HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-13, Page 71 C COW MRFEC?IQN COCO ' is good for Growing Girls and Boys—and they like it. It h011tiSltes their little bodies and' makes them healthy and :strong. Cowan'e Co69a, .as you get it from your. grocer. is absolutely pine. 1ta. delicious newts u obtained by the use of tite highest "rade of Cocoa Betel" sk fully blended. Wellies is added to impair the health- build ig pmperties of the. Cocoa.. 170 4Do You Po Coma's • Ones awe x UgUre It, U t jeW Him UU$ ,vour club l can bslp them to get what they Want. Do you follow the, Brews?' "Yes; I Understand," sighed Brand. "At first you took up the side of the people. ;and you are continuing et it. But you and /bur faintly have become ambitious, or, at least. so far as you are concerned, you are ambitious for thew, When you • begin to associate familiarly with rich men as theirfriend you'll soon find yourself playing golf Or billiards with elle, drinking whisky with another, and your sou will marry the .daughter of a third, You will tor - 'get' all about the people. Your paper will become decadent and feeble. The circulation will dry 11P." He paused' for breath and added warningly in strong tones, "The Advance is now et its zenith, but, itsdecline beglnb• the very day that you are elected to the oak Door club,' Nolan reachedover and seized Brand shoulder. I like ori and the e thepaper stand for, but by the er •""Wheeler, you're a deceno thitt a fellow, 1k y you've made p yoYi don. t know what it means to pat people• that yon, love op the altar add °eang9 ,thein, suffering for the sake of .these -these general prinelples." "Don't Il" exclaimed' the young ed- itor', d iter,,. "Well, tiara .exactly what I've: • done, I gave up the girl 1 loved, who . had promised• to be my wire., s0.that 1 might write the truth." Ill spit. o! -theemotion which, • •his words had aroused in him Brand's voice nater faltered as he spoke', •.. "You didl"• exclaimed Netan Manua-. ly. "Well, my )30y dent Understand von. I. couldn't do that,!' he confessed. "Don't think that it was easy sot me to do. I've thought of her ' every hour of every day since, but she"- nOw hisvoice wavered -"well, she's forgot- ten, so it doesn't matter. Mr. Nolan. do you, `remember what It was that first brought us together?" ''Yes;. that story about Judge Bartel my, and it was a good one, and 'you've followed it up with a lot of good' ones sy, eel theain't a mao n THE FOU1'.11 ESTATE Novelizd by FREDERICK itT00MBS Prom�the Great Play or - the Slone Name by Joseph Medill Patter- son and Harriet Ford. Copyright. 1909. by Joseph Madill Patterson and Harriet Ford. Bartelmy and Dupuy started toward a door. "Now, if you will excuse us, .Dupuy and' I will join the ladies," said the jurist. "Wheeler, •.you're not going away yet, eh?' .he added. Brand moved toward the hall door and ignored the query. "What's your hurry, Wheeler?:" ask- ed Nolan as Bartelmy and Dupuy dis- appeared. "Oh, it's time to get back to the .of - lice." "H -ml What's the trouble?" "What's the use Of talking about it?" "Come, get it off your chbst." ""I don't have to tell you, Mr. Nolan." He drew closer tb his employer. "You think Mike Nolan is going back on you -isn't that it?" The young man's voice rang out in his deep disappointment that Nolan was lingering on the verge of an ac- ceptance of iartelmy's offer, 'which could mean only two things if his em- ployer yielded, and these were the muz- zling of the Advance .and the silencing of Brand as long as, he remained on the paper. He blamed Nolan bitterly for failing to spurn the offer "outright On the moment, "Do you think you can accept favors from Bartelmy with one hand," he tried, "and knife him with the other?" Nolan gave a spirited but kindly re- ply: . "Hold your ors , Wheeler. You know Y don't care a thing about this social stunt for rays if: .It don't fit into, my life, but remember I've got a family. and nothing comes ahead of them. Mother and I may have a jan- gle now and then; but, after all, we have been side partners for a good' many years. And my girl! There ain't a finer educated or . a prettier girl, in New York, and she ought to be able .to go anywhere, but . she can't in this' fit town -this cold man's town. Then, of course, there's Sylvester. I know he. ain't as bright as. he might be, and I've spent -we'll, more than twice your sal- ary trying to get him through fresh- man year at Harvard, and 1 couldn't, but still he's my son, and if he wants to run around with these other sports, why not? I can afford it, and 1'. guess the kid's got to sow his wild oats any— way. My wife and children ought to" be happy with the money I've got, and,. seated ince. Wh W.h er. re a n . in the country that can work up series like you can. But, do you know, I'm beginning' to think that the udge is not all bad. Mind yott, I'm of forgetting old scores. but" -h Bated himself "did you ever think ' it, ,perhaps we haven't all the facts that affair? :Somethings have ba!- pened. Axe you sure that he's so a fired wrong?" • • "Mr. Nolan, the half hasn't been tol about Judge Bartelmy!" cried Brand. "Well, this is getting to be a pret serious affair. `a We can't be too su about our facts."• ""Mr. Nolan; Judge. Bartelmy Is no only a dishonest judge, but he '.seems to have a destructive . influence everycc �ne nearee him..: B's corrupt an corrupt ug, not only .In his 'public bu in his private life" • •' • . • •"'Wasn't -wasn't it his. daughter tri, you were engaged to?"• ..Yes, it was, and he's. using her Ju as. he did her motber before. her." "You amaze me. What do yo Mean?" • •-- Brand took a deep breath. - ""Wily,' he surrounded her. moth with machine politicians and sha financiers. and crooked; lawyers. H sent' her to the state capital when wanted,; to :be senator, but it, was. i possible; to Washington when he wan ed to be minister to'France, • and s failed, and again when be wanted be judge, and She succeeded, and wh she found out that he was :using h judicial office to'steal and that she b only: been a _lobbyist for, his rot 'schemes" "'Well?" • ""Well, it -killed her, Mr. Nolan, now he's using his daughter in same 'ivtty\ Se's filling his house. w corporation :jackals. like Dupuy. sends her bere to •muzzle you by wo ing on your wife and daughter.m. hates e, but he .would let ,her ma • me to have his enemy in the fam and. make him silent." • "Why don't . you go to • the girl tell her?" suggested. the •newspa owner. • • "About her' ;mother, and why died?" • • n "Well, perhaps not. But I hope won't follow the Bartelmy story • further I'll be just as well please "Pie got to follow. it, Mr. Nolan can't' stop," ejaculated.. Bran& got the goods on him now.. I've story that will drive hip off the. b •wlipnje print it." • "What?" 'half rising. ""Tree; every word of it." Br paced nervously across the room.. '"For God's sake,. Wheeler, don't off at,half cock!" cried Nolan. 'Half cockt Why, I tell you I've the faeta. I've 0 king On e of of u ty r0 on' d' t at st er dy, e be m- he te, en is`- ad - ten and the ith. He rk- He rry ily' and per she yon any cL" . I I've got a be women MAY AVO' OPERATIONS NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial cf. fects of Scott's Emulsion in a very short time. It not copy kitil4s her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour. ishes the child. Nearly ail mothers who nurse their children should take. this splendid- food- ton.ic, not. only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their &ad et paper tied tali ad. for ow Weak bath osaisteura ea/ Lick Naar. *tort* flow* been wor it for months." "Now, listen te. yOung man. Di wit° Of what Yeti. say abOut 'hitt I know that in hie public life he's mighty Weli thortght • of by. if they believe in him I don't -see cenvince you?" excitedly. "It he should offer • Me a bribe to kill this story Would you aelittOWledge thep that he's you let me print. that sfory in My Own Way and promise not to in - "Yes. .11 t the Airl," Nolan reniiiided him-'411oW do ,,you allot she'll feel if yen print that story'!" But grand waS not hi be swerved taking Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound. The following letter from Mrs. Orville Rock will prove how unwise it is for women to submit to - the dangers. of a surgical operation when it may be ayofded by taking Lydia P�yr•, Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. ghe was fourweeka in thebospital and came home suffering Worse and before. ' Mere is Lei own statemennt.' Paw °Paw, Mich.--" Tw, a o I suffered very severely '.with a ,fire.. t. r could. Qat be on myfeet for long : time, , Mi ysiclal} trente d, fox sevenmonths . without much relief lad at last sent:me-' to ,Ann Arbor for en' operation. I was • therefonr areelntend�-.i nme.ho♦me au���"f f��eryrlhg y mth than else. ore. me to try Lydia E. • nee :Vegetable Compound, and 1 di .,Today am well and strong and do all myown housework .1.owe my health Lydia T Pi'nkham's Vegetable Compound, and ,advise my friends who are Compound, with any female . complaint -to-try it."—Mrs. Onvi.s.E RocK, R. R. N•o, 5, Paw Paw, .. i Michigan. ' If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once. take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the sta'n- dard'remedy for women's ills, and has positively restored the health of thou- sands of women; Why don't you tryit? TEX CLINTON RIM IRA, "It's easily explained. Mr. Brand," 1 be said in honeyed tours. "We a net 1 that is all it is. Your reporter lied." "I was the reporter," exclaimed the accuser ill a supremely contemptuous manner, and.es he sciatica ba wondered and marveled that etteb a than as the betrayer, Sartainly, eonld be the ia- ther of such a "girl as Judith-.luditb, whom be was even now, he was con- vinced, puttfng away trove his arms and lois love tor all time. The false ,judge paled. Ibis: mouth became parched.. Had be not leaned against a chair tot .support it is likely that hie knees would not have retained. enough strength to hold him up. The .i jig was up, Plainly the. cud was In sight, Indeed, It had already arrived possib uw ey out -it , there Brand ro ,watt tis- possib a ay ten to the proposal. Listen? Every •1 mail had his price. Dupuy had told -1 itim so. He knew it anyway, and Brand' was poor, He was ambftious too:" . A,h, reasoned. the false judge, that is a dangeret a' oo'u»laatiou-per* ,C can't De uetpeit. a've gm; ui go on: Somehow you know the thought` comes to me that perhaps it all may turn out for the best," "Well. 1 hope so," commented. the newspaper owner, "but, man alive, than story yeu"- $e was. forced to cense abruptly, for Judge Bartelmy and .Ld Dupuy entered the drawing roomand drew near, T HECH CHAPTER- .VIII. H . abruptness with which Brand separateel from froNolan as they appeared aroused the. .suspicions of batb .the judge and , his lobbyist satellite. .liowever. they little imagined tie• •pronouunced seriousness of the couversatlon 'they had liaterrupted• 1n the mind of encu ran. the: thought' that the' Advance's proprietor and. his editor. bad bean dis- cussing the proposal. to elect.Nolan to •tee Oak Door Obi,' lived .a ttn,ilure in this. laudable venture they would•,have considered a•. serious ,set back. but proii- ablyhad they an.intinuttion regarding 'the story. Brand wanted to, *rite and '.the effort that was to be made to de - • and go got was the repOrter. Judge Bartambil arty and 'ambition. Few could over- come it honestly; few eyer had, ever 'Well,. what do you propose to do?" he 'asked of Brand, putting it up to the other men to -lead the conversation at this point, lust as clever tactician '!That depends," answered Brand donbtfully, a trifle weakly, sinking thoughtfully. into 'a chair beside a ta- Bartelmjydetected at once the, note .of doubt and' weakness in 'Brand's re- ply and questioned to himself what it might portend. -• "On what?" asked the judge careful- ly, trying to analyze the mental proc- esses of his opponent, who stared at him across the table. ' _Brand spoke deliberately, in low "On whether you're willing to meet' • • • n n EGGS FOR HATCHING. 1mi ation "PEWS FROM 'THE BIGGEST EX - e , 600 birds; single coin.b ilhode Island reds '' only; the best layipg fowl 91.1. earth; 01.09 • Cough cures r O. Jollies Lt. Vance iSs bon, Box 269, gerE°11, Ont. $1.00i 100 eggs, t4.00; trial order solicited. Oakaale Poultry Farrn, Sarnia. Ont. . FARMS t-011 SALE: r''' want to make money P If se invest in • Saskatoon property and Central Saskati ohewa,n farm lands, For full particulars as to good safe investments write. and, if you are coming 'West, call on G,• H. Clare, McKay Block, 2nd. Avenue; Box 1191, Sas- katoon, Sask. Reference. Royal Bank. SASKATOON AND ITS OPPORTDNI- ' TIES—for a few valuable pointers on real estate situation in Saskatoon, together with current list of investments available and particulars.of our co-operative syn i - gates, write Box 24, Saskatoon. Sask. litt 'WANTED—soil/Th-1 A,FitIOIS VET: ` • BRANS' land warrants—spot cash paid; write or wire immediately. W. P. 1-21.1.g.1 ors, 008 McIntyre Block. Winnim... AGENTS WANTED. IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE "`• best Premium proposition in Canada —Mid that appeals to eveyyone—apply to Sollery,. A.dvertising Dept. 228 Albeit street, Ottawa. Is an hnitation Cough Medicine - Oood .Enough for Your Witen you are sick And send for the doctor you deal want him to send a young, medical student he has in his office. You would rather have Ibody else. tio young fellow experiment on some- ' No more do you want imitations of the medicine you know th be of prov- en value ha the cure Of disease. ' Tha remarkable success of Dr. Oha.se's Syrup of Linseed and Women-, tine iu the cure of croup, bronchitis. and colds has proven too great a • temptation to imitators. They expect you th take chances with*theironedi- eines because the price is a few cents Imitations are never -old on merit. but depend on the merit of the article they imitate. You don't want to be experimented on, and for this reason will insist on seeino the pottrait and signature of A. W.°Chase, ALE.. the famous Eeceipt Book author, on the bottle you buy, ..A:s it is made of simple ingredients of "Judge, cao you spare toe a few mo -I meats?" ptit in Brand resolutely. "Certainly, my boy; certainty. vent you excuse me?" turning to NoLin. ;Nolan, surprised at the readiness of Brand to' begin ;cm the plan to entrap Bartelrey, readily assented and pro- ceeded into the libraxy with Dupuy. "Well, Wheeler, what can I do for yoar asked Judith's father. The yoang Man stepped close to the • other and faced him squarely. "Judge, how about your latest de-' cision .1n, the Lansing Iron case thday?" Bartelmy started back in surprise. "It was in accordance with the stat- utes and the constitution," he finally "The supreme court of the ratted Stites was•at variance ;with you in a similar case," advised Brand. : , "SW' indignantly, "I decline to tills- • cuss out of Court questions relating to my condUct on the bench.", , The judge moved as though to go. "You weren't so'particular this morn- ing." Bartelmy began to lose his confident, !the tamable* tba maltvgtAtcept so oho. Atte lithd 14414116 ItZte6SOrriaratta Avow nie halfway. .. high. Ha, as plain a. bid for nprice as he. had eVer heard. and he had heard the young man's earnest face.. Ha, how skillful he was, this young Brand! How be had deceived ev,ery one! Yes, hewas just like some ef the other re- formers. the jndge bad met -just like sonite Of his political friends who start- ed to clean up certain conditions, only' to be retained to let thetn e.xist,as they *ere. Bat Brand; .was the cleverest . 'one of the lot by far, and probably 1.1.w was to aliVide the proceedS" of this bribe --with Nolan. Oh, they were u. dunning pnirl Had even fooled Donny, who th.ought them dangerous. A.nd What a son-in-law Brand would make!' ' Yes .he could.' have Judith; he wee wor'thy to possess the reigning' beatity of a great city. So argued .to himaelf the false judge, end he said: • "Of course 1 a.m willing to meet you lialfwaY,.bilt it all depends on whether we understand each other?'" "Your decision was doubtless of some „yalue to, you, and if I am' willing p keep silent about. Its 'antecedent Luck. cumstiinces then"--• Brand-lpoked the "Well, rm convinced that it's an judge in the eye expectantly. ill Wind that blows good to nobedy. pre.ven value, it is well' Stilted lor trotment Epr children, 'That effective in -the .eure r of &Map, bronchitis., whntyping . Cough _and the ,Most severe .eonglis and colds is a -• tested by. its many years of_ Continued Graceful Cocoa Palms. The cocoa palra is one of the toosti beautiful and attractive natural adOrn-1 ments of many of the publie parkat and ptivate gardens in Brazil, often! attaining a height of from eighty to. ninety feet, The trunk Is without! branches, and the leaves, which clue - ter in a tuft at the top. are frora fif- teen to twenty feet in length At the' base of the leaves the nuts hang int clusters, tho number varylog from' three to fifteen, acoording to the age and condition a the tree. Occasion-• ally cocoa palms are found which do i not bear mite, and these attain event a greater height, their sterility seem.' ing to augment their virility and con..1 seguent attractiveness. Don't Borrow. 1111 - YQU can seize a lot of trouble by taro •This is the wer,ling PE a -small btilding,whielf -has- nroraP_Ol many • 1(flitl.g til sit' down .At• once -and 1.11-1 ls of Eituated in. the beautiful Province p cif Alberta, within 50 railes of Cal - fenced; '70 ages in oultivation ; all. can be broken ; 1.2, miles west ranged, This is a' snap. Address Hox 1871, • Central Press Agency, -Toronto. Os Eggs. Mr. or c, a tradesmhn; which layg her:eggs in different parts lef the yard, but his cat IleVer fails; I to find theM,. • She takes the egg he -1 1.,twite.ri her, teeth, 'carries it to • the I ntatles it on the step; and rat - I until her mistress arrives to take in t1a.• .0.CE" Q OLIO of the eggs has yet A raconteur is a man who can tell an old joke so it sounds like his own. THE BEST MEDICINE lately surge ' t.r I Waal don't let it WkilrY have to have no Operation:" : igaW, pose. "I fail to comprehend you," he an - Every Woman It Interested and ohnuid kno* MARVEL intrihig Spray ,rh6 new Vaginal Syringe. Best O'Clock and 8," went on the unrelenting editor. The judge turned, his head tO one side and tugged, nexvously at kis gray beard. "A reporter for the 'Advance saw'yoU corne otit 'of your house ut four min- utes to 1 and Walk to a house on Washington' ttvenue that.belOngs to the attorney for the Lansing Iron corpora- Btirtelmy turned his back oon Brand, a furtive look conilteig into his eyes as he did so. "You knocked at the servants' doer, judge," cootinued the editor. - "This man admitted you. One heur and fifty- BeVen minutes later you left that house by, the same door and returned home rApidly fOot. You kept your teat collar tinned Op, ands contrary to your Usual custom, yeti wore a slouched hat politic! down Over your eyes. Halt an hour later Dupuy came out of thisamo house. Ten MUM later you banded • down your decision reVersing on a Mitt tho Lansing Iron ease and freezbig Otit the email stockholders in fitter Of the insiders, ait ling. Those, 3udgti Putridity, are my facts!" Barteliny 'made a desperate effort to retain his self control and to comMand his e.bility. to think clearly and ettee. direly in this dire emergency. At last he epeke atter minutely scrutinizing the acausidg agora of Brand before .744 • • ONO people ;trifiiiAit • homes Luck is tlu, factor to which other superior to wooden tunics as modern steel farming implements ace to the crooked sticks of our ances- T he stil'et:In:rit,..:litor:C:w. iaat..en::;,s.,,..?;14torage,,faorpisasoum:ahest, muall tors in early ages.. are unsanitary and liable to loft. Our steel tunics ere all steel of the finest quality—self supporting—rsurrounded by an iron uncle framework with. b.:recs. adleil :arta Cre°k: ttal::;.,nta:ke 3art igis, :itvr:eesit 1 I Ow:waned for 01 pars GRANULATEDEYELEDS .1 bulgriur, Seli Marine Eye Rupiah. Liza 250.500,2Ln Marine Eye Salve, Aseptic Tuber, 25e. 0.00 Erg,13ocacs AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL' Here's the ideal, light rfor ran store, church or borne. Cheaper than gas or ' electricity. GiV03 600 candle .poWer of • gure'white, brilliant light for one cent ;per 'hour. 'Conte instated anywhere—. , . makes you indepenpent—you own your • own gas peant. Thousands in dat17 use. Write tor Booklet "0"•; Its tree ; a, postal brings it. Meg 'KNIGHT, LIM it" ed Toronto • ed himielf on the. fact that his judg. "Yes; you"- He halted. "Well?" queried thtjudge irritatedly. simply, his eyes nieeting those of the Harteitny glanced cautiously at the editor, seeking -for sigma of deception, of a trap, but he found them not. "Mr, Brand, what do you want?" he as•k'WedhaerhsarPiti7w.orth to you'?" "I woild prefer you to set, the fig.., ..4q51°L1 about $i0,0002" asked the -iti'd`lfee's," agreed Brand, risittg.-"In cash "Itather short .110tiCe for snub a sum," protestingly. "Where she'll see you?" "At my office." "Your offiCe--the A:dvancel No, no. [ Prefer yen to cape to' my chambers 0.1300t noon toMorrow. We' shall be quite private there." 41 can't wait that long for it, judge. I've got to have it tonight." ' ia It soinethltm* -that sort.? contimied next -week. Clear Brains and good spirits come naturally 1\ when. the stornaCh. is up to its 4work, the liver and bowels active and the blood pure. Better eon. ditions always follow the use of BEECHAM'S PILLS Sit/ ,gegulozz "What has caused'iou to arrive at a present opinion?" "You know the EillingersP" "You mean Horace Billinger, Who reoantly got so badly squeezed in the ,stock market?" "Yes. You see, we lived next door to the Billingers for a number of .years. • Since they have -lost . their money and been compelled to give up thc.dr automobiles and roost_ of their servants and in other ways get along on J.S little as possible, .roy wife has, found that we can live on much less than it formerly cost us." They All Do. lVfotherDickie, What do you want for a birthday present! Diekte-I want to be my own boo, We all mix a great deal of medicine we refuse to take mitselves. Camphor. Ice as Lips, ,Cold Sores, laVaSelince Remedios in Tubes alkie of Each far Spacial turaOsearitelor ineVaelino Book to COUNTEB CHECK . Factory • and Offices: .Sttiton: ave., • Spacial Trains ienveTOI;tirfrr urn, on rsiofthwest points at - LOIN ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $33.0b; Edmonton and return 141.00. and to othes points in propatien, Tickets Good to return withip 60 days horn going date, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on nil eacuriont. Comfortable berths, hilly equipped !Nub bedding. cart b. secured at tioderat6 rate. do:pugh Ently appOcation must be made containing rates and full information: Apply to neatest C.P.R. Acta nt to R: Thompaoa. Dist. Pan. Asa,. Tozonto. ONLY DIRECT LINE' NO @FIANCE OF CARS The best equipped factory for producing Counter Check Books in Cariada. CAPACITY . Counter Checkgooks per day are supplying the Largest Users of Counter Check Books in Canada with our . "IMPERIAL BOOKS" COM PAO, Li M11104 ;old Rverywiews, Toronto Type Foundry Co., Ltd. TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG The Lariest PrinterS' Supply House Canada. We Carr3i Aliitays in Stock Cylinder Presses, Job Presses, Paper Cutters, Type- and MateriaL Can rill Orders for Complete V.,quipment from'. Stock. We are the Largest Ready Print Pt& tillers in the West. We Publish. Ready Prints froni mit Winnipeg, Calgary and Regina Itouses. CALGARY REGINA Ordeza From Nearest Branch, cVitirAtiEgr" 8111 be, puree co