HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-11, Page 5,�Wlm:"� -_ --11 - I . I - I ;: � V- :�- y1i, ;TfljW-i7'7., �";VJW' vill" 1 ll"71-7,W, Ir . ,7V -.*_-`v%-7-1 7�7 _WF �. X_ I 'YT I . �_)fr, 4 . �L�7. 111111111111111-M, - X, -W e ,Wa14_,*_T`?1 I . - . I �A W1,6_17 I I - � R - ,� 77 -7 -�;P, wrl-TT . .- . , . T-, -,I VF I. 7iF .X 71 � I I . . 7w� , � - r .,� . 1- - _ . - t� I � , 11 " � . I I I - , k. 06 , " I , .. . I - ,," ., , � 1. . . ,�­ I I W"t "" ,,'- T .4 �_�.- - 11 . ,,, I � � "I I - . I 'O 1� N " � I .., . . , , 1 4 1 . � I � ,� . .. ­ __ ­ -_ � - - J. - .1 i � 1-1 I I - . . � ­ ­­_ ­ - I . , . . .­ �.. � -164 1 0 1 " . . I I 11 I . -__.1...-_.__...11 � ___._ __­ ­­, - I , "ORRM I F- AMWWW4449PWW ., 11 I �. 14 . I �_ — I I I _ :1::1111111 it I :1110!111111�:I� 0!111 I I ­ - . 6 I ==W_ I .1 � .... .I'll `vv, . I . I 1�i � � 1110:11111111 I I I 11 I lipffiROPPOPOPIR111110"W11010""I'vi 10111111111=11, =1.41111 11 iiiiiiiiiii'm 111i:1111 I : I ; . � � I . iil::iliil�ll i 1101 I =:1 , — wo o =1:1 . � I = .: f :�=_ �4- -.; I . I I ,, __.,­,.""W___."ii - . . 1, . ' W. H. Kerr,& Son, Editors and Publishers I I . I I I CLINTON ONTARIO T H U REM A Y MAY - It 1911 .1 S� . I I , . I ------- ____ ..---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ____________ I . _____1 . __ .1 __!�_ -��-"e!""-.-�!P�—�!;W-��--.—�--,�—, _. ._._____,______ _ .. . .... �".,�,.�-�.,.-��,-.,.,��,�-:"�,."�'..'�-. �___ __ 1; ­� I------ --- I --_1 I ­ � ­ - _ . ll . I I I I -1 .. . — * . r of the Unite Ova to I � ,'�g....."*..#�4,..f..$...N,14,01.ot.1440..4.40,�'.40'.O.%.$-Ot*OW#P~ I � .Iwm� - li"d*,tor`,3 ill tmv, apaii—mono,ty of front of the ,Stores. "rho fludiuL g . , I be 1.1111011 cbeapipl,r than that 13ow in ' 7 I Rev. J. H. Cate ' confirm the ,testimony aft o Wit- ; -1 ­ .. , . 6000rieft � use,and *ith such . exceptior &I Ship- tblu Week. lylt.4 nio-*her Of riditor phout was caticato , , li.;Illott,uetne. .9titiul-tild here d4ed at, Wroxeter,one of Ills former. Or- nesses at tho inquest and the t I I ' " ,� I ug euginelers 1, ping faellities as the. Cawidlau P�kci r" ' I Are You Goinx to Buy J5, numbef of sUrvoyi after the who deSerlbe4 the _11ife which-ther ", 1 I , al,, BaRk have heeu in town for W. Wit f0w � fie, jira,nd Trunk. and Ontario West her I)()u-.(,L in Howick township, ., cults,'this week, to conduct I . I . I .. � - I - � y seen in -Tardlue7s pas ' � ,;'Roy . I to -arrI090 for tile i Shore Ridlwayf% togethi,r with an out- an. extending ilinitss, in her 67th year. funeral service of one of thir � most saidthe had , % . � days presumably 11- 'a of tile liphe fitinerAL tooliL pla.-e Weflnkday active men in the Wroxeter church, i5es8lon. . . ( -.1 . � . OFOANADA intorswitchin- facilities berween. tile I all p Ir. AT I % - et by LaUe Hurou to , ' � I - A Camera thI3 Ses . I I 0. P..0 , and G. T. It., at the barbor. I .world. these al,inufaotures ohose� afternoon to Listowel, Cemetery. Ali% I laoij, if so , -, i I . . IXCOUpoi�4TUD,l 180, saryswitellesare laid Godetlob, iastbeinost favorable loca- and X, s. 101110tt, OtBlYth, attOucl , � 1i don't %il to ca,liand let lls qhow r . When the necQs � Rayfleld. . I I Dki to secure th,% mini- ed. Tuley will h;*kve the syrnpathy ol PHONE COMPANIES TO - our little Basignette Camera to , C4.01t4l , ., , $4200P,00(1 both railways will have acPe.Q8 to tho' tion froak WWI . Me, and X rs. John H. V,Iflott arrived I ;.-., you. . . I ' munielmd h eightshedF�-re It is expect, murn freight cost, ()As well which the cornmimity. �� . go . , or here jast week VES FREE. - $6, 0,000 eW that the a u u - deal Ah4Pl3c0 Of Edit - front Seattle, Wusb- ; "KEEP THEMSEL I . 11:1 I 'RoSi .. d connection stood Idle for a number of years and owing to tbo .. � I . Z . - It is very compact can be car - i - . Fill oo corlipleted b0fore 3 tine 1. other existing Plaint$ live Operating to of U4 Iliol"t, iceount of the dandso of inwtori,, and intend remalultia UM for __ .- rled. quite easily in your vest 1. � - . Assots .-- *, $9-',51001000 -' Godevich council is ariout evenly capacity, and the rumor that, the Ills mOthOr!'We Post, of Brawils, as- a few weeks visiting with their many . . . I which Stated Ili %he 19SUIng, of this weeWs lxieu4s Ill ,and around ,tile village. Tlte'Ontarlo Raftivay Roard says, I pocicer, ov.hand bag without in- I . - I ,lor Ided on tbe question of the success 04nadlau P40ifle U0,11W067, � . � They mustlNot Make )EXCIII. '- convenience and -you have it , "I . )1pXTR)r, � ,,&L, 4iv' . of oiling the business Streets Of. the bold al large tract of lands in the Standard. %Tbe annual meeting of the WOrnen"N f- ]RIE11) QFF I act for 'the J with you when you run atrosw . � -111 � Lily. Hill bag the rontill, ins ,it the Ito I Of _ . . - 0 , - I town in place of watering thern,. ,1414st vicinity of the local salt- deposits, M . tit 11 to w. il I be held , 11 a sive Contraet$* . I � thar, aut.ject you desire to take, f . . � p4l, new Rectoryfov TpinityChure.b. He a on Tburtiday after- I I ^ � 4, I I . I year oil was placed on tile main stroeto enter into, the manuf4eturo of salt A!. Alias L. Camero I . I . It is fitted and with a. power- 3! � ,... , BRANCHES , revived I Ilona, May Mill, . � � . . . . , 1�. . ­ - 175 . .ttbeworl4. as an A�xperlment. and as far as cost Jts by-products is 1114ain - . remove,3 the old haildlOg. n Inv - The Ontario, Railway and-bluniciphl � ftil lease which produces extrd-� . . ,0 esporidents throughot), was,cRoverned izavagood 611,68facti011- .Bert Fisher, aged 18, Will: be sent � A publiameetilig will belleld! The InduAlonof the Rev.blr,31- ,%' mely sharp . negatives capable 1. . , Orr. , . . - Pharlai,d was duty' porlorm Alonthe prindiple. : I I I ­-Avvv­ . The dust 'Wits kept down e(ItIMITY as back to Goderich to answer the cli-ilrge du9try.uall on ,Uonday evening to ed Ili St. Board refused to Saw . . - evening of making Post card ,51%0 Pic- : - , . ilotelkv0per discll�s the q004011 of submitting,K' Andrew's Church on Tuesday . of local telephone coinpArlies making : .,� , . latOrAt allowed oil savings accoullt0- 1"701 as water could have, done it, but that he St610 0, .rifle fr6lu 'me , 1%, 85 0011 to, pay.for last. The church was croWOecl, to its coatractq - with the Bell 'Telepbon" . , tpres. . I . . I �. �' I .a . the.compiLlint,s of citi74ens abo;it, the J. Da4s, by, Wbow, he, was, fOl -rly 13.jr-Law to horro ld to paribilse . I , at ll.lgbost current rate - -a I a _ trrested Frfdtly B'lqetvie Livht 111411t. -Al . full. capacity, wl)',Ie the Hilton Pres, 0111113 as give tb%t company '-'it added 1 - I 1. I . . . System w.eep klumerous, -, the oil is en�ployei(l, 114 WaW'f 'I � I I i, � , A9k us to sb4iw you the E ,nsig. . . I , , , . . � ded to'031 in & Ittm, a -power paillp for Fire prntectIOUP ats. - The' monopoly, I p . ; - - fatal to rubber tires and destiVOYed night, by Detective Tipton I . - 0 , bytoi.y,00dupied the front s,,- ', ' nette,' We varry a' large raolge Of -- L � .Co ' - airman Lelfeb put, tile board's pc� . 0 phic supplies. § .. . � _ . urteops treatment 4CCOT 1. of them .. ,to, aud will be hold . . church w t) (11 11 : Ph togra , L � customers* I .. I hundreds (luring the Season. str et hotel, T-orof' L I I .. . I 11 display of house flowers while-: a, epec- 4tiOn in these Wolds -. - � S . When the question arose as to the untl proper officials arrive. . as beautif I with an ex'elleril O ft 'I ' L , ,__��, , AP,Xeter 'Orld-, I "The 1),)ard will not approve ofany - ? I � 17 - _ ? .1 L' 'L I I I IL � .1 I -"-" . . � 16 -year old lad ij litle of music was beitutiftillY I , tlie . . .. . 1� . � . dust -laying procednro to:bo employed B 118ber, ,,,the . ." Ill ave effect 'I . in loll thecouriell divided,riand for cha e w4dinz ,,Was solemnized Seed by. tile choir, After tile induction I agreelue�nt wbich b ZI . � . - I vottlt stealing a wa I . , . , I . � � . . . I ST ' L . , avis. Ills 'Peter'E ­ . Wo� or . ,. articles front Fred D oit�St. I . : . * _ laStLt three meetings ha-ve bad ot'he i Catliedral,Loudon,o ...th,q *%,udieriae� was invited to 0.11 ex- of preventing tn'restrieting intereV11114 .i, , - rec I I ,. . -warm- discussions on -the 81tibIt-01). emol6ver*abd sell1bg W - - 64ida,� mornln�, when 1) �, lL . . 1. . ' , �, Mings in $a r-�W`. k c which munication, joint qperation,oi .McConnell t- , it L Tit veen telephone , I 4 .r L . . Iman -ry, The tables cal rigbts fietA A , R. E, MANNING, Mgr. the tell and A quiet' , . elleat spread of. refreshments W . . ea led before V. All ButlerL and Mls.s, May Couahlih, of Wls$erVed in the ves I—— RA' , . I OLINtON -BRANO hile no decision is as yet reachea, Toronto, APP, . i . . . I 10 will I thepolice court. Loudon, 1orm6TlY of Rx,gteii a evad- 'were decorated with a 11418t display. of PMUles under its jon�4dlctlon," ' i . � . I I r . . I ___ is robable that Goderich streets I Tuesdaw atternoon it . S :., � , Tv. IS Atered throughout the se, II(A nibilitted taking,' a N rifle and'& `ua�te uU se.ot $t.1oseph1s, papital Wild flowers. commonly known as tbt,- The AlcKillor) Tel'ophohe Company -%' . I'-- . 11 . I I ___ . - . ason. r � . Phm. 331 . S . - ,. ... I . After a course of renovAtion Union wall.1jancl, ,after promising tOgeVA � -were'unitted in marriaf�4., The'cere '"buttercups", which were gathered,b.N.- will accordinglv lie obliged to grallt I � geAph Avm�.y C , � . I G.P.R. Z�la . , , . 11 L ill. system In I , 0 zl, - . 'L - I Ith I I Church was jee-opened Sunday tilst. and I job wil. 9 bruther on bq%rd ,an mony was performed by HISLord- the loplyowl ladies during the week. connection wft1i the Brussels I _. , $ , ;, TucRersw , as � j!brAmn&d to ,.y allon, assisted b,r Mon The ligare the Preachors who onhe of the contr,tet they made with 1- . . . L Mr. Wm- the o0aslort was One Of grittificat"011 Am�rlcarl boat he ,W ship Bishol o induction, -Rev. ' Mr, thi) Bell. I . . , � 1 ".0-01.0"11041, -Www, moll -,;J . , I Aase,-snl`911�- jw�, ,L f . - e^ f axtended tb . I ­ . L I.P. -04 .... 1..-.0#.,..#,.- I .1 1, . . , I .lie tov% L I . I - 'R( . . . __ - -_ .. "I .11 . � rnship Ila$ to pastor and People, V , Aj .aLiating and a ,*.q - The Town , the j.iij until, be should hear from big ;.qijrA9r A.V _,_thgi_pr; , _. �saor of t � _,�Lr - ... .. _ 9,9QUe 0 ed. 4v. _� ­ � . I . . AChesiley, ass� m tile roll', )Arlug tastefully (lone lia,ve:. bvight- - 1.1t) -r -to bear from Win Ill - , f , a fe1w immediate relatives of the Small, of Blyth, who officlAt . .. . . � . I I . I . . corapitated his daties. and fro -Pat I r, i brotheri . V all . I. ., - "I . . tic, IQ iliterior of the church, . 1. . I .0 I " .. ,,,which i cited the whio . side k weA he will be sentenced by .the iamily. After the ceremony.' Dr. Ur.Johnstort,* Varna Aloderat6r, Ri�iv, ' ' . � . . . . . wo gleam the folio Oi rigs tatis a new pulpit and. choir stand have I magistrate next VV.ednesday.; a'ad Mr9. Tillm-alln l'oft for1be east. Air,. Hj�mjlton- of' Manchester., Rev. , GOPERICII DISTRICT W. N, S. . . .. I w ! 11 be of interest - Total aPeni,98 in I . . ., . . Mi- Ross i f Goderich, Rev, Me, Saw-. . . . . 1. . �� . . I . been put Ili and other improvements I They will spend a few days in Tor- I . . I .1. the to'wlh'e*h . 1 P-40 0S9 ; acreR eleared, 37; made �vbjch ble to alls who , I -7— - . onto.and Mqutreal, sailing for Eux-7 I Z: of Bi'ticefield and tile . ' . noxv- b I . I . I . , aro'credita I I I , CONVENTION .' , V ou I suffim IM1111, "' . ; . , � ,()60; acres of','Zil land, 2.703; acres of 04rrier. ot Grand 'Bend, -% ...... 1W. - . . I .. .. . , ji Itind, asststea'ja the work., Two Services I wherethey will . . ope next week, I �, I Slash Rind, 371 , acres Of Malu I Ift . Dillevate , . I aws, the Methodist Obnech '. I --- I I . $1,631,'038 -, ,were held on Sunday, the pu I "i lulty. are . spend a couplb Of months. , Dr. Till- , Mr. L, of 6. � ­ � , . . I . � 4sg; actual value of land, � occupied by Rev. B, IP, 1,12, .q,mit 1.0 The . faimers in this -vie . nialla has ,not beiell Well for some was almolng the mumbel� The. even t I The 10th annual convention of I Pleasure . I 11 .1. 11 ,,, .. -, value of buildings,. $474,845 ;total 4- Hensall, whqse discourses were heard n6arly through seeding Land a shower '"d will.tqke a complete rest. was c6tt"I'lly, a great treat to all who .. � I . � . � unt of' taxabig real property, U;,- . I I , 04 needed t1rae, an � . . - the �Goderich District W. M. S.,.waa I ,alue of propeL,t .lie Tor with much, 4cceptance. -Ori'Monday, of rain would hasten a mu . �ttertded'atid the ideal evening appsai heldlilWesleY chixrqh,,Clinton, on t � .. .11� . ano . . . � . I . -, v y Ila[ , vas. given, th - . I . I _.. - I. � I I to be, intended for the occasion an& all I . ­ I 1. .; . 105,3S3.63 i, $�)L�-00_; eve,ni.n. , a,� . Priday. Xa�r 5th, 1011. I 0 th X I . - I! local improvement tax on, � c ,,aogrand concert I (grVe a pleased to see'.Mr. and All's. . attended thelaffair owl give evidence � . 11 �. � , f Knox church, Goderleb, . . � I , .. I I . .1. business assessillent, %-S,207 . twiv6ble in-� , r the direction of Me, Hunter, James Snell home once more AXtPr all auburn . I I to. un lack of energy on the part *of the The mornin% session opened with I Will. -be greatly increased 'If I . .. , , . . , $0.507 ;. total mse"SuAlent, $2.12,'- Unde - I ',,vinter Mr� C, A. Howson If n fo ,s J. It. Leech of Goderich Dis- I � I .. 1. conat" furnishing thid greatel!t P%rt of tile absence (if three month& This � ladies to Wmv theft, at1preelati ) r Mr , ' you equip yourself With one Of . .. I er of chi dren between the . . I M�lckenzle Aie$sdr. of.Ldndon, visit. iet-Orgaliizer� in, the chair, and . ',. . 187.03, wimb ptograin, Rev. Geo. F. 11osal; paaror -, . turned OUt 25.000 .'rollers at his saw- , the gren t reception to tLe Rev. Air. . tr � d sqvienty persons our Kodaks or Bro wille0amerao ' �� � I I.. . . I - �ages of 5 and 21, 9518 -, Oeil,weeu t4% of Knox church, gave all excellent 'ad-, A ed his inother over Sunday. . .1 mill wxd. about 200,90 feet of bobbin - UcPhatland. - . I � t b�-.,N,Vteen sixty all wekhaT6 the same reliable line, . .1 . I ".. I . .. . ages of � aud 10,370 ; Population, 2-072 dress ted to the OCCA- We,aresorry-to hear ofthe serious wood and expects to finIsh in ibout � . sent. . ' a�iy pet -son can use, . I I . . - t Were pre , .. .6 ,., :11 , . I I . between the ages of'21 , eminently Sal ill . I I � . - 11 EAST]UNS RODALICS, I I , . 1". I lumber of da�,e atatute Sion, Readings by Miss Belcher, - ne,­s of Mrs. Bruce. - 4,� ,f . wale persons obe. ,_,,days time.., Work only commene . , ' . Mrs. Leech led the devotiollal. ex ..: - .. and 61), 507 : i vIbIla solos by Ales'. Runter, qaartette Oliver Mills,, of Sask%toon.8as . led in the mill outhe 1.641 of January I n,. Britireffeld .�__ er.cisos,Vart oi,wheih.,.vag, prepared : , � L. I . � I . - , . I p � . ; number of birthsi 23, r&n, is*renewing old actliali6intancep in .Miss Dulf, 01 Dun,- responsiVe service,ly fell a . .,, � labor, 2.058 � . selections by Mrs. Butland,. Miss v ?� ,an.11on, visited . � .h .� ,w a vor,% i . . 1, Miss Nettie Simpson . I " I . . . I I a.ths, 4 ; uumber of d,igs, 233. . town. HerpUrpo a ing heri6i-three , I � attended a Jhteiestlag.. , . I And got p,�rfecb pletureb, ue 11 - ., de, Ire.. Johns.-Alany friends. Nalm, Messrs. Thomson and 8aunders; I . sea St. y at J. Medd's last wee1r. fulieral of a relative in Stratford - NVA2 intTo- I will cheerfully give any mfor, . � .. Deathpf.NL . wontlis. . . . ' . Nver � ination you may. desire,'we sell' . . ... I ert oubt, mandolin �, Phillips, land Ellen _vlre ,qp at � . I I The question dra, � I . i death.9l" a solo by Mastor,13 _ . irt E I . , d4ce I were I I I � � . will regret to leal't), of tit(' ' -eel, William Hall'and his friend, Robe -dnesday , and Tlkqrs- on Saturday last, I d after - Which reports . Aeta - , .� -hich occul,red a,t lections by Mr. 8bore I.And choruses Wei' Wi,nyha% We � . .. . and Mrs. Duncan Me at fk ry prices only, bring 1.18 I . 1%lis. Sidney Johns, " a chair 'tuade Up .al pr4;P4111 I i Mrs. Sawers v'd from the* folioNving auxil I . F . � ' 11 . the W`- F M-'$Oc'etv � iaries-God( I . aesday, by till :of Masters ,of `Oalgal�y, Alta , , ,y, 6f last -week .recei e - "I your 4eveloping and printing - , , ­ Seafort,h.oft Wadi . , da � attended IL her home in I exceptional merit. The duties of. chair. lVingliam. visitors on Si�udiay# . � ije;1wig vi�ited, .at .- Ewen, �rich,Mrucefield, - B1 �:tll 1 . . Ed. and Mrs, 'm t1lik at. C�atham thi's annon, it will get our . ! ,� , : ". . . of livA week. Mrfl. Johns, W110 'wits in -e pleasantIv discharged 6� Robert Qalbmitli visited ifflinghaill- - Will Helwigl,g Lacknow, oil. Su-ndai. - anAUA! ee . I Clinton,: Constance, Dung ( best attention. - I . , : ". I ughter of the 1111 . . I . . . (i I . ., her68rd year was a'da . ttla . wet f the church,,:Ray. Jag. 1 friends oil Monday. ' . Alf. Rolliuson -came up from Kip- weeli:, . . Goshen,' Holmesville' Jackson, 1 .. I � 1. , . late Robt. Carocieban, of ftit:kerblidith. he laVe brought. � . . ., � I I. 'After her mat Hamilton. At the conclusion of tile Mrs. Masters, of Calgary, Alta., via- ,r Saturday nip,lit and left .for , I � Thok lale r as I the Thes6 reports were expeeeding1v in-, : I . . .. . . I - . , I ided with _ pen I V -111age she res ram.lCobt. Davidson moved and -Ited Mrs. John7 Rolph for a felvr* daya I -, gr6ri up. .T a co untry, at pre � sent teirosting,;mhd the majority ah6ived . . . . L � .1 . a I . . I I I e her husband, on ibe farm Ili the west . . 1. I I Iistowell Mond ,y morning. , , is looking v,pod'. . � a and member. . . � . . Pro last'week, � A.A. and Mrs, Naylor visite . I � I end Tuckersull th. A hout 0 YeArs 41,90 "'V1191. Edward seconded 'a vote bf Miss Marsbal, of Belgrave, has been d the - Miss Alfee Carr, of Goderiqh IS, an increase in fund, i . and catue* thanks t6 those who% bad given their of L formeris parents�at Pdrdyee ftom. . .. ship. The increase in funds for the . � '. . I . asant eup, - -ld � . thei retired from the farm : , , the Senior do- ' visltiiig .it hier home. o --year Was '11, 0 Ms, I . e. Al.. HeIrvides bo.wards providing so.ple, ,aged wi teacher, � Friday till Sunday. - � whole district vei last . . W.S.R H,, . . . . ,. Aley, visited his .. , l,' to Soaforth to muke their horn tip . . Mr Stodgil, Stli $337.00.. - - . . - I . . . , I iobubt an. evening. With thete c(turch. hoa�e I par cut of otie sollool. : . . H b Xu % vy 's n Goderich over 'ghtq,r,­M�rs. H.,ljmltl�Xth ' A ion Wits called on*to of � - . a I tbou�gh she had not beelA in . bad now so comfortably - furnished, 'the. The fartner6'Club meet$ 110.11611MI on er , ;%d �J_hdla.Y. ­ : - - his 4a . . it I - 11S.Spreell . . I 11 I litialth for some Ume, Mm Johns - Foresters! Saturdio , 4' . . 1. I 7 , �rayer -foVMrS1 wifford. .I i ­ , �Phm*B. .. I I be around ati usual until cOn'gregation and their. much esteemed I Thursday evening - id the � �'. 7 , . ,Geo Buithby -aad.Jits- �Iowatt are .'week, �'chjireh � ter peci,al r, - � . � . . , . - , � , .. I . 6f,BIFth,Nkho was unabletobe-pre- .L." be,,n able to On Wedneisdav, at uo011 Ow I .. about two weeks agt), when i F;he was. and worthy pastar.'ean now go for- Hail. I. � '111ithe Blyth, ..'Phone 'Put in .- ig: inerrilY faii the oereasion-of . . Haunfitetiring'. Cho, .t � : �, " . IySiS,frlom While Wavd -, in their ,work with increased � Mrs, John . � Rolph and-, daughter, hAv . es - ­�­-".:: �. . I bql1ral . . ..sent, on ictount of the seribus ill- .. I . Ildis . I . . . I . I � Stricken wiffi,pula, h she- ­.. . �Lan�A,.V�isit-ed-.At-,the;,-.319*f�,-.-Qf-:Jllg�;- .Ill __jkl�,;,�A- .. 1. . , ­­ .1 . 11 ­ I of Miss* olive Bowie to ­ � � .� .. I — . . '', I �jjg.y. . , i..., . _�� � , !I, .ti, ) 1-geatl�_.__.�, __�_ -, �_ . L- I �.. ­ '' ; . tbe'rnairiaZe 1 ness. ofliet, husband. ' . . .. I . . I I IV .dv, -lao d" ' .... . .. _ . . . ­ 7. .- .... . __ll0,d.e.Q_e"k, .Mil,iipo -X.qnq .10A .. . . 'A consecration service *as, led by . � . . . . . I .. . . , .� I _ - V,12JlPJ. . . L -is on Sundayeverlin - : '' . . � ,Granffer,- ' f .Seaforth. . � � , . . : . never.yAlked. _ . 9-11:--lif haP., ware than A' passing lrlt�rest I Thom, 9 ng , ­ � I , I.. My. John I . . .� "I . I kiL,d, Christiall W,)man, W, 0 w1l; le . 7get,'61! -Mitchell. is viald . . a., lizvols, I willch took 1 ehome of her M. .8. jag. Southcombe of idlinton... ­�­_­­ . . . ighest esteem by alt %vho On 1V Productive of the recent rumor of I-. . Mr. Stril . � 0 VUle - place a 1- . . � in the h ath. 1 experiments to be made here � by the lat the homp of Rev; - !a W. - Andrews ., -G A.c n 'HA?m �l The na'arriage, Vag a quiet r pened with singing and . I I . . �. el ,de . . � '.. . I heson was 1 ilton � 11axertts latives of the -which was O - I I ­­' '11, I _�� ­­' , 1, I - - . - . . A I I I . . . jyed 6er arqt;ialutance, find bet a very . , � .. � I Mr j I�Uo . ­ on6. hoi;�e, but the re - -,present, , . .. � , I . Of.4-man potdsh �,rust towards the dis . - - - ,p,� e : I . 1. prayer. ,Mrs. Southcombe -then. � . will Lie mulch regietted . -,� - . 11 , ig parties being� � . J,y .. � . . A '. Ill ' Stab " contractil he* subject . of that much -coveted m1fieval . , *,Vc I jave a few thoufrlits on t . large circle. of friends,, all'Of whoni covery. � . - I I . I � . * I . - I - . - - � IS omen a ristitute Wit me I rs Offitiated., The %% , - will extend their sincerest, sympathy *is evidencedin the negotiations for .1 . .. Blytb,. ., . .. .the hoffie of Mrs, 1%IhIholland On'. the " Rev. E. 11. S'awe beautifully , of 6onsecratio , ti,;iiiichshe said was - ''Purc. maple surap . . , �., I - A I' 1� .. .. . � . . . I -at lbridei Wil'o, was dress6d u6lt lnevr6ly oi � I " . arge I I I � � . � . . . ,ved husband. Trie-itmeral lands.suit4blefdrisuch tests. ' afternoon of'Th-ursday. - Mmy 18th % attended.. �je act j,� our lives.but . . . . � to the herea one of the first siWd ino. Moore. was in London Ast Week - � an a,dt Which *must be coAstantly're- . . . I ­ . T I takes place to -day, Friday,f the ser. tract, on which . 2.30 p. in. A full 'attendance is request. in -white silk'leoling, Wssu�n� . . � vices at 2 o'clock atil tile uneral at ni6st progresWve s4lt wells was oper- trying tile examination to get on the ed*as there is very special 1) ' %E6T'C6U&Xt`U1atiOhS a'daintY din- - . . . I . � . . 111. -ed1n the days ofthe Goderich salt �rajlw usiness to At I and . newed. . . . . 11 I 11 1� the al. ay,and-his maily friends hope he '�bo.tralnsaoted. ' Arrangements will neT was* served. The bride . I ' � 72.30, to tile place Of Interment iii . friends ..Aftel,anumber of sent .. . ., . . 'L . 1. .. . % .. I . . - I L booin has just been purchased by a 'nlay be successful. ' . I ' -lie madeforthe, dlinuat meeting I groom have many warm -%v ' - I ­ . . . . . I I . L V Itlaftlandbauk %;emetery I also ­ � I , ,sh theau all joy intheir ne re �js ha:d been offered, a short testi I . I . . iarty of British capitalists, - who will T..Code is at 'present going around L30t I.' . P . - luony s6rvice Was held. A.fter sinK7 . I a to be held in the , hall On ,May I 'Wi . . , , , . ­,, enter intoL the manufacture of salt on With bip hand in a Slinw.on -account P. eict�, L(l).'VftlUe Of Suns hine, lation. They *will reside in Seaforth 1 -. ' Straight from Sap'6 Syrupt . , ,�, , � . - , � The"xi�bj I � 3, session .. , � ,ISO' has an . . and (2)* Making I Th -aw, County of Leeds to . ..".1 . an elaborate scale. Machinery for th isionirig. e a air and the b�th , a going - ,, dress of the �1?rlde I ing allymn,ithe morning It . - . I 6 bloo& po . . I tj t to atch I -was closed. with.the belledictio - from the L �;,, . , 11111111= -,k of rheum%tisqx In bid feet 'but pure i f things, -will also be dealt ; wa with ha. O'Neil's*Store., L .. I .1 1. , -work is. now. en route to Godetich attai the best o s of grg.Y.Clot I ra L The atternoon session,which com- . . � . . .1, ' A ogh a . . ' .' � . . I ---- - ---- ______i_ . . . . I I �. L L I is a b -quite gm:rt . . . _­,__ _� . from.10 and andwher, - in5talted and we hope he wilt Po q I . I d. With . Everyb6dy..welcomt.. I 11 ttWo o'clock,was opened I . . I L . I- al .�. ­ I . . I.. I . ' . .. . ,� I . 'n'eA t , eading led by MiRs,.D. . I �. �, , ­ ,the plant Is in dperation test.holeSL Will. ag In . (Rev j A. 'K.. I I "he I . .. . b i 9, Bibi, r � Do YOU.notL remember how- . . . oLightexpert who was Presentation -Alm. . - he morn- said, I I.. � - - Ioddha . be s0k in ibe, expectation of finding I Th�Rllectrx . L at ill. his Birllcs'Wa . ,dLrIrliday.afternoon surprised 4, ­ . . .� . . � . . , �Olmos;IoThe min��tes of t ood it was last. year,- you �.%..,. p6tash-depotits which their gdoioglsts here.& ehoilt time ago has Be -Aid . . � �. I ,%yere � � , .. 1 ,6 are confident exist under the -brtnek ieportby which he shows that the by the members of . the Ladies" I CRIMINALS. : , ses n ' L . . q W.111 get it4t O'Nell'sagaill next I . I . . . ... . . I I'll e PrOeeSS L by. which chese. -capl- t . iov�n, who now own -the Plant can ,6ocIety,-ot tha Askin. Street Metho- I e nineteenth . I e , L .. Year. . . . . I .. . . . . I . �. . I I . Th� lkIStOrY Of th London � . I . . .1 . I . �11 I I . . , law L atit Obfirch, durilig the course -of all . � �ifrs,Gordo W�rianrht of * I � . I . . - _. , talists will,I)toduce, 0salt is stated. to make a considerable, msrgin. on the" I filled with the reforms L t n 'A to I _. . . . e 6 . t ! uff ' . . " Lt . . * . . . I . . . L, . .. . nentL.andlf the repairs are dorre, ament at the' chuicb, when centilry IS merely � I ,%Vast en introauce I the con- . It is ready no iv the:. pur .. I I . . I h irected'uot' volition ,%ud ,suitable I . . . ' . I . .�;* . . ,tos t m,. ,, n e W 'h .will not,, cost very shew,a�s presented with. a handsome 1 L 'Which were d I spoke a few -to S�rup'by evapar- - . . ., ?, , . t e ,i4ill thoaL rhe piesenta- I I . , . from.,Sap . " �­ . . * L tile halean up-to-date set -of [Javiland abina. � , I I . to the improvement of criminal - � 1� I � .. . I ,ll, . I 1, . I - To make a picture is simple " - - , - . , '%Vords. RePoits were then read atioil_ .. . , I much theY . , .� . . . . with a Kodak. or Brownie. .., I L. . . . tion wa5 made by Honorary'Presideiat i c - odes,tind tile "litigation Of, pull- from the auxiliari6s: of Londesbgrb. L . I . . - . I , . ':,', ,,, .. . I A11clad thi plest. . 11 14 I . bile Past President.] bu I d Varna. ­ ,� . . I . . - '. . i ", . . Ns - line. . I ..L �6.. I .1 . . I - Ishments fo i . .. �., . � . I L - . . I . . . I . The 1 - . . I .. . 11 . I Our stock of Kodaks, Brownie , I L . .. . The wate nf, in Dlnsley� atreetl Mrs. Weatmaii,.W SE I r crime, it to the INT-Ile,S16aforth an . L' . .1 . . % . . . ning and'so' � I . .. . . . .. 8; is I . . . . r a 'r- ' dottam.read the addre i� " -0011--* " ,Mrs. (Rev.) Ford of Clinton then L . . and all ph6topraphiC 13UPplie . � . .. collapsod.,Weth sday eve Mrl 6 in tbe'shapo of a re- better, ic�re of tile insarj0i. Of - L. �V,o.l&omo.",thlch, . I . . . . . . ". - �., complete. Full information and b .�- . ELLIOTIr . . the town will, be at'.the expense of prese6tatiou wa . :)t p-risoners'.Wtio.bad gave -the address of, 1 1 . � . � . . . 0 , , . -_ .- .1.1 . -, � . . I ! --- 1!1! 1, .11 . . .1. . putting tip another at. once; In tLe membrappe to Mrs. Birks, who leaves - pets and 4 � d in the eighteenth . 'Was replied- to by Mrs. Diehl Of I - , � .1 Ili . . � L booklets free, . . I . - I . . te�_ in June, from the societYl, with wliicb�,. ' .been treate. '. I., * Varna. The- nominatiou.:of District .... � . . . . . . I . . . 1 . .1 - L - . .1 . . . . meantime the streets cannot, be wa fully�[Londonl a .proved L � 11 ­ . � . L . .. I I ng - � green favored she has worked so faith I century far worse than filmals- ' I * ,r CaMe next. This . ., . .. L . ed L nor the Bowli ' I . . . ­ e Of .0urL States and'in Organize , ' - ' - .. I ' ' L ' . I I . . - — I -1. - Advertiser-] - ' � I a tedio task, as itseemed . - , L I . . . . - , v;, - WhIch will delay Wimling somewhat.: . . . w , In sota . . to be us . . L I I � . . I I I -; the implossible-to find someone to' taite .. . .. . . . . council con iddred the.romodns of -. ` . I . ., .. I . . . many - Countries. of Europe I I W. T. "O'NEIL. " ' ' L I To a natioahl reput L Wilding next to Charleovoorth's .. . .L . � . . ­ . - . ea has been aVolls"' -Mrs. Leech's place.. After the coft- . . T `V- anto, Oat. has, - brick - Mullett . . d tI; penalty , ; r : . , . . . 1.! 'L jo-,V atiout for Superior work, 'hardware.. I of ui&dd - - , , I Open, all -,store unsafe so: engaged . miss M,%bbl Brown has, returned to :led, even it cases - I . - .. vantlon hold balloted twice unsue - . - � . . �. �. .'' 1 _4 , 2 I I �� � . � 14"-v 1 year. Enter now..catalog . wA'snd it. Is ' o - . e' the.: era ot I reform there - ' st MI'SL third ball t wag cast HUB GROCER ­��. JF. 1E. . . , tie free: - men to knock At do her home on. itte Oth Com, after spend' - l�gibr . licsfully, the 0, . � THE.- . L I , I L I I . "ELLIOTT B.TJOINESS (30kLEGE al heap of ruins. ' - . . Ing tile last six moollis,withberoand, was - little or no public gY111PathY I and . Leech, was uhanimoumly , , , . L��..l - , L . Ili - I . L e � . . . . L. . . . Ladies"Ald.of St. Andrewls" iOh, re 'motber,.Mrs..Stevens, of. Londesboro. . . I . criminal 4 Iffix1fly ,we , , elected for *at least oneyear. L A bill . I Phone 4$ . . ­ � I I.. � Dispensing'Oh mist. , I .: I er $treet is planning for o, Gard& Party o t 'a Mrs. F. Corbutt is howJn "the' Olin- with the . $2, was I . I . I I , � . I Younge, and Alexand � tied the 1 for printing piograms of I : .., . . .. I I . . . � I . . o have reac I road by -the secretary, Who' - In . I . . . . , ___._ - .---., L . .. - . Toront . otturch,Lawr0n June. where she vkIl'go, under Seem almOst-t. . vaoV,n; , .* , . I . . " ' . 1:111imilliII11111 - . I 0 . . . ton Hospital . , L �thy is 60 I EOL . . I . - . I .. -.l . I . . I . . A. - . � . ... . pe she, will, .Soon �olnt where the SvmPa structed to pay the same , --- . . I . . L. I .� _�� - I ... e . I ­_­_ ___ I- _ an operation. We Ito L iminal : . L . . . 11 . I - n._.vvvv______�_ 'got well again. I . - . �Strictly c6lifined to The cr Leeph . . ::====_;;;;;;;i=__ ---._._-.t!==!11 . . L � I I I _� -;�__ �, . . � . I - . . . . .. . . 1: . . � � . left f. or. the . Thet"Invit.tion for'pla . ce of meet- � I . . � . ..: , _ ll � .. . . . I . L .- . : - . . . ,Mrs. Win. Taylor entertained a few I thut itiere Is, none 'are l I #+##+*+*#**##4####+#*##04 * I folks cn.MandAy evening and all rem, .Tictim of'tbe -crime. The abOlt, I Ing Tor next yeax's eft.�entlon Was .1 - advertisement,s in, the'papers , I . I . I I . . port a good time.' . . .1 ,tal ptta%hment cioes leftwith the orgg�nizev. .. - just lakes, . ,, , �, , -, � . ##***# . . .. . 14 . L , .. . 41011 of capi bt L Was 1 as then taken,. . ., I I . , . I . * . 'A. Bralthwaltais able'to.be out . C, 11 given Thooffering w * 611ve VOW A very excellent �pape - +_ Mrs. .. . ppenr' to I I . . + � . .. . agaiia after an attack of grippe. L . not .ar byXrs. (RoV.).Fea-r-on,4he ,subject. Wit " .amounted to $7.45, - . . . I : *about the" con, . I ty to Heiathendom,l) "' - _ lcl -wi h �tho " ` z '+ JIL;.0,014.0p . , ...., dirion 110st"111ted r � hi6i session thbu. closed., it . - - . .. BETTER', .'e * -![:ZQ' . "I . Mrs. Thos.Pairservicebas returiied� v ralld, * jv Ilo. _. w fien ,he I . L + 0 1 .. � LOT . I .. .1 . I of, "Our Dul . . I I . . o -.Weeks with b.v , Iral 10.' L t Greetings from !piBter' socletloir bemedleffbin. # I I ­__ home after spending tw t.- tne anon- . I _ L. he L v n . - " � . * . - . . . I I . . . . 11 I I . .. * n,.Blytb.- Wag itIrged jo ,Q ig session was opened I I . .. I. - . . L .t1ppQlL .%V'(,,,re then given by Mrs, J. McLeod T e e it . . , I 1, . * L . . . � I � . ... 1. . . . I ­ . . . ., . I . Jas (),Brady, of Toronto, spent a . tiod of the . ClAti, pt'lVillity. 1 .1 � th 'P ,lb It * U chualchandMrs- at 8 o7clock,,with Rev. Mr. -Ford 0 . her daughter. Mri, Crittende � � � . , . . . . . an -or .L , . I . said * of e reS erla f I ( + . We're'ready to dress every M Boy ittle Fellow"' few ;eeks. wiih his ducts, Win. Taylor, IV. would it tne " N, W L o uthe W.,C.TX:_' W.6glgy'church, as- chairinan. ,.Aftor - ,� ... + . ) . I I . 11 11 . I he.,certfth1:_. . I . . . . . to L I . I . �.. . . : . ' ice has reffiined� 13a.y, living up A The, the bipening'- devotionit exercises, .. . . . . 1. i . ''. .91 I watell tower ,service - was* L. L . 1. , , derers w0V, I 0 L took. $ . I *1 ... ,who comes. tot,2s, ag -he-should be. dretsed I . 11 * M)!; Wall' L . .. . 1:(J t)egiu Dy 'at st.ing'. -wh -Mr. Ford made it shoit ehai6iau 0 . + � . ... I . � I .. * field, aftbr ilperiding'a weele with. bkrs Ilry"C'n0i I'tidge. . Thosd. . + I- . . I I v tgry if .. . L.. I �. I L I L L _. . . mur(10..�Se ,I � ere -boys! choir rendered . . . # . , . Ug L to . L ea . for . ' J. Garretlo �, _ . j . . I . � I . -.1 .. ... . .5 C orent parts were �Mfsa address. The. ed ;'The F I * I . Medwear betteO_'Clotiies than " they ed. w . r.. , .. kr. and I . L -_ . . � e,:m,,,, Of Godeireh,'Who read a aselection ehtitl light hy . I * L . - . r I . Mrs.' Chas. Manaing and . . L � 1. t '. � a "'lV-1 V8 of clothes.. education has swept the country�­and . two children opebt Stinday, with the . I , I � ' 'Er - ' -which was very much apPreci!- * . . let rfromMisSQreYOfP?ort'SIrhP On 11 . * I . . I latters brother, H. Mogeiage. � . I ­­_.�. . � son; Mr.s. Ellcourtica,wboreadex-0 ate�L Wheladdreg - s of' . the evening. * til Wear the # , ' L . ­ JO!n ' L * . . Buyers -are ffettitlLy posted'!. If you desire to' i H- GreT,,, who.came from the 'Old . , ,tracts from;gome lettigro from her was then given --by ,Mrs. Gori. .. '. I Z . 11' e ' INE'S KNIFE* FOUND. 'L daughtery Miso Sybil ,.Courtice, 'who , Wright on her trip to Scotland to, , * I ' ARD 'a- .* . . at Ening L in clothes, you'll have to om . r WRh his cousin, Will. Grey. I . . - letter ,theMissionary Coar.ress in..Edi . ­ I L � .... , i4rig ;?, - .c e to th Store I tile ast week will spencl. the Sam' I - J I . isamisslonstrYinJaPan; a ,* .... *4 S —Clothes with a reputation be- � W 6 U r 1i 6', L '' I - 11 � I Interest �!F.' � I . *L Mrs. McBu! . . read from Miss - urner�fln�- burgh. ThIs.Was a VoTLY . . 8-8 . L . I � . * .. . . I � 1; . . I # Man. -;,are visiting.hei . .Oe . 0� I � .1 L . ungladrof the district. address, and. inthejpeukur P , , � 14 -1 hind them such as.,�- . ' I I I C I - �- *iherriso) given # that sells " Better Clothe " gney and child of 8 T father, '.9 -_ .. .,. . , ,.. I � . I - .. I . # foi� - 11 I . . . I . 0 0 ,a a � anner I I # I :.e . . . . . I # a,few Months. ., I 'the knife with which OdWalld wh missionary inChilia - usual pleasinat In I .; i , + ­ . � . L .. I . . I . . � . I . . . that helnu�dered 'Mrs. Bleldel Avis, then .calleil onto Miso Wiltse MALVe a solo which all . I � - - L . .. . - . Jardine confessed . I. . - ' I I + f�.i�,,�, . . I . * ' Lizzid AadOrtoft is, howl in the hands offer'praYbr for the -girls from Ong � � . I �f.-*11� L . . . . - - enioye.d. X + I . I tojide�boro -+ + rsilorEly after district 'Who hay.eso,w.illingly given Rev, Mr. lCoseas - and UoV. X , �+ .1 .11 The 200 - Brand �, The . _ . i ..; 1'� .;.1 10 Lion grand .. m6vgd, to of tile, authorities. ' ,I L elatU P .. . uthen . . + I .,'..-�� . � ry L I .. . . ' . . . . Frank Gibbs and family riffitIls Ahe conclusion of ,the trial Of (We ltheolselVies to this Work. I areene Of0iAtO addrgissidd + � I - 11.1 � . . '. . FOR BOY (;linton this week and Win, 0 in a few Words. ,�i� �.� . . . FORALM .. . . so 'I � , condemned aLn itwah learnedthat A Very Interesting and iustruc- thd conVention t . L L .L L and famity moved into the hquge they . an of Goderie'li allt- - - . �M, .. � ­ � , knife,had 06i � tivfo papek was'then read by Mrsq, mis a 'Proorn. . ". �'! �p I L EL r, a found near the which had. . I i ,. ;1, M I I bought from Frank Gibbsi (p.eV,) Modd. .title eiir:Ing. Wered. a feW- 1pfttloua , ". I . . I -i U, on system 1� I.. -lid- splot where . I . ;� � I , . .. . . grounds 18Lbeing lardineigtate0,11 'tb;ew 6 11 . , � 11 i:::: � � h1l n, e earlier in t,h � ,i�'11 �' .1. . 1. - .- # The parsonage .9 o Lix . Mrs; Gordon Wrie,ht gave an ad- been. handed in, dA ���.­ � . . I ! i� %. I- : . .�. .. r ,�t. . its theet + � .�.-...i��- .� . Our Garmed the demand for Cloffids ofre- ,proved by allow lvcn tonica thiq Week, ithei WeAPOIL while itting ago the dross on 4cThe White Slave Traffic" relxtlar.,tothe work of the .. � I �-�#, :�, Ot -scar of coal this lalve -bank. A f6W- dliYfl ===ff4==W,=WA==-__­=­­� , - � 11 " I —I" ---.---. Th,. -e I � _� ff" I + � 11 I t. i , I I I I i I 6, the - i t ", 1; , . 'l ill .ea . let I � I t I I I I I" "I I. � I I I I I I i I , , - � I ` � I * , - - - - I - I - 9Z 1 W'd - , � I I ��,,.. ' R-.',-:,Adam8 9 6naine of ,Mrs. Wilight is EL very earnest and ,After the offerinr_had'Deen61r;;, ,� I.... �, . , , . . . �,:�� , .. .. .. � ��!�'i�.-' :, finement, Clothes that ex illess the individuality of the . � . the local police learned th ;.,z- . I 11 . week. - .address which almounited to $7.75, the mOet- I 11% ...... .. ` * 1$ . I . I .! riduct', ii, the,ju):uily, Ju Whose possession the , forceful speaker, In her " . . ..: 1-1. �'Wliardt -that have a "made -for -you appearance, . I . Rev, Pearcy atten6d the It W . Chief postlethwaite ise­ sh.e made a Strong Plot for the girls -d With the, benedjid.� � . I - I � knife Was, 'i ing, waa­eloso . _r . . 4 . ,'... I Come ift.at your earlie'st Convenlencq look as long. , t at Dayfield on Tuesdayli -cared It'aild It W46 forwarded im- who leave home to' seek situations tion. , -ay ,:: . . - 11 James FairseVvice of the 8th 0011-, ,ers at - in the large, towns and cities, that Thee -ics of the d weki&� , w. -P I imedialtely.to headcluart To' Xpoli 11, I *1 ,>.A .."': , "d well bad a thrashing ob Wednesday alf to .- . t� I + .. .11 you like, try on a!�* Many. garments as you like, an . -of last deason. . .. . they s1hould notbe allowed to go $9 75 the balance left beini $5.46Y , AW—P � I . . . , i 40011 of the crop rollito. � te quite Sure Where . Videll was divided betWeen he tWo , 1 + 1,11 � ; :�', i tell you about our better Clothes, I . . I Dr, AllistOn J has purchaodd it floe The kAlfe WaS found 1%St, fall A withoiltthe,y We so many of the I entertaining, auxiliaries, ,� I ,�� , . -1 I qw, 41qg. after, the. dorOaOflf lu�- they,.Were zoina, as I I , � Z I : : . : . '. I . . � . � . I driver from aeorge�homp�ol?.. '­ . .� If . � . . I I ­ � - ­ -_A .-I.-- .T.*liA!*iA . . I ­ I , .. ­ ­ � 1. . .. I . i I _. 11 11 I , . . ., , - ,. . . "I I. . . - . . . 4 �11 ... . Bo" ,g stihs $1.50 to $10.00 .. !� c . y t . . 4 �., 4 ., . . men S suits $�.50 to $24,00 , I � . � :; . . . . . I . . . 1 4 I . I . I 1. . 1 4 . . . .,. .1 ... 11�. �. -, TWO SPECIAILS'—^ � . . . ... .. I I I ... � I 11 ..... 1! ::::., t' 1. I . . . I 1 4 1 I .... I, . � . . . OVR n6y's sloo SVITS, � I- % . .114 _. .1: .... I . . . 1 4 � .1 . . � . . . ,�, . I I I ., � � . 4 . %.. � OVA NEWS $ MOO � SVITS I 1. .1 � . J . �%. A . . . . I . I I . . I 4 . . . . . 011 . . . 1. � —ISK T,O SEE THEM I . . . � I I I l .11, . �� . � .. . � . I ­­­ -1- .1. . .11 . . I I � I � I _. I - . I ­ . . . . ' - � . I :e *, h e'llothin, ,,, eo,.), � orrun . g � � Th � 4 I � . I I I I '164 n scivare, - Deal for. lavery Mam" I I �, . * � " � It I # . . 4, 0V�11 0044*44 #*444*#*###4+##+#4,##" 4*4*4****+**#Oo*+***+04*40+*4044*of .#+** *** . I . 1 %4 . . . . I I . I I . � . I p I . � . . . . I I b Church ASA court helt Stinddly wa,s ling wheft &,special Sermon will b6 �erja � .ched. � I ' the I the Canadian Farm of last week 0, till - ure of Mr� Wm. Moon Appeti'llt, WK Al% by his weIRknf)wn L entire ThoplatureigAll i4o% W'4- unhydeer.11 the Alight one alad the Now Era Is trY- waf to eeoute it to publish It. . I 10110 he annual straloft to the Cana- nor it, Ordor,ot)Rotesters will be T ,, &'ohiLd in ,ilthe lMethoidist 'church 'bY Rev. J. H- hall "t gMatky evening , ';or 13 D. Ing Ibla oixt �ow tQ1 Go 'auto season has, ar- 90 ed, �Lud 4utos are pAsAlng. every to while - tboge doming to tile A-4 ViN v,i�a,AhoiM tako th,Air horrito - to edl I the shed oAd not 110 ous pocuoq of e - �, ­ ,--- - A beou --- ­ 14 of ttiliu'possess! A iaeo tt time and)not � BOB. 01% was; W,a�b public I � :� week$ OL01 was. the , Ined, that ittaight b8 Y of - the othurderer. JX I short distance . ,down far fr6al 9 seat on 10%n- . . Is a !Xnod1hi*-%i%0d,.001A,0k ,�vilth tWo bla ko'oeul 'sth"'�'s 10 one end.- T I W98. . . 4% minui;e exi I '. .61 West . I . . ,a 9& . ol ld% - Bank, The. M s V- ns I - I .. I � � I � - . . - *Xncorootated 1855 : . I & .. "I (saphalt rmiirl? 14=00000 - . . . � � .Rest FUndo ,il ', $494OZ11600 ' 111ilg, ,80 BranthesIn Climb, and Agehts and Vloir6spondentg 1i all ­ ., I the PrIndPal 4",ties tit the World. . A1.01XX1jAt.1sAX1i1%6 uVaIN08. TRANSACTE041 � I ­ . ­ � $A I VINGS BANK D.EPARTMEN"r , I "Atallut."Oh", lutor6bittu6wtd$Lt.hishosteogreattatA% , -11 . I ., a. - ". C, 9; DOWI)ING. manager 01inton'-Brauch, ,, . I . I 11.1-1 _.e, I—— - . ., 6