HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-27, Page 2.PW#,4ToT- nrfv,�Fw-". I- ��Jp, A— � - t- - � - j - -- - , � - ,.—,. . ,i� .. '. , .. � - , . - ,� - -14r
71WK-7— 717 , � , 1-11M 1, Ir
FTWV,—,. - I * IT" , M ,r7,,,,,T _77"O"'W"g-7. , � I I prq7V 1WfTF_�1-9ff"W � I I . I
;11—'7—Z,M7,'F0TTW P'F—. I ,)M R - lrtvlrr� - . � .... 71 � 1 77'oW1`_ . � , (, . ,,I -T
, �
. , —_ 7 I " ,
- — I . I � - , . . � �
. I I S. . — . I � . I . — � I , — —_ - _.
1*00%, ., IF - I ________._.,___, _ _ MM MVMW XW =A; f - - _ .% - I __ . THURSDAY, Apall, situ, IOU. I 4�
_____ , . I . . .--- .- I �.*
I %bles W I ho Wer . ured, appKite qiikle, sometimexI Aid In the, developm#nt of natural Oud'their faves 41ofigured, by plm� ElectrIcRestow for I -We BUTDONJAie
I ,
. . I heaclacheo an,a afeeliult of depres- resource* in Canada. � pies, dark spots, erupotiona, ete. in 11 UARWMA WLIOAT03. NOTAUY
, - __ __ __ E -IS' 1110 61011.' Filorles or eruptionis w*Y up- DO a promoter of the rftl -p es 0M ,'�' o
From Constiption, LABORIT . ,rooper- The skin Peeda aftention—tieedo re- Rh - Pill Ir 1!1.M#1_11V_41.yM1:,11.M,
. r cou�erned. , novating after the tryin me it I
0 Pear owthe akin, ortheretmay to ity of,eueh couptri Z U , . RVA3141cfe BTU,
U � JaMpTo$
The 1404 Ques, Vho suffer from twinime of rheumation or neuralgia. Confirm .the . urina the vim *"(I vitall ,
; . � ,i friendship which has passed throuah , wea upois 4yorte at 0 C . 4V �_
. ake ou a ug ,-.". r $3 * box. or tsl .
vooatip!k�lop - 1)141 efftion, or Prominent Official Is Ohargod Any of ,these Indicate -that the Bhoul icx1 between We' two Winter . le t a y ad r 5 . he 111�ra,ju
. , , " colic, ftla - blood Is outi,of order, that the, - adjoining na Just thinl� what it liwg . one . I $1 X 'on., 0 - 01MU
wbal,orthf) mavy I 11hat affliet '4o- , tions. .0
. ,e
teb dren, will find, promVtyellef in With Dynamiting. d9or life of winter has left ' its Destroy -at roug:4 I., You U4,v,e been out in I . . I CoulleT.Ruce, Notary public, . V L
I - prejudices th exist th
�Bgby7a- Qwu Tablets: —.%medicine . I mark upon you, and may V�49ily de- a . eveial rain and sleet and enow. Yoqh . mmiasioner, etc. I
. I - ,�0110t unrestricted co=m ave " . �
. a boon at one ient perspiring RBAL R-15TATB AND iNSURANOR.
tbqxt Is'suarauteed a�boofi�tily ,safe N-elo ) lato More serious trouble, re ii,tions. :1 , =011 �,
, 1) I .
Md'fre t f roin alyinjurimm drugs- apLoSIVES FOU, ND IN BARK oul 'dose yourself with purga- Bolueato the people in the direction frova skating, or, some other exer. Ford & .McLeod .
iv laolfthe orily)nedlgine for babies � tivel as so many people d . I" , Issuer of Marriage Licenses. �
11 . o, in, the ,of -a still greater cipgree of tion. Then You haVe stood to Ocoot I , .
oold,Rm � hope that you ean tlood � . WE are ooW selling Timothy seed at . t
. dex the 'guarawtee. of a gov: . put your, 1 tariff r6form., off." You lialve spent houm of the Rul on St,' Clinton,
� i � indoors at atemperatuve equ- � �
'erumialt Analyst to Wntain no', op � rglht. Paireatives gallop throuah. FV-ee ,Canada and, the States, from day $7.00a bushel. Oovernmeut Standard. .
jute, nurcotic or other 11sootbing" ,John J. McNarnara, Socretary, of ths the system and wealmn 1,nstcadi of ith. e shaelf les of certain Wealthy PA to sumnier heat. 'Then you bave We have also on band Alfalfa at -".'
. � .
. I Titult Conoerniv, tUelANTS, RIM- BrIdge 'a"no Struct(jral I r9n Worker* glyipg r,treng�th. Any doctor Will interests. - . covered up Your skin—except your $Aft Alsike $10, Red Clover frour H. T. RANOE
e§t,V,l=on.4oa,Se. JulieStuttonl tell youi thla is; true.', ,Wla -t GiVe, free trade in natural products f,ace—a4d gone, out into, a temper- $8.60 to $9" - Notary Puttliv ne.ello
, . �
11 �Qu I it Qf America, Is. Arrested at Indian- I . , a 414ut . have Always on hand Goose ;. .
� %, wri es; "It is a pleasure for need do ithe spring is pi tonle, to thegreat -benefit of prod Fil 4,"Clal and Real Ffltaf 0.
� , uc. ature away below zero I No ,Won -
,me �tole# Y014 ,know WhaX your *pollf Accused of odmPlIcity In i N,Aveeat, Peas, Barley and feecl Corp At INSUR4NOV. AGENT-Ropresputina 14 Vol (. In. .
� 'Will make new blood and build up , ,,,e,rs and consumers. der that, With all thesel changes, $21 a too. wro&w Companies.
I 'iBsibyla -ONVA T,%ble�s )4ave doid for Los Angeles Outrage - '64YO . 'the nerves. Dr. Willi.%mal Pink pills steu the dpwnfall of in1prious the skin of the face and peck,shows U
I .
lbab r so � It isthe only, medicine that 'can, 'do and se'Ifish combines and trusts signs of n ding attention. � , all, DWsio Court 0014-C. . L�
, , may -culldrea, Xy I 0fered , ' Whole, Thina Is. A "Plant, I Highest Marko I t prices pald for I
orriblF I I c, a,- In , ee grain. . it
I , from oonstipWo6 an . I 'this speedilyi -safely and crease the Value of f4rm lands W Zam-Buk and Zarn-Buk Soip'ara .. ... I - - �-
I . � '�
_gh W. Was 'Ap .el3r ,the, Bast as well as In t _ I
I QV �0 had a.dootor there, , . ril - 4 -Al . d, I sl9i he, West. the reme4les. Sweax ZamBuk,�, w"'-
, Tn�ilanapolis,, Ind., - ter. BverY close of (t)ila me ictue elps '
. . boy, *e iskin, strengthens the agetite erup- - medi,,,aj. .
bL '%V11ic4 Clears '
�,e -4 1 tolmakeinow blood, ,lurstify the p 'Canada - ightly over the :spots, the
,, . Is own Tab- tnont4 .Qf, in
'� �. , to P-1vt 11 � . Win. 1. Bur4s, the Ban, Frauciacp d ma , , giving Sir Wilfrid Laurier an- 11ons, the. sallow patches, at night, A & McLeod
. ug,e in hi� condlticoni till
. veatigation. directed eople of in t I rn
14 V
o . ) him Ba I . i , kes tired � r . DR i 14t W. TROXIMOX ....
I I sruce then h. 'graft investigator., now head of -a de- an ,, depresse, men, Other lease of poweb, and wash wtth Zam,Buk Soap-on1v . . I
, 12, �� 00 � � , I ...... e a I Is I'll tqatjvi3 Agency,, John J. . McNamara. - women and chilldren. bright, activ . e ]KIII. no legitimate industry or en� 25c V t b,let-ea day. � Then Acian, Swgeon. 4,te P .
�, 00 , W - ' er a. ell W, ". watt$ & Son: - � moe.jal attelltIon given te dipsiou CC" - . .
., W; e e r international see and' strong. , Xr. B,Xartin, 'Deux iterprise In either country. - notice how. quickly your appear, - - Eye..Nar. Throat, and Xom� ,
,� , W; ,e s . all at ()
. 17 d - � , . . .
ir�,, icieuto abox 0 . rwil , retary *1 the Bridge . a year . h, refin. .o
1� I , .. r- . Let down the bars for
: lip=%� L � and Structural Iron Wovl;ers ,4 Am- 'Rivieres, Que.i says, 41About - the unre- ance improves, As,the rie - opp.alte Post, OfAce
, Me d I -, o, ockv4le2 . l I Was 41 run dow ct , . . . . . �Ryes; carefully ex%mlned, and suite '.
. es( into . . -,. Alrep ,ob�e s!"e- , ; I
I evics.. the headquarters ot which are� oagc - n I V auce, of a Wi ces sink d I . cribed. . � .
4D I .., iix . . -Was ' - I . de eidy, herliml essen ha.rd, iscurfy-like � I . . .
I -NAP-4o. jn'Tndisnapolis, wao, Arrested here Pile, 'WQ*ak, 4. liwd igzUttle ap- range of'raw materials. - the tILsSUe, the � . Shoe Makers and Repairers . Offico. and flosidepee.
I .. ,
I I '. late . Saturday chargowithogamplicity Peltite. I also suffeted -from- Mkei more patent the Imperial ad- es' are removed.. Better color . . ,,, I I . I , .
! --. . . .. I . I 6 . . Two, doors'West gr t1ke 0nas-erew 444401 1
� . -
1, . �.n tU'e dynam,iting *I- the Us Migelc nd though I � . I . Iqlarawss., I
_ va,% ia th�' back, a Vantage,' of the British r It,
I I �s viere � . pre- retell s. 'The cells ofthe skin be- . - .
1 : I . sealorm , . Tlmqs,� on Oct. 1'. 191Q, And the plont tried -several wedicinea' nothing . ferenve. I . . . I caMet Vansparent. The Wood be- � - . . I . . --_-;_ .. I . . I
- ' - -_ .
. . I ..'' I I f the Llewellyn Iron Worlis in Los helped m6unitil Ibegan.the�uaeof Not Impadr the loy-alt-v ,.of 10ana-, . neath is Able to impart its, propet : To, raffficrs- ON 61kept . . Dr. We Qqna 1 .1 . I I . . .
, . , - � � I %p
I 1. , -!Mr., And Mrs. -A. W. Stoble left tbIR: 0 - I � . Dr. William's, ,Pink Pills; an diani'to, tive British Smpire' . - coloring.,* to the tissue, and the( 4e_ . . I I �
I . . )they will Angeles, . . � d, these � I Nr.W�4*"13[,.3R.4%)r-0LX# IL. Xdft-
.�, �-`; veek for Rdwo,iton. Wller( , I?cux homrs after KaXamays was, S003a fully restored my hei,alth, I Open avider, makret for AD the licate, 73loom ofhealth' replacesthe. requiring good substantial footwear
, ". 11. .. d th ummer. - . . 0X"-0utsr1o8treet#0Untuu. N1 1,
, � I, � -pon � e a . can s1tronZ_1Y recommend these pills products ,ofCanadlan farms. ' sallowness. and pallor of'clisbase, . to resist Spring wet and mud, we de- f,ent dQo,c of offlqe or v0sidonces
.. , , A created, detectives found two quarts . - � . 9= - - ..
1 A] : to ,ever3r weak persou," I To .
. 11 -1. ly has beem.formed. under of nitro-glyosrin�- and rieveniteezi.pikke . , romote the 724mm-Buk is also, h sure icure -for. slreto, draW. your attentlon'.,to the stiast. -
.. .. colupal arltisiood will 'between ' jUries, and diseases. 'Be- fhct that we have several pair, of our ome, heu,s at 0 W4 to 3 ,p.m,, 7 4e, 9 ,V,la . ,, . I
I �
. ��.'�t A i . Sold by all !aitedxtine dealers. or by Snipir-4, =4 L the United skin in I
I )b.e name of "International Motors" of d7namite in, a barn fteeg44rtars I . I � OL
1,'� ',-��: vlt�h go CA tal of $40.(X)O, ,,and head ; of Tn4i&Ixapous. The: WaS 0 5or cents a box or'six boxes . Mateo. . c . zemal q1cero,ringworVa,yield to its -owumake of Boots, uppers mos.tly I � � .
I - - I
� , �
11 ". W, he purpose of C' a MUG�. West . .16r $2,56 from the Dr. Will Quell way danger ofthe aunexati ,use. For cuts, burn:s, bruises, child hand stitched, we are prepared to give I � ,III
:0faces at eafortho fur t barn, '"'.4oklotiveo say wag; rented lia!ms, on, I . �
.,: , -deAfing in automolitles, tuotor truc][P, Pi1Is'Xe,dleiVLe Co, of Qmd Is rashes, etc., it is ubeclualled, you good value for oneyt give DRo Je We SHAW, ,` I
. by NoRmiama, Oc4n T. 'it Jones, the Plul� ., Brockville, a to't4e, United States ren Our* 0 . . I .1 �
�'. , I , I d for pl PHISICIAM OURGEON,
, Motor boats and other motor VeWC108. . out. . Remove restiretiona, that a i -es. Mothers- will find us a call and seefor Yyouralel f when at I
� branches owxlor� � 11 I � . 1. re inimi- an I I � t . d residence 43D
� , J� P9 the intention to establish I A ' , real to, the basic Industries! of .Zam-Buk Soup best 16'r baby,'Et ba;th ' the Fair. � � ecouebour, etc., office an . .
I inToronto. Montreal, St. John. Half- A later ,investigation, of the ittet. * . lboth countries. A-11 druggista and' stores'at O'Do'box. a . I. I . .1 tenbary 8c, ovilosite W. Varraa!ff residence., I
. - Oational- offtoe4 of the. -union. disolos7 . A Wo for Zam-BuX a I nd' 25c. tal>ietC -or 3 1 11. ---.a , . .
, I I � .
I " � fa, (ja gary and Van I nderful Veteran Steady prices for live ofock, fruit, .. I . .. I
, x, Winnijag, -)eil g, applied odd.xln A stotoloom, in tha* basement, . � � , .. I . - DR. F A. RXOX . .
� I I � . cauver. A cbs,rter bs I p. eta to be of the buildli . ig,. 64 istfoks 44 dyhiamiteo . . __". , alid 61theriluctuatintr_ aericul- for, 7,0e -for the Soap, It you have - W , f . I 1 . I
0�.Ior, and the vo-ParlY " . . 1� _ any dil,fic!�Ily obtaining -order, , WW.* ff. Walls .1 soil . .
tube, 500 dynW_J,te .9aps., , General Booth reached ,his 82nd t I � OMT18T. . . . I � �
� I I I re dy to do bu-nes-1 i., 1j. ft�v. days. .000 feet of . - TerminaN 'er of the row = ujin . Tbrouio, and I . . I
- I
I , , a , I one dozen-amall slarni ,olookis and a birthda� on April 10.th. Except for *.e when'e�er e1t1k Co., , .. . . - I . . CroWn. and BrIftelVorlk a OffloCC1414YA _,_____ - _-
� � : , � The following [st,16stieg �Ire taken loather -ease made f,D carry. a ten. his eyealghtlainisound health. One .. coutractium'parties so dealres,if , send price. .1 7 , . . . . . . I
. , -t roll. Total 11 I . . . - found unwitisfaetory, I � I �. . . . - Graduate of OX.D.S.... Chicago, 4d it,0..D,8, . � .
i� from the town ass ,; M 31' pound can of nitro -glycerin;. X)etec.:, e Ylo_l.% ,17 sightless, but lie 01 Toronto
- Pro- . , , e ',T,)�erma4pnt ayfield 0, -
. ., assessment. $939,067: tax tWe r�tei - ope, tthat an operatia ' ni two great Anglo-Saxon * in 16 DIOAIMTS, HAV 18t tO DOCeMbOr
I .,)S 2-35 1i L111P ,0, 1,)0,j ina- tive Burns t*ok �possesiiiou of, all the � I I .
, 11 ,' . restore the full use of ugutions of America by. ties of CASTORIA - ..
� . perty. V72 . , theL other. I 274 - . I � .
.;� ts n:rlv. 169o.loo ,liv,hle explosives. I ld L-11 as of blood * . For Infauts and bR1&;U: � . r . . .. � I . I .11
,� school rat,- ,) .I%'- ess Map. is as keen and bijoyant ,Vindicate the pblicy ofLiber4ls to PM I DR, ff. FOYLE% I .
0'' � .
"' ornia, having been signed ver
L � 'assesswell, twun). LIX-111t, il _ .I. and-hetis Preparingto shoulder propos.e and carry out great �n a . � I
1.'�_ $10.300, tm;jl 1wpul-ttion 2 I';-, = by G,vem'or Marshall, before the ar-� ,basks that wo R02SO Ulu , 7h Kind You Have Always Bought DENTISTe
. ..
�, prov-etnen fq)r Requisition, papers I . rom, the Gover- � The spirit'of ,this wonderful 0 co3n%neree as Wi . a Sir, TE I 0
s17,0110 " husin her ,of 0allf age
� � we,li �Igt.s oi r) ana J.6, 399, Not of MoNamara. He was Arraign-: uld appall his )uniorp, progressive measures' " i I 0 1 * * , . � - . L10
- I children klet ' , I - his' Win the Approval ofthe �leetorate I Bears *he , " .00080, over 0110ILIE store.. ,� ,
�. I i3w, The ed immediately before Judge 'Oo ns; To an interviewer he said, on f ,::;;2!�� .
, I "I blrthdar,;�� ,,` . , .
.1 I between %g- )f 5 tind 21, . . vh6n an appeal, Is made to the . speoial core taken to walie dental trest. �
. -1 t the to .. . . Signature a I I I
11 �, asses$nkelit (4 tu%N n �,Uil.i I 44N,emt month I shall mee �� country, I . I . mant as painlQss so rooDoible. .
15 illg�;, -chools, In the Poli�e Court. . . " . 0 � I
� I :, I r8m, ote., is after - McNamara' teign. delegates who are coming� o Xpress, the real wish- of -Canadians .1 I I .
1�; , :1 tire avoliant-S " potblie Jib Twenty minutes . , SECU ya . � . I
11 � , $50.200. -1 lie.4 skood G.)Vk1J'f4Ll1Unt ,had been�'i�izea in ther assefiaCiOn' London for thia International Social - . of both parties ,,for -the past. ,� , .. - .. � - I . a . 1. I � I I
I ,
*1 I
. 1'. .. 1:11", - , headquttrters in the American Ceu� -Will ' fifty yelars' I .. � � '.. I . I .1 I . % . . " .
11 land, :550-5t - . I Congress. Offlaerq * .-'be here 40_zw-fi*�Q - MA8___GUNDR,
� � . tral 1,116 Building, -where a mesting - Tielil �roflt to both producers and, . . -S-FOW-SAIdEr . y__ ..
I . . . . I urgapiza. from Australia, Asia', South A lea, I . - 7__ _CZ0-XR-*09T ::: - ' 'I,
� -7
�,, I bf the executive board of the , . I consurfkmI3,�Aftda. — - , - ---G-e—nW1n8 - � . -.".-- . . I lve stopk and goid'eral Auction iev
I � _Canad&,-a-n.d4herS, I e
'11�. ____ a I our ) 8-. 60 ta r, enn all ft=g still more the �orthous I . I Ity, of GODERICH .. 6 *. I
- ____ ttWr_WQ, rJ= " European co Atrie and 'We a e up era gne a . I � I
,____E, z mft w 9 read"aw - I I
� " ty A , a, . I I t . . .
::�;, ii - pread .1. en from the ei ti'Ve hear.fromth 0 li a whaf e course. of Tories on trade mat, 0% choice Cedar. a a for sale. ttkIMSWU S96108 a. SPet�Mltjl 04,�.ekv At m. .
� _ . In an alflo, It is . rte'rs. . . ... . . . A - 50 "M . Nin ERA olince, Clinton, pr#,m 1 7 Ademlood � I I .
1. . ppse it, as t a are doing a W ,a d' we all � .
I "�N ___ in . I � . � - . 1* " - -FRICE9 RIOASONABLE � to. ,Werina reasonable. Farmers, vale iolo%o
. ,object of the -o Cars to get a Ama . eacribe to . . %.;,C^L rete r . . .
, � d scribe to em. . e ethodat ,rwe, . ' . . discounted , , . I I
"r , MILL D. D. D. CURED IT. . 4, . I . I . . . . I ,I- 11 . . I .
11 : 6xxt ot,reacb. b fore is frie a had - haVei found benef at n ,this coun- . - . . � . - . I
�', . blianee -to ftlit the-requibition. - tr . � . . , � . .. * S . . -1 . .. � * . . . . * . . * J A3 I ES HAMILTON' ' . . I . 4 .
�j , —_ . , , . 4 ., - " - . . I I I I , . .. . � I I I *
.. , I "'. . This lig -atrans!atlon er the congress reorainexice'a * . .1 . I . * . . 0. D,'McTaggart M. D. M6TAggar
, ': of q letter. : Boon -after th-e-oigbor bdff":b6ki�: it, . nHI& I I
r . I . .
11. - visiting Den- * CANADIAN - NEWS. . * I . .- . . ,
1;� writtlen Jus in French on April 16, hurried into tha awaiting autoniobila,: , . tour of'seandinavia, * Uttle Ll,vvr k .
� , � � ,193.0, by Mr. Dan Bablucau, Cap Detective Burns ran for another auto": mark, Norway, Swedlen, and Flo- "* I _. I . * . . I I . . . � �, 8
: 'I mobile and rode to the American Cen- I -and, and though I am.iiotl quite . , * - 4 . *., I * . * � %ust Bear Signutproso 0 . . �l ros, ", , . . 1i
�,.,. Lumlere, N. B. tral Life Building, where F.%. Ryan..' certafut,t1preaent, it is. p�o�able .. . . . . I � I ERNWERt3. .
, ' . . I �
,,, . t4I bad ,been anffering with eeze- president of the, Association. and six!' -that I OWI.vi it St Petersburg and �- A Mon't . . . 0.111*�Ikx_j ALBERT ST CLINTO'
", out 6 bao-riths, I . real Woman i: Yeported to . . . . %W-00' N
"I and had .6 lthe poli'Le 1 ,,,,�7 . I , .
�;�,�� m�a for al) a who did membeis of the qxectitive board were. see bolv4ar b�xkeducratic obstacles that her husband; ,Was , 0P , 1, : . 1k , . . � " '
.1 " cousented several doctor I . haVb, been peui6ved to 'the) e[xten-' banRlninr himself. The officiala Before placing'your orders for I . General Baikking , 1�aalzics;o
:', being held by the police, pending an . . I
. � . I �
� 1 nat do me any good. The disease luvestigatioon� Doori of the room were _BiOli Ofoilr work -in Russia. . ::. 'wrblte�hilrf a letter Asking -for, itu . � 140 . . � . . . . I � I .
I � . . . I . . : your aeasoulssupply of Coal, get . tr4insacted . - I . .
,��,;! was spreading and I Was most Un . explanation, of his conduct, i . . � .
.1 . � . . . . ,
.p�,,, . "In September and Octobor I Visit . - . . I I . , 1. .
I I comfortable. I thought I woul � guarded vvfth a squid -of police' . and ' $00 pac.sIM116 wrapper 13010m. - � our pri�,es. The very beat goods . . :
When the bearer of. itho IC-tteft� - _0101- I NO I I .
N�� go icrazy. All my friends .were Immediately after ffie'officiis ,of the, Canada and' fhe Stat'ps, going. as far, carried it) stock'.and solk at the . .TEO DIS60UNTED . -
, . a . .. . . . . .
�Y' union were searched, Detective.Burna. ao'Maidtbba. and'British C realahed,the boiAse the m Ik,-- � 574S ,V 1.4i, !, . S'suea.% jnterest'allowba 0i; .
- Awr alinall oand-.as a . - I 10 ice.. , - � I
. _ -, _ — I �:,:;.!�� . �
; telline me I -would lose my hands I olumbia . . . . *�U� � Drafts i
-11� . -and a -squad of his men -.went to bf e�: �J'&�Tvtrmtton ,on ray� eyes .� dea,d.7 .. - L 1'-�. % 1, . .1 . , ba , , - , '.... � � I -, depos, . .. � --- �
- . I . li�.1411:6 fivem) � I . . .., . . � I
. . I
� . nleas I found thm-yi-aht ttTttmexit- ao, - I . . � . . . ` Orders m'�,7, be, left at, D I .
ie"'t�_ ki barn west of Indianapolis,- ,Where the -W! - tl,ali��plape in th.e'auturan I.Aa'll �. 41" I I . . . . .1 - � I . . . . . .&VIS . . I
�,,,�,,'� One day I read -in the_ 'e--- �Were eartW. Th6' de.; ,take,. another tour in Ge.rmanyt in . OAL ** Fall grAtimme, . . . . & Rowland's HardWare atore, or ' , �
�,�,;:�' about ryour DX.D. treatment t ex pTi-) a —iv es e, r,eun I - t
.; oti'e, FOR DIZZINESS. - . ..
'"'. I th turned to. the city November, . and it it- a6es, and is 4D1ftJ1Jk661_' UER's, witllh � . .. ... I Tin MCK1110P mutual .
.1 askjacT for a sample. It did me so . . I . .
,,,,P�, I '"whe A coughs.. cures cc so ell s LE . FOR BILIOUSNEWL . . . . Fire Insurance e .
.; I much good that I %mmediatel lung$ - 6 25 cents. ,W. J. steien,soa." I
-.1 � . . ' Y Or- union headquarters re�vealed ops ,
n a seoirch i" the,bisementof the s"Ce,esaftil, I shall .pay the Getman Ickly st y 0 �1 �d. It
, - � tT
a�� �, more e.x- visit later,. in, -the year.��7 I . I .1 . threat ... Irr . o. �
,,, d -took . . . I. . I . . � . . � FOR TORPID LIVER$ . . . IL I . I . .
-1 eved two' large bottles. It . . Perhaps Ahe General' was en- Atbnv.entibn of civil. ,servants is IVER - I , , Farm *end Isolated Toyurn,Vropa
,��a eight bottles altogether to cure � . . . I
"". . 0� b0mvTIPAY10o
11, . P=-d9ent Ryan said laab nigbt.tliat dowpd with arobust c6hstftutioxi," be.ing heldat Otfwwa. - I � .. PILL F lit Elve I trit Light plaat* erty Only'lusured, .
�. - . �
I �_. . meo of this terrible disease. I shall , n .� 'but -spirit and . 16, I I I I . OIFFICERS. I � I
.1 " 11.� miever 'be without a bottle of D.D.D. I h6d been i0onnected with unio ,it is amodon of the I � . . I FOB SALLOV11 SNIN. . : . I . :
L I . n vigor a , hildren . Cry' - I .. . OR THECOMPLE - An, Prbsident, Seaforth - � - '.,'
I � I�L io Py ho�ne.11 labor for several. years, 'and had never. the, flegh that keep him.'I ' ' ' t, . 0 . . F X100 I . . � ., __ - .. .. .... � J�. B MeLm 14r
�,,� , , - I MU6TKAVK_%4HAT . �. . . . . 11 . . . . . 0011noltY, 17iee Pres., God'erlell, . . I ;1
::�1-:;.. The records of ten ye&rs of corn- heard of a case similar to the one' 82, Intense Meontal applicatloal will .. FOR FLETr -7 —ommviavlor I VA . Jae.'
,�;,�..� � _T . . Thos. 4. Hays, Sec.-Trea .
.1 plete trures of thousands f the charged to MeNarama, but he had, weiax a man opt if lie disregarda thL, 1111mw rftw; _9-mbio 14
Ro— ��E� . - . a., Seafortb : '
. . I �
�!_.C_ most severe cases show &at D.D. known of cases where "'plar�ts" had- laws ofheialth,but if h6is, careful 0 A, S -r. 0 R I A04, ' I . ' . �_ _ � . F6r Sale, . . . . . 1. , � ..
"I"' stands to -day as the absolutely re- been made by enemies of labor orgara- of hisbody the-rq is no preservativa . .. .
, ,,i `�,:, , Itexican - Governmera likely to , r_UR$: 4SICK HEADACW;. .� . _--: . . . . . . .
.1 I . . like-Abusy brain, ' I . � . - � . � . 1
. .:,.. zations, and that if explosiv6s v.ere, . especially if it is '. .. . .. �. _. .. .1 . — . Jas. C .
4,Jp 114ble eczema eure. protest* to Wfashlugton ovee aid . . . .. . ... . . onhellyi Holmeiv,ille; John . - .
, - employed'in high �Lnd. Coble tasks. . I . — I I
1.p�l . ' ans, I .. , I . Watt, Harlock; .G.'Dale, Clinton; M.
t:��,!. . Writte to -day for free trial bot- found Saturday nil�ht they',must liave, given the rdbels-'by Americ . , . �
" I . since tboug.bts have -their physical. I . . � . - . I .
11 4) Us to the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept bq�n placed by en of rgani- . 1, ' I
;1��r�, . . . n cables report serious A . fle . - J. k�ans, ,Beech- . .
couniterpa�ts. It IEP-tho�.bralnwork Haropea . AAAAAA . Poor Se Cheshey, S,�ifoith, . . . � .
. � � 1
;!�,4�;�. - N. R. 49 Colborne St., Toronto. It zati-on. . I . eTs who'%Vith ordinary care -of their I differences between - France apol . . I : �. 101 .. 11 �_O-_ . . � . wopii� J. G. Grie�e, Winthrop'. T- Ben. * . I .
" I ! I I - .. - 1. . .
-�:,� - WEI Igive you instant relief. .For The custodian of the building where heafth JiVe the longest. . Mental Spain over the situation in Wor-. I . I t. A hoia*se'and," . neweis, Btodhagen, . X McEv�au, � I I
",-,;��'. Sale, 1by -all druggists. th4a offices of the union are, a4id'that, � � � .� . . . . 1. .. I I . four ' lots, one .0 . I � .
z f#.1.' stagnati6n induces , physical Itixg- occo. , , , z I U Clixitoil. .. � . . . . .
�,.�,,,�.`� — 'McNamara had Come to him 'a! ' � .4 I . Victoria St. and three lonc St.. JalAts. . * I . I
� . x nation. In'General, *Booth the for- ' A 'Toronto business . I I St.,'"ec)nSiati4ng of . -Each Ihre�Abr is inspector of losses tw',. , I
*,!:1., rn�nths ago and asked, for a store; . . �4 choice. bearift * I. � . . .
��;�,'.' � . des ofnalture'are.0ourished by an saw �Beaftie Nesbitt, -the missin � fruit trees, fine stable,,.har4 and bin own lodality.: . . . . . I . .
�-, .
.:�� -, '. , . THe LAST JAR 'OF JELLY I .- !rclorn and that the:request had been'. ardent - scial, The' machine ,wil � I I' armers"Bahk president,. in 1; g I pianos, . I )ft water, house In..1good ropa"r, . I " . 'Ar.E I . . .. . . I. . 1. .
1i , . ; ew . . . � I I 1.
;,! - s( . , a NT& .
, . ;.�.�. . granted- He jidded thit.he:ha&never: wev 6u:t�clr iudd � . , . 4 . . I � . .. . I � . 1, I . .
,� - .�een McNamara or I his coxopanibna it - ill, enly collapse, but York. � I . . I ; ... I . I . . � I I * , . I house bGnsist of seVen, r0,0m&wft'h,, Robt. Smith,, Harlock .
, ,
1,`�: � IT19 the last jar of jelly I . at enables. blin: towcork long I. I I. , � 'go I od, stone.*,�ellar. -For pikrtioulars . . ; Ed. Hinchlep . I .
�."TII.1,1� . In. � ,Wm- Carlyle', ex-sehdol inspectoi - ' '' ' ' � .. . �
il, � Left standing alone; - carry anything to the store,. TOO i F' , r . . . � . ap Seaforth; . James -- Cumming, Egmondol . �
�'!�':�-'?�', I All its lovely- companions Bums says Otto Manigal, �who waA , ' aftermost men of his ag6- lag sup- . -of Oxford Cou-uty, has sued . +he- :4. ,See and here our fin'6st. . .1 I . lly to,-- . .. I . I � :.
. . -erflnous;. afid every hour. of his county for alleged ariears In slaiiy '4 � " . I 1. I. . . I Ams revy .vIlle; J. W. Yeow 1161nie�ville I . . e �
, I . -
'g�� �, Are. eaten and gone; � grrested in Detroit, t(kld him where' work is. a gain for the world.. . Hit), .of oVer $5,000., �%�_ _i ... a. 1. . . I -4 New Stylish- designs of. . � . ,- � . . . I 4'.�4
'�'�'��'i�, 'No jar of crab apple, . ese explosives could .b6 f, ,py th , I . .4. . .. � . . .. . __ . . e at Tozer'& '' . ..
ound, 4hd ek Man who haal -such support I ..? . . � .4 1 . .. ., . . I. . Clinton. or to R. .H. Outt - I
I .
.. 1
. I . .. . .. Im _.A. * . , ..... .. . .
- I
"'.'K - No piht glass of quince it was upon this'intorindtion that the for his Inalt yelars. . � Doberty - Piatio§ ' and - :.- Shorthorns for Sale '. � . . .
;.!"�;� . � . .
,�",,., To refect back its blushe' 6earch was made on Saturday night. .1 I . .1. . . I I . I . . I % . . _. ... . �. . -
- 8_, . . . —1 s ., . "Spring Skin'TroUbI09. .., - ' I ''a ' . . . .. . I - - I .
��S��, the'dynamite. and hltrc�gly6erine were' � . . . . . . . . I -_ .. . ,
% . They've vanished long since. :1 . . . I -
1�;� f , . . . I Organs,'' . . I.. . -
'Sik� gound buribd under ia7waust.,In � . . -..:-- . . I . . . . - JA00-B TAYLOR : .
,�v I.". The 1. B.C- of Rec,iproell.y , . .- . ' . I .. . . . . I . � . To bu)ls frbm- 9 to 12 . .- . . . . . �
1'11'1� I'll not leave thee, thoit last one, barn. . . .1 , . . I . . I . .. . , .. . .
, �y To mold on thy, shelf; I . . . Pimplels'.. Bruptions, and ' 1:1SPcitty - 4 . I . . . months bid, of good %:u'allty, 3,ioans - - I elLINTON � . . .
". . Sones, the owner*of thei.b4rin, is! The following clevei! *play upon , . . I . . -_ . . . . . . . I . . . . . I
..�, � ' Complexions" -at values in- Art �� suda4ed.. Callorwrite, . I. . . _ . .
;A,11��;; Since the others ard eatei*.." also a btr4etuTal iron worki�r. � . alphabet Is from the'ten of the ed- I .. I . 11 . . I - Speci . . . . . - 4, ,_ ., � . . .
11..�, . * . ,� .1 11 . � . � � . . .. EDWARD Ht WISE I I
i I'll eat thee myself, &:eiplosives were iii ed Itor df tht* Mount Vorest:,q6ttfed . . � , . . . � I . . I 1, .. . Fir,�_, Lif�. and Accident - . I .
4�1,, p ate theiW � I _1 . . - . .. I . �. . . Clinton Ont . I . I
., iSI!;. Thus gayly Ilm spreadin .. ra"!dNanuary, and that McNamari and' �erate, . ' .. . .At . thisseason scores of pe.ople- - , , �. -, � Wes � I I 'Phone No., 12 bn'155 ' � tf . . 1. . - .. � . . %. ,
. . I . -
�.�,I-,��, Thy form on �nyi breaTl� 'other men mad trips to the' RECIP'ROCIT Y as proposbd w9l- e�lrls and Young women espeelaily- . . . . . . , 1� - Insuiance . :
. � I . I . I . . � I
* . I . I . . � . . . . I .1 . . 0 1 , . � .
�,,�,..�. I I - .. . � . , I . . . . . . . . � .. �
:,,�-,� - And amfie as thou quiveri .;. urn with.suit �6=.hwdict �not � . . . . . . . .. . .. .� � .. . . . . �. . — . .
It'ili- . So wabbly and red, I know the ftirpose'-ol"theIr visits.'Jones- v � . . . , .I . ... . . ... . . . I . . . I . . . I . I . . . 1111 .. . .. I . I . . . I Real 46tate boigilbt and said , I , *
"N' I . . - I I . i .4 Piatio's.and organs rent For Sale " ' . I....
1,"'_ ' .' �ays that AkWamar4.ren$ed the barn .- I I . . . . I . , -.4 . �, . . . . . .
�,., �
I I . . � � . . . , I .
,4'41 14Four dozen lust like theer . . and jaid hio $26 a mouth- for its use. . � .1 � .. . . . � � 11 . . . � .. r . . I - . Money to loan - .,. I I .
11�,. - IMOWLt . ,R, es 1. _ .4 _ ed choice ne Edison ' . . . - �
011.1'e", I've eaten," she cries; ! It is sitt%W,about'tbLv&*,-qusrters, of ' I , . . . . � . W . . D. Junov's large. - house. barn and — .
,:;.j��. I � Am W fim � US . . . . . 1, I . . � . . � . . . � . ,
.1. .�, 'And I know she is, grieving - I . _ SWAM a e . garden on Ontarib Streeb Clinton. ,, 0. OMce Iseae Street, next1door,:to Nevr I
e��!�T! . a mile w.est of t � he city. . . I I . . 0 . ,�. . . . . . � I � . � S �. . . I gra . I Apply E�t House or Clinton p . p � I . '1�
0�i�. To view thy dem&se. I I . I I . . . I �;�ilo' phs, Music & � . �
Wood How Ochfesslon�, - .. . . � _11ft . , ' I � I. . .. . I . . Era., . I .
'0�:-] Sut'abrulte, mean and heartless, .. � . . . 1, I . . r & I .
�', — vanety goodsi- .. . __ . 1. . .. I.... 1. .
� I
I i ':X I ; I . I I � 0 � . - Grand Tr ---I----- .
;," . . -, , .
ChtcW, April, 2"apt., 'Stephen ' . 1. I . .
" ,1., . . �
. .
., , . . I'd be, let me own, ,Wood..&W of.tbe Chime detective' Thoo NO our Era, Com C ass- I � _. . I . . . I I -' unknanway $ysiew .
,-, It in'this L4,00my collar . I . I . . . I . , , 1, . I . I . . , . . I . �. I � . . . . . Log Wanted -_1 - . ... . . — �'. _. _ 11 .� �.,
,r . . . r 1. I �
.1 � . .
� `,��; I left ,thee' alone. - -bureau, baid laut. night that �' full 10W9RW_ � . . . I . - .. - .
;' , . I .. 1. P$Jce.the, e, r . r . — . .1 I . .. ' . �. I I I .
01" '40afesolon W bftn *bWned 1 from' Of r Course the ba,910 idea t,hIs-- -tior � ggs as fast as they : Music Emporium . . ftil Time Table . ..
lic, - .Lot. __ . . . I . � . to Hi , best price paid for Loire, Bass. I .r. WaT . , . , . . �. �
, a1% gathered kintitthey,`ave within . . - . �. . � — . � . ... . ..
I ..�,,� lone. of the min arreAed in Detruji in; chicken busineds lathe eoggs " -and . . r . . . wooiff. Soft.Elmit Rock Elm and Rock "' "Hurclit an :13ruce. : � . . .
�" . I . �ounebtion with the dynamiting -.,of. koe(at .you� will have for Your table I an r Inch or two - of othe surface of the - � but all kinds 1_ L*ndo,,. .. d . .1
", , . . . . I .
- liquid. r . ! r . I MapId especially -wanted, . ' .
- - ry ThO. jar should be in A wol, I will be -purchased. . � . .
_ , - - ' - I Notth - ' . . ,
�, ChildrexL 0 he Los Angeles Times' building. D# or td: sell. If youi figilre on laell' .
;�' I wtive Bur . iis has.already, start6d that ahickens, try, % get' the* re . Y, dark .,plta�-e and 'should be kept,cov- . . . I . : . .r. ,passenger � .� .
�:� � FOR FLETCHER'S ' r . . . . . I W� DOHERTY PIANO and il London, depart ... _� 8,80ath 4.60' in'
. ,
. . . - '
�� '. I . lle-hid ik�finfor6ition ofAhoerwhere-� for thek Ifiiarket ede.lY in the solU er ereld. Eggs packed in thig.'solution . . . � I . . I OR(*AN CO., Limited Crintralia_ . *.. .. r .., r 9.40 15, - .
, . 0- - '
t ip sum�ner WA . . . I W 4 . . .
",,r CASTORIA �about of the dynamite In Indianapolis' wherd the price id high, , , .1 keep perfectlyL un- . . . rAl. .
1' . � C. Mare . . . Exet9r ... ; ...... 6o"' 'a-53 r 5. I
,:�' . �rom McCl6oWile. Acting on the, in.' Mhe profit from'dkeised poultky tH midwinter, provided they are inr r . . . 6.... 10.08 ,B.W , . . ",,r
� r , by. thei ipanner good condkion when put in. '� I I ppen .. j. -a ........ � 10,10 . r
�11. � formation- presumably ,obtained in, is decidedt largely . I r . Pa9ture to -Rent Ki , 0.111
.,;, � . . .1
�,,., THE DOG. k 1he confession irefoirred 'to, Burns .1o.' ifi which it Is prepatoed. Provision Eggs to be itored should be, first . . . � �� I �. , Brucefield.., .._...4 10.80 6.19, .
. I . . -,-o-.! . . . 1. .
, r
, ,P;' So of -ten rwe call amanl,ado'g cated a iough wobdeb box,containizig' deWers krei ginifoue 04e= e th from heins that lijkvo no iiial,es, run- TVTVT"T*"TTTTMTTTTVV`TT Clinton ............... 11.05 6.85 . . .
-, . I I
qyttamite in a shed behind the hem, because . r i , n the Townshipof Goderico, will be Londeaboro.... ...... 11. 6,621 1
. � . a r f ,]Birth ...... 18 1
I.. ,cof James I&Gonigle, 'failik of the , Chirckeni to be killed s 'po'a'd AV eggo keep lo3igqr; second, �erfect- - - . .. . bffered to rent, one. hundred Acro
-,`i, Vheom -we wish to reproach hiVa. hous;! mosit attractiVia looking ' I ning vith t . .Infertile I'
,! I houl e . - � . ! 0 ....6 ... 6 11.27 . . ." I
t,o 247
� And, y,eA, a dog our � ,..,r ... '.. �. 11,40. %0O, ,__��
- Do,esnit lie. . ,V,rWner,. a T r, Ohio. � . I I no food for from. 12 a � ly -frerah-egga; third, p6rfeetlY Olean *,po*##*#### the best quality of pasture. * A m.ever Belgrave.. , ',.IS � . .
I I .
I � I 1, . Doeanit swear. V Captain 00C says .. the, oonfes. wvT, im wator far..eight hours be-; uncr�cked eggs. I. � . . . . . . . I r 0 failing spring creeki-running throuAh WiiighaW"AVr1V'"6r 11-60 -7.85 . . If ..
. '' . . -
1'1��., DoeWt cheat. sion cov r bin y typewritten pages forei killing. . r � I I Eggs can -be preserved for sever & I . . . -4 . .1 .
. � . . + the place and a quantity of sh e , I I
i,� and des ri a in -This ,is abput` the best W�3ky to kill al 1montlit lift dry toal.,, it is Isaid. r. . trees.. Being O&A of lot.'78, Maitland � ' . . . . I
, I Doesn1t drink. . d ail the,dynamit., I �t South . . Passenger .
." DoeWtemoke. I ing of buildinO, -railroad t,,,,,,, r and: taichielten; Eang, by 'the feet,ywith Packinm in bran hals also 'been foujid ; . Befo're you Buy: being 1 half miles. frow. Holmes- WLiligham, depart o 6.43 am 9.83 p M!, I 11.
" � DoesnIt swindle. IaOtorlft., ebiQ411 ,'of ' r sharp iA many'cases. . 14me p r I -ot- 1 &44 .. �
� ' r , in w 6 -A a satisfactory . , vill. And five from Clinton. Apip to - elgrave. , ......... *4' 0.54
I .
� , ther loss e,.,� fastenedi lose 1, e , R , . "I I . .
..,;. d DoesnIt flirt; / lives And two m9lidii dollara' =I the mbuth.and icut thie- water has been - tried successfully, . ALEX. BEDA % I I t .. 7.08 . 3.56 .- I .
. I
I �
.�* Doesn1t borrow. lot � Property. - . . t Ve4n ok the ba6k of the thioat; then - too - i ' � i - t � , b a - 0 . Courtright, no 0i�--.*,i,, 7,16 4.04
�, � . 1. P , . ' ' i . 0 - . I . . .
"ll. DoemIt pretend. I . � r run theopohat'ofthe kmife through A pleithod to test egge; Put theW ..t . y M I 11 , 4o . . — . linon 7.50 4.23 � .
�, _ .
, -
;, . ..", � Aud wolRodn't even resent 4 it . To So Fomd Prom Rorder. . the roof of the moutfiCkoward �the in. a basiu'of water. r If: oodi they . . . . I . . . . uce 2 ' 4,39, � \
., " 7ou e0i ad it a man. . . Obihnahus (via Laredo), Tdus,! bftih. r Io%taJW parOysla and loos- Jier on theb sides; if U theyliwill. 4 � . . . ,� i90 . 04 Cherry Trees for Sale Kippen ............. 8,23 4AT, I . P
tr f ' . . I . !April 24.-Prepaxations to' fthi tho' ejaing of the feathers followe. atistid on the, small ends. 'The older Bring us the ad, that inter. . -.___.1_ ., Rensall..... ....'r.... -'&82 � 4, W, - . . I
, .
J — , Dry -picked chickens sell better the Oggs the .hiore, uprkhtl, they eks, you. If you will do this ' U*6ter:.6..,..6.,.d#, 8.48 5.w - .
I .� I
�11, I
' h IF. Ul
" d 5 eir
� 1) r_i�o d 8"
__'i- �
M 1i
d h nd
- M ra th
D. D. .�URED 11T a
� lao' a yo �,
yo 'e'ora p 116 Bull I
u 40aso
I cou r '88. The Te
ar pr1r - 0 Stock An
I -1 ___ , - a J�le
I. 4� �
- '
2 �Ie � �
.1 W
. __ __- - �
- ,
E, � �devl ma7, e
la a
"t Ro rld 11 U . rolvo
. . .
's; - _ w 'Ith ..
14 .V.. � - teV
, . J � S
. -
2 Elvetric 1.1g I
I - .
-1� �
I ,I
,r iusumeatoo prooesod6d berii Saturday, �.Jtrho&market.. The idiekit,'r thnbO VtAhd- I %. r It. you won't buy byrnall, that's Trees are to be three feet III h Centrallb ......... o.'. 9.00 5.1& - '' .
�: ... -r � . t vjq�,OWS C", - # - Gen.. Raba s ---with &'colu= of- O&V. On .. . '
� I 4dr � -go the ea � 'KanY P06,06 wake good knoney
't, 0 ,
I �. ,[ I My dond (before the 1610eding . cortain.- - . r In lots OfP5-for-$5.00. ThIs.liasoeol7l, Undon. arriye i.. *.. 10 00 6.10 � . ,.
.�� . ,Llarr _ y whioh had 3tarted to'ebej,! ,stope. And Thi.#- W.Y r . 00a), .
- � . felQa at Ofinftao WAS h ' afte,r the ,chijck,�n 119 haitchin.& th�Rr. eggs and sealing day Becaus.eyou will have no tew , bargain for one week and all faimera Buffalo and Ooderloh'
- e r reo.�.. - ' . r
- '
, .
11. O&W� ffig,, with 00V 148 Arid - 1AW thoroiaghly. cooled 4t old ehii a. in. sob to, Any article of Jewelryor tnould take advantagOo of the 6pleodid w6st . ;
, BUT.. NOT A-PTKR THB HAIR 40 kt,Ny, be,'Vack- , 'llat r %. Watobes or Silverware China, or offarlat such low figures for high olaes - ,- . � Fame"kdr I
"''I I co 10 tan be, wade to pay, a, nice .
�� . ROOT 16 DBAD da wom Ora= to t" ed %* ice. . . I I
: 1. In "46ed to tho . the �' stock. Thb Early Rldhmond is ode a OMO A.2001 U A.02
bo,eq,r glesumably at Toum. � To ;mak ddy 166V plulnip. ItWite reVonue,each sprixig and anything else can -be bought bait test shippers and c&onarg Ito of . .,10.1 201
'i" Wt% R. Holmes will tell yon that I ,.,. edo"It r _fib plungb . W Into nearly. boiling Watii aftAY sfim�nar. a . . 1 I .. afpAi6es every, bit as low as any- 4 the t own. Mitchell ....... o.10.22 12.45 rs.w 10.47
�_. . he #e6s, a, -E( of 41 tbA f 10 oe0o 4% �4!�n In Jc�o I , 'I wliere elsou6ar or. -fal r firot, of Brown
Fy great Many bottle . . ,_ - -
nuter 16 ,If YOU are 190i ,to itaVei Y .1 . fiom the *ell known j�.LA_ 1.10---48.18 11.12 ' .
1; .__ in, -I& wedata, in b6tween the b6 , n . ,ng 4 . - - qu�o 11 -1611� Vnift � . r I
i ft --l- rocler am iho I L _ 1, A_A-^UA,d�_Jo --------- no.- 7J..b.,A Ad 1"A*-MALOA" a"A
I , . as- vecause wt gives 9 -
,", I isf action. � . � .
,1 . M guarantees it to 'eradicate
:�. ".
�� Asnatufft stop falling and iplitk-�
111 � . tba: 1hair and Achi & icjtl�,or nio
d I in nPV
I . . I %Ceii. . Ll'. �w U
�v . I I
� � R Paris an Ssme will mak# hair
��., M Mir root is not deafrowit
� I .1 louts hko and luster filito, dull 6�jl
" i, , ,� biddd hair# and it thel tnoot dellight
. . 101 hair drogsiog inthe world .0ift-
,i .1,�, to bergto a large bottle.
,J�arlslan Sage. lathe . boat hair
� L tgr6*er and lbeautifflor, .dandruff
, �vut,e, taid kalp cleaner kiiowb. Try
I �� � ft or our �novey ba.ek -01an. .
. 0
:, I jo ... J", , , " ", r.
- bafifk0a kwono uawlblft, r6-1
*0"It kt%tatoga *0 t6ld -je-
lr� , I .,. ll, . Wtero,
'N , a a ,� I . I t . ! it, ,
I .
I . � I .
11100""100 MoQk am Is VCW%
tU Qonf&t rb** J11to =J1
,out of tho .*Ay of powitole intft&q*a-
I 4 complWationa. , .
The noriliward ,mmoth of this tod,
efth is divected 'at, 0su.- M"oo
Toado, foro. .1 . .:.-..-..W
I . ..
.. . � .,_".���
� . .
A Clood' Medicine, tor the
I .
. Spring .
. I �_o
Do Xdt Vigo Mitah,PurgaflVeli� —A-
, To.bib to Ail Y.bul"Noed,
--mho..." .
vot ffiek-�Vdt WA fetlilig
I qui�o wwon, Rat'a the way-biout
"00110 fqe) 19 the� 00119. 00111
� .
!y to sell istalel
k�. =uoneo buttfri
wiH always Pro`
, InAy 'Payl a ALI
or khem.,�. ., -
Im"s .for
Aacoe-thekn' ou V
.old Place, an
6ftcr three 0
ised. -
Just aword 0
ump iftito ehick
rig JtM heos -to
0agei-onYour hr
e IX I
f.' box. Bome, iot *h6j_&fd_ft,_ _�k,Wj
1c, Moro fall6d. . . .
A- ,,4ft,ler -e Iftrnod. all the
a a d[Vo4,ha,V I
It duto and, WaM to Imlarge'.
11i YOU Pao then begin. thinking., about
af3 iftkin�g', a 16butinftell of �hlckeu
�k raijiPL2. . 4
ki, . - T99 UND.
. . I . I . 1,
tblit is of interest Lo ybu# - . -
33ving U13 that that0ktalogue
sod lot us twove it to,j6u. .
1111110'" r . I
We Ro. Counter
Jo.wolor and OptWab#
. .
I . . . -
� Issuer of I - ,,
I . .
I marrilikke I'Acentlego, . � -11
� . .
. post *#+V#4*"#4+*
. '. .
. ,_ .
priete on all kinds of fruit trees.
.6 1.7.0 Oosu .LJL,Z01
W�l m`eJCJ ; I I I * * , , , , , I 1. I 0 1.83 R4011.38:
I I Apply to � I �
I 0 J. STB9P I
ei'l 11W..:.....11,85. 1.50 7.05 IM
East PANseaget '
1 I
. I . Box 19% Clinton
I L r
A W P In, .
I . . I
. . .
GoderIbh..*.,,,...,. 1.10 40 450
� .11 1
. . I
Holfnegvffle, ,,, '", IM Z57 6:06.
Bafted fteka Eggs
M 8,07 5.15 -
S0atorth.*..1*...*** 7.52 3.25 5.82
. I _0.*� I
... s. 8XI R49 15.56.;
. row apeno,f my bost,winter lay.
qs headed by a large ldillatd Cookoiel
'St&A 8.20.
-. I
Hens Are large oiro, right obapa, a
. `
dolor Eggs 0,N
r .
Wr I
R, ' ' �
and nicely .barred,
fov 16. � Also ,blue Andalusian 1198
6 ..
' Vallater and Ph or H61kobro
frohi hens thab laid when five an a
-balf taontbii -old. ,fte 81.0D rrpd'r.'16
. *1 I
. ,- vork, #44";ht6w, .
'Poor hatou replaced free of charge,
. .,Prices reosoa0le. *
1000sprini MuArat 81clas *#,ijt*d,
also other k ode
1USIdeate Ilearl r opposite the
. 9.'.&. a0va'T, citnum
I � .
t .
,�* ,:. 4