HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-04-06, Page 2- * . , # - __ . . -_ . 1_111 . �,_& T 000044 0so . I � . I � . I ., I , oc I I I i , 99411 of it i I ., O,V tbxt 3) V JOUU40 � I I to-ilar.0 theogboollmyre. An "onorary, mombar. I . ., Oi 11P.,. r, � ThO #Uan Who paya ca , W;tteiino � � VXtnJkIeJsou hIs brows � . ,ertable 1w .) bell Placed ou the tgb- 1-0 0 . the,corisujnle Deltraen� �theo 41 told you, �soiilv and I . . ftoi III bon, , . fte-sorra, e, e' "'O" the Uldi a'rO that r w0l ,have Ithe biggel, 'There 1101, Ve 'r. . �rbapo, no Canadian I ndur 1 1�txy Whwh has b4WA Placed un- I der greater disabilities thiough, 1� V411'es, . I � , A .1 I . , ' 4 Chil-dren Cry ad- u1tcrittiOu- Every �oeaoon tb� max. kel, fit fl9odedwith staff, bought iri 'I thei tha,t It j ournal!F,ts. tieUef is Maple syrup, , - hich UAR but FOR FUTCOR's . I never been near a I I .� 1, I . OASTO I , R JA . t. � edon pgodiacer and consumer alike 11 ISUCar bush. The. frauds pea,OoetratI 1011011aA & ProVeated the 4$orm peolDle Work6a the pr. 'e, inerVal * I I Ilixt. wbl�a business wgobd. there 11101 � %,on tc�lrngtle, and whe a it is . and way I e)",U to CIS, to Prohibit the use , gr fil fta&?' either as the et orar, , rec , 1, I ift."'. r ionouse. . Qj . 0 or t of the name uoe4L i,a t re. va f . t1cles professing to be . I I The Pnonglip asks. advice of too � 0 owmy P090 0 is usually the Obe Who it Or, 9 . . of the, zqaple tree. I �9. - I � .. 1AIallo, .40WA�11 7 - . I � . .4 MaA, isl ri '0 . �,al 'Whop 1WU'9hJUXN'i&ft131*J'v'a, I I - .1 0" �----- - CONSTIPATION . "Ople are I � . than htp. � � . . ! .'Od , I . .1111. . — . — I , . . -_ � . C04190, WY THIC U319 OF - . I I I " . � . T 1. I I �., .. W_ V MILOVIRNIO . I ...'. I I I . 0008 -is 1. ­ I - � "L. 1*11, . I , -00 . I I* ­­ I . . 1*11, � � � . I I I � I .111, � 4. ,01 . IMF Irricht � . .. I .. I LAXA"LIVER FULA � I . . 4 � I I . I The decollote ,town dem, cotoatea I I C - tha# V,Uea a W004D 9-8 in t e'sWBA . . - I I.." - , ... VhO ?wa*s -to Wear, as few c.�otboq 9004PAV104,14 000'Of the moat fro- I I .1. *o posoible, ' reat, Imil at the same time, one of Ow , � L ' ' ' Thet dowesue coal bin is begllin,- mOO GetiOU4, Of the n1law allme4ts to 4 1 L Ing, - to show a 'bald-hpaded row, r . ­ W*h. man ad I&. ou�jept, M4 alloom � I . I , - I 11 . I Just bemuee Marriage 1A a tie it . � shouldrilt necessarily The a noose, . . I Rover �V�OWed to oactinue. A, fro -8 motion of the bowds daily - I.". Electric Restorer for i lihoum bo the , rule with every O.A6 who . . � ; visa fthd%ftnl restarels "A-^ 1. #I "Pires to pbrJect boalth, . a Ift, I .. L L � � RAGUM I L � STOPPED AT ONCE When: He Took "Fruff-a-41yer, samilm'ONT., Sept. 23rd, igio. "You certaju�)r .have the Greatest . discovered 11cadacho cure in the world, Before I 1Vruit_a.tives,, came before tile PUblic, I suGered tortures from Head. aches caused by StonlacIl Disorders, ' "One of your travellers called on me NvIleg I hm4 One of my, raging head- aches and had my hea,4 almost raw fro , gn external applications.. . I in 441 b4ttil to see anT person coming I to the Store (much ess a comaterciiiI travoller) and I told him very curtly that I had a headache but hedusisted ort , ryjUg,,.Vrujt_4_tjVoe". =yt , A. ftWid W*n v -ax SA %bo - ___ � And *t0od notone.twairf"k. ; .Tb�$. 4djo# Bj I N Ail im,ade, of"ec' 'or ;"0410Y man 1321140le 4U4 brawn I 'Wh is Un wvl�` penot'rabo- atla! 'Were . . But ramped 4"'Urld 41111 rage,d and I A'lepwj - r,hAn,al foue ht his vial to g,jory. at , , , , "� B4., to i 1 411 this. 10 you t, �t'jri�st % " , RU lin'the story. I Aud,50 it is down to this 'da A Iri,an. knUit be a Ma Y.. And eivev . , . y Wa. v, he - Oter. , w0l, in" - Pro vef$. he"' Such � � 0 lfew heart. bate faster. � 1, - __O__ - . ALAS,, WHO? 1W.44t, -watt, " And 7' Ve winds, the storp Blit , - li OUP Va The W,ateks L ro 11, 1W 0 Will get the glor, I When A`wQ Caen 01.4 y I . fIntlie pole? I . . --'* . --Q-"-"-- "' L . T0.0'FESKY plif. I I whe It 13 YOU hu -9 A d4vasel shy A $in _&_ V� aRl. lacerated 'b " I . Pesky, ilhi. - 7.1 I . I , I HIS VIRS,r T'CiNd T�Otj$4 . . . RS. 1903r, Voung follow Just a minute" ThO'ire Vour 'I 1*6 long trousers, - I " And youre littqe.gray kAeO bree�eheo I 'Ar,64 forever put,aw,27. . I 'AUd''Your 'blouses ancl Infe, . . � . Your fttotk, Ali ymv I I Ror e ,gi.i.,00e, caps are , , $ and I . gone. - b od, caffs df L inall" 11 ! , An ; Vou'veo got a derbyOn I I Tees OU loQ . . ,_tf, k Well 4A ,& - ,�,_ , �` ,7 ,� 2L_�__. 4?. : � 7�7- W � - ' 'T , -, - i. =71` I .... 1111111.11'.QMAQ��� 111i FA r . , , --A, . PHI? ,-Rr7 I 0 �,,", -P , f � ! , r, - , .T. s, . I �`11 I , ,�,,� - ...., I � - , . PWA hm" O � � t own I =40 of the =04 it x6v4*9 1c"ON's . ­ .11 N � 1__����� ., O,V tbxt 3) V JOUU40 � I I to-ilar.0 theogboollmyre. An "onorary, mombar. bable. 0=0114 10000. 'W*0&6-ft.V fo ftes tr14 I 1 UGutreal, April 3�-- Sir Lomer GQuin, Prime Alinister bot. Ue. to the 1XI)JU4aborator , jex,.DeW ol Quebec, §atyrday X. X 40)00borne, WAI, Ifive I Sto Toronto. t Instant relief. ed honorary membership In the _ =ian division of the InstitutD of ,jajz For, gala y, rusalsts., j ournal!F,ts. . I It is 02rPOet0d that a, larg(- number "_____­__�_ . .. 1. . . �. vi Can"Iflian dolo,-ates will attPnd the - %bb olnualairivis, -���,�ti!c,,r(4iiet�;�ftitei.n.. I I I Offm fitnto. yi.'IiAl witl 1)�� 110(A in Dundee, I . � � 0! ,.­t.j:.,j,j tj�� yp-jr. . � I I lit* - T oto 0 !, 0111vo 00 � it i!19'.be q, t - atqxl MMS, - '� . '45, b, . '45 Von t, . __"_______:_.I_III_ I . I . . , - ___-___"P"_____" 'in Ev . . . . �, - � Native Owtbreak In'French Guinea. I � - I � 010Y . ' I Ronakry, French Guinea, Africa, Apr $.-Two oMeers and -twelve pri. �' Home .-. 1. vateps were killed and. two no Om. MiSSIOlked , � tbeT, " 1 . .. Is sure to come 01110M and fourzropr& vAtes were wounded Physical suffering attius-sufferjughai;dtobe,jr�-suge I .during. an en. � gagerrient. Thursday"be0men tW r I . 0 coal. .r 149 vi'litch will be followed by serjou; ' . I . I ­XiAnles of a Freach-e.tpe,dition And no, sickness, if the first s . .I � vegl,ctod' . YmPtOma are tives led b y the Suit= of 0ournbra, . . I - I I - _ _ - * The. Freuph forces vVere entering ille . . But this swering Will soon be for. village ckwitAl �of the sultan io arrest . gotten, and there will berio after conse. him. a's he Iias been nctive in instj_ lei, If relief is obtained from a s4ge, Ualbc I 04ting hostilities agairIA the Frew* I' � e. natir"I .cQr,r0cUvQ Medle no, " 4aW,odtW'bWAUse of tbedr endeavor$ to 0UPPrM slavery, wlim, ibey weret Ainb4shed. and fired upon... ­,"The 3101- I I . � tives BEECHAM'S werit Armed with roj)eAjjuC 2ineo, After A bri*k skirroiph; the Frenob O0c-uPW the vill*44- Tho, Sulian was" I , wourAed, boat 00,0�ped A price has . b -',',--A 01"ed on hia-head. I,Ieuteap6nit� PILLS, . I QOvOrWr .GUY ot the Fronch, colony . .. WCOMP"eil-UW expedition. - - , . ought fi). be on hand In zver , _y homs, ready 'for Use at first Big" of _j , ______ . 00;W to Deaft Ott&W.a, April 3, -Edward huner, an reubip. This lainous fanilly remedy has Proved in Years and, years Of trial, its � � .employe at Booth's Cardbg4rd Mill, po,wer to correct phytilca trouble and. . I I .,?, -III 1. . ­. ,:1,-_ I I #sWanve, -WVX all, ttu. - , - ­­.. 1114 1 P"FE4%,,J0NAL � ��,..-.�l--.,--.�l.---��-,.--2.— W - I I I P, jany.00NA 1WB18%,JRa. Wxiroxtow XOTA3r � , PUBM0, ZT0, CUMMox I I . - I 00431RURS it., UPILWI ­'. /V I R191U, IWSTATO AND IR'SlURANCO., Huron St.* Clinton, � -111111111 ..... .. .... T . . ............... ..... 1 .......... ­`_1_________*I" . H - - � N OF-, . - �� - Notar; I'llb"00 COnVeY413cert � I Vi"Aricialand Real Bk1tate, : � X.Z10VAAXQ,U AG411T-Reproifttlng 14 Fire 14. L sttranc@ companies, . ., '01vulow 'Coun Omve* - . .1 I , r , - ­ � Xedit,aj. , I am. 'W", W. 1rAoX$V86jW , .-- I I J1,014a. sovireon. sto special attenva 704 to disGis" o0bo Ilya, x4r.11 VVI'V3, and ,$o0ii # , , .1 � , � l4y0Ac&r4)f1Ifiy.0X*mj"o4, $Ad gril4bl'a JW14 prescribo. - I , 00 . "". dilloo and 34809rioa. %V& doorit West Of 0*0 004MI'low 1111110"I + � �.. 12 XKWMN At. � - � . 1. -------­­­— I I ; - I or -,-wt Rnom-, . � I ft. W. aw*, X. a. A " , . . 1p.,.,. X,a 5'. Raft. 011108-ontarlostreeit.Clioto , A. JR1 11111 I ' 'Ir 81=41k"Voxop or "aideam - %9toy 10filvehouri-st ,11l)lW­X'*3V,m.-,71o0r,M I . � .11 , I I I 'DR. do We SHAW. I I - 6 . 'PRVQ'rMAW a., , 1 .;;:Z.:.1 . . 441 . Wt - I - &4emf Sonny, Was Arawn = *Pe'ro"Pre of the mill w4ra ou GISMS0. . pwn%ml . I I 111. . y --- ure %. AM& IM, 299' Mbernift Rood, . Aid, SO, with what I woold e4 .Foic . .kI icanit iWieve my eyes I on $aturdoy and crusbsed - � . t oeoueAeur, Otc-t office and residence *A' . I I vim and vitality. rem a an sill meal, Que., writes:--ld Having boan results, They completely ctited to death in Try for yourself-lor in your home, enbury '0QVVW*WiXAAU4'8revlqence, � . : ! ,�, I weakness averted at once. sp 0 . UVAI . I "Mar M t d0lean'T seem a Year ago the polendaring, machine, All. but his a . . mak ouitnewman. Fri troubled for years - h . me 19 since then (Mearl ISI eel iy,0.4 tw,ere loot this few 408CO and, see how the boil' I I- . ft 1-1. . � I I . I � 'a . 11 :=&Uon ood I 7 heed W#s taeu in before the Ro M � . I 0 xce $8 kbQx. ar tv - ago) ,t,s 0 5J* ytao size wer ,system is strengthened and, refres . - I h? addres, . = eWZyihI119 I W tily necessary for mt� to, take And� a ittitle.,J) k. e, , 'k i I & skIN"unly.... o.t. he's .b .,-.-s v,sed ew 0 ^ friend in 0h ,ed.� 7 W�A, , h I VJR- WA619MON . me to aij Uilb o E&;,e,:jtj;-' one otcasionil otier, ( . � go_ could be cut. off. A inquest will Joe and how surcly�' ti � . ame . ver ly to preserve me in my . I . 1. 1. �; . I eld. Thet'decenoed was 30, years. of . and *free Vel.V,tltey.L . - ' , JPOTM . .�' , , P and I present good health, I was 6s yearslold * , . . '. I 'L. ­'. A V aWOMan .van charge a ill& I used four and a half vials . L � 'Why, You toddled More than ran . aie., And leaves a wit . - ' 6wo � , I . '� . I � I tb her 'husband �� t . Ver L e ind lour young ' ' ' . 'O '-"44'r,oiite,'*,Drkiip,ett4kltr4- �. ,,, , - he is in &=- completely--oured.-a-,wri, &dly yesterday and have been'ageneral store ' children . - JA&ILIA& - 11 , recommend t ft . . . � . -, . , , . I 0 all who ouffer from ,per at the above address -for tweaty�,, 471 _ tO"day) ,YOU Are a- man I. ,, , . ­ . � - Gradwj,r I C-CM.S..; Chicago. and R.O.D.R. _ 1. . .�� I Wor a� �: B Rell' g I I V 4tbecause she caults charge r . . - I , I rez ,oasti tj * . I IK ve years", � in"Kh't to meet Your daddy, . . I I ­ . � ­ I . .. I .. -, 1-1 Awv�w , 1;,Yjl 4 ;, I ,. " . .two,4- . P4 On. . I 11 . I - , . - - ---- -- - - . . "Mondays, 'way Ut to D I � � .1 WX PITT 011,� I dorilt know how to tell you, IV , .- . - . eftlailiew �, 11 '* Kilburn's Lamm -Liver Fills. are 95 dmts , . , , L �,,,,". I ,Give( the -devil his aue, but don't As Mr. kt says 111trait-s-jives, I is the - Bot j Rantrtol Y,6ff 1 do, .. ­ .P . . . - , I , � L - 1: . -do Qt. . per vial, or 5, vials for $1.00, at all dealers, e;�orld. . Tbat �iour Mother and Your daday I IRS,. , . . I , i - ering, . .- , I - Over . greatest headache.cure in th � S ff "' ;�,." !. . Or "I'miled direct On receipt of price , Dealers' everywhere ;have 4'Frait-a , - �Boith are lftifght7 proud Of you, - � . . . I DR.M. VOWLEIRO I 1. I .... ..; * 11 . � " The T. -Wilb�,= C�,, IArjitAd, ro%110� �,,sl' at Soc..a.box, 6 for $2.50 or trial And'*O . I Your drausht can s�Apvly_ y9,I; in b" . �, . "e''. 7 . . of L price ,T�ajt, ;re going,to miss the b - ITTLE. I ­ �q 4- ,- DENTIST,, . I LL %- al Children Cr' . Oat. 11: , . size, 25,e. or sent on receipt r aby� . I with -helpful diroatioro. 25r. 1 ,� . I r roin 41s, to -day IV -R. . . . . I � ­. - �. t . . . 0111celf Over 011EILIE store. . . � .. 1� � � . I . . b� Ut -that 'baby Well remember, ' .' . - . . � 11 �, ,,, FOR FLETCHER'$ VruitmiAivea Limited; Otti�vak 13 has gone, .;.,,- I . " . I - ��L anterFrise'F6j, Ontario Town. ____ — 'Though, he has long trous re, on.� ,..V— - __ Special Care talren to m4ke dental tro* C L . . L. . . 1. as. , r OAS70 R I A Inghga, e, ont., April S. --oxford vv,csuj,y, ruggra"(1 UsArle onlyL poswvie .e. P1 Its. V" I I W� 11. L Buildingi & au . ' O, We've) ibankin' * . I . . . ! ant aq Painless as ]POS'lible. . . ,,,, The tway a doetor can get po PPlYr Co,. is to. baild.a solution a crisis of e,iceptionai 9 .On You, sonny, I I.. . . I ­ . I .. . . . . .. "L',� - . ar 'with a woman is telling her pul- $10,000 department storb kere. The gravity'. Canalejas is suppo . W0.11 help 70111,all -we can . � .. . � * 11 � I - 1. �, she's business wil . rted both. Butt jitis up t I � .1 . I I I- - . I . 00pat Rethoval.Sale �' �­ too Young to have what she has. - 1. beeltallied-at $40,000 bk.pablic opinion in Madrid and -We -- NOV, t , 0 You, remember, ZrAIr , , . THOMAS , GUNDRY ' - IV �_',', , manY.* women of , O'place taking provinces; and all sections of the Lib- 0 pro Ve You area nian, , I ' ' Live stopkand k6heral Auction iev - . . - - - , An dnk thatt,wouldn�t last lOngeT shares. . I. erals, I Youl tian . �. of a $6.0oo StocK I �. I . as well as by many Con8erya. Me" us mighty happy, . . . I . . . . t: �!'I� than one reading v&Wd helpsome . . Y64 loan. Inake as mf - YRE . . GODER10H. - ' �1­1 . Inmoderill letter rwriting. . . tives. -It is generil ighty sad,' I ffiolclreagh.. HeVeall the tron, � . . 0 . Wber ft?s �aot' . . bles fact- Am sto3z sales a spoyj"A%� olceti -or � L I � N PROPER PIR ' y believed that he' Ju8iff rekner manly late Of the systepi, such as . ,- � ONT' . At , . �, �, . , .E PREpAuTIONS., alone is capable of � preventing' the, . don't to"a billons a . . . I Sboes . I Man is, Made of dust.aad4s 1w Yo . . Fe I 'TV do things ,j�oa know are . -bad,: BIZZIness, Jqausea, Iftli-olnes', ­ ... :. t sw 9 Cos. Clinton 1 ­..... �, , tress After . I . . o. erms reasonable; 5iPM­3;y-&0te4d@4 . :-, a. - One hundred and fifty pdrsonw rrer ca$0 from developing 'into a I'm not going to pr , eating, PAInIn the 81 "g -c. Whiletheirmost . . . - . ,- Scounted . . oriners, ,sale. note ";, on . oca s . - . . . � . ouking ng, decided to Vacate. � . , out for more. � 'w5eirG crushed to death in the p Mothe.rls Put Your"blous . _______­__, . i:;', � , . , , - , K ,ave" Spanish DieYfus liffair, thus adding,a , each a Sarni tomatkable success JI'd Ravi . V, . , , !,� -�- I Z mentg or. s�nothered in;the smoke 'serious element to th� present* diffi.. e. away . our Present stand at the end.: . G. D. M rT . �. . . , - , , of a facitor)7 fire, Which broke out.in. ctilties. . . And, �yoar fbjeeehea, I saw her ., � , Of oar, le'Ase. - W . I . clagga�.t I�.��,,� Newl York on Saturday 26th alta.., I e Orying; -0 Vol!"th em. tb-dtiy. . : . . i I Mo D. NoTaggar I �., I . great Slaughtor'sile-jon. Sat, � . , rid the army w , And" UIOU.-ht Perhaps'j,'d ' r, iirday Dec. Iftb., - . . � � I WT TheyL,were ,employed in the high- Pas a . I hit�h harib, . .give - . � I '? Ii". - � . . I 'The Socialist feeling s � . , - G / , '. eems to b Q &1cly tvWdh �,curcs colds, heals � ' en . Y00 - - . 0.6-c�o §Y040 9sitt'leKiver, Pills sre . . . 14cTa,qqa'r&. Bros , 11.��,�,, . est -storeys, of a t)en storey building T te r equally v�pl4ablein cons patjon�ctjrj . . . 1) ' I the throat and hinds � 25 cents. so bit -in-the P��`rrer. z�ase, n Vefitingthlean tl gahapre, I . I . . , J1161t a thought t� aw�il U , hiletheyalso .NVe want to clean out, AIVKJ�Rs , . 1�. �''% . and had Practically no. me of - Seems to have change Ow ,n,oY1nfcomf,1a1ntov n 6 . I;�'_ ans . its. attitude, .. Pon, correct alldison arso thes omacb, st.hnnIatothe every 14 b " I kin Pleaffeiremernber liver and regulate the bol � Dollars wqrth of stock before . , 1, 4 of looks in wint-eT as if escape, as the doors- opened ' in- It'is understood ,Cda 'ej'as, You,re. her baby vols. Eveniftheyouly ALBUM' ST, . ��QMIXTOA. �_"�� 11 I . . a with a Though you,ve' '' 1. . , j� co -al dealers could afford to give Nvarcls the single fire. escape �wasl view. a complete conciliation, -intends on. ,, 'Zot long trousers' , !"'ed . movitig time. . . . . _. . N , . , � I � . ,every man ofurnace free. block�'d and thewater-tank-oZ.Ahe 'It . . . . I . � �� ,� :Z.. #XeROVell IKQ . 1. . . . . . . . . . . ; "' . � ` .. !.6h7,j]N,,1 (�344.,.V ul.,q -,,ch *hen -the .. . ,. . ­ f1king 'Bualwava . , ,jy,,0 _P,, . Somet ,%vise' Wen talk of the in- Took wa - ., . I . . . . . � I EvePY .8hae and � Rubbers � . tran . . i!"`,� I , re was put 0 11 P dules, ' vulogizing the � -------- �_* * . .. 'A OD '' 'yranks, S uit C, 11 s MZ192091 , ,.i.l. . - S empty " The fi ' . 0 I . . . . . . . . 10. "::,. . ereased Production of gold as it it Cut, Ln -st,.Vewy. silort time ' . �cy "VOU a be garnostpricciontothosawl, - . I I . - — I and. the Irmy - slid defendiiig; it from recent - . Achati I es and Mites, . � .. — I . � � I . N�,�,,�. were areal -yellow peril. Let - it propertY loss Was not very great, at ack . .� . . ­ - " . , suffor from this distressing cOmPlaftit- b 0 3P OUT, stpek wlll.be� reduced � I I . , , utforlix. . . I . - . NOTES DJECOUNTE'D �1'!'� come! , . ,but,.; t �­ . . yinle- Has ,.()011ie for owarlo. 1,4t�OIYI)leirgdo.anesadboonotenabi,re.an(ithoii) , 6.11J.Price. .. �. - . I , U scores of girls had to, ' - th'roW '� Vaitkan Talks of. DilfficMt-tos.' _. .. _ . . , . , . :,%,he once try them 1�111 findtht,se little ., . I � 1. . ­ I Drafts lssae& ; in I -11 . . . , iblein so aj�ny %%.n Pills vala I . ,. I .. .1. I d . , �erest tillowea on. ­ :'i�:,, themselves from, the wind6ws to,be -The- report that Se. . ri � . s that they .%vIll not be %Y'l. There is 'notjlt�g nice,? for � . 0730q�ts. - . . � - . I . .. .1. � . .. I sick 114.4 r. de Van's Female Pills nor 04nale-ja.5 has been summoned to - � �. 'efu . , 4 ��;,,, .',,-. D crushed to: death on the pa ement Rome,, Anril 3. to I tl up ffiv,y C'W LUndS : - . 1W9t-d`)'%'1th0QttL_' - 1311tafteral .. the money th6i out, ,ghoes Or — . . .. � , � , ew 0 ... . . ___ . � . � . . — . atfng the I . � .1 generative porticn cf t e female sy9te . Refuse ametime LET. ONTARIO SET HE R pOW ,R -_ I . arg , 1110P� AIMIUM - - �' 13 flames. in the smoke.iand' abinet is not welcomed ... . . .. . §401 The " A reliable French regulator; never fails. These or else to perish form a it I . � '' , 's'eOnie 'early -and, get . . I 10werful in regal An. grivestigation has. ,al-- .by the Vatican, but at the s , . the best, -B * ians - I I , ,E ready 'been beg= ia. order to- t fi,)c Via opinion is held that Ili � .F I . - . I .. � Fir 11 i all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vans& m S . . nsuran,ge e0e. ... are sold at Is the .. : "" , 106 a bex' the 1�6sponsibRit '.for thd . . 9i'm to whi,ro, . " ,ills are exceedingly - ", ' A y 1..�that . . � . rh ,orthreeforsio. Ma led y'ajd<r)enStt;. Y Power will not -be for long. The I. '%N'o Lhaku our great, boast : urpljbcurqjt,tVjW0 � ` bell Drug Co., St.'batWrnjUes neglig- Of s nqw� lease .' TO,-',,W.-6Rx OF BUILDING - � b. n Pf . ,Term 0�01- no, Gbods' on Farm and I 1; I .'I - 1,111 , '. - ,,,Soo ellce ..I . 1 . others do not, ()�i I POiated Town-Vreoj" ', I WhiCh"could make such a total Vatican officials� base tbeii belief dn . . Tip ONTAR�10' .. . I I .1 . . I appl'oval. . . . I � . . -erty I Only Insured,,_. , , - JaCle� of -prpbaaltiorls for the-s�fety the fact that* th,pre. are three ques. I 1. ... . Carter's Ll t0o Liver Pills are 4very SM . . I . . � .­_ . . """,I,: � ' I I .1111, . . . 1. ,vQry easy to talce, 0 all a'Ad .. I . I . . . . . . --I-- 0or two , Illsmake a. . I . . ,OFFICRR� , � - " .1 BEWARE OF SWINDLERS. of human lives possible.. It is� hn.- , tions,.of grave import which,will. coli. .. ., . . . 1110110 ant Id do$0. . I I .. _- . � . .. � , I, , , . . , Our readers ahould 1,,L.bp their nounced that there are indily Other front thb .now Oatinet., - NO. I -The. -b . . their gentle act, 0 not , e or Try- us for Repawn . , . J.,D. Xc'te . k Pre$ , 1�11 . . They are Htricily voget .? .. ... . 11:R 0940 Who . . idelibi seafortil , . . I .. . C - has sh,nek for - ,Vol'e%ebmu.�.by . 6 I 9 . t'. . . ,V�1111 Weather eye open for . fakirs similar. death traps in- SOme -of � the .Fir§t, the Mordeogn situa i Ontario to "and the recall - I � I . . Jas. Connolly. Viee . .,, These are � , IM : "'. tion; - . . . p I _,Ij . se- � . � I rres.) Goderich I ,�,%*,11 Y b t ' VAXTU AnDiarn co., ' ' Thoe. , an d 1swindlers as ithe are numer- larga �Itiee and -an effort -will � e cOud, the associations'. bills. which. POT 30 Years ithi I � E. flays, sees. leas., h3oatolt 7. , I . .1. 0 - - _­:, to Proper Authorities, to is said- her6, is opposed evdn. by those I h Columbia I ­ �. . 1. : I . . DIREO,jo lt& . 1. . ., , I I . ` . . . - I . I . Jas.. ConneIly, . H61me6ville; jo . bri ,,, ' ier �80118 and, daughte ; S-� Ca Rat * '11 Watt, - - 6.1)ale, Clinton. M . . - outside the 'religious ,congregations. IYOstern Prairie lairds 11,1411, kill I " -�-���� . ; ". �, Ono and ' made b�.the. , it t s Province, has , - ov, 74st �­ T -,-��, work ,every scheme . fed flie, �`�alley of Britis . , , 1, .,� .; , � catch People. The latest swindle have� the kj,nsafe conditions and 1�lt IDL 4%, '0 1, rem- filled the . A Al. �4�, worked by asharper in one of the edied. Buit thelesson should, not � I � i I . . With I - _ , 1. . . -6d are in rs.. Her ' A 1. . I . Harlock, � . I 1, � " I ,;�, ;1. - citie , ustra- be diST--F.arded In -the smaller towns I . � I I . . . .GV�Aky .vtate in *the, I . . . .. WC, . Ch - ,., , s recently is an apt -ill childi . ". . . � ' I I . esn � tionj of the ability of 'th . Or Wherever I . I I � Union, all - . . ey, -Seakith, j, 'Vans, !��.� . ese dead numbers of People,are . , L. . . having 2�one. forth * to I . . . .. .1 � . ' * 'e�', , Iigregat,o. . . � .. P.. ; ­ � - � � I E - '13eech- - - ­- , beat fakirs to catch -not only . the allowei4to i&o- The ..IaNv I I I .. find, neav holalei in I&Ads far froni '14 . � . . � --- 7,.": ................ � wOon; J. G - Griere� .Winthrop, J, 13('n.; . � . I ,"-!- � 1-guoran.t, ,but all others who pre il Ontario hag,been rece4ly dmen_- Ulate ' . I this province of fragrant �. r . . noweis, irodbagen, Al. � � . � deil 06 U My P110.6 * ol,62Crds, * , . I Clinton. - � . � . .ili- .. � . . , This swindler Walked Into a JewelI buildia6. riins,t open oilf , .. . � lakes, �and farms 'that have' l. .* R�.Iiablc F 60tWear for .; . E ' . I I . "_` , , I not constantly on their' guard. I , I." ,. . I S"Wift'running riVeTs, de6pj - silent �q r ., 1 .zo ., I .41 : � � XcE wa � ,the. doors Of all public � . ., , , � . I - I , Al I . I : . � I . 11 lery, atore and selecting a stricter regu w4rds. and ' . I I � �S ' 10. . . ., ach Director i in . . 11-1-4. . hot . . � . . . . 1,1I.- $125 latiOn6 With'iftard t.o. I . � . � . . I - . - 1#1 tw , . , I their ,equlkl in'lal'i .the Confinelit;of 4� , . I � - ' ' . � his own, loci 5 spectoi of losses in , 'I . 1 I . . I I . . � I . . WHO � .. " , .,,,.� Watch left a check for $600 dr firei Proltedtiofi,are ­ � . . . I ___ . . . � NO11101*1 . 1. . '4 , . : '. � .. all the f f . I . . I I . . e- I awn -obligatory . .� ... . America .1. :, . . I I . �� . I . .. I . .. ,. aml , Y. � . �.. . !ity. . . - 1 '. .. . . . . lo.. � . I .. ... . ., . . .. ` On an Oult-of-town bank, with in- SoMetublic. buildings jil iclint ' 'Howl �o ,GeV New I Por Wh6n.ihW'Western I . I I ,� - . .. . - . ,� . .. . . � AGENTS. - '.. . . � ­ ... . � . lli�. StrUCtiOnS that the watch be regu- 'have, I on . . Health a'a d liew- -has I . . . 0. ... '.Robt. . mitl . . . � � I ... ­ ­.. a I dh finish- . I � . eel' recently. . is Story and the mountain ) an . S, ' � ;: . lated t ftProved, , in. 18ti,ebgtli.!jt this. Seas6j , . "P .0 I See'a�nd ha* . . - - __ I li Hado6k. Ed, Hinclife .- 1. . . I '4esPeet, 'but still further� _: p, ne�st . . ' . �, I , and that he would � � come his' ' ­ . . I I has toid his tale, IT STILL- , REL. re . Wdyth,'Jadies -C , 7 I pre- . . Our fi So . I . � I . . I I I UniminM' Egmbri& ' . . I I . � . I . . . No. . ville; J. W. yp I ,O, H rrje$,ily� .. -, . _ _., � ,'.k; ,, later. . . I � � '6VI-st I . ,I cautions are n. . ___ .- MAINS TRUE ,that this Ontario .4 X � 11 61 after It and his change a Week . .ecessltrY, In -othe�rs' '. , . . I , " I I'.,: On retur I .. ,Even homeland 16 themost hiVo*red ollaill I Ash de i I nin% he was .. � . (the bloat xobust find the . . .Signs Of CEDA I . , I .1 . , �. . .. . . . ... no 6 the isistierhood of Provinces, :W lch . ' . ft POSTS., FOR, S&L . E Payments , , "' . k was in- .. . . I I maV be made,af Tozer . &. I , . " , rMed that hi 8 C, , -winter Month - to their- . .4 . . `­ to - I . - trying h . I . . - gpod. "We,11. tba vocals 2� . 00"� health. Confinement indoors, -Of_ make kip ithig Dominion - - I . I Doher .ands and - ' ' 'I--- . I Ich - � � . , � .. t's strange," h e ;;v Ili, 6rmt� B�,g 73�own% -Clinton. -'or to. .R. H.. Outt , . ., . I'll �,_-,� oe � 02�.hodin � ty : Pi ., � I , . I - .- . P. The undeisigned' has y . .. - . . , . "It's ile etond time the - � .-Tonosandf), U9711 M, lte4 in ;verheated and nearly al- Through,iham.leit, . vijj�_.e . � I , * , . . lk ..­ . choice Ceda Goderl - . . :, " ". airid, - , 11 , I . I., ,�, bank' has done . .vigoratestpra t1owli 1. . � I I .- 0 t . - . ' - - ' � . . A " , nervous t 3makes neW W�Ys,badly Ventilated rooms 4.- �jn a 9 the sidejines and C . . o. . . . . r -POS S for sale ""� that on me. But , � r ,8 - the ud,tfty,laloft .Prgans' - no. cKrea xerzL . .. Do. ' �;..; r aus Debagy, -,I ncession roads. for -.so . . 11 . I SONABLE. .. - Off-TAYLO. � ' , . � ��­ � herels yolir bloney, for you 1 0 0 d I n .6%. lci .house, the.bffie6, the ohops*�nd down the Pao I . PRICES REA' JAO - watch," I � - . . . �, . . I � , . . : :,: I 'He -sex renttil aW Braft TOM, Dm. -A . . I . 11's . R . - counted Out $125 in pondenvy, uta Mea7mese zniss -the ischool-taxes , the vitality , of Years, the cry of the weit .haaf �4 . � � . . I . . � . 8 A . * - A � . .. : eLINTON . I . . Price $1 p �jr , I" ' J -41 E 8 MAXILTON �. - I �. 'I - leg- ill Art W . . . . � '.- I . . . tatomli= and .Vects 9f2buse '��%6 -pov" even the strongest, The blood be- i4 'ei..' . . . , currency and 'started for the or t4ceaa beelil he d in our proVine speciall.fth ­ . 11", - I "Oh Yes," he. said, ' 12 or'box� sixfor qe. . . . . . . - I it ar door, Sold.Aqr allf; One wilIPIcase am cOlneEkthin andwatory*or clogged Now's the . I . . . � I � .. .. . - I — � 1. .1 -�.',- turning will Cure. 'dQY and XXOW's - the . I I . . . I I .. . . I ,. " You hisd .bgtter ad rag . : �1* I * . �',,�� Ou . gists ,or mallea ve hour,') for a' � . . .. . -'* � I I � i , - I . I . . . . . ' -- I give me that' Plldp Pklr. on racel lim -Ncw painph Pet with Impli,xities � 80nip 1)edple-ha , new Word,to ,be passed I I -.- . ., ,; Fire 'Lit . . . ma le . , 6 an gfg gre&e efie I MOdleirie 66. headaches and,'ia feeling, of Ian- along the lloe,a strong word, a . I Cases , I � d Accide cheek.12 lit Was wialingly hand d W V ,.�O".) . .. . I I nt �A' over to him. e . 04 U, . I I � I 101� - . - . .. . . . . �� . : 1. On the bick was the . I .-. T(#rtMt4,,0ftt,. i90110 othfts are loW.7-spirifed and ITAel Word, a Word of'great W.-ew . . ... I P... � . , " . . . InSurance I I.. . . . . I 11 . �11 ieweller�S endOtsoment. With this ______________� . nIqvoua,, SUll others -have Pimples lend. hidd(en away* Amid th 44 Ba*no's , . . , .. . .. 1 10-1140 ' ' ' . I . '. . � � . . , . . . I . . I arac, iced s ruce ancl, orga ' . I 14- �, . . - � "I . . � .. . .. .. . and. Iskin ieTimptioni;,.while, . .. 14 , � I ns rent' O' * . . . . 1. � Ive. ! -, '., eAsh-ed, and Was never hear4l 0 C . - some Ei;E, Pine, - Dct.gl � I X .1 . Iftal 41511tate bought alj� , , thei Man went to the 'bank, -got it and balm -0, I Wil.L ' 4 - I -ffifs , .. _ I - , . ; 8 I � . � . . . I ,V,� I. afterwards. f 1. ­ - ­ Pelt bp. in,the inorriing feeling just. -Zilead, w1jie, eir I 6d, choic - - L 0 . . pl&ejnL . . .. . . . � ,� -sold, ..�- . ... . . ....... I I 'I., heads In,the north -wind, . alt I � e neW Edisolj� . 130fore f;'YOav orders for _. . L ean . ,� ,��. I t to bed. ,the, ,cOM Y01'r season's,supply Of . . . ; . . . . I . �'L ADULTERATION -IN,XApLB.p.RO. These are all' , fjplrng . . Ing 6Vilit. man wit t e phon�grel _PrJ Coal, get - 0 L ., — . . ., ., _ . r ".. . . . *AD synipitOrAs axe. ,- . % & - - ;ir Zed. The ver2r, best goods . HAS . PAS .­ 48 tired as'wheu they, wen . I , Phs, Music" Money to I DUC". , that,the, blood i I . . . I I �, . . .. . . 1-9 Out df order an I . , carried in stock an . imed log * I., . . . that), a Medi I 11 Thei norithlan'i I va . sold af the . I ac Street, next1do I ­­__ . tine is neede C, of Oilutil,o riety'goods., . . . I or., . : Onef of the ,really ' , I I . . I d. Warly . .- has . I . 1OW68t Possible price. . I I I . � . Era. ,to. N1 . E4 . I . : _5 . __________1 lh ' f 0 :, 0 r 0 e 'ld ' d 8 4 ' I q_ t a a ' 'r I g � s ' 0 ' 6 1 ' 0 e d .0 ' ' r 6. 6 011111111111 _' � ' car ' 0 ' ' r ' I mom 111111111111 I I I - .4, '� I I" `00, - W -.1 I 11 LP11 `V1 LEI C =JA&"�� LL, I 4S I 'I I I I I I I rmfi.ji" I I 11 'I .r I I J� W : tat. Davis a 14 3 f - Jtore, O! 1 ,Iwith , - I I' ., U, Son I . .1 . � � 'I Iola. at , It I tries of this LcOun I 'I I . , L . I . i.� � 'suffered' as few lands ever '': , . . L . I . ' _______�. . .. . . � L the ttOX j I . .. . i . I . natural indus- Canaj&jaa Will Lee .,LL . People I'lish ko PurgAtive irledieMes frOM the tungue of th� haVd , I . I I * Orders may ' � try is the man. -7. L . , Allow ' in the IsPriug. This. is a mistake and landerer I I �jr no L be left at Davis Oralid Trill ,. . ufacitur's Of Maple sugar. Fa4w in-, R ed to ' YOU IcallUOt ]care- ithose . Y Qfthe L "P�41][WaY SyStein .,' . as dustries ,.under over -night VVIand's H ware store, or . � - I 001`9cinizei . I I ,. . ard I . . . . I I L ill . . , Cgibinet... . , vitb( a Medicine. khat galloprj thru7 . Wled,-6 Is .. . .. . . L' offer "� Proper 'conditiOns, I . � . t'oldbleo M'Anl hVhOde stock of kho �1. - Idu . Ale Emporium. � . with I . L . . Pwi " . . i . ,j . er Opportunities for the . _­I"IIIIv , I . . YOU'r'Wsteft and legv gained. on� b . � � I I 1 wayTime Table * * makilug O,f a fair profit , . - . - Leg you Weak,;. Me. short'. ekeursion, . . I L . r .. . . . . . . � I I , . -RIA who ijo . , . I . --_II._. - , -� No 0- . 11�11 111t2l. _- 'What youj need L 6. g VeO xeas6o to 09se a I -1 . I asons. . . Mar . I . �I duc�l When Properly ruade$ is pr VATI"N - .� N otA hegth ,and strengthL in . ive onai-who knowj.�tt all, - . s. . . I ,.Wi J. Steve � - tondpn,* ollarldBruce. . ., , . . 11 , � , more is OT PLEASED - yC the I . . . -1 -------- ­. .L . . - . . . , I . � North . � . , , , : . " 1, . . I . ­ . , I ... I spring is' a tonic nieffleine Ltlrdtt Will I 'POT all these Years the travellers 4 I I .... .. L . . : - L . . I . 'Passenger, . . , ����� . - - . 'OnlricN the blood anel .A-;�,�&_ - tqiU6 West &I'OnM "6'h'L* -1 .. .8169tric MOW Vltnt.* -, , London, dev;a"v , 11 - . 'L [`��" L �1�".'.�, , HOW Old ,P�opje �11' . � 11 . , ".. Mau Projon 11- . 1�0*7 '14 '... , 9 I i: . �T 1�*, v t., . -Their Li -aa - ,;��. F %f4l -:,��.. �� �, iige the orgAris act ,(,, more SIOMY than in 1, Youth, Circu- ."I, I , lation becomes Poor, blood thin and .,� watery, appetite fitful, and dizeg- �.. I ­. I I, - I � I I I.1 � 11 , tion weak. I.rhis condition je�ves � . the SYstem open to disease sucb a I . . . . I "I al � Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneumos- � �1� � niaj Rheuraktism, etc. � , . - I ! : VIVOL is the greatest health , � � , p 1, i . . Creator and body builder we kn' - j:L -, . of for old people, OW "A . as it supplies L , the'very elements needed to rc� � buDd wasting tissue and replace ��, I "lVeakness wifh strength, . 'I., I i � . 6 11331RU is izilm PROOr �, A case Is kaeordibit it, Albany X .k . . of .1 1, 6 "6maki Vrho felt gl,, Was weal'Ing I , d*vlxl by 890 "d wrA L * and foebl dooni6d td the I 01=had 0 e0nd1t1onaf'Fd-j)­­ . . ota "StrOngthandt] 11 - eopild, I— - on t1k6d lion but Vj[W1 08 ghtestcg� I WM Md a& OL Made her I � �61190 R124 the statoff tl,,t Aht � le"i ti - "ars you got than 1111tO did h,P. 1 r6li t"i W&UTI " . . � , We ask CverY aged Perion­ja.. . -6 n4ghbOthood to try 11 bbtt,6 I thi " i Of VINOL with d*"Undergtandlng . thilt we will rdum, tildir Money it it dda ho PrOV6 bentfid,41 . I W1, a, It. noudw. I I I �1 . -)* , imAt �X j . x V kc q . . .1 . t I I I , . I r Me "Orth shore I I , r I I . I . . '. � ... 1�. Q.OV a W . - Rome Re tangled nerves,andthe one al*ayis hu%% looked � out - frobi -their car � I i 0611trillij j ....... �... 9.40 :4.50 P:M. . sentt the Fact windows jat th�jorbiadl . C. I I . I . � � —, . .. 64. , 5.4$, . . That tht U13. Mellable tonic and blood-bailder �. . . - Hoare ,- . .,- -_---I-__ RA9 . 5.54 - oral 0�.. riient is dive is. and shrunk, 119 rooks .. I 11, . * . I . . 11 . flensall ............... 10:08 . I I Vern .n �a New I Dr. WARaMay 'Pink Ping. These el en lack Pine and Mourn i . .. . . I I I I owl.. . 10.18 0.111 - I I Lease of Life -Ferrer Case is at - Pills not only banish spring Weak- F 0 Kippep ... �. 0.106 I . I the Bottorh of the'Troubl' neases,and Ills jbjvt ;uard YOU a- er NVIll 'Ohio do With sti,ch a co _. ,,A-.Jl r I TIT - -1 FV " VVT*TTT""TV . Brueefield ....... 66 10.80 . I � "'O'er. Poor old Ontario, tcWhgtov. For SAle or- , 0, But I I . . . �. . . . - . . . Re" t 0 . 6.19r, . .. � ' . . I . � gaius,t the. )Fdore serious - ailments . A thousand apologies ha - I . � Clinton - - --'- - -. ­'. .11 05 1 Storrn Now Seems- t* ' that follow inadej, tom, - 0, ve been. . � -_ ====_=:F_. . ndesboro,. . '" . 1such as anaeknia, ner- ur morthland by tlloae b _____ � I . .. - . . . . - — Mis .W* . o Be Safe-- . ' . - ##0##* . : I . JBI'Tth ........ * O..'... . � . ly Oathere&­Clerics'kout�cl I VOUB deibiUYt indigestion, .Then who have hever /travelled three & , 11.2T (71'.50201 . I I � I I I rnatisb� and� I Miles, Alooth of that gies. I � . 1 . � . I Be gra" ............ 11,40 .1 17.18 . . bad 15 . 'lood Ofte'r dfse,aSeg 'dae.to I�Oek_, lls , . . . I I � For Swe " TOP . , .. I " I Mad � 'bound le0ast:Whichheins t1I . 0 � I , LW 7,35 . rid, April ,3 , Wingham, arri . . I .. .1 .-The Ministerial ' ' by" W"llams"'Pink Pill" Ve!rlor, Thousands �6f P ake. Su- . Be , South . I . I . 1. I .., - crisis, which appeared fraugbt with' actually i�ak$. 110W, rich', red blood I fore yo A 1100oO anilt fb�#, lotsy, 0 . . the greatest Possibilities, seemed to .0V,ery, or 6very nerve. Ontario W more dbout ,H. .. . P&Soebger Which IstrenCtheno - kno eople' - in' you BUY an and every pa I ,M I . I . . �, . Victoria St. and three ,on S ne On Wingbarij, d .. I . .. have ended as abruptly as it begafi, Stariley's travels in dark . � . . I t, j4lA*8 ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.. epatt... 0.43 & al g., . tt of the I eat At* � I 1 '41' ebrisiating, lof choice( bear- ......... 6.64 33pra, . ' I... I � p. ail] 'Icll than they know of the, greati by- Mai r;It trees, finlef istablej,'hard In . Blyth...'...'. ....'. It hai resolved itself, seemingly to , bed I ang Wakv,4w.eak ', - . the. general relief e Zright, h I Ing ��eo- . � �, 8.44 appyand strong. - vs. of Q, that,rotIt north . I ­ 7.08 3,60 - construction 0 tKaint<) 6 second .re, Y clak' 1helt, WhIch U&S due I ang �Londesboro. . . f as. cl)Orlald, Harcourt, N,B I .. , .. I I I soft Water, kouse in good, roopajr�, (Jllnton ...... . Canalejas Minis- " .1 SAYS whick Y . coast, along - � — . — house ( :`-:­ 7-16- 4.04 - . try. � , In bly opinion Dr, Willi the C , s I I # ,,onsist of ser, I 10 40, t I . , p. I . V a ::--... 7.50" 4 ga _ � , 0 1 Or P 'rticulars , . =91 pink . X Wendo its way, , I . 0 gooce stone tellar. . Or' I1OOM4 'With Br'400fleld... ..14. 8.19 4.80 - - Xing Allon ' ' 'Pills do all,thgt 1% claimed for them . I 90 On his arrival from i - My, isysit 'Was run doWn, and I --------. I 0 Bring us the ad, that lnte�- ap I Kippen. 6._ ,�.".:_,8.23. . I . 1JMLtJ YOU. If YOU Will �. . to, I I . A.y � . 0 do thilif .. . RM ...... 8-82 , 4,52' Sevflle� Yesterday afternoon, immedf-' was 80 *eak I �60ajd hardly ,do r Jorze a was 8 1 4.47' . ately,reeeived Sen6r Canalelms an , . I M . ., preading 0 You won't' buit by miail, thilt,b # - . S LEVY D Zeter." ; .L. V �O # .. 6 N , 1; 05, . qUested hi . I .-� 8.48 , . - I - . . � - . Centralia ,_ �. I __ .,0.00 � ,rnier'agroed, On dondition,that - feV, bo:t�o of Dr. .Wj,jjj . I useir a, � MLL D. 91 B60ausley,ou ivill,have no r0a. 0 �Sllortfioras for S * London, a,t,tl,V,6..., 5:15 1 4 The Pre Ower. rk and taking 04M OfniY%ab I . # certain. � ; in to continue in p d re. awdod'a ,to, kny d1gfjeujt,1�s y , , I - Z — 1000 . I . he be �Orinitfedlo make- such changeg 'Pills and they.21) anls' 1>ink . . D� D. C.TMED IT. �', #* son td. Any. Article. of jewelry or ,61, , I . alo, - I B001140 Unh 0.10 � 'r , #, Watebea 01, Silve I : . I. . -....,.W , . . . . Goderloh. * the 0 , ado Ine f0el',like ' - rware China, or I f, . " - West � . Passenger 1�., , . . I . n My OWn V301f I very OheerfUllk r6-' . * atlYthing else can be bought here # V40ur Young balls from 9 to 12 * . a rn Pin pin 11 Tobin't - as he doomed neees. I sary. thus the; Xing rea,111y tig. eomineaq jjj:,e I This. Is a tra ! , seated. . .� . . VMS to all ,%� 0 ard Wtlkbe 11slation of a letter � :- at Prides'every bit as low aa.any. 0 months old, of good quality, a r4oana Strlitfordt..�.­10i()a 1220' 525 1 wealt or ,Aijing�) , , h . �. U� ' - ' 'The Premier �ho.bos the work of Te. . 1VIUS in French on April 1a, * Where elsonear or far. . . I In' 1910, by Xt, Dan, Babluelau, 0 I � : and a red, CallovWrite, . Xiteliell ......... 10.22 12.45 15M . . . Sold by,al ediclue defile�s 1 Linnietle K's. tip And youbaVe this advantage J, Seftforth. 11'OU construction may be COMPleted to-d,y,, Six'Uxe�#- for $2.50 fror $ 11DWARDa., WI,Q141 ... * - I .10.45 1. and that the I n The YOU -can gee, handle and examine 9 .. I Millis* will appear W11 1AW87 Medicine �1.r. "I had Jb�en sufforing with 00 Clinton Ont Clinton ......... 11-07 L25 6 .. Orit, I . zl�- to Your hea,rt's coaten6&nythjn,r 1'$10 * U10 11.28 - - ' - in. the Cotwa without delay. The re-' 41 CO.) llro��cv!116, ftal for 4botW A ' Phone No. 12 On 155 '. tf ltolme"ille'....Ilad. is . ,+� tiring Minister .. 1� � bionths. and had I that is of interest to you. t -_ Goderie.11 .... �. 1 ,,11.85 -83 040 11,38, ' . .. I . " s probably will be Gen, . , eonsent,ed several doctorbwho did v - BVIh9 u6that thatcataloguo * . 1.60 7.05'11,55 . Asnar, Xi . - t d I * _"_�_ Last - mAer of War - �Vho was , . � . - . e?1111Y kood. Tho diseasc. and let us provis it to you, - pasoehger - I Was sPreladirigrand I was Inogt a, I . � . , .1. a ni p . . . � ma'hly 1`08POnsible lor & crisis by I - -POET's CORXZR - b. � t ri or -Saie ,- - Goderich.... * .,.. ..." � in h' . his attitude in dealundini tut tile . . . eomfOrtAU0. I thought 1. 'would _! I , 6`1_1__"1_1_1__________- * . I "�� I 13 I , 7.10 240 - * &A .; � . --- , 90 'crazy. All My,frionda Well . . ID. Innov's lttrge house. barri O�mObvllle � - .., - .. , * 7.26 .0:txj 5.06 Ferrer debate be (,Vspenddd ' ithmedi. COXA0IF,XCn STArcxn I .. . ,%rid Olinton ...... j, I 0 %. 6,. 7,,35 - 1i 07' 5.1t;, X. ately by a vote of'the majoritY,%and I telling kne I 1,WOUld - 10616 my hande garden on Orktario Street Milton. Seatorth � Lt. **....:.,�... 1.42 3.25 .5m -Nertor Cobian, Miniote I ,stolle a k -iso , huloollonildItIve-tol t-treatintrIg , - Mitchell ... I _r of . V inance, I W, R* Counter . 6. 6. 4,*. 4. 8.10 a 48 F".55 . who appears, n X�ht, ., I O�, M, Y. 4 e co pir We . ever. to have been whol. I tonsci I One day,, J,read ,In �tht � ,,,. , APP Y ht House or Clinton Ii. O, VJ11 agreemen't .*ith th 10 e , - I , Icks kne about you'r D,D,D.,tr6A xesse.hget Aiw. "I . . . . � . - Stratford ............. 8 , POUOY'of the Premier, 0 , x0ligions I 11 in X bav,6,t,o go.aj.d 4 asked , firl'oh't and I -16W0,16r4fad Optlel4a. . . I _:, 0-4&- . .40 4.15 ,0.21) , 4- .1 - - If 10T a sampao. it did We "O . ' It is undersatood that bne of the first d put it, here fgoflt fr *, 0112th 1900 that I Tibiediately, or.� L091VUllted * '. n s lrge Tib . F' W6 CUTLISR, ' I h6st Price Paid for Ldp6f Bass - Phlillter #Ind 1paplir ganilgr, I -tWd 19 U161f, It'- t6ok - ­­ ­ I 'ISStl'er of- to �4. - 'r to �cure I .'; "'L ' � � 0---, eubt boftlea altogethe . ;"' be re *-,--- ' 101 Xadrid � .. .. ­._.--_,.­ we j Soft 191m, 26(sk jolm A.U3 200i je, - _�sra IVAN XUAT kv 1 M-6 641historrible disessoo I'Ahall , , . I �Orni olit,nutIoll - - 6 ' ' Of "6_�44� i �X A.&T91t. -� derod, �tl _ All Work gu&*anteed, ) 'epistha � mad4 e . - 'i" if " .ZT,,_d,.-h-Q'�',�,�in% - Pvicei' feMbUbble.- � 1. .. . - ... !W, , , _ 40 '" i 6- r, .ZT,,_d,.-h-ii �'�',�,�in% , r�6wor A144,1 JMOft Vrelbold, td,p . � .. I 1� .1 1. I . I --Vh-i 4 -two, 0A tog I -ems .,of aop__'�, *"** � "". o*_" 1 1 0. 0, 11 1 -I 10 I 0 a _. ReWdence nearIf opposjte thg� I JANO 0131 . A? ri ; W4X, . 11 I L I .— 11 hillorltne "04; 00, JW4 I - '" ()f SOnorto0waWn ,i6 ant. rudayo 16f old, W UdVeT thO lWithout a bottle,6f D.D.3%. MarrI1196 Ugenses, . I . y lidaw.h 1AA.". A* 0 "M - I ANO 0131 W1151101rRUCAP, W4S , . 10 00, JW4 'itite., . I . � . i I I . . I ;alol 0 Con 69 , � Usti I I . I I . 11 ., , . I . I . .. . � * . 11 1, L � I- . I . - I I . . � I I , . .&L­A�` _- - .� 11.:..Ak,_.6&_,1,_ -,,.-Al,d.IWLNMhal'&----'&'L"'Q -L­_,_!­� . .. . _1A�"­,-0&j`,A*AA'- - - " ­ - - - � � , 11 ­ I . 1, - A- -h&jdwiffi� L_*_ .,.. � ­­_ - - _;L-11 ­ ,'—_ I- L - A — L_k_ -----..—,