HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-27, Page 7. I . . I I � I I � . A TRURSDAYt APAIL 2m, 1911. " I - . � .___,z!,�_ TSA CLINTON XZW =A, . � . � � 4 - ­ ��WIPPFriiiii'VII-�-WtVi f- . . - " . 1, . - �- -, - Via" It. I _ , _;. , �. . I ­ -.1 I __ '' ., I P ­'I I ­li _-1 I 1. . _. . cona,l,ow nic irlao,x7rou.,xvu I hibii",_, 1141,�� . . � 11 : ne slattea tu vul: tljfj Cara lu DIN duru shatua.' I've , got -a libretto I AL I q . , ' ' pocker. I It's it I - - , I LC ' 9 # perbapfj you would better let me for her later on. can't you belp - her , I . . I I I a n eturn It to him." out and get her a small part now?' I I I �� - . � , . I Facts ' 'I su 1(ne"" I I I , I)upuy reaebed eager�y for tile card, - .$!$in afraid that Is ,hardly In my I I I " . I I 13, W'", S ` ' I ne." I � I I , � Pr wilicli Brand slowly extended, to him. �, I I I . � � n " "You'd* be 401u.- a favor to tho I I ". I ,;R,FE "This refers to that tri6sactiob qf " I � C T1 0, N which you and he were speaking this ; show, for she's good enough to bO 4, i i 1. . � . . i � . . 1� afternoon," continued the lawyer. I About I prima doima. Sbelbeeo keptbacU by I I � . I I , I I , Told me I TESTEO . I r -bed loudly. I h jealousy, so berself. When . . FOR 11 wand Ian" ori , I I Owell, Dupuy, I'm a. poor hand at ! will you have lt.in-tom I I - �� , COCOA k we'cau do that . : I . gue ing riddles. I g1ve it UP. Wheels � , "I scarcely thin . I . I GERNIK-TION S$ . t . . . . , sort of tiling 11) tile Advance. We . . � . . I I ""i ; * I . �. j don't print pietures of eborms girls . . * I,' COW4 the answer?" ot . ar 001 , 1�� �_ ,U14 $eetns to bit the V44 I 0 . u I I' � right ,spot, It is a great Tile lawyer became Impatient. ii unless there's solpe good story about . I I , I � , TESTED I . I I kod for husicy young ath- "Tho transaction Involving tbe-ah- I . . ­10them-lost jewels. barred fro"] a 110' I - I FOR "I . I ... ��� - I The experience of Xotherbood if, a ccourit of 4 dog, (11vorce, orl'-- " "I letQs: satisfies the appetite.. the investment -of 4 certain -sum Ot I 1 1 I PU RiT � I � I trAng one to most women and marks I tel on a levedly, iii , 11 1, easy to digest: and delicious money" be explained ,haltingly, distinctly an epoch in their lives, Not I Sylvester broke In rel I . I . 11, I _ - 1--._ '_____._, ..A. �usluese deal I was going into, one woman Ilia hult. she's k)ovo divorced"' I I I . I . I I I . "r in amazement - � dred is prepared or I .1 � '30"N I with the judge I I I 018as she! Wben?" � I � . � 170. "Precisely." I understands ho t �, I I I . - I I I . . w 0 1 4-1,aist year.,, " I - "If I bad any business W10 the 'I properly care f( "T I b t's dead. Wait tilt bet; next, " '', I .-& qs� self. Of course-,-., . a I . . I I �, I . . . I 11 I - I it, . I, DO.YOU USE judgei Dupuy, I would prefer to 4o It V ly every womannow- i She doesn't go in." 11 - ___ - '_ * - ­ . ­­ -1 _­­ I I � -1 - - - - ­_­­ - I ­ " ­­­ ­­- - _______ _ � .. . - -1. I - L' I .� . � 11 � I I 1� COWAN'S with the judgei I i L - 'W' 1, adays has m e'd i e i I I "Why-wby-wot)'t you do It?" staill- ' I . When a Dead Whale Sinks, I EGGS FOR HATCHIN'G� - � I I "But I am his plenlPgtentlary,"' I "N treatmen.t at the , Mered the young man. wlio, deeply 4p- L I �� happens on -rare occasions that --- --- . ­ _ .. ­ ., r � --'T— . - . '�' , .,i . - ' - "Mbx,p,. inhml" granted Brand ne.,a- , .V. - I I time of ebil.d-birth, I. precla d og the faet - that be waa his ' Nerves Are FRO'51 THE BIGUFST NIX - r . a rdying whale, "sounding . I I I F11, ��I�A 9 1 ," ._d_P,%PLr; EGGS � I . 01% . tively. I e� but many approach -failed to tom- - ' ­ CLUSIVELY redyards tit Canada; . . jatberls�sou-v,es, Indeed _ . . . al S . I I I . � -i �ii I 46YQU are rather ulireasonable,_ , % tk; r'" the experience with prebend bow any employee On the Ad. ' I 'I i to rise agrain tor the surface and 600 birds; single comb Rhode Island rvds * . � - - . . _ . * . . . romains in the sea deptbs'after death, only; -the best layiV fowl on earth; $1.00 . I I I . - Brand." A *we it 11 11 Att him anything. Exi-haq9ted , I 100.4i . arled and hop au. organ!Wf I od for the trial.of Y4 . I . - "'fish" is �not lost however, Froro b .eless look _tlee. could riefusa,� .. Tl,i * 15. James, L, ance & Spa, Box 369, 1 . I strength, and whenr the strain. is over . " . . . I 11 � �r I i � - I . r "Sbid's the cutest little, girl You Over � . . . I somb unexplaincd .'cause the gases set ersoll, Ont. .r:, . . I . I - . I - I . , I I , . � 0 . began to sh6w in the lawyer's visage. li� fron; I - --decomposition inside .... ,,I- in,; . r . Ir I , � I . r The Young editor noted this and m' her system has received a shoe . .. i, �. / ,..., .r. r . _�el - I I � - iostration or Par. iree"by X WYANDOTTES . BXCLU� ' � . I . ,.� .1 . I 0-=11,0, . . �jwfilela. it is. hard to - recover, :Follow., I paw,, you, old gazoot. You stick to we, And.,Nervo,us P - bale's WHIT . , ' . I , �1 .�� . r gol ' t p ' with "a ei - 110 * . . � Cass find their way to the w' I . . �.. . .ygo ,,Q,t in a 111' give you -, '.r I � . .�, I . � � � . Q... QrIze pbf ing.right upon this comes the nervoa�_ I I I � SIVrLY--m-qu4lity high; 15 eg`g�. . . . . . . ' I alysisAre Creeping Steadi., tongue. , This organ becomes ln�ated' $1 00- 100 egg $4 00; trial order solicited, r . . . � . I . I ate,this man whom he despised above I an interest In this . r . . I . . . I $train of caring for the child, and a L, . . I . r I I 1� . A, .. . all others, even above Bartelmy him- distinct change in the mother results, paper some day. . reEembling a huge balloon -and by its O�kdale Poe]V�Tarm, Sarnia, Ont. r . I . � ., Pqk, self. Barteliny, believed Brand. even 1 Thereis nothing more iDharmingthan , ., , ,W by-; she was I ly Upon You. buoyancy brings the body of the dead ­ � I - VAIr4i6 _., . I , . . R, ­CH r whale to the surface, when it is pick- I ,FARMS FOR SALE. . , r If he was a scoundrel, actually had a happy and healthy mother of chil . Ini I D 0. '' ASE!S r . . -- � "That all may . tb"e. crews. The process of r RICHMOND HILL, CALGARY -THIS . I . I o health . I ed up by in - flotation commences 1)eh,utlfn1 suburb lies one and a halt - , &"L- I 0, superior mentalability, was a brilliant dren, and indeed child -birth under right 11 respoi I . , aflatlon 4 _� . ii� . ,r ­'qJ11U conditions need be no hazard t . I . NERVE FOOD ' Lin a f4iv -hours of death, and . r . thinker and acted boldly in tnany of thing is I I �dtl I Res west of the city limits, on north bank . . n beauty, The unexplainable be, his dishonest tra mch � or . � I Brand, 197 the - tw6 or thre� days will m -to the sactions on the ba - rising to lapse of of River Bow and slopes gradualfy .. I that with all the evidence of shatterecl ou hear of people suddenly fallinc, � I . I - � But Dupuy -he was to Brand the hang- r;es and broken health resulting . end the conversaaw a . generally suffice to bring the body. of of the river, near car line, and faces . I . � . . . � I ne . I vieUrns of ner�i prostration cr tg.et end city park; soil black, loam; sweet er-on, the skulker, the vandal JaLkal from an unprepared condition, women . tion, 'but the Ad- a "lost" wh ' ale up from the sea floor. W,t. . , . I U h ri ' some form of paralysis." But. When -W.ide. World Magazine. r and in every way suitable foi homes . . . - that devoured corpses in the aIgbr that -will persist in goi g blindly to t e t al. - . vance doesn't. Is- you get all'the facts of the case you and gardens; two lots, 25 feet frontage . . "Mininmm r braver animals had fought 'and killed i It isn't as though, the experience 1. I I sue passes to the find that they have had mDUMS, or -----,- . __ . e�ch: can be bought for$1,0G-t"aIr,; --VO I I I , -ye '. c 10 evory'two months, inteiest 8 I I . I etage'entr ing. I 'r "sh V I I . . . . .. � - bi His eyes blinked Ln the light. came upon them unawares. Theyba 1� . . I ance.11. years of warn* Oxide. I ifte, cent. Calgary is .the lai;�cst -whole.11.1"ie .1 .. � . did Da6uyls. It was in. the under- a1uple time in which to prepai I .Sylvester's jaw - They. havien't sl`iIpt well. There. has' 0 - . _ - 411 , centre for its'size in Western A incrica -, its � ' � . . . ground, runways that be coursed r ihe r the(Jor the most part, trust to chande I .'. . r � fell in his aston- been frequent attacks of nervous * . I . I m9k C', population has recentIv doubled; buy now . . . I � FOUDTU swiftest. And as these thooghts sped , alli� pay the penalty. , I I ishment at t ig�st�on has failed, They t oI -vest , .111 many homes once Childless there. . hio hcadach�, D u the omners and doul-le _�,our in - I have been . irritable, easily woti�a� r I I ment. Address I iCbh(Is, " 23 Mhokio Block, . . I I TuE W it. . . through his brain the eqi,..or looked are now children because of the fact � " 7 I - I .. unexpected blow, and excited and have found men-k6ry . - ., I . � , Awakel R t Box3%.-. PIC., Calpu�y, -Alberta. I � . away'absently. . I that Lydia E. Fitlkhanes Vegetable . � and after a me- . . i , � . a - I ,SASK.-D0 YOU I �, I . - I'll . . f Had thuy but knowu. that -thw�e vitnt to malce money r if so invest Ili . h and strong. ! ly endeavor ng �Sa,,ilmtoon property and Central Saskaot- I ' Sball I make an appointment with . healt Y, I . Quickly Heals - , Dapi came hot on his trail. Compound.inakes women iaormal, ,ment, after vat nd concentration failing. S A 8 K AT�0 0 N, " � . , . , �� I 0 symptoins tel: of exhausted nerves � . 'I . I . fitm for:kou, say,,tomorrow moming?" � Any woman who wonld lilce Heinsertedth ppropriate r or h4d they redlized their danger they I chewan farm lands. For ftill partioulars I ESTATE in regard tb this . i ' as to good safo J)Ivestinent,, write. and; it be anxf�usly-querled of the newspaper al advice of the Und PonaM words for a. reply, would have restored.the feeble, wast- Eruptions .1... I � . . � man. . ... � . I =er is cordially invited to . . . . I . You are coniffiglyVest, vall on Cx. .It. Clare, : . . - . 1-$Vrite to. Mrs. pinkham. at' Lynn, he went out of the room. (Id nerves by use *of such treatment I Sores and - 'AlclI,ay Block, 2nd Avenue- Box 119�j Sas- I . � .. 1. Novelized by �. "I don't care." - -Brand was impatient because of the ��.s Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. katoon., Sask. Referenep. 1koyal Bank. . - I . . r . � "Then I'll ^do ItTt bo said[ decidedly 'Mass. Iler letter will be hold in . Thii great restorative treatment ' _I Ir .., - ­ _- - :- I I , , I .1 � pfecl, . I I . I . I I 'Ile hhd work to do and little time in -ich blood and . and'mov'ed away from' -the desk. "And strict confidence. I us time, thit had. been wasted. . WounGS IVI� HAYR A NUMBER OF QI 0 011, FREDERICK R. TOOMBS - .....IIIIIii I I cures by,forming new, i I Improved and unimpro-ved farms for . . I I . -er'l- He'saw that Brand was still 0-iiiiii' ­ . . � by robuilding the wasted nerve . .. 2 sale in Manitoba aiA Saskatchewan. oil . . __whjc.h.,t.Q,_do it, and, it was the most *1 * ' . 12Yaseline Remedies in TuL* . .­__.__.___._ ­ , ---- ---�­�­--- __ ___ eyer- done in � --No-mrdiarn -n,r + -a-!"-o­pro­v - I -------- Fe -d- ---r- I 1%,�y , LVUJ11.1, Pumulpl,1011(tid-ba ., I . . - -.-- -11-1 r -If ­­ - . . .. . . . lndinvi�en--We­ , e is ort-ce t )ra . . I rom -the Great Plak .1 . . --And I see be. came, our wita - iV,r, 'important worit, be, bad. . . : . I �Iicial, - for each do��ie adds- to tliq Capsicum ora. . I I . . . . bene. - . - ',-elld for my free descriptive "priec. list.. . .. - . . Mentho Geo. Smiloy, 433 1, ath st, Brandon* " ' � . of the Same Name by 9Z I i his. life. latecl.White. ,leve . . , .1/ . . � JV 2 desk. "Things snorted the news.papier man. . I �i I I r ,;ystem a .certain I amount of ri.ch, red Carbolated.Caniphor . Man. -, . .1. . � I I . I . Joseph Medill Patter- ;. I I "Yes. sir," agreed Powell faintly, - . � I � I . blood. . . . . . I I will remain sta. � . r I .. .. . ­ - -- ­ -_ I son and Harriet Ford. � . . "People haven't time for poetry," ...!, � Nervous diseases come on slowly aT14 I Ice, Camphorated. q ACRES-ED('TEfjY DISTRICT- . � _ r , .1 tionary until .. . . I . . I . I .can only be overcome. by ratient and . -Qtc. Each 4*o r special -. 4so thr.ee miles from new G. T. R. . then?" he asked. commented 3rand, ( "i . "OVIII-Regina branch. - (4,wxl hoils,e ari I . . . ,; - - ,nt.' Preventlon i� � Y . I . � . . . I peisistent treatmL purposes. Write for .. ., - :35 acresunder enitivatiot�. This . . . Copyriaht. 1909. by Joseph Medill. . "Thirrgs � Elever "That's wbat I've been try ' ing to tell ' , / . . I ahv,,tys. bottior tlidn cure, and for thls Free 11aseline Bobk, . baril, 30 , . � . I.. . Wvow," put Ili Sylvester. I'lle Nvas � r district has never had hail and seldom Patterson and Harriet Ford, r . remain station- " I � ren-imi you sbould endeavor to keep 'Clieseb-,,iauViMt.Co.IBBOCII,abahYettlOntr-J frost. Priep only -.$32-pdr aere-, Uyrilm, . .. . I I - - I . born after, his UM6." � , . ��i Q � I . I -,l1c',sy.;t,nn at high water inark'by - --i right. Conle at once if you' -want, thi'4. - I - - ary In a newspi I ­ V0,()(l.at _­ I . .- . . . . I I.. . r I . . 1. � -1.1ow would you Ilice.to be a report- ' . IlSing D ' diaso's. Nerve the - - - . . I D1. G. A. Pollard, H al Est,IV3. Offlue, . . I . .� 4 r. I e * -xne nignt eanor noaaea in rue at- ... per. offl.,%" re- I � 1 4 f � 'Irst sign pf troublo.. 50. cents a box, .. .. t7 1:3 I�'c,irthr, ro I la r . the maw or'.," asked, the editor.- � . I �%w,"�� I , I . . . —st, ot, 130gina, Sask., Ca ni r firmative and gazed rath,er curiously ,. sponded 1-,.Lvw(,Il*s eyes gleanied wRh a slekly �.�!'- __� 6 b6X(!S for :$�1.50: at all dealeYrs or I . . ; ". ­­­_ r - - _ - -, . � , _-1 ­ 1. . . . . I . , . � aging - e�lltor Ia.; , � . I � . REAL ESTATE, . ; I . . . I I ,-,�!, I . � . �, �- � I 111. .. . � 1. at Brand as he went out. _, . . � I or 1.1lat showed *that 4'e was eEl. . le,dinanson. Bates' & Co,, '2uroili - . , rr .. I . . . . ... . . � ,. Dupay came Into Brand!s offied with. . 1. . c6ically. a _ , . :.. . . . I . . . . , . . . . Adw, I 7111111�0 I . � I . ­ . � SA�SKATOONA-"ZDI'r,;OI-POI-tULI,Nl- I � __ __ _ ___ �. , * I I Al/ . 11 I 'I'lEr�-fpr a few valuablo pointens -on a most circumspect and deferential air. . I list X .mean � � . Dressed in evening clothes, Carrying . Is that. tl)ero "A reporter? Oh, � _, -d "' b said. � , . �. .. I Sure of a Fine Funeral. ), ; - rm, I estate situation in 1,'askatooa, Tog -other r . . . I . . . . . . . � - 13i . *4A,itli ourront list. of ipvcstinentsa4�affibl,le � � I � would k,,3 no I , -and. took down the phone. I ":,arry," said a merchtint to,a stur- < . . hl� silk hat In his hand and 'with a I I - . . flello,! , Give me night Oly ellitol I i �, I .. 11 I dv Irishman -in his ernpl-,)Y, "are you . r _,�;� 0,` - awl 1, ai­ �r co-operative syn'lz I . . � story--er­-!ab6 . I . I . � I - ,. I , ,artictil, sof o1i I . � 1; . 1. � �. . -1.,..4 "',­ . I . � j-, "_� ; . .1. �. I - .. � - � - boutonniere of hothouse-violptsia.,h)[P I I .. ilroi,.:-Tl,i,it.4a%A',A-�:�.1,'ve -kot-o'.4 Z� I ,:1v In,," i . I I . Ig", ". � ; I chtes,-,i� ,B; S,1,81<04�00n,­Sask- Ill tf - - � I _ - �___ . ;� ahy of your.. m6r)e1­'?`. .. , �, , �, 4 '.'.'.'., , .- -7W.jki6.---r�'JrL _ I .11 . . I . ,. ­ ­ . . I.. -.1, , - . � lapef . _hiM_­biLdi`youZ I " - "', � .. - "lndad_� I a0l, s,Or' Luplif13: Larn%, -r- ' : " X VET- . .. , he gave every indication of. be- - . . L I . -ub bere tiamod Powell. Plense give - . .1. � ' 11S. .r .. WAN"AD-SOUIAl. AFRICA. "A . . , � , . ve 'o AV , . IRA� ­varranta-;--spot ca,,] I I ing the society figure that his name ,,him." "V ,- t $400 hid, ,a 6y in a ,�afe. ' 11 - H NS! li�nd N , 1: . . - - bqtsincss 'il don't know , d .1 w6ek's' tria 1. Report id City ed- .., � - I I I � . 1 . -itv Ol- ar I . .q 11 and wealth had made possible forrhim. .4e(z?,)1 I . r place. I I � 11 . paid; wl I . . . :11 , r � . . . . � - " Iviro immodi, ,M. IV. P� , I I , I t) r.,, . . . . � I I . . I The lawyer lobbyist walked directly whur you are.talking abouV . � I . I . P. - � . "But it ;sn,t a.public-51iirited pr)liry oagors,,ws ,\IcIntyreBlock, MinfiVeg. I i 1. , ,� ' away I -1 =___ - - - ______ r ' . , . as seat- "Ca:n we 0 . I . r I � . ! . ..� �to board mi-mey , .." reEnarkod ft 1. __77-7 _­­ . . . � . . . . &J I . ,jLLE;r .1, . IT t(I (111"% him. "YOU. " - "F FkUlT LAN . DS, 1�013 SP 1, 'ww"Itl�eved,. . I rrorel�ant, � thinlfin� . ov . , to'the desk at which Brand w � let rit gor . ver for one day?" I -Wher6 Is be, sIr?" asked- Powell, , . . I e f ' , It) reply "I don't know what .You are'talking - .. r . S*1.. IF ----. "...-r-.—'-.'.'.-''--.-----'----1"4�-r— , I � , . ed. .. to the managing editor's Y(111're a� reporter now. Pind birt." - . . I-: , . . . .. I . .1 r . . ought to cl.�posit, ,a. in a good bank, r . .1 . FRUIT FAII�X---�95 ACRES IN WINT- . . . . . . I . I - salutation he b6wed sdilly and leaned . ab6ut.111 I . . . "Yes, Sir." , Ile --,tartii to%vard the I _. '. r I SO 'a� to keep it- in circulatLin," TO ORDER DNA district;%best of land; peache& 1. r . r -1-kou insist on his coming here per- I . . "I'-ro it".1 ,ill ro i. ' , �c!rkylati�n ­ . I I . I ," . . '.. forward over -the ,desk. , . . . r r. ' 4 il:j I, r(,,)(,,,. I . r . I .. . "I' 1. . � . . ,,- , v . . . .. . 4,ral, � , plums, etc.. in full bearing; good . I 1". c � . . Several moments elapsed before Du- ' , . . i hn. sioor,nd day atl�her I'Ai'd,.-ad, sor,." ft ­,14 foF S&Ilipjo& and flgaSUre F8;',-,1,P�. hous% and Imilding-, handily situated; sonally?" I ­0vot, here. llowowl" cried sylves. , . . �-.,; .1, I r t, . !I . . . pride. riincteen tho sand. Chas. 11. Page, . . . � v pay spoke. He was trying to put his "Of course I don't. -1, don't Ansist on I I . . I I �., . . �,nl,- Larry proudly, .. � . I �Ll . .; ' � , , anything." . 1. . .... . tii,v_ lvading h'i-rin ill tile 01)44�L"Ivfic� . ! . , \ . I . . . . . r R01i Winona. r � .. I . .. I �� opening words'in the most judicious I . . . . . ... I .... , - , 138 BAY STREET, TO r � . -r �. � I I., . . . r � T I 1. . - rhors Start. . �_____ . I ­ . . . language, and well he might hesitate 1111ow much time have we got?," 00n. . .1 . I . � 11 . How flu I I-.--.-- - . .AGENTS WANTED. - . I .. . " ddHe 'Ictows. all about that". , - I joc, 1)�Ilqn now added to..th(, tozin- I . "What`�- this about sew, I IV - Y - � ('-)% . . . r :� when one considers the nature of .his - . . ­ r � . � . . ing your un- Ozl 11 - -, " 11 - ____._____�__ . . I � . . 'Dupuy was immeasurably relieved aging editor's troubles by.dgain coln- � '* '-11� * \ , � fortnnnte wives in SUCKi. ` ; A I L R VACO 1% 10 I r - � r . evil errand. . . I ., I . . .. . I . gents only for two now popular lines; ,- . - , at this last remark. It was tke first ilig Illfq the,oflivo.' , . . . I ! fr, -"� �, 4 !'Nothing in it,". -i--(-I-)]'P4-7t-fiea;=-e,-ill-t.nr , ,' , ay provide a I . I �. I "The gentleman who was coining to' I I . - I" p ations in Canada to -4, good salary and commission. Apply Brit- . . I ga n. .: .. . _ 1. I ,r "Ill -k . empliatically. "I did get 'em some 2,el,rd,an.e. I,,, yoling MO. We - . see you tonight," at last he said care- time that Brand had indicated that "TIV11* You, Ali- Brand," ,bo be k ­ ish Canadian Didnstrial Company, Limit , I . ge� "Cou'ld you ,spare me a little car tare?" . hobble sk* ­ 1 7 teach'I'61U�ral)lly al,(l 4t`,Lti01i Agents' . rf ; Bartelmy and he had bad an enga I wol-l� (!t)llll) ote ilisliortest iline. Par- V . irts." . ) ed, 2)S Albert strco,t, Ottawa. ', fully, "has had to go to the opera. with ' I . Hr- I I . . n . Aleulal,s j*,,(,e. NVriti, Centrat Tele- — ----- ­ - - " his daughter. He has asked me to * ment. .. . I I an(I tossed birn a quarter. "Never I—— - .!!� OICNG FOR THE - " . I , I I I N I 11 I i _1J _1910_4__., - . . — grapll al - sellool, Yonge IF YOU ARE LO I ., W,".be said" "Smy, ­ - - . . . . )(I Itall1i " ' . . . ". I come in his stead." . ".Mr. Brand, I can almost assure you mind no, , Joe. go out I .... I and Uerravi , ToronLo. best Premium proposition Ili Canada . � �1 elit will keep his appoint- I vVitb that cub toulgilt. . It will- give I W., !I.1eiN"X-NV, President. -one. that appeals to eVeryone-apply to I I , , � � , Am expression of complete bewilder- that my cli . ,r . � . I .. I �� 11111i� I - - .- �._____._­-_!!i ! .k. Sellery, AVertising Dept. 228 Albert . � � . I '� .. - . I � . , . --- I— - . r I I . t ment spread Over -the other's face. ra6litIl' The lawyer's voice. rarfg out , � '1�c � � !� . I ptreet, ottaNvU'. . I . . 9 r . . . '.4 . . . 1 ii ' Grim Consolatidn. - , .. , , .. "A gentleman? What gentleman?" firmly- . . . " . I . . ­- � .-!- , , . . . . � I . I .... . , =�=__ . .. . � - - .. ­­ ' - r ;i � I I - . . . . .. i .. . r - - n -m", '. ., . I "on . e can never be t6o co - . . . , . . I "John, old b .1'_said11_iW sick man —_ I . . I . . - . � ' The -editor -nodded carelessly toward - � . .. ,refid about mat 1 . i0y', ,ART GOODS. . . . .. . �,. . . o%l he Interrrogated. . - . .. .. . � . . - I. . I . ters of this ktnd." . ; . to the attendant, "I want'�_Q.0 to �go . r ... . ,� Dupuy was momentarily nonplused. the spbaker; who spun on his heel ohd '. I .1 . . . , r '. - r /I \, �.� �, I anothir minister." ART RE PRODUCTIONS- I t.11 I 1,�� . � . . I out and fetch me , F'r�'�',,OnY�� "Why, the gentleman who -ah, with spwWY strode away. The telephone He sent,the owce bo to bring tne � / . , , Austrian, E nglish; r Can't tell '' . Y . I . . � r ' , , , r ­ - - ii,\_ y . "Why., y6u've bad a preacher with , from real - 4.300 per cent.' -profit; make- $50 .r I for 0 r L_ _ 32� � . � whom you made an appointment .bellsounded. Brarid bi�nt:.6,ver quickly. .. . � two reporters� Aoward.. and I Jeff. mornina." . 1. . . I � "Hellot Who -oh, yes, Mr. Nolan. ; , . - 1" 0 . . � , . I you all' the . . " weekly -, �irticulars free, Artistic Novelty r . . I o'clock this evening -h - . � 7 Speaking'to MISS Stowe' the Ilcentral"� I "That's just it," gasped n. a., , - I I . _, ere -at your of . I . J the ma . Co., Syi.van Lake, Alta., Canad, . ficclr � No, sip, not.yet, but I think we'll have . I . of the Advance's private telephone sY� was chedring'me up, I . . ;1�, I . . . Here's the Ideal light for= store .1 * - h ht he __J�L_ANTSFOR -SALE. - r I Brand still refused t� show his lumd. him landed all right In, about half an - . . I . heaper gas or' ' '�3.htbou - .. .1 � -, ____ � �. . . . ,Please 'don't, worry about It. I' - . 5� . � . tem. he said: -I'Do not put anybody else church or home. C, a. � t' old me I'd meet .my three — I I I I should be very glad to hear what' hour. I r . . . . on this wire until. you bear from me, . electricity. Gives 6mcandle powerof wives in ;heaven I" . . SI�RAWBERRY PLANTS -WE -CAN , . , I I Yo, � It'll be'. all right. Just,go away and . A r P w lant light for one cen r I I � . , .� � . . no matter bow long it takes. 10nder- per ho I& n e Instfated anym,here- .........i.i.ii............ furnish plants of ,the celebrated Wil- . . r r . . I . U have to say,. Mr. Dupuy but, hide somewhere, for they'll .be doluk . , , �. . . th edl- makes you I 'do eppent-you own your� . . .. liams strawberry at following prices, eAre- I . r � . �. r I frankly, I don't know what ;;�u are . ' . . I., stand?, Connect this phone wi . 0 $plan usandguldailyuse. I fully packed, safe .deliyery gup.ranteed:- . ' the baby act as quick as I trap him, I . 'forial room 4 and have it Connected . r no et"O" 0 its free I spostal RY MURINE E ED Ir 100, $3 per 1,000 by express; will. . . i . drivink at- . .1 I brings it. RICE KfilIGHT.' Ll 50C. pe . And �peated, -ed Toronto.6 I . am For ked, Weili, Weai Watety Eyes to dollar; . � ": The visitor was annoyed. He -was . you'll be squeevA to death before - until I tell ,you. Aw be sure about r forward postpaid 160 plants for Or I I we get to thL% Understand?. Agatu'lle t�peated, . AND GRANULATED LIDS ecial price in large lots; circular. Wm. I Imy would not s6nd press. r YOU promised Me this T i Pain 21 Carleton Fruit Farm, �,; . positive that Barte r I chance. You want to'know what% go- I . . iS It . concerned the success.Of-Ills-ei __� _­ 1. I ;- . I Murine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye . Bunting,r The . , I . him on a wild goose errand. Sarely ing on? Well; where will. yim be2 __ . I tire scheme, "Poutbreak the connei . I - . I . . -, Murine Eye Remedy. Ljq" 25c. 50t_ $1.00.' St. Cathai. � . � I I . �, :1 . the judge and Brand had come tb r I ) I WILL SHIP - -, e WIM,ii . . . I Mleae Eye Som in Aupdc Tubm 23c. 31.00I SEND MF� $1.00f ANI Your ftrms regarding the silence -of the Ad.' TXIPIO 8 Plaza, Get Off th . . . . don until I ten:you mi . I ­ . � . I . I . � I . � RVIE BOOKSAND AbVICK FREE BY MAIL on f.o.b. 200 strawberry plants. - - Stoi Yes, Mr. Nolan,, they ent Jb I . I . _� . *' ` . . - I 0 ' . 1x1nds: Wfl- . . . . ... 0& as babi-i- - . r i Ce*, Ohio - I .V --f-ro-isi Id- Iron cam do. The two reporters came in. a , 6�.T. from the,. well tried , � � . I I �'Ili boys, understand what I want , 11 15L . MUrine Eye Remedy . Dunlop, Michel's Farly. � I cislon. The editor was playing with On U& . . . r L��m I � - 110.1as, senator � . - . I . ME, . . .. __ Or ser ice Ust I., . . ru can you up later.- I : * . td for my eaWogue amd pr . , him now, he k0ew-dangling him. on a . .. � I . . � 1 I . . .. . I � Y*u to do. You've got to take, word . I I . naliff L fr% � 9, H, Rgtealio'nse, Joi E�arbcir, � ' . - , . . I � fbir word, a convermaon rm going to verbal bim I CMEAPTER X. I , I .. Id I . 9 First Choice. , . I 1. . I I I . ,� � . . I I . I Mr. Jawback-My dear, I.Was one Ont. I - — , . book to Auft&e _ - �R I . _.i....�_ � ,� �. "Oh, come, you know who I mean- D hung.up the telephone , . I , . . � . . . have here. 00 in i0ow ,i You, Jeff. .R ONESEt. . - - I th41 first to leave. , . . - TEACHERS WANTLO. , " I., , .. �, . I . Bartelmyl!' snapped the judge!s.despl- rei with axi-anxiouvv-e� I- - ­ ! . � I . take the receiver." . .1 . ; '' . actiptsioNs- - : ,a Mrs. Jawback-Oh. you always say 11 4iii I � I "Yesi sir.11 I I I I , . . EAC �L!,Iroll S. S.: . . ;! cable tooL , pression od his fam . . I . I .. . � � I I that. . WANTED -A �113:1,� . i-_ . "Judge Bartelmyli" exclaimed Brand must keep �avruy,trotn thWhe� ! mmmwm==� . NOWN11011 . . "AnCT-yon, Howwdt� take the exten- . � . TO . -Mr. Jawback-I can p . rove it this. ,No. 1, . arley; 11 to � CM 11 . ,-4.. T . W_ , .1 ' Aw 7" zfter Easter. 9d , . . � ?" - , . . . I . idon: wM each hAr what to milfteka , sashtchme. - #Jkft time. Look Oat Lin the hall and see' � . 9-___1.100�� - �� in surprise. "Well, what about him muttered.tenselly. "Let him take atridn I __ - 11 0 . _H&nbu7.:F, 11 I , I.. - - Dupiny produced a card, which,the or,go to:sleep or. Sury.himself it he .1 . . '_ said. Zee It glued to your best ear Spwo Traim 6ave Twome Z.O&PAR. as , the beautiful . umbrella 1 brought. _... I . . J . I - ;:w:t and take down evelt� wOrd YOU. bear APRIL 4.18 UAV L If. 80 JUNE'll; til, 'home. - , �� I :. , . I . I editor glanced at. - . upuyVets *I- I . _�7� PHOTOGR, -4 ER. . . 1. 11 � winto i6. *If Bartelmy or D NO . "What!s this?" be asked. TheA he hold of him after I've shown my hand toi between -Judge Bartelmay and � JULY 11. 26 AUG. & V . I Up"t. 11, is � . � . - . � . . I � A M ATE U R' PEEOTOGRAPHMN � ' V. .. N r1h me. The judge vrM sit to the chair at &.Md dw b,6b k. O.i d.4ft 0 1 Thousandth Anniversary., -L-2- developing I roll, 10c.; D�, . . read: 11 IDppuy will relpresent me.,- In there'll - be the merry d-1 a to�.Xay, , . . �", 040. . . . . � the right of ray desk I will be in my . N"wed vei a Wit ."story, The . � what?" ..... I . . Ramsbary, the little Wiltshire vil. each. Amateur on ea. . -sue. , .. . WJ , own,chalr. Th .LOW�ROUND-TRIP RATES . i Photographer_ FOAVIlliam - . and If they find him they n2ight: I a .. - e telephone vrill thus be I I lage that was an episeppal gee in the , Out., Can . � .k - ceed In coaxing- I wonder it 2iVoWsl wM -,Bow woula. Vou Wro to be a -r , wisi "Cl return $33.00; Eiiilmmmki aed r I _ 900, JAag just celebrate(! the mil. hda- I -K.-_ -k,.-_-,_* . . . I �r � stick - I swnder if NO1= WIU 49k*,- he r?" midway bei um Whatever words P,i,U-i,)'r.e.,". _r J, ,$41.00 mod to othex . . xi,w year !ation of Aethel. ___.. I - 7— , . . I I - I you something to think about, and you he and I fAY will be add almost direct- . SQ to mum vndm 60 dayi fiviiiiii rin &6L I lenary of the conseci I I . �kept repeating over and over tD-filinliselt. . stan its first'llish6p.' %. I . . 641SCELLANEOUS. � . . -The noise of Voices raised In Indignam can show. him as much in a, �Ight as - ly over the mouthilliece, of the ph6ne. 'TO U,R I ST S LEE P1 N G CARS I WANTED -WOMEN 1VMO WANY . 1, . - tIon broke in upon him from the outer he'd learn In a mouth 410ne- Mr- D11- Now,. you see what I am going t6 do"- ,.. .n excuriagm. comi baths. fWly equilviA. - V_ - - - iiii . - . _____ . to earn from $20 -to $50 . 1w . � . . .. I hall at h1i right.. -'Oh,.that!s a chest- Ion, allow me to present you to Mr. Brand took a lead pencil. from J& !with be#ia .cwbewi=Wd&la0dn&%.r&w RRM.=11441415111916W . . ta, eacourseinourBe .0 . . 1. � I ecal . I ,/ I . , . Chiro I � I . � ' ag"l. . . I : pody, body massa I., broke nie pocket and began a proceeding which Early 41�PIIC&tion must W made .,.: '� � I . . , � . . il " nut�ll gonio one cried; "he's always outi, ,Sylvester Nolan. Mr. D111oh � . , . --hairdiessing and man Ug me' r.lrt: . I I - always,when 31.c6me.1; *� Into the business," sahl the editor to the two reporters, accustomed as they jASK FOR HOMESICKERS.- PAMPHLCT . . 1. . �,, Graduates assured position& Don't ffWdy. : .. � I . eas to Ingento 0.6ftwaing to" and bA iafamat6n. I .? some � . - L . , . The ed.1tor glanced around and saw the newspaper owner's son. were In their busin us Apply to aeu . e#CPA.AaeiiaortoR.1�,Tbm�vi - 9,; . art that is already overcrowded. . . . 1. In disorders and dis.' Sylvester Nolan leading In, his friend Sylvester drew a ponderotts wad of . strategy. failed. at first to understandl. i ' DisL F�i Ass.. Totooft. oug".8 S. 0 'there is a big demand for�compietent gmd- L � , - . I . I - . I vis. ­ - uat" in this busineia. OlasseFs start tbU I '0. . ell, the poet. . bills from his pocket and offered the ,Then the scheme dawned on them. ONLV DIRECT LINE . 10 CHMIGE OF CARS ei Dozenwei 105 �Yonge streeti -. i I . emes.of children druis Pow . L I C.P.A�17. '1911' i . . Toronto. - .. � 1. � . � "You're not out, YOU, old man?" top onoto -the bid "down and. outer." Brand took the telephiptle receiver from . - I seldom do � good and asked young 14olaa 'of Brand.,, "Who's "Yon want to handle My friend po. the hook: and the metal am Immedl- I----- . -_ ­ I I . --- - _. IN I : that fly duck that tried to keep me INVOW with gloves," advised SylVester.' ately� snapped upward, establishing the " . . I . . - . . . . . . . I � 4� . Often do harm. I . from coming IR21, . "He's just fall of temperament." connection. Then he inserted the Point . , The best equipped factory for Careful, feeding and . I indignantly of the lead pencil In the emali aperture ,,� "PLE - Cirossfield, . - -1r. eorry, Nolan,,, rin very busy, to- The old . — I _]�ORD I � newspaper man � I plioducing Cottriter Cle& . I 'i to excuse'We on y hich y ting IRU - auder the fittle'nletsi arm oi hook and .. . . .I � . . Sitt*tea in the beautiful Proi ' - , I � L - refused the M e W 0 No It oft " The t" L . . I I I . 1. bathing are the babies' ' Iftlit, and you . and plunged out ot Me delilAfttely broke ., Books in C=a& - -of Albert% � . . . rfa Tay busy." . held ent to,14m � — . . . within 50 miles of Cal. l edies. 1 6; ;;o�*.�_ 13rand . . I ; ' � rem !'Standy, old boy, I came ft ou-baid. Offim. :, 11 wedgw thus field np . . COUXTEK . .. - I I . The 090 stood 9k .mute Witness to. now wm, aud.66von. I . I I CAPA gary. I ba" & 4=U -ter "Otioni, new. Want to get a job ZDr nly,td" bousup, the Tee I ----()ITY " . . I n. �� n9ni Powell here.- 110s a poi H6 draI16 the proceedings. I . . I , dI point prevented tb* welght 'of the I I . . . fenced; 10 nom in cultivation; all . . , . -Go Itter him?" "mmaladed Drand. ftCeIV6t from bei 00 book 410" . Counter . can be broken up; 2 14 mfles west � S C Ott I 00- E r, , �.'A 'I J ,I %i I I � F ged the wan eyed rhymester up to ow I smd breaking tho tonotation. - *Xht eon. r'F .' � M - . - I . . . " � Xkanirs "Ir- Iftak, "n, *14" wd Powell.darted . . _ L CheckBocks 'of croasa"d. � . 6 - I is th6 food-mn-Aicine that , r ,The editor loolued Poi evier. trubtobillft Aftw 0111M . ne"1611 wa's made continuous without . WOOS.. per day 104i"60; $2,WD ci balance-ar- I � L', "Vfto to tbat old *&&110 asked 871- the W*btest IndloAtim tMt such was I ranged. This is �& way., I , � "not only no"11rishes tlltrn �, "il!t earry poets on the per I I . = . . . . 11 I BOOK . roW be granted. V41111tw bf 06 effiti I the, caft Dv&7, w"A now spoken WJOL . Addrillex 116i . . 'i ' Inost, - bufalso re�,L\ALI.�-.' I'— - iiii jZst i,00k at tbu om r(P., '�114 '*do the b"A rfto,rter th" the , Withfa 4L refteon" dUbluno Of the . ' . L . . . i) I We ere ou lying th A Losgfst Central Preas Agandys I 11 N � 11 , - vow, let Mr. Brand oeo your,oft to tW fidvaDde Ovet IM46" - 0"thple" W"Id, be ow"o" W the \ I 5 � uxis of Cowiter Cbeek SWks . , . , Toronto. . " L I their dlgmtica. 1'44�'L a . ' ' - telephotle &W - tb# ektaftidon teieVh0U0` I I 'L . L L � . '�� , I I opening of the, Omaha expoi "Ho &VVW&L dio me viltb Win?' XOMPANT9 ib 6m�a With oui I - _ . - 4 I 10 4 , I I , � � I -11 I "I I M h d , I I I ` - , I - ID;1 '' 14 W , L e, , V.N� I :*J f 11 1, k�, &I �A" f _ffld�T_ I . Wonderful ton' edhorW tootil 4, wbon Iftowalled nod . re"Ory 0 1 ,c- Ic.r ebil- � Weht it (te CoInpieddon Wfth MIM- , "Dobft�" in . . I I.. . wToo,Wl V^ a. fe" o0sbt tO Ai, to .00 oixrAned. Who had . a" offl..,o 4 I I . 14 - ��.�� V "IMPERIAL. POOKS" - StYla In Speech. . . - I dre'n' of all A"�ev,. I The -1 ' Powell, behiled tw 00em to 1*� ,; fean, W MtnA L ftop$4" J*Mrked $te0OgftpheW taft Wfth thoM on I , . . . Do you believe in using words ot, . I I I I 'At all'd X - - I SiOrkovil Ave.,, 1mrMe 1144PIC117 Era;ll we�,� L. I'll � sy"aafte i)o1wV*wAr. ON^ Brandy* which they won wh to take down I APPLEFOAD COUNTIC R one syllableP" asked tVe student -of 0 1 . . . - old boy, I *"t to a* yod Ipst one the coilon, in, shorthand. .HAMILTON, . I C "'t"Os' not," replied Senator Sor, .. � . I hbialth o1i L.I.-.1all duSeo. I I P�-.�I.d 06tv teVii* too*h4 19 Wdtebcd to a "This oboi be, Open an the time � (Not in the"irftiA.) NECK, GOOK � po,'Cettaitlly i . . .r.o,.t atl,L*�, BV P.T,T, x)1X00%sT5 I ,.! , th ,,"ttle aets , friend � of mWeii, 00 that Blattelmy to h6W announced ONT, � . � COMPANY;* L . iMITED. ghlial. Every real gentleman sayil L � A I . , I . I . I .- ,perqu bes,1 inste ,_ . I &%�!V:A .., I ­ .1 . isi*' ad. of 'graft'." I I " ," "V.0 , , -and. 0ob In th 1� .6iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ., � . 111, I IL � 0,q0upylera *Cub*&* Bt eirei, Howard, and we 10"Nowiiiiiiiiiiiiii , I ­ _ . . I IN � sood lot., 2i,l*1eofpJ1l7ethhd; 13nmTot, tot bL�autlful Savitigs Batik and Child'iA " . 8L-Otch.ilwk. Llach baak toiltal2is a I 'dooll 4U42k PC1111�', - 4 6COTT &I ROWNP. � I " I i2a WAIngt6h. UP WW", Ttwoafrf, 0.1t. t Itho viihmt #up* t1w bUt Mad v4n�pT � 'lop MARVEL ~. �= _.'4"414k' jw=Nd Wl" =mpftir co.r .0 ow"hok 0 i%n her pict'n" in a promineot Dino*, won't yodf, oylvestor bi 131W�& h obi -XW atkaneviire No. jrentl#, Doin "a bmow hei Shei I , it You cati beat Jeff and we talking, - I I I . ____ Is I . I . I � Sit over bet* 3eft.- no pointed to th6 _ Child :ry. - . I . 1 A I 0S g ". thair at h% tight. Irowatid wont Ott. . ron 0 4414ow, ;tf� take dwo this and . take ( 4: 1, � . I GfiM - POR-FUTCHER r I CIO U . so ow 41*0 Ill"" t . ilhuv ajo, ! . " a .84 conthl,11W . ro tw4ii,461iff-Iii, I-;, -Im"o-01-601"do CASITORIA = A *a too -_& too$* I " . . I g I -2' '' � ­ - ' I .111--, I &.. - � . 0 � , _!�L, . L . -'&I-- ­ ­-4­�--�­ 4� -1,1,�lL��'-,,,jiiijlll,lbiigi&i,.&,Alt,k-. __ _­�,­i__ - , .. 11 . __ __ . ____ __ _.L..6iii