HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-30, Page 44__ T%X0 -L - - it . I I I V cut Steel, which -b" a Very rean" st . . posiow Tool .Quelit. . . f%raucefi, the designs Are ,very beaw. , I The tame rabbit b now milady's Pet I . T 0 buckles =40 of tills Pa* I ttip 4-4 Nu;U$IX rad, an I atheup, to (late ", torial seem to be, the leading On%. , . , � They are made oblong and largeo smA I . though this Is. Actually the ebo" I �e , . � among tile metals, tbero� are other I sizes and other Vietals; still Available, I I.. . I for,. though It to quite now, It do" not exclude any of,*o Others, that With � .. � � f � . odme, arestill pop(tlar- . � .Ttbineptope buckles are favored next I 4 � I 111"L ;` � ",,AVIP ! I . I '' cu*mm' OF THE AYRSHIRE The Ayrabire Ifs a Scotch breed, of astry, cattle, coming,to us from the county,ot A,Tr, Scotlauil, And has � been A distinct breed for over 150 yeam 4-lk-ll*. r*04� Varmor- While ­ - - __ � I . [!1f,:;,6 � � -,� 11, ;"�71 - 71. A I � '.. eivime ruir I U q_ . . � r - I .. I I , , ,,� - - . � - , I I ­ - I . � I . K"P ths Palry Sw*4 Don't harbor tb ,* dQuallon, .that filth U not g detriment lu and � Around the dairy building 4ur- Ing the winter. The beat of , summer oply makes the sceXit more pronounced Auil vauseat- ing. The cold of winter causes one to overlook Pith because Of lack of odor. But It Is $till fllth- I* whilasts IYSPEP-SIATAE F, reh"a at on" the 4aweeablo SeAR&M dw 'N � - ' com limm om-ft*.. ne 16ver of good l6mp may feel quft safe * he has A t)�x 4 hood. 50c. a WX at a4 &000e. I __ � ,: � V, .1 '�n I , I ,wine . . .1 - .. `., ,w . to steel, and there 11m A TILF-14 0 those, fr6m, which to mak o a, choice. 4WATO At the prosent time 1hey way not. be. . Vill . , . - � . ­­-­ ­ . � 'I 'vV I � nal Dmg A Chemical Co. of CanWav Lhnfted . 11 . . � . 52 � nbi"", , . I 'i"', .IWI:'e. I . .�i ... �,,, . I !. ,.::-,.,, And large ornaments, squarq Small , , I Is ey, an. a popular as oome breeds, Ab How Salkers Am Made, f( "­.. , '..., .:�L �li�, a$td round Ornaments, oblong and,fitat faicOming to the front, botb 1 a the I FOR FUTURE'REEDINO If p horse Is overloaded or so el- , 1. I I... . �� . ­ i ­ ­­ ... I- I . - --�l---.-.------�---...-.---�--.-- � I I � . �.. I I "'� .. ., " � 13 bilped oragments-In fact, In the 0 .can get a rhinestone _ne .A ornament In � . dairy and show ring, . , As t* their conformatlon'Oey, can . ­ , . . I � , A—- . . . bausted that he cannot Pull the load , and J)3L this condition is whipped And , I U" me, WDIP. It ne average ciriver up - pears to believe that It Is the accom- .­ ­­­__ I 'WIM9111t proper feed Ono Care no One " ' ' � � I � I lilmost any shape 4 person 4esir" . . I � . hardly be Itaproveil upon, thelr,�ven- , neso of form be 'ukrrticulariy "noti" I . ' ,&t t1iie experiment station of 00 I ged to go ho� will baii,4 or It be ur, I eta rts too quickly and to pulled back I pAulment of a 'loud vQlcq and much *hIloothers It most free-. . P1* 944 expect success With shie . selecting a, ram to.bead"tho Anck' I I - I I �11>Z'.. . 11 . 0`1 .1 1. . 11 . able. Oklahoma A,grlcultural and lWeebani. violently and whipped till -Confused bluster, use iy when angry, the result of which to .In a cull Is dear at, any Price. , - �,�� It. � .. ".,'. . 11 .K." 11 ._ . r- - - - I % ; .."k �. i . . . . . . . ""... ,'. , 1� ...1. ,;;;� -:.� '�� * '5 - - - DOF,R OF PEZ.08. -.-- Ii 1i not the critic who counts, "o chief ebai-4ct;orjst1ft of the Ayr- , . � &him in appearance in Sao face, *14; ' cal college, StillwatoA, OkI6.1 Ali luter' ,diug is esting experiment in sheep bree I _4 the babitof balking to be (I and exq1te ­­ � I � 10 habit is i gun. Thus we see that t1i 4 like la � to produce . ArritatIon theborse. I I p,eme4aber, -if 7our sibeep aris sooA there Wla Always be, a 90A ActivP I. � . � ..". � , " .. - - ­ - " v:Z%t:�,_,.11w.'.1.1�. &.. 1, . ­ -.,;. - .W.;..1'.;.:­.1;�.1.!,;;. . 11 , " . . . I � i , 54 A . .;i.,�44; I ­+ ... ...... : : .. � WE .the man who points out how or clean cut features, brightnesaof 07oi� 6 _ . . A" .1 I being conducted lituder the supervision Three flocks� purely acquired. the saw * ge idekIng - and other habits ,for which there can, .1 . I � - z� . sheep, Ishoaringp. . . � warket for them, tilhore, I$ no longer any. 446stiou . , . ­ I I . I � .1 . . . I i �*" � TEA. . PIT AT 0 91Q4QQX I the, strong man, stumbles where the doer of deeds could � , The, 1�- It 11 I � .Anklater. of prof"sor T � consisting of fifty Dorsets, twillutf,fivO be reasollableemouse, Therel hardly, a few sufficlently gifted, with ) The� Merino, owe and the mutton ram make about 4 Prootable a shiop c9m- 0 about the wisdom. Ot raising roots for , 5- feeding. They keep the sheep I� �! . � . , * ta it to In evidenm at the 1$ O'ClOck : .bb , ' J � .1� have done them better. I � credit belongs to the man who to Shropshires And twouty_ilve Delaine, Merinos respectively headed by highly are men ' o -t sly l'binatiou the wisdom and patiene . Q ludiciou - . 20 it Is vossible to get 1. . , . I I r,be.ep. . . 1.4 the best possible condition.: I . .. , , iiiin table* I , , I . . . . I 11 I , Actually in the . aretia, whose � _�.. bred ramp, have been Purchased %Or . I I . � L. . I I . ". I I . . I . . � i . I I 1, I I ! � . The Now S.hoo Buckle, race to warred by dust and . blood. - Tb@odove 11 . ­_ 11 I - . . .. �. %, .. % the purpose of InterbrOQdAu X And the I . � . I 11 ---I !_ ____________,___.. t , i : -&-I A .hin roup predominati sweat .and. I I � 11 . . 'I 1, I I I . �: "t, - ."� tIng the . Roosevelt, � . - I I lia the oboe buckle for,opeora - - I lovL�njnr slia,nej this season. In the % �, 7 �-- �. I � . � I . . . I I I I I .. ­" . � I . - I . I - 1. ­ I 11 � ... I ­ .1 .1 1. .. . � P� I . I � I ­ . .1 . I I NENNNIM.. . ',�� I 1, - I I .� I %... I I I , 1� ." I M 40 11 a 11"Ifi, 1W I . , , . , "I . i "a' rylia i wery - - - -q".- , - �­ � M'611i e . -_ _ ." . 11 I � I � , , . . . . ... The great two-yosr-old Ayrdblre ' I I . I Our E�prinff opening will be held on the 7th and 8th of April wheri . imported 'bull Habstand Inallan, ' : - . I whose pletm I a to herewith shown, is, ,`._'.1 all ladies will e welcome.' Ail latest novelties will be shown. ' owned by Mr. P. Ryan, Ryari,0906 !.; " ellenVvalues. in Gress Goods And M.uslins V". We Are also showing exe � . . ]��,";, GingbamF, Prints etc. . . .. � farm, Brewster,. X. Y. Tbis� fine " ,.". � , spegimen of .Uls breed won fir# prim ",., x our CUSWII� wid be dufi appreciate and the very best talue gi, en at the national dairy show -last fail. t " 01. . . . I . . . . 1�.". . you. � I . I I- �...- . � I - .. . �,.., . � I ._O, . . . _11 I. I - . � I . . . . I I a.- a % +11 --lL- fine dhoUf- . . . - . ­ I � I 11 . . . -11:3 -1 u--l'I E I - I 50e. Bottle FIX.Ed . .. .. . I . ­ I I � � . . . !0 I.. . .h. 1. I I I � . � I I . . 'P"ote is its own bes-t advert%� .,. . : .. #_�Use ,�18i-Kee , 0 � . 0 - f . t. 4=% 0 1 I .1 I I � R .. olis offen, - .. . I . I L."I . . . I I . I . I [I? I L ,_ I , 1. I . 1. .. . � . I � . I Ton Itnow the ,U0w.4t_aUs�o Sa- 4ytw_the,scAvonprs of the -body, ddo. ,We Will undoubtedly buy -and 'dl& I . 61clous, of everybody and everything. wourtug every germ ,(of disease that ,ltrIbUte In this Manner, hundreds ' of ' . I They Promised -well id, iine UXM- #n �gdnfi- eUUWA* to 4-110 body. thousands of these. 50 -cent bottles of 21.1 * , 11 � I their -career. then they seemed to tovie . A third of a -cen� ago,� . Psychille '13sydhiue. - � �.. . I . . . . . . to "till stop. I was,compounded of -certatn 4berb,s, Anitwe do that to show our entire I ; . . gust­becius6I .6f that unhappy dis- -Since that time it &as curedibun. .confidence In this wonderful, prepa- . . I up L ne wn, 0 L ' I dusand& .. I I Tatiou. der, good heart slid lung capacity, .. I . trust, that ausplelon,that -woo lor ,. M -em drdis of th ,s been, based on . 14 large .ab_'L L the- same -attltudeln returp,,Ithat,"e- And all because -It contained -those A confidence that Its I I straIglit back, strong loin, I . Dd?set ram shown at the Fell . I every *ueL distrust and ,dislike them. .iberbs. that science now knows builds - our thirty years' experlenco-w4th-thAs domen showing food capacity (or .a I)aI L es atinilal show, England. He . I . ngthens the white ,cor- spl�ndld prepa I MUL on, with a full know- � . is a. prize Jram that has won tbir L , . silo of their own), loing, broad hips, . "Now. you're' not a "Irnow-it-aW' up and .stre L I large finely balanced udder, large well� , teen firsts and, championship. Only. about o4e per qent, -of the,people -.9juscies Of the blood -the Pliagoeytes, ledge of thei hundreds of thousands of I . . . . . I cures it has made. . �. . . . ... L . L are., . . I , ,.. . placed tests, well develope d -----., I . � . � . * * * . .1 I I . � I . ___ ___:::�- glapd.and §�ft, loose skin of medium.� eventual selection of a pe that will We fOel sure. that, you mave an open I . . . .. . . I - -_ . thickness, .owvered with a, thick coat- .more Ii effectually meet . the needs of - receptive ,mind --- one that.1s anxioug7to it you. have any of tbes9 ailments I I - .­Ilearn more, to advance. dou% be - 9, -"Irnowmit-all," It won't ,payi; - . . I � . Ing of fine -�balr, equal red and white, southwestern sheep breeders. -.- artly .-- a And to. � yjD . u we say that you Owe It :70u. .� � . - brown and white orverging to near- As' the Dorset is pre-eminc ' I I � dftum . . �eacy' to your own, 'best judgment to try Emu 31 Im ,ly all',w1lite. . . mutton sheep apd. noted.for prolifl . - � . � Learn,something at our expense, fill no In temperament it is docile, but and fall d,ro�ping of lambs, it IS hoped Ps�cbjrre. . � out -the Coupon And mail to us. I , B L 0 ON Im - 0 18or &'E - A S Es 8 I b URED alek. - The Ayrshire -Is a very hardy that a�cross with the dther two strains . -, * �k * . . . Bronchial Coughs. I . . e I � Lao . ' ' I and vigorous ."Imal. Thig naturaV .ivill produce it breed that comblues'a . � , Bron2% Weak Lungs ' . Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years . .vigor combined with.their activity and confor- .0very now allil'then we come to,�a - Hemorrhages Weak Voice . _.- good quality of wool and the . . ' Bore Throat, - � ring Weakness . . . ;Er -NO NAMES USED WITI-1- __ _f " . . . other superior qualities particularly -mation for muttoij purposes; also the certain epoch,in medicine when we Anacima . . Mly Decline � 'I- ..i�� I . . think advance or improvement- Im- i Catarrhal Alrections < I` ... ­ I -fits them for All qi1mates and condt, diopping of, fall lambs' to bit the early . I Female Weakilesk, _ . ... - , . . . ' h s possible, . , I I Indigestion paitaiTh of Stomach I, �O OUT WRITTEN CONSENT � . � . . . I come of t e e. . Night Sweat$ ! e:� � � I . . . dons. . . spring marketi. The out . 11 PoorAppetite, I b .49 no Was surprl:§ed 'ai ,bovir tbo " ' . . . Perhaps the Ayrshire has been call- - W ThenI -some One ,comes along aud,the chins and,Fevers Obstinate Coug a , . 04 screg heal6d� "I took your Nimv . . W, experiment$ will -be ,Watched with In hole school of medicine is .ov9rtu.rnbd; ;SIeep1e&,;Qaess and * Laryngitis and .. . � , DIL - ed' the "farmer's co " owing, to Ahe - terest by stockmen, as the farm sheep - Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia -and ,, ITIA01) TnE.ATD1r,N!r for.a. serious blood ' .. . . .,new. and apparently indisputable theor .Fn . . . w well suited lor' . Ity over the -%vholo' . Aft4or-offects of riourisy, . eumonda. b1ch I had been indicted . 140 W 11 -- . 'fact,that her milk is I popular . les, all good, all progressive. -, - � . , , diseaso with -s I !�:-Ml . Is gaining in . . . y fortivelveyeat . 1hadconsultedascore . . 1A Grippe . . , , 0 f_ I - . dairy, cheese orcity market. . I pro-tIng a money . 6 r! ., ,or physicians taken all kinds of blood - � southwest .and is - . . . * q; ,ited Hot Springs axid7other C." - - * 2. - As the. Av k1hire breed. becomes bet- . I . . .,. . , , . , Inthe progress ofniedlelnewe.some- -Now., we don't­ask'You to take our - nedicine, vi. . . , .. - ... . � I . . mineral water resorts, but onlr got teni- . . . it waken. . - , . , . times discover njew *alues , In old word -*for the tremendq y beneficial - - I � W, ; tj -become more ,ap- - - - . . I usl 14 061* 1 parary relief. . They would he p me for a - ter'kno will . . . . . . things. - I � . I .. -Psyeblue. Fill but the coupon . . but after'discauthating the medi- - �, * . .. � I preclat . e ' ' . � . . �. I : . . . .effect of -11 b d. . I , 'Dehorning: Dalry,Antmal& - we'll give your, 11 = t 1- broak out ' - .., : . . . I .1 . . . effleErcy of .cer� belo' mail It to.� usand .... t. . . L - . . . Oneof these -Is 1h the W� . . he symptoins woult I . . versally . tain herbs to cure disease. -... druggist an order (for- which we pay. .. - - A again -running wes blotellbs, rheum- . . . � . Deltorning., Is now S6 unt I I , � .. .. I , 17 I - . atic pain%, loosenei. - swelibigs . . � .. � . '�took'of U06. � 'a grade. herd -.v.ith, horns I . . .: ihb '6gular I rettLil ,price) for � a.-. __ ... . I , ;A R the hall �s scaling, - . . .1 I I : Wddinq practiced thdC .. . 11 L .. 1. And1­the:-1r6#sOn. they, cure a Ii that 1%fta r . , . ill.1he,glands pairas of the ban I ,' :I:. I . , ntry. . I Ine to be given hi. . cattle a t,00d ri�mcdP coil " .611� * - M -For, horses *and 0 . . . -the -,white .60-�cent bottle of � Voyolit . f t -in, dyspeptic stoinaclii A FAT ENT .. On is seldom �een 1 in this . I BEFORETREA T `� 0 1q sk ER TR they -Increase and'Eftenitil6n. I .. . . . . - , . ,� ,.. . , . . . etc. I had given up in do%pairs%-hon a � for lice, according -to the -Orapge Judd r�d herds i are, now de ,Fhago- -7 t; ... . ­­ I- lmllardljeasdsyenm go, � . D,Iauy Pure b . I 'torpuseles oL the"blood-4ho' .ouk1ree*of,eO8 - . . . . . .11 . .1 I .;!� - "' . I - I . I I . I . . : I . . I . � . I . . I . �k . , . . ­ , . � . . I � ... 4 _V1 ,T;,._L_­ - 1. . . . I - end advised e t onsult I I . I I � . - don, as you had ouroc . Boll for - . . I . . I had no hopo, b & his 7 11 Farmer, is made as follows: .bQrp9#, A I 'not .. I � I .. I . . . . . I I 1 . I a lea. In three woelcs, time the, sol-egcommenced to hell Up _qq,_iii?� sure the time is . I � . I . � . I . . . . . I .. , . 8 . * ' I . . ­ .1 . ­ - 1 - - -k and I became dricouraged. I.coutinued the Nzw DSFTHOD TREATMENT for four 111011th, tin I ho eiglit�'-tabl�SPOOII'ftli"rsentc'i� far distitut when. all ivill be,. Writes a - I - .. ;.-] I . L ,. . . I . . and at the end of that time every a m. had disappeared. I was cured 7 earS ago . . ur - . . : . . � . . I . . .. .. and no signs of tiny disease since. Oytooy, three years old, is sound an(rheaRy. leer- elght� lablespoonfuls'� soda ash and si*- correspondent of thL, -Homestead.. I I � ... �. � I r . ,, . I . ... L . You can refer any person to . . . soal? in two . I I 11 . . . . I L I . . ". � . I . . . I . tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. � , ,V. IL S. I teen tablespoonfuls soft . I knew .for �Yeurs before 1 did COM616 it ,!!! �., ,!: I I 17: Is, .1 . ''.. ,.,..:. :.: �, estimonial as you wlsb. .18 . . . ; , : �!.; . . 1�:.-7777777�-� . J� ' ' ' .. me privately, but you can Use this t . . . - , gallon$ water. , Aftw being ad that I ought to deborn my .herd, but in : : . � ":: LL ­ � �::;!�`. � ... ­ , . . I . 1' I ; . I -1 ,: L L � �.. :­ IF r%, � I%Z�, � L ' .. I I I .; : L: '':! I ��..:-: . -1 I � .1. 1. � . � We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEI Y com, laintB of Men . by b-olling add. enough 'sv . au�d--1901 I had wy best cow and 1. ;��": I , . I . . � �"J I �' L ' . .. :. I . " L �' ,�!:' : ­ . : :­ � , " %Y.,b �ks..ye I SKIN mind SECRET Diseases, URINARY, BLApDER and KIDNE . . tth ,, � 1, .:..i�l r1.U*,,,( '. C ed I ,g , * , - -r t4- inhke I I.: L Ns, vmwwEAkNESS� BLOOD, aiL 19W _ . . .. ,.p . .. - two gallOhS; When cool'we e, ftnio, th i ned byL being 4 : I A I . . and women. - . . . . . . . L allo e good -one ral . L . . . .1 I �: - I . I . I ­ . in? Rave . ou lost hope? Are you iutendingto-Inarril Half mal all Oyer with a little of it, using "a" L , udde . k so in the spring Of ' � L ,. I 1. I M . !-,.!�.. .-. - . � I I . I . c . I Or NP "ETE101) gored in the , ,. ; -L � !.. I . . I � . . . . . vlet' g L L L, N . I . I . . L . . . . I I . HEADER AY-Zu,yobui-ad been disel', any,,weakness? 0 .W :]:.,�.� �� L TREATMENT will cure you. What it has (lone for otliers t will do for yoiL. Consultation brush or currycomb to, get it Into the' 1902 I dehorned the whole herd,ushi ...-1. ­ . 'L L 1� , . . I L I . . ­­ b. ­_ "'. ' ­ .. ,L I . . . I _ � ' : L 'L I 01%, ( , S OVV- I . . who, has trehted on write for an honest opinion Free of.charge. ikin. Amoth6r good: remedy is made �Of , L the clippers' . it I had It to do over ..j:�� .. Free. No matter -(DTIu4trateu) v. diseases of IVIen. L I . . .. d-- ­'--­'­­­ " . :j" $;','i*��.- � �L T TL � - . .. - e �eeds, L. one part to means- use, t e 1: , � - Charges reasonable. Boolm Free � , boiling .stavesacr , again I woul by,,all .�,:.:L ­ : : U "' . . . ..... . st I " -, 11 .. ery t � L - as .w&h, loss L :,..:..L,.. I nd .. )ck - - h � ... . NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Ev tiAng confide'n ial, . tweilty,paxts Water, for.aii bour'and: saw for old anim0S, �:. . i�. I . . . . L . . . � I . .. ' L . I Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. I . ,,, . . . lettingL''It SlanworL Lfor another , hour, � - results. Since tba,tAIme,I :;,� L 1 I . . I I I � . . . � . ... I � * . bleeding - I I L: I L L �� . I . I , . . ­ . . . Ram � then adding ater to make it up to the have-dehornbil the ;jalves when fr'6m ; , ! 1, 1 ... I - . I --- . - . I . . . .. �� I . I . . . . I . r I . . � . no Ik. applied to the at- OUL ,, t L .;,; I I . .. I . . . I I.. i f6ur weeks old, using diiinsde ;.: �:: I I .. I . . :'..j��7��L; .. L j;��.��L; .:: I �:; . 1. I., ..... . ;., a '. . Cor. Michigan Ave. swold St., Detrd IsAble, -to repeat . ouble to, do , L . I'll ,111�;; ..; . . n:;, . . 'j�'.:_;_ L;';.. "..�L:, �; ' I I L . . I aT - id ::��:�.".�:L:i:�,�,L.,�",:,.,:�..'. . . . es� the head L . ; . . I 11on In ­ I -) It le . !.:L. . ;.�, 1� " q '* I . , - . . (and It to no - tr . I . It right ,::L.:.jL:'. � . ": .,I. ". . I I �' I All letters from Canada must be.addressea .. .;L'_'L: I - "I L . I catch any new lice f rom. any eggs that . as on ti�Dlled animal and reaDY , � I.: . . � . . shape a . . L J]L:" 4,r':. I � _ ",:� . . - L I ft - I j:: ; ..'' . . ,, 1:� 11, :111 .... . : . . . to our Canadian Cor 'first Poll: .;. I I !*' L L W wawr4 V - 11, . . . . L L . ' �. ��.,. L is. . ��. . ��. . ��. . ��. . ��. . ��. . ��. �t � a week or ton days, S6 as to as pod �p - , �'11 .; `� pplida- better, a : L * ,. -:L , " '' ­ . , R 11 " �,, , ­ r1ta gs quick relief. I ,.. L .. , , . ... I , : .. - L �:.!%%., , . I . soda or caustic potash, and when� carb-. ji��7.��i� &� 11 ' ' - ' the appliCh '. _ k .. . ­ , L . ' , and 6r! , ' & it" Mich. . I . It Is adv w . . e 0 �'�j].�j> . � " 1� -6�lh I 1111EDY orlgb!�al bu This D ' XENNEDY "'L KEO"'n 4ected. parts brin- . L . NOTICE ' .Fispondence D�patt� 2 1 were not caught by -the a .. s there is, less of the : I �, :L. - ' I I ..L:;;.: -1 'T -:.0,L r -.s , I Im - . . � L . �:,�:,.;:�.",.;LL :'. L 'I.. . . . :::;;!.. � I 9W. 0 mentin Windsor, out. - If yo.u�deajre to ' common treatment I's se- . 1, I . . . . . .;-, , � .. � I , : . � - I., ���� ,,, . , . . I . � ., I i . ... .. .. . 5; . . 1. �. . I I -it our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and tredt L Mon., A ver . .- . . I :­�&­:..L - '­�,.",.! %�, , , - , . . I .". , . . . L . . . . . . � , �,.,.,.! , .. ... . I I . I L I - - - - -- �__ . I ­ . .. .��]�'..-,.,"""*--.� , . .. . .V . I �. . ­­ ': .. 1�.'�,.',, , , . , ,:;" - d '.OR, :..,-, 1�� �,-', ....., ... , , , , ", , ", : L' . see us persplially call', cured by wLtlng a bint*Of! linsee I . . >.-*�­.:-...-. ,�'�-,: . L� I . __ I .. 4 . . . .., . - .. - L I . � no patients in our Windsor offices which L are for Correspondence and' 0. *0 . . . t . . . . *"'"""1.1 I. 2- . . ,: .. . - Laboratory for Canadian bustnes!; only. Address' all: letters as,follows: :61ght tablespooAfuls' oil of...tar and I - - - ' . . I . . , .. I . I . I . is , * , . . (Z:),114 , . � . -, ont...L . 4 . . . 'eight -tablespoob.fulp,sulPh"n tb is. - - . for prevention Of . . ... . 11 . :1. - - I � , T .11, . . � DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Windsor, . ., . then rubb . * ' - .& - society . , . . ?04"4% I -C P - I � f L � . I . . . � . . - soil I 410% I' ., ( �W"" I , rtS once cruelty to tbe olio&d 'be , .", � . . ed on the.affected.P! , lzjAl T!q . � 'D - . . . . ­ I � , I L � . : .- rite for our private address.. , � - . ailing= . a 4ay for two days -and allowed to .re formed, to.prevent faphers who, . ­ % i '. .o �� I - J 1: I T - �. . L, . . . I. . . I I - I . . 110001�12%40=1�10111 ginginginginagn­ '. . . ' L . , I . few days, after which it Is . don!t -read th� agricultural 'Pa- .. . . I . I., . I 1. . . .., I . . .. ale, Htillett. I . . � . . I L . . . . . . ... . main �or a . . .. I.. , . ­ - . CATTJLH I . -_ _ . ______ ____1 . _& . I .. L . . . I . _tho-Pot.as,h--ali(,;_ . . . 11-11 .1 -' In mining, . W�LRS' . . . .... - ­j�utL­, � -t- . - .. L '-­tVlbIiW-6ff With S61 - oul , I Vi, y DES � � I . b Ll,wg -------.---------,.!T ... - - --- -- ­ _­ _____ - -.---. . __ ­ . -- . up and M�a+e­ . . . . . I . . 6 ' ing'it ' - . . . . .0RX& . either I heaVy di�auglit, -kgriculturU I .. ' ... . I I I lo 1. I ­ s4rious cases the applicatio.n. should be . phosphoric acid and. sell . ars and over- $10 V V 1 � S.HORT,11 I. ' having won a - . . . . .. 13 . .. . . . . repeated, -%vithin a week- or so. Of I . * . . i5per'retUri). to' the , . Sta"iq ,; . ye . � L , , . . 2'd ord or ,General Ptu,,pose, . F - L.. . . ,vithout pr . . alidl P$2 . i ., : .... . . Ist 11 a . . Fair, . I � I .. - I . land of the :equivulent . . Stall. f ludider 6 ydar�s.. � �. 4. 2 �, ' - " $3 pri'zo at the Clinton spring. . . L - . "0�1 13&11 37 RT , -,to, ib,e s.ho\vn in wagoll with- e�l f� ,� . .. course � any of the disinfect * Ing ' fluids I . ii . _ e s.;Lua Ovet $8 $5 1911 . . �- 11�1 . .. %;�;:::�:�:::]::::, . L I an the markett- used either s LL . �. . I . . - .. . . I Pull), 3 years - . . . . 5 3 2 'lodd and ivh't-eI-8:free.-'Pr1ze of I ., ­;-i:�,-:: . . . . .. rl_ _! . L .. SHIRES. . . . . 5 .3, 2 . out 41 1 � , <-�E,11_111 *­ .:..�..;::.:�.......'.�,;":.:.i::.:..I . . . , SatiSfac I I I ­ . _. , . I I I . . L 7ear . . 0'i X - I. %�:�::*, L *..,.;:.;:.::j:j::::::�:�j�::_: . . ash, will 'do the wO . . - , __ I I .. L Von by Jda'. , F it t : .' 'L' ... ::::`,! .: L w I . . I . . I . . I ,. Stalllon,'3, ,y�ears and ,over 10 6 . 2 : T .1'rs -,in(' over L 5- a 2 Bag ',Of F101ur 2, . : . . I ' . I I . IV- . .:.,.;..L...:;:;:;:;:;;;::::::::::i:i:i:i:j .. ,..*.::::. r Ii ... . . I � . 6 L llil�i Miller, Clinton. ' . I 0 Co 7 . I torl y. I . - . ... � L titld Notes. . I 2c, . X, "!7":iiiiii�i:.':i:,':�:i:�:�:�:i:::i:i:�: .:i*i� . . ­ . ' . Stallion, �under 6 'years 1 4 .2 flelfer, ydars , . I ::;. .. I I .I --- . , . . . 12 � I Coitibi -, ,to ' be -* ur � .... . -o:;:;:::;::::�j�,,�::;::: I . Ity in. feeding fattening., bogs . � 4 ination Roadstei - ur ,..: ,:: I . %:, .. . 4elf Or:, 1 year . = , 8 -'.'.'.'.,.�%. � I . Regular . I . � . . L tp:O , I I I .. . . I.. &A I ..:" .:.::�;::i:::i:.:i:i:::...-.�..-.:...;., _. :�*i:!*i* . .. - The Preshening Cow. . , I . I . . - I - . I 'shown elther-bi harness, in saddle, ' er X�:1�11-111" . e impoitint � -Best I I. I . - .. . � �fl I -I. ':`� i.'-.'ii�:':,1.--,:.':�*-11 "i"', .. I . It Is not air uncommon pccurrqne to Is - vdry. kndw . to 'the minute when . ,� erelieron' 'Stallio n 8 4 � I I HEREFORDS . . , or In halter. -Cash prize of $5 don , , i*,... . X.". ::: .,..,. . . I I . . I." r, ` .. is.due t�p fresh- -or, Colx-�' - ...�=` " . w-:�Q .�-x:���i�i:!�i��i� ;-� ': I . - )logs , . ' ' I . - -.-. I I � . tiogledt,the cow �whlch s or oVeT . . 5 '3' atedt fby ,Dr. Chas. MeGreg 1. , "Xw.�;&?�:,;,.;� 1:: ': .'.-" .. feeding . . , T ' 5 3 . . L . . " .:::* . - ...:. , . 1. - " . W1, 2 year I . . . . � _. LIIWnQA 1401) ..:�:j:j:�::��,,�:"�:�:j:j:j�:�.,.i:!::i:.* , . -%; ;� .. X..., I ag time,ep,hes and it not fed will HACKNEY � . . . .... I per I L -g lont, 3 rYAQ . I . � , ':.'/.- ! W. -i".. , ... ; .. en; whereas. if pro ,, ittention-W Ouq ain. ' 6 4 Bull, landor.2 years I a L stance., --- I � -::* ... ::,�i��:iTT; -...:.*-�;�,*i: , : giv, . t of, their previ. I to and.,over .. * ALmi_,ifte.pli ouid fret off par . I k iStalli _V4x- 5 . . ;-::�:,�:;, .:.� ... ,::�.'::--,',.',..,:i;,':�:i:i:.::: "L.- en..her�upua_thls o _ � I .: Best three.horses,agricultural or -. 1, � . X'.'X::: ., ­...,..:':.:.;:..--- ...... - " ­_ ­6-ne ffiffi-M�a�-dwot"bbr . 6 A ---- 00,'%v-4 3 Year"rkil-.0 . , ­ I ' ' L _ � X:j, ":�'�:��i:�-�:��*::.i:i�i�i�:�:����i�ii���i���"*.::.:;::"t,�:.,*.-.,: .. exceptional results, says. Dr. _,�rer 09 ed� Stallioii,, tunder 6 years . I - Helfer,,uhder 6 xcars . : 0. 3, . , . . L L . . . . . mareis or -geldings, agea , ,;;ij;.�,, . :.. .... ; . produce - U iitton� . . I I b L' . ..:: . I . I :. . i ���:�:;..�,.:::�:]:�:�:j�i�iiii�i���i".�:iiii�:����:: X: - :: * : . . 'te veterina� in the growing of pigs and . le ft I . . . arauglilt, - . - -:i�:iif::..:� .:;::;:::.:;;;,:::::::,:::;:::::::::::::::::,:.; :. . . .11 . D. goberts, Wi�consijl sta, or Ling ot. hogs is pure clean, Water for . .� � HEAVY DRATTGHT. I � POLLED AXG'US'. . - ..considered, must be owned y one . L L . . .. . -L . � - .L I - on - . � I. � . . I :;;?i2..::;_; -, I . rian. Give her sufficieni and prop . . Teaij� in h See Sbeetal, 6 2 ,yL.e2LrS �or org-r � I., 3 M htful, property - -;;-ii: . them to drink. ' . , 1911. Open to.-all-com- ­ �`.�`:j: " ` -�: � arnos�s, 5 an and his.rid � :�:j:j:.:.*$-,':� .., ji..§__., . I "" . _ .. .. - - .."... �- . I feed, as th a - . I Bull 2 1 ,... *: . . �bl 15,th, ..`j:;:j::::::::::: L'. .:!:i:N2 I . I will eneburago the devel One successfui feeder always gives Btood Mare, 3 years and oVer .3, 2 -Bull I )rear . . L , -5 3 _ -;--Xash priz '. .. 1. 1. : .!.-:::�:::::j. _... . ? . . � ' 5L, 3 ' _ er a � -arr6d es . . . IV pment Of .a large udder.' A swollien L . 11 Soe Special * I . - � . Mar( Stallions 11) ."j:��j:ji�;'i';,;': :: ts ,X -N � :. -_-',--11.1.%.. . Ol clean water th6y will "pnmily,t(of u Colts 1910 pr , ogeny clow�:s d oVer - - '3 ' -the &sso, .x. : ::::::;,;.;.;.:.,.:.:,:.:.-- L :,.:. . ,,,:�*::�r:� j:�i�i.,.i.i.i.i.-.iii,:.:.. ' L 5 . .;:.:j:�:j:�:.- . ­ � -4 dicato h1h hop all the 10'itl's 'i'll . . . give*by ciation, I.st $10, - -* ,,�::::::::::::',..* ....... "' -. udder after fres ening would in . their grain L . . . : ",::�:i:iiji:�:i:�:i:�:j:j:j:i:i:..':j: .�:j:j:j:�:::j:j:�:j:jji*.'j . them Wider 13 vents L ., . I . L , '­ -' � . - .. -,:;:;:;:;:;::;::�:::::: I . . 2n . � . . -i:i:: � �::i:i:i:,�,i:i:i:.,;.,:.*:,;:!:�:i:i:�- , ,drink before -he gives . . samb sire-, See fteeial. . � 4 ' Heifer, . VA't cl, $5 1rd, $3.- 1* A ,�%.- . - ....._.....-S,. that I she. is a, good cow, becaus& It Is . . . .L I , - .,;::: .;�-­i:;: .:.;.-,;-,.-,. I . WS AXD CATTLE .:. . . . �.121 :::::.::i:;:j!*;j�j�jij:::: I I . . . �bf milk: which causes ration. I . I . . L Filly- or Gelding, I years. and . DAIRY CO Best Brood Mare, heav6y.draukht - L ' ". :*�*i:�* ; . the large flow . . 'o. L . . ` , i*x ........ . Constipation IS L very rare in 'a herd . . L w- ' , , d 4 3 �_A prize of a $10 WatrerPV00f COh't I . -- .. . . over ldf 5 3 I Dairy Cofiv, I ' ;: , ;.1f X:.. .1 11g, U11d6r L The � . � ­�ii�iiii.`: Anrige or bree :: " > ....I...... .tidder. L it is. at :i�i!... 11 the - disionl6h of the n9idered 3 2 - or its equivalent, donated by. X. , ., .- I . . .. I � .. e 3L -Vat Hoifetj age �com I .; ..... . � this period that the , average s Oc Ink L ,. '' Filly. dir G _ . ,;;:;::::::. _!;:;� : . t k of:.fattening. hogs that have all the ' ::::::;:X::;;:::; 1.1, . I I I - I :::::�:�:� ......... �:.,.:;�,.:�::: - _ Ly are " - ;,:i�:��:���:����::i�:��i���;.;.::.:.:. dr . 5 .3 2 �er, ftge cousidered 3 2 Morrish Clothing Company% Clin . . :� ,-:,:�-;-;.;.;.:�.:...,-.,.....".., -water they Will . ­ � e . I . . Pat stg . . . . . . .... I—, -::.,�:�::�:�:i:::�.,;::::::::::::;;i:,*:j:j: . - - / : :,.:::::,-,.1.`.*".'....: owner is apt to err in allowing the clean Two,'Sttock,Seors.2-years and . . . .. - . . . I l(�,�:::�::�:::�:::�:::�:::i:::i:i:i,:�:::,-*:�:.:�::;: 1. . . er.owing to the. : puro air, pure Water, clean. food -and YL,arling 1 1year and under 2 3 2 ton. - . :::.::,:::*:-:-:.,:-:.-­-.. . calf to nurse ItA m6th m I L -nder. 1 3, 2 . . . . -'.',-;-.'....X to sleep. make hogs Prof- - Horaer colt under-one� year 3 .2 � u Beat heavy draught team in har­ ­.. . eudene While A clean place. . I s pecials " Wo� Stoelt Heil noss.-A icash Prize- of $10 in -Gold (I ­­- fact that the calf has; a t .y . I Fi'ly, uhd,er ione year,. ee S� T EeTs, 2, years 'and' ._,� � ..... � . .. . - - I . ­:,., � ;i .:::::::::::: nursing to butt the udder, thus caus- itable. I I � I � . .. lundeT - I .(-. I 3 .2 . I)rosentedby Win. Proudfoot, Esq.9 . . , . ( .1 �;: ., I : .��,`.`:,::"":_ Ing, increased. irritation. Too much. I .- I . I . AGRICULTITRAL -. . � . I I , M.P.P, Goderich. , . � . .. . :::!:::. . . . . . .. SWERPSTAICES . -a - ."'j'A � �:::::,:., ...:. * cannot be laid, upon tbelinpok- . I The Dairy parm. . . Best Tea x rivith equipment A - ,,�` .:::;:;.:::;....:., stress . . T-;, am, in harfiess 96e Special -5 3' any, ,d I ea s - ..:'.!­.::­ udder,'It being The cows, bum, Milkman, , Mult, - 3 yeoa,s and oV or ' r-ftecials special prize of $5 III Gold is don - I_ �; _ I P .. I I ... . tance of e'aring f6r the . Brood JXAke, ' ' bre I I , . , . . I) 1. .. ,parator all must be clean � - house and 5e . . 51 3 .2 or with .1 ull Isee .qtFd 1by Major . Bos' '�of � L. . � I ..� Icl ilid Diploma � M. D.. MeTaggarto . � advisable -to aPPlv soothing applica L I t r Itoni for the boat Team and -1 I . dale y ar I .. I ­ I , .. ' sults, Take, for instance, p 'ly, oT Gelding, 3 yearsfand . P :B o, � e . I ... ..,:. . .... . 11, ;., . � . e I 'unnaturally for best re j, I *Bast'feimale ali UULIM representing the oWfiers're- 11 I" ­­ ... .,.,.. tions in cas the same 19 ' . iy. age, Diplonia '"11 " I �, "� I . - - ,,!=W.* � :-, �-,�., ., ,_., . tked. A mild tonic IS of� the barn in which the cows are kept, ,),V�e .� - L � I . 4 � 2 - Sept. 20th. - I . ,,, Cattle Date from spective business. ExaInples -Dray , . 1. I swollen. or cr ., - (it_ L - dirty and riMy.lor Gold! g, n er, 3 . . I . . . I I , I,, I there is afi unn If it is allowed to. become . n U d I . -w o�. . . .1 ten advisable where . L -.GRAIN AND-SREDS-1 - Toam. to'be shown with Aray� Farlia' ., �J . . , ,. -A': .11L welling of the udder, as it has A full of:foul smoillug odors and manure '�V%ears 1 . . . -er'S teLam L to be shown With farm. . - ,_ , . I 1. , , ... ... . ;. ,� �..: - � �:.,�. , ......':A", 11 Ural . . I - / ...,1* ,-�:.;� b t 0 in it:for w6eks Vearlilig, % Year and under .� 3 2 _. . . - :,.1%",k".-,..;,._ e - . ,,--: -_ Ist 2nd It :,� - _.. ­_ t ..". -, etZr eVect than outward, apPlica: allov,red to accumulAt . . 1 $2 wagon, carriage team to be'shown. , � � �tz7­. .. I . � . � . ­ at a time it would be, next ,to imPOs- GENERAL. PURPOSE Fall ,Wheat, aa%y vtirlety $3 . . . e . I . I ­ .:-.:=-- tions. I . .. I I I ' . $- 2 � by liveryman in earring . . I . till, � I . . . ­ . sible to handle milk. In such a Wirt' Toam In hainess . . lei. 4 oats, 1black, nained.. 1 3 .2 1 Child's Turnwat, the best child's I I __ I'll V, I .. tk Food. .. on . ntact ,with'i � - 'AOADSTURS Oats, White, iiamed s'ligrei t,nrnout anust -bo driven by. . . S without J)rini .. g 'it in CO . 13arley, t,vvo-rowed, namod 3 2 , a child (inder 14.�-Prize of a watch . �lorio Is u0j,a.complete,food, 0 bacteria, an . I I I . Snake I thousands of undesifabl I Stallioil 45 1-12 lialiclis and over 11arley, six -rowed, named - 3 2 donat"od by.'Mr. W. R. Counter, Clin., . M but It Is Identical with the greeti colln it is in �Illthy, foul -places that bac- I . .. . L 6 4 9 I ),(�as, named . . . .3 2 toll. - � .. k L 5 I MW I .1 stalk and during the seasonof dr,v feed terla. thrive and' accumulate , by th , 1 3 -2 B(�st 'Grc,Y ' . I .. . I e I ,s." alljon uiider 15 i-2 hands 6 1 2 Timothy S"d'. 3 2 Team, heavy didught, . , . . . , -or -ft harnegs � I I b I . supplies thecow, With that 81ilceuleucti millions. - . I .1 I . . I.0 arriage it se i I clover, seed itural or General PurPo.pe� I I . 11 . which nearl�, till otherL rations, except-� . __ I � , � equipmont ,considered 5 3 ' 2.. potatoon, late, named , �� 2 , pri , . , Potatoes,, DarlY in Gold given by the Asao- 11 � 3 2 o, all eftiord.-A cash Ze , RGadster Hot arness .. . I 11 ililell UIL I 1 .. In& It ration Involving alfalfa baY,_00 �6 Shelter For Hogs.. -0 in III 5L 3 2 , named I ,, . 3 21 ,�` I . sidered pe,ans, warrowfat ol) $110 "L I n " have. - Silage and alfalfa bay will A very, important matter in success-, 1, equipment 0n 3 L2 C.'ation I � L L . ­ . ot bilanced iation and cheaP6 I growing Is good shelter . I for, I flarriade Team in harness ' 5 8 21 Peanii, small,white,pon. . Btist -IndAridual horse, . heav , . I inako a a I . ful swine pqadstet, Team in Harness 5 3 2; (All seecI'd tiust be shoNvn in two I dTaught, Agricultural or General 0 . Stady the silo question. rt, if]. WOrtk while'otber atilmals on the farm may Cow.bj-nati6n Rotidiste-v See Specials, bushel bag quantities. except tim' purpolso, Stalliolis barred,irmA $15 . I . . � _. I .. While, says the Xansits Farmer. It Is ,appatently -be content to remain out . . � othy,,aild i-loYbr.), "up i� r. �� I I - SPECIAL 01,ASSES . . SilVer C 4 donated by A, J. A, .. . worth whilo WhOthOr You, are milking Ill the cold and rain, the hog favarl- . . . I , I o I ' . . SPECIAL PRE Iri's I I INTCXurray, Clinton Tho 'Special ., I I , . a single cow, or not 11orses, hog", ably selects a nice, warm, dry place. i,oaelarcy Team , I . . I I prip given by Mr. A,. J. MeMurray, I L� I . I . pigs and calves oat silage and thrk" So for tile gpod of this animal do not See SP("Cial Prize List Best hOftVY dvAught st,%1110n . I for. the be.4t individual horse at the . I . 6 I 0 ;, . 0 ... I " It as wgII.4s does �tho dairy Cow. , go Contrary -to his natnrq and com�el Team With equipment swe�pitalces, any age, any class.- � coming,spring fair is opV only to I . -by - (jr Gbacn,le , *Hullett I I I . . _... . . him to eXposo himself to the elements, . . �§oo ftecial Prize List prize $10 in qa�ld-,givcn _ Mr. Geo. tho toVVjj"ilii1)4 . I I . I . . � I - Child's Single trurnout ' . Hoare and T. McMichael -& son. Stauley, and TuckersilAith. Pl0as6 I . . but providd -for him I 11 .. 4 i6oinfortabldi, , . see special Prize List of 116(OL, t1lis. I I I . . 1. . - .1 . . I ­ warm atid dry, bed. . ,� - , 6 Horsen , rawily,bf throo colts,-COlts - -B"t 3 icattle%nv breed, 3 yearg � I 'L . I. I .. . . llt,st Agricultural or sire 1.90 PrOgOnY-Prize of $8 � ... 0 - , a . . " I Draugb�t See Special Prize Ust galfte LtiPOV, ROOVe and rander With bullt sweepatakea- "r RIA . . 'L I . . given-, 'by Mr. JaTfteg . I . 11 C A ST . d6fttlehogS With Wook Pays* ' Bt,st Walking Team �izoLl'st of aullott. A t1ash pTiZe Of $5 is glVen ,1by,Xes- - I . . , . 's, � m * Not luftnts and ChMalls .. Sele Special Pi 3e,8,C digricultural tea�& in harness -fts- Tozer &. T�rmvn, Dry. G'oods And '. I 6, 41 I � it is It great pleasure to, have noile, ing, Clinton. � . do � I I � . . ., . . A cross 'llest Individual HOiAe t4t I Aped Mit $15 Preilento-d -by Clothi I I . but gentle. stock- on a Place, � See S,pocial- Prize List -Culk Va - ..., JUrKlod You HAVJ'LMJ&yk'88 - - - 014bro 'rho Ftoyal. 13ank, ,Clinton, and The Prosidott, Janit9 Snell,'Cllnton, V , , - " - BOW or tow is It 11111sance besides be (Ago in all 91684e8t0b6 cOn I'st) a. L Xcasofts Manki C inton. I . Vioe-Vreigq Goo. illoare, Clinton, I . ... .. 11 sbatill tuef t� , - Ing dangerous at times. .If dfttw I Treas $t dtaha�in Ofifiton. ' 11 I , tight And handled carefully . Atliftil L Agok �O &tc frOM :RUUary(,,,, ',,, 13eA Draught 91 car 1 a4mmWo a . , I (4rood imates Must be in f, L 11y, ninaor I 7' , P: r,. Vow,aQ, cuntolm"I. ,� ' - i 8005F I � I I I ­ " *.Cash prize of $5 ALVOI W!Xr- GeO � A . . I 0� okslit iiijit to bil g"d& 1.1 , . ­ , L . 'A I � ____ &�jjrljjood j% fo* . � I . .. .4 , *, '. � . 11 .. . I I . -_ I I . C1 .. � I L � . . I I . , _". _­ *­ ­­ .. 1. I . . I �1 . I . . . . I " . I . I - . I . . q , . . i I r J I I � I N� .1 I I I -1 - .. . . -L&N, 1� ` L I . * I i _� I ­ "-A__\-_16,_ __'..,t.&_ _�­_:,"_ - - ..� t_ b I i -..I"- - . -LL . ,�,_.&Aaadjs , ;"&- �_­�___ !d-_1 ­nZI - . ­:__ _ "A_ -, ". - - .. __ 1- �. - - ". ­­wllis&,Allsslidlisi� �� sr,�L�'A, -5-___._ . __ �