HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-27, Page 10") a ,4, 11111111 , 4 R I V, . . I - - � . 3,.;.,;.-_. � - i , , - I , � - _ � - I - I � I I ransformod frobX . the rough and . I I !, - - _______________-____� � -1 I I 1. I'll, ... . Tuelkeroutith deaso forest to Ito present st Pat :, EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION ,---,---* ---- --------- 00000" ,"-'--mwo,%o�oo-4..Rqps,.Mot*040"4wwio" 11 � I Roval lRaRk 4fif � .. . � _., - 'I Men and. Event& L 2 Aecident-A little diaughter Of �eomfort and plent�. Her hi* and , I - 'P Men ani'Plovents I - " , .. . ,IV, . . ; Mr. ,Harry Tyndall, of th(Oth, con- died some y1e,W6 AgO, PIVQ Ichil­ , ? I I � 4 -re You (;Olug . cievolou, met Wh a very painful ae- drion aurVive, Edward ofManitoba, Xorty-SeventK Annual Con -1111111111111111111111-- ­ .. -_00"" . to may OF OANADA eldent on Monday last. Ishe was Mrs-Heou,of Toronto;* GeOrge.,ou ' * , . . I , - jasome L I "__1 ----------- � . , . Was Held at Zurloh Last We4. " . . =00APO'ALTIAID Im . I attting in a high chair and (t , hom . -ad; William, of the Lap. - f . ­ � . 11 . fQiout, fracturing her armiat don Road, ueetr 0&qton . - . ! A OAmers, this season it 00� � I 11 , - 4pstal $6l,A002900 � W " of London. 01 t-40 Ori- . P d0n�t fAll I 0 or I I Z11Y ellbow. Mrs. Tril , ; anclk Was , I C - doll was I Q9t I �tWO Coll 4tid let ;a 9ho " The 41th 4nnual session of Oct. � rioig. W . . S"tolitu off the, time, 'Thwito , �� I. ly pha i,ik survivK, by I L Camera to- I J?#SJ,PrV0L ,, $6,9oo;000 .� % ' our littl" ette � ! ' 'Ca=d ,,Conference Evanclical Ap:., ; Y;Ous. 00 t1, i . I? littlo.one who was so, severely rathe'ra-Uoloert. of GodeRch; 0 The an 1101% ay, April I , a L 0 sq;�4000000 burne,al i short time ago - JOhU o J MU& Q`iL t' slAd, 5WAA x8th"1910aFt R . 1'ehuxch . .1 . . _ 14, r It Is very cojg�fAct can be c4i, � . MamitoCoal an . 1 - Cone L oi r, , , �� ,Gone -West-Mr. and Mrs. Do. M. OX, Of VO, , Ste Mis. A9 W.U.M h , CA ried quite, Is . ­ 0 ZbXtQ111oult. ll�a.m. th , 0 1 L 491 Y irk our vest . - L . &K W';hOUt ,A. I JOAL 119, �e, )IONTI&F XQTAe4U, Of _ Goderieb. Tlw fu took exam=_.- us Were held. � . us VO@40091! band b Ti I 4a ... . I near Heaoall,, 1.011t, this _p�rgl � I ,. Q OkTl( L I ?.L ' %� week for Unitir, SasX.) wberq- they V�AcO on Xonday, Rev. Jameo'!Ha�a - -, , I . . . ' L ' ., ... . I ., ,!�I .r- purpose' 5 for. tbe� euntmer. inton econductigg, the, servicoe at societies. met durlug the ie con I convenience and you have it, . . . 1. � I 'r ,� remaiAln I and afternoon. se'06no .ol'Tuv344 with You when you run Across - 1 175. BRANOH13$ On o w1oh-AhemL a the home and Rev, Mr. Ross aftho, r sol , ­ Their manx f, .N % - alow. , and, Weduesday, viz., the llgotiil : thsr, ButJO06 You tlej4res to Oorisopondonto ThrOUSbIDUt the world, .. L I i TN pall-flopairm wme: Mae. SOOL ., ..tak6,. 0 Oji��aaut and qujoyable visit. ,Mr. grave. .it, � . *of v, th A � It, is fitted And'wIth, j%. power, -1 . . . MeDean has not - ,osed 001, _ le ftftd,a.y� School #u I fUl leas ' e L w L hich produces extr L e. , . - , I . yet, diop .& , sm W.MeMa!t1o, S.'MeMath. Traet SocWty, and the Miosio.oam, I I timm I .. E r . AV I Cox Jameo'Bell 218 C melly sharp I - . ­ . 11 . I L his farm. ­ I a !Y�� ; Uo'berit Day -1, son, Rev. �4. L. Wo - r Interest allowed r ud - i1a of Waterloo,,, V,re% tivey capable on savings accounts , . . . . , �3ic�ban. . I , dent of th ' 2 I , om makii, "'g, I I at highest curreirit rates. I . r I 11, L . I � . L eXiAslouary Soekaty, of, . I tures. . -9 ]Post Card pize, pic- � r . 1. I . . . - .,�- "I 'the conference, Presided, kt that . . . . I . to.all L I I I . . I � .1 I , ! Courtoomt -treatment accorded . Bru4field I . L I i I .. ; I I . . . , 0 meeting of the Missionary SOcipty, : 1- 'r' . . 4. S4 - , I I I � Godarlel � nd spoke very eneoura inul Ask us, to show, yofa tile H .t A , - 91 .:,e -�, . I The Show-Donoli forget. Wacp- fiette, we cam a large rau;A09i � . � . plistomeIr . � . 4 , � , . i a y re . , , * 3L - . . - . . At the dmival. meeting ofthe Gode- theiniosion lea,activitieo,, 6J the . ­ %. . . % , i 1. . , - . .1 . rL � L . .. L or I , . I ; 0_ � . , I .., * . . field spring( show to be hvIA on. Fri - .riek bowling (110b lasaFriday evening, . conference, . t . . . E, ;-Rhotograpki-4, supplies. . . . .. 1� I . I , 11 I day. of this wetetl�. The Sod4fyt, are I . . . I I . p . . , , . . . .. . R. E. MANNING, MO. I .. . .1 . Ing liberal prizes. for all. 4isses the following CIfficers wexe elected-,- I � f., . � � - III . . L � I . L givi . President, A, Z4a*n ; vice-president, F. Moral Rrforfn. . � V ' . I . I i 11 I . I . . I 114 .. L, of horses, and these should. attract L ". r . Barlow Holmes; secretary r j r Win Lane; Tuesd,a:y evening, April, 19th, was ' V . I 1. (alarge, number of entries. Last treasurer Joseph Kidd; executive covi - .' .OLINTON BRANOR ym,r.Bruceflel4had. one of the, b"t mittee- I H i ' devo�tedl -to the inteiestk Qf the odu- 1 - *A*M r I .-- I L horse! showef In the district and this j�. Dr, anteIr, John Rumball..r. catidnal and moral ieloj�i,, Rev. G,I, ZA . r , cconnell. - . I I I r . - . Butland, It was not decided at -n . lic . L Q . L I . tr should be abetter one, Don"t what -date the annual tournament will D. Damm,,B.D., of Berl�n, acted as I X Phin, B. I I . y% ,_ forget tb6 date, bat bw in, Bruce- be held this year. chairman,Rev. E. P. Becker, of Port ; C I L - Seatorth I I field on Friday of this week. . Elgin, delivered ashrrinK adrdreoa .... rrr 1-1 rrr . . . . . ,,,l , . C -P -A. Telegraph Agency I ' . � L . . L . : a r , , W. A. Crieh bas* rotumed frdnX a r L . I . ,Miss G.-Xarks liator ratvrned from . . � on "The Reform MQvioments, in On . � . . 5 . . 3 I .. . . . three weeks' t!Tp tolthe west. . I visiting Mrk, gathwell, of Toronto, . . Brusseljs. Land." . 1. , I. . k". I P I , . I . I elturne Weduesd R, W, , Doan, Prinpipal of DuMrin "!"~v­-0.1--�~%e.o.� ... ~"gWpoo 'Mrs. Riseftry has r * 'Ing.'r April 19th, . � I r d from Roy Payne was elected Cousic4lor y r r ­ I ,Kr, and Mrs. A.E. Colakon' tPea . W. Proudfoot ,Elected Boucher. ading th6 wintier r in Listowel. b � to thol,qauset of m Schooll Toronto, andlor fffty years -_ , r ________________� ,. I the -Easter holidays tna,uelph. The results of the 'election of Bench: 0 4`cclamatiZon so sucreessor to D. A, Low. was devolte:d eve.0 - is- . . , . r , I . . tars. J. C. Grela and chil&en have � I P39so Mamie 1$w= returned'frOm . 916ns, Rev, Q. F:, Brown, of Walker-' secretary of the Ontario Educational - L _� . .or of the Law Society of Upper Con V.1-Si,t. r I y r6movoct to Tokonto. I . � . been visEti4g in the P21reutal home r , . Ing rc4atives, in Westminster. While Charles E. Uoue, 4 fibmeatead ton, Presided. Ue.r,H.A. Bechtel of , Assoclatiom ­ . . . . I . I r . in Goderichl the past 'week . aft ha. e been' announced. Among Miss Mary 14ang -QfHousall is vfii-w or living about I,.>, milos"north of Kerr (P r . I r . . A V r . Winnipeg, Re,v.,V.,A. Z.e(iler Of Swift ­ , . CIU0 . thoSe r , elected la.W. Proudfoot, K, 0. Ring at the home of the, Misses Robert. in the Saskatoon district, was Currefit, and Rev-. FAT. Wel;Aer I f. . I , L - . 1. 'L - I . . . .1 - bA L . Miss rre, of Bra.MDWU and I L r , L I work 0 . -Postponed. I I r I bs ofHamlltou 0 0. . I I ( I L ho carri B., Regina, revi&v,ed the I . 011-1111F, � ftytl . it -ar the Munr dis3ing on his land$ ed a shot. I . . . r . M. P. P.. of Goderich. The election George, S:wan.and family went to gun for the . the church in t4e. Canadian North- I ' 140, A. Halmhuber, superintend- � Mr.' and Mrs, McIntyre 'purpose of killing gophers .. � r L r r . . I . � I- L 1. . � . __ --WlmaAer�M-Qf-RYO-Yoam-�Audl"u- -,Toro-0to­Ia9t-Wi.-ek-whe;e they, ex- 1:311Ppi west duxiu conference I cot ofthe Old People's Home, Eb- I i'2!`s0Wtsee()k' � I I enff from his lap, the gun was dis g the Vast I . . � . th - . . year. The comforeAco has. eevetn- enezer, N.Y., then ,addressed . the( I �, � I ---P-96 . Harold Broadfo'ot Ot Toronto ana hOnOr mucli coveted in the legal -pro Pect to reside. charge , the, charge e4te'ring his ab- I . . I ., 'Arthur Broadfoot of London were * f6asiour : , I . . .. Mr. Alexander Rose has returwM. domen and death teen menretationQd in that ' eat conferenee. The eonferenc& de- � Do You think you give � I . I I I I . I cy Jollowed in a few k . wItTr , Your . z - 8 . hd�ne - . L from visiting his brother, Dr. Hugh hours.. His former home was at Brus. field, Thespe,akero spo eu- cided to hold, its -next annizallses'- 8kin-a, square d6al I visiWrs at their mother' a sion int Comirodeai, Ont., t%e� third o . ,.you know . r. I � I - Rose, of CUffQrd. . eels, Ont.i- and he leaves a bridelof a thuSiasm o'nt'he progress that wa' any old kind of over Sunday. 'r r you have used . . James Pender left on Tuesday for Reiggite Xaftn,Effle Stoltz, Fga'Sy- Messrs. John and Goldis Graham year. r . . , boing, mude. They, were filled with Thursday in April. : " rr I shipped a ear 1'OL ad, of fait cattle, to I . . . . zeal� and opUmisin. and left a pro- ' 'Rev. A. Y. Hatfit resi"'ed as. Pre- . boap, and then you wonder Why - - . mmttleford-, Sask.,'where he has ae- .Whigton, Ell -en, -Phillips, dord6i Me- - L . . I . Your skin ig, rude rough and,red . . L . . tepted a position with Sprpat Broo. Chn6hey. Jr. IV - Lena ,Pluhkett, Toronto. last week. �.. - - . . I I found iluRzosslon upon -the audi. siding �elder on account, of illness. k I � . . . . . us.to show You our new- . larbe of Sealorth. . . I , Wilillie Oarltel! Althur Lem -0. S -r. III Cecil Simpson was in the village Bayfield euce. I I., . 1. The resignation was aempted with kos ,Sam, I . GJ,,YOHRNIE SOAp. ! , y 6. - . 'Ing . Excellent music wao rendered reluctance. I - . . I. .. it wid , * , smooth ... .The Uneeda. Dance Club 1. ave a "ElWin RMtiNy, Ethell Stalker, Bei lastwee,14 repair the 9t,6r'8(.- oc- The Rev. lgr.-Davidson preb.ched.in att, 11 r V43 YQ cupiledby,Mr.'Bowey. r S these services by the choir.of tb.Q Rev. S.R. Kupchtel was elected r u a nice I ; very enj6yablp dance ih their hall the Ferguson, Olive Taman. Jr. 11 � . t. Andrews Iasi Sabbekth. . . 11 100111. CornPlexion and L . I 1 6'6i ,Hugh ,.+Iklenheiad, who had his .The Ladies, L -Aid---are- -preparing a- -Z . L . -an-4th-e-seqand--,baHo,t-T-he--pr4dd= . I on Thursdaykevening. . -Roy Barr Ionet McClinchery, L _ artich. --qc%gregw..Q6n.- - -Tou-ean.g,;t a lwgrg ca I., . � . A . " L Mrs. W. D. McLaren and Miss -'aard Yurigbf,LZ, Fred Earle, Gebr- hand -1yacilly hurt. (with a circular gredt demonstration. for theindue. rhursdiy, at 9 -ann. ithe, confer- sag elders were sta6tioned an fol- r or'2 for 25c. . r. . . . Lois Johnson attended the funeral gina Beadle, Lureatha McKnight, saw, is slovly recovering. ., ' tion of the Rev. Mr. McPharland Con enee.,wah foi=ally opened lo� lows -Northwest district, , ReV.,L,. . I . . I . : . � . � of their aunt, Mrs. J. M, Muir, in Graeme Symington, Lewis Buddy, On Friday of 16A week'Mrs.-Robt. May Oth. .. Bishop � W. Horn, D. D., ,of Cleve- H, %agner;. north, district Rev 'J Our New Perfume is Sunkist I r ,liunter , passed away to the great � L I - . ' G. Litt; east dlgt,r Bonquet., They say it is' . Waterloo on Wednesday. - Victor Ydngb15t, Harry Beadle. Sr. Tho Sccial given by Trinity Church lau'd, Q1110- - . , . . . let,. Re'v, S.'R: _ . just � . . . r The Citizens' Band has ,engaged II -Ethel Murdo6h, Maggie "Taman, b6yond. Sho has be6n. With' her' was largely -attended and the.congre. The,,,Biehbp read a portion ofthe Knechtel. ', � . .. , � dandy. , � . � I . I thetwellknown comedian -To!m Jr. 11-Gertrude'Laddj6slie Shultz aau ter, Mrs. James, Dallas, of gation enjoyed a pleasant evening. Acts, After singing, the. confer- Professor S., L. 'Um!baeh,-' D.D.11! . . r.. . . . 1. . h , . � . . . . Tuef rsn ' ­ .1 .11. . I. _' r ..", .. - , . .. . Marks, for an -entertainnien! In the Bldon-Stoltz, ffttor.Lemp, Mary e ith, for some, yearsi The . ..The rural.telephone4b. now in operam ence engaged in prayer, the Bishop ithan ,briefly addressed theconfer- .� ' r' . . I I . - .1 . . I I I , home on Friday evening Barr,,Miia Shultz, Har*ie,y Dawson . remains wexd taken � on -Monday to tion in our city and. the ruralites are leading It -ene.e in ithe interest'of ­(tH-eT­_LnW, -­ ' . _ I r- 0 . 11 . d Glen Rafthby, . - Frafik Raithby,- 1V Kineardine, where they, were laid becoming verychildishover -the ring� ' Thei Nishop then read tlia discip- chdrch edifice in Naperville,111., . . ..: _ , . . . . ;Qt)1a11tr1a;. Geo. McL. Chesney left on drey Dawson. Pt..II-Eddie garle, 'beside her laote husband, Robt, Hun- - Ing of -the - bells �%nddlhellowing` at lineiry rules of1businesa for canfer- the seat.of the U. W.College. . . . Tuesday for Calgary, Alta ,Harvey Armst�ong, Sidney Mc,� , ter. Mrs. Dallae'and her fbrotbeT, every opportunity, S,6moof.the eve. enqe, upon which . the bliaikinan Professor T.Finkbeiner of North- WiSS.-HW. . � I 1 I 't Mr .0combe, of Blyth, acco�npanled dropp6rs ve'ntureto* say. that -kissing mad& some iemarks re ithe neee(q� Western College, addressed the con- .. I I .. . I she will, visit her parents, 5j,haenrde Clinchey, Edna Raithby. ft. I- I '.. . . . i Mrs. Pickard, during the summer Emil'Left, Mary Wilson, - Arthur the body to Kilicardine.. A large over �he wires is common while *his- shty of having God's -presence in , feTonce 14 the -. Intexest. of - that In-. � . . Plan B. ' �* I � ,� months. I . . Yungblut,'006n Ladd. . . . � funeral Wiet atthe home and] ac�. pers of heart felt lov6and heavy ,spiritual guidance during conferL '90tution. . . I .. . ,,,, . . � .. I .,'� I I . I - . . � .. . . . A.A. Naylor, Teacher. 'cOmPani6d theb'64y.10the station . sighs are prevalent beyond compre-i ence session.. -He touched -upon the . Rev. J;C. Morfock addreased'Ahe 1 ManufaOtur*Ing CheMiSt- , . . � . a � . hension ' . . . . I' , *' . . _. . � I .� . I., I from! where it.was taken't6 Kincaf- , . - . - . . . .r great privileges given t,d the prea- meating. on the sulbiject, "The Work` . r I I .. I . 0 . . . . . . . I .. I . Ahaq"r . I .1 . . � . ..., r dine, ' I "! . . . 1. - .. . cher, auq p6inte - out the of Evangazaition in the. Sunday. I .- I ,.. . . . . 1. i - Auburn I �� I I , r . . ....; . . L . I .. � . I . .1 . . I . . ' .. minisitft was -expected to be qp .7. clicipl," . � Rev. D._H.,.r.VfT109._._sP_01te. � _ .1 ___._7_ - -.,.--.---.,.- r . r � .. 111� . ­. - I . . . I . __ 1rit _S1 .- - _ - r __ _,�___.__ - . A 11PPPc!!L_ ., - =.._­­,�..­_._.__._ -_ _.... I—. _,. -_ _. , 0o411a ,.,.,,.,. - - . - , I I � , . I I . I . I ­ .: ­­ - .- ­ .. r . r I . I �.. I I .. .. I - I— .. . .. .1 , 'Oy . _____­�­ - - __ r , . . _ - - ,V.- ____ . . . ___�__.:__._ - p1l, find zibit Iwo rldfy'-' T'he',G-eirinan , on the b ' problem'- - Mr Uannal � .� ­ I .. ,, . . --- - ­ r . . . ­ , 4 .-...--., _&_,­.,,.,:­__ _­_.�, - r are c - . 1: . 40derich .-T61'VIEWhip , r . �M 15Geistlich6,"Was verysignifi.-t. .;secrets I try O e . . .., . � . � Ser vices as. usual in � the 2Baptist .....T]� l; 61 Polla nee ,1& Ch"J'a;en" .fZrm, 7 . IN pres y eriane ure or k, . rs. .Samu rd , I ._ . fth Ddxhinlon Alliante, . . I I -_ I I . !church o3X Sunday, qemt at' 3 P�. M.). 'tahift showing% their appreciation . . . . � ­ � Of Blytb, spent onig day. last week in - :-cant. He emhasized the res -00 J..�lso addressed the ,coj�ferenr_e. * . . . ­ - . .'L . ell'I'll'Ilill,"w I . '', conduoted, by', the Wtor. I . . J6h1i Johr I . . 1 . 1. . � � . pqnsA r . ... 1. r I . I . I . _. . �11. ._ for - our, fbx�Aler pastor, Rev. Mr. _kkoh;.who *foj the past the village. biltilty of the prehelier, not to his� At Satlarday's session. amemorial . .: � . The �ollo 'wing. is the .standing:,of . Urquh'abt. flAt .a.conigeegational four years"hasi operated the Naltel. Win. Stanley, & Holmeaville, visit-. ,presidiiig elder, , 4 r �r [to, tbet fbiahop, ', sqTvice, waa hey -d in meniory, of off -M 1C. S * llr� the pupils of this Auburn ischool as . . . 0 . I . � - . . a resuM of the promotion examina- m66ting hold in Knox,churdlo, 1t farm. in Goderich township, ,,Ihas; ,ed his daughter -on, Tuesday last.' L - Tvia .to God. Me admonished.- -the 96V�-'Jk)i'tT1nbAe*h 'ReV. Ei'Ebrkhtid .Pure . map grup .1. , .1 '' was 'decided (to proceed., at- once - leasedthd Thomas St�.nson .proper- - Master Alfred -Glazier, of Stapleton, -brethren to,be earefull. as td, . Rev. A.4eiger, V�o .died-. during I . , . . . � , . I . I .Con- . . I . . . . r. .� 1. I . I 1. .. . I tionts h(Ad recently. -V- Fromilda. ;�Itb. the renovating and- decorot- ity, on the Lake Shore, Rbad, for a spenli the Easter vacation as the guest duct Land-associla,bes. . . . the c . . . . 1. I I . * ' . . . I i r - I . . � . . ,Pfeffer. Entrance claso--JLila How- ing of Ithei church: interior. Thin term of years.' This fine farm con-; of his unble; Mr. Thos.. Polla;rd. , 'Rev. -B. -Burn of Ta.vistock, was The finance cohi1mlitee 'reported. . . . . sitt Rena Barr Rob. Philllips,.Jen ie will include , )the . 1�1=1.. . . . , r I SQOr. Gr.i'�,- Ejai Xuuery .Valntipg, and I -siats of a olay sub sbil,. has jeiccel.� Miss Maggie 'and Master George appointed recording s6crk%try�,who as follow's,-A probati6her . shall re� . .. � .. . . . � � . �ut, dedorviting of the audito'rium,renp- lbot buildings. constructed thereon - Riley spent the Easter vacation as the . appointeff Re V.W. J. Y-AeKez - ' 19ew ceivei $400 per aM3iuM;. a deacon $500 . I ­ . . . . � I � . . . . � . r ho-19teriur-ptthe'seats, uttinsTiow 'and is situated adjacent -to the cor- t of' his aunt, Mrs.-- - Dulatige. of `Haqnburg,'.as,copyI9t,' and Rqv. - E, and free, dwelling; .an elder K'50 . Straight from Sap to - Ryi!up'l, I ocarpelt 6n the - fle k other lim- poratiou o ftlid village of Bayfield. '9261ill'op. '. .. . . . M.Gisehler a9trahslatlor. - I and frete dwelling; apresidinig el* from tile Countyof Leads, to - I � I ____ . I , �- _ , . noton * 41>M, -a callled to - The revised businesi'rules of the. der. shwU receive $950 andi $3.50 is � �. I I provinnents, which will QgI;Llikely We wish Xr..goh . da,nt, Mr. Edwin Brittoi2 *a . O'NeiPs Store.* . . . . - . . �. � . � . . Include rithe inst�%Iiation. of 'electric su ­ I . ... . C:. ! L , - Kinstow, SaRk., owing to -th� illness of conferencerwere read by Rev. M."L. renit and expenses. ' L The brethem, ­ r ' . * :.'. _': . . I . ".. L r� __ . . . . . . . . ljodakS . Urghts. The interior decoration Will L Hv;bienealw-A' quiet L wedd1nK;6Dok his mother, Mrs. John -Britton. He Wing, and'a . dootpd. -by coiderence. . in the northw6st Vehall r - -receive r $90, . * - I . L L - ­ 11 - .1. r; . . " I emember bow - *. I . I be done by the, Thornton-Shlith place oii Wednesday '-afternoQn,, lefton Monday afternoon. We hope Rev. Gkorge Johnson, Cleveland, .;extra. This report was adopted. DO `Yoil. -not , r - r .Company -of Toronto. The,coat of 'he ruaV find her much improved. . ': -it was last yeari you said, � , . ". r , - . April 12th, when Miss Margaret Me Ohio Missionary treasuj6r of Evan Th4 followinZ_ preacherli were rod, . . � will get itat O'Neirs again next - .1� .r . � . the ImprCovements will, be about $3, IlWthin, daughter of �Robert Mell- � I We,aria glad to report, that the Miss. gelic �i Association; Rev. C.Hauser aeoted afa delegates to the general year. . _. .. . � . � - . . - the- r es I . ' .. .. . r '. ..r ,. - 600.- During the- progrehe of Waifi,'Bayfieild Rbadi became the- d their' N ormil'Examinations at i1p%_ . r . . I I ., - , Geftie Campbell and Edna Taylor publisher; Rev. A.Rafmhub'ek, a colife-rence, to convene in CleveleAd . . I work,Ahe services win be held e184 bride. of J Thorna� Ryan,,of Dun- 0 ti.,�.. .- . erintendent of Ebenezer *old Peo- Ohio' on Nov. - 19th,-, Revs. . *6'. R. .. � I I I . , I r., ' where, the place .'Ito be definit gannoii. , .. - I . . !a ,t M L Win , IS. ' - It is readY n.ow the, pure.:stuiff � �., . . .. e4y. I lyl�e bride was-1astefully -=.f Vol recen I 'O . . T'o make a picture is simple - . . plOs Home and Rev.. EX, �Brown, Kn 6vtef, J:G. Lit 9 ., � . , In ap 0 1. , : tann une Michig n Conference, were reeeM- M. Mau an et; alter� up- hy.evapor , �: .. .. . _. ­ - - o 64 in,"a'fe1w . days. r r. r dressed in brown, -The .-ceremony I . . . la ch d'L.11L'W�g�� yr �, . I with a Kodak. or Brownie 1. . . I . I . r . ' ' ' I . . a � ation . , I . I I . .. . formed at the Leeburn and - . . . -_ -__ I edas advisory ' b , '' ` . uaitivea, Revs. G. D. - Dambi, B. Burn . ­ � I ­ �, I . . , . . r mem erg. - I � . . . . . I . � r I 0 . 'a' " . . . . � . . Our stock of Kodaks, Brbwnie. . . r - - 'Union - Rev. J.111amilton, . N at Sehool, Graduates . Rev. C. K. Kee'pke was ap'D,'ohited and A. Y.Haiot; "Thw following lay 'r. I . . � . . I .� .. 11 �.� .. . and all Photographic suoplies in . I .., . I flefflisaft - . - - B.A. T hpte start mar orm r.., I rr � . - . � to receive the deaconess money, de16jkgeSr rO elr�cted.7-J.. G; Breif7' : ,,.:r . . , : :1. .. I .. . � I ­ ; . . ., peo I - I . .�. . ' , , r � I we . � . . r . .� " , I I I . � �__ r . . '�r Rev . . : � L . . . .. complete. Full information and . T,H.,,Pearson I r of London,. to ,the ried good. wishes of a . I . . 1. . � . . E. -J. Bechtel wasappob3�ted, hauPt, Bb-rhn;'.W,H.'Otto, Elmira', . . . . . .. � . . .. : � - I . ' . - . � . . � ., 'Ito receive the. n o ey, for the Old J.J. Li, . I � . I . . . � � booklets -free, - . . in host of friend'.. r I nk, KbMer�;.alternijf'I'Vets, W. � . Possessor of the - largest egg,, I . ,a .- � The finAl exa,mination'of'Caudidates i it 11 . . .- . ,. . � ' , . in'grade 'A' class, were hold � . � - - � I I . . I . . a . , r, . .... : � I r 11 . Huron 'Crountyi ' C ' -voted. . .. . Th -has, -There died in-Abis towt1iship - on: at the �Peoplels Home. - hesley -.'O M Umbach;rWa . � ' ere * - - lbeen s"Normal I Schools -trom. Marc] ' ReAr Cllauser,pubilshei,ofdlOye I r 9, ...R�V.,F:L,� -, Z�e - . � ' r I., I I .1 . : : I . , . . I � . ciuito,su egg contest im Huroii for Priday, April Htli,' Ann McLeam, vRriOu i I ttr%o. I ler Was � . . . - " . - . . some time, and. the 'r peoplel have. widow of the lateRedpath Fs I Lleon- .8th to April othr, Uud ' 'or the* provisions lAnd, b.Ro, w4s.presented tol,the elders orderd. I . r ....m , . . . . . r, ,.: . I I ,r � . been reidingl'the. "big eggllstorieB � eir, one of our .oldest -andA 'Widely of thd syllabus an'd regulations., of confetrenL,e, .and spoke -briefly re The question Of.ehur�h unioaiwas. . .. . I ... .. , � , .. I I .1 .r 1. I ,�, . . , , r r r . A White Leghorn, owned- ,by Mrs. known pioneers. - Bbrn- in . r 1910?11. - � . the, interest& whith he'represduts , again taken, up. - W* -1: T. VNEIL � '' . . . Those ciindidates who tailed' hit,Tl to the . . . I � I Rdbeot NeAvW, of Hensalll eeenls:to couU�S, Ireland, 75 years ago, de- he , publishing builness of ' ' Rev. G. D. DWAm'viroduced statis- . � . � r . I " . . I _V h: . . l . ' ]M T I . I �; I �. JE% IU40-V ave the record,. rgood, Friday it cease aamd tw&lnida 'with her return �o their respective -Normal li isI,a.,av0k'y pr'Osp�rousgon_' ties proving- incohtt; . . . . . . .. .. . . 1, . I .1. chure overtibly that '. . .. ' L, � . I ... . laid an qgg* that, - waq 8 1-2 inches parents 'in 1840i sbe, beiug(,tJio'sec-. schools to attend the'remaindiar of the diticin . I . . I . ­ I - _. . � .. , the Canada conferenc6� had .made- THE HUB GROCER'., - . .­� � �4 session. gind, to write on the final ex. - .The examinatAon of the membe n last cluadrennium greate�r . � . . . Dispensing Chemist. %cone Wety and .6 1-2 - itche's.. the other ond daughter-ofthe late John Me rs i the . - . . . 1. I I . . . � ;.�. I . ivay. jShe sent'it to ,94 -Pearson for Loab.' Shd had,lived in tho town-, &initiation to-be'lield in Juuej 191L of the conference was : conducted progress thin'the London conf4r- . I . I Phone 48 - , . , � . ,,, . 1 . I , ' . I I . . . . I ­ � . .. . � � . .. - - _-Ribition, ., 1. � ship ever since, and had seen it The marks of unamicessful. candidates satisfactorily.. - ence or thp. -aamiltolt bonference 1. . . � . , . � . I . . . , � . I . . I . I . . . . . ... . .: � � . I I . 'ficites of successful . It -was reported.ihat th6'Ifollow- of.thelXethodisi .but . . � I ,� . , I I . . I - � - as well as the certi : Church, ex- �_ � . 11 I . I now candidates.. wilf-be fdrivarded without Ing diedduring ithe -yp zpressed his 'opinion that, union I . " . .. � . .­ . . ,, . 6NII1Wr-MIIIII0IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . .. I 1.� . I :a I I .,kr; Rev�A, . . .. I .. . �% I I . . ed td1he Geiger, Rev. Joseph Vin-bich, R-�v , 'would, b�e, the ii1timate outc6ne and , , . , I . I . , , * , . � I del�y, to the addresses report . - * � * ******************# 44#04! *:*###"44 Department of Education.* � . E. E 6Y and ReW. C. Bolender. - * would dontrtbute to thb ,glory t6f: . . � __ 6;;;Q;;Q;a6_._tQ%. " 7 11 # I � . � I I . . I . . � . � - i * . ! . . . � I I , . . I . I ' a the welfare of His causer; , � I ... � I .., + .� I I I . . . . .4 ,- Permahent second,class:certificates Thebishop tjlen'teroorted the var. I God'an . � I . * . , + I . will be issued to those 'of the success, iOtis colftmAteeM., .1 I I - , . I � I I . . . . .. - ., I .1 . . + 9 � . . . . � Mind The 501, ft Pigs' '�. , '' 11 . . . I . I . + ful grade .'A' caiididates who are 21 At Friday7s'session of the Evang.. I . . . I . . I I . . . � . 11 � ... I .1. , . . � � . . + . * yearsaof age, and ifitermin second, lelical conference, Rev-, R,u. Pelqr, ______ . � . I . ­ : - - . . . .. . ; + tollar - � # clas's certificates to alk other.subc ossful. of the Ohio eo'#ference, present . ;e�d - I . ­. . . . . 0� . 1. . -L - L !0W - - , . : ��, I * 0 Sh,irt!";, � I I'll. - .. , ; . . I . I . * candidate'$. , �- ,' ' 'his -credentials and, -was re . CORPORATION& . , � . * . I I ,� I . . . . The successful:11toroti County candi- into.thd ministry da an elder. . I Thet 'reason . why- neither the � ­ .:" I + I . I . . � I . 11 I 1, . I . # P eived I 111� '. . . �_i + . . . . I 11 # dates at. Stratford Normal School,ax-- Rev,- 'Professor T. Finkbeiner, - of 'nor -its. . - , � . . ., * . - . 11 . .. . . * -;� . . exiactment,of legOlatlon.* ....... �. ....! I . I 1. ., . .. I I . 1. � . ranged alphabet.ically,: are as follows Northwestern ColleZe�Xas r8ceived - . , . � . . # . .1 .. . � 1. . .# . - � I - . . i , enforcement has been sum -P.-%. ,. . . , . + . . I . . .. . I . . � * as an. advisory �nember; Rev . . I . . , I I . I . . , . . .1 I I # . STRATFORD NORMAL '. � . Xr4 ' Ixterm-inating the, so called . 11 . � . � The stdr in 'a nut- is. I . t # , , . � . . � . . ef ' . "trusts or even to affect -wages .. is � Toronto,, Oni. has a. uaticinal reput, - � , * �, shel'A,. ' that we have the bes . Micliael, of the Dakota )nfere'rice, -': In L * # I I . - . . % . � 1. .11 y .. .. - ., � , , . . .. ­ . ... 1, - . � � . MabolA.14ailie:.-Dunganio.n. � presented his credentials and . . &tion, for euiierior *cirk; -, Open all - - . . . . I + I . : Alvin Brintnell"Olinton . , Was recej�ed; Rev.'H.Arbel .,,- . %Va � . Vecause as an itIfft.tive Industrial ear, - �.. I I., ' R . . . Y 94ter, now, catalogue free , ' * . . � DOLLAR SHIRT S.eve,r .put on., the Market. We'meah Gertrude J. Campbell- Constance � .votted his crede-Atilile to the.Cali" � -, agency. to wield .the energies of . ' , : . . , . . . . ... . I . . � . . � - ELLIOTT BUSIN988 COLLEGE' 11 � , , . . . . . . . . #. , AnniaH. Cowan -Blyth: , . fornia conference. .,Rev, G,; Johnson manki d the corporate form, be�­ ­ . . . Y � oun . . . . .1 . what'we Say and our -SHIRTS"' willback 'Up' our state- ' Emma EdWards-Gortle . . treasurer -Of the 'Missionary Society . . other' form, Is -th . e, . . . o d r.8tr6et - : � . � . . . � . . . . I . . 'A . . . a 'Belle Henderson-Brusselii 'Emangelie4l Association, ad- most effective -.yet discovered. ' . � # I L - � I . . . Of 'the yond any . . I * I . . . . Rets, A, Hildved-Bervie I . . . . Toronto . . I., . . _� ment . 'We employed. the' best. SHIRT-MAXERS ,we* ' Evelyn A. Hortoh-Heneall . dressed the !conference., * -speaking The mistake in In the point of ., . . I . I . ': I � � . . I . I .. . . . .. Bertha Jobuston-Fordwioh . very eUthusiastliftlly, of the pro- view. ApproximatelY onb-third , .. . ,.;. - .. I .. I I I I . 1, . I .. I , gregs .of the .mission work of the I of the wealth- of the country Is � � I- . . . . I . � � . - / ­ know, � to . make,- us a special , line 'of, DOLLAR Elizabeth Moses -Jamestown . church. Eipecia,Uy-WeTetkreat ad- I I ]3ufWo bby,was aceldentallY -shot : \ I I . , . I � . . . . �_ I I . . I . I I Carrie UtCracken-Brussels I Vances made In Ge in corporate form. it 'ia. the I . I 11 , , IN � /good Linen' cloths., in a . foothold hadbe, ftnafty, sme4 a wealth of the people., One way dead by, .his playmNte. - i, ... . . . 11: N N , � , , , , , , � � , .� SHIRTS froln.. � extra . � . . Elizab6th MdKay--Cranbiook on gained In Russia . - . 1� ... . . .. - - . . . I . � fill& McKinaon-:-Biussels . . I -this domain, - one that � , , A bigl aviation meet Wil"e. held � I . 'Y'l Dr. A. T.Moojre� D. D to vie* I � . a '' �1 I � Lilian McManus - SaItford - secretary of . , lack with wbite . 6tr* . the 'Methodist gener conf ' has achieved � ii,ear Quebe&citrthis sub2mor. , 7 I - _ ,g variety .. of patterns including b ipe. . I N i �'- �, ., . . I .. I - .. .. Jennie Rands-Brussela . �, erencA, some popularity. Mexican Government oeekl4g,fd- . 7 "-. . I � I was introduced to the. bouference, - is that It is the enemy's country 4 TV, k, These shirm are made extra large, bo§*om and shoulders � Raymond,Redm6nd , -Westfield Dr- MOOr0 gave an, eloquenq and and should be destroyed; ' The . cruits, for army, in quidbeco - . : .. 1. . I . .. , . New York keock akehange. likely, ,*,�, . . � _ . INTBRIM CERTIFI . OATHS. ,. . fOrc0ful address,giVing abirdle, eye .. . - I I I I other -and. wi I maintain, the to albolish arbitrage tradbig, - - � are reinforced and reversible. collars, sizi!s 14 to i8j, . 1t Edna Jean Taylor -Constance vie1w of the work of 0 -Methodist JWi and reasolidbit­way Is to - Tft -Coi� the ,Ottawa -River� threat- * ' " " � . .1: 1 , - 11 _­ 1. � I I I . . . . . - Pertrude Sturdy -Porter's Hill - I Ourch. The resoltitio Of the joint ' -cause flood at thd capital.. I �:� '. - '. I I . I . . � .. . . committee of the Met distchurch view it as a, rich.- field, a n6w ens to _ . . � � - the bes AR SHIRTS we have . . . I -and the Canada .. o "Hon. Jan. Bryce r6fused to be && . .� Z is without doubt t, DOL4 O NR f r ce of the field tbat shoold , I - . . I .. I . I , I VAng. I . 4 ig I., t,6rvle*wed 1byt.reporters atDetroiti, I Wn.. .I _. I I . H * eltealchare Was, thensub-� every eldzeii.�-411 I ii e (Irossenp. I ,Urn. Thornlayl repeated -her, . I I -couterenee. - - . '.1 ­­­ � ..-- . 1 - . I .. . ever sho-' ___ -_._ .111-1- � ­­ . _­ - � . - . cessful can'didates mitted, to,jthe, � I - - _ I I.. .1 -1 I . . 111 , A ,. . . . 4- I I . attefidln%Ltoudon'Norma.l�ara :- I . The h' I . . I .1 I of -ib"Ofalfty'. -among . . 1:1 . � ;_ - . I �M . C ur0h Union ,Problem. � . I . . ary . Barkley -Dun %miob. I I I se o I -children to the London Min- . I . . . . . . � � . COW9,rd , � . . An o ist6ri Waned and, a , On. � I � - . I . . .6 I . I . . . . Margaret L. - Rinchel.aea- Bishop llorns,Poke on the subject uLbresk of, mu�nVslaa oc- . " 0 rasolutt -I - 1� . -, .. I I.. . I.. . . 11 � 1. ­ Freda, 0. Mesa-Zarleb, out that the mattsr had aurred, ait.-Montreal .. , , was passed vinaickti.ng, her dbodre. I "I � I- - . . , . . I I �, . .. � � Pointing . 1. I . '. . � I . I . I W , . . .. I Kate A. Marshall -Blyth. . u6t been property ot e­;nted to the I I . . 0 1 . . , I . . I . . I . I . . . . , I I . ­ Belle sMoDougaIll-Lumley. econfOrence, No v6presefitative-of � ==F= , - - . 1. I . � . I I I � L MaMahen�tfiborno- - . the Evangelical Isession.was pres- 1. . I 1.� . , � I .1 : I Peat] Toll -Blyth. ., - I . . . 11 The 'next time ou, are passing -the shop call ' ` ens' �, ent, the general conference of- the .,. . y I I . , � � I . . . . I . . . . I ' - , * '. . , I �, .L� ,, 1. , asked to -send aropresontative and e o 'So' -k 4,� IL � I � Norman R'. ljoyce-blytb. , EViving-eal6al churchnothavingbOeli 'M . I I he expressed his inability to Zlow � Th . . . Ba '' 0 d It de-monst the f, t , '..- �. * III, ,a . * 1tbA3 Matter to be continued, on con- . , . .1 ns L.. n . � in an we wi rate ac . . .1 " - . ' L III . #A * I . . . . � I , I I 4 . . . . -1 I . , . . * - stitution&I igpoundo, Rev. 0. D. , -,. . '. Ineorp6rated 185S . . � I . . . . Ixt. - . I Capital! PAID UP $4 . � . - --w- - - 0 0AXAMAN NEWS, : DaMmi of Berlin, movied an amend- I . 9 . 00009000 I . 1. 11 . . .. .. . . I I; r . i . . � . . ,I + : , , I � . I . I . .: . I I I . ? , I - I I i I . I ) 040%010� T I. vaulgl�lieo- I 11 .I e stu V I I ! fo , . 2 � 11 I t I I I I : I . : . . I " 'I , � . I ! ) . � i ) I I . . I .- - I I `1 I , I I I *1 I I .1 I. . I 1� I' I. I I I I- 1� - . I D I : .1 1. I I I 1. : a AIN e en I I I ., . I . � . I . . . . If 111 6 � . * . I Iment. io an dblectionable clausb in I . � � � .. � I � � � 1. , .0 0 . L * * the resolutiout so thait the, g6neral I Itai 80 ]Or Re9t PUlido - a 14AOZ19060 " � .1 Stratford Ms added amew"Wing conference of the Evi'agelical . "Ohes in Canada, skild Agents and CorrespondentS.19 AII * ' � The Morrish lei ­ thin . e06 11 Ito its hospito. ' & church should1hoduly aud-pr6pe . I the Principal P,XlOs In the World. . I " � � I , 0 1 1 , 9. I 1jr-hotLordd. "Rev. S.M. IlAuch, M.. . - P� . I . Onq thousind Tatko roDorted C * of Stratford, 6ecohded themot A:�GNIVIORAL BANR1ht% 13VSISES$ TRANSACTED. ,. � . . . . . . 44 A � , # . -kiff-e-id lubalttlO Nith reb(killou . � - � " Square. Deal tot F.very Man,lo - - I I 6k M" �;;i, The resolution o4rried. *The I 11 - - � . I � baftlens. , . " 1 . . bishop thaft i0ormitted the subjects SAVINGS. BANK D.LERARTMEN'% I � 11n;10 . I . - ­ . . . . . . . 0 1 .QA ."A� A 4. lil,x fkn Al M46 .A I ". 4. - � � L L .1 I I . ,6? . " I 6 11 . A aK COQU, T . . . �Jr a XV1115 I at all 13ranchaso Interest allowed at Idgliest current rat,00. 10 64"4 4444##444+ 1't$19,�Y'71101t&07,0� kA6be6Aft*dby, speftl4tionowevc. ddlivereil pro . . L I _ ­ .11 . I I . . . '. .,V� I I and eon, but definite attioul, ,was -0 .. I 0 . I 0 � I . � . . . . I . � I CH11ton.11ratich..' . L e 40 C, E, DOWDING. N10fiager . . . . . - . I - . . � I I . I . I . I I '.I I I . 1. I 11 I . I .11 . � . � . - . . '. � I . � I . I I I . . . � I � . � . I A � L � L 1. . . . I .1 I . I ,� . 11 I , . . o * . I 11 � I I I f� 11 :� . . I I . __ _____ - - . - . . � .. A . I _Afi.9.*_k_ , . , ­& 1- �'�­ L.. I �, ". lk­. .., - ­­ ­., - . __ _ , __