HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-30, Page 2- � ,� -, , '. - I ,r7 ­�-�Nipr-M-1wqw- I � .� . *Uoi . . # 'r ��, 4r .,I . JPW1W#V,VTr . )" "" -, , "- % -7 � .., r . "� . - ,. I . ,,7� , . � I Is � , " f, , Toronto Telegram. . . *ucefigld March 22. - Though ]�ruoofleldi $s only twelve miles �Aorth of D4shWood, the little South . I 0 r-t'vUlage that a6 firmly be. , ,- - � �� . leo. t1se Government will 'makc . & 04'Vie, $$15,009, entwusted by theno ' .. _ � , , e . ,theFarmeVsBanktbef elingin __ - . . of 200 peopla', ,a ­ I bail $2kooq -or $50- . I epositors -say 411 , . t thqbank, Bruce - e lost so m . . uch, in latter are * Scotob . '11641401.3, unlike bal tliAr had no say. � I I . vot experience the joy of reclaim- . . I i� I 'Iffi. _ . I .1 I—. xul, eilr ideposite when that bank I, � ft led,, . I , The Farmers Bank was their first , 'Il � uwk. (f - . -11C .. . , ,�. I ' � I � I eyt may H 'be, � 141 it wfl teir last, ' . I '0�,... ' ., "Agesithlo we?ll inv6st our own I � 1. , lizonel "Id one wan, "Mortgag- .� :. �� - -- to WO I Pay usbetter and we're Sure , . �1. *,:, -of them, Yolx1d think the Bankeills I.. � . Alssolciation *oudd Wake g6od the I . . � �'Q , . . v ­ . , .1. deposits of the Farmer's Bank ra- I I , , .. ther khan have their Institutions , "".. � . � , . 'dincrel as ,they. are." ­ I i. � �.. . 1.� � 1. ' I .. WHOLP IVILLAGE SMITTEN ,,,, "I. I. IT(hei 1whole village was intil iQ) ,,'. �% -I ,:, . " *aid Mr. 'Will -am Scott, who ought I - . - i-`�. : �" to ]know because for forty years he - ". � � has kepi a meneral store there and �, ,-�,- : knowe every, Soul in the neighbor-' . ... � hood, L C.- '" '�,�."',' ' - 14iKey're, Scoltell and don't ' ,Say ,i:;,:.,�' knuch," he continued-, "but ,,� . verra t � � . Ahel agents of two or three banks I �.. that have been lookin' the ground , � �, : over since the failure. decided there , �. ': Wasn't an opening for them here. �, :, � 'Itlls pififul when thle, folk come in � "L , for their finall to see them so, r ,��, , -downcast. If ye ask them had they I - . '. , hught fim thebank, they'll just say. I . : 1 . "Aye, a HUI& But if they, say .,. 1. I " long enough to thaw out, Yell find, , I � .. , they', have their life's savins' gen- .. I . ; _ erally about $300. 1. , 1. "Here'a a knon,that was badly 1. - "I ( shorn, James Swan will tell ye him 1 , � - 1� , , self how much ol his they have." , � . . 1� I ., , , . HIS FARM IN THE BANK. ' , , I --- I I - � I "Well, they have'ray farm, or at. .�� 1, � I I leasit die $10,000 1 got for it," said � . Aft. Swan. "I just put the . �i, , money ., � 4nl the bank for a few days until I :. ", ,;��. .l could turn it over ior that farm too : 1. I - "I worked hard - , - ''�, I threshed for a living until 'I'd .,,� � saved) -enough to make a start. "' , � l ,� � There) Iwaisn't a dollar of it given : � �': � me. %, I :,�'.., 11MY lboy I illie whols about , - . - q,,- I - S.,.: ' Med $1,000 to p t 11 �,� - , twel.Fe� 1102! - u ,;�,%. himaeaf through college. Ile had - v � . � n't a dollar,when they closed the � �, , I ,�; . - bank on him. He worked several , � , , years to earn that, teaching school I I I I i", j!", right here in Stanley Township.' I .1 11-1 � , I �. I " _,Z I � ,� SCHOOL TIED UP TOO. �­­­ � I "He hasn't got his Christmas sal-' , _1� , , , I �,, , . axy yet. The trustees owe him $225 � I_ � I but all theirschool funds, $500, are I ,,� I z.", tiedi kip in tl]w bank too. �� .- � , i,�:,I: � � "My' two little gLrls have in the � , .. nei.g1KrhocrdJ of $100 each - gifts I �,,,.;�, i, � thatl the saved in a little 'bank ..i. . ­' froiii the y time they were,bables an'd _�_� " ! . , � 1�, transferred to the. bigger one. __ I . .111�� , -HAVE THE ODDFELLOWS . , . I � ,, MONEY.' ­ I . � ,_ �,,_:�:: " . III treasu'rer for tha I. 0. 0. F. I ,;� _. 21.Xnlrucle.fleld. . '11� , 11 ilThe, Farmer's Bank have our ,�, ": . I., 1. . 1 $11600 sliek benefit and widows and - , I h fund. .,:", - orp ans, ' ,�� � l" : - "Why" they even took $125 from 1, ll I I our football telarn, the 'Rovers' and � � I , I." the public library fund of '$70. 1 , - I "T" I "Here's my nephew. They ,got , �, , ,/. � -into that branch of the family too. _ .I Howl hiuch ,Were you stuck for, � I � I l�. � I I George ? � I I.. , 1. George Swan a young married � I i I'�" man Who keeps, a livery, which in. ''.., the, 6untry kneans really more of I I.- a, eartage agen V he had �­ I �`,',�r'�:,' - ' saraped: together a*Wbanked $400 ��;,, a to help pay, off a mortga e n ,is , �,_. _. house and business. He g 0 _!� ,r added I ,��, � , "My father, John Swan, had oNre�r I ,,, $600. When you think of how hard I , ".. he worked helping my grandfather '�,� ' -'.. L clearjthe original land, on the- 100 - ,r:,, : acre farm that made that money t�, L ' I , I , , �; I yoql lean't helpfeeling bitter a- ll I %�,, gainst those who were responsible ;, I for" his loss." , I I, I � � �� 1, A VETERAN VICTfM. . ��,, Alexander Ross is 73 to -day. He . .'' is the oldest man living whq was � : ; - barill in this township. A 'brother, 1. �'� four Years his senior, was the first �, � white knan born here. - His father , I . , _L camel Rn On, the Sull's' blaze ". . over the London road in 1831 and " : . $322 of the profit accraing from : : ,:, the 200 derelfarm. he started, helps. , -1 Swell the $113,000 that stood to the � .. ­ , , , . I I . . $ 1 1000 . . 11 I wouldn't take a thousand dollals for the good VINOL has . done me. I was told that Cod Viver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor . blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop- exties of Cod Liver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up in ' y mind that was the medicine for me. I tried it and to -day am . strong and well." 0 . MRS. J. T. SNYDER, .. . Gr�ensboro, N. M .01 we guarantee �Iko gentidneneso of tho above testimonial, We sell VINOL w�th the . . I 4 understantling that if it does . not give the purchaser per- fect satisfaction, we return his money without qdfistion. . Will you try a bottld uu.. , , .. der'these c6nditiotia? , - I %.. ­ I W. .1 *; -0. at., novm*, Dr , 0 . , I � I 1� . � I I ,,I I I . �, 11 . I � � V . - 01M.- ". , . , I 11 . -, ,` , . I I , , I .. --A. �111�A&.da__ L_ I ... -I"- - � Sure Slern ;5 Of Kidney -Trouble. . - - � your-bacit is constantly. If. you experience dull a. . skyour kidneyal are out i Dur urine is thick and' I r or 0 the �w*r icannot be paid for soise . tuno, Bastooss is aet . boomiag. ""*` � "Wigisiature, jointv in we retwturion vf al,,I)rnval. "You havo luxil anti. ix About done, for the x�-asou new.. ur. X T. 440=0, of Ulyth anif , Every U gi n at ik lilttle4 Yet A Zero Ut Mile, 0 he, � . roc!procity resolutio,ms from the On- tariii Legisl4turv. but that',3 nqt sur. W491-knownto. knanyin-Clinton "d 4, fOMer RUII-Ott boy, 'blaa rented I pardixela his 0 credit, finds it . . prising. They would - almost vote 010 16tOM first,dOOr West of But- . . rd to viake tile w I le'sale men 400019. i. th o hang Lauri,lr "Then in .4fanitoba! where politicai ton's 1butcher ahop at Lucknow and' *1111 OPen a Jewelry -stock there 44TIA $158 I bad, In the bahU was therq-to Meet a pay�ment on my 11 feeling ran high he believed that a great mass lot the farmers werc ia fay. on April let. Mr. Adams goe4 well . recommended, .as a first- . . . C1430 Jew - t New Year's volun rented form a.. - ,m 'Collins 'who Q teered 11W . 'd lolnle4 or 0, reciprocity and would 8110NV It the lime - -Mr. Rev. Charleaworth, o f Park- hill, fomerly �Baptist minister bere, tholgroup !collectea at the village post Of fiee.- ' lqhe loss of my $700 or $800 puts when camo." A voice; "Why don't youffive them � a chance to vote P" I has been appointed secretary of the Middlesex and Lambt9n Baptist me Jback Where I sturtelill' said Jae Ron. Mr. Fielding: "'Oh, tbey will - Aloso-clation. . I Boye "I zo, ,another farmer. . HOME, v p ort, 'hat chance a great deal sooner Than they want It." ,(Loud ebeers.) � . DOG, TAXES Tjp. . I ,9,11UT I One of the first cries a3ainst reci- IA the 1010 ameudraeuts. to ,the . 111 wtah , Mrs. Riewo could, see, procity was that the Governm4lit had qdt ro does,�s . Pro vided that wberd �yoi�* te I said - still another man. 'But Try" no mandate for doing this thing. a luau owns two dogshe will pay' er house to shut, up oince the bank - Those who had been in politics for ­ . the laisual feo,,for the first dog- failed. 4kll t1w faouey ishe"bad Was Ion were use h r ng, Wr. for the seco $1.15 -but nd, one the on dk-,!Poffk - something Over $500. I . . Fielding quoted Sir William M $2.15, and, if 0 f,�X( I . no of them lyprings'qu rneumax-ism, UJADeElS, . luxabiigo sciatica and ,e to. , Shera a gentlewo on, who used to I padut pictuaree beautifully and, sell van Iforue-s. .letter, taut for fifty years there had been a wAndate I from the Is, A Mwwe - itup Tax is $3.15 and oacbi Additional one $5.15, This -Mrs,. John Wagner of 110 Hollis, $t � t� so that a" could have a little '. ,Canadian people- in favor of recipro. I : I . Halifax, X. S. q0ril; '�Dull, flhoofing extralbo, Wive to. the eburch.71 city. Sir William said thle.was true - J 1. I pains would' catch Ine across the - I � . . : small part ,of. My aud eitelic - ,I , . i- -CAXIT TAT TEACHERS . ;�ctlon id the a , ixties. and seventies, bl It .1 . �. . 4 ad not been true since, NATURE WILL CURE YOU I . into niy skould Of; and neck, Wtexx, It's 1ril enough, Ab out 10 Stanley School the I. The, statexpent wps greeted with - . . . . , Of Kidney Disease, Aided by kither ewuslaine to flutter with severe heal es and � 2 spells. of dizziness. of owing f�eggher $225 on I-a&t year's salary,%'# I , , aheel from. some of the Audience. ' "I aim gladol, Cried Mr. Fielding. . Aorrisey's 40. 7. . . I I 1. spoto would dazzle before my eyes admitted Jaw.w moQueen'th0tilifill ,'"that there are some to cbeer that � '. - - ' . _ . Ap4 -everytllin$r ,would tugn black, I tvould. faU W ithe 1146i "4 'W''un.; , � . . , urer. "Kip south . ,pen, Uiree miles of here� W in the same predicament . I at I atement. because I will hold them respohnible for the words. 00 1'. . . . . .- �" I . ' ' Xidney trouble is one of the most d [is- . 016 to h up again wit. gut Assist- friend 61'. They, haVent pal , d, their teac ot W. b - H.-Jobason he has fam- I U face of Sit William's statement 'in eastag 4 men tt ill il ts of mankind, andleads .fet ance., ,. told xixv Bootlea , and, alarge _ that 1889: no *1 -ed real. advocat to bacLache an, 4 rheumatism, This is Kidney P1119. and I I)egau their use. , 11F pnd) needo �the money,..ppneon. � .1e proalty, Ur. Fleldin read -5 par&- beedise. of the importance of the work - The first b�* gave. 1me'rellet'and I . I amnow, I May, the treal there, had $600 funde in the bank., He I .g . h, I the g4tutee ot Canada IM -41 1. T sta%ing done by the kidneys, -work whidl Must � I I I W.ell and utt I I Ong* I I I .1 All druggists, of alebool I WOO deW4 to Tbrl thO Othel! I a offer of real I W � . I procity n varimp. natit.ral prol . This was ted normally I proce :6 insure good h I I ealth. A.very large proportion of civilized _ sell: B66tlilo � ,� 1 I kid4ey'Pilig I I dsly,,to nee Henry Z ftler, the mel 'bet, for SouthHubron. The board Is to linow they ten years after I Sir William Van Horne said the mandate h .. . . ad ceased., In IBM, People have some form of kidney trouble, sometimes without knowing that their . I . . . 5 box th loc it . W1 .1 a guarantee .fcyus at, any ca Wh - n do legally," . I . , Under. the ill* statutes were revised an& this standing reciprocity offer was crystal. I I malady is of that nature. Many obscur� pains can often. be traced to discasid ' . . . 11 I Ao relllve.orl . I .our money y . I aellool law moneymay. be braised, to Pay the. salary of the 119V into pre -em, inent , law --.; yet Sit W, linul oaW no one wai�ted reqipro. kid4e . . I ' P ys' T ese organs are the filters of the hody. . . . ey' I!! back. - Th teacher. for next year., but no morei . . city. . L .. I t ir function the is to straiii out of the blood I . I . . the . I r I : '1W . orld's great- moneyktan be raised, by the ftus- . Sa 1. tem to pay,the' lary of the school . . In the last, speel Sir John Mae. donald put into the mouth of a Gov. and eliminate through. the bladder the worn out .tissue and other impurities ". .. .. . , - -specific for -7=-.. teacherst-bis year. An effort is -be- . L a e to force I ernor-General, ' he declared his Gov. I gathered by the blood in its course. -- - I . I. 11 I.(- - 1. - kidney - awl- , ,bladder trou- ftl-trugt Qff,to_ - - - . ,e_ "I , - ­­ P e oney als,- they were re- -we&, ernment doing all Weould -to so. curo (Applause.) In. 1894, - - Wbm- thg kldneys,begpme ,congested - and sluggish, these impurities, including Post' ble. paid frow the ropriptgrs . TbeR. T, Booth Co., Ltc? Fort Brie. St n P spoil -for it. The, School law gi o redress for the trustees, 1procity. . e when Conservatives made their last tariff act; the irritating and poisonous uric ac:14, are not entirely removed from the blood. .Sold and guaranteed by. W. S. R. . . , SOLD .&LL.,FOR._B.A-X ___ '- ------ .they"put iht.o it an --offer, not so broad as the previol Th result , . . , ,e is that the uric acid is deposit- 1101134ell. . .. . - . _.z=Q=-� "'Thel.bank got Q1,01slo on $2,000 , from� our f continued James McQueen. %Y?sloln Arthur, Who . . end, but of very much the same kind, - Then the. Liberal party in the' Ir cOn- irention of 1896 'declared reciprocitf ed in the joint§ and tissues, causing the agonies of rheumatism and frequently affecting the liver and other organs. :P ther M,rri , A k the fftmous I . . . . . banner credlit of th,e -branch of the Farmerls 5ank comprised of Dash,- works) for kneLon the farm, bad, a- boutt $900. as part of 1beir.ilatform. I I As foAhe "let. priest- � , , physician of Bard oguej N.D., after much wood, 'Brucefield and Shipka. "Like) all rest the depos- . I I 41TWethurdeolt oase of all, though -that cry t)f well enough alone," Mr.,Fielding said that this research compounded a remedy which Worked hand in hand with Nature. His -the of. Aors here Vve' worked.har for y in ' j,q of ,William Kale I . - . , . I "Why, ]its poor,wife used� to wa� another compliment � to the Ll . er4l �party. 1. .1 � � - - doctrine, justified b y thousands of cures; money,'�:Isai . � d Mr. Res - 'el -P - clear nearly half of t at f ) arg nserub the r,ehool for us! . . 115l but . . . "What a -contrast tliat is with their was that the need is not a patchwork t relief, bu .a, ireatment that will enabfc� Some) of the soft elid trees b - iad goes washing three days, to the week no'W. � . - statements after we brought in our. tariff policy iw 1897.11.1 . I the forces of Nature, Nvorking' thro, gh the kidneys, to their in.tend- trunks so big, that.when they were felled the men on either 19i e id "Yet those Farmer's Bank people- . � took $2,000 from their� , I . � . . _. , . I . . . I I . I -accomplisli ed work. .., . His famousprescription,*No. 7, coijIdn't, see each other.17 . "It's eVery )cent they o,ivn, and . � �Skin Sufferers Tried' assists the kidneys'tb work vigorously afid elim. I HEARTBROKEN.'B'Y ,FAILURE ' ' they, haven't a. bit. of land, or - a . stick of property in the World. . - 1, . ­. . Eveirythino, inate, the harmful uric -acid from the -whole Wild eyed, desPairilig, harassed John McKenzie'keepis to himself on . They, pold, th � eir house and -'lot - in . . . .. 11 '- - . . I AI .I � . system. In, the forin of tablets, . .Ni?, 7 is easy to take, and will effect cures - Ms ,50 acre farm just outside, the village, mentally twatching the in, - . D&shwoo& and put their money' in, the bank whe n they came h6re last . .. I Then D. D. D. Cured. ; . . . . . � . . - - ,where. other remediesr 'have' failed. D6 - not trifle1vith kidney disease, but take terest' .Piling up on th6 $1,000 he fall . Kale's been threffhIlig. and irking *her . . .. r '. ' I - . I .- . No. I Tablets, 'the treatment tbat has ,still Owes for the land. . .� . ay "I'd $435 in the bank read'y"to v7o , I e -since in -the siaiv mill then. He has.- a good sized family, , , . . . , . � . . . This, Was ftexV_erience of Mrs, W��]�an, , proved so successful with otbi!r; sufferers. '50c. -a box, at your druggist's or from p off :'when it came duo on March 14', and the eldest is only ab.put fifteen G, eb. 6i orangovillo, Ont. .t�ftther .Morrisc�y Medicine Co.j Ltd., Now, I'll have to keep on slaving' fOT'the interest," said he,.,. They� iniended to start farming in the spring. He- and'his wif 6 are . . Sbei wrote in January 1910.- . . 11I.Was teriibly troxibled with .ec* Chatham, M-13. .. ' . . � 98. Sold -.guaranteed byL W. & R, . . , _ '. , ���. �i,,, *1 :�Igy bvyi.q1.4re,..gr.o,�vir. . - . . , ".. w7hii'd it's'nOt As,busY.as middle-aKpe PeR'RIN noiv.. The bq9t St !d . . I -6 �6ngtli� �­­ - A that' ,6f th6ii' is gone-yc rial on. my.fac6i neek and ha� a zeX - a- * for four:'yeays. I f.rIed, everything. .and . ). Holmes ih.Clinton. . I . � , -� . ... . . . .. ... .- - ­­ - ' I . I .. . wheir I stitttdd 26, years ago-. . . 1 . � p �;Or, - f 611 o %0s 6 e t -,b a 6 k. 10i a r'e. h e � . � I had, heard,tell �-of, then saw your I - . .- . . . I . . 44MY Mil . C'99s and ssus is'in it too�- all, her butter Money,. "my wag 20. yearrvago.'?. .. .. . . I � . ... . . . I I I . I . - I � . advertildiement in the paper, .� sent. for a trial bottle of D,D.D., used it q ' . . . . . . o d. ' F r & McLeod and sons, Will' ,am and, Poll . I . I . . 1. . . I I � I . . . oul ony face and k-ot well. It . is . .. � . 11 .Who are just starting and h�avie. plh e ' t . .� gayi f ori had, their mo ey', I n n Ilie c " - 'O _­ . � I.. . - . U RG E S RECIPROCITY.M.e.27. now, two years and no return of theeezenia: -I consider I a!di cured an.& it certainl�� -%viLA:. a blessing to . .. . .. .. .. aying �lecured a co I muiodious Grain .' it . I ftorebouse,'me tire now lmying anic.11 . � . i . "We're, 'worried about that hig h McKenz.,oll said, I . . . I . . - . I . 11 � * * . .1 I . ". . � I . . No matter hO-w' terribly you iuf. . all kinds.of grain, for vvvhxch� the, highbp:t �ricels will be piiid. " - I � I .. � a neighbor.. 19ne 11sedl to IbA as cheery' as, the , day ,wais . . I ... . . I I . , � Hon. M P. Fielding .Gets 6 Great ter from eczema, isalt rh'eum, ring- worm or, any other skin- .disease, . � .. � I I Bran', Shorts, Clor'n and alfiduds of long� I haven't seen'him' - . Out tbree, tiqnes this winber ' He's . . �. I .. I .Recepti-on.-at Montrea'l.' .­_ . you' ,will feel instantly soothed and ' L r6lie t4ol 11t6h sved'at'once- when . a grain, Seeds and -other feeds, keut on" ­ . hand at theatoreh6use. - . � . . bToodingand hnelanch6ly ' '' � . He has- n'timoney e'noughto buy ' flour though lihs.ldredit's � �. . I - ..�. 4 * .- --­ -. ..I . . . I I I I � SOME. H08TIL.ITY . . f el�r drops of this- b6n:i�6uud 6f'Oii of Wintergreen, Thymol, Glycerine � . . . . I 1. . ' I Ford,& McLu"A - good as . the' wh eat, . I . - AT'� -FIRST . - eke. is appUed. The cures all seem � ,� I and he�s honest ,as the is long. . . , I .. . . . . - � . . . to be. permanent. too . I .. .. . . I . . .. 1. .day � ... . 1. . . ­. . . . I I ­ I For free, trial bottle of D. D D I . I... I . I � � . . __ � TAKE, THE TIP. . . . � I .10"A bank'1I not hold my, . Wo . ney. ng after this," Said, William Berry a horse ,breeder, '"I had $40'1. there t r ' Ity to 0111o,et a 04ymen Is - there Yet NoY4 I�m payingi e ' il,ote. I I r . .: . per cent. on '-.a "(Andf Ws lij,�in � I 1 .9, .1 bad influence overthe Young people," he contin-; ued. "My boy, Wilson'who's saved . $60 fs,tnee he leflt -'Higlf'School, says. he lmight as Well have had a good t1mq on that money as, let::, , those Other follows spenct'it. '.A bank failurels'a realpoor to save, Y . . cou r * . . r . . .. . . ; . � CHILD` AND ,CHURCH nPINCHt,J). � "Rol Come. here, Ross 172 'balled Wiil'am� Scott to his ro.iy--cheeked littler*�grandison of- thirteeh . (How. much -was it'Ye had In the'bank ? "Tell ils how Ye'earnt it "' -Where . upon the 65anlY-11ttle chap-recount�' �ed sundry deals in old rubbar., 'S�TaP iron', lead from tea boxes, and' pickin 9 Of twoolthat he collected arounk honie,,and ,sent aft various t1mes,.get t - 0 Toronto return. . ting $37,50 in "I'M, like the chlldr�n Of I . arael 1) Ccutinn,01 Xr Scot i Years since'I � ' �'IV4 - forty i * ness. � a1ine &to'the wilder -4 We'VeL 'Put. 'Ulk. - a grandi'kirk now to -t;ake the Placrl§'of Noodeq one. our first little , it's* a fine 119W edi- fice, and C -0181t 6�-t*eefi $10,000 And � $11,000. 11,C1 $300 Of'ehurch. funds in the ba 'k- It Wals to- help pay Off the $2,000ndlabt,it . r I WHERE- 1116 POLICY WENT. - 'With) only. the house he lives . ill andl *hat. he can -earn doing . ce- Ment,twork, ThoMas r 60 and t"th a wife a -Kerr, a man of ters .to suppo, nd two da � a tult t, stands to lo (e 000, the s1avin r . P r gs Qf, a lifebime. Last fail. 'a Paid, UP en,dowmeub ipsuranca PO'TyL of $1,060 came due. Ile de,­ posl At' along with the'othor $1 - 000� he had SaVed to help Make eip-li, his, oild age. 11 t I , 1. . I CRIPPLED. BY. THE CA r I . AS111 "That bank Went ,bad - ut a bad time," edid Jolh,b Shider, the har� Dessmaker, kvhO .has a youft fam,_ � , fly and, hi'S rluothor,f 0 SUPDOrt. Peo. 9,14 Inake their Payluents here' fl� Out Nel%V Year%, for that I -Wanted My $400' Purpose and what money Wal -9 �coknjhg to ihe I required for ne ,s ek. Ow there's no cash. en, ' . - Ith the wholes les, .1 OX her . a . lose the dlaeo.unt 61. ralsell I d if. .... ort .. �� it � YOU Put on- a ered1t; ) . detriment to your . I I . PARALYZING BUSINESS Altliough a abaau I -,t miibg little -or hotbihg , 'I ,i per u0s the -man . who f�ee a this Moot is ,Who Tw .rP. nowely, d Years ago he 'tented a Place -in 'the Villago and, StArted 'a oral Store- _116 sold hit4 hi,,31,%A!�r 'l --LMLIMU 11rom Ulitit ciff to tho ( PfIrmer's [Bank P 611. , That $3,000 was the requit'a is, � Yedril of Indluot'vy . 'Ile flytended 1holim"n"i. ----w-- -- --p- uaivitai final the a itl%ub bf x-ftdl.v m,t%,AAv.,nie.&j*.,,, t- � * Miniiier of Finance, Faces -.a Divi . d;ad I . : . . � .. . . . . I . write the D. D. D. Laboratories, . .. N. 121, 49 Colbor4e, SX., TOT- Dept ' � � A,*AAAA1&AAAAAAAAAAAAA1AAA,A . I .4' Audience. at Great Mass�. M,geting, I L .. . . 1, 'by .'I 'onto.- Fori.isalelby,all.dru "t .. . . . . ggIS S.r. . . - 11 1. � . I . . and Sheer ��Force of Argume p � . . I . . ' F/ - - r6lvIsTonal �choi ofs". , : � ., I . .4 1P . 0.1. .. . 11-6- 0,onverta Them to His Pr I I I . � . . * , Otl March 27.-4rintia - 6rdeAs 1 . , , , . . .'' 0 L r, � I . planal I . . p6sals. -,..Many 'Question' Aie . . � I Itnuo.unce. the establishment of,,.*a, ;4 1. . 11 *. '4 1P 1: � . . . I . .�. . Propounded and Answered. ' ' . . . I I . . provisional School of inAr�ctjon for infantry to be held - I � 'At St. Catharines, . I. . . 4- . . r. . IN. . 44 k . - 0 .M' ontr�al, Mk7ch. 27,a --Not since the . . present discussion of the tariff agree- , for, a �pekiod not to exceed !six -weeks,' . � . . . . commencing on, Or about April 3. Cer- . * ' .0. I - ,See and * . so . . here, our fine'st. , so.. . . ment commenced has.there:beon such an able. presentation of ih6 facts of tiiieaLaa.�will be lirdited.,to rauks not I. hi � ,ghe.r than subliltern.� . . . � . '4 . . . I . . BP. 0. I � Now Stylis.h. designs *of '10 I the case, as *dre ' given by Hon. Air. � I Fieldin& 'Ron. MT; Fisher Mr., . . . � � . I ... Claims . E I state' of $45,000. - . - � .: I . 'Satutc " : Doherty . :: P" n s. . . nd ' s" I . la o a I . �' .and. Ralph Smith, ..M.P., on & . t'rday Windsor *Hall. 'The . Kii1gston, March 27.;��On _1;ty, 's. W. Curry, 1<,C.� of TorQnt6, was - .1. . . . . .. ­ . Otans, *. r night at place was packed suffocation, while here.bbndueting an examination into . . � . I . I I . . . I . 0. ,to thousands outside -were unable to 96. cure an entrance. . . ''7 1 �.. . . . .the case of Albefi Cotto�nden of To- ronto, against - Mrs. Joseph Ge,orge', � -,. ... I . 4'. . . . BO. Special valti-es in A . No rt ,- I . *The meeiilig -was a'striking tribute I Kingston. ,Josepli George died in this . city last summer, and the - plaintiff� Is ' . . � . . I . .. . D. . . , I . , � � W to Mr. Fielding and his. associates, .%S Well as to the cause they ropresent- . . . . recognized a's an illegitimate son of . I ' I s li� is �ntitled to the his. He.,cla in 1. � 1. Cases . -, - I" � : . I ­ , . . . r ed. - � 1. � .. . . I . . . . . He faced an" audience,largely kos., e valued at about - $45,000. -At the, time of, Gporge's death. .. . I . I .. i I I . I . .4 '4 ; -Piano.s and .organs . rent ''r tile, bui by the sheer, force of Y is convincing logid and irrefutable ar. his will could -not be found, and the body ,Was exhumed, it being the be- J . . ' '4 ed choice ' n . -4 �.9 � � nev� Ediso '.-I, .guments he �changed them . cheering, converted crowd.: Although by -heaters lief Ahat it was. place I d in the. coffinj . , . but, it -was not7lo,ftnd. Mrs, George i . . 'of , ,. .. ., ' ' - 4* - pho'no raphs, Music & ,, ...1 , .9 - I " . .. t questioned scores of his he was. "always ready to give a rea. .Was recently iranted letters admin-' � . . . . I ' variety, goods. . , son for the faith in hini" and in the I,strtttion. � I . � - . '. . . . . . , . I - .. . . I I . � .. .. . , . ead"won out. . - , ' ,' - - - __ __'_ ' . . . I I ' "­ ------ ­_., ,,, -- . � .., . I.. 1, . , __ , ., . -1 . . . . I . 1. Mr. -Fielding wias'given. a warm re. ception.' He opened' by rep1jing to . . . . . - I . I % . : BOILS'ANDIPIMPLES � , .,:. Music- Ewpoilum , : ... -. . A I -7-7- Mr. Thomas C'c.*06sgrain% attack on I . .. . � . . .I- . ,- ­ . 1. 1. .hill! at Mr. Sifton's meeting. Mr. Caaw grain, he said, made 6tatementawhiell were without a shadow of fo Are caused altogether by bad, blood, and unless you cleanse the systtm .6 f the bad ' _ ;,'Qles J., I . 1. � . � . .1 . . . . . I - I . . . . � . I . . . . . . � when he declared that Mr. Fielding, Findrice Minister, was. an advocate. o blood the' boils or, will not di&. appear� . . . . Get.pure-blood and keef3 it pure by , � . . I . C. Hoare . I annexation to the UnitedStates. ."If he had known tile Province of m ving every truce of impure morbid . 'mlreatotet from" the system bl using the I . .. L L . I t Nova would have ,Scotia - better he L known that no man under the suspi. greatest known blood medicine * L ., I � 1VT1FTT"T"T "T""T"T leign of disloValty. could e BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. . I . . .. I . I . . I . . I. . . . , - I ! . q0_"**#*""####* #"**"** . ' - . .. . ,been permitted to occupy' a position Of prominence in that province. Nova . . - . Boils Cured. . . Mr. A. J, Saulnier,' Norwood N,S Scotia is loyal and always Was loyal. Even under . strong �jrovocation She forgot writes. ­"Two years . ago I was Zi'oubiWd with boils on my, neck and' baak and Mend' 0; . Ill, ­ . . 0 8' " efore UY youl. B , I never that. constitutional agits., could not get nd:of them� A g , I Aion is the -proper course for people reeoramendid. me to try Burdock Blood t , . , , � . , 'Mail who have a complaint. She -was loyal I many Bitters, -and after using two b�ttles I . boils , ,-- . . W IDY when in Canada were dX81OKal (,pries of "No.)A) She was loyal w n was, pleas ed to note thii were en- tirdly g6ne, and I hayd not been troubled . . . t . � I I - -4 : young patriots were burning down the with' any since,"' . I I I . Parliamentary buildings - she was loyal when the Tories in Montreal . I Pimples. Cured. . . Miss Eva A. Skinner, Granby Que . . Bring us the ad, that inter. t - [ ests 'you, If you - will do, this * were signing the only annexation manifesto that was ever signdd, Nava writqs-.-'1I am pleased to recoLmQ ' . DurdockIllood Bitters as it has done hic .., ,you W-Qnvt buy 'by'maIl* thaVa cortaiff. , I Scotia was 16yal when the Tories'bf .Montreal were pelting the, King'ivith rotten egks.. much good. My face was; �ovexed with pimples, and bein advised by al friend 0 � I � Ilecauseyou will hal no r9A. t son to. Any.artitle of J6welry or . 4C Y challenge any man.to .show that 1 have cold B, Bf to try gurdock Itters them removed I did so and I now,have ,_Watches orSilverware China, or : : anything else call be bougbthere, 0 .eviir tpoken or written' any VoTd in -favi6r.-of-the annexation of not a spot on my f,,1d0.,, I . ., Burd.9ek Blood Bitters is Manufactured .0 at ptices every bit as low as any. # - # where else li&vor' far. : this co ntry with the , United' States. it is a ute labridation, without the only by, The T. Milburn CO., Limited, Toront6, Out. . . . . 0 . * ' And youbaVe this advantage # you can'see, handle examine gliast .4 shade of'foandatiol . � I 1 1. . .and , to Your heart's content.waythinggev. : , Montreal's Anterest wits, tolipreser" its prosperity as tho'commorcial cap!. XIXOR�LOCALS. . �. that Is of interest to you. Bring no that thatcatalogile I I tal'of a'prosperous and contonted peo. , spring,, ts vol'Aling. I . . I 11 I , , 0 1 . . and let, us prove it to you. # ple, and if the effeet'of this measure would be to fill the western prairies , F . � I , - l8filldN b G : .t. . . ,, , ----* ., ___o - . 11 . "4 -* with a prosperous and contented peo. Ple, that w6uld bo the Surest, way, of Supplying cu8tomors.for the merchants lohly Moos g d1s, 0 'i doo, h6m. &our 0 46R, 9, a wo I= tbodat ad ail 4 0 as teallsi .- * . I . I � I , . , R I. I W C.ounter "Ila Mhtnulaoturers of Montreal, Thon I Prollarationg aro bAng �Wado fdr , . , . � I tiller , M - a 0 on some outcry amongst British Columbia the MaVlo Suga r harvest. I � � I l.. .10welfte And opticians * I .the fruit growers, but,41fe believed that was passing awaV. The lumber . � Children Ory � . . I . . L . ' ' � men were alarmed, 'bvlt I - , FOR PUTCHEWS � - Issue* r of I 1oo their alarm ha0l pamed away. MI" Fielding declared that Sapkatdhon. *40 . . . . . CASTO MIA . - I I . a , Marriage, Licellse I W" almost utianimonfiL for repi. Orhere hAVO Nei foutteen wis%kii : probity, ull *ae shown wheii Mr. Raul.- to4n, the Otoollition, les&r in 'the . . . I of olovtIntiono sleilthin , at - fill � op JAyApy. filk, t4t ,epgdJ& __ _ . ,� I 40*06406"� #44*040446$404 . 1 - , . --A- I I . . I I I I- . - I . � I ­--AALl-AA_­­�'1' � ' � A­1,L�,,i-'.�_',__ L: � 41 . � � � 1. r I " . TV100"AY, KA -WR fth, 11M I A ., Ttevf law will effect ='Ally local - - * ­,­___-_­' , 4 , , owners, lt, I pnt% nff . I JESSIONAL I .or, I ­­�7_ , .Improving the Flock. . =7=7;-_;­� �__,:;- �,_�-;7�_____ �� . W, RUTOONA . , To improving a flock of mutton sh.eap 13ARAISTAR SOL101TOR, NOTABY , I . tfie ram Is practically the iftolethIng L 'ru"10. STU, . until such a time as the m -yes, are M=TON I equally well bred. Thus the selection of the -breading ra13JSL IS a quest4on . I ,_ . � . ORRRLES 13. RRLF .� 'URAL ESTATE AND lNSUAAX()V. ,A - of great Importance an4 has a di- _ rect bearing on the profits from the , Huron St" Clinton. berd. Select a rain that possesses gireat vigor and as near a muttou ' H. T RANOE, - " I shape ,and confol AS possible Notary IV . 41�11j( Conveyancer, . I and then get the best possible breed Fi�)Auclal and Real Hotitteo'. typ�. Give birathe very best of care - lxflun . Axog. AGENT-13spresentivo 14 Fire Tq- � durbig, the breedineseason and ,do ev- . RarAnqeLCQml)AU1ss.. . I - .t erything possible to keep, him In con- Division Court. omee. . Oft;6-Country Cleudel .1 ­­.- � -, - . . 1. . I Mod'A.W. - . I . 1PRI 0.11, W. TROMPSOA$ .L 6h) rub. C felan. sury M. Etc * 4"doi Wintion given. V 41116.116s lDr.tkA #� I � . li , im . __ I I . qiiic4ay stolig ponghs, cnrfs colds - - -a heats, I thim throat and lumfois. . . . 23, 96pt& . 07e. Bar, Tbrost, and Nose, * ]Myeg e&r6fally ex , -In d suitable slum, . 1P.-m1w. 4 I � I I I.., . - . . . OfHos and Elesidaues. . 4;0,doorls woss Or Ike vopssaeriw swo I I 4 I . P41"Wer S411C110. I __,._.__.­­_, 1110"al OLS. I . I . . " �_ Or. We Quan . L I l . _. 1. W, W.. "afs, X. IL A F., 16 X 0. &. XMA, I . � Plumbing'and Tingmithing � , I I . 11 I - Losce-ontaitilostr"I'mton. Z0t!JLeslkG% , froslt d9w of . r.Kdo=% I � Furnace Installing a oft. tts.bM obrftll� . , . I 11 I . I I ­ I L, I Spedally I . .. . Office hours at . #011al-I 103 V.W.' ; T to, 0 INZO . . . . I wol reqmifully soligh the pation age L - DR. %I. W. 6HAW.. � I of the Towo of Clinton and vicinity. .. F9YB101M,� BURGRON. . . Repedring of AU kinds promp y' . attended to . . ti . ,,jecuebear, eta., 6111ce and residenas oq . . )ury si.. ol,vosilie W. p�&Tm,4 "ddenes. I - _­­­-_­-,­ _­­ - - All kinds of StoveMepairs Got -on - I . Short NaMee - - - .". wR_M_V__ - * I . . PRO F; A6 AXON I . I . . . Pipes, Elb6ws, 'ete.0 always I . I 16MV1118T, I . . . . . . -on - . I - I - _1 I _band,_- _ _ __ 1W Crowil and BrIdge Work a NVeitaillye . . Age9t for BeflinTuel Saver - Gililduste -of, 04.119'achicato, ind Ii.01-DIS'. ' - - Toronto . . I Saylleld 66'Nol May lot to Decembey, . A L Saves froin 1 to 2 paib Coal a day' 1 . � . I L Tiesve or4ers, at ral 16 . I Viotorle, St" 6L A FbWLER, ". . "Phone No. 189,' ­ I . . , , - W. $ 1_31.- W]0]310 ' I 1DENTISTe I � L . Offices over 01NEIVE ratore. . I � - . . . .. - . I I L - - . speolil osr� takm to.make dental tisai. . . - . I I L . . . 11________ -But so pabinleas as i0oslifible. I 1. . . . .. - . . I . I . . - . . '\__1 , . I-. �... . . I . - !. ' * THOMAC I-l"i GUNDRY ' I . I * Great Removal Sale . . � - Live stock and general Auction wr I . . I . -.of a $6.000 SLtoC . 1C 1. '.G0DER10H*,-0NT-- " ' . I . ''. . L . * I 11almstoula Oates a sveclhlt� 01-delo at a% NXW ERA office, Clinton, pmmi uy alltenaied - . I . . �. . 0 ,Shoes - � L . I . . :. . . . . to. Terms revoonsille. Farmers- 6ale note discounted - L . . . . I . L I . . � I , I . �N . . L . I Havibg decided to - yacate . . . bur Present stand. at the end . . G. D. Al ag "art . . Tagg . � eT g Al.. D. Me ur - - I . . L - I -of ou.r,lease we will stal .. B0 - "L , i Oslo . . ..MeTamart . L . . great Slaughter. Sale Ion - Sat- . . � I . . , - . . . urda-y Dec.! 10fh. ' ' . . .. .'ERNKERS' . � . . .. . 4. . . I .. .. . I �. We want to clean out every - ALBE .UT: L ST -,. C'UNITUN . I Dollars worth,6f stock before I moving time'. .q ­ . . I . . '. 6 -Z . ankifig Bia,�mia&sxs,, I .emarag . . . .. ­ . . � . ,. I . ... . .. I. L I Vmmsactod ... L . . . . Eve'ry. S a . I Trunksi, Suft.Otu�dkarid, Mites, . ­.. . . I . . .1 .. L .I I NOTES D I 6 C 0 U111 T BE D . � 11 � , , L' . in I ouF - s�ock,wlll be'- rediieed : � - - �!.�-..�,,�.�.,.,Diifel�'thiii6iT' �Iad6ii��11&wM -on I . . in price. - - I L I.. . . L . . ,.� . " ' "' . . . . - I . . ., . deposits, . .. I . . I - ' I . ... _. .. There is n � . . The McKillop I 41 � - t n ur 9hoes or . '?�' '.0 ly and, get .- L Mpboes .Mmina , il I Pire litsui-ance C!o, . , , . I . . %..- . . . 1. :� ... 1. I . _ . . '011ated Town L Farin and Is Fropu I , To Cash, no. Gbods on , .. erty ,Only Insured. . . . ' ' . . val. : __ - appr,K OFFICERS. � . ' .' i. . � . I . I � . . . . . . . J -� B. McLean, President Seaforth . : Try us foi Rl6palringl. - , .. . . . .. Jag.,09bli011p. Viete Pr;s., ,Goderich T.bLoe.E.-Rays, S.ec..Treas'-, LS-eakath � .. I 1-0 I � . . .. I . ' . .. I DIRECTORS. ., ' . I I . I .1 . . , ' - . Jas., ?Connelly, H�lxuesvlile; . Phis , , . . I . I � S. C. Rathwell Watt, liarlock; G, Dale, Clinion;, M.L I . . Chesney, Seafoith; . . . I - .. J, Evans, Beech. � I ... 1. . . . �. 1. I . . I yoon; J., G. Grieve, Winthrop, J� Bcnw - I . � � ;.. . I . %, � neweis, Bhagen, -X jNIc1Q4waU I I � .L' � .� .. � I .1 I I . .. . , . . . . . Clinton, . .. .... 1. I . F, . . ... � . . . . . . . .. . . .... .. . . . R�Iiable'Footwlear for . Each Director is ins pector of I lo . sses in - . . . 'I. . . I � . . I . . � I � I - . I . his, own locality. - .. . � F 4 . .. . : . . . . . . . I . . I I all'the farnily� I I I _.­ . . I , . I L -AGENTS.' . .. L' . � . L , � . .1 I ". . . 1. . .. 1- I , * " I .11 Robt. Smith,. Ha'rlock; Ed, Hi ' nchley *1 , I � I I . .. ..� . .. I'l, - Seaforth; James .. 0 . , ummink, Egmol : . ' I . . . . I _"I . L , . : . , . . . ----I I i J. W,Yleo, Holmisville- . . . . . I � . . . .- �'! � I � I ''.. . � CEPAR - POSTS FO'R..SA.LE L Payments may be Made at Tozer'. __&___�__ Brown's, Clinton, of?., to. Ji. .H. outt. .. , . . . . . 1�,__ . I I (46derich, . L . /. . I 14 . . 14 . . I The undersighed biag a quantity of . . � L choice Cedar Posts for sale. � . . . I . .. . _� __-----PL----_- , , ... L ,--- �,­ AY'LOR � �­I. . I . . . . PRICES ItICASOXMILE �­ ­ . I I I . , . . . I . L L 4LINTON. - - . * I . . ' . - . . . . -JA.AIFS HAMILTON . I .. * .. : - . I , L LL _.;_. - . I , I I . I . .. . * ' ' . I . . ,' :. . L L _ . I .1. � , *1 �Flre,. Life and ' Accideni .. - - * ' '' . . . I __ . � . L I 1. .1 _ . ... . . . . � I . Insurance .- . . . � . . I I . ., � � . , .. . . I .. ACO.J.&_LJ L I . I - . . . ­­ . I .. . i WeAll fistfitie bought and x01d`---' I . � -� 4 , � _ I I I . . I . . . . a Money to 10an*. ,.. I I . . � . . ... I Before �lacing yoar orders for I . . I . . . . � - . L 4 L. , .: . .. . Your wasqn's,supply,of Coal. got I . Office Issue .� freet, nbxt.'door :to New, . . I our prices. The vietl best goods . carried instock an Sold- ,at the . - _. .. . Bra . . L - L . . .. 1L. . . . lowestpossible price. . .. �� .. � . . . 1�1 I . I . .. . . - . . TirunkRallway syottak - . i. . i I ­ .. Ordel maj be left at'bivis .-Grand I I I . . . -, , . ... . " . - ift"Rowland's Hardware store, or . . . . Rall way Time. Table -.1. . . . � . I . I. with . ., . . . � I . .. . . , I . . . . . ... ' L.Iiu-r,. , I , . . . _. . .London,. ,uro And Brute.. . .,. . I . . I . . � . ''.. __ I. It. - � . , W., J. Stevenson,A*, * .. - .. . ,.Nop�h:­_. . . . .Passenger . . . . L � .. . . . .. .1 � , , . ,ondon, depatt..... &80 A in 4.50 p: . A, In . . � . At Elearle Light VIORL . cGritralia, ........... . 9.40 5.43' I L , . . . I . � � - . ............... � 9163 . E!Cetet. . 15.1541 . . I Hensall ..... � 6.05 . . . . . � I I ­ . . . I I I I � - . I . L For Sale or P,ent. , Rippen . ... I ........ 10.16 6.111 . , " . Brileefield .... ... 10.80 6.10 . 1. Clinton L.O..::i.el 11.05 . . . . .. . . . . � . .1 . . ... 1 6.86-1 XZndesbol .... 11,18 , * a52 �l . . � ... . "! - . . : , Blyth ..... 1.0.4 ... 1. 11.27 7.9 - , . . I . . I . . For Sal.6 , . Belgrave ...... ;.*.*.. 11.40., . 11.13 - Wiii9ham, arrive ... 11.50 - 7.35 , , a . % I . . . . . - I . . . . . I . . . . . __O__ - . . South . . . :Passenger . . . .. . A house al�d, four( 16tay. one on I Wingliam; depawt. - 6.43 %,m 8.88 P in - .. Belgrave 6.54 . . Victorih. St. and three on St. JWAW9 St., 'consisting of eholcef bearing ............. 8.44 , Blyth ............ **� ,7.08 8.60 , . . fruit trees, fin'e[ sl hard and 'water, L610 7.16 . 4.04 . Ol : 7.50 . . - . . soft house In good repair* house consist of seven, roo�mi with B 4.23 � rucefield ........ 0. 8.12 4.39 . I . . . good stone collar., For partlou I ue ap I to Rippen .­ .... .. &23 4.47. . .. I U2 , 4,52' . , . - . . L . JAMS &Vy. Exe e fi.4i 6 . 6 J 4 'L . . . . 8.48 5.05' : - I I I .. . .. ....., -, .1-1 Con r ia ....... *... 9.00 -5.15 ." . . Lon on, arHv0._. 1000 6.10 � . . . � . . . . . 'horthonks for SaI6 S ' . Buftalo,and Goderich . . . . . � - L' . Y, . � � - I . Wesb . . . I Passenger . I 1 � ' . L. � _� I . Four Young, bulls from- 0 tl� 12 � Itm Pkn � In � pni Str4ford ........ 10-00 19.20 10.20 . - . . *i I . " I .1ronths old, of good quality* 3 roans Mitchell ......... 10.22 19.45 5165 i 10.47 - - Sea,forth . 11�1 Andared.. Callorwrite. ' I UIDWARD 11. WIS 010 ' ....... 610.45 .1,10 0.18 11,12 'Clinton ..... o - 4.11.07 1.25. .6.40 11.28 . A, I V olintoll Out PhoneL No. 12 on 155 ' tf HOlmesville ... ,,11.16 1. M 040 11.38 . Goderiell ...... L".11.85 1.50 .7.05 11.55 1 I 1 - . . � _ , ­ , .. East . � Passenger . . . AM pill Glodoriell ........ ... 7,10 f P lu 2.4o 4.5o - � . I . , Xor Sale Iffbimeavffle; ......... 7.26 2.57 5.06 � :-.1. - I i'01111tO ........... o -.p 7,35 307 5.15 1 1), Junor's large house, burn and Seatol ........ * 6 7.52 3.25 5.32 garden on Ontario Stveot Clint6n. Mitchell ........ o.fa*. 8.10 848 r).55 � . Apply at Rouse or Clintou P. 0. -­ . Stratford ............ 8.40 4.15 0.20 I " . - � ___ � � , Logo, Wailted -, .1 . . . FI: W., CUTLER, . 1, , .. I Ill hostprice paitcl for Lotts, Pass. � I Painter aud Paviii, natkaer, I . All work ` I'vi I vt�ox Soft HIM, Rock Elm and Rock I guatal prices.'reasonable. MOVOL lbspeeffilly Wanted, but!,all kind# T - 10 . I 11 teh"id. V POHUBItTY Residenee nearl opposite the ­ I PIANO and .1 ,�OIWAX 00., )LhnlW � ' - C011eg'10te, 190fitUte. . I