HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-05-11, Page 4e Colinton New Era's
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n o u,
T e Olin.ton New Era announces a Free Trip for..Iive Ladies from Clinton and surroundin To .h`•s
�' . �an•� cp�o
oronto and NiagaraFas forone�'eek
Any Lad married or single,
is eligible to compete provided the conditioias are complied with,
AGE—Aay lady over 18 years of age may •become a.Candidate in
the districtof which she is a resident, by being properly nominated
and accepted.
NOMINATING—Each mustlbe nominated on the
nomination blank v.'hich is printed'. in New Era, or on copies :of the
blank, which may be obtained at The New Rra Office.
There are, no restrictions as .to`t!he number of eandtdates ui each
district Themote tiie'marrier;•" -'"` /
EACH CANDIDATE burst l;e nominated by some responsible
citizen of the city or town, 'village or townshipinwhich she lives,
and must live in the district in which'she is'nonilnated,•but may ob-
tain 'votes from any place outside. •
T—Ballots cast for persons not properly nominated
will be destroyed. See that your candidate is properly nominated
and duly accepted before you cast your ballot for herr. Special bal-
lots will he issued for subscriptions, as per values set forth. A
coupon will be printed in each issue of -The New Era until the con-
clunion of the Contest: An expiry date; will be printed on each
such coupon, on or before which date it must be delivered atTne•
New Era Office or it will be rejected.
COUPONS OR BALLOTS CANNOT be• changed ' or •transferred
after they are received bv.The New Era, nor. will ballots be accepted
that have originally reen made out for one candidate and ,then
changed to another. No contestant can transfer her votes to an;
other after same bas been received at our .office, '
SPECIAL BALLOTS will be issued forsubscriptions, new or
old, received after the beginningof the contest." Votes will be al•
lowed on arrears as on -new sunscriptions,providing the subscription
is paid for one year in advance. No subscription" wilt he accepted
for a longer period in advance than five years,
TSE SPECIAL BALLOTS will he dated two weeks ahead of is-
sue and will not be counted unless received at The New Era. (Mips.
before S. p, nx , on date. of e5 piration. Ballots and coupons sent by
mail must be addressed •'Tne Toronto Contest Department," The-%
New Era Clinton, and postage must be pi+epaid. , : •
IF' RFRU.E;ST.ED, on receipt of a subscription from "an individ-
ual subscri:uer;a.receipt and special ballot.fornn,will be sent, that the
subscriber may east votes in favor of a cau;didate.
VOTES WILL NOT -be mated fo'- ch'sh without bona fide stib ::;;
serf ption.
AGENTS and otherfi mustsemit full subscription rate with each
subscription, as no commission will be allowed agents on subscrip-
tions for which ballots lire to be issued. • - .
VO1ERS-themielves,nust be responsible for anynond'• livery
by snail,: or otherwise'' of theirrespective ballots within the..speci-
fied time. (The rule that the ballots be in the New Era,office before
a certainadhered-to, . irrespectiveof any
(rause of delay
Nominations will not close until date of announcement in The
. New Era, .•
IF ANY SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE • cannot, for anyreason
participate in the trip. it will be her privilege to nominae. a sub.
stitute five days before leaving date, provided always 'that The New
Era's -decision as to the acceptability of the substitute be final.
THE NEW ERA EXPRESSLY RESERVES to itself the right to
reject any. nomination. It also reserves to itself the right of beim
the sole judge of all matters connected: with the admimstrationof
the contest and for the trip; and its decisions on any gueetion that
may arise shall be absolute, final and unappealable.
ACCEPTING THE CONDITIONS. -In accepting' nominations,
eachcandidate thereby.lccepts and contracts to abide by all .the
above conditions. :.
TRE NEW EFTA further reserves the right to add to or mollify
these rules at any time during the contest,
THECONDEsw will close on July 21.
The Contest will. open Monday,
May 15th at 9.a, m, and will close
Friday, July 21st at 9 p, .r,
For paid-up•subscription to the New: Era de-
livered to any address in Canada.
One year,. $1,00- BOO votes '.
Two years' 2.00 I,000 votes . •
Three years 2.00 ,....., 1, 5OO.vote4
Four years 4.00. 2,000 votes
Five years 5,00 2,500, v otes
Weekly. to United. States SO -cents per year
extra for postage ;'brit each subscription at.
1,50 to the United States has the same -vote,
value as a $1.00 subscription.' in Canada,,,
(Arrears of s it eriptions will be counted
at the same value as those iia advance,)
The Clinton New Era's Contest®
NOMI*ATIQw I37,A,1t Ii
T Hereby Norni i ate
Mrs. Or Miss,.. .........:...•. .. .:,.,
(Ruane In Vail).
• Address. ,,.. .. , .,.
. •A. Resident t f ....
(Town or Township)
As :A Candidate' in the New Era Contest..a
This `lstornination is good for 1,000 votes.
Only one Nonunation to be credited to each.
(One Candidate to be elected. from.
each of the Five :.Districts,)
No. 1—Town of Minton
No..2—IJullett Township
No. 8-Goderich ; Townshi p
No. 4 -Stanley Township
No, 5—Tuckersmith Township
Villages not incorporated, in the
idifferent.,lownships will be included
in the municipality to which they.
ltd.dtess a1ieo.ntmukations to
contest Editor,
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Era, Clinton