HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-13, Page 2. .
ftv t I . 11"
I �
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. I . .fq— , 1.1—
, I . , . 7 '11b& I
I I . I .
� 0� _ . _, . � , i- -.-X- 7", T .:
� � ':
. I T= clam$ I saw =X .
A � I - . , N . . I
. . . . I I I I .1. 4 � . I __ I I - . . . � —11, I I—, - - 11--- I
. . I. 11
4 APOW, _". *,*.*.%ft I t1V1*A111e)r- . , 'k , 0. I , exgniflisAlont to be, held at the same The tQW4*V1As1A*,t9euerousIy Veit , __...
Im , 7a' 1, istrave-ro.4 train east to,west J X"-Oattte bmesl)oux time. In th � it fustftitttAWL by, the officers of'
I . W thropo ft Jh b y ., v , laa; a past in the ease of In the perteotlar,of plans for e%Wil On -t Ve pro er �
, the'Grand Trunk Pacific milwqyp 1"' hit, I horsestlrovkba P4r1s; Meate has been accepted In V40 are- 4fteatipir substantial im- A I U tario 9 he
wk, . JR, AveAter
. ;hout its entire I . UP) roved schools the priucipglls WeUt and -operixtion. and the rail;�', gervaure brough(f to bear on the -
I lit I horses 0. B. %oulter, Xl- - �
. i's 4roolsed 1)�K the TemlakaYning gaara valls., 0 IOU Of 9XMInation in .the a sub- ca I OverumeAt 44thorities tQw*rdm.
� - � I h
� Pert and Imp ' 4,:,,al Northern outarle Railway as * . 0 livements t,o their f1wilities, for 0014*149 the, comp at '004erich 4nd
- I.-.-, = . d1WF the tone
t ,
t I Jects. , 0
. I . I , farasCoebrane ,Tunctiaxi. TiVenty- '. G The, 6444111catioxt, at ai r C equent increase as been juoot exhauptlVely. %m.
I fl"t large floatable Streams Inter- . I. I pproved in trAf1 c, remed upon, the 51inistere by
11 It * Sect' the,territojy from fiouth ,to* I I minva (1honees. and ullap�.roved vehools which was ' This -gratifying nevis 14the ,eon- , 911ayor Cameron during the past,
'. .&L&_.:,.-_-*-_,- .*.*. - .. awa, -Militia orders Mado forthe purpose ofthese ex- Ik -
� qw-111P,11191 . . . ,*,I et., north, flowing into, the 5100SORiv- Ott, April 10. Bummlt�iOu of 'aril anergetic �am- year. .
.er an Uto the Ibwn ,mh i-++il� A+ate 'hat the erifid of ... ointment aWliatious'istio The continued in . . I I I I
I �
. I cuaaten Orr,
I .
stre� * qv ich f rma �ih 0
e northern
boulidaryi of tarlo, lias a ,total
len ,� of nearly 600 inges.
4' .
Uf 4eut.-Col. a. Uassie as Principal
veterinary ,oMcQr of tlie'R�Q.A. has
Won extended to March Ist, 1912
I ' Un tue apportionment
ofthe, Gave nment,;Urant%the ap-
. proved Schools to receive, a lar
Shar-e of the Urant, ger
, - 1� iN, _.__
Ford & McLeod
0--_ 4��_
-1 �
I 1 -m -P. -F -F
:- 40A!5,T0FR 1A
� X0J)n= lean (be greater tbanj,his
� � I
. Lqut.� Col..L; X. Laurin; of the 87th
Regiment. 'baa been abpointed com-
. 1. �
I � . �.. I .
Wt. are now qellhl� Ttwothy eeed At
. I
Oreat,Removai s#jo
I :. 0
. "L.`Nvill per,mit, ,
. .
� Hair Beautlifer
mander of the 11th infantry brigade.
The 6th Field Co. C.L-L. is to be or-
�7-00 a bushel, Government Standaf4,
We bs,ve also on bftd Alfalfa at
. I
Of a $6.000 $tocx.
. Sueoeissr is A, target ,with 4 mighty,
. jpx�all itnitril. eye. , ,
. -"� . . I I
q la . I . . �
gainized. ivith Alex, Xac'phail 4's-com-
.-mander, . 1. . .
1 I
. Four Big' Cle(ftrical Companies Art
I .
$14,100, Alalke $10, Red Clover from
$8,5o -O $9. '' , I *
of Shoes
. �
ISlocteir- Restonr for I
_41FINBI) WOU-1.
I . #D
. .
* , OV -140 -USE IT.
- k,.r Henry Pellatt's tenure of -oom-�
has been
� United.
- Toronto,
we have 41,W%y*4 on -hau4 000se,
' .. I
I ,,
I .
. .� P1b915Ph9"91X"W" evety. or** b%tl I
to 'its rlew,lon � "
I .
mand, of the Q.O.R. � extend-
ed to April, 4912. I I
April 10.-A V9,-Md,00(
� electric merger will be formed in thii
Peas, Barley and feed Corn at
$21 ft ton. I � " .
Raving decided to v#cate 11
Vropee I T, �
. . -"" , �
I i i i , I
4.Ln. y t . � mun urp, m4yandAn
. - - '
Every womawknows that there
, Major Z_ G,. ChabQt has been ap-
city in tb future. T
a ne . ar
... I be contraoto'
_ Market prices paid for all
our Prevent otAnd at the end
.I I .
I , . . A,kt onm . xpua"
IV -0 .. ��
11; 110411419, �80 96od for hair and
cms�kp4er of the Oth regi-
� �
Ang, partiet'-will 'be t1le-Toronto Elec
grai;!" I I .
of our feasre we will start A
i za ow . I. n. riC40,48a box. or tv
. ��� I I .... loan - r . 4 bo,80P I"*
. , I *-I '9.11 I � �
I * . .
Scalp trouble as. Pairsian Sage, ,If
Pari-etan-, f a,". Is qsei
, ,
I , A � d ft�wd 6ithree
times, a Week it kee,p
111011Z. . .
, e
LiO4t-�COI, '0- E. Eiigll�ws S,rvice
In the IR.Q.-A. is extended to April 1,
trio Light Co... which- passed. I 'to
the haude of the glectrical I)eveop
went 0 by t1io unani.wous, decisiOr,
. .
Nrd & McLeod
t8isughtor salelon 1$at. _ .
urd%�J,Deo. 10tb, '
. . *1
�' '
. .
. V -041t, hArp on AncLst0ag =,fll
Will the scalp.
ni-Pe and ;0'1#40 And remo-ve ,4:gkj_'
� 1913. 1
: of ths Aliareholders of the lormer
. .1 . I . 0.
. we,w4ut to. clean out every
I .1 � ,
. : , Zrom, t*k WAh a twAug.
. , 0
. 7 � . Sohi-O Igood p6oWe Manage to, -be
, L.
. lkp�ppyk Weg if they, are lonely, "
druft. It -maloe.a the hair just rous
and fluffy, and ike,epa%itifrom. fail-
Ing out.
I .
� . � .
- _. wqul .
. I d Not Help Empire,
. I company (it, a meeting held on eati4r.
day, the Electrical Development Co.,
the Toronto, Power Co.,
Dollats worth, of stock ,
,,, 4gfq�p
moving Orpe. ____
. I
I . - I
� 1. M.
Wi 9, At Son
1-4 I � Vatt
.� I I .1 I I
O'L �
I it. ft VmTs - FeMale Pift
I X,. .
We urge,ev �
radiant ,jntp "y won'sn who, IOVOR
faseinatioig hair
34ondok. April X-Lortl. lielbornel
.. � I
. 4. fk meeting in .support of
speakin t , . ,
, sometimes
knbwn as the. Toiouto' A
. , , I Niagara
Power, 06. 'and the Toronto, Itailwey
, 1, � Opposite Post Ofte , .
, .
: Pv6ry Nb4a �zld, Aubbers
. Trunkg. Suit Catles and Mites,
" , ,- 0itrreac1freg
. . A x#11 ulator; a6er hlls.'Tt�eft
VUW 4re ex;"dingly
- Irworfal in rej*)zthW $,be
td go
W 9,R �Kojrj�eei,t d
. I L 'Q- aY alld SIA Nt
large, 5pel '
.preference, Xeterrod to Am,
Imperia ,
, en-
erj0Ana-0A044iA)1 .Te -
dprpcity, Uo
Co. The �rr
,4, co
, ,
' - . Inpittly I$ 441441ized
Shoe Makers .aad- R�pulrors
�. I I
. . - .
. . 1.
� in our atock will be reduced
'In. price. �
I . ;
7.1 S4*0T*#T0PottIoRoft allomalesystom, RefU06
. WAtbqAj*IfnItx0qn9., Aw,d*TO lox
, w re 01014 at
'L It .
boftld .of ,pairsiali Sage,,
he Vuarauteeo� U to -cure dandruff,.
� .
lirely .accepted Secretary Knox's dio�
- the
clAirder in behalf,. of United
at $4.OW,WO, the second at ,;$,*,.
000, tile third at, $1,00000, and th
�. I : , 1. . I., . � , .
.11 . . .
I '- "
� .
.. , g MI f -
I - There to, nothlo 11"
'0 $.
. � .all,* ZZ %L A!
I "W�'411%tv
falli#s bait and ifth Ina 0081p I 10".
� �*
money back. .
Stattia. Government of any idey6of abm
, ,
1, urth at $$...",009, making a to
$19l000.m. - - � . t4i 01
To f4mcps at. 11cirs
money, than our aroles Orr
� .
, slippers 4come early. aild,"
. .. . , flm U ._1L AU
. . . �
sorbing Canada,;, but "'MP14iUed that
.- I ..
I , . .
I . .
. � . .11
.1 � . I
. - , get
I -UA. 1�. i� 10. 2
� 'qwL.VeQ�kmw sJvw V" Py . 1. . 1, - I � . this was 'the first -,time any part of U U441tion-10, We above 200k 4api. requirla%good substantial footww-
"I Uve epoughlintil they get -too ' � I �� " .. .. tal of the four c'ompm taresist. pringwet and -mud, we de,
I I . . the BritleU `18;nPlro'would- enjoyL pxe. , ues lherq is a
. much..) i , � " total Underlying, bond Issue, of $17,. sireto 'draw, your attention, 6) the
1, t!$ at . , i4rential treatment in a foreign court, .
� -, , If' a(1mull Is a fluent AhIker it's"La S U, ralft 1' , 50040W. so that the total money valug , filet, that -we haverveveral pailr. of our-
. 14F I of the coinbin ,
%, I .- a4"j..ibet! he inherited it from blo I . I , I I 94, .. I try o ' yet the rest,of the ,U.mpire. ation, is really �36, a Ake of Spot% uppers mostly,
I � I � lt'wos finpossible, he said, to re. �
, 140th1w, . . I . . * t # 4'. . 1. I . WA% g4rd'tbe precedent -with oatisfaction, WOM. The Outstanding, bond issue n atit e, , we sire prepared to givo'
. . I . . . . and they, could not hold that the the Toronto Railway Co. is ;3,998,. .. -
I 11 .. I . Otta of 998. yong o alue Op your money, glvq
- - __ agreement was to. the commercial and DOO; the Electrical Tevelopmen" 0, .. @ee or yourself when, at
� "
14 - Children Or T. - - I.. . - . , I d t i4l, , advautwgq of the Ut *1Q,MQ,00D; Toronto Electrio, U I t - air , � _ - _ - . . � .
, . YOR FL9TCNER!$,'.4,\ . OttaWa, April b, -For wd�h St clulet in us r ited & . 'fJA.Q zid. Toronto �� Fe er . ' ,
. W. s, Kingdom. , * - -- . .A ft a .
( �*, � . and lunassu#ning ozian, Ron' I SO . . . . . , -A $ ;OOD," . � . . � I " t, lomw s - I
I I . .
I � I . Fleldiag, Finance'Minister at Can:7 � I . $ , �
,�,_9 A 8 TO - R I A 11 That Such A. in I
I . , *,orrr,4-s__1a icon'Veaskoii 6f' *eak- . adaj has A remarkable- - habit -of . . Caugbt In the Hbist. , . ove Is contemplated
� bkoklixg! records, . and that the purcha:se of the Toronto wo 91 I Ul-3118 , V" I
� I beSff,.ft* �that thought does not speech- of yesterd 'His -budget Sault Ste. Marie, 6nt., April 10*.- Electric Co. by the Electric I)evelop. . . . . I I . I 0 TW IU A IM& I I �
help �nueh. . - 4y 'Was, in. wany Hdrry Cornell, 22, years of age, was ment waa'but the initial step in this I.. 1. I
� "' war's the InQstrernarkable ever de- instantly killed at the Merchant Mill big. financial combihatio . n. was I Arn- . , I . .
:1 Of PoUrse a wb!man hpAea to tLill . liviered ,sin. ca Confederaltion; Saturday afternoon. being. caught in. a
I r I "I A. BWiet, but there oet�ns to -be-to ad last evening fiorq- a reliable source ,
. . 9 unounce-
.1, - Budkot, " : .. , , I � inquest iVill'be held Tuesday evening. ment when it is taken into considera- ABSOLUTE. ."
t � �tlwi, two.y. out- of it. ' - The- "Meat" of - a Record-treakin the boist- and terribly mangled. An Credence is added to this'4
' . . I I
I ,2StiTa9ted '&,rOss revguue for 7ear . . tion .that- the interests oL. the four ,;.
� �' ' March 31, $17,500,000; a�tua�l relvenue . �' . .- � compan�ds mentioned amalmoot iden.
1 I" L - . ' '
. 11
" - . I . . .
� .
0 % . tical. .
I , �� � I . st ,%'A r Pac o I d a. =& a F year. previous $101,503,710-, 1.
I . o" . I."" tu' - 23 cents. Ediinated bxPenditixre for yew 'Baby's Own Tablets.. -, These companies -in their opera.
, d a ,t .,d � -
I ;1 I It's[ t1oo fbad that ,when a pnan .ending March 31, $87,000,000 hetual � I I I tio-As have for some :tim .
I I . I . I , e past beer) . .
. ' puts' Me foot .in it he is not on expenditure year.p.revious $79,411 0 1 As to SECURITY,
, a C0re,C09St1p%t1 R dovetailifig , tbeir. , �.
, .. ', - I . ,�% . . I I . . , activities.
, , . position to kick himself, .747. .,. . ' � ' ' . __ . the personnel of the pirties interest- I I .
� , " . EstiMated )ourplus- I 6 ' . . .
, A 1man's laziness has !or yea�i, �ena-' ed,� the nalpel�J...ot'."Six � �
reached the . , . �., R.eury -Pellatt
, _
I and up '$30,5Q0,00o; actual Sur-; V-4eWt6t,lier troibleS 'affliet the r' William Mackenzie . ,occupy �
I inL,_,March 3�, - - and Si Cenuine
� lknit when he refuses, to A . . � - .
, . yeiir previous, $22,0 little ones asdoes 0onstipation.
� I d 91,963'. Prominent positions. in all of them. , .
. , andf,�ekarkh widow marry, him. , Terl,eapita, ebt an estimated Every chang,e df diet seem' to'bring
I � . . � I I � on Sir Henry is at the.head of the 104lec. !P
- . this troVble o'n and babs �
_ �. . population, of7,785,000,. $43.00; , as - y, Suffers � trical Development op.- and the To. 4M
. compazedi'vjith s.so pqr b4pita 14' fTOl) , disturbed ronto'El6ctrie Light Co., and a diree. CL %7 ,
I IV e � - .1 0 � .
" *V ars,of ,Cons6rvatiive aleepL and often vomiting. , ,'NO tor of the. other. two.... Sir. William.. is , .
� -
, . c-CAS""A"kRIA , losing ,a re- al -head -aches, fever ' I . I C^ rter
� A I. -, For Infants and Children. I gimle_ 11 I . � btbi wl�o suffers 'from const!Pl�u at the hesid. of the Toronto, Railwa .. . � �
* ' bles a cross all the tima and Wve is also L g u '""ft.
�,� , � I . Total annual tradle. how bearing can' thrive rwetl. -Constipated a- Co. and.the To ato Power Co. a
� Ihe Kind YoU HaVe Always Rouglit $110,111,11, knark. During first 11 -. I . a diredtorro of the 'other iwo little LIV r s
I hiontligi Of Past fisdal,year At in. . r I 1. . I .
, ", . ,=car.s -tonstant Worry. , The one For all practical purposes there is : ' .
�- '. -crease'd by $76,798,oft 1 Sure relief for baby constipation .
� ,�19oo i 4b .
', , I Bears the 01 . SinL mports . fro'rd is 13 Y's Own Tablets -they never a ,dombii4atioU already of these four %lust Bear Signature T4
;ri� , $ignature of I orl"a-.1t, electric companips. The ineiger will I .. . .1. . . . I . .
L, 1 Z404 �4�4_u Britain increased from $44,279.,98a to. fail to,cure this, tpoixble and tatqbe bethe formal public'4nnouncement - I '' .
;" , I -MIX68*;634�'Nvllllei--40�wts-ta--Gi-e&t- -zi i to little one �vlfh abso� tli t, t , . . ol �
, YpenA,-.1 -t__'CL __ t. - m .4�,cqm anieana-re uniAe&
- __ _ - 11
, . � . . U. -a safe y4 oncernin hem -Mrs.- ---,- - 1_._P.______ - 1. I... - ... � I—, ,., .. I .
, Blessed as the absent minde Brkt,�:In -hid increased from, $96,50b.- I k 9 '. . � I.. - . .. 11 .. . I—- I �
� � I d man . . W.6,., MaKenzte,Trairle Granee, 1 . I . .I... . - - I.. lh� , .
- -Ases others W,,ife . .1 .
, . I wbo forgets the pron 45,000,000. .' __� - "' � '' k ,'. 41ta, Tused Baby's own--... -BRIEFS,FROM THE WlAjE4. . * 11 .
� . make him, for he shall Suffer �fewer 'T' Ootetipotary. loans arelnow. ont�-. I S; 4 � I .. � I . . - � . .- -, zeevac.sltnlj�,wrapper Below.
1, :� . disappointments, ' '� � . . sta-lidixig, aridl all thet debt isfund- Tabj.66 for my baby -who Was 41.011-1 � There- was fierce fighting ilf Mexico. '414im Una -46 a I � I
� esp. tban.thiee',' stipated'fr6ni birth and they ,rap- - . . .
� ,, �. - .... -_ _. ed. . L , yearsl,rdtenue � , "y , ,
I.. I . . '111ouldt1pay off the'debt. . . . idl� helpea bar a -Ad left her .boWalS yesterday. . .. . . . .. ... I . . , I � .. . .. I :,
. . , . I � o . . � -guest at the, Union . ".pako an amp* .
I - Thekk-bountles on iron: and steel ina-liatural �dondition.), The Tab- James Lightal, a I . .
. .1 Time Has Come tor. Ontario thmtf 9?,(x�ires in Ju!1Y Avill nott. be- lets Are. sold by m6dibine dealers or, House-,. Toronto, ended his I � life yes. I 11 10 FOR HFAVAM, - �
I . . at 25 een'ts eDk.Wi1_,.terday. - - Ro FOR DIZZIOESS. . '. �
� renewd. ; - . ; �. . - .. a Dox from ,Th ' CARTEn &
., 11 to Fill .Up Her New LandS . . .. �.� ., ... . � . .1 lfamW_ Medicine Co., , grockville, .John Kelley,' who escaped from Nd* I . I '
11 1� I . . . a — . . . . Out.. - I , z . , . I . I '. Hamburg,'Ont,, lock-Vp 4rast 'Septem-' - ITUE. F0 - 5 BILIOUSHM.d .
. - ., I . .. I - . . � .. .. � I . . . . . . * " I FOR TORPID LIVE � IN ,
� � I I . . ber, has been re -arrested.. - . IVE , . �
"I TIME TO PROSPECT ONTARIO.. Me Sent His., "PeWl. ftem edy , , I I . � ., Russell Vickers, aged fourteen, ' ' ' il ra wNSTIPAT200
�� - . . . I �. . . . . I . . I . .was. ".
I , No. 12-A great wooded prairie lying ; .. _ 1, , . . shot and killed by a cornVanion while . P -11L I I ALLOW 'SIMI"�
1, ,,I unknown, unexplored, uninl= *'Meiyorung daughter of Mri.. t. S I ' lt!91�t,:,.11).Rllt-ral,o-lll,a.de, '. . .. .�. FDR,S
I I . silent. . . I playing at � war ,af` Belleville*. .' "' IM'
. a 0- ... - - :` "' . � -1 I FOR THE CGRIPLEX1096
, ,. Q�Vxm=mMKAVt Wunc, ,
.P r- .
I habit 'd, vilthin the heart of a pr Douzall.. 523 Flora Aveii'lle, Winniu- I � . ri 'p
I . ,bythe, Onta '0 Go�t. . Dr.,*. I.. OAven of Toronto re o t
I . I �. . 11 . I I � , , .. . . 0000 ,
. I Vince that' for thirty years has As arranr,ftig sbbie of hei, doll's o : . - ed:. on Saturday. to the ivisionra',i vl�� I M -lo....
� ��,,` talked ofa'11.1ts land having b6en 41Z, NV _. . . _ I I D , I 12 corm , 7 Teg- . . I I .
:�P" I . washing 'on a elothos raek; .beside . . . I . court that -he, had found Mi-chael -,
. , - � . . I �.��Wi . � .. .
, . . . .
. . I �
I -1 , taken UP. A6�r,e, rwhenshe' fell, and.'her'hari& - The proltes'ts made in the Legit- Vraser sano. I � . . . WIRE SICK'HEADAGHC. - -
I �� . For the summer excursion ,man cAMB in contact W161he hot stove. lature by Eon.. A. G. MacKay . and' . C. D. Sheldon was arraigned in - 4 - 4 I . I . . . . . . I .
- . ' ." - .. -_ -
I I the northland of Ontario rneans Shet Sustained a serious lbuirn, arid, his fOlJowars, and- by Conse�vatives the' - Montreal - Police 'Court ,on three. . I ..., . z
,� 11 1, Muslc-oka. a Parry Sound With their -lizt-seteaing brought - hei.'=oAer It is Said,, in. the �arty caucuses, char4es of -fraud. ' He pleaded � not AAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAA.
",� lakes andf rlvdig, all Tifted up ,as a. quickly, tothe s ' pot. , . . have �catised 'the Government to guilty,*and was remanded. , * I .. .1 * " I ,
I I ,�, � paradise for the summer home Of cl, serai�tto the - druggist for''the chang'e, iis� policy, in regards to the ,,There h0c' -been ibn more small� . � I .
� " . I the crowded city people: . Vest remedy he -had 'for �urnsj) � I a ,Modal Seho4jli.' When Che' Whit -w pox .pa . tients I taken in the infectious . ' L . �
I 1, , ,� I The miner and prospector Speak says,,,,44rid h4aerit -back h:box o 1310y*'Governmeut bame-linto'pawer hospital,. ,Ottawai since '.Saturday, � . �
10. of the isilvei and 'gold Within the zarnA34k. ,He�,Sald that there. Wa Jt stlart6-d �.O'di t6 'do a,way with the 1.1 I ,P,m 01-1
, 1. rocks; few, there are, howe ver, who . . . . The Patients uo* total 37. '. ' .1 ..
, - .. nodIng, toeci�a,l it. � 1 Eippiied this.: Model se-hoolsi' . nk,which teachers. .' Norman Blabic agd 23 deserter' I . - � 100.8 . . - �
� � I
, I . I
� have taken time or trouble to pass -*ske abIq to secure third-class 1 . I
and ootbLed Ahe: pain so .4uickl ce�- - from the Niobo Wt* H'a"4Nx,1 is under 14 . P.
1: "i, along the deeply -wooded countr� . tha, al� 8 ild -.,� - tificatets. It did, close Several ' al. arr�st at Moncton, N.D. He Nvas call�- I * . -
. 11 '� I., the ch aughed througK -
that lies west and north of silver he, tea' � f-bem, 'Since then .. as Mr. MacKay ing on *some, cl-ergynion Collecting , I
I :1 %up ,the hand in 1. . , aid 10,
I " '-�' -bearing rock, and which Zani-Buk ,and pointeO out VerY forcibly. -in Ah - - - �' d I I .ur fifte$t. 'r
" , ..
1, and gold each . day"' applied I ,a when arrested. - . f ��ee ap ht!re o '
I .'i i,s madia 1up of deep, marvellous ol Za.ba-Buk' Legislature, the %hortage t6f teach- T*b'hundred men, worpL,n and chil, .14 ' . .
" . .�, Ity I frequently -and -liberally - � ! . New S ish desity-lis of.
� . I (� `1 - ..t W
I ,.�. loam that, wait�,and_ has been- a until tha.burn pas cinite cured. :. -e,rs -M ruralsedtions has ecoij�e rden were' bvrned to-- deMb. in Bom� .1 . yi , -
waiting, the axe of the Woodman, � ophej mare, an& � . IR
, littlp qhe was b6aore setious,,and au� in- - hay, India, hich Aestroyed a thatch. .1p.
, , I "on abl� to. . . w �
I , , the plougK.of -the, farmer. .. . Doherty 'Pianos " and P.
I li, �. � . go on4ith her- Play and, we had*no cTea§ink number of unc(ualified-tea- ed -structure in w1iich they ha:d� gath. . . I .. . : - � J .. .
. , . .4'. . THE CLAY -BELT, WHAT IT IS oliblei With her .ai�ing the time � cb.66'hiVe beeiremPloyed because 6red f9r �,J �estiyal; - I ... . .. . . . . . I I )k
I , � � I . io�
I -1 I - .of qu- ifled teacher -could ' lienry drAdin e6floctor 4f clisitoms 4 ' ' Or -. I
�r), I . AIND: WHERE IT IS. .. .burA Wai b6ing healed,". . . , , : no IdAdi * I , vans, . , , I P.
- In the,%eilil r- - 11 . . .
,�:! I No. 9 'The appi Zain-Buk SoapshOtlld also be us ,be lseckj��d, . . � I I .. . � - .. W
-oxiniate area - U] at. St. Stephen,. N.B., fell.dead in the 14 � . .. . . . . � -
.: � ;. sixteeiv bnillion acres, of'which Irea ,edr 1byt all Mothers lor. baby�s� bath ' ,1 ur6 the PreinieW, st' A . . go
� I stbutl� rest from heart failurc, while walk- ,4 . 0.
I I '' . I speelatvid - . 0
. frolnl_�75 to 90 Per ceirt. �s free irom end for Plifti- troubles,: kashes, Piro- . and Minister of , -Edudation ,ng,,1,r6,n is offlee to his borne, acw . . . flesin'.Art ..
-- -JAV 11, - - . � - ,"---- I � ... 'i o�lh 'I - � . .
�, " rockl)exposures, the a6il of firsf-;� -9, - defended �the Government polle, , , ^by his- ;N,116, � - - - .
, Mft �. - , . y - . � . . . . It
, Class lelay or clay loam, with . oc- . A I druggists and, stores sell Zg7ft PO&ted to the increased number o' -. -The new British - battleship'. aruiser, .. . . . . * - I
, caslonal Imusk-ags or Swamp lands, Buk! alt fifty- oents box; and Soap teachers being ,turned ou ofwor. , Indefatigable has ' inadi the record Cases. .. �
� I . I which, 'however, owing to the hem- at 25c. talet.' ;Post free fr g�ial.!sqhaols, and argued t .4 . . -� , I . W
I ., am.. zhan that th'e speed for Dreadnoughts of 29- kiiots. � , I . - . .1 . I to .
erous streams flowing throughthe 'Buk'Co.; Toronto, for prW6; Tte- shortage ofteachers *as ft,e..tatheA The 'Indefatigable was launched at. Q 'Pianos aild 6rgans: ren't .
. :L �_` !I , territory are capable * of bein -, - , - -. . . , , numbers leavinte, Ont attracted li ' " ih October, 1909. '. . .4 1 . . � .. 11
, - . . .. . . I I , ario, evonport . . . . .1� ..
I , 1. drainedk I . .. I., . . by. the higher Salaries -in the West'. . M. the inectin�.,' of' the executive ed, choice new Edison
� ,i ttimber is chiefly pulp wood � . , I __ . I . i i � , . .
. L:� . The � .. ---t —I . I Now the. 54nister of Education an- council ol'the b�etd- of governors of . . . .. .
, . consietinp- of spruce, popular. balm- , . , n0unove6thixt. several . .additional the Victoria Order of- Nurses,. it * was I ,pbonographs, Xxsic. & -
I w of,�Gil, ead, balsam, lack pine, with .a- � Model schools willbe established announced that the Qu*een has' conso- .4. � . . .
, I.. I . occasional groves ofred pine. � Sea -forth .Spring. .. quring the, present�haif year. - ,qpted jo be patroness. of, the -Caba-' :1 variety goods. - " , ,. .
. I
� � . The,oay�lbelt extends from the I I.". . . * I .. . �.�.' - " � .1 . .. I � ;
� � QuebeLi boundary' to the Albany . � . Fair . I 1:1 I 1- . .Explaining. R. I . than order . ' I. . . ' . . , , . . . . I . . �
, . River, a digtanee, of over too miles, ... . I . . . . I . . �� .'I Al,thbup_b I I I � ,� . Whil,e'.crossing the-, street dar tracks I ' I . . �
� ". . . . . . . - . .. �.. I khowoilffal and Model 'at I)arton- and Catherine street, Haai4 - . - 19W.
. . . I Music porium. I
tor'125 aniles. � . Thel 0eafor, 11toA, Saturday,. D a I I I .
I and has a wid,th varying from 5o - Schools and the faculties ofEduca- unc n A. Morrison . �
th.' Agricul,kiral � - 41,011i" Says the depa.rtment circular . �
�, There is estimated cleky, Were onfortu 0- 'abe'sendingi , a mute; living. at 37. Imperial' street, . I I I .
to be nehrly ter. of * hate In'the Mat-, � ' . I .
� '150,000,000 Icords of pulp Wood on eather for the show - ' teacheri'thtmo'lt e�ach Year More was struck 6,v car Xv., �.3 and. in-, , I I I i- �llw. ..
, on eV,er before, in the stantly killed.' . . . . � . I
. , thle� area, besides large quantities Tdesdu.V last, It etartedt t rain history oftheF `Province, tha supply e . - .1 �, . . I .. .. . . I I � � I
; I of dt$e timber and considerable qu$W,Owjy� in the Jnoinoffi`g' and 46'Still 1nsu(fielent.,6w.Ing chiellv.to . -% .. .N . . . I I .
I op . ruce�and other . tiniber,iuitablp k)elPtl 00 'UP W' I 'day. . I)espite this, y, e countryi "the I WOO&% ryloolh! AM I . � .
�.,':�, __11,111 i I . , haVe-Ver; fthlbre'Was a .,big showing e0ntinuied ,lowness of the'slildries of 1;V Tile Grw znguh . I C. Hoare I. I
�.. of horsos, par,ticulftly in the heavy -the Ontario teachers in'comp&riso andinvig-o-mt-est .
.1 ' Tones , invi , OWILO * , + .. I .
L' I .2lervous Ilew . � 11 I . . �
1, classes. The aniWals were, of , ex- N�k -in other field's - DSTPOM' n�Akea
� I . dh thO e1ludlullients . t,
. , op. ,eellenit qualitly and the comp6tition ,the high . loodJn o d Voina. Qurm2krem 11,V IV, I p, 1p I 11
I... How T6 �;t salaries,alid other in-' aw DeW utaZ and Bt -aft R�brr% D -es. VT"VTT"VVV"VVT .
_1 I . for, the different prizes Was keen. duceillents of the Westeril Pro- Pon*nc_v,%9.e9 Weakmao Anfasions, Speju . . . .
. I,, - ,Xor'di� the we Vilicep. - To � *4orrA=,a#dR 0t89f2bU8a0r.F:XCe8,9ea�' , . I
� . —A— . -- ather seen to, %ave Meet the �Situatiori,sev- Pfice $1 par bor ffe, - One willploaae six I
", I , an, leffedeon thd trowd as therel' eral. Model Schools ,M. -,Il _,wxforr ;�;;;;;;;6 --- 1�__ *#*"*
,�e ev J 'Was be, estab- Will cure. Sold IT all T1 eta or manea in j; _"o
� ,
, I on rece Ig iog ca. .Aretv pamphia, 0, I � #
". I ZI town. AR in year,P, - mailed 4w. 'rho ro Madlcine0o. .-
, , .. alar"ge numb& 10f;eople in Ifshed during., Ahe piesent half-' Pl'" ft DrFRO' .
11-0. obborn Cough - . All, the show was one - I . lforo4eizv W�Iae�?;). Tor"twoutt .
. .Wthei hest the lociety. has- �yet_ NO Particulars ar .� so, Before you Btj'y I
z_ � . 0 - 'given as to - * '
. . , W6 don't mean jus� stop th - - -. hold. The JoIIoVih,g.jsta.l1St of t1he, ,where those �Sehobhr are to be re- � ,-. . . .
. I . .
. , e arn !- I .
I �i e'�. ! tation in your throat -but ture the Prize) IWInners,'- elotablio'hed The Schools that were 1111itta Will gp to Goderk.h. I & . . . . , , . I
. I - underlying cause. 'W� 1131rt�he)Vs C ampion; X. B�, rror, oervd the, poorer diatt-icts a I ;. .. 6 .� .
!:, . 4
. . Stalliong-InIgorbed. a-ged Clyde, rettalned N#;re those that - would . - . . , by Mail .
� .. . of the . t .. :
1. � � -Cough syrups cannot do this, Xt tbWS GPOt,- rrhog. Mak8on's - Huron 'Province, At is likely, that the new , Th6 unanimous request of ,�the # , , . ,� , , ,� � I .. L w"
1, I , I .1 , takes a C�;Sfitutional tonic body Again. Imported 10-lyde- 3 Years ,schools ,to b;a opaned, or ther,old effiqers. of ther various regiments of ! . .1 1 14, :
I old, McMichael & Sot�s Black Baron schbols to b,4r re -opened, will' be so western Onta�rio to havb the,Xilitia 13ring us the ad, that inter.
� '' builder to do the work properl Canadian bred Clyde under 3 years located that, they will ge
� 1, " - Vve . the POP a Ithe perjnane�nt YOU. -if-you will do.tbis
1i i . . n - ,fas rural districts. atitMent locat - eits .
( . and cttre you to stay cured. Viynbl P. (O'gourke)s Wamotd Nu ,Goderith. ha )uet you Wozift buy by mail thaes
� . -, It Isthere that the training. clabap at
i I is the remedy you need. - t I Carlinla Sell Vlower, 11aekneys' loW,ex standard of teachers are ae. With the�apparval of .the Vern- # certain. . t .
- . � . I Go"' i
I .., I I 'Wra, D,ala,6%00, 91hilth,. 'Staxidara 0apted, and' that the shortage of. M061t, and Was Vanctioned by 19ire- Decauseyou will hav:o no reaw
� ' . . HE, Uzi is ruoox.- bard,Avotting I I �
� . t stallion F Kling, D. tM611011s, af present is inore keenly, CLUeSt 'to Mayor Cameron to pro- son to. Any article of Jewelry -or
. � . Mrs. minnio-goagoo(l, bf 'Glens ratlh! T. PinkbaY, Standara b�ed pa6Q felt. � So qtronglA is the situation 00ed immediately to Toronto to - Watches or SlIvetware China, or. 4
, X Y-,Wrlt�bd:-"After,ti-singseve)ratr,b,,,, Stalli,611,StePhenson &XIi,ag) John felt theret . , 9
� " adles fog, 4 bad eougl Carte�, . I . that the rural metab(tra I e o11111 a , 3114,the owners of the anything else can be bought here 4
� I and 061d without " . , were ttlmo9t A unit behind Mr. Mae ttrill estate for tho rental or �ur- At prices every bit -96 low As any. 0
� b6neat, 3[ vifts ftokjA to Ll,y Vjnol. it llarpeaa Horsea-siriftle road�terj Kay % his profests in thb 1,0,9191a- � ase, oft Is ideal training ground where else near or far, . I
WOTked like magle, i[t corod juy,00l,a ,Geol. Troyer, jqs, Tteffernan, -Me, tur6l although )Conservative mbnj� I 11 a 01 . � J
� , , dreds of acred�.of na. Antlyoubaye thisadVatitage
L " �'. ; Und -911 -dlf-gulkled in heSIthand Michael & son, iT*= J 0albraith ber0, eontenttta theidadives for ur I woo ad' park overlbbhing You can see, handle and examine, I
strangtil. X cousid W. Italids Single, elarka e, W. the raos,A� .
I . ev ,vinol the rAoxt .Si a , . partAvith 'stating' t,heir' the - aftlond War and, T,ake toyoui!beiLtt'stontentabything'. a
I wonderKul Wula and invigotittol.:L ever Roger Ahn Nicholson. . . 91"OVItnee Privately or in caucus, Huron, . . . that, is ofinterest to you, . .
, . ,
I '.1 StLiw.iw . Oeneral Vurpo8c, Tc,ftm, 4y. !Re,y. . . I I In seeuring.'ihis Porperty ihe Mi.' . 33ring Us that tbabOatalogua
. .�, . I � � I . I holds, ' Agricultural brood mar,o, C A Now Ux-aihinatlon, NUA ,De,Pftrtb10_l1t Is evidently in- 04 - nd let us ptov,e it to you. .11 4
. . If we Cannot . stop that tough , Wright -113t and 3rd T Chirtia. Ffll� Other changes In school regul- tent ii&nj x1evejoping rn�oj , �
Wi or 19,eldh 0 md& .1 � .
th VINOL-our delicious 1g, "W. 'Wke, I --W_ .
,. ,pod . 'I mict Ed. Jai- atiOns, ar-er annonneed, One is the ql4qte training, q1larterS for 'thi's . . * w.1 i. . I - 14-9 "
.,, . liver and iron tanjc_A�..Whj0h is Ingdo mall Team' Ild�s. Eardifton, D. Fo- ingtitUtion 'Of'iinOw exAlhinatiOn, district eo,W)nepsurate )wIth -the In- - � .1 I . I
. . Without otl-�-we will riot Charge- therit9ham, SAI.MeLp,an. Heavy -'thb %0110� entrance bxamination. creasing streric
.diaft temn; A. Shielah-, ,T. IScott, tt Jgtob�epjor entranct into _ �th 'of. the' numerous " ,
. the regiments, 9,nd ih kieepi-ag'with the Wo Re Co nter ,,
I I YOU.a cent for the rnedloftlo yott �G%%Y Caldwpll. Brood, Mare T higher forma of�tlie eigh schools improv,e:d Niagara tkndPetawawa . -4 I
. bay. This i i 9YA'A T W Wreii .T.Curfin. �Pill* train the' loAver form of I
seems like a I3rat.ty Wt Or ) i y Highi or The location will affor Jeweler sklM opflelau. . ol
pro$W0,04. 01&9 6der , hree y. d �recrea-.
06� � , and ear,st Wtl 'Continuation% schools. The, first a% , as Well as better Military train . I �
I 6bght to -be, ac., ngl;a Wim Pepper, W.-Miketiolo. , liminution of this kind Will 1* hold tothel offieera Aand, Meat tin it h
1. . I � I - . . .1 . # I
ha 4 ch
- O d v
-4ol- - 4 V�Qsp 4-44
. ht h167
I 4 .
I - 'I
. .1
V�e�_ � �t-.�?;*i<
it �1
. 7'!=--,-:,�-z,-,
.1 :r=-Ir�
, I I
I . '90*d, Don't You think $or With ' . - CQ'bld ::'- ShOrthorift-S, aged bull, in June of hax,t leAr. It : future, h
. this understesudi - � abllyacpOysible byqhe Caugdlau . Issuer of 11
bg we ask You to US. C!0*hn, Chatfars & Sons, � J .X& .01ift); t4ndladtoew for keftefiers, cer- a and lGrand Turnk itailwaya: � , . .
, 11 tty A Uwo Of ViRdt, 006atf* W0 bore4uiri�d to ,� P40118V Shore
- , -fib Oar It ,
� 11110 - Wt);,T, - bld bull, Ame - j* 8986: � P
0 1b, O" YeAr oid, bull, laq, XL- I sl�_ftw expiainatioug In the W04e I - 4615 b , th ge
t W. 91 tL 90um, ))*'j1 I :*64h &ftd 2nd. ,letbel,bAll t, 0 0b)W(s sA tho the I leetrit gall ". . * Mlk . r1ria Ll�ill ' &I
V3 X., ... .-1.1 iro Olt, buto. . wt. i�so: *Wjpr I p arlauo ot am .
f9istf. 'VAU-SWOUA. 9*etot I' ,.. I *
. ,� . I 1, ep$"Aft. 011119"W"i, heft . . I �,kr ieteIi � k ; #**" 004400
� I .
. . � . I
1, - - . , - � .
L ,.ffiwe,__ , _� �_..&%.*.�� __ 'LA��§Uw..,__ - ,_.4N&� I—— .1;;.�-.1'fiA__ _-_,Md'_-__-_.. _�.t_k.;_ _ - -...--.: '.,_,c,'!" -j,e,. - , I
. x1s clual �
� . .
. I .
. -Terin,, Cash. no Ghads ou
. I
. approvida I I
k - . . I
.. Tr us for nevalrin-
I....". 71-- ... -11_--- .. ..... wo.
. .� I
Tikuna&r, Xpr# Ism isil.
fv� W ",
I I "I, 1, !r!"', M.
, .
I .. I-
. ,
- 11 .11- —
I 1. ,.-.,--
PRO FIE rvev
I , bSONAL �
�-� :=_
. I W11 sayluelval
4)(AwToz?. .
. I
Huron St., Clinton,
11 i I .. � - I .
H. T. - R A N 0,E
Notary Pub)lc, Conveyancer, .1
F148,11cial And 3
.Real Luatate, ' i.
1"Va"CE A01M Uep�eoen .'I'olo,
0 F
* oraX _3�10&!llpg 14 1
, 1)1"slon court.. of RICO* I
I � . X.edi%4U'* . . .
.- . I
- __ - -,- "
L -PIRI 4,04 ,W. TRORIPSOX � 1
I .
, Ad". finneop. Wo
1100010 0000on siven $0 dis"m ol:tbe .
. 370P 110. TUM0, ik4d $*no, , ,
31yof carol'My ex =61dIX #UI$&b4,_0Wq I �
04160 Pud FAdden".
f;09"Ideork W4*% of 04 vonwurda� not$**
. -119m" 11t.
� . � .
I - Vre We 48man , . I . I .
ftqWW*"WlX-W All"OT& X.J0,*0�*dft- �
0fiW*-_0n%W1a_6*v_"1.0ftsM Nit=
Om" or rooldmos,
CRMI. , . I I �
W".4ou" 46 *010-4 1* I 6,14'. T I* 0. w.4 . I I ,
I . .
� . I
. DW 04, Wo, ,911AW. , . , .'
. Rayslow. 5WORON. I
. . .
I I �
--- �_;7�__.__ I— __
I -_ '' ,0, . I
- . I 11
i .
. DR. .F. A. "ON �
I ...
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- "' "
- S. Co lZathwed
L L. � 00"" I L.
.. I ,
. . . I I
Iff, ft"Wil awk INTATIge"W01% * oveefolty4l,
. . �
. .
I I . I ..
I. I
Gradusto o$.C.C.D.p...
- Cbi*&", p4d A.D.D.S..
,0 ""o
- t I
L ,� 11 1--_-__, I
AIJ31 4'W".1 s
Ays, K&V' Ut 00, lk"NAbov,
. . .
. .
gellable Footwea` f6r
. .
. I �
- . .
. .1 I 4
� ...
I all the, family, -
L . . .
. .
'L Offices over O'NSILIS ritore. - I
.. .. i
I . .11. . . MENWARMOM
8 I
pooial care taken to mxk6 dental troxi. .
. I . . .
r4ant an painlead op poaflible.
� . L
. .
I . I .
. . �. I
. -
. �
Live stook and generalAuction my,
11he undersigned "has a quantity of
choice Cedar Posts for sale. L
. . ,
.1mmilto-.4 sales a SPeOlAltJ Ujd4B . JO.L at MI
Xmir Zn* office, Clinton,, prt,mg ; y SbteUd44
L -
. .. .
L .
to. 'Terms reasoja0le. -Farmerw usle 4ote
, discounted . . . . . �
_____ —
� .1. �
� . L
I L �
I . . .. r I .. . . 1. . I
I .
0, I).. XcTiigg�rt' . W. D.'XaTaggar .
. L
4 ___ . , 111UMIM
MeTaggarl- 851ro&-
'� , "'
. '),
'%.D (D A Zi
I I .
. . I .
, .
I . Before placifig your orders for
.your season's SUPPIYL Of C')AI, got .
�) Geneval 'Banking . P�unjmo6m !
I . .
ouz! pri"o... The verybest; goods
I .. t"Saxactod
. . , I .
. . . 11
. . canried in Stook,. 0,114 S614 ot the
, lowest vossible PHce . .
: . — L '
' " �
. . ,� .
. .. .. - . I �
. .. _.1.. . .
I "
- 1u-.46st_QIP.wsd oril
.'4' `�'-., "
. . � Oideia.'xnhy be left. tit Davis.
. . ,
L.. 1. �
.. . ..
. L deroidts�
I 1�
.. .
& r.owlandliliardware -store,. or
1. . I
.� 01 - I , — . .
. . .
with - I .
11. . .. . I I
- . . .. . .
. I
The: mcianop mutuaL,
� .
" *
Mr. 4., Ske'veasol-i'l,
& ]Nr6 inisurance
. I 0o,
I , I I I_ �
� Xt glectria Kilght.plant. . ,
. . �. ,....t� -
. parlil aha isolated Town Prop@
w . . . . L .. . ...,
. ertY 0.121Y Insured. .
I .
I : . .. .
L , .
. . . I
- . .. OFFICEP.S., , I
. .
. --'—''
I . .
J. B. MbL" � .
can, President; S-eafdrth -
.. A.
I .
For.Sale.. or. Rient,
I . .
Jas Connolly. Vine,Pres,, Goderich '
r Th;se E- H49,. See;-Treas., Seaf orth '
.. .
. ..i
. .
..______�.. I
-------- 7_�__�._ ". .
7- __
I . � -
. . -DIRECTORS.' . . - . . :
� 11 . . ..,
. . . LL
. I . I . , . �. 4
. � .
. ... . For ftle I I
- . .1
. I . I
"Is' . '! 1�
� ' Connelly, Holmesville;
Watt Harlock; G.,Dale, Vlint�n-?-"A. *
. .
t' -, ,-�
.. . ..
. . . . I
. I __ . 01._ . . . . .
1. . .
Ch "
esneyi .Seaf6ith; J. Evans, Beech. -
L%�oon;. J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J.' 4eu. ..
" .
-, , - ,
, '
A- house and, four. lots, one on
Victoria St. and thr�e on 'St. Xames
zeweis�. Brodhagen, Af. ' MclQ41van,
lint I � . � I .
I . I - . -
St,,'consisting i6f choice bearin
fruit treea;. fffiq stable - hard ang
) . I .
"' . 4
. '
* . ire'.
Each D' is insRector of' losseo In.
. I
. t I
-i3oftivater,.]4ouiein--,goci.d- r*,pait;.
. . I
his own -locality. ., � ,, - .. " . ..
.. �. ''. .. ,� I .
. . �
� ...
� ti
houie, c-ftsist Of S*QVei3L:rbOJn$ Witfi
' . . . . . . A,Q9XT% � .� - - .
.g.qqd,'stone cellar. Par
. � .Particulars
� .
ROI)V Smith,--- Harlock- E&
I . I '. Hinchley
I '
. ,
� I
� ,
.. . .1 . : : - , aZlY to '
� . I J ' , ES. EEVY'l
Segorth, James C,umrnitig, . Egwonit'
. 51
ville; 1. W�.:'Vco, Hollnesvilli '
-1 . I . .
i "
. � . 7 ..- . ..
. . , I
Payments maV be I
made, Tozer * &
1. . I �, .1
.. . . .
. . . . I . I
� .
I . -
I I `horthori�s W -Sale -
.. . . .. I . .. . I.
Brown's,. Clinton, . or to .
. V. H. Cutt
Goderibli I .. I .. I I I .
�__ I '.
- I
� . . I.. .
.: _.
I I � . _� ...... .�
. I . .
. . .
Four young bulls fronT 1) to * 12.
I I .
. . . . . . �. . . .
1.4 . 0 B T A YL 0 R, ''
. . I
- " -
mont be old of good qualit�.,' S_ roans
and a red. "Call oi write. .
� , . � .
. . '' , - qLINTON- - . .
I . . � . . �
.. I .
. .
. .
I . -
. .. I . I . _�_ , I
: � .
1. . �, �,� , , , � C"n"'i 0"t
Pbone.No. 1� an 155 , * tf ,
. . �
I ' , .
, re, . I e
. Fi L"t and Accident ,
� .
. .�
.. 1� ,
" . '' � . 1.
. .. . -
. �
. . . Insuraiice. . . . �
I . � . I . . 11. .
. �
. ;, . ��.
I .
. I . —1
, � I I . I
� I . . . �.. , . . . - � .
. ,
�, For'Sale * . ' .
. . � . .. I -
. I . . I- I.". �
. I . . . — , I .
. . . '
.. Real tsitate bbught and adId.' ' �
. .
. ,
. , . . — �
D.Junor . s la . rge house, . barn and
. I .
I . . .. Money tG loan . . .
- . . . .
I .
. . .
I .
garden on Ontario Strdet Clinton. .'
I .
. . . .—. .. . ..
. .
� Apply, at - House or Clinton P. 0.
I .. ..
-Office Isaac Street, next,ldoor!' .
. . .to. -NeW
I ,
1. � . - ..
� . - .
. . I I Bra. I .. � .
. 11
. I . ,. �
, . �
.. Log W99ted , ' , .
I --�_ i . .
. I I . ,
.. . , . � _____ .
. Grand Tr6nkP.W
. .. . . 1way Sysiem. . �
. .
. I -
. .
00fil beat price paid for Ups, B"S
ca � oft Do lin and� Rock
, . .
- . . Railway' Time'Table .: .
. � . .
. .
- . . . �J,
. ,.
aple special] , Wa , te, , but all k.inds
- I . I __ . _.l
� Lortdon,:Huion and Bruce. , -
. . . .
will be pure ased. .
I 0 BRTY PIANO and ' I I
. .
;, . . ,
I , North . �, ,Passenger-
. .
. .
. , ORGAN 00.,'Llinked
onj a Sri...,. 8.80 am 4.5D 'M
p- I
� . 1.
,��. . _L_ I
. ..
. . .. ..
6 ', 9AO , 5.48t-'-'- ...'
. -
Exeter .... �, .. 63 . 1. r
.44.i.f.. a, 5.54"
I .
, .
.. I Pasture to Ren't
ensall'.0" ....'�..*,. 10.08 . SIM
I 1.
. . . I .
. .1 I . --o-v
.1. .
. :
ippen.. 6'.....�.. 10.16 (1.11 I
ruceft4bld ........ :0. 10.30 , 6,19,
L . ,r.
. I I
.. .
In the Township of Go6rich, will be.
Clinton ......... 6:i.- 11-05 (;.35.3
)ftered to rent, one hundred i:crea ,of
;he beit quality of Pasture.. A. never
Londesboro ... '04. 11,18. 6,0- -
Illyth ......... s. 0'.. 11.27 7X
!Silling opting. creek running through
;he place. and a quantity of sha-do
Belkr,ave ............. 1I.-.40 - 7,I& -
Wi7nkhalll, 43MIVO., - 11.50 1.85
It �
.. .
xees. Being Part Of lot 18, Maitland
1OLbeing I half wiles from Holmes-
South . . ,
. . -1 . passenger ,
five from Olinton, Apply to
rill .
' Wingham,, de ' t 43 a zn'3.88 P in.
Belgrave..... '# ,
- . - -
. Courtright, ' 6nt.,
r. I *#.,' 4 11 3.44 -
" lyth .............. 6V � .08 8.56 ,
. 4 , __�� .1 I.,
L ondesboro .......... 7.16 4.04 -
0 7.60 4.23 1
. I ;
4000 Cherry Trees for Salo,
rucefleld:' .:: ::.'il' . 8*19 4.89 ,
. I
� . .
Kippen,.... 8,28 4.471
H013BAIA . ........... 8.82. 4,62,'
;" 'S.05
s re to be three f6�t I119h
n lots. of% for $5.00. Thisisaspecial
......... 6.. . 6 . 8.48 .
Centralia.. ...... 6... 9.00 5.151' -
I .
largaili fov ond week and all farraers
Loncloyl., arri ve....-. 1000 6110
bould take advantake of the. Splendid
. Buffald &,ad aoderirh
Ifer at such low figrares for high claes
,. Weab ,,, , - Pmsovg6r
tock. Thenarlylkichmondis oneof
he best ishippers and canners kndv
. � &tin pm 0 pill
Stratford..... . .10,00 12.20 ' 21 10;20
coin the I'M
Well known firm of Brown
Mitchell ......... 10.22 12446 5.55 10,47
�ro, Nursetyes, P or information and
Seaforth ........ 10.45 1.10 0.18 11.12
ricea on all kinds of fruit troea.
Apply to I
Clinton , - - .. o...11.07 1. M, 0,40,11.28
Holmea,01116.... 11.16 1*33 0 46 11�39, �
J. STE91
Goderich ....... if -a5 1.50 7.05 . 1-1.56
11 1. � nox,10A Clinton
East PaSstoger , , ,
. . I . . . .
� -..;" .. -.7 1 1 � I
. in
Goderich.... ... 0 _.. ,1,10 2.40 4,50
. 1
Hari e, d ltoekg 10.gks
140111rdsVille.. � ........ 7.96 ' 2.57 5�06
I 0��_
Clintolk ... 4. u. i. 6 o. s. I.&-' ) 8,07 � 5415,
Seatorth---#.----t-- 1-6-0 ' 3.25 5X2
Now AXen of my best winter 14y-
Mitchell ...... � ....... 8.10 848 6.55
% hoade by & l4r9a MQlAr'd 06oktirel
St,tatfort, ........... � 8,40 4.15 6.2D .,
en6ate largo 62e, right' shapeo good
Ilor and Ui4ely barred. Hftgo 311W .
V 15. Also blue Andalusian
wo ... I'll, I
1. , 0.
. I
om. Wus th4t IMd Wben five, hiia a
vafntof;� and P110sr nanaoi, �
df monthis old. *'go $1.00 per.16
or hatch replaced free of c
, ,All vVork guav%utmed, .
LOW sprib
1'. Muskrat Okind Wanted
, I Prioeff reasonaval,
10 00fer k edif
Residence nearlY OPPOSIte the,
H.,&. noruy, alutoli
__ _ — -3 .. .. ... I
_ __;_,& - L .
C01110gWe 146thute.
� I
. __.� , - — . I