HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-06, Page 6&New —the bW knowt to w4doft modwo �_hl tko *04" principle Wb" Amicea �!:% AE ?7 % , , � 'ftlt '&**M holp tho eo"Oy 6=o tTVX%#1 who ortuy ban. or thrWo wi to Waste X bw rt lookk.q� for, 0Z jaytra*ox or -W- struetreso go the Moo may, 4eknand S, lT 'Umeft Whitney and the Wall ,who dr&Wo the 04W7, for the hon - M Of 4608 XIW*vi of Sducatign, 'Roo, Dr. rPe% seeta Verfectly help - team, or pe , rhami unwitiNg tam nause;� and never Iw he,ou ghlY effective, they never '1 The lambs XIXIUK b. caotmtsd In tba Od aguatio, + FA%,ezr lust , assert that educational I affairs diaVo '? � b"t, the NA- U_CQ 1140. r eff"llyeam. Ou��f the 00ttil and east as f0tXt as they ", old - ar a in A flourishing condi. , 25A. 4L bm If i drugot has ' 7 - ' � Y" not 7ct stwked them, stud 2$0. and we '0011n.all th 0014 alld a flag flaps, ov�er every I school tome i3i the coMtry,'Wbere 4— FAMMM"M COMP&W P( F±�LWW' 'OuOugh" says MOUO. In the IlreeilWf C TeW flow before they, . came into powero YOU We all rernOnber when therz TH,4 BDUICATIOX4L (B.U1k%TF,, ----------- BMT0111ne the brwa y0 and Were lots of teachers in, Ontario and in thoae'dpYa the OnIgration 'to #TOOLA 10fta'W4 Freg Press, INU!'VIELY0 for a Wo duer. The coun. s chool tbe-Weat from Ontario was just ao -44 it in to -day, 'But when The POffition of rural $ehool.trU8_ U101 in _00t1sxio, ithese days sr by.- no maraxi? to more than IT these days, Officials of the A ry Government 1-'1amQ the' i6e hid the country model ochools in those, days where tei6hers were ' WeAns an, jenv$ablF one;, bee4w.0 if fdr stealing all the tea'ebera I 9't"n third-elass*,certificates good for a Iftitied, period of years, The�! poor m=14 son Or daughter hsgi a the ewes drop their lamba nearly jai N . � W4X%ff#V"W#^1&t W" "M 1W $4 romog wwm or woman to '1 The lambs XIXIUK b. caotmtsd In tba Cream of the e0tor tbm profoosson. The three 00ttil and east as f0tXt as they ", old - or loqr inaontbit Uftessary to go 'OuOugh" says MOUO. In the IlreeilWf C through the 010d-eisehool required the weat th eY Are 411 castmted at one 7, 21TO T -a' A o Uo w4w� Q430uUt Of capital. The UU10 Usually, but that Is because there poor m=14 son Or daughter hsgi a the ewes drop their lamba nearly jai chance. But Sir James Whitney WIPed out allthese model schools At one time late In the season. In the east they come '%true along," and It at Places. In the province wlwre the cost of ItVing is considerably h' h than t W " Is not wise to wait to castrate 411 at once. When they are about a week A* er 4 e old country 'seats gr ten days old, aa they vhere) the kf2odels Were. In eL do- soon, as are Ing he deprived the poor Man's son strong And tuU of milk and before they or, daughter -of an opportunity., have made much'growth. castration In this 0onnection The London Advertiser bag dug, up some inter- sbould'be attended to, ProbaMy most of the best allepherft eaiinig tcompa x1sohp. rrhe papep says.— simply ellp oft the end of the ocro(um ,4The oftiel. 41 r0VOrt lox 1906 is at 04 oetzing. the te�ddles, pun thom out�_ cords 7 haUd.. from which. We quote the full Knodal �scbool st,at,laties, a last how- and an, afterward, putting in the -wound some lard or taijow that has ibig that W9 Males and 1,361 fe- been metted and mixed wfth an oquad. males—Atotal of 1,750—were enroll 'amount of turpentln& libe�; whow ed1lixithe mod'el 'schools ofthe Provineo for that year. Turning I be no low ftom We, operation tf # ki clone early enoaWk CastrMson ot,OM to-thel latest rep Ort of the present Minister, of Education, we find that Jazabs Is r1sky, =4 attes�W� Vft �ecw the tOtal number enrolled in all the XI&vable $06L Normal Schools was only 121 Wales and 1,042 telmales—a total of 1,16�. -But DIAZ WILL BE Q0OD,' P 49 we are*Oy fiWe ones. but we know Zam. only �sllghtly more than, hdIf of thbm are reermts,*. the remainder He Has Decided to Grant Soilve Of. th . 0 Buk eased our pain, 4iid cmed QW sores. Pa. ll�avqtIapght,fbefore. *That 191 in� aread of the,1,7&o in 19()6 Needed Reforms. it wodid cum you, t",, if '.v(m W I ed it ? "'Isn't ent�ring theprofeasion there were scarcely: Mexico City, April &--Coinalittillg- himself to tile advocacy of many of this wand advice from "babes but. a few da ys� trmtmmt ivith this 600. in -19og �Thei *tx;;th is clear that if is not the reforms demapded f�y the revOla"t tiouists, although bowing apd sucklings?"' Takeid The'speakers am the chiioTen 6 f . balm " her eaft Then the the elnigraKon of teiehera ,to thi� weot,that -is causing the sea rcity, profesEedly oniy to the influence. of pu blic opin, J ion, Gen. Diaz )&M tei� of 'qey­..Q1_ - SL L Weba-4 M I moui ontrea the soresbepn to heal, and vse co2j.. timed the' Zam-Buk beatmwnt butl the. ill competent nanagement of Ithel Ron. Dr. Pyne and his � ad visers, answered his critics through his perai-annual message' at the bpening Saturday of the Congress. , mother adds weight to their appeal, She r4ys: *'MY In a short timeshewasquite heajed� My little Neither iof them had any f xPerIeUde withrural school con- he r -el' Th iy inciples Of no re ectio'rk of the , lftde gid contracted scalp disam at school. Bod rings boy sustained a Seri- ous scald od the Deck. It set ditious. if ti he hYdTO-electric com- mission had seleated a pair of train epPeutive'and incumbents of other elective cffices and tho ref of the- laws gathe fMM2.ed all over ber head, a nd not only. caused the I up a bA sore, and quite a few things died dispatchers fto engineer the elee- ItTical �conytructlon works, -it would el�ctdral so that the vilege of the ballot may be enjoy �ed child acute pain but — her very.ill. The sores we fidled to heal it or give him Once am we tamed havei 1but been $mitatlng 8 ir Jablea Whitney'a nlethod , by those citizens "who are consider. ed capable of voting" were advocated. discharged, and,occurring on the to- Zmame.-Buk, and we were Zft of adlninlater- ing, the provincial -school system.)) Sir Jamea Wh%tney bad better - The message reter' s specifically to the application of tho no-electiod =W we feared she would lose all hair. She was, i itiable n a p disappointed. It acted like a charm in dritwing- away the pain, tell RonA. Dr. Pyne to get 'back to , the principle to the naming of governors, plight tried when we Zam-Buk, and soon healed the wound." - model schools. There's many a healthy'PrOsDerous CanadiantodaY one of the, chief contentions of the discontented 'element throughout the I Zask-Bulcis "something different" in the way of —bal : ms. it who igoit. his ufart in the model school, contains powerful healing herbal essences, which, as soon as applied to sldu diseases, lall Wthe germs and end the painfal smwting. FREE BOX and if they did nothing move than jive the poor but ambi� tious asbart, they djd kood work, Od= essences coubtined tbareso stimulate the cells that new speedily formed. Fczema, itch ulcers cold I sores, festering Zronic Send us I cent SUMP for pogt;. abscesses,, sbres, blood poisoning, w St cold cracks, etc., are healed and cured m this way. Use it for ill skin injuries and dRaises. It is also. of great service for piles. All age, and we wm mxfl , trial b= f-- NellMim I m the Cream of the 10 It I s Miscrabld, druggists and stores at,$o cents box, or Zam-Buk Co., Tor nto. tht8- PL 7, 21TO T -a' A o I ff�_: - mm hl A _Dy 5 0- U speP, arantee yorar neit ba'tc DYsPCP5i-- is one of the rnostt�rbvalent troub ej of civili-?e(l Iiie, I ou,,, V WILL guarantee it to rise away up. _Lllds had splendia saLisfact"oa wit! Cuffer untoi out of the pans, and make as delf ;I CrCla,211 d awri.y after every nicai: ciQus of the West Flour, rd,'turn the, Iunused Nearly vverythitl,, ti-t enters a Nveal� bre�.d as you dy;;peptic Ls an irritaw; g�. ever tasted. The portion of the bag and get your money elleo the great dkwauy uf offectint a cure. loaves will be the biggest and most back.' I . .41 I i -The long train of distrossin7 pympt c s, t At ..wholesome you ever baked with Just tell -the stor'e rn"'MI yoiiz brimd which render lifo.'a, 1�lirden to tile victim.. 'iaj PRESIDENT -))IAZ, M of dyspep.s 4nai" 1)0' r1romptly relieve T�M same amount of flout. ouarantee. '—didn't come' 6ut 1,j.qh1 -a d ivi ad: you.want. by the use of BurdoZ!c Blood Bitters !republic,' the p it or you get back the money you paid I . 1 CD as g n ar xzt 0, e d Mrs. John Sherrett. Fortier, Nlan bill providing for "the periomica, re- "I'll -11". -your money back Fesideni stating- -if t a 4T! for the flour! Now see': writes, iw ed with dysreps It's not the - efrocery novation" of, the offi6ialsin quest.ion ................ -ian - -io losc.s. N n vvl for N Just go to your grocer and buy a bag f"ielid of rnine fold -me should come before Congi�ss it would It doq,,jn't come out ol his pocket, 'It about Burdock Blood Bitters,.so I got a., have his earnest support. The mnd VC11 1.�avo 2—Ir'- 17--" -730TE01t,1' Mtd M-21,elt h- a� been bottle to try, and Lefore I was half Abuse' of power by 'Jefeg Politico, :CO2 0'rev ycars, of Cream of the West Flour. Jake It is the Cainpbell Milling -q finished I could vat anyt,bifig N% home and bake it up.. _anipanyV a -itbout another - ok the -evils complaiined bf suffering, and vvhell I h d used two by, re�!,den6 in tlie.-�ural jistricts,'is -7 Limited, of Vronto, �who as 8oxmtj Well. L NOW 1' '77 P�iy2 anc bottles I w, ba;1­1 r"Tp nI.-Ilen '92iwe Itsinfall I and to be abated, according lo the - plan Give it a trial.- thek�are satisfied to pay if -you"11.be,' feel just fine; indeed I can't s�y tOo outlined by the president.. Aklloxv z_. 0, an 0 to dece Zvo you, ill this'. tn.uch in favor of yoar medicine.'! The president propnes to i All urdocl� Blood 131 mprove Give it a couple of -trials. Youroven satisfied to -try Cre,a . m of t,he West B itters is manufac. the efficienc' . 11 .2, but Y Of the. judiplary through tr""�p -with antl end"ITI'Tor t or yeast might not be jiist right the Flour. tured only. byThe T. Alilbum do.�, Limit. a more care4ul selection of its pe� 'bli'an's vaw. Ch , :101rdn­ the licaltle of ed, Toronto, Ont. .,kl I- L"Xperhilent. �tbout s s*nnel'and leiqtliening of Ilie.'tenure first time. Ask Your store -keeper. thi of office. Efficacious. 'punishment of . el M Now when you give it a fair trial, if, guarantee'. He knows. He -.will tell judicial functionaries for malfeasance you honestly feel that you have not is to be 'brou-ht abbut through the you. Try a bag next bakifig day. "00RIA UNTHRIFTY CATTLE.- enactihent 'of �more stringent meas- ures. Cas ori6 i�, stor 011'.Vare- lmprope� Rations and. )Exposure to On the subject Of the division of gorle, Drops and Ejootiumg Svrups. It is ]?leasavlt. It T the- great private, estates, first broach - Weather, Mainly..Reslionsible. COntlLi"S neltbor ed by Ministcr Limantour is his Aside from poorly'seiected and de- 141ti. tn-,-o I."', it", lb di&:Jtrb�ls lVor;ns generatd breeds, - perhaps the Paris intervi6w, the executive de- i and a most clared his determination to fina -ef- cs D1, 116 widely distrib M the es . 0 U 16 uted cause of unthrifty ficient means for bringing about the ic t Yvcs Toe,­ilr cattle is deficient and.improper nour- innovation. and as"! iffln',tes th-) r The bard Wbeat flour t6at is. g" ua ishment. Scanty and iihproperly bal- ranteed 'r bread anced wint Ili. Nal, 2,y and na�ttjral �;lcep. JV or -rations.are often worse U. TM�EGRAPHIC BR I EFS. -Cu,, The. C11 _- ,; than lost r Animals poorly fed during .. 1. . C�.r 3 t, Wllii�r wil . I make.comparatively small - T Ik T A o n an gr= 1w -porT, uolborne. The, suffmge de ALWAYS'' gains V�ben put, on grass. In turni drowned himself iii tile canal. Q E K U V NE re means unthrifty cattle, -zz) short pastu M monstiation in Lon - short profits and an animal undt to don against the census was not a1suc- . "C' 3 -0 Wintei. - The farmer who does not COS& properly� feeo h16 cattle �uring the 'The funeral of the late Bishop Du. Moulin at Hamilton was feeding season and who allows h1m elf yery largely to be overstbeked-during suMmer, thus The Treasurer or -received A' $50,000 fr(--,m the estate of the ate Goldwin Smith. Nva -7i ATAD COLLY"I", The Kind.. Yo, U'.. 11a v In' Bod6ht 0. Y ea' r s. Developed Into in Use For..Over , 13 THE CENTAU,)q COMPANY, 77 VUR�AY t7rVrT. NEW VORK-CITv.. W1 AFrV Ly FIr ....... ... Too Neglected, bronchitia is Vfty often h .... .... .... t e 2 x direct. ca use Of Consumption, and on the M . first symptom appe*aring Dr. Wood0s 0 DEVON B=. the 13 , ronehitis cured. TV NEED NERVE If you are sick Norway Pine Syrup should be used afidl En U _,orrsun The Devon breed of cattle ara The symptoms are, ti6tness across EARLY I IINS AkD dmaller 'than S)36rthoms or Here- the chest, sharp pains andom difficulty in fords. rEXCESSES 14AV�E UNDER - your Druggist -will give you 'FREE a 50c. bottle fhTbeydform a 99od deal of breathing, a secretion.of thick Phlegm Insidd 't fIR6 meaL The cows tD Yield a very'ricb, milk and are Uked 'first white, and later of a greenisho' MINED YOUR SYSTEM r of Ps�rchifte and -we . W-fift pay him' at by some dairymen. The bull here-- yello�vish color, coming from the broh. with shown is a good specimon of chial tubes when coughing, espeeiall� the The nery es coutrol all actions of the body so that any- ead this tho breed. thing that debilitates them will wettken all organs of first thinct in tile morning, tho system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses bave Mrs. Dan. T. McCormack, Chrvdan T ruined thousands of promising young men, Unnatural eating his pasture into the eafth� is d, Drainsgap their vigorand vitalityana they neverdevelop and "B� -little boy two years lingi, mentall3r, PhYsically and sexually. How you feel? sure to have, unthrifty cattle ,, Writes- Y to a"Propog, condition of manbood. They remain wealc- We are receiving many thousands And since these. herbs are compound, And we do that to'ghow our entire wasting his money nud land. old cau-ht a bad e�ld which developed Areyoy nervous and weak, .,despondent. and gloomy, of requests from dvery Part Of Canada ed In Pskohlne,V4 know why PsyDhine cnafldeq�os irt, this wonderful prepara- There Is noibing that adds SO much' iiitoBronchitis. 11owasgo ri)Ocks before the eyes with dark cireles under them, for the 50 -cent bottle Of Psychine, ds so ph9nomenally gucces�ful In tnat- tion. choked up be Weak baak� kidneys irritable, palpitation -of tho heart, which we buy from the, druggist -Slid' Ing disease. to the thriftiness of cattle at so little could hardly breathe. Reading about bashful, dobilitatffig dreAms, sodimont In urine, pimples give away. A confidence that has been based cost �'as comfortable qyarters, In in- your wonderful medicine, Dr, "Wood's oil tho face, eyes sulilteh, hollow Cheeks, carevvorn ex - We know why' its use is Indicated In on our thirty years' experlence with element weather. From the stand..' NO pressiofi, poor inemory, lifeless,, distrustful, laCk enefgy In Psychine. he following diseases, rway Pine Syrup, I dec'ided tij try a an(i strengtil, tirea mornings, rostless nights, change. Unprecedented Interest isbeingtaken t 'this splendid * preparation, with a full point of economy as well a knowledge as that Of bottle and ch good result I g6t able inoods, premature (leetty, bo6e pains, hair loose, etc. sands of cures It has made. -o allow of the hundreds of thou- humanity no feed& can afford t with su And it is doing some very- remaxk- TA Grippo 13ronchial Coughs. another which completely cured him, This is tho condid6nour Now Mathod Treatt . dentle able things, making some very ottra, his animals to go shivering and oxw ........... .. .. _­­ I -ordinary oures. nrono�ltis Weak Lungs posed to the - elements, Such careless- withoitt having a doctor. I cann& say GbARMMED TO CURE Henlorrhageg WeAk Volco ness will 8urely cut the Supply of MilL too, irMch in its praise; We have treAled Disoases of Men for alinost a life, gora Th.roat Spring woalmas COUPON No, v .1 would not be tinie and do not have to experkhent, consult us I or greatly,, �etluce the dOVelopment of without it in the hous',N; as I consider it a FR9E OF CHARGIt ' - Irarly Declind To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Lti, the beef anithals, ti xposure cuts Weight s're cure for* Colds andBronchitis.,, and �W6 will tell"You whether Y04, are curable or not. Not more than we anticipated how. VenWo Weakness eitarkhalAtoctions u ever. 193-195 Spadfna'Aveo T�ronto and milk,'and these take tee(L The �The ffice of "Dr. Wood's" gorwity. cesesof halgoetton catarrh of Stomach Poor Appotito Night Sweats accopt your offer to t , a 50c. bottlo ed re, Wd guarantaqrcurablo ,more exposure,the more fe quired. NERVOUS �DEIBILITY, VAMCOSk VEINS. B orgy, which 25c is put tip in a With our third of a centuWs, ex- -of PsYdhind (pronounce,118i,knen) ab Pine Syrup i pbrience with Psyohine. Obgtlnatd Coughs Your exPense. I have not bacl a boo. before there is surplus en It I Loob AND SKIN DISEASES.. GLEET. BLADDEle 816068ftesS and !<wYngitleand bottle Of Psychine un4or thl%�VIgyl, it) the feeder's profit Is ndeessary,, �ellow wrapper. Three pine treLls is the URINARY AND KIDNEY.COMPLAINTS With our knovdedge of the hntidreds XOT+Ods Troubles Xlndlyt advise My druggist to tratle, mark Be sure m4" jj,�cql)t no th.l. tle W me., therefore, that the aulln be well shel. of thousands it has already, tured, bx AAW40edtA of Pleurisy,, Plieumoula and % - - Free Booklet on Diseamet of Mon. It unahle to call tored'and fed. substitute for Dr' Wood's write for mind. ............... 4i ........... k , 4QUEST16N LISTIP01% HOMIt TPXATMP-NT We have the most absolute confl. Now, We doht, Ask you to tAko ottr Town Alantifaceured only by The T. Milbum M, -.-.4 ............. ...... CASTRATION OF LAMBS. Co, -Limited, Toronto, O)lt,, dence In what It can,and will (10. *,vord'fot 00 trein I I elldously- beneficial ...... effect bf y� e. 11111 but ttjodbugon Street and gumber.,, . ....... below Operation Should Be Pef4onned Before DR&KENNEDY. & KENNEDY &A I It ,us Atkd we'll. ki"'Vold Cor. Michigan Ave. and Grigwold St., r ...... Grtk�rti% Begins. Mnft gelel2tista know now dn about diuggist sh 'Order (fdiv rZy betiokl Mich. tho white corPusetO of the !)low, op him the rokmar 66) :�& assuredly pays to castrite lambs. QQk9S COMO Root compoond. or A 84%6tand X4mbet 2:ghagoeyw, th 04*nt bot, V� tb * - 1 The market now discrinainates against, The great Uthrine Tonle, md —NOTIC All, letters frqn;, Canada must be addressed I . .0 A good for a W.bottle tilv, SaW etreotual mofitlily to our Canadlin. Correspondence Depart. "Idets , W"', fbiltea lft.v b aftbe fib If pre4ented to the druggleD IWO, �Thls 0ouloon Is loot I Mm lambs about 2 cents per pouad, Atokon1whichwoulendAn Ind9or, Ont. If you degire to dhtft bW. bo ftnt us—wo will thon y which would Make froln, $1.50 to $2 depetid. Sold in thl" do se# us personally call at our fvledical Institute in Detroit ag We 86i and treat o from ir - no patieuts in our Windsor officos which tire for Correspondence and t.0 deliv t 20 X9 degrece stronger 1061 Wttle of PAkehin Of stren011—N6. it 4 a d I th per beltd. all because a Mali w6d*)ylot Va**, Laboratory for Canadiati busineas oply. Address alijetters as follows: d at g1re tMiamb it halt minutelil atten. &VJ6 VOn r DRS. ONNEDY & KOMIDYj Windsor, Out, hd dou 14 ralldu AV *a Xhan It VM littls, �st-,RM P"PMd an kfte I of Px1ce, Write for our O&6 PA Met. A drem I ml 4 OINt", INV. (Ot"W411N. �71 ey a_,A