HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-20, Page 3Rny, ­ J I - I - __.F.. .1.11 ­ I -1' �-_ 1.;V!M.,. ', � , I .­ `17 7� 'IN ,M'W7:� V*- - , T' I , - -w7w . . Im - 'M7V?r"RTW,,.`w7," ,r . . . ., I . . w7mv,77 I � . � I . '%�w t I ., I" ­__ � - I � '. . � . -1, _'1I,.71- - 1, 11 . ''. I " ,� lr� �, , . � . > 1. .. . . - -4-imm, - , ­ I - . __ —, � ... . ... -.- _ .- � __ ­ ­-­- r I - - . I "jjjj��j , - . e_-__.-- __ . _­ I - 'R ,M - -�r- I � iiWUM ow pre"aw lairs wita, I I- . . THE PRINCE Of 1ARS - tbt%t a few Xtepa a ead to -a, T-100,000. It I'; CxPePted tb81­t I , reg � I 7x,ill take about five years to executq. , - ­ - 07 - TAE . . r - ,viewed fro)i the Xall, Wis liggeatco '111(t 11103 approoenca to the me A. DOUBLE CURE FOR DOUBLE sn ad4ress and a awfally bound vol- , "' I'llineut. urna of the Heripturex in commemoM , hould I ....rk - SIXT?' THOUSNO. 1. - � , � TROUBLE lion 9f tile th -hundredth goulver- . �, platforin'beving the base of the pedee- � - , tal, wbich should be about 1.11ft. high. I - . � Father MorrWyls 1Q. 26 Cures Catarrh sary of the ,completion of the Eng- ni i ' On, this base and In the Centre, It ir, TWO SANK HOWDAY0. . Ilsh Authorized Vvrolou of the Bible. - I � How Edward h 6corodower tho Welsh- , Proposed to place a large, seated' f1g, — . , � , b7 a CQ=WuW Treatulcut. Rc lying to the address, the K14g , . . I I I - � . " inon. =6 of " Peace." with aPPr0PrIat0 sym- IM-f-ATi-nouncement Regarding. London . I , Sal:- OLD -INE, ifflYz � ,— I bola at her feet. It is thought that tlui . � . .* It to my conflitenChope---confirmed . . and ,thla Coronation Vaptivitles. . The sudden weather variations in, our by the widespread Interest your move - No, tmolition In Welsh history Is so -sculptor might symbolloo the -down- cUmate r a ' fall of "War and Strife," thus illus -i -This Larae Army Is Needed to Guard ,csult in a gre t many cases of ment has aroused-tilat my subjects ' d1fr1ft+tl"$11 OdIgS Natural 01W ,. �)k well known, as tile creation of the first trating to ill . lure gonerattons the Ign at The PriMe Minister Informed the' -the Stroets Durina. tile catgrih.-a troublesome disease usually May never cease to cherish iteir noble ; Prince of Wales. The last native I Itev. 1411-reeter Home In the House of . . considpred bar4. to cure, and one which' inheritance In the Fonglioli Bible, In A Natural Way, I I — . . 'Pro-.asslen often leads to serious pulmonary and . . Welsh Princes, Llewelyu and David, — ,"oni-ocas tl�at thq baniz, holiday in : � whicb. -in a secular aspect Is the first � III 4m a sevquty.nine,y�ar-*Id man � ..., 1. I � �. . , ,�. d — ' ' ,intestinal troubles. of the national treaourcs, and is, as and a great believer in, and uwof, . 'were con- -Gxxu..-, t'�­;! , 'ill ille 0oranation woul . A neglixted cold in the head weakens � After a .stout resistance, I � � . . . I . . � .1 . I �� ,iot cav- - -r- ­ , * Ne%t In Importanco to. the We:7t. ser ill, . I qtxered by ,Xing Edward I. An 1377. . 1: . 1. I . I .1 . .... . I I �, I rr., .� flirn 1ho actual day of , . the nasal membranes, t at Orcry' ! you truly say, In Its spiritual signifl- ityruit.a.-tiver.". I rh? Colroration oxc­pt In tho Ocurity � e "the most valuable thing that . The victor united the kipgololu of I 1. I . ­ . ,r. . I � . . minster Abbey caremorr, come the ,turns � At Calle "Stricture of The Dowels Wax the I . 117 � . I I . _� I cb,,.a3 a riatter O' iprocesslona. Here the details ara In future exposure the trouble re complaint I suffered from .and I found � I Wales with the crown 'of Eng- " - I.% I I . I . I � .11 F_ 1. ,.)t I.ordon, In whi 4 '. length these conditions are fastenea onto � this world affords." , . I I . I I . . . .. . '. �L. I . . ,I I . I . I ­onvenir nee, It ,was proposed that the I � that I 'Fruit-a-tivcs'l did me more g(W � . )444. and to appease the =tionol . . . . ,� : . , L 'LL' , _: ijay ji the Royal progress, Frida many bands. To line the route on tlio� system, and the sufferer undergoes � . I � '. I I � I I :­ ', L ,y, , 'e OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER. than guy other remedy, My doctor , aeutimeat promlood the Welsh peo- *�. . ':`..,L - .­ .� .. 1 _ -". should be also ' art in thrt the annoyance and danger of clirbal I .1 . . %% -i 11 V 11 ple b '.11 I i I I. 1. I � unn � declared A ,tile two days and to talte p I advised me to stick to "Fruit-a,tivew" I � 9 ,I. give, them a prince :1 : �.:, 11 . L " -.:.::�. % .1olid. . I . catarrh. Sir Benjamin Stolle has received a and I have done so with best result. - . �. . . , " , .'L: ­, . Banu I ny. I procession m Some doctors confine s , L witho blipmIgh, on his hougur, a Wels � . I �', . , � ... L ''. . 1. . � . , tbemselve, io uj woulc 10. , - 1�� ,,� ore than 60,000 trool.'s . i,.%_ " � . , .....,....;I.- ­ - 41Ihavebeen in business here for a . I �..... "I � . . ­.. 1. . I ... . I . . will be required. They will b,3 urWr - prescribipi; external applications, and Q I Without blemish on 1110 IlLonoijr, A .�... 7 "I __k �. L I .. 1. *:: : � .� ommunication from the Earl Marshal . . I . '-%', L "I ' ­. � ' , g ood m u ear a L L L ,, ­ - ., .'thus do not reach the's%t of the trouble, ; -Welobman. by birth, and.one W.h I � . . ...' ,%. - I I � �,.,�_ � "'.. - stating that the Kin has been gram g, . a y y s and h ve been a resi- �, _. %%� . .L. 6, , , - Tried the command 'of Lor�l Kitchener. a could . � , , ,��_ �....i. ;, � 1:: ,_ ­ . Skin suffeirers 'al L treatment exclu- . , fiftyye=,P1 : at speak a word of English. The % -, . %...�; . I , ejously pleased to appoint him. official dent of Otterville for over . U . ,�". , � o�, , . I . :::: .. . - - .' RVeryjh1ng# '. The' -crowds which.- line the routes Others give intern L ­ I I __ - ;:1 ..... .... 1� t, 1:� .1, .�. � p1hotograpber for the Coionation cere- I � JpUdg�, lie fulfilled in the li�tto It not '.�"L L. �".I:L, � %.1. L ,' I sively, ind thus. do not promptly relieve WK. PARSONS. , . I 'L - :�,-� I . - * enormous that one Can the affected parts. . many in Westminster Abbey L., : I in the apirit. - Queen Eleanor, wao sent ik�%,.�,���._�'. � � I Zill be 130 'Ay )Father Morriscy, the skilled . _­ . In June OTTXRV=1,lt, ONT., July 8th. igio. . � to Caruarvou Castle, and there -the In- *J�o", : I Then D. U., D. Cured. �afely predict that there will be rall L g Tiest. next. ­_­.. . . .... ".. 77 . -_ . ' � . ,gasualties, To mOet this emergency physician, rightly reproled catarr as a . .. -",�L:' ' I .W*..s,;,,.,1 �, . . . . . .. -, . font Xdward of Carnarvoll, who be ­ . "", � . ,L! I 1::.��;,�'. ; , I � -The bttrw o - . r . . I . ,the St. John Ambulance Corps will double trouble, COnSISIL149 01 unpleasant . Mrthday of Prince of Wales. � �. , ,LL;;i�-:i � I � . emwo Edward II., w1w born. .1 J�, �., � , - .� . .,;....;, 1. " . .1 . , I be prevent lit force. At the last cere- local effp . . . X"", . .. ... , %.1111� "�' I .I.... . ,cts and their fundgmenjal .:.�,�. :X, , on0 and great men were, Pummoned to . I il 0+104104. of Mrs. , many 232 officers, 1,55.4 men, and 187 Friday morning following the Coro- ;:�-"�i�-�;!�:Ki��:!Iri� :��! .:?.�: ­ , ;�:`:, � �' � . ,� TWA XM 0 - cause er a in o, ,, .., 1 , : :,. `���LLLL . . I Qeo., ffewlnall, VL rjanise Y &Ile, Ont, . �s, the, latt h v & to 4. witi; im- nation will beralcl the birthday at the ,��_ .;:�:. do, haulage to their prince. 'Edward - - .. �� I ra nurati paired general vitality. - . g. .."', � � . .)g sisters were kept busy from L i_� � , , ��. L., I I wa4 not at that time the eldest, son, She, wrote, in January 1910.- the very early hours of the morning.., His famous retnedy, No. 26, is acom. - Prince of Wales, whose, new banner, .. �� I but on the death of.his, brother Al- . I (I w pAL t , erribly,troubled, with e.c-, ,f oearing'the Arms of Wales for the �,�,:.".Z , L ... . To protect the crowd more that to biped cure for catarrh. It consists c � t I 1 pho4pe he became heir -apparent, and ' ��' zemat on kn;y, f a66, neck anii- hanclo first time. will float from a flagstaff I . " I keep- it orderly a large istaff.of pollee .tqblipts to be taken three times a day, and lr . I - , � - ": --from,,that time, on . a the -title of- - lot four 7ears, I tried, everything,,*. IiIII b 'Police on tile Royal Palace In his honour. :; 1% I , . , L LwW � fL " . ' It Prince of Walee. has been.boille by . . I had, heard Itell L Of then saw your , e. In -attendance. arrauge, an especially compounded salve. There to no doubt tbat His Royal - High� ..: .1 1. L 11 . . _ . ments are made with the utmost care The salve is antiseptic, and quickly ., :;�, I . I L the eldest ponot the Sovereign, -More advertisement in the Palper, sent 'ptnd detail, and the Earl Marshal, su- -heals -the inflamed membranes of the ness will receive a special birthday ��, I 11 , - 1. . :::­,.� L ­, . , " , " thVA five centuries have passed since for a trialbottle of D.D.D., -used, it - L na osaps, The tablets -go to the gift 9! this nature in recognitiqu, of f,"..w:'. . � at well. It U ipp=6 in everything else, wisely re ,Sal Pa . r, . , 1. . , I . _ '­., ,� Henry V. became the fifth Prince Qf 6ul ony face and I em his having, attained his. majority that I.X:;�Z:,:::�,, %;�Xi; frains from Interfering with the Com- peat of the I . ,:x:* ­1_ . I A Wales, and was invested with 'that , ' t%l . trouble and, restore the syst i ... . .. __...�_�. . . of - - uornlrig. He Will be not the least wel _:;.;::....'- -.g;�.�' now; two years an � no return . - . . . . . . . '- LL ..­ *.­iK�.,." � I . an Oct. j5, la,99. Much of what I a�ra cured rissioner's orders. The stringency to its. usual tone. Together, they cure. . ­,,­;: 1. ._il :.­, , ..''.., __ � . dignity the,eczema. I consider and minuteness at these orders may, Instead of neglecting a disease come of all the members of the Royal 0 .; - -1 � , that is . , :..... ., � , . then took place has been left �ul;lre- and, it certainly,was -a blessing to be gathered from the fact, that toll unpleasant to yourself and to others, and Procession which will drive through i �, :; .. � I )I ' , 11 I . . corded. There Is, however, anlonk the' me. ri. one which often leads An pneumon and South London later on Lin the day. . � � '­ Additional Moo. In the- B , matter how terribly you 01af-11, these days at least, It is . ia P, , - , - ritIO4 Mu- No minal offence to buy or sell peacoCICL consumption, It is suvelY the part of Wis. . .. .N. _.- . �i�� 1. . ­ � MUM an early order of ,1 Preparation fer from eczema salt rheum, ring- fe hers, squirts', and toy trumpets. It 'dent to ta . ke timely steps to do away with I __ I . Fridt is wataws laze . aye. 1,#Fruit.a. 1, � I Elmy 0aer s�tu. dis�_,wre. I at . , . fort ' C which worm, or i I .. . de effects and at the,same time remove ­ .. . he reation of the Prineq,'? . ' k as, a small matter, but It mea -As 6 ' _'Aives" is nutile of the Juices of apples, : . doubtless, will, afford some useful I � , oim.wm . pel Jnstantly soothed and I oranq I '5�ej atch i4lieved, at once when a iot --tc. be prdtected from these nuis- the cause, No. 26. does just that � .. . . .guidance, at least as to the robes t Sprin ItTipuritiles' . es, figs. w4 prunes. 0"Fruit,a. - . W..�,W--4 - ist'g, or,from Father Morriscy tives I acts on the butnaa system. like . ­ . long �..., 4 -few, drops,of flAs compound of OU ances when standing for six or -seven- --,.%c. for the combined treatme:�t. At 9 . � - . �, .., I customary to be worn In years '­ . ... - 11 N . 1 .. :: tieen, Thymol, Glycerine -hours, - - - - .. I � . yQY1..drugg; 4 . fresh fruit -easily and gently -let just I � .1 picious occaslon.ps' , I" - -o- �� of Winterl circe Co,, Ltd., Chitham$ N,B. . 11 . . In the.Blood . I I I 0 * , . I etc. is applied.' The cures all seem One side of the police activity which Medl I 100. . . . as effectively -as the old-time pil . I I . � � I � I . the general public -is scarcely ll)ktily' - . . . . "Fruit-o-tirts". do" not gripe or . 11 .1 I 11 I THE LATE KING EDWARD, to be permanent, too. Sold and I � : irritate the intestinep, It regulates the . I - I )n I , D. to notice Is its . private detective ta(ntee.d by, -W. G.R. , "� KIN6 EDWARD MEMORIAL ' in 'a f4idrlfe�` hunting costum * i For fre-b trial -bottle of D. D . . Holmes in lCulain . MAKE, THE USE OF A TONIC bowels and cures Constipation because, 1� I \� . . . I - - . . I - . . write the D. D. D, - Laboratories, I . . I . - . MEDICINE L A NECESSITY, I "Fruit-a-tives'! acts directlyon theliver. � .* . . . . . . . . ___ --- X. 9.1 49 Colborne St., Tor- ­­ ­. 11 I - . . .1 - I I , ��e­ ,...:.. , ., !,::.V .­:. . . ..�, �.,.-....!:_ ... . _ - It Is Proposed to Spend $2501,000'.In I - I . -by all. druggists., . ,*. . , L � 1:. � ,, .. , % _1 I I . ; ­ . .- �, _ . Just try "I�rnft-a-tives. when you need I 11 ­' . .. -.�:� �.,. _., - . ­ � - I .1. _ . aim of his late Majesty's rbi . A For isale.. . � � , - . � 11 -i*.-�,.`.t,­� �:*� ­ i.s I I ;.. .. , . I I _ __!".'I'.:,�, .�:. "�%: ,. I I ink Pillst are -an a mild, gentle yet effective laxative and . . I St. James Park. I cording �p the suggested form, the , � � ... '....'..:�:::'....� .. . �_ , Dr.. W4liams" P, I liver r . , , L , .. , � I ' figure .of "'Peace " * -would be raised a .. . .,::.�",L:.,,.,.:"..'�'.�"...�.. �. I PRINCt,'S INVISSTITURE all yerar round tonic[ blood -builder for S2.50 -trial size, 2SC. I � I . . . ..... . 5.e . I A .. .-�,,::�;,�:.',,� I ' and nerve restoter. But tlTey are ' , �� ..:: ;�":"`� . It is now possible to give a definite few feet, .above the base. Behind it HINTS TO CORRESPONIANTS.- - --.`.'�-'X..-�..�I-� ;�'. , L i . . At air . .. � di ,or from. Fruit-,4-tives 4*, 0 . . .. I.; - e e lal valuable in the, giring . I . . . 1. ., I . paper ' , 'sp 0 'ysYsteillislou 7---— - utline of the scheme recommended woiq . . Revival -of Old -Time Pageantry. -The w tj . Aimited,,Ottaw � Id be a superbase, and on ea�ch side -..;�'. � ...L.......� 11 ". I - . Write on one side of,the :,..... I 'the . I I 0, '. ... hen. ie ': im� ---------' .1 . by the Execiffive Committee of 46 processional groups advancing to only. . I . . �`,-'�'�:,- . 1� I . . . OffIcal Arrvingemonts for the - purities as a result of the . indoor . I .'�,�. ;. � . ,.. .i - . ,. '. , - �� A Maxision Fund for providing a mem- words the central figure. Thesei it is '...." � . . Mail In time to reach us Tues- :�,.%� " . .. , %m, I I also of universal sPorts and 'gener- " " . . ,­. I .�� Punction. . life. of the long winter nio4tIls. 11 , , .... I:' ��".., 1 '' -1 orial to King Edward. Tile commit I thought, might be eight or nine, in, ' . ,­"" 111. ­.., � I . x I . day -of -earh week, or'soolier. . ..,­_ 11. -1 --.,, -11,, �,, , � . - . — . 11 � sent the arts of . *M' N ,u I- ..R." ... . . There is no other Season When the' at pastiraeE6 this magazine, is more L " . . , . , - F�� ,e �� �'.. � �, � , 6v', : . �. . I . I I I , , . . - ,­ ­­.. ... ::�.�. k . � . g onper ��­%�� � 'I I A . .. ',r". � than fulfilling tee suggest a monument to his .late number, and. repre Avoid all items refleetin !0' . I 8�. .. 11 ." . �. blood is really -so much . . � Majesty in the Mall directly opposite peace.. On'this superbase -Will be .. I ..q: .,`q_,tf� 'I , -, �'. I I For the, historic and poetical cere- ., in need of . pas,t promises, and . " '71, , _11.111�0,­_­ , �. .. % . '' Marlborough' House. Thd scheme in, .on , I . 1.11,11.,,:,� � ," I . I . .. 11 ­ .. _ �, 0 * I . � ,. %1`1!1%,O'� �y - ".,­� . sonal. charact9r, but send -'ALL the ,7 " . , ...." .., Purifying and enriching, and every marking out a uft r of certain 11 placed, a central pedestal,- which . . ,.,�� ',`�, . � . . ,NEWS, , , I I �.,- �. I "I �, 1, 1��". * ,.; , , I ,.:.','11�1�1,11'�.W�,:VEI ., , .". I .;,.::... mony of thle'Investituro of the Prince u . . � �.. . - , � , doso. of these pills helps to make ,and unotualified success as Ek no- , ., volves a statue t'o K14g * Edward, the will stand, a bronze statue of King , . .1. I K.,T'. - �,�-_"\�,j- -..�`,��.*�� . ,:. ,%`. , vilituts havi new, rich, red blood. Jn the spring .. .. .. . - .....,.­_ , __._ .V.,_:,ry "� , , "'. �. t... , les. .. .� . ., 'S � ", , , of IN a, afficial a - . . Removals, Visitors, , . , I . : '­ . rrang tional periodical for Canadian,; f ol- I .� ..'' 1. 11 .. . , - �. . .. I � ,��,. ... , I �:.. � . . �, .,F. . demolition of the present bridge. Edward Ili his robes as'a Knight of Lodge News, Fires, . I 1,,�. ,t,.,.�Tl`. ',% , ­,,-�,�Ii��:.,:_.:_ � � `_'.7� one feel$. tired and liveak-Di. wii-. lowers 61 sports of all sorts. '' . . -.`w;,S� k,;� - ,'rn , - ­�.,�,�:,�': ,. . , ".. � of the Prince bY tile King will across the lake In St. James's Park, Ahe Garter. The statu�*wlll be about, I , .,�: .. . turt .... .. . Public Improvements, . , ,,;�� 1:.--t­_� . . . . .1 .1 .1 .. `*k;."',i�,, .4r�'.11`:,,'1':','. , .1 � , .., . 11 , , . , ""' .. ,,� ". ,,,, ..., . n ength, In I - , , �,l . .., � '� .. ;h and . �',*.�,_ 4' Y - , ��,�, . I I � .- . , ,,, � I � take place at C�qxxarvon Castle 0 HAM91 Pink Pills' givb str . . - , ��,:`_ -, . . , - ­ . ... I I � . . . " � , �-� .Ci ", � i% � " I . . " . - Law Cases, The Crops, . - , I , s.�. thp Spring - it � e appc . , 1, � - and the erection of all ornamental. 14ft. -hi _ -the height of the cn- ""I. - 'I., .�� . . ''. , . . , ' ­� , ,".,�� ,_­ . � . . CLI ,, ­i� ��;i " I . I—— . . - DZI !"�����,&��lf,�,,�'.1;��-,���".i��,j�-,� � : h Alto . is often _ �: . . bridge in its place, which, it- W'sug. '.tire iiioiraoK � al* Will' bo'betweeri 40ft*.: c' Ma, i;s ­ 11121 " i � I .. , �U p.m., The. Qgcen will- . ,b,-V� ,S � I,, I I 1��', .&I, 1, , , , Juh-13" at "I . . . I S ho6I tte I 'w" , :Ve, �"n ­ 4, .-, t I . . - popr-Dr. Wflliam,s7 pink pills (je.� - '. - -- - 1. . . . � �.�v N..A ,� . I � , �,, " _ v , �� ,� .. Elu King and 6oft. At the back 'of the super- , _,__�� , - I � e ohq � gested, sbould bear the iiame.pf I ,�'. .Vt r Maie�tics�NVI ._L_LOW 1,1 liv , . , Deaths, Mariiages,., . �f'� ,,',',,�,,�,:�, "��,,V�"�V�,�', . - �,� also .be present, .4 �, I .1 ,velope the appetite ton6t the stoin. . X # . - .,_ . , " , 91N . - . . �', , _ � .4%., ., - I -n nant I k e -Acqldents,- Church News, * . .. ,�1_11..,; ,�,�;­;,,.­-,'�� - . I .. Edvmrd. The doi I 4ote of the base, faicing. the par ,' wilr be a figur . I V3, 4 - ,­ i - , arrive off Ildlyhead on board the ,,tell and aia.-weak .digestion. ,Iti* I . � - - - I . - 11 ... !,: o , - ..­ �'i;` .�,*;,;­i I - -, , . 8 - . . - . 11 .. " metror;al will bf,:tlie ccim.i,einorating of ."Britannia,", to balance thit Df, � - Suppers or PreBehtationsi --4 , - _Qt .- , , '_ .,.. ,,, tho spring thaff, poisons in the . I I � . . 11 , I �". -�' �� - -,: �,;:,7,A,v �,,N­� . I � �,,, � - , , .;"-* � , in . . I 'A�,�pli,-..,,ICJ,..��,k'­ I �sel.,t, and at the kppointed . .. . , � . I . assist . ��.,�`.�'.�j';�,':f4� ': ­' � . , t . 1 2 of Kin Edward'q cfFcr1;,, tQ pfoinote ."Peace," whlch-�vilffitce Marlborough Check ,�,.,',,;"'�ly,i�,,,';,.��.'��;��,. �,,'�� - �.,-�,' - . 1, blood find an outict ill cii9figuring iithy kiclljc�js i , of 'this list, It may .. " ,o��,;3�,�_ � Roya . With he I 4 L "�l , -, '.',,', � , N.-,� . I one, Jibs a , . . �, '. live r v nnions tli(, natinns of thr, world. House. The estimated cost of the *on to reniember an importa.lit : �.., � ­ ,,��.-�,,.,i*.*-�'?-,t,,,',-��.'��.�.,,�;',� tbrc- will proee�A.by train from Holy- plinplOs . e , :,,',, .,,,',.* � � - I:' ��.�.'!�,­. ',*�,"�- ",,A I eruptions and boils- Dr., good chance to IlVe long, -but- weak . . ­ ­­ . ' I . .. . . ..... _ .., - 1�- � o.M�,�:,a.�N!,� . I . �� ' ' : memorlsl ls*:9150,000, and of the bridge 1 Item: . I . . . ,-',-�,.�'_,­,, ' ,-,�,7,.,r,!��""�'�""-'�,�!",4� , , "­ .. Z:�`,_%, ", , ­, , T:,�','_ - . I � . ,.. , . , ., , , e , - � ... ,, a,d to (3ritfullor,Corner Station. I. . . . . . , . . . . . I , .,� � , -, _ " � ,;_ . ..0 . . Williams? Pink Pills speedily, clear kidneys afflict old with'great * . I . . . . ,,� ,� " ., - ,. ", ��, ;, W,�, ,,�;e I � I .. . . I . "� _... ., - - I_ I., : I ­" :, ­, I I ­`; .. " ". � �:.,;, �.% I "', ;/ � ,'r ho'Castle --khO skim- be(Mixse they go to th.-,- discol-Aforts. The ack b6comes ': I :. . ..... - , _._­-..­ -.-- __ -, . . I I � �' - _: _ IICILO(.� thC'.�`Y,111 drive to t —�--,.-.--.----�-----.---.--.--.�-,--...... __--l- -_1 I ". ­,-.'­,:,.-,� ,�,�:: :I,,. I ".�., :.,� . � . . .. . � I , . - . . . . . . . . ,,� I. �­ ,w�; �� � � ".�,;P,��­._ I . s, Chron ' . , � I . � . � .. .: . . . . ��'_ 1 1, .1 . ... . . , root Of the trouble irt. the blood, bent and'.1alue,rhellimatism, 1 . - - I " . I .. I � . . I.. ,',,� __?�',`�-_; � -.-. I squirf% at C.". narvon, "N�hqre tllc-y.wlli In th � .. . . . I .. . .. I I . . Ir 1, . " I., ­.,.�.' % %r-,", ___!.- ';­ " , ,; ,;. �-t I I - . 0 ,spring -alleluia, rheurna . eyesight . . p. I . I. . ... . . , , tism, ic, . . I . . . k. -f 0:,4 t. - � - � 'e' 41�ajor_and.-Cav � i_.- __ A 0 , _ rouDles, I . . � __ - -1 q e,l' 4veot­b ' - -......1. � - I ' � . I I , � *,' -, ­:____._ , �. . 1_____V .-1 . 7-fixi tisa­ I . " __ " ____ - , I ­ � . 11 --re I 1�1_ . . � 19 'an'(17 * ra, ' M t ICU _. . . . 11. C 0 Jound .. I ,. I . 1. ntion ai)!7 pr�­'i'lited with, an ad are rolost 1)ersistexxt, beca I SQ of poor frequent orin . ;. Th � � - - - - 101,% 1 + - . � I . . .. . . pd�. . �, L' ... I , I . . .�. I. . 1, . . . 'LORD — , I . , , , ­ , .. - - . _.. I ., �,, � - I I . . .. . lry vjill,th�,,jx- pro- Iveak. blood, ari 'it I Voluntaxy . .pas -- - - ,. . . ..., - .;;.., I _ 9 -ft -Aa .. ., I..-�- .. . 1.".....�:-, , . .� ­', ,.. I I . . 1, -, �. .1 I l-�;T0k1-M:-:R- F arr ,"Is (if welcorl (. , T1 K at this tirrie, s� ,�, -.: I . . ., , . . 1�1 � � � .:. :-N-.-..�!�;..-,.-.,,,.-.-,1- "','.. .. . � . -%yhexi -alk liaturci -regaill'si life-th ��.f �., ." , ..; - , I. ... : - . ,­ - � I � . . M.. .,.� Oct to th(V.,%,,a,­,,r. (Iatc.' The oere. at sages of ,the rr I ,`* ".." . ... � - . . I . ��,,_�, � -vo. AL11"'t! 'd I'llo, cw.,ol � � y1god. most seriously needs at- urine cause em W ." . . ..- - I .,"�..",,;�'i'.., ��. I � .. � . V I . :is Well pro- -the '... 'AY . � . I ��� Y .n. w 01 %,,-a,, "I I .11�qyiy NN"Ifli 11 th,� Cn�vtle Ill � , 04� U U� "', I timi .rt), -f -s In J,prolvla. . . lie -it by' '........ -.I,,,- . S . 11 . __� - . .. 1.�- . .. Who will lc� - I .1 � . I , . '. I- I ,��:; . . .. . . . .� I - . " f, � � d by -t 11 e Ix)rd Chain- - tentlou. T'o -l'iliprove ,and fortify' barrassi A I ., " ,..::,�". '. I . . . . 1.16kil I . . I .1 vi,iitli�RDY.ur�,� . . .'', . . . . . a . I . I �-._ � .4 . . .. I . . � I , Tv* ", -'siolls d is the'special mission: of, I day and' los o .1 . �.. 7- � ,,, . . � M I .. � . . ,� r -I in. 41 : , . . I . . -,-,- . - � I - hf� . . " ",;n 14zvce, 9 - � � . .. ... ... . , " .� '. � . Mr. d , . , 1 , , , %, .,forve. mix�­, �wlflh' the criml in ;vi - fin, � , Q: . - -axo4lw"est spring medi Booth's Kidney .1 ;,-:--.-F:, - . I . . '. 1 ­;P'19� ____ - . � . A q � .. lni.[-� r)f V,'�,,O:­4 )­e,)ve,_�ffln;�! ftr8t, fL I � " or ., . Z_tZ�l IC414 1 11 ,,,:,i- x�vloll 6f. t1l" Dp.Williams! Pink PUN alid,thatis sleep at aight - . .: I 815 , if W. I a WIxy they . ." - I .. over"'r � � , I "...' . 1. 1. . . 'o- %-1 1-l'y fl..,.xt of P,_- . . . 'If 'You feel the ,Pills. brullgliev :�: . A ,*�.,..,.-.,*....:�::�,.,.�-.:..��.$: - V - , I . - -*,-,;i-. MIll .lio, 1,1111cltul. of "', . % .. . I . 7 �4 ­ .�� ol;r'� . i � 1. '' !r7 -1. *, I cilikv Ili - existehee. 1. . . I . �,; f � Ll . ­ n '­�. ­ 1k.lajos.I'Ag. The, . . . . � I .,.., 1: ,V,._,_. I I _��, ,,r - a)!-,. ,in Oi C�� -4 - in.i-1, � L�-,� 0-9 '. .�ml : . neect - of a medfcine tli-*,4 spring giv a . I mow itreliff th . I I .1 .. - 1, � . mi;, .. . . �1:11 ­ 11 . I . . I . , fL(I I .. .1 , , * - r , , 5,;r .1 l;F.tS.;, . ., "!:,: Y-vt Ili r,; c-- ci­ verr-niciii- ol fil., . " . .. . I � � � ", � I . I -S,.., I . I I , . I , " - �glotis �ier�I!,,, ;,�-- . . . . *1 . � - �� I r, 11 8 lm-. � .OF , . I , 111, � � `�,,.,; ;�p - 1, . . �; � . . I . . "W . ort'. fk)l' (7mr! 01!p,,­�!.7w,:l11, N Dr. Villianis' pink Pills a fair trial I ­ .� i - �, . . '' . Im V0 'F ,,, � - � ,,, ,,t. n a- u;-- t!,��; jo;, v.j,y!tt,...0 p1jo tj!e jc)u,� , . , . .. . i, . " U!". -'--I- � � * " ol. ' I cillick: "relief, - to." - I I P Ur 1, 7Y�y��i, � . 0. - . �.;;.. . I . . . . . tile 11ir ­ you 'will. rej(5ice in'neW health I to old backs' anX .�, Z�M�,, , 1'r . adu , - wfil,bct cnn07.-,e*vd­by the M81101) Of I'll -8v - llish ..`.Y,-� . ,:1 ,,, � , ."... I a .g(n.41 111,mv., � , . a7Q. 117 .. , ,�.R. � - - " �. Dagivok and i v-prosroltative of tb:, ,,��-. - � .,,.,.,,,. �gg,t. In$ Strength and --new ellorgy, and 1 eakened kidneys. They ba � ' - 1; A, -, ,-- ..F,t;, sllrqji�!va," f,�i, *!-,.: 1:;,'l *,--,,,: a,�Q� not 9, - . k I - Ld rhoumatic ;ve-. ,.. ;r ', ) - ".. ­ �,-��g 1, Y - . � will be especially fitted to 9tand pain, . . ,_� _.. ,.I, g _-�A - w 1 �.. - the bladder ahcl Uri -D6. � ..... ,� ..­,' . - " ��, 'T 1�!,7qp�w , S, 0 J� .. ilkg: 'to r, iowilig a NN'V!'ilonr0r'n'i-. cliproll's, ."There -1AIll gulatb , I I., , . �, - .,. .,j -11;V. , . - - 'i .v-�', . .4 "'... N �� . ,,'by a cho.ir ,�t, - heat which comes .,a .' ,�:, . - . -.1 - �, . ';�` 'kir6wn' -I-rror1-.-;t t A) - i a 1 ,�, a f ront be 'sln`y ' v -Pills are., .for . - , . 1!1 I �: S tp of 401) volen - .. , - -I'll"'7111 - '. . , well- ,� ,dnp. , ,Jjl;� I Booth's'Kidn-y' -, . ; . �, I- , 01,� �; , M ,.! , "� �� . � , ­'� - . . * tle 4ter . . __ . r105A P, 0 ..".1. I .-­40.,,V.L,t . place in' the'erk,M711. . . .., traincd and conducted. by Mr. Jolm,L � ir . ' . . TIIL�sc Pills are sold by *all niefti- It sibk kidnd�s in old or young MUP1 �,�. "��. _ : . I at ov6liancl . Yard *c�ii- Wllflaj.,�is, organ st of Christ, Churall . . V I . IN,, '. I . ; An of"..dal I . ('� L 'Govern- c"'o dvalefs or.9011t� IL)y Inail at 50 i are giiarantebol by the proprietors - ,., �,i­ r. .. . . the co,rulla- 9 . . u. T. Booth Co., Ltd..; -Fort . 01` '' � , , . . I I � . fos,.4.c.d to. tli,�, -wrir-r that - Carnarvom Ifla Maj "ty, . L � "'J"110 't . �, k 1"o R, . I , . , , - 'Will carry out .tile -11&val and cents abox, (*)r six boxes fox, $2.6( � Z.: .�:. �� 4 11 vz_::�:_ 1..,)t rn""T11 j-'alf a* 1� I 5`1g- 11 . s inuclv ttl client - - "I Pupm,,, F ­ .- - . tioll, 'v.111 I ' I I Q RI -1110 Brie, Ont.. Sold everywhere 50c, ­'. -.'-;. , I � I "21 .- . . � Elie De. Williams' 'Bled, exile . - 0. I "I ' .. A I 0 1- . . . -LI4 ist PeoplL, iniagille. military arrangi�ixxexxts. Stblis will be u' :. box. Free trial on recLaest . . �` -��`.., 1 5 1� , I ��- - L . . . . . . _... __ ule poilee -,is I 1 sliall be :9ro L Ckville"'Ont, � . . i . - . . � .. I I I .... ; #,� . . at July 3. - I . . . .11", -,� . . "The sololiors (lo.1-oo, . - . . . . I . . st of the worlt L taken to enguro th . . . - . . . . %. - �11...­, '. , . .. - ' ' - ais ,a b�iilt holiday and .a - I - � I . � 11 I - __ - � . ,- " lie Said. '.1 T'vQ,. ve . L . . -L . - . IN -11 ir --- - in keeping IhL� r Inte obser a ------------..; I I . . . _Zz _:_= : . . . and .. .1 .. . � . . I I . L I .. - . . 1. L - __ -.I-- lilorc,ki -ai-ii I)rol,)-' school boliday'tbrougholit Nvaks. .. . L . L . . . .;� ­_" - Metropplitan ­ .. I .. .. , -0 . .. . I .;� ­ I . . ' . I I Mak I - L mpirig .kvifli any Uoninoutlislilre. ApubIllesubseriptio,11 APRIL ATHLETIC WORLD.- w . ., Childven _ ry . :",`� MR . I . I ably' fully o(imil to n ' ci�.(�a_.L . to, dbfr4y the goStL * I . . . I I � . �.. I.. I " L I L .. _ IL ,, I .� .. . .1 I . .. j . . � L - th", ' I ..t . . ETCHER'S. . . SO , . . extra denxiid mad',.�_110()11. ' Is, being prganized I JOR Ft IV . . I I ,_; L n; ,, It �ally. ljtdY,xlC14l , :are . : The April number of that iuter� I - . . . . - .j. . . I 'JAC),: within the Castle, . - . I I I I �, 19 Ice o . the cero,many *0 Ix I "Th " ' _: 0 R . I A - L - `� LLL . . .'L . I . ib 1. ratcrid,'A will, b� 1argelY a. including thn Insigifla, �Vllich wII1*be sting �Canadj,` n publiciation e , 0 IA -S I . . : , � . . I I asked to � A,thletle.World'2 has.just le h d- !D -S , % , . 4L . . . I I .� . . . I .. matter ef . i - . - . . . . "I L I . . ' - ,t tile Ml� Coscoinbe this office. - A perusal bf i s pages : I .. . ,. �, I hzinen t' s,�e ti,(�. s.how-and gL ., the People of Wales. , '. , .. ,. . . . C 0 I and aglaneeL atthe many illustra- I ., .� �, . I K, ... , I I . ,gtion inedal.". - . . . . John, R.A., fi� to design the nlmlltle,: t3E a c e I � ts. YA A 0 11, Im - .. I coj'OU�'V `to 1"j" tin&!il a a present -to fbo.'P.i1ncc of -Wallesfrom L , . 51 . _. 06ron, ' - 'A ' I tions give'free proof that in the (Aj - I . . . . I ' -be us"d, X1 ��4 cure :olds, heals . . ' .. I . . I . . . I . . . I . - ring' staff, -and chaplet. to � . . YLLitopS Cou, "I L I 11 . . I . L ; I . . . As June a'pproacUs there will LL. I ot out of Famadian but - ,"' ' -S. - .. ,.�' 25 conts, '"'. 1 4 . . __... . . . . . I � ,.IV,. coVering li �Y. �tha tn;:Qat anti lon - . ..� . I. . � 866ral rehearsals, both of - the cere-. and the precedent, set by Henry . . I . . . . . .. 1. . I _4 . . - - � . ' . . ; .. 1. .. oi;" .1� . i��. , ­ I 1, - . T" -WA 1r=_*4 . - . . in the investiture of - the Prince -of. .- _­__ '-- - ___ . .­� . - . - 1n - EL --A 29---A I., . . I I ,. * — - ' -_ - L I L L mony in L t . . ­ - . � :11 . � . L . Qf 'the. 110 ard .., - - ... - --.-------.- - - _�r . . I . . " . �.�. . These ichom �, wi4l. -e Wa4esoa4er7w IQ - =WM- I'll .;- I- _____­ I . Q__ — . . -_ . 11. . ;: I . . I . I L . . .... , � I'll, . ... , .. 1 gmowz"P64 . . .. . . ' . ,ly as possible on . . ; . I . . . . . . �_ 0 . . un - age.ma!lagement or I the. - be followed as closL . . I . . ... . -0 t .- . I � , . ,. . L 7 . I . . 5 .' ' ' - B0, _. tle L'. F I de�. the �st - . . L . . I L. . . . . ID' * , - . i . .. .. . , I .1 I . I . . 11 . � .. �. � ... .. I . .. . -Earl Marshal. Sham swords, sceptres,; - the o.wasion. . . � . . . .. . . . L . . 1. .. % . . .. 1. .� 1. . . I .) . orbs, etc.,' -are used, but there was . . I � . .1 . ' ' I . I I I . , . .L ' . . -1. 01% . . . , . I . . . ... . I . I I , , f to nothing said last time. of any6nd. tak-' ' � .... "Ill, I.I.-I . . . .. � I. -I - I ,� , I I I. -I - I . . , ' L I . _-1 "...I. -I . , . -ead the Reas'on's. forlhis Offek., ' " V . %_,:,_ _;­..'.�..,..�. ` " ­-..�.'­ eo I and :Seeds. *.. .. I I I :1. so ..*Oy ImportMT. . Q , ' -1 . ,,, I 7 . � ., ing"the.'part of the Ktilk. Perhit�s oil � ... ;L� ..... :�:;,.:",: �...�.%'��': ' : " : :L , .. .­ � .1. . I ­ L , . , . . � .. ' . I ' I . � . I I— , I 0 . ��'�.L .. ..... . ,:.'L." L . .. I , . . . . I I . . . . ... ., . this occasion IDS Majjo.sty will ,decide %; - . I . I . . . , . ,L, : . . . . . I . I -- . — . . . I . . . -L-`,-!;:.._.. ,'1.'-1-.' � . . . . ' ' . . . . I I . . . . . . . . 'tbora Ili poirson. .. � . : . ' * I , _ffie, . ­"';:.'..�., I �'�', LV 11 .. . . . ". . I . Sick": I. . � - - . I - - to be.. . . , .. �:. .. � . I L , I ,. .. . . I I . �'._'."�,'.'��, .. . . '. . ,J'..`..;,L `:i - - ,Wint�i. The. early bu ers get . I I . ., '... ., .��-, �'�­ � I . . . . I . S L of .1. .....- I ­'...`.� �,*"L " Order your sui)ply of Coal for next I Ly � . . ptocesslourz, are ::., '�.W.:`;V'11 .% 'L L , I I . . I :.�'...."... 1.%A: i ­. I I .. . 1. . . . . . . . I I . . . I Rellea�sal the I . �����:i:-.','.Z�,,��:.Itk���;",,.�O�.*".,....,'I ­. theJowest price,' . I L . . . . * . . . . I . I . I - - .L' . I . 1. 1. 1. . � . . I .� L." - . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'll, : L . -1. . . . ,.�.`.NR..,.".�.�,'.';. �1. - :�,,.�::�. ,- ,­. I %, . " i. '�'��" '.�:"'. L ' ­% ... . ,­. I I. . ,­. I I. ­­... . . - .. . . .. I � . . . � , . I . .. the early indriiing. Very early ,. � .. I . irs. ,'Do -not for et; - I . . . . ,L .% � held in -I- I...."-........., - - I. ­ ... ... ..... I .colne earlydoi yov - . . . .:.."....,.". \., ... . %% We are.aho strori; oil Seeds, .9 .. ... ;...:-, �-;,­-.; . .� . L .. . . LIN GTr I risers who may happen to be L Passing �.." " " ., . :��: . . . . .. 'elr2�*. ,-'.�'4-':��"�� �'��i:��--'.-. ?\,Q� '��..��,.�',,�:...,..","...�'.:� % .� ,: — � � psychina Is the greatoil; .vltallty,-fdr� the -,t 11mbehialconot . 'At . . -.1 . I Spades.Sbove1z, Manfirie.FhrlO.. Wire. - 1. I I 11 L ­ I , _4ewvAry', ot , h . ouftftaA tIE - oil rehears;q .'.�.):,L;" �_"_ _0 1 ::��.'­, . Then l3cots, Shoes and Rubbers Pr6 very niuch nee ed and this . L .. . . , * ,., d ��� I . , , .- Brondi Us Weak Lungs � I jidar the lin6 of - route . ,7 11�1­.," ;�� ....­, . � fidenot,thetage. . 'A theoUtanese4army. . . : - . Hemorrhages . � day. may see .. a -curious line -of bra�es 0 n ��, .. � . , I., ­­:�,:� . I L . - I ,: A......."A'.. 111; .1 " ., :,�,§N. . ­ .1 .. ­ . . * ithel: . - '' For -thirty years, PayehinetUA413een Ama�,,qdl -be ' sthe �: . 411� 1. . 1 the rigbt, pla , es for Produce tri ei .. '. ______ Japaneseikiiew, - OowThroaa .. , " ... -..,-��..,-.,�,.-.-....:::.."-,,,�'.... �'j, V � 8 ce. to get,tbem, ,Highest pric ` * � . . . . -�*'-`�:'-'.'� , - 11 trade -or I . .. . ., . .. .. . I.. " ­.­ I..: ....: �uripgalmost every disee-ge�that,lmduo*.Uo*to�letth ,"hit - Anaenl% . . . . . I and -plilin carriages, proceeding at. a � ...It - . , �.",�.� cash . . L L . . . � . I . T;.- ,,,,,, 11 .... . ... ­" - .. .. - .1 `,� , .. ;. I . . � I I - 'finipral - pac : � I,73,�,.-L,,.: .... ". I :_ I . I . . I IEVAL ..', ­ ., - .., . - - , 7113616a; "Fernalaweakaosi *. - - i; _., , 1, ..." - 1, '.9 ., : . . I � � . . e . This 'prelfininary per _ . , ,�V� -down�vital I . . . � . q � e, ., , � �Vl Z . I . I . p run - I -P,w ­ 4 *, . . . . r1la" L .'�%­.,Xj ' ' . . ... .;.�... ... . .. . 1 th 7 . .... . . . . L , . — . Ity * I ' Poor Appet-fto % . I L diredtioti o; ,::�� .., .., L: . .. L . m , . � . . . IndigoIsthm . e %. . ., L *,.* L formanee is under , . . . I . . 11 .- Hundrdds of thousalldspbave-411sed , . . �C­ . '. . ; . . . Chin andNevers . . Master .6f .'�c­-,.­__M.i , � . ...� . - . he. , the Court E querry and the � . . ,\ '. ' * . I �.sg,�;--&'.�7.. �'��.'..�_ o. L' . I L plessnessand I ssion st�ips Sol- I .", . ,"'g .-*,-.,.��,a-.,.,F.,n-."-�.) � I , . . . I I " '� ,. - . I . � In y)o=,Y-bIoott-.you,knoV,: ied and- * Nervous Tromubles , ... � . - :"..." I �, 6 'I'll'.. . . e . - I '. -, .L . L'��,.-�( �..�.-�� I I 0sychIne with wonderful belleACWTSo ` .O2her6#aTe�,two.--k-in�s,of��,6orDugeles , slee . the Horse.' -The'proce '. ts. onts qua- emly at.tbe: �,,,,---,�-..'X. , 11" P,. Adams Lond * sboro - . 'Pie .. . places where the'King is 1,11".. . . We. have .,Tecelved, th0%13anft4QV Uff�t-*Utb., ,_ , , . I ."; . . Aftepefteta of Pie i . I ,­ p I 1 9 L � . . . I . I . I . I ,�-�"­ . � . I . f 3M �L , .1 LaArippe. . . . to receive" aadresses. . Tb,e difficult . ..... i I , ­ .. . . � I . .1� YA- ' 1-1 . . I . I I , I . . - . .. . . ­ . . L' � I I . I - `-I- ­'. L ­­. - . . I I I ed testimanlWo I ale,-Mftc�. i iiutL1Uon,AWwh1te . .. . k .2'forifting up " is practised - �' L. I �L,k?��..." �; , ` , , I . . WASOMMOM I � , - ma'sYchine-hasitlVe4p A-Ut"ba Ll'wby we bell6ve It will -be, ��s of ,.�, ��.,, � ­��t�, ­=­ , , V&.=- If"' `oftba ace. '...... � % i v -:�� ! I ,.,..-,.,,."fL'..1 . .. L ' =P4ke*p0ffMn1e]Va=aCaVengera' � I . before leaving BiftelchigIlaril, Pal ': � '. . ­­ ­. � - . . 'M - . eJe=AlI3110)1f& %, �X� �bcd& - I 1. . .. beiloacial to you, . , . . L . ".X. �.�, , , I - --.----- —_ � . - ,.,-- I . 'm . I . I ­ � I On this occasion the actual horses . 1. . ____ 1_.' ­,_., -­_ ­­'. -, ...------ . . . ,. . , I I . ... I %; , sk you to take cut , "I I . . I .1 I . L . L - lw(314im"taomsanIiIs, *= to , . e -do)Yt a. :,..��"... 1, . I � I . .= � . � .. . . I . . . , IN '0111 . Now V Which will be-Ilsed in .the. processions %�', . . . . . ::"� . �' i � L� 1111crill ,Irom��, owev Cl, Ngmeverxawdbease� g0m, enter. tha moord foi the. trmendoUsly. beneficial, I � ": ... I I . . . .. I .. . . . I- ;r4li MM�ao4,�tbw.ettiuMte,corpdscies�attaclV.and. - . . ;;Zt7,�cambeneflt. ". I psychlue. pill out the coupon " used, and the drivers and pos- -.1 L . . .. effect or tillions 6:re the same.. .The -brakes I . . ..- . . . 1. L � . I. . " . . 1. . , L. I -IV hiteraw, eau4t. - . lbelow L Man .1t.to ud. and wo?ll , give. and carriages are approxiinately the - . ffl� Thera� O&OO G=,,L,thoWMn&_,WW' W.0 . A, .0un*;bat, - : __ I . "M 2 . . I attracts-dis&ue, germs order on your druggist.- (for - . . �� I . I I yoll an . . . . - .. � ta�L *=e.'.theMveIXeS,2bT,'�'*T0.0 same weight as tire state carriages, . . . I I , _6" , ... . I , ..,,trowxhewvimdemtse&,aud'ftesle!Lby ,w-hich we pay-Wift -the ,regular retaa . . 'very care- ". 7 L. � ro C 3 Shoes .. . . 1. . '. . . . . . . . . . .... ,".V..""I L;.. I � I .. . � , %� , . . � 77 W . I . . I , . .tes, or wlifte cor- price) for a-.50-cent-,bottio of Psychino fully rehearsedi and it Is. more than ., I . . I da.,,whw,arei,usIne-dWigI=1W "'4bMions The music is,,of course,. fillrtfUll3neolldnes. - L I .of­bhagow " ' � , , , , , , , , . . . puseles, devouring these unwelcome .. . �,., , I'll, P .. �; .. . . . . . . . .. I . . L I - � Them StInAhousands Who"are, 41seass-,germS . t&.b&�zlieix "trfreo,af cost. - .. - probable that an ,:. .... I ,L. --" I =�. 7�777---� . - - --- . . �, � are" . . � I .. we will undoubtedly -buy aad,-distri- given to . ttend the last ' .. . . . I :___ �_ - - - .. ­ ­ . ­ ­ ,- .---.- I - . . � . I ipadually loslng'4theh-,vftaW "' fVMI*. ' by -them - .. the Dublie to a I . I I . . . . . . L . .. � . 4P - AMY.�dlsease�,can bo.cured inAblatmanner,.hundredo-of thou- . . L - I "Wbose body- the� neee6saryy, iesfo:03M � butw .rehearsal. � KING GEORGE . . . I. Our line -of Spring Shoes for power to disease is slowir but,,OureW, white,corpuselm4f they bedu aftfildent sands of,'these 150-eelit bottICS-01 PSY- Is It any Wonder that, with all this. And -his elder brothor, 0e late Duke I . . I . . . 1fflPPtn&awa-7. -) I. . . .1 . numbef lot.otronr. en L to Ztek,and chino . , . . .1 .. W I minute attention to'cletall, the Coro- I I 6f Clarence, . � . men show the Worldle Best . devour- the"L get=. .tbato.cause .the. dis. And We do that to sixo* our entire, nation passes,.,off with6ut a, hitch? . I . . . I Shoe Builder's, besb efforts" . . . . 1. . . . . . � ',Q Therei are,still thosw,;wh'00AQ0lX,1WJM' jam. . . confidence, lulthis wonderful PreParl- Little mistakes must occur, but- they. . . I — .. I .. . � . .1 Shoes with "builtin"goodness. . Illearr the. . drewt, 'IcalL In.- thb$111,-Ilt"" It . 111, .. I . .. I . .. - Itthey At& not im sufficient numberS - �1'1 ., . I I . . are nevet very fmportaxxt�. Four Coro- . . . I_ A ". - - I . I . . ","11", 1. I.. . tioula, I I'��; .. . th-ey-,,domot.otakeoprompb action., ,or-strengl;Ii, then the disease- germs tion. , . . � ­ . MR THE CHILDREN ,�� "I" � Men who* are pat To,thesev,wo,have, thv alioveMessWo t W Mem.and! d1sew X,confidence that has been based Ott ' nations ago$ the E'arl Marshal f6rgot,. `�,`��,S,�,� � '.. . . , �;�4 , . � , �­, , " :­­ ,� , . . . . &-claimA the body. our 30 yeArg experlened .1 Witli tbJg th6 sword which plays such an im- ' Have 100.,000 as His , a - _ % 1. . I abour, their Shoes will find � . � I ,�17_ . �_ Thaft4ha cause of.-everrydiseagw-to L fall, kitow- , portant' part In the -ceremony.. The I711's WlaJcsty. Will . I I '-'I,:, ­��;;> I i this just as particular Aboub * splendid. preparation Willi a , " . I , . r, ­ , I .. 'Guagis." - " the kind, of Shoes it sells. Wo . . -, __., . �_ _ _ ,- .-Aedge­of tha-bundreds otthqusialdo of.- - King, - Georre Ill., Was, IntensclY 111� ­­ - 1. . _; �11, : . . are very careful. about fitting ­­­ I -,.! . �,, , a. eures1t has made. I It _ dignant, and told the �depufy Earl - , ­� I I . . . . the feft Correctly and giving :' '� � . . I I 'One Of His Majes ,';,' : I I . I I . Marshal what he thought of him, That Every ty's loyal I I " � I . . . .1% . lj�_ : -:� the bdst possible value at 11 . , a-dt diseasef.lb . ',digrift,ity then made the famous reply subjocts Will, have heard With the I I 4 ad 27, .. . I .1 4 1 A . . ON No. that , lip, would "see that It did not s . � every bee price iIve,,nAme, . �, ... . .. COUP ,�>,Oj# j - 00, tp.uu, to 45P.00. " � bs--haturd's reme . . An elaboratf3 systeill! of signalling grantest dellght of Itirig'0001`90" in- . $ 3`0 . . . �; . YC n I . ' � To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUK Ltd. ­ entrance from iho door of tpntibn to. entertain one hundred thous- � ; . . � . . . z .... I will give you an unmistakable Ill- � .-It Is only within recent time vI that - - � J93-195 Spadiog,.AOe., T�rohtd. tile "1119,11 to the orghn loft does not and children Ili celebration of his I 11 . . High iixd low cut Shoes in . . I tion of Its wondierful poweeto to- WO ,have eotuel,'to know NOW thl�s6herbs , .. . � . I . . Button, Lace or BlUchers. 6L act. . I aftopt,your offeria try ia 60d. bottle 211N�mAybnsytleecoe- At the last Coro- Coronattoz But before . tbo ' t:rrat I ' I f psychine (pronounoc I I a 0 E64 . J . .1 . � lilew the bodily vitAlItYj to strengthen 0 A 81,kecin) ab . I nation the sighal came tOo early,. and comes off the e0mm tt O' Will h 11 � 11_� . Black -or Tan leatber. , Ithe 0111190017t, (thb white eorpuscles)y NaW. selentists tell us theY luete"O Venae. I havo nab hAd a W06 � . 10 . � �. . . . I . � "'L'f P f%c orvan blared out and I have InaliY hell(14 � .. . 4s the strength and numbers of thWwh1t0' CuLA, o _syahbo u.der tbJs '014n. - . tile West- been $ormed wil -, i . . lithe Policemen or scavengers . of the corpllscle:��;orphagovtes. .. . . ., Rindly advise my dM914 to: d0liVer, , 'nixxste� boys ratsee, 'their cheer at the' aches—,hot to say li�earfachefj---I tho 1 6-4-01 1 - : . body. .. thIs1)6tt16t6m0- . . ,Cntranco of the 119rons of the Cinqua thing Is to be a real genulno succq8. . . I The -naw'11,61i knob toes I . . I . "a; I . . I the Conservative man's Shoe . .. . r1i ,Psychince we haVe some Ot the, a vat b � I swell, followle. - I . d b0_n,1flftUk,herW0 My Nam6...i�4.io.A*6160."6-----6-4-OO.." 47 .1 Ports, who have the right to carry Already theroi Is. an. arra,119 It I - . . I and the, very , M1053t healing an I . . . I � . . L. .: .­ ,*-,?. tba canopy before' the Xing, three W111011,260, 000 London children 'All, . I eltrerne styles. . . Surgical DOP"biltent Of � thO the, world, herbs that %tWeaso - and ,Vovm....-.-46*..—#*.o*4*o*ooaof.o4to , , ininutpe. before the ,.entrance of the at a coit of one shilling' a head, be ' I I I . I . . . I k eae, Army, It the, .1apa4hx9sI9A. strengthen tb6_Vh1t0�corPusd(W#. 1� .'4_.� . ' t stival of Lempire and . � . I on q4f,.- t11Q -.14-* 'A", ,'��.�!' -� I 0 1 � st drew the attentl " _ ,, . - ,�;,,, , 1�tng hiniselL­renny Pictorial., taken- to he Fe I I world to the rimetloit%ofAhe iftoral,Arablai. e6meg one herb,,�ftlll �� Ottecit and NumWA*s*)e--wo-o""-,P­­­ witness the,.pageant of London during' � .. '. I I 1von't You tialce .it 1001C. . % . corpuscles of the,bloodor.' , Solith,AM0�1ca, -Anothet, ChImi And�` I . 1�1., . 0 . � . �..� I � s - the dress rehearsals, .. . . . I . . . , � . . . I . 'e; - inoo, --- .. I I .� . ~1 third, ww1w,thc � *Yj)tuggI"XXW6."."46f*._.#6k-664 � ., T04111 Z1009hod I I . . . A I I 11apau 014ftoo a . I . I I . .. . , I . . do& JUnZUaUdJ&17Wds,a.foufth, 0 b0...&k'#e",*-"* --- 4, '1� . * Ott Gredt .MtgU,q7k - Adw,d I . . , I . I , 1-- . . I 7 wMal mm-wera 11 , I 1349dand, No= 110" THP_ .KINdv$ 1318I.E. ' . .,. 1. I I -� - '19ttin . I Toinoo; and Invigoratogthe who 0 . . I I , .I" 1, � . . A I � � ­ I ... . .. borfta�"grifielt 141 0A., ,-, ro'sadAOW6 eatellil, niakes . now ,� . _� I . . � V Wilk I I . q � L, , I ,_�._ G� 0 In �, norvouil of , =2 . . , mum W 10%9� t=.Jal loold in o d VoIns. G1u21c!#.iVCM I - s ".*io&gsfon� . I k, bus Debaity entat and Brain Worry$ Dea- , .. _ I I " l - �, . Wl Tvbakmaa Bftifs 4 The Mop . t Valuable ThihaThat ThIt , � � . ,I,- I I, , �, if . . � . I I I ii I "O., &MU nioha. spdo�; - � . I I . V . �� 1. � 2�m . I Y&4 and Zio'fds pf2btWe0'0:XV668jN68- . I World Affords., � � . . las-4 I W Itcheir & Son , ,I I I silid-bor4sixfor$5; OnavallPleasoglx I I — I , � .. . .. .." I I - M ". . . I I .. . ; r mailda in It. L I : 4 . , : . I i I I . I I I , . A Tiowse=ct r on depufAtion, " , A—" -%.. . I '" hAded -1 .1,4,V.. - i4w U, . � . I Ad tyew p . I 0 . . on teteir f AM NO , 'Ak­ �: ­#%.� I 401M _&*VA49 . _. - I ­0661i"Wil" I The N!"101"a, " by bIsh6p--1'of-- Chnterbury, , � � I . i . �� �� . ", ."I ". - � � ! I . . . I I'm . -1. - �� 0 �.Toftftto$ la,iooty. 1�+ ­ 'Ing - . . I ___,_.,.­­ -� ­ - -- ---- .­ I --olio,10011 09AIlily, I 4*b w1jit,otl 111jr,w Will ,,%i - I . . � . I V � . . � . _-.4r__ 1 .. � . I I 11 I . I . I . . 3 I I . . � I I � C� � � . . .. .. . I . � I . mwl--� I I . � I . I � . I 0 . I 1. . I . . ___ - .. . . 11 — .1 - , __ __ __ I I .- - __ , . '*. I .1 . I ­ - - -1 ­ - � ­ _ .- . , --_.h...6__ . M11,16.0.,10 _L__%_._, � � A