . . . b; ': itiomseol'that they thrdatened to lynch� President ie I . 1. . I I - . - -'- . . . I L I . � . Rrc;�kville, May S. -A fire whi-c ' . . 1. . . Fills will be found. to be the most effeetivo demands. � :. I .. '. . . . . I . . . I . . . . . I , L . I L . . . . L xninstja ,T� >AQ - the shelk.'. -L - � kr-k . . . . : L � � Biji.Scoitish txodus. ­ . ' hMCjrP-,onf,.-qQfVrr1AV ma . . tors are supposed, to bate. . medicine on the, In -gt. , - L . Says Retire. - � . � , �. $.-Thre6,atedmera . Z I I . He'll. I 1. uay - . 4 The exca,va * . I . L Glasgow . . le Craij, 114 Erie Ave., � I . - � I .. obtain,�d BOA . . 0nt".LWjjtea.-,"jj is With th6 .sall�7 urad ay' lip, the- Clyde, ,,red relici hicklen by the .. Mrs. *F. Lear . Mexico 'City, May, 8.--Gi�u Porfiro, � ��' . e0al an' d ' Seeds I �, . : Jews before -serasalem. , I 1. - by Brahtford � 'issued a manifesto tO - 'Arry� 8,50o Scottish . emigrants , ' . I L .1 !. .. the'RoInsfis. - va . s sack . ed I reatest 3f pleasUre.1 write you stating Diaz last night ,n . - . - . I . .. I . . . . , The.Woman Alive - I I . 1-1 . I . gthe benefit'l have -received b oin �eople of Mexico declating his 'bound for Canada and. the, United . . inter. 'The early, baysr"s g4h ,% �� . ' . I I I. . jig, I 'the P � I � ... L 1. I �.. 1. I I - and Neive A t � i to resign the Presidencey im, . States. L . Order y6ur OaDply of Coal for next w .�� I . . . TA411-u-n's 'Heart � intention ` . L . % . I . . � I . . .to her ow -n best interests, -as BOOlft .: . as there is necd, will help hei,ghole , I system -tvith. thL, to. nic . action. . of- 1 . � . . I` R=%V9-VH,"#;S. . UFAVAU . � L . . A . .. I IDIOM S.11 �*.'. L I I I . . .1. Anwomen should read'the special L . � -directions with. every .box. . . . . . Sold . Everywbere. , � ip boxed t.�5CW' . . . . sufferedgreatly from heart trouble which. �n .a� peaeb is restored, In this soc � the President. hai Virtually. . I ., . ­ ` , ' Off For England. . � tbe lowest pr C., C, I L . . 1�i 'We 6re Do not forget alko �stron'g on Seids, come early1or yours. L cc jzzin6ss, weakness and amother- .� . ape I j go, spe is, I used - a great deal of Dr.'s manner ands of F ransieo, acceded to the dp.m . . . aw -Premier McBride Ott 'a, May, 8. Spades', Shovels, M.anUreL FoeitS" Wire. I . . ' . . vcl.rv�.much ureded and th Then 33cots, Shoes aild Rubbers are, ,is .. 11 . medicine but reedvid. no benefit. A 1. Madero that lie make announce- . of British -Columbia audL Hou.. Mr.. to 146W York, .. Is the ri t p 1pes. for Produce in either . . . . . . . I to -got tbeiij,. Higbes ri , , I . . I : ­:::: , friend advised me to buy a, box of.your . I *11 ,Which I did, and befoie I had . mprit of such. intention, . I -As t�-vvhori Demo. is 446tuall t, L 7 re'- Or- Bowser have gone . ' the sailimniediately for Eng.. whence Y� g,Vlace - I 11 egat trade or I . I . . . . I . -11 "': . L. . , 11 - . 11 I . . ... - 1. . . I � . . I . L I . . ­ . — ", , , I, . =hIa da on6 box I felt so much better I . �il � Gen, D'Ift reserves 'the -right to be , . � land. . .1. I . . r ... ­- ­ . . — I. " . I . I continued their use by -taking two boxes. Ila 'to any I high1j, recoinmend these pi . . In tho. words of the maTjJ- tll(�L judge t J(��to, it will "whqn," according to he r . I r, " Mns.q,ience, BUTO : . ­ � .L . Work n ' 'L � 0 . Cornwall Canal. . . I Ta� 8.__�_V�Uou 7.Bros;.' - 'Cornwall,, I . . 1, I . . . . 1. � . . L . . . . I I I. ­ . . �ss ... n.. . . � "� Ad a m. s, Londesboro one suffering'from .heart and nerve r ..., � trouble," -.' . 4 , , . Mntatos of mv am I that 1mr,rosicynation will.'not be,fol- - havo just finished' a contract, wh,d , ... 1%10 . . . . .. I r , . ,. ." I I . .. I . I ... 1 , .. . . .. Milburn's Reart and*Nerv� Pills ire L r0j'3 for '$J�2 6, tit fill fiv am-lrehy, . L .L I . 1�,wclll r . The . r3r(,,5,j(j(�nt -niade- it. clear that, I Above look 17 in. r�cotd thhe, have . been awarded another '66tradt for� � .. - . I . � I L . �. * , . I - — mm, 11" " 4 cents'per be, 50 X d6a.lersi, by The' T. Mll- . he' -does not - propos-6 to abandon Ahe work in the.r -north side of -the C&MI ' . "I wam�vswmwm.." am ­- -., ­ ­ ., ­-­­­­-nm�� 1, . ­ . L . L . .1 .. . . - I I r - - .,.-,-,. I or mailea.direct k r : !�111 rv_ .n�+ . . .11 ,� .1 . . . L . above look 19. It.ineludes 200'yards , . I .- .- I . . I W ­x iffift I � � I . . I I . I I . I . ­ I 1� %jO.P. jilt" P -11 �# . � : � * b I his country is at . i UO samei : 1119XIOW . . - . . . I I .. * . I .our I . . I I : Presidency w I e , t of elevator crib"work, of . . '. I'm !M -------'R . . I . � ' .. . . 1. d that- he Nyould not do so a .general character as- that put. i3i . . . . ., I .. , . , � , � 1 . , , . I . � . . . any time. under, -compulsion. I e l. bp.olredg,� � I � I 9, 0 A% V d1b . . . . . . � :1 . .1 eed F1 --r ON Tn"N CAPITE "an ­ � . . . .11 Order the Guirant ou - � , . ju. 'Ja I - ­ - . . ed to mak6 a bed for the cribs!, which I I ;; I , . . . . I 1. � BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. will be fille& with stoue to near the . . I . 11 , . .� I .. I . I" CH 45 15hots 1 L.'; . . � . : ,. . . ­ . ,� � . . I . . I . wa,,t6r. level, . with concrete above. � . . . i I * I at onee. ud win. . . - . I . junead - . � British capitalists .have purchased The work- will -go on: , a 1 �:-o.,71;­*.,zl!'%=�== ,:, . . You Bake - n' it% .-Madero�s Forcet to Conceritrate, . . -- -1 ---7--r- -1- ,.�-..-?rt-lz-�...-"-.:�.-�.�--.,� ­­ . . -1 Nert `7 m e. . I . 11 . . �. . . . ===-Z . I � ... �. .. . . I � . . I I I (loderiall. be finished this summer, , - � - . I � ­ . . I . . . I k I , I � . on, the clile's.. . I - sal e ill -health of & . I . I . � I . � . . . ". . 11 ' - I . I . � Reports as to. th . , Our line Of Spring 8110�s for I I -- . I � Is test ! ifyi hl�ly used Cre-Am .Of. the'WeO. -Floui I *11 I Dulce of Connaught have been exag- . To MihirnIze Ateidentr. . � roen show the World's test 19 ' I . - I 0 gqated. , . Now York, Mai 8,-A natlon�wide� I .- 11 I I . 'Shoo J3uildei?a,1' best efforts- -, � " 11 :11 I , eSt. . flakieSt, Most nutrl. U. S. READY k TO ADVANCH. � It is- expected thht the Charles movement to mbAmize,the number Of . .. .­., I . . I �Slibeswit)i"�builtin"-oodness. will rriake the light ' I f. . � . � � . I I . Street "Mothoditt Churel-i at Ingersoll industrial accidents, placed at 1,000,- �� " . I e � . � . I � . I 0 . . ..; tiotis, b.read yo . haye - ever tasted, .1 .You � . ughotit tho- Vnitodj � � . u � ' ' � . will be sold for an Armory. . 00o Annually thro qumtedj- it ig an, 11 I . A" - . - � � I meii, who aloe "Plirtidula". . haven't tested it ordpr a.bag Mxt: tiMP, YOU* ' - Ordets Are Sent to Major -Gem* Cat, ' The..body Of James .Gartlwa of Par- 8tates, will be ifinu. ... 11 ... : . 'J., At.iba givrnent;4.gj=v�guf4� - � I , -- ., . I abour. their Shoes, will Mid - - � . . f . . ­ I 11, a For- kttsburg, West Virginia, was found 0013-01" 1 ­�%, . Just as particulftV 11b0lat ­ � . I . tor to Be In Readiness for . � ... I ;�- I thiq j go to the groCer S, on the railway, near Bradford. . Fire at Montreal. : I ­ - I t sells. We - �: I . I . .1 . ward Movenoitnt - Unrest In Leonard Ottetson, bellboy tit 4 St - . , Fire brok<� out I I III I I . the kind of 'Sli0e,% I I I IVIOntreal, May 8.--,: . ­ '� ':qL� Mexico city It, I ricrea4rig- Thomas hotel, eonf(-,ssed to stealing in the testing dopartmoint, Of the Allis . S��.-;, , 11 I � ,qre very careful abont fitting I I 1. I ' � . .. I I " � j . . the feet cot,realy and giving , . I Negotiations Have . diamond rings worth $70Nbelonging Cjjall,�ers-Bulloek factory near " of I Peace La- � " , .. the *.tket,t. possible vAlue at '' . to Mrs. Cooper of C�ict(gp� I .. A -ak u . and 11 every we name, I the W et st .,r, itto Saturday, altorinodn shoi) price . QnM�M­ , ro Flu ' . � . ---ZAon an Utter Failure, . Xanolly Andtlauk, a Galician, liv- chine 1, o boll I � 42.0j, $3,00, $3.50. t . Ink*2M . � -1 � . bumied fiercely for rjoarly thre rs I 0 $5,OD. '. - . ing tit Do,-, Tarlais, Altai., was killed bombinRj c. I teed for .,bread E I Pago, Tlexiis, May 8.-.�Genera) before thp, ,iforts of the . � I I . 10, , I ibq -d .toheat flour guarOn � by, lightning Yesterday afternoon 1stebine fire brigades . . In � bat, . I Francesco I. Madero, PtOvisional while working at olearing land ob Montreal and . I .... " I � � Ulgh and low out Shoes I . . . I I � . . . 1. � 1. Twesidem Of Mexico, has ordered- all U4 1, . 4.a'l . and the arnployes, brigi & 4.4 ­".* � , 1 h Itt6n, Lace of )31aehan, , , I . I ; the insurr"to troops to abandon po6 ttons they hold along the U. S. bordel � I It � . I . I �� . I � �,l . it tiot satisfaqto to our absolute guarantee-itioneyback . ry . . . V I with lurAbet, and the ghing1p shed. building mao101 fire., especially dif- I I al"111040toblie, vory swell fellowaf I'll, Alexand,or Xiven,, the oldest and ficult, to cope Niitil, anA it was only extj,eme styles. portion of bag it flout. is. not as represented. . . � . . , . Tho (NiMplitil, Milliat- C0,11olinit6d, T10t0ni'b- . . � one of ibe, best known .surveyor$ In After a steel table 110A bem pinced . %rday in To- dn(l . .� 0 � I �, . . . Canada away yestit it b4d been I � . T, I 6 .0 t5o. = a , .# � , � . �, I t -1 - .. I .0 � 1! wa�.(;Otton jzoot UIMPOUt"' ow 11 . I r;4 I I . ... . - . -- - - - - 11 11.111� ...... � ...... I'll, ''.. ..... �, . --- . I 0. = i:� tzti, 2 —C=0 C= Z 0t= 0 = 0 1 11 �� .. � . . the insurr"to troops to abandon po6 ttons they hold along the U. S. bordel � . . Jt . . . . � . . (61wruume-e ,.. L . I 1. . I . .. . . I �� , . ) I ire thaliCtearn oftlieWOst � SE, bereby affirsh and decl . .1 viour is a superiov bread flou,f, arid as sitch is subiget �,l . it tiot satisfaqto to our absolute guarantee-itioneyback . ry . after a'falr trial. Any dealer is hereby a-Athq4ted to return price paid by ctlstomtr,' on return of unuthol I with lurAbet, and the ghing1p shed. building mao101 fire., especially dif- I I al"111040toblie, vory swell fellowaf I'll, Alexand,or Xiven,, the oldest and ficult, to cope Niitil, anA it was only extj,eme styles. portion of bag it flout. is. not as represented. . . � . , . Tho (NiMplitil, Milliat- C0,11olinit6d, T10t0ni'b- . . � one of ibe, best known .surveyor$ In After a steel table 110A bem pinced . %rday in To- dn(l . .� 0 � I �, . . . Canada away yestit it b4d been �. nlF � Airthibila t0*60hakt. preslaent . I I . � L I . � ­ I— .11 1 —=-0,"7-M-Q, -, T, I acion will btitiv amut the -�doop-fti, .0 t5o. = a , � , the insurr"to troops to abandon po6 ttons they hold along the U. S. bordel A, ­ 0 . of' the -taket boring factories 001114 P I . Miack ov'rAn leatberd .1. I � Fire in the �itrda "control. The damage is, pstimaW at. . And -to concentrate, their atitackg 01 � Lumber Co. at Lindsity on Saturday between, $50,000 and $100M.. A largo- , .- . � pol 150,OM feet of lumbr,i, %0,� ,dpstrby department 6-Wj �j tank in tile t(% rrhe new high knob tioes ', citios in the interior,. The cry atriOng I the �� insurgents now is "Oil to Mori . oil OW shingles, a Q.T.n. box car loaded -and 141mber, pilpq .sting . in tile rear of the ervaitwo inan's Shoo I ido." Madera's deelsion is due, it 14 with lurAbet, and the ghing1p shed. building mao101 fire., especially dif- I I al"111040toblie, vory swell fellowaf I'll, Alexand,or Xiven,, the oldest and ficult, to cope Niitil, anA it was only extj,eme styles. I . 6al,d, to a desire to'vvOid in terven. tion, and als'o to a .hopq that suell . � one of ibe, best known .surveyor$ In After a steel table 110A bem pinced . %rday in To- dn(l . .� 0 � I �, . . . Canada away yestit it b4d been . acion will btitiv amut the -�doop-fti, passed arou rid the tatilt � atllr�' jjftul(1,d 14nl 9 9010 . , A look ronto after a brief illness. 110 (list4n6o, that, the � � t won't YOU ttilte 4 , i 1 . I . � , � . �, I t -1 - .. I .0 � 1! wa�.(;Otton jzoot UIMPOUt"' ow . P, bollindar-k-S of Ontario, effort's 'of the fit(k-fighterg Inet with . . - ;yn'�Itob-ht And Qu(,))Pc. gue"m. The damage is 011i0flY in ,. .­­� I .ti I 4 . � ... ��� ... I - � Tile gTeat 111terino Tolitle. An(! -.11 , .. ly safo tireoltual Monthig - . I ItegulAtor oil, Which womon part , -1 Another Italian stabbing AMY toolc , tho v,slin�, wilqditg and punebing — . I,". S rilve Saturday 114A)t ,on St. STImPs .,and is,fully covered by 9211% street, Montrtal. iii whieh two Itftl- departtftenta' imuran?"o, the eoinwany carrying I , 3.64TW , & on I j I �� % d0 tow ­ depend. Solain, thfO � -of Ptrotigth-Nd, e.g. wo. innq, Oarmel* Lipars and �ftni-Stt �he Cana . $100pw of inguranq, with I � It, were wir;ulidvii, the formok Asgoolatio Awl r i� . , I 10 degrees strong 3, ,, .. for s oial�eftses, per DON �Iabkrite, %a' di&n Factoric I in the hea(l and the- latteV on the. StM0000 witil tho xom vngl:�d Atli. � . . I .. . . ­ I . . I I - .. 1, �2. ,� 16i 114 o"'11011t. atm. 130th Vill tomvpr. . . 1. . . . . $614 f All . , 9 � � I , . - - . ­ . L1- - 1- " ­ ,----.. - � I DrOPWA OU I. � '13 b of tipleo., . ' - !d tuAli. -Th6 eAiw of tm firel V" the ...."'...- I 11 ­ ­1111kiiiiiiiiiii1lim - No, - .. omw . 161iow 'Im" � I . --- -- , . , . 1: �. 13� W.900 IMug of 4, high V61tw eleettic'. - � -1 - I . aw a .. 011 : ,V 00 tho sluioo� I . . . . a roe P, I I & , ­UVJ%4­$�� . I I I . I , . ­­ I I . , I .1 . .. I , , 0-0 00-g I$ C%jjR 4 Wko. --' I . . 1 4 L T ON Zy $XITUA SUCOX -, " I $9010 OUTONONT44 h � I I ^1 **k. 101-k�&�.* OW W W­�*A*"**Wft I I � . , I .1 . . . �, . � � . . . I . . . � I I . . �. I . I 1� . I I I � I - . . I - I . I . I , - I . . I I � . . - - -, - ­ ­44hik.--, � - � - �� I ­­ ­ft.A1.1Ai.. - -1L ---a.. , - . -;,,-" � - , .�- - LL � � - � 11 .., -- ­ --- - ­ - ­Li�- ­ ­A-".�-­- ­--�­­ -"j -,;,ALltk&-&"��-,�i--,-,,:,�,�,__,A�-- . ­ - - .;..&&A