HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-20, Page 2- , , , -, I ,,,, -- � "151, � -, - . . -
. , 7- , . � . --- , ", , --'*' -,I -W %,-Wl - I- -1 -.1 , , , , W. `�,?M-v W741�.'�#W! ., W. , '1 1'.1', . � ;
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, .
. JUST FOR TO-IMY. siveo all those vh ohave waited I , I I
I I y0iently for a aVK9-RQC&IPTA. W%uyllatoa at Ww; 111.x� -
renewal of their' U 10 -I N iP 1AIZOU I - ,Ttcbin� -Scalp -- t1loctricRostorar forl I I
- U,rdr for to-niorrow and its need4, � pk1asareip with rold and line, added ' skljeltv"�c b1g"i" ljvllt� " tf - Y" War
, to 80Z: heavy, 13.85 to $6,40; rougli. pbospho"Olivitawliveryna 01410
, -- IL -, r,
a' -- , , joys 90,autivipation. of the good . $5.80 to $0,05. rood to c1loice Wavy. V1.04 - . -� to It,* propor to
. 1,100" r1* " , . I I ,I an vitality. I Froloature dacky and IR11 I
- X001) Al sto,iwof SIR I Ime no -W so near. A 1*autif ully to 40.0'. 096, $C n to $1.05, bulp of sales, ,Got Rid of, In * Vew Hourit. weK 4004 *Mt(A at ouce. jeboarbo.0% N
. ewj:30�r�ildraly;Olu I illuetrated article of a cainping and ;0.20 ,to $6,45). a '01LA 0 waa. Frlcot3abox.oru,
. I - a at Vo. Mar- There 14 nothing wade(thxt wil , t
t$,bC,QP--ftecVjPte. e8thnat( I . aile I 0 who Iscouell 1'. "o V
ut me both diligently, work I fishing trip,on the Wrench River is ket, pten4y; native, $3 to 040; Ivesterno I 5 o s., * a I e5s
1. . so quJokly rid the, iscalE of dietrea I ea� "Put
A�,u(I,dujy pray; followed by an equall�- good %c. s,-,.15 to $4.,,% yearil U-44 to V -40t jug itchineaa As VARI IAN 0A0B t
. Uar outing in Prince 1.,Mb ti'd.16; western K7.0 . -, --
count' of 4 sim n, naii,m, $1.75 0 # ,the, .ha4r dresser and'beautifler.
. U-txnebekind in w6rd And -deed Bdwaxd Island, the gern of the Oulf to V-25. '. o W.S.R.Rolmes guitranteea Par- I t
71 . Just for to -day, 61 the St. Wx,*enee. ,?,Tany other aritish Catth Markets,,, isiau SAX -a to cure dandruff,stb%it- n
. I .
� . Ut we be slow to do my will, good, thiii. a ,Iwe to U found' in rjVURVOOL, Awn M-irohn Rogers � Ford. & McLeod
. � _4 chfal; a64�p and failing hair or . . d
., I Prompt to obey, the OEO'ne 'IsSile§r and ,sportsmen who anja Compapy, 1,1vorp-w], cable to -day money back, oLud ,sells A for only' � r
I . X00 to mortify myflesh, - May not be'able to 30in in all the, th4t Owing to tbo sloason be6g 1�"' 5o cents a large bottle, 'it puts vit- Wc are now, selling Timothy seed at I I
� . :Velp jrust for to,day. lau 4atious of fishing with the same the demand for bcof has fallen oft con- allty into the hair. aria gives, it a $7.00 a bushel, Government Standard.
. ,
- , ,enthusiasm aa the devoted angler siderably, and as a result there was a. We have also go baud
.� .1 fji�d that the are not Over- reduction at three;quarters or a cent radiant luster, , Alfalfa at
Ut me no wro�g, or idle word will athe favorite hair 4relsellai of $14-00, Alsme $10, Red Clover froin
, 'Unthinking aAy; y it , per pound In andL both It I � I
,� , looked. There is In'ethin.g to -su Dirken1lead .refined Women because ft� ,so quick $8.50 to $9, t
-f - j6r i th states . _ We have -always on. band Goose
. $10t, tliouo seal upon my lips, I �all, omd Ifthe angleA is, � .e . and Cauptdian st"es made from
I � ,Just for to -day, tlmo-, the most fa��or4d, the hunter j-9 i.-2,.�to la cents per pound. The de- ly refreshes the scalp and not 'being 4 a ra p, t
� . -as also weal;, jamb eticky. or greasy is delightful to Wileat, Peas, Barley and fee o I t
I knows hip-lturn wij� come and: cg;n, - wand for shoep vi . . t $2t a ton. -
� . I
TA me in season,'Lord, be oravq yj is 14 conts, and wethers 13 1-4, Use, . - .
.-n . Highest Ma
' e" rits, per pound 11 .
4" thege quotations being I . rkelt prices paid for All
In season gay; I , I grain. . .
. TA Xne be faithful to thy 9tace) ' 0 � un I clipped obeep. . . . I . ' I
- r to -day; ' '�aoterj . � . I
lwst fo � to Iln I
� f
. *n "40 'neaU , I
� �' p '-
. I . I I 1�biiig � �6� t 4 0,173 � -- .. ... . ..... . - - -
. . 15546 U , n I
_ Oi �a an 4V r
Xj. Fo d & McLeod
I I . I 11 -1 1
� go, fbiz to -m s, � flo" To $stve Nouey . :STAIN WITH AN AXE - I .
. . . orrow and its ijeed � W
- .. .. - � � � . �
1 40 not pr4y. . 11 . I .. I -�, . I .
, ,
, . Vut, lgeeL) rue, gtxide me, low� me, Lord$ . .
I . Dr. de Van's �Female Pills 'A Pointer. to Ho sekeeperff. S�. W. lj;'%1attS & Sofir
.1 Just for to -day, . . In � � Sault Ste, Marle,ftellan Killed . I .
, . A reliable French regulator; never fail$. Theso S .
. . �, - I I . I I I oppoeite"Post ()Mee I
.1 Loolc at the financial I of I , .
. I . , . generative. - o I o t efo 0M. taide I by His Wife, .
I it 1 $1 r. I � Zam-linklis Use. .kcut ijustainedin . .
I . . . . x Shoe Makers aud Iftepalrers
Children Or 95 it or t r f r I . my , torej or the worIg- I . .
� � all c T " so
I � , I 7 0, wil to an r the home, the s . . . ,
. I , FOR FLETCHER1 � � � I. shop, a sore which. tER unattendedi
. . . ' . . -1 results, a . ooa- REVENGE WAS THE MOTIVE ! � . � 11 1.
�., r.. � I I I . I I I''.. lay Ux festering, or b1 � I . � .
, . *
,I .; .,C AS7QR I All " . . - . " ,� .'-1. � Poi-BlvAink. Yqu hav* to lay off for . . - - = R a -
I . . . � � . 0 1. %T ---RI%7 -
", . t� . .. I - -What does) that . � . TO .1farmal I 114 I olkleple
. 1; . � �. . . - IWARM 1EPQjjM' , a day ,� or two,' I � - . . .. . .
. meau whep pay 'day comes round? I Wife of �Peter 14apolitinA Rushe's Out requiring i I
. , �, WP= TtQD AND aux� ' good substantial footwear
1, . I Liverpool Exchange Closed, Chicago Zam-)�uk insures you againptithat I to resist Sp . ud, we de -
1 All ' ' 1w Will heartily welcOne. � ' I on Streat,grid Tells Passers-by That . .Lrink wet. and in
� $Ire to, dr4w $one attention to the
I, r - t $soue, ofLRod and Gunin r dangeg She Has . Murdered. H Uct that we have several pair, of our �
. .:1. Wheat' Higher -Live Stock_ - ,lood I A littlie Zam-13uk a plied! to I I
.,. W�A AjpA ,such an %')=7 prevents 31 er Husband
, I Latest Quotations, , -
�1. Qausdai pliblished by, W. J. Taylor, . . . of blood-polsoning, takes -out the -$he W -as. Seeking Vengeance own make of Boots, uppers mostly
- _ 1. . � �
� - .
, P�tnit . !AGoj April insistent poverti smariting'an'd heo4ii. , ,. For a6 Attack L
,.. led .00dsto,ek, Ontario. As cuic -w ast -Fall In baud stitched, we are prepared'to givg
- , . ,,W I
I , We ituniber heraidd, by, ehortls, -in the I ,of tigut holding by -o:f families -know 'how co, y,' give
�. � , .Wu the ap- A I Reads ot you good value for your mone
� pl . . Which Sife Was Stabbed. -
11 proanh 6fthet fi,shing ,season and bull. leaders, forced a sharp advance to- ly doetorin is, ,3�ewjse and act on I . . Us om,call iindoee for yoursialf whea at
'' - The close was strong at . I
,� day In wheat
� : I . . the preven%ve line., A:box ofZam. Sault Ste. Marie, 01it.., .. the Fair, . - I
I the highest point oA the week, le to 2%0 April 17.-
. . Buk in the, home 1iao all-roi=4 , .
I � " � to 2%c abov4. last night. ratest tradIng. . � I . � . . .- I .
� ,- Useful, The ,, baby's rashes, it Peter Napolitin4, an' Italian, livillo. , up. - �
�., I I w. ontit up %c to %c. .and rovision$ older. children's, cults and bruises, near James street, 1,1ttle Italy, known . �.
�11 p
t � ". *expenst,ve by Iraq to, 52 here . as, Peter Ne,plest Was killed ,
.k . Stomach Troubles rInEftre'ra with a' net ga"n of%cl the inevibable burn, cut or scal4- -
, . The Liverpool niarket wap closed to- 1. ' last. evening. by ---- I - �farjory, who" We I., waits 4 son *:.,.I
"t. � ". . day over the Faster holidays. _ Budapest foroll tbA9ji6-,.as well aft qibrp, ser- . .. � . .
�. . I
li,-"�, Cured by Vinol closed 2%c higher on wheat. , tous-allmeote, such as piles, ulcers, adinlis the murder, and is' ,now i I . .
. ".1'.1 . . I Winnipeg .Option& . t-eezema, ringworm, 6ife., ZaM,-Buk jail, The man wao employed -oh the. .., - - I � I . � .
� . ;-:1- - , HERE is PROW I ciose� (>Iiep,. High. - L4W. C)OM, Is without a rival. . . ni� t shift at the steel plant, and � " . .
�:T - � . was asleep in bed when his wife at- , .. .
".. to 1 suffered so long from stomach. wheat.. - 01, . I Dangers of Shaving. -YOU Ket a 'first - � .
, . �'. 9016 911.4 03% 91% ' DZ% cut bif the barber's sh6p, A little tacked him with an axe. The�
.1 I lost 31ay .:::* . L the -forehead And I -
�j� trouble and indigestion, that July ., 92% 92% 96% 9;% 95% Zarn-)Duk 0m,eared on the wound blow strul* him ir I
, flesh rapidly - VINO me *83% . nearly severed the crown
-, L cured me Oat- of his 11dad. .
�,, .... sa% - XV4 ,M% SM provents'all danger.' It any til- . ITTL 19 . I
", after eve " 'contracted, ZsiMw Four -blows followed, the last one ill ,
i�, 1 , rything else had WW. It July .... 84% .".. .... .... as ment has been - IVE I
,�� , , ,Buk cures. Xr. George Robden, but 6w,re-riffl �.je man's head from his '
,%: "! ive Organs— I
, .1 strengthened my digest' Toronto Grain Market.
1-1 I . a I 10S.Maultoba, ivtreet, St, Thomas, body. The woman then proceeded -to � .
: I . � ]�: I . gave rne a hearty appetite, and I ' Wheat. bushel ............ 4080 to fo::A:: L J1 Ontario, z4ys;-11 contiacted bar- i the street and told passers-!bY ,what , ,PILLS*
. I ,�', whea a. bushel ...... 0 I � . .
�. .1 mything without the slight- .Rye, "90116 ................. 0 ber's rash, and
,.- L.! can eat ai the -whole of way t, %he had done. � .
.. - . � - Barley. bushel ............. 0 .... . left cheek broke out, in one imals a L- . -1K I
, '' est distress. I do nol: believe any . I .sof The murder is an echo of a case - - � .
; -, Oats, bushel ................. 0 0311 ' rned
i'�';, s VINOL for stoiiio� - I bush 9 I Eo,: of red watery pimpleo and sores. ast fall when Napolilina retu .
thing equal Buckwbeat. , . qI ........ 0 0 . I Nash", - Na- - 'CU -
� I trouble and indigestion." - Peas, bushel .... .... I ... ...Q, 080 These spread to the other parts of home. unexpecWly' and found his
�,:� ' �,� RE ",
1, , 1. . W. R WATER ' - face'. Until
'L' 11. I Toronto 6airy Varkot. - my facei and necki- ,were wife with. a man named
. , HOUSFV I covered With tunning sofee. How politina stabbed his wife several times . 610kLITeadache land relieve ell the troubleabi*
�1.1 I . portl" Me. uMr, etor* lotis . .......... 017 019 I , .a of the system, such as
.. . .022. 634 far the disease would. have spread and she was several months in hoe- dent to a bilious aw
' � utter, eepamatori dairy. lb wohij Distress after
.. . L - �edtl%.Xqlu In the Side as, blietheirraost.
,L,4 '' I utter. oreamery, lb rolls.. 0 26 029 1 had It girot-been. -for Zam-mftkj pital;! It. seems Ahe hAd &wait --d the Dizziness, Nausea, Dro
, , , - ' utter, eroanwr;f. volids.... 0 U don't know. I app,lbed is bal . m, , opportunity to 'get even. , )OV reinar blesuccesshas as Quin$
�,,,!! , Ift. Thm. G.Wallace, of Dew* on L' th , r b, 561
- "'. Ot )ean . . Oil on I _ The I , I �
I �, new -laid ................ .. and in a-shotit tjlUeL - Zabla-Buk ef- FAmpoon's. morgue: and .1 . .... .. -810
;., :" Mich., writes "I'suffered f Cjwwe, Ib . ....... o r- 1.0� 14 I , � * * n . .was, taken to . . I � �, I . � .
". ,�� -1-:.""t1--- I feelted a c Plebe cure. lan inquest will be held to -day. . .
I..", RWycorabs. domen ..... *.. . I
... I from a �"ic stol�ach MOW- 12w, - 9 I I p I Zam-Auk"'So" i's a ,good uls the, 11 The dead man was 40'years: of age. - . - - .
4�:.,L, - I ,K .
1� VIKOL entirely cuma me afta � BMW, extilicted, lb.o..---Iol 0 so. . - � .
rl.,�.`L ev"hing elft had failed." . . I I . I -- - .- ki WaY. Wash I . His four children, theL �Idest seven Iffeadglo, yet Outer's. Little lAver rMs also
� _
11�: �. CATTJ;E. - MARKETS. . : ed tdZain-Buk Soap the a In is die yaws of W, ,has 'been d I
. . . I k Diabe in - eqvWlyvipluabletitConatipattdn,curingati(lpm
41'�, I . . I d Ing a , chaW ct the Obilitzen's Aid SopietY. - . venting this sun
.�� !� . - I It is the curative medicinal ele- ., .; . . It illifecte and disease gerMs Iya correctall4loo - rd
.f., . I �Mothers, Will i The wouan eWessw no regret and, Nvw sud4egulate the bowels, 01110
. , menu of tholi cod's liver, combined Now York Live. 5 .. I , upon it are killed, I
.� . 1, . I . . Sock. f find it linequalled for, baby's bath. d 'not mein to reoAW her position. : CU94 1,
. -. .
� - �., ORK, April 25. mearami -, � .
, Y�. 1� with the strengthwing properties NEW y so 'and - . � .
!"'. � .. . Mad; feerag ata"Y4 I 7-am-Buk Bahn' Zam-Buki O" -� .
, � . 'I tonic iron cot _ I . . . EAD I. -
,.".. of i i contained in VINOL, 8atit'eMecelpts. OM head, nothing aii. - I Soap 'are sold by $ill druggists andi I .
,,, .
I!, ,. .1 ". , , Ul in pe. tng; f6eling yosk. . I - j I stores iut 50e. for the baliii And 25c. I. 0jsjMV,ftr,, f" Twenty,ev,o . n .y.e&ft. 4 'AcbetherwouldbealmostPriceleimtotbmwho
;11. whi�+- makes it so successf ' i 'the soaV. " . ,
: " I 19beep and LQmb&-Reoe1ptA, 2W hift4. tablet for . suffer from this dLatressinge6niplalut-, butforta. -
, � , . . I It oodneandoesnotendber' Radthose
, . poifect digestion, and at marlset steady; ell I BrocirvHU..Agdt IT. -Wm:, J. jDavi
� %: , gped, abee $3 to - I . I . matelytheirg
� ; stocring � 15.all . . re,
. I � . -YtheiAVriUlladth�Wlittlepillgvaln-
'. � , the san* timie building up the weak- C', 4 a= � I - I . I tar, ibe t twentr4owen Imirs d Vh0joncetz
I - ,- . , _ ableftsorgany-wazin. M.will.notbevel-,
� , W ,- I - �- .
, I. r i , a *** Z -
ened run-down,syst,nn. M .. saamw luhdy. � .1 . I Died' 0 His .1-hill,10011. ----�- -09 - doelds lbr�.a - -1 "" - , e -biia.
, . . ' - I - wl' ' ..J3. Amr . - . all sick
, , �. . " *I his, bome - beM U04 - . � . -
. I I � 11, ) Try a bottle of VINOL with the Chicago Live 'Stock. .. . Otbawa,' April n. -William McFall, FO . 1. . .
, . I . '&mbv, to Orgairville. he filled
-40 . ,
a � .pxdllian, In. Es4 Nodbum-
% � understanding that your money will =. , ,
� - I 6KtCAG0, , , April 26-�Cattle-1100elvt*' fh P engineer of the tiain which fall I
.11 estimated It 200; torarket steady; beoVeRV Into a washout on thie Gatineau divi- 1 1 ACH
50 to $5.70; 7 * .l`4'�a �70ftn- .tg
'111 -75; Teven sivers, $4 - hl, ,'n',r blwknd fot -F - ]all % . . is wt.�.
, I be I-etUrned if it d6oeS Dot help you. $5.20 to $& He W" 4 , To the bane of so rnnny lives th
�1' catern steem $4.85 to S&.85, ai si*n. Of the C,P.R.. di%i*of . � dvgv,e ot ,WjjtahiM
� . . W ockern -lin& I .;., r . .RS. rMow . we mAkaronr grea boazL . ourpul � scuraltwhoe
" ugglet, feeders, $4.10 to 9.80: cows and betftrill.' ies at the hospital 4sere y,ester ' " others do not. . � .
-11�, W. S. R. 11OLMMS,I)r 32-70 to MM: o-nlveLq, 99 to 117. . .. . . I &ad- - Ave children purvive. , Cartees lAttle Uver puts me V -
, Clinton. Ont. insovoinw.. , ,.. . . 11 . � . � . sery swat An4t
" � ., I . L . I I I � . I I - Oneor twopillsibalre adom
�. I I I . .. . . . I .. I . . VaY My totaim.
", , I I . I --- -- . � I . . .. . They we stric b _ stable and do not or
. . . . I - . .Z9;Q;"-- . � . I I r =.t by Ir g�utlo actiou, plesse who
1 , � � I I I I . tv"g . V,
. � . .. . �. . . .
I .1 . -
� , � . . . I . . . �.) CUT= U1101111110.0" SM A,
. I � .
,� I . . -iv . .C,
Programm ic. ,, a. . ,&n, �n .
.i � . ' . asteW.-LS U -n- dak- . � . . I 19INLU-1h
i�., I I . . ,4§. I � , , ,,.r , . I ,, ___ . . , '' , , . I I Uld IL 1. ... . � .
I I , 1 . . I . In Wesley Sunday chool. W�hicliwas.dnjoyO by all who were present, I- L. �. ; . L ..
. . . I L - I I . . L . .
1� ! - I 1. . . .. .. . . I ..
. . I . . .
1.1� L, . . � .. . I . I . . . i. . . . . I .. .
:: '.1 . I . � I L . . I , .
I ,� + * Organ Prelude . ................................. Miss Doherty cast into rison.) Pilate - therefore, ,%villing -to v4ease . - , � , � ` . � , ,
i I �:L r. I p . z � .. . . . I 1110 -
�"�,.� Hymn - Nearer My Pod To, The( . .............. I ............. 216 Jesus, spake again to, them. But they cried, sayinge Cru.. I � 40 1 1 . .
I .
i", I I . . i . . - CifV him,'crucify hixn,*. And'he said 'unto them Lthe third , I ,
- , , ; I + Hymn -Jesus arose ............... .. ...'...-L SjB tip�ie: Why, what evil bath he done? I have found no cause . I ... . . L I- . . :-- I
............... I
,� � " + - . -efore chastise hito and let him go I .4 .
,,,,,,.,,, I . . . ,.Of djeath� in him; I wj it thet .. . . ..
L ,,� � I + Prayep ............. ......................... Rev. J. B. Ford . . And they were insfant*jth loud voi 4 bathe I � . rianos...-
+ . , ,ceso xeqjiiring t . + -L � ' I . . .
,�, I . + � . � � . . L t be crucified. " And the voices of them and of . + : ... .1 I L . . '
-upon � T Z, . . L
I Ali Read - He made himself 'of no reputation, anXtbok . 'Nig e I , I I .the �. � I ,_ _ L ' * L , 1, L I . , L "
I lr��, + . � , &.Of �ri sts: prevailed. ... � - .. ' . . I . .. 1. 11 � I .
+ . I . � I NIP
�. him the form of a servant, and was niade.ili the likeness Superintendent-!-�And so Pilate, Willing to content, the people + +'. Ll . - '13.CeLatld here our finest- t
. L
��, I .- : . of,men: and being found in - fashion -as- it mail, he humbled -, . . I -� , I .
,. I + himselfand becatne 6bedient unto death, -oven th� dba released Barabbas unto them, 'and Zielivered.Tesw, -when , . + + � 1. . .1 . I . .
� " - ; + . . th ; , he had scourge(! him . .+ .1. . . 111�
. , . I
�L � of the cros,4. I . . . . .1 . , to.bo ci�ncified. Andthe' sblille-rs _ 1+ .. - New Stylish..d.esigns of - 01
. . . . .
, L��L 4 I + + . . . . � I . I . � . . 16d him away.. , ,; -. - - L . , + . . z +� . .3 . IN
I I . . . . L . I . . . . , I .
"'�: � : L . . . . S � .. . . .. . .1 . , Doherty Piati6s ' and
�";"' �- 4 THE PROPHECY - solq,,.4....'� .......... � ... �. j.L'. I . - � '. � .. . . 1. . .
�. , ,' 4 , + I . . .......................... 31is" Hill .. L ' L . . � . .
, 1. . . I . . - . .
. . . . I . . ; + . . � � . . .
W7�; " Z Isaiah 53 ........................ Read by Ayss Cuniiinghiull� E' , .. - And when they . hadinoc . ked him, . tbc I -w I I . . . 0 .
i . vOr -lone -.y took. oft + I r9ans,
,% . . .
, + . . .. 1. � Z I .. I . 0-
1, q. . ,e le frow bint, and put .his own clothes on him', dnd .'- . . . . I . - L
� , I I + All Read. -Reproach bath broken iny lir + , . I - . .. ... . . . .. I W,
r� ";: -j1ei+irt;'and I allihill 0i
, - . - they letthim aw4yj , - . --�
L L : + L led Nnpout to,crudify hini.:: And as ... . . 811ed'al-sWileis hi Art
. .. . .. - I � " � they laid hold upojil�n(� Sim()n a 0yroniab,,c,,oyning out . .
'L �L heaviness: Lvnd I looked for soine to t aki? I L 6 t the�o lyi .
- but I fo11T1(,Trj";"()"i, vj,ey . . .
1:�.,,` t %%,a-; none; and foi- coinhirters, . .. . �of (he', countrv� on hiiii + thl�y. laid t s, that ho- . .. I I ..�. . . . ..
l + . and I I L he' cros. I . .. . .
� � , �,, . ''. + + gave me also gall for my weat; and in iny thirst tll(-y . L gaV I (I . 7iiigl.itb(�ii,r'it!Lft(�i-Je,�ii,,;. And+when they were -conje ti� ' . . .4 7. I... . .. .. E�
: Ca,V. - - I I , . , I .
me vinegar to di:ink (Psti. 69:.20,21). ... + . Ir %ry, tliel. . .
i : , . . - the lilace NvIii-th is called 6 they crucified : � ok.
. I . . � I � .. .1 . . . 1. . .
" , . . . I .. . � . . jAm, an(I the matefawtors, one oil tile riglit Ila ild -Itx . I .. � I I . I I . I . I . . L � . 1111.
, � I, : THE CROSS . 'L . . othex oi) the. left . . I . irld . , a" tj - 11 1 .4 . OW
I . .
, 4' L I . . . '.. . .
.., . Singing -- 11 When I Sinvey the Wondrous 0 . . I . . I. . I � . L. . I L 11 .. � . ..� . ... . � Z... - j Piahos and-brgans r,ent -
I L . ross.". .....' I .. . 805 Singing - "There is a -G'�re�Oi Hill Fa%,Away .................. 3 82 , . 4 j.. . r
, I , 'Edis6ri P.
� I '4 *'ed, choi'�e new'
I L'�: + Sup8rintendent -And whvit he was come nettr,'he beholcl the I 1. . . . I I I � ,. .. . .. + 11 , 4 . I . . Ill.
�1� �, . cit% and wept over ft'saying: If tholl had.st, k1low, 0*011 . . . . .1 . THECRUCIFIXIO14+ ... .. .. . I - phonograpl�s, M` i & 1*
" L ' -, L I L ... + I
, , ' I I I , . - ; . I ' r
.� rhou at jeast. in thk th� d4y, th ....... I
�, L,, I , o things which bolong linto Jolm 10:18,30-114zad byquperintendelit. . , � I . . . . L � . rieiy goods. '. L . '
� � t hy 1wave! 0 Jertisuilem, Jerurml6m, t1jou that kitl�-st tll(,, - . .. . I Va
1. � + j)1'0j)11VtS, MR] stoiwst tbein wbi0i an-.seiit unto thee, bow Prayer ... �.ft..::,. . - , . . 10.
I + . . .� ............. I .... � .......... Rev. X. Gre ne .
' . . Q . . 1.
. . : - " I '. --- -.- .
) Oftun Nvould I h . . I . . . .
I ,�' + � IWV 911,01VII-11 tl1Y ClIffilt-VII t0900IM', VNI41 Singing 'Alag,� anit Did� Sttviollr Bleed." .;;;;.�..-.;.,907 � '4 � I , . r
I + as a livil gatlivi-eth her chicketw undvr lm� whigs, aild yo � . Vy . I . . . + .
L . . + .
4 . . t . . +1 . . . + .
'':",. . . , � . � - Musle Enip imil,
,IL;. I + ivould i1rA. . I I �. .. I 1. I. .. . . LL . I 13, - . . 0 . I I
� I � . .
. - I � . . THE TOMB . . . .. . -- I
, + " . I I . . L. . . .+ .. � . � ..... 4, � ... . . I. . . I L I
. I . +
. : . .1 . . . . ,. 111.
. �
1�1 � All Read.- fle cmillw ittito hik own, andliisown+'V'�'&v - Jesusi gu�led (LAAw 23:50 56) ...... Reacl J)y .'jNj . . I . Do
�1 � + + . . k e i ed Ili!", I I I 1'. J..I.V. Mool, , ... � t . , . I I . .
im 19 d
I W ked
I -Put I
allut La Ir um� K zag
Mole at Refulia
do Yolk * are d at
M ad y add ess.
stw 0014A JAC, QPIU
. I .111,
I 'I 112
I. . CA " *
I" ,L. %
78 �L _
I. =
bli , d"ibe
9y, -, - I -
mgu Zvegirthe1y
I :1
t I [I
I ,
+ I
I t
1, I t
* +
+ I
+ I
: I
I . +
: + z +
+ I I
+ I +
I +
�- 4
+ not. , .. . I.1 I .... .
� '. I. . .
. .. I ...... �,O!. -'.Reacl by Miss (41veono * ... . �. 4 � % .- - : . I . ..
� "'. + . . Jesus� Ris I en (TI.Itit'k 16-2.0) ... - t
- . . .. I .. . 11 Z 21 .
�` . . I . . ... 11,
� - I + The Lord's Supper Illustrated (Liike 22:11.20) -R(,a(l J�YL.Afr' � . . I . . . . I .4 .1, .. -
+ . Rorke. . - � . . � .. � � L E very,.0ne -And.yery varly".ill the'morning- - t . + I. .+ , . �.4 ! , L . : + . 10.1
I 11�--` + + ,lie (�1)111(!11�1 he fivst (lay of . -1 I
" . + � . , .4 -
. �� :-LLL + + . - fl . io'Nvt� I ek, thtff Ntwo'unto � 8 re At the rishig,of + -4 , :Cd Fibitre .. F
. L. . � � . .
", Singing -Koek ofAges, eleft foi. mv.". � ................. � .... 44 1 I . . . . + + I . .. No.
l, . . . . I . � .
. . . . . . . I I I .
- L, . tho silb, � . . - . � . + + I . I I I . � 01.
, .. I I Superintendent-13itt, 1;ehold, the hanti of lihn that b`elrm ,(,tli � . . . . - , .+ + .4 + . I . 11�
� . 4. 111v is with 111v ot, tile table. . . 1. .. And they.said altiong tl1v-1l)s;'1N 0.14, Who"41,01 Poll 11"; + + TT*T
"I t. + . . L . . . . . ILWAV the Stolle froln tho dfun. lif 0i. .011111,�IV 1. . + + . 1 VVIV1 .1r
.. L
I + .,� - .., -11- "Ill, I—— ., ...".., -11. -1-1, "I 1-1 . . � ,-,,,- ,% --y 4--t-it tj1vy,nw Lnau i-ne stone wt.ts ,, + I L
I . + + ,11MIT)t Of 01iVV.4; 1111d hil'; (11-Wil)IM4 f0l)OWNJ 11im. Volled ttwily: -for It 8vas Very givat., . I � ' :
. + + . I . I . + . .
, . � + � ' * . . I � And viAvrhig hito the I ii;liro, th��,y sivir a N-oli!ig , I + .
- TO GETHSEMANE . 111411 sitting oil thjQ right 1.11(" Clotlu-cl Ill it long I
� - + . .ilt, I white ,
I ++ . gity-yi1f.lit-,Itn(Itli(,Y�vt,i,e.lLfyl,iglftt,tl. .. I . . .
11 + + Choir --And Hwy enmv to it pinvo whiell, was 31111ned (4('01A.- . * - - , -
1� 111111o.. and ho said t 4) his flisciplo." - I'M- �.,4(! llerv� while I Awl lie .,46d m1fo tht'Im. Bo llot '11fritAlted. N"(, , . . ,.
....' I i '. I I I - ,� " 'I'vok, * I
, �j I
,.! ,I. )11:lv. I . h-si'l,", of Nazareth, whinh was 1.1-11(.1fled: h( "'t *rj.1(41; il e it�A
�' I., . I I . not 11(1�1.( J)ell()I(l ill (�'flllwe Where tho laidlibil. - , + .
t Superintendent- And he took Nvith bilil 11vtor..,uld flit, two I .. , . .. . i . -y I . + .+
I I + '() be V(11131 8(6,owful. and . . 11"Xervise by 8 GivIs. . . . .
I s(ills'(11, Z4.1w(lev, and begall I I .1
I . + very beavy. I I I . . j Singing-1,Cbrist: t1le jL,()r4j, I is Hisell, ) day", , I i
+ . . $ N .............. 311 .
I + . . . . L .
1, �� . -Thon saith he unto them: Aly I BaSter Song .................... * ......... 1) .
All Soul h& exceeding "ol-row. I , � . minary Dvpartynent #.
1, * + ful, (ven unto denth: ta]Ty yv here, wid watvh Nvith jile. Tolill 20-.11.16 . + I ..... aaetkuLby 11cVmt!Ford : +
. * + . ..... ... I .... I --- � - ---
* .tlj,.4t_jrjM _aj7(jP 1 ' - , ' � '. --
',�' I , t Choir.-Aml ).,,.,;.vttl-.i;tlntotlw- jjj(j(,!f,lj tlj(�tjj, - L , - -_ L , , ,,,, - - , , ' ' :
I—— - � - # Colh.etion . . * .
� L, , # : , as�"vp, alld ,;nll 11 kinto Iletev. NV1111t, Cotild yo 11.0.t''Wil4ell 1, . . . . , . . � + ,
z I . . # Wit 11 ille one hour? I . solo.. r ............ I—— "1108alfmr .................... T.. t4..X(q.r .. #
, ' ' . I .
I., 1 ($() t.() 1)flfl� (jVjjj.,(�jjjjj.jjV .......... .. I ....... 1. Roid 1)�� Wtigs Davis . . A . THE THRM - - '. ' - '. # I .
,.� I I I TheArrest - (Uikv 22:17 54). - Read by 41fr.'1i.'TrNvh). And be' led tbe'll onfas far as to Tlethany, and lie liftvd # .
e I I # Trial before Pitate - (�,uke 23.13 -23) -Read by R. H'. Mainnji' ill) bir, hand.s, I and blessed tfiew. I I L 11 I .1;
1�j ; + . . 9 oir L �
:, I I . Superintendent -Apd Pilate, vfben ho'bild-called together tho Ch -Aiid when he had sl t )okell these thing�q..NVIlilt, they.
. :, I .11chief priests and the rnlet,4 of the peoplet ' . .1)(410d, he Nvas taken 111) and it elolid . rQ(!(!jVe( . I 1111n ()jjt " .
of their'Aig .
,�, . * . I - I ,,lit. - 1. .,
t + .
I .1 Pastor -Said unto thein : Ye have bratight this'iltall MAO 111P, Teichers -Wbich he, wroug-lit in Christ, wholl -lie, raisml 111111 f
� � . t as one that pf,rVertetli the, people; and behold, 1,. having - frolli the (lead, and fsetllill� tit his own Aght band IV the
, :
examined him bofore you, have fontid no fault Ili this man . ll(.av(, .
..!.' 4 touchin� those things wl*reof ye acouso him, . jily places. � . . . . I , .
I ' I
�. IL EveryoneMlWlien lie had hiniself purged our silis, fg1t, do�(rjj L
. I . Teachers -No, nor yet Herod:' for I fion t you to hiiji, and lo, . oil tNe right band of the Arajesty oil high. -
I � nothing worthy 6f death is done unto him. LL
1. .
�' "I � ` I I Mr. Rorke -I will therefore chastise him, aUd release him. I Voi Christ is not entere(I into the holy places mad I e of I + I . .
'. � I 10 I lianda, but frito heavell itself, now to appear, Ili the pro-
I L � Superintendetit-W Or of necessity be initst release one unto . '40110e,of God for 118.
. L � . .
.1 + them at the fe6t.) I . ffinging-"All Rail the Power of jesils' Same,,11 ........... 450
I Every O,fte-Ana they cried out all at opec, sayin .. Away L ! � �
I a certaiii sedition tha4o In the ofty, atid tot #.luider,was � I Distribution of Papers, -
') I . 'bto Ila Baral I . - ( 110 for " � . - I .
. ,�, I - with this inan, had release it Ar I .. 139NEDICTION. .
� . . . I I t� .. I I I . I
�.; . � I .1 I IL � .
e . . . % 1, . . I I .
I . I () � I .
. , , . � 0 11
P . I . I I
1 04.,I.40*0000*,O000*,0*4+
01 +. . . . . I .. 4
01 I *,
" Before y6u B uy to.
00 I . . O'. .#
00 � � I #
61 . Y. f -.111 *
,� 0
0 , b 'Ral "'.4
0 . .. . . . 0
.0 . . . �' 0
* I I , I I , #
6 Bring Tiq the ad, that it t #
I elli #
*' (,qts y'011. If you will do thia 0
q, �ou won't buy by mail, thaVs I
, - ---- , -W
*-t7ertmrT." ,,,, -- - -� 1. *
0 139cause you WDI have+no tell- 4
# son t�. -Any Article of J6wehy or
* :
0 Watchesor.811verwareChina, or #
0 anything+ else can bebouglithere #
# lit priem evevy bit as lbi� its any -
0 wlierd elso near. or f -az *
And youbaye this advantage +
you con see,*hxmd)e and examine , 0
1 to Your heart's content anything #
that Is of intere " *
"' 0 *
I * Bring us that tbaytoOttalogne +
and lee us prova it. to you, #
I .1 . #
4 I .. . I I.. ,W.W.I.W. . - -1.1" +
0 #
: . . . . %
i W. R6 C6�nter. I
T'l �
'Jeweler atid Optioluaw I
* . . ., .
# .
* #
0 usuer of.
# t
Marriage Licepses. .A,
I . . . ;
004.6 #*"##+###"*4"** I
I -. ;-,'- 'I - 6 ` -7� - , . ,�,". I - ..1-11�' I
, , .
I . TWMMA,f"Arm U41, jgjjL " ,
- - - � - -- . � . - --- . --
. � � I-, ---- --=
W. anyowiz, .
- �
jjew Portuguese Constitution.
1&bou, Avnil I",. -The Council of
� riviablo, ZT01
1�� ,-:,nnAejjecd tu diacuss
linisters ll�'
be r't1puj)lk:,..,i constitution, -which
----- .�
ill be pr ,,.-..* I rt t';;, Opening U1
GURR1411335 )Fi. ma -La
lie natioll.4 as.-.-, ,..0 %7.
The Plnnl, d... jN',)t-.,!.'.at3 an!�(:;'6 hat
, . Connqyatwe. Notary Publ:v, ,
i. q
. -I.- - a 14)w� . he
ie chief .,,(j;.Ii,-; � 4 s i.)U
zo,,i�wbh. v4".1--i'A tit 200
vommiesiouvr, 'L
aputi,:�8, �vjl,. t�lojt a ,.,ro'.m&14j(-iA ul the
10SUer 'Of UarTiage License�,.
epUI)Llia. ,,01ios- U)rm' vi offit, will
Huron, St., Clinton.
e five year-.;. 'rho pr.AdtnA will then
IpIrint 4 cab.jwt, lihv%visiu f.)r a term
1"wre De 110 111111-
� -
If le yvars. will
sters of for,jaa affairs. ror plenipo-
Notary rablic, Conveyancer,
entiary mhii,t�.,ra to, foreigga po%N,ers,
Financial aud1teal Retate.
he consulp bein,,,, eharqlpld W.1th (UP10-
natic work. the i(je:� j)ioin�, to avolil
I INSVUANOF. AGENT-Berreeeptitia 14 r1re in.
aumuco Compouies.
junecessary "4pellses.
1 1 IDIVIN104 Court Offlee,
, ---L
il,oyai to Mong.rchy.
. .
t I , I , . , I - - .
medh'al" ... 11
ondozi, April 17.-A Cape Town de-
I, I
, I
spat9b. ilays that the British protftt-
� VIC 026 W. THOMP604 . � l-
ed cruiser Forte 4as beeia� ordered to
L Asian, Stinson. ate
DeIggoa Bay. According to the Jo-
40601al Attention given to diseases, of:tlqo
hauneoburg, Exprem anarchy reigns at
. Ear. %%root. and None. .. L
Delagoa Diy, owing to the fact that
Syes, r . andL s,ultAblo glas" ..
. Arefully ex%ralood
manr offoia is
-Is and residents of thi
Portuguese gast African territory re-
. , I 09108 and Besi4enee. I
VW; 4aaors West -or tka Comme"A" now. ,
main loyal to the osed. monarchy.
The, revolutionists dlemand the de-
, �
I Marian lit., . . I
I , .
,position of, thq governor of � Maozam-
biquel gna Itlie expulsioxi .01 thlbse
L. .I,
'- I .
, Dre W. Cape . .
10 � i'tj' L � -
Dr -W4 449"I C14. Air".A. W0.0 -S06'. I
. .
. .
ofte-ontorto Street, olinsm Vi emus at. .
firgilt dow of ofte, or reoldevas, ttoilibuirli
. Four Killed by Blast,
Street, I . . I I
. Vancouver, April 47. -Four me;i,
. ,
I . I ..
oftehoursal sp1*1�16osimA...-Tto 0 P.m -
were killed %'n a blastin5 accident at
. . . I
Pitt Lake, 4o mil�s .from Vancouver,.
I ,
. DIRO d- W- SHAW- �
on Thursday evening� The men evi-
dently went back to examine a blast
I accuebeor, eto"L offlee :nd residenoe on
whi4oh. had not gone off. App�arently
J0ubury8j..o6poa1taw`.,F rran's residence.
they.were standing right over it w4eit.
.., I I . . � 11 L I I I
the explosion occurred, and all were
� OIL Vo R6 RXVN I .
horribly mutilated.. .. -
L . I
. . D]PT"T . L
. .
. , I
. , .
1. I - I L .. � 1. .. - I ..... .. I
fwowkt ot '14 ,W9,jrU#L1jj)tCI�RjI:r.f-- ..
, 1 .44 JU Ilm - - 1. .
. L '
. -
Cirafta,te of C.C.D.S...Claicago, and .0 DA . ,-
Toronto. � I . I .. . .
.. 1: I
.D-Junor'slarge' honse;-trarW-aTTd
.- . � i -. . . I . ,
. � . I 1. :.. . .
- garden.orh.Qnt-�rio Street 01inton.'
Saytteld on-Konda,rs, May Ut to December , ''.
. I �nffiv =` , .
. . I I
. .
.The Kind You Have Always Do 00
. 11
I DIL Us FOWIARK9 .,:. .
I I I 11 . - �
I DENTISTe . . 1.
136ars thef,a!��
, Offices over OINFUL1.9 ritore.. .
. Signature O
1. . .
Special care taken to make dental ireM . .
, I . .
-Atl; so painless, AW posidble. .. I $0,
I . . �
I I .
. I � L .
. . . .
. L . 1�
. .1 . .
I I L :
. - I ,
.L Live stoek and -general Auction. 4er .
. . .
. I . - - � . .
The undersigned has a quantity 'of
. GODERibH ONT ... .
. choice Cedar Posts for sale. -
� . I
bakmat0oAt sales a evec'&W 01deli of &I . .
11 EnA odice, Clinton , DrA,mk t y btealled . . � I
. .
. trTerms reasonable. EP.rznors,', male now I
discounted I
- JAII-ES 11.4,N-11rT0N- '
� . I
.. � -1. I- ..... �.. --1-.----- ., I -
. . . � I .
L .
I G. D. MoTaggart; - M. D.-NoTaggar , �
� I . I
I � .. . .. .
. .
I . L I . I -1. �
or '.
mdo A *11111'r In,1111911a -
I .1 . - . I I
.. -L .
. apas . . . IV— 1, . ..
. .
. . I BRNICJARS,� . o -
. . I
. ALBIERT ST y , QUINTON -- - ' ' � � .
0 . � '
& General BankIna Busla"r, I
I .. . transiLetid-1, . �--- � .. � .. . ..
� - . .
. I . . �
. .., �. I
.. . 1. I NOTES DISCOUNTED - .. 11 I . �
. L Xkafta lie' ' us&' lnurerA allowed ob .. .
. . : - ' do i - � . . I .
. 1. � . , wakla! - , - ., .
. . .. . ,.� , . .
. . .. I I .
. . I . . 11 I . I I .
r . '.
TM , McK11160. Mutuail ...'- ... I
. .
I .. ftre''I'misurAnce-fte. g ,.,
I . I
. . . .
. I .
I Partiat andIt 11*01lated - Town., V"w : . . ,
. ,ortY OnlY Insuredi . - .
� . I -4
. 6)rjrtCZRS. . . ' I . �
. . .
I . ; .
.j...M.Moil.jean, .rrepldent,. -Sealorth . .
Jas. Connolly, � Viola Pres., GiDderich ... .
- I I . . ,
. . . , . I
. ..
For Sale or R-ellti.
. I
Thos. E. Haysi - Sec.-!Treas., Se -
L . . *forth
. . I .
- ... . . .
. . . � . .
. I
- . . I . I
� . .
as., - -
Connelly,, Holinesville; jobs .: . *., ...
, I
. . . ..
. . ..
. , I
I .. . . . .. . I ' ' .
. .
Vtt4 0. Dale, ,Qlinton; 114. .., I.,
. . . I
. : For Saler . " I .. �
'Chesn'tYi Seafolth, J. Evans, Beecb-, � .�
.. . . . �. .
� __O - : I
Woon; J' LG. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Bon. . - I
. .
. . I .
. . A houoi and, four lots, one on
noweia, - Brodhagen, M. McEwan, . . .. I .
-Clinton. I ,�
. .Victoria St. .and three on St. Jw*Ws.
St., ,consisting of chole,er bearin"
, . .
Each-Directoris inspector of lones'lis . . .� I
, . . .
fruit trees, fine stable,, hard. 5
wn Cal 1. ,
his O'. 10 ity. . , I � : ..
. . . � . I : .
. . softi water, house.in good repair,
. ,
. .... . . . . -AGENT& ` . ,� . . .
.. ,-.� . 1. . .. . .. .
house consist of seven, rooms With
. .
good, stond.cellar.: For particulars.
. .
Robt." Smith, kirlock- Ed, 'Elinchley 1 9. ..
. I , . . - I
Seafc)rtb;: 'James Cummink;,, -Egmone
. � �
I I I .1 .
� . I � . a to;n�
. . I as I
. i � I
'Ville; J.*W. Ve% Holmesville-. - �. ' . ., .. .
. I
. . I .. .1 I . . .T13V . 'Y
. � � � . � L -
� I . . I
Payments'may. be made at. Tozer: &
. .
. . ��. � I I - .11 . .. � -.1 `
. .
�Rrownls, -Clinton.: or ti) R. E� Cutt - . -
. . I 0iorthor s for Sale, ,'
IS 111
Goderich.. - . I '' . I
, I I .. .
I I � .
--- .
� . . , ,
� . . � .,
I I . ,. .. d . . � �--- . . � I I , . - . . . ,P7' � . .
. . . . ..
. - - . . ..
I . ' . - - .
- Four young bu.11s ftoin .9 to 12
months old, of good quality*, :3 roa ns .
- . , ; . , . �
7 ,.. ...
CLINTON. .. " : . .
� I .. . I . ,
and a r6d. Call or writei . I
�. . I- . I . ... . . . .
, .
. . ,
. .
. . EDWARD II. WIEK 1. .
. .
. . .1 . . . � Clinton Onb
. . . .
� I .
. I . . .
.. Fire, Ufe -and -Accidehf. . - . ..
. .
Thone No'. 12 on. 165 . ' , tf : . ..I.
I I . . . . . I :
-. . I ' . - . . . 1! .
. . . ... ln.surance , I I I . . .
, . . I .
.. . .. I .�
. . :
. .
. I For Sale.''. ..:-
� � ...
. I
- . . . I .
. I � .
' . .
; 'Realigstate boughi and sold . '. .
. � I I . . I . ,%.
. % � . . .
. -!.- �
... I .
I . Money to loan.., - . .., . , .
.. 1: I
.D-Junor'slarge' honse;-trarW-aTTd
.- . � i -. . . I . ,
. � . I 1. :.. . .
- garden.orh.Qnt-�rio Street 01inton.'
� .
Q . Mee Issic S . treet, next. door.,to I
. . �.. Applj at House or Clinton P. b.
.. . . . . .
,New .
I � Era - - ,�
. . . I
I . . .
- . - .
. . .
. . ) -1 ,d: - �
Log vahte
. .. . . .
. , � ..
- Orand Trunk j1.fl1Av4iy -jysteju I I
I , . . . .
. ,
. . � . . . .
. . - I
- , - . � � .
. . .
. co.ffigb,pst p4ee pa d for - Logs, Basso�
I . I -
Railwiiy Time Ta�)ile ., .
. : - I ... � �
W, Od, $of t,Elm. Ito, k Blin ancl Ropl�
Mttple especially �vanted, but allkinds
. I . . I .
, . . . London,'Eluron and -Bruce'. ,' . . I
. I . . .. . . . � .
vvill be rurobiwed. � . . � I .
I North - .Passeiiger - . . I .
Y., Doaj),RTY PlAX0 oind I
. .
I .
London, depart...'.. . 8, W1 rl, ni 4. 1 50 p in - -
I . . 0:11�4AN,CO" Limited
I : . '40 - - . .. .
crintralia, ........... 9. 5,43' ' - �
--. 1. , . - ,
�� 4
Hxeter.'.. , ......... , , 195.3. I
.5.6', - - -, . .
.1 . . I � . I
. . pastare to Rent
Hensail ........ j.... I 10.08' I 6 W * . . � I
I . 11 , .
1�-ippen ...... � ...... 10.16: 6.111 .
. . � . . . . �
Brucelield .......... 30.30 -0.10" - - .. �
I . --O-- I I .
In the Township of Godevich, will be
01iuton.....-..,. 11.05 6 ,%- 4 I
Londesboro... t... 11.18 6'r)Y- .. *. ,
offeredtovent, oi)e buiidred Rares of
I Blyth....'.%. .',.:, .,.., � 11.Z7. - �
� �.w
. .the best'cluality (if ptaitnue. A neArej,
. �
Belgrave ............ 11.40 7113
I failing spring, Zreek rutining thxongli �
. .
Whiglituml arilye.'.. 11,00 7.35 ;
. . the pla.co and a quantity of .shade
trees* Being part of lot 78,. Alaitlalld.
. . I .
. . South ... I � . � . . .
I . 'Elmsenger . '- . ..
, Izing I half miles .from klohne,4-
Winghaiii, de�&rC. 01.413 & m 9,&3 p in ,
, , , to
. Vill In ve from (1intan. Apoly.
Belgrave ....... (3,64 ,13,4,j . � ,I
, . I '\ IMMARD,
. . I � I ALEX, I
.1 . . Comtright, 00t,,-
I I _
. Blyth ............... . 7-(kS � 3346 .
. .
Londesboro .......... 7.10 : 4.01. 1
I . . I �
(Ain ton.,..-...-... 7.50 4.23 � .
. I I . � .1
. I � I I � �
114160 cherry'Trevq .for k%�' a I (),'
13ruckivid .......... 8,12 , 4.so ., . I .
Kippen ............. 8.23 4i4T . ' � . i
. I 1.
11066yell ......... -, � ... 8.82 4. 52 ' .
. . .�--- ,
. I
Nett�z ................. 8. �,
R 'is 5.05, ,
- , ---11,
I 1 -11 -Jr -e-es jarkt,A� ... he, , thme fezt.hjghj-
- - . 5,11) ,
-Ceu. 111- ,Pvi ....... � 0,110 I ,
Lonrltll, arrive ..... l000 (3,1()
bargAin foil One Weelt And ait farmers
Buffido alid Clodericli .
snoula take adVaiitage of the'splendid
. . � IF
* w6st . Passenger
oiler at Such low fialtres for high clavc
StOck. Tin 11"arly Richmond !4 One Of
I .
a m 1) . in p w ,p ni
8tra:tf6rdi,..,. - - .10,00 12,20 5 25 10.20
the heat bhippers and can'lers known
Mitchell ......... 1022 12.45 5. W 10.47 - I �
ftom the well known firm of, Brotun
Bro'.. Sursevyes. 10or informatidn and
tieafol,th ........ 10-'45 1.10 0.18 11,12' '
Clinton ....... ; ,'. 11, 07 '1,25 6.4o v.28
prico,s oti 01 kinds * of frult tre6s,
11011liesitill(s. - - - .11-10 1,33 , 64(3 11.38
Apply to . ,
Godel-101 ........ 11-33 - I-50 7.05 11,55 - �
H"; -0
B13X 102, Clinton ,
t s t . pasgenger
. I . A m ' I
'V2,4%) " P in
- . . . 1 1 I
. 7.10
.odetich� ..... ...... 4.60
4 -.1 I � � .- .-
. ... - -
I . .. Mirlod-fteks EWS
olmesville ......... 7.26 2.67 5.()o I I
Clint6n.,... ......... 7.35 307 5.15 . lk'�
I -6,A-0- . . ,
Sefttorth ............. 1.52 3.25 5Z
Mitchell 8,16, 3.48 5,55 7 i
from iponof my beat winter ,lay. �.Stratforcl
............ 8.40 ' 4.15 ' * 6,20
ers headed by a large Millard Cockerel
-- .1 � . . . .
Rens,are large eize. tight shape, Ood
color and nicely barred, HIggs ,91,20
. �,
%. I Irv---- �
F6 We CUTLEK10 1) �
for 15, Also blue Apdalusian V
-from hens thab laid when five anggt"L,
- Vidtiter and'Papar )Manger, .
. .
halt months old, Eggs $1.00 per 10
All work guaranteed, I .
p"'D free of ,ebarge,
� Prides reaeouable, I
tat fting Wanted
, � I I
011b 11
� .
ge,41done'a nearly- Opposite the .. I I I
, , �
. ROVIDY0 Clinton
. .. .1�
C61legiate,instituM , � � �,
I . ,I
. 0 '. . --
�� -1.1--- - 1, I �
I 0 1 .
- 9 I . � I . .
. � . � I I � - . . - .. . I I .
- --��&"A.hll�-A.L,. . � 'gA-.. . . �..i A I ,
- -- , � - .L- - - -�L . . .17 ,A.,, - - - im . . " . � - ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������